-Popcorn Forum Expands Student
The Popcorn Lecture Series is a success at North Idaho College and will be continued next year. "The response was much higher than expected," declares Tony Stewart, political science teacher, who instigated the lectures. "It is the most successful thing to happen to me since I came here." ¡ Two things point up the success of the lecture series: "IF I GO 10 days without a guest lecturer, the students begin questioning me about it and puttin'g on pressure," says Stewart. "On the other hand, the students have responded so well, the speakers actually are anxious to come here," states Stewart. The 30-year old professor started the lectures in the spring of 1971. He said the college was holding convocations, but they were mostly entertainment and he wanted to bring in top speakers. STEWART AIMED the series at getting dialogue on politics, religion, psychology, education and other thought provoking subjects. He said the last spring series was such a success he decided to have it fulltime this term. '
'Drew good audiences and sharp question and answer periods' "We have had 18 so far this year and four more are scheduled," says Stewart, who is pleased at the fact that one lecture drew 42 per cent of the students. WHILE SENATOR Frank Church drew the Jargest audience, Stewart advises that speakers on (1) women's liberation and (2) legalizing of abortion drew good audiences and sharp question and answer periods. Other well attended lectures were those of Gov. Cecil D. Andrus on environmental quality, Brock Evans of the Sierra Club and Carl Maxey a attorney who discussed the role of the blacks the 1972 election.
Lecture series programs during the year have included: Dr. Patricia Cunnea, Washington State University, who told of her philosophy of life as it relates to the political system. Wayne Kidwell, state senate majority leader, who discussed politics. Sam Jaffe, a former television commentator, who talked about the Sino-Soviet ffplit. Quaison-Sackey, ambassador from Ghana, former presidentofthegene~assem~lf_of the United Nations, who explained the working of that body. Carlton Lewis, president of the Washington State University student body, discussed student government. Congressman James McClure told his audience of the major issues before Congress. Dr. Allen Merriman, chairman of the department of anthropology at Indiana University, spoke on African tribal life. Dr. Ronald Field, University of Oregon psychologist, promoted the McGovern candidacy for president. A panel of candidates for Coeur d'Alene city council posts spoke on their positions. Other lectures during the term included U. S. Senate candidates; Rabbi Gerald McKane, speaker on basic Judaism; and Justice Allan Shepard speaking on due process of law. S'l'EW ART SAYS that a women's liberation speaker said the NIC audience was the Jargest and the most courteous and attentive audiences she had spoke to before. Senator Church wrote Stewart that he was impr~ed by the size of the audience and the quality of the questions. Stewart believes the lecture series is good for the students because: -IT EXPOSES them to more information. -IT EXPOSES them to different views. -IT HELPS a person to evaluate his own purpose in life, what life is all about. "It makes them think," says Stewart, ¡~and that is what education is all about." Stewart states that not a great many adults in th1
community have attended the lectures, but explained that this was because he has not been getting enough advance annow1cements out.. He said he hoped t.o improve this for future lectures. ''THE LEAGUE of Women Voters have been represented at the lectures and say they enjoy it," says
'Helps a person¡to evaluate his own purpose in life' Stewart. "Also we have bad present wives or relatives of faculty members who follow the lectures." Stewart is a graduate of Western Carolina University and the University of Tennesee. He spent three years as a graduate student at Washington State University and taught there in the 1969-70 year prior to coming
to NIC. Having lived all of his life in the south prior to coming to WSU, Stewart says he always wanted t.o live in other areas. "I GOT the opportunity to go to Rutgers University in New Jersey or Washington State and I chose the Pacific Northwest," says Stewart. ' "A person becomes more well rounded and learns to appreciate diversity when he moves to another area," states Stewart. He says there is a great difference between the people and the environment in the south and the Pacific Northwest. "Even the connotation of words is different. It is kind of like learning a new dialect," according to Stewart. THE PEOPLE in the south are more politically partisan than those in the northwest, says Stewart. !J~ believes this may have some carry over from the Civil War. Stewart also notes a different attitude between the south and northwest people on religion. He said the hobbies of the people are even different, noting that he knew only two or three people who like to ski in
PROFESSOR-Tony Stewart is political science instructor at North Idaho College. He is on the phone lining up speakers for the "Popcorn Forum" which he originated at the college. the south but that it is very popular here. "I HAVE been happy in the northwest," says Stewart. "As an individual I have become more appreciative of different life styles. Many people have affected my life." The political scientist cla~ifies himself as a liberal Republican, the likes of Hatfield, Percy and Rockefellow, to be differentiated from the likes of Goldwater and Tower.
1972-73 ~cademic Year 1.
3. 4. 5. 6. 7.
8. 9. l 0. 11.
12. 13 . 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19.
Idaho Congressman James -1cClure - Topic: " My Candidacy" (9-15-72) Phil Long, Real Estate Broker from ~lestern 1,Jashington - Topic: "My Struggle with the IRS" (9-1 8-72) Norma 1,Joodbury - Topic: "Graphology" (9-27-72) Dr. Pat r1orQan, \路ISU Professor Political Science - Topic: "Participatory Democracy" (10-3-72) Ed Uilliams, Idaho 1st District Democratic candidate for Congress - Topic: 11 My Candidacy" (10-4-72) Steve Symms, Idaho 1st District Repub lican candidate for Congress - Topic: "My Candidacy" (10-12-72) Reed Benson, Public Relations Spokesman for the John Birch Society - Topic: "The Role of the ,John Birch Society" (10-16-72) Senator Hubert Humphrey - ISU President Bud Davis - Topic: "Politics in 1972 11 (10-23-72) Jack Geraghty, PR Director for Expo '74 - Topic: "Expo 1 74 11 (10-26-72) Rev. Ed Udell, Spokane - Topic: "l路Jhat Burned Black Folks Black" (11-10-72) Ron Bair, KXLY-TV Nevis Director - Topic: "Vice-President P,gnew and Freedom of the Press" (ll-15-72) Or . Garland Haas, ~路lhitl-mrth College Professor of Political Science - Topic: "Horld Campus Afloat" (1-4-73) James Goller, Admini strative Assistant to US Senator f1cClure - Topic: "The Rol e of a Man in Congress" (1-12-73) Kavous Monadjema, f,1ontana - Topic: "The Baha'i Faith" (2-2-73) Howard C. Cleavinger , f1ana9in9 Editor of the Spokane Chronicle - Topic: "Freedom of the Printed Press" (2- 12-73) Dr. 8illis Rees, University of Idaho Psychol ogy Professor - Topic: "Contemporary Sexual Behavior" (3-16-73) Dr. Grover Krantz, l路JSU Professor of Anth ropolo9y - Topic: "Bigfoot Lives" (3-23-73) Gail Arnven, Ol ympia - Topic: "Homen's Liberation" (4 -9-73) Spokane Attorney Carl 11axey - Topic: 11 \>lhat's Going On Inside Government?" (4-73)
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MCCiure Tells Need For Strong Defenses This country must maintain a strong defense posture if It wants to remain free. SO DECLARED Congressman Jim McClure at Coeur d'Alene today as the Idaho Republican campaigned for election to the U.S. Senate. McClure spoke at a Republican breakfast first, then went to North Idaho College, where he was the college's first popcorn Forum speaker of the new school. year. At NIC, McClure said he "doesn't buy the theory that if we .walk away from Vietnam that the prisoners of war will be sent home." McClure said he believes the North Vietnamese will use the prisoners for extortion. He said that e\-erytime the U.S. accedes to a communist demand they simply add another one. NOTING THAT when President Nixon took office the U. S. had 550,000 troops In Vietnam and that has now been reduced to 40,000 men, McClure concluded the size of the force could not be further reduce until the priaoner of war question la resolved. "It is clear, however, that we ue disengaging from the war," asserted McClure. "It Is also clear that we have assumed a policy not any longer to be policemen for the world." He interpreted that today the U.S. would help with funds to any free country fighting aggression, but that we would not send any men to do that fighting. . EARLIER, at the breakfast, Mc<lure declared it's sill necessary to fund adequately for defense needs of the country. "We must keep a strong defense posture so we can assure freedom in the United States," he said, a:lding "that defense posture is dangerously low right now." McClure said for the first time more than one-half of the defense budget is being spent In salaries to military personnel instead of for m'ilitary hardware. THIS REFLECTS the President's desires for a volunteer military force, he said, and is something that he has supported in Congress. The United States must spend more (or weapons system development, McClure said, noting the Soviet Union has moved ahead of the U.S. in every major area. "This puts us In a dangerous position, and we i;nust go up In funding our military-defense needs if we want to remain free." McClure said he believes the priority interest in the 1972 campaign are (1) the war, (2) economic Issues, (3) environmental matters and (4) education. TURNING TO the economic issues, McClure told the NIC assembly he is "unhappy with Congres.; because or Its lack of oourage. They will not act even when we know what must be done." McClure charged that "It's poBtlcs as usual in Washington. They must quit appealing to special interests." Saying that be supported President Nixon's Installing of price and wage controls, he warned that "it doesn't solve anything. It only gives you time over a short tenn." ¡ McClure asserted that there must be a stop to deficit spending. "WE NEED to strike a balance between the use and the
preservation of resources in Idaho,'' declared McClure. He said that constructive steps are being made to clean up the air and water. Pointing out that the governor of Oregon now is asking people from out of state to "come visit us, but don't stay," McClure drew laughter with his own invitation: "I tell them: 'don't come, send money," quipped McClure. "We would like to raise our income, but we like Idaho the . way It ls," said McClure. "In fact, I liked it better like it was." McClure said that the people of Idaho are concerned about the quality and breadth of education their children ue getting and concerned that the cost of education is becoming oppresive. ''WHILE WE need federal money in our schools, we do not need federal controls," said McClure. "If the federal government takes over finance of our schools, we will lose an controls. "There is no magic solution at the federal level,'' said McClure. "There is no more wisdom in Washington than in Idaho. "Nobody knows more about Idaho and its problems than Idahoans," said McClu.re. "Idaho people must solve their own problems." HE NOTED that the federal government cannot give any money until it takes it from the people and that "the brokerage fee is high." Nearly 200 people gathered in the Student Union Building to hear McClure and to participate in a question and answer period.
One questioner asked how McClure could justify his statement that he favored bombing of the dikes in North Vietnam. "We have bombed the dikes," disclosed McClure. "We made the mistake of telling them we would not bomb the dikes so that was where they put annaments and ammunition and left us no choice. McClure explained that bombing the dikes is more humane than bombing people. "BOMBING THE dikes does not mean that we are drowning women and children," said McClure. He explained that the transporting of anns and ammunition from the north to the South is a great problem in Vietnam. "If we bombed the dikes we would put a foot or two or water on the ground and it would stop the Dow of war weapons," asserted McClur. McCLURE SAID that while he does not favor using nuclear weapons in Vietnam that he thinks it would be a mistake to tell the North Vletnameee we wouldn't. "It was a mistake when we told the North Vietnamese that we would not invade the north,'' said McClure. "With this promise, they were Cree to send their military might to the south."
Tax Fight Related ¡By Couple C q
CJ -ff~7,
Press Staff Reporter Doing battle with the Internal Revenue Service may conjure up thoughts of David and Goliath, but a Bellevue, Wash., couple, here for a North Idaho College Popcorn Forum, have fought the IRS and eve.n won a battle. PHILLIP LONG, 56, a land developer and property manager, and his wife Susan, may soon be known all over the country as the persons to have beaten the IRS. The Longs brought a suit against the IRS in 1969 under the Freedom ot Information Act of 1966 after the IRS told them they owed the government $38,144 in addition to the $21,412 they had already paid. After the government audit of their books and the subsequent fmdings, they wanted to know how the IRS reached their conclusions. So they asked to see some of the agency's auditing manuals and were refused. THE LONGS said under the Freedom of Information Act of 1966, the public has a right to see all records of this type. "The only thing you're not supposed to see is records pertaining to national security, personnel records and so on," Long said. So the Longs began their suit to make public these auditing manuals and taxpayer statistics. The suit has cost them about $10,000 even though Long has appeared as his own attorney. On Aug. 25, the break came when a Federal Judge in Seattle ordered the IRS to tum over the auditing manuals, over three large volumes worth, to the Longs. THE REASON the manuals are so important is that they are the basis tor the IRS's decisions when auditing businesses, they said .
The Longs say the IRS uses a different set of rules ÂŁor its audits from anything tliat is available to the public. "We wanted to see the IRS manuals so everyone can play by the same rules. That way the IRS won't be able to take advantage of the public," he aid. . Although the Longs h1Jve won one battle, the war isn't over. The IRS has until Friday to decide whether to appeal the judees' decision concerning the release of tax statistics. THEY HAVE already given up on appealing the judges' decision on the auditing manuals. "'nte statlatk:s show the breakdown of the tax groups and just bow much taxes each group pays the government," Mrs.
Lone said .
She said the statistics show- the small taxpayer has to pay the heaviest tax load while the major companies go without paying any. Long's own tax case, his $38,114 owned to the government, Is still pending, but he feels confident he's winning it. "Of all the charges they brought against me, they've dropped all but two," he said.
- SPQblte .Daily Chrollkle, Wedaesday. Odober f, ll'll. -
· Soclall•z• No Answer, College Audience Tolcl COEUR D'ALENE, Ida hoBendinf toward socialism would not improve t.be quality of democracy, a Popcorn Forum speaker sajd at North Idaho College here yesterday. The opposite would be true, said Dr. Pa.trick M. MOt'gan, political scientist from Washing.
Popcorn . Lectures Continue
endu m, he .said. while having a common oause in a social stru.cture and usine the citizen's lob. by is also usdul. "J think, mol"t' and more. we will be making use of this elertron 11ge, where by pressing but-
tons. the t<>lcvisinn viewer at will be able lo ba, e a ton State Unii-ersity. voice beard," h<> said. ''Socialism would only compli- ··1 feel there is a greal oeE>d ca"- the illsuea because of more i:n our coumry loda) for a pari oven:tmellt. controls," he said. tic1pa.tory denwc ·11cy_ DeoentraltiaUon Aim ~tcps Taken Morgan said, "Our govern- "Presidt."111 l\'ixori has made ment wu origina lly baM!d on step~ toward Um m his action the needs of small communities lowarrl revenue sharing, in , of no mare & an 50.000 popula- whkh he bas t.ransfen-ed funds 4.ion. What New York City is to lncal level~ to t'ncourage Ibis now trying to do is <recenil'alize decentralization: also. the adinto neighborhood governments, ministration ha• s<'t up 10 reeach with its own welfar e pro- gional cent,'r~ in the nation to gra m~. schools and police prot- eliminate 11'.!;iureaeratic red ection . •· tape and spectl up 'project set.
The topics for the seventh and eighth Popcorn Lectures 1 for the 1972 academic year are announced by a committee • from North Idaho College. "THE PURPOSE OF the 1 John Bireh Society" will be discussed by Reed Benaon at 9:50 a.m. Monday In the Student Union Building. He Is eon of forJIH!l' secretary of
Agriculture Ezra T. Benson. Benson is known as a national spokesman for the
John Birch Society. There will
Dr. Margan advocated use of ups ·
b e a questioning following the speech.
referendum in itovernment so " In th1~ ,1 n., we will ac<'omthat needs o{ aU pcr~on.s are j pli~b ,:io,·emmenl by referendum satisfied at each Jew!. Random _ , govcrnmcni which reflects sa~ples wbieh influ~nee the I the ~!'11e bel_iefs of all of the peovoting is one way of using refer- r,~ -he sa!!.._
A theory of exercising be presented at 1:30 p.m. Wednealay at the Student Union Building by Robert Hanzlik, president of the American Physical Fltnea Foundation. He bolds a depee · from the University of Michigan and also attended law school at t he Univenity of Minnesota.
HANZLIK IS reported to be the only man to letter in football at three Big Ten \ Universities. He was a football coach for 11mnl years and one or his teams won the state championship in Wisconsin. 1..bfl frt-rr (!('{;, /I.I. /t'1Z...
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'People Are Dissati~fied' Ed Williams, the Democratic candidate for the United States House or Representatives from District 1, was the guest speaker at the fifth Popcorn Forum Oct. 4 in the S UB.
Mr. Williams, who was the Minority Leader in the Idaho House of Representatives, said he feels there is d ~tisfaction among the people . Mr. Williams also claims that the people and industry have to quit polluting the land and air. " I am for the prompt withdrawal or all our military forces from Southeast Asia,
coupled with the return of our prisoners," Williams stated, " I feel we have no int.erests for being there." " The Middle East is where a balance of power is needed if anywhere. That is where the three major powers are," Williams added. The great oil reserves of the Middle East is the point of in terest, attracting Russia, China, and the U. S. The candidate also answered questions on price control, gun control, and a national sales tax . Mr. Williams stated t he price control would work if it was run the way it was set up to be ru!l.
SENATOR HUBERT HUMPHREY does some autographing today at North Idaho Junior College, where he spoke at Popcorn Forum, urging students to become more involved in the political process. "
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Elect Davis., Williams HHH By RUSS HILL
Press Staff Reporter It's imperative that Bud Davis be sent to the United States Senate from Idaho, Senator Hubert Humphrey said here today. AND ED Williams needs to be sent to Congress, too, the former U. S. vice president â&#x20AC;˘ told Democrats at a $15.a-plate fund-raising luncheon at the Convention Center. Humphrey said Davis has the quality and character needed in the Senate, one who's committed to preserving freedom as a precious commodity. "You heard a message Crom a man of character," Humphrey said of Davis' talk earlier at the lun~beon, saying " we would like to have the team of Church and Davis down there (in the Senate). "There is enough stench around the Nixon Administration to take slightly more than one small can of deordorant," Senator Humphrey declared earlier today at a press conference in the North Shore Con\entlon Center. THE FORMER Vice President challenged President Nixon to clean house by getting rid of all the people ln the Watergate bugging lnddent. Humphrey also dedared that Nixon should reveal all of the names of the people who gave ' an unreported $10 million to his political
"lf be is re-elected without disclosing this thing, he will be coming back just like he has smallpox," ISlerted Humphrey. IN HIS ONE day visit in Coeur d' Alene, Senator Humphrey is speaking on behalf of the candidates of William (Bud) Davis, Democratic Senatorial candidate, and Ed Williams, Democratic hopeful for a Congressional seat. Scheduled to arrive at the Coeur d'Alene Air Tenninal at 10 a.m., Humphrey proved to be an eulyblrd. Coming by charter jet from Portland,
Ore., Humphrey thought Coeur d'Alene was on Mountain Time and so arrived nearly an hour early . . There were 70 people at 'the airport to greet Humphrey after bis wait. Sheriff Stan Johnson led a caravan of cars taking Senator Humphrey rust to the Coeur d'Alene Shopping Mall. I
UPON LEAVING the Mall, the caravan went to North Idaho College where several hundred people waited in the gymnasium to hear him tell he bad been author of the original college student loan bill. Humphrey urged the college students to become involved in politics because, be said, no one has a greater stake in this country than students. "There are no vacant chairs in politics," observed Humphrey. "If you are not in that seat someone else will take it." HUMPHREY NOTED that there have been more advances In education and educational facilities in the past 10 years than in the previous 300 years. " We have done so much in a short time In many fields that we haven't sorted IL all ol&. You must do that," he told the young people, quipping that " no matter how much Geritol I sip I won't be around to do it. " THE WAVE of change is upon us," said Humphrey. "Many are disturbed at what Is happening, but tbe miracle is that we have survived. Humphrey said that his only criticism of the young people is their lack of a sense of history. He said that you must know the past to project for tomorrow. In the next Congress, Humphrey said he is going to propose a National Development and Growth Plan.
Gerag ty Cites Expo 7 4 Benefits Ld week many people toot a peat lnterelt ln the Popcorn Forum featuring Mr. Jack Geraghty, o ne of t he s p okes m e n for t he Environmental Exposition which bas been aptly tabbed Expo '74. Mr. Gerag h ty bega n appropriately by giving bis audience a quick background of Expo and the progress made to date by it's organizers. He talked abo ut the site p r e parat ion and the demolition, cleaning up and building schedule for it. Geraghty spoke ror a few min utes on the countries that had expres.5ed interest in being represented at the exposition. Among those mentioned were Russia, Japan, Canada as well AS the U.S. He mentioned many of the comn11ttees that had been formed by Expo's organizers to k care or the many minor details which have to be ironed out bi?fore Lhc world ex. thnca . , , 1 1:,ors.
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Some of theee benefits included a new opera house and convention center on the Expo site as well as the city park to be formed after the duration of Expo, the new capital pouring into the region as a result of Expo and the worldwide recognition of the Inland Empire as a place of importance. Geragh ty would up his appearance answering many questions concerning Expo, mostly on the environmental impact of such an undertaking.
POPCORN FORUM Moderator Tony Stewart, left, talks with Jack Geraghty and Richard Miller about
Spokane's upcoming Expo '74.
A few o[ these ment io ned included the handling o r the great inOux or tourists and w here to put them, handling the pollution problems which will accompany this great Influx and many related matters. Mr. Geraghty talked briefly about the Expo site's benefits lhat the whole Inland Empire as well as Spokane would rereive, during it's scheduled
run a¡
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Bahai Faith's
Message: 'Arise' The beliefs, teachings, and history of the Bahai faith or religion were the main topics of Kavous Monadjeml at the 14th North Idaho College Popcorn Forum. Mo nadjerni, national â&#x20AC;˘ spokesman for the Bahai faith , holds a degree in music Crom the University or Oregon, and is cunently residing in Montana. The word "Bahai" Is derived from a Persian word which means the "glory of God." Monadjemi explained that the Bahai's message deals with finding o ut who you are and what you are, and to then arise. He went on to say that, according to Babai law, the world has already come to an end and the dead have already arisen. In reality, he was saying that humanity has reached great heights and that people will not be ruled by techonology but will use it and control It. Memben of the Bahai faith
are dedicated to building one world concerned with one purpos e or functio n . Monadjemi stressed this f'act by saying, "Let us build a world civilization." Another similar belief held by Bahai is that the would will survive no matter how tough a fight the human race puts up. Monadjemi stated that the Bahai faith has suffered greatly because of a general lack of understanding. He said that the majority of people have come to realize that science and religion are contradictory and something is missing. " People want to know why. Science does not answer why but answers bow," he said.
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"I am sharing this with you as a lover," he cont inued . To Monadjemi, religio n is a message of the heart and he holds a great Jove for bis religtm. He said that he could not be objective in bis talk because a person in love with something cannot be objective towards it. About his faith , Monadjemi also stated, " It is an ocean to share. I only have a drop of t his ocean. It is a very real religion."
POPU LAR HERE, TOO-Dr. Willis Rees, center, attracted a capacity crowd tor his Popcorn Forum appearance at NIC last week. Dr. Rees. psychology professor at the University of Idaho, covered a wide area of topics in his discussion of "Contemporary Changes in Human Sexuality." His course on sexauality at the U of I has the largest enrollment of any class offered . Above, he talks with Don Sprague, left, and Merlin ..;. .;..;.._;._ __.; Miller. -Photo by K. Michael Roche
____ c___ _________ .. ""'
1973- 74 Aoa.demic Year
Dave La.Kay - Topio : ''ESP" (10-3- 73) Tim Hein.an, Nati onal Spokesman for the John Birch Soc iety - Topic: ''Wa.llaoe Shooting" ( 10-11-73) Dave Zwick, Project Director for Ralph Nader - Topic : ''Water Q;u.a.lity"
4. 5.
Dr. William Bryan, Coordinator North Rockies Group, Inc. - Topic : Cri sis" ( 12- 6- 73) Athletes for Christ Wrestling Team - Topic: ''Youth and Religion"
United States Sena.tor Howard Baker, J r., Vice Chairman Senate Water gate Committee - Topic : ''Watergate" (2- 11-74) Charles E. Smith, John Birch Socie ty - Topic: "The Conspiracy Behind the Treaty Maki ng Power" (2- 18-74) Ross Woodwar d , News Director KJRB- Radio - Topic: ''Encounter with Fini tu.de"
7. 8.
(11- 6-73)
''Ener gy
(1 - 15- 74)
(3- 6- 74)
Elizabeth ,Simpson and Page Smith, Representatives of National Endowment of the Humanities - Topic : "Rel igion During the American Revolution and Today" (3- 11 - 74) .
10 .
Eugene Huppin , Spokane Attorney - Topic:
"The Israel i Arab Conflict"
(4-3-74) 11 .
"My Trip Down the Amazon River"
J ohn Lenk, World Traveler - Topic:
(4- 17- 74) Charlie Cole, Western U. S. Expert on Graphology - Topic:
(4- 26-74) . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .4
iinto The Limelight / . :•
(?1 d',11~/
Revie", :'
:...................... ~~.~~~~·~.:?!!~C?!? .... ~ii•. iz.~t,;..: One member of the faculty who helps provide interesting entertai nment at NIC is Tony Stewar t. organizer of the Popcorn F'orum The Popcorn F'orum is a lecture series that sponsors fifteen to twentv-two lectures a vear. It ·s sponsored by the Stt1dent Activity Committee, the Division or' Social Sciences. and the Convocational Committee. F'or the past four year s, a great deal of time and effort has been put into the preparation of this series by Mr. Stewart and the other member s of the committee. Each year a themt- must be adopted. This year 's theme is violence in politics. movies, etc.
Speakers who would be the most interesting must be contacted. The speaker s do not always share the opinions of the committee. Mr. Stewart said, "our role is not to be a censor board ....education is the exposure to many walks of l ife ... The series is broadcast on Channel ll and put on sound tape cassettes that are kept in the library. These tapes can be used by students writing term papers. Mr. Stewart feels that "student and community participation at the lectures is tremendous .... ) have never seen students come to lectures in such high per centages.·•
* * * * * * *
Mentalist at NIC Dave LaKay, mentalist, magician and extra sensory perceptionist, will speak on "Mentalism-1973" at l :30 p.m. Wednesday at the North Idaho College Student Union in Coeur d"Alene. D. Tony Stewart, chainnan of the sponsoring Popcorn Lecture Series said. LaKay, who started in show business at the age of nine as a magician, is known as "The Amazing Dave LaKay," a reputation stemming from appearances ranging from the Tokyo Hilton Hotel to the Holl}¡wood Bowl. These appearances involve mind reading, mental telepathy and ESP. KaLay has been featured on the Steve Allen syndicated show out of Los Angeles and has
appeared with Hollywood stars Bob Hope, Tennessee Ernie Ford and Mahalia Jackson. Demonstrating mentalism, LaKay will capitalize on ESP and mental telepathy, using audience members for platform demonstrations, Stewart said. Emphasizing that he does not claim to have supernatural powers but simply uses a highly developed sense which all humans possess, LaKay instructs and entertains simultaneously. Stewart said the program is open to the public as well as the campus community.
Environmentalist Popcorn Speaker Dr. William L. Bryan Junior will speak at the Fourth Popcorn Forum of this academic year. The speaker bas a B A degree in zoology from the University of New Hampshire (1966), M S degree in conservation from the University of Michigan (1967) and a Ph.D. degree in environmental studies from the University of Michigan (1971). Dr. Bryan was the recipient of the 1970 Samuel Trash Dana Award in Conservation, a 196970 National Science Foundation trainee and a 1970-71 Institute for Environmental Quality Fellow at the University of Michigan. Bryan is an active consultant, lecturer and author. His publications include articles in such journals as "The Journal of Applied Behavioral Sciences" and "The Journal of En-
vironmental Education." Dr. Bryan is presently serving as coordinator of the Northern Rockies Action Group, 9 Placer St., Helena, Mont. Objectives of the organization include assisting citizens and agencies. in Montana, Idaho and Wyoming in responding to and solving social and environmental problems. Dr. Bryan will speak at the Popcorn Forum Thursday at 10 a.m. in the Student Union Building at North Idaho College. His topic will be "The Energy Crisis: Ushering in the Age of Post Industrialism." His address shall stress significant liÂŁe-style changes that must be faced in the coming years, especially in the Northwest due to the energy crisis. A question period will follow the address. The public is invited.
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Volume 68, Num ber 69
Price 15 Cents
Coeur d'Alene, Ida ho, Friday, October 26, 1973
Environmental Backlash Rap l y flOl!RT JON!I ,,... Staff Writer Despite an environmental backlash based on the reported energy shortage, the public must continue to push for more environmental legislation as well as monitor . the effectiveness of existing laws, the director of a Nader task force on water pollution said today. David Zwick, principal author of the report based on a two-year study, "Water Wasteland," was the speaker at the third Popcorn Forum at the North Idaho College Student Union Bulldtng. Zwick also participated in a water quall-
ty seminar at the SUB beginning at 1:30 p.m. He said without a continued and increased citizens' alert to the pollution problems in the country, there will be a general gutting of environmental laws on the excuse of an energy crisis. "Already the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has been stretching points and expanding loopholes on existing laws," be said. Zwick, who holds a doctorate of law from Harvard Law School and a master's in public policy from Harvard's Kennedy
School of Government, said it is becoming more difficult to pass pollution controls through Congress because of the energy scare. Congressmen bend towards the prevailing sentiment, he said, and right now, it is towards seeking solutions to the energy problem, he said. "The main point is can we let the world continue to slip away or can we take the opportunity to make the changes," be said. Idaho, for instance, has some of the
precious resources slip away like it has in other parts of the country," he said. The environmental movement is young, he¡said, and therefore not as well organized as other groups such as labor. Its forces are sparse compared to business and industry - special interests which can marshal men. money and information to promote its proposals. This one-sided flow of information compounded with the ever-increasing complexity of the problems has thrust the debate on environmental issued into the
nation's best natural and scenic resources. " It would be a shame to let these
arena of the professionals - busines and
industry - even more.
The Coeur d'Alene, ldeho PrHI Mon., Jen. 14, 1974
Athletes in ACtiOri Oil .PopcOrn Forum The fifth Popcorn Forum of ~ e academic year will feature r.embers of Athletes in Action at 10 a.m. Tuesday in the North 1 ~daho College Student Union !Building. Athletes in Action, head-
quartered in Long Beach, Calif., Nick Carollo (190 pounds), joined forces with the Athletes former El Camino Junior in Action East Team in 1971 to College wrestler and gold take second place at. the United medalist at the Pan American States Wrestling Federation Games; Jarret Williams (134), tournament. NAIA All-American from Biola ; Gene Davis and Athletes in Mike Moore (150-158) , Action assistant Coach and Washington State junior college team member Bob Anderson champion from Wenatchee; (former silver medalist at the Sam Hieronymus (177), former Pan American Games) coached Washington State team captain this year's U.S. Junior Olympic from Spokane; and Phil Palady team to a"third-place finish , the (150-158), two-time Pacific best ever for an American Coast Conference Runnerup team. from Washington State. AIA members familiar to ¡ Impressive as they may be, West Coast residents include the uniqueness of the Athletes in
Action West wrestling team is beyond its string of victories and titles. When asked why these wrestlers continue to compete after their college career, Coach Davis replied, "although each of us Jove wrestling, that's not why we're competing. We wrestle l>e'cause it gives us an opportunity to share our faith in Christ. '' Last year alone, the Athletes in Action West wrestlers competed before and spoke to 47,000 people. In addition to their NIC appearance, this year their schedule includes UCLA,
Oregon and the University of Their topic will be "physical Washington. Between season fitness and religion." matc~es and tournament com¡ petition the team, considered one of the best in the amateur world. addresses high school and college assemblies, speaks at conferences and conducts wrestling clinics. _
Sen. Baker Signs For NIC Lecture Those tentatively expected lo give talks include Bishop Fulton Sheen and Pren Staff Writ~ Washington Gov. Daniel Evans, who U. S. Sen. Howard Baker, R-Tenn., vice presently is chairman of the Governor's chairman of the Senate Watergate Com- Council. mittee, has been booked for an evening Leona Hassen, convocation chairman. lecture Feb. 11 at the North ldabo College said the theme for one week in March will gymnasium. be " violence and non-violence." She said Tony Stewart, political science ways of counteracting violence will be exprofessor, said Sen. Baker's appearance plored. . will be sponsored jointly by the NIC conSpeakers during that week will include vocation committee and the Popcorn Dr. Murray Levin, Washington, D.C., Forum series committee. political science professor al Georgetown "This will be Sen. Baker's only University, and William Friedkin. appearance in the Northwest states and he Hollywood, Calif., a movie director. is expected to discuss and answer Richard Hugo, professor at the Univerquestions about the Watergate in- sity of Montana, will also participate in vestigation," said Stewart, who noted that the violence symposium, Mrs. Hassen Baker is considered a possible presiden- said. tial candidate. The Spokane Symphony Orchestra is to In a press conference Thursday after- present a free public concert Oct. 1. noon, Stewart said " this could be the best Patricia Richard, cinema arts year for the Popcorn Forum" and releas- professor, noted that regular programs on ed the names of those expected to appear. Channel 11 will begin Sept. 17 and continue ln early October, Dave LaKay, an ex- through the middle of May. trasensory perception specialist, will disA panel discussion group that will cuss the role of the mentalist 111d follow- appear from 5:30 p.m. until 6 p.m. each ing a lecture will perform experiments Monday and Friday is composed of James with volunteers from the audience. Crow, Marianne Lipshay and Frank Two groups of " Athletes for Christ" are LaBara. to appear on Jan 15. On March 6 Ross ProfelSor J ames McLeod reported that Woodward will discuss the environment from 5:30 to 6 p.m. each Wednesday on and population in the world. John Lenk is Channel 11 NIC instructors and experts on to present a travelogue April 17 on a trip various subjects will appear on a program down &e Amazon River. entitled " NIC-Knack." By RUSS HILL ,
NIC Forun to Feature Sen. Baker
COEUR D'ALENE, IdahoSen. Howard H. Baker Jr., RTenn., vice chairman of the Senate Watergate Committee, will speak Feb. 11 at the North Idaho College Popcorn Forum here, B. Anthony Stewart, Forum director, announced today. Stewart said the Popcorn Forum will be Baker's only Pacific Northwest speaking engagement, although he will speak later at California colleges and universities and elsewhere in the Sout.hwest.
Sen. Baker Tonight U. s. Sen. Howard Baker, vice chairman of the Senate Special Watergate Committee, is expected to pack the house tonight when he speaks at North Idaho College on the impact of the scandal on the American system. The Tennessee Republican will talk for 50 minutes beginning al 8 p.m., followed bv a 50-minute question and answer period. . The speech in the NIC gym 1s open to the public at no charge and is jointly sponsored bv the NIC Convocation and Popcorn Forum¡ Lecture committees.
aR~lnal R€Vl€W Coeur d'Alene, ldoho
Senator Baker · SpeakS Tonight If/'atergate Vice ( ;/,,nir,nan at NIC Rv DO~ .,\UTI O During' his only scheduled speaking appearance in the Northwest, Senator Howard H. Baker, Jr. will address an anticipated 4000 people on "The Impact of Watergate on the American System.·· Following his approximately fifty minute speech, which is to be given tonight in the North Idaho gym at 8:00 p.m .. Senator Baker will engage the audience in a fifty minute question and answer session. The 47-vear old senior Senator from Tennessee has sen•ed as Vice-Chairman of the U.S. Senate Select Committee on Presidential Campaign Activities since its inception in February of last year As a result of the hearings, Senator Baker has earned the reputation of being "Watergates Toughest Examiner," referring to his shrewd questioning of Watergate suspects and his concerned probing for individual motives rather than methods. The 11itensity of !us interest in the Watergate hearings was
perhaps best evidenced by the Senator's loss of twenty-five pounds during the proceedings . Because of the complete television coverage of the hearings, and it's related activities, Senator Baker has emerged as "America's Newest Television Star." Critics of Watergate are quick to point out that Howard Baker is the only person to profit from the free publicity provided by the hearings. The fact that all the publicity he has received has been favorable, coupled with the fact that he is the first and only Republican to be elected to the Senate from the state of Tennessee. has enabled many to refer to Senator Baker as ·'Presidential Timber.·· Senator Baker's farnilv tree has always heard the fruit of pubhc service. His maternal grandmother took over her husband ·s I Baker's grandfather , job as Sheriff of Roanoke County in 1927. Continued on page eight
Volume 28, Number 7 Monday, February 11 , 1974
Senate Bug Probe Should End: Baker By Robert Jones Press Staff Writer Although investigating the Watergate affair and related "dirty tricks" must be continued - even if it means impeachment of President Nixon - the job of the Senate Special Watergate Committee is over, said the ranking Republican of that committee Monday nlght at Coeur d'Alene. Sen. Howard Baker, R-Tennessee, addressed more than 1,000 persons at the North Idaho College gym at a Popcorn Forum.
The vice-chairman of the Senate Watergate committee said the Nixon Administration must continue. "Bui the Watergate Committee must not. We've done our job. Now the question has shifted to the House of Representatives to see if there is grounds for probable impeachment of the President of the United States, " he said. At the same time, Sen. Baker said he would reserve his final judgment until all evidence has been presented. " I won 't express my opinion on it as long as there is a possible chance of impeachment.'' he said.
"After having gone this far, having suffered this humiliation, having wounded and embarrassed ourselves in public and having suffered and endured the pangs and anguish of Watergate, let's not stop until we find out what happened," he said. Baker said the decision to investigate the Watergate affair was "a high water mark in courage and determination" of the American people to examine themselves and their leaders carefully and calmly. "I doubt if any other nation oo earth would dare lo do what we did" by forming
the Watergate committee,·• he said. "No other country would have or could have done what we did in 1973 and no other country would have inquired into the affairs of state in full public view," he said. Negative affects of the Watergate affair on the American people have been minimal in Baker's view. He said he has found that the people never had the slightest question "about the vitality of her government institutions. not the slightest bit of disillusionment about the vibrant future of this country:' "That was the greatest accomplishment in 1973," he said. Baker said as the result of his participation in the Watergate investigation. he has traveled around the country to learn what people think of the way it has been handled.
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And in spite of some news report, that does not translate "into a determination to even think about becoming a candidate for President," he said.
Volume 68, '\umher 160
C:ot>ur d' \lene, Ida ho, Tue11rlay, fehruary 12. 1974
Prir,• I;; Cn11~
"But r would be less than honest with you if I didn't say that I try to sense or determine what you think as I spend this week in the Rocky Mountain states," he said. Baker said he does not liave a consuming urge to be President "but like Scarlett O'Hara. I'll worry about that next week." Prior to his speech, Baker told newsmen that had the President been more cooperative with the committee and grand juries investigating Watergate, much of it would have been finished by now. He also said that the press had much to do with bringing the Watergate affair to light. Without it, the investigation would not have been as thorough as it has been.
Pa11e 8
THE DAILY BEE, Tues., Feb. 12, 1974
Tennessee Senator At NIC
.. .
Baker (:ites Act Of Great Courage Calling it an "Act or great courage" what the American people did in 1973 in undertaking an examination of themselves in full public view Sen. Howard Baker Jr., R-Tenn., cited his opinion or the Watergate Monday night in Coeur d'Alene. Addressing approximately 1,000 people at the annual Nor th Idaho College Popcorn Forum, Baker said he was pleased with the opportun.i ly to talk with the young people on his six day tour of the west. He said the Watergate affair is the " highwater mark in the courage or the American people" m that we are not afraid our civilzation will collapse because we undertook an examination of ourselves m full public view. "No other nation would dare undertake what we did in 1973 or could have stood it," said Baker. Citing the "good old days" Sen. Baker said he felt the good old days were yet to come as he outlined several instances in American history from the revolution to the days or Teddy Roosevelt when America became a world power. Baker blasted those who think
Watergate is worse than (he Civil War, saying that anyone who was there, near it or present in reconstruction areas would know better. " I rather suspect the good old days are before us-Americans did something in 1973 no other nation would do, to hear charges and allegations against the very fundamental political structure of the United States. And to decide in a quiet and orderly way to conduct an inquiry into it." He said over 70 miUion people per day watched the Watergate hearings on television making it the most participatory event in the history of democratic government. Baker is vice cbariman of the Senate Select Committee on Presidential Campaign Activities, <the Watergate Committee.) Baker said Americans shouldn't think the government did not continue to function during the scandal and cited an incident wherein he and Sen. Sam Ervin were called in to see President Nixon concerning the ill-fated Stennis arrangement on
the tapes question . He said after negotiating with the President over the tapes, the President asked if they would like to know about the Mideast. " For the next hour in exlrordinary detail he outlined an extraordinar y stor y," said Baker, adding that at that time Russian troops were steaming towards the Mideast. Baker said he was most reassured in knowing that the country was going on under those most extraordinary circumstances even with the Watergate. " But this situation is not over. If America is as strong as I have told you and not afraid it must go forward and do the rest - look fully into the charges and allegations," he said. Baker cited the CIA taping every conversation for 15 years then destroying the tapes when Watergate investigations began as one charge that must be exam ined, also, the alleged military spying on civilians. " Having gone this far - let's not stop until we find out what happened,"said Baker.
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The North Idaho College Convocation and Popcorn Forum Committees cordially invite you to a no--host non,partisan
.. Biealztast , for U.S. Senator Howard Baker on Tuesday, February 12, 1974 Cloud 9 · 7:30 A. M R. S. V. P. Tony Stewart
$3.75 per person
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Crowd Gives Senator Red Carpet Treatment By George Cecil Press Editor While he sat there nervously awaiting the end of the introduction. he looked quite ordinary and timtd. When· he stood up, the smallness or his stature caught you off guard since he always had appeared much taller on television. But when he strode forecefully up to the podium, jammed his left hand down firmly in his pocket and began speaking in a sten· torian. authoritative voice, Sen. Howard Baker became almost bigger than life. As be moved effortlessly in(o his 20minute speech. punctuated by frequent gestures and a modulating tone or voice, the audience grew quiet and intent as If hanging on every word During his frequent pauses lor emphasis, there was no murmur, no cough to break the silence. Baker's delivery was polished and almost sermon-like. He was alternately · somber and joking with occasional lapses mto Southern colloquialisms. particularly during the 45·mmute question and answer period that followed his speech. Once started, he seemed very much at ease and sure of himself. often taking off his brown hornrim glasses and jabbing
them in the air to make a point. His char· coal gray suit and tan and red stripped tie helped maintain the aura of quiet conser· vatism. Baker handled the questions adroitly, although most were moderate in nature and did not prove any embarrassment to him. Baker was, in fact. given the red carpel treatment by the students who might have been expected to bear down harder on his position as vice-chairman of the Senate Special Watergate Committee. There were no rude comments or asides and not even a derogatory sign to enliven the evening, although several students had attempted to hang signs prior to the
speech. They were rebuffed by college of· ficials and caused no further trouble. Instead, they were the admiring throng that belied Baker's repeated denials that he did not aspire to the presidency. Following his question and answer period, they flocked to the stage to get his autograph. speak to him, be near him. Comments ranged from , "Gee, wasn't he super?" lo " I think he's cute." Cute or not, Sen. Baker certainly gained a few votes at the NIC gym Monday night if he ever decides to seek the presidency. And in a period of student disillusionment with government in general and politicians in particular, that may speak volumes.