Popcorn Forum Scrapbook 1979-1982

Page 1

Personal responsibility needed to conserve energy 81 TIM HANSON

Pren Staff Writer An ever-increasing awareness by American cltlzena of the world's energy crisis may help them deal with almost certain fuel shortages in the future, a Waahln1¡ ton State Energy Office offical Monday said. WSEO Field Representative Linda Bond said there has been a perceptible change in the attitudes of Americans over recent years. In the past, the word " energy" has been defined as "ability to work." Now, however, it has taken on an entirely different meaning. In 1973, when long lines at gasoline stations began appearing around the country, many Americans believed the fuel shortage to be contrived by major oil companies. 'Ibey Linda Bond refused to recognize any significant problem with the availability of energy. Today, according to Bond, things are different. People are aware that there is an energy problem, she said. "There has been a gradual recognition of tbe

importance of energy," Bond told a gathering of students at North Idaho College. "Interest bas In¡ creased among people oo such things as wood for fuel and sheltered housing. People are seriously considering the production of gasahol." Bond said people need to take some sort of personal responsibility in dealing with energy proplems energy conservation included. "'Ibere is a gut feeling by those of us who work in energy that we will have problems," she said. "But interst by people has given me a different feeling. Over the last few months, I have been feeling good about people getting involved In our energy lives. And I feel confident about that now."

Bond's job as field representative involves visiting colleges and other groups of people and trying to bring them up to date with what ls going on with the department of energy. In spite of some distrust of energy officials Bond insists that her department is "dedicated to the idea of renewable resources and conservation." She said she is " thrilled" with the idea of gasahol and believes other forms of energy such as methane and solar should receive serious consideration as well. "'Ibere is no reason to think that solar power will not work just because there are clouds or snow " she said. " Don' t let anyone tell you solar won•t' work because it will work and it does."

Politics cause of fuel shortages, says oil 81 TIM HANSON Prea, Staff Writer America's popular belief that large oil companies are conspiring to cheat the consumer is just not true, and politicians - not the oil companies - should be the object of public suspicion, Wilson Oil Company President Tug Wilson said We<lnesday. Speaking at North Idaho College's three-day seminar on the world energy crisis, Wilson said politicians are responsible for imposing price controls - restrictions that decrease fuel supplies and cause shortages. By being an Independent oil producer, Wilson said he is In an excellent position to monitor any pressure from larger companies. But that pressure, he said, is not there. Tug Wilson


" I don't feel like I'm being taken by the big oil companies," Wilson said. " They (oil companies) are trying to get rid of much of the governmental red tape and regualtions that keep this country dependent on foreign oil. The very fact that we (Independent oil companies) exist shakes the caricature people have about major oil companies (forcing smaller companies out of business). "Some people think there is a conspiracy by the oil companies. There is no conspiracy. Ten thousand oil companies are not going to sit down in the Cow Palace and figure out bow to rip off the public.

· 'Government controls have casue<I the problem. The solution is to remove the controls and let the businesses operate. Wilson said that politicians have been telling the public that they have been wasting fuel over the past 11

"Those practicing hysterics saying we are out ol gas and oil are wrong ."


EXPLORATION HINDERED Wilson said government controls on oil companies have also hindered efforts to explore areas for new oil. "The solution (to the energy crisis) is to use our domestic supply of fuel long enough to make the transition to alternate sources of energy," be said. "Those practicing hysterics saying we are out of gas and oil are wrong. Politicians are using the public as a pasty for their own political gain.

~eral years - another untruth. According to Wilson, Americans were simply making the best deal they could at the time.

HANDWRITING ON WALL "The handwriting has been on the wall for a long time," be said. " Foreign countries have not been building small cars all these years just because they like them or because they have narrow streets." Politicians, be said, have not been paying attention. And while this country's dependence on foreign oil bas doubled, all that Congress has done during that time is to reduce the speed limit to 55 miles per hour. According to Wilson, there are some 12,000 independent oil producers in the Unite<I States - all of whom fall into the category of "gamblers." For the past 70 years, he said, the odds of locating a well are ten to one. Wilson, whose company is based in New Mexico, Is national spokesman for the Independent Petrolewn Association of America.


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Energy experts

focus on world 81 TIM HANSON PNIII Staff Writer

Three "energy experts" Tuesday morning discussed their views of the world's energy situation with a gathering of North Idaho College students during the second of three Energy Symposium presentations. P.R. Bakes, Washington Water Power spokesman, Larry La Rocco, U.S. Congressional Aide to Senator Frank Church, and Coeur d'Alene Attorney Raymond Given participated in the forum. Bakes, urging conservation of available energy, told the group that the electrical load in the Northwest will, as expected, continue to grow. He said power companies are trying to anticipate the need and' fashion solutions to make needed energy supplies available to consumers. DELAY CRITICIZED Bakes noted the energy problem between "need and available load" and criticized the "continuous ctelay'' in the building of nuclear power and coal power plants. "Hydro will not be able to supply all of the needed energy," Bakes said. "There will be a need for new thermal projects within the next ten years. We will also have to import power." He added that nuclear power has a "very decided place" in the future of the United States and it should "not be banned." "Nuclear power is a stepping stone to the future," he said. CONSUMERS TO PAY

Coeur d'Alene Attorney Raymond

Attorney Raymond Given, Larry La Rocco and P.R. Bakes

Given, who has represented a number of consumer groups over the years, ~id c~nsumers' power rates are gomg up m order to pay for "new facilities" being built by WWP. "As they bui.ld more plants, the cost of generation goes up and your rates ~o up," h~ said. "But maybe ~h~.re 15 somethmg we can do about it. Given said the water belongs to "the people" and not to "large businesses.'' " It seems that the people should get the power that is generated," he said. He criticized large companies for not producing their own power. He said part of the reason is the inexpensive rates at which the companies purchase their power. Congressional Aide Larry La Roeco discussed current energy-related legislation supported by Sen. Church. , WINDFALL TAX One bill is the Windfall Profits Tax bill, recently signed into law.

La Rocco said the Windfall Profits Tax bill will over the next ten years, return' "part of a trillion dollars to us in a way to help develop new energy sources." "No wonder big oil opposed that bill," La Rocco said. "The problem with big oil is that exploration for new fuel sources has gone down while their profits have gone up. Their development and exploration ~s not gone up at all. Independent oil companies are doing all of the research and the big oil companies have not added to exploration." . Another bill supported by Church ~s the Synthetic Fuels Bill, currently m conference committee. La Rocco said this bill, expected to be out of committee sometime next month, deals with malting fuel out of "c~l, shale and sand." It will also consider renewable resources and will set certain energy targets. "There are pitfalls with the bill, but we've got to deal with these things," he said. "We are moving along with our national energy poll~ cy and we have reasons to be somewhat optimistic."


The Coeur d'Alene Pren

Sot., Moy 10, 1980

Fa ith--- - Ex-Mafia man foresa kes all for Christianity By BILL GEROUX PreH Police Reporter

Joe Donato, 50, quit the Mafia eight years ago after he "found the Lord," then he tried to convert his old 'associates. ' He's still alive. He spoke Monday to a packed house at North ldaho College's final "popcorn forum" of the year. "For the first six months (after my conversion )," Donato said, " those guys thought I was crazy as a bedbug. " "After a year, they figured it was a fad, that I'd get over it.

" After a year and a half, they decided I had a good racket going, and they wanted in.¡ ¡

Ex-Mafia man, Joe Donato

Lacking peace

Admitted killer

In Donato, 50, listeners encountered an unforgettable character - a self-confessed Mafia killer who, he told them, had cast aside power, position and "a boxful of $100 bills" to take the road for $8,000 a year to preach the Gospel and condemn the Mafia. "How do you leave the Mafia?" A student asked. " I thought they killed people who wanted to get out.' ' Dona to admitted that' s "standard policy/' and that he does look over his shoulder from time to time. I " But I'm nrt afrai,j to di~." he said. "Because I know I'm going to Heaven." Donato said when word got out that he was through with the Mafia, " The FBI sent a born-again FBI man to talk to me." He said he was startled to learn that the FBI knew more about the Mafia than he did. ''They know who the bosses are, wqo the professional killers are, everything, " Donato said. " But because of the laws, their hands are tied in a lot of cases. "We in the Mafia loved those Supreme Court (Fifth and Fourteenth Amendment) decisions," he continued. "Once

a couple of policemen caught me red-handed , and they almost wound up in jail." ~arly days

"Beloved, those (Mafia) people would give everything they have to enjoy a breakfast, lunch or dinner in peace. they don 't know what peace is." He said the money and the milling at Hollywood parties didn' t satisfy him. " It left a great big hole in the middle of my life.'' Donato said, " When the Lord came to me in March 1972, I thought He had come to kill me for the things I'd done. But He had come to save me." Since then, Donato said, he has spent the boxful of $100 bills he once owned. He said he now travels from town to town living on donations from those who hear him speak. One student asked if his life had ever been threatened.

Donato told listeners he grew up in Depression-ridden Reading, Pa. in the 1930s, and that he noticed while shining shoes that the gangsters always had the newest and nicest. "And I loved the gangster movies," he said. " I used to pack a lunch and spend all day in the theatre. " Weaned on Hollywood cr!me dramas and first-hand observations of Mafia money, Donato said, "I decided, 'Man, no more poverty for this dude. Once, in Canada. Donato I'm going to take what I said, police insisted on throwwant. '" ing a protective guard around Donato said he got into the him because they had received California bookmaking scene a threatening telephone call. in 1952, and that in a tew years, " I was wearing those Seen his death shiny shoes." '' I expect to be asBut the life of a mobster, he sassinated," he told listeners. said, was too fast. "I was "I've seen my own death, in a sitting eating breakfast one dream. It doesn' t scare me." morning with a six-foot-four Donato said the two men he guy with a $5,000 diamond ring was most worried about when on his finger," Donato said, he quit the mob are now out of 'We finished, said goodbye, action - one dead , the other in and that guy got into his car "protective custody. " and it blew up and blew him to Also, Donato confided, "I bits. don' t name names in my talks. After all, God gave me a brain." The deadliest men in the Mafia, Donato said, "aren't the guys in suits who drive

black Cadillacs - those guys don't really mean much. It's the quiet guys in sneakers and khakis you have to worry about. They' re the professional killers." 'I killed him'

Donato was asked if he had in fact committed the murder he was acquitted of. " Yes, I killed him," Donato said. " I claimed self-defense, but I killed him. I wish I could change it." Popcorn forum host Tony Stewart asked Donato if he ever would consider telling the authorities what he knows about the mob. "I'd have to pray on it," Donato said.

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1980-81 Academic Year 141. Willis Merriam, Professor Emeritus, Geography, Washington State University - Topic: "The Caribbean - Trans Canal - Love Boat Cruise" (Septe.mber 19 ,1980) 142. Honorable Cecil D. Andrus, United States Secretary of Interior Topic: "Politics in the United. States in 1980" {October 17, 1980) 143. Honorable Frank Church, United States Senator - Topic: "The 1980 Idaho Senatorial Campaign" (October 22, 1980) 144. Hilliard Marks, Head Comedy Writer for Jack Benny - Topic: "Behind the Scenes in a Career as Jack Benny's Comedy Writer" (November 24, 1980) 145. Marvin Camel, Former crusierweight World Boxing Champion Topic: "Boxing in the United States" {January 21, 1981) 146-148. DNA Research: Genetic Engineering Symposium 146. Bruce Hilton, Director of the National Center for BioethicsTopic: "Genetic Engineering: Ethical Considerations" (February 17, 1981) 147. Robert Blank, Chairman, Department of Political Science, The University of Idaho - Topic: "The Political Context of the New .Genetics" (February 18,1981) 148. Professor Martin Cline, Chairman, Division of HematologyOncology, UCLA - Topic: "Genetic Engineering and Treatment of Human Disease" (February 19, 19 81) 149. Honorable John Evans, Governor of Idaho - Topic: "Economy and Political Issues of the 1981 Idaho Legislature" {March 6, 1981) 150. James c. Anderson, Energy Information Specialist for Oak Ridge Associated Universities - Topic: "Energy for the Future - the Breeder Reactor" {March 26, 1981)


The Coeur d'Alene Preti

Sat., Oct. 11, 1910

Panama Canal eyed "-

Andrus stumps for Church one of whom subsequently was killed.

By BILL GEROUX Pre11 Staff Writer

The question of the Panama Canal keeps bobbing up in U.S. Senator Frank Church's re-election campaign, and Interior Secretary Cecil. Andrus says he caMot understand why. So Andrus, in Coeur d'Alene Friday to stump for Church, set out to put the " non-issue" to rest. "The Panama Canal is becoming more antiquated every day," Andrus told listeners at the North Idaho College "popcorn forum." Cargo ships are getting bigger, he said, and soon only a small percentage of them will be able to squeeze through the present canal. Andrus said the price of U.S. ownership of the canal was that " Americans were being killed in the streets (in Panama). "There have been peaceful relations ever since" the canal was turned over, Andrus said, relations that should ensure uneventful construction of a new canal when one becomes necessary. " It was a. right vote," Andrus said, "and Frank made it. "

In perspective Voters who caMot agree with Church's stand on the canal, Andrus said, still should look at the Senator's record in perspective. "Even if you think that was a mistake,'' he said, ''look on the other side of the ledger." Andrus said Church has done

Claims 'unsubstantiated'

Cecll Andrus

much for the elderly, the farmers, the environment, and for all Idahoans during his years in Washington D.C., and that Church's seventhplace ranking in Senate seniority affords him the "clout" state residents can continue to rely on. " It works on seniority in the Congress of the United States," Andrus said, "and even considering replacing (Church) at this time is unthinkable to me." Church will speak at the "popcorn forum" next week. A man in the audience asked Andrus to comment on allegations the Senate Subcommittee on Foreign Affairs, which Church beads, leaked to the press the names of several Central Intelligence Agency operatives,

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Andrus said such claims had been "unsubstantiated," and that three ex-CIA agents had written books naming other operati','.es. " Don' t try to put the blame on Frank Church's head," Andrus said sharply. In response to another question, Andrus called the Sagebrush Rebellion "political rhetoric that took on a life of its own." He said it would never have a chance in court. If public land is turned over into private hands, Andrus said, Idahoans looking for a place to hunt, backpack or camp " will see a fence erected and a 'No Trespassing' sign. "The land belongs to all Americans," he said, "not to a select few who happen to have enough money to buy it. " The crowd applauded. Andrus stood up for President Jimmy Carter's decision to refuse to debate independent John Anderson. "(Anderson) doesn' t have a prayer of becoming President," he said. Andrus repeated the message be delivered in Spokane Friday morning: " A vote for John Anderson is a vote for Ronald Reagan." Earlier in the day, Andrus told local Democrats gathered for lunch at the Iron Horse Restaurant that he "realistically" expects Carter-Mondale to carry 37-38 percent of the Idaho vote in November.

Former hoSta(le, family honor :Church a, RIC CLARKE p,... Staff Writer

audience attending a North Idaho College "popcorn forum" with a patriotic delivery of local appeal. Sen. Frank <llurch responded ~ Mrs. Marge Schatz of Post Falls day to an entbusluUcally supportive was introduced to the overflowinl

Church speech (Continued from page 1) 'lbe senator told lUI audience he bu already recommended to Prelldent Carter that an international naval fleet be orpnllled to emure that free world intereata will be protected. Great Britain,

France, and Allltralla have already re,ponded, be lald, with tbe promJle to supply llh1pa lhould a crllil develop. . . Another luue of lerioua concern to Idaho, the Sqebl'Ulh Rebellion, wu held up by <llurch u repre1e11tlnc a fwldamental difference between hlmlelf and lUI challenpr, Rep. Steve S)'IDJDI. The ulUmate pkrpole of the movement ii not to ,tve federal manqement of public landl to the state, be lald, but to convert public ownel'lhlp of the landl to private ownel'lhlp. "The chance-over from federal control IOUllds innocent enough," laid Church, "unleu you bqin to esamlne the economics.'' Be aid the 1tate currenUy paya leu than ODHalf of one percent on the foreata and the bulk of the COit ii lbouldered by all the tupayera becauae "they (tbe foreata) belong to all the people." If turned over to tbe state, Church coatendJ lt would eo1t Idaho over ,135 mllllon and tuea would have to be lncreued by 40 percent. "Tbe economics of the Sapbrulh Rebellion will inevitably tranafer tbe landl from the 1tate to apeclal lntereatl," be aid. "'lbe LOI Ancelea devulopen would love to carve up the countryside - and there would be precloua few of ua who could ccmpete. 'lben we'd find out what a real lockup ll all about." Church concluded, "Al tone u I'm In the Senate, none of thll land will be put on the auction block - u far u I'm concerned, Idaho ii not for sale." Hll 1tand was annered by applauae from tbe audience. <llurch menUoned little about lUI opponent, but did aay the "bottom line" In tbe election Ilea ln the difference between the two ln lqlslatlve Influence. Idaho bu four out of G$ votea In Con,reu, he aid, and can't depend on voting power to 1et thJnp done. "In Idaho, we have to depend on aomeone In a poaltion of power. "I'm in a poaltlon to aee that Idaho - a amall 1tate - doean't pt puabed around In the Leplature." 'lbe aenator aid of the 138 bllll introduced by Symma, none has paued. "That's why I think Steve Symma ha1 alreldy flunked tbe coune in lqlllatiq," he laid, p'and la hardly the reaaon to promote hlm."

crowd of listeners u the mother of H. Lee Schatz, who ~ped from Iran ln January and avoided the fate of the America's remaining 52 hostages. Mn. Schatz accompanied <llurch to the forum to be ln attendance when the senator announced tbe passage of new legislation affecting the hostages and to bear a letter of support from her aon read to tbe public. Sen. <llurch said the blll, whlch be was lnstrwnental ln helping through Congress, wlll guarantee the hostages wlll receive free medical care and be given all the educational benefits afforded by the GI Blll upon their return. The American captlvea in Iran, be said, will be given the same treatment as military personnel taken prisoner. After honoring the mothera of the

hostaps for their efforts in the succeaful pusage of the blll, Church read a passage from Schatz's letter. Schatz, now employed by the State Department and living In Wallhlngton D.C., praised <llurch for " the vision to realize that thls leglslaUon was needed by the individuals affected by the Embassy seizure." Church referred to the current conflict between Iran and Iraq as a situation whlch should not be of concern to the U.S. unless American interests become threatened. Should America's supply of oil be affected, <llurch said he would sup¡ port mllltary Involvement. " It's Ume to thlnk very soberly about the U.S. position in the world," he said. (Continued on page 12)



]Symms'· 'Sa[Jebrush' backing hit •

• COEUR D'ALENE - Sen. Frank Church today was roundly applauded by more than !'>00 students as he said, ''Idaho is not for sale." · Speaking at a North Idaho College "'popcorn forum," he charged bis opponent, Rep. Steve Symms with being willing to give away the public domain to private investors through his endorsement of the "Sagebrush Rebellion." ' Church, seeking his seventh term ·in Congrees, said the movement bas ·a "tricky" name. "The purpose of the rsagebrush Rebellion' is to convert public lands into the private sector." He addedr "The land will be sold on the auction block to wealthy interests and - except for possibly the Hunt brothers - it will not be the people of Idaho who will be able to ).fford this land." "Sagebrush Rebellion" is a move to transfer federal lands to state ownership. However, in Idaho, Church said, the constitution mandates that land must be managed to obtain the highest economic gain. .What will happen, he said, is that 1ands now used for hunting and fishmg will be fenced and maae off-limits to the public by private concerns seeking a highest economic gain. "I am against the 'Sagebrush reJ:>ellion,' but my opponent, Steve Symms, is enthusiastically in favor '.of it." Citing Symms for criticizing this

country, Church said, ''This fs the freest, strongest and richest country in the world. There's not one person who would not come here if given the chance." Questioned by NIC students on foreign affairs, Church took a swipe at the Anyone But Church Committee, stood by his backing of the Panama Canal treaty and said the United States is right in steering clear of onthe-ground involvement in the IraqIran war. He said the ABC is a self-aknowledged radical group which P.lans to change the country's political .structure. The group has targeted him for political execution in November, he said, charging them with using Idaho as a political pawn and stepping stone for broader operations should they succeed in their plans here. He noted that Symms bas yet to discredit the group. Questioned about the Panama Canal treaty by a man who identified himself as a former merchant seaman, Church denied claims the canal can handle the bulk of modern shipping and reminded his audience that military leaders said 100,000 troops would be needed to assure the Canal Zone's defense. He also said 68 senators joined in passing the treaty on a bipartisan basis. Turning to the Mideast, Church, who is chairman of the Senate Foreign Relations Co~i~tee, said a so-

ber approach is called for in determining American policy. He called the Iraq-Iran war a foolish conflict in which "both deserve to lose." He noted that because the war does enganger our fuel supplies, our fleet is standing by in the area. He has called for internationalizing that 1 standby and said Britain has agreed to take part. At one point, Church was joined at the lectern by Mrs. Earl Schatz, mother of State Department employee Lee Schatz, who was among those released from Iran through the ef- I forts of the Canadian ambassador in t Tehran last year. < Mrs. Schatz gave Church a letter t from her son which endorsed the senator, thanked him for securing legislation to provide prisoner of war benefits to hostages and their families, and scored Symms for a comment likening America's efforts to free the hostages to "putting vaseline on cancer." "It's an affront to the hostages and their families, as well as a poor commentary by a national representative of Idaho," he wrote. He said both voices bear listening to, but one Church's - is deserving of election. Following his appearance at NIC, Church was to meet with Plummer area wheat farmers and Department of Agriculture representatives in an effort, he said, to bolster the price of soft white wheat.

Genetics discussed

by reknowned experts •

at NI.C lecture series A three-part Popcorn Forum Sym- outdistance the ability of our inherently posium on genetic engineering begins slow political system to make governing Tuesday at North Idaho College and will policy, said Blank. continue Wednesday and Thursday. Policies need to be formed to cover Three nationally acclaimed speakers human genetic technology, such as the will address the subject of genetics diagnostic techniques of amnocentesis during the series. and ultra sound, which can identify Bruce Hilton, director for the National genetic disorders before birth. Other Center of Bioethics and editor of the techniques include artificial inseminaGenetic Counseling News Letter, will tion, invitro (test tube) fertilizat!on, conduct Tuesday's Forum. His presenta- sterilization, genetic screening, gender tion, "Genetic Engineering, Ethical Con- selection and cloning. siderations," will be given at 1 p.m. in These techniques may improve life, the Communications-Arts Building on but risk is involved in the possible the NIC campus. alteration of the human pore, said Blank. Robert Blank, chairman of the Univer- He also raised the question of whether sity of Idaho's Political Science Depart- some of these methods might interfere ment, will discuss "The Political Con- with the rights of the individual or of text of the New Genetics." at 1 p.m. in society as a group. th~I\Der, ~,of..the Student Union, ... '.'.~ iensiqve.political i~e~ " Building. policy muat be determined before the Dr. Martin Cline, of the UCLA Medical technology is put into use," said Blank. Department, will deliver the final adJust last spring, scientists at UCLA dress Thursday on "Genetic Engineering announced they had inserted foreign and Treatment of Human Diseases" at genes into the bone-marrow cells of noon in the Communication Arts Build- mice. But the experiments on humans, ing. they said, are still years away. The National Center for Bioethics, In July, UCLA Hematologist Martin which is directed by Hilton, is an inde- Cline and colleagues at Jerusalem pendent, non-profit "think tank." The Hadassah Hospital on Mount Scopus and program was begun in 1973 to "make the at a clinic of the University of Naples public aware of the social, moral and performed genetic transfers on two legal implications of new advances in female patients. biology and medicine," Hilton said. Cline and his collaborators treated Recent advances bring great promise, their patients by removing a small but also create problems for which socie- amount of bone marrow and mixing it ty has no ready solutions, he said. Dilem- with genes capable of directing prodmas and decisions will be required of all uction of normal hemoglobin. The genes of us by the new medicine. Hilton defines had been manufactured by bacteria althe new biology, "bioethics," as " the tered by recombinant-DNA techniques. social , ethical and legal complications of The forums are sponsored by the advances in biology and medicine." Associated Students of Idaho and are Rapid technological developments.far open to the public at no cost.


The Coeur d'Alene PrH I

Wed., Feb. II, 198 1

Gene meddling presents hard choices, bioethics leader says 81 BILL GRAVES p,... City Editor One of today's leading thinkers on 1!thical decisions about genetic engl~ would not be making decisions today if be had been making cleciJions about bis own birth. Bruce Hilton, director of the National Center for Bioethics, Tuesday told a North Idaho College audience that bad be been making a decision about bis own birth given the genetic lnformaUon parents have today about their unborn children, he would have aborted himself because be would have seen be would become a near-st,bted diabetic. But the guest speaker stressed ,naklng a decision about a "potential ,Wman being" is not the same as making a decision about an existing human being. He also stressed that was bis opinion and that people today must -s tart now making decisons about what their opinions will be relating to the rapidly blooming science of jenetic engineering. Hilton, who has a Master's of Divinity from the United Theological Seminary, was the first of three national experts speaking this week al NIC's Popcorn Forum Symposium on genetic engineering. F.ditor of the Genetic Counseling News Letter and an entbical advisor to the Eng~i.sh

doctor who helped bring the world its first test tube baby. Hilton talked about ethical considerations related to genetic engineering. Genes exist In the hearts of living cells as bits of nucleic ac.id that make up the 46 chromosomes (23 from each parent) which tell cells how to develop and ultimately how each of us looks. They are also responsible for hereditary diseases. Genetic engineers, those who analyze and in some cases tamper with genetic code.s , hope to learn how to control genes so as to eliminate " bad genes" and hereditary diseases. But if this seven-year~ld science offers promise, it also has " thrust upon us some very serious problems,'' Hilton said. One area where those problems are already demanding some ethical response from us is amniocentesis, the technique in which doctors can diagnose genetic disorders long before birth, he said. By taking a sample of amniotic • fluid from the womb and examining the genetic material of a cell sloughed ,off from the fetus' skin, doctors can tell parents if their child will have a birth defect or suffer from some hereditary disease. A doctor, can for example, tell parents their developing cbild will 8 Hilton have cystic fibrosis, a congenital ruce

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disease of mucous glands In which the life expectancy is about 18 years, Hilton said. The parents then are faced with deciding whether to bring this child into the world or to destroy it by abortion. "Couples are having to face the question if the best thing for their potential child is to end his potential life," Hilton said. " What will you do?" be asked his audience. " What In society will prepare you to make that kind of decision?" ¡ Society must also come to terms with similar ethical questions permeating other areas of geneUc engineering Including experiments in recombinant DNA, use of surrogate mothers, test tube baby experiments, and even pioneering efforts in cloning, which most scientists believe is far down the road, Hiltoo said. He said genetic technology has in some- ways put modem society in the position of giving it knowledge it would rather not have. A Pandora's Box has been opened and there is "no turning back,"'be said. Ethics, the study of bow to make decisions about right and wrong, needs to catch up with genetic science and should be taught in our schools, be said. Otherwise, the technology could




be abused. The "green factor " (greed ) may have much to do with the direction genetic engineering takes in the future, he said. If a scientist could clone a leading race bqrse, for example, he could stand to gain millions of dollars, he said. Similar opportunities dangle before those researching recombinant DNA (deoxyribose nucleic acid, the stuff genes are made of), the process of replacing genes in one organism with genes from another organism. Already, scientists have had success in creating new strains of bacterium such as a specie that eats oil and another that manufactures insulin, Hilton said. One scientist has made $66 million by investing in a genetic lab that has yet to produce anything, he said. But tampering with genes In this way could create a new bacterium that would cause a new disease, an Andromeda Strain, to which we have no antidote, Hilton said. Scientists were so afraid of this possibility that five years ago they convened In the west to impose a short moratorium on research until strict rules for the research were adopted, he said. " How much should the public have to say about a thing like this that could destroy us?" he asked.

There are many more ways in which scientists today are tinkering with the genetic code of life and we, both individually and as a society, must begin making 'some bard choices about the ethics of these practices, Hilton said. Who is the legal parent of a child created from one couple's sperm and egg, but carried in another woman's womb? Is it right to fertilize four human eggs with human sperm In a petri dish and then throw out three and plant one in a woman's womb? Is it right to let someone else carry your baby so you can work? Does one have the right to abort a fetus because doctors find its sex is not what one wants? How do we decide what is normal? Who will control decisions about genetic engineering? These are some of the tough questions modem society faces , Hilton said. "You can, you will, you must be ready to make these decisions," he said. Robert Blank, chairman of the University of Idaho's Political Science Department, was to speak today on "The Political Context of the New Genetics." Dr. Martin Cline of the UCLA Medical Departr-ent Thursday will discuss " Genetic Engineering and Treatment of Human Diseases" at noon in the NIC Communication Arts Building.


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Polltlcal scientist Dr. Robert Blank

qenetic ¡research spurs new political issues N ex{


By BILL GRAYES Pre11 City Editor Scientists tampering with the stuff that controls living cells are thrusting new, difficult issues into the political arena faster than society can come up \fith policies goven,ing them, a political scientist said Wednesday at North Idaho College. Robert Blank, chairman of the University of Idaho's political science department, discussed " The Political Context of the New Genetics" in the second of a three-part Popcorn Forum Symposium at NIC on genetic engineering. The technology of analyzing and tinkering with genes, the bits of nucleic acid in the centers of cells that control how cells develop and ultimately what organisms become, has In recent years produced test tube babies, prenatal diagnosis of hereditary diseases in developing fetuses, surrogate mothers, recombinant DNA (deoxfribose nucleic acid) research and could lead to human cloning. The implications of these new abilities to influence and analyze developing We are too big to be kept in the private sphere, Blank said. " Political issues come about because many see (genetic engineering) as the great hope for the future whereas others see it as a great threat," he said. Blank, the first scholar In the U.S. to concentrate on the political ramifications of new biomedical technologies, said one reason the genetic Issues have become sensitive is that they have "come about In such a short time," forcing people to make quick changes In their basic values, which usually change only gradually. Questions such as what is We? what is death? what is human? what rights do fetuses have? have created numerous special interest groups and made unlikely allies out of some political groups, Blank said. For example, both Right to Life, an anti-abortion organization, and the National Organization for Women (NOW), for different reasons oppose amniocentesis, the practice of taking fetus cell samples from amniotic fluid and examining them for genetic disorders and

sex. Right to Life opposes the practice because in cases where genetic disorders are discovered, parents are given the choice of aborting the fetus . NOW opposes It because It believes It discriminates against women because it enables doctors to determine sex, Blank said.

NOW feels if the practice were widespread, and parents had the option to abort, more female fetuses than male fetuses would be aborted, he said. Questions about whether the government should prohibit or regulate genetic research and practices and whether it should mandate screening for genetic defects need to be answered, Blank said. Right now state legislatures are enacting most laws affecting genetic research and the part-time lawmakers often are just not qualified to be making those kinds of decisions, he said. Legislation has been introduced In 12 states, for example, that would mandate welfare mothers with more than two

children be sterilized. In no case, however, did the bills ever get out of committee. But then what governing body ls qualified to draft policy on genetic engineering? Society must decide that and do it soon, said Blank, for genetic technology, which hardly existed a decade ago, is racing ahead while government avoids the tough job of forming policies to control it. So far most of the genetic Issues have ended up In the courts where there have been "a lot of sporadic" rulings which usually skirt the issue, Blank said. The U.S. Supreme Gourt, for example, said new bacteria developed through recombinant DNA research could be patented, but It based its decision on patent law and not on the issue of whether one can claim ownership of a new organism. Because scientists can now determine genetic defects In fetuses, the courts now must consider whether children have the right to sue their parents because they were born with genetic defects, Blank said. " All it will take Is a couple of parents getting sued by their children for genetic damages and we will have parents thinking twice about having children," he said. Already, leading scientists have contemplated eugenics, of using genetic technology to control social hereditary, Blank said. This In tum raises the specter of genocide, he said, of screening out those with bad genes and controlling whom they may marry and how they can interact In society or even whether they should be allowed to exist. For example, a sperm bank In California is attempting to match eggs and sperm from high-IQ people to create genius babies, and a Nobel Prize-wlnrJng scientist has suggested those who are carriers of genetic diseases be tatooed on the forehead so we know who they are, Blank said. To responsibly weigh the threats and benefits of genetic engineering and the political issues it raises, we need "an informed public," he said, and we need it soon. Dr. Martin Cline, a scientist at the UCLA Medical Department who has actually participated in genetic engineering, was to speak noon today at NIC on " Genetic Engineering and Treatment of Human Diseases."




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By BILL GRAYES Pre11 City Editor

Genetic engineering probably will never lead to human cloning and bas remote chances of ever creating a monster, a leading genetic researcher Thursday told a , North fdaho College audience. Dr . Martin Cline, a UCLA medical resea rcher now deeply involved in recombinant ON A (deoxyribose nucleic acid) research, said scientists . . face "enormous Dr. Martin Cline problems" in cloning and transplanting a single gene and would probably never be able to clone the approximate 100,000 genes found in each human cell. Instead, DNA research offers potential cures to genetic diseases and is already enabling scientists to produce quantities of previously rare and expensive medicines and vaccines, he said. Genetic engineering has been a controversial and emotional issue since the technology began about seven years ago, but Cline, a medical doctor trained at Harvard Medical School, said his ,.- urientation" to the science is "very clear cut." " I deal with patients with lethal diseases, and I see a potential for curing them" through genetic research, he said. The last of three experts to speak at NIC's Popcorn Forum Symposium on genetic engineering this week, Cline talked mostly about the gene-splicing techniques he has ,been using in his research with bone marrow cells. Genes are units of heredity made of DNA, which carries coded messages telling cells how to grow and divide. Using enzymes like scissors, scientists can cut out a piece of DNA in simple life forms such as viruses or plasmids and splice in its place a piece of DNA or gene from another cell such as that of a mouse's bone marrow, Cline said. In doing so they create a new, recombined or what is called recombinant DNA molecule within the virus. This virus can be planted into another organism such as a bacteria where it will grow and multiply or clone millions of these new molecules carrying the spliced gene, In this way human insulin genes have been cloned inside bacteria allowing

scientists to produce large quantities of human insulin for diabetics. Previously diabetics were forced to use animal insulin. lo which some are allergic. This same technique has been used to produce the anti-viral, cancer-fighting interferon and may be used to develop vaccines for malaria, sleeping sickness and hepatitis, Cline said. The researcher said he has been successful in splicing a gene resistant to an anti-cancer drug in the blood-producing bone marrow cells of a mouse. By giving the mouse a dose of the drug, those blood cells without the resistant gene die and are replaced with those that have it. The mouse's blood is then resistant to the anti-cancer drug. This technique. Cline said, could be used in cancer victims to reduce side effects and increase tolerance to drug therapy. A similar strategy may produce a cure to sickle cell anemia, a genetic disease affecting blacks in wbicb a defective gene produces abnormal protein that causes blood cells to become malformed and clog capillaries, Cline said .. Oxygen thus does not reach some tissues in the body and the tissues die. When that happens to the kidney or other vital tissues, the patient dies. One gene in bone marrow cells creates the sickle cell defect, Cline said. By replacing that gene with the proper gene the way he introduced a drug resistant gene in mice, sickle cell anemia could theoretically be cured, he said . So could other genetic blood disases, such as those involving a deficiency in disease resistance, he said. Cline said he recently used this procedure to treat two women in Israel, but did not say what disease they had. Both "patients are well," he said. A more "awesome" genetic engineering technique, he said, is that of inserting new genes into embryos. " A dozen labs throughout the world are working on techniques of inserting new genes into mouse embryos," he said, Some have had success inserting genes, but none have yet been able to get the genes to do much, he said. Still, the technique promises to bring a way of preventing genetic diseases during early fetal development. Rather than creating dangerous life forms such as killer bacteria, something even scientists worried about in the early '70s, genetic technology probably will affect society in subtle ways, such as creating disease-resistant plants or superior cattle. Cline said. Nature, after all, has been experimenting with genetic engineering for 31h billion years, he said.

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GenetiC researcher quits after probe By BILL CRAVES Preu City Editor A leader In genetic research who spoke here recently has resigned from his administrative post at the University of California, Los Angeles, following an investigation into his work. Dr. Martin J. Cline resigned as chief of t he division of hematology-oncology at UCLA's Center for the Health Sciences after it was disclosed he used recombinant ON A molecules In one of two transplants , the Wall Street Journal reported recently. Cline previously Dr. Martin J . Cllne had denied using recombinant DNA material in his¡work with two women patients in Israel, the newspaper said. While speaking before a North Idaho College Feb. 19, Cline admitted he had used a gene-splicing technique on the two Israeli patients, who were suffering from a severe and usw.lly fatal form of anemia called thalassemia. Some fellow researchers attacked Cline because he did !Cant research on laboratory animals before doing them on humans, a move

they termed premature and dangerous. After an investigation, UCLA Issued a statement that said the transplant performed in Israel involved "recombinant DNA molecules" or genes from two separate organisms and that the procedure was not approved by the Israeli and UCLA recombinant ONA and human subject protection committees. Cline has stepped down from his post temporarily. He is still under investigation by the federal government and faces possible sanctions for bis unauthorized use of the recombinant DNA material. The genetic researcher was the last of three experts to speak at NIC's Popcorn Forum Symposium on genetic engineering in February. . Beginning Sunday at 3 p.m. on Channel 7, NIC's Public Forum weekly television show will air a seven-part series featuring Dr. Cline and the two other speakers - bioethics expert Bruce Hilton and the University of Idaho's Dr. Robert Blank, an expert on the politics of genetic technology. During hls address at NIC, Dr. Cline talked about the gene-splicing techniques he uses in his research with bone marrow cells. Genes are units of heredity made of DNA (deoxyribose nucleic acid), which carries coded messages telling cells how to grow and divide. Using enzymes like scissors, scientists can cut out a piece of DNA in simple life forms such as viruses or plasmids and splice In Its

place a piece of ON A or gene from another cell such as that of a mouse's bone marrow, Cline said. In doing so they create a new, recombined or what is called recombinant DNA molecule. By using these molecules, scientists can introduce new genes into an organisms cells, particularly if the cells are dividing such as those blood-producing cells In the bone marrow. This is what Cline said he tried to do with his two Israeli anemia patients. H~ said one defective gene causes genetic blood diseases such as sickle cell anemia. He theorized be could replace the bad gene in the bone marrow cells with a sound gene, let the altered cells divide, and in time this would replace the diseased blood cells with healthy ones. He said that having had some success with this technique in animals, he used this procedure with bis Israeli patients. But there is not yet any indication his experiments with humans were successful. Many scientists have expressed fear that gene tampering, particularly with bacteria, could create dangerous new llfe forms. But Dr. Cline, calling bis orientation "very clear cut," told the NIC crowd that be saw more to hope for than fear in genetic research. " I deal with patients with lethal diseases, and I see potentials for curing them," through genetic research, he said.

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1981-82 Academic Year 151. Speaker: Willis Merriam, WSU - Topic: "Lecture and Slide Presentation of Wales and Australia'' (9-23-81) 152. Speaker: Ms. Barby Eide, Private Consultant - Topic: "Nonverbal Communication: You Don't Have to Be in Who's Who to Know What's What" (10-19-81)

153. Speakers: Coeur d'Alene City Council Candidates - Topic: "Election 1981 (10-27-81) 154. Speakers: Martin Paulat - Topic: "My Personal Experience and Encounter with Adolph Hitler" (11-16-81) 155. Speaker: Jerry Mossier - Topic: ''Ecological Dynamics of Lakes, Streams and Oceans" (12-2-81) 156. Speakers: Anti-Nuclear Power Panel: Dr. Jeff Hwnmel, Member Physicians for Social Responsibility; Cassandra Picard, Nez Perce Tribal Member; and Tim McNeil, Co-Editor Idaho Sun ~ewspaper - Topic: "The Dangers of Nuclear Power'' (12-3-81) 157. Speaker: Mrs. Norma Woodbury - Topic: "Know Yourself Through Your Handwriting" (1-20 - 82) 158. Speaker: Bill McRae, Professional Wildlife Photographer - Topic: "The Work of a Professional Wildlife Photographer" (2-10-82) 159. Speakers: Sam Brown, The American Way, Inc.; and Cal Thomas, Director of Information for the National Moral Majority Topic: "Moral Majority vs the American Way" (2-11-82) 160. Speakers: Frank Crary, Editor Pulpwood Press; James Day, Editor Well's Spring Newspaper; and Charles Sheroke, Attorney Topic: "Agent Orange and the Idaho Panhandle Forest" (3-1-82) 161. Speaker: Marty Ravellette - Topic: "Social and Psychological Problems of the Handicapped People in Modern Society" (4-1-82) 162. Speakers: Members of the North Idaho College Faculty and Student Body - Topic: "Faculty-Student Reverse Role Playing" 11


For¡um warns of nuclear dangers By SYLVIA WATI'ERSON

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Pre11 Staff Writer

There doesn't have to be a nuclear war for people to suffer from the nuclear arms race, said Tim McNeil, co-editor of the Idaho Sun Newspaper, as he spoke at the North Idaho Collge Popcorn Forum on nuclear power and its hazards. McNeil spoke briefly on the subject along with Dr. Jeff Hummel from Moscow and Cassandra Picard of the NezPerce Tribe near Lewiston. "!( wouldn' t have to be too windy for the Hanford Nuclear Reservation to cause a threat," said McNeil, who is involved with several anti-nuclear groups. "There have been 100 accidents and 10 percent have resulted in the release of waste." Hanford Nuclear Reservation is in Washington about 150 miles west of Coeur d'Alene and is the site of four nuclear power plants. Three of these reactors are part of the Washington Public Power supply system. The fourth reactor is a N-Reactor, built in 1963, and currently is supplying power to the Bonneville Power Administration. "There is a bill before Congress right now to make Hanford a repository," he said. " If that happens, the transportation of radioactive wastes will be considerably higher." The Pinecone Alliance, North Idaho citizens for

" responsible energy," contend the transportation of radioactive waste along the lake and through Ceour d'Alene and Post Falls on 1-90 presents a risk of a nuclear accident with no provisions if such an accident should occur. Hummel, who is an internist in Moscow, said it is up to the American people to speak out against nuclear power. " There is a growing awareness about the waste coming from the weapons program," he said. " The administration isn't helping us out so it is up to us." He and McNeil said individuals could do their part by writing letters to state representatives and joining local anti-nuclear organizations. Picard spoke of the NezPerce Tribe's philoBOpby of water. "To the Indians the water is the blood of the land and is very sacred," she said. " Water is used in religious ceremonies and we couldn't bunt and fish without water." Picard said it is the Indian's goal to make people aware of why they want to keep the land and water the way it is. " If we keep abusing the water and air, the mother earth will protect herself the way any mother would." This program was the last NIC popcorn forum for this semester.

Wildlife photographer visits NIC BIii McRae, one of the most published wlldlife photographers In the United States, will be featured speaker at the free Popcorn Forum 1 p.m. Wednesday In the Bonner Room of the Student Union Bulidlng at North Idaho College. The hour program Includes a slide

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show and a lecture. McRae's photographs have been published In virtually every nationally circulated magazine featuring wildlife, Including Field and Stream, Outdoor Life, Sports Afield, National WIidiife and others.


Jan. 29, 1982/ Cardlnal Review -6-

CO ll VO Cat iO n scheduk set; 'future' to be theme by Stan Hall The 1982 North Idaho Collegesponsored convocation is scheduled for April 12-16 in the auditorium of the Communication-Arts Building and the Bonner Room of the SUB . The theme of the convocations , " TheFutureofthe U.S.: Will Orwell's '1984' Be Realized? " is guaranteed to be of prime interest to most students, said director of the convocations and bead of the Political Science Department Tony Stewart. There will be five main speakers during the week, one for each day, who will speak in the morning in the C-A Building, the time of which is not yet known. 1n the afternoon of each day there will be a panel discussion held in the Bonner Room of the SUB. For the panel discussion there will be bleachers set up in a semi-circle


around the panel of highly-qualified experts with a backdrop of a scene from Athens, according to Stewart. The panel members will talk each day about the main topic covered in the morning by the main speaker in order to keep continuity. They will bring with them equipment to demonstrate the modern technological advances that make the topic of the convocation possible, and will be able to show why there is a threat of losing our democracy because of it. The first speaker , Buck Minister Fuller, will talk on Monday, April 12. Speaking on Tuesday will be a representative from the American Civil Liberties Union. The ACLU is most noted for its struggle to maintain the principles laid down in t he

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Constitution of the United States. Wednesday, April 14 Milton Rokeach, a psychologist and author most noted for his work in human values, wilJ be speaking. According to Stewart, Rokeach will first show a movie that be filmed with Ed Asner of Lou Grant and then lecture for about an hour. The thrust of Rokeach's lecture will be the affect of television on family behavior, attitudes and behaviors. The fourth speaker, Dr. Jerry Rosenberg, will talk about the position of Americans in danger of losing their privacy. Rosenberg is an industrial psychologist and author from New York City. On Friday, April 16, Nicholas Johnson will cover the topic of the role of communication and the Supreme

Moral Majority debate scheduled The motives of the Moral Majority will be debated at the next Popcorn Forum by two experts from opposing sides of the issue. The forum is slated for Feb. 11 in the auditorium of the Communication-Arts Building. T~pics to be covered by the debaters will include the teaching of creation in the pubhc schools. censorship of books and literature, abortion and what should not be seen and heard on radio. television a.nd motion pictures. Speaking for the Moral Majority will be vice-president and national spokesman Cal Thomas, a writer and radio broadcaster with Jerry Falwell. Sam Brown, a former member of the Carter administration as the director of ACTION, will be speaking as a critic of the Moral Majority. Each speaker will give a formal presentation and a rebuttal and will field questions from the audience. Th_e NIC debate will be the third of such meetings by the two as they will have met m Portland and Seattle before their meeting here.

Court and the use of technology. Johnson is one of few Americans who has served all three branches of the government. He has been a member of the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) and chairman of the U.S. Maritime Commission. He is now serving as a university professor. Panel discussions in the afternoons will include 15 people, some of whom have experience in law, communications , technology and psychology. One has been a member both of the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) and the Internal Revenue Service (IRS), and helped write the Freedom of Informa- • tion Act. All students will be excused from r their regular classes to attend the •. convocation series.


~ tives of Moral Maiority topic of debate at NIC Fri., ,.b, S, 1912

The Coeur d'Alene Pren

The motives of the Moral Majority will be the topic of a debate 11 a.m. Thursday, Feb. 11, at the North Idaho College "popcorn forum" in the Communication-Arts Building. Among the issues: teaching creationism in public schools, censorship of books and literature, abortion and what should or should not be seen and heard on television, radio and film.

In one corner is Moral Majority vice-president and national spokesman Cal Thomas ; in the other, Sam Brown, former Carter administration official and Harvard Divinity student, and outspoken critic of the Moral Majority. Each speaker will be allowed a 20-


minute formal presentation and a Brinkley Report, the NBC Nightly five-minute rebuttal, then will field News, White House coverage and The Today Show. questions. Public admission is free. He co-founded the International The debate is one of three between Media Service for Christian radio the men scheduled in the Pacific stations, and has been cited for excellence in reporting by the AsNorthwest this winter. Thomas is a writer and daily radio sociated Press and United Press broadcaster with Moral Majority International. bead Dr. Jerry Falwell, whose proquote from Thomas: "The libergram is aired on 300 radio staliv:1~ 11i-,Ahave control of the United throughout the United States. He has States andlost show their loss by attackwritten three books: '"A Freedom ing groups such as the Moral MajoriDream," "Target Group Evangelism" and " Public Persons and ty." Brown during the Carter adminisPrivate Lives." ¡ Before joining the Moral Majori- tration was in charge of coordinating ty, Thomas worked for NBC doing ~.000 volunteers for VISTA the radio news broadcasts, specials and Peace Corps and programs for foster r1n,.11mentaries, the Huntley- grandparents and senior citizens. He


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Sam Brown






is a former Colorado state treasurer. He founded, coordinated and led the 1969 Viet Nam moratorium activities in Washington, D.C. He was the national volunteer coordinator for Eugene McCarthy's presidential campaign in 1968, and is a member of the Robert F. KeMedy Memorial Fund. Brown holds a B.A. degree in government with honors from the ' University of Redlands and a mas- ,. ter's degree in political science from ' Rutgers University. A former Rockefeller fellow at the Divinity School of Harvard University, be is the author of the books, "Storefront Organizing" and "Why Are We Still in Viet Nam?"

Moral Ma.iority, Old Left exchange barbs at NIC By DOUG CLARK Preaa Manarin1 Editor

Cal Thomas

Liberals are "spoiled brats" who throw tantrums when not indulged. Moral Majoritarians are intolerant, " mean-spirited" threats to a free society. The barbs were jagged; the combatants skilled. And the audience seemed to love every minute of it as representatives of the New Right and the Old Left traveled north to Coeur d'Alene Thursday to verbally poleax each other in open debate. The main event of another North Idaho College Popcorn Forum established a classic encounter between two powerful political forces in America today. Cal Thomas, former NBC news-

man and now vice president of com- suit, embodied conservatism with an munications for Jerry Falwell's con- almost clicbed "chairman of the troversial " Moral Majority ," board" posture. Likewise Brown, jacketed in articulated his conservative views against avowed liberal Sam Brown. Harris tweed, curly brown hair a bit Brown is a former Carter ap- too long and fashionably unkempt, pointee who heads the federal volun- wore his liberalism in a professorial, teer service agency ACTION. He laid-back style, comfortable as an served as Colorado's state treasurer, old shoe. Speaking manners were characwas a divinity student at Harvard and now represents " People for the teristic as well: Thomas, fast, but American Way," an ai:iti-Moral Ma- polished - his voice showing the jority group formed by television sit- training by bis years in televsion com king. Norman Lear (the man news; Brown, slower and emotional, appealing more to the predominantwho brought us Archie Bunker). The opposing ideologies were dis- ly college-aged crowd. But any favoritism shown Brown tinctly and dramatically different, seeming even to permeate the two was no doubt more an offspring of the audience's youthful bias, rather men's attire and appearance. Thomas, his jet-black hair closely than the abilities of the two men to cropped and combed, slim and persuade. For in that respect, the angular-looking in a severe black encounter was dead even with fireworks exploding from either side. THOMAS: " With the willing participation of the liberal press, our opponents have convinced some Americans - even before we have been granted a hearing - that we (the Moral Majority) are attempting to ban or censure library books, which we are not; that we favor capital punishment for homosexuals, which we do not; that we have a Victorian view of sex, which, I assure you as the father of four children, we do not; that we oppose all sex education in our public schools, which we do not; that we are intolerant, insensitive and bigoted to the needs of the poor and believe in nuclear war, which we do not." BROWN: " I feel sometimes, ah, Sam Brown the reason I'm carrying these papers Continued on Pare 16

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Moral Majority __

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around, I feel like a one-penon truth aquad. I have to cany around original docwnents because Mr. Thomas, he's a nice guy and would have you believe the Moral Majority ii Just made up ol a poup of nice people who are aolng out to present their views and they can present their views just III other people present theirs. " In fact, that ii subltantially dlf. ferent from what Moral Majority stands for ... a growing, and I believe dangerous, alliance between riptwing political poupa and the m01t rigid and Intolerant and vocal elements of the religious community. "1be consequence of that alliance, that growing alliance, accordinc to sources In the more traditional religious community, more speciflcally, George Higgins at the Jesuit Weekly magazine 'American,' is 'the uncritical and Biblical citatio1111 for partisan political purpoee, leaves DO room for the pve and take of politics. And when pushed to extremes could become a type of moral . ' f811ClSDl. "It ii that same narrow, mean-

spirited, critical, destructive form of religion that is making a rebirth today In the name of the Moral Majority." Thomas got his lieu 1n ftnt. Each man was granted 20 minutes, then five more for rebuttal. His main points were. to show the hypocrisy ol The Left and the di• satisfaction many people have with the ezcesses of government. "We have, in short, regrelllled from the ultimate, 'In God We Trust,' to 'Trust No One But 'lbe State," be lllid. 'Ibis, Thomas said, ball come about because of humanistic ohiloSODhie11, humanism being "plac-

inc man in the center of all tbinp CUllloa In a democratic IOdety.'' " Jerry Falwell inliltl be bu a and making him the measure ol all 'divine mandate,' a call from God to things." What the Moral Majority wishes go Into the balls of Concrea and to do,. Thomas said, ii to get back to fight to save America. " Now frankly that makel tbinp a the Judeo/Chriltian Ethic. " All of the law ii the imposition of little difficult for thole of III wbo J10meone'11 morality over someone don' t wake up In tbe middle of tbe else's. 1be question ii not whether night with revealed truth OD, what we impose morality, but whme mo- our position should be on the Panama Canal.' ' rality. Though 'lbomas didn't addrea " Whichever bas the best tt:ack record and likelibood for su~. whether or not bis group is manWe believe, as do millions of other dated by God, be ii convinced a Americans, that morality that mandate mats from a large HI· comes from, as all law comes from, meat of IOciety and that liberal the Judeo/Cbristian value baee bas elements are trying to " ml• the .best track record and providea represent our true intentiODS." Moral Majority, accordinc to the best foundation for an orderly Thomas, is DO more inappropriate society. "1be problem today is not that we than Martin Luther Kine (a minhave gone from the Judeo/Cbristian ister) or the Berripns (activist Ethic to another ethic. The problem priests) or other past religious leadtoday ls that we have abandoned the ers or groups who spoke out on Judeo/Cbristian Ethic for no ethic at political ilsuel. " Now the reacUon from 1C11De of all. We are adrift on a sea of moral relativity. Without a rudder and our liberal friendl can be likened to the reaction of a spoiled brat who without a compass." That may sound nice, Brown bas been Indulged with all tbe toys pointed out, but reality the Moral that be or she bu wanted bis entire Majority only demands "agn!eJDent life. And who, upon ftnd1ng a new kid with their views at the threat of moving In on the block, and wanta to denunciation as godless and un- play with that toy, like all other spoiled brats, throws a tantrmn." American. To 'lbomu, tbe Moral Majority ii "But, in a nation of different faiths, the element that binds us that new political kid m tbe bloc:t together is the common recopition and should be accepted with respect. that other people are not nece11arUy It is pr&life, pro-tradlilonal family, immoral, or unworthy of conmdera· ~moral, pro-American and • tion simply because we dilaaree portlve of llrael. But to Brown, the Moral Majority with them or because they diaaree is an insidious bunch of demcJ10111H with our theological positions." Brown said the Moral Majority who label and Ue about their oppofostered an "apocalyptJc" view, that nents and who are, "incomiltent" they pretend to have a "monopoly" with the "American tradition,'' the on what morality is, and that their "Cllristian ethic," the " Bill of narrowness and selfripteousnesa Rights" and the " Sermon on the are "clearly a threat to open dis- MoWJt."


By ROBERT FRANK PreH County Editor





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By the reaction of the audience, It was a no-contest win Monday for three environmentalJsts who protested the use of all herbicides In the Panhandle National Forest during a meeting of North Idaho College's Popcorn Forum. During the past two weeks, two of the panelists Frank Crary, publisher of the Pulpwood Press,. and Charles Sheroke, a Coeur d'Alene lawyer - have contended that the U.S. Forest Service (USFS) plans to use a wide variety of herbicides in North Idaho, including 2,4-0, Silvex, 2,4,S·T, Garlon, Roundup, Amitrole, and several others. They further point to the fact that 2,4,5-T and 2,4-0 wilJ combine to form a substance like " Agent Orange" - the controversial defoliant used in the Vietnam war. The forest service, on the other band flatly denied that it plans to use 2,4,5-T and reminded environmentalists that the EPA bas temporarlly banned use of this substance. Monday, however, Sheroke launched a new attack on the USFS. He protested the use of all herbicides in the national forest. "During these times, with our poor economy and high unemployment," he said , "the thought of increasing the profit of Dow C~mlcal rath· Charles Sheroke er than employing local people to do the same work is totally ludicrous and objectionable. lA>cal forest workers should be glven the first consideration." The partially fill auditorium immediately rang with applause. The controversy over herbicides was ignited several months ago, when the forest service submitted a lengthy study concerning its plans to begin a vegetative management project in the Avery Ranger District east of St. Maries. In essence, the USFS wants to increase the timber productivity of 60,000 acres of land In the North Idaho area. Some of those areas are steep slopes that have been overgrown with a thick covering of scrubs and brush. The brush in some regions, the USFS contends, is so thick it prevents the growth of trees. Consequently, it wants to cut back the brush and shrubs and Frank Crary plant more conUer trees. Sometimes the most economical means of completing that work, the USFS contends, is to use herbicides. The forest service report on the Avery District rlid " the cost of manual brushing and subsequent ma, ual release (of herbicides) would far exceed at rial herbicide application." In a 294-page environmental assessment, the l iSFS stated that vegetative management in some 1''ortb Idaho forests would be handled In a variety of ways -

manual labor, mechanical clearing, fire, and regis· tered herbicides. Each case, the USFS said, would be considered individually. " We are opposed to the use of all herbicides for three reasons," Sheroke said. " First, they are not safe from a health standpoint. Second, they are not cost efficient. And third, their use result a loss of employment for timber workers." Another major bone of contention is this: that EPA's suspension of 2,4,5-T is under consideration. Dow Chemical, the manufacturer of the substance, is protesting the ruling, and If it wins, the suspension could be lifted and the substance would be considered for use in the Panhandle National Forests, the environmentalists said. Three governme.nt officials and one representative from EPA all say there ls no way of knowing which way the decision will go. The protest has been in the courts for more than 18 months and nothing has happened. Sheroke and Crary, however, contended that the Reagan administration has stacked the deck in the favor of Dow Cbernlcal and other industries. AB evidence, Sheroke pointed to the June 1981 appolntr1ent of eillht new EPA officials, who have all served

major industries in some capacity. The EPA appointees include a new director - Anne Gorsuch - who formerly worked as a lawyer for Mountain Bell in Denver, and three top EPA man· agement officials: a Miami, Fla. ~wyer who bas represented General Motors and Eastern Airlines, a Houston lawyer who bas represented Euon Corp., an executive who is associated with the steel industry in Ohio. Bob Jacobson, from the EPA in SeatUe, this morning said be saw "nothing sinilter about having a number of appointees from the buline• and industry sector." EPA, he said, should be a mix of people from three different area - "academia, government and business." People with experience in industry, be said, often have a better understanding of "real world concerns" and "know where regulations overlap and bow they can cut through red tape." " If somecne can come in and cut through the red tape and bureaucracy," he said, "and acbleve the same results with less bureaucracy, that's great." But, even if the new EPA admlnistratlon upholds the ban of 2,4,5-T, Sheroke said be still opposed the use of any herbicides in the North Idaho forests.

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The Coeur d'Alene Preu




Sat., April 10, 1982

Buclcminster Fuller coming Futurist R. Buckminster Fuller will be the keynote speaker in the 1981~2 North Idaho College Convocation series scheduled for April 12-16 on the topic, " The Future of the United States: Wlll Orwell' s '1984' Be Realized?" The five-day symposiwn features five principal speakers and five panels discussing the relationship between tecnology and high-speed change, particularly as it affects individual liberties. Other keynote speakers include Dr. MUtoo Rokeach, professor of sociology and psychology at Washington Sta~ University; Philip L. Bereano of the American Civil Liberties Union; Dr. Jerry Rosenberg, an expert on the relationship of liberty to man and Nicholas Johnson, former law clerk to late Supreme Court Justice Hugo L . Black. The topics to be discussed include " Technology At Work ln the Future : 1984," "Using Television to bfluence Viewers' Political Values and Behaviour," ' 'Technology and Freedom : Does Technology Enhance Human Freedoms?" "Countdown to 1984: Is Big Brother Already Here?" and " The Communications Revolution: Political Decisions to Cotu1tdown 1984." Greek Forwns will also be featured with panels facing the audience and engaging in participatory dialogue concerning a keynote address. All activities are free and open to the public.

'Futurist' Fuller R. Buckmlnster Fuller, world renowned "futurist." will be keynote speaker In the 1981-82 North Idaho College Convocation Series on the future of the United States, slated to begin Monday. Fuller. Inventor and designer of the dymaxion house. dymaxlon car and geodesic dome, will speak 11 a.m. Monday In the NIC communication-arts auditorium. Author of the famous phrase "Spaceship Earth." Fuller will talk about the use of technology to prevent destruction of the planet. His address will be free and open to the public. See the convocation series schedule on page 14.



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I NIC'.convocation series outlined Capsule Look 1981-82 North Idaho College Convocation Series " The Future of the United States: will Orwel's 1984 be realized?" Date

Spea lcer*

Monday, April 12

Dr. Buclaninster Fullerll a.m.

Greek Forum •• Jack Steve Herb Webb Barry Simon Tuesday, April 13 Dr. Milton Rokeach



"Technology at Work in the Future: 1984" 1:30-3 p.m. 9 a.m.

"Using Television to In-

fluence Viewers' Political Views & Behavior Greek Forum

1-2:30 p.m.

Greek Forum

"Technology and Freedom : Does Technology Enhance Human Freedoms?" 2-3:J> p.m.

Don Sprague Barby Eide Corky Bush Wednesday, April 14 Philip L. Bereano

Dr. Charles Glock Peggy Fedje Ray Givens Thursday, April 15 Dr. Jerry Rosenberg Greek Forum : Friday, April 16

Greek Forum

Scott Reed Doug Clark Glen Walker Nicholas Johnson


10 a.m.

"Countdown to 1984: Ia Big Brotber Already Here?"

1-2:30 10 a.m.

" The Communication Revolution : Political Decisions to Countdown 1984" 1-2:30p.m.

Frank Needham Bob Brown Watt E. Prather • All keynote addresses will be delivered in the Auditorium of the CommunicationArts

•• All greek Forums will meet in the Bonner Room.of the Edminster Student Union.

Communications speech topic ~


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The revolution in communications will be the subject of Friday's keynote speech by Nicholas Johnson on the final day of the North Idaho Convention Series at 10 a.m. in the Communication-Arts Auditorium. Johnson, former law clerk to the late Supreme Court Justice Hugo L. Black, will speak on "The Communications Revolution: Political Decisions to Countdown 1984." Friday afternoon the Greek Forum will meet from 1 to 2:30 p.m. in the Bonner Room of the NIC Student Union Building. The panelists include former FBI member Frank Needham, NIC administrator Bob Brown and First District Judge Watt E. Prather. All convention events are free and are open to the publ!c.

'lbe term "Spaceship Earth" bas become part of the language. It is so familiar, in fact, both as image and as concept, that we forget that someone bad to have coined the term, some enlightened day. But only after originating the concept of what this small planet ls really doing in the universe. R. Buck.minster Fuller did both things, innovating a world-view no one bad thought of before; inventing a term that made the concept unforgettable for all who heard it, even once. No small accomplishment. But then, Buc.kminster Fuller's mind bas always been leaping into UD9J>lored regions. His special genius has been to find answers to questions which he was the very first human to ask. A visionary, yes. But no idle dreamer. A dreamer doesn't hold more than 1:1> patents including, of all things, a map of the world that presents the continents and the oceans in their true relative dimensions. For the first time, naturally. A massive one-volume ency~opedla calls Fuller an architect and engineer. That's factual, but hardly adequate. It credits him with the invention of the geodesic dome, a structure that can be assembled of the lightest modular components, and yet withstand the blasts of arctic winters or the ominous weight of antarctic snows and ice. A man could rest on such a practical and revolutionary innovation. But not a man like "Bucky" Fuller - if there are any such around these days. For what the abridged encyclopedia didn't have space for are the unique attributes of a mind that lives at ease with the vast reaches of the universe, while marvelling at the wonders balancing the life forms teeming in a small pond. Also missed in the short biography, is Fuller's gift of lucid communication. His ideas, whether on the printed page or verbalized from the podium, pour forth in startling abundance. he speaks as if he bad just dlscovered the world. As i.f be bad to share these wonders with bis audience. And do it all now. 'Ibat urgency of sharing has been his compulsion for this 50-year second career he bas carved for himself




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since retiring from the Navy, age rr. It was legendary decades ago, in the scientific community, on campuses, board rooms and when speakIng to the military. "He doesn't speak in sentences," said one of his admirers, "be doesn't speak in paragraphs - be speaks in torrents." True. But the result, amazingly, is coherent, luminous. And wonderfully stimulating. The stimulation that Fuller communicates arises from the fact that he never pontificates. He is never the guru. That's the role he doesn't want, despite the fact the audiences have seen him entrall would certainly accept him in that guise.

And he's still at it. At chronological age '1, he still sees the universe with delighted amazement. And pulls at his audience to share the view. He revels in the vast complexities of what he calls the "scenario universe," while cutting across the intricacy with breathtaking insights that are as original as they are easy to assimilate. His tenderness towards the global village is only equalled by his impatience at the neglect and folly with which the human family abuses its inheritance. he sees us as poor heirs, shortsighted custodians, squandering our Utile limited resources on weapons we should not need. Were we wise. Buckminster Fuller conjures up the night sky for his llsteners. In one sweep of the eyes, be asks them to ponder the scenario he discerns there. The light we see twinkling from one litile star has travelled to us for 150 years. Nearby, we notice another whose beam has taken 10,000 years to catch our notice. While not far away, a pinpoint of light is not a star but a galaxy, larger than our Milky Way. It started towards us three or four billion years ago. We see them as neighbors. But in time? Thereby hangs a tale, the Fuller scenario. With echoes.

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Week-long convocation • to explore '1984' theme by Sbarlyn Dittman

and Tresa Mclaughlin ''The Future of the United States: Will Orwell's '1984' Be Realized?" will be the theme for the 1981-82 NIC convocation series, which will run Apr il 12-16 and will feature five keynote speakers. The speakers, a different one on each of the five days of the symposiu m, will in clude R. Buckminster Fuller, Dr. Milton Rokeach, Philip L. Bereano, Dr. Jerry Rosenberg a nd Nicholas J ohnson. Each will discuss the relationship between the twentieth century high-speed change and technology, in particular the effects it has on individual liberties in the United States. The expression of Alvin Toffler in "Eco-Spasm" will be the underlying thought, that of "Under the conditions of high-speed change, a democracy without the ability to anticipate condemns itself to death." Fulle r wlll speak on Monday . A world renowned futurist who is said to be "this planet's friendly genius," he will address the topic of technology at work in the future and how it can prevent the destruction of the planet. Fuller will speak at 11 a.m. in the C-A Auditorium. Fu])er is a retired professor from Southern Illinois University and the Unive rs ity of Pe nnsylvania, a nd he was educated at Harvard and at the U.S. Nav a l Academy in Annapolis, Md. He has written 24 books and has received 45 honorary doctorate d eg re e s and over 100 n ationa l and international awards. Fu])er also has 138 world patents registered to his inventions, and he is 86 years old . Rokeach will b e the featured spe aker on Tuesday at 9 a .m. in the C-A Auditorium. Well-known for his research and applicat ion testing of human values used to describe the

political and social behavior of people, his theme will focus on data that shows television is used to change the attitudes , va lues and behavior of Americans. ¡ A professor of sociology and psychology at Washington State University, Rokeach received bis Ph.D. in social psychology from the University of California at Berkeley in 1947. He is the author of five books on the subject. Wednesday's speaker will be Bereano, who will lecture at noon in the C-A Auditorium. He will focus on the idea that technology enhances human freedoms rather than endangering them. Be reano is a professor of social management of technology at t he University of Washington and is an attorney. He was educated at Cornell and Columbia University. The featured speaker on Thursday will be Rosenberg, an expert on the relationship of technology to man. Rosenberg will deliver his speech at 10 a.m. in the C-A Auditorium. The theme of Rosenberg's address will center arou nd man's ste a dily decreasing control over bis own life. It will include the loss of man's decisionma king opportunit ies d ue to th e increasing mechanization of today's society. Rosenberg obtained bis Ph.D. from New York University in 1962, and is a recipient of the Fulbright and French Government awards. He also studied at the Sorbonne's Center of Higher Studies in Paris in 1957. Rosenberg is most widely acclaimed for bis book, " The De pth of Privacy." but he has also authored three other books on this subject. continued on p. 12

Paul Baier photo READY FOR 1984NIC President Barry Schuler and ASNIC President Jim Brewer flash their convocation week T-shirts designed by anthropology lnstnictor :Richard " Duke" Snyder. The event, which ls slated next week, will have a theme based on George Orwell' s " 1984."


The Coevr d' Alene ,,._ WM., March 31, 1912

Announcing NIC's big coming event North Idaho College President Barry Schuler (right) and Auoclated Student President Jim Brewer model their NIC Convocation Serles tee-shirts In anticipation of the event scheduled Aprll 12-16. The 5-day symposium features five keynote speakers

and five panels dlacuaslng the relationship between technology and high-speed change, particularly as It affects lndlvldual llbertles. All convocation activities are open to the publlc.

The C..U, cl'AJ.ne " -

TUN., April 13, 1912

Buckmlnster Fuller: "Send all the atomic bombs to the sun"

Buckminster Fuller Earth's 'friendly genius' brings message to NIC 81 RIC CLARICE Pnea Staff Writer

A frail , wblte-halred scientist Monday scbuffled onto the stage of North Idaho College's auditorium to a thunderous standing ovation. Buckminster Fuller, the "planet's friendly genhm," spoke to a capacity crowd at NIC on his life-time mi• sion. Fuller, now 84 years old, is detennined to avert the inevitable - to save mankind from Armageddon. The celebrated author, inventor, educator and futurist hopes to veer modem technology from tu seeming punult of nuclear annibllaUon to a direction that will elevate man's exlatance and Improve life. From his quest for a "united space-planet people" bas come 24 books, 138 patented inventions and countless academic honors. He coined the phrase "spaceablp earth" and for years bas been the guiding force behind the campaign for nuclear disarmament. Fuller bu overcome a pneration ol sceptics to win the respect of many of the world's greatest thinkers.

But on Mmday, be bad an even

toupr task. In the course of an hour, Fuller attempted to enlighten more than 500 Coeur d'Alene students and residents on the roots of his reasoning. Fuller was the featured keynote speaker for NIC's week-long CCll· vocation series, "The Future of the United States: Will Orwell's 1984 Be Realized?'' The confining time limit left Fuller exhausted and frustrated.

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ms audience appeared bewildered Fuller took Coeur d'Alene Cll an at times, but mostly enthralled in it, intellectual rollercoaster ride - ocbrief encounter with genlim. casionally rambling beyood the comprehension of most of bis listeners, then suddenly returning to earth with the slmpllst of concepts. Man's fate hinges Basically, his message is simple. Man ls the only animal on earth on passage of ERA with a mind as well as a brain, thus having the capacity to reason and Futurist Buckmlnister Fuller discover tbe physical and Monday said the failure of the metaphysical laws that govern the United States to ratify the Equal universe. Rights Amendment will signal the For the moat part, man has mis"disqualification of humanity" used bis unique gift, says Fuller. and its elimination by an atomic Rather than applying bis ability to holocaust. reason to improve his environment The 84 -year-old scien- and way of We, man has used bls tist/inventor llsued a statement Intellect to create an awesome explaining the unpleasant predic- means of self-destruction. tion following a speech at North Fuller compared man's intellecIdaho College. tual evolution to the biological func" I am confident that what I am tion of a bee. While the bee's purpose ls to colsaying ls true," said Fuller. "1be holocaust can only be prevented lect pollen to manufacture hooey, it by Individual humans demonstrat- also perfonns the vital functloo of ing uncompromised Integrity in pollenation. "He ls doing the right thing for the all matters." Pasuge of the ERA will qualify wrong reason,'' said Fuller. Likewise, man ls busy wt th an humans for continued We " in the seml-devlne" and help save civ- Important function In We, technologilization from nuclear destruc- ical evolution. And, like the bee, man is unwittingly perfonnlng a second tion, he said. Women are the continuum of task, but it is a negative rather than life, explained Fuller, "like the a positive one. "Man is doing the wrong thing for continuous tension of gravity coherring space-Island galaxies." the right reason," he said. National rivalries have ln"Men are di1CODtlnuous space terferred with the process, Fuller Islands," the statement consaid. tinues. Individual nations are competing "Humanity's evolutionary crisis ls a final examination of aplnst each other in a survlval-ofcontinuance In the universe," be tbe-flttest struggle. " We mly come into our best techsaid. Continued on pa1e 5

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Buckminster fiuller holds By CHUCK BANDEL Of the Chronicle

COEUR D'ALENE The world's superpowers have spent a fortune obtaining the ability to destroy life on Earth in an instant, and only superb thinking will prevent that fate. Futurist-inventor Buck.minster Fuller delivered that and other thoughts in a sobering speech yesterday to a full house at the North Idaho Colle~e auditorium. "The Uruted States and Russia have spent more than $6.5 trillion to buy the capability to destroy us all in half an hour," Fuller said. "The time bas come when we will have to do some super thinking to avoid an atomic war - or we will not make it." Fuller, 84, who sat during most of the lecture because be recently bad an artificial hip joint installed - a living example of technology, be said - declared mankind bas the technology to save itself, but technology has been abused. "You look at a bumblebee," Fuller said. "He flies into the flower in search of nectar, not specifically to pollenate the flower. "That is a classic example of having the technology and using it to do the right thing but for the wrong reason. "That's like humans with this talk of beating swords into plowshares. I say why not just start with the plowshares?" Holder of 45 honorary doctoral degrees and a graduate of Harvard and the U.S. Naval Academy, Fuller said be has spent bis life trying to find ways to benefit humanity. He used what perhaps is his most famous invention, the geodetic dome, as an example of how man has developed technology to make use of less material while providin'- more practical use. 'We have learned through the dome to make more for less," he said. "We are now able to do more


Buckminster Fuller on the survival of mankind. and more with less material, thanks to the development of such technologies as carbon fibers, which are many times stronger than steel." Fuller said the oft-quoted theory of population progressing geometrically while food supplies progress arithmetically is not a permanent

situation, but does provide a dangerous situation for nations that feel they must vie for decreasing stocks. "Geometric population and arithmetic food growth is not a permanent law," be said. "It is only a temporary condition that we can

forth on war, survival _..,.




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"Under the old British Empire the English controlled all the points along what in effect was a merry-go-round at the bottom of the Earth," he said. "That is still what the issue is about today. "The reason not many people knew about British control of the merry-go-round is that they didn't want anybody to notice." Fuller, occasionally raisin4t his voice to a yell, lectured those 10 attendance that avoidance of human destruction is up to the individual: "War is obsolete. It does not have to involve you and me. But instead of sitting there and asking 'what about atomic bombs?' the real issue is what are you doing about them? "When nature was created, we were put in a certain place in this universe and it was discovered through nature that the closest we could be to an atomic power plant, which is what the sun and all the stars are, is 93 million miles. "While we have the technology with rockets to send them, we ought to send all the atomic bombs back into the sun where they belong."


Fuller gave example after example of the good and bad in alt t.echnology, from complex atomic weaponry to a pencil. "You can take a common pencil and stab someone with it," be said, "or you can write a prescription that will save someone's life. It's all in the way the technology is used."

handle. We have the capability now to take care of humanity." Fuller, who covered a wide range of subjects, alluded briefly to the dispute between Britain and Argentina over the Falkland Islands, citing the crisis as a throwback to the infinite empire syndrome.

Producing an abstract-looking map of the world, Fuller demonstrated vital points at the bottom of the Earth, such as the Falklands and Africa's Cape of Good Hope, that at one time were controlled by the British. That control of the shipping lanes is what the current crisis is all about, he said.

Fuller noted that "Darwin predicted survival of the fittest." "The struggle between the nations of the world is based simply on the assumption that there is not enough to go around," Fuller said. "But I think that in the 1970s we came to the thresbhold and have embarked on the highest standard of living ever known to man. "It's up to us to ensure man's survivability."

WSU professor says TV can help society 81 DOYLE WOODY p,... Conwpondent Television can be Uled as a medium to lnOuence in a posiUve way "socially important" behavior, values and attitudes, a Wuhlngton State University profelllOr told an audience at North ldabo College today.

1n¡ the second day of the flvNlay NIC Convocation Series, Dr. Milton Rokeach, profesaor of p1ycbolo1Y and sociology at WSU, said bis work with television can be Uled u "a force for good instead of evil." "'lbe work with televilion represents our attempt before 11184 la upon

us, to employ tbe televilion medium, not to enslave people but to enlighten them and make them more aware." Prior to b1I addrea, Dr. Roteach showed a Âťminute televilion program, "1be Great American Values Test," narrated by F.d Asner and Sandy Hill, 'Yhicb addressed the values of the >.mertcan people. 'lbe Pl"OIJ'&ffl attempted to determine the order in which Americans place their values. Family security, world peace and freedom were lilted 111 the top three American values, according to the pJ'Oll'IID. 'lbe procram atresaed equality and freedom and that some people want equality for themselves but not for others.

Dr. Rokeacb said tbe program was shown simultaneously on all three networks in Wuhington state's Tri-Cities on Feb. rt, lffl. After the program was aired, Dr. Rolteach in conjunction with three minority organizations - an AfroAmerican group ln Yakima, Wash., the women's athletic department at WSU and The Committee to Paa Initiative S1 ln Seattle - sent out letters attempting to solicit financial help from Tri-Cities residents. The results of the sollcltaUon showed those people who bad viewed the program cootrlbuted over four times more mooey than did people who didn't watch the program, Dr. Rokeacb said.

Dr. Rokeacb aaJd the results abow ''the value of equality became more important" to people who viewed the program. "Attitudes toward blacks became leas racist, attitudes towardl womea became less seut and people became more enviromentally coacerned," Dr. Rolteach said. Televiaion could be used for " evil purposes," Dr. Rokeacb said, but public vlllgance would likely sup-

press such use.

Dr. Rokeacb said the '250,000 study, sponllOred by the National Institute of Mental Health, will result ln a book to be pubUsbed somelime in 11183.




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Power structure &lamed lor manipulating masses 81 RIC CLARKE Pru, Staff Writer

An elite power structure ls using modem technology to dictate every aspect of dally life in America, from the working place to the bathroom. That disheartening observation was the core of Philip Bereano's message Wednesday at North Idaho College. Bereano, the third keynote speaker in NIC's week-long convocation series, said technology hu eroded individual freedom of choice and has diminished the typical American's ability to determine his own future. The University of Washington professor spoke on the question of whether technology enhances human freedom , as part of NIC's probe this week into America's future entitled "Will Orwell's 1984 Be Realized?" Bereano suggested that Orwell's predictions of social control may be more realistic than Americans would like to admit.

Phlllp Bereano

American society already has its "Big Brother" dictating everything from how you do your Job, to what you watch on television, to what kind of toothpaste you buy, he said. America's Big Brother are the manipulators of modem technology. There is a small group of people that make all the important decisions, said Bereano. The important

life-controllng decisions are not made by those who are most affected by the policies, he said, but by those who will benefit from them. As an example, Bereano cited evolution of southern C&lifomla's smog problem. The average resident of southern California did not decide that Los Angeles should become a car-oriented society, he said. Instead, it was a well-orchestrated corporate scheme that transfonned Los Angeles from a city with a wellordered public transit system to a polluted snarl of freeways. LA's public transit system was purchased by a corporation Joinily owned by General Motor1, Firestone Tires and Standard Oil, he said. The new conglomerate immediately eliminated the city's nonpolluting street trolleys with busses to enhance the three owners' profits, Bereano said. And the next step was to eliminate the buses in order to get LA's masses into cars, which would bring even more money for GM, Firestone and Standard Oil, he said. Consequently, the people of Los Angeles degraded their own quality of life, but not because they wanted or chose to. Bereano believes technology, in the hands of an elite few, ls affecting life in America in thousands of similar wavs.

And ¡the values that foster technological progress are not always the most Ideal. be said. "The problem which tecbnolOI)' tends to foster is It tends to focus oo the means and not on larger goals," Bereano said. Computer-age efficiency ls a value shared both by technology and the American culture, he said. Unfortunately, high-speed technology does not addresa the quality of the final product, he said, but ooly the means of production. Bereano asked if the muees aren't threatened more than benefitted by computer data collection. Many people put in data, but only a few have access to it or can manipulate how the information will be used. Many of America's basic valuessuch as efficiency - are also the guiding forties behind technology, he said. There is no question that man benefits from technology by gaining control over his environment, said Bereano, but he loses his individual freedom in the process. Contrary to popular belief, technology does not extend a better way of life to more individuals, he said. Instead, it dictates a common lifestyle designed for the masa experience.

p;ivacy expert says Big Brother aided by computers 81 BILL GEROUX p,... Staff Writ• Computers will fold, spindle and mutilate your privacy unleu you fight back, a Rutgers Univenlty profellOI' and futurist said Thursday. Dr. Jerry Roeeoberg, author of the book, "1be Death of Privacy," told U.teners at North Idaho College's convocation serle1 on the future that "Information la power." Computen tbete day, can serve up a aynopais of your life at the touch of a fingertip and dlltrlbute il to people who influence your future, be said. Will you be llaued a credit card? Will you get a loan? What will your lnlurance cost·? 1be amwers, Roeeoberg said,

often depend on a computer prtntout' s Ulellment of you - a sometimes incorrect uaeament you uaually haven't seen or bad the op. portunlty to refute. Rosenberg said the law allows you to review such recordl, but many people either don't realize that or won't take the trouble to challqe the computer. Rosenberg punctuated bil apeecb with images of Winston Smith, the hero of George Orwell'• famoua novel, "1984," realst1ng the will of the ubiquitous, electronic Big Brother. " Your destiny la being affected," Rosenberg told l1Jtenen at the NIC Communication-Arts Auditorium. "Find out what recordl are being kept on you, and find out If they're accurate. "Privacy is worth Opting for,

Dr. Jerry Rosenberg

and If you don't fight for it and you lose It, don't cry about it." lnfonnatlon wa1 power even before the computer age, Roeenberg said. Durin1 Adolph Hitler's rile to power In Germany in the 111>1, be said, Hitler Uled even the meager information contained in cenausea to " Identify potential antagonists, weed out people and destroy them.'' Before computers arrived, Rosenberg said, compreheulve infonnaUon WU bard to collect and keep. Files were scattered, loat, destroyed, decayed. That changed in 1962, be said, when the Sperry-Rand Corp. introduced the first commercial computer, to help a New York inlurance firm keep its recordl 1traipt. By the mid-19808 a move wu under way to combine the recordl of

10 large federal agencies, Including

the Internal Revenue Service (IRS)

and Bureau of the Census, Rosenberg said. But the IRS and Census Bureau, who depend on the cooperation of citizen• in ptherlng information, helped defeat the merger because they tboupt people would be reluctant to offer Information for such wide circulation, be said.

Most computerized privacy violations rise from tbe private sector, be said, specifically from such agencies as the Atlanta, Ga.-based Associated Credit Bureau of America, which sells credit information to 2,200 credit bureaua nationwide. Continued on pa,e 4


c.......... - _ .

When you apply for a credit card, ROHnbel'I uld, the bureau can examine everything from your birth certificate to your school records to your marital status. And the lnfonnaUon the computer aupplla can be misleading or Just plain wrong, be said. For example, Roeenbert said, be ooce applied for a credit card and was turned down, be l•med later, because the computer records stated Incorrectly that he bad not charted anything In the paat 10 yean. He doesn't know where that mllconceptton came from, be said. Another man had problema buying lnlurance, be said, beca111e an investigator spotted in bis yard two large garbage palls full of empty liquor bottlea. Tbe investigator never took tbe trouble to l•m the bottl• were remnants of a glaa-<:uttlnc bobby, Rolenberg said, 90 computer records suggested the man bad a drinking problem. Until 1971, Roeenbert said, a citizen had no right to see what a computer was saying about blm. And although the Fair Credit Reporting Act cban,ed that, he said, many people passively accept the decision, of ' credit bureaus and such. That could be the flnt step to Orwell's 11M, Rosenberg said. He encouraged student, In the audience to have a look at NIC's flies on them. Rosenberg suaested the crim1nal element 11 making increased use of computers. Tbe vast majority of major thefts these daya are committed simply by redirecting funds tbroup ccmputers, he said, and unscrupuloUI buslne•men could tap into files of inOuenUal buslneu news servlcea and altering stories to sabotage their competitors. " Don't assume your right to privacy ls guaranteed," Rosenbert said.

NIC-TV PUBLIC FORUM SCHEDULE : May 2 through May 30, 1982

Spoka ne KSPS-TV Channel 7 Sunday 12: 30-1: 00 P .M .




Buckminster Full er: Work in The Future:


#47 1

Dr. Milton Rokeach : "Using Television to Influence Viewers' Political Values and Behavior"



Philip Bereano : "Techonology and Freedom: Does Technology Enhance Human Freedoms?"



Dr . Jerry Rosenberg: "Countdown to 1984 : Is Big Brother Al ready Here?"

5- 30-82


Nicholas Johnson: "The Commu nications Revolution: Political Dec i sions to Countdown 1984"

"Technology at 1984"

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