nyder laces ex charges
nsLructor to be tried for alleged ontact with middle school boy
JIJ\b Stud<tr . '"' ,,,.,:i.,,.,
M1at11\;'. 1n~1rvi;1,1r TodJ Sn)dcr. ~(i. w~ artc)lcJ
h 16 OQ cturre, vi lr•II cor11Juc1 'a 11h .\ lnlll(lf
dtr lb 11,.11J po~·M:u1<1n nf ,c1.1.11 l1) C'llrlnt11\rC
3ttt11I 11,c chat!_l:ct 11p,1~J from SnyJ.n'" .t-llc_,ecJ
l-1 •uh• 14-)C'.U·dtd 00)' lnvah·«I wllh lht'
11tW' J Al roe Youth S) tnr,l~J• .,bu,)h Sn:trJf°r
ln k~po,n.lC lll lhc i:tu1rgc."• ~cydC"r hi• t,c«
•rtrkkd "'ilh pa'° fron, hh b.J..~at~\ll•r'ICI 111b.c
lq1¢ r.u1d ;, cn1>duc1o1r ,,1 the Coeur ,r Alen<
1:nrhony Orchom1 Ht-"u lln:J from hu potlliUII
c...adtmPf ot lhc Coeur_ d· J\lr.ll(' ''®lh Symphony.
1d1 11 ilt•I nwc.ukJ wuh 1bc- (\)IICEC
Scuil(nu am"td M.tri;b IS to ht11J a 11o4.c l'lQ
)•,for'• "'mce d•llll ••Yi"I Ii<"•' ,ic.~ asufthc en 1,1.:bcJvl"J h.lf th.u tti,:h, ""A• c:lln,.;ckJ nt.11
d.ay, ,tudcnu 111 '°itl)'J,.•r'• \hmc IOI clau 10111,J a
hi.ICC' uy1n1 tbc:11 IC'tl lLIJ t,c,ct, f'l'•IF'Of'tcJ '\1'1.cf rC'IUming rrorn ,rtiltf t,rl!a\., 01cy lc.m1.:d lhrrc \IIUUJd he nh '""'' and Sn)'J.cr wquld DOC r('t\Jrtt 11.11 I.he t\'.'mlllndcr uf the IK'~n.-r
"l'\'C, QC.\CI J.CC'n hhu he ,n.arrrCl'rnuc." Jon,·• u11J 1-tc:ll<IJ(d tJ1;i1 he h.td nc,·cr •·hc.uJ •
r l1om an~ 1u..scn1, II~~ ,ti.ar-rd
The ,in,in.al ttporl hlc:-d M.ah:h I l .acc1i11cJ ~n)•k•
1<1uat t:011ta1.t .-ub t11c boy on \1,m:h Ju JU
)Jc,•, H•ydcn Lile hncno:'
!1udd1Uon. Sn,·JM" ch.urc,l w1t11 rouculoa ot
IJ flO"NJJIIIJ!h~· A1.,.,,tJ1n1 tn ~·"II dUUlmfllb, n SO)'tlc,·, huuw wa, Ilea" bed 60 "11J«>1•fl'C'1 •etc
unJ a& h-1-,1 !O nl •hich dt-r,1:tcd ,;hii.tm1 U, H'U
I nr younacr. In .wJi1i,'fl pi,li C' roun,t Ille~ 111r1, ;umc,, l6J •nttcn autcnal hi,vl,.tnc IWl.l"
ilJtro mJe\.u•liu111111,or11
,\ho rouodc.'ln 1hc 1<tnc \\C'rc •he ti....)'·~ 0111('rrrnm
d,11,,um.:nh uiJ
ThC"tC' h oc b«u rut11Clf1o 1M1 tbe fflllenal fourhl 1n
y\k1', hou,c d1J nol ,n't-••hc t:.hJl1h,:n
"0..111'1 brhc\c 11~ rumoo~·- u1d Dt1t(U\C' lCcnt
1ntUQ o( Koc.,lcrut Cuui,ty Sbcn1r, 01r1ce
M,1o11111thc tUJ!itn1-i1(,1f 1httt11W:
P,11icc lc,1.mcd o.t 1hcc,cnu after Ill( N,) IOld wmc
to,h al ~buol 1h.lt h< llwvtrht tk• •4, 11•> b«11uw
bi.I kl\.Kc,l an ohStt m.an The b<ly ..aid he ~·•t
)tncJ M:" uw if hi. 1.11nll)' tt,utkl out he "'<tttltJ be
0,1~c hdon: .,hen hi, pJrcnh h.aJ h111Di.1
'ffiOJBphy he 11.:,;.clS<'d oa Ille btnil) ('llllll'Utcr. he
o IC'ftl to 1;:00111eli111 bu1 ·111ih.J11·1 J,) 1111)' r•X"KJ," he
A1."Cnnlint to pohcC', lhc t,oy·, ntflCCfflC't1 lr1C'nd1
IJ • cutuuclt.tt at Wuodland MtJt.llc School, ~Mch he
nih llic: eoun,c:lc•r t;1'1fllf1Ctl•IJ 1hr bo)'•, fulhrt •ho
t U.p • lime lllf tht ho)' to RIC'C'I •11h p,fitC'
SS\'06~ i:1111llnlltdcm P~J<! II
Wednesday Apri l 11 2001
POPCORl>H OR , Popcorn Forum Special Sec
Student pops at Forum
Rock alarms disrupt campus
1.1~ 11halc,..i.J~a11dlunl c-1,.,f..w.atu1c.,t.t111kn••ll<a11i.'CQ IL.II I• ..,....h1..Jhis1.hed,,111rjan Then d1C'ft'..-.mnc lr.u.lcrc.nt.b-.tai llx! f,d.1'-Ml:tllOWIIIWiu.tittrt&b
\\'l\ic I WMICIOi:noM •111twdaJI \llld. "1\bnw l1Cmmold~rin11.nc Th,'N'.'A!tfhlfdi-..n.
lhc IPSf('A ~·)Ql'-old LIJ.IJ..'bll ~',\fald ,\lb:u" TI\IJi'J.\ "".It\ a,t"Cb.,I Af'Cil41n~,r,,!l1\lcll-Vlffl• ormmpiiroto1~dk-t 111111Af
rm1nSt"lla'H.all-1pulkdiiltfi:rc· &1.in1ulilh•U4uc)otl:Qlnl) nlha1-P.o11JJ. tbt\l,;i.11.
o.:tri.:~"" t11 lht- ,.•unit.-a.• Oi«ldh 1aiJ H1·fll'l~ ~ltoN1btiugh
I-« n,.;1 in11hc stn •lm:"tr "'~ IOCbctUm. hllJ tlott.nflf\tllt1 lfln111Jh1ht-ml\ld uf f'('.f/a:! '4b.t bi11.I C'Ur\l d~ lli.11IIL1""" 11 wnOrtlntl-.tofrlUll)C-.aJChl 11r 1to11h hlt11 v.·ilh lb: hdptf • Y.1tnca "ldd1'1l.Ml=ntottcJMn)."
u1J Al~ O..'dQt, haJ
OCl.linaJ TnrjUlu. he brr in kl 1111 to lhc
,,._ On lh<en-J°"1i<ll> •ct1c:ron'ICl'1 n~llinoltvm.. Wbali.,m l!cJn.u.l Tru11llohtrfllt•
-.hi.U!nf; lllllabul( ~'\llll Ql'C 1'oi~Ufllli1P Julnan1ttt!J!S(,fn11.,,,.., S.~nc: \\1~U1d hd nicmt11 Mlbc r\.y\.'im hll'\ln\, v.Ndlc:-- hn-r bcm• m,uarnualljtf(KK' •lii~d~ l d:IO'C ¥1tml~11mhkfflw& ~""1 n~NCt-•lfff"'"iU11'4J• f'."tl:h mlhtAlf":n.-anlo:dian~1n~•• 1lll'lhu11*1'f'l'il lf1AWJ!.ld!IOO ,iblhc: J\.ip;1mhwum. lt11,>i 1art:i,· Msnmut:d,·n:11>· p.,l.«1aJrop,nJ1,,11..1l1blldp \..."l:"lft) trlfl1t1Jt.-.on1al tl-n ann\J OicdA.1b NW TnrJilw D......_ ttw., CW"'llmll) .-, Q, • \1Ulknb v.*hcdTnlllk,~llllll)d1.ab.u j(C'tlfl1r tuunc 11D 1m1,, shma: h.l·n 11/xk~'tza.lC"mhrbi.i l1is11""St-i;.urcydidn'tl'\m~lbc'llilf1'-''t .~..1- l>udy=--.1.im. Cbxh1Du...t Trutlki'u1.,1)' rndY\"Jncii:1luia) .c..t"'4'1 from UlC ch•_. too ad &.mill ,i;..h,I A ~11,~~ fltn:w abii.k11:pll't(d llllll lNjdJot1o ~aMlll.'\Jsi1 I~ ...S+.:har)lidlftlllkb:,,· AJP'M' ~rnr~O-.ffl'1ffllNl..'tll"lfl n..an w.,lh AA U\.ILl..
rustees vote on two key issues
l.1¥)11.·,1 k'rne..l't
anJ ',\IJJ
».: ihc;tt11M:" oilffldl tttu a JlO" ,ng
ttar.J lt0111trdftill!JJ ICf\o "t"laralal•
latir:d tiudtnl p!)p,ILlbon
We do "ffU#t:Jc ,ui thn d:riut>n. ,,1
.S W1r lbrNra O;mih.tl.t!ft_
Sl.1t1'pr1 •htkolJ,""''"'-• lJaM:t 11) •1 l'-..:•lluP1iJt.11jtU1ftwlkllll 11.289 rer ,cm.,snJaod hlk. ,\~\IC'~. tt hjhlillf ror ,oruc c)·r.·'" cnmprun11-e becv. ocr1 ,.i~111i tultaOCC'ai& )'Clll mill c1.•1un,,U1.11; the: uw.n:.,1.Q.11i '*' ICW'~ Fail. hoWfvcr hnnmin1u1r.6:L ·all ,i11"''tl.1~.-ti.a:ih:~n.r.dt= ~id l lq1t"ii'111n-.1•t,1 Y,b,J(" 101nc ~IJJC'n,,. nu)' wDk •1) ~11Xtak'l'\lb.ltlidca.l!.wl)' \iJt11k!r°lll,.:ftuf.ps~dli11nS),·11Vf1Cd.i •1t:a,. • 1~·11t11m..,L'11boJW•b1l1t Khml hcntJiun, \lllJl't1h V.11'1lkndWYf'-UII "'utlict tiw,1,1 lk"Y.I. lbc (UM' d';\lmr Tcnni~AGoxa.rta,,cu, ligt11Jri IJ~ d 111~1.fl.hc(o1 1r lnlt11\~,.,lt\lbC'll~ Jo,.11othcUJ111Ut1c:twnufthc1,l,,nn Tbc (1ilq,,: I\ ttqll,1n:d ,u ft.T'I.-.;"' l~('uU(Lt o,,.·uh nn outib.ir nUQt,110 Ca1!11)' ,-it~ nlue Rqn.·11Ub,o ln•n lhc' ( ,l('lar d
h;J,...., \t•l'll\'t11sb.ilUlf' A.J.i~ttr tht- r-., \1 Qlimpf..q,- atwllJI :'lo re h(w\l d lru I« trnoba,. OK'J • pl.w1 ll.'I h(Jl1I, .ttutllia, lmdcntt.tiiumpP, trim ,\1cAnul
h:.kl mJlbc MU!ICU!fl 1IC Sri IJ.111111
ftQllfll loCUl.t~ li"t'til 11.l ,1ucknt,., l'-'GN ltW'mb:n "tll r.llUC'rad,111: f«. lOO~il bum ilOVJ
i..."Ol)aJIR::nll R,,ofts frt>ffl WC~ ,;,ffl k, IWdmt ta,.i ti1J11111hn•n.l ,na,,..._111't' 1~.,.1d11bC11 c~p:-nc.UJ:•".\1C' Sti»:nll\l:m'.'atnlt\JDII!' ln'\11.'CI, rn,pa!IUI. cbc fflYl.flll1tllC'tlC uf lbe ~e.1k"ircwm!lllll(ll't'U,I001lf1JC"~ .ac \\di a,dicira'deftlRo.111111.,ll.b11& MC The: IU'Ct." m:t'l\(,J lliiil:11 nYO.J fMD NOtknl• llll'II t1t'cmyl111.'1l1t~,~M~.thc,~cJi1ull'I ,t1.d~1.tt•llb.:C".llllpl1.~cnk:ts aw1111r'.11.hcra1·11udo1a.illl#uwcm.1-.ot.ms, ~(I, tcu'imi hUI))' kW, l1'llf\L Roill) J1,1,m\. ,i.,r of 1d11'ti'1!dt1lb\~ 'ICF\it.-a., rtt"C')ltd 1hr rl.s• 1, bomd mc,nt-.;n • tht'\1.tr..hftn'tlnl, lwr,na \1111 p;ar\Jn," ...._,mnluna uuiJcms t:••n01111,1Uyc.unpfam~. PA1U•j,!'l.(i SIILrrn.ll:cnn.11nutJ P.it'
A,~ohhu~ 10 Ttrl) fon.:,. mu,,, lrl1.IN(h,)r and b.,,i.l duci:1nr, 'in)Jn'• ch11o.c1 hJ>tc bc<"ll l:ii.tn u\'fJ ti) Ocbb1c 01o~llf·O'Dc1I ud 811ti S1nfll:Ur) r,,.. 11\c: ,crnc:,1rr Nl/ill,lilz:;,;;,_
C.mpo.11, Iott, and Paul CIMlclwtta hold down Sl1•wndel Trujillo, 1 tUlpoct witting for 11141 am va l ot polloe lo make the arrest 111 a btokon wtndow Incident.
NIC oecorlly olllcert Bob
Jlc v:n-...J lO I.U)'t IIIJ,ltl *1J , I~ 1111pnlhllul,f1• _,..,. .....~.,_....,,,_ Frank Maxon ot I.hi HJC maJntonance depa,trnen1 IWN,,. glH• Ott the 11- ol the Boswell F9ye, 1t1&r I rock Wat Uwown 1hrough • hont en1r•nce dc,or, Tht window wn rep!Jlcod ltt1< ln lho day.
uition goes up 8.2 percent Shuttle gets nod JQT) '-•m.,r ,/ Iii.or lhclt'"ffl:WIIIJIJID~allhtLv.lbu.lnJ lftbCa: m«1mg "'-fltll hanl 11rn~ bl&o1aic.cwt,11'111,,11,1l loi1t..in,.'t\iU!knl1"1lll•1rtU ~II( lllt'te.D(' andCll.ll 11(' ,11:11CICUdCJ11• illk'C' a 7 f'"\'ffll l:,crr:l'tC' (.Wft'tllly. tft· •wJail:, fTtY~ f..:t' "111NCS lll~~ S10l •1c.b1;21(-1Rert",tliC'. Out·of '~Ill< f',J)' '$l}i8lJtK-"*
\lit.Jc lllll.lN n1C"1nbm h,,\' ~,-n ~t=~r,~~!':"~'~n( U111ta11,~ ttn~o.ull m411U1ntJ M il."h"11l1at.itlilltchi....cfinM"111all~ kw ... AUW)Q ~ho.--..l1llf(' nm1n1a.~S1lnJ !'qwn1.• 1~,rron lilid XK"1,.u1hQUl."sktl'C'lhci,ow.lc-'Pll'llt.UQ uc,n:brthiYI" 1\1,1"'1 Olb;;lldl IIDUtudoo "'-.~ Thcl'nl\rf\11) 1J(JJ.lb,.ti1ilS ,,,c. o,
Altnt S"°"•nJ Tr.apCluh snJ lbc ('n:u.1 ,J' \knc Tmmt A~ -.,.11111• ~th: \fmb 1nct111tJ Id 1,#)· 11• 1hc ,nnncd n1uf ,-l ttic p'cl'(-rh l'hc p&\.'l'tt'rll K \,JuoJ Ii moor, z 0 I:::, Iw IV') w LU V') ONLINE: """'·nic.cdu/scn11ncl
It TOBCp 01
Former student body president, wrestling star, speaks at I\IC
by JtrQ Munter Nt"M·rEd11r,r
ltic MIIN)o(UnllOO Swc, ,o;unc). Fe11rb'ltw
c(lh: ,1rU#Ulll11t(1aomp.1.,narty lC1 )~
•go ll1"I he~ ooJ IUoll< '""'f'll"'Y·
O,uc:1. Wuokry. lhe blokvlol-•na. .ii..w
•""'1"'11 fllamom ond,tudm bc)(Jy .,_
Today, Woob) timc.u.vch"8'.
ICn» the C(IUIIIJ) 30J ~pctlb to tul et-'C
l varicc:y offl.lbCNI. b~ic.Al incl gJoblli
r--.ues dllll coolJ aOC'u wit II~ .mcd.1)
WC>Ok,y'Qid N(Cpliyrdtbu.gcnlle.m
l'w:tplng him dm c dcn\i, lhe n;ht QIN(1 p:ith.
He~ 10 XfC on ll w,uitirtg dlolriip
u·bm lb flopo V.:1.S held cco.:h Uk! the
c.:an:i~ "''Ma kw l'!Oldinp:walltr.
"ldldn'1l'l.'Cl)#J'.l.i1e 1tallctlwnebac.k..""
Woola) said '1fidl.an.i:ahomuch"
Ourin, huda)\1t5aC'llrdllW. Woolery anJ
1C11Jnllllle,. "ltcre htbtJ tuC"ttt)" nuK:b. no
nlllt1crbow far l\\·~y UwA.11orWtlilll die.
n.i;oo/11 t<Jlml.fflffll \\'Mi held in WMhingioo.
MJOQ. ''Ca.11 )W lfflll¥10C mlwg- a bus tn diede3d
"I had the best /W(J ye11rs of my life litre."
Q,qd NlC •lumnu.•
(l(14i,1tct&o,\11J~"·bca,.1;oo. Woolay i\iuJ dunn, 1.l:cyi.1hc mm', b.t4:ct~lJ tca11'1~~'~'"i:n;1hctna)Mtyol thclnl\·dll1ft~~ (romlho~oodgt"t -111cy n~ '-"'O)'""hctc, he Wd. Afterhi!i cwel\MJ~ holcaindo \(lfflelhlna al~•1111. WtltlkT)" dcr:iJcJ 111 nm for :i.tudco1 goumnd He wd he wan4...t let k-;am d'lc: g.;K'CntmcDLII ~·1111.L: hcUtt \0
I.he ldU'n coukl IQbhy (l)t flltldut&- He bcciu:llC
\·I«~a( 1hc !.!oden1 ht,tyhl" rir.1 )ear ;iod v,• able 10,ra tu, tenm 1Jic nJdOc'y Uicy ftCabJ to Oy In MtllnC'MU.
WI.\ 11npo,,~ lo W«*ty. ii W¥biOIOf!)' tbal auraruJ him Ille too:\t l;nhlino.'d b)' '" lim Bunt\. biokl.W,-brixmnc.11 new pit<o\lr1t11n hb 1tr.c "' Hcctuaoged my It.fr Woolery t.111dof
Bum, •·11c got ru:,,r:4-c,tahboot biology."' All<t ,-i,,.,g biology cbrougbw1 o.., N'onb1,1,~ 1u:id New kl'.lle)' IWJ 1,i\u11~"'0IUll 1o~~•~o.l u:tM'l,m and Mt)('lrul "'""CUl'U)I, Wnoli:syclccicbl Id 1.tltt adlffcrcn1nllldmha'(tllft('T ·roJay, WOOlct), b &be~ Mh·°'.xi)'
(or 1h<Camplgn rorGJc,1,,1 a...s,, lloUl\tb O\a')' cuupl.: n)()lltl» 10diff('ffllt patb ~t Lli-: Uni.ta! $1lilG.-. Id talk th:lut 11 bnndful of hiulo&Y ...i lllllimAI IIX'Uril)' 1rlutooi.\."UO Woolo)' \h,i;u,._ ponlill)' Utrc;u on IC'ftQn\flt. \he !\p!1:ild<>f~I-- ot "*" inf«tioo,d1.-.ca.V,!.i.,.«onamic an&f/CII' 1:nvimnlTX!lul Jm&ubilily. grmocldo.llid dlockvck,pmcl'II ()fbi<1genet:i,.: we:.tillOlli.1 Durit11t th:il trt1\'CIUIJ{ li>Op, bt,'s WW w P"'P' u, v.......,vcr. 8.C.. Seoulc. Pan!Jncl, Tri-Cltinandoow Cocwd'Al.w Ot,·i.nglw.bioloa>''IJ(.'«hApnl 2."'·n.sit'I llJC' (mt woe be'lCOOIC"bld IO Nit. Wookr) amlC back fw .in ah.1u1N wmtlutg n:inu;h 20 yc:llfl\alr,-O.
··Jgo< my i,u>I uck<d," hcbugbo,l l.A>oi<iOJ; t,.,ci:. Wool<')'<*' "'l' NlC ur«><d bl., cot=""""' u1<1 howl>< r..i., passioo in hi\ job ~a bJ 1hc bcl41,11u ~:lf\l my llfc. brrr," he J.
Online registration in midst of tests for fall semester
Long lines., C00\1en1cnce
rea.,on for new u.:chnnlogy
OnApnliO.nb.,u>&.lll '>lWCnt, hokllJ watt "'·Jwo«aooneha.1ftlQC
Wcll.•kil-rllfNlC. 'Jhi:'\IC,.awtr'lb~~w
parbeif*tnl; in ~11'11.inc
Recimr Rdw'd &,·,m, Yid he
.u.1en,. .,.....uy JWfJapait
~M'.lfflt moyk-gniJuming.
tit.mesitt nr W)' ml)' nnc f«I
mnfonJb~~ w11h
..unpw.ors IO ttpslCf oo!UlC' S11K1ccw,\\('rtclomtmo.&nt1
tbcu"-udvb«.I.\QtpwncnL MCl'il
ldvt'loC"" m SDJdcat Scrnca. ltMCrtlClte~bbbom
fq!iYC'ffil lorlheit ratl cb\'Q 11)
a k'M rua or the ~mm.
,..II \\11, I bmingnpcnan,"'
~id:Taini H.aR. .-h·ismgand
11 Jor:c
ina(ltJnll'OJlcd(n,·ironmcnt \\llh
•M,a,;MU.ing'Wllh\tllt.lcsll'lin thcacM,er'~~-"
S~ a.re rcpk'OR£ mfmc
ctti.J WCll:k ftotn 1:J5a.m. i-.,
11:.SOrm 'flw:~ieabaNc
10 n:coplit,c.th:11 Audcoi:t.lt.Wt
l,cfgn: IJIIII IJme. Stllll.."'nb -wtl) ht
oblc"'l"'Y tbcirw,lioo onlinc.W11.b -mdit -.mw
I">'-"' ihtJtlUl{l«llV 11llowl.htw11l
Brv.>n, ln'Mfpl'lc:t'l{"i. Ahtt f>luJrnr,. .im. «glM"""", !he) ,11 be dzri:,.'1Cdiot.lkta10Ul''t)'llilloul Uldr~pcrii.TICC Th:)' v,11' be a4l'd li'¥~10t.i~(tUC'lkll.'ISwi..ii a,, "'Did )'(IU lile onUne ~gi..rniillf."' 111d How c.L,y \\il\lf!"'
The 11bull)' co n:gisctrlmLir>e "'u bt1unao.1 cifl •1tc-, ·r1,c~JY Sludenl\ \\Cl'C IIO'II 3 lt."OCf om•rwig twcak inviti.na,*"' lit pu11CIPM<' m the C\"CDL S.IJdl:nlij ~hodul'Utwl~ dtUr:t will OOl be aNc co,egi,i«nntinc 111 lhi,WU<.
Bc,.uu. '-llld be'• hoping to hoveCJlllweft'jtislRIJon.,,·o111:ib~ lollll 111 Ottirmbctwhtn lhc)' qiger lat lbcu- "rcmJ c1,...,. locom,n, f~ "'-'ill DClt be able LO ftll..~t!llltne Ld.11 chcll ~iatl~.n.lW.LI C'rtrollnrnl 11rudcnu will fW\'lbclbl)' ootbcabletoa:alLllc.'-VIS 11Udcra, •1U 'lllJ be:~ 10 ttSUl« ~11.ha If tbey h,s~ I.be :lpp!\'1'1n;lllt Mgtl!IWIQ f""11!hclr,Jvi..., fWl ..M'.lmct(l"1llbo l?WIY ll.h-~f<>cwJcw.w1lb Oflhottcg:if.~1. Stuik,it." •·,U
re a"tik to~pmd up co an boor _.,,on1..,,nJJ,r,l,lc IOdol'Whm-vrflhe)v.id. There wsJl t.bo be 00 hms hlt' wYth rcpihr «'$1!,'ltmJCWI ' I lhmJ; th111 •·1.U Ix- really na.c for the ,a~ Haft "id. H.:aft wiiJ ,l't(: lhinlr., Mime «tti.~1n11ionwilll.it..u.lalh fflllrt:lillhr:lr.J\•IM,'f\lltlil;:fe \\·Ill l'IC bC'tta ud\·bins Di\orunmq:"J incbJc \ludtnlt. mw>i~"'1c<lulc dwq.~ fnwt1 v.tlal k)' Ji..~v.ilhlhr:irlld\·l~.
8c,.1nuS&liJn:lya.n:oo awnpuccn h~ 1¢i' r,n,1,1,,, "'YCAI'to dcpcodin1 OD I Qltllpu&cr \Y*JJI. Md )W JIUI t,op.-c,,ny1.b1ny J'I~ 11.oc." be
•Advising Qiy kdly for cominuing ,1udcnt, ·~y.
AJril 17
•Wednesday. April 18
Chuctt Woolery talks about blologlcal terrorlam during speech at NIC Woole,v Is a former student body presl and wrestllng 11ar who graduated from NIC 30 yeara ago.
ASNIC prepares for studen body elections next week
bJ Linda 8all Sent1t1t'ln'JN){1tr
Al tbr Man:h ISASNICbocard 1ntt1ina ~:1-Mknl J1111cl F.1lk culkJ for ''new MQQJ"' ,u I.he ,1u.Jcn1 JlM'mm:nt It la.~ like she- fflA)· ret it Pacttis lo, 1he UP,.'d11tmg kllldcilC Jrl)\w1unct1l clttth,iL, 1'-C~ due ,\prtl .\, .u"1 tbcte IIR IC.lflllr' new n~ and l.tcc1. 'Tbcrr ~,u be 1v.-o p,ffldc,ul..i c~nchdatcio-Owe W111l11m,. v,.t,o·t • fn::l.bm.an stnaeOf chh )C-ill, nd J11111e. llaal.v.·ho'1 fl(WIOASNIC 1\1,,a ,uidem-' an: rumtini '°' ,·kc·rtc"edml Jodi Pa)'DO t, the aun.-n1 vttt·ptcgidc,u after ta.king tbt fOitlm ()\'Cf from ~hke Lively \'\lh&1 ~,1.g1,cd lut Ul(IIIJh Julie Bhtm¢. ftt.t1bmM M:tutt•r thi~ )·<ar,"'•111 hwL The ~I cb.lioa \·ocl:na will he helJ ApnJ H't, 17 ind 18. Qa)C,al clccl.loo dcbltcs will be bc:IJ ArnJ 16 lltl ooon 1n lhr SUB lundl.tQ(ltl1 Falk i~ al"'l f'U\hinj f« a po.id CMMwr JK),.",Uion for ASNIC. Thia 1ndw1ooal ~oulJ 1.ule the bunkt1 orr lbc-11Wmn~111.tivc po,ition ll"1 otgflnvo 1hru a..-0\'ltie«. II v,:oold be G l)O'ltiuo wrlh ltttdum uut\lJc die oH'kc 10 oJ.,scJYc wh11f J JOi.ng oo with tbe campuJ. ASNIC can d<'icidc oo 1h1 ~hiatl '° long A, if\ r111hdt-~L Thc:lt bwg,:1 MA lo be Dfltl'O>Cd by oh< boatd of
News Briefs
American lndian Culture Cemer planning continues AMt~ecwn"iluo:~uf'cdlel( ttpn.-...COllll.,a,m:l Coeur d'Alcoe Tnhal membm arc nc-.-ty tini,hcd With~ dc.-;i)!ll ptmsc_ tithe A.mabn lndinn Cub.In Coitcr-111 Nl(' Johupo.ul 1..-s ofIt~ & J«k.', Arthil«tsoC SMtdc Mi been"~\\ 1lb l.bCCUlllltlU!ile .lliOO: 13,1 f.aU co dc>1gn lhtttr1tcr'tl"t 14'0Uld NJC .iJ the C«wd'Aloile t..'\lf$WllUlliC)' _,,..~ y-hyproj«I, 11-.:ludln,thcSrnkh.i..:wi1t1t1u,W~1Ut. D.C.
11\L,lto. h ~ill be pr1:-'-eoteJ :II tlh:u M1y 1ncc11og
f 411: ha, Jonllk'd ~200 Imcu btr prcllidetMllll
d1"rt"l.h...,.. fuml 10die"
The) idk,w NIC to t.tc.11, "l')Urt\ ~lUlpnitnl at thru focilil)' aru.l Alw h,,·c trarnm1t»c:1htK'I ltlf~IC's hl~,d111ll. lhft~ and u.:k F;dk killl"'· -----1
dutlaJt'd by ASNIC htrwn.up
cntl"rurinmclll ~u for 1~ nr'II ck,nn. Thh vnQ
l(IW~dpu.n:h.outg wtn1.1nd II VCR
E.utb wtt.k acu,1uc, w1ll 1nduJo h)'bnd rb:m, al'\ on dlq,,l.a)'· tn frolll oi 1tK- SUB •llif
W,Vl1y1 in-ctdl! Thu~y ArnJ l9. 11117 pm, •will'd- wlnnl.ng t1w,ronit1tntAI .,u1brw Rtclwd
Manmn,: will 'rc'ak In the foJJ l.caurt' H:all. ' \bnt11na' • llll.'lt.l f'CCUII l'iool,. ••Fao.,1'1 fmnhcn
The Nc11 Or«n Rt.'..,llludon'· will he 1be twl, f lhit fft'C Llllk 10 »lu1ku111Uld the poblk Silrne 1,f 1be. ASN IC M.~tt'" IUtcndcd lc-11.Jcnlup llC'milW in Ne"' btty, On;. April 6-8
'Race Mnncrs• to meet al Gon1~gu
Oon1.ag,a Uni,'Cl\ity n boMq the roonh armual Commurut) Conlt}\~1 t>n R._c Rda1uicu on
Thunday. April 26, nt M.,roo C'clltri:"
Tnp;c Ch"-USW('lft\ 111 fnt",w fr~lttl IO. Ill ltl 't p.nt JnfOflMlk'm WW\lr.tattrd.11lon 1:.poli.:i11C NIC Book Club resumes Thi: NIC Sl"°ll: Club v.ill be ttadirlg ·Girl ln tl)'•dn1h Blue'· for• Ju,c.'lf,,i11t1 ill lhc' Fort Shem11m om~· Qli.111frH'OUfc:rcnce
In 'forn~ Bay, Fla. C: i(-!illt'g,ll llfeat couage cheese after 3 6 p.m. on Sunday • • • • • • • NEWS
room Apnl 18. What do you think about raising tuition? don'1 llh 11 ··1tma:ke!i111k<is " r L1oo' 11b1.nku·, "ltish:inl Wc~ldfttl f'vc 01,I) hc(n A1uit.ion 11ttn1,1ivo for out aJOOO lde..i enc,u,ghraning l~k)' to, whar locrca.\.C)lul of..'ltLltt Thfl,i~not II hmt\lio OKIQl.'YICIJOU,) \\C.ll'C fclllf\Jt IClnr.:~'"' \l"ILI IC)(h.ml.hc it\llknt.s." fflJ)UC'tsnh-tf'\ity"' cuJlca,c- for our ,nnncy. d~'CbtmdL1I ,lie\.,• h' ug.fl tnuch.' Elim t"b~n:,c-1'11u~ l\t,ln Ho,td• D1rnJdDi;.,ics,l8 JIUW:I Tborn1t1. Tom Woodman. t-'ndrkkson, 19 20 ll Corupultr 47 26 .ford,t.11 Uushw::s.s Mtdtcal Sdtft(:tj Phil~h) ('o,npult:r taniu•~ AdtQ.lnlstni lJ.on AdndulstnuJon Hayden Cowt d'Ak-11e Sd&-11(1! Mlnmsoh1. Wa>hln•<>n Cl'IC'ut d'AJt"nc Conar d'A1tnc
,.KrbdDl'JNkt 'ftlmdrqot,r1rr
CW4: • hbdt Amaii.-... wom:.1 10 C'«t,r
J' Akne. An~l:w. IJhilhra bw.1.,.., fiTU•bM&l +1hGul:di'O(l'lm1m1aoo 1'bi: l'lfli)' W.l) talX pcopk f.'aft ~l.illl it. thrt,u~ rit..',IY!IIN.
Atfa ti« Clll1!on11,11n real ot.i1e huui,e,., v.t111 111llw:uL11kct"-'nldbo( 1991.Al&llipl,nmalki area wltb thc:ma:anpcmmi elf hll.'00.,1,i. '1iDl.iin;:iJob.l'lltitpb:etuh,-ewa.,1nrc~
~. "'U .,,....,v.olk-ilf't:11Uv.b.,i I ludlowotkfo f.:tnryfcwmin:im1m1\\"'-el!,ll0p,......,h«h.xh<l,wd<l!'ff>" \IITin ...i1-.n 111~llboll m1tnttrltig lllld-.ho.>loS} J l&2:loC01.1ip;11,er MXDOC ._~ Id SpclbLw CCXllflUllfy Colk~ stw:: oJJtO lt9:bo fcocm, 1n :,l.~IICM>dCcx:utd'Akme. lr11hcC".atly "9<&.CA11f,'(OOIY!m1'·cbnyv.onf"aid up,1ud """b"' fii>dong • ....i jols ,11c :ttd~aL• nun11h11.1Ufin, p14'1t. Alf•" Up-, \\a.\ll't~•bouc lb!: 1111.".iwn.only 1hnJ
·J'hcphfflilBd.lOO'll!IIJN Hl~JCll'c,,oh.1•· l11C\\uj;f~JU\liN1'1lbr~;thill'1\\'bychr !ll1'llll,ll)t,;t,llcgt'$.lltW~li,"W\.llJ. Bcingllln'J• SIC\\Man.a«idcra. ilictall.l
Up, \lia.1, tt'ffllltJ:d k1 U1lft v.'Ntcnf« tht l"''""""'l')Coo'l"IC'lnl<gr>tal atfoU"'1tlf in,! \ll.11 tl'Qliq; ltl,1 t.) • C.CUCh.mJ:. job ~I(' Sb,:"'~ hin::d p.YI bmc k> ICXb mdl. ~'18)1\0dl.\.,tnputrtUOC(' "'U.·111,nt the p,v, time job".» no1 a Jln)Nmi. bul I itdm1rtr:l\'V\ri:mcsforfuJJ.1inie~llf-.1 'Cl guC: tb: m.• tJ.: yiJ II d WII\ bct~«D Im! 1md
,r1mt1l.iti00 She Mid i.lic rDOM pcx,ple~ da9.n lo<oirth imc.1 fneodly, btA tp)IJrUtl,l <:d tb: nYllyfflUl(lflQC$twivc10 go lht'OOth "'I wa.,dn\'\nglO 1ny hl:mcia R.11~ 11, lhc tmi(. Qnd • h~ m.,n l'1n QUI '" rron1 l'lf mv !;41' and "°"ld:n'f~mc~"~.W. l tl"lldcdnl}' wlt'IW'\ll,andhe-'11nn,il) told me M:,U)Wcbo."O: l
"'-monly 111 )«(OJ p Wbc:n I wait 10 kn\Ujilll\, the mnn wns k'lling • palicc offJtt'f aa any gq, 1h.at I \lo.a~mJ~1DnmJ11mQ\,.'t.After\hr officaf[(llltic"bolc f.lOI')", hc~ked if I ~·ailll:d 110 tWN lwwmcn1 dwra N,oodb\ 10 '-ll)', t wa f*;l...illll) .urprisaJ wiCh ll" ;ti\\ cnlM:CmCtrt hm.
One SI.Wltlay 111.:hlll'Ch.1111 ddcr told Phillip,. fihc \\uukl cmbman~f 1fJhi:~ go&fl&CIUI w11b wtmc men AM Nill cbc11 live,. ""l decidaJ I'm nc.'11 gain, IOkt my life be rukd lilt
...... .......
PhlUq,IC;)ffl(\J hcrnu,qc(11n lllfflll."tmml tnliltly ontinc t.lWQl.1&hcbc Unh,:nityol
Phomam 1998. SbcMldtihc'1-5dadc:adlioc(or
heriid:r co ,oove ouc.or die area..
•1 mt,J:W'il•'illl:tbat l'mdiflcrnn lflC:oeur
d'J\lcQe th:.n lltl)'\\11cfto dsc," W qid
Afterl'tC'Cd.ty to::cL,·awk'Dlft at Fa.lb Cotmn.11tlt)
O>llct<. lmmlffl,:a,0,1< ..,,.,.,.·J)ll>Yod"'I/ jct, wtl1iDg in the wirlp.. '1 mlM IJicddTtm1tcult1.~of Anpb, nuc k1 menll(lfl ti.: bclC'bt$ ol'ld moianwms.•• w aid
''Caottd'Aleni: "t:fY !anil) ooatlcd ml il"&chad
IQ lie• "'ngll: bb:k fcmu:: \\-ilhour bc:1n1 mbjo.'Jcd io WJ(1Cd VIOICoOc otwbo I am At k'.ni in t A ll'ii~flOOOlllviokin."
l'lulhps.a.J Ilic ltttst,l)CIIIC attitudes art' braw~flf ignor.mDc,. Sir io&ld some pcaptc ~he:·, mcc t1:t\-e
nl:\'Crt'"\"tfl ta1l.cd "'·hLdcJ)ffiiOC*bc:fl!SC:illfoi wmcti11.::i.unall ctuldtc:Q at her "'11h f.tSC'mllllon
~bctdK"\Q: Ul: lftQlrnttll,1NIQ.arett'I ~,dl
C:lj'lng bodp.1<k.<, ..ucnding th fric,,d, llOI rocommended
Appnn11t1n1d)" 9c.l ci11pl1>)'t'n •·tll
compcuna: lur thr- cluuK'C Ill g.aao
C 1tuo.k11h a., tlkir c-mplo~r-e, .,,
fob Fa1r I nday
Au..,m~,c, purt.k1~11t1.J Include
FUI. (°11111(1 fin, Hoya .and Chrh-,
d Meyer. Kooic111U ~kdi(al
n1c,, Lab Coeur d' Alen(' Cn1H1
J the forc;\I St:1'\'ice
fhy kcc"Y ,i.{)rk·ba.\.td lc.amlna:
rt.u:r-n~t ~pcci11.i1,111 NIC. 1<11i.d
11y ,tudc.nll Nine 10 lhc /t1b F.a1r.
1~1dy look aruunJ aoJ lenc: He.
1d II~) 111uu1n,c th.al \ltk:C' the)'
B'C IC'(" anythiBJ dittciJ) rd11tcd to
11 maJN. thtn:'1 n1.:thla,. for 1hcm
Pt<,rlc don'11h1nlc 1hCf'C·1
)dung fof 1bt-n,. t,,u.t lh,u ~"twpl)'
l UUC' ht: Uld Thtn:'t, mctkin, lor C'""')OOC •
t,i.cc,y .,hll1,1 )tar many CIJft1(Nltr M:IC'at:oniajttr1 t.old hm)lbcn: II nothml( at I.he Job fair for 1hc1n ,Jnc.c
"Tltcy a~ ba11gi11g down our door tryi11g to get to tire Joi> Fair."
po!CIUl.11 i'#lf'JO)'C'OI al'l®t n1y ,h..,,biJil)'1 .,nJ When 11hould I 1l'II d1tm?"'Ttic WQll'-"lw>f! '4'1 \f'III Mb)' Sh•ron lhttc w.:rca 1any hu\1Dt1\C'- With "COml)\ltcr··1111bc1r 1wnei Heu.id s.:vcnil employco
Ray .ICttv)', Dan1ol1o Bull«k ol "otk,h:i1wd Ito.min• l)11atnl11y Supp:,r1 Sfl"''t«, About I°) pcop-1~. m.ainl)' (()(IUl\4,IQII)' ow;:1nbc-N 11.lltftdcd
wi;b ,, the FBI WC'.n': 1bcrt1 to ft'CTUII ~on1puter ..c-k11.c;1e 1laj1m. which n 'A'hv •Wdc.nh need ,~ a,k 11'11: cr11P1oyru 11.1 cbc Job Fur \\-hilt. po11t100, thcy•rc tunna for During the wcel.: of Moreb 26. 10
\\(lfk: tiop, ¥1·-crc bdd 1a heir ~1udcnh pre~ for ltio upcomiaJI roir Topic:"
f"l:ngt'd rmm ,nicrvkv,111, 1ou·•trgu.'.11" ind ··r~111nc flCcp11r0,11or1"' 10 "'J1'-l!bil 11 y klU 11bou1 JdllGS II job."'
1bh ill tha rm,t yur • Vi~kihop h,~ bn'n r-1 up for people '4'11h 41,11hi111k,, anf.l II helped people "Ith qudlinn• \UCh a11 Wh,1,1 ihou ld I tell
'n111 U, an u.,ue •ic ~c nc, u dtlCUSSrd Oil campu1 bt-fo,rc," J\~V> ,nhl Thim" .,,ere 91 panidpanu, In 1bc workJihop, KcC\<)' hlld ltul'I)' b~ for 1rudc.onh l<>o1;ln110 auchd 1hc Joh E-•u. wh1c:h run~ JO.,, u, I() 2 p.n1 I A Clttti.1ta1t•Ol'I <i)fflnHiwn. IIC! i..:nd uu<k'.111, ,hould rctcat(b the cor:nrauit1 lb.ti ore soi.l\tc tu~ • L11,e Job Eur (1 ,omplcle lining of tm"'1no!)~~ 1, 1,·ailable 111 w.,.,_"'·.nk edu/atrc/pl.ai.-~mc.1H), b.t,e l(_\"Cf11l cop1ctllf1hc1,rr\\1nlt' oa
h•rul rttp.a~ a lO·tt• 'O·~J 1'1111 oa )'()llf'IIC'lf and ¥1hj1 )'fl\l'tc loo\11,, for r.,.!h~r 11Jo1,n luhc 1t1c i:ntplo~« dray. 11 out nl ) .;u.i" • and lo dn--u Pil't"I) 1'hc OCIC thal h die hiJtc,1 l, dttulng appropn11tdy Ktc, wnl ·You dua't bll.\C 1u ha\·(' • ~ull: und ti(' nn. b1.11 how \II' ltk( )·ou'n; rt•dy w JO IOW\llfk KJnto·, wm be•• the Joh I au printing c.ura re~me., lll oo ,o~, for uuJenti ,.,.ho h&,c nan c,ul of tht1: OWTI Hr •d't'1~d r,tudau, dioulJ '"'"" wall l'll,i#) lt01'1 a fCCIUll('f Vdll~Ul ,1 hu,,nc._, cud:· o.nd lh.tl llKy ,lloufd ..end llwtk•you note" to the hmtncs~ 1hry 1.11lke:d wilh v. ,,bin 14 bow-1. C'!IP(t'illll_) d~ lln<!"A IIK'y'tt LlllCtt'~tcJ Jn )(«\ ) •!lid atUJc'Jlh ,1i,o1.1hhl'I ,:11 throuah the Job F.W wu.b rwup, of lbc.Jr lnt1t1.h 1m1ly b •uu~ 11 m..u.c t.httn look more ln ee,.ue. He aa!J ,ituJt-mt •hooldn'1 \lit.at diru
h11dp.1d: h«.tU•t U do,:\tt'I Jook p1utr'-,i.onal , od Che) ,bnuldn'1 (<)me unpn:p.arcJ ·11 milktc\ 1\ • lot ho.rdcr 10 u•U
)'OONCII "' be tJlh.1
/\(C'OldlnJ (O Kt'tV)", 1bc: UIQ\1
'"P',..~t11cJ heldi. n1 ahc JOO Fott du• )'tar .110 l1e1hh c111c~ \\ 11b !o.ll to (we htt,f1i111l1 Attending, la._ rnforccmcnl. tnJvrmadC"n l«hnology and bum<1n
"'Tht:)· arc hlnthll• Ja¥1'1'1 our dlX't U)'iGf! to gc110 the. Job F•ir." he Njd C1.1,np.in11:1 rrom hlaho, wil hirta1oc1, Oreao" and C11Hfom,• \\111 ll< R'Jlft'C'tllc:d a11bc (.1111 La!.t yc:1r 1bac '4'C:rt" •bou1 100
Jo,.:u1ntntcd hltn tlui c1mc out o1 ,tie: C.1t
PMll3 ™ESENTINEI. pen.M. lbcyWC'lUldtl•·•~b:Jtim.J"" Philltfl'l tlddtJ lUUlf tJUl titwa,1 Jl Wil.\ll't ~I HQ'l\'C'\"t'f ff ..aid 8 koov.1 nol C\'Cf)OOC 1w. ic 11n,1wetl She 61a.ls tdl¢£C i;au,puioa boa.VI: 1ocbc lnl.ni NClf11l'w,c,~ •" bcc:tuslOOf lhelklmpull ptd)b'fKllfl1~ htt ba,"'Cll. whm she am fmJ imclkau.J Former NIC Instructor Ameflll Phllflps portrays Josephine Bal<e< lot NIC '• annual PIIIWl'S· ""'"""'..i r.i;,, 11 Popcorn Forum. Phlltlps h11 laced many raclll hlrdohlps wh1le 1Mng In North ld1ho.
ob Fair expecting 90 employers this week
KttV)' 11.ld only al>oo.t • tju1111c1 of the: compantN 1old NIC i t 1hcy hired. La,1 )'e,u. 1hc Job f;,1r 111r.,ul'1,I aP{l('Qumatcl) 8SO pcopJt. Th11 )'t.1t.1 1.000 pcol)IC 11/C: c.xpctttJ h.) 11.llCnd PRECISION Il--iAGf PHOTO EXPRESS Please come pick up your book swap checks or we will spend your money. 208-677-9137 On Northwest Boulevard In Harbor Plaza (Noxt Ill Idaho Independent Bank) New fuji 411, layer technology 100 speed 99c all NI CStudents and Staff 20% Off on all CoLo!.' and &LACK , WH(T' Developing and ffiO'fOS .f.o (J) 30% ofrT-shirl photos bring In !his ad w1111 your ne><t dtvolopment Nf roorc 111fqf"D'I.IUOlt at 10 aigo ur for u,psCG1tarl uir. and get a free rollolfflm IPick cm up ,11 Sc1hcn 55) Lower IK\-c: 1,,f 1be S1ud.ca1 Uni""' 8uililinJ (208J 76<.l 7ll09
S nyder situation
di vi de s Sentine]
w. 1h uch d1uwtiing cm:.umsc~-o for aU m\'olv~. the Tc>d,J Stl)J..·r ~tt.u.ltioct UlmC'J wbat w.un.lly "wW be a fll.'ltfflll ncv., "f">' JOIDOOC of tlr ~quc'itlOm £or the
Sct1fll'l('l(dil,ofttf1K~l,;.Y Like l.'IH't)'Oflt', 1iloC! \\cl'e almot.1111 .:1 ~lntC! ..-,.f JJ~ltc:l du1l •
rc,pc,1cd NI(' 111~lnK:tor und htslll)' ti1111mtodcd 1.:omm1.1mly
ma1d1CTn•lld~oc~-dOI :M1th11k~tnmc.
Clli) "" Llunll$ 111U 1hc 11CQ.11,11h11ct\ w-.1 l\lllltlf\. we hiil.l an cJatM'
HICl(.tm,. I() \'..kclJo.: hc.W< "'"' "''llllkd 10 ~le thl1 flt"A'• 11t'Qfy, An ink'tt<>tit1,~ ptl<hi 1.,.111w: I.Ip Wlwt v..oukt b4')JICD "' du, man .tt«
tttm1a.'C.-uied nf dncOllllC:.\ d bc,"M hllllld 10llh,;Clll7 WOO .,,<oold
t11c,: Ile UPIC nl.ill 11\;11 tanckr "'' jOO ~on roquiNd UIIC'nlell»g
J)o .,,~ avoid P1m1n1 Sff)Jcf'~ o.uuc: fur 1hi; \al.~ ll( P«)U'CIJ"-&
.rct)UIC' ptK\ihl) fab,;ly axuw' Wink- 1.hc lcx:al parien t~iw,t)
u.'oC'l.l tu n11nc. u.caf11a\ were thwlr.:lfll io,1t1t1ch~ 1h.c v.~ ml,ti1
t,c ahlc tci (W\'IJr chc: midcri. w'1h N wnc "111thoul hn
ll4iltlC ,\Jl.l ltwh,v.hai"'c"'m:..,uei,11ioni:n,.. \\1bll1h.lppc:m1fbc'if~
11MnTl1 'Sn)Jcr' ,1v.1tjot» itl Nan.b ldnho.arc: O\~
\fond1t.>April:Z.. A.S.."l•ott
l1,ccdt10N 1tiouaht-1t\\11-.an llllCCC\11!'18 1•1t.&.1o11.S ,1:a.,,d -o,J
Ul!l Sn)Jcr·, IWl'lC int~ ,Mr). T\1/l)('(IWJt' fdl ocJ1crwt\Clltld
\di:utt11,1,..;b1,n.'111X" ~dt,..u<,.,ton\(..fflXldtbeUlblc
11 "'C <l\'OliJ IJ\UIJ ha lloWOL', J( V.111 b.-1.ikc: W('"« Uktn; hl\ Qdc"
OCIC("lht(11 i,.a.al
A\ J111•rul1\h, V.1''n: IQfWlo.l bJ JX'WiJc wi Ralcn tnae. AC\.'UnlllC.
Ind hooc:f.( llCV. J ._,h~I( IU'IJ 1't1.cd Of!ibioo 1lppCllling in tbe lUII')',
It " Jwrk• ho-. 1t.: rroli.iCV1rl....-e!111rhadcva~inglilbclon
IOIIIL~ bd,1~ l,r'1, ~'nC:lllfflP(!A:'l) tJitou)ih \be ~IIDlli P-'liC'C
~)'Mcm. ~ahturf.'.Ud 111h 1~ ooc I a1rpn~ Then;, bilvC' bcco nw:n}' ,xll'r'lplo "''here
-.orucunc "'a., r11.hcl> ICabN of • J1~1lm'in1 crime •bd abhooglt
Jn'Wll 111no n11. lhl- f'C"Ml'l «-,Id oo kcl Jilt- a IICITIDI anJ
f111•t~·11u· nw:,nh.'1 llf Ul( 1;1itt1,1oo:swl) ~wer OI the ptt~ CIID be dc\illt.lti,1i
•·r111.,,.,,rlril6. l\t..1.,11t
W/dcc1Jcd II) l\ltt Che !-olOr)' v.,1J1 ha\ name. \\'h;ll blppcncd7
ThtQUJ-h 11uny di'll.'U~ odv'" from ctbcr jownalt!oti and plmly
,it 1lt11Wl'IJ. lb.:1=J1tr1MI ~dkf'C ID nm hi• n;11t11: bca&l'llt'oflbc
<lbl,intian 'i\c ov.~ Allbougb the: Sc-zll.tlltl nud)' ckal,
"1o'1dl hlltts cstrytn;t .ueb ~udc. we ldl the WJr)' de:M:n'Cd no q'(.\.·1alE~~1\Alllt':t..&1lllc,.,1&,-.,11,.i:v.1.TCalJIYSl~IO
Ilk'! puNk Andacv.-.wrtinaldccni<wlltlf!M\ldccht~\\'11.h11U
w, li<!fe chr rq.iutlfU w1.·ifc uue. Bui ~oil:bc pol(ft,.'Y
,.., lhc (1111..:. ti ~"b 'o\\" ,t!llld by our promjjc to givm the ~anhimeli.h,,ud1,111b.b(rdQ1N'.\\~
b) J'1'1') \IID(tl' .\'l'M\{Jlithr
TIii! Mariner.f love
f.d, .,,,1('111,j
Whal pirkbiaptvhlnn1
1,1.&r.meu. ~) :a1y1J111e
Jw:wg d,.- day tlll:tt ,'lrd pa,\irls
~poh~-tttn.1 ll:r btnry, h111
p:urk tl'IW,a on Ondmg tbc:
1.l~ ttt In their d,,. rooen
Joi¥ Ptq,ku...:up110•lull-"1hi.lur
\'I iilh!t~ h1' 1hc.- f'('rl«C rarbog
Whyl If• W.C a '""'minwc
IJl.!fttCIC) bk1d,'ulnt,11'1~dnlffl
Wlldln& P.'"J'lc l.rm1 din,:,:: til)
t,loi;._,;a,.uytolh:tcdlq:e I
tnc2U. ~·"ulbn11:llbout1mn
AIIJ v.ho lllll ~)W n11Jhl ('\Cffll~ ~11
flll,J. b,~11 t>c, Whale t.1Umf m tl'C SUB one
\11.k-knl M<rfic.vd .1111,cherp-oop
C->Pi=11lrhcf1•)""&1'-cd,llhc (*fllfa o,ttt( lJl}.cn M}fo1•cn. ~rq,111..-JUll(,cha-gu}YiJ. lb:fn:a.1u.1ll)·tbc,-;1c
wooll'0'1 hrok.cib.111 twll
Well 1tlht)c n·tl'f
1Wyv.brn:m'P.,11'1\ll:11U¥,.,..fitN, 11,e) cc,u)dh,\cdu1un:
f.cUtorWNottKoll), Wcdvrci..jclr()Llrrr-A'\'1(1ptn
b:a•~·1 ..ucc.mi..."'nt1t
Thall\ few )tll# ~,ern..J Idler tn dlc Elbl.ir ll"'kbad< A0..YR1MiQtrtbc:cdi1mn, rtJ.truioinaM f\J.IIC'lt> ldalll.'.lhcS(nbntlr«ici,'Cd 11,,'IITIC IIJC\ bul ;il10 a lot cil ,,...._ Ouc -.uch c.'Ol\1m:nt 11111 m.clc t,y0.1,~0f!\'ffl,a.(hc. Auckkhcrr)• Ki.nit' 111 lh.: Sp.ik.omlln·Rc\irv,,tio1t'mt11ll l.(UIIC'.Mllt'OO'WIOtili.c:chenlJ.cl ,1 - '(Ut11211e jllrlkM Hub My(.a',,OOIC:~WIIJ hDlko~cte.m&ita)lh:SR V.'tb-.JIC I dlcnl. !ht blsamt: upwilfl ,.,a')'dc:,"Crldca.ll'iatm dir«1!) • die CiOP "l'Uli.~ick.'CI. tlJt i.&:uldzlnl (o, IMft)' idtoJi..ut ),11.11h~"'b.larcbr.lm~by lhci.rptof,;md v.·hoha\'C.ac:\tt i;,wfolht~ll'\'nllong CIIIIU,dl Id l\.a-\"(I IQ 1111.lopcsllbl op;- h'qjcll<eaod•good OC1C.Loa1pla.1t.hede\~,uoe d:i)' Ibey w.U UC ii lO further I c:albCWC~Ytith"' rv,,bt.'dtidnu1tt 1tm'1bc.'?fll()Uf'"pol, 11r.w1wa;h11)ll.\lKl,'
llic Sct1h111:I ""doon1ic:- lttt "'fll lO I.be «!Jl1)r who ,ubm11
lt-t1m ,mn.i f1mfl llk'm 10 )OJ Wflrd•. ~go l.hi:m lcgitil)' and pn,,ldc .1 plk)t1t' numb;.l 111 uNi:1 IO ,~lfy •ulbcnoc11y. Somr letters fflil)'~ be prin1,;J tin.-.uK: 61 ~c: hmil.it100., or hccMu,c di.:y 11 .tre limiLu- tQ • manbcr of kll~f'll •lre•dy /l.-.:t.'UTJ
"Oh Ji&p!" fn)' gnutdmi.Mhef ~·111.1ld warNe from hef pnrcll, c;alhns for her ganl.cnc, b)' lhc onl)' n.imc fo, him Cc\Ct ~td And d11e U)' fellow would come ruMiot: bowmg •ad M:n1pio1 in a m:anncr du11 M!c-111cd more f.dlllK.11 th•n dcg,adln1 10 11 child rlll\Cd 1bot1I)' •fter 1hc wan 1-te tllW.l lu.\C! h.aJ a 11.ill'I<', ~,, t.Ullfl\C'. Bu1 ldoo'1 know whc1htr any member of m)' fo.mi.Jy lncv, ~hal It wa,. He- wQ JU\! Jap, UC: 10 111)' f•lh~r. 11 NilV)" \'Ck'.tuU of IJIC Sou1h Poci{ic. l.heJ1p
He can~ IQ ,n,nd 1b1. otll-<:r d11y,-., I vbitcd 11·ilh one uf 1h~ pcir>plc v.bo Wied to camphun ibou1 I.be cd11onal cartooo
<.kvi\W. by II ruupk uf Nonh ld11ho ColkJt: •tudc:nb oo lhc r;l;iff of lhc ll!udt'nt l'IC\\'•Plpct, The Sc:n1inel. It dcrk1c:J 1hc Idaho S1atl'IH1U'k'. •Uh • \'Otte balll)OQ 10 tbc: uppe, fcR rtAdiriJ. "'HcllC\. Vo,u',e tc•1.:hi:J lht Idaho Stal(' C-Apitol. To •:s,cik 10 ao IOduw·luucr. pl"t'~,1 Tu spt.ak u, a Jt\\ ·h.atc.1, Pl't'-'- 2. ru ,pra\.10• l'llad:·h•ter. r,e,\ 3. To conmbutr 11, thr A,)'aQ N1111ont Rt· c,111bli11hmcn1 Fund. prh, II )'OIi wu,h co ,puk tu• Rcpublic.tn, ptt"'o'> 1.2., or4 Tiu.nk )'OU Nolhlf1$ -.ubtlc- .about ii, th.1l'A. for ,un:: Lt.kc • lot of cduQfflll tanoon,. ii s1uc-k. th.c koitc to lo Che hlh, And ll~n 1wl'ltc11.
131.11 "'u ,c 11..1 dis1m1cclul as 1be callcn cln1Jncd?
J ul.ed 1.1ll 1f lhi.:y bid ht'c:n bl>1hrrcd by 110)' llf 1hc: s<>lnt•-on in the ,w1e C1tp11DI tht: IMI kw wecl,,. One '>1ud ,he: h1dn'1 p;ai!J mu1.:h nucnuon Othe"' hill.I found huk to C"Ompl.ijn •bou1 Thh \\.Uthe ,anK di)· lhC! mnJori1y
h:.t~r of \he .,.fll!t' Scwc hr.4 hNstcd; "We an: 4 111nd O11.ga.lrul lhe lnd1nn,."
THE SENTINEL--··--- ;__
'"Afotof people du11'1 t.ec•ny1JllOI v.,rnna "hh 1quaw.'" oc1c e.1llcr ,.aid when I n:mindcdlum of legbl.1itoni' t-rfUtilll to Alflp usu1gd1e i:tuolt on ld.1ho pl.lice nan\t, "A lot of v.·hltC! pe!oplC!,"' I A.Ali.I Th<cl I 1houg.h1 of bp. 11.nd n-<.k.l'd h11n "'h) wedl)r, 't c.ll people th.at o.n) inorc. "I aue•~ -WC! \C mq,·c:d bc:yood II," he ~n1d. Sln11d. I 1bwtth1 Chri,nnu ti'tc, I u.\td 1hu1 \ll.ttf. 10 eiprcl,11 rcgrt'l for publi\hln11, An cdlte,>ria.l canooa th.1c I found on ~tlccucm bltd ,uoc too Cir. ·rOd,y. I u.\C' it 10 cndonc our UM: c,r Srrilinc:.I \l.1fr mrmbc-~ Sam Camc(on and Jo11h Sh1dor', 'Worl.. lbt CllttQOa ,u-s mur11,1ufJ, tau, 1bc dl,clht ll ccKuuctcJ b nc, minor hudacbc Jw.l a.,,1, ~tatc l:nfl\lin h • b+J\'tn (or wtutc 1-uptttn.1Cists WII.\ ba,J..ing in lh<' cv11;th'I" C)f lht i:tr, Rkhard Bullet fmm the At)'ltl Na1io1u compound al tfayJon W~e. tc-;M1uor, g111bc:reJ t\l lc11i,1 crc~ncc to the 1~p1Ct0P Buller mithl not be lb:at oul of plllCt! hert alter all Whtthcr ii was white lcgl\lillOr, 1100 ld!tho ,urrcnlly Im no other liirnS lclhnc Jndlarn thty have no ~~incu llclttg ollend~·d b) Jemc-11.1,i.na "'(),d, J.c.lcctdmg Lhc me ol Jr~·" u • \·ctbor 111tlc.in,: •id tnbc• aK t.ncm)' to be' \lclt'llttd. one iJ.rftetnl to J«cncy follow~ 11:nOlhct in Poit.e: lhi• >·car
AnJ to tho,c upset •boul the canoon· 111,11chaa 1)( Rcpuhhnn,, rm 60rT), l'tul c,oc ork' or thOK 1ffronu c11.me from • Ocnmcrn Mayhc 1b1c·, rmly bcnuM: the l.tghlau.1(1: L"Ontain1. MJ fcv. lknt0e1ti\., hut I~ Rcr,tihht11n Pat1y cannol d,scnt11nglc ilstlf from the Ktion, of 1b c:lt'Ct.cll rcrn:1cno11iw:, Doe• th.ft n,c,lll"I cvcty RcpuNicAn b a IJChl 10111 1N11pc:. \bny Rr.1•uhh~ll1t1. iocluding ,ruiny Rep1.1bhf.;1.11 JeguUIOb, hni,c \"tHctd c-V~ll lJl,t!K' ,cvctt.1) than 1hit Cllm)ooi,i• hAVO O\'Cf CIKb lllJUJ)' tu lbc pally'" ttputahon Cron, one pf lh m<mb<n Wh.111 t, dh.couni.l'inJ 1, tluu nciDC l c-.Uru chc WI)' souab1 to di11"1QCi.1tc 1hc1ru.ch·c, rrom ally 1>1 these inudr.1t1, lmtcad, thcy t.lC!h•ndcJ them Llke my gntftdM<Hhcr nc•tly SO )'ClO .1gq, hvmg an• cloud of w,,,bomc PNJUd.H ..: o.nd ignon~c~ nt:LO)' ld11ha11n, rcfu,e to rcco5ni1,.C: 1ho cfl«1 ,uch language .u.nd ad.ion~ h11c on othef pt<)plc,;; And lh(II COf\lilltUICS :\ much Jrt~tcr nlln on thr s1.1tc·~ ,cpuwJou dt11 any tCIO.'i,C·Mcr111.n& sclf-pn-w;taunrd lutu~, A, \(.)mc:,uw1'ho bclic,e~ m::w>r;1pe:, people 11ttd •• mnc.y omiidcn: look.In,: over 1N'1r ,boul~ as po\11hlt-, f II'}' 10 bt cl.Jf'd1al with i:VCt) cillC!r. Ru1111 my euspcrn!lon g1'C1A the ochcrday. l foull\l m)'"'l!"lf telllt1J the 1,~1 ol them 1h111 ii he did nfl111u lft)'lhin& mn:11-~ wnh 1hc cu.rtoo1.t" l.a.rgcu. he h.-d C\"CI)" f't'as()I\ ICI c:ort~1dcr ,11umrd dtttcll) ac him by Jim •'bhu Op111101H Ed/form 1hr l,.i·tfUJnMt1mmt 'friburt' •A•_.
LmdoB.U KmtineJnle MdBall r Klqh&t
J-Bdl ~Nlbol
U..Bmob -l>Nlto<Chff""1 \lnft(lnr< J&'IIOII EJlJIIJ(I Jam~J\!lr.• g.,.,m,., llmoyW'ollima
-- MindyWdf11t111n
Luk• °""I< Tri.laY,,q BmtlyC.atMtnl
• Auoc11tc,J Collq;ute f'tr F1,-c:• S1.1r All---Amem•n Ne11ii.p.1~
• N&t1nn1l l'lli?rrruia
Twi St n-ti.. P.\Qf._ A tMk\ qua.ck C: • • • • • • • doesn·, echo, and noone -= i:5 know~ why
nn1hc:un.r !.Uh)td.1),rr-pt<1J.1Mylibdol.11, \1r3)an: tlkriNe '111,c: Sl"tl1i1acl rt3oCf\·c, 1bt rij.bl lO cdll kiter. .Lencn ,r1.1, t,,.· 1U111kd 1,, 1hc Smucicl l:·mwkd, J'uQII nt tirou;ht tO" R~ SJ of die Sirbcrl 8uJld111,:. lb~ Sentlnc1'1 •Jdm,,- i11 ICXX> \\ G:anknAH·~CocurJ"Alco1.\ll),8JRM Pbaix·1ll).<;•?61J JJ8& r , c:?oli1 769 3389. E.·011.il: !ICl1cini:llifnlc.cdu OPINION
If you see no t hing wrong with racial insults, press
Nf'TrY.p.ipcfl1fU.::Vc., • Thtct'-time Roh."11 f- M"narJy A',\¥\I W 1ftQN • S...:kt\< \lf P'r(i(t:9,.\JlJftal Juunu,lt_\U Gm.:~ El-l't"l knct Aw:iird • N.atiUIUII H..tlf ul fatDC • Ncuuul c-,1~,•* Pru,~ M.-cBOAolSbc,,\· • Rod.)'Mc,unuinC-olkslcMcda.a A1,&«J.auu11 Bo.11n NC',\\r,ap:1 ··"" {l\."1icntlbct"lltttCCAw.11td, • klaho Preu Cluh <knC'r.i.l b.:rllffll.-eA""..-J
han1e Sn.elder ol Coeur d•Alt!ne's Meckel
Ids a ll$ggef's sign during tM four-hour training c:tass for flagger'1 cortlllca1lon exam.
WTC 11lrcn mllt1)' t1qn-..-rc:dlt cla.«t
1 1N:h A, art,. hh:ralurr 1ctre111lnn anJ a
.,.,.ric.ty or pc.rwllal i111cn-~1 ccKm.:• 1bc
WIJt'~IPrct" (k11t'Jopm<'n1 l, 1 grcour or
cla,~ <kJicaied 10 dcvtloi,i'og !>.I.ill, c~ btfp IC"dcftll bcl.'.~ lftC'ltt ('Oftlpell U \"C'
1n di,; miu kcl l'bey aL,n h.:tn• a i.m.111 tlu.ioe,, dc,·.clopnm11ccnt('r a.r,J nHcr
ords of wisdom: Embrace tolerance
Uftldatn~tclipiut,dirilce•v.'CtlJ.,1.Jtt~b &1111 loh:mru.M lllffilldl hi\~ lbc rigl,i 10 dK'Olc lhc:irov,i, ,pt\lWt p.,IJ1 at C'llpt"U" dan~ !lp)l).:h ur pr:,.a. NdtJo hindcrillClbC Ulhn"lrom rhcir fflt)k'C lYCt.pex~ ~folU.tl R!:'~1 •I ti.,b:mcc an al~w.· lhml" 'ICC' pl'.1 lhtsr Jil\tn.'111.tS and Wl.'O\a- 1h: nlOIII importn 11."f)Cct in air !illftd buuut111y , !he~ l<t~ t,1;1llnio,..tiftCfQIC' hlwt""-' .11ndlh:n&ti1wt1.1lllllUittoood.
Fc,Uo,.t....-o ,J alt rrlo·,c-.z, !ilu.ild IQIUC' thin t-&hnilJll'lla tl'*h1i(W)ftl.,11t'l'lln&'Mc 11\llV~~· v.il!Je;I) I han\ I« provarihg J\f'!PlUAJ •IJ mn1Li1 J-c.dJll. 1'ht l.1Cffim.., la;loll' tUIXlnf: all rd,p:~ thld. \\b.llC"YCrdnrfu.li~O diff.crclm.d'IC) ae JTil11.1f'11)' ~n:tme,J w.·11h hcplg tkll rnc:mhnlahxanc
~.all~na~d.:,._-.;.ucx:111·~ ~yw-Ja11"1."C'fflf()ftdJtT,,.. Wcltwm•~plc:lw.,•ld.ctin1b:rt'lnkWJ.1, 111: 1.~nillrl iJiqv, • wc•..ciro~lhclt'lc)(Jv.t"callll:11Ua.s,c1111 111rllqMtlotma11y(li.llcm111~ A,,c.u.-drt)'tii:wlrw:,i ffd'Cdi\MC,Our~ttt11'110btw-tnlf S01hermc a..,: r.W'pnt lflU!lW ~Ir~ t;uu!J llq:in i.tlk(i,r ,u c1fwi.: tndl:lfltp(ll WJShlOCU1v1tt11tlU,u1111'1l"tlhtt1hffl ddl'~ ~JJ,el~••uht.n:1!4bl,.--tpii.
lhc ctnlrr·, coum~ h tcAClnng m.~'* i:m rli>)'tt\. hc)w 10 !'tUC'L'<ed m 1hnr commumcatlon-b»cd b tuineu. "'TI1e C(nltf Partnc-1 Ptc1Jcct luc:a1td au on from Jol:i ScrviC'('. v.-111 be ctc1111ng
a,..,1,1m1 .500 Ile""· jobs bi!rt'," ,.a.J Robt'n
kt1du1m. ,u.111to 111 '¥KC prci1.1dc11t o l
ln.,1n1cliun "'We ,uc •.:tl\'d)' ,n,·olvcd 9. 11b
1bcm'" \VTC h,o btnlnc,,c, ch111 "~"f'IJ
cmr,hl)Cew here for ltttlninJ Tho.
t,u,1nc,, 1rainin1 anti 11mitll t'lntnt:!I, dc.vclurmcot CC(IICr hitvc i.-0\.lf':le~ 1D l'1~ c.111,JctJ, for anJ.ividual.1 10 1ue Whik die «m-rr i, tac.utd in Po« F1 ll l-, opcnuluni. ,uid ln..\UUC:liun •tt vir1uall)· 1hi:. umc a, the main c11 1npul1.
S \ \ c.ars as,,, b«au,c u( ftKITII ~l'l,ltfl int•. W"l"C rckx,1lcd HI Polit F11 lh S t111.knt1 uf 1hc \a.11.1rk(occc TniJnlnJ Ccl1lcr •~ u111.1lly 1r,1,ldc-1 1J ull_.
-Our ltX-u- i• on winking aJullKetcbuw ~hl.
Ktt1.hum 11aid nkliol pr-t1rh: IUC
IOOkinS for ric~ ,lill \ or UC M:.1n:b1ng for hdnllmc•n1 Many ar 1hecL'I.\"'"" m
gca~d uw,1n! hclriag the working .Joli aaJ \l.utk,na around mt'1t
Jo,1 all N IC j1, 1cportlng ll con~t
1ncrc~e In ,ulJt:l'lt popu1ahoa. WTC has ba!> hltd • ll!i7 percent lnl.'rcase In
1hc llhl ,en )'eao MMt iu1d<-nh co,nc from 11w: l'hc
o~•hem C(1U11tk 1,f hhhu imi.l
Spokane 'O\·~t •II. J tbi.nk Y.c 1.11r,cl
everyone S,earint j,1ud We ba\'C
clu~ lor ll't"ta u J v.e t,,.,.~ das.Stl
f(llttotll1(1'1, Nc1mni uid community cdol:111lon
cou.l"'C" .r.~ m1,,1 pnpul.1t amoag
°'11K' •hole con~cpt or v,url:Jorcc 1ra11tinJ ,~ 1~ (l(tWlde ¢duc11tlo11 10 lbc: lnannl'Cl11 y.,ntl-fnn;c." Kcl~un, ,Md '"CQmpcc,1,on ln 1ht: niarkc:1plac;c maktt them hWJJt)' tor oc~ ~lh
ClW1lfflml rnudc l",y Jcab Srudtw' INI lhoOlol."""""""'"'""'Scr,"""•"1 ewl'tl.bewmt~\lobo~lh:
lnlhc Mffl 1.c, .?001 lt,,_-.cicOfd'lc
" lht~~1pi...1.ingupold rtr'4"f'Jpm. v.ytbe)' J!Al goin die n..i. •·itb lttil of rl" U !.ha's lhccasc-, why.do Dt'A1Plpe!'rt'C)'l."1tnt~et.hl"!"' I tlC'hc,,:~ v.•implym,&lal ma11.J1a11uu pcuomd Wld~11 IXl"ll tu M;)dc lht So1tind fl'in&. kl me~)' ll• I bdic,t oil v< u, lkttl1.,dc,11hcftttj(,bQlr«)\.llll!.' s..,..,,.,,11.,,i..,C\.,....i 11aic.:~or~~-.im:)dc I ""'*'ldlik<'1ou-r,m.,m) .:llrtmc dt'-'i.lE~facci® w,1h the 111dcle '"Racial Comnimh llr.r.l'U~ c" in tht Man:h 14..2001 C'd11Joo or the Sc-n11.ocl I frnd I.I ncn:mitly inlPl"'lfWl-'b: u, rn:n1JUCh , ile t1111go"'e jo • ~pc:f ptlblilhtd on witptn.. Wbctbo tbt uru1:k be: ormJ(la tv noc ,1 a, quite u,~ryt,>prinl w~ ~uch "' ""c:u· and n•w•~~-Ootbof tlacv.'Ndi"" ,~0R'cn~1\·c. The 1ulhi:irwuld hlh; c-.~ tu11
nx)ft' lfleit'tM'nUIU(doopic-410:athc
Smlincl&,ie1t1.h..,~1omtb"'Clychedo lheit~')'elms: 10,dicm1 lloM ..i-11>oS.,,,,ocl"""""""'""' -hilly rorn:qd,ng ,i..r.,, urua!plPC'O? IJdmSaltinc.ldoc:!ln·cM\'C'
"'(f\!p*n. I« to.~. utsw.cd papen. Id.', ¥dY..J1h11!
Rollr Jllf"RCl-11'
l'i<'rPft'Jklt'tllifU#lmJ,rimurh'f Nn'i(t$
rotnloC \ftC\\ i:A11tn1.-:h mew( 1.k'U\11
\\.I)', I hctlC'\'C. lJtllJ b» 1nadc my ori.nion
DI 1hc &nuncl fall t1u.iac k,v, 1am ll"lff
lba ~IIJtOOtlObC~by
C'\'C'l')'oot. h.11 the~• u.'ied m 1hcm ,~idbclpllfCfrintC" lthlnlc.°"Mbocl'k'rtdmel.bcn:.ostwa,.
llM:1th) F.dlkir•w-Cbicf o(th( p:1ptr"''U
1.lkY\\\'d to 'Anteiui..b 11n anktc. Whttt: w;a1.chcad\:l~tnaUC.-tlusi' (.1"':~1'\ntlir, uitdml
Log·~m·Whl.lOf•orroorkorouodbun Th•rnbj« - ,~ -
1~1~J1u11dhc: lcfle1n,p11- 1 " / uipment valued at $3.500 ,,bk,1octt,rcc.1 : '. /. , ~,..,_.
J , 1 S«llnt) m:.<'1,oit J co.ti \b,r,;h 1 hum, fc:nult 111U1k-nr I h 11,......;;,,._~.-1..
<rTY .an ltt' ffl(ICh(:uc-prcnn,: ~n tradcnuhaa QttUrrcd earlier m lht 1 ----""'-
.f F.C,wr Cl"(ni.na. n11e ,ubjcd told her mother th.Iii bcn •hi: kft ' _....,.UIIID, ,rM,U Dhcurh11nn- f,\t M~,1.tilJ Wtwar) ..aic 1Mllil.Al" ..-.tuu: m.ilc fullowia; ha Shr.-
~l)' ""' lk1tsh~,J '111ti.h 6. 11! .,n illlt\!Ot,ucJ fi:-m11lc ~~'<dthc;.I.N:C' IDllC'ild lo~w.:11 and•hctl \hc1umcJ cn11ntccmp11.n~ 11 (la,,. She hid c1;1r1Uin.cr tlf v.u1i: :trOIJnJ lb.: ~C"!.I *• lfll behutd bt:Y. Sht' .a~kcd btm If he ht, uor.ippeJ t-:1.g She turned 1t.f0Und tOIC'l\\c t l )in, v.·,mtcJ wwncdlingmd bc:<1.i11d ·so "' Sbc.;onhtl!ICJOfl4b-1ul • ""''" 10,ag to rick her ldJ., up from J1yta1.c-. Tt1.:- brrOO"oc:,..,and1lidl,'t Wll:hlmag1W1 tnr called .«\1nt)' arid ,111;,=d ""me MlklcnlJ 10 1 Yi1.tdJ)"- l.u.t't lhc \.uYIC nl.ln w1., foHowmJ bcr as;11n and low ht"r. Wbtn ,he tun,·ed al hcl ,:.,r 1he tlUdt"nu 100k '11c con:lronled lbct ind:i"-1 °*"in 1.nd Ned hm, ifhc key, anJ t>rwgh11htm m the \CC:Unl) ofr1cc S«util)' 11o.1nled oo,cthtBJ to whkb b..• ,lov.1)' Rj'lllcd )n. When the taclC'd 1 ,r-,porNbk party \l'l jCl he• 1utd the. c:ir bJml 111m v.l~r hi: Yi111ual. ht- Uld 001hlr11 •I "A.lkcd w,y pPlh v.crc filctl v; itb 1hc vi« r11:.,tJcru l1J ~1u,k11t
~u,piclou, bth.11"hl r rk) A cll,.IU\fll1I worker nocilictl Krurlt)' Ma.rl.'.h 7 tb.tc .a ,pldou, ,ub-Jcct .,,., h.11:1,i11111 fflllUnJ Lec Hall lie ,11Jy ldl 1hc bui:tlling bul v. ;a11n1111ly uhhv10111 lcl hb
Senor Froggy
Specializing in fresh, delicious Mex ican food
69¢ Tacos All day every day ! 10 % off for NJC Students & Faculty with college l.D.
Coeur d'Alene
Where in Coeur d 'Alene can you ea rn a four-year degree?
Now otrenn,, • &icholot" ol Selene• Oqrtt In P-lychofo(y ft'JtriJ~Youon uma ~depwlnp~ln Coeur-ffAlene!~ .-;enln,: ind Wftbod clus.C'i •low )OU to conunuc your edua:gon With~ 1IYW11 up 'fO'J" fob~ ,our qualtty of td'o
'* Cal tod.q lot w.,n1 Jdvi""C •~ infom111tion,(208) 667-l.SSI
e Clut ,..VM>On bqift.\Apf'II 1.1.1001
• aw..tMzintht- ofiAUJ"H26..lOOI
Ocher undergr>dlJ;lte ,nd gr>du•u, degree programs areavalbble.
'"1l!W:'5!W-:t ,:,, 76s-269S
Oluw m the dark la.,,, bl()"' /,lac* u,ht., and UVE det·Ja,I
Every Friday Night! 11:30 pm· 1:30 am
Unbeliewblc ,how! lncrediblt fun!
C'.,,rrl(' ""°' ""' (,JI <m.'IC< "'""-"' '""'""'1!
• \\'otlJ Famou, M.1.rprita•
• Bloody M,~, • s.si•,
• GmuFooJI
Clean c:om{orublc 11lm()!.phc~!
(NM,, (OIi t(f'ffll~)ftj,.,,, •<AIIJ ., ~l7Alt1'Elt MANIA
,1,,...~ '"'._,_ Gl + 11"
THURSDAYS 9pm • 1 lpm
$5 Admission & 25 ecol:
8oufln1, $hn,c Rmco!, Fr(N.:h fn ~, $:tidct
,JQt 5 THE SENTINEL Opinion/Nc;.;.w...;s;____ Workforce training center works toward community excellence Post Fans schOOI offering Classes for young, old b><\ Udliael \laUrr ~rlliittlrr/'l)ft,r fb(' ,, l,)f-fOfC:c Training CC'nlet loatc-J u1 Pu..1 f .alh h dl"d1c1ttc,-J "1 i!Kttfl.,ina 1n1:h\'idual •kill\ •nd bri11a,11s lullUhncnt 1u 1bc prurl,: bn p.uUdpa.1.c llld,t t fCll~'l(S. fbe center hau 1:lall-.,~·, raap1nr (fftn1 .am ;ifld cnfo1 111 bu,inc'.t, <k"elot>mcn1 .and toinpt1 1et rrogranuninJI "\\e h,1,vc 1'h.l, >A't call 1hi: fun 1."00J~, her~ ••HS JIit Ne.it1ritt,. customc, "<fYJ«: rcr~,C"ltlllti\c (U.-.COMlt..tJ l n!ltung One <tf
-trl _,.., //
7th Jnd
Spring-breakers encounter wild times in Florida
OurCll"'ilclirh1 J rl..1111iecll11t u~ to go ro !he SJl.ldo-.\ Loon~ 10 IC'ClkiJ~\\\,rfJ flfflOO)
CfiWICC' DJ. l.car,c Ao.ma. wtio i.alwh~b.CutlC m)' f.l\1J1ik
CllUWl.1:tn I Ctl\lllll'Clt.ttl)·totcc u, on the ruc,,1 1.1-.t. which aa,·ro tu Sl0 ca,.i\, aud k-t m ,w,i,1J ,Ulndlt1Jll1fit1c Tbc:pdikrnv..,., Ou-.11n h l hi1 fak to 1.-h"II in ""1~.tohtuuJWc~ cb.'U.'d r., heal for ClttJn Drive IUt:lleilJ. I cooidn'l ml!i\ ,"-:~.
!C)Za;I,; '1a)'C\l\\1tbmc h \\a\ one: of my happtCSI tli&fM.\
bd'en: ll left for ib oar. ooJy tnp "' lb< Fon uudml.al, aupon Oocc- \\" lud bOanbf lhe pblX' io ChicuJ,.'Q. I foi.tll)' h.x! Um&:' td
R"0ca Oil \\'lw (.ut:LI)' f h.iJ Ob the be" ~nJ brt.ik I hi\1.1
• ....,.hod
hnJ oomr- :a k,n,: ---,:
\1.;ay (or-
•!Olhing. \Vc-
m)'Cll andm) (nc,,J,fium die
Ufti\•fflit)' of
Ou:sun. WC\-
lod?d -
-~lhcVittim, of ipou1.11tt We mcM.'d llb.Jcd
In A. l.i&uikrJ.ak lfwa v,.i, a'"20. minute wit;!~ trom UIC tnch"
l..el'l juiil&:a)'llw""'~Wlkdouc
ocarl)' 200buck,.(ot livt~ricjc,,.
Aucmpung"' waft; 111 Rw1
l....acakJdllc- b • ti,,g fflbllll.e, itt
C""Cf)dliog ir, DUL We IOOl
M)l)l •1 1A11!lin1 bomc Crum Ibo
bac:h, bJl t\'O boon 1n, ~11.htfl"<r
half lhcmp lcll. V.'C ¥i''C 111at'IJ
Havini: crioo.gh uf CClffllJ'I
~'I IIOO n~lllujng tha1 Fon
LluJcnJ.lk ~·, the b:lik ll
dcdded., r-t ..,m1 h<,d r
~Gami 8each 1nthc mom1111
We dcoded Gil ukt 1'tlt tlbil ride
Juwn 10 Loi AJO\ ror lite: 11tJt]11
!Ulduh·~!JO llboul 5 iun I
·11n \UJltr)'Jftl_LOR)CQ\'C:fthc: J\Ul)'
mcn,oritt \'Ill the-' ruk l>emt ne1, Wn ncmiy !OC)C. !nlO it \Ulh a romsn-.,,~i..11,,._i upon the \\1'tlfll:potlPol~
coil<F kid> fbc hl:1tl IOOfffi(lg, WC \\\'f'C
lb.mkfuD)' ,.,'Wno.l by• aaJI from Ill)' mom. v.fio ('Jin
1i0fflelimt1 be n little
C1Vcrprolci.1h-c.bul 1n ihs>UJC
~,'Cd 111 rmm ~\lfl$ ~1 P-'IY for
.of:~ \\\i hN.kd fw M.iJiUII on
J'1Url1111l l'l1&Ciih ndc,SWJ. Upoa MTiving ;11 Saudi Ekaeh.
~t' wttt utUJ.l.'d, facey-.hetc Y,('
k>olcd were 1hc hNIQI o<the hue
Ji~ a11dct1crl'l0Qn~o.w\-e oC the f'\pctl\1\Ct;IWt, TI~ IUllQlml (4
""""'-Yliy\l\aiU'OUn<lilw<cilyla wbcullC(II.IIUl,k
Skurtzendirt offers bike riding getaway for
Annual weekend trip offers food. Lraining, fun
C\~ Wr 1.hwllr; ~\ft V(...tki,, Red Bulb.ni dnxd CU' ll\$CSoff wia. Aooa.ia'11m11 k> 'l)in rdloJ ,1111111d,lv.ll<o(U:lllo.l Hl\w:t \\d't lmllllnJt 1'4'K( he a:kno.w,,kdtod m:•flcal,u1Jiu,;~tt1tJ..: cmv. d, 11u1I h11 t1(11h ·=
Cllf'tl\.,il:&0$ \\ben6a.m ..un,'C\I. """ l~md Wt'\Ch·cs~ouw.Ji: doiJi, nothi.n Ill p;wtkulu, bm ;\c:c:,,,ut Util<> OUI siJ \b,,d n!,!:111 ftt'.t.CCl)UI IV.,11io -~i;l'\l:1thi\ ,.r.11\IJC. O:W:)b: uw« mdlC\ ~~th.ln1ny,·6 11.houfhl hr ,u liLc b -font W,c fllJ' n,r.1D\'Cf anJ .:oopolfUlall,J buu uq ha !.:l and int .nn ~rocia l'b:i• 9,-~
"'')'~""'-' \Ve V.l"fll an.I "atchnldic IWlritt rn,cnourne\\ hc::11.il.fron1 ~cl b<.IM" On.,Uy cnlJl1n, ~ IOa.m l:pin:1~t.,.1N.v,cdiJ \\b.al 'AcC'llcbtupJ..1U1g.dtl!'acu thr= day,. h~1 -.c "VtOOid go co our bilCcl *"" fl"lt oo,iu. .aocl I.hen wt •\-.ild,u~ngm W8.'tb1~cwCollin,,m:1u1c.1'f t,'O 1wimnn11g.. ThC'fl. Y."C: V.'(1uld "'•,P!!l • rt.a li'lr .l~'t*'<I driub. S1.1lllQt"OtJ>· hu.uo.J. v..: w.wld ~•U.:.i.'ll'Clartlll"R'llc:a"for lh<h«rl Alltrc:billtnJ: lh,."1'(, \\"t: w.wtd ,o 10().euo Omt IIDd p.l) $.?Ofoc all c:oulJ Jnnk Id \1#pria ~tJL,·, r"" ll". All ms),, h,,c. ftn1..")Coll' ithhit;,,:,)1'1Cstl• u1t1.11Jn,tlh,'.'llltret.1oi-, ..,...of nncv.1,rum ~t111it11 Du1.1inpa,."t°d<11.Con lhl: hckti IQ.I lr.'".Uni: to Uie lucl ,in. Ii w.mt 1, Oniu1111l11.Tn1pl&.\\l.!andlOC'lac ,:lib lud a link k'9tnl.kh tun.on Oianr11Vt~'atn111.r.ut\dlli• flOOlit ll M ().....:.in 011\'C,, flihl IW:.'(lkl.atllbccllQ.) Ort.l:U.t)""t~th.ff -;,;: cn.,~l)tdtuJNm),;(JfMlfl \\ilOOl,lt~i: \ICFPftlaC"f11'\:p.ant'm Spobnc ialQ <he rn.umg co&cl I rcalw."-'v.h.1111.\1Jl.lA1Ull.,,dlld
•v11d11M(' (l'Oln .,,..,mJICfl \·ufunlc«:n, !Kip ~'A'~P~h s.ian conCitkn,c forr1d11\i( 01f-1o.11t ~10,k trad,uallnihn.t ''The C'~ffll l) f'\11 l'lo tor Y.()1i:1Co by ¥10ftlt'n \.Utl. Salk')' Br.,11, fl. r~Wrnt. uf Slurt7cnJm It bclr, t~ bctog • poop of •001ra tl"gc1her io t'ftjoy l.bcm\dv,:,. .1nd noc led f"rt' l°C'J,"'1,ll(-,1j(I Urn\\n hit\~ 11'1\iPh-~ wi1h tttcrr0$fiJJII UIK'C' ii l'ICSJW 1.n 1993 Acccrum1 111 her .1nJ 111hcn lil,c htr, 1he yc-a,I) lltbVII)' rr\~1'k11.an 11"\>t'tl\lC IC> m,tkc ll('W ilOO Lssuus lnchd,btpii anJ cui,o~· 1hc= 1;hullc11Jcu,e>1C1!Xklndmr; ~r\Cl1l 1Atll 1uli= rLu-c: Ill Fm..,u•
Sut.c. P.ar iri thi.' ThimbJcbc:try ;roup area •11lJUI) 141lnd I) ChCC ·ht.Clmt'llA''<I .11th S111uNAy 11w: Ja) bt-J1n, b)' dc:cem11nlng nn md1vldu•b lt\'el of slill: bc:i.mntt, lntaincdl;lle Of ~,p:llt:lked O~if,i:.i1,e1nor11 l'lcyinih'f"u ,,nc\\ho 1• uinuni btw. lo "1.Ul1c~ocw1 11dtlc11 oo a wil hc(oo:- llOO 11 u111midaltd b) Obslacl~ -\n imrnn1.-J.U1c ri~, ti IIC>ntc ho1,1c •kill riding \oowkdgc, l..nnw, ha.;.i~ 1bdbns. "comhll'lahk 11\·cr ,milll 0~11.cl~ •Dd c11n -.1ill w.111: dclv.fl ,1cq, ~Clth The c:t.pcndKed O)'L"li\l i• 1,"'('lmforul,lc 1>\C't l.sfl.l\'' Pb,Jacln, fi11ll~ n11rrow Lt,dl1, tun. cu.n nu1.wn.•r modcn1.t.l)' nn ""-ec11 ci~nh un.l ~COh •Iii.I cu tJ;ilt ll,l'l1I J'O'lltnQ hady b)' in,.ln,ct After 1bc -.ksll lewl I" dctmnmcJ. A M,~ .._,dtl)' ch«k b rr,(nrmed aAd wort."1.or\ ticiio Sn11\C11( 1k wmt"'h"i" v.11111,ch;Jc life tb1n!(.in1. knl'" l~,c of bile 1001, anJ \\h1dt onn arc 1.11.~C!>'.tl)' nd ha\ic elc:ani.nJ .tnd «re of ll'IC' h1lo.e .8y tbiJ lUUC: (\1:'f)'OIX: i.t: tc.llJ)· (o, di< nJ~ .al'.ld 1hc Y.OC'l'lCQ •rt dl\·tdcJ 1nt1> JrOQJ)\ ~u,rdmg to their .till k',cl .\flcr the tl\k i11 tia,;k la camp for:. cat.cn:•l 1ounnc1 dlhnct follO• lnit dJmli(r h 1bi! h~ml,hk
R;tJl1e alld bvc mu!Jtc around Uu: c:unpli rcrtC1tnK'd by 1,it:111 muiiK1.-n, ·r1J1ni
Orc:sa: ··1-.1rlhCl<'C wlw an: bra\.c aoil have: bl l1,:h1t. 1herc i• 11 nlatu ride," Br\W.n nid In 1.h.c n,oml.ng a rJJtellkc brcakf&.'t h J•oviJtd and :a poop pbocog.na.rh i. ••kt ffllJ 11-teo 11 11 Un,c; fort be Setll,1/d Pc.U Ad,·crt111tt ride:. or 1bt Poker R.idt 'rb(o 8WU1td f\':ak AdVCl.illlfQ b • l'h~ mik dunh abd de~ ride un 1t sl111k~ lt1l k tn.11 1h11 pc.ab ac J.000 rccc Fur th""c ~00 m nnt up h> 1hc OcPtllk ride, I.ht Poli.tr Rtdc 1l1 a\·ail.ih'c Poka Rjllc cunq!ib ol' &cv1:raJ dcui~Ut \tor, •Ion. 1hc- ,ran whcrt' lhc t>tk:er 111.~•:d\·n • poktr ciuJ In !he 1..-nd, w bit.• I.be hci.t aod v.""'t hi1och m,cn·c • pN,c, al'IIJ 1h111 ('(!ncludc, 1hc J.iy. Acu1rd1nF Bm.,,.ll, if yuu M,c • moumatn b1i(e .ind y1Ju ~1on'l tnow anyone who ndcs 11nd )'OU '\tJOI CO go nu and 111tt1 wo,1nrn. lhil, tJ. a Jm&l nprorlunlt)' to .aixmipliib 1ha1 Pn:--tttl~inci u. $25 fltld 1hc IOCIII 11 S15 wub lhc: to.,bnce dot by July i TI !«co,·cnd1niwr t,reU:l'11.\t.11ndpark•n t:11.rtlJl frcs. llbutAl'I«, T ..,Jlitt, SkUft:t-eDII ,tKke:n. aoiJ 1111 the i:c~ ai,soci.aled w1UI orpnl7.htl Ille! event Womtn un roptter .11 Vmii:-.al
TH' So.,wa PAUl.8 ,...._ 3: 20°r. of all ear c:, • ..S2 • = accidents ln • Sweden involve a • • ""'CJ • i5 moose •
by Sam C..nttnm $f'Qn1litlittw I ,lcpu11Mlur 2l lnnm iot'"Cfl niJhb,. kalJ \\.t\ wide 11wW ltl I lu,c<,erhcc'q ¥.·hen 11 omc: llllic for u• w heuJ honlt II \\·a\ thr l.lll pl.IC(' I •.u1tcd ll\ '°The 10l'II ~. ¥.fficb la.ucd froi:nlpru tt.U JI a.m,lln,'1 '5cw.'l'.d me di,wn I w,wcd mc,rr Spring tire.».cookki't bcO\'Cf alnad)-. 8u111wa., Wcl'\-ckd~bu'\ """"sJ>lh<8'i«cc.OI M<>m1....i n;tl!bedthclll1'1\c-,gf\1tJllt.l w lnt,.1)',clioltl·nul.llC(()Qd,
WWl"IE!IDAY,Mlill H.
b) Mm t·aarp~nttr
I1'11h•111mc of )'cilf ,o,b(on c~e')~ b(>g1m 10 CflJd)' oo.cdoN Atlh iljl'I, li,(I if )WA.IC a fetn.ilo :,fill Uk 10 .muv11111n b11tt. pl:m 1,1 atl.CtlJ SkurtlltldJn 2001 SirutttcoJ"1 t, • ""'men', moont.1ln M,c chmt .and camp. II 1, I' l\\.n-¢1) c,·cci1 ln\Ol\.111}' tn\tn,ctinn:d ~otL'<hop\ on blk~ h.inJbng mid mcdunO. Thctt will be lnJivlJ1.tal 1ru.tnk:1fon
Eanb '* 00Jit11:- al Sli.urtundin.org, About 2S ,racQ.a,tc ldl A putlc:lpant ol a previous Skurttencl1r1 hits the trans. Sk urtzend.lrt olfors a chance for womctn 10 bond ov~;b»ce riding and colored food. Thlt year Skurtnndlrt w ill be hel d July 14 and 15 at Farrao ut Park. What did you do for spri ng break? ·1 "'"'ked lltl t,a\·dpit"' C'ounor)' 'lraey. •• IT\"-\frdk•I l\11rup11 ··1~nlll""•l..a~ Talioe." MkheHeALIR\. 18 \'t-trtl.mry .\lcdfd " C' l\r,:l•t'N'1' "l v.01li;cJ lbc "A·hok week!• John0...._S1 &mln11r \1ana,:.f'mtnl 'fc•m C'oe:ut J'Ah nr "'IW(l'l110 C11no..ui,.Ma1w. fn,th.: ~ITV s,~in, a,i:,1~ 11 Ubprt'll)'ll'J.J). lOO\ClJ hcJI 1it,•aL>uriuun. 19 C:«'111rtl.Studk~ f11:1.mtu.JO " I dldn'I iJon J.unUung -·-.!'/ UC'nttnl11 ry f'..duC".allon P""fulli " l fu.:k~i1in An/(ln•·· CU111C'ordllll. 26 Pr'f'-Jkntlur, M~ul1.Mon L.
F A C u L T Y
F A C T S & F A C E S
by Mall Boll Sen11nol repo r1er
handi grandmother role models IDemocrat's hobbies include ' piano gardening politics
Whcrt Dim 8Jvm. cou:n,clc!r110J IK'UOJ dm:ctorol Ddn11"101n "
;,., 111 ti~ ViC'1n1:m Waa, be rt,•"" old hglllcr plJ11,.,., 111 tu1ntnj
CKI\C'I IOm, s.-. J.Cf\c.\ e., a c1Uup1.1, cuuD.,dor, lk
r\ l>!Udcnt, \\llh p(.Nlol'IIJ pcntikm"
an~ LS~uc• .wJ Wctt dtrt'l=-Hnn 1. I le
tO IC:Khcll lt ~pc:t:4.-b thL-..'l
• "I li~c h1 help pcopfc: )!"""·"' he u11J
BJOrn "·A• h4)m ,n ~on FrntM:1~co on N()\
IQ.t6. Ill\ rnochcr dlcJ wl,cn be'*»
ftj. and he m1),,cJ to l)Onhffo U1.1b I"
•·1th hh iranJmothtt 1'hcy v.i:n, Vf:t)
11,nd J.he bttamc 11. mk rn,kicl (en btm
Jk ~1vcd hi'f tllMl.ct'J. dcJrtt lQ
"""""' fnun the Unn·cr,Hy or hbho ind
\ 8.A in Euglhh frocn the lnhcr,,il)' of
Bj01n ,.." dran\·\I duri11J Lbc V1t"111.im War lk "'" ori 1hie
J\'fu,,rnmitnd iblp, 1hr USS. OU.1boru,1C'il)" , liplt ,;na1\.tf
jorn >c.'nc:d no VJ(:t·Adrnlral'• Wt1'1.0rr. Mid. 11>J ltrinilc,'1.
t<r lhc ""fU. 8,nn, sp<nl I~ ynrt 1'1 • 000-1.ki,omulllli<tMI
A\J~ey iM Suulbr.rn C'1.hfrm11ia. 11(: kffllcJ ttWl)' IIWl&" \\hllC
.. ,om kfl the- mvu&&l(:f)' w hr L-oolll '-lw-t 4 ramll) I Ii , v. lie.
.«. heir" a.1udcm1o w11h a...wunlmg. DJ()(n'\ children arc
'di, U, 11ml $:mill. 10.
8c11t_g 1bc kling dtn!elllf c,1 adnu\,ion~ and a \:1Nn1<lfW l~:r1
)'int bin)'. llr J-,e" nnJ time 111 hMnc: h> ht v.11h t1u faun!),
h hu c-htlJ~n wilh tbcu 11poN. do y.ird \\'<!fl an,I rc:aJ Uh
\onle bool l~ W.a.l.1 Whttm,u,•1, Lc11,c1 nf Gnau"
h1,1Mt11, ll role cnudc:I f('lr 8,JOm They hodt Jul't' Ur ".lltll' v,cw• ,r pc~e Jo ft:KI hh fa..,.,1ri1C' 100\'1c 11- ·oti~oJi"·
·M~-Coo.:tt1vothtp«1.tlr!JC$1Rni1p1n Arni l!at
\fooU) a, .,or:,\\' SprJ._gut \pnluillt) :,,.,1 C'O\'\:r
•1-l,rt·UOI Jb41..•CCIIIIXt1wdh,p:c 1r:1,c1b(01,1~1ry
f'"!IC\:1 lJ.ltnCaJtllllJ Sf' I nb 11to!,\j.ll"ll l.l,,11hc ~li.t, IKJI
\\' Srra,,;u,· Srokme l'c~1· SS ir111Junc:.e ~lllolftti:1: door
hd;r-1 aiudahlc o.t 1.hc Lun; l:..11
• Sfl11 C1:inn:n ,.,,itli f11.·dnl ,um LadW I~ "i rm., o\r, II
1,at1hc (A,w1l'Akoc(uJ1urcCalh:f ('(11:1. 'Sla&thcd.11
•·-sln1 Afnlul!" • NI( lo!XC'Jt Chi'!lf ~1..trtpJ "i,n~
Sdt l Wuu,ee, i (!Mnlll-,J.,anJ(';1,1~otts 1nrcn"t.c:ll\tn Mtt
7• t,1 rm .·\JVil I al ~hultr AudlUlflulrt So 6; 1
• ·'"Jbt tk'um• 11r <1utdtt.a ~•c \1oni1,b"· ac B,m.t ,-u1al&Kledh)' fmyJ~7 \CIJ1Jn r\p,a118111 Sd1ukr
Aiad11,,num. tt,n<1w,II Hall ~4.)""'0U lnform41mfl 7t,9-17l(rt
•!\l{ 8011li.Ouhfli11CU.voffln•·(;1r11nll"1i.1nd1bluc b)
Su-w1 \ittl:knai..i 11 1ot1 l r Ill Apnl 11' ti I un Shrn'tnl
Officcr'i, Qu,anc.·r. Coo!m·iu J{,x,,11
• 'ULt ~ntn ((ltl\t"'lh.111 IDCPrp:irllllflj; fllll.11' l.lUJ1lif .lf111
~llt\1'll1t1t tu, all ,ci:-, .Artil ,!I! JII S..111lir ,\o,ll1urnun
Bnrn"l"IIJhll Cl"'I \IZtnad,·:u,c(' $1~@1Ul.:-,!q
lnJ~toll Ml TitlO
• Kk-k-.ba• {'anctfl ~itcd t,y ~dnun,t1 t ~111111(111 Utiion
Vn,gnam, 001111 Arni !1 UI
\\'hen lhe Al~,l..11 eru1hq11al'C -,f l'liM u ,urreJ. Englnh
lc+~hcr Lorcc:-a fklmont •·a, ~klil'II 1111h.., teMN1 whctc ,Ii.: 111e1 be, h1.1'b~nJ TI1c: C:llllh4jlllll.c t,111a11.-d hfiJte:l. furi:tng
Il:Jcluwn1. '-ij· 11> \I.I)' at the IOOtc 1111' Uuec
1..1.~~ Bdmon1. who cckho tm1tU111hCS 11nJ
Ellgluh 1,;l1t•,t":!., ,u~ t" ru oo Ju1.e 10,
1~41, ,n l,r1 thildhood ll\Wn \lf OoultJer.
Colo. Sbc te<.CIYt'J her cn:a.,1cr"~ dtjt:tl.'C' lD
Engh.Ji 1mm C'.nnug11
Puortocon:nn; 1othe i.--.,u,,.\', B<'lmohl &augb1111 ll Mq1ue,nr1 M:hool N;amc,t illltr
M.urn .\tonic,on, 11 doct1.•1 H IC'1h11c\ band•
u11 karnln,i for all !lUbJ«b Th.:" arc .al~ fJfl
•sc JfilJ~i
"li\'fl)'lhmi u • ronncclion,• ~.:Hld.
8cln1D111'11 hm.1):uid. Ulff'), u fom,er Wm.:tOf ~, 1'1mb01)dk flolth 01urkt fkr ,qn, \lllkr 'lllur\.,for the mll11ury Htr d11ugb1er, Bccikey. t111 l«111hJtr nut'\t° lier othcrd1mghtt:r. Amit. 1 .t ,1u.J.cn1 al 1hc Univrnil) of ~cvaJ.a. He:r uthet ,oc1. 8taiJ. i, Ji tihlfiJhlc-r in H.t~'ikrt UILC" 8eho0111 h .1 ''"'m"h Pi:moticntl r nm an cnd11ngcrC'd ,peck,,"
n~ay rmcnfom , \11,nN1hc-
•lll1c.td "OW-poUi..') U tou.ktdt~pl;i~b:lm, )11U~:in fil'lit..h • Con,pk:mc-nh11~ l~ pofoonance: """' lhc Culuui,v No
~1.1..ki;,._..• hl,ll1~1·t1-1)'1•· me.al.
II wu.1u.~lptrtorm;irle'( fotlh( M;!1n».,cnr1,611ngu(
ln\hic:., l•uJhtcratwloxumicsth.11 lout:t'dllM:' l.bry'l\cn.l
bt,m)~"Cd hum 1bc:1r~"'d1~, 11pd1,1IK"> TheRC!J lfol
\bmu• utt a J:COUP c,f "·amen "'b11 pcrfl'lfm c:h('lffl)grJ;phe,,I
rt.10111~ (PJ p411!~ or In lho""to. A«ordl.ni lo the footlidt.r or
1ht Red lfel4 M.11mu. \iitkt ~le\'('P'f, • ~rfOl'mllni..-c 11111mcd Ill 'nut tt\'1n,: lo m.11.e 11.)() muct1M:mc of 11n)tJ1Jog • SIC'vcn,. lbc Culm;ary Aru. lnJtut:11.1r. planlk'tl 1Ji.c ntt1hl r~ bnlcOl w uu~i. A, a.a ul\tnktor. Stc-,-ca, 1.11C\1rp«<11c" l'lcf
C'.\pi:,ttCna.: In Uw rt\laur.anl bu~nc:1., II.I IOb..h ,w1knu. 1hC' (,m. plletd tu,(U~ nf f"Ct.lllYrlnU,. ..Ibey A«J ,,, kfto\o, h°" d ft'C'l, to sct slluomc:J. (I) ,:ct en./) • to fc:cl IJkc 'Oh. I c.111t"1 h.,ndk: 11.' co lcam di.Al, )C'\. «n: Stc\cn,t.akl. "Thb1"1IO',\ )QUtioll i111J ho"" OOlltJ fn:'11lo111.• 11us a, her~ )c 1l-.1in lR\lh.Klnr. l't!I S1~,·no h.-i) !,«a ln~ol"oS ~itb I.be.'. rNJUOW blniiac-,., s ince bcr 010\'C' 1u l.o\
An,::tk, try1n1110 ti«m1tt! 1u1 ,u,;u-c\, Stt:\·rn" iaiJ ,ti( ••.u kklk:1J13UlM'.a1(~r• TrysnJ lo trllU it In lbc cntt'ft.lUltlXttl r.eld. you aid up ~nrkins ,n the n.-..u:iut1fl'l bu~11,e.1.., il fol.' 11obc utd.
Wo.lln,g 1<11 wa.1~ 1n 11(111)'\oodj,,t'ba-opranunltA~W
be: an 11c.-,rc~, She l't'pl.Kcd lbt •,oett 111 SalJy Strutbcn a1o the lecfl·Dtii:- ~ICI R1nc11tonc~ t,c,,caw.t )he- WA.\ lhc dim.'10(.(
ra\onlc "'·1tlu-c 1>. ~ur 101h.at, S&c,"Ct111 haJ ,,,1f~, bec11 hntkgrtJUnd \'01~ Ann 1e.-vm11 Lo, A.di!det. S:tc\i.CUJ l.'"amc b.td;. 10 C'oe1..1r
I ,\li:nc •·uh a hem (Pf mu,lical comcJy. Waouni 10 h>fk,w God\"" ill for her lil'c. Sl~,·ct.1, A.lid ,he I°' cht iJta tc> creak a
111&1.u al 1.'0nk.'<l)' c.'Qlllflllll~, Sht' 1.a.ltJ 11 v.~ jor W 'ulJc:r di.:
frumJ'lt(:f, .lltll lhc pet(tel young lhinJ anymore"'
11-.e fu,.11.kp ~ti( t•)t)& "''llc'I p1mlnS Ill& nJ In du.'. p:ii,tf. 11.e ad
~: ··TNt.ndcr1h1s.Ji1 IUld pa( bcllit'it w~ko.nc • 11 :illl'M:ll.'d 4(t
ll't'UlCll to jc.,,n Tbt Sh(," Co1tJ(Un) Tti.11 liroup IJttf cxp,tndcJ to mllkc a:n tdditJon,11 p.waJc grnur
Tiic M J1mlH MOM ftoUtik p.w.dc \\At die tt«CII W1.1¥1.1nll
r11Ridc: '"' P1c1.l1kn1 81,1,h Su,,·c11, ,a.11.1 ll.c \1amn h-1 (ln>~cn
1.hcnuitlVCi b)·bangabk tot.«puf'I 1n l:1tj;e ,omctin\t., mOC'·
Iona. p.11.Wn StC"\..:"M t.akl Bu\b \\untC'd ttl •hem the: ..,.orll.1 th.it hi! 9.11\ a ,ul f'.'fW'lfl '¥1-itli a 'C1UC' flt hwnor S.lfl(C then. du: Miuna, fl,1\·e roc;clva.l ill'rilC fn)l:D arooud lbC' l'nllo.l St;alc, TIii:)" Yo"t't\" 1nv,1,e.oJ tc, pcrfcitrti '" AuJU,t J11r 1bc
~MiVt'.lill Footb.11 H11.ll of F.me.1he liflb tllggN Dnlll)ni.JI)
1ckv11'CJ p,utll.le, 11, CllflColl., Ohio. The, M..ima., •1h:to l.lmtt:ll to !he lndtjlC'ndcllce Ota} ptllldc in Ptut.sc:trhia.butdctlull;J
Ste,,.cr:i, uid Coe11rd Akc,c:'s Foonh or Jul)' r,w,.k \\il, 1heir rnnnt) ~No w:iy wou)J V.t' l.:11.vc oorboc11c.tcl'<lln of Fount• of Jut) •~
Ste..,.c:n\ \olkl St\...,.cri, ~1d q)(' kwn rtptt~t Idaho; the M.rurui, arc con.,Mktt'd IJ.ho"• ii.n!N\Yi.lvc,. of run At1e1 l"CC'ielvtn,: .a loc ot ndl,ia iutcns,ou. Stc'i1TI,. ,:ud lht \1ama., lun-c ahown • Jlffmn& ~idc of ldaho-n111ton.i.11y. In \\DhfdJk.'" O.C S~ern '-lkl W "w ~It cMn11n11 thrlf •nrtudc:lo ll1"'.anl hbht, ~w1*"" you l,ook at ut.1n oor Atlitc. defent,,c'!', 1111J probleim U1.11 )OIi m1¥hl w•fll Ulbn111 up JllM 14,,.1p111c,··S1l-.,'('t1, Wllll "Wc'n: ~o run and 'i\dconung ud tnclldl)" hH,·c:tybody thl'l 11 ,-u 1 pt.thtC'I 1l".\t V1t1iieof111Meothet i~:i.ue1 lhiucomc uut<il Nonhl~bo·
Time is running out.. .. pick up bookswap checks
Siebert 53
~T,Af>t:111 11,2001 LIFE "'
IIJson Sargeanl, Elaina o,mschun. Mlkk1 Stevens and Martone DeGrosselllers of lhe Red t1o1 Mamas raised SS.000 at c-ar wash dul'lng the summer so they oou.ld go to WalhJngton o.c. during &naugurallon week In January
tiraml U.1y M 8 • '"'byhia fl1.nhel tlleatCC' ho.rN hy 1hc l drmm1n '\fuJ..."DI l suuQ .,.,11h 1hc NIC 1hc:.itrti.t1.11.kub • ~,oci,I ru c,'lo pn1 ~p11l~ti111hcGtanJD~) Slff.C,11o1 il~~n.t\ani,.'C' l1~l\i1l,:\ Jumcu lnluntLIUilfl 7HJ i1t(lt
t!k' uni lier hu,-l,.i111.I tlSlkk .an u~u<c:c,,.,tul hid f\1r the 111111e lrgi\ltlUN' Wl)C'n Bdmoot d11!~. her obJtu.tr)· \\'111 rt3d. "Don·1 J1end flower,;: Ju,1 rntc 11,1 unt: Ocn1ocr.iU • \\.'bc:u OcltnMI hn free 11mc. iJu,. \l.\,,t:1 UI 111:r 11:.ude.n. r11y.. the pumo a!\11 m.-onkf nnd rilrttelf1ilin 111 rnUlic, Pregnant? 0 Birthright can help you. -free pregnancy tests -community referrals -infant & maternity clothing 923 Sherman Ave. Coeur d'Alene 664-1390 1-800-550-4900 24 hour Hotline THE SENTlNEL P1tnf 7 Once a Mama, always a Mama Red Hot Mamas brings fun. welcome attitude to Idaho by \1h1dy \\'olfntn1 Sr11"nrlr.-1iortn Rt'd H1'11. M1Un.1 , •"'.innt'd Elnrry\ "'<".nn,.: tirlfhC-c:,llattJ ro,.wmci, adding. a frmly, u.wil cllec1 tn 1hC'1 nithi or ·tnut Loope ..00 Funey B«lc\.• The \Luru\' bWi11w "'u thcf)M:\:bo«,~ardllO~'cnt Man::h IS. F0tt!lhlklo"'w,g t~ m~ht" '111)' p.:.rfornwu,ci:.11. toi.ltt p,pa mU v..uralfkll 1,tl a, a ·kivcl) Ilic l\llflbnhul\kr' \\bile- 11.11111 cM,llilg had hL, foocfjoign~ty 1akca
'Reaiy to ~cceler!e Your Lie &'Carer? Let LCSC put YOU on a PROVEN PATH to Life and Career Advancement Complete Your Bachelor's Degree In Cowr d'Alene •~------ we OFFElb ------, • No long registration lines • A"""dal •id pacl<Ages • Credit lor life experien<e •A variety of degrees • Convenle<it class houn One-On,One Counseling Available TODAY (208) 666-6 707 LEWIS - CLARK STATE COLLEGE en 01<> No,•• 1~1'10 Ct q:r C 1'11pu~
Cardinals trying for consistency
Commututy Co.Uqic on Mardi }uth
l"k)' ._~ die fit\11.ame 6-0, anJ fcU h•
lhr m,tlk--.p S-0. TRa,ure Vall<')
r~>,..J cnur·1ffe ho.,chall ttl'I lhc W3)
thr.-C..nlln1lu:.mc bad,. ,i;,d "'"It
1J1e: f1N JAM'IC I dtluhkflCol!Jcr "'1th
Ttt'O:.'mt' Velkvlhcoc,tday, 2-1 Scau
t-'°J.lui hll .a nan11COOn# 1.m,SC In lhc-
w-h·n1h: annutJ: 1.0 Jh-.:: di-.·m d,e •·art
Th< Cri> kN 11r--, , 11~.,
A1nf A1,ril l,thc('..atd111,1h 'Arn: i11
U'lc b:a1t u! t)I(' leap in hiilunr .and
UWn1 w.,a k31.[1nrthetc1.1nM,l lht
tc.icuc v.ith • battms IW\-crap; .w1
kJ Che um tu nw., t:UJ R)·:n Moo,w k t,..d1mr. •rll. •nib a .bl I "1.luu111i
tiu, 1hnr Jcfttne I- i.1ruuh11g
•·we occd to he OOtl'li\lttlt ilnd rt.1y
ll'lhdC'\'C'I') pmt1Dnukt J\.11\JCULI.'-"
M11.n1,cJouid. rt...)'Cl' ll't coof1J~'flt ltul •he)
c:an ruU lhina,, 10Jl:1hct
•-ou, coiunJcq dJ our &-I~ arc
oor l-tm'l$\lb. 111k:hci k)·.-u• Lupul
t.aid '"'Wc:UI' an Up-•n.J""'flmitlJ ltllln
1~Ctnbaal\C-.tmci,l i.ncl(itm.iC..
c:).lr4·mffin, •in t,vn S4Jt 1...lM"CC
Jll,l\ on San1Jdly 81'-llN )U1 a IWQ--
lllll. ••v·ND tnp~ In tJ»t ciJthdl tnntn,
1,, I-'<' 1hr Canh dlt \'N."tfJI".\· lncichct m:cnt tcbocl. t.b,rC'.a,cb wen, Jiutwi IWIICC: h)'Tfl'.awte Valk)
~Jllll t:.1u R>·111 u.rpo1 bA,4~ -.rrue.
cu., •ad ha, pii.. hcJ 11111:'!C compkce ,~no TbtCmd~ hiTIC'IQIWt'rl\'C'O. k,nl ....J "'9 bd '-'"I Sr,ou," P,lh CC fin Ar,.112.J NtC ,Ult.: the C'ollt~
,,c Swdlcm ld.abo on Apnl U •nd !.&. \'M11rua \' •ll'-") cc 1~ nuund Oi.\it Slac Collcic 1hc ZOrh .nd ~hl
Sniwwl ,r"'4lmt"111h ()lfftr11"tl <IAlrMrR11tdkm,,mdCatty llro,rliid,~ /mm (.'(lfur ,/"Alr1t11n thr ,rn,fJtl ('rl"Hr'W n,,. Srnltnrt rri,vt, 1Jir lltl!IIJ/~111.
VWl"40,"' r., NIC's Joe BINnt divot tor home ptato1 unable to avoid the tag of Soll Like Community College·• catcher. HIC lost both gamoaor tho Ap,11 Scloub-
Lupul throws pitches like punches
SopliomON takea each
matcll-op personal
l>y Tri,~ 8.arntw.r1 ~rt1t1n,rr,-,,,.,rr-, 91b('ba0 1<1 R)":u'l l.1.1rul'• hf~
S\ncc ,~ hr..i pli,yt'd T ·ball
i&t.ilhe if, lic.'dllilul \liA)
svaa, 10 play lbcn to V. b he,
Bnen )~1"51.ttcf lit 1; Nill
pl.ayiu, a,• J)lt,dlC't lllf I.ht MC
Cro'A'mg ur m Prince: C'll'Off<'
Dnli.Jl Cc>lwQbi~ Lurul pl4~
\'14q-\'lnJI m 1hc U.l'IC M\Cb Le~~
tn Bril.1"1 Cohunbla they Jo Mt
h.1VC' \f''11U ,n li..hot'IL ln\11".\J lie)
l\o\'C 1..tJ 'I\~
anochC'r 'f'Ott. t.upul '""-" • cumparu,c.11'1 nui tWlll~ propl(
P1kh1n1 1, "'"" "' • n~1 f1~h• thao Ill) lhlft$ cl\C',• Lupul w..t
""The 1>1hl::r hill(T i, 1ht tncmy, u.Jltllc'upc1~al '" na.rno th..i ~., ,m••-,. Lupul if, rull)' a fin"i,c pll,ba. l11, af1,CU.aJ lPdUJo ~I\. J1Utrn,t pit..~ lhrov., a r~'>lb.ill w.hu:h.,.m~IO!.l.cJ• ll~mptl l&\t ,«,. tv.o ,i,.1,ni.annr pcti.:htt. 11 cuncti.11.allwkr and•cfuni!" up. Ot lhc\c ht f\"ffi;a.lld c nrifiJen:11ntu, c:un'l:'tl11II
Wit.at Jn\n LuJ1td lt.t 11i1,1"1" e hlt,C:tfflC'andv.M hau.111 hr,, 1,wc for tbt OCM:-UO-<'fk' pW..lK"t'
11t111(1Hrrn,1t1)·~hClll hNiiw\C'. ~ing lu lllm. thctt h rlCHI' M)"dlih$ thal ,;ffi'I l',e V.~OQ. I can dwkngc a b1t.trf anJ lllJI "NT)' ahau, dtft:ntir." Lupul MW. ·bti:.1111.c lt1\htmyt('-A1TUO!tlo;1. Lurul wM 1hc mcmhcn ba,c ,C\:JIOC'J Ch.II (0Clft4cfll."C a., Ibey J1.1,1!l'OCc,mecluoer "f,-.::,y g.unc •c rlly V.'( .arc mote coofi,krit tb.11 v. Qt! put A Jrnt 1n thi• 1ca;uc.- t..ur~ll wd \\'r .vc ffi(IC"C \.'OIUft'flANI! with eab nlhrr, v..c: lll<J'A· ~m, c''°'>' Ukfo, 1dull ii Ufl'lbk Ulfl'&I 1;_1,~• rtcdd to tv.o C..11rdu l, lor kccp.nJ llu1 )ell • twninliM.
'°\cAn MuUmandJoc: 81u.n1 lff' 1hc kffll lcJ.kr.." Mid l..41,-._J
~)' .Jtc tbc lllll" al ll,c 10111 •
He 111;&)' un&qix in 1h11 he: hn't••llll·hotlt•l
\1)' fdith for 1hc ~,,nQ 1re to h.1\c fun and tinng m)' bot to C'~'l'I)' i,rirnt." Lupul uiJ. "'A IOI nf pcarlc rt.y re,, l((IUb. ~h Of 1c:tiooh, hi.it 1 JcarncJ to pla)' locnmp;t,:"
1111,('fl tbt Of'l"Ol1wtli) Lupul ,..,,IIAIJ hkc w IQ cti a Os,·1,1<>n I tchool :a;i,d rl.ay b~U. A, f,n a, 111.aJC"A Jo. lie n:.tlly 10\C.t the> N!Jol-r,., IO be ii C("lfU1Jr(1tJI JI ni.aJQfutCDfflot,y.
lk tu, Ncn a plca>ul't' let C\1,Kh, hsdll.11 C<*h Pail \l,lfl.Wdo Wei. H,: ha grown .a l<lfa,apl;i.)\"r NIC pitcher Ryan l.llpul clolff • game •erauo Sall Lake Communhy Col•
Men's cagers looking to continue hoops careers
Seve ral players moving on
b> rn\t.11 &mhan
MnllJYlrt:p,.,,rr, t'1,c, \fon'•
Swingley uses prais to earn race victory
Training gives Montanan edge tt, Chttyl l\o~n Sn,m•r-ltrf"''tr~ Jm.t :U rroi,hc(1,.-J. l)~.'1Ud s tn,=k)" WOO lhc f,lib1,J. hl IJti~ (lUiCQICl\'C'Win. tMflHIC'da~'l IClh: t:UCI, QIIVI d;ayt. lY buur~ Intl s, nt,n~ .S•iqlc<w Ml hclJ wd1 i.lo.lft1mll'ICC 1n Lhr la\l JC'\\' )Gn. harihw1 h11uti W:iJ ol 11t,·ahcf t1l.U, lhnl r1 6- 11111,11:bnn wJticn1tt111ra.,:c,Chttt.Mll. tkm-J,p.tli,~-·1dth1~dip iJl'lll~ I.JuuJlirn. ll'ctirc.lldl'lball.C'llriyk-..i.alit.il11111ofp.iJ"'Al'llf- >ll.l\"C trnmlfll: nk'ibo&. Iii,. rur['1b ac 1q,c. do.t ta1 lie hiQW JUii Jilaycd ~uh ln.'l'N,"11(1:,. ()IJcrprp: 1..tn1«a m poop.10 pt,y "1d t'.U'l'tl'iC. The tr.11rtlJ1; "4 the~ J._,p ii mJunl'I, t'lllf'0',1U\C'.lnil~IDJ. Ht.WI J..a Llw.tddclOthi.:a,mi :e: J,~ ar.J bi,di,sl Th: ft1°'1rlo, ul r,""JUtz"° ~~nc tnaminian ~Jr mare.a ""'atlfui1line•11 far any pd p,wxnhiJt UIIDlf ~\.: tn1inmsmahi111\.•dtis Imm to,luthccurr«i hthr.·Q'b)' cllrikc. P.., t,\C trld'lln& mara loot.an,: M p~ tlrh.t\·1ur ~nJ: 1t:anf1.1rdng ll. im.t...S uf llx,&.111: I« .bal t'dr.r,1nr IOO 1,."omxtJOt: it. Gwing p.Nti,,c rcv..trdl. ,.uch • pnii,;c t'11cotnfl'J1ffl or tn:&\lntccopuedcs.imfhdu,• .-~UIC!~marcl&cl, $11rrp:a1,1.,ptnThc\l.1 "di beo.b'aacd11nd~1I ttdttr l,hm t,i;, t~ ,,... ,IJM°l1(,1or1 ·rMI ,,.11 be: fMi,cd Md comnDIIICUion iqlro'l......t• .Jlwi1n, Jnr: nnd O\\n.'1 111 t.\uri. JtLcett.ftdl) m; p;an11.·"Sl"'!q t1,:tw, kJf daalgb _('l,.,,tiw: ttliniftf ll\1ttbod6 Cllll l1flPllaJ •hei.la aJ.'f, ONn,: •cbaJ.L lca:hinJ •dftl {lf(OIM.:hll)l:t\~f,t.dffl
1111'.' hol.\d1.11p\Cf,PfJ&JC"Utldboiarat1.11llidcl~ui-'th.mdr hnG tbiit n.tgs. lhtc.J1,·rn,cw~ J"CI)- 8)- tq'lbr.."lf'CII ~~tJmici.,m ~llh mtr-. fl, priauc -.I ,D1;1Q11p,1.,..Ni) ltarnan~,=,.,.1ti11> urt. 111Jchc ~lil)IDNl.i..~
Track and field teams move outside, get set for regionals
'Vtftt)' •bdwon'tl'C.ahkto pl.Iv ~\l<.'thu!l l,tt 11hu,..11u,mond1, \brlu K.a11..t1.: and Ou1.11'1 M1laac: we Noth JIUl1lf b,11:k, 0\~,1. to rl.t)' f'll'OfoSU'Oftal tw.kctboJJ. Sr,·~ and Lrm,('/\lf) nt l~ho cried un~1.l(CaA!°uUv 1.<> f\"UUlt KimJJ~. Wm.t&(ln llrooU ·"'l) UltJJtJ ti)• <b1ti1$• 1n an early .,ipi"'.,. 1k hc,:i.mu111 111 1h.e <:a.uu·
"Hchalbccc1111.1..-.ici W NIC. W.ato,on ,.~,I
·•C.,.1.1Atla \1,,1.1 •aood bl.d·"J' (« ht,u"'
lhllti\ff l;k,cJt(-LC'f u. bC'ing tt(tu111:J hy fw.,.'ulwn Colk~. If(' 1'.-yt-l J.1 J«klc whct-f, bc"'tJIJIO Jon~di..n AnJcf1UR h,lJ 11,ct llpj1CltlUMy In p., toPmbnJ Staie. &1"'
b.\ l'brr) I h.uhllff lnUiAr t ffJ"•l'Ut TiioC'•J., UJ1t.:.k.1nJ field tfJm.th.\H' ino\cJoot•tdc i&PiJ .l~(Hfllll up (,w R.:s ,n lk Ch11t1rmn h1r"' Ii ~pt1~~nc r,11, l.'11n;hl•U\ Ill (\,lkp: on Ar,nl ~18 ~7lMUlmJt:ol,l
"RiRlt111f111·fm11 jmt rn·inR In !etp e\'tr,·t>11~ /1raltlr),"
l.t-.,.t, \\atkin',. , nd. and n,Jd <"w,h
'Aathct 11111 m,uriL"t, hul btai.l COie h I~"' 11o W,tlkin, J.iid dim uttm\ ,1ti,llfl 1, lugh 01el.a.\C lo,t.nmrtbalthc WC''l.trfflUrccc111 fnnh, il1'ld U,c Ou1otv Lane .ic ~HT v,C'tc noc1 cnrmr bl1"1t~«.,h~l1tlpcJ,p.aiht)' IY11!hktcs fOf lbc tnJ of I~~, 1-htw, Jov11n .al lb1: SJl"AA Clulcb:c ~11lwfllU,tt1 f.,hl...'nl, IC'~u. \ 1it) II 1: "'\\t hint r,co.Jo)lmflJlch Ml\lUC tlut.oY.C'N*J:d 1h>1ancc,,,rr '"\\~lin11.:11J w~·u ,u,11ryan,: h1 carr, •I~ rnnn,ailum vn
C'oh:, \1t,l.k flf1lJ,:.c her .&1111 tl\lc.r ,rrina hlt'.al but 1, ru11.n.h1r w,1b a ,1 ·s1tc nlt1\'('IWI Pft'II} v.dl, Nii l.itlJCJI~ 1.:imct
u. J,- "fthtJ \\uldn, llt LU!l thlll t,,, m,,urt
('(IJX't'fll 1' noc w (\pt'\Joc h.:r tt1urn 10 C'llfflpde hul f1llhcr us UU&1n1, •ur~ II mrnd, "rll
C'f) 11.tl Sn111h. :11 IJ)t We.km l)ttson lnl'1CC' Oil
\l.11\h 24, throw1n1 lhc harnnK't J7nt)Q f,r, t<> ,tiisnc, thi: khi11.tl l'«l.l~ I'!) r11:1uly JQ feet Julk lx'.\wni, •h..,umc uut l.h¢0tin,ti1J I.ht
JDH'hfl 1r °'™l Lane- lhro\tin,, J,l<J. hulll 1luit
Jfi<!f'J 1111.JQII
(lwt.1 (io,ldud I k.lidJni the SJCM an 1hc h.irnmc-1 .11tad11ov.lt1g 18l9at \\lc\h~mOrcicin ,\Q;ooflttt to V.;111.1111,., Uh1).c fia)l()t 1, I url<lfJ.I
111 the ~h.'.C'pfcch•loC', and he "'l'JC'h Iv ~'C' k'ID'
t,,1$ lhmp Imm him
""RlJ:ht OO'flo I ,un ,u,t lryinJ ht kt"C'pc,ey1r~ haith)·; \\ad,im u.ld ·we tt uu,~,nt, lof ,,1 lnJUticl dut W the c;olJ V.'l"llkr fl(!I N·1na eo:odlKl\1 I.H lllllltllj1 b,;ird OUI 1dc.'" lbc luJtr•n 18 C'luJrip10Mhir I, •rrn.,il.h1nJ
1-wdU, .illd 1hel"11hh' ha\C' ,~b1mlln 1.-.tle&r in lbe hon,01rc1,;h 10 tbc S.n.iruuth TI~) ltt' lcdi.1111 ri,r H,lunlctn a1t1S Ii c:.bttnn1 tn,...,J IP Srot.a= 111hc rc,,,,n,11~1 oa Arni 27-JS f,.., 1rUtir1tU,lkffl ,um.11~ 1Jahn J.-mt-n at ?t,9 --0&.I
...... :::: T = he ynungest -S2 :::, playt•r !!I MJjor Lea~ Baseball -= i:5 history , s IS • • • • • • • SPORTS
Baseball 1eam looks for all .~~Jl<.'Cb or their game to exce l at same umc b> 1'rhh~ B;arnh,,rt Sfnltnrl rqt,mrr ThtCard ""'-:b1lll k;im h:,1 t1~ 11• war:L.ailoullhi,~.u.on ~n.h )'e;ar
Cc•mt"11nk;t,t)-OU TbcCanh(l6-13.
·\.«lllllnroa: ta""
"'11.lt P,11ul M.1rwnlo :..ud
4ft: rlOC".h}' plll!C\ h«au'IC ,ny
.-1th oon\1iltfte) 0t1~ Jiurn:
iatc rl.l) utJ food dc(cmc N1 noc
•rll. lhe nt\l.-lJ'Ci.rpcchJnr"
...-i ,.,.,..,
N1npktl'J1U~.'""1fl 'Allh21 •,n,allJ t11111 lo.\~,f,utftllindl.: tulllnlllllffll. Mnablo lo 4,>tcm.lffll'lhtJ[lll,t'II ~leld,rSlC\t".a. Bonne< The C.unb hl\C t.i.\ r,l.t'.t'ffi gndll.atlttJ 4nd mo\'tng on to l)j\,,,km t h.a.\\nh.JJ •·O\·,m,11. 1hu "•"' b.acJ ,orJ .1mt\ldr:j •nd h'IUgb "'Ott h:ahm,," ti..~~1hlll.J coch Hurb WJl'"llO ,..;J "'The~ not Ollf) put CJ1CJJ)' tnh~ ba~L ti1o1t dlC) pul tack IIHht CUQllnua1t)' Unmet led 1hr Cm& in rchoo:ndl!tJ, t«Jnn5 l&l>d d,oc bkleb8', Jtt, hu ti.id ac~·cr1l 1:,1lkt-c• ti,-'ln, 1t1 rtc1\ul l1lm. u11:l11dJt1g !klUC' SI*. Tcu, T<ch and(ion.1;1ga. Hc)'N lt.w me('
Suill.'landlh('(h.i,IC( II) pt.a) rllC l..ury F.armcr An.Jm.on Ii.a, lloi lftAdc ,u1y f11Wl Jixh1on1 •t thil tin.: Vtuh\ T11mph.avidu. Utlk Va, 11 Nin)! tt nitleJ by C.al Pol. ~,rtl1,1d S.at:.. J1'.'NICUIX llnd SL Mastin'• Collet<- lit luis nol c:bU1C11 hn l'IC'i ldc ,ain.uK'!Cl D.vyl Wilder" not rt1uum1110 !I.IC i'l•I rnay J,c C/t)(l:\,Jcrittf pl1yln; fo, Nc.th:\locU Ch11~11m "'111cao ttl1kco ,au,kt,J U11.·ll 1.all ort 1R b.v.kctb:all,"Wlii-«tr.lliJ
Choir shares African music
by \bndl Ortl:.c Mmtn,l"p,xur
Flying with no string s attached
Jt , Mwc-h 28. 200 1• .nd die mnnb:f'I. ot· lute~ dm ,n11 tQ po{orm (hclt !int (Oclt'l;'l1 11.:ir
aMlc:lp,lltoDhlP(IIUUIL Anxioo, finie,_, tltuan llll Ille \lttnl'la ~heel. Nef\1M1 l.na~ l'f'1, eye~ aure a1 I.he bhtm:d
M:c.oet)' J!,Ul oo:baJc tbc ,·a f.:kh fflll.\tdatl bolik hl( l:i!'tllth 1'ht• 0. cli,lylbc,ywiUnot.wx,11fO!Jt1
Lc:i,1g11i1.an,1 Scclll Oark,q'ill
t,~ lbc' ice by o(krin1 bi, c\lllnr,nkw ~lc1u.1m faCf)'OhC o«cpt., lhe: offer, r1oomin, 1111 wtkt for !he cn~J'I.)', A, Wile t>l
lhc: lenuon w.~o.. I.be b.Aod Una•
lll<IC)ll, W the cl.1,<ie: rui;k rl.iytOJ un the: rwlio.. An M)piC',411 tuuring mcthull lor t.hetrddlut album ··aravity."
rch:~ 1t1 •er,, mClllC no li'tc
sbn..,11 No\\•tbc Cona.-d' Akrlc
M<k 8""'P J\ p-ng IO P<)fuh
tl'\Xb for lb upoomw3 reka!<,
··~'"' All Arr." m ''"'" "'., h.,.;
audiC'nc:C'. Up.lft111t1\·.tlllldlt' Bil)vu
Brew111a Co lead \·1Ql1 Mnnb: Thompwn, baMul l).ine11
Eldridg~. drumm:ct Mlto Koep a1~
• 9 p.m. April 12
•Mootsy's 406 W. Sprague, Spokane
• No cover ~hargc
" Kite; · by drummer Mike Koep Illustrates the theme ot the title track trom the rel ease "Gravity."' II la one ot
11 piece• by Koep to travel In en ar1 show promotJng 1he album Tho watercofors aro ai.o In• book pecl<aged with the album
1)91fll'OtJt' l(oot),~~-
Cbft.111,10 octup 1etf1111)'.·n1C11~ both ttvt.:th ltilri.:b lrom '"Gra., II)'''
!Lnd"",·IC'Nll ncwma1,nal
11ti.."11Jgh1. ·w,·uA('\'4,11' p111y
('!ir:l\.11)"1 h\·e, 1hr~·-.1,x, mudi
,bit go1n, llfl,-· 0.vk.;lol'II) '°""1
Tbc11 loll11Jt l.tt p<k."tty ,-ct M t(ll;l
ffill(I~. AffAni):cmt:llt\ Ulr: al lllllC'
\ «y Jchc,itc 1111d .1t ocbc-r momcnlA
huNtn1 al lbc WJUn\ whh cnctJt
P'TN:Jing "'Stapw.attb.. • a llOUnd umpk- t,r T.S. Elltbt fQW111 t\M o l
1i1'ii ~m, \\'IO pl.t)ul.
Sdc11« lui;~n. t'\'l!fl ,,f1.er the"
«.'tll\b of c:ymbalt• flkk'I "' the cot1chn.i(lf'I of OOC :M.IOl-
"When I looted UUI ,1t ll,c
11udla1C1:. I d1dn'tJttqut~liott
m:11rb ,wet lhc1r l>t·*.h,: I ""
Cll:l.1rn.aliroo palDIJ.. l'bornpson .ud nsc11 thc l'ClJ)Ol1'1C came nnhut,1119,,...nJ111,., JI \'..t.1JJC'.11t."
The: Ul)OOII\Jntc ,lbiun 14'IIJ r11u~ tllcmc ol irwoccace l<bL
.occo«hng 10 K°'-"P ''°Ole so.:und ac:I to~ pl.a) tu, to
I\C en,.:." he uad. ,\c:~'Otdintc In
K«p. w1thu,1111n;" in::is oonflw:1
r:Km~ todu~·'"ll"tlcn.t.in(l. l.bc
thinp lhJ;I IIJC trul) «.gt,; can be
t.1.plortd v. ilhJn hum;m niltUft',,
E,Lh 11.,ng on I.hr CD v, 111 Ix wriutn in lr()lll)Ct fcamM by Koep,
an NlC u}t,tnvwlb v. I'° fOCC'lltl)' #(fldl.ll.11.-J ln,m Gtint~II '°"lth •n EnJ:li!oh df.'ll.t'CC'. Tot di..c wdl cootain 14 tDCk11.. OIJC' fotcxh lioc di a \&"lfln.:4. lllld b •Wed for- rdCMC' Wuebh)'Clt Thomp"°" •.-aM llu::y att "m<ltt' l-.f • mot>d}' t)'l'lt' hllnd" llnd unphcJ th111 • fall ttktt..C \Hi.,ld l)e fimnt.
Atthi,u,-h Koep h!l..l wnlkn .1U lbc ly~ fot tbi• album. be \lra\Cj lh tt he' I\ tncrtly lhl! flCl\lrlAll :md thJU e,·ct)' j,c)ftg it a coUtboiruioR Of ..U lou1 mc-:mbffl;. "'Ow- Nod mceungs arc pt!UfJl\Ollhy c:x;rfor:11k,ni.," lllt,n~r,oo "'°1J They ei.pl1tJn lh.at ttth pet"'1fl·· \"l.'ll~ hciud lfl 1ti, .,.,. ··when we aprroach • 'Kins. I.be il.NCIUt"C. i~ there. bul ~\"C'l')IOflC'•) llll111en1:e,-1.~ u,,gcthcr tu (oon 1hr t'Dd re,u t." Oubn11 i,njd Tusa)' that they an,: 1 fomU)' i" JUI oOOCnmtcmc-nt. die biinJ cxplpit1ed Tiicr ""'Qfd fiJhl wilb tiKh othct aOO C:-\"c:n tt.a,'f' 1na.11hl) loUffllm)Catl!. (:kfnd,gt" U d!C' DCIA"Ct.l mnnbcr of Kite S11 months 11.j:O be IIIIS\l,C'ftJ 11111d 1hJC re.ad. "W1r.itN S\\cllld-fighltnj( ba'l..'I pla~-cr '411Jlllf to k:am U1*nJc new IABj\lafell for
rod: m:ml.ing bar>d Kite To ~lllCllc ··Cl'!'llvily", Kite p111 nn Atn 1111 llhl v. di.a tra\lc:kd LhrouJhoul the Non,n·c.-,l It (\'.ltn~ l l \\a,1~CQQl<lf p;..111c1og, by Koep. one (o, c..d(h uttd: on the pr"J'-'C'.1 f..-;f1 WU.'I .w.Ql'll~l'll()t.i by 11 h \lcnini 'itabon 'lli11C're v~iton ~ould iL'-lC'O lo 1hr wa, white rootini :;at lht pllirninJ. 1111d rc.ad.i11a lbolyrn:,. 'ThcbO~·ltl ill~lltl, p;;.::k111:cd ll\ ablxl. LP·\l)k box, ('(11l1.1in lht CO !Uld a~ C011t1LininJ prinlt of lhC' v.111t:roolor, whb lle('()ft1pa.t1)'1ni yrio 1"bc pro.JOl:i al1<> «-11l1Jn\ 'II°"' tony a l:11c.·• .a ooll«(l(!ol1 .,, JOO~l CflUIN l:i)' K«p wmicn O.,tlnt, the makln1or"'Os-..,11y."' "'Our Sf-llll o kl b\tto 10 the musi<' \\c: trlllkc aod u)'. "lbu i, 1hobcs.1 ~tcuulch1oa11hh 1111,e','" Tisomr\.t"ln said l<i~ we! their ,.t'imt tmt1pb mcludc touri:ng Eumrc: and rtJyln~ .-ilhc:wtfr Thc'11uJlimakf!\llll,~ t..id. ~n be ._,mm«! ij1) in th!:' l)'ri~ t •f the finI ~.!ffg lht)" Wl'Ol.c all Kitt lllkJ "'Tremor··, 77,;11/J,v/ SJ.,1.,, W'Jllr /IIUUlll'I' / S4°rNI~ \·v11r /rt'iu,,,.11 / M11w i1lt ctr,mon
Ready for• tmJc c;ul(urC'? All)'Ctl l'U\\l~tOdol\~how,~ al Stb1dcr Audtl!Mu.m nl 7:30 p.m.April I~ to tlC magkall)' tl'.ln\f)OtteJv.J1h"'Sine Afribr' U11dcr 1bc t.l1l'Ol;uon of Scarldt ffl,pworth. SIC"~ Mndng.l S111gm. Conccn Choir antllbc'Sclcct WMltn'" &~nhk:, 11, v,ell Ill cmunuJUI)' membm tnd local htgh ..:huul ttudctib.. nuke up du, Alrican-mspift'd rrodlJdioo
••Sin~ Afr1\a 1'" i"I t,e\t ck,li;rihc'lla)llfflU\icaJ JOW11Cy duwjh AJn<< ••IJ'uU cbon1J mu<1i1c lnipitcd by Arriea. eucb 11<1 A(tbn,Amcnc;m h)'tn1b .ulll t(lr,pcl-,;pinhlll \(IIIJI-,,. Hcpv.l'Wl1'D.I. The play Iha mcludc.s "'Kum Ba Y11 Md'°"'-' ffflm 1hc bi1 Bn»d\\a.,, ,h,)v, -'Tile Lioo K,ag." \\cll .11 the f>&a.AJnra:n N~lcmitl Anlhcm made famoo-s. by lbc &fflUfl Lad} Blai. M nulN.m. Jeiinnc Aldndi< IUlJ M1\t: Boll.ltd (Qft'IC 1,Qgethtt10 pcrforn1 "'The Rahn In c:,1c.W "We m.JI)' 1t'iUtld t.'O<>d IJus )~." lh.1J'A•W1h 11.1ld A.Jan• \\1th 1hc d,cair,. 1be~·~ atfl() a rhydimteelinot.hiatin,,,ll.ldc• kmn>' Smhh .iPd JocKresgc,•• mnnbcru! lbc C«u, d'A lr:nc ~1.anmha 8Jlod Atcc)n,J'IUIIJI is Aftn P>ul \1u."1..:. from l<c:o)i.. South Africa.M01J1mbiqllc. MIIJ.ait4~r anJ Ethiop:11 wdl be n:-rrcM:mcd 111rorpu1111.in1 Zulu. MJ.bos.a anJ M1utbu l1u1gu.a:gc1, rompld.cd wllh their dWICl.t'R<iilic tactpac C'lkl.l\ Woe~ b)' VianOOU.,('f hlid!J corup(Mltf Slepbtn lbu.:ld will a l'O he lndudcJ 1ft the- program. "'We will not he. weanna nur UMIIII (hnlt Nbe.~ ll cpw,)tth \Jld. Ttu,h1Uytul .\(ll('.1111 ph \\U '1'C".atf:d With lbl: bc:lp or JuJ1th Mc0n1'1:')'. 1hc.1ler coo.tume dlmclat, •nd 11utdcnH v.ho bt<l'IJhl bad;: dc>t.bcJ (toll! n Wp fOAffll.:• -we h.i"c grclll c:olortuJ couun~ auld C\"t'ryot1c wm elth(rbe hati:fon1or "cann11 an.lab"
0..l'ICUIJJD lhc.1i~lt'ln JCrooal) ('f'ICC!Uf'lg«I Open a\",j)Wlgl!ol\'Ad.llbk, acln11t..111011i~lme
Couple displays art in Boswell
'Shen Life:'
\ht .ttm·c,- 10 linll& balance lP lbt mncr ;iorJ ~,an11I \ltOC'kl or c-tpcricnLsct :unl exp1c..siu11,R.at\olon ·K \\·Pri, I• H~t) dJITc:n"nl,. )d '1111 ht, lliltura.!Jy itico N~pp.1' 1 thc11io. I h fo...clrwicm with 1hi:c.x;:pklfll11r,in
uf dkt1on;U')' p.ssc~ and nhl Wll w:heduk'< When crcat1og '4.!Ul~ures., wnll h1a.n&ins:~ and ~hclr.w.a.t 1tcnu, couple u11C11 ~\'C'r.LI (lfffcret11 Ult1pe",. , iu, tmd colot'f The .matk.~1 unullctf iton h oboot the ,ilc of" tc.:i.cup and dli.nt! wlt.b v 1br.o1
)'tll')V. 11nd ,r«1\ The ..tio~ 1..0 h~ 11 fow wall homsung$ m!Klr o( da)· 11111.l J&.-p1t11ng: uma1.c hou~ froo1 olmb,t lnobng hke 111n\i'lbed bf11ntc One comm~ Iheme t,,ccwi.::cn the couplcfl \ltork t!i c,·cl')'~Uy bfc 'lbc
J)Cl'IIIS.lCOC.X ol pc:non11l f('IIU\pct:I 1md lht im:pot11111\'" of hi41h)ry is •ho 111114Jar i!lsuc 10 Ni•pp.i and Ral~ltn\, 1;1;11uln!! 1hruu&h ~ubllc .At flri. 1 11,,wev"'· whcnyovf.On'IC: 11) la\, woLII h;mgu~ ul the> \l\."if'C' ,,1 a tmll~wctl
v,APA& 11.2001 One i111hr<.>e ::, CD.,s sold g lobally Is manufactured illegally • • • • • • •
32 days b)· Krl';lln~ Jl':Sk<" $('11tl,u:I N'f,t,r/,.; "Shdf Life by tw,1».11tl un~I warC' tc,un R1">4,"Cf' Rll®n and u N:irp.-i b " -.c.ric~ ,11 l-ct.anil..: c~.11lions and ijc:on,clrii.:.
ii~\.\ N11ppa .md lbJ\li>fl ha-.·c hci:n worlllnjl lU~C'hcr lot 25 )'C.4h, The c,;prc:.,,1,·c. lit)'Cnrlg uf .t111.hcl) pal m1,1~ .sbc:d~ light Otl lhC(Xlupic·. VIC" nl lh+." lllllU1111 wtltkl \Yl1h N~·~woA fMt>llyc:cnamJ~
ti f option, \'1 1th mi1.1tnah 1.:oulC'\ lhrougb genuine l y. One flto«. wh1<"h look\ bkc A 1U1M..-..: wllh ~p1ki.::, protruilin1, 1lu11~cmu,ly. b m1iJc
rcc.:ydcd &J>C'lhiied
out 1)1:t,QB Jwiwin;t l1c1m in"dc, you befm 10 r,;11!11 • ho\\ an an cnc<tn1r11.-.11 lhc l.'Ompk)UI ICII or life", We OR" playtni v,.i 1h r,tr-\1h1htk,, v.anung 1,1 olferoptiunv,·· No.r r11.11nd Rul 1on q 1d 1n 1h,m aniM'• \h11cm,•11L ' Jbouhilti1 w"~ ,n 1tl(: JJ01,wt•II C(1m1:rOlllltt)' l"*l,t,,,_,,T_ Goomotrlc. sculptures adom • pletlom, at "Sheff U te " Roger els1on and Ltsa Hoppa'• work filled Ille Comer Galla,y Man:h 5-April 6.
1~ fflC'C)'tln;g 9,•~ WJhc:uh. 1.vrdi.nJ lbc NJ)QCt. 'lbc: bt,\
1:ttJ hi, Ill« Wllh hl1 twld, ~n'tCd unc,1enfortoNt otJg.b bu W,comlott 1!¥ 110) hlJ.'lt(ll'),
l l \lined in &'I (lltl U~tbll ofleJ °'JU\l for fricndJ. boy i.cm Olll I twee lllQl-.int
!t .a IJI.III ~ho •.u P) •n4
t"11Mln lib: lmn~f Ind• m11n
roe,cb.d ~nun,ochlntln
U!i;1 \\Ith ~lt)'dcr hcam,e ll\'N m lbc umc
'01,: to!-' .t.i.ancd lalbl'lg .o
1~dcr. who w11.,; alto• fiimil)' cc.J. O\'et the phoae fo1 ncarty o MIUIUbt. TIIC bo) IUMI
)lkt bn::unt l nerlJ. Jl4ll
·1dq:l to meet at lhc Hayden
m.r). Tiicboy',:p,mrn,i himofrlll lhc htinsr,- "",l
Cf'Uld meet "4'lmr rnc..t,; 4ftd
l o)II IOl'lolo'W ..:n;><.~t.hep.u1.11\f:
\l.httt Ul~'"--r rticy dR)',·c- 10 Sn)Jrr' • bou..c et.t •'fflt l 1.w a ba!:krwm"'bmlh«.y .at:and hl:g.&fttal\1n*'
1111! l'OQ\ ffl at kll! turned to dX' bay', pllttnh' d n-1JrCe l k bcjt&nW\'.t)'. Sn)'Je1n:11d1edw1 ti) the till)' ind g.a, ·c h11111 • bu9, u.h1t;.I~JN t.c., bum,: a,iJ cw:ncually1oth,:~
A..xunl1n1tt.uooun dl;ll."Ultlc:Ob, the boy lla/U~ S n)'Jc:r of both llfal Gm ir.w..tlnttn'~\\-flilc1nlbc: bcdrOQm. "rbc ho)' .alJ he calla! b,m hi\ '"!UljelTho I")' on,J Say.J<r .i...tr<d 11.1iJ S,n)'dc, IOOk the.- ho)' bai.k t4 the: lthr.Al)'v.-tlmhi> r .Rfflc. pictc,lbhnup ufkl ll>oa1-J<J ta a t"hu1\.-b tuncu.on Utcr lhar J.1~ lhc bo)' rctth'Cd an c.-mad C'4hKh 11 uu.cbtd 14·dh the coun doc\iinenM to,. bid1 Sn)-dcr 'lro'ilml lhc boy lh.al '" We ...,.ouW b¢ Inc• h>t "1 troutlk ,I )'li!U lv lJ any()llc ab®1tOclay. it would c,rcti he doot to maA)' p).)p c
Mou. f in:lblC"tt.lCIU stu1Jm1.;~ld MIC ,~~die lik-.1 to htlp m,oil\,: tk patl:"'J prnblcm
4 ttuhkl1willt,c,YCI) gMdfotd1t.cbool,- 1o11
•we ,tally lftd IO")fflCIJWJI llbout gc,,tilJftl'lft~fflClll\ \V1lh thi:e.1111 moacy, NJC w,n u,.1"' 1m
,.atcJ SJ9.t.MXI tu~.!! 1.tt1111ract Wld1.a
\.Joi l-.C'Olllplfly toshunk ~uJ..ro tn."C io t1Wtt Ir pow. un WllJ)U"\. Stlllk.Ut\ r-,,ldrulUli. In the K'ITft wd ~h-c 11
CARTOON/JUMP hurua, mr funh foqWJ
1."orwd m1k)11, ~fto-1 )OU k)O, Uui" Jfldd•
Th( l'O)' .altG tc,IJ J l,1,i1ap ha\l'hurchlua11\IC' h1,f,-1lrrl
·ot,,n,c,J • 1th Su)ck'r f11mn1t 11oCt1k" ill\'l)l\·cmcn1 inhli, taom,,,rnul t atde11eic,• .aAd hr. c.lad1MJC\\Ar1llll l1c l fOtu• parmn."' ~,I 11k' "'fK'"
Tht tiu,y hlld r,..-c 1h111 be tc'llhz.cJ llw Sn)Jc1 14.11>l lld'v•l'U~._-c uf hun buc be 1b,11.1 s:ht be ru1lum.-.rUm the pou11on for lltoh.1ff!tna.-ldidCll;llCWlt
He J td ll(l( .,.·1m1 Siiydc, 1ci ro to ;iut Qf g'11n IJUIIM-e; rc,1J lhc polio:: n:pun
1>100.noo,bt \lo\'JCM'nd ruuo Jrtt lu, :un:,, •ni.l ,, '""" 11w.a1t1n1 I hh (m,I hc.lnng 1'CbcJ ukd 1, t\r,nl 20
frtt l*kitli J1Cffllll 1ttp;id. o11 atllCf M("ioonllf ridd ur cht MU11CU1nol Satl1 ld.1hl). WA~ upto JU
n,lnu1.ta,'!.~,..,1Ub:dt\lre'tJaCI AC\ f,r,l"12c-4J
UMlr), thcoSt'U Of thl: HeJ!dOO 81.111!.lina:
NQI Jill.\11.dtnt,.-c h,ps,)' tolot't:O'l"l'fdw:n1n1 SI01ol>slph•>Jlhe,i,m11c , don'c Ui1t1k•1'.11 ll~ adc-a,'" , r.nu1>' 03pn. b!Nl'l6.\ maj.'11' ··Sflhodt is r,hlitJ &nu\it
Yakn ophon ics by Jam es Bell
Cd~'t' offttillb 11r-c «°"1n1t 1hr11 ful~-n lh:11 '4!.kkot\ ,r,IJl WIC ilk ~t\l(C.
••rtJ hk,t IO go lhmt,i:h U\1~,,,a11t101111),- Jurgt'D\ MJJ. The "'u ctlnl pad.in, !(cl ,.,II hale.I I l.5 gn
pc:~ao l'talo!CIOHll.tll M-)1,1(\'C" or fnn.1n1ion (Of u~ Ha111Cn n i J The. Hu,nllft Rc.wur«"1 Oqanmmt 111hcrusc-. job opcning1 at , .iJ1001 •cb-.1tCJ mdudlng WC1n1en 1.n Hi ll,hc'r f.ctua11 011 lttJ m Ullpl.ioct .ucb a, the O.wnkk for ltJJhcr- Ed11Cat1on 1oc.l 1hc Old U.ghcr Edlk.·11tinn maJttllk
10¥, ;11d dnCN,)" UWC'"I, 4i,d I~ JI 111cm\.tor the Wt.1tl.fcin:c D1vff'!\U)' l'onuwuoc '"\tn,1 m,n,,nntt. ~111 ll l'u111'k:t'f1fl£ bbc v,.,tb th!: <ocnm11nUy, v.hkh n 'IOlll(:llunJt v.-e •tt (l)'lt'g w l11.ble'."\'C and 11 kccr working "n," H.aa~ .,.1 I
11.anJcn au.cnc:b ,ob fDJh JGl('N 'h'hlk lhe 1llrti:: Joe t\'I rl"Cftfl1 mu,an11h ,rcar.,all)·, 1.bey 11luy,
orvo1,,1"' P'UTURE
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Friday, Apri l 13
NIC Chrit b anson Gymnasium
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l a.d
1 l'IM.1nrtml 1oar
I t c:mpa9tfll!'
Cdmc Villi the UII
I l \llltltltaa111U1111Uro.Dnouru
m.a>.c-u~ 1hc .ar,ilk:.attom '---.n;k ~' lllltOC J.,,~nit)' btfoft" h.&ndmi lbew O\CI iod1c ~1C c\(chl,• proi;n, tbn\CII ,.hJ W,: arc wry conttmo4 abo111 11~rt,nin1 divC'r,ny lo the- bn1lt)' L•( s1c.-11ew.s
l'hdlJI» COClltbU~I IV \Cf¥( u, the vnluutttJ' ·\ftKan ·\mcnaa rr~n1~1.i,~ for the Kootrn11i Coon1y
l'O((('Q\I pc-tfOllU\IQ publ1cu Mod. "\l,UIJIC'Q "'base ..-..vinrh~mrnb .ucuttco li>\~rloolcd Phllif11 ('C'lrtn1>·cd Jo,HCplunc Boler at N IC'1an1t~ f\lp.:t1rn ~Num April .t 'l'w foo,;hl
11A I J.l«l~U· l(.tlJaftdll1Df 11 l "-1wbb 111~.tV\IM' C.U New S1udcn1 Strvlce, 1 88·88-UlOAHO or .,.;1:nu@uldllho.edu MIK-N·MAC'S <> Thursday, !lpril 19· l..ive Mu5jc ''Word of Mouth" sta~ at 9:30 p.m. <> 1 - l(araoke M,opd~ - Happy all night long lt()6 ltth 6~ • (208) 667-1\858 204-A Ironwood Drive (Albertson's Sh opping Center) 6 6 7-20 74 Have you tried ? Tuesdaij nigh t 99C all dra~s 12oz Barn - close WtrN".!IEIAv, Fra. 1,200, l.tu.
the g~ Ogh1 Not.1o I
fO hvc m) hie lor i hlle."' the wJ ~eu1thatdoe.a'1mc-aatlu1J'U ('l.'CTltc,r•
Beach Clean-Up Day a success dlspne bad weather
b) Josh S1t1dor Edilor,in-Chlt/ TllC' llfll)' ~-.y ~,1a..hc-J lbe unh nciou, I.J.u,hm. Slttt dtiukd d°"·n aot cluudJ• .,.h,ch buni O\'C'r tile ,ty in I do1111: 1,hoval111om)ttlt11• I , 8 a.en. on tt s.1urd:a.y. I h.:ttl m)'iC:lf co a rroJci;.t, imd 1hal wu I" do lhl, ,n(lm1n,r , 1191,i,~Old Khcdukd ahc: Beach CJcao·Up Da} '.'II 1 1,11 thm~mg •c wuulll M l<.u1 \\ltmtll D '"c toked 1111J ,howled the beach dull '1-UnuunJ, l'-ilC I mlsft1 t,u ,:rt 10n,e 111n Cl-fl m)· Jh0\t·p111(
lff.!,. But !'lo d wh co d.
f Id! my 11p.iruntn1 IJ lol·4S nuocmg lh11 no one the 10 1hc budJ1nc ,u.~ up. 1 nK:..ut ,1 .,...,
Sa1un.by mQml.llJ. \\hlll 2l·)·c&M>ld collci:c
•Oudcl'II ii up ,ti lhh, Qoc,m,rt..,ictn 1111le Ont: lb.a•
A! I "'nlkcd II> the bc11eh r no11cied \Omcth111s
I h.idn'1 t«a IOf wc:iek.~· •bicc 011b:• flmt.cnng
.ind n1.1,1int; do• n to ,tie gtvt111d ll wa, bcgtnnin, 10 "MOW
No one i.., going ht \hov. up. I thought And f
\\:u l'lJlht '"'• •hUc,. t ~.-JLOd•MUl)IJ nnnhc
Sun Srot; nc, 1hc~ wn, no iµn, 1h.o1'1 j11,t wb111
NIC calb Ill •'-nd 1..1MI vollC')l'iaU coun tl\11 c;,11
1hf btach Thccc 1,1,·a< n 1"'110 de>. Wln1e:t had
lcfl s,ln!! ncccllc\ b)' di.c Ion ,ttt\t.n around thC'
\liholt' arc:a. 'l'h\'tt ":..,n·t • pbccon 1tui bc1i:h
lluil dJdnt h>\IC II DC.tdk OD ll ,om~\6.bcrc
I ¥r1alkcd dov. I\ lo lh~ \Utcr a1id fill.Cd aero'>$
lh(' Ill.kc ut. tn)',lcfiW11 li.ht A (IOM":t look
,r..-.li:d o hrC' h .,., • , qm1t l,c1e ond 11 1rr e1
Jc:finncly •·armer 1hal I \\,u.
D1M;aUto1fc-d from the 1-.k ol lltc:n,1;111« I
be"4n v.alk\fl$ hlc:L 10 dw: tl'lad "'"hen the £if1'
n( 1hc \-oluntt:cn l\o'f!l'cd Up I 1fl.midu~c:d
m)·•clf to Lt/ aod "'C ch.llllcd lvf 1 \lo bdc.
I ("aft hat1i1fk Um'J. .the ~.11d, J ju,1 ht)fk'! II
d«in'c niin
S0ctt1 al1tt , 1he oi:nc-1\lo ch11.n1cJ to nun
h wHn°l l~1 unit! othC'n 1t1incJ Li1 and me.
Soon J aruop of ~pie 1iartcJ 1111hctin1 nt111
C1aC of lhe •hcJ., u, keep fnun scm11i rained on.
We t•Jked lcw o INhtlc, mo.lllly ahvut
\\C•lhw:f RNlltJnl dut norto or u, h11d koO'A'U 11 v.·(KJ1,J
tie: o i:old •nd IA.Ct Qui l11.:1t 1h,c 5tuvp
Jhh11ndl!'d bnc-Oy 1t1 ttlru.~,·e "'mt' n11"1N c:0.,1'-
,\tlcr • kw minutt-, "'~ ('ame !'I.wk tOJ(thC't
moc..: n~t1 ll) set movhaJ •nJ m",t ddimttly
v..irmc:r We alt srabbcd r;11"~ and hap, 1,nJ .iartcd lhe 1.uk or clc:11.nin1 up t,r 1hc beach 'tc.arl)' 11U 1hc m.;i,ior rhi)c~ h;r.d sho~•c-J Todd He-1.1.,e or Outdoor P\inula wa, the.re rrvn, ncatl) lhc bfJ1nnlnJ He bclpeJ 11) u111r,ly (li,e ,equlpnic.nc alld 1be dump 1nicl:. U \licU nqu11c a hh CIT mun.I ,up~m m IJ1c ht11\·c J1nd i:on1miucd •upponen- or tbc cau•e. Kn,1111" Jr\la- •·• tll'c1t Sile fllld b,lpeJ 1c, org&11ilc- lht:' m1u1t , which h.1d 1c>c11oc-d due to thc \\Othet. t\ul ,he 4J'"1 kept 1bc idea lrnm flounds:rin, 11Ad dyin1 htrore O 1rol)' ~r11.ncd. Later on Jand Fall.. ASN IC prc•itl4int, ,ho•!!d up. She 111.anlfull) hto11»,ht 1he 1~M tb.11 v.-c wt"1u!J be. ea1111r :11 Pua Hut ,11 rm Tht club ,u-ppon w,u grc:.iL P'11blictJit'lnt Club luttl fnc dm\\, O,uJ°'~' Plll'1'tilb h.o~ thcJ, fair \batt nf V-\1h1n1iec:n l°l'\111bc t1:Re:11;pc1.itt.l H1ppor1 caruc fl'(lrn lhc: f1.11tiJn L&nJ!.\lllJ:C: Club, Which f~nll)' form«J Th,c: hlJl'J'I)' (a\:'t"I l.rld able bowe, n1&Je Lbt da.) 1mkb l'°"ucr A1tcr filboi 011e: IN<'k wnh pure o~iedln ;utd ka\'e,. ll)fflC ll/ u, luol a bfcn.l tw ••JUI<' tu and warm.1h ,11,1~ 1hc- Sict'lt-r1 aoJ Lee: h1,11l1.1!111s. 11 wa, c.Jir11cull 10 ,-c:t bllck 1n1'i) the col-.1 hut af1cr:. liulC' rm.:kf1n1t y, i: ftttc •JI Nd co w\JR fl.llinJ lhc aeccmd tru<l Aad duu wc did ThC' lt('Ond uuck *•Ai fil"41 1~.irl)l tO uracJt)' With lbe -.a:'f1f!d li)aJ t1f It«' V.'lt-lr.lC but Wb al'6 IC<'C'lllCd b)' 1,a.U, #Ud IW() ricc:c, of St)'JUfollm 1.b11.1 .,..""' flottln1 u, 1hC' WJll.c:J 1'1, Off(' Wil.'11,(UIIC "-UIC Whcct' lh#C umc: fll,m We wnrkcJ lill v,,c \\rre •II waked. i;tilJ •11'1 c.loi-.c co uli.o,,eablc •od &bien we '\un·c)1."d the 'A c,,\ '\lo ,:- blld \llll\c' rf\le. 11 ",urn • \ n1u,h , hl,)S)«l to OCt.:l'lcnplhh tiu1 l .,,. , ,. happy v. uh "1111
-.c: J1d Jct J,,nc N1:11rly 15 ,cuJ,!ttl\ 1,hn•cd up \.l tlo M,m,e 1hin.g lh,u 1ruly bni.etitied the C"11kJC ILnJ I~ &:eumn 1,uth) uj !\iot lh IJl\bll 1.,I duut lkJlt11n1 fl) c:om5'l11n 1bvu1 roJJ. J.11J. hre v...u tupp)' \\ Hh 1hc nurnht-n •"'
,.. ••f v..a~ j!t\i11J Id be happ) II d1< wu1htt itt,U 111ct and we Bot l"i people-to ~how up We h.,ll more- than dut aoJ. tl1'" "'uthcr u not nic~ fodd t-ttld
Aftet o Inns cnld d4> "-.: IA.·~tt all hupp)' to tta,e 1hi: bud, f<i, food cofh.'C' •od w11,11nth. Th1tnh • tt dm.,10 the w,tun1c:-cr v.hu bctrcd Ml m11th a., ft(U n, IO ASSIC (Of lhc: f<'Od ·tb1: Ml)' U,JC' fCJrtl h 1h,11 Mdd!U~nl V.-11.\nt abk 10 rl~y bccau,e n11hc wie111b\·t Mt)'tic t0111iC. Ollwr umc.
Wa>'4r.so,,y, APRIL. 11, 2001 EVENTS
" every individual bas a flame inside of them. Each of those flames has the potential to bum high . The only thing that can extinguish that flame is discrimination and bigotry. Maximize your ±lame."
-Tony Stewart, Political Science instructor
/ ,
by Josh Studor
''Americans don't know leprosy:· Mother Teresa. portrayed by Monu Klinger. told her audience during Tuesday ' s Popcorn Forum. She recal.Lcd helping one man with leprosy and gangrene on hi s leg.
"When we began to wash his sore_~ the water ~tarted the blood flowing over his green ne.~h." she said. Skin and muscle soon began to peel away from his leg so only bone was left She said you could see through his leg.
"Then a crow came down and picked up a bone from his foot, " she said. ··you see. the crow was hungry coo."
Klinger said there arc millions oflepers and that India has tens, even hundreds of thousands
"They arc like the walking dead." she said.
Helping lepers was regular for Mother Teresa. according to Klinger. but this is not what she is known for.
Teresa is known for establishing the Missionaries of Charity. a group of Catholic nuns who took the vows of chastity. poverty, obedience and a fourth vow to pledge their lives Lo l1elping the poor by living among !hem.
Klinger told of a time when Mother Teresa went to San Francisco to help dedicate a new convent for the sisters. She told the construction workers that the convent wa~ too extravagant. She asked them to remove some Lhil)gs. but the workers refused because it would hurt too many feelings.
Determined. Teresa and the sisters tore out the carpel and removed the drapes. washer and dryer, dishwasher and even the pews and kneelers. They had St. Vincent de Paul Society pick the items up, sell them and give lhe money to the poor.
"We work with (the poor) because they are Christ in the distressing guise of the poor," Klinger said.
Mother Teresa began life in a wealthy family in Albania.
"We were wealthy." she said, "in spirit as well as money."
Mother Teresa.
forum speaker
Her mother taught her of faith in action. She said she would come home at dinnertime and find strangers sitting at their dinner table. When Teresa asked who these people were. her mother replied they arc my brothers and sisters.
It was not till later that Teresa said she realized that her molher did not just have a huge carlhly family Those people were hungry strangers she had brought in from the street.
Inspired by her motlier. stories of missionary women and God, Teresa decided to become a missionary. She began work in a middle-class school for girls. This was comfortable. It wa~n·t until 20 years later lhat she heard the voice of Christ call to her and say that she should work with the poorest of the-poor. a task she took on as soon as she could.
Mother Teresa started the most famous part of her ministry when she was 40 years old. Because of her work for the poor in India. Mother Theresa received a Noble Peace Prize in 1979. Through all of her accomplishments she never took all the credit
"I am nothing," she said. "T am the wire; God is the power." ·
Tuesday her main message was love. She said love was the only way to reach the poor, the only way to help mankind and the only way to live one's life
"ff you want world peace." she said. "go home and love your family. Today you can help change the world with your love."
"/jyou want world peace, go home and love yourfamil)t Today you can help change the world with your love.·•
photos by Jerome Pollos
Mother.Teresa, portrayed by Mona Klinger, addresses the crowd in Schuler Aud ito r ium.
by Amber Sewell
The fndian language does not have a word for "beauty;· but that does not mean they don'1 know the concepL Addressing the human spirit from the American Indian perspecttve. Della Warrior gave U1e keynoLt! address Wednesday morning.
She said Indian people knew beauty ancl it could be seen in their ivory carvings, woven baskets and paintings.
Warrior then told of the different kinds ofbeaury. According Lo Webster's dictionary. beauty b "a pleasing quality associated with form or color. Also appearance or sound thm arouses ;lfong delight. To 1he American Indians. beauty is "the quality of life beyond making art, etc. It h a state of profound wholenes-s that comes "ith living with beauty."
To continue the appreciation for beauty. the lru.titute of American lndian Arts was established in 1962 in Sama Fe. NM It 1s a two-year fine arts co11cgc. which includes a museum. Warrior is the pl'l!;idcnt of IAIA.
The school h3$ bad students frnm 558
different tribt!s. Three to 8 percent of the students arc non-American lndian Some students have come from as far as Japan to auend the school.
Near the end of her speech. Warrior gave a slide show of some art done by sLUden1s at lAlA. It included the type, title and an artist statement.
Warrior !IJso gave a brief background of herself. She is a member of the Ote>Missouria Lribe. Al one time, they were scpararc tribes, but merged and now reside in Northern Oklahoma. The tn be con~ists of 1.500 members. Warrior became the first female chair of her tribe.
Darrel Tso. an NIC minority adviser, said 11 was great for Warrior come to speak during Popcorn Forum.
"Tony (Stewart) made contact,, and used his ~ources to gci Della Wanior here."
Wamor wrapped up her presentation by saying. "'Culture defines art. art defines culture and the human spin! is defined by both "
"May you walk in beauty and the great spirit bless you al I."
National art exhibit graces SUB
Native artists display traditional, new styles
by Linda Ball
Ten works of an by American Indians were on display in the SUB April 4 in conjunction
with "The Hu man Spirit from the American Indian Perspective" presentation.
Nine ani~L~ from six different tribe.~ were represented.
The only artist with two pieces on family of sih1ersrniths in NW New display was Celeste Worl of the Tlingit Mexico. His work "Win ter Solstice tribe from southeast Alaska. She views Sun, " a 40 Jt 30 diptych acrylic on her art as "an intuitive process, like a canvas was abstract yet warm. prayer." Her two acrylic on canvas A 36 x 36 acrylic on canvas entitled works entitled "Death in my Eye" and "Wolf Spirit" seemed to draw the most "Bro with Shades" were bright, updated attention. The artist, Emilio Marks, is versions of traditional Tlingi t an_ These from the Nenara D'cnic tribe of were also the most expensive of the Nenan a. Alaska. He believes his work artworks at $1.500 each. Lies somewhere between iraditional and Timothy D Edaakie, a 26-ycar-old contemporary. and although influenced from the Zuni tribe, comes from a by his Athabascan culture he
incorporates outside influence. Marks just received a scholarship lo the SanFrancisco art institute.
Other artists and their works included "K of K '' by Si Young Bear ' lliomas; "A Prayer for Rain" by Buffalo Gouge; "Pollen Collector'' by Sandra Coboe; "Millennium 200 1·· by Jason David; "Untitled'' by Darian Smiley; and "My Heart R emembers" by Celeste Boykin
phOIO by Don Brown
llk.t.r. a;u:nn1caft1•n...,,- v.1:ll l,)C(aJXttf lflC' f.1rtunc-dtmrJ1ll: ill.oclc:ly "~·15 it tJcat we mm ..Qdd he e:dcknttll)' tan WW 0-S •~U lb<J lw'VC Uc (ruiu vl.~ !! W•C'IOJ lum l1l.rQi.n •~man_ ,rqually an~ be Nm IIIC(l dili,· Wini ~indh.1,-"C"l'.l*-"llll'lbla .U hi1Ufe I 11n, n11YCi1~ inflnDU' th.-in 11111in k)'c,!'' kffmLiDcdd Wl-.c;n Jd!Cl'QI, qa.• SbakDI aWJl/i;mi.dd \IM}' hdk.ll 1n k"c.:lthd-, i~hlland•iu y fhnJ 'l'CU.und 'l'i'"1CCLl}IQ'lfilnl'I roJa n:ll'l"IL'l tu~ ,;,Own ,..,)Uld not lmw.·IJI hi, kJ'N (~her- A1\cr m ••h•nnl prnp~olk,u~kau:dho IO w1i1 "• him ""'bib hctta\d,d F~andn:-JJ 1,v fo,r IC' ih'l'l )'C:lt\ hu 11,b.::R"fU'-Clll1lrumd'lhmtrld\1 1a,)· (m.t h ~"' • t 1•\JIVdJ ,ttumadlficrdui.,. JdfcnQft...S l a:, •td n \Jffll"\Sh,,tuu iful hJJ'('i11e..r 11 1'1.Nal '-' llc \f .J11jn They nlllffic:d: J.1t1UM) 1.1772 ...S 11c.-1cn ,-'C.ll't ti n L1n1:.gc he dtoo Jctfrn.::-1 I Al .:.,wm.p..-irnct h,-n,,tcn, thon ('.\l.q,l k•f anc la..ck uf hm ..S .t 1'«"111!.he 111Vlt' 1U han up,n her dcah. l lcw 11mb ••«r found at\cr ha ~ aniq UIC't1ka.,;,ll)ht1sarc. ~1~-rw:,n~111h~1fll:'n,¥ 1',m'\MJl.n1111 be\:autc"ol lhc.-.. rl!C'mly t'lhc:r k,.,-c imm:r.l m hitl1l t"•aa 11 L'tfflcJ • Of1r..n. ~1..vMC°'""Y· lhey11.ffJli,o.:hothet'
IIUJ~>,t,a1 dw w ~-s~ Jt tri:r.w. ·• i..1..11o k,.,-ek11er u&W ,,, Hat.I.and ,1, Heart Afttt kUOl'Mlfl'• ~' Sc:holar. (."by ksOOrl"ill'lft n:rrm'Cdhr, h;utpi«( and i:.;UUll wtOf ch.nta. A P'(Jfot-, lonr.lil sp:dtt , knl..iruoo h.l, • 1Jtc".11n 111 be oneot fhc nlQII i~u,a.1hd 111Jo.lgt11lul pctJ{'k irt tik'.' ._.,.w, •1t.l Wbe die t"iri4 Nonh Da1.&::an 1Pwt1, d'C P\lliD'a" Prilr lornonrtcuoo
II<-~ chait lht ~o( tbe Pupc:cwn Forum. a "'an;ti fC'.lfdic tun., rent. ~hll~ mak lruk tcnilctOkllCll"lffl.
"'Fu JdltAIIQ. hen, roll) iiu'l 1e'-CQ ~rmt fu'kffcnon d1I.Tl' b i.,nly ifllC'lllgmcc.'" Jcnkm»>Q ....S
Speakers focus on strength, courage
b) Kha ('arptnlff'
~he Ytdl't' I.ht- yclla.... Sw of David anJ m:uaJ from hC'r duly:
··11",-\Mkrl)' ln1pt,"\jbk rur n~ co build my hh:. nn a hlUIIIJAta,in pf~ ...UUMn.t; .'Ind de-Mb. I
ICll lht' '11'\lriJ bcing ~lo"'"I>' ttan,ionncd iatl) 1
•dJ.trtlDS. I heat -rrro•dttna 1htmdcr dw one dla). wl11 dcllro) ~. I kd lhc ~ffcrinJ; of ttUlhc.,p,_ Alkl )d. when I lot'IL up,, the M}' l
M'fne~w fcc.1 C"\"~lhmJ ~111 dl.tn,c (ot the bc11cr.1h.11 th1Htudty too wfl (nd. l.ha1 p;.-.-.: and tr.uk1t.11llty "'-•II tt1um llfK'C: ffll)ft' Aft.QI('
frank W,U lbc fip.t ~OICt isl lhe 3ht Popcorn f~C\'Cnin.g~e r;ancl
K.tth,e O Briffl. Compueu AppJIClluPfl, Jtbuu;t«. portr:i)-td f"ffnk. Shc ffll1Qd the C:\'('6" 1ha1 led up fo the lllbC the Fnu1l t'um1y I...S kl 0cc. intO hiding IO~ tbc cupcurc of tbt
N.ui go1ocmmta1 entry from hC1 dl.lll"y. kJ 10 lhrtt tnAtl'bset and c:igbt cbildma ctt-,1hcx1. ·he 1l1ecl She told ot the dJ'eAdN lb) ,.hm ht:• s.,.u-r. "'It'••..,..~ l ~'°afl ~oorJ ltll 111)' He dkJ •n 1967 p Huulin,,un Churca la H~ • u 1)'utp11thn1~ to hu tt• ra,tdht APlll'
Matsu• r«t,,.'C'd~hotl papcr1111 rq')Qltloa 1dd,h, 1he)· 11C'11.'II\ t o»t,.,;urd-.nd u•nr-:~htaJ "tell tfflCtllC di.sonkr 1h111 1m1c&t'd hi ; rnc,c.bcr • wc1). J f-nnl.agrcctag lha, llll tiufflln)~C'Cl\111.
labofi:.,.mr, (Qfdni thl:Fritt1b tnldhic.lint- clini. "'·lhc:m h«al.l'-C' I wflbfliC'\·c. In 'J'•leol Guthnc kn hchil'K.t him the_ r,1111,lomwJcllbof At:cunhnc klJdrmon. l.bC" Ckrnmt1 \\C"t('fl(I(
Sht re-,: t~ par.kinafot the mn,·c ltt!iJ 1hc C\>ef)1hin&,: th.is pcr,rl~ art tnil)' il10d •• hc:c1 thl' folk ballad.. w.h:i1:h t,.n ~' a , -ch.cit QI n,I Jur.r tiroui ha Pr "ron~ I IC" 1mere lJ good
-~ Anne•- ~'c tk:.t t111twt(, t,,,nmCt-:1> 1'lk- ~rc-o1t:Cf. A.r1hur "'WogJ)"" GUlhnc' liol>Cli,11 ptote,.t obscrv,aoua In •II n~ ltc bc.U1:1o·ci thnn11b etl!.k:.alJCJO man l-ler mttthrr 111;1,klcJ'hrt-loc r:i-,:briconly par1rnycdby J.'lx,J ~crvJCe t),l'\.'\:1.of 8,11 Gulhnc! ~tuJeJ hi•k'puc'Nb) rt..)'liiR ua c.anhtpcrfe(1t'J pi,;cum, Q.ll'l(n. •od her hdCl'\"Cd d1AI)'. hJJ J(uthcrfnrJ bcpn b) pla)"lng lui barmoruca. h11 J mW ""ll,11 l;1od 1, Your Wltd."" t k addrc!>K'd Quchric'J imn lhc ··CPIMIOO
JUM r\"«1,·ed fnr-hc:r IJlb bb1bda:y , Outh.ncv rlaino.fbc~ he b.ld ~-omt'a (oil TIK J;t.11 pm,cnkfol 1h,:n- n1ing w a,.:Thntl'IM MIID • ·Mc1tllYte1 IIC'al\ tl1(lf'C' Id~ lhi1J1 dn-ue..." ,he hel\l anJ 1(1111'\Tlla try invrhnr ahoul thr Jdfcnnn. p nrtra ynl b) huttl&:i1ca-hcat;ar and Jd:IC1'•1A tul,;J Mtn.J,I.: him Uftl:Qtnfort.ablc R'pl..:d. o;1Q11tq (.'uJturnl C'omm cnt&lnr Clay k nl.in -.qn , ht'cau~ we AtoC'JlCllln.t. h01 C\ltnrnon. Wft uc Fran\ 1okl "I Ow two year onk•lll of tu.din, 10 He u.iJ he: h.id bccucrie nil'n,:uod woh the, kll<"C\On opened It.I, ,peo..h " ""'Pl"'-~ h• the •.,,.4,ic Aft1l"n, • t, a 1.-ont11~11,t u1 hope,. 1h<cnunr,eJ four·f'C"llffl 5oe1 abn\clhc•·nrt.co. • ('41nman Mao · opcnin,: u aicmcn t mak hy modcr..uor•aJ e~1.111n1na: l1t,Jt'"n100,pc'Ofllr We Nccqu.d. l'ouf S~c.11~hcN-1hc-1cn.-\lnnlllC~thcr~ TI11uugbh1c «t,,N~lll:rP1,~the ~·..:111,: Potiu -al Sc:Kn1.--c n.,nuciut Ton)' S-1CVt an c ,tu,t11v tt11i.utu,blc. livcry ll~~Jltna).k"f ol th,: hdlJno(11kik:Clh&I i.hc had tocndwc. She' Sonh~ai ~~?61101111 i11 .kJd.l) L ""lbc~h ,U1..h a 1hu,,a., p,ad f\nlt S1.: ~.vt of v,h;it he 1,, .I.Qdlm I.Jll'orat,,hf)' 101n.i,11;f'lhc
)'('lll'nc\J lot frc,h•lral)IJ IO kcl lhc11t1n..l on her Gulhncra,cddK" "'•Y l\ll' roll .111druck ~id an.of tile
fa:..: wt1,wri11:~ U l)yl:i.11 .ui4 8n.,cc Spri~•lttn lcJl('two diN. ltf\'JCd "'"ith s1c ·11rt Skwan "'""luJcJ lhe w,1h SM ,poke o( h.:-101 iJj'1Q.M',cd lntl tht p,.tnhd Ucr Uttf!U~ 1hcm •u ""nt.: ""id1 coe1~n·11..-1e df1\tt "'llicrc ,s no gc,od \)Pt of~ gu,h ,"' Jdfcnoa fflCoumg.ing wonk on equJ.Uty He t.lJJ !Ni he ~n from her ooJ,cr Mid then t..1« hct char or,nic,w. hkc hilmc'IC Mid. lil~ 1a th1nk c,'CI)' inch\'.Jual ha.• ll flame 1n»,Jc. mocber and flMlly bet w.ter. who J.o.t c.tay,. • l "''rote wb.AI 1 fdl aad •·lul: I tbouchl." be A«Ofdln,g "' J d fcnon. lmll ha tntcnaincd tbc- E,a;h fl11m1: tw. the pok.'ffll.111.> biam high. 1M'
~tore htt a, I.he lkrgC'll·Bcbcn ConcmtrMi,na MN MkJ Cl( r,c -dcJ&tncd •m, "'hich he dunh 1 1111 only thing 1Nt can cwn,ul.Jt 1h.11 fbmc. "
Ounr Outhric ft'PCalcd M"lla'lll tinQ. Ultou!Jbocal hb oul~'<' _ diJcnminadm 11.nd biJOll')< FrMlt con.;luJed her rre~u1hon 1,h llbOlhct pnrnwion Uw: he: •·4\ a ''ft'IIIWlina mm.• ""bkh How C1NIJ.1~c o~a.1 Ourur CIQt.c tbwcd Ma:dnu:o: your flamt.," Si.cwan
IJIIICIIOli,0-.. ClloN Thomu Jellerson, portrayed by Clay Jenldnoon, •-Illa-Inga that love loo boring topic. Jeff...-, .,...._, 11w t,,... - no human opiltt. only human lnlollgonoo.
--- I N SF;ARCH 01' THK H UMAN SP IRI T ove Jefferson says leeling is an uninteresting subject •1o..nn.auron1 8c(1JR' at .awacrn ,.,,( .J41l in Schub Awi1011111n M ~. the ~Pl 1,i'tre 'tboll-. kfJ('fWft. du.cuato.thD* JU\'(' alk\.'lldlC' hunal "P"lt (I\-C' h:ttla.lcd 1,,t.pr.1). lhllll '°"VahJ I • 1llh"CIU1t I w.111 a n i.in ,1' d uty, tru1lc1 rn.:1dJ ) Uu d ..,t: ,, ao subja:t 0\;u I und i:alcmbns 1h111 kwc.- klCcrwlO s:Dtl JcfL:nonbqXl 'irh. kdaa dr"'~iJ..onl··.,Ct,i,di lltll.l lhe rm~ d>.at ••bc:IIIDwoJSlft.hlm ~ofth:mitlM.t'. lL:~dutldllflflgnlh!·r pl~i~llt:Jdlll!l~lffltip-,h1
........... ....., ..... . _............... ....
Work Woman gives up Hie to laborers
by Matt Ball
She lived to be 100 years old. made an enemy of Noonan Rockdcllcr and was caUcd the Nntion's Nag .·· Her name wa, Mary Harris Jones, also known as Mother Jone., (1830-1930). She appeared in the spacious Schuler auditorium in the persona of librarian Denise Clark.
Mother Jones was born on May I. 1830. in Cork Coumy. lrcland. Her parents were very poor. Jones' family moved 10 the United States in 1835 10 escape their poverty.
She had four children with her husband George.
In 1867. the yellow fever epidemic hit the South, wiping ou1 Jones' entire fa.mtly.
Afler the epidemic. Jones moved to Chicago. where ,he workL-d a, a searru.1re-~s Cor the wealthy until Chicago burned 10 the ground m 1871
In the ashes of Chicago. Jones discovered the Knights of Labor group. She had become incensed by horror stories involving labor condiuons, and became a lnbor organizer.
Rampant labor unrcM was already wide~prcad in 1880. when she began lighting for workers· right~.
Her early events tncluded organizing women to go on strike for coal miners
She said ~he hoped seeing women fighting for the miners would convince the miners to slrikc.
lier most farnou, action was with the miners of a mining town in Colorado, which had the wom condition~ in the country. Coal dust clogged their lungs ,md seeped into their skin. The miners' wives were sick and their many children were thin and always hungry.
Mine owners controlled the town. Not only did they control con1ent of school~ and churches. but they al~o gouged the miners of what little money they had in their ,ton:s.
She organized a stnke. which came 10 n violent end when the state militia killed 30 people. including 13 women and children.
She fought for better working condition~ and wage~ for the reM of her life When she dico.l on Nov 30. 1930 , she was taken to Mou111 Olive. Lil where about 5.000 people aucoded her burial.
Denise Clurk. one of the managing librarians. has panicipated in the Popcorn Forum for the past five years , She has been Sophocles. Queen Victoria. Dickey Chapelle and did a portrayal of Mother Jones another year. Like other portrayers. she did heavy srudying before writing a script and memorizing it.
Panelists discuss American ethic
by Matt Ball
In the early aftemoon of April 5. 2001, Mother Jones joined four other historical figures who were connected lO the Popcorn Forum theme "work." The foar paneli!,t~. inlroduccd by instruc1or. Allie Vogt. were Rosie the Riviter, Saint Beoeclict. Thorstein Veblin and John L Lewis, Rosie the Riveter, portrayed by Amanda Knapp. was the lir.;t speaker. She spoke about her life before. during and after World WarTwo.
When her husband. Charlie, joined the wareffort. Rosie's hfechanged forever.
Because so many men went to war, many women had to rake jobs. Rosie worked as a riviter for Boeing.
Every rivet was a nail in Hitler's coffin." she said. in her Soulhem accent
Saint Benedict (480-543). poruayed by Dale Marcy. was lhe next speaker. He grew up in Italy during the Middle Ages. His early life corLqisted of getting an education and rising to lhc top of lhe social ladder.
Then, Barbarians invaded Italy. giving mosl Italians a bleak future. Benedict was one of the few who was still able to keep an education. He went to Rome to study. but later chose monastic life over the Classical
In 5 12. he gaLbcrcd men from all over the world and taught them about honoring God through hard worl<.
Thorstein Vcblin (1857-1929) was a sociologist who criticized America for what hi~ calls rampant conspicuous consumption." Veblin described the 1errn one be first coined. as the tendency to acquire thmgs for the illusion of weaJU1. He argued that Americans value their reputarions more than their survival. Alan Lamb portrayed Veblin.
The final guest was John L. I..cwis ( I 8801969), portrayed by Ken Pelo. Lewis wa.,
born in February of 1880. As a young adult he learned of the 1erriblc coaditioos in America·s mines.
In 1920. Lewis was elected the president of the United Mlne Workers Union. five years later. he wrote a book about bow the credit fo r improvements in working cond itions in the mines goes to the miners. He quickly became an organiz.er of non· union groups. and n supponcr of Franklm Roosevelt for his first 1wo terms He remained president of the union until he retired in 1960. He died in 1969.
pholo by Vince AShlnget
Denise Clark portrays Mother Jones during a presentation on the importance of labor unions. Jones devo ted her life to helping oppressed workers earn rights
Comedians get Americans by
by Luke George
Humor (hyoo ·mer) The quality of being laughable or comical: funniness.
Television has been responsible for raising the spirits of Americans and people around the world. II has entenained while wars have taken the young. It has helped laughter take the minds of this country away from the difficull facts of lite during U1e Depression.
Librarian Dave Remington presented the nervous. scripted and choreographed life of Jack Benny during a response panel on humor.
From the age of 16. with violin in hand. Benny has hit the funny bone of U1c American audience. The exploitation of his emotion~ reflects an image of u,e )ll!rfect victim. Titis is Benny's emotional connection to U1c audience
Communication~ instructor Annie McKinlay pre.~ented the life of Lucille Ball with bright wit and inquisition.
Along with an inter-racial relationship. ·1 Love Lucy'" was Uie first show lo portray pregnancy and a single mom. The show was the first to have editing and syndication.
An example of how much comedian~ have touched lives was seen after the episode of little Rickey'~ birth: lhrec truck toads of baby booties were delivenxl to U1e show. 111c show not only held first ranking Uiroughoul most of Uie '50s and '60s but it is still watched every day m 80 countries.
Slapstick humor is a way for comedians to make common things wny through exaggeration, Ball said. It is easy for people to relate to her life through comedy.
Twail giVes all chances to laugh
by Luke George Crit•i-cism:
·nie art. skill or profession of making discriminating judgements and evaluations. espt.-cially of literary works. Like a true gentleman. he walks into tile room witll reserved expressions. yet something hits quite calmly--the speech is clear, U1c sense is not.
What etluld be an insuh of belief is presenred wilh a critical style that leaves a person wondering about self and how ca~y it is to let go and laugh
As portrayed hy George Frein. Ph.D Samuel Clemens revisits Uic humor and tales of Mark Twain. who wrote Roughing ll,'" ''The Guildcd Age." '1'om Sawyer."' "Huckleberry Finn and Uie "Notorious Jumping Frog of Calaverna Councy:·
Twain's expression on tile topic of creation simply stated Ulat since man was created on Uie sixth day. God's lazine:;s gives exemption for our errors.
On politics. Twain suggests Uiat the best politician is tile one who stays corrupt no matter how much he·s paid.
Twain considered being a preacher before he became a journalist. It was tl1e fact Uiat he might be damned thai dissuaded him from expressing himself in Uie church.
The laughter in SchulcrO Auditorium was a result of the connection~ between tile talcs Twain spoke of and the associations Uiat can he made with everyday life. The humor presented is timeless as its friendly sarcasm makes fun
Martin joins 'dead people' on humor panel
by Kim Carpenter
Thursday's evening response panel on work began with DoroUly Parker. ponrayed by Rhena Cooper.
Parker began her presentation wiUi he r famous couplet: "Men seldom make passe,~ at girls who wear glasses."
She shared of her experie!lce while working as a book reviewer for the New Yorker.
"ft has been said that 1 have been one of Uie founders of tlie famous 'Algonquin Round Table" at Uie Algonquin Hotel in Manhattan." Parker said.
Parker had a reputation of acid wit and was known for being one of New York's most brilliant conversationa lists.
"The difference between Uie liberated woman and a woman of ill repute is education," Parker said.
Parker concluded wiUi a quote for liberated housecleaning days.
"Please excuse my dust." she said.
The next presenter wa.~ Oscar Wilde. portrayed by NTC financial aid adviser.
J ohn Jcn.,;e.n.
Wilde was born into a weallily family on Oct. 16, 1854. Hi s father was an accomplished ear and eye specialist and built at his own expense tile St. Mark's OphUialmic Hospital H e was also knighted for his work as assistant commissioner for the census.
While attending Trinity College he achieved two awards. a gold medal for Greek and a scholarship to Magdalen
College in Oxford.
Wilde succeeded m becoming a keenwilled playwright and lecturer
"Men marry because they are tited and wo men marry because they are curious,'" Wilde said.
In I900 he died of a re-occurring car infection that developed into meningitis.
11,e Uiird speaker wore a spon jacket. tie und boxer shons --hi s name. Steve Martin, portrayed by NTC s tudent Dan Thompson.
"Being on the guest list of dead people is like a bad Grisham novel ,'" Martin said of his invite 10 tile Popcorn Forum.
Martin attempted at studying philosophy in college, but dropped out to pursue his writing and comedian career. By tile '60s he won an Emmy for his
work on the hit series " The Smother' s Brothers." By Uic end of the decade. he was performing his own material a..~ a stand-up comedian.
Some of his well-known films are "'Roxanne" and "Father of tile Bride."
According 10 Martin, the most imponant key to being successful is being unique.
He concluded his pcrfonnance by aski ng Uie audience lo repeat after him the following: ''l promise to be unique: I swear I will never repeal things olhcT people say."
The NIC ~-pecial feature "Magical Comedy through the Lens of a Camera consisted of three scenes in w hich practical jokes were played on students and alhletes.
photo by Luke George Dr George Frein portrays Mark Twain, personified through tall tales, criticism and sarcastic humor
by Robin Ulhredlch
NIC's Popcorn Forum featured Clay Jenkinson, a renowned speaker who ponrays historical characters. writes and leads cultural tours in various place,, in the United Slates and a few foreign countries.
Ptofcssor Tony Stewart mtroduccd Jenkinson Tuesday morrung 1.11 Schuler Auditorium • Jenlonson C'.unc forward saying , "I'm not ready for lhis ." and the audience responded with laughter
A young reroncr named Mike Jacob~ left an imprint on 1he life of Jenkifilon that hc said will always :'X! wtlh him.
"When I think about my life, I can't imagine it having unfolded ~uccc~~fully without the illlerve:ilion of this remnrkable man.'' J1mkinson said.
As the story unfolded. ''The Grand Fork,; Herald." where Mike Jacob, worked as an editor, flooded and burned in th~ great Red River Aood a couple of years ago.
"A lesser man would have walked away." Jenk.iru;on said. "but Mike Jacobs and others moved the newspaper office 20 miles west. They remed a little houi.e and took advamage of the eleclronic revolution by sending their photographs and stories to !he twin cities of Minneapolis and St. Paul Minneso1a."
During the ca1aslrophic Red River Aood. the
Oay Jenkinson, keynote speaker 'Grand Forks Herald' never missed a single edition-no! one printing. They coddled 1ogcther this electronic miracle and carried on in spite of the odds."
"More lhan that. !hey delivered the newspaper free to anyone who wanted it during the flood Jenkinson said. • "'They ceased to think about money, and lhey dedicated the front page to notices where people could advertise for lost pets and other items for free."
Jenkinson noted that !here was a chance that !his big moment may have never come to Mike or the Grand Focks Herald. Theo he said, "But when ildid, Mike was ready. Since Mike was ready, the Grand Focks Herald won a Pulitzer Prize for Public Service and Mike Jacobs appeared oo ABC News· "Nigh1line.''
Jenkinson's keynote address. tilled "Being Ready When the Moment Comes," challenged the onlookers to "be ready" when the great moment of !heir lives suddenly come upon them.
As Jcnlcinson spoke. Schuler auditorium filled with silence except for the occasional rustling of papers and squeaking of chairs as people stirred in their seats.
Jenkinson shared a similar miraculous story about a young Indian girl who was divinely touched and overcame a racial discriminatory crowd 10 bring her and her 1eammates out of a life-threatening situation at a baske1ball game.
Jenkinson told how Thomas Jefferson nearly missed his big moment of writing "The Declaration offndepcndcncc."
"How <lid this happen? How did Jefferson get this big assignment·• Jenkinson asked the audience. "Why did he do so well?"
"He got the assignment because he had the reputation of
being a student of liberty," Jenkinson explained. "Jefferson already had a reputation for being a deep scholar, the lhing that congress needed. Jefferson had also spent years mastering his prose style."
''When the moment came for Jefferson, I believe be got the assignment for two reasons: He knew what needed to be said and everyone recognized that, and he knew how 10 say it and everyone recognized that too. This came about because. be1ween !he ages of 12 and 33, Jefferson read about 12 hours a day. Jefferson's mastery came from deep. deep, deep preparation.''
Jefferson had intellectual courage, bul possibly not moral courage regarding slavery Jenkinson said.
"Moral courage is the capac ity to do whal you know is going to get you into deep trouble because you know it bas to be done." Jenkinson said.
The grealesl 20th Century instanc.e of this is Mother Ten:sa. a crca1ure of enonnous moral courage," Jenkinson said.
"r trunk the great, great, great rncn and women arc the ones who have moral courage." Jenkinson said. "lnteJ.lectual courage, although important, is not as important.''
Jenkinson also used the example of a Lutheran Pastor named Martfo Nicmoller, who lived in Nazi Germany at the time when Hiller w~ murdering Jews and other people who didn't fit into his plans.
At first, Niemollcr supported Hitler because of his military background and loyalty to his country.
However, Niemoller later realized that the Nazis were an unspeakable disaster. Slowly Niemoller distanced himself from Nazi ism and held rallies at his church to speak out against them. He gave several sennons tha1 evenluall y led to his am:st and spending many years of his life in a concentration camp. NiemolJer died only a few years after being freed.
"What greatness there is in Mother Teresa and what greatness there is in Martin Nicmollec, people who. ool like Jefferson just talk about iL beautifully, but people who put their bodies in front of death and say, ' l can do no other,"' Jenkinson said.
Jenkin son gave some suggestions to be ready for that big moment
I. Do your homework. Take on almost impossible demands for yourself and live up to them, and lhen on Sa1urday morning when you are absolutely tired and all you want tO do is read the newspaper, go back to the gym and do five hours of gymnastics Mastery is the most important part of greatness.
2. You must have a sense of liming and not be like the doctor who planned lo go on the expedition with Lewis and Clark, and because he slept in, he missed lheboat.
3 You need a sense of yourself, to be grounded and know who you are. what your capacities are, and where your strengths and weaknesses are.
4. You need to look in che mirror and let other people help you decide who you are because they might sec your character more clearly than you
"Moral courage is the capaci1y to do what you k1ww is going to get you into deep trouble because you know it has to be done"
photo by Sam Cameron Clay Jenkinson stresses the Importance of being ready when a life-changing moment comes up. Jenkinson travels the country giving presentations as historical figures and motivational speeches.