The North Idaho College Sentinel Vol 55 No 10, April 24, 2002

Page 1

Booster offers option

The" pt0Jn.m I~ UD.lblc

al 1he hw Jlf'('lm Oft l~ chopp1n1 hltw:lr

lw\r • tb..i.tliee U)t.,Copo blJJ,&ti cul chi ,r fJoo,lccr Cl,ih hoard member StC''t cth.Hb.i,V.'*)

idmytt rccct1d) l'lre«aitd ia rlan 10 8oottC'1

l'ltiident k-On On:n. 'lliho torw,udcd 11 l.o Mrhzl l:luitc :md A1hlcbt' Oi.rCC'tor Jim , Neither...,.._, A\'1ul11b&c fotclJlffln)Cftt. pl,at-all)l•>•"'"""""potnl<

..tiui, &he CfOt' i.."OUnCry •nd ~ball~

!be S«a1c We11t Albkcac C("lft!tmk:C .\C) i.n&o the Norlhv.c,t Alhktk A,..ociauon o l yColltgolNWAACCi. lhcCOll(l~ufllu.-SWACl-C.lm.•10 ID adJj bQOill S2.6.,(t)O ta.) Ofl \Cl lfl\\ ti C®~, 141 WC 'Bi>®"'Club 10 nu,.c tan •dditK'lnal for optt!,111on ul the .aihldk drp;mment. ti dcfini1tl)' 1 mdl-'UC' (lW.I "" Widm)tt

Fairness, accountability platform for campa ign

th!, moodl.

Kc:I~ Aid the mwn,ccon .11 NIC an:: ifMtrc.,icdin1hc:1r •tu1bm llene,C'rM1b~'C }U:\I one of te:\"Cl'lil huotJmj in• bu~c1.a.-., Ht cn,cfo., lhc: in,tr1K1m for tbc:ir ramx:u.. Hi• putlMl'I Jot Sa~ CouJtJu,tk,e fOL'Ulb oo (asm,e<,Sll't'l\"dJ

Kcbo he btlir,oi 111wmt'ys 1ndJud$(S nttJ M ht' htld 11COOW11at,,IC' fflf d,cv ll(f,m,.., ,n Cllpiakla Mt lllway, populu among hli pee,,.

He l\l ldabo'\.C'ill.l:c:Ch hl\CblCOl\lidcft« ill lhcjui.bc:ill)c.~cin.

Uc ho cncuum J'N te\'C'nll •·hctc

Judaes h:rM noc tn-n prc'r,im.i. re,lC'v.\-d &hr 1114·0t h:i\!t! hcctl JU-\:1 pll1n rude

".Ndge, ~lie lk.'11on, 1tu,l \hauld tni,c 1hcrn opcnlOcriticbm," Kc:l~uid. "bulbcc&u«of the n.uutt C'\I Ibo "') \.ltm 'u"tmlng



tv "ln'C 11111.hc ,poru

1nncce,. t1Jnwc:1 iauib.1:1(,.,pttL mu.rtlnt\""Jtlil u,y Ro.,nul'lhl: SL8

Trui;.l v.ooJd ,till ll.a\'tl to UPCOIIII& hct:Ml·c:rtrud JK111 •Th<':b...ardo( of du, pbn "4' to h,o1,·c the ort10Q to ll'ut' 1hc wa k. psoJt4.ID wticn h111d• b«:omc 11\allatilc .., would bee,,.)

10 rt1n~1a1c." Widmycr wd. lit' uld lhc tnad,. pro,nm coutd be ptil

t.,:11d, tO#t'tbcr in pku-1'. 1( lhc lunds Wett a,·a,lablc OK plan v.ould l'l'por1cJly Uvc 11N:Jout SU8,000. "'hkh 1" inor"

hi:Q(li1)Cll\mCC'I mc('IU)J 'AUi W-t r1ac-.,,11y~1

lhan the eum,u l'!ltn wot.11~ ~-..,·c. Thccuncm rro~ia.l. p~ntcJ by 8urtc lo dtt boa.rd ol 1ru.ucc-•. ,-:a,c:J t1blki1 $127.00llh)·cumn, uack, ctOii-counll) and baseball ull 1uretht:r Wldtn)·cr Mid be 1hu:its 1ht college nttd~ na:lloa.nJ co1npc1icion ,n order to k«p Jntcfe!JI i.o the t'i.,.c 'ip(lfU or lhc SWAC lnlCl't'st ,, n«c-~~ ..a tbc B~lcr Clu.b can lll"l'iC)'

Ii,,- the s:pu,u. hf Wd. Uc co:wp.i.1~ 11.u.coJan(c CO Spt1k1u>c Commu mty CQllcgc'11 bukc,tt.11. v.hcre there 11htn1150pcopk', la NlC, a1unc,. •Anl.l people 1hi11k nucnl.WK'c h lo'ti. "hen \\o·c JCC r,cork, Wldmycrwd He u,J h1, rliul bl, mcc •ub • poi11i,·c m;cpcl'IJn iwm RflA (>Ra ILnJ 1~n· R;cvic~ 11,pom rcp<ictcr hm MclJ1an Tbe boml of trw.rec, 11·ill mccl turuPt but I.he dc:ChlOl\'i (1(1 Yibw;-h f'fflSntmt. 1'111 be CUf Will flPI be mad<' until the bud,cl h \'Uh:d on i11 the June mrc11n1 lb( fu" n:.a,dl.nit ar the ri,ttp,:•\.Cd oodrct wJU be u, \ta)' tn hh rcpon Wid.m)·c, al~, <:11:II~ lc,r the esial,li•hmcnt aran aJhlctic policy R""ic11· bo:i.nL O,c buw tit.(,uld be!c up or rncml'icnl uf \he IMlnm1.iW'l.ilon. ath1ct.c dcpartmt'nL ,1.1ft, rac:ull) and meinbcn (lf 1hr «)t11mun11y. It would rc\'iC'W and rccommtlld p.-,IJ,dc, C'IA h,.,;1,1~ m.-oh·,ng 11udcm1 a thlete,.'rtt1bly lht plun 'olJII bdp IOU.CC! dlt Cdhh'lfl ~oKd b)' the ~'Cl C'U\.\ 'We fttl our p~ l1. ''\1)' llllh,nablc ,net \tt,1,1 uadcf • difficuh fuc,iijng ~lUUti(m.. 11 n the bc'v altttn.llJ,·c (or C\.'Cr)'OD(' tn"~''-,J, \Vldmycr uld

York.force Training Center receives $250,000

'!ICY will set up QWtlilied Worker :raining Program beginning an July


lirOther arc~" pf NIC baYr bad IU lllli.'C CUllC in l'fflf;raan I.he Workftim! i~ C¢ntt hu

_. $250.000 -· l(bbo Wo,t(on:c (o\'t)lmcnl Boo.rd

lie J"*nl W lhc- Ccnk.r 1'h( ho4ftl II r,nrt n( lhc

Wu,kf<>n.-c ln\~Dt An.. wh.ic'h wn, lit

"'th ld:aboJd) $a\.·R and be IVllll&blc IOa:tl)'OOC. l'IIJcrdwl l8 hluci~nb '4tll h:weao cRIJ)IQ)'fflt'OI plan dc.\'tk,pcd l(t tnlc:'k lhcu pro~, '" b:..1>1n, v.Jth the pl, aftht cenltr. the proitn.i.m amu ,,, impro,-e regj,om1J a»ooMIC rmctuc11v11)' _by il'ICl'CI"'"' cmr,k,)mcnt.jub relcnboct dnll 1c\c:t.- nnd Rml0810I p«irlc: 1n !he .... Robcn Kttchwn. c~UW' d,tttt1Clr ot thc CXOkJ, thc:~i11'\'«yltmd)' attlOft'CJIM ,tN~ wilh grtlld' l,)'OIIJ IIOO D5~1!f e«inomy" '11Ji1 prognw will~ Z,:(C't role ,n «'llt'lllfnicdc-\lek,pml'at llnd mcrc.,..cou,1biltcy M> ..a'\'t I gtt,llCf numbcrof adults «eking llC9' 4lf impnwcd emplo)mml. orp<w'll,1.1\itM:!I.." he uid C1ut~rcuumcli&1g .,..,u be ianll~blc f(II' people


t Ccimc, Oallc:ry ThC'

provide, an opponut1lt)' for :,,JIC ,1utJc:111J 10 Jbow lh<" 1t art. The ,ho~ combmu .se,·c:ra.l di(fercni uytc., of iart trum several dlffcrttll The pllcf)' ,c~ealcJ 1I.HODl<'nl1 whh on op(ain1 tr<'C(KlDP Arril 15 Sc\'enil ,tudc:n1.i. (acuity n,cmbul and Iba: art.u.111 thc.msche, came 10 cht ,i:ccpc1on The ,how 1ncludt'J ,c,·cnl difftttl'n

CC.ratnk.-"' An an Uudml designed 1be nim tori.hit t'\'CRl.

'"'ho~ c11h(r U'>C'rnpk>)·C'd (If ma cam:, tbia dt,e,-,i;'tmak111iieoidirirt.kiUL 'rhc-siniot ial!W> 1nck1Jo ~lolls ,nauung. oca1pt1h('1n,1l 1nimu1sor cnlttpm1tuno.l,g Cut pc.'Oplc dnablc ta find C'mplc,)11r1u

The Wc,rkfortt rrauung CMIC'.f, k>cutc,cJ 1.0 fall-.. cw,cn a ~(t~or cuur.c. 1'11' per!IOll.lJ and profa,iocwltdl.."'l~lopmen1 'fbcc."Ol&Mnan-c:ttdufl'C( !Ill..! Jo not ft'QUUC adiplouu orba:,-t l'C'ilkocy n:a.1nd.lon.s..~.indct)llllOAICl,pallO !ln)'Ont'61dnth:u116 R«:alc di,,<i,. oflffl'd induJc lraimni lttr nun.c M~..UnU.. Jeni.II 1r..~ulll'lb Mid ~1100 ph),h:.t.l chcr.sput lt.ldc.\. Tcchnk;al dll~"' offcn:J ho"c included \\Cldin1 (a propn.1n mc:.t."tUl)'CUI

Ke:1~, LlJI.I he: bas rued ..v ..utlib opw,t a It\\ J'ldat'~ f« C{lndlld he (ell WIS iZl Yiow.ion ol lhcU' cod4: QC cdl)Cil.. ·nil.'.' C'(!lmpl.imt j,f, tbi:a fikd w1lh dx jladk'uil 1.'0011Cil, v.·hu \Cdd • polite n,:c.poo,c d1;1,1 tbcy i1tt: io 11.'ttlpl of 1bc: «1mpl11inl lk ~il 1h11 m.l)'bc a )'cat' ba.c:r. If Ill oll lhc ind.,id...J ftlma tJlic 1X1mrWn1 ""lll Sci tlnOlt,cr ku« rrorn 1~ jllo,li.:1.11 rouncd ~,·wn, thcmth21 lhc:yh11w h:mJJcJ tht .01.iw;nion. tiul'lk )'OU VCT)' nwc;b, •·nh no cxpltugll.oo as IO wh:c«c.Um."J

Sl,m Ktlsu '1"11 wntc h-'CL and Jhk !hem vrluil OC'CUfTN. !Ukllllcycan't\l:ll 1nc: •• lhc JudlCUII c»urw:11 ~t\ jf'l • a.'t'ltiJ...'.n~Jal

IU'C'fta,"hcuid Jud1tnl cw~ll llR' nooun2ial Ind pnvatc cLIJttnic •lld 11dorney,.. chl't('d C~l lfl\l,it:QIJ!,ilO • llcJ!ltlt'ln'- c,! a,piflll judge, and 10 If~ aflC,IIIM)fll ll'C w.aminl.CIJ « u11wlll't'IWC'd. If 1hc'y four,J tO be W&IUIJtcd. tbl'Y Jiff wpp('A(ld to n:(tT the maatct oo io 1hc Surn;mc Cwn -rn pn,.:llL'C ii ars,an 1fw d,c JW«'s.i. 1.1~ let l.btJUdkial ~ntil a\~ loo bell>& n:t'mtd to the Su~ C'oun.." Kd10 .aid KclSiQ q,1d 1h111bt JPCIK"ul C'Wt11:1l Id be opm«>thcpuNiC'. lhcpuN,C,,hOuldkoow v.'h.11 C'tJlttf>lalnh be"'# filed 11.J.t -,..i.n~ v. Nil Judg,c The pubUC' .,bou!d then ha-..,c • right tll\l• the rc-oludoo of ffiC' ,~ue Ile aid WI tllci1 pcm do DOI hold auornt)''II x,.-..111w.i,tc e11hcr 1'hc: bar i, :t q:lf-go,fflling boJ)', but \\hrn 1hcrc I 'IIJOfaOOO. they Oftm dQJ&c to lool lbe (t(hct way for fear of rttal!Jlbl'lo. lilh1r~1:I; thM .1llav.'11 aUomcy. cbc llb1bl)' &o Nn 0\-tt' die.' \)'Mrm and lbdt 1:llenll, p,·tn,: &he c:ni,rc rrotC"s.SKM'l a~ Mme. Kcko·,oppoacnt in lhc M.1)' 28 ckction, iacwnbtnt ChierJu~Ja Untb C"A)le TnJUI ,, u.e c.~.(lfficill elMIUIDilrill o« ptidal t'Ullnal lie lttl\ htt yrJ1r, ot ~p«w:DOt: \\ish the pubUc ttndcrh:im btucr equipped to &Ill wrll, ·-n:il poopl,e pw,, 1h11t Trou:toalyproc111xtil Lt~ •llh "n:nl pccirk".. for s:ix yarJ t,clC)(c h«ootln• • JuJ~ 8cwn 1.11d t1*'1 m Wall.-:c, Kd.w. SO ancndcd NJC. the Uru,·cn,it)' u( ldJho IU1d pl"'1ed frvm Cloo,og, Law School. l(ot,o·, r11.l.htr w1, ,tic, mJ.0.11tc1 for die St.ale ot 11.bho ~mc-nc oflitnploymc:fll m Wall.ace 1od Ke~. lhto l1itctl0Coc.ud'Aknc Hts MOtber "8 a Kbootleuchcr'ai W.allx:t ekn'ledlat)' I.OJ 11. Ubnariao in Sll,fltou. Ht ru&.., l'ietn (QCCll.,ng l.1v. wnce 1979. ~r. i.bcmp!O)'mcut.14". \\o,ke,') comp;u~,on (t.\t11 tnd iavcmmc1>1.1L' adtni.imtr,1.1,i:Liw. lloi,ll'

Idaho Seate BILI Wort.m• C0111Jitnlllb0n

S«tion IIDCI the N<Jnh ld>bo'IO)<C> Oroup. He mel hu v.1tc. Kalle. currcolly O.C(IWbt'lor

At N'lC, wh.ik plitywg_ outfield for NIC's ba~ball 1tam The)' hl\'C bc:cn nWTIC'd 30 ye.iii'\ iltli.l bith'.' t.hreC' children. Meegan. 2-'.

lho an NIC alumnu'- UnllA. 12 wid Mt111 L3

I(~, ~bO .ajJ he IO ttlnlWI \let)' vs~lhlr 1n hn ftltl\oc Nonh ltJ.iho ut\&l".":ld of scnmc ciw,tit up ln the lkx...c polnkaJ mac:hme. I'm ml~ed in pcapk h1wc w Ny," .....

I WeA~~f!~ ay I Cultural events cometoNIC Life/ Pages 5-6 ENTIN
...... .twnan outnekSer Alan Ab,am.s (cent&r) ol Oes Moines. Iowa. was congratulated after he hit a home run against DlxJe Statft.
ompromise could save ·ree offive sports teams ,ab Swdor
l998 tc) hc.lpf'CIOrlc m.ana,c thcircaN:ef!. n bctp C(lfflpanie,. find .,,lulled workers vant -.111 be u.\C'J II) cnwe. a Qu;allfiod Rccraimna, ~m llllll v.iU ~la In July will (!('fer rrce job ~or illl;,mm., It ~in ooc: in C'Ol'IJuocuon
Arr students show work in Comer
1~ lhlrd )t'a, at SIC. 1irt ,1uJcn1 Bobbi '-• it .ii)in t'lltcriO, the art I.bow '-ii11a," ,.·otlMlud) ,1ut.1c:01 Cor 1he An GalltJ}', cnlcrcd p1~ ~' )tu"• Jio• Thi, )'C'.ar. nnc of her rttt« v.(IQ th1td pl3ec in d.e @w ~led 'tli· 1bc likc11 bcucr. r.Unur,11, ~I('\. \he Mid lhct'C I\ 00 V.'I)' .11hc: ,....., tn a~ ·dl
~'::~"~~i.1Dc~~1;f ;-ai:~t:~:t·
. 'i.hc gch cln:4 ol palnon,, •hf Jtt0 •nd vit(,,·e™' h arnonr m.1ny \ludcml\ \lhp11r1n; )ct.r·~ 111Mb 1n lhc S1u1k:n1 An Shov. S1udc:nu llull pamdpatcJ h1 the show "''C'f'C' ART: cootm!JC(I un P;agc 11 Michael Alexander and Josh Shields (back) obM,Ve lludent art In tho Corner Art Gallery. IUCH US ONLINE: BY PHONE: 769-3388 BY FAX: 769-3389
eyes seat as justice
1"bc bct;t cduclll1on I c,a b3d .-11.1 NIC,' ,.aJJ itMn~)' S1mr Ktb.u, ""bounoonc~ hi, candsdac:y far lduo Coun J~ e2t1ic:r


Res idents do nat e ti me to he with TESH dance, SADD s by Hill!)' Flovrtl'5


Sluckaa Aga,n" 0..nt D,wmg JSADD) and 11111, Kdl). iruc:m su.idutcc Cl>l.lruelor, U'C pl.iumin& un alcobol 1w llltt Suoday m the n:$ldencc hall AJooi • 1th tl>e prog,um. Mau= £.,glish. lwl aod 'CV'Co oth1:r residcn1sscrv«t d!nnct iu • soup b 1dlca homeless .at the Home o( Charity tn Spobtttt: las-t Sund:n o( cbc $1Udcfl:IS voluntct'rtd in lhc f)a-\1

l lhlnk swJc.nt.1 learn mora by dmni the hal'ldi,,m dill lloglub wd "Whco JK<Uy) laid ,.he ~"'tcd IO do"' ptett ta hllll, LWILJ &o,ing ·QX, \lo'Clt, ld: 1 thu.scrvi('epiett llndtbnt wc-'IJ ~skthe.M.udmu. wt.di tcll)'OU bimds-downh'u,c.•tvk~ 'n,c-How,co(Ch#i1y 1t1 mcn'.sJ.bcltr.r. The: ~'OhlnlMI Stt\'ro food a1ki clellft® up aflctW'anl "This tinJ or tcll.lly gn::11way'° get in 1oueh with the eommunicy,'",.. ret.idc:nl 1nd \'Olun&cer Ow. Bu,ci:

Mika Travls t.atks to Lisa HIila al Iha Provl.slonal Staffing services boolh. "'The Job Fair ts a lo t o ~::'i°'d:,.~ even know were out theret Travl.s said.

Locals seek work at Job Fair

by Chri., llt>inrkb --

People from all v.1'1bol hk guJhcrcd en lhc Cfimlbt1hOI\ Ci)tt~ Apol 12 l~~pbt poscibillJaofhfC' llf~ NIC *' d1t Job Fa11

Moo, thilll 90 k>cal 11nd tqt,(ltl:tl com~ IOC!kd f« tull-trmc, p.ut-tJmc .and ~I

anplo)ec,,. Emplo),:n. from j,u,.t • C\'CfY frol"""'1 di.'flbycd lhdrcompm} and"'

opponuni~. EvCf)'Olk' from Safcv. •Y to tho

f13l bJ bc>odn \llth C-l"pcncoccdanr)O)'OC'$ ~nCb)'to-~'Ct'IMl)'q~

Slf1.·w1y had arrlbttaet, av•1labl" n, lhc public The Safc:Wili) booc.b halwkd ciui SO &o l O'J 11J'PUC'IU0111 by noon

Roy KOC")' or die Pnlfes,IOOOJ-T<doual

Pllc.t':mcn1 PN,:r,m • flJIC COPntinalcd 1tr

a'tnt In paoJ. )'cat'II.. the Jab MIU'~11 coonlmatN by On!ocilll Rl()n£ ..-ilb lhc )'tO(Cli.\.Kl( iamoJalpuv,un.bu1tbl>)Wthcydocickd ll)Y,od; fD,:ctbcr

·A Sot t1fCOlnpa;nl~ JR looking b n.amc rcoogniijon." Keo~) t.a..ic1 •·If )'OU dlCCC ikm bcrc, )tlU build tl4fl1C m:o,tutfon Kec,·ysaid, NIC \Va\ clP('CUng IJOO pNl'k wult """'Jb..Sc,plon,thc"""'

"PflOr\Ulll- l:lul ( pl"IO()IC ,~eel up th.all anbopakd. t(a:..,). litlU fcl1 lbm \\llJ a niC'C' blend°' pcq,lc: £rom ch(, COIUl~l)' and NIC and emp°'!ff' Jtk....., mfincJ,•s fullftcmployec:s.

Jc» Stnill.'C wM cmc hi.a)_.._, lhM fd1 lhc umt opcunl\UC'. They brought all or lheil lt\Unp&Od had w plM wt mrtrC cop1C\ boc.uc px,pli= k<iJ'll Wdnl nk'ltC than wl1.11


Wcplzellf)f)n) :t.<nl}at)t,11.

)'Cllt said fflll.."Ublllll Rid.t IA\w,. Approxim..itl) 15.<XX> J'll'q)le are re,htcm.1

•v. clJ "We much the Wik th!, c:roplo)'n" looking for. ,be -t.a.iJ "'Wt l'qlff'!ol'ill the Clnpt))tt.·

JOO mitit:hm,- can cake from one day 10 11lx manlb,.. The kl"VlCC hu aiJcd v."Of1ccrs frcwn age\ IJ 10 JOO.Job Scmtt 111M, hel~ dt(.)tlefttt:d v."Olter, fiad new jobs. The) °'t.cr11 n:':Mlll'tCC!tOOllllhtatoalno 4'0l!ot k>~ who ntt look,o_g (Qt ;ot.. room coni,1$u of fax mai::h&nti.. cop) n~una inl l))c lnl~l 11) ID~ for the UW"r IO send CIUt ,pplicttlOIU ind 10 find fil'IW"C crnployrncol "P«lplt "'dw~ 20< tllrough tl,c,r 'NJ< •~n, Ill thcJobfairincxpct.1al.ioa.off1.ndln;a nc'4 Jtib. a bntcr p, or JQffl('INa, diitmoc."Wc,..,;o\ald. Ka)· McGnukt, Cccur d'AJcnc. n R1,i,tffld flWlle \\'1d,. ha tnUCctsdrptt. Sb<, !'Jd lhc wa, ror a jOb DlUi w1tl, •<ll- 1.000pooplt. "I lhw.k II ha., thtcLvmi1yor cW!creol anplo)crt 1b"'11111: IOC>k.1!'1# for people Crom aU u'1bofl1£c.'"WAkJ. ••t 1.b.ulk 11'aa \'ff)' "'°" tbl"1! th.,1 NIC h i, btoup,1h<t,:.•

'"It's kind Of up to )'OU to gi\'C lbc fnendl)' (IIICc ICld fi1'51 &,Jbh ,aid lfthey rc:cl s.afcwllh)W. lM><' JU)4 r.,pond.• TbehAll l»poMUlog•d>n"'"" Friday tlW wlllmclot disabacct rt:s.i<fcncc (l(l()tll EmplO)'tr Salisfacdon Hitt TES H h • prwldc: oon·p~fit cqanlblkm off.cnng,uppall '"'"ce,, ro di.tabl<d pcopk TESH hclio,,:, tJut by p,o,,ltl lbesc KrvMn, lhe qualhy of live ts cnhllnccd fot boCh !Jr individual and the community 'They tcxb di~bled IJida ~kill~ hoW '° life iodq,cndcndy. how to 10 shoppica and

b:tsic ski.Us OilC nMb.

'The dance '\\111 be bc:ld oc1 the thud l1oor thclticr mom d Residence HAIi Croru 6 to 8 p m. It w ill CQ0!4lil ot25 tol0 aduhs wi1h d11:lb11i bt1 up 10 ag< 2S cb.ncrn1 1ft the nJ()(I.

R~idc:m's b9s.Utnt R)'M Sm,,,t WUI be the OJ Mid ..,..i, plan, oo puthnc on I hgh1 lh<>W, TES H will be providu,c and l.nvitatitlftS.

"'f JUIC know adu1tJ with d1sabiUbq likr i.od:ancc~"&JW said, '1bcy Jwt love 10 gtt up and patty ;ind they're ta inhibi1cd. chc)' ha\'C I t,.'Ood lime.., £naJu1h \llld Ute iJ cx.c'i1Qd ro, 1h11 dmcc beau~• '9 -.m;cd wilh people who IJa\T disabilities bc(Clff.

"You hive 14),0oulJ:ldc youreomfon 7.,0DC.Sc,maiftlt' moc1 lbo'4:pcoplconeooone)oo h:wc 1ojUSt pul

ll>ldo.• she ,.id 1'1,ac guys a,c h•mon 1oc,_,. ju,I Ub Jr,, )'OU ha\'c to rtach Olli to I.hem so )-00 ba\C to i:ooqud"Yolf H.nafo,b hu 11$.kcd ha.II fCS.1dcnca tu be grmm M. ihc ,-. doot Anybody that 1cacho: Spcclal Education orb: lit\~ lhc t'Otnmun ty 11W w1nu.10 g..-1mvol\'Cd in the datict:-' io~«I CM COIWICl EnglWJ in the l'Nidtntt ball A l 76!J-


Toyota pickup possible vehi cle used in hit and run incident by I llllary Flo•m

N...,;.A.s_. RJodal R<n11ru (Al Campu,Mle.'Utlt )' w~oouficJ April 12ot• llllllc.and fcm:&lc: who "'-'Cte: \l.1dking Crom fftldct lo \·ender a.111.n:I out rtcill mn.1rb and bcsog o«cns1,-c nt lhc:.Job lair 1'111 ,mptth 1e(1 be fore dicy could be r:oafrontcd ll •urd <Bl

A report \\'lb filed on April 18 of• bc11vy chlorine

,mcll lha.t u a.\com.1 111

TO)'..._ The Coco, d' A l<nc l'ol i« O.~~ the rq,on Md the incident B WU bdl'l1 ln,'611r: ,-chktc. v.-a.,- round thlll ~)Clbty ooukl hJ\·(t«I.., suspceu: ,·chit'~ oo April 4 The fflfonnali()CI phot04i "'ffl ,u:cn of d1c ,·chide l.00 g vm

th.,t ~sably c»uld hlt\c tx:er11

P•o'2 THeSeffiN£1 WEON<IO<v,~.- . H a1t otaJJ 3:: 0 • NEWS C: Am!lficans IM! • ..;:,c :::, wlthmf!ffi mil es • 0 • >- oi1lie i r • -= • i:5 b1nhplacc. • Fi -------- ----- ------------- --- ------
fromdlc:thinl OOOI 0(~1« llall ThcaruwlL\ cleared and~ rhytklll plut pw,onncl we-re called to i'"ptel the \'e4lilahoa \)'\ltffl 1111 a nd Run (C> Sc:oiricy v.'U ooo6ed or• hit and nio ()n R.iw1 A\'fflllt "'hkb oa:umd Aped J. The •~P«tJ vchictc was 3 small can pid:up
:~u!~=c:O::l:.-!~~~pn,moo Tbrn
A a.,hbo~
An ,nto.dcatcd
rw3"Cd ~:'c:.~r.i=t~~::=':s~ the hacidcnL Gol ii nitwt tipt Cant.-ct N-t-.,, (d1tor k>s,h Studar Phone: 769-1384:. Fax: 769·l389 E-mail: Sen1i
( 0 )
rcpon "31, fil,:J o n Apnl b of se~-cnl pct'flC hllO.a:in, around In rron of B01,wt ll Hal l 'fbi:) 1)
fil led with IDOOC)' W&I w»a fn,111'
iu S.e.bcrt Hall and 1 ~poet w~ mci, OIi
The money wu approximately Sl.&0, lat.o:dcadon(t'')
pcm,n wa., found

WHAT WE THINK chool not following ough on ' to -do ' list

o mlKfl for folloYrltlJ d!tOUgk. Su:rc. the<'Oll(ge alW&)'J

,ittaDpti r(I ru1rn1 ,.1.1 W1WOC1. ond p.ll~ ant1 l"Clllly, 11 docs a Jrt"al.)Otl

n.r: problem i, DQl wh.b 1he edul.11llt1n: the problem "l)'io., "'-oold "tLi ® f.Omcdnng and then DQl followtn; through 1bepcorruJt'.

• 1: _)-can -,o. tbe C'<\llegc Mgnnl an a1ttcmcn1 •itb the d'AkBC. Tribec.tUtd lhc Nl1,c,-Pain1-Pl:ln Thie pllll'I tlld

'fl"(tftc proj«b Md JtOllls 1bc 1:'0Uc,.: baJ to cnh.imec

p11 w11h lhc mtic and <n..-ournge more Amcncan lnd1.1n

to IUClll.l NJC. Fc>r mOSI Jlart. the conc.:c ht:& i,c.\l 1111 end. ot the: barg;un fuldll fivo Qif'&he pl~n ...,-as 1Nc lhe college wooJd rt:nan>c .octlc 'lie 1oatloo, oo c.rnpu; with n~ rcllt...1 tbt Amnican bcnuai:r- on lhe I.tad 1hc ('tlmpu, occ:upi~ So far. no1 11 J0c.Woo has a new n.imc, \ooetierpvjtt't rl~n tocua.,·c:ttthc '°rt'ct'" purehlUOd tut liocld RV park inco 11 pillku1g kK for twtknts:. helping to llr p,11Ma p,,l,lcn1. Toh plriA "" dt>fi.J ,n :!000. wt lhill ~) been CUic. i, :an~ hlddtn behind the 1 ofLaNhbuilJlog oo R.i~r Avmur dt:11. hKbot-ft ncd. '1ul lhc ,...uc, ~ty ('I ~peer.: l.i AIU utlll...-ailablc or J'COPfc b~ In me. park. ~tlf'CI C\'l'n cllble "UJ'l'l1n'11icRV~ pl'OJOl:C, wtDC'h \\>"lJI be d1s,cll$.'l..'d Ill Lbc bOIIRI mcetlq tttbe~rut,ilJ,to(t'IIJr!ffloi.tcombtomupbyt.bc'

1or1ht dorm.~ Sux.'C mooey rrom thc.Oepcanmcn1 or wcnl lnco bu.1klins die L'OUllb, chc coUq;.~ i5 obfig.itt\J m Uitcx,1.ut<; "hh .somcthinJofo:.iual YJJuc.

c,C riod.a)' w l'WII)' dun, dor!e L' lhc C()Wtn.,¢(jOO of t\loo-0 lulf.

Wabtll COWb aa wtut Y.;u oot tom up by thccan"\U\lttioa

ly, l,ht college IU.S ~pp(ll('d IO ha~. pllln Ol1 h()''I\ CO lhccowt>be(on,--orlhcdormt.. TonJ,htlhc

••ill heir 1be firM ot a plan 10 pvt lht money lO

erAkoc Pltlt uad Rccre.JIJon ~pb1u \\.~re ~M:r!Ccd l'ttfflll)', i1 Vrivuk1 he;

I¢ th.II &hey ate 0()( COll~C'led, bul ptian11, wcn•

hdu.'0:0 IY.'O and fh'~ )'t'.UUJO. Wby M,al't they

IXl1 One N"A-,oo coukt be money llw'.1 noc JIii cxcu,c fC'lt laUU3cn.11U~t.bottOOnc)'W~-k11biNJc-bc:{<Jn:

o(thc: donn,. and renaming wmr locllllOll\ cm•, cotl ~.ffl<ICh


losh <;wdor

lOO Cil.lllP,~ bl\'C bcffl'\U)'

IIIIX'C'ping aod open. I h#v~

lk:'<r<ApmrnocddlJTIOUb) Jn


m.ak by W1lliu:lu are hunlu! and uncaUoo ru, 111 bis role b

ASNJC ~idcnc. Uc• if fo


IOR'JIR'W:l'll tbt )lu1kr11<i

IV1ll. by fU)' CXpi.'JICDCC, opinloo doe> l10l iq,re,cnl llr

)ltjdc,11 body

WUIUI~ i\ llllu-...'td to how

hl~op11UOM, blM be thowdn'I

'lhmn& \htffl 1ft h~officiat


Tr.,pp<d •t NIC

ff.a\'(' )"OU h:Ml lO WIii more,

1hao tulf an hour 10 gee wt o(

NIC1 If nol J\10 (llw,ooaly

hnm'l bc.ot,n rocmng 11)$Cbool

Thf t."ICy h»done • paihttk


con-.t.nx:1acin on North"'~


Thecricire road D IOm up Ind

1hougl, lbc wc•un n ,-ooc1ng

furlau.Jy. ll loOLs like w~ in

tia,~ 10 (1111 up w1tb 11 for !he, ,c,l

(If di,e ac:1tle!ttet. Tb.I~ 1)*'1

unllCCt"J'l!Atlk pl,nnmg up. Wh)' not SWI an~

cod and •od<-7 Why 11C11

..., up un.illct poruon...? O..S

llrcilyf\lli<Cdw~ ...,

uuJenhatN IC'?

lbt "" The Cil)' o( Coaird' lcn<" llagJdoo'•

ltttkbiC:h ThetlJUIUL, wwlQ,'1 co M:C down1(Ywn )ookml lite a WIii 1.0IIC !,(I they \&:V'lol bdaft d>e 1~11$cort'le-

S<-olind \\doomo lctlcl'I k> cbc: cddor-, 1bolc. who ,ut,nu, lht:IM hm


D is crimination not helpin g North Id aho image

Throuah the NI<.: irnJ>C"'IAC I ic...ncd a~u ui:nw, problem d1.11 tuppcucd w1lh iCmC ol lhe Alnc:an Ammun NIC Wt;ctNO plJ)'cB 1111d callUtlvml)' mcmhcn

AJ 1be "Of)'&«", dM: hiukecNII pla) tn \\ rni at Red Lobstct ',j,'hen uimt Jinen .-,Red l\ua,(tn& lhcco Ukr at AJti(rt:.c,M lbcl Un'IC C'VC'nb MOk. pltk."t'

The tMkL.cthall rt11)i.'f'C dld n"' cn11-,gc: in any phyr,1cal ftl,hlln&:, L,ut WUK' t'llbcJ r,66Ple IIMfd fl~hllftf W1tl!l 1he l!.tf;alJtrl.

The iocidcm, h11,oe: kh the b.ulctb:AII pla)'Cr'& ,bakco up, havm.g them tt,,c,:11:nWtr 1ucnd1B.1 NIC in 1hc ruru:rr-

Thc cvco~ ~id ncvc.r h,.v.._, h.1ppc:1k\l bttt Ot any"'htrc cl-.c Oi\Crlm1n,1..,n In any •mount oc ln Ill)' turm r.huuf.J oot be l()lenitcd.

It i, 20oz and b>· oo-. I ,...,""''" ttlinl 1h111 Amtrtcuu, v.uuld !l!lve half• uunJ w do what. u n.ght 1 111.1 oot d:1t<'nmitiatc at;ouJ~ olhcn. I bc:ir people CtlfflpJ.:tnm,:

:ct~~! !';1;!~:~n~ O pi nioa rc>nra>«l "' • Wllilc

Sup1'1.u11Ci1t ll'ell. W('ll v.bat art 'f\( -

di.,ing fl• ch•nsc lbll~ l~tt.llJOftr)'IQJlO


ancn-llon V."< \li.1nt, \l,C Rcl>oc


Not only 11tt lhtM" incidt1Ut \HOil$. ~1 al'° they arc ''UY unfcdUnltc. For sc\~ ycan I tia,·c thQught Chat Nonb ldlho """"' (Aid)' IIOIHll~Unllliog IYJIC uf l'!lllt.X

My opinion W'Cflgthencd "'ilh lhc Ar)'ul N1tivn.\ aw,Jn-, out. I ti*"- 1hi, U)Wn QVUJOy«t to knov,• 1h.v the noiCICi~, ha1c V.ASJ(Ol)C(o,t'\~r

::-~~:~;.1..ilut dw H,1rr1,c,1 It iJ ml) 00\\ ttg1 I see dm the group ma)' tut,-c lefi, but \()111t or 1hc bclicfi tu,·e ft"m•IMJ

1111.·,d Y.rfiilJ lot lhoic pi?oplt lu~tlUll M)C Ol:IC tblng. ti hl&r\l lhi: fcc.lltl&:\ of' lhok'

"'bov.'t"tt' beu:11 hllf'IMtd and ffl4kc,. them leel U-C'l',Mc Her~ "'<Clld die oucndcN tee.I ,r 'IOIUWOC \IJnal :,.11,ying bad things rtiR\I Ui,c11111r~lhcyk1M.Ml

U ('C'(lllll' h,\'c an oi.·c,bcaring opinion 1hut.111Cllll-"thllll l't ltlJ taeil.ll\, I.he)' 1,boold 11 le.~1 ka:p il 10 lhem~l\'eS. ll i'l UIK: lb1Jt1 fol thi:-Jl'I to u.Jk quietly amoftf d1cm~h·CJ1 and a (Offlpl~ty diffettt11 llung rnr lh.:m Id b:irau '°"1CQnc. They hlld nQ mi""'n to 11rc-,ak lhdt mu-.1 dJrccdy lo the

lru.c.caJ ~f bcl[lg willing md tcad) 10 at."tCpt m1nontk-s a.4 tl'C)' Mt'~ 1t,cr.,• 111U l!Ocot prof!k. who &re $lid IQ lhc f,xlioJ that mlnori1ies are evil. Thb rtOccti badly not on1y cm COOJt d'Alctlt bu-I 11ltooa Ille coOc1c 11,c:Jf, h b m)' •l'it.bfor lhc:: f'ut11rc1h.itil00l'.snot hllppcn1pi1t.

blwat f"'1-ru U IIW,bm,1,1111 ,.M£ t.6""1 /4w JI, SN!liovfHrr~ou,Ar-rftl<11lt1rp,(Jffd,0Arr ..-«-~ '"''·~ lrrr,r •llw,,l!J#o'III lkfnrnf1611 #.$1tlwN ,'- SJ -,-(J,rliNa, www,w ,Jia4,,_.,.,

Constructi on major headache I LETTERS

Fi,o rninult\ 1c:n. l'illll )'ClU·~ ,ucoe )'OU can l'Allkc ,1. tutina )"OIJ~f (or 4,oeumg uul o,J I.he hou(i( l:i~. Th11ici;i1:U'I re ·m,1~ chat )'\JIU \l.m, S01ng O\Cf lbc"pctd lrm11 ttfllt 111 R'.Q.l luln~ty: you'rt ,oh•$ to be 1ble h> gct lo cllls.,on brnc!1'bcn.1hc nnl) COWi~ W the.colic~ i.J hc1n1J tom up by macj oon\UUCUoa md )WhO:\CIOWljt.

l!nlc!i, you·~ hc'lngdn,1.'11 to clas.1 in u•om~ you'vdul'I clc11Jm1 with lhb c:uo,tructloo. Dad know bow much ,t 11ri atotal~IIIOS(ttnllldOl.ltC,( d11n, E.,l)Celally ~hen yoo bi\'( the &II imporwu job lDICfV1C'A· fU)t d.Jll! ore,·tnda.r., you luvc 1n t,.'d 1" 1l:icy JUM aow "'Mopped" kfflng llpiln the m!Ub ~~to I.he collcgt. bu1 pcopk 11n: ,ull bciD&OCcJpprcl.

Thi~ I\ quhe pc,uitily 1hc '4'llN umc or year 10 de> this t0 our M.tocb.ri,¢itlll'll,cfutfin,1I, momh ArouDd ampc.11 I have beard people M)'tn,: lhlnf' Ille "Wby ('QU.ldrt1 d:lc)' hA,·t waded DIOJbcc nk'lnlh to do d,U,t' 01 ''Wh)' MC W II al nia:hl"'' \1)

,, Opin ion


\liac{u,c. dm·athlc

The ruod,

l<kqw"' forlhc

.,. ..wn Andlhc !labb,. hcu p:in tlvtt,11.tu1. k. "'1.en • \lo~r'AU.H.~l.:cdhov. ~h kmgtf lhb ~·IL\ going IO l,l\l. he rq'llitd'oli·11.b. "'at'""" nwnim '" a~,.~1tlywoaldcrtu.J l~Ut"lllllthl,iocad~ 11, tc ~1111 h'1. dcprening, • g!JW l-ln.'d being 1om up. and quire fnd:Jy ,1 ii an 1ncreJ1l:,k d¢flCI~ lXI !be: 11.lmCflf c.rr.oc:nc>·· The Jutc!S,didn't nc«1 w be o,.,al-i. )"~"",Jed "" l'CpNntcd IO~(' C.111 KIi.i.iily -~htn'lh<.,y'n-1-. C" ,.-t>,,,,Mtu•""'lf,.,w,-,J,,,-Tit, ~tl/11"1'••• h•,--'1otlll1......._.,-·""''""lllllflfJttlrr ,,.,f'>m<.,-,J.J,,,,~"lfl •1,o,S,1hu, ~'~* JJ~ Uqll"W. .........~'""

Edd()r'111Wtr.' Tlrr s,n1111rl rtt(h~d (J lmJI deal f>/ "Lrtt,rs In the Edlu,,-'" W.lfJ'. Di,,. t'1 lf'O(t rrnrlcll'o,u, •r,· '1/.Ut M'I Clblt 10 run 1htn1 a.IL W,- or.- haping to ntn 111, m1 tifdie ILlttrK llf {MIi" lu.u wu.- -...·hlrlt publiJMi .\far 0, P"~" 4 o/1/10 Usu,. is tlr~t>ud 111 lnrr('I

Ruw:11 Duane couldn't do• better job al fMUting 11. "one· tnaa:k Mc:rcotypmJ'' llbcl oa our commtmity. He o jO (ar f«cbtd from the trulh, It'• Silly He \Ii rOlc thil ankle dtinlcin,g th:tJ I.he ,;iUdcnl:. v.·c.lld laugh whh hlm. hui mos& orthcm lwghing. DJ him. He i1 nc11 on1)' ducrimlmllna aa11.1AM s11.}11tnd lc)t,iflb. bu:1 he it abo discrimin.:Ling apiMt people who ut owrt.'C.iglu met '\C'nklrdtium. 'l'hi, lll'Udc •hould h:u'C bcca dropped in the garbage rig.hi when it wu hllndcd i11. All R~ll Dunne did it vCMunk!crhis lgnoratll."l'

DtrtJ;Adanu St"''"''

lo re,&11td IO I.he eclions llOd conunenLS mJde ag111nJl lbc Afrltllll American iWIXllt1 on 1hc ba.,k.ttbiU team. I foe1 lhM dity ti.he tiudcol.i) oecd a.s much .,.upport at possibk by people or the cumn1unuy and other J.1udcl11, 11 Nonh Idaho ~kl( Al 1hi, d11.}' and ngt ffl1111$Smcnl sbould tlOI be. lf.llr.nitrd. 1a1w n;y full wi,,art u, lbue '-NCSc:nt1.

C"·.f/aJf·rm, Sn.dr,u

• • • • • • •
1hcm '° 300 Vluds. "'''" lhc:in kgiti-1)' II.Pd a phone numhrr in ordct co ,·mfy 11.u:lhcnticlty. Some may not b( pruned t,cau.<,e of ~.-.;c ltmtt.ttaoo~. u, the)' I) rarc ,unHM «t I c,umbct ot ktkrs on 1he Wllfl(' aub)C('L 2• pou;lbl)' hbt.lOUI « 'nw: &nu.ix I ~.kf\'t:> lbt fi&ht to odil kctcB. LdlttS liar maikd co Senuncl. e-mllilcd. tuC'd tir bn>uaht 10 SJ of 1.bcSkbett lbe ~nllncJ' lOOO llordruA,~,Cocurd'-'J,r,., 10 ~181', Phone; !208) 769, Fu fl!JOl)769.JW,I e,111411, Scnuocl41nic.cdu

tudent alliance plans fall powwow

M emb e rs plan even ts, acti vities by M.ujohc \\'aJhllml .Stlff-.•f.flf 'nit' Arntrictm lndl.lln S.Uaknt Alli•nc:t '"o, • powv.'OW for fall ~tcr. $cud¢0u an: brlim4ormiJ111dcu, dclepma r¢'f'C)n~1b1libh 11,Qd (O(ltdi.1\3Ciog people• .ctiviu~ and locatiocL, Kl prq,:irc 11,e e,·i:ni. They &(C 110 Awarcnos: Wcc:k that will culmuwc an oo-cnn,pu, p.w."o..., Oct 7. ll OamU Tw_ lnd&11n ll.ncl trunority ad,•ll!CTwld the plll'J)C* Of d\o p()'A'~' 11 lo promote' t.hroogh cultural eutungc. In Otder-lO mh11ncc v111b1lity ru)d 11.llow noo-mcmbcr jludrnh. M ~u:nlty 10 b«omc ,cqulUdk'd •rllh lbtif df.oru. AlSA mco1bcn wUI he introducu,a ben\.wh'¢' Ill a lua1;heoo in the SUB May

2 from I I u..m. lo I p.m.

On t.1,ccy W1U be avatbbk to

lM\\"t'f lfU'l'lion~ rmm IQIC~IICcd lo dbpJ~)· anwor\: mid dutnbufo io(omwion

8eca.l~~ bof'IOt. ftJU~ Jlf'Omtnald)' b110

1bc aalluraJ lnldllioa ~r 1.b1: C'Ol.'Ur d' Ale~ lnbt'i.. AISA LI; CJbainlfljl l)t'fflUt\ fl"()ffl Lbt cit)' ro, a downtovro parade thai will lntludc about 200 OOllC$.. AISA memt,.;n

M-c: nwforig arm,gcmcni, to stable the "°"'"'"' "'" K"°"n>l CooOly FaU)rwnJ11 Tilc)' wall Cll'lltt up Shmntm

A,·cnuc ind m~c lhw C'lltrlOCc oa e11mpin.

.,.,,, ""

Tao u,11,, 10 mem bers ol lhe Amerk:an Indian Studem

• The club moola weekly to d1SCU$9 upcoming events. Works ts • powwow in October and • horse p•rad• down nAvenue.

11de11ts receive job

'/ls through program


"'' t.ludc1t1.i.. lhc A11too10h\'C

""" f'n>a,am"<n 1-<hind

It.ill ~nJ i, litlLc mort than a ~ucl

M$l,·c.-1utri1 p;uUng rmc rot a cl•\\ in 'lfbll Ha\lot'Wr,R,t,(,crl

~. aUkH«h ,11idc,\l, uld dwit di,e

111 m1,1t.h ll"IC)l'C' than mtel\ the 1:)'C

rrvt.."f;Lffl a, more 0001pU~11taJ lhlln

~rea111c-." C'bri,ti.Dn-1c-n '\llld. ll'obo

more c,11pc:n,h·c Wi1h im 1,orJtC"

\l,.5ro.J.SOO ror tu11L'", tbe &

• • Cll.lJN ln~ounail tttt. O!n-..l:tn'-ttl t:\tt1tinucJ. In the &ht ffl\'C\lfflClll ""will be p.tid back J"

The fC..'ll.lVUIC$ 'A'lll opcrt Wllh lln 1m-«111!M, r~'°""-ed by Presiic.knt 8wke't grcc:Ung of "dCIOOle 1'bc po'l'"'\\'OV. will be ad~tni'!IC'd 00 oria,lt1.1l po,.(Ct'ffl IU'ld ,tuph~l!Jt\l on T-sbbt., dut lli UI he

llVailAbk for puroh.w- lhal woct.

The)' a,,: hoping co cn1agc III lease lhrtc

!«:al b<moc:ssc11 ln sponJMhlp for the scU...idtt Membcn of ASNlC. the madcnt body, ~ho commwuty and the lnCJ..ja will be invited lO IUtnd.

'1'tul1'1 1be biggc.,tt1tiJ1S wtW1nt IOdo

We v.11nt 10 lht community involved,"'


A 14·,gcoCactivibcjbbc:ing

di~uucd. Formrr t:pcakm sucb u Era~ Sccrupr and Oa\111.1 M.-lb:t6oo, Q:ctutivc or the CCll."Ur d'Alme Casioo. will be mvitcd M.111ht10n m1w •n • dialogue •bout i.amu\l righb. fwldcralltt\ •rid food Vt':ndof$ ate bciAg cont.lC&cd to Sll'rtacip111r. l..oc:al JIMq, uooet con~idcntiM lnthadc GeocJe Actt., Wllliurs«d<elUldO"')'Fm..wboi,u,o a hMd drummer 1'be an eal\il,,lt will be tn the Lake COC\11 d'Alene Room af'tbo SUD Formct ~J)Qllcm bllve lncludcJ

C:Uffiidc k>bo o(lhe C-d'AICIJC$ on lbc prc:litrvatioa or autbct1cic: culrurc, the sspifance or the cin:lc ..S or Mimal tlfc, the bollC. Rldwd M•ll'11 ,pate oo lhc bi.u«y c,f !he powwow Tradilioruil d.2.oct:r,. tiogeo tDd dtuma,cn: arc being &UC'mbtcd. One group. the Whir.c Mowuaio Apaclic Crown 0;iJIIICC'h from the Soulbwcw., b unllct coru:ideralion bcnu$c they DOC only ptrfMn "'CU. b<ll also arc ·cutunlly oriented, T10 uid ""!'bey have mninlllinod their d.mcc and lanJWl&c,"' he said. "A1 lbc: Cocw d'Akl'.ltl Tri~ only 10pcroeal ,peak tbdt n;i;tlve lm,ims;c and mo:u or chem an. ddcrly"

A ,ub!ltantJal priu. wdl br gi\'m 10 the -.inner(•) or die dnnnmln, 811d sl:QIJ-111 Cl)Oftsu.. Olbcr tndillonal pofommia:~ lo be hil)lllclucd "" lloop .i.,,,.,.,. 40d tw.uddtu011ncf'l.

"Moetan, nc:w pcopJe" l! the bell thing

1bou1 bci"l •t NtC. lllid AISA Ouitp<noo Tc<I Umtocl, o(T"IJl)01ilih, w 11. llRwboct, an, "not S<Wll CO()O&h Nllh\-c~" and '"DOI bang ab!cco aucnd pou,,·ows." he M1jorin1 in N»lne$s tl.1tru..O.d(J1llOO, the: 38-year· old i> of Yakama ddcm 40d will be hclpma ('.Od)CNCc the pow..-.·ow schoduk. He i, looting (on,;-ard lo meeti n& more mcmberl o f die coimn:unity, he ~Ml Mn;ny U'itie. from acn>iu lbe n.uion 111d C1nadl will be ~pccscnlcd, .Wd Vi<», Omrpmon Akflc JOll;('J'hu,c P ~ a u.yw-oltl........, admlru11nli<lct wimncc major, whQ wlll aucad 1hc

UOJ't'mity of Jd.aho 10 con:,pklc bet

cleg,,,c. \l.'U nuoJ IA K.atfoa,. Idaho.

•1-gb, my r.,11ctand i>lo-1lc:r"' origin;ally Crom Montana." Phrmage.a.atd

She noes her lineJige. baclc to Awnabalnc~ Gros Vct11~. BfackJooc uuJ c....

A ISA tul\"t ab.a bcm bll\y dniftaog dicl.t 00Mti1utioo. desi.gniQJ their club k>,a and planning • ycMo--be·

6Dllil.tcd too,hoolC l.amiftl CCl\ltt In COr1JunotJOc1 wi1b the Nl.oe--Poiot f111.1lo nowlnabfinh)'t'U, I would li,kt: 10 anv,~ anysl00Ctl1 who 1A•ou1d htt to panidpalt: ln our t'lub, lndi11t1 or noo·lDdi.-nn." $.be J11Jd

"I :ipprl'(;t11te NIC provldJn& I.he lnd11n ~udcn!S with u ldvisc:1/" Plwmgc md .,I IJn IO()ldna forward to the ('YCDI.\ w~ tu,-e pwtfl(d ror lhc upcom&l:ll )'Cllt •nd hope lflOft •lbdc:oll c11n make the time to oomc.chcclcout out dub."

B<'Cou'iC' of the 1Dett~m.s u~ of c:ornptUCB in uu. for 1hm1, lite !'>cn,uo andcmiu1om,sud1 koowledge JtUUC:lal fo, (\IIUrt 1cchnician1 Th" uudcJ1b arc ~uircd lo IAe gCMt•I f.llJ.dlOSC0Ut'\(1: .t.1 ""di, mi.:h a, m~th .tnd EnMh•h H;1v.~,a. xhc:Julmg lhc..c cxcra., i\ noc "'° Cl~) 1tot.11HS th(' 11t.1m; ""lteJ.o~ !or 11.uw teel1 1'hcd~~nfmmlt•m 1o lp m The ri.nt k,.., lwun w.e in • c.1-.,room K"ttinJ ro cxpl.011'1 cooc(fll' lllC' fin1I four hoo,lt~ l11h umc Ythc1e 11h1dc-nt11 utill1:e hand~ oa ".kiJb pr.;parc ,hem (Of~ "Thh it a, clo,;e to • ti:al job au )'ll(l c1an re1,"' c·bt:U.Oan"otn '-'lid. The ttudenl't wotk. oo pN'JC(U :e, wdt J$ cu~lt'Jmer ~uc,;11 lli,c ~hnr chucc., a ,-m.111 rce and ah.a (or,. lo maintain ~Up(lh( (o, 1bc clas~. bt.11 uoe°'t ft'lr labor '"l!nckn.tnndJng 1tnd domJ \h,n~ pro~tfy o nu..:ul.l bectu-w people do come b~k 11 thcy ,1111 hint 11 probk:m nflerv.·.inS." ChnSlill.Ckn !IJid

One of the out <tf d•-" g::wn tit 1he prognm 1, i\tm,moti,'e Service E,;cclknt:e (ASE) lemng Rang1n1 from Al 10 AS.~ ~I ccruf'.act r.lillt and abU1hc-. lumt"d thrwgh the prosnm Chri,tian,cn h.L, •11 ASE lt.'IU. ~tint h1n1 • ,tn1nct.1 \1 1Uttr T«

C'11miJ.11n.~ l,s ,o,ni on 10 t,c • tcchnicta.11 for BMW. one or the mos1 ~Jc<ch·c autc, dcalcn, after completing u.~ couri.e in 1'b.y. He it. cxpcct1oa 1 bcginnln1 ul1ry ..omc-..hc.n:: between $J 3~18 per hour and i.t"u:c(tcd 10 ba,.·c -11 c6t'Cer he will 11C1U1Uy criJoy You h,,.,e 10 maJcc i1 happen," he 1,1Ud. "W-11htlu1 di< mo11v•tion. you'U acl no1h1n1 lhc proar-m bA.• 10 offer 1and 1bctc· luo co oCTct tn 1.hote who An" wtl Una

Ultl'4LCI A111d bN5b. «rotes crcaie a ,-uyorcwnntdi,'Cnlity. Tllday•io Nwyama, 1t111i,m11J:onalCl\lb\>lcc:,. (lRl,ldail. will demonstrate:

C-rd'Altot.Culwlll felt Suodly.

ITthnlc foad.cle-

-,c,·ilawill fl.Uthe.Coeur d'Aleoc Culcuffl.l Ctnkr rrocn 24f'fh. h wiUft-11t11rcr:rcc c\'COlJ for atudcnlt: and families able. Wo•'Ul&IOIC':achthc:. ocmmunity oulwraJ JiYCnlly ao<1 ,o1.....,..; l)a,cia

Anmtrong, lMCfflational


,.,._ ..

e\"Cnt •rth lldvi~ Victoria


(\'Cf)'OOC l~"MCf llftd o:k:bnlw,a aJltutt. Md cb\'('f'U~ in cucqnmwucy,"

Poul.Mid. "It v.illha.'te• local

~"°°° fed 10 IL"

M('mbcn of the loicmation:al

S""""' Clob wall olT<r wnpl<> of ctboicicy (ram lhcit ft'$pcc:b\"'Ccaa:ntnca.~~~~mako

Dicb~fM~andYubriTai111 ti'om Jap;ao •ill dltpay the:.,, orongam;. Pnwldiog,ampk,ol Chinese desscrU will be ROtty Yao 11"'1$,nhChco. Uld Sa,b, ol Juoaxa .,...u prq'lllR:

1 u11falonaJ C3frol'l)np tU:.C

1'o wash 1t au down. vis110R •ill I>< Ible co '"'9 by• llblc uO'cring uOOC 1e11 wungi.. '1 lhinll •·e'vc, dooe • really pd Job or makillJ Ctllc: fm) "1W'Uy<'Cloc'1>0IIIIMdf1111,Am""""luld. AnNICAwdou""""""' wi.ll ~cthcA.u11r1an o(,ci(-<lc(-.Armwoogaid lhatl!euric<Hd>crtt. Fl'onch lmlrudor, m&.pll *='up• ca1c llbicWlli!lllfflglho.-pbc,c


Armed with folk $00gli (ram Dbmod. lhc F,,mgo UIOg,llg< Culwn:Clubw\UtCICII thlldren D'll,llli.(Ult\11'11 datlC't: 1nd -·A gb,,-bk,wing nhlbi1 Y11U Ibo be prama, A rank wiU be held 10 bcoc(u lbo 1n1cm......i SIUdc:o1 S.boianbip Ft,od Prit.tSioc11Jdc:1S;l0111R· mtd'IClle IO Top olOliria 8utrctand.J1 tmdeoverbook , U,S.NaoonalP..t< <ic0<"1bylhoaotborlha1was clom<cd by 1he Mica l't>k wlw)so.

T1Ckttscost$l, 6 for$5or I) Cot$ 10. pm~ •·m: -cdbylocalelhrucaod ,bop<,uch II a.sloe CalSO, '4<11 SUffl TndW&, loumO)-.. Thi, Olympl> R'-'""'...._Ramhllo' Ro.c. and Turtle Shell Thkha,g.. MwotainSip.b\'ACICI Sbcnnln. Mother'- Hl\'ffl. t<,lUhl Food M>rkt1. Fomiwn,, Safcqy ,od SWINcb11.\odomlcd pnlA ""'~ Ille ""'"""-"'°"'

Cllom,ofaculwn,lfai,llicr fccbog d""""""llcd by, Id of di\·C1$ity io oommuruly '-"-""""""'·the:"""' o( lhc c- d'Alcllc:Culhmll Ccotctbeing-bolpod"" ttal1zc.l.batd1Cperf'cafflluc (orsudlme,'ffll .,.,'Urighl lllt\l IONIC. loJUIWl)',Polts.""""'°"g andCulturcCcnLCrditt(t« U,. Hop,co l><tlD thc:evco,, fnadd:1lltl() IOpl.mniflg C\'UIU WI ctlebruc'. th< 1c.......,.,,J SWclenu Club pan.1C:1p&lef in diarlty prqp,nu - the: Clmtma, clOtbing dn-. held , O=mbcr Tbc: doo will panic'l"" •• lhc MS Walt.a "hlmm'lundrai,crforruultiplc,dwoday be(on, lhc ,.., 1bt c«ur d"Ako< c.n1a , an madttl w,11 be bcld bc(on, lho(alrbc-a<I01.m ond n,wtin,g until" p.m. For U\rormalion con1act Pea, 117(,9-7873.

• • • • • • •
\1lkhatla t,:Ultr, Sarah f.dWllnb ,!),.)I~ ,•. - • rdf 11"11 R.,..N K'MIU. .. ,...... PmlF•I ·'S-u)t Sblot,'" 20 Tht81• Cotta-°'" Mccuna:1 trC held at 3 p.m Tue!Ja)" ac 201 Ri\'tr S1. For i.o!OOtLllion. contact Tw u 769-3365
offers ethnic experience Local businesses donate raffl e prizes byMOll~Uy
" What wou ld y ou do for a Klondike Bar?" p j!.)
Culture fair
Gol • foalurel Cont•d llf• EdHat M>n M,ty, Phone,: 769-3388. fa,: 769-3}89. e-m.Jl : SentlnolOnlc.odu

Clean-up day a 'no sho w'

ak)Qg ro:td:Jdc."

H~"' hi\ « for dub (Clf fow

)'~ 1od said 1t • a. lbc wonc tumPUI

C\'Cf Thi:~ ck;1m,p H, U'tUaJly Cl\ly dooc"""' rcr >..,, tod 11a, alnady b«n dooc on« llu, Y"" 0n<k1 22. 15 pc:qik \OO'l\'l'11 fot lhc dc:anup and it w.o

1.111: l!ce-t tu:n,aut e, 'tr. TIW'tll.ltb J.2~

•"(Jllhcr, ,Jett. 14,mcf and diwtncs, lbc:

,-olun.tce()dcart:'d ur, the tti_ghWA)' w ithin

1 maucrc:if nunuta..

Wbcn a'ikt\l ¥, hcdlcr 1b.: b~ o l d.ay

',\,I\ II l l)f, lhcprt"\ IIJIJJ~ffle wu lm:r tnJ l't'Ultc:d in \hi: ,•oh1Bl«n

1Aurtan, jn dMi.: 8)' mm-mg thi:s ltmt

cbe p("tic:m \loo&lld have: bttn nvoicW.

dlu.(i:n,: urer "'ttkina cooditiom

Club s, clas ses prep for Cinco de Mayo b

die bl;11. ,:i.p 1tnd othtt tqUipment

Ou&doo< ~1b-doo11'1 rc:s, &nythms

gilj Todd llh.t ot()utdoor Pul':\Ulb

~h'1;wlut1At'rcaW: I-IC'.-.c~d.

'1"hlt~thiicu.l u\oC of the wtdOoa- l'IIOI

JUJl lbc moonial.m ..t n\·m, hot aha

The we.,:lhc:, W¥ also a lndor He:,.~ WI.I the. of Uk' day ofloeft Jdttmf!IC) lbc IQmi:,,a. Or'-pt:IC the! pool" tumouc, lbcc\'fflt ,a,00·11.,e rt::l('bcdulod lhilyc11r. Ve U)" 10 lcil\C C''a)1.luttg rucerth,an lhe way ¥.'e found and th.u Joi.All~ in 0 11t ,,.,.,n bad. y,nl, HiJ:h'lo.1)' 95," be Mad


Margarilas make co ol swnrner treat by Morpn V""f!m

SI,~.., Summl'l'il tlffll!l'\l hctt. Scboc,I"

ulfoc~ we. I dunk n's ti:mc ro «k~

I li>w !1bout • dunk. c.bnt Will complcmcnr thi wann wcalhcr by 1«<¢ng Y"" cool) Th< ""'I" 1am JIO!ni lo rive )'OU l• fcir a Mq.anla. 1bm: u.

Of\l)' oor l'Clllly big dt!Ytttncc b(lv.«t1

\ t.vs.w11~1nJ l)upiril.Kt I ¥.·ill ,J\'C

)OU the rocirc f"f'a D.liqwri o v.dJ

rlw 11 Marprilll you ,.,,II nc:cd a tilendct.

1 10+ 01 gb~ tr\Mt'd ice nnd the

1o1~1ns1., , 1 1eqwi..1n

01. Tnplc S« 1"""'3< Povorod l,q,IOUt~

1/2.oi..lttrr.jtw.Tand J l/2()7_~

lcmon.JW'-"C. Younwayai.owant SflfUC

JUJ1;c ur b\ltl to ldd to 1.11.b c:oo:ocuon Ceo

Q' ~hioa hkt • ~tn1•1'crry

M.u,llirital.Put~ i~uinlh)'Oltr

hlt-ncJt:r wllhcqual l"UJ)ORl(Wl'-Or ,c:e ..S hk:ndfor 15tol0""""'1,mdrhlp, .M!Cbng. If ii llill N\ Wl,C da&&nk~ of ice m 11 bJawl lltlOlher rn-c tOSC'\~ II )'Ud" .\ta,s:,nt.t Nc:nd lJ too thld, )OU

Cil.h lldJ trlOR ,.:,('11,·h lllCV(t)"OO ilftl, cni'l.illi: m ,t (juio,) and bkr'ld 1t I linlc )oag«. Ir mc Mend ti too I.bin. )'oa C4'tl addrt'W.lttlc.!.

EkJ~ )'OU pour )'Cltll" dnnk, IC l~ awom uy 10 ~h nm oJI.he g.Lls'\.

8~ h.a,'C • ~lick v.ay o( doillll du\.

They l\llve a U'O)' wi1h • ipoogt with htQC julccm It llul lh<y JM lhc rim ord., iL..~ on. 11\1.1 \hen lb:)' pul lbc rim olll() .anttt.hc:r lmy that hold\ the t.JII Thi, make. the \alt ).Uc.i( 10 1herim. You('Mpmb:ibtyjlllldo thn w ith• plli.t of 4-lllt and a pla,c IJf Lmx:

J'IJl,.'C. RollC'mbcr lhM you Y.iW M.arg:lliia sah. ~blcb I, COUDcr pllin ol salt

A~ i,exactJylbcumeu«:,for1woctu~ Youwsll ~ I o, .orUgbt Rum n Jllxe of lbc ~la und tlx nm itr.n't illltcJ The...,,., pmhh lorbolh orlbc,c


'\.I.< Sprint: "JJl'l°i:tl


m'I thod3oc<llo« facnu In thr: Sl!B lndudc UIU.\.IC: by the Manachi CUOlliiJWl O bmd I""" 6-9 p.m a n..cbo bal

!,om 6-8:30 p.m. eh11drtn's llch\'11~ n.nd cnn., from 6-7:30

p.m.. and pillat~ a1 7·10 p.m The mariachi band is rrom Sunnys.iJ.c

Wa,.h TilC n.acl)o bar wdl u1"1Utlc

chip!I. c~ outOru iuld

JA!apcno, 11-., $1 pcqrr,on. IAtly, thm: will be ll pdialAS

Mex ic an holid a y n day of indepen den

Ycal'l\ '¥Om)! (lllht'rWOl'ted11ta

-Jk)f'I in Loi. Abgt lct.. Ctuco de Ma)·o ,.,.._, coming up and he. haJn't

1duoias~1AhN thi(cc:lebnation 1111.Hc.ask-cdtcimc fellow Hi'l)ill'l t cinployea. "'So. \\hob. iht,, Cuw:o de- Ma)'O t~itr, oyy,ay"'" They !Ot''kcd at hi,n, uyin, co koop. """"" IIICC llnll rlunod

lhllf "C1noo de Msyo" traru;brc,; 10 "F,fd, ol Moy.• $o whlll h 1h1J hoUd.y 111 aMIR"

Mt-xie:an~ Dan Reye,, 1t

2 1 )'Cll'-<IW Muden1 :and arnct'IUNln atdlc:Q6oc-. CAIi CJlk:o Jc Mayo~ like M!Wr',. t>ay. Hallm.irkm:aledMochcr'1 Day. Mid BuJ~c, ctt4tcd Ctoco dcM•>"· Bm whac i ~U,e holld:ly really •boul1 Giru Htckm.,n, ooc q( 1hc poopk in ch:a'SC Qf NlC& Cant'Odc M•),i celebntioo, h.n the- follO\\ u,, tuformabCln on why the "Fifih or Mlly it "ui.:h an importanl dllto:

'This~ ,. we'll be celcM1111a Cmro ck M il)'() agiun with MMial.itl!t. MtAac. food and ""1cmg. Ah )a.Cia<odc MoyoMexico 1 lndcpen.Jctioe 03y. right?

W~g The Mexicans w<10 their iodcpcnckn« rmm rn 1821

The C\'\.'Cl.14 lhlll pnx1pWtJd Mc;(.ico·1. IIMWll celctwadon on the fifth of M:sy oa:wml $OmC 40 ycar& I Atct. SoJmt wh.atntt v.cee.Jcbuun1? FOlt)·)~aftcrM~lco', 1ndc~ f,o,o Spaio lhe nq'lhcwof Napokqn I l.ou1t r:llpOICQo BOOIIJ*lt:, dcridrd 10 1nvadt M~liCOOO 1hri: f'l'C'IQI lluit the Mr-luc;an JO\'(tlltnccM hlld dcl'aulti.!d lu.lU from 1he Frcnc:h

govcmmrot. So in 1~21 I

6.SOO Fn:och 1roop; bodat • Vcnicru7 •nd t,es:an kl~ ww,·ffli \ 1c:xt00 a,y on• ••4

O<'<Up,l>O(L 1bc tmop11 mc1v. uh CNICIII

11n.c10 z.u.,.,.., '"""' •• coy or .,_dm aod v,ub.ia tQ the ttmx:h hild c:-xpc:-llc:d lw! •mmunlt.otl.Scll.Jn~ FfW<h

C.ff)' Wbcn Wd 1h~~





td:c pl111:'t1 You 1uascdJt (ddiol Ma).

Ut1(0rtU11.ndy.N~ gl..-c up. lnstc:-ild he SCIIII rtinfOl'tlCff}('l)b.llDIIC'\~ funch were able 1ocaiu C1r)'ll!Wtf'lpo,,c,

Fttod\ empire Nttd!OAW

I.he \ ktkan p:oplc J td DOt IICC'ept thc1r nc\\ &Qvtmmca St :tfttr .-C\<en:il yem: of f l'dldl o.."CUpat.lon, lkn,10 J u:atd•""' \\~ able t0 t't'J:fOUP-1 Jcfd i'ffll<h ()l,cc ogftln M,xioo t,c~""' the,. AnJ th!- r.,.._ vic:tc>riooJ ha.Ille lglrMC die \\'M llddetlwthenai1.!ocw ofliobday~

So now y«i b:lov.- Jll\t .tr," de M•)'O t\ cdetir11cd. aoJ • If ncighbln to the aoudl m.p.., WI)' in& ntllO\., 1fh&Cld CII

Chlldren's Heallh Insurance

au, bmd!lai.-

• Doaor'llllts

• H~

• Dt:alllCln'

• Pn!senpllOII> h)e~

• IRlllllllblllOII

• MmwH•

llioaaads olldllbo ldds.,. dlgil>le /or r.... helkh art apl0.19· e,alf)OCl-"!IDllld,JalY-'ill _...$26.4 7J1,mor11U1111C111g,:tPRl!E._.

If you don't haYe bealth call J.377 543.7669

LIFE Let 's dan ce
Organizers cite wea the r, time as factors af t11ma 111 b; Dav id Buf()(d si.,,""' t..a.-.1 'lubday, the OutJoor Pur.ulh i:luf\ , pom,ortd-a l'OAl4idcdc.urUp fot NIC' , Adclp<·Mh ,:.hw•> "'°if,m, ~lkn WCM IIp aod the C\ ( l'iC •·~ brought upll& a·ay l nl¢1'1-0ub CIQIUIM;d mcclin;g Hth\t"\'Cr. noone ~"Cd. MC~11adop(td BM?ekbof lbgb\liol) 95 by W Sih·er Lake b ll ASNIC cki1llllel S...\00 to c:lub'i for ro1nRWA1ry 1« pri:,;cru To do wb,. lhc club,, 1nu-c fine arrange 1hc dale and ume lltrou&h ICC 1necting.~ Whctl 1 ®'¢ and umc atn111pd, 0\11d~l0f Pul'liull.\ CWJ•lnl-"'\. IWL\poda:Lim and ,upr,fie,
• BIKI,~ - TRLAD\111.I.S • FREI; & MA CIIINE WEICIITS Adopt a highway litter control Highway 951• c leaned b y local buslnesiH and or_ganlz.a Uons llko Oul door Purouito. 111i:11h GA l,imc:-«l. JLt,·c hm w:vJ dnnk ..afd)t' • AEROIUCS, STEP. T URBOKJCK. SPI NNIXC , 'l''ll111 IOML PROGRAM~ • Pf.RS0'1 \L rRAINl'1C JlJIC l Bi\R , I.OCKER & SIIOWFR f'ACI UTlrS NIC'S S ~ Bea ch JO a .m.· 6 p. m. Ope n E i•eryd ay-All Su mm er! (208) 7 6 9-3290 • Ti\ '1N1'1(: • PI LAT tS '9A1 PROGRA\I' ·----------- 1 : Millhiil&ihiiilllM ! ··---------------, :S l3.50 a month : i : I I THREE l\lONTII 1 nn,u ,n•t3 1 1 ME MB ERS HIP : ' =~~,.!_• : : S!i9.95 I l L __ o:::=:~~For ,. 11110,..,io. rd :...--fl.J"_,_.,664-6213 ...., nit' ., .._ ,... RENTALS SAILBOATS-$ l 5 PER HOU R ONE PERSON KAYAKS-$6 PER HOUR TWO PERSON K,t,. YAKS-$ IO PER HOUR CANOES-$! 0 PER HOUR GE.A.1'1> O P EJfIJfG ~VJf E .l6TH
Evening combine s food, dan c ing, fun byM2!J:U1 Vaughll Q.rfw,,,, A c,noo de M;ayu celet,,-1too rwunng mui,;ic, daIXing .and food wdt be bt J ,\by l 1n 1ne SUB ~nd Oymna.,ium 111<' C'\'cn t:ii in 1he a)'m Ii.elude dJIDCC .....,llj from i>-7 p.m by 1muuctorChcryl lkou:.Stpcs. Utttrw~M.·1ogfrom 7-11 pm and OJ t)s!;('O Rltmo Prima,~111 BcntvSipcs cl.tssn wilt be lbtrc lO gh'c 11.lerno. Bcntt.SipeJ uicl 1hiu it'11 p,uttiflhr1rfin1LI The!UJg Y.&>~ bl& hil )*II yc.v It h an C'a!>)' d.uxie 10 Gd eu¥,cr 111 coJ,ec\ wcrc all cl~" anJ armpl1\ U'ymJ h) (i1

Theater presents plays of varying content

lbt. lU..:lt or i,calinr on 111,~·. only 100 ,1uJ.1c1n 1nctnben each ni,hl \\Ill". •bk In ~l<'W thC' r,Ja:,

'1'bc A.t1or Nisfitnwc." Wntl.Cfl by Oitntopht."I' Ouf'llnl allddtto.'.l:tdby Jn,; JK<lh), dcab. v.itb1UW1 \\·bofmJ\ out he', ina~.av. bot

he~·, kl'kW- ·"") 01 u ,..r, f1lc Kt~ on

~~-.: C\;.0!1,llJonlly c.-:hungc lhri, Une• to Jc~ "''lh

Ocorse (ftul Ctvhoa~ v.-hl1 docton"1 L1a1n1. 'A·h.11',

gOinJ on. C~Q 1i~i:, 111c lJ\.11( ni!hlRl•I~ C.•I CYCI')' &.:IUC' - r0ftt1hng hi" hnio...

The pli.)· ''81100 Dah, v.,riul·n h\ I"" f.'11)(.t

o.nJ. d1tQtlcd by Tm, RM1..:l. ("'1.1~·, an a )OOttf

?lays ' satire

di slas teful. ,u t co mple te ly hilari o us l°'"" Oc,N,,

n·, b«n 1,1t1d ir you dQ SO(bctbitlg oripcsal, 111-.111 be u i bttc11 c Could• !>l)mg

uue'? I hll\'C to 1,i,·c inl.Cn)e .kudO\ 10 l('ncs "' lolcrucJy doo!C' play. tlua ha,·c

Jl~ilJ I IIC\'C,r- lhought ll lCl otoollese p "®Id hn:ach- rro,·~"h°" In• wortJ

sc:enn 10 be \Cited or 11eppint IOffltOBC cl~''t lOO, ·'Comedy in Black-"'

all lbc rules;«>( cllqucnc, and I 10,·ed il JOI.I mh'itJ du\ sbov. 1111 on Apn l I? 111d

)'00 ml.I~ ~oc:nctlling stdc-e~nng)y funny and llfK'Ct•I 11,e \iX 'lel pl.a)'~

1£\'lCW look. platt ;n the Todd L«x1urt

II.J.11 n.t 7·30-8•4S p in but m~dc

boor and J$ mmutcs kt"m hkc JO minut~

k'IQt nuitht call '4·hat 1c.,ot. pl111;e dunng

:-sc ploy, u cra~J. nudC', diJ11mdul or

Ltttng ltkc th.Al• .and tO be: boacu..

111dn'1 be l)'aos: In •II 1bt rl:ay11 I tia,·c

,i:klt:d, I hnc nc.,.,cr !.een 1t p l ity v,c con.icnoo

Llntuqt,ordci11 wilh.iucom-typc


fr\1k 11 may h1ttt' o.flcndrd M1mc, I fotmd

tbangc cumpletcly hil.ariou, and awnc:lhwg

" mixc ohen h m.iick the pl•y ~m

'ft tta.l And in touch with the audic:n«"

iW,.bd 10 bet ehnl leongc fur th,: four actots

•f>Cdonncd. Somctimes, lhcrc was a scene•

Juit had to laugh al. bul lhbc (our


:inctu.&111 kccpt,.,njgl).f fllCe ~c,flC"ft I w,1~

"I impre!i~ed. The four who 11clcd oot thc\C

rby.; 9.'"CR: Juhc ~O!tC. LccJ1 Junker. ChlW

100 Ain'I« Hanan. cath &!,cuing an

tmOOAI of slDi.e tintc •nd t'xh ad.dang•

&Od wuquc autJoot co lhe P,ty11

'< IJt)"\' ~<111 In the order nr

aatis.h Mad t'<Sfmplt"

Ilia:(~ on twu p,>plc. \\ ho h~ cuber oer m('l. fallell ,n l~W('. ~1dcd not lo fall in torud$Uff, ,omc hurt.11i;;hc v.hheaeh

Th.Ii play w11 flUIJe unique by tbci cf1t>i 1,ea,chcf who gan~ dcfimttocu lo lbc 1tlruc.t. undcrl)'tng c~eh interaction. and 1h,c lltofll' 8,Ql quue: fuMy.

111\ 'l)nu,t''

\'Ii.) h» JO"C' to the OMV and [1 \\bt1• 1 11

q JO I.he A»? play purtra)'Cd wha1 .s:omg

•D~fV as 11..-iwilly like. h foc:u'!Cd on 11 lldy

1lllk>ac-111, p:nnontrndri,cr', llccnw lha1 tcmpol'lrll)' \l,,thout h-aving t.0 at lhc CCSI and 1be trial, o( dc.1Un1 with • ~\' sovcminent worker.


\'h.a I 1hou&J11 ,o ht ClflC nf 1hc wori.l r l•>"·

itiU a.ood- Thi1 v,411bout lw~ M1y0ie11.

• ,cry rmj'lf'Cj,'l,h c mockery or '1llc

,k Pl.AVS: conunucd oo P.att.e 11


Fnr111\·t NIC ,11111cnt O...nkl Edml\tno boch ""NICc,md Ji'"'cd "Amu,cdtol>cnch u, Romcl'bo p1~11aka pla« in andcnl Rome '4'btt1 &l..idlat()()I tukd th..- auc.111ion of DQO)' fllll"I. A J'l.a)"'nJht "' into I h.v nod b.tu.lei wi1h • 1,l,1.J.•1u1 1111 die 1dcll of \lohtlhl:r mc:JllillQlUI cr1tr-rt.11flffl(:'lt i, l,tctcr cluio ,111,::h,~ v. llh dc;ath.

Tbeie pl,1n WIii he ptel,(nled [Mn April 24 10 April 27 a17:30 r .m m 8o.\1A-c:IJ HttU.SChult:r

A\kl1torium. 0a Apu l 2S. I )l>Call prt:!ioCOl.lliOO

wlU tX\:"ur (or die ht.aring lmp urcJ.. Adml\.1Jor1 Ut S5 f«adull~ S3 J{lf"<\,(fljo,c111~(1•.$l COi' JUnJM (ll-18 )', oldt 11ndNJC,tl.k.kucb w.ubthcb

\(U~nt IDcllld~ ,u l"C 11datiUcd Iii noCbll.lJC No

Nbl<C> •,uUbe •lmtlled. F« inform.dioet. cllll 7697780 Thero w,11 alMJ 1 ~ml penonroi,cc and Dinnc:rThcm~ a; the: Elk.It, Oub tn St. Muic, For 1nr~11on oa 11,e Olnnt-r ThcalJ'C', «u (208) Z.U-3417

Choi,; Madrigal Singers, Women's Ensemble prese111 sounds of rivers, lakes ht Tn1d WoJ,oi, ,i,..

Allhu\i,:b 1uuaUy Jon'l -.-..akh 1hinp 1heo<. I r~11.1nd lhi: ··Rhau, 1.hc 'io." a '"cryc:n1cn.t1n1~ Lhing1ov.;1icbApt"1l 14 'fhc•Ri\UIOlhcSc.l 1\ll 1;•t1M:('n &n:11 rtfl«b

bk h~ by tl\'C'r"1. !.1k,:, •lki ',IIClnU l'ho

pcrlom1.1tl«':\ "'<=re h) lhc N~'ll'lh ld,\110 C'"llcge

CllOl."tn Olctit, lfh.· \1.-Wu;Jl Si111,'t'n wk! 1b,:

St'l«1 Womt:n', Ett-.cmhk 'O,rf,n.ltupct1orm \l..a,thcl~(Jftc(:f\(buu t wit cXpt'('llltg to tee! 1111 ,~iun(t't P.YTlc- bu11 w

pkii'.andy ,.u,r,u"'1 h• IC'C' okkr

IR t:Ylf\\ ' pcOf\lc ln lhc ',;hon in ...,di The ,hoit !!at\l hllll ~,l\g ,,ltug

1hc fhoGtJ11dt."' R,o Ril\t S..v,-,, 'iJ¥r, RO'Cnwy aoJ Thymc" 11nJ ·11.c Rhd" v.·t111oh• olo from l:ugw:n. 8e1mcourt

The nr-1110 (llkr \Pite \litre~ ~ifdrit•I \u)#ll, It '1«111C'd that 11101,1 ol cbc """Jt~ I.he) ,,.,c:~ Jnll., )('mp.. couuns (n>m pC1eo bkc ttrland. biglA,nd and UrilAln Tbc fif'tl -.ort& lhc}' dwlw+1-.1111 l111h•n Rrllli'-'l.mcc,cwngc11Ucd-Alln

Rlva Joi Ttbtt• ,on 1M ·noo~ 1bcn lhc:)' dJd • '(Ing ,·idled "Sh11111cy,·· whlCh I hchc\~ '-\it.\ -u11i 111 PrcB1.11. Tht.,llbc) ~na ·"TI,c Wwlfer,1. \',tdt." ~t1,obbJtd Sha'-'"n ,\heltcon iuil.u. •~My Cum1ch'" 0.00 '' Ai the f1+.k Wa, J,la,w1n,~ •c:rc the l,m ,11Qp 1h01 lhcy performed (11(1 l.u1 ICI c.:11n.c uut Wh t!Y. Stlm W(lfflcn· F.n~mhlt. ThC" firu blg wn ab«.11 • n-.:.lbc1 v.ho 11 g,k\lns lelll' ha .lau t:tulJ t1,11ncd "'S..langaJuu •• Ill,• od~r M}OJ-' were ''M) Love W11lh u:, V(l\'cl"

and RA:ubcn. Rnihco" The- WC1mcn'• &1emhk hlld le,., lhan. 20 mcmtK-n. and I lhout-b1 th1.."") J,J ajnt,'illdllklOt"'

Jbc. Wt ~oon or the COOA.."'('rt wckffl!N back the SS·f'IC"O" C!onceu cholt ·111t1 Yttg_ • "'f1mky" g<*P('I ,;ong calkd •tfigbcf Gruuad"' i nd 11 &1>n1 ~lkd '"'St,cn:uido.,h..." ~lf the: Ltt,c o,oo; tho)' did "Mn11c•· from "'Tht Oonlk~li('.11 •. All 1nall. I lhc.'1UJhld1.1tJ1 \lil&Unll"l"COOCl"lt The whole conctn •-a.t dut•c1e<I h)' tht bnghll) dtt:~ Sca.rkct 111.-p.,.,-Mh anJ ""in ~comp.u1K'J oa by Ann Paul I( cvtt )'OO want to ,offl tbc ContTn C'boir. u·i open t() t ll lldulh IW.S they m«I oo TUCW)'s. J would ttCMUDctld &flUIJ IO one of tbo'ccoooeru "'bm ,·oo a:o 1bc ch11.nicc. h'\ an:aa co !tol.'C )'OW'.l~er voi«,. mb:td hit oltlcr

Piper brings Scottish so unds to campus

Dedi cated student gets ·~;:·~ 0·~:~h8~=-h:;,~,::.~ ~~=~·

' ru s h ' pl ayt'ng bagpipe ·n,c ..~linr,lun"JIO!<(lh<,r•oJtoo~IOth<" "'~ 111u\1c •ml \tlll\t.<J to ~e1 ,cnou, nbou1 N•)'ms The)· \(.irchcJ 1hc1r bnc"'tc roe Sco111~ b1ood and by J.ia DaviiliOn SWlfv..""',, ,,11

roo 9-hik She DO\\ hdr the North\\'t.\lJuoklr Pipe" 0:tnd, *here \he

hdb L•n'c c.:nmpldt" w1lh001

the cihiU or ,om1n1 llf iomr r;un Bui lhc JOUDJ or

• b;,sp1pr ,,n't i:u":tl} 1hc .aund one v.oc,14 J"II

¥.hb the \oecnery. Aad )'d m,tn)· on (.:.&.Mplli hil\.'t heard the mu:dc of the hlA"ipc:-Jrifung fr) lhd, nn-from 1hc l ul:c'lbofc. The "fMll\'(' t•t dth mu,ic ("",111l1Cant1ti111tl.110

l<ri\lui NOfi<tt.J. ll ~ca maui:r1l-cv.l'.athrr-.•bt"II


ld ti( CJ.~lfflO Jw.t Juck. blld:: :.nd t-:i.J.: in the •utd1glu ,he ~UH be (1.'llr.lnd o-..erlooktnJ tl:w= the mufie other r1~ dri(1ing U('l't'I"-' w:t1cr and I.ind, ,n I.hey t\..-\'C' for «111UflN. P"'-"l ihc: bagptp« m ghl 'tCtln • hutr nut t,f place on an ld"hP l'ic«h but v1ritt) ildds 1hc: ' l>i(e Out nt.1k« life a sn,iJ .1dvcntuR. Cc;,t an artsy .iory? Conut I A&f ut11or Mlndv Wolfrom Phone; ?ht> Jl8ff. F.111! 7b9-J389. f..-m~jl : Sc.>n!

• • • • • • • ARTSE r-\& NTERTAINMENT
Jne-act show s finish departm e nt 's spring season ..,-1 00 \11,11\ her \\-Cll·me.imns :iu,,t Dol" n""' tN'kkt PlilmJ, ork.-c it hif)l+M:hool be.,ut)' cfl.N.'Cll ,,a.. wanl!I urhffni~"C. Sornh N.ancy (SclSy Juhnu,n) wlth • bo)·frlend uncoopcnill\'t S.anh Naoq, ,blllc, ll clear 1h21her Mind d.,r.e. [.:Cb, (DlN1n ltaru,c,.'fl) j~ .1 "bon.nR ~f'"Tht .-mu"'" S•r.ab N~'• uCkill~. R\'lbcn (Joe V,;-111,teo,.~1 bcitdli.1re.v,4,__'\ ha aunt AnlU.ICJ Id Oc:ruh In Rome b i.otetltkd to pmUcl wub modem Amcl"lla
Jreaks norms :omedy crass,
Searlelt Hepwonh recognltes lhe Madrigal Singers for "The Water ts Wide." 1 Bri tish Isles lolk song, a t Ille "Rita, to t ho Sea" concert
A tpring i1n.1gc of Scotland v. 11h us snxn. u11-1 cloll:C'd hJlb hn't campktc: W1IIK1Ut 1he ._wdl ,,1 cominJ Of soi111 rain nnd 1h<: \OUlld os ti;qp,pc\ The spnnsi imn.g,t W North IJa.ho v. 1d1 lh rmc• 00\'.::l'Cd, mi)l·PIUCh«I
pl:ti)', tutJWnns u ,..,, t111hi.• c&c11.,11h \lot.ether u,~)' be warm and Minny t'lf ctild nod dllnl N()flef.t ~J plll)'lftl \uo and II h.a.lf )1'.',,n 110, She Jm:J lD Elko. Scv lcJ.ro1n, 1hc ,cw;bt-. )Olm~crch.lldt,:o .1nJ in R'lurn JCh 1< 00, fmm • m<W 11killcJ JUrct s.imc p<<!{'l• do,n "'" for IJic bni!rll"" .U tb111 tmkh, tiut r<W Ncincga 1l'Ji a tu•h It's ti.kc JI.lint ,pc_,rtA ,n 10mc Wl)'t." !the H,aJ "\'ou"f( g:cning )OllrNoodJk,~ing#Jkl brtlllhinJ 11.:.;;, i,LI~ m;: 111 l1nfll ol a tiol)th c,f dmnl..1u)'> foe' SI P;i.ukl;', D.iy 11 t"x11mg 'Yt•u ,...,11;1Mn'11hinL ,1,u, th..u plr.iJJJU.
the """Y d1c)· chttr all-Cf\\iml, druuJc. ('' ,1"1hcr. 1!ii ,il)l;"b • ru~ •ti,• 1.,,J ··11'11 t1c11111Jly n-;111)' o,ll.ll - make, youk..-lp"ll.l
Not C'\'Ct)imt: t, ~, cruh,nht.WC a~n :,.;'(lne:,;1· ptpe rl11;yms. Sbc pr.DCC~" on the be31Ch 1tnc:c ta', ,Hffitul11c, do M> lniiuot, and hM had f'IC'OPlc c-.,1111: do'l\11 ;u,d m.ike rude. 1nJde cc,mn1en1;. thll.1 an:n' 1 food oCbo.Jpip('mmic Jl'C •·\'et) ~omfonahlc 1d hng:youth,ey dPfl'f hkc-lt.'" dlC w d But,hc:dcie.\rt'clc1 lh111.1e1ht-r~ n Stl( conunuc, 1a pl 1) by the tale ,n 1hc vane:I)' or f\onh dlllio eb: 1ti..·n11.. ·· w, klndor •ru.,h - nuke• )l.'U frc l 1-,url}," •hie: ftll.1d, ncx1aa; to dc:m~t11.1t" the min c-c,ncitlucll lO r11.II on he, 11nd lier tm1tu11k'lJl livrn '-\'Ith a 1,hill_ Ln d ie ~f and ,m NIX'l-cp '\Mw, dcdt<'.tlit'ln co pratlKmg. And when tl,c ,un h warm In II blue 1k)· 111J ll "''Ptl

CD's style gives R&B new face

Ru.»dl Dlmoo

.s.,n.., These JJ)'\, 11

<ccms 1Juu R&B hu. been a linlc: hard•up foc t1.lcntltld ori&lnalhy Sure, lhere"1- • (cw Ml(lf5

v.·-c: all hear aQd

adm11111bly. find« 611'1i&iA& .nlon1 10 Bul uw.uly the (Qlloei ,on of 1ocby"1 R&B -.CCIO) simUoJ ,rs DCar

lmpo~•ible to diJfe"'ntlato bclWttr:1 ~st and )4)hl, HoweHr.

I ha \ t I lcoack (or findina a good CD. 1Dd u \llm\ 1ba1 GkDl'I

Lewis" nc,w CD ha, 8)\ en me rcuon 10 tttoU more ohcn

ttuougb the R&B section

l.rwU rdeat.t'd "World Oul.\lde My \Vjl)dow"' in e.atly

March Sufflttd co wy. I hadn'1 be:ltd n\uch froin 1.he gu)',

g:i\"cn hi.\ rd1th·o lk'"'ftc.'1. 10 1hc- m.i.,lc

IREVIEW indUj"lty r Celi ,n the mood 10 branch o u1 • llttlt, lftd from 1be marnc-nc I heard thu CO I w•, cDCOm~ued in 1udc b3htful &(X1od 1 0d ll)le. l was c.s).l!J b)' 1 ien llc , ycl, not 'NWo')' TbC'·Arti\l·Fl'lmlaU1Knf1wn,A,s·Prlt1cc-vott'C:. It accu.1Uy 11n1ct me 1n n ,111.uw:b

t l!l)c1ublcnc e to a cfts111C1I Stt..,lc Wnndt'.r, Titc bea1 wa, • dcfiruie ph11 m 1h&J album II 1h1,ay, pio,•,deJ hh waa, w,1h an enJO)'ablC" b.llanec ttf ~,, ~&8

1nd s:li3htly •nrtu,.,c: b:in. Tbc: IOI.Ind-·» Nmplc, dean and utu.ral. noc duuercd with samplt1d nobc! u: cmunonl) found tn modern R&B

J1 OA·u a.l.w qu1t.c tC'(ruhtaJ to hc.M lhlll th" uti•I fll.\·Mt'd mll1ic1ao•. ,n,1n.,mco1J&h 1:1.tth :H Laun 1uiu1q;, att~ted

,IJin.p and woodwinds u t,ppo11,cd to a 0.J. Thtt v~ of llb album was ,oulful 10 iu core, tfUl1DK aa cnviroctmcn1 oi •

dMk. 1mokcy, ln1im1te Jan perforl1.llU>CC

Of r:(IUr,c, Le.wrt ii gullly n( 1hc oam,>00.:il ch~s.ty.

MocdfaJ-bc..-1 ltnc, that 11turn~ R&8 11)le. mam, w

hc.licvc he bu had more (ailed relatton,h1ps 1han

Taylor. Howc\·cr, thit ,·cry uJcntcd voelllN wi1h b1J c l.aufc:al

mc,hod hu 11\·en u~ all a CO 10 ~""flock hoou" 10, piyvrna

tt"~ likely ht v.ill bccc,nic lhb scocri1Hon'11 Marvin 011)0,

'King' sou ndtrack grows on listener

Fi l m' s CD makes Billboard cop 10

bz Trwi WaboQ --


b.snd, chill lop 1bo

rock ChJrt$, ll°S

barJoot io ~)'

att.cn1i,on lo 111c

Scorpiua K1na'"

\o0Qndtn11ct. l1'1

C\ICI)' bard rockct"l

drctm. Atchou1h I

Joa' l ti,1rn 10 man)'

o( the~ b;u,dt.. J

tlJll (mdm)'i.tlf

-.1th ope oflhe

t~ ,tuck-tn my

ht•J No110 «>c11 l1on head 10 them v.-hcn rm alone

Tbc M>uodtrid: is on the 8illboml Top 200 album, •t No

k and ii powccid by Oocbm.Kk·, 1Sund AloDc:" Some: of

I the ochet ~lHdOUI.! oo the albumt. ii.elude

REVIEW Crccd'• "'To 'n'llom ti M1&.y Coo~m." P.O.D.'s

··S<c ii Orf (fwc:i.k<-r Rem.ix)'" ltld Rob

Ze>Jnl,~·, "lroo Hod." w htc.b ruto1c1o Ouy o.boutnc..

Thu song •·u •ISO rclcaud on Zomb1e'A. l•t~t n::c:otd

crall cd Sm»la Ura:c. I ha\-e • hard IJ:lnt w11h lhJS tOO& l1111tc I

oa.n·, undC'~11md anyihin,Zambic H)~ - J ami. bi.iltnor

Otty lhauah. c,·a ,mcc. f 1ttar1rd wau1hln1 h1 1 nev. d10"' c,u MTV called 1'hc Osboutnct:.'"

SC1nt or the other ramw• bimd.• sndudc S)'"' or • Qo\\,11

v,nh ··S1te3mll11e." NlcJc.c lback', Yan.k1n1 Ou1 My Hc.ut."

Hoobuu,ot•a "'l.odns My Gnp"' and Coal C'hambet w,1h


Mo1.1 or thc)e band, h1wo blkf • h11 "°o& cmc-c be(ol't'. bu1 I

d<Kibt 1h11 any or thNC will m1ko 11101bc 1op five Tbc onl)'

IOngt 1bal ba,·e a c.haocc 11' GodtnW!k'" '"I Siand Alane and Creed'~ "'To Whom II May Coaccm O(cQuqcC~c,d

,ecm-. to ba1t~ 1 hll llfllk ni~ mimer wh11.t

Raunding: O\ll lhe JOU1MStnek art Drowning Poul'11

"BttU,na You."' FJ •v.·'1 "Only the- Stron1." 111rhfch l, on thctralbum ·1'brougb lbc E~s." Twcl~ Stoocs.' My Ltrc:·

Mu.1..luoom.bclld's. " Alofi& the Wa) Uftr's "Bttadtl<-,.,, "'inch II orr of lhcir wlf--uilc:d album ~vendu1t' t

·'Con~'1eJ,- J.1tjecit'd'1 "'Bum H 81kt' and B~ku11 P<Wnt·t. "27," nu, i, aL1uilly a vet)' gPOd 1lbum C\·"n 1f ~u Jon•, Ukc lb1t l;iDd of music. A(tc:ra ""hllc h gtOWt l.'CI )<'IU -11 dJd ror

Movie shows ' butt- shaking' clubber

Girls just want to have fun in 'Sweetest Thin g'


..., ,..,.

h1mnr Otn•bnit ArplC'JIUIC. ~lm•Blairil00Thnm11_ Jane Ro,u K~lc dirt" Lbb 11.ltn. anJ NIIIIC)' Psn\CftUI v,,11• the c,crccn.v.-Tkc:c The b.l.Uc plut ol lbn ,lOr)'" that an altrn.;tivc. bml·~hil:1n, Chnihl'lA W1l1tn (Div.) kapla)'ffV.hocoJ0)'11 lloolnng-up -.-uh guyr, 111 c:lul'i, Whctl NMlfflolle Jue

e..,., ie1»r1" c1u.,pa1 I>)' bet bo)fn<nd. Ouutina nnrJ her ()the, u>onun.,,11.• C"ourt11c.) Roddlffc (Ar,rkptc) talc' 10 a duh 10 hl:,·c \Qloe fun and I"' Jane t,*'k m the ,v.mgofdUop: WhlJcU)wgtoht""'J~ up \l.1lh a d:ur. Ouhtift.l Ct1¢1:h Ptottt Ooalhut (Jane) •nd much 10 l"aCt 11u-rcuc 11 atuxtcJ tc, him ,n,W)II). fhl\ prc>c:.nts • problem bcaute normal!) ,be n lklt 1tJt1JJ;tcd to su~ tn the:"'•) Js.e tllo '°"'"'nS Prta toortnc)' t.llh Cbn,una 11110 tOJng to11 .,.,cJJing th.11 PctC1' v.111 be IUIC'DdinC 11\I\ l~!i lo K'o-Ctvil mi, in 1hr lhrtt-hl'ltlfcat ndc dm,n, "trn;h ff'CJI" 11oidt--,rh1hnll laughter ldUnJ .:con Thccr.,J ofthl!'ffl0\1~ tirn:,dic:UNc, l'!ul d ba'l'C a Jcc.C'tll CndUIJ; fhe 111'11)' proMcm f haJ With OlO\'IC ~'Ill the Luge

IOumANOl~C ••• Gooo OK "VAN W!lOC~" •m11u111 or Jetw,I l'CI 11l,

King stings its way into theater

The Rock stars in Egyptian tale. Jolie face~ early death !?l.'""'°"".i,.,,, SUII

Srnng h.a ~, and conUll)4;tl.Oo

\C'UOII h:l'I Ila.nod. Muty ~l'UlUrt:S out there arc 1e1un.g h\·1u«p.1tttd •lid )"OU 1n11y find )'c'llr,tlf bcxorn1og llllnk:tcc.l to tonln>IK. Shn~ chem )'fM.I 1.:ilfc by 1.Wn.r them t~ 1hc: lhc:atcn

""Tht: StMpion Kint" tPC• t l- ~ow

r1a,1 • 1 Herc·, one: lh,u '• hccn ge111ng • ot or publicit> W\\•f-·, The Roel uan-, 1 oommr,o 11.\~!l'Jln lul't'l('J phar.oh in lhll EJ)'pt.luf11ltytalc.

A 'AarlorJ n.alhed Mcmon h.b httn

O('lnt1urno lbc lnbc, in 1bc d«cn. lnlfflt

Iuo n1lln.11htm all He PR[VltW r.laujhtc~ lho'\C be doc» DOI l"'iillla\ie, •od hh rule I, nuel 1-t,~ ~tC\\ an rulldC' t, due tO die 1.untalk:c or 111ee, "''ho u:iUt him "'hen. whm: and ho~ 10 auad., :uld M> f,a be", got a pafecc rc"(lflj· Out J\o1ns I n11.hlos •ml wld·hc;1ncJ ruler it the: (11,lc.~1 ••Y 10 gel ,icoplc auu.l .at )'l.lU. •nd thoM:' re"' tnbei \1cmon h~\rt'I cociqoercd uni1c nc1 cnli.•t 1b1:: 1oct of • man -.·hn ,, • Joccod.utt or aeric:ta.1lm'I,

or ,u,sa11u1,, ~blbayu, U1.i cu1"11on 1 10 I.ill Mtmon'• Kn', lhu~ rcml rin, him cap;a.hte ot ddc.a1 Evcr,-1hmi: Jck, nnc M11thJyu1 rninaic.• rogc:I m011hec1ty. bu1 v.oolJ1n you JJIOy,.. the ).ttt' t, • • oman it!JJ 11 bclllll1ful Oc»c n11nc:d Cn,.udn RJ&kf than v. 11., te bctUI)'. M..ath.i)'U\ l.4.lo hc1 wi1h him 10 the Vullr> or d1ie Oc.ut ,,i,htft' th!: tnbc, •~ tUd)'tni 10 fi1¢t1 \tcmc.1n in 1 fm1l d«.1dtnJl baulc 1-1(1\\i:_,·.:.r c,s.s.;uldn ti)' tha1 In 11ud1 • ho11dc. M11th11yu, \\ould die Bn1 be d1"'1Cln·1 lot that "°P him. b(Jk.,ing he crt.ttt'• hh 1>""0 Jc,tUl)' llni.l in tht creed ot lu., pcorlc, ·ui.c lrt"C, du: well And w he guci. mh, h:u 1lc 1h11 fa1c h.1.1 dn'tncd to ht ht, 1~~• Aflc:f bi• thon ~LOI - •l ko.,l .i, a human - in "The M11mm} Rc:1um,. Tbr Rotkpbtohnwhiiownmo\1t A1 muc.b as I v.·~1ld hkr lo ni,t "" • \\'Wf ww.1fcr 1000 HC'll)'"'ood (aJtbnugh lh('rc ml)' DOI be~ l ot of d1fCC'feik'C bcl"'-ttM the 1wo). 1tutl\DCloobtot,c,qu11c,oo<t lr1 • chwie ,.11.)r)I 1«n ufirn lhruu1hout ht,tmy (If " c-ommonct O\UlS u, usurp• rulJl lcss ruler. 11111 movir', got pkuh ol ~ef, 11,,b and bluJ.c. ~1 oo lfl E~ypc1an pl.mtrwith M>rttry Cor 1op1«. 11 '1 • dehc:lou~ l,'IO'k1D& film aod one", rHIJy bc ins puthcJ aad b1ghl)· unb.:1p.i1cd by w~mc. tr got •JI the u1grcJrcn11 for a

Senor FroSSY

Speciali7iag in fresh , delicious Mexican food

79 cent


All day. eve ry day

10% off for NIC Students & Faculty with college I.D

7th and Shennan Oowmown Coeur d Alene 765-8522

11 •--11, u ,..,,._ .... ....,. 4111'1'111(\fft., \\ \1 1 .\hlJl

rc 1M«khum,.b\1111 ullha•~ tc 1tvuu,:;l11nal by far~ al1d I-rt b'I lhc Al th( l'lull.\tlli<:L"' Urt". or So1nt1hln1" l1" 1t•C:, U. .\pril Z6l \1.lft\> 111ncs 11 <he M1 s Amrna p,1gra11i 01 die lu.(. II q JOD i 'If )'OIi had l•nc: tu h\'C. hmt \()II \r,tnJ llm n, 1hr quc)Ji.on rcpnr101 Kcrri1t~n !Aat;rhn Jolie,•» laccdd ""·hc11.11~trffl-«rt11,nv Sh.1.lh1Mt 1 .bc'1t.h<',ulldi~1q m:* Ii. lrwdm f'C'tlll LHHC' tbnu,ih1 CHI) h1u; 11118 1Uipcl'1cd,t!'llt .I •111c"'1,1ttb lflt dill'mmaolanr: rhJalb hc,~all lliLn,1 bl!r life~; mi, mw 1Dt.1. •JUI &It or h.amtr,mun lf.dwad Hurn inn m:1kl' 1.oincdun1 of llct hi .u dou,tldq •1"Pft.1a('h~ \1:ut) ptopk ,,at.h a tqe an 1hdr v.bcrc lhcy they 11: fl'•111 todirli v.-.::in1aouukc'"1n-1hc) \'C:l..f11hC"1t .._ 11u11\(lo,ctnthc mc:t!uni,J1ll&ltl Jct.·Alb c-.rlcCT !Nin nature. h r,mc, * quc•twa m Ilk' , 1c Am I malUlf n1i1'"" ul ntt hie 1 Jf)~th,nlahoul 1L )'•,ueot1 IJ,ct1 •ell cbt' 40d.a,· Thi, n1~1r 1.1 une .__. tr1n11c race 1:, h11: he, htl'.U iht' fQlllll IM!t*'r ,he h&\n'l bcn, llv.n, hlt.,uii wn1t1l11ng: hkc u

""' Hoyrs: • Closed Sundays • Mon-Thurs 8:30em. ·9p.m. • Fn-Sat 8·30am.• 10pm 665-5996 231 0 N , tt, Acl'oea from TIie Long Ear A& E
.lttnct V"C" dtc 1bc1ne1
hilllriau• illtl\..C lhllt protrl)'\ lirb jtal mu,s II.\ ba~tuu The film I'm u,Jking about l, ·'The S•-c:c::tot Thin.•"
anU aa.,,y
of nnt
tk ***• MMJ111J
~,m: lb:'.'lt.\UIII) ~1r1cntcJ ~no v.m funn), ll1cr tcCJX \.l·hm: Counncy "- In the J bi.\th"1,.1m ,11od lrk!Uk't p,l 1:1 Qlll 1t.1nJ lllf5C! t,u,.1,u.c c uuncy .,,..i..,'Ufflcl lie lltknuont,~ 111,·111141:thct.1 · w "nr11ta 1uo1.h har bn .ut J"hc: tQ; 1 tict..ums hllanou, whcri fout 1d1 r lll 1.ut IO "'"'

Softball takes Dixie series 3- 1 rub. hit• t\li"Orun home run in 1b: fd1h mninc ,,r lloC('CJQdS~ Shc--wai.&-for.7f<WUcdA)'. Mackey ';\t:t11 S-fn,..s r~ lheday 1th tM'CRBr•,. 1nc CW.s h;ad 22 h,u S11t1Jnh)', Kn.,WI Kcllop I, rnnk."Cd [lllh ,n d,c SWAC 10 t.tolcn ~t IJ)and ,ath m Nlt1n, an IIVffll# ,-' I-& Cirrmta '1 h in tnpb...ooilh U) lugin,:

P:iul.1 P+1!cn(Jl'I tnplc;J 11nJ 'K'Ortd d~ a.nmc: v. inntn

Students neglect chances for cheap outdoor recreation

Outdoor Pu,isu its offers wide variety of activities

NlC h ptoud to boast OM of the grcllk'l'>t ~1dooc' :>1tudtn1-rt,ctca1ioo prot,NLffi~ m the n.tlim. Bui loo Nd ~) lluih CIDOfi(l,h

~il legally Blonde

~a rds split with Salt La ke CC

• 'Sf to challenge Friday

K"J:Oukv 'e ·--"' ~le hlfl 41'1d b\b uwtikt.. lhc. Cm,usah

: ~ts-,U11b(c;,,1h)Uf•KJ!nlr~Wllh~llU r 't'Ccnlmutut)' College 1.i.,1 wttkt"nd

rtir en arrih.'1.1111 the rtc1J }u\t mJn&uo "81titlg urnc bul v.'l)fC able lo ovt'ri:omc

• 8.r,u~. ~-7 a .i 2.J in 1hr rm, cbl)' c,r&-c,uc:

1 Alhkhc: ConJcn:occ pl1).

• I~\ V.'(~'td IUl'lfC tJ1M IUI hcN1

,.. mn. To to.&kc ru.allcr. w<:111e chc. Card11 1111t.ddi\'1,w,1-utk-mo1.cliuiddic1c.m•11..'"

IJ~ t,0 lbc field by ttlaU\ O of tv.o NIC

IIC"'G, ,~201.11th( SWACo.oiJ 22~:i:1 o,mn a"""" luJ ,iu.. hit> in the r.n, g,m.:.

:m1.:1 f1cldtr R)'An Col<'mAA m.,iJc ,.,.,c:,,

f c.111chet, m hoch ~me""- • Oat lYioo(lhcscncull.cCanb ""'cte !,1,1,cpc

ladl·l lnSW·\Cplay

lh:pm,e, 1,1,ctc agai.n dclaytdbul 1hi11nnr

or• bUtutd 11,e Bruin\ ~d sc,·,cn

mlhc.bouoto of lbc fiflb in11lng 10 C'l'.IJ lho

,imt e11tl)' due 10 the 10.rvn rule. NIC h11J


'1C" l('(ll'cd IL1, ooJy nm o t lbc tJ )' lrt lhi! -..l)lb

oflhe 111.'COOd g.u1,c on Juubk"' b} Rapii\U

4.'4111 Wcdlmlp,&hn

Sopboenutl! ritdm o.e..,11 f'm:bum r.uu..:k. °"'

-.,:,-en 1uld al!Clwal four hin ,n ,tx lflAcfl-$~ Uc tu~

Wl"C bat.kl'

1bt C'llrd,.. had JU\I •111: bn, for 1hc: tb)'

Ttk: lr3\·ckJ to 01\'ffl. U1ah. r·-..J.);y

A1'lf'11 11. e&, r,,cc the founh rankcJSWAC\',tl lcyS1:uc C()ll ~c

Ucah "•lk)· dl:ah

~IC. klj.!,; UI 1hc fl.flit

JiUll('. IU-4 ln lhr

UP NEXT •Tik'C:.i.lbYt1II ,t.,n~thl"' Collt''


M:COl'.ld '"me of the: doubkh~cr h -<Cmcd _.. I p.m 1n ttt l.:nl

dk' Cml~ ',1,'Cft' p;t,irtg Ill 1::nn.fcn."OOCI

('f'lJ if, losing ~,ruL rb1Nehc.lda"

"We \\etc re11d) 101~ our 11111d f;'\'1(1grtml.-1C' Stttl11.1,1.11, oo • gn:..11 h.iU ,.11mC'}' helld co..;h Paul Mannrdo 11-11.Jd Rut ftt',h11uw ri;ht fielder T),-1,:t Irunt, blinded by 1bc ,un. l01i1 ,.,tu o( a nlllhne 0)' l'i:ill ux1 It

ftll tn lhc g.rounJ

We c.a,·c lhcgame .1•11);' M11n1,,1nkl.wud flit. .gan>c: endtd 4-l. Fff't'bom. Y.--hocnttrcdthc lilmc:w11h.aO!~

<.iimcJ l'\ltl •.,.-raft", ~\IC ur C'lgh1 mn1, Frcic,b(lm 1A·tJ\otl«tcd mtbc~ I SWAC 1\11 Sc.111Tam

Ul•h Valley Jcalt the C,1.nh 1wn n-.,rc Jow:~in ~IUrdll) .,. d1:1t1hlrhc-,1dcr. frc,.l1r1un Rub R«ucn,o "tntlcJ lcir a nm m 1bc fif\l gnm..: Tiic C'anb l<'otcd 1he1r~ad ruuufTucrror fre,,hman Bt:n \k,1,1;hc:n haJ • •"o-run 4o\lblc ta the" liN um.itaJ. lu lbc ,cconJ rmte Mr.xbt11 c;\)ll«ttJ ull llut\: run, ro, lhe• \\'tdthpdn 1, H"<ond in the SWAC in RBI",. Mlh \7 M<"~hcn 1, mnlh m dtluMC'\ \l·nh mlK' Ftttbwll 1, (oonh 1n t.tnL.x,uu 1b7J ariJ Ry1u, ~lb,•1ty a, 1111uh (~9J S.,ll1u,·11}' n .,,i,o lwnh m \.butoob .:iml fRt<hom '-C\tnth In lnn1n11 pitched m, Ftttbom u lifih in t,ppc.•!.llllt tc,1111·- b;1,lhnJ ,·mgo (.178). WcJc:J"p.lJtuha, pu1uu1 2:?:.I h:lucr,. oui t1l 2.S-J.11tt1."11tph,, rantinJ tum fi!1h 1h thcSWAC NIC will bo,e St1u1l'lcm tdabn m SWAC ooubkliclMlcn on fnd.xy and S1t111hb)'. cl~ OO.tlhi:h;.iguc: l,Cill,l)fl Thi.\ c-oold be-- the SWA.C la,.t home g.at1k! c\·tt pl.-)cd on 1hc MC b:ucbllll field. 001 co ment, oo the 11131 coMctmcc hom,c, f !IUk' C'\'(r pfa)·td by an NIC ~ball pl•)'d' if pn,poscd 1u.hlctic culb•d eollllaugh. The SWA(' lOUnumel'lt \\'tll begin ~y 9.11 .am! d1wlc_1pl11y-nff, (nr me: Junior C~llcgc WMJ Serio, MC ff~)' 16-17 Loc.abon~ twr.,·e nbl yttbcc!udctcrmulC'd

~. l( DQtfttt 8u1, )d.. lll\\1111 lhe Sllfnl! le:.,,.. Bet:sv 0Jlesuo people who OllC: !he l'r'OJTl.m Outdoor P\anute\ lw u(b u \yiJt ,·11tld)' ot events to panjc:ipl5k i11. incl lJdmJ \ito' of\ty 11tt1v11ict ft1 ' "" W•~«. (.°00,d tfl•IO:~ J•"°" Luffl •f'd ToJJ He,\( lili v.~kl) lr'lf'\ 10 Jo.:.-1 ~a., r~M'ln-\ and mOQnta,1111 W«kcnd Md \\ffk·l<1ng ski/mowbuard U1Jt\ to r,&ac..-• •tKh III JAtbon tl ok 11.od Femi(:, U,ri1i~ Columbia. ar'C phinocll Sno~-modng, hA.ek~~klnj, .11-.aJiu~hc· ~wattm:ss d11s1CS and cro.s.~--c:oun1ry d u ni '"' )U\I MMl'lt' o( 1hc rmttr•rn, .11"-aUnblc m the: c.oldcr1ot.uon.

During -.pnng break Outdoor Pur,.ui" orfcA lnp,, RENTALS IC:S( tJun SlOO"' hi,ch

111dt1dc:-\ .a«ummudalion~ (Ot te\ c.11 dia)') They abo Clfftt v.1\i1t·uter roJlmlj, fukmg, by.dh,s llnl,l n,c;,.ini,,n bdong\Wntthinl d1flCft'IH C\'tl)' V.etk The Sun Spoc. ror


$)"'"""'· Sl! r<f•U)


• Satll'Ofll:\. SIO

tho!lc o( you ho Dffn '1 M tlnut 1-iO J'n ru.nuhar v.--1tb it. u di>

XIC-• pcr-;;orial buch

TI\t fl(o,tu 1n Ri-lll) &allboa1.1. by:ib.

Cl'-"""'J!, ,n<>rtela. cit'-, a l low price\.,n.J, clink,. cntcnalmncnt, beach volleyl'la.11 aod

• Canion, S4.,. hnw,'SIUf""f


food irrc "IM) 1vall11bk. The; Suo,rx,c upeo~ lhit.

)Cat June 16 2nd i.t open c,•c.r')cby from 10 a.m.

tu 6p.m

Your "~ rC'C$ p;iy fflr thu. pmgmn. Wt why not m:il...c lhc In().\! o( it't I gtl4rllntol: you \ltill i:nio) whru:c,u 1,;boo,-01odo. The OutdO'W

Pul"'-u,u: omct h, 1oc-111t"CJ c,1o -~......,. 1o tbc sUB

orme r NIC track athlete sav es girl's life

ushm an 's qu ick

hi nkin g saves girl

11th 19 WllS a bu yday for forme~ NIC'

tr..11;k •nd ricld \.luderu Lc\·i cu bm.m

E.Ul<'m WiuhlnJIOn ,1\,lde-nt·nlhlcte .,nJ

tt 1lUdcn1 Jcnn1ftr Cir.:coman admloJ"4crcd

llio ,-ilmon11.ry ~u"1Cila1lon

Uc oh-.l lOOk CPR clit»C, 1he pas1 1wu ummcfl -II\, requir\!mcnl fc,r h 11, )ub ot a Iota.I ffl~.tllltrcmcmhc::rcd rn:111111111.· hr ,wJ She,tc,dme.1llt.hc1imc C~hmoi, cbC"('kcJ S1c1dl') rul\C" and

t,,1eatbJng btfc,n:: l,c,.1unninf CPR.

G~cmman. ia nunin:g 1tui.lcr11 who \\'Clfks al

S1cn:J HC'nJ1 Mci.11 1Ccnlct, amvcd Ufl the

iw.-c:nc u.O:er be1nt ,ummoned t,y an li.1~tctt1

[O()Ch11.II pln)'t:r

Sbc. helped C u,hinu.n ~.:er, hi , rhythm ood

C'4..IURI ( If IS .; hc,c 1;1,1mrtC\\ i1,n,1. J11r every IWO


1'bc 1wu cocitlMk'd CPR fur ruu, 1mnu1e, until cmt:rgcnc)' mcihca.l 1«~nki.nn , (rom di<' Chl'aey Fut Dep.nmrn1 amvcd.. they ur.cJ

d,:ht 1hocb rrom • dtfibri11:atQr ta 1c, S1cidl'•

bclU1 \l1rtNI o1a,1n S~ "-,uauhOcd lit Spot~ h\l Cmtrtl,Cnt)' 1re111mcn1

"JI W.;1.~ d,c_fimtcl)ll 11rc•..:h.n1tan'1 CX(l('.ri~e.• Cu!ifunan,.t.i(l ,cnnUn w,1d,\ •ta ho5rh,1I and«~ 1h1n r; hl.c lhl1. and l don'1 kno'\I. h\,1,1, lbc:J Ube.- rm.:rsrncy

'' Ii wti< tlefi11itel)• " lifc,,•/umging t.•.tperie,we. • rcnoo1d1 do ii n,,c:y \lo't tc 1111,"'"M>me." Cru-tu11Ji11 aoJ Orttom;an .,.-C're honorc'd April 10 .at a Jl"t-U,r'l!Hnn ttrl"nkXl) .11 lhe Chenl.l)' Fire Ocpartmcm ''11.c)' aro lhe 1c.oJ hcr'OC1i:· ChcnC')' Firt: Dcpa1lmc1:11 C'11pl1W1 \1ih Auh uul. cu~hrn:an &nJ Grtt11olatl fl'4'thcd r1'11mC «.nifbtca nOO a l~t pm horn tbc AMR for thdrrtt.(.-UC, TI~ i;au,c or dk' bean 11U1Kk I\ ,tlll unk1M)\I. n

Famil)' mcmbc:n m "-:Ins tcMcd 10 flnJ om r lM tl1~•~ m bcrt:tlho,y and S1cflll. .,ha turned 21 on Apf'll IZ1h. will~ -..aichcJ \'(I')' C'lok°ly and will t"Onhnu,e ltt.aamtnt.

Cluhman 11 $1111 bloni~hi:d by wtuc h,pptn«l

••11 di.dn·, ,ec:m like 1.hi,.1 loog:· he: ,n1d or U1c four minu tes or CPR -001 Qft(e I ,1uppcJ C PR 11 like !oren•:r oororc the)' ,.ot. her bean wirtcd."

He. w as 1mu,cd 01 ho¥> qu ,tll)' ume pa~~ whlle they \l,('tt' g_i, in,: CPR ,nJ how lbw

l<'cmcd 10 ,-1op 1f1ct they (inl(hcd

·•1kepi wondering h,ppen,cd to thl-. girt." Cusbm.10 ,aid. "She', 20 th" l,11'1

11up~ to h11.ppcn 1$ i former Lakeland H1sb SdJl"'lll

1/!l(t ttnr .ind c..-ompc:1e11n tbc '\l.cigh1o1ht1\v. en h i ,Ju010t )'CII.J ill EaQcm Wa.~h,na:mn

I ,.ir)'~.toAt<I ' 1'!" J Until the 1810s • SPORTS baseball was • • g played without • - • ,c, gloves. • p •
Cards 12 -12 in S WAC, 18- 18 overall Pld two clTOI'>. O\'C'n:!111nc 1hcCanb ,n lhe s, i1b 1nt110,. ~onogfuur run on twn hJb aod '"o nron :and lt.avln& 1h,c.-c runnc.n- on basr. lbe C:ud.1, iatt ihth in the Sttnic W eii Alhkc.ic Conftrmcc wiLh 11, ttcord o( l2-l2. 1K·18 Qvtt11 II Inda) 1woof11J1:C•nh ro11r•'4me \t.llC. with the Rcbrl,;. NtC" lid h)' m bo<h-c,6.S lnrun, plncb·n11.11er k11U1 '.\kGillty f«dlc.,..-innmi:ron M~ Catpcnttr.
mi1..)(d Fnd.l)·', g~ llfitt\'Kll.l11t15
Ti< StHfNCL PAGoE 9 ., ..
J n111 lO ut 1-M' e,gh1h ,nnmg orlht fi.nt 1.1111'1.: lo die: k'l:onJ 1:imrc Mel!;ao Mac-it)'°• lli.lntdi: in the bouom o ( 1hc- ~\·tnth P,."ft't'tl~.: miJ c1i,hlh in on-1,w.e pcrt(flUli?e, M~ndii Alu,n" Jl\h
ttthman catcher Chrt• Smith of Mfddloton l"HChu to,• ttrlke fn a Canfl.nal toss to lht! 0t• Steto Rebels.
rn MtitootlQ(Sl) The wtlJ pby tio,.1 IO Salt l..u1c Cuy Conununhy C.ollci..-e l!'ri,b.y 11nd S~1.1J'IJ11t Amlnd.a Folden ru11s to snag a tooN bell that e1,c:apod from outfielder K ri stan Ke110gg·1 d ive dunng a home game versut Ulah Valley Commun ty College.
!CPR) 10 • .:!0· -~IJ fellow 11JJc111 ~Jlcnns from a rdi x: 'Ill dut1n~ finlb \loccl •I the tlibman illnrncnt cocnrlcx ,n C'tiency duo' t quid. iblnl.J.ns 11nd 111:.tmn, iftn.'d r >Stc1dl'i hft1h.u d:a}'. lmu.n, \I.ho WA\ c~l lrJ cc> rm help In the ~l 101 e1( hi , ap.anme::n1 v. hik , 1ody1n,: for ~.allet,1 CPR ..ru11U1o"tl(m1 fr1m1- • tpc«h t IIIUtknd J1d u, hrr pt:l"u.l\.,l\t' \pttch cl.a\'-

Holtz captures 80 at Whitworth Ope~

More than 20 head to byJR.Coi11~· "

ln 1hc mlJ,t of UJll!crtain.t)' \h ll cooccnung

1hc track and Odtl rrognm the team h liec!pin; ~l1tJ on hf p,omisc 10 finilh <ml Ute .,CAM-In

~Hh 1 '1•ni: Nidionah arc lcv, than OM ffl<'nU, aw~y anJ toOI'( than 20 mtn noel \\'01nen ha\·c ~,,.hfic,I n,, 1N1J1,rit)' nr qutlthc.n, llfc d1niancc ninnl!'n.1hrcrwcn. \leitpfc.._:ha~c. d11cw.. ,bot puc and hammC't.

A tunJ,rabcr for the 1c:un 10 pay (o.t

n.1lioa1.I• 'IIU't1'd Apri l 12 and NM chrou.lth May IJ llu acomtnunJl)'·Or1cn1atcd dniwini

Some- pri:,.c.~ 11)(.'ful:k; • mo11n11nn tiikc from Vtrt~11I En.rth. g:i(11:cniflcatc, tt> ,hap 11 Nv1,h1ronl', and a r.fon1 !rip t>n 1hc Salmon R,,.\-t '1111, i, a et•m.munh)'--t'lrleollled J'll'ojtam lhat 01111\) pcoplc have come hl oor aid to ,uprori ··

Watkiiu ulJ. RThia ,, one or WI')' re"

11roitam1 lh1t hl.,e • w,dc·bo\Cd commumt)' ,uppon.

Tiffany 1foltl e.tipru1i;,d lbc ~00 mle a, 1bc:

Whh"<>rtb Open lul Saturd~y in SpoUOC' She, alc,flf "'ith Arc.: Sl()fk, Chad Oodd,ud aoJ 1hi: \"Omen', 1.600 relay team 111 qt1.11ihrd to, nallonahi

R«c1u nice~ 11 Bo1~e Swtc and S•lem rrnJUt:<d '.'4 pc:MnJ1I bt.\t rt.:Ofd\ 111c rc11m t(O.,·cled -.en. performed w11h Umr bead\ anJ h:id • ,·tty ("'lstti,·e menial 111111udc he 'l'it1d. '"'To w,uch a pctM'la pu1 1hr1r hnt ellon •~ thco tic!' mtilc to finl,h h)· a,ecompli~h1na a Jft'III (ca, make1 ti v,onhwhilt 1ubeapmof

Rc~uh, ,~,u Sokm: Q1C the follqv, illy

rlako Taylor look lhlrd In Ille •ie:lechaN 81 lhe 0U91\' Lane Open In Spoune March i6.

~Alto n credits ath leticism to family

Pircher enjoys commitment to team

m, If out !here roe rcopt 10 c, roe cu ;\1101, .,,1n1 co dllnld • coll4't:C- 1111 e d,••er Ill bu1nc- Sl,t itJ VI h nnt hP!l I' 1d. h'\J OrtjOI bul 1111 a • I hn l&mil'l'•:111 llctl1m1ly1,1hcrt'1HPII bc;ti~ ant: r wflt, II n,ctr Her d.tJ 11.u bc..:11 w t!m and (111 hall, h ,I ls nov. illl lh ct•

,11,~ wr Ucina; 1111111hle1~ 'ill J~ In no· cclff: u1d \hon al\1.1 rt•vcJ .IOI.-C.C:r •lnlC' 1n I, , ~.:h 101 ti II •11111 .1fltf h~·f rh, m, I '\ J h11~1"1:111 m1 u,ttb,tll

S, flb 1111 not he, onl)' fo.;(l lt

s.c.:ho..ll \Cl) 'itfl11y\l)' J&t l•c:IV,C'

•n rrACtun I\(' 1.1kc-> 19 1.1'cd111 "'I tu\~ fout da"o Jurtnl! thcJ )' lhC'll pr;ic1ii;c ;imf lhcn I ,o b,u:k 10 da i Alton u1d h h, prtU\' wodi thc 1a111 lhlfll.C'\Ci)'J,I.)'

\\-j1h 10 mu1.h ol he, Ill..., ulrc,HJ)' h<'t.nt «m"1m,J h)' o11hlct1 ,111J ,1,4idc,01"" ~mmnumtnl\ ,he h.rJJ>' h:i 11mc lu llu lhc uthn lldl\'llic1 11hc cn)o)' I 1rio'IIIN1trd .-nJ I lll,<i; td jo luu1

•hC1:l11,, and ,cr·\l.h11j1!4'" lti u1d ,\hvn m•t.~ 11 \'c.r)' clc•r !hc t \~I')' u•1nm111,.,J 1,1 "10h.tll 11nJ h•r IC'ilmm:a1c1.

Hc1n11 p.ul ot i tcam II\-'() )1•111ti.,1 inmml 1n." ht i.,114."Yot> h,1\C in l:a11J fncrid"-.

Natio nal tourna01e i

Uura lkrnaii~tr. 1910.0, 6-Stal'le, 101000m 9-f',-:1u."!lkClutkr,""11:31.S I hlib burdJM 8 Ko<bcl Gj<no!J. 16"\ St1:1iou •~c, lOOm hur,Jl\<i:

Al1011 ptn\lH;C\ 11,h<N.11 thn:e h) !our houu

•iaY wtuch 11hc u,d coulJ ciu\C • rcnon 1 I bu-rncJ out 8111 one 1htnJ 1he hj,. I med thrrtUith whh1II n nPI to &IH up.

'"T'lit t.J'IOn hi\ *"'JIU rnc abou1 nm 1me111 •rid ""'~' 111~kr, lo 1,c Iii o n1111C'd pc-ctooa 10 lire:· ,he uhf '"You I ,u~1 q1111 \'tlU h1,·t 10 keep golnJ. aoJ lhl i, a lcuon 1hat \!till help IDC' ,n c<r f") t •pcct "I OI) hfc."'

In 10 )'(1lf ,he ,c.c, hcnclf woh • t~,IJ"JC <lr.r.1C'C! 1111J 41 guoJ J<1b. It hb ht.IV} t,('('rl ..I j:011 Pfhcf'\ IU !.Upporl hi" It Sht t1.:11 JM.1C IJc,ideJ wh.11 ftdd she 'llt Ill h) ~o UIIO yet She 11' SCIIIPJ lht: ncr:al dnuc, Ol.11 <11 tbo wa) U forat\~1)1 pme )OU fln,J Allon b) h~·rulf II') 11,g 10 clear her tic1d. Sile cl«.• 1bl she en.a "la)' loeu~ Of! the Jame 1 b hcr 'lfl lf r1c-~J!.iUJlC ntu.aJ She aho d1)0 1 chccr ~nti bet lctcnm•tes to ~ct v r) 1nc f"lltlP<d·ur to, 1he \\c arc 1101 a tram 1h111 pla)'t well untri., t\ T)'-'l'IC II up." i.e ~-w "lkfOl'C ('\'t't)'

WC' uy 1a do '<'mt krnd of i:hter 10 t\'CfyOW: pt)cbl."d (Of 11\c 111me.· \hon CMI he found kn:luna dw: din on 1he ffl11unJ 111 OQ(' t•J her s11m~

II I h:aw J.<tmc1b1n1 on my mfoJ. I ldcl Uu. 1.1111 .,aockJ the mound lO clear JR)' heal.I •ml 1:,1 it,)(u,cJ." .~,11, 1ihl. l he 1nCM1 in1J'l()f1.1n1 cbing: ~be h11• h:anmJ ln•III ht r ,1,,iji ti thal bard "c.trk P.,)''- ufr \hon AM W111i11mt wc,rk11hc. cum rt'.1&lly hiUd t,1.11 •hu)', rc,11\nd, them 1h11t It u.ill !'13)()11

5::?0 7-1. 6-Jt'~,ic Doty, S:l4 7.i l>iticui 7-Jcnnifer Broocht-au, 17-09 II1mmt"t 1hn," t,- Bronchen.u. 146-JO.

2 0 O 2

~urnmcr ,.'5e.s.:-;1()n

u .. m rlw: dark L, /r,l,u bl.:rclc liptu, and LIVE <kt•Ja,1

Evcl')' Frida~ "li~ht! 11 :30 pm • l :30 am

Unbdin'dble •"'•••! lrn.'Tedil,k fun!


£"1<11 ,.,, f•Jl sm1« lowigc and gnlll

\\'orlJ flmow, '.\lu,r.uit.1.,

• Ne1ov Mino Dre'lrl?

• lllooJ, ~UM • S.S2~

• fro.I\' \tu¢ Bttr

• Ott.J I Food!


\\.,1d1 )'OUf f•,~rilr ,; l'\ffll in a duo. ,, mfort ,hi,. 1ttw)Jpb.crc!


~ VA ll1' E MANIA

n!URSDAYS 9rm • 11pm

S5 Admi«ion & 25 cenr: Bou~•',!, ,,.._ R,,,,..J. frmch Friu, & Soda


i i
4-Je(,ic::a s I; -0 .,l(M)m St'(llon 1.hrrr 1·Ak,h I J \ 7 J;, I I~ 415 4.dOG ttt. NIC\ 5146; I We~krn Or~i:1•n. ''Tlrit is one of 1 ~;~';"J\~h f~w progro111.s Jum1• Q Jwi'e ll wide-b, ~~r.'~. ,... rommw,itJ s.u Anell Voc-,1:dc,411 In the men'• .i,\'J~mn. HIUn1 d•sh. \l'ctlon .tib. s. Onli~n. 11.1'7. S<Hhn. 'ittlion 2 s.J h1n:i.. l.597b.Stti1on3 .J.Ry111T1U.&, HJO.O'l. 1.500m 7 Gene Betine~11m.1 S«llun .\ HH:.1m~ Vllll.1 17.6-1 I-Ry,1i, I uu, 4· 13.95; 2·1\Jex N1el11q. J 14.02, 8·Cbri, Scan. 4_29_70 5,000. Qc:l.lOCPUII a Jl'(f\011111 b(,I 14 .SJ,4 5-\1cl~·t1 H1:08J IO~OOOm-5-Tc.,w 1!'.00 1- 1" -8111) Stanfield. ll::?7 11; 4.Q. Walho .12-,1 7 Ulgbjuo,p ?-Roi~, fl'?:,:! Oohc: m.c<'t J,OOOm S t"'1'ktlliait ' 81ako Ta)lor, ~:S7 9.Shot pul l·Bri• B11bt.:uc:k SO'o0.75; 5 fo~'v.«ld. a. C1tucrC1n Slr\UM. IS4--1 L 'i•DJrk IJoru. 116. llutm,r thto~ S·.\drwi wnp, 1-aatl\'.'or.k,
,o· 1$·G•tc~uod. so·o5
4C>Oin Ji: ,,1c:i. Nichol,. S9.93. 3,00Chn \;teeplcehau 6-Pnmcme Meehan. 11 ~6 ,o; uid 8 /uhc 11:22.41, 5.000m 5. \\'omM'• 800n, .J,Mi,ndi Jllhrnon.! 1.5-tlflm \-~lcaari J11hn10n. S:07 49; s li lloftL.

lt,lk~~ll)tr\l.Cr l\l.'U rt1.'«\t.rr ..>ft: &l)ft) c.:i h d1~1rhnC'

)t.tnlC ,toJcnu C'nttr'C\l tv.o

JilkmlC l)'P--"" ol att like

t .n,.kDllvanUSuvcg.•

~•Cctum.K:plct"C'.1nd• ,.ntiflJ Su,·i:g h.:i~ hid I2 .an ~WC' ,,11 o,IJ 1-.i dunng 1t.: 1i,,c1c~,-

Thi~ )t'.1.t. \ftc M, l\l,'O r,i.lntinp W',f'IIJ)cd .tt.1~1 tVtO

Cffatnk ptCCCI. Orr of her;H1LW '"Alk'~ !,)ft

PmaJc- l'tll."Cn·cd tin hooonhle tnQICion

Scvi:l'fil Jiltt't\'.'MI r1~ \l( llft ('fCJIY./ltdcJv. 1l11 pl.1dni~ nacy dlvidcd lhe •n

uUolwoc-.atcgon~ l.ltav.·lng/p:unuM 11n1J


Ear.:h C.ltcgory _.,, :a...,·ardcd ru-,1. \&"COnJ and thinl·pl.xc

wmne~ Tho ,udg« 41"° P ' '<' ~\I, i)' t,c\"mLI hononbl(' mnitioni.

.bJcd. Phol.ogapb) Jitudcnt J.tdd)n Ag:i1t cota..-d 1woo( her l,ta.;,k nnd white phocoguphs.. One o f

wnc: Grant will improve 1Jt)ponunily for more udulls riarlnUC'd rrorn r,41.l(c- I lamt NIC1~). llnlllm11. w..11 CA$1nc l'CJQ!r, loda~co,1,""'l.'l' t,11R'\\M:l~m 'II l!lllllcliUPOIO\\\lC'kf~1.nwuntr,.NICabol>!ft.'t'\ ~IR1tllf1$:wJik\'ti,upMII~ ~~nice, ,p«11k oo:d.\lll hu,J~<,Q iJ TnlinmJf'(l5,,SlbUth('tJJICt'bum

U111t1rr " l•o.\1..t)Olc\ ~n • tcl,1bon~h1p.

oJ .t1 thll .,,utr In t1.'mm"n ,,14,·t1 -ai tame- <'f

1hci1 tumCln II TVaod li11dourC10ti:l

1 tdhn11hrm d,c)' M.otl'lg 1-1

• t.d they nttd 10 rna1c And•• he problern1 thn l('t 4u11c

fUfflll Pa.rlnr"

Jmiinc Joun, )'1.,ur hutb.,nJ, and t.lkn 11\31

aaoo)'lJII gu)' Y.hP v..u ,111r;d enough to he IQontheobu, comes IO('(Kn<•k yotr Ible i~

I.tit lead Jt'll\11Jc oJ lhl\ play hall h, $Q

WUsh And throu,gh. \,(~ ot C\'Cfll fflC' n &oot l\111mi; the t.bJh•JJuo.l W hitn

the phc.,t~ ~d tt. v.hitc fO!t,C by 1t\C'.lr 1nd l.hcothCTWIUIPWI I.he wbilt. rote. Sbcha>lloeni111<""oollft pl,ooogn,phy for • loq 1omoand $tUd'lhei.'tCKC1kldalu.ll.thr

-,.,......,,.,.......... __ l'll~Cmo....ihclblnk.,lhol d~i,a8ft*~ &dlyear. Carti,hdpohl,Mlldmb~'OI '""<l)forlhcohow.Hc ~his~toenccr lhc""""'""'hdr,lhom>dt:<1 p;c.......uldhe--lhcy lld""llhdt~ maned

11r 11ft !>how Likes Q.lrtm\,! prq,cnuon After au lhc p,o.."CS 11te,ubm1tll'd. lhe)'are JUdp:d


1'1'11:inia,b d fO'td.attlo' on oampm.0tt1t lhc ~mt

lb: caw:, aho altcn t;01J11n&1t111y (duca&ICJtl -~rnrpcMDa1"'1ridlmcrl 1 "'*,yma,I Th<""""'"'"""t>"ld

1ft' • n:},1,ll( ot~ (rum the c:anmun11)' Wmd<WO:Tt111niq nail, acbs.cuiog


t.~u~, aruho 1waiLM>k • lilaricl andothc:t

i..: - 1,............,7<,9-J.14.1

a play lWo rec,ple mrt1 It ti co(h."C sho,, and c:oga,c in J iltril,e until a di!~ h ,1bou110 h~I lh<n u bell nn3J. The) the So bad; 101 pjYOCal pu,ln t 111 the (OQ"crulion to chm_gr duu (101nl :utJ kC"Cr it goini Th,t WM both unpttM,hc for &hr time thC')' v,,cns. 11.nJ hllanw,

I m' vanou.i. ftUnm

··lli1tomi ln tJ,~ 1..1, fn.R Room"

ln·I.\"' ..,uc:k, llUd 1uMhln1 U1)'1-d1,_,_ more 1h;1n the.' hrul !'Ila)· A man. ,..,.ho bappcft) te> h!!\c a t.·ro1i,s-d~\lrlg problem, and hii wffc p, 10 \CC'

hi\ -\Chiloph:rc11fo, bll'\t<IJI)' piyd,odt' mntlaet

Tius \\oman g0c:11 hom mood swft13,- 10 read)·

Jo klll WuK"Onc nod havlna l)IJ problem voinng

lhls! For .an)'i,nc

!!l:::r::~\;! ~:·
whtt v.a1. ilcrpin1, ll41.:n m lhi" rl•Y ao.J the K'~ from comedic v11uc. .anJ I gu.n-nlcc you •11t1'1 he i.lccp1111 anymore Tbc:,c \tot~ b1ghly ,,.,di done .md hl&hl~ ,nu1,,u,11~d. PJlhnr 111t1or, who ,,.,.urk,ed \"Cf> w-dl u,~. I hope 10 llC'C. mC1tt o r thb kind ol a.u.1fl. fhocarap,t11•II•-'~ •11r..----. v,, "11-'1bccamll_,.lff OU10lluJ,;• 1,o1111,Pregnant? B Birthright can help you. -free pregnancy tests Featuring our world famo us gourmet sandwiches, salads and burgers Dine-in delivery and car~t Open al 8 a m. hll 4 p.m Tuesday· Friday 8am. hl13pm Monday Ruby's II ava,lsble on Sa1urday by """,vat,on for Jllrbeg_ g1oop meehngs. bf..,ldasl. brunch or luncn We are located at 206 North 4th Street right next lo All About Sports Rllby'o o""" 10% d"'counl lo all caslt C01i!Omenl L•.flld• Phone In or fax orders for delivery or pick.up Phone 664--8522 Fax: 667-6967 Receive a free drink with any order and this coupon. Moegc.iod •"? ott., -community referrals -infant & maternity clothing 923 Shennan Ave. Coeur d'Alene 664-1390 1-800-550-4900 24 hour Hotline 10% Student' s Discount 324 Sherm an Ave. Coeur d'A lene tliailwid.~~·· ,,11~~,...MJU1.811'.I) .,.,(' lrilee:btaao-,-,.Mt.'l .....,FORT GROUND CAFE 705 River Avenue 664-4611 Now Serving Espresso Xoff any : espresso: With this coupon Free 12 oz. Espresso with purchase of any breakfast I '- __J

Soldiers' Mass

Symphonic Band pe,forms two-part concert including Renaissance pieces

EWII,~ ll lulJ C\\;nlfl& Ar,il 17 II lhC NIC srm:pb11nk 8:anJ

pn:-.cn1nl a 1..-.l•·t1ilf1 i;;'11t,.'Cfl llt'llbcr p.111 '1( 11r,hteh h.ld

R)'lhmg IQ Jo with tl1c 1111hr,

l'11Ja dieJ1~1.u,,1 , f ~u,1Juo.1,,r 1,m.., J.,m,, the lirJ pu1,

cnlJdtd I he)· C;m~ t"' f>1U11."1: lc.stul\.'\I 1111« 114."'Clt•lfl, ot d111.:c mu ,..: lh"lffl 1tiirc,ct,t ct.1., "'C'ron.t~ Atr..inJ D.>.ooe," h1ihhi;::l1tl-.) mu,.c lfum I~

R<:n,411.Qt14."(. SlaAims ,-.ut tit,:. It Jc,·d()f)N ltllO. ~'t'lltk

1ndu,bc ~t."4'tl, lliC' VC'S') v.cll ddne "Ballcl J>ilf1.,1nn· .:1un,:

1,r,t It'"·" ca.,) h1 ,rou.1.li1c P,1ri, t1r 1hi: ·~.e~ro:i.111 )'

\\1d1 tht- c\wtmg "'('an-(',1n numhc-1 ~lbncm' in1,, chc ·:?(i..'"' ~,,mrl«cd 1t1c hi"', ~1oa

·•PJtuftllJ R.'IJ: c.uulll ha,c- lt«n nJhl off""'lnc S1111,:··

I ...,_,nd11lk:L .ulJ ··k1<:h;a:1d',Timi,()- nl.1dc me

REVlt:W with t l.J~v. hO'\lo h) Jo tlk' T.u1,ll(). JOC1e-. dlJ. \la)' we could J;<'I up aod du.nee m I.he", but I'<' OI'( 100k him up on lheoffet The: <.e:c c:odcd ,,.,,1h a.n ('lcpnll) ,rmd. mm.inti..: \lr,'illlX. follc,1'\cJ hy" rcrry,

Mlnone onc:-~('p Aha IIIC' n~erm.h~lun c•nll.' the much·.anllcip.alctl rrc1n1C1"C ol '"'m r« A Su~P:t,",,., nUcn by NIC-s o\\o Gt'TW Mal.ho :uwJ COl'ldo t.ed h)' Jt.11~ ·nu, fil,,,'ffllem p1«e wu M11tcn 111 n,c:rl'KIC)' "r M111ht"<>• m~Je. Cmc:sc Sh;arp. "·ho ~rv'W In the Poctfk Thc111trl.' in W~itld Wa, If SWLl'fl w11~ lhc tk,,N.allnn ahcr Ibo bnmbmg• of Hiroshima and N:ig1114ki ,lliJ .,,.,eu,1 on 1.11 rccehc die flurrle It~n 1-i h, 0',1,'ft.,.. wc:111 on tQ !off\'C: in Vittn,uu anJ 11.·,, ~died in lhiU lntglCWII. /\rcquk'm L, o.rnm."'(orlhtdrwl. wtnc.lsu"'.ally001lb:tl1C'

Gklna and Crtdo or he C.ut'1obc ma,,:,. bcn u,duJcs a j()QIIOft cal.led the- OM:' lt-.1(', l'('(c,rri11g to dic fil1lll Jit~,incru l'hh \'l."t) l1,rm ~f mo,1c \\'n, lln)lhing bu1 11111,htJOnal •• ~blhc,, ,'f'C"alal ii r.nht:r a,·.m1·g:mlcpico:.

Muhl.', rrqutt"m ,blnrowr "i1h lbt 1r.adillumt K)'ric.

WhM .,.,.,s 001 lrl1id11i~-...I ~a, !he Workl \\.Ill' II radio mess.ates itUm:pci'td "id1 1.alet1t~ ,~I offl..'1\11p of Srt,y Jobo)l.)«1 Wld • tb.Mt tblloli.1 by R,chunl Ou.nmd: The ~tury o( c,ur n~flcm in ctnra1rfl\'ctlhe si:reJlt J,.•pt'C'\<ion

unfold«! here.

TI11: OIC."i Ira(', Pie JC'\u f\!fk4.i), Erne goill,i: 10 .,.,.11 'Oic

M\UMC hen: h.KI ;a Jcp.ine:.c" tdge. -.·uh Juhn.,oo, 1n1.:ludlnt: • btt

or :i ~~\-dy Japanc,!iC tu.Ibby. 1"im R.mck did a floe job pctfomun,i: 1hc ,rul,cn .,.,,,,nj tn 1hh p.'ln. The CrcJo "'.a."' a l:,,111nl'ICC',·ins (nr me Tbt- mu,a1 ,1r po&)'Jll1m> '" 1111.: \:umttt11.1L,ur11'lf , ",:w r1l0r\" lines ol acad)' cq1J:1I rnclucfa: ,n1m"\I llOl.'Urring 111 1hc "'Omo

1lmc. In tlti~u'4:, lht1l' ..-.·c,i: ~~'<',t Ji:~ .ill rtt1lUlt, ddJCfffll cxccrrcs from c-ithe:r 1Jm11.-J Swus C«1,(ltu.1.Joo

tlf 1he Ocd.1nhon ol ln,k'pcndt'nt'C' J1 \lln1c Unll",

~ul11ng m u11.ct cb!IQ\ w my clll'\. The h,nJ kcpe g\1111JM

k>uder 1n the hk1r.$ft1Wld to nll ol dl 1 1..1Jt a.nJ f r"4.lnd

my""U \\1:ihuig tbc)· .,.,·(IVIJ .\II Jll" ,rop. h ceru:inl)' w1:sn·1

dull The S-anam wa, ~hJn: ilhef d1.11, J'ttw.~1111Jllh1t1Kln'\ ckpnt \'(..Ce. -Ou, xcoon rrl.a.LC~ lhe ,tOI) o( eme.. r, \\.'m.

Robbie~ !iC'ning IIDII d)'inp: in V1d1um flunJI> lumcJ a bil thff('l\'n ~IUII fut""' dMinJ llll)\'CIIICtli. lhc Agr)U).

l)ut11"11~·k n:c11.t, • ctdc d~ \l(lr)' on t1nd f'lff. ;h .J-Ohn\(141 co1nbinc1 u Victruunt)C lullM'). tl."pl'l:'l,(flling RC-'lbbie. :ind n

JafQne~ luUilhy tPI 1he fa1hcf. Ounni.:k "'°"med lu '1<'f m:n•ou1duringl1i, recital and I~ hhpxc o (C\\ limr;,11

11.hJ1wgb lie rm.}cx1ed v.~11 '11,e, en&ire dr..,:im ~Ut'fl(C had•

fcc:I orhMcmn,: w I f,c111n1k (IOC'lry ttie:"11•1 ma Soho coUcc har or 'W'1nc1h,ns. he.ii l\'lll)·he lhll:I \Ii~, chc 111ton!lon ~h.tbC'• h11.-.c,Cf) ngh110 bcproudorhl,'l\ulr.; 11.Jii;~ wa~,·1c.,._,y1ot1,c.rq,r<!I Ill Un,ct.. All ln:iU, I ll>OUtht ii v..u 11,1ca)Q)...,le~r,c:t,fflCC.

pt,o<"' hJ, Emtly O..ln Sklll,:n;,100-ct11,r

PAO( 12 T'HES,om,,,t,L A&E
Jeff Knapp , symphonic trumpet p layer and a rnember or the Madrigal Singers. performs 8 duet with Cindy Horton, , Former student Rlcherd Ounnick reads the Agnu.s Del, a dre-am sequence, In 9rallle as Betsy Johnson Ifni.shes her solo. Freshman Colln Jenkins adds a chime as the Symphonic Band tollows conductor Terry Jone$.

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