workshop works toward change for women
1hr -n~t t,1 chsl'lC"' lll\d cbnc,oc v.nk-1'11.T
o11.,,th1J,atli, '4ldlbvr held ,Ill 1hc Sl :a 1h1i fill.I ,.,i, a (nl1tMUOh C'N'M of o.,mmunll)' ' v.buatt' f'C\.'USJUlrJfor1hd.1 k'MN\lp lliDd l"(llffll'flitfllfflll lO heir, 'At'rtll:11 k m lkl• to 1mrw,·t lht cw:•• J1ht•11, 111.S ~, ii.\tle,. th.11111\mdy 1mp.l(1 their
\\'omen k.i.mtd 11,,11,, 11, get u 111\\· ch•nJ."t•I , • nJJy. find tt,,wn:,r,. fot • ULllC' ho\l. 10 c.'OMIILI :MIii 'tl'ori. • 1lh fl.iWflUl'k.'111 otlidQJ-..11riJ tu rurtit \'l'llu 1rlft.\:t.a,:' 1 die hotrnuh
1M kc)·'"*~'- hkh v.o~t ht JuJ) Rruwn dun,-,,,...,,( t~ l ihho <-'.t:01cr
OIi 8udgd ,t iait PoU")' CO\'di-d rcuno111lc palk:i~ 11ti.pac1 •1inwn anll 1tcu 1-.iUc.._ She di"-V"'<'V lhc C(Ol'IO(")·'c ttlauoom1p 10 pollw.:.4' N, the tnl;.OlflC' pp bcc-·eir11 k'ACI, ca, .nJ u,c nch and
- u .nll h,t'\ ol 1hd1 l111ml~ TlliC ,oal (ll 1~ mcttlnJ 9iil\lObdp,.,,lfTK"n lum ho~ 10 (h.angc h~n an 1hc:u li1o·~ Je,1 RI)', dltt t.nrol 1~ liL1hn \\'1,mtrl"• '1'ncb)' b ahfiut V.\11'11Cfl·1'lid Nd\lt"'k, wld l.a1 Minn. f'lt.lJ Jlft'Ctm t1f I~ libbl, W(llncn'\ t-:CIWIJf 1.-orntltntJ llK'II C.1.(ICl11"\ot 10 IC«h 1hr audtnn ...-1i~.1J an.I 4'ni11htt 'a<'lfllC2l'9"1lt10nh1J.w, f'CU£t1Llhv' lll,cmgrJ•Ntc:1Jl(lf'l;ilt1.ll')
Course helps new students with transition into college
llnKredt dm ,.,._ ,or smootb higher education experlance b) l.arinda \\al, it1t:i,11Jrtr,or,u New 1nd«"n'llnums ,toortlb
th.II frl"C !cpl •h I« a1'1d r't}' h11l11gnl ,ownielmi avail.Able: fo, SIC IWJ..:nb. fre1'llt141'l l'f'lllhilNHI. ,11 IIC'II.· Ofle'-\:rnl1t t.~11u~. I, 10 f1mih.1n,.t ,rc.,hnun co1k&c" ~udc1u1. abota fld\·kc1 Jl'U"'ldeJ un --:uupu't,. c-,·nlh1,;1. s,c:bU. ,ta.Jina ~J'IC'=-talc\l in 1hc Colk~c Skill Center o.nd an ln"n..wt 01f Fl't\hm.11, Tnunhi(III. 1'1.ctb.l. .h d,uc~n·, n""~c I d1R<:~ d
)OIi'~ • fn:,JuuaUQC if)tk.l h,1\et-.."Ctl bnc r(ir•
--tuk "'ihl.! J, An C'C.«lk',it <Ull!W W t1dp i.tudc:nh
ba:omc 11m111 r ~uh 1he ~MIIJI\I' ,mJ lttl
oomJCll'Llblc • The C'(IUf"it pmn,b t!Jdc'llt, w11h an m1roo&ll.1lon
Cl) 1-'.llfipt\ liJC" ;Mid ;1;,,l,11 1hrm Ill f1lll,l111t1e IJl,eu
Wft':CtJ0,11', Dur1n; tht C'l•'--'NilC• carttt co,m'-tlon, th..clh., l"1o0-
)(4f •nd fciut•)'C!1H C"Ju..:.1UOnJI drl,f1't'\ tn Appl~ T«hnok,g) and the ,h'11:1tn1 ._peci•h>· d,·,n:c\ ar.J ,c:ne11111~ 13'1~ 111 MC
l'hr: C:Ol. f\C t11Cfudc1 \ II 0,1 mai.lS'C'lllf"f1l aftd \l\AI)'
,kilh Mith n, noce &aki.n,. J,1ki••Jt 11nd 1i tn11ftg
\,cbff ck,dopcJ m0t1 or 1ht umo1IL1m •11h tbr hclpo( l11\lJUClm 1n .J.illrrrn! di,l\1Cli11i ml c11mpu,.. c;;hr •urn&.'CI a v•ntl) (If "'~k•hop"~"~
1,('fflll\,V'I held hy o.\ Id Elb• ps)chi:iluP,t flllni Sooth Dair.Ola. v.ho h11~ ,.,u,,htd 11,nd ,u"""(d htsinncnc col~·1<"'1. ,,~ns. urouoJ die UI\UcJ s fhc (1.lU~ j, fl) hc'lj'I MU,ktfh ,rt;i.\e lhe uuru.:iooo lrom high M:b1-.ol t,1 tl-cc:oHc]tC cnvitof\rncn1 Jc , ,1rr,.,111I. ';1C' 11ld i\lx«dint tn S1d,1fJ, tli.t'4. h 1hr flt\t -.c111o.""1,;11b111 Frc,tim"" Tran,!lh11thn hcimpmidc-J She ti c,w,unu•lly 4"0in..·~111, ~uh iowu.:ton lf'11UllJ tl'lc UnncJ \l•tc~ ,u1d flt! u.mpsi, 1n lidr lt'l a h.m.l~ on ti1ih.:1t h "'urkiftJ 111 thccoiwn,e :11Aitnt ""'l Ille rourw- h, ofkrtd Iv. K'lC 1n the fall kfflC'lltrr 1111J -rrina ,u,d ti··" IO lt('\'('n "1oCd,, l<11'1,I'. The' c: 111,, ll itl OIK'•Crt1Jit cmnif lh~I I\ 11.-n,fc-t~hlc to 1tlt t'c>lkfe' ot 11111\oi'hiUe~ J'Clt 1nfom1,ulc,n 1;1117ti1,.J.Hfl
U"1oC II lint. }UU ,11n ,11!1 l-.•li, lhc 'llnnh ldilhu fu,IIJ J:l,L11l b) l~\'IJIJ
I ditflllliOCI The hbc11l)' hi,pr• 1(1 ">fl !he 1100 rl"' f"l)l11111h Clf food doon.11ti:d 1.,, }(',lt
Nati ona l magazine features NIC SUB
Sf("', EJmU11\1tr S1odcm l 1n.1°" one of taur ~Udem wuan, 10 be lr.,tinl'J an tht 11*,t eJ1IMJn 111 '11,e ffulktin, • rtlwtl.hl~ national
f'ul)llaulun publi*J by 1h1· lnlmutioo•I l\,\IQC1.a1wn 1,(CrtHe,c
I 'ril°"'' !lit" SUH "r,.n of lhf ,n.1~.1111.~~ "RCIIO'.ilUOll .and C'oo,o,Khl"lfl Sbtlv. \('-11«ti01,. •hicb rcaiurt, rroJ«h th.It h.a\t httft ncwl)I ti1.11h nr rcrnuJclcJ ,,ra;c .\u,11\t nf l'N9 lbc iLltldc """'' ,utwmucdt.) 0c 11 8('r,nc.1 aloa~ wuh ruwcol« ptaotoll'Jl'h~ 1.i ~o h)' Spci,knm,;,a Rel·tc• plioto,rarhcr knc fll"iey
Christmas swing dance schedu led "lit >tudtllb provid.111,: .i '" lft$ d.tacc w e,cl)'"Obr Oc-c lJ 111. the M1c.110ranit- 11.tll fo,.n 7·10 tn 11 r,111 f11rS.I lhi: m(lf!C!Y "'111 bcndd Youth Ft,1 Chri". • non,proh1 orri.1:111..:at,t,n lh,1l pro,·ldn fot l'n,11iH: ,\C'IIU(J('' roe A"'("'4.1UW: Kiel.,. The wr11,1111.ilao" ~' pcogr,m\ ..iltu ac.hooa 11.11.J 111 1h1: ,1.111inlct \ local t,.md. ~nty W11h11Tvm1'" ndtlflll11nt1: d1t1r t11l'M: to pcrlom, Jartor thc-J.i.Ol.."C To cc-J to \l,,.i¢ Ho..11 dri,~ M>ulh nu
H1gh"'a) 9S &ali.c 111th t\n lii.NSIJ hland RoaJ. 1ft -.hate bu clc.ha, un thelcfl1,iJe
Sentine l earns national honors in D C.
Purdlt' ,tn1lghl )'Oki. llw&n1t.nrl,woa l('to:OdJ tnthc
11.alttlfl file r_rnt" r-,ccllc&t amcmt l"1o1'·)C&r c.111~,c\ fht" aw.·ar~h
~'Cfc rttfientrJ 111 tbc Nmoo..l College Me.JJ.I Conui.llUoo u,
v.,..,J1111r11111. P.t•
Otbc.r nanoual hcmor11 \\cn11v N i l"\ Jacque Ucnun, ""t...:, "-on
tcL'WJ pt...-c, p0t,dum:1llutJ)' rw kc~tr ol the Var. :ind Silt
Cancp.11. dtird for rage I l, (C)( ;;U UJU\'tnlholtollcg<'3) Tbc
!~)11 &1\-ctl fflf Rq)M("f 01 the Yco1t "'Ill .ui1u1••r11 1hc "bnlat,hlp
lunJ ~.11blhbN for 110tHt!idi1J011.1I Joutru1li1n, ,1udtn1, 1n Hcrom'•
n.tmc Thr' s r,1cc. tt,lden, di,c:J UtlC.!ipew.;iecll) J.11,1 ,rnns or a htan
1'1\Aft,;~ To dorultc money tt, the J.&1.>qllC Hcrum 11,:h~hir fmW, rouw..:t
k11)..:llc A!llknua ,11769--J?M>
-infant & maternity clothing
923 Shennan Ave. Coeur d'Alene 664-1390
$5.00 Pudllyfo,. NIC Stutkna Boots, Skis, & Poles
$20 Wintn' Special
Pick up Dec. 14 - Return Ja11. 16
Outdoor Pursuits 769-7809
~~"' lt'~f,,,·n:,I. MIXICAN C,Rlll
*Also ask about X-C boot sales"'
PIOO 3 THE SENTINEi. CAMPUS NEWS __ ••.. .Q,,• ffank Clovis, 27 , gn.d<111e ln 19911, end Bul1on, ploy disk on C81l1p<II. Bunon 11 en Austrtll1n Sl,eph11d.ct,ocol11e Lab mi..
Keynote ~peaker.; address politics. domestic violence b) Pll tnSllllun ,he v.vtl,hi.,p. S°h< .,aid the ~t 1100lct:1« "'"'" wonk'ft whrJCIJfl". w1d -.ant 111 leirn t,Ut,.'('n\Jul •>' IU t'U«I de.Cl~ lbttil.iJ;h CkhoCA:)' anJ :a..'1h IHI• Knt,,.rl ffpnrur TI.t 1A1.1nxt1 •fff t'tl(tt0ria~ 10 ,,,b 1hn, l'Ol1'C"m .tia.111i,iije-, tood1ln11 thrir lt\Q Some ,,I lhtlrCOCla't'M 111dudcJ ~lthl.:11rc, YllkLu't.11iw1t, C"Jl.l<..:tlJOf\.
WPuttji:ipwhbruLe ln&o,11fflll'I" v.hl.'J'! , mnu,n cunc:cn" 11l,,.•r1 hUhh .111! •rll bc"mg. the CC<•IJCIIJI) jmJ Miulh)· f;:uuibn "''<"' J.i,c.:u~..c.1. \k-11.b(n ,-.f D.:h. p,,up ~hJttJ 1hr1rc.'\Ml,.'Cffll,,. fd ph1111I pl~ At1tonl1.1 ove-,u•uc tl'C1C! ('ltubiettu. lbe ~odi.1~ aU11wl·d \UIIIJl'D N all I(~ tll '1uueftlf11mun U""-'Cm, J.nJ II cn'lpu'il'<ffJ 1htm"'11hd1ctl.!ll;~tu1Jl:cdm1t of the&r ll\'O tu 111"1 dlt\:I ,b;l'1$C OrcbOtilh Outkc I rl,aslllet 11,,J fu.:ilita1(1f al
1n1y tlClll be 11\\;1tt.
u. -free pregnancy tests -community referralsBirthright can help
,\111, The L"UIJDte a lloO pro, N.X hi ill such IJ'' un\e, 1no:c1ty 111,anagcffll.·111, hohht lhi1lg, 111 Khwl, '111;1,t .tnJ ht,fllC ttlaii~IO,bip'I
1'hc c:oun.: r~ 1Jn lut1n ttf thi: lll'irwy W lruroclucc, c.a111pu1, huddia;, ,u.:b ••: 1hc Edmim~ Sllh.knl llnlt:11t, i. 1)f!tf1\lllt'r C'4.'JIJtf, chilJ~n',ttu!cf and lldmhu"r111d'1'.' ICIOU.~
Tuoediry Dee 12 2000
ho ur llotli11e
Overdue fines can be thin g of past S1udr111, ""n ('r.N' 1hf-1r \'l\·cnj~ lihtu1)· h11t'1 t,y Mt11m11, 11nn ,_.rl.J1.o1blc f,11,J ht 1he \foh1.e.1J t .1bf..ry until D«. 21. The bbtwy', citC'Uhltmc1 ,111.fl ,i,ill 1.d.e Sl ,,ff fot nr-rn dofu:IN If )'bU d11n'1
Lower Level of the Student Union Building
g T here are 88 :
different • ~ co nste ll a tions.
Foreign students share C hristmas traditions
Holiday cellllrated llfflerenUy In CIIINIIIII, Japa, Gel'IIMY, 8111111
b) \.Inda Hroo~, Sm1mrl rrpon« C'hn nnLQ t} (omtna 10 Uifft:1i:n1 p1111..-. o r bc world 011J111" 1\)'nla. forc"ign 111dc.nt fwm Colombia. iJ \alVc.1)'1"J: btufae"'-' ;riJmmhlTilllon Ala)'a ,;aid 11\111 in i.t, (:OO.ntry the) don't bc-li cve In Santa Cla:u•. btll the)' do btlJe\·e In Ood ond thM
Cbri,tm;u 1~ a c;,: lcbn.Jm11y( Cbt1\.l.'11 binh
'"Chri,. n,11, in Colornbta I< for 1~ fa,nlly.
Afil)i.\.alJ, l'bcy \\'(lllld pl!ICC' their preM:ttl) \/ndc:r t~ t.rc,c and upcn 1brm:11 rn1dn1ghl uficrd1it)' pn)'cJ nnd hnd dinner. A customary J1111~r mt)' Include tu rk:e)'. buJtUrl os fll l)'{X! u(, and netill .a •• Jelf) \ l mlhlr 10 a vtf) ""''ttt dci.~n). '111:1)' 1~3.JC!-un, .i Ge:mi.3n ln!tltuelor a t NIC. ~Id d 1Jt ht Onm:l.ft> t10 De.:. 6, Cbnum.u ~·QUld i.1:irc \li" ilh SllRUI Cl11u, D:iy. Hh', I.IIM.1 ,,(,a hm bolid~)· (Pf ilk. Ud~ lta~n,aid.
Sbt- ui.11n Cknnany If tbt ~uple •re rdlgkXI\, lhey If)' to "Cp:tnuc smii 11Z1d churd1 Slk' said 1hat Nictlol:t'i 0.1y w11, lllC'lllll for U'tc ehllllten and tnid1l10NII)' on 1bn.t Jay 1hc i:hikm:n ""'"'Id 11:.ive lhch i-hue11 or \ tOl.'.kinJl ou1 -.o thllt lhey couJd fill~ W1Jh(.;llldy II is htlie,·cd !NII SMn1 Ni(hOlll\ ;ave lbc good children c.1ndy tr.d Ruprttbl took 1."D!l' ot the had du ld.rcn Rupc«hl c.omcda ui,d; v. i1ti h1t111uld woo Id hh the had ehUdtCl'I 01' l~vc coal in the chlld', \boc in:Mead or c.inJ) l'od•)' in Germany. d~ OlrisrmM llgbi- u.-.ed fot
llo:«1111n-1hc 1"'c an' ulkJ d t'i.tnc• iht. tn.•t J\ rt.iced in 'I ~te
N>Om 1h.1i1 i:an be clCIM."d ftll w tbt' c.hOJ.rt-n
~u e 1111ui)· O«m;1n f•n11hc, 11~ rttl
cam1Jt11 0111hcir Cbri,1ma\ uce
R1c Lo S.hh,mlti)ll. a fou: 11n c,chnn,:e
lulk 111 fmm Till.yo wbc,) i, ,-1udyin5
cm 1runmr1ttllJ acJc.,ntt '4·orl1o J l lhc:
Mnl\rt..J L.1brary 1111,d M, bttn u, 11~
Un,tc:d S1111ci. rqr moc-c 1h11.n o )'car
She 1.J1Jd 1h~t ( Jufottla, i•ccJcbm!cJ
\Cf)' d irftrtndy in~rcounlry. A\
chlldten, tbc) wuti ld~p:.nd 11 me \\'ilb thetr
fasn1ly .it Chtl~1mll.t hot when ,~y got
Oldtf the.")' W(klld ha\<t r JJ'IHa w.ith tbrJr
flirnd, The mil l(lll'll) ol 1hc- l)CC'J)IC" 11\ htr
Cotitltt) Al\l 001 nti \t-tl a, C'bri.\lilul'". Ml
lhc)' do nut uAder.1.,nJ 11'1.: mt1u11nll 1.1f
C'hri,1111.11, "h (Chmura,;, l, ,u, c:t.w~ for a i10Jld.Jy
p.1ny.'"Sb mnmiya~.a,d '"ltiC-bn um.t>l 1
'<>«>mmC'rt'iu:li rcd Mtd i111..1y~ 1lulhh
Ck ri 1ma1o, ~t"\-Cf)'On.! (1he J.ap;anc-..e) fe<"I like 1hct hn11c 10 do k'lmC1h-ln@ · The holldliy i11 uca1rd Ii.kc, J\1111} and f!C(IJ'llt gtl IOJldhct 14·hh d1C',t clo.c rrl<ndl They may hiv-ci Chri.\tm11.1 CAkc. chicken kg1-11nJ ch.-mp.1 11.11c. ~Y u.d1.1ngc flR'~lll~'tl, jJhChlW" (ri(ftdL fl I\ fl(IC
(()1\1.ickrcJ a ftmil) ·Ofitn1cil holidlly M111thew 8111. • IUlljor•I
NI(.". h:i, lumN In hit. Spanisll cJ:1.\., abool
Chri11u111, lo 1hc lJMjn Amcric.nn coo:n1ti~\. H
\;1ld cou:ntnc!l &&.ha, Me,;ico 1raJJ1 i1,n.all)'
celcbra.1c 1hc' bolidoy EJ Dia de IOl Rc)c~ M:1110\.
ITIC'11nln1 TI,e O.a)· or 11,c M 11,:i on J .:in. 6
"Tbc: (c-hl lcJrcn•,, ,hoc, arc •luO"cd with pl't'M:.11.b
J11.~1 bke oor \.locl:ing1. hc1!!,- B:111 t.:aid.
Bnll xaut c-hilJrc,, on dlC' 111ib1 ,,1 J.u1 plxt" 1he1r"-hOutlelk'.olh1l~irbrd-... Tbcybope b) rmirmn,g tbc.1r ,1,oc• baH· 1',«n.1;1uffcd wi1h ptt:'-enu b} TbJCe King, f.lur11s1 tbc 11trh1 Hopm_g 10 a,tl mare prc-.n11. b) pka1rim1 lht Kin.,, tht chttt.lren It,,\''° h1)' .an,t walrf fN 1h-c
Th e Edu c ate d Cup and Bo swell Bis tro pro vide students with their needed caffe in e, beve rages and s na cks
b; M indy Wolrrom
X°llfirlt'I ft'ftlrt(T fmdmg n \\lltm bat b nt)I
1t lhl"J: 10 do 1.i NIC. When .1n
c.-.Sttt'-..., rti~ln,c w11-, nwwtd Imo 1hr
Kins·• c:amol,. Chti11mi.11 1111hc US i, ltuhlion,111) <-cletm11r-d 11u1 ju\t a,• rr-liciou, holiday, 11 ,rn.·iat lnnt' ~prni ~1111 r.anuly :uni rnrt1d\~ \lricllv for lh< chiliJRn. or .u of chc llhci.,.(' bu1 llhfl .ail M~I lbc v.~tld
Alumni Association plans
Shakespeare festival trip
Group lo sec six plays in Ashlantl b} r.n Yauni:
.'1,rum,t,q,nru, Jhc: MC Alumni A1o..OCU1ti1111~1l1 lC"ld ,1 IOUTIO ,\,h~,t)'l'c_ ,Au,.7--11 11Jtlltt- 1~l~f'Jf1 ~h)~lNl\'lll
n"Jq/rtMMI l.1·1,rmrottb l6b'~t. .!SiaftcJ fcani,e, 12 th!te:r..-:"f rtor- The 1:111r wilt ht 1:1.•,.,, ,,, i plll)\ Pla) 11ckc-i.. 1.2-17,alldStl' f'ff<k rr. be J.:1 ~1Nf by J.,n. 26. :?001 Tr.,.,1~{'111111ti<ln, fn:.J .ltlll 1ft an c,:t1.1 \?7$ anJ Jndpng QUI hi: fr« in 1hc i,4-~mcn1 of" ~hu"'h 10 S,.Ml a riigbt 111 a hotel 1111 k'hlll'r 1u1b1'lc ft11f $IK11.11l~1t
IIP\14in; comer or Boo,wdl. pc.,1 , lc found • quicl plai..~ 11, rclllA ulhcr 1hllo
Tho SUB ho, il>: -od Cup:
8()(.\1,-ell ~ll\ 1bc Bli.tro. 111 b(l1h
COl"rlef"I:. NIC 'ff't.t esr ~t.CI dnnk,. bc,·Ct11gt;\ al'Ml food
l'be Sus·, F..dlll:atcd Cup~., crealtd b)' ,1uclcnu n.nJ, 111 l.iJn v.·a., m;ttk by the N IC ..,.•dtllnai dcpoz,mcnt.
L inda Shav. , 11 nitt-)'"Clll empJO)'ce.
h;u t,oen 1hc Cup', buncndcr,uM.-e 11 opencJ (ouryr&rS4go Shi,w;..ud~ hkc1 the propk and b11v1na
COll\'l'naliom. \Ntlh fffUlnl r,1,;t~.
A n:guW, Cwcn l 11.mpins. c:lcrnrntul) edi,ca1IQfl nLtjor. oomei
101hc Eduet1Jcd C11p c,·cry morning
•DCS orders a ,~i.i.l. Stic COIIICI kl sc-fiool c.-rty let gel :i p;,00 r;ttkicli! ~and"° ch.11 wUh Sh.1•
Anotht.r Educillkd Cup regulilr i~ ~):t Mdl®,:all, twteroJ tdut.111inri n1ajur. Shi: wud Uk~ ~11.gUlj: 001 m the SUB bc1wttn dali-.ei "'hilcdrinkin, 4,C')flltd)lna "\I.Jinn A fan of lbt Htn.llC)'"- d~lfl{C Ill Ilic Edu1;.;1ted Cup. but, cJrlniJ.,!t o! vllmlla L;iue1, McDwgaU said 1lic workt't'I un,: ft':tll) W'-"C. A (,cw ,tudcnt" wcwk umc-thert a., l Tho fflO!.I ~drutk.1a1tk! fduattd Cup Ar¢ the speci.:ali Vilt)' lrom dD.) to f.l.i.) WMc U,c SUD w~~n:rnodchtiJ 1111 cfflpi)' \f*'C' fn the 11p-,t11 !'l; eotner or Oo"'-cll n,mal 1mo an ~rm,-..o t,;v by die nrunc o( 1hc Ecsu:accd C\/P A., '\Otlfl .11..~ 1hc." SUB n:~•pt'ncd. thi: ru111 1etwdtsrrt"»Onwicturic:v.e«
Jhtn It.> 1ht t1C\\' C\fS'C°''° bar Jniddc1hc SUB. Afltt hu)lng • ~w ,nii..hlii.: fot B~v.--cll. the Mme wa~changed 10 Utie.8•\UU h mccntlyn:ce1\'ed ..,. ..,er 011d ~ic r«11, kJc11111nn. mlll,ns: the 8iMt 0 ~tnllU'ICUt. The Blwo', o~··•nt1dqcr,
Myra.a Nod1uwkr• ..aill ~c." c,11}0)" d1c Bh 1m bcuww: it'1. mc,re pco.oa1tl'ik 1hlm the SUB. She wiid ,he likr-, lh laul·bad• .auno,pht:t't'.
81\ll'O lt<lchc.l ..illcntioa IU11.0 (nr the "1t11dwir-hc,. ,~up) a11d baked JcKxh from d1t sue The mosi poruln:re:q,rc~1; , dnnL :u 1hr Oi,lro i1, the rn ll mocha Notlanf.ier ttcnc."t. H'Wnal rc&ul11n an 1bc Bi,uo. UnUl:c 1he Educnta:I Cup, 1hr Bb1ro f'r'\'.civC!, ,.o~tul m1chr-rregulors. ('.1,wwffl Hille. tttu.!k m1jor. said ~c camel to d>t U1•trv c.,·c.r) 11t0m1ng 11 1,J Ofikh a rtn)1,:l10, w11hou1 111h1ppcJ acam She .atd ~be .alv.·.'lys MIC'S people "he kaov.-. in I~ Bl\tto. Whik' , 1udylnJ Ss,1nbh and drln~inJ(Offtt. pc,Ink:111 ~d(llcc: mJ1jOf J awn Tb~, '3 id lit. come, 10 the bhuu l'\tt)' nw,minr. Aootber <.avdciu, Jarrod MtKN'., t-u,1nc\, ni.aJ«. c,•mt, 111 reliu In 1hc Biicro. A Med pumplne
fslucated CUp
• Monday. Thursday 7am. 8p.1T1
• Fri day 7 am.·2p.m
Boswell mstro
• Monday • Friday 7 a.m. • 1.30 p m 1hruugh ,1u.,Jc!JH,· ,e,n, 111,r,;11.t11 to tie ., n~e"111 al NIC and dv,;,hc«' m cbc v.01ltl ll.1ving ,,.,l iJdfrri:nl IU1,:1111,11'1\ ht pl'l.hH.lC" c-~1kinr htlp. keep MC rnwlc1111 ~"'·ule 1hniugh cl•~\O
boin Wh1t.,.1wthC'.ulf~anJ i1.t1'lln 111 f.nilaniJ. \lr1ltn: JCll a ch,111.'(' lu 1r-ac:h 111 Str.ill...vtl ttpo.11 A\·~,n.', h41(1~1mt.1f The. •Pl pla)'1 lhlM I.he- lUllf WIii bi: 'itC'IIIJ lltc 1k f<'tttpc..a,"'h) Wlll1,11nS!.w..~rt' J 1.4X'1,t ~n.:bnrm..:01 lllllf)ln a m,1$1C1;1n "'M ia:k" l\'\'n1i,:, '1'hm: U.Uen,"' b) Antoo C'hcUtch •hen: th1~ "hfft' -wtic, ll'~C tn OIi rrrrnnL"CI 1nog Ill l1H· 1A Mo'M.'D'A. Qo.Bl.l·Ott•• b) T.a)lot. ,at'ooul r,,ur Af00111·Amc:ni!llll """'nrn r,l11)mt: J.v-.1 m aht 1930\; "'Ttic Mcn:Ntlt or °Vt'tllCC!," Willi.&IJI ~h,i1eo.p,cart', • "'-.,nnk I tlCi"'u:u a nlC'r~1,1 o1.-l1 Jc.,nlih mnncyknikt; '11,c: Mo:fl}' Whc, ot WtnwJl,()f,• b)' \\11IU~111 SJl.&1.tsp(.atl", ,1 Jl,Jbt <onllfd~· in 1t,'bkh s,r Jotu, f-".aluo1fl 111n 1,, M."Joct ,;u:l"111h1n
1,~"''l\~. JwJ ••rm11u, aaJ C'r"""'ldl· · b) W,11..,n Shl:ll.c,-pc.i:l". 11.::, $o\c ,1nf')' k"' dbtu1(\ the Ttoj.inWnt The pb}11 ~,II bt p:-ffC'Jf'11,ttj m Ihm: 1bt:a1m
AnpU\~lflcrl'hc.11rt:.\li"h 1c:b1'CllJ,600. Thc:-Obd. S'4'11(l. \\hli.h~h 1:.\ij tor II more: rc1-w11\;!Jlcd, ond Ilk" l•j'lc1i .iir Elu.ati(ih..n llicUltt v.h1dt "'6.1:h L:?00
1:..,11nk~11w.t.1,,11 ilhou1 1ht pla)'\ .a,.t 1bc fc,.m·aJ ~act8""'c111lilh.l 7St7uccall(~lj4Ji.-::iJ1 for1~ Mti, 11·1 ~hu~ 1be IN1,·.J ha.,i a IIWIC'b'-llt v.11h n1ort: infCll'ltllltioo ut W\t,'\li'.ck(ll."11.wdtq..
Hepworth conducts Spokane choir, enjoys sewing, theater Ex-student introduces Zao to his wife at party F A
Chcrir dlrccwr Hcpwor1b ha,. taug}ll at 1hc collc.i:ic ,in1.-t 1~7 S he fCCCl\'t'.d her "1(1\ICr°J I I tbc lfDht'Nil)' n f
Scarlett Hepworth & Peter Zao
by Aida Mccchc1111 1M1 olw ronJ uc;c,. a ~hon or Japaneq, wc>mr11 •t 1hr.
\l ulr.ctg..iv..t ln,1itmicm 1.- Spuk-1111t·
wtio ,; IS Hqr~-orlh
Before fflOVUl[t 10 ht., CUJtt:11 1 rt"\icleocc Ill Sp(lbnc,
um\L"tloll) 1111d UC
Nl~:~t,,.c,u11Riu1lcJJ111tin1 In IYX8, /..-.o 9 C;. oimr tn \' IC 101t111Cb lk lt\cd 111 ulifon1la
11wJ ..-~ llr\'tf u( lik! bip L1 I )'. 7~ J1vwncrt)' ln·nl m
Vr-rroon( m I wun-nil)' lfi'\lt·ll anJ mNCct it 7AO Md f111m1I Y- here .-11.h(o time ,n he mo\ct.l linJ nuffi"-1hc i...-wr '."n;.I01rl) Ph)·,1,>1~- z.;1o in 1n,,i:111r,n:tu\-Jj 11 1,/,;"t'd. h l.'1.JUlliQ'I h;1H' \'IIIIIC .al a ~tie,
Tuo.ctay. Ooootnbet 12, 2000 Pagt $ TffE SEN'IINEl 3:
-.:::, . i:5 •
M...-:Nrl B<,\\'(n 'i\ill be lr-11J1n11hc Jffllll' He." Ii.,, k.J 11uuP1h.-(Pn:
C T s
b) Ttint Youatt Sr,um,ln-ptmrr
She i\ •
U11h .ind 1augh1 m11s1e 1bc~i')' a, 1>1ut of l1e1 v.ort-,tud,- for \Chool l)11rl11i-t 1h:11 time. \J)c: dJ~ovcrcd ,ht loved tC!lch ,na
cii»c-h rcw tht J unior Ch.amber Arti\1i..,
i(:h v..-u ,t,.ntd
H.cp!Annh lhcd III m,ny uthcr nue,. lochid1ni S11h I 1lc (' 11 ), San Oo,rM. Dccwer and H OlhlOn. •htrt ,he ~rndlt\l fOf fil(c )'t'ltf'- with 1t1e famuu" opna CUfflf,Cht'f C'.arh,lc: Floyd. A11ktc Iron, lle pwcmh', lo\·c q( mu,lc. \he 111\0 cn;Ll)'a v. ri1i11£ \t'v.lng. ga1denm& .11ml thu1ct SM ba1done-"t \ 'Cnt.l \t('licc·O~er. and llid,c ti~mcr1h ;mJ J,1.nnc i,I bet n1u,ic h11J en pub-h,~J.. She p l11> 1hr fl ut!." ;&rid Jri•11tt, l'iu1 hr, mo,n il'l'11\Ulle:a l re. o f N)uf)(:. her \'Oi~c. l"ctc1/.11u1t:.achc,llum1uLAn.uumy.at1J
H~· •tCtndc:J
the Uni\-C'Nl\o t1( fcm11n. S;i.n
San Dn'-!10 Slllhc
llllit 00 /,JtD <ud /.(J,<1 \\.).\ tr.1111, • 1Jc ILi 11,nn r,.t1t> 10( ,111 r,·•IUJcflt. fhc ,h.ttk(IC U1Cd tf! '\\cNk rllrCht·o. h1h v. 1fc, .iir.S 1ncd c11 Jel the tY.-o Wtcdlt'1. h 11~tl)I v.\llkJ /~1 tkl'W hll.\ 1..,.,, w,ns. S1cl..dl wtJ R1i..~.1,11id tv.·1• 11i:Jldiu1ahttn. HL"ilthe1 ;ind l P ldTtl 111, lh\M,1¢-. U~hnl.s .11•y1hmg nul\k"1r, ,u, h H ,lii:11:ntl,, t11llr111 11,.J nm11,1nt
Instructor to follow in footsteps of hero
JOhnson plans to visit England, France to trace author's llfe
h\ \hnch \\-n.l(Nm, ~t,nl"frtfl")fltf" All ,1(' mJ..tnAa.Yle,i\~l•lll.1hhlllk'.iaJ apiJII '\( Ulnkt l<I W.1ll 1J1 I~ ldl.ll•IC"I'" o( II f\"\l•lt!IIOIIM) v-r•lttOibl11W" Or \.'111111·11.o1Juh1tl('(l l11:-.t11I ihl',.'«l.lltl.l;IIM;.;IIIUh>~IIK"IIC.llfc4\·lUttJu r.1.,n,pt w a,ada,-ua,J ~LI,"' \1111) \\11lhll>ftf\.'1.dl MC"-.1eriJ,ntlotuu.<,11foc"1icp.utJ,c11inA1:1k> OO-.,ti,L11tvn.'lClll'<.bl1t1thc: hfcvt \\.t,U toc~ .u. IJl)n,..,Ah4'1J"".1"r.1)1"J\\oll,11"tn«filfl ,n",I(, Pl~nrnfonur, W•.t,a ~~.t. ll ittn.1t11l1n t'l1 11t:i::;,1 l~~1J11n11n ,nl.a, v ;.~ lttlin-....,'*1llticm.li111111mmp. Unflr.tmra,,
11J!t' ttu1• 1tftar Olri l!TI.K. MtCT l,Jf" 111 Rlll1'f'
I fl,..""°" MIJ \'rnkc: >c,tunon •ill tthtni Htrrir,1
a1p IUI! allier r,1-,: IYr.ll 11.,JI h:' t I f·i.-.T
f\lrw I f>Nffl.l;IW.hd.tnd.h511.u1J.01.~
N,..-,,.11> 11i ,w&r1 J,,h.1 u..1l•11u,1u, thi111np u • r,eno,w r-.umey. In P.1n,.~ -..111 U\lthii;-ttk.-plir-"' -..hn1'1'IICI, l•\,:\1 ·J.cck,inlinr lnbD,00. 11 rl,uinntl on n:,.c;"' hirit ht', f11nnl) man 111 lil' She wU 1)1111 if lll,1"h&i,Mld~n,tie,,~ 111.iprt, n,ic K'l.111"~ 11·ho 11,eirtacaw.k: 1nS'A·t'dc11 J,,!J~lfl J~· "l1tla \\11lh10P«r 111.1, 1hf,nt
n:-,t,iutklnlll)' "'ho"'*" •hoe pc,u11, Woll ron«Dh ll•u:kJ f\iu!W Eu11,rr 'AtuUtJ
9tun, ~1oJ ;i., aa .acln'C' w111n- us ,1~ fn-111:h
f{t\,1l•IIMIL. r.111,f fotl«Htm'11.t.1!',b;11~l 11 IO 'fl,rflt ft",,pllft<,c,i,U~_r1~u-.e"J•tt•anJcon,-.~th",n
10\\,~l 1.lll'lh.('Q{l'1•t1ln W,-Zlli&1n1;1.aflnl"1""1:fflOld) r,•Wrt•litiiaal
f*'u. 11w \ jtkf1ul•011 lhc k1(t1t, t•I \tu. 1nJ
,-.~·2.2000 Group helps single parent students
'-W.I. A ~putp()\efOf
~·•&obii\lunt ,he 1:rwp u 1ll lf'll"IQ a wppt'ln 1y tcm (If hlald, bo hc:lpC"acb ad"'' tl\'<K(ltllll! \bt:icof
U.C .-m~&IN nl 1111.ttffJc ~1111ns."'
,\C1.l)h,blll to a I w& U.S CC'n1iu1 Ourt:iw
io 111r c~
Cru\loll ruwilkllll \hnhatin
"Th \! 1nJ1C.111100nl1kfb ht 1."l(Womm folw:t "ul Wc,Cl~(•Qta'aftclol\hnlat,•lflWc.hc I~ of ,i,ut11t"t1bl-ln}!aH\,1Jl0 1plll)IJtinJZ.\. Jcohnl(>ll 11.11 t-«11 \\ioU\iOO«n< l<1rll.1c Pop;,•11 f ,,nam fOf ftV't" )'\'Ml, ~he ..,JJ lhM \CT)' few~ ~,.,., •hnllll \\'illhl11nen.1lt mainly thu~ t"c.b:·4fl·•1 lnrol•lko\1111:ill'l'a.. -~ j,ht ,k,n' 1 kt'ICWt 11ht?l,1 l"lt'r c:umnbuticwt to) IDa\l~ltl and ltttnlh111' JcJ'ilNICI \;ll•I 11inc ;atl' IC.I.JI)' M:t\'lnf Woltlcfl 'Ill~ bht,~ ""C 1.h1 t101 1.fkm-, ,......_ l'OCllhbUllom. 'A"<" Jo lkC ""'""· hi di!Uill.:tcf II\ V.·nll~unn;faft. Jotu1..i10 tic,1ai b) ITIC"llll1t>1U1lf lbe nc113bd1t) "1f Won~r.1fl', J..~ct """ \hrlls=y W1~l\hWd,IJI'\S , l)l ,1,1n, h1nh 10 Shell.:). ~tltlWJI IOf 1hc "'°" fnnk1uk-1n Johnwn !Lt.iJ th.:11 Woll,1ont\.T.&.h l\ 1t11ngmnic. \~t, llnlli.w and mutt i~tnli"J ~n Shtll<~ \1:ut)- p('<lf"IC flM' 11l"1'11.11. \l.',1lb1t1fttl.TJ!I i/1t1 l«ing J11ftn,on ra-furm. 1hr t:itJ '1 fttl ti Ill n,ae· 111tlMiorwhtt.
Dorlu RUPJ;1' NIC«kli,wio,-.
..-M.1tc JU w""w d1o."lNWtty.OfJ. ~in.: 'ltl.k·put:111
.nJ u\..C'l"t"OfTIC' bt.liJc:n• uI thil
l\1·(urdln1, to Cf't', 1uu1e- ,is,5le pa.~tu
rtN'd help 11bt.111ning chi Ide.ate. booi.h,1.
Wllb ti,i,dic:llna tiad lhe>M)' fflJll1&JC-ll!CIII tdw:.ittort, job lt•11m1J, mcd ,cal food. do1h1a1. l' And e11wtuMul wppon and tn •ll"rd.aMc.,.1frur.
Auo,rduii:, 101he C'C"n,u,- Burc,u, , 111 1998 chc mNhan u1c-aM't fot • ~llllk·mnthcr hc,u~ht"IIJ ,.., Sl~.000 and hor , inrk·f.Dtbtt hou\C.hold\ 11 ""ui.-\0.0(10. lhrry Kllff M~~8C 1'u,. t11 hit artlclt
Ht:111.h n~· To.,.,,uJ • F;tlhi:rk~, Soc:itt)'," ,
"'80) 111 \-11111111,1 f•thcrlC'\\ IH.nnc ,re f\ltt11ir1J
thr« f110fC Un\(, hl.~I) IC} be , n,·,,h-cd itl Crime.
Jn•p,,1,,1111( Mbuu1 attJ ~t l-ll"c."11.:ed. Ohl" ll\'UIJ
1n I,I('\.\ h~lCIJt" arc IWO ,o 1hRC hn.c 1- tnOfC
bl.ti) Id hc.:onic pt(};nam a, lten•iecn lllMI ha\t
1hc1t mam.1F• <"nd 1n Jivotn' • 'I pl1m 10 f11e11ihuc lbc' \ijf'f'U" siro<ip," RunJe
1.1iJ ~1 lht")' w1Udt'.:iJc- ,..h.111tst-.-.cndi1 for I~ lflCC"llllf 'IUII be. I ~an ft ,po;lld IUC~I
,pea.I.en. 11 1h11t'1 I~ Jroup .,., .in1,." ln(nm1.u1oa 7M: \ \71)
What wa s the mo s t memorable event of the Year 2000?
10 2)"
11) w. Hanley A.,e. It'• ltfJt. YOII (Oil eom oto11rpo1 ~e lnp,ydiologrin Cotvi rflJ.11et C01W••uwi1wvwirig GIid ...,..tefld dou•• olow )'OllbCO ")'Oli'~Wll\ovl91v11'9upyoviioboryo11, rr,,ot1c:rlW.
C('~UI" 4'AIC1'9C:,
LIFE Th•· i1111uct'IIT\ <1/ 1/te .1emm1
Supp o rt a va il a bl e s pring se m es t e r in SU B basement b) JtulMn l:lbffdtch s ,11,,,., (r{"-.rft'I ,\ llnJ:k•piAl'(fll ">VflP"'Jf JJ'klr ¥1111 ~It fin lilll ,Z.f. 21.1111 OlC ,roup will Mtt"l 1111 l)Ol)ft 11, lht bb-1f(nt (lftbc-SU ll atbJ l,Clfl('nlntjnJle·(IIU'tnl ,.,uJenu NIC'CPIISIM!klf' l)oclA.I.RUOtct 1,orpnm111 lh<P""!' "l1lt rw1"""'"~·ftht llf'."Yln11ni rroup •~ m~~,dc ,i place h• \lf'~k r,zn"fth 10 ftlltt.1. \h;lte tt~rtt\ t.nrJ 1nfnmtntion on j"IAC'I rui;untnir to their llleo,t\~,•ftt,11)'t
.,..ti1i ,.1.wn
,..,:, 9.~
irttl lliun
Rue~u. hr..clcJ Jbou1 'l6 p:tttill ,,r .tll f 1111ultn. 'i\'1111 d lik11tn .i;nd ,t2 r;::~,1 HTJie purpose i.t; 10 ""'" prrwide ll pl11ce for :;;,:.\·o lingle [H1rt'lll.f m mee1. m.imnl .fha re resoun·t:.- and get A.."o.1nlint i11fi1nnl)linn."
nolllt0n "•"t1k-mot~
¥olth <"h1ldrta 11ndcr 18 .1nd l.)
1intlc: fnlhn lw:iu"('hoM1o. A \llt{tk pate-M.
Marie Bek:hner, nine. and F•llc:la Polio., four, lake llme to enfoy the d8COmktn• of ti,. Sludent Union Bulldlng.
lliOCJ u. ""* \amt) of help to ~"Offle
f'I} 'k.rb1l~ Jc-Jr.I" 1w-n1t«1 r""''"i'·•plv, u ,1r11m)"t•o )'l'#ll•l'lf'liC'I', 1,t1nt'l'd'!hU)' \l1rl. 'ftttkr•.15 \l,,.;IJN T<>:11 \lttli.11t1.1f,J,t l>•nl' c.·~ntu1••).ll f11lll\JfUJ'<<•t,.1t \d,..., (.KrJ'il""' ril Ye111'1 ~-. '\1,r.i,·tatRJ)·flfll 11111 " ~.rofcullttt'• Jult.Jm,n1e, 19 n.-.,1..-, /~.,,. L·J..rhn 1\nd,n OM:lldlt,18 Urmtl'lt.inf..{,..,~ \\'.:Jl.b-r ·, turncJ 11,:mblc 21 \m•OO* Sch11tlditl".10 Pu 1u11H"I 11,rnJ..,, I ,:rnd.1a:tcdfnam 1'11.kCV.ooJ"' ,unndA t"t!AA•r. 19 r,r,i,n.,I ,-,.,,.,J'!\lt'IJ~ ~1un1 tmllon r:tid fur Andtt• Culbnnd\t:ftt 19 Eh1riNJI El1flnrrn,r11 C'tat•rdi\lt'N' lnla n l) Techno
ID ~!)fl~ (208) 772-6800 + C•IH,doyl"_',.,.j.""'ll...,"'-.12081667·25% • t Clt 1117il'~ begiM No,.•fflbtw 11 2000 • :Jount»g,11tn• ._fl'aJJo11vory lo, 200l AMO Duron 600 MHz computer .\MD l)woe, 66 Ml Lr ,.....,,,.,., 1114 \tll K"tU J.(I IAM 1-M11a~o.,1.t1r IOGlltllfdl.JdDln15,it.n,,e ""'91'QOIM3A.Cr, 4-ht.l).kO t u-w1pr,.,........,'.\.Olal :Spcatcwi ..,._....,_ ~,rrll M,-l'\1)61."V 10 ....... '-t.d-1-aAl?i.C"¥.iu:M,tl :..t1i111.,can, l,..tli,liJal l ub),~
Growing Latin community assisted by ESL classes
'~>"· To con-nl"CI I .111n11 IJnnl,i:i,to •vn!bblc .ihJ dt,dnpln,: 1.:c~,h'Lc ~<>tlh l~ho fC'\OUKt'\ 11nd .c,n,n. b}' pron101t111 t.elf.~llllMC46J t:ITlflO"tffflflll 1hrou1h .C,c-n11ti,:a1t1•1'1 of 1Jm,hc, ,1n,J Ihm ,~J, rt'C LOI' Mfc:u. o c h,N, Uf\11.n Soc1Jt SrrvJc:c1.. H.d.oc:111004.I
11 \I.JY 10 $C-I • ge11Ct111I C'i.luc:.1100 diploma. ;1n1.l lnrn '4·orli: \l.llh,. Student"
•~ l.llll!Jhl cna:li,h. compc11tn o111d <itbcr bai.k ,kdb 1111"'1u~ '" "'ad. i:ttv1t1mmcnl
Aho on lhur,dA)\ open h1b\ •re 11vallabk for ,1u,l.::fll) 10 C\1fflt" 1n 1111d ...,,on,. with tt.nchc" oa k\,via, The need ii 1herc ru, lbe-'I( c llS-\C\ l.n 8o!'IIIC'r C\111nty 1bt« arc ubou1 12 Luitm fatntlk 011d 111 Ru1,111J.u) C'ouoty tht'R" :uc.11bou1 H llltndk, ~ho n:iiard 6.ngh\h 11 '* "'-"<one.I L:!1111-wi;<'. Mo,1 of 1bc.- famtltc~ htnt CUUK IO W(llft '111 lhc." 8udWC'U.CI hf!p, f11roh. the Launo Oulll:ic:h ProJcet help) 11nJ lamillt',. ~110 do 1,01 ~nu-. 11,boo11h1, p,i>g,11m .1nJ Qlfc-1" 1hc:m .t'l)l\Un.:c.-. Tht m1'"1~n Mll'mcnlot11hc-LOP'1h1\J\.'hu~
Soon uhrr Ute I OP wa.<t ll~llti.!d The I.OP 1';U (nund 1n lan11.11t )' uf ta, 1 yr;u Jn coaJlk:1iun \\·hh lhl" FSt d•~~. AltJandra Ptiillll" li..t~ ticc:n 11~ 4':h1trc "' 1m LOP in fi,c ni)rfh llllllhl h.1111,hn 11t11.-c July. h '1. her tc-•rionufli111~ to linJ .,,uJcl1h \ltl!,(,I \\'altl lo I'll:' p..n QJ lht J.OP i>t jutn lhc £..~l.d!Mt:f. In mJe.r for ,1udcc111, 10 quo1h1~ l!Jf Ill!! ESL cl,U~!l. lhc:)' m,lq be p.,i, ,,f IIIC- AllE rro1111m II needed l·.St.11nJ("fl,t, 11r1
GED 1&'11\ .ind cl.t1\"CI in mJ(1 lo p,c-r;11(' rllf1l1ie Gtill1c-.,. C'un lo11JM1"«1 t,-.ul lhc bSL pivt:lfln lu (kt..t-c, qtltl •111
oov. ~he rr1mar~ l".-clw'' "' 1~ daun
Tbc,r .art tl\ut11 l\\<ct11) ,1u,J~11i. 1a 1P1c
F.SL da\\c\. Ai, .-l\c1•at d•) 1111!~ ~!,1n 11 nnhcr inform11.I h' , mote 11f 11 1t11up IC"11mu11 ~Jlc." S111dc11h fatn ;it tht11 ,w.11
SM" 1'hc: lcvt'I of '\l~Ck'm', 1:'-'uirr~b('n,1an t>I F.41Jli"h ""le' (wa1 be:r1nni:« 10 adv:it1t'cd. I unp.u~c1 h.:z, 111 ,ctct(h bc:1>df 111 unkr It• 1C<umtt100-4tc fn1 ull ll1c1oe d,rfcn:nf loch ol ,1111.IC'n.Wfien a\kcd wb~1 t,c1 Ju.1.h for 1hc futurt tli 1ht r,roti:r.ifll W<'IC. t.un~ 11\'"L"I ;11J. "I hopt: ii JffMloil.,.1n,l '°'C' tl'.!k'h IIIC!fi: i.tlkkm-.. And I !lope'~ :1tudc111-. "l(IIIC'III~
Financial analyst teaches importance of investing
b) '1•rty H«klf'J \rntir·<'ltrp,wtrl Wlt.:11 Bndlt')' f.. Duple '4.b 1nall.q.'('111dw:U111\cr,ityor
.MoMill'l.1, be lcllmcJ ~!i in\t'<lrd ~\(')' 1noatl1 (« ~)'Gin! ,'l&IJd
OMipe« I cXAl-il thi:,·r,mruind frllftnlf11nnc'· \tu,.:;henaNN W.111,·DicJ~ 10(-inth , rnuluplicd by JI 11 r~ru:nl IUll'ft!>I nik'lt'C'40~•1Q(mlk.a(t1,il \I ma~ion by Rctib(n lJlbn'Cltf'h Stmmrf,,.11rm.v
lti tc,.f,iotbc 10 call\ ftP111 Nie', l11r;:uh). ul!l11h('kir Oun11.1 R,111~ \lt;1nh 10 lht1,.,.-.ue1i.,f~ ,.1iunianJ ulrideor.
l.'4mllUI.._ ;\(1,;1111\hns 10 Run~c. \l.llllC (.l.'.-;bl,•r-. 111c euncenlC'd 11bout JCJ'f(.._'<J "1Utko1._ and ,he \ltaJ\I IJ~,-e t.1Udcc1h IO l,,ow ,h;ia llc-tp it,11\,libbk. AoctlfdJnr IO 1iot~·c111J ""~b-..ito ""uch ~, APBne,H.cci,n,_ \l\ll)(n1.1Jv.a:1•~1,.<e .,·urn .-nd "'V.-W nlf>lm!U'l~h~u. ,.ua;jdc ,, tht l,('(Qtll)
lratins C6U\t': of dc.i1h amoog <C)!k;c o.-.fcnL;.-•.c.:ood onl)' w «.,;i1J,:1rt.l 1.k.11b,.,, '1111! s.i&t thh," tbas M> pace:n1 (Ir drprc-,~ w.odt1w:1C.ll fttl betl.t'r.,..ith proper ut.ime,~ ;mtJ (tee cuuti-.tlmt h a\·.Ubhk rmu1 011 1to111htkll'\," Runic. ~id
At.\.wd111i: 10 Runic. ··o..-prc,-,10nh • comm()n pmti-km on rollc~ amri,i..c., )Cl u i, -.,iddy mlwndl!Nood 11·., frequc'DtJy 1rtll-im.l ~-e 1hc ,ymptnm, .tttn't r@s, a~ i.11,adcnt,. an:: I<' ;"'wW or lhe:)i a,c:- t.'li> drprc,;.<;td lo Ill~ 4'1KlO •• "'cord111g to Rut>,<. 111.·,,.., 1 \)fflJ'C<Jffil tif dcJlft-)"'100 ld'C. l11(k (,( i1UttC'II m p,t\-1uufol)' c.njll)~ 1hi1~,, f«lil\# 'lll,I hi~. •,mnhlc.,li (lf guihy; hilvmg rn,bkm, 11oi1h «'lftCCm1u1.on. k'tncmherint, 1lunlinr or rm1klt1s dix'l,k>n,; l~iul,r \h.'t'rina flalb."fn, 111.U1)f'C).CC""1,·c tut'd111:'-,; l(M 01
cneri:y; poor cl.It, 1111.tndnl'!« .,nJ GC.1,Jcmlc pc.1fonna11o::it: lctlinc, l'f dc, and t,cipc-1n.u1u~ 111-."tl'>.\ot'd all.l)bol 1111d
u~ JniJ1m1ntttil\l:Jf1-.:v,1.,111,k,.lh1,1 u1.ctdc w...i\iOJ1odly rcwllin,r m a1vin1
a1A·.11)· ~v11,i.,ly prrt('J p.,,~Won, ill-S ,uktik Mtffllph, "OiteH\ r .\ml.'riQln.( "One\'e Americans It(/\'/!
h.L\I.' \amf .lome /<11111 o
.. tleµr,1 .\.\'inll, ff/
R~,e.,,ud. IU'()•fhiJTls ofCll.\(1S
·Yet~°' lift: uot /rellletl" lhinbofdK" <=<...,. nc,i 1tto1.1cd. l)oon.t Run~ rou 11~r
hi""n<.ll fJJIII\'.~ "'1il MlfJ<"ml fmnl
dc'ptt-uM1,, include Ahnllwn Lh,ooln 11,(1,J
Wimf~lf1 Chutdtlll Ru11»\" '-Lid ucrw,.,1,111 n~ ttk'lf\" v.~rJC11 th.a1t mm.· o«<,rJing 1n1hr Uni'l"Cl'll1t~· 11€ .Buffalo Nl.'v. YtlfL.', C\IW1~hn11:C'llk1.
"'f1:mo1.!.:, u.11: nklft 1,kl)· m.incu,pc 1>Uk1J.:, howt"'C'r, men ;1R' Chllll'. lil.C'I} to 1."Ul'l'lmil
,1,1kklc: 1tt.." v.11(1im Thr-)' u,iaalltr 111C
vM,lcnt mcan, 1,1 end 1hcif <w.n lh-t:'.'
a..~ottllric IU I~ cou,~,dJn; \.'t'tlkl
Sc.\·cnil r<i"'"'lblc C.#~t\C~ ,i,1 ~,.fonlllt': ffli1J(lf lilC' traru.hillOi ,;id! il~ lht: ''"'" (lf • l,wt<l i ux. brc.1Mn.a up "1th a bnyfnt'nlSIJ!lrlfrlC'nd llllll MIQ\11181~1 '9 flt''* ~hoc~I or 1nwn: clunv.,t~ 1n cuhut1I inf'l~.f.1ll1111anc(111t1otc:ul1A<';nnt r_c1ut1,r one\ chi)ia 11f m11,j.:ir; fcchnr like lift'\ proble,~ .ice bupck..,1 al>d unbe.wuble'; \I. Anllfll to etld u11be.1nt.t,,le p:un o, ptolt-ll!ffl\; fa1lun: 111 ln·c u.p to 11nc'1 c,v.,n cxpgcwtM>i,,, impuhi\l' bct1.a\'1tJr ~•llit!J; fnlm~l..:li)holw llrui ~1111.Sdlillt,110 In pf1)'11K;1J ~nlth. x,:mtinJ! to fnremct 1,1.d.'i\Jcc,. AromJUlg ri, kfmt\·, 1hert lltt 1hrte l)llt:I, o€ dqlrt1,sion nllljl)r dc(•f('"(..~,n. ~lhymil 111.ank: ~,.an, ifhlC'•, M11J1of dcptt<~1'ltl b ch~tcrl,.eJ b) ,ymp1oim 1lut bcytn Middctil)~ ~\ibly "'u,ixl b> a lo,.,.~'('1urcb.ln~c fhe,.)mrtrorm-Att $f!\'CfC and ln1t:rft'rc •ltJ1 normal tunctioning. Th,, 1~ j,t nl Jqwt,1.i,tt1 ,n.s:, e<IOtttwe f0t m11nd"' o, )c.&I'\ 0) \lh)"fllllt ,,--mptom, iille ntJt It\ ~,.ctt, bill Ilic> mu,r I.all for)~*' ('l'C"-ctttin,: 1hc flt'Nl"I fmrn teaching thc11 po&cnhl'II In 1111111ic
CII r.-..i:1'i1th ). lhl:1cmoodd1JIIJ!C'Un IIC' ,.uJJcn, bol U'oWIII) lbr)· arc pa,.lual DEPRESSION: conlhm~ on 15
Ctt.tllc ,11 St milbM, ltcbnrq,:N lhc: v..ry he dlou~ nruJt nuq·, a Cmancial n11:niJ!bru for DA U..viJ...un & ("o....Duplc \\'IID \IUR 1hr miPdr ot ~npouml lllltltil v.,ch)vurll~
••wc~.-11&0~1e « 'IC!lbC "-C'.\llhf\!\1*11k111," Oui-dac' 'l.l1id. 11,ookr 1odult'lft' th:11 (.:, lli;11 ooly S p."'n.'Cnt ul Amenc-""' mi~ fin.uicblly ilu."praik.ra. ''\\.-cflil,'t'crcoto.laowmv \lthc,tolfll!a\~Ctltl,ffl~f;t'l .dlc;id."Oupk\lNJ "'Bu1'911lo', k'.ll!Qgfln)hodylhll'f' N.,r....Dlplct\. TIit' 4.?·)~,<,ld lwm \l(lOCll,n;I l\l\CltJll~,1,me.(ofMll.Ql'te-,
1n,N1ni: m ht \l'<'d ,n f(hooh ~,thc('ll111.1t1!r)'.Hf, ld1Xllmc«ied UUll-aaibnn In dlC Scrltnd be dcJlcAed 10Cmlf.il1n,
Amcrii;a;Ninel.tS~~W fin.nwl!MIC.'-'C!1A\f1,ddM f'fflcllformcr JIIC(:Curvhtudc"' puNk•lllll'l\ 111 Ww.htntton <:t.tie Lfnhm-y. hclp;<iwrilclhtb.lok.~hik 0u,.lolcr-,Jc,lo11<•H~WO:
&tbl:,.\.unui1rtc111~C' 12. p:'n:m&:m:urnoot11~11(l'I(':, Du~ C(pLiitl.'1 ifwi -c«b #'C lhc ~ch:11!.1:"f.,•li•1,:1t1111111""t111t 1""--orJ1t1JIOU11gdal1.• Imm )',4)1. IX) IWtt.SO)ain,lllllt.Uc.stntun ,l\<,(l'lpcttattC"«tq,c:.v 111'1d~lhtY(1fl) )'l'lln'lli,l'f llh.ln'I )·ldJ 1111,:)'.,111\,• u·flJrtt (1>1 atl) 10,~p:n,-d s-.,.h:icht,:«t,)h(Nkl ~\·~"' All ul lh.:ln. hiJ,·, l111'1d\ ea •d~' !Obu) ap!Cl"Cnf~ •1"*._" ii "'11ri:(t ~d.,k,w.iJll1.t1"111.i, lfllS.lhcS&1~u1, lnlfflthfdlC jO)lagoaa ,ll'allltlol 111 \11l."t1~> bnpilk\l ( l _lpcr\l'ICt l\)CJI S.lffk'liQ•.k.'11h•W1:,,;JlC" ~IJiatn,1)'111.>tloo,r.dwl •he) 111'C!alrt:&fybcnc:i1un.: t1c;n <."ffl1p.:,und In~ l\o)i)(\[inr:11, R.t)'C'llc:Atllknon.di~;, NIC"fl'l-'11>.L,r1,-.-1 ¥fiac hfW\kk:, ...-bolanhlp. for .14uiktio, «J prttrn1r1(fht \1,~.IIJJ~I f~1<hPlDr-,h1p,,ltil,)Ca"'iill,'\'>IIIC:·11Q\·1.·UfuC'r1l ~11J......,">lit.1,.11lllhlrl?p.-n.'t"1• QSND,g1 .._ af!Jltd,r,GI I~" d,e 1uwwm1oa:hinc 1,"11,to:m. buuh tO\cHhcl:h4 lrl)t-lll"tlhr. ft111,.J.,iilnn'1p.lf\fl•ho h.aJuoC'
T-y. 0oc 12. 2000 P"*b\'.letume Pt*Slx.-yoar-old JuUe Collins lakes a swin g at a plnala durfng NI C's spanlsh cJus fle.sta Oec. 6 In lhe uko CoetJr d'Alene Room. Spo,ilsh stud&nls, •• wen as members of the English as a S.Cond Language program, spenl the evening enjoying $punish muslc, tOOd and dancing,
and empowenncnt through idenrification is goal
Btlio\c 11 01 nut. lht' l..allnc> (nmmlinil)' In NonhlcLiho I\ g:rvw1n1• In ~aewffl()int c•I 1illpf11('b,VffullWA\ ,>lk:t (00\hkn:d (lftC 0C1bc 11\d,1 n1eh 1 1..'Ul1UIU11tilit') in Am£1tc<1l'IOW t'.ltf'CtlCl'Cilll J ooom in 1hc L.11nu r.ommunri)' h hll",l\\-111,0 nui,c11 1h.1t i,.l.uJc: fuudut@ bo1, ;,tcppc:d 1n 10 htlp w,d 1hc tro"'utJ Med~ c,I t.llld c:om1num1y. 1'hc- Aduh Bu.~c Edu'-"1io1t dcp.ar1.mem. whlc:b lbc:cH in tbe SIC hmltlins ht S.s1ulpoin1, nciw otf(l'l
Sen ftau. Ouldica~ A-.'5\Un.:-c. \k-dtc.i1 i'lu1•llUlcc and Oc111:ral tt,Jctcl)(("I h 1lw1oflcn1 Jlfl'llfnln t'itllc,I C'l«h I.AIIN1. a ;nk, oJ f._.t,!btctbcn nbt,,ut a nu:•11Ch lhi, 111!1,"'' •ludc1u, ol ll'C f.Sl 1~1u11•111 101ct wgc1bcr. hl'II' t';il 11 01hr1 f!UI If 1tl1.t1 i.1. .,n eitccllcti:t pl..11.c to 11ppl~ ,1.11,'\fflOITI les.1.or" 1nM11;111l ,1111,111vm The 1\1!:td for ,ui;h w:nlix1 w4, ,Ju,.,..,. WtlC'n Jhuill 10 l..alinu1 Vr('ft ,1Ucn'°Pffl•PS la tl.c u1.cmplo)facn1 c,ffi,,;c \\ htn 11>c;.,"'' " 4•~1.1 \j~~fon..., 1he> "'httc un•Ne I0.111.,..,,.cr htt;11u~ Ilk")' d1J 1~1 .1orc,.il EniJ1..,b
the made-for-you Makeover UjJ t.hCJ::fJ SHARI'S FRESH BAKED WHOLE APPLE PIE IS DECEMBER'S PIE OFTRE MONTH. MANY OTHER VARIETIF.S AVAILABLE. PHONE IN YOUR HOLWAY PIE ORDER. OPEN 24 HOURS. 667-8114. 331 IRONWOOD DRIVE. (Oiscoun1coupons cannot be used pie of the month). MARY KAY D&~r m:0-:i:-up O'UUC to su,t yo,Jr '>k.n tone )OIi it~ c,,.-m the dolhel y.,u weac Ca me tod,11 ,~ ,1 free ~l"O'm'. \Ale'II ·:re.1te u O()k rhJts un,quety 1®r'S.. NAMEt b400t-.1:1111,1 BlNJrr CON'.lJI.V.!1.,.Jl 1 PHONE NUNBE~f 4St.ail9 96~99 Jw11p !:'btJ!::k:: I
h 1o1.,o
1hc,uJ1,lU that b the tikk:h ,h1111gc,J h> 2UO(l th1t
1nputcn wooJJ ncic k.nO\\ 1f it w&, 1hc: ~ur 191.lCI
.,t '.!000 anJ mlHun~tlt.ll'l or 1Jntpl) JJut Ju~n
E,.pc,n<ald 1h1111hc Y?J.i. h1.1s:c0t1l dc;1u1e r•cmi:1
oucofC\, di11n,r1i on In~ l":u1\i.in1, lndu~u., 11nd
ovr.n the t11-id\'tncnt l,m11c:t1 ur nu k•r ml'>.,llc,
Vell!IJn n1,lgns
On lhc.¢\c (1(1hc new mllkt111111. I01tS·li1nc
Rui.."llh prt•nlcn1. RM, Yeht.ln. tt lJ-i,cl.l .Ind
ntmtd Prm~ Muu.,tcr VIIIUimir flutin t11..1l11i;
rrc-,:idtnt Yell in ~·u, the r1nc p1c,ide1u l"k,tcd
und,c:t Ru\'1.t·~ tlt:mlX'filttc ,)·~1tm He re,1gntd
woadt~ bc(Ol"C hi.t. \tCOlkt ll"nn ctidt'd.
Yl"h"ln da1n~ be ~·ll, rt1lrn1n,:.10 k'l 11 11.!
you11gtr gtnc:111Jc1n of poU11oil leadcN ul.e ,ua1ml
or Rimi• thouah ...ornc'-h, ,uJ.d h i, rt,ip.atwn
had a gn"ltt Jo.;J lO dP Wilh hh ('OOf" bClltb.
Some tnafnu·1111H. \:aid tl1A1 Yeh,in'" rc,1i11n11t>n
bt.lped 10 bou-.11be alrcaJy ,o,,rin1 pcl1'lllilm)" 11f
P\J1in, He v."I.) nurn,n,: ,,., p~;.HSC'r11 a1Mi frunin,I!
popularit)' for the Ru 1..uw 1aitillll\"d 1i111.llt)
Q11111tcfbid, K:1.111 \\enn,i.·1 1h.r~·w a S11pcr Uqwl n:~;oc-J 11 y.u,j, anll o,·o IOucMtlwn pa.,..c1o ln.:luJUIL' llt.: '1·)·oml flltnC·"Alnnlng (IJ..'\-'-V.ilhk'>'> 1han ,,..o mtnull"l ldr TI1i, w.1, n ct\mcbtck f1(IO'J lhc tt,.~intdtJl~llt'.Uhrt il'I~ ram~.
l1lC 1111111, df1)"" 10 lh~ IO•)arJ hl,i: 1u,d c11lltd tl~r h11:1l 11n-.: out w·1ll1 ~ix .«01k.l, ft'm.t1nlng T11:1n·, q1rnnrt~11"k. c;t<"H' \kS11J, l"ll,~i:J ht
1t"·t'1\e, k,.~in ~"°" l,,u1 coml.' up• ~11111 \IMtn
.alter beiJI 111, kkJ by liftcb.11o.:kct Mt~ h.tti""·
• \OL purcba,t'.'I rlmt- Wanuir ln"h"1 ¥,11, l:allt,1 a1mm1rhor"Ncw Mcdt11"
O\'l'r "OM \L:tll..i 1\mcric11 Ontu~ pun:h~ Time
W atrlrt L'otpon1l1\•11 for 1(10 billion ,\01 w.,, foumkc1 ill 198~ tnd ha, 51ow11 ta UK'
111,ctt lnh:mct w-nfce p,,.,v,~1 Wilh about ll mllhllfl ,u~·nhl"t11n,lud111g I/IC' '-Ub'(f1.hlU)'
C, mpu..'i~·ne Wilh '""'" •~ f11r h.itl M 1920. Ttmc-
Watrt~, "'" c>nc ul thr bigg\'"I coi1t,:lc'lntr£tc
'A hh,:h In~ lu~ Wiimrr Orotbcrs movie s11>d11'l\.
111.!$.r,inn 1'11tt,... .:uu.l P1:uple .1nJ T..-l,et1~\iU1l lil1111 4'n.
('Nti. andltllO
f 0 Y. IIKl 1,\ II\'
• S11n11rn11 wlfl<t t·tiht Gramm)~ ~klli1Clln,tkJrn gu11-11m1C1Uk), S.;im2n11.. $J, lied \11thl1c,I Ja.~L•1•1t fo11hr ~1>td r111111'1!Cr,11
l\wAnb fn1 h1~ 11JtM11n "S1,1pcma11aral.
~1.11"trn,uur.1l tl'll;h1JcJ
>W:111'~ 1.0()r) r~un111n • r""' nior,.-1h.u1 fou1 11K.,n1lt"
On M.1n:h 9 lhec1cl11.n;t'.::ln,,:c,d up 1,lh NJ JKltnh r~, .s \01.aJ ur 5,tt-tb M T11ir. 12m ~"'-' ba ,wt.. 1:<111.Jra.,1 ru 1bc nllWt 1r.td11!ml,,I I),"' Inn!!, hhhaunal •'ctalf( 1U,iS lit( Blue Chip 1ndc,e< NASDAQ',. unptc1o..,c:Jcnto.l t1aJn., "''l'tt llul Uk'I v..i1hi,1u, lln1,1al an) b,1 ,,,. ,1mu1a, Ilic~ cli11m1:J 1ht' buy mi WIii due to tp«"ula1icsn Jnd lhUJ hifh-tc.:h tr.imp.aoiC", hillll not r.1.p1Nhl •J lbc p1of111, 11cedl-d I<' JU,Uf)' heu (tOd, \'.lhlnli •fh
• Buti-hJCore: f'N'th t: nomiua1ion, fln::,idc-ntl.'d <•1JUl.l.t1.c\ ~urr·- thuh and Al Uon: ('JOchtJ lheif f)lllhc<i 1M'l11111\111!011 on '11rth 14 ihougb nut t'ffic1al u111i11hc 1t11tioo.1I co11,c11!1mh, ca.:h can1,hJ.itc held C"nu11i,>h ,ltl( .11C" rn l!'cl lhc n('minacJcin·, ·
• Amt.rkan ll(':.11,11) •• lops the 0\(Ur. .\t the "2nd .11J11111111 Ow111 a•11d r1en1C•ll)' • movie- aboiin • d)' •l1.1n, ram.i )' 111 m, •1ktn
,\mcriC11\\1lnrl\·\d elJht 111,n111111Un11, In 1dd1tmn 10 1he rwr-..t.111101, be,;t r;c.1111~ f: <hear, elk! 1!1t1Ht: 1.-apc111rJ aw11rd,tor~1Jirc\111r.1n Bri1bh Uuftlof Sam Mrlkln rot hh Jcbul effort bt-.J IKll''Of lo Kevio SJN1cC'y. l~1 urit=iniLI ,cn:-t11pl.a>· 111 At;in n u 111, hh tlf11,l proth~I mn,·it ,cnrt ILlld tic-,1 dnr.-111 1,1 ivnt•h1111 '\'<:k1:i1t Co1uad I H;ill
• Th e Po1,c ApoJogbN
l'c,,pc Mui 1'11.ul 11 ~poloopzrJ for the p,ul •in, af the Cad10lk ('hun:h in nl'!(iet'\'M(C: uf the G1c-At J11MC'C', lbc hc11y ~r;11 1011r~111a 1he J.1,,,..11 ,if Ilic 1h1nl Chri~Wln miUcnn11a, The ~re d,1,"fteJ 1hc ,hi1n:h', "'"' t\ }!Cairrill ,. ,.,,;~ ,Min the t.C'C\ICC'~il lt\llh C1b1, l1Nl1h8 lhl' ,lutrncir or 1he tnJ\.lJt, 1111,l tb~ lr14uJ 1U ou1 ,;in, o1vi1n,1 Cbmuan 11nh), 11in1 ilfllm 11,,: s.- ~. "'"' •stln~I re pa;, foe ln\'e rcaci:-,
blld be-··~~ 111111111
APKII • Stulr ach·t ma.rri:t:.t~ rtihh to gay11 On /\Jl(d :, Vcun1.111l hl"C:IRlt" lllt' hnl •lilh: 1 the UmtcJ S1i1lt>, lu ~l\C ho1DO,c,~uuh ncht, u( ,·1-vd ,.uuon. 1 rv,,lld k1111~; i;. St.ini11t "" fol) I, ,1<1m,,k•11rnl, ,uuld 10 cu 1uwr1 dc,rl, 1r1J 0N:1h1 11 n\o1l.1.1111un lk'l'm , ,.Ill 10 1 nwm•gc li1..•'l\W
• Spokon1• ~rhal killer tU) l,J.hl Ro1'c-rl \ ,dt' .i fo11hn 1u)d hu,N11tJ., v.·ai. c•u •nd e,c11111;,11, ltted anJ convkted II• Sp-,k.u1r di t'l"111a: 1h\• 1-1.•r111l l.ill<"r Va10 ('S('uped lhe d(uth pc11.,lty with• pk.a h1U"i,un lha1 lead roht-c h>l hik.1) Ill 11i 11,·rm1m l,urkd ti,, b:11.:.k)·acd a.udcn of t1it 'tltlHll\ ~t:h.' pr~ilt11c, Y.itc:,. WIii t;Ctltt tu ..iu& ) un 10 fl'lhttn for I l mm,kn, •110 oni: o111,mp1 -d 1nu,Jcr He h,11 titcn ,,rr•ignl'1l in I ~IXIIII) in \\'1,1.,km;tot1 oi, 1uwJcr Clh.uJt'l ilDll h h..-ull! IIWC,.lltrlllcd OCfOM lhl· i;mulll ) 111\d lhc int>ll)C"f dnMJlvtJ 111uuL;,,..
• The •.o, r llul,! OIIIIC'k) ,\ ,·,,11,pukr "'"'' nU,11. kd •nd n1pplal C(Hr> 'l)'~tem~ 1htouthou1 1be- wnrlJ on May J l'h( n1im.1t1:J d,un.,JC ~A\ $10 Nlliun .1111:r tbC' bui ddch·d flj('1 an,l i;t'll.,h,·d CN111~1.1h·f ne1ww1r. fhil a11Ju;J, 111011ip1cd U'I•· I 'nil<'tl StntC'c anJ 1.ckln1rin arnd 1J tht" ""'llflJ to caU ror better C\ \CC1&r1l) ~\ wiill a., h~n.htt puallk" I<' ofkckkn:. Mlt't 11trn.lyin1 thl." wun:c- l()dc 111,·c,..1,1•Ji.\t u~J the h\lg h,1tk 1" ui.c II Jtovr "llltkfllJi 1111\\1.\ l•,,mpu1cr
Pago 8'9 THE SEmlNEL ~~~r.::·:i~;:'~~J JiuWIW)· ror-a 11,k:1 rrir Mure than to:) ,1;,t,lltp: MuJ.: 1111, ractd down chc: \kifin N1c·, t.cb:all teJ1,n pt:.orJ ((1Ur1h m R.egioo 1$1 fhc Cunlml'I.I ~u k'nn• pmcluc(d rnur m:inor kllJPIIC druft pick,,. ·nit,1«-nlmt.1.\i,;wxoc ·;a:. j1wlln' thh )(;II Wlffl bw)JJ, 111.tMcloflucnl fpKIUl\'\h, Tripand l"h.11 Pha,nl In 191.18 8111 Por111h \I..,._ 1ntW\'J lc4\ht}! him 1»ralyud tlulil\ltdl'l'l,IC)f)tllm l\ll'l'lth fl(IYr IC'~"\n UJ) th,c tniL:l ilJ hi, oU -l\1QII \Ch Kit Jlfl~l "ntl:,. (or I C•\'.,1tl1f"IU..-1dC'f'Mlnrru, Under 1hc dui:"1iu11 «r Tm)' J11t1Ct. tht :o.ymphn1u..: tialld pcrfc,oncJ nw1111110,1 nr 1t1tlfuulllnSpi1if"for .1 pKlt°Jc:m.,.,J. hat Moo- 1nr,-1,,, Ov1 klc1f J\l.'I 1UhM'nl 'lflJl.icnl\tO \f.1,it,. ll&.ab.itllo.'h'tbC) NW 111"1d bll.,~l lhmunti 1hc 1;an 1md11f, l'htCfflll\'~ )-C.1r;1dY1111cc4 "hcrelhenQ 11.Rdlhc•o.1 l(\\'l\ h \\'once• fiN,;ml 0~'&1 ploo h1 ~"On.I~ NATI ONAL/INTERNATIONAL NEWS .J ,\!'<IJA KY • Saf(' turn or tbl' clod,. After )'Cllf' of 11nuc-rp,1UC1n l°"Ompurco. •nd cloekl 1umcd mhlnighr ~1dwut11n) sli1cl1 .1nd 1bt .. 1'11 k:ntlWit 11\ th< 011 11 ,cnmum\,rY.lK bug k'h IN PfPblerm in b wakeri:;0~;:~~ie n11111e __llK.T h1.1bili,,· 10 thUinJub,h l bc lilflw•r,cc ~l\lotclt 11}()1) anl! !(lfJO bccau,e or programs 1b.A1 ul-Cd ahhn:vi11t1qnt, IJ\c: 74 or 1974 t t'I u,·e c(,mputcr ,p.,cc.
• Rams win the Super Bcn,I ARcr a lO'<Ulf pn-,·1n11, \C.1'1(1rt lhc l(am, V.t'n1 11· (; 10 t¢Sul:ir ~.1.f.On pby mukinJ. ii h> SupN Dov. I X.XX JV 11.gain,1 1hc tl(WI)' rt l11Cill~ 1·cn11b~I.' T i t1ns. pn:vaoo'>I)' lb( H o11~1on Oik:R.
t.0mpa.1gn ag.auhl h lamic ~cp:1.,111,,1, m 1hc bn,U..,way ku.1,~i1u1 rtpublic ()(Cfs«hl\)'I.
duch fro:m (amotJi pop 11u,1\~ \till' h~ koh ·room.\. [',\CtllM and Erk Cl1p11111 II ,.,Id mc,r-c 1h:lB 6 milllun CIQoJlic, 11.1 thr un-., of 1lw- 1uu1,J.,. Supcm.1tur1I r«fi\'i:d It uutn11ia11011, 1n 11) tlllCt•'H'lC> winning a11 but Mc 1or 111,1.rumcrU•l l.'ut!Jp<klllurl """' p:trt or ,he J.211n 111111111: mfwCtntfl l of 191)9 nJ !Otlt:J 1;1t1h ,ml~h 11\:e Jcnnlfrr Lopt,~ l'tim11111 Atulkrn .&nd Ricky M ntn MAKl 'II • :-.ASD,\Q hi" 5,000 · poln1m11rl f'~lcd bv b ,t«h «;,•ntpu.l~·Bd fntCtrlCI bo~ cc>mpw111n, 1hc NASO,\(.) Md\k n~r~ •
Jlid <'Ulh1tt-,, 11in, u.galn~l lltt ijjJIJlily JI( "Hflit'll lli1d P\\l)nfl ll ,Ulot "in, ap1ni.1 hum1U1 n~·ht ht ,1t~h11n111hc roprc uudt .i pilp:timat:c to, dK' Mi ddle ~i,.t U\IC' Mtthpl ~ uf fhn 1i .u11t) Ih,,
CullcJe t6 \fa111l.A. e.ar1ulil 01 l!ie Ph1l1rr11n, !"he Hlll~ 1prc,1,I tt)' c-m;u) lft Ill<' t'C'-1 ril IM° I,,~ inkc1111i; 1hr- \tiu\1 .ult <)utloul. 11pph\1t.bllft • India hllllon J,111!;1 tl.':S..ik'l11t on-- ~11hl•1111l Cltl/l'tl a111he'<llOhcl i=uvr1tn. 1n the \\otlJ 1u Jo '\O, ~fa,)' t I l\ill1 1111t1 ciut;n ""'" 111UJll.'•I A\th.1. "hkh m<am 11U1hin lli ltdu Olln:iml, u,.l.'..J lb•~ J\cnh tl'I "';~ic;:1 1 ;.'.:n'; 1 :. 1 ~':1r <'I 1,9 Jtm~ni. nt,,,d
OutJut,r Pur,.ult.. kkktJ ofl Ille oe9. '!,('(IIC:,l~I ~llh n btk.illJtnpto,tie 11!.1\\adi.1 rra111111ht R1nC1'nioc Mown..i111.
In lhtlr \t(;Ol'ld )<'iU II "'lf'\.11) ~I. 1he l..iJ) L)i1d~ r,l;a,,;,·JK'i.,,rnl iri 1!1c S\.\Mt"CltllfT1Ut11t11t l'\ilC , a:111.iul pn-wwnw v,;ro. ('lll''d a ptlol !<UC""'l'ht cilml"J, inU..1tlhtt,1,•,.a, l111~1"1thdi1Pi.!11J;an<I lii~cnry 1,,i,I nnJpcrfc.m..'4J r,ylJ~ l«llJJnill.u'lu1ht,.
fh.1uti..-. twulttbl ;m 1he1' by {Jucdoud'uNJlt 1.hl 111111.·~1Q'bmlul P111Lf1 l1.Xl-<l1n~JOJ ,t.l\·C'f\Cuf(I
hn.11.1(:hltn"t ~'"mld1np. ,t,iucd1e .!1111'
fon~('.ptr}'t1n \11hh,1~ttl•lll111v.1II tlun.t a., 1b1.• ,not,I pc,r11l~1,J ('l'Unl'} tn ordin& I0\(11114! r,l,"l('rtll.
t•ftd J)raltt'- unton\lihttional ·A ,tfpli, rllg1,;,nf.rom~ h<w.11\\\,h
JU11tli,I 1hichoohi led 'f"W11nl lffl II flnl)' fot llhh, Coun c.1~c:
lfi<o ,1bility In dll '" flsc h 3 VOl4t «1Uhl'J uu.cuq,U111dun.1l 1u rta)'CI JU d!,'\C CH'Ol<, ( llit i.c:p;ir.1UN1 111 clmt\ h .in,J '< t.lllJ"IC:J U1 19'}J i11 • ~nutJ IOIUI 111 Tn.u
•t f•milk-. 1,hallca,cJ 1lic k. h1111I', 1rnJi1i1111
KbcJnrc \id,off •• 1lii!ir 11,L,h M.·hc111,l'1
Card1nnl Mr11', R.1.,U'1h.11l ~aRC\llllt~iOll'NlU\11 \lo O-.,_,i<..1~11lt;PJieh.alkftnkflttd r«mlb.
ti,~1on.1n lhc C('fQbr J.t11A11'1 1hc All-SttrGimea"'5
1ti.: lu,~h,Jn 1hr ~me )1.'IU. lo the limb Sh.14
o1H·1;11ed 'R l"'u11, ;mJ lb. 7 rc~in1h per r.11me-
A1!ct 1ht r,un~ Bo,-1c,n Ctll~ Jf't'.ll L1tr)' 8irJ hu~i: up hi, i,1wcl ll<t llkli.J111,.·~ 1.-"t'la..;h
• \lhfd lr E.i.~l puc~ talk.~ N>IJap t
l't~C' 1111&.1 Ill C1111111 l l1n1,I bml,.c du\\ n on folJ
1n ;&nJ lhc 1'11IC11ttn1,11l \ut~tit) couad 11'1)1
.a~ru no rlnl d.rom l"F...1.,1 Jtn1~.alcm Tith ~11, the h1..-11kJ11-.·n uf lnlt'U..c J .-.Ja) n£g(lll i.1t1U1l• bl.-hl
'llw,ugh I Jl('ill."C iq•n:cmccit \\;!.\ not t'Udb.::d. k 11\kn ul l,t,tlt <~11t11c, u,d tic) pli.utni;J tu ttwh'C lhe j\\U~ 11111.J hlld 1fhlik,.l di.:" JY,Htrnllllnn ,.,t,l«-•1.k,.
Al't.t I
• RU'I\IMn ,uh ,lnli.s kllllnit t18
011nn1 na;,at\('C 1n 1hc: lturc 11U Sc.i 1111
nrlv~iun "-"H~ ..1 R11,,ii,1.111111c:len1,t. l bc
A.1ml, l(\lhco,:'-'110 tl('l('lr, 1.ipJni. all c1l 1hc cilhcrn :UIJ 'llllllnfl IR\i1Jc Afk"tllHhla) tt"':u,:c,pc.ot.1tin,11. l'\Pt'\lo·c;i11n
dl\Cfl lnund no1;1oht1B
Tiu• l\\\• lcad,•r ..:11td "<"n: r~'CO\ff't'd wnhout
l('.,\l, all« .al1 l'\('l'h\lVC' t.oll\<llgC' Pjt<tlllltlCI
• \mlrnlla'"' 2000 Olimpie1 ·'bt-\1 ,we.r-··
l'r-.c1.'t \lrhill lhi- '!OOOOl yinfH( Wtl1 he. 11:111,,'mhefCiJ h•1 ftom ""'h'I "P'I""' hJ wf'(',thns thC' t nttc-d S1,1.ln UP-,1:'I Iii.. ,.n,ld ,_,,h '(Om,c
"'c•\('mb(f 'A \ti:m1h nt ~.h~lm~,· 1,rooi;b111 ..c:,iou, ti..11111.,.h to Nil' ·\tui,1b .,.,11, .J ,;,,.). llhol11 dc-«11 11nJ fotldd.Jrnlmcir1R.1li11ii
' ll~•rb:~,~:::.~~-;~r:u
i tll.'f'o p-...:d Ill 11 nlhcr 1."0Ufltri"1nryc.1"" l"H1pontnh "lM 1tt..t lhi~ ,,iU tuulJ 1r;a.n,form iJ.b..,nJt>1hrnut.ing1be111 n1111C'au:c"M>111'c1:11J
h'iill\Aflt'IWilllllltl 'lB the sold. A, u ,h«k rnthrirhc,,mt" 11nd tbtrt\l urct,eo \\lltld lhC) ro,<,l •IMI pa:tlldc:,llht'IIJ"Chl', 001.hcp(l\JJmtt NC'W'IP.lflC'U, tbRtUMb1K11 tbr 1,.11untf) c1111,kutnt:1I IIM':111 (u, l11<1r .e.:liun,. l he l!n1kd Sllll('I \lo'lt'l lh(' '11£1."l'\I fl1\'1JIJ \l,'ltln('f ""·i1t111h>talnr97111d11I,. \ll ioM llu11n11h( '"lo,11111ctrrnnt1lc,.1h,: rteio~1·M nl tbc lntcrnalK'loul C)l)'mpi-. Com111Utt('. Jua,1 An1oniu Sam11nu1 h «kl'rn,·J ttK- 211011 Cllym('IC's 1lw bc,t (\·er He -aid dw;')' -~IJ n,ie ha,·c: hi'c:n bcurr • AbortJon ,,11111pprn,·t!d The M)A ,1pprnv('IJ lhc d\C. •f 11.c ,.1 ~n,un r,11 RU .&8l• ltl Scj,tcmbc, nu,."'" c:1•1•1•lcrc~ a mJjut ~"*"Y IUf 111,.II\ l,1, 1nortpm111c
orf'!'1flf'ftt\ 1Jld th.:11 tb( J1'U h ,J.ah)!CHW II.I 11,,· womaD'• rh> ,11;11l 110J rnirnt.21 l~hh l'bc! plll 1111nl l'l" 1,1~ h) 111.c 19th tl!L~ nl 1/,e r~lfllUlC). O t:T( ) hf.11
• Yanktt11o win Suh\l"a, St-rib Thcfir,,1WucldScnr~1"'t""C\:Bthl.:~Y
SIPI)' .auiS plM.o llhuC"'li(lfl b) Ju,1,h Stodnr f.4,r,,,,m.('Ju-..f lll1"1t.1h11nhy
&nl1MI rrporrrr
II rrt:"ll1l<"1111~J cki.,111a oo n., 6. Sloobodnn
lrll t)l(N.1!' D muu: dl,ll hllllol. h1, lnt1~ iWIOCT'.allc rule w11h him.
Afu•t d11.y,, \.\f pn,11.,1Jn5: ~ru,~ abc dfflion, tht:R:
W;l\ «ldV.11kln fnf th!! .,L kM"A 11."lfg,tfflCn! ar dlt
'\-"tl;tllf)' c~I V,~t•l,a\ !\Mll,ll)i~L 'Otilek:cii(lfl lft'ln (()ll)Jll..'f"(li ,I \l..!111"), fotlleltkll,.'111~')'1.t)Jlpcatc(UJ enJ '" a f'(1 <iht) \o'lnkl\l rr~·flhn,1111
• l.JSS Cc,tt· bnmhtd In Ytmir:n
Su1c1JC' t•muhrn .alllk:krd, • l S Ship mo Vcltl(:n PJ(I. Oi.1. 11, k.t'rinp ;1,r..:ipinJ:t hok in the ,i(k of the N,1,,")' Wilt'hip 1111,l I i ~l'\'"" mt.tnhtn ck.kt ll1e .an111:k v,·.n hl111nrJ on lt'lf(lm,I\ rmmpcing lk,J.l<•fit <11111u11 la rkJJ!r to fm,J .1m.t huld ilC(<M.lfltabk IIXl'it tt11.p)n,ihle.
• Pmldtnd1d dl'C'liu11100 cl~ to call
Or, Nu\· 7. lbc-n11bon v,'t':r111ud~poll\k'ld¢Cilk.l111t clii\OI IYNnki11:1.1I ck. "lluci In 1th1~ 1h11t1 IOI> )A~ ·nin"'1thol111tit- ntr:h1, Ocof¥'(' w Dush v. .o 1kd.arcd the v.1nnl'f, arid~ fcv. huurJ Lt1t:r 111lta n.v.ay from tum bcQ1u('pfin,i;Of'h'(1,ooot,. The flt\l fty. v.ttl.'l lft'\'l'C OIied wld1 l;aw,;uih b) the Gate- t;.1.inp;11p1 In i,lluv. h• ~~nb, .ind h)' II" 8\1,h c:,lmpi1as, I() \lnp IIWl'I. Bu\J\ lcpt II k"ad thn>ugbout rn,e.,.,ulUlh l1,1mm,...,,tblwl)o()~a~1\• IS-t 11.1\rr
• l •o·Ml'~f'rimc\Unkter~ r hud Haak. 1ht prune 11\llthh.'f uf htt!LI. r,.,.~ncd an 10 ,dl('t RMlflllbOI plil! pl"t\,.W~ 1'klllffltfl# fn,1111hc i."OOllkh 1111111 PaU,unc l">'\·a l~t kruQlum.
U11,1Cr 1,r,11tl'a b"' IJ..IOll. "'ill officl.411),O tOda) a11J llW'-' ~a) .1,1b-\.ud.;tla primi:m1J\11old"U111illht
1<mlitn c-k,:t1Ur1
• SUpr"'me C'ourt ln\oht'CI Jn tletllon blMdr
T~ December 12. 2000
-~ .11rn1y l!fH111(1n ,1.all."Ci •· r ri l1nd or rr11,}ct U.11Jc11b CO p.tl11i.:Jr,M ID .all >i.:1 nf n:li~ic,111 \llhi\ np l.i()l1d1 1 1.i.1or mrm0tl II\ 1h11 l'tS,cni-, hH1."Cl1 m the t.:l1t1IIU)' "'''" l&iJ ,luv. n June 7 <\ t1c1 ..:01111 IIJllJ:\' n.1'1:d 11\lll \-h1;11,wl1 klfl \·wlalcJ the Shl.'.'n1t.111 A1th·Tn1"1 ,\.,.\, I ,1tlid•lt nlkJ 1hi: rul1Rg 011:·u ,n.ihle 11,('y Mt !he 1111in& would~ 1Ut1N'J over in I TI,om.11, J,1d;'°° 1«.\nnllll.·nck,11h:11 U1e he hru rn up h> tk'11cfit lite tt1n,u11\t1 Ont ;,.,>e1ld tuo1Uc ~tnr0nf1', orcr11U,1JI' nJ ti"' uthct \\'ucilJ h.a11,J1i:'q,plk;il11•11, bnl h~tl'\ for !'iB,\ till" 111111, M\'P Sh.-1udle O"St'III." l1tlp lbt l.11 l.dt~ 1111.hbtd ch,e lc.t,:ot than1p1 •n\h1p lt,.111 d1uch1n, ~1111wc, die ln1ll,ut,1 l'k· ~ttci~111,kd•·l1h 1he.a..l pme1'tin I.JlfflC th,: J«t•llJ JOCl,.llll hi Wlo \1P\"
lf(lfl('tlJout pcrfot11•1m(~ .iod 11(11(' 1urrrl<1intt hrhlnot lht tli~111,1pt,c1 w~, 1h.11 of 1hc middle ""'h(lfll tucl~I. Rulun (j.,.hlnct'a Jtlc:-dt ('If uncJC'fC'.:sltJ (ve hum kUtsJ~ \h-x:in\lcr lii.llrtlln,r fort~ (;rc,;o. R(lm.•n •rc,du1i: &,t)hl Th11u1h ~bdor1 Jm1~ fell '11e,1c ,,r her ,~1 nl five ,,1k1 tt,1d.1fle1J1!t11hc 1IIJ v,.m .-n 11mat1n111htt<" g;old 111«l l"'flhn.ot1/c Annd1n- mrmomhl(i mmnent ..:,JJtltl wl1h Ilk' u11 ~p,.!f1qnan ll~c ~,,odu~t uf 11~ ll S mcq', rcl11)
Y~, 111uJ NY \td, u1 l-1 ).:"ur. Y..1, 111,l~'td 111 (h..t.ol'l('t lt11•m1g 1bt Yo.nt.\ wllh 1hrrcJ1lr.iiJ!}ll \\:r11hl "'='1w1 ln.t. Thi, "'°ll~ .it'° Jhc fu,.1 umc in II qllllf'fcr,<"n1ury tlul a 1tam \\OD thttt udo.. 1bc I~ IC""•m to du "° ,.~K' /\llllrttL\ • VujtOSmv leadt, \1110\t'\ic ,ttP' do\Ut \11ntl) \\
Ah~or 311 d~ ~,w~ uf Geo.qc W R1.1ih The ftn.l lk.·chton v,~ 1,1 h.i,t lbt Fliondl Supreme C11Urt m,lC"W 1bor rulu1s 1,,., 111m• h"ir h.,nd ,·ounb aid die V1.'Uftd
lnrtn("A, the
10 ct'.:oul'U 11.nno"l'kknOk,
nr u~ S_1.1prcmt Coun bcC1lrnc um,h-00 ii the tipl u,ct\lhn\lo'dl~MPCptt'\ldcnL. Tht- twubc".innii.
hc11<"ryour,_.n,c,. /\\1)11k'111l:k lll\li!l)'-"IIIC!'t"luf IUi! lc..u1c:mll1icr µ:p .inJ 111,, ,ti\'c me lld~k't'
V;ulfa Tdm1,ti..1l>id.a, b ~lelfl)lft
N us.t.<lftt.'t 0 \\-'ttr1h1hchc-,, N1lc1ba1t rC..>u C\'CI llllll!i\h) A \hch d JurtJ.11l. bc,,-.w.-.cht"'·,1 nn C'~«lltntbcl!-,.cthillJ rl..)~T\l,flol..llt'w wtw.tlk'¥>1~
s.,. ftt!Junm,11 Ou:d/,\'ln R~hmo"'1. \11
,.. <>'Brim (t..6,.S,..pbc IIIUf'(i \'-n~I 8'1lnak.W1.\li\l) VWlul )'Old ~lfilffllflf' A \ly t!fndu·, Tl'<'ntO'Btk'11
Q. Who r!Jl)l'IV*CS: )1Jti~llf,1'1'C'rl!J, t)cct1:t)'U1Jrg.11fflt''t .\ \1ymomha\ pumped ,r1e up .ii I mylifo&ml.l l~lo my bc\l hl ht:r boppy ,.~.. ..... (/.Mi,..,ou1at.,t!\CIL w,,J., i., !Mtlvasc,~l.(J b.UC'r ~'611r tJ 1ot • lt..GoJ,111eli,df he-Ip ni.e bet 1hc ~" P'll)('rlc..mhc
~::St. .ko-,.:1~ l'l'lnnl Q Wl,oil)•I.U ,:rqitn,t mtnl~ lNJd Wh)'• /'\. I kJI;>\ Uflhll'n)" di!J.lunltn'>ttt bl'GtU\ie hf h lll'l,·(1,)11.brtclU k«p OK' ln~IU\"lltcd.
f),O' r:iutu,rilll GUM!/1\'llli r-...w'l"l
(J \lho 1 "'<'F-1 i..k1boll 1,b)tr cvtrun,l\lihy" A.JonL1n.~ 1.11" h1, domuwc Ptc~n« Oft balh l'ftJ\ af Iht CtlUJ1
b,.i} &uyhomun: l\"'JI ~,J. Yu.,.i.11,·i,, Q Wh.11 ")(IIJ lilt .cu cdfi)JICJhd'r,rc Jpmi:'
1\ 1lt~4"'11to1P) mu,kfh,f!IJII) unm·t h1marlllnJ.
Hradco.11;h lotJlth!tC'.t.o\Oll Cofumhi..,. rcnn
Q. \\.h.aHOICh do you Jool 11J' It> 1uxl ~ll)'1
A, C'u,td1 fohn
WOQJcn ut U(]..J\ htcikhC bi: \I, II\ ••l\1>1),l.iir:in,lhm.1
1hc l'Jb)<n' be\l i.t\l('fT:\.hlUb{"_.1ri
P119 10 rne SENllNEL 3:: 3,000 cows are • g needl,d to supply • awholesea',()(l's : wortho1 :-E f<X~balls in 1he O NFL. . • • SPORTS New recrui ts scoring dividends ~f11Ar.1tlNIC freshman guard Jonathan Anderson leeps over a Nor1bwe:s1 All-St,, <:Jefendr-r tor an t1Hy buct<et. The Cardina1.s· only loss came 85-80 durfng NlC'a homo ThanksgMng tournament Leading league in points , Bonner boosts Cards Lo 9- l h) Ambtr St11dl\..·,11,n,t,,,,,,,. Off 10 •n ll'IClt'd1tik '>·I t.11111. Mtn'~ CanlinoJ ~Urittll,111 h,,1M(I l~CJ'I ffl1, UCIIUli ,1a,ce lb., •1)6.CJ7 tunJ Wt'ni 10 tt-.c NJ(~ \A Foo,. NI\ bu.i•U ~cconJ {'lice 1n thc Sc:t:au: V.,:,1 A1hk1k: Cunfcnmte 41nd lhc. SWAC lc.iJui, ,.con;, "..-\~fl fk1r1nn QI, JU ,.,.,.,11-u,, .,cr1i1?tn,g 25 pojnt~ ~r 1,•,1 nc lfo bc\l prrfOl'Olllncc comr ,1ra111w. Yalm1~ V~lle)' "1/u\ .?'J. "'hcnb:~~J Co.ld1 H1.1s-h Wnt\Cln ~d Donna cumo In rl~>· and ;,. • Ut.1111.'111.b.11 9\'C'l l•l lbc.' pni,nun Ah11 n1.1~lltg_ 11n t11Jh1.111W111i canmh\lhun I\ 1uatJ Wm«oB 8n,c,l 1 lie t1i. \C'~·oc,d in lc-.:i,e in n.uim., ,n·cr.11111, 7 &t, f'll.'t game •ml o.te"iah With l ptf 1•m<" Bt1'()k11 h.a, comm111cd 10 pla) .u Gnn1:ar11 Unn~cy nc-,1 '."r.lll' Thrt Cnrduu1I, Alt' .,.\'.'ntF•fll' 39_,, p.-i1nh r,cr 1w,ic 11.1,J hu1J.m11 lhctf oVflUhtnl1 tu 70.J. ''\lu· Alt fl'Cu1rn1 on ~r ddtn-.c nght IIQW,00 SUIIN (>i:,,nood a....'t)n , ;..hub K1ndii: lt111J\ 1hc team In rebound,, 11.,mJtn, 9" ptr 9..imc. \ ..i\&h, · 1.Utle VP T11rt1ph.a,·idu.t. bccllUIC <"IJ@lble bee 8 aflt't he fCiX'l\l:'d h11 1dc.;1-...· from Hn•arJ C.ellcg.: He -.ct)lt"d I~ point" 1n hi~ hr.I,c few ~IC: NIC 110\I., Wtna1..;l1tt Vallry C.C t0f11gl11 at 1:'.m p.m. ,1C Chrh1Wl1!atll G)ff\"'1dUffllllt Canb wUl ,'1\ll Cc,h1mb11 8;1:on C<>O~ Dec 191111dWt'rtatdlt't' VDllC) C.C Dt,c; 20 NJC will pb)• ho\tto Yt1.bm11 V11Jlcy l~t" 21 al 7 '\Or.m Cardinal sophomore Mar1<o Kendle cheers on hie teammaloa from t.he bench durlng lhe Thanksglvl"1J IOUtn3mtnl held ol Christiansen Gymnasium l'IICJIOt>,, T-
REBUILT CARDS C(lfflpUnJb) Setltintl tl!ll0!'1tt l ti~ 9.unb.ln l'hPlCI Edltor Andy Tr.vii S('ll'l'h f.(lUor Ch11rlle L!h1n11n Curtic; Ptn(K'r Jr. 7. fl,r.JwN;n 011=1~1 Ho1fflf'llt1I \'• Q.V.'hatJO.)'IIIJcin torcth>rtdh..-tr,re: 11tu.•µrh.ffgll111c·.• A lbi.1t:ntl11n)' Wu f.m, CDiand ~. JJWlly('t Curtis Augu,tu, t,...6; fr\'.Jmllllll ..... v.._rct 8C' CJ Wbnffh,JU\·11tc, )'O'IWb.:tllC:t}1,IW' g.unr"' , 5tc,·c.n flurilll!"r, tle\:.llil\C!hc wort., hard nnd k b ti} tt:imrJi:WJn,100 ....... 6-0,ftobt1tllll ~:!7.J~t. Q \\11.1tflt•bo 11•1f:h•.tSC:f)""fUIW4 f!l.a)a'IOlittta )'JUl"lJ~' \ M> 11k'llllanJ rnylltl"llt1e.·l'\k J111n.tra1..JJ0,.hwi tn,i,IR'JIIC. Sh.'Vffl 8on""1', ,,. ft-:\~hoUJOtt 011«1J/Wmg Pr11::nt..,s.v~ Q V.homott\-ata ),>U to) bt1Wf ,)\IW ....... A \tydiid.1od 1.-i\llM:h Thiboul1 tnoli\'ale1nte11nJ lkJO'IO~IIC' P,ppcn 1-lll:IIC pl1t.) b-6..XIJ.'IM•i~ Oullldl'J'i~ ~ffllikn;,TO., Y'°'Wt,ll\_la Q Wha11yr,tir m,·nh>I or lw:ro? A.M.) 11\0m S:Dt"1~J,1mj\lMI Mikie1 b" F1ntu1111a Y-IJl(/f\1,J \fti,:Ol&Li,Min (J \\!iioullhc hC\r j,1.i~c:r e~er ;111£! -~r A l-'.a,IM.inll$\l.lll bct.uuo,c: be It.Id ~l 1l11:mcl\tll1.1\C C:\'CI~ tJ..) frtc,.~m .n G1.111fd c.,...J'A't'; Q.w1 111e~• 1>,ik1th>II r'-1'7 C\'Ctllt11J-bv AM.1t1Dl,10_1h). al.-i.c(·u)' l1.1111ot l1oO,;atf1CbC' ,~bit 1,hcio;~., ocr f1IIStiphtJrtkltl: p.,., ThN<lootl a-. 0111u,,,, .., flll•l•Yll1M)'l"lff(I
Fnt1hman Srlln Fal'bet drlbbln up tho flekt during• home game Nriy In the sea.on. Farber and three teamm11IH were namtd to the.NWA.ACC All,,$tar cum.
All-Stars Christiansen, Farber, Jorgensen and Lugar lead team
IIIIN fll lNI IIII ,... ,mew nnhy-'
-~f'llil'H'f ''""°""'
Ia 1~,1 fiN ) ll.\ an offk,.al \' \pc,tl. tJic
Cvdi11,11I men'1 wcttt -au..ill 11Qt.:un1plht\N fflC'
IIH'IC\fl('Cltd \\ 11h • l-1-S-2 o~cnall rc "Ord. tbt)'
ftillna,W to male 11 to dlC' ..antcrtooc c1MlmpM11\h•p
MJ1<)1.c1tiirJ .....
0 ; ;~ 1tandan!: .. fht· rrmtt wtm IIIHn·r wul
a Im t,, 1 ~m1lu,,.uhh1,:1111)(Jnr uahcatd or ro11/1/ l1twt' mu.1.i:lncd for1f'i"1)t.ilf t('l1fflt111tt.ake II 1hal fa,,.. IUII t'J~wlnttr, coatb Dill Mt'n',- Sotttt
,d. 11,c Cmh tool on Pltttt' l'()IICJC at b..1111t in .a
mAh:b-ur, lulo"An O.\ 1hc lcci Uo~I br.;llll."' af ,he 1-now 11:nd htr,,.,.. IN.'cri111 eiemricrlll.wc Ton,n,y Jorscn!al ...._ottJ tluth '1,,(C l'\ial, In lhe J11lll1Ul
Sl;-4',ill 8nr 1t•r•n-J "iu.;,,I m .1 - I lo\., w TiM'•ln\11
iltlflC!1<mi•rlNlin,1'Cfl In tbt' cUlh'1"1!1on t.imt tht. l-11rd• hla1tcd
111,'hhnc: 1-0. OrC'\N t·lunofloo IA'b Ri.ik.l1v.· 1111d Kip
Sh.ttl'lt.,oo c-.b 1 u~ t<111h
fll11,,1t Cillduw.l-;. V.dC' c...nll!'d c.-• 1ht ~W,\A("(' All
S111t ttam• C'urU, Chn•tbfU.tft. Bunn hthC"t
Jor~m,m lfflJ llct1 l ug:;r Ll,trolf \li1i• 1i.i11)N Ddtrn.u'C' l'layer of the Yur by ~1,cl\"'inlcr al 1l1r .:nd C1f •C4UJJI 11•;ml
"I r«I Jl'-,J ahlt\11 t"1r lt'4lt,,'ltl l.11;:. r hut I
Oti,:r ,u, 11.1nl0d Oh\hll\'C f'U)CI t•I lht- YCIII
JdA Dami< lltil\ hunPff'J M \loo.I \::ttuahk l'l:l}lt
lbc- ~fo h~111rNcd l'l,1)-t• ,iw.ud n, '" foci
Stul>lc ·Earl.)' ht lhC' ,C'1io.c1t1 be him hi ,rnltt
l'-hct1\l.>l11!Cf ....a11J ltld hard !hC' I.a"- fh'C'
l,llhn ,.l)lj hr m,t,,k a llttllfkf.f11 (0110001tun n 1ht
0~<taJI, fi'<'OWllltC't plJ he \\.U, ,er, l!ill!ihCJ
'11>1,h I~ M:tl'°'I. I f'Otllh•.
"The v.em .il,cHc .-nJ N°)mi.J •nyrhini
:./JJ)ln:'~"UII.IJh;.\'C U11.t;1ntd. ~sa!J
b) (~ni, lidam'CIUrl
\,;n,W/tr{'1>tttr T ill:' 'JI(..° i,;fou ({I\HIII) IUU1\ (1111\fl.l S•turd~)', NO\' lit al lht' SJCAA '-h&Ju1•ioJt,hip,. tt:.tnlY.uti. UIJl..l."tt Ui,e J1tkrt"ncc SIC cm" ('Oul'll1) ~0.11.h \\''R, ~.u rlclb(:d .,,..,1h 1b( 1~111 'Ok' nllC'fl'1 1.:au1 fllih:tll Ollh In 1ht llld111rt .,,folt' the ...,,irrc·n • ll'.lfflll'llJI..C\'1;'Rlb. l~ nlt'n', ti,X' f•nl'\e,J Ill he • d~ flohb ll,chf1h lht fi~ fol' ~t(." nmom. 11.:d .,..,th B-cn1111 ,·lik,lll), fkfd. Pl!IDw,1. tNIC.'it.l,1b runner!"''' ~()' J.i..:tPr in hfuli.t•,: 1h1' hllh ("I.Kt' 1,e h)' f111i,)11ntt•,11Jttl 8MWCtC!Jl(MC)' J.~1,thni~r To!J1I "''" r11,lt)cf J 4\.c Cit) hl1h k.1-..tOI ,1~ l'li.;,rht M1lkr 'lllo,:tt bp(:h tey hJ1Vtl'11 ,ra 1h1~ l.ti:c. 111 v.cll. l 1d. phKC!d 1~11 in tht rate tcc:or\kJ 1he bN flnh.h fo, 1111 NIC frc,tunan 1n
-C.U..Jl'm S..doy l lO Y Coleeo, 7 pm Tuad,y 23 CnlNIW'alalqtiM V"'Nffll1 1·JIJp111. .,, , u C.o,p 7J(J,vn..F1ltl4 JdA 16.. lqtoa II T•.-. all tb1, 5,.ani,, Feb J. eMID'1S.ktdiall w...rc1n ,._., c.c 1 .tar"' lltduT _,z. ODilllaMa 1 lO p nt Tvndl) Doc. It. w v....,. c.c.,1.JOpm.. w-.y.
l«uc;huthn.· (°o111t'IKA /ol,t-1 w•, l1n110C'Cd with the Av.1uJ 11nJ at I NWAA(."C' All Stat
11"K11< th.111 11 """'11<.t... L,le C"ii,a, r.~,1,u.tC" c:b..,l1rJ.ftltn- fuu•hc,I 2:71h
l.twl\ ~11, 11\1t1ai 11111,,1 or C"CIIOl1un1gemrm.~
1.1'1 :1.1i{J "the 1ul1 •~re"''" ,tWt~fflC'" •ilh
Ui.rn ,uppo11 l'IIC') -.,c,c a11 01ttr 1hc cour~ th«nnJ !J.'C,(\ U111ht "v.omtf!'a ~Jc. J;an,,e-1 l·il.ll ca..kJ her fln.J
u,,~, counir, rxc a1o il-h NIC runatr. cl4l • hlJI~
"'"'~· b-t rbri"I I ht Pllt ttf '10 ninntn- tier uric
u( Z() nu nul.C\.. tf1rtt toa.'C) \lo ,.~ • p<(\t\C\ll,J llc<ol
l\lf llie Ml v,ptM110fl:', N"t<lhmnfl Jul_. l'c.tmc,i
•hu 1.rcur.kd • rc:r.oiuJ tx--'4 pf :Q mlnu1t, 11 '
•<, M p!.a..c \Nh
l'.'001..h tall> ltlUllnllh.-d Pio!'~ """""°'' s.,iJ. "'I
ah1o<1p n,n rt-\ln "'hen I nin b)· the' c~b .1nd
lhcN I •!ov. Ji,wp •her• {'oti,1der1nr 1b111 th<
\U&"h """' ;i.11 t''"' 1hc CUur"° 1-lc:kt'oOCI
,tidn'1 h,,,c inuch 1in'IC 10 ,f(lwdo',\a. Rld., t"ulleJ~. the dclc,n1J1111 cham1rn111\. ,,.µtujl~ ,v.c1111h,r tl:'Am 111Jn on boch 1hc ntC'fl"
the ~.1\1.lrl
1ll l1l·LuU 111,:,1 )att111Jm. 20
Wlt.u.C.C.7.lOp..,.SUmdoy,lut ll S...l" 1:JOpm, I~ --C6p 8p.m 5-doy 1 w c""""-,-·1•h 1.,0,. n..,..,.,., ,,,. 2j
T.-.,Y, Doc 12. :ZOOO SPORT S ntE SENTINEi. Paoa 11 ,.,,_
.. -Ntc'a Stryder Davit ttln 10 get out from I.N1dtr Brandon CINvu of
community Colte,je. NIC won the Doc 8 ntalCIL
ewra111na a,,a-c.,,,,..
,."· ""'1!hw Cellep.
1 4Thu,,...,..J.._-~.7·.IOp.1".,
Fridl)'.J-. 11 Clodt-.T-all doy.$.11-7. I) ,_c.,,,,., No,--..,..,.,.., J-. 17 --W,-loa°""1t, 7 Frtdll,. , 19 c Colotle. -Soomloy. 1-. :io.
1-.IQ,.. l'llo
De<. 20. ,_ro11qcc.1 '°"''"· ,.........., o.c. 21. -C.U..7.IOpm,Satuttby Joo f, LWV..,,S...C:.a.,; •Or• r'4#NfMt. , /1.
place MVP Wal,h lc:tt.L, le:im to ehampion,hip game b) .\mkf' St11dl ·''""'"'"'''P''"" Cn;u:h HIii tnet1Y11n1~, allflh111~J lhC' LuJ.> ("a,d, t,Qtt('f ~V\.\b\ lll 1h, d1 1 rbt mM~ run dlC') h,if 1h, hcurr lhe, rl•)cd. "ihid, ,r,ulJnJ 1n. more \',Ifft. The~ tml\l tu.,( b«t1 h,n·•ne lun all the Ulll<' bce:;11.u.,c: 1hclAJ) Caf\l, f111,•llt\l w,lba lfi. ~.z 1t"u1t~., 1C'nthd pl111;0 111 1ht S\\ >\ACC: Cl1.1m111, ti\h1p Nlw 19 &1h h) 01t1n) w.,~ 11nd bt1.1h111'k;l11rulec.110,11.Jw111111 .ts:,.u~ So111h~,Nrm 011:pm ln 1hc qurlcrl 1n1I m~u.,;h The I ady C.ird• •dv,u,ccJ 10 the 1.tn11-ht1•h v.hch· lh(y \li,crc finall) o1bk to Mcrcnmc IQhg time 11\.tt t'olt1mh111 ll,Hin ('nUc~,... K;111t Kupcn M.:llf\"J m u\·tnune H MC 'o\un ).? Pt.., Ing 111 lh.l' 1.·hampion-.h1r rnmc .11~a11111 Edrnon1h, tbc t...t,Gir-d,1dt2..U '"thlr J01.I Yl'a\ 10 S,tl 1n the .:h,111p1u101ur, •nJ till, c Jttl l-:,t,('/l11oanlcrJ;11J l::,wn-1ntc1 hdJ illl tnJ·ul 1~\C&WI\ ~1'111tl'I CfftM\nn)' .11:nJ i.lidc !tl•ow (nt U'IC pl.l)CI, Ore ' Hr•du:·1 H4)' •nd Kt1111in) Co, "°"''c c.11d1 1,1,c11 t.pc..ial .i••rd, h•f thc1t ,ic~·ornpli,hrncnh hl>cl1 on 1111J otl •he (JCIJ (;u,ali.c<J'(r Scn:1u l'ruumn IC't&'OS'J the .,_,11,1-lmpruvcJ l'111)tt itw111J f:.a1en.,.1nt.;r "W11J Pn111mn 11o.n .alW,l)\ pr.,l1rc11,1 her 1«hn,~1,1C:J ,,J14
to second k1ll1. Wuh iHI 'I(' ftCotd lJ annh, Cut,)' \ld~lt v.·:i~ 1nu,111t.l'd .u CHl<art•hc l'b>'l't <if 1ht Yt'ar, .SM ,~il, .i.tmt~ 10 the NWAAl'< All-~sur tum l>ckn1lw 111.a)'tt ,,1 the \-ur "'•' av.:ardl"J ,~ s.-r~I• Mt)'fr Mcyr, "·n •h.11 n.un1.·J to 1hc .\II S1 u IC'.alll a11J the: A(uJcr,u-. N1-Sw t.c.atn v.1th • lHCiPA "Out d1cm11,t')· w111 the le) lo oPt u,1,,,;C'-~ Meyer- uhl \l,C' 1u 1 r(',111) j',l 1cis.-c1M'1 ., np,..:te!d ,Hid dt'•e'n,tJ rc1.-..11n11io11. She 1hr loCCODd all Un~ ~1n~ h:aJc:1 ..\IM'lf«C'i'tlRJ{ t\ll,!1.t:iir:1U111, 111 Ult NW/v\C'C ,..ctt Tdlany lkd, .tnJ. ""''~ Kn11«L 8f)n Otthn w1• .i l\e.tdrmu: Alt • !-i1~rc,;Lplct1L 'it.orins a 1 NIC' tc:'i:urdl7 ,:oalt thi, lt'UOft. C:hriu,} W i1h,h """ hunmcd -' Mo\t \ ,1uabfc Pl.i>·cr \\-al•II v.·a, .1l'IU n1111lrJ ,n S\.\AAC(• All Siar, itnd '-•i. 11:uncJ MVP t'( the \II J4tl'IC, "'I lit·,.\ 11n urc 1f I ~01,1S.J he: "11 auC'I h> the tcln-t ti\ the hcllNUllt,• \I, .shh uJd. "tlUI I j\1\1 urnc 1n lllll ~cppcd ii 1,1p a hnl.etou.· h1'<n"'in1cr 1h.anLcd 1ll 1hc pla)'t'fC for their h.aiJc ...,o,i.. •nd ukl ht laiok• fClfVt<1.rd 10 1:t1~,p11n11 ChrlM)'Wololt passe•toa inmmate <lurinQagame eart&M lhl• -··Wolsl>ICOl'O<l a record 17 goals thlsM1son1.nd wu named turn MVP ,,__
rrt-i.cn1cd lhh, to thC' pl.syc1 ht 1th ,.,nt •tlinl' and ht)l'nJ "h,r
Peterson breaks through
111\d .,,..l"tl("'" ,1~ fhc- l1n1 Cf1Ad. m1;d TbNM.1·.Jn,, JJ ,.,__ V""'1 t.C., 1· JO p ..._ S-•"'4> lm&.11 111d, C.U.,. 7 lt/ra, -··ft/,. I • Womna·, llaslidball Bia-Tou...,.. TBA. Tb,inday·Salwd,) 0..: 21-lO S,.U. c.c. 6 P.•• v,,.-.i,,. Jan l Rldol C.U.. S:JO p 10. 5-day. Ju. 6 W 11' C.C:,S.Jo,-a ,.....,I y I/Mir v.u.,-c.u.,.. "'°·····,...,,.,.,, )dJL "· s.llW,c.c J JOp.•. s-,loy J.,. IJ - C.U..,. 5;)11 p .......,, 1 ·~ INalec.llop HOp.m..,_.1,i.. lO.
ut ,.,_.,. v.u.,c.c., ,,.m,...___,, J•n 11. ,.a.,. 5 JO S.,.,.,, , J • Outdoor l'llnulll 5•111 Sdl•_M_ Doc. 16. !ilo.lllSilttr--J1L21). 111- .,.,.1 21. Al., ff.,..,_ Norlla, I• 27 c.- CaaldrJ Siu o.u. ,. i.. 21. SIIIIISc\-111-M.J A\'lludwAwaftNIIO.y Fet,.f fut 112,foma.allllltOD Outdoor,..,.._ 1697I09t'lf trbH U. Ltt"'ff lA,d,ltlllf llakln 8ulldn11,.
,·.a.,.•Is..,,..,. ,•••. 5,JO,,.,...
ttboulkb. AflJlc U'w,• i• mt\eJ (oudh in ~t't1nnt, Erm furpc:~· n ranked t1jbl.b n "IC-"llt and Am)'" n 11iu1l:cd Uhh 1n tbrcc potnl ficJJ 1,111li. 1""1K.ko NIC .Sfl'lppcd 111 ln1cs1 cJfotl •1•1no
Cu1orado N'l'lnh'*"·cnt.m 68·62 on Dec: 8.
Hc:ubcr Co• co,11r1bu1cd 12 potnll In 1hc lo•, Am) Lcwi1 di1l1c-lJ 01.11 ~ii ;a,,i\b, "'-ti1lc: F.d.llnJ ruUcd dll',1,fl JI ttbocn"h
On De( 5. lhc Lady Canhnth h<httd ,Ile
COfllmllmtl Collc>,e uf Spolanc. loq,c,y, 11 "ophomor< rrom 1 wi,p, Wa,b. led 1hc Co.nhn1h iri r(bauni.11- with \C'Y('n, while 1(0001 12 po1n1,. l\n11r Lcwu. • ~phomorc ftom Jeffeuoa Cit)', Mont
1"1ml 19 Li\1 ~\!Jfl An&k .1\Cf'llrlt'J J7
pc.r.:tn1 trom 1hC" Ocld T•,..o ,uncr Am)' l..t'wi• :t'"cragcd JO.S pt1ll\l11 ln1 ~a.\On for 1tK C'.ird,nah. She had 2 I pftint, .1nJ S rcbouncb. kad1n1 the Cinllru1h 10 a 82·'8 1.nu11C'rSP!)L1uae.
The Lady Cordinlih ph1yrd 01110 11 W•lli.
• reuarn:1111 ,opbomorc from \1hw,ula. MOOl l,il\l \(HOD Edlll.Dd ,ho• 4~ pt-r..:en1 fr<'tm 1hc field Col, 1 iopbomotC" (10m Tck:01, Wuh h11d 12 polnh ~nd ,,nc bloc;k 1.a,t ,a~ Joilc k4 the Cn11:ia1, in hloek.• aOO uenl'-- At11:11 1.cwh made 3 1hrtc.·polnlc-1• cl'I w hct 1$ poinl\ m the w,n ti.di.ind IICClf'Cd I) j)Otlth IC) ltO Ii.long V.i1h tour rebcicanWI i.nd 1brce a.ubh in NIC', Jo~~ 10 nul Rick" C"Ollcgc 75.,~ on No\ tit Angie 1.ewi~ had U poi.Ill, ,nd t11.o rebound,. CoA h•d U.) poinu a nd thrc-t ttbouod'" On No'\ l '1, The L.'td)" Cirdtli1h ,.kre11td Trcuuto V1&Ucy 68,65 Thr Cardi11a1" 01.urtt,aundcd Jrc:uurc- VaUrt .tl.JJ J\ffl)' Uwu had I 3 poinu. nlcit1t wllb fht rd,ouruh aod (~t 11:t~1~h- A11Jtt 1-A:wh hid IS pouu~. four rcboumh n.nd four,,, Edland hlld 10 reboundc, 11 poinL\ and v.-;1~ ,1. of j from the rrtt,,throw 1111<
17 year s la te r as NIC c o ach , Crimp s till e nj oy in g co mp e tition
by 'frbh1 U1m11¥tt Sr11111trl "lkl''"
NIC lrHhrnrm RildNI• AlhHt. tott, •nd 1t1phornare HNIIHfr Co• l•ap for• rebound versutthe NJC 1/umnl 1e11m. TIie C<lrus won 1/lclr homt season OPtf!IJf.
akm1 "'11h the peopk us the 1;1p-. aOO do'Nln ~ilh "inn.log 1ind 10~,iu: in vam ,pam.Crimp 1,11,d bi<. famlly i\ '-C"I') iupporu,·c. Heh married and hA'f 1hrcc tbu&l11crsLlnd~t1)", C1111n .nnd Caitlin. Hi.t. ol(k1;1 d1u1a:hicr pl~)'\ h;u.:lctbAII 1.1 the Unh'mh) ofUlab
M11gglo 0.11/ng up•pl•ydunno ,,,. hOITH} game llgal.n~t tM 11/umnl tum. Oetting retumfld to the C..rdlrtal taam •fter RHl,hlrllng IHI year b«.aun of a lool ln/ury. • 'i,,,.a tyl+,
2-lappg 2lolida!Js!
vllay aOp JOt.Cka,,h lu p.rlJ/•( Ju,!
'Tuiuur, 11,o~thukovltkarcas hol!tsl wighlspor! 18 & 7.Jp!
7-h, Powu 2/aus
C'Tlf7/J.Jrid'181111J SobirJlt/J ~ighl
4700Sdlk.~ Cl.:AYD (208)676-9938
• cJltout li<k ~.,,;..,i :Ti)toaola'
CoacbG"tt1 Crimph:i."
q1en1 17 ..CiUOQ\ iU the ¥i'C)rnc:t1~,bti.kc<NII CNCh nl Not1h JJIIM ColkJ'(. A nati\l.' of
C'oc-ut d'Atcnc. Crimp padullled (rum tbc Utthcnll) ltfColix..Jo, ,naJouns it! lh.\lOI)' Cr1mp ,aiJ tic- h4, •1wA)''l llttJ ha.d;ctb.t.ll, ~I he Md oo intcntu111 <'f eC1111Cl1ln1 ba~kctbill. Ml« gr11dtlllttng. Chtn;p t.io11aht hl'liC«)' AC C.anficlJ Middk S1,.:b0ol. Cant'ic-ld 1111.ked b1m imo~hirtS lbrtlgtnh gnidt-boy,· ha.,\etb.111 A )"Car lnier 11:at iuddeo dt:1uh or Oimp't r111bcr lorttd tum 10 ,1op 1cxl11nJt and eok'hin-it 111 ONC', 10 man ht, f.ubcr'\ bu~fDC''""· (."ump m.-Mk tm f11o1bcr-·~ hutdware ~ll11'C tmO I p;,ru AIOR. Spun~ ~Ital Nonh ld!lho CtilLcJe aued Crimp IQ c:tuch ar,d be h.i.-, b«1) 1hc-rc- c•'t.r i11ec lie h~" 'llr1)11 ""CNCb c,( lhc- )'Hr· In lhc confc-u::lk:.c ti\·C tinin ;WJ al'-<> 1~ tbc Lid)' CJttdin11b tn 1i•th pl:ic.e 1n ibc NJCAA Na1ioft11t Tnun,11mc.1u. ACC!Otdln• 10Cnmp thebt-1.t p.,tt t1fhl, .tQb I\ ,11;1dyjnJ •nd 1e11Chin• 1he s•mc ln hl" l<'•m. Cnwri t.0id. "'I tn,0)· !he C<tuipcttlion
'\1)' iav<lf1lc Jthlele J., M)' d.u.tthler Linduy." Crimp ,rud Hr ,11rcnd, 111 ffl1LR)' oC her f!Ull(II ill hit tC:,u.QQ allow, 111 bl1i fr« 1111,r Crimf' tajoy\ wcG.dui., Urfle' with his fmily, to.1c:hlng bi, "'11£,hlc,, And "'•tch1ni ti.u.kccbilll.
'"NIC 1, • ,-rclll ln<11111.1uon hh iu g~:d cd11t.ii11011 ;mod• JrClLI toiK:hln1t lc:vcl Cnmp·s (O\'OMlt NBA pllJ)'Ct' i • 0Jvc Ca"'"n,. bccllu\C' Co-.·cn11 w••~111111110 dlVc for1he b111I and cnAkc h1i Cclltc te.omtuntn bcitct. 6obby K11l11:h1 l, o ca;ach 1tQ1 Crimp rnpc1.'t-.. Att0NJn1 IO Crimp. "' Knigb1 hit\ ln Oucaa..;<d coUc.l(t ~(k;~b1dl i~ 1be bc.\l1t:11d1ttl'· Th<' \VNBA 11 a1rc-111 goalaad role mod(I (l1t Wf!nltn, 3CCOcdinrt 10 Cr1mr ~womcri·• bli.'(}.(tball i~ mi;,rr pure luniJ,uoentl) ..Cl'Ut1d,'' Crimp \i.ld ~women', hlu.kttbllt i, 111ill A thc·pcn,00 dJlrl.'.'f! Wucnrn·1;,bo.d,:~lb:I.II t, not.a~ \lilll'l\1111 a,.imf:'. 'Tbc N8A w11h 11~ J(1rd.iu1, b.i.s1ca.lly b a OC'lt·Nn
If Crimp 1."t>Ultl dlmin~tc one rule ln ,o,ncn·~ t,;;a ~c1bal1, he Yrtc.Mtld elimina.l.<' llk' 31}.1,C1:(Wld •hot docl<(e h Joe, 1)1)( Jl\'C I lttu11 Ion~ cl\l)u•II to n:5.-11\ ofrcruh-c1)' 1( the) 111,1,tc .11 mt\m).e
Paoe 12 THES£NTINEt. SPORT S Pl!cll0t,,N'J/lf1
Women JeadmJt tca_guc 1n ~,·cTJI \titti~cicol ca1cg0fles. open sc.-son .t-2 b)'Tri,holl&mb>rt &ntmrlrqtr•rtN W CMnen•, t,;,,.Ju-1bali 1, oil 1-., .t ~,hJ u,r, 1h1, )'rJt "'·uh • .t.l 1et1ml The C.airdln.ah "" ran,cd fifth In the s«nk' Wc\l A1bkllC Coa(ctttu;~. ·Ok,:,• Am.1ntl.a falhind b ranked Nn. I , n field aoitl pe~cn,.,.g;c m ui 1hc Scc1nt' We" A1hk1ic Cew1ftttflec:. Afllli<- l.cwL~ " r;1nktd So 2 in 1tltcc· Of:lln.l field, m.udc. ADlll.D<b Edlund ii ronktd Untd for oftc:n1ivc:
They shoot, they score
W.alla Com111unlly Colle•(' OIi Dec :.? nnd 'WC'JIB t,5,-60. "n&tC L.cWi\ W.-OfCd poinh "'bi le An'I)' had 15 f!Oinu. aaJ lhtc:c ll.,}11,h. Annl.kkl Ch.imbcrlaln. • 1>l,fh'l'lno1t (tum WIiiow Spnng"', Mo .• con1riht1 ltd \even uuhl,. dutini 1he vk1u,, Chllmbcrl11in i• 1 1ran~cr (rQo!n 1hc Collc:11 {111ht01.1Jb On Nch 28, F.dllmd lO pufnts-•Def hrHI two blo.,:k, 111g•tiu1 8if Bc11• Cummu11ll) C1>llcgr- duriOJ? NIC''s \'ic:l!Jt) 66...til Edland h
I I POSTFALLS NO SPEC IAL EFFECTS ITJllru[TI l:A$H You, COiiege OO<)l<SIOlo 18 buying bOOks bocl< Slop wailll'IQ ao bo wcw.,,ed Go GQ!.11111 y0.11 books. ~ NIC Bookstore 5 Days: Monday thru Friday Monday-Thursday 7:30 am-5:00 pm Friday 7:30 am ·11 :30 am December 18-22 ... ·,, ~,t/ UIIIE ;(J'.'."' 77J -7s7s , .:,..... HAPPY HOUR '5 DAYS A WEJ,:XI" BOW/JNG ./:00 TJIJ. 5:10 &1r.N1-01rr , J l'I.JfR<IGHT CASINO ll()WUNG i ! , il9AU STAR1S,IT8:30 JI ' '< flRAF'T'S (WfFR.00.\/ IZOZ PO()t.TABLES I s,oo nu. DAKT' OOARI> CU)SI-. /QT$FUNCOl/£ ! AVD~ii r':~ ~'S KAROl<Kl-.f.lM!'SAf : NIGHT 9·00 /111 I DI/AM : • •• lfNl)f£R NliW OWNER AND 1 MANAGfiMIJNT •• !
BASS 'P. •• cm 111n fli 9()() SEl,TICE
·Nearly 100 students take North Pole Cruise
ll10tl 1L""1.'Cn1 tiut11r ((Uhc. 'wnh • m,jmu)· uf
lh,:m bc1og 11ltl1
S\l •OOIICt hlld 1bt ,hip ctob•rkt't.l tru111
lnJ~pcnJc:n,c Pf11n1. duin 1hc DJ h<MI 1hc
\'.m\iltd \h:ll.ln~ lht1t .i ;,.c,
~\I 7· .\, .ti! V.ttt lft'llll,'J h),4 Uk.·lh
rm:•nrk, o.hl'lv.
J\fl('t 11\(' ,hi.hi,, the t.lnnling f('IIJltl('d, dc\plh.: i..l'd·ur rn('~ "rhc l)J (t)tllmucd l'lla>u•, ,h.,. hir. " 1h,-,rh lh(. ,,1~Jelttt)' ,.,, '"'" ldftJ!\ •<tf(' ctll1(( ")Ur-old II didn't
1>ttm 10 m,Uh'I 1h11\ly.h ti«ou,c 11.1 th< r.1to or fnto'(u;.otioo 1111,.,u.,ed ..., did 11\c t'tuwd'\ fll,IC'
1"'1( rnmr -1hn\,ng
A, ooth natc, i1KtfU<'i.l.11)c 1.Unc1: Root ""'Ill> h1,.•1,.-antini .i ,11tcalt plo11.'f tel be. f'~hlll-'llcl), p:-°'lc wcrt abk to 1n1alr.e • quick Irip cl\11Jide
10 ,;ovl Jown 8)' lhc tlmt II·'«) u.tlc-J ,1f(l\,111J, all h11d 1horootthlY cnjo)cJ 1hcm't'hC1>. anJ Ccv. -.ere rt.1i.l) Co le1tH'. Uu111 I\ Norlb l1bht,, 11.nd 11n)1luni 1ha1·'" fon t1r °"'~wh1u cn,o~blt b~,
W •it ('fti.l .lll • bad lhtie I SUit', U 'Niu
mJbl .•
'f'K)n...o,nt lhtt .annuol
c,cnt, 1,:l1i11Jmg !7 In ud,·an« 1ml.l 11D
1hr dcltk, The- d.&lk.>c, dubbtd Jnum9 le> lhcflit•rth Pok. "''~ plllnneJ ill 1.:on1u1ulh•n •01h 1hc fn:nt.1h)' 11'1 Lt$.ht( cekhrn111,m ill tht' Coeur
d'A lc:,14:R(\4.'111 St.111)" IDO rwr,k hcmJcJ 11h1r l(>'f 1h1,
C\'C')OI)( hll thC! 1-lukt. \(Jim('~,, them" hil
M)'*' lll d.c.n11.tniou\Jy \IIIIIJ!-lilll In
dnin:k, • rev, of 1bcm ho1 and all c•f 1hc1n withhcd Vw'1tb 1bc s.bvn ~tt)' uuhe l.>i:lf/llC lh(' ((W min(>r nJIW\. l'I\)' 1111\ and I IOOl. fof\l,i111i 10 lhtt IIC.\I ("rtll\C, Ml 'l't' Ul'I it'I "'hi i11td <-1.U"f
Marilyn Manson's latest release: the gitt that never stops giving
Concert features choir, sy mphony
Choir members to perform at Carnegie Hall In June
,,,,.,,.~tdtfu( FinaJ aJbum in hard. intense trilogy a ·great conclusion·
'"I nr\·ct tt•ll)I ti111.c:d th< cine ir~ G-o.,I tiul lhc God uf lh(' people I h.iuc:d.·· The,t ~lJ c11dy t,,c: 1bc: l)'Mc:• of oc,c pc:twn
Mllrllyn Manw,n rhn, llflc h pulled righ
Olli uf "Ohro,.,11hlc recrl\, f'-(>, .-0111n-
lale1( album mkJ ·Holy
W('lod (In 1bc V;illcy or lhe Sh.14hw, of Pu1h).•
·tt11I) Wl10d- i, lhc 1h1rJ 1111c QI ,1 trilog)' th1u
be:1.1n ._,,1h 1996'
"'An1ichra,1 !c;upeut11r.·
Vrhkb fu,rtu:r kd 1n
\kc:hanic:aJ Amm.&h,."
·Mtthonlcal Anuu11:1,-
"•• produ1.eJ lo 11.proc:.nt lhc point v.hcn
dit rcH1lu:1lon ,io1 1r1ofd
001" n c;o,·tr of ~uoly w,iod" tw, t.t cn quilt' ll
1op1t lri tuutic lllJf~ all -, the worl,I. Snmc
,tare,. ~uch u C 1rcu11 Cu)', h:n, ti imntd the albut11 or ,on.:e.ileJ 1h \'.OV('f from ctrn,u111cr11
The to,c:r or 1he album 11hov.-f II cruc.1flcd M.11n,C\n
•lltt a mn,,in1Jaw
-ne iron) 11 th~u m) po1n1 of 1hc phn10 oa 1h<'
at~um """' 111 ,bt,"'" 11C11Ple 1h,111tlc cru\'.lO(liOn l•I
C'hri,t 1•. lndccd, 11 \'iOlt"nl nriil$,e" 1.;11d Man,tln lo
• Mn1Hn1 Su,nc ff(l4,•rtn "In 111.1, 1hc p11:1ure
11,d( h, compo~d of .11 !,e ur Jr•.-11 u.l(C"n lrom
1 (llllrt: nl Y..or,htp M) J~"" h llll"fnf I\ Ii \)·mbl-11
of 11,i, ,cry ~1cw:t ,,f crn~or""ip Thn doc.,n I I'll\~ me 11ff ""'" 1t1lkh i., 11 plr.a\C''I tne, hccJIJ\t' 1hche Ctffcndcd l°I) my alb11rn \'.C'l~·c• h11,c •uc.ce,,full) p-toH" nl) ri,1111 n~c co,·cr ot lbt .1lbum n IC!t1.1.1lly llR 1m~gc ri, ttc.' fncluJeJ in• t<flc- 1ha1 I\ ,ho.,,.111.1n the in,11.k of 11,c: C"O 10~11 TIit' \.C!rit.t1 1&l1Wc, ll(plUalc lm1111:c,1orl'ptt1,Cnt ~fl .& tuJh prlC-\lt;\,, J\hlkc. a fool. o1 l'lcrmlt 110 emperor. 1he dtvil.-, m.ap1<i11n dnd 11 1'11eropl\::a111 fbt (n~cr 1, the 11n1,:c lh..Jt " 10 n:pH~,en1 1hc dw.o,;cd mom ol 1he •erit'\ It" ruli,~d 1h1u when f.ll'lllifl- Wtlh ~l/lft,()Q 0 OIU\I(, t1 i\ gu.ara,uc,:d 10 be highly ClifttlU\cnl1I J-n\l binl li~cning, b11f one t<'.all)' IOf>\ lheulc Wilh l)·rio lit(' -rm 110I il .,_l,Ht tn a w~rtd 1h;sl d~ll'I JJYC I 1tlit'• (""llM: r.-1ght Sona~,. mo,1 rctlplc rt ,oit11 to tum hod~ a11d •,1111Jcr whAI ,n &be •,ulfhl llm JU)' cttt1ld fl!(' l•ILinJ •boul arid \\hi1 h •rmif •·11h hirn
The 1,·ric.1 uf Cruc 1•fic1u>n tn'" rt,ul
M.iru.on·Jit l\cllcf ,n c,·oluuon, u dtlC• 111 Jfilphtc
illtMralinn tm 1he 1n\ld~ cn'.-et of t,.av,. 1hc hurn.n ,kul l ha,c dc\·eJopt:J r,,,m .ip1:1.
On a J1fttrc1n note. hl, lcclloJ!, on dc.tth
,1rnn;I> rcvt.aled ,n ~in the VaUt)' of the. Stuadtw, uf IJe,.tb,'" So. 7 01'1 ·Hof) WooJ_•
The r,nat 1hn111hl ol 1hu .1lt,urn t, 1ba1 11 , ~rut ,;un lu,uon tu, hi, h.a,J, 1n1cn~ tnluey 1bia1 ,till ~°'b ,hiJI, up the. ,pi11c\ or .ITI) lnlcntf
The NIC Cuocert Chmr and tbt Coeur d" Alrnc Sympbon)· ~ma JC1UIC'd 1u,c1tit:r f,,r • •rrl.""1al bolldtyLOl!Cdl Oto 91Wdtkt. lO!lndJll\('.~lt)' m, J.fw,.rdkJt"ohoUl'-
The: chatr l.1ckl'd n11b1 on by cnlL'nng Sd\ Auditlltlum 1hl'W¥,h the h:ikon) ~•uh eKh tlllM\btt baldittf '91..ult.llt. "-" the e.Mit j01ncd 1oFlhttun 'lo./:('. l.h.:ir ,uk:.n .towl) ...,wmcd Uk u-ov.-J ,moo cc>mronahle holkt.1)1 Mood Pl~•u.,n and "Wokum Yok1·• "A CcttmL•I\) Uf C'.nn•I, v.-"CR" l!M:! tsr,.1 tYol) ,onp. ~c,ni tl>t' Mage r r die m1 nf 1hr t'\aung l.ig:bting dllC .1111dtWfilllfl wm w,o !.l\'t·n.1mj Wln\\ll.i~,., hid'I ht-lp:,.ltl" l'ol,1,tL, 11t.11t,••flhc'tt
Tb~dloJtr pmvkird ligbtc:r 1111J ~IJsfltl_y oomof" ballad "bC"n lhey w,,1 Y01t'rr • Mc,1n Onr. M, Crim,:11. ll,eptCQrNou1h1 bai.k(w1111ernnric:,c.1fthr..:~"li.: Or. S...-lft\fn!J\ie' l'b: C'ari11c:h WhuSl11k
Cb,1'411\a..,." AIOCII( \l.'Ub l.hthil J1n1 Can:)' !flO\',cf 1111bc.ilrf\. 0.:'0f)# pb)cd Vl,'1')' v.1,:li h11hc< I.OnCn1
An1-.ibc:r lll11hUrb1 J•nn11h~ hoUdll) C'Ot.:cct "~ ...,flC'n a 11.11M dl,""tnit of ,n~w.t ftll <1w:r 1hc d1mr The llllmtruu,-1m1loonaudienl"CflX'mbro, ,ho,.cd bo-,1,· II IC'IIXh ii \\,1'-
T.,.,aily·M"\""C'n ,nii.krih land Cucu, J' Akqc w11111111nll) ttacm~ rlM 10 lfll:\-d Jn Nc-w Y,,rl. Cil)' to rcrform Sch~1bctt'1 M•~s fp G" 111 CAmcJi< IWI A'°"t ,.,th 1othtt ,lk~l'I fn,n1 CQf11niu11II) culk,.:i 11row>t.l the coumf), lhe group llopcl 10 p111 NIC •nd Cocu, d' Alcncoo the fNJ"I f~hll!h qcaafil) min1c.
1'1 help wuh I.he nn...nci:11 htltekn, ol thc uir, •etc J b.1l.c ,.u~ und lilfllc u k.<t11 ~I.nit MJld for• ~l'(.lw1nC)fl('Oflt"nJ11tlba.,~, Thcg:Jt1Uphe.llht111tlt- OlfArpk-1nltlnc..
Alumni plan annual fund-raiser
Northwest's wild game headlines interesting menu
Oy Kim Corper1I N' s""'.,.<'rrfl()fff'
An «ma0rdu1.ary c:uluwy CllpctltDC<' a\ about IO Utk rl.Kc: at the Wild f'f"~ lbr Ahuru11
A\_'ICJl..:LIIUoo "'jJI )1(11\( ,he W1lt.l Gan,c FC.t.\l t.o JISII. :?0 In lbt S1uds:111 Union. ButtdJn,
"1'ht\)'C:W S W,IJ"tllll v.111 ~I/( N"'1h•ntJ4ffir' ~,1h all1g:uotc..'lffl~lld•rrc111v'\
t<i n~lc d11t1it.1nlffc~11n1, · '-llJ O,lt k11tlMlrlMl.~tt1lftf'd :ulinat) thcf.
Thecnr>1ng~111,L1of,i fh-c-CWN' meal AppcllrCJ\1Ue..eo·td• hp.m. •nJdmnct \\-111
l.'Uffl.l'rlC:ftl"I' Ill 1 p.m Procttth cl,)t11 1hc AlmtUII >,<,<,lll:ia1mn Sthul;ar..h1p l·unJ 111 hdp NIC t,h1Jet1h.
Al 11~1)·', "lold·otll c,a,1. r.ulC",1111\cruvKlh •·n~ e l~a1,lt('d (k,h Tl111 yc41', m.un dub 1;U11,hb tif i:anbw \\ Ith ,kl "'"'"hroom J1,1;.. P•lnchot JIRIP tttth \l,1lh \'C~to1ht,:! l\1f11p.->tt .mJ \f'iC:)' ,r1.aa110
c:buu,cy V.1ing
Trejo's metal, plastic hands more than just eye pleasers
pl.&\IK 111tta11v1,,. ffVC'.&IUII' fa..N, "6J> p,,rh at>J, 0.1t- 'l(NC"\ 11!1td •·t·.fll<'rJI), rc-nniy, ,.,,..cin, m•.,\e\ of ,,h,t'J .,Ju1111111n1, 111 ti\<.' "'""lpcu,t', -n1t
,de.a of • rompltmcn1ing 1>ctio1 of ,c;u\r111r<• 1,
,1ni.tlW'I' 1brn.c wm111on ,n TttJ.,., uh1tit1
·1n C'llltn 'ldics t hn,c cttlllcd h.lnd, out of °N'iOI.I bmruc and alum111w11." ·rrcJ•, s.1,ld "1'1)f thk Jffln J
1t'l!Alln 1tn olmm.t 0,1.0a refcrc,i..-c- ui ullh11ni ,;oU'JIC
.and tn:)·clcd tl'lllk'flAh, • "' v.tll h 1hoo.c '41bJ«t ln:J~ u't"d 1tLAr,, c:h1l1
IIC'Vf.'.IC'"• 8arhl~. 1o:ul\ bru1.~,. , iarhlll' i11:111, uf
!l"lfl,a,gC' 111'J dlf(c~n1 lt'\turt:'f. 10 crc.ih:- fut 1»1c,1
In K~·, P.aflad1"('," I rfJO t'ttlllcd 11 "tt1lpcim: w11h
• JC""Vt naked ~In• .11 Kem WII Mll.t ,,chtr 1c,;)dtJ
1t('m-~ pl*"-cd #bumrily vn lbt Cll!t\'a\ oulline ,,( •
li.snJ S1mU11tl), ··R:trblC'.\- PN-.aJ1"'"' i.. a cl'lll.att (11 \lril)lli.~~f g.arb.,gc.gll.K'J !O llC:olltl\'~lu'rtJ
·H,rnd, -11(' .an <'-llcn,,un nl 1hc 1111r1t11lou, 1nreraa..:Hl•R t,r1w~n n1md and bOJ)', l r<'J" 1.11d
of lb ll'ltnc.tekll h i;on111'lt"ln 1hemc rvMin1 ,htemgh Trc:J0'11 ,culpturc~ 11nd plllflllllj!~ '"lf;adhfon11lly. mlla11rcJ, aff JI \lia)' Pl -1;iyfni 'tl1.,1t1t-.,· 001 il'I t.OOllf< rap cullutt lhc) cxi!l.t a, .1 rnod Juel.. \' un,1 • Ti-cJu wk.t On the v.•11, l'lf th< oo,v.cll Corm:, Ci.allc-f}' •n: h.111,-in,..oJ Ttt,11', 1,;1lll,N In• Y.Mle':I) o(SJ1.e coh.,r, lffM ,ti.mcn-.,or-, Ille) 11ft n)oak m mt11.i. ,W.1mnun,.
·~t re An 1mfll('(U,1ol( ("',ctn"'111 l•f wt 1h111l111J uuto lhc OUl.-.r wntld • frc)t) ~llt'\-c, our hJrtJ\ .itc Y\C!J ,~ hco.l.
•outl(L cun\lftacl ,ind 1fc,1tl\)' flt .iho bclit'\1'1 d1..11
thc)I IIIC. \N!d ht om mlt"ra..111,11, ""•lh 1:ollllff'I as ii v...iy
utconnC'tMS "'To n111.l(' "M1l,1'"' or mu-.:k-1.111111 vf •~:,el~·, 1k1tn,, <c.lchn") '«fflCJ II fi11rng a,.W 1111:l. ~>mtioil 1111
~c fflUW' tni., lbc: 1t1ilkNum," rftJO ..aid
T1>1.0Uy. 0oc. 12 2000 "THE SENTINEL P1g113 ,.... 3: Carson Dal y • 0 A&E C: used to • -- • ::::s beO.J. • 0 • >-- Simpson's -= • c5 caddie. •
ctleerleaders sponsor night or alcohol, dancing Witll DJ by \mbtr St"'tll ,,,,,mrlffJ"onrrMu\K Oa.tKIQg 11111!:tit)'•. OK.hM Jlrhloo Akohol Whc1t Clllctl)m (°('Cur d'Aknt ('11fl \Olncbod) find 1111 (If !···~ v· AmbNSt•\wll 1t\c',c lhing~ m lhc ~me place·• ~o. not on TV Ac11111II) 111 Nouh hJahn' Llnt W('dt1r...,1.ay niglu 1ll 1hc1t" thing, .uld ,m,tt 1:,1ul\l b(' fo1.1fll.l Jl11,1,lilll! atU'i.1.nd Lile CO('ut J'Al<-1,c un 1hcNlC Winlcr C'm~,c The tb«rkllderi.
apin Students aboard the Ml9h·A·Nockcotebrato amidst retort pyromlrua during the Chrtstmu cruise
b.) l1•rntC,n.) Ta)''4>r Sni1111rl rr1w,,u
h hmilc'J hi 21.JO :1111.I hdl'h nMN. I'll' r1utchn\CJ in ld\'1111:e Atlnut I~ 11, ~ch ,11U n·1rwn Ftir lio..~ti., 1..1JI mt Al11m11i uffke M169·7M16 The cul4 SJS per plllk :tttJ S31 fcw ,111tcn1 t\ltunnl ttk'Jnt!Cr\
" l tove ft. 1r, so different. I've never teen anything like it," said Atdyco Panger1. 63, of SPQkane. Mary fn.dn, 78 and Ardyce vls:lt Mltagros" from Corbin Senior Center or Spokane life's journey comes to forefront b)' Kri~cJM J~kt Srlt/md 11•pt•rlu \1it .aC'lc, t()m,e in all dllfereo 1 d1.npc$ nnd ,itt\ Ruhco T, c J n Mi 1 n lfOI 1mh1ctu> <;amc m 1hc form o1 lh(I humolln hnnd Ttcjn'~ lat,e\l ''llmul, ttn.• an r.utmimt of the mimn,Jm,s imnuoiun httk't'rl1 mnul aml lxJJ.,~ c.\hibit. \1,tm:-hnn fo.11n N1.l'.-. ow Oei: 8. i, iooch l!Lt l111 p ll'.YICIIJ.\ Trt-ju hclJ. pillcry \UI\ 00 Ncr, 7•• \h,Jc l«turcJtnd dn-..-u.,.woo m lhe SUO i.nd Ml opcrun1 t«c:pb® w11., hell! fl)f him rn,1n $ in 7 p.lfl lbc uplClr'.llto11 of 1!1e l'iutuan band Mid 1111
Drama department readies 'The Voice of the Prairie'
,,np,11111) v,ritt<n t,,,.
011,1-. l·.1,t,«11 <k-.;nfltd.,. "c11ck';iriru;. lln1 lute' ei'lll'ltohllbtld. llti~l-UIIU~ iitlllfT13.b~ in 1li,e
lkQO,. JOJ ¢.iii-. otJ ti,lho n.,,mC'd Popr), 11uns O..,·t1 Quinu, 1ill.Jio c111tqittneu1 L.'Clfi \.chwa,h anJ I t.,nhr. 1 t,!1n.l gul 1,1, IIIIC'f fff'lllliJt,.tlvb (.•! •(lv: \1"-.r 11l1hc f>ra.lnt: dim:1td h) Jue: i.a,.,,h, f.VCO,'OOC' 10\,1hTJ,nibc:
'Vertical Umif provides action-f illedecscape
r,r,,rk wlll !k.·11i111l)' M ltl lllilli;h.
Angry Tour delights Tacoma
E111111enL. 1he: alll.11. t~ mylb w.11, up ae,i;t. He m,1de -111 enm11.i.e 1ho11 c,n1y Slim Sh~tJy could get ,-way wich. A "idC'O ~poof of 1hc- BIAir WilCh
Pro}(c."t cauJ~ Otl. The video tUl\ 001 when a cbn 1n
,,w iJ m \'Cd .lruf 1wo oollca;c ,1udcnb an: ~bool to die l'hcn 1& lo!Jd pop <~cut~ alld the killer of rh)'nJe.~ h1m\clf rl\t\ rwm the sroufld. F.mlntn1.
.Jtt:5.<;,ro like JA,;on rrom flnd11y cbc Tlurcce111h. \!,fttc\ r:w tulft' uACI Jumps ngbt to to .o i.ot11 O•ll
OJ1 tltt1, ml11~h Antt:t
M.•1.n11gt:mc:nl11 ) P«tph.' l.11QW tlliey arc: in rQC II ,:ood ~h\l\\' wbC'O w111,hdu,: ,ro11~ ou11hl< 1cll 1btin tht-)· \hol1ldn'1 hcd1crc "tN.. Limp lh.tkilc:amc 10 Tocomu.tt1d brooi;ltt
M.lmt friend~ Emincm. Papa ~o,a.:h .u1d X11hi1
Jklpc,I tounJ Clul ,tie ~how X11ttll v.u the Of\l In Ml.t lht 1,1.1.e ll W•\ •Pp,1rc:n1 th.\l po on¢ n:111ly ht"' lln) or X 1011,c
z·~ ,cuff, ~o he pl.i)cJ «ncn C\(rythln1 from Or Orr l1l Doug E. frrih. Xntm cool 11 co chc nld !1Chuol i nti btnuslll ll lo 1~...,:b ,i ~i41l for die: 111t>d •m J.1~ raPtJt!~ I le JIJ .a Jt•h qf $(Ulna lflf (t,,wd ''""~' 11tld wUli b\l'l')'C'l'IC w4, 011 thc-11 du\", rryfo,: 10 ,e;c 1hc n1.-oon b.:lll'' X11M1 rla)·cd • 1th CACfl}' hnd •tyk. SNM memt,cn f'll l·min.rm'\ group 0·12 e11mcou1 tn tia.:l him ur on ltit Id. HJ11 ,1ai.: \Ct up wn u,:h1 100, with hn, n.imc aU up 1n lirh1.L Altu X1:1h11 urnc P,1pa RoJdt Pap." Ro;1d1 u .;1 ro""'d) J'Pllfl of JV)'· lhq plll)Cd HJeit u minuk \('( Ukc aoo, Sl11mnt11111 1br.1r\ m10 ncv. )c\'c:t, ,,r tlhumlo11 Tbe)' played all 1bc '"'1'nl¢\ from 8t"hl;en ltomc:" 111 ·1..1~ Ac,nn." h "'·o.~ • wdd ,cL f'hc\· eJw d1J a rood Jnh l.ccping the crowd hypc:d r~ Em. who •·11, up 11otx1 lo ~I lbe1n ready foe d~ bis he))'~ l.1mp8iA1t
oo~ c:amr ol,lf rmd h.1d SHm's bad.. on hi,; Ji.Cl, h mud h,n(' ,un km,: be,alise 11 a:uy w,dktd out Oil the \l..1a.c 1nlJ lvld Em \ilmethin.r An!J ~• d1e end o( 1hir1 ~0011hcy .,,.,nfd off 1hc \lag.c The hJhti WC'tc 1bl,,u1 W (.01'1,C up rM IL l>rl l'b.iQ(C
Yrhcn £imllC.m came. runnms oe11 oo 111 tbc ~t~c
:uwt 1ald chc- ~to'\\-J lhal forgot 10 <lo one song. llicn he did "'The Rul Sllns Shady. Tho rnn,n e\<cnl, L1mp 6itLI!, cook oco.tty an lwm lt.1 \C'I vr nrtd ii WILi; \It.ell woirih th( Wl; il. 1'fle
~tu-gc ~t·Uf'I wa,; "Jlnm Japo.nuno.lion looking mbot Wnh bllnbna c)'c, und c, cn 11 n11mc &Jtrri"'f't .PJ U:th.\1 'It.nit John Ouo \.lood m, 1hc "'.bl,uldc-,.. of the rohoc. ·s,u·r1 R1,co. We~ UClflaod
•ntl the ''Chowlatc Starf'hh" h1mo<lr F~J 011~1
-..·('re up 1n fron1 of 1h(:' rotxit. Tht)' rlaycd ((If
nc.trl) '°"''O hour, .an\! •lmo..1 c,·e:ry "°"$ Qff i,JI the:
COi, 11t k,~ th< bl11 PIM!\. "f"allh." -orc~;ak
S1off ·Nl'I01.1c " ''Rolluf·· o.od My W1Ly~ Mrc:
1111 ph•)·nl 1111.J uU .am211n1. n,c t;\)ncrri v..n
w jlOQd 1bat ,he PonJand shnv. 1hc nu, cllly w&S
C:lltM:CIIC'.J h«:iuo.c 1hc '1'Ut.1P' 1Nbcn: unable to pb)·\)1;.illydc> 11
O,.cru.11, thi, 11lov. wa1;.a,n2:iin£ fo un Eminem \onic Em"'~"• •·Wh.alC\c:t h•pperled lo wtldtng °'11 and bd11a vloknt1" Wt.JI. Hm lhl'y toot ,t C1t1
lhc /P.'ld ..:illcd tt the A11.ccr Management Tour
11' lie:
tt:~ O'U.,imcll.
fh*'m Tunnci and81ll l',nt1.-i du, him i, ,,'1 on ~utn:hl k,. 1hC' 1,a;oo.f h1,.-hc I 111 lb('\\urCJ .r\ruue.1'111,,q J\'t\
m1JIP,'d ,1loni ll. 1th lv.o••!IIC'r 111t"n_11r1,:11(thtmbuo,1':i,tn!l
Stu dents [I)
m ll I.JrfCtrt'V.uJC1,dld'Ull •,·4!,ui,;hc lt 1o'1JIM..\nn~ i, b\11l~r. Prttt, flU)'C',I b} O'l>mncll i. ti"lha Arno.:ur tc..imanJ IIIH' her \\'11bunly 27 h,11,1n1,i1,l1ml'l1hC'~1n.l.n1I lht d1tc:'C'IC•IIIC O:.lld l'O:C IJll.'.lll l~I of tl~CJC\Jl.9< 1l,c Cl"'Ol(lc-,un ttl&JI)' b.u I lb tttl !heir h;,,.J I f0.11111:II dil\-,.1 t.'(IUd ,ohnf ti..lma: IJH"I d1,· 1t·.ah11111,I~ O\t'r r"1\Cef' l.&t 8111 Pinion TI1c,:uy that .thtfll) Oill ruu pff llt.'11 tin, aIll 1.h n 1ho11 rco11tc rhm·c rur dio('I. 11 J'* , a, i..._.Q"'<,IUII) 1n llm film hut hr h:t\ 11111111) (llJllo'n tlJ'I ,111~ h 11,;a,; rt'ht-s:lun, t•)tttlunnr) lllklll>C'tbmi1 Ul.:il
l'ho ··NtaP"~,ag.To1" .inJ 1'MCr•ft.'' ~.rr n-.i.ll) 1.:.11n J4'.t
• HaHda1 Pottuy S.I~ /)f,· IJ IJJJJI JI, 8. JQa.-. lu to P."'- l'onttr G.Jll,n, Rmwrtl Hall • e "'fftda Gr•rlt) Ski Flhll. lhJ: IS, 7 P·"'" S.Chitlr, 1/utt e e 4A'90Dlland('aroh..''I>«.. Ii 1p.-. S,tu,t,rHaJl e
• S""""' s,..,._, r..tarlq T nr, 0..ntup on \Wt•. Jo, 6. llp1tt. Srlu,tu Hall e Best
Paqo me: SENTINEL A& E
Cre\\ hope~ to feed off succcs~ from 'Month in the Country· pco,.b;:clon ~l."11'1 ~we kh ,he f"'ll®l.110tl DL"('9m;•li,hc,I ,tll 1ht• 1t11n,t, thld "'" ~·.111tc,I i1 10. ,ud R.wi~ l. h ,. .,, \fl) "~""""'!11111nJ I lt'c:l !hc i.:.t.\l n-1anb(,') \1-1."tl." \'t'f)' 1upp) ~t'loul tl\l!'ir -..~orn1~1,hmcn1-.. ut .,..., r,c,:11tU1.'1:)(ln h) ll•rmuu~ h)lor !w.·11,m,l,q,.,•• \Momt1m1-hc: \ouncJ). Ji1c,:ll-J h) Im, Kath:l'll'b111!\91i;1M.\."t"-' 11riJ nc:tl hp \\1llk'll\c: lk V1, "t nf lhc J-lr,,'
..\1.11J11i,111, r,., dr: 1;.u,lintt or ''Th" \i1'k.'C ,,r 1hc Pta.irit"' V.\'.rC hd.J ~l" 21' ah!.! ~3 \\ hilc tl,e ca,t hll'- alt('".lJ~· M:n ilml 1hc foll 4;.1,l b.L!.;n1 rt:he;1!""41h'. lbr k'IU,IJ f)fOJi>,:hon Yrlll be held front h:h l21r.1\1.Jt~h\ Thebl.\1fcw1heb11nfmln 1.11.; l~l .\l1•hltr 11, Dia\11J Qumr1 fr.inl'(,. ta1t1('t - 1'tl'l.!1Kltlll1 ,,1 •\ \tcllh m th1·(01,1tllr)~A'ff) flk-lt\l'd 1hth1• 1'-.ll)'tht "Strikd" 11111ht ,utamelo11 m,in; \i.;11J1..1n \kwr. ,\ ll.ot.), L.~ b) Junker # Ill\ '"rrt 1111,l l.eun Sthv..ih;Julirt Hl.'IC' a, ftlltl&.:ic: Kyitn ~o.1l 1u, J...-nc, anJ lhc: J.ukr a..S Anitla\\U11tn,.tttl~ ftl;"11t,1,.p;ipcr,tt1d&w. Smirjijul t,;1oi1.ipmonfl"l .......... B&lke Taylor, olectronh:a m1lor, calebratu throwing a slnkt,. NIC Bow1lng Night took plac. at Sunaet &owling Alkly Dec. 7.
Moun1ain climbing not for faim of hean b~ lt11m~n)' ra~lor ~,11{,vlrrf""rtr V~n1ud 1.Jmif' will c:1ucl) rill ara; .• uce1 a~r.s. rf'h J1,1n,1s lhit h11lidll) f.0"1111 ~l'H>O•cdft!' nki. will ,urd~ h,1\c J'Ott mc'lhntt "ilh ~,,,...rriiunn
••m,um«. JJirl."\:l11t. \1uniuC°J:nip!t'II,1IM11hm,Vd ·•(",uidtt'l l·yc'" •!ld 111e \tlt\l nf liwm" diJ 1.1 ;t:1.i.J 11•tt<>fl~"'C'p111_a 11p1hc~~ hi1t 11UJI m.Jutl'J to lnduJt' II ll.t miach <1nd ,...,mt ,,1 ii licmiJ l'll."111 Uhh:;sh tk.. J l1k'1lll, ho~ nll.lld ,m)11nc \u:n·i\c. ~6.000 fetc up 1n lht .tif Yitlh0\11 c•~) 't'ft l~\~1, IUIJ i)c l>lf tc, lllc,\·f With ~111:h ~re<"J 1,1ndr~11r¥tt..--c°' ,\11_yho11..1b•• 11)11\'i.c 11,a,. a ,1rh11,1-.«.c-u·,ur II 11,·II)_ ltuk birmu..:b £am Your Bachelor's Degree In Coeur d'Alene Edu cation Lc•w1,.Cl.u-k, • Colli 1:• Cot•ui d'Alt ,w C1 11r., Potential A paMershiP in tire most baste sense of the word SPRING REGISTRATION Convenient Cius Hours AVariety of Degrees Financial Aid Packages Credit for Life Experiences No Long Regisuation Lines (208) 666-6 707 IJ!"*"tiitl.M(90-VJoe Jacoby, ( left) ro\ttew. 1udltlon1ng atudenla for"' A Voice on the Prairie Angell Symon• and Lee Jay Junktr (at>ovo) audition for A Vote. on tN Pralr'9}' Tho productJon runs from Feb. 22 to March 3.
Limp Biikil. Eminem. ~how how ·frustrated' musician~ vent rage bJ OanRt',C'i \'rmuwlrrp,•rtri Un N1" 141h, &e11, nf 1hou,Jn1h nr lc:l'n\ and )<l'lfl,t; .och1lh pc"ured Into 1t1~ J'lromn t»mc, all wltJ• tlflC lbou5,hl
Java In Town You SaouLO BE WARMER GIVI Us A Shall 885-6888 23 10 N 4t h Coe ur d 'Alene Hours: 6-11 Mon -Sat 7-10 Sunday
lfl< \ lu1.k n1 tct>\J 1hcn )·ou l m1-. ,r g11ins 10 bt d1,1,1wc: ,n Uoi,c \\'tlh 1.c,bb)i\h .i111d lt'JU.'lllh'h l t1ll'n .i ll p..Uh uf tbt Ullh' f.iJl. '-lid
Ah'1tl\lJ!h ,he ••l1111 nrJ
Tuuday. 0oc 12. 2000 CONT INUED ASNIC: Fa lk, Live ly head to ISSA congressiona l assem bl y in Boise continul'<I rrom p111:, 2 -.Omc:Ch lni,: the lc11, l,nua· ¥1 1H1l d \:Oll11fder. THESE.NTISQ. lul'll.l, v.htl h c:uultl put NIC' Huhh .111J ~cltn,<, b11ihf111g l'lQ 1hc mar Ml(lll('t Pl.:if1~ ,·QIC•~J ,tauun,f:ln i&llll'l.l"" "'-'\lll\\)a,uairc"u,n AccordiD& 10 Lill. it v.J, bard 111 fl tkl l he H,tlU h,w. Fall 1,,114 ,he told 1ht- Nhtr \Cudcnh 1h.u w e witn1 ·~l ncdun)f unl,quc and v.e wo1n1 ,,on,ctJun, 11,1,e can be 1nHcd on' Th.ii v..a., m} t-:in l C"Ct) • 1f 11°11 Jl \l ) \C ~llA"'l'lg
n ""•~ •·kfoJ t1f "-C1hr tut ,·nllrsc-1. Ill .-,~ for lo~ l!l:CC• 1,c1an>·du 11~ \lfl<c 1hr) hcocli1J'" m 11~ h ft11111 1hcrn ;ukl 1lut tJ~ ttquc~, rri111h1 he N1nkrin,i <•n h)'pt1C1 i11ic•J. ~ 1.11,J 1h,1i th~ ,,nw,·1n11 dw lll\ .,._\llil d 11.ll~C htde fl\\:11 1 1mpo1C1 oo 1hc •1111c •t11l -..,·c (\Cf) \tuJ cru G lllllt btt ul nl)f'IC) Yakn ophon ics by James Bell Aho. 1he .,,Jtr mu 1 he So \\.hat dh! thl•)· "' Ul t' fltl°1 T11lli trn Lc\ ~111\, Why no1 lt)'IOl(l\\('I l 1&1'f,l 11 d 1cm1hl rc-r tllt.c 1n Ult' un 11>11, h U,lrollul DE PRE SS ION: Help available for s tud ents and teachers in need Of C0U0Se1ing. L'Ofltinu~I from page 6
it}~ 406 4th Street J:l\.... ~Jl Coeur d'Alene 667-4858 Open Thanksgiving at 8 p.m Weekly Uneup: Monday& Wednesday l<araol<o esday OJ MUOiC & Long Islands $3 Thursday: College Night Bring College 1011 Well drinks $2 Micro pi nts $2 Micro Pitchers S6 Free Pool DJ Music Fnclay OJ Music al 9 p.m Sa1Uldar OJ Musica19 p.m Free bd 0J:ic·~t':wavs QUARTER MANIA THVRSDAY 9 PM TO 11 PM ~ : $s ADMISSION 25 ll[lltJnG .25 SHOf RHIHI. SINEi i .25mm:u AlllS 25 moru11HS .25 DEER PRll$CJ.ECTID SIZl'S 'I SVNSEr BOWLIN<; CENTER W 202 SVNSEr AVE. COA, ID 83815 (208) 765- 2695 / Senor Froggy Speciali::.i11g i11 Jresh. clelicim1, Mt!Xi C(lll food 69 ce nt s Tacos All day every day 10 o/o off fo r NIC Stu dents & Faculty wi th co ll ege L.D. ---71 h ,ind Sh nmm Downtown Coeu r d'Alene 765-8522 FORT GROlJNDOA.FE l8511Werlve. Now Serving Espresso r------, !%.y~! L .J -----Free 12oz Espresso wtth purchase 01 anv breauast At Least this Tim e We're Paying Yo to Stand in line, Ins tead of the Otl1er ~tSOf'11'e'JI'' t r1r ilOOI'.' bad f0< Call' .ou,~ N IC Bookstore 5 Days: Monday thru Frida y Monday-Thursday 7:30 am-5:00 pm Friday 7:30 em -11:30 am December 18-22 LEWIS-CLARK STATE CO L LEGE E x plore a Whole New World! LCSC DAY N ove mb e r 7 • IO a. m.-3 p.m North Idaho CoDege Student Union Building Hain Fo,er FREE LUNCH O n Site Tl'lUl$cript Evaluation T.......,.,, Advising • Academic Advisi ng Flnandal Aid Representatives Admlnlons Spedalist3 (208) 666-6 707 LEW I S-CLARK STATE COLLEGF r
Funm ercials by James Bell MIK-N-MAC1S
! e-r;r.
Tho ttars tnd 1lripn wave ln the breeze atop 1he Unrted Stat.ea Capttol 8ullding.
Brenk Awa) From 1hc Tour Bus
b> I uk~Gto~
,\,1t.N'lt1.,)l'ta~g11J1I ~ IIIC.';iJ.11f lNI
('lmklll. ft1.1b1,k,~:111J Ion, II 1\...,, r,h"t".cm,,h::n
c,,uld he~~ n 11111lh1Nlt:Uc: 1\fl tt,r ,~·ki1JdinS'
'-111f\)(1111.l1111? tl,e \\111:c H,iu"\' luJ,:J11.l1t1ututhc
,VQ.tnhflOO(l{thc \\(Wl,iW"ll \kmomd 1bc;-..c
fflc"l1 WO 11pe«h,::o.:;1n \'tt(·" D,l) .&bi,c,1 ti
i111pn,1.alke~nd1\'11u.-111\r.t11.'C'l.l(1ho<.ewh, h,:i
funF:hl ilnll 1hed forlt1,c l'1ul0d S1Act.
\\,'.a.1);1n;t:k't'm'\l.obcthC: IMrll) k1(;1i,,;hd1c
,.,,ht, A well ht flntnfl\111· K1wr\l/.U..Yoi·11) Jlf"O"l<kll
an."d, to mcn111n.1I, :mJ nJ1111um~1th, \\hltli 1dl 1hc hh~ ot U.: 'V!llllf) \fiia,Jrn,.cJ h) th
ll>tltUl1Jll:111'\ t1,\\cru}$ IC1Ul), lhc 111em,1t .~1, rd1eu • mumph 1hr11u;11 h1'W
S1..1t1mt11 at II~ {~~11U>l U1trJ.l,(l# hc.afin 'W I r•
tbt <kllfJt \\',llhI1111,,n "~¢11JllltAI •ht tJllctt
lrcti111nJi11£ rl11lf1,,li1h The 1dlo.rmp roul
,.folll.,ICC\'I 11\4: W0,,hi1•J'li\fllui,J ,\l•r.11tw.m l.1,-,:vht
rtlt111um,ol\ ,,nJ w1ll l~lmL· lhr \\.1irltJ W,tr II
Mf'lllllfl.11 Jn Ilic IU!Utc ! in,.,,lnli\('11 lft mll:Clnc
uwblc.,lcfb"•ll•dlt' Vrcffli1111anJ K11Jt;W1 \\';it
Uk'flliMl:dl< lbnllllll lh •11.Jci
l'oY.,trd 1hc ri\..:J. Ui,e Titt1111.h kffrt"1CWI
111,14~11p,.•ne ,, .a ,tion \liillk lht ~" r.;.ulpturt
" qJll\'IUMl.lcd by fflMblc P,1lar,.. hnbi:t \\'('\I lk!Wft
lbC' h.1nk ,,f I~ PoloiTIIC', i1 11k' hun~lin lh'll"-f'Wlt
11101111mm, I.Qft"k°'" wntnfulh, and if'i¥.t1phm1, o(
lUtiele~ ~lhutig_hti IUtn '-Wil'IC: ITI11111 ilJllllDI p rl·
h~C'"-C.'IIIUJflic p.11h l'nfllinuei 1n10Goot.:,t·t.,...,h \\Ith .1
\·anti) ol \lfal'll<WJt ..ilk) Gtcf16. ,hnf", IDJ
and of
r-.b:.11111.1Lll!knt.umo l'llc'IC' R1fht111.:ru ,t11c bn,J •t: lfum ~nwn rnco Vtrpm.1.1t the A,llncJoo N.thou,11 C.cmncry. •hw: h"1,11y lt'-l\, \1111111 1he lU"Llf), nr,.h1Vtturr, n1111,1;11nc111J. .am.l
1t111CUn11 ,i111J i,1~ .SI IOw1 dlC' \ictnl ,utt\U\'
\)"'llllll l'l Ail,im Muri in 11u l\ hllfl1C I C.I • laJ ,~~<lft-ln~,1 l'h: 111«1 {'.:ii mghtdoh
MJJ.i1n'111 Otr;in h.u n .illOC."-C W:ft' thJI II wcJ.:cmltiJ,titt 1h lute ham, m1<1a Um:1 fl,U1) ·nw:
f:Uo1d, C ti I\ ;.1n ..all•:ttt' d..11ll:t' duh l!llt."lf" i1h
'"'<.JI) pt"'f!lc b.1\·mi hi1th t11; lun Pct1ormrr\ hlcl',1111 \',m l>)L,uulUll!~.t."•h.u
,·11me1hro1 rtft 1hc- m1~1.: '4'CIIC
(:«,;: hJ\C'.t nq:,IWlltlc fl.11 r.,t.: .i,c:r--,g1t1i: .:11uu1,J
5"1C11111t, ·1,-i&)' 1h11, hat,vpri wi1h•1 Frk1>J, 11f11., houf'i on 1bc Jan,<" flonr
f·.nicfblfl.ll'ICtU .fflll ,~1-'ur:1111 aie-111,'"'II) ~11h1n
1W,d.,m11 lhitn1lo. · ln:,111 lhc: h11t,!'l1o Ilk: ~'W\ 1~1111..•
t 11.,• nK I nnN, 1bi:rc are Mr11n 11n,J f'or l)'I'~
""" ,1nJ 1r,O.( 1l11,;rc~1c 11n1111,:u111 U\L'fklll t,ll,lttCliSCI Mlf'l"lvllnt 1r.a.J1111,n.d m·1rn ln-111 \1,."'tl) ••1c,1 f1H luttt.l'I ~•wn1nwn. CIIC'\\: cllm~..tl1,pt, ..1J1l-.:l".1dtinit. ur 11 l nmhil.llR'tcd h,:,;11.-f.JUA1t1' lbto ti \ t11pitr,I 111111,lln~. Wtutc """•"° Cl,\ an..l f81, lhc: °'.,d1.111.tJ (i('l1~r 1•'11<' Soot~)' an.I rt.aliOCIJI ntedfA m1kr,. ·uT 1111 k•1,:.:W."d in the Naunn'!i Co1r1ul h'Ct)t.lunp. (n1m ,U!tkr",u.:r l'anlCt,n a1wt '41fc:I) ~u1rncn1 sumrwn&111ricct1n~1:,-<;i.1 relic .\,oi~· Ul1k,rn,,;.: nlie 1ttn uaglim1,-.c mto11i~ lik tlf
1~ ,lt-Jh.lU i1(~Jtto1U1I G.-"l,'lupfUo,; ffl.JfJ.fiJI('. \ll)C'l' lotlf'Cl•fi!' lh II fitilhi!:), if, '11 1111jt'!Yf1111)' Ill tlic ~,(f, tlK'Tt wh1Sc h'a ~oowmt bctc ,,o lt,l\"C )'\'Iii IOU';!, (J1111tr1 I 11nic:
Trave l
Tho Llncofn memoriaf renocted ofl the Kornn War memorial. nu:: \f':JllllNl:t Pago,,
The Uncoln Memorial towers above the RoftGctlng Pool on the Mall