s dominate compeution, wn two individual champs
1'-tC'aiJlnith, h1C'1k a \llsht k~J dun11, '"'
MloJ. lbd CJ\l\hcd the con1pc~111.m dunnJ rm•h 111 ,ht SJCAA v.l"t~lhnic h1umami:ue hbatN~11nn •,ad h)' C"1,:h1 po1nh Jiutl4y n1)lht. NIC
cJ S•t11nLi)' •,;;11b a 1W j f'l,linl margm of With• r«ona '-Cuaoi 152 poinb. SIC th 12th n.11iu1i.1I udc and n 1-.,nc-c COkh Pii1 Whhcomb woa llh 1111:c."cJnd
L....y woes may 1'1188 bi1fon
C(.111,h 1.1f 1h.;- YrJ.r •\lo ,!(II In four )'ran.
10•1 C.tmnal rl•~cd.i dhl.u1t t«llf>J \lo·Uh t 13.S JlOlnt,. toU..w.cd 1:-)' J.\Jd:, i 10.<i 51 an~l E1t, 1;1n.h (Jl9.Sl.1A.")1:Mlmd Nunh\\C4-l Wy,'ffl.ing tied ror fifth (8th. N~~h:i.n Pa:ICOC' (111 pc>und1J.1JldJCft.tlfhnCl~A) ,.._~ won 1nd1\tid'u..il ch.an1rit1t11h1p., Paco: •iu a...mod 1hc cuum1u11,enf, 01.1h11100in1 Wrr.-kr ,dlc:r he ,<Ottd I lS-S m.t)tlt J«.hion W«.'f Kc11y111u C..vtcr uf low.a CC"ntr.11
NIC haven for young
c'J( elk" Dd11lt b,a t,e eduad1nn/OW J"WSl.&m,._ I\ dtt n:awa1 !uc mc1r,:, U111t1 tt,ialf (llf lbc CED
Wt~i..'Cmtc\'nr1hc It• IS)'C.lfoli.l .1~
Jt1X1p IJWI "'1)' ar'Ci In
Bin folln•·c:d •'a11CtlC' •i1h ,1 f) ! •·•n m·cr Ai.lam Scuu t.tf W11l1111'1 Rll1ncy lbrpct ,1t ra1a1iac, m OJ.t.iC' S,i..ton t I.HJ. Stmkr O..vh 11.&r.11 p_nJ
Al.tin DjoutllCUi I IQ7) each pl«CLI t«IXJJ
T~~,, Lie-muon f IM1 rl.k:cd 1h1rd M1li,c WhltchuJ t?85) pl-'«d fuurch ll.od Ra\'tl Mukhamcdlycv C14 I I rtaccd ~mh
E11h1 uf lhe HI ;rm.1lr-n \ilC hfouf-ht tu 1hc IOIJfnllfflC'tll \\(t(' 011111ff All·ArtlC"riOllll Ale 0c Lt PtnAtl15> a.1ul lribn 7.amnrn 057) Y..vc dc(c~ttJ m lbc fil'lll n,und. Tiw Cardinal, ac rank.C'd '.'liv 1 tJunng mml ol lhc- ""'c"' and riu1,hcJ w11h •a 18..0 t~ulat IICll'\'IO h:Cord
fnr bcr C~ICUtllt'}' In -...tt,1 tluwa1d nlll) 1hink. tbctt arc 1imply li k,t mntt hn;hl r,:oph: Iii ~nnh fcl,1hn lhllll rn Im)' 1,UW.r ~11."II <ii thit 1'14h,." f~rfu·IJ ,41J
rhr P,:thli, ,ch,,nf a11,trm m, !n br: r,ill~j to ch:all~,,iC'C' the a1t.kknh 111 my or1n111n Ml the}' v.an1h,m0\'con n,r) 11~ JWl UttJ u( pl.il)'IUII u~ ,~.,,J Ale R'.JJ) to go turwa,,i •·1th pmi J~S'lbf")' t"l!ut.11Jm1 fuhdd uuJ Ac1.."l1nfin1 II) 1hc uru>1~, u.n,:y ,c~ulh anJ tttlJar,cc lnkniC'W!.,, 1no,1 (If the)C )ouoi. pc-orlcJml doc)t fi1111h1 the- h1a;h nmlJ II chit poinl "1llt"JC m1Jca1, .,, ooc •h;iit •i: ~nuld lrilJiaivrtall)' lhinko( "' clro,.-.Jul>. r:.ur1eld lJld, •ralhrr tlin.!arc IJ&l«'nh"'ho arc "C1)" :i.tlW1. bo.n.-J \1'1tb tu1h ICl\oul lll1J doft'l &Cl 1hc 5llm11l4h11n ltu!> ncc-J (1001 hl1h khoi.lh
tH!D 1:11111,nu('J rage 11
C01oh anJ u ltmilrd budget Ull:ft.u,('. Mly cal11rta If II J'IO'illibd1I) ~kl,.au\ Hall. The '1'ftm IIUIOJTl,illdll)· IW'tu olJ dl"t('(I ~IIM AdJ1lj~lAI ll11.'lhon IC'mOf"I '111;11 be umc;dcollcicetff,dal, lodt1CUU lht la t.hc kUct, ,11Jl 111,emt,cf,I v.m DJ,l'l:dlo 1he hent •t acanun IUJIC tn K\'d.a.l boJ.IJ.inE' tn.uallo.'J1ndai.,ruooh,,olhc:t,1 rac murm &t'IJ bl)' (I( anaiher t1.miot1 ,,J..: dK1.1 mort ~ann1y ~u..c ditrm,Mii11 v.ovld uch n1&)1l aOO umh 11 b.lk on•'" ~Ma.in lmx- «illff:rcl'ICC' roon11 Hot "'"'h"l' 1cmpc-ratUCQ '111,,c .lctordtri, 111 4 kllcr 1e11t PUI 10 all i:ulktc: be turoeJ doll.n 1·! deJttt!L l:mplo)·cci \loctt c.-ch mmnlnf. Wuh 1hc: cb.ln,e,. lhc hctJ. u been lo.·,e1cJ bn.19 rrvm Roll~· Jwgcm.. \Ike JIR'idcvl •,kcd 10n1n1 n1t .:omrotcn ,.,hen lC"anos for1hc. lW'1lcJ oU wt.cf ai:iJ rumcJ f,,c:k tif'l IMn Lit" J,~"' u1J he"'•• un'll~orh11"' 1lic,,•lkgc 1111:zMm,.1rilll''C' .enia:s Ll+c iflil:te<I~' 1n tlf v.ec:>.cn1I totumo(fc:lauroom anJ offltt f11.ll.1.ht: h.1l11~cv.·.aach.1nged 1n 1hc 11Jh4 u1cm1 ww.lJ pay lot Iha lldda!J«t:tl S7-4. l8'f. hutlK: ,llld
;11y tu1tur,il p• m- •naic:ipalrJ tu r11~ b5l1u v.hc:-f) lbc room, att "acant acid to kttp codJd 1..hllP\I.' hl nun onie.. 1wo or lhrcc ot 1bc ochc:r rroJt.·cu.• t,u..tjlC"l'i .,,ukf l'l,o-c I•)~ c,n eolk1r·, uttUIIC'.s bdl h~ 1.h, Jr-al )·t111 .iu1 11tuJc, .indbllndli J)Ufkd111 nij:;ht and 1,n the Owt."'"11l 1t,1bc:11tn tJll.h h)!hl oo.Smallct, n•nte •·R.irht now "'c'N' ,:orng 1-,h.:ih~ ioo cn.pc1,d
•ttt held thro1,1shov1 the wed White 'llldcflh parhc1r,a1cd oi, •ornc: of 1he P,.n.!h, 1tuJ.:nh opttJ 01tt vi r,.,mCtp;i11n1 on olhru bc(:i~ ol 1hc t.UJml a»o1,:l1ucd wilh thdr J1t.11b1ln)·, Another OC',li c~·cnt 'AU 1bc Whc~khau Ct1111lcnJt'. At K•·m on the ll. '\C'\C'Q ~iaU mcmbc~ <Lann> ~lcm. tcJ11u..•nttf'll ,cudcnl \Cf'1icc1; Tom WU<.\I .mJ O,ivt S1cw4J1. rcr1~tent1n1 Ilk- rnatntu~ dcp11nmcnt. Kaih) C'hro,1,c. rcprc.ttn1in1 pl.1nn1n~ 11DJ a:!lt.C"Un1<n1.
One Cun11it1J1tOt1. tcptek'nlang na1ur11l ,C'tChCCl. 01 c No,lt'J. R"prc,.:nlint: ASNfC~ wnJ' RuUy JIJfJro.-, rtph:1.t11111,11 aJm11u,1r11hol\ •etc p111 u,tu "·~ddwff. The tot di mcmbcr •hll llu)Cd in hW11et •·bcclch.:u1 Ute lun,e,1 bct•C'tn i.. • m .uuJ p.m 1abl'11 U1c ch11Jrngc codt:;J \li,'On, ilmncc 1nd a msti1 l'tlf,~ .111bo lltllt Rcwr1. Sti:und pl,11.e \i,"'IQ dinner IC'lr t',\o .aa tl1c \\h11C" lfoui.eGriU lhnh prunv.crcdan111cd fi1"1 pla"c went to Ji:i11~n, '111,bo tc•n: h11, rri1e 10 Dill Ponub .t ,umputcr !l.fn1c.~ cruplo),\· \I.ho ,y..,,u p,ualyl.C'J ln>m the: nc.d: Jov.n In 1,111 accidtn1 ,• ., )·ca.n •aoJ. Second pla..:c •cn1 10
Wednesda y Sports/Page 7 Feb 21, 2001 "The Voice of the Prairie" opens Thurs day Ifs a doggy dog world I I SENT1NE&Er ,I i I. '.\Jo 7 N l l H I 11 I I l \ II () (' l l I I I ! I ( 111•111 <1 ' \l,•m•. ld.,ho
College: ,crvc:, more studenis under 18 than any other in ldaht1 b1 l)tGhf'l(' (1Jt'f'utd Sn11mrl to·J>i.>Ut, M tft' .t1.i..k·nhtJWJC'\'ft ,re lc.a,·ui, lutl'l"hool1:i.11ly,,...-.1:nt1 thClf C-tcncnl hlv.;,afKJli Diplo1.u.1 tGEOI m.1 hc.ii(IJ' iffttHNqt SwJc.-rit, ,m:f.li.1((1tlteml'd b) lb: l;t,,.l uf t:lialkngt !mm t~ h1Jh 1d1nol cnYironmrn1 On1. ,a.,oalm,: to Ru Hwf1dJ. tbc diJc:1111
the lldt', r-21.lfidJ uiJ The u,114 or ldohl,)·, wraintc."Tllk-l'lf of t,PH"' """""''"" \Lin.lyi:i H<wi.irJ.1, ""Y (oncc"tnl'd 'A'i1hlbc IM?< 11ttmhc-t~ o( :"forth ld.ahn luJb \lhool "Theri:are,1111ply11 /01 mnn· briglt1 prop/~ iii North ldtlho 1ho11 in 11111' mher urrct 11/ th; .\lrllt',"" Rt"llfalrfkht, ~--···lnl'fl n Justin Smith plays trombone with NIC's Ian band durtog lhe Feb. 1s womon·1 t>uketl>lll gsmo versus Dixie community In Christ ianson Gymn,11lum "'-" ...,OEP ""'S-" Olrmor o/ .\duh lladt' FA Ucrc-00 crn about the cJu,.,:iuoo t•I atta
,luJ.:ou "«.amt ao h~·11h1ro1:d 1!w :r,t.cJ I 111rfo:IJ for on 1111\'1.t'f lo tht~ Sortli ldlho J!fohlcm. H11 t'tlf"IO\t- Orno qu1cldy. ;1lthou,:h he ts •ltll c.on1rtil111; 1bc flf1dc,
~dditional $75,000 adds to college energ y costs
:·;!.~~l;.;~t:~.;·:::;~ ~-=: :,:"!:::~~~·m~::~:::.;·=:~ r.::~: :::r.,,:~::::~:;~;::i'..';:~;::;.:· t:::F.l.. fa. mine utdU)' 4:<J•l1u11hc 1i.rur1. J11,1j:co1 u~tmccu ,y,tcm .,hich ccru.r.111)· ('(Kltmh 1he tun~· Mnhl'lQ IC"fflOnt ha\·c tttn in,tall¢<1 ,n IC'OCl,l f rrrtirtrr 1tt1.1UJdn't tp('\,"'Ot,1c ., 10 cbc t111l1J1c of1br hC111.tOa.,.-4ir 1;(1Rlb1J«11ci1 onJ .,cnbluune, from of~ nachl~, 4cl 1hey ,ml) tu:m (1ft w.tlc:n 1hcr lkft,,uU)I rO(:'U'
111 n.i. \ij8 1nc Ndac, for u,,1mc, Y>'CCi(!lC.1~
I.be imzu,-e ,.Ill Sl'73.ll8 Ao.:ordu1g
li,ih1 h.a,c 10 C:(rtnc 11p 1a1lb lhe n'°"q t'hc-.hcre to liirstru tun ticiun W.kllll cu l.md11 Mich.d. Jcrmmcnt hat m:ir1ctnffllcd 1e,cr.tl cnrtJY· A\'i.ta Ct'lfl'., •hkh ~,1nihe-. ro~cr to SIC, fflllk.c up foc· 1h.111 dl:11i1.·11 I ll CI 1 1 Students, staff take disablty for day by Katt>fha $tN1m·J,rp.,nr, S 1udcn1• v.uc en·cn 1ht: PPJ)Q'nllnily 10 upcnc.oc.-: "'h-'I U b hlt to be: t,,l:u,J. IJcal. 10 a wbcckhAir. h11Yc I IC'arn1~, d 1sahih1y or u tMntlll hen Ith dtwhkt Junn1 Dlul-idJt)' Aw•rtnco Wt"d;, "-h~h ran Fob. I l lfl .Ne"'- to Oi111.h1h1y Av.iucl\cU Wed,. at di<' ,cquc-~t of ~1udcnh, we:rc pDQCI d1~1,1u1on• rocuuni oa J..i~hJlo)' h,1,1.:-1 '[be p:u'C.h
rnc:1'1-) d11e,rnt tuho 'atCJC ln1&.11.k-d II\ (a(h
(111 uuhtiet "he "4id • W.:'tt gc11nc Ill
to JurJctl\-. tile mall~
tu nr,tht:ni.C'
Stu«'nr• •ere 111tc1t <'.•11"lu11 and lllcn trk'd ltJ i:u1nn,un1c-ll,( •uh ad*"' lklnn, 1h: tJcar~ nmke' DunnlC
tifl~nc:A C'J.t"ft'be. 111mic M.u,Jcah ~m lllugh& hlw, 10 k».I • 01Sr\BIL IJ ,· cununuc,J f!;a.fc 11 ONLINE: www.niccdu/seo1incl BY PHONE: 769·3388 BY fAX·769-3389 I O I C I I I
Wu,:11 On lhC
JIUl,jcnl4 v.,:_~ 3h·i:11 tht Ol)flOrtU:flll)'
Crossing Line
Students wltll dlnlllllles IUlve Ileen targets of 11arassmen1 11 r.1:
b)' J tN')' \1.an tt.r /llt,,,t&IJ'IW'
It·~ .n nm~ rnmi p«irlc \\QUld flllh,·, not t1lk 1bo11t 11ad ~pc, ii M\'(r h.:iPrCJU &D)'\\bctf' near t~ Bui behc,c: II or MC. ,.tutknh, \l.-1 lh 1.li,,ttllitk1 IU SIC 11.,,r bcC'n '" "' Ml.lA)' l)'PC'S , hmnmc-n11t0m .i~t, nr.d t<1mcume, ~·~n ,._,tns.:ton.. Thi, 11. 11C'CONmr t11 O,.Jbihl)
SNvJcC' CoorJmalor Shw(ttl D.1111eh-Hu1lod: With t,O(C(:4.1 rran, 01';tl-tltty A\UICOC'?-1 Wede. Ftti l!·lt•. todmdwal cMt1 ol h.aramncnt ti.,·c: bten cUcJ 1}mllllh 1hc ll'tUtt'n..-\.~ Wint •tvdc111, h.1H! Cl)fl>e 11,...atd and QIC'OIH>ncd lhcy'\it: ti«n 111rge1, o( h.ara.u,ncnl Wilh OOI)' one \\ctl.'. 001 or the )Ut Jt·vnu:J to J],abJhl)' hWtl. b11.tU!rt'l(l'.II h \h,-.1) detcnoci11 ,a1 1M' IIOcial ha·.-cn thc'\C colle-se scudc11t$ hv~ m The hlfmtftlilll ,tn,d Cff'IOIIClllllll) drilUIIHI
UU.llh.$ IK':~Cf t.al:c l"h« 111 "'II qu.1u1t hUIC!! ~mmu1111y nillr.Je b)' 1ht lakt' nFl I Wntf'!l'
Ahboo&h, Ute r<*""'> of twa.,,mcn1 fllJ"('I)
1..'1.lfflS,Cln ~1~h lht l.1tft' UntHntUl'i 111d tJ~II couni lt,s cucr of pu.11uhut.1t honuml.'.111 dlC' MiJ lhml t, lfi tu1pp:n1ns rlJ:hl ln our i;l:u room, 1n thC" hnlh inJ ClQ our "11nflU'"Studmh l1AVt' brouih1 1,i.uic;: up 1• whkh 1hcy 1,1,-ould ,ay 11M::Y were lcehn~ b.ir.,~ b)· t.)11,n i.h,JCllh urcwr, hy fai:ully O:uucl\.llulldd: uid A,1,."('0fd10, to ~n1c1,-811lloc". the definitw11 ,1t hmhtmcni 1,;.1n br u..~ ;El nu,n)' w11)\, Hcz dcOniMfl, hCJVt,~\e.t, co1nddt, wnh C1\'1I rillhtt._ "Aton11 "11h c1Hl nvho,, h.tra,ffllt'1111, •hyth en,: th,,t u,1Jmldatc1 .1lulknb Of b dt'f1JnC'J IQ J10h • 11udat1 C!Ul, ell her t"mota,on~I)' nf rb)'SiC'n.11 ~, Uf inhll'!1h tbc:Ui orbttna I rull ~11 oC a lf'l'lr,"' hr wid, rlct th.al un be a11y1h,ng from rwllt: callin1 t•• ruJ,1og S'C<'Plr m"'1nd phyllc,11)
N J(' hlh tw:en rsdmi the leJac)' or •n cawllmc:nr uantntunity C~lll tjt' v.,lti"tl !al Of't"IUOlf t(j "°°'' ,,1df1Nlll an)'OM:, Thi, at1)1,oc 1.:,:anlJnt t>j JC'l)Jcr. ttllplc>n, 'ICC. M'Xwt l r,nlftfml.'.t 0, d,~b-l li l) m.lly U,U' So1,11e J>Nl'rk ha.vie 1hc n,ic ~11 1lut ! 'Allh dl~t>1ht,c-1 dila'I bdrif!& al S IC Tix)
1M1e IIUdrtlol\., •ho 1u. c ('\Cf)' ria,hl Cube 11«n'11,1,-ek1Mlll'd and 1-hnuldhc ~11110.a ~i.hool
1 hey If)' ~O tl1UJ IIJ Jt't Vihll the)' "'Ill.I
i.e1m1 l'f a«1>mmc>cfa.1 101h 1hc uid O,t11t'Js.ff.ullod. ,m,;,t, how NlC Jc-.. ha·,c III o,,rwt,dmtn, ,~~u, 'Wi11h b.ua.u ampu,. hov.'t'.vcr tbc uni u':1 11111,l'l ltMlt
PttJ,1, lo be- lookt'd al One m11.kUe,.1rcJ 1111dcm1. '!l<ho bu dell~ bh iliu.ti11i1y all h.h life, eon11tt1K", to t1 mij pc.,,1m"' ou 1lri on 11ft' Uc', .a~\"J h> ttlllllin un1Jcntihcd m 1h tor~ l)unna tu, umc Ill ~bcll.>1. he' ha, tt«n
Ji1;i'f\1h1)' I dn11'1 l!'h" .ati) problem, whh people: k.n,l'l'ttni; ril nt)· ~) ,IC'i.t.a • h,t' MM Ru1 M d<l 111kl 11'1 re.ally 1ru,1.r on1 • He ttnll, a1uJo!ha ,..._~ tlf hu•~•ntenl • aull!hct ,11.1dcm 1,1, hn h,u diUicuh)' •.al llf pcn.ue •·u almt.bttnppcJ '" tht-MIIYi•>
~1.11u1t ol h 1 diuhihty II', hkco ju,110, hiJ?h fnet\t,dil).'. ht uiJ.
1-\odt iMtJc •11J J>lll\ldC the &:I.IUfllQnt Wtuk u11t Klnwl rarely h.r, rhpi...:.al hlll~\ffltl'II. tbc lfflfl0'1.lt1C lhlnl! ld fel1K6* "'tlllt 11 Illa) clQI Cl.C"t:-..Jl\i: ph)' 1"811) rt c,ccumnr ,·crb.d 1.nJ crnotwn•I akiK" k ~•lantl)' h IJ1n t,acl,, lhl! ra :.i,m;iJC" d J 11.csc ~1udenh lb< cffori can be 1ttn • tlli uuy 1h:a1 all lht)' "';ant tu 1lu h JIUI NC'lkl vd1h cho cr01l ii '"I thinl there Ji. ,1hi,olotcl~ no reas.110 I !lll)'OUC fl~ bci.-nmc C•lOCC'mtd 11\M a uudtnt hl)ulJ ,W" N)o)uld nos tit hc:f'C' · l>in,cb B id ','- ~· 111 h11\e de n1h1 IIJ tlC hen:
Money should not limit what schools you choos
Maxi mizing financial aid could enab le students tu ~.ive at college
b) Mart)' Bcddtll
ln die: i..a (~I.Imo .,.C' afJu~ our 11uuuJc
1,,..u\l~'tUrhukrrrt'nlnen.J 1r.:Joll.1.1 Wt
i.ca,ntdJ.111,n a1clile,~c-.1p,1Mc\ll" pMl 1ni n1J¥hc) moot) tt«1 II in\'c\lcd •ucl)'
8\n'flo(10ldn'1ffl'«CJ1••nqnon1i m!llcu\111
t•\kr..,TI1.d"1 v.hy lhh~olunm 1,-*'®1 fln1111C11I
1 Ah the par m.or1t) Slil 01 rtll.lllC1.1l •id fhJU1
,.fl.11;.h jl)e it,\(111 '~ !lhJl.let:11 •i1h ll Ol lllllf'C' \CtrJtt\
dm!~ nhout Sl.100 )l!.lld). not 1n.:hJ..lmw hm,
0tJ )'-"U fl't thatl C°..QQ.,ilJM.UJ ,n.J'"'1f:I tlJlt1UQ l.t.
Clfll) $1.JOnprr,Tar. OLln) ~udcUU.lU:cnJ ICbool
rrtc l11clud1n3 lhc lo,m.., .,.,h h.xuunl tnr-'l
P:fl't'ntolU.-ir ft11anci..So1,id. !'I.IC tudimuwUI
RUIH' tw'MI)' S11nilh1-.s 11th )G ).!,~ ,urpri ll1Jhy,¢"-1llpxWJJl!"<T«nlt<f11 In either"''"~" 1>nl) lwlf Wtlle cud p.t~ Jut 1unloolfl(lho,;,b, 8utJ\1 th.N 1kcti, u1 •ed1 111dn,pt.'
A.t'\:l.lhllltgtud&I 11.bi,l..inlup t,..:,ol, u, QUI l1b1iuy and N.'p1W:il1·•1"h-.11e1for totht!L1rth1pl('t'lr.:(:n,, chrn1~h r1n.1n~ ial ald I\ lk•.:tllhJ illl\!Pnt.l lb.ii l~:kof100!1C't bl'1.-dt11.lthtllll 1t1olw. "hi'llil•ln&llend C:on: 11.k."1 HA&vwJ l-w,,•nl1ulhun I\ i!S US .\,1..1 ~"li:.000 C1,.- niom •n!.1 boar!.l .in..f Sl.llOlc.- houUIIOtlpeik'IDnlOO'\J.i. aiiJ )'UU'~ ~X>klu5a1 U6.l~l'i5Jtr)Tilt 1C'U(', Nlf nf Hutflu\J luJc:nh pluo.._ Jov.n lh, t "'ht•lc II.Im c.aich )'Cllf. Mlt•~ at-:11111hc'uchc,halr'D.ld~)· It'• Couple tb,1u,"r11.P :.lu the) fL11l.\,lltJJoo
Y1M1 aoc. Ifllt'\-atJ t-~ • rnund,1uon." which 1.11,(!J:111"10ttn .in,l wadi,,: tl\lTilnp, 10 rJ.Y frlr lldw#'.hrpt.. \\ c·re wilkinj ,PM l lndn-.dwM r111\1.h.kl 1)C•it~h11.b Jw,c ~nSJO'f"Ulg ror3.~ )'l'W,IJuu 1lrall.~SlCh.,,mJ.1l1tnt"1ol.ahlaJ..-J ,n l'Jn ffl 1(, m,.hv•fo1tl lull\11. \nJ dc.'lt"14 H!ll',11 J WJ.:-111 J:o..1 thr :rnmlnln1
ICampus Crime Log
Amateur thie f caugbt red- handed in SUB wi th stolen food items
b)' J f'rr, .\lanl tT
Thrfl (A )
St1,.-u11I)' •in nof1lkJ h·h I ,ii .a lhclto( $-ti Iha.I
WD rC'fl('nc:.J ,1oltn Jo ~'lldl lf•II The cnvelor,
\1.,1\ ldl bd Jud In I tnltt-lCJffl ,1n1l llohCAll~ .ub;«I
kCI th.:- l;,;al hroum C,Jlc, \H'III flac,f. to l1l('o~ .altn
ttalwn ,.1,c forJ11)I II :ind OOhi.~J 11 \Ii n\ !'· I~
Tlidl t K) M1:m,1t')' dur frv1n 1he lum1,u1tr 1,1, were
tC"portcJ ,t<>ltn I t'h I II ,1, d1w:cwtrcd af1c-r 1'1c
co1t1pbtct .Ct'OJcJ hl he- fUbllUJC \Cf) ilov. When Ille
,HXco,n• \li'Ctl'C\"l'Plllli'd, 11(1t1,f
Sl),OIXt? Wen. IJle ac.11rly-C"Vc:l'Y colqt
Hll'1ni'1 .t,nJ,,\k->n n'lt.trla u 1K'CJ..t.lrnJ, 1nc11run1chcy at.\'(rt )'«I~ OQ y(W.11 mc:r11
OI\I)'. Mt hy~ mud1 moncr )'OU 11.nC'. An.I if )'Oll'tc\Uttt fUl .:not1t1hto~inwH.,~»d.J'™
lhittk iw,,, W.O)' tbuu...S. of k~•ll• IIIDt
C'\'eft affilWl'd '9.'tlh H..tnanh )'l'IU 'A•l\ll~t l,c cli,lbk for'! So ,u.~ •rrl)' fa, ft\(ff kht,l1nlup, tb.ul Uica,crqc!»luiknt :it)W\,11J Att yoo mn1oi to 1tt ,i,h) m rduo,!Atllffl motlC)·
t, 1,~nly i,n1 )'(ltll' N,P hirrdk"I To.kt st ftuln ~he Jund ffn.iw.:,al ,MJ \\'c~lc; "U )Wf fl.Vn'II\ "n afford 10 fl,l)' ""'1lin1,, U~ nummum a11PJ41 11.i: c:tpt\.1 frumc,t't) llUJtatu a<oncnbu0c11.1 ,r ~I SI.\IOO ftOM iummc.ttaminp nJ ont \IUil11ctOr)vur u\'tnJ111, ti .1n)'.• SUI scn1ns~ rorn\l~ 111 JOUffll') mrJ il'I hatJ IO kt,uv. y,tlc:n: to ~JI.O. 1,,11 lh.il°l "b) l'\t.t,rolcnlt~IIIOl.l)(OUtt'lfl\ lbc)·"n:11111 ~I)' tfl otdtt. hu1 tiv;h ,~ mu,1be 0001plc 1C'd((lf)wto~)1l1Jtr-~, pok.fltl.ll 1.<1 I t.1\IJcnt hBl, t'Otn{lltCC the fiVC-pllJl~ Frat Arrhc~Hc10 fot ~t•I S1udtn1 Aid 1FAFS ~. 11.t\11,.hl'ID he IOllnil 11'1 dlC' fmaoctaf 1uJ off~ or Onlmc: 111 llo W\\' (atQLCJ.J'.'V. fr-dcnl aid, lbr MIIJR:('
-.title: tt,IIK:Ct1 "'"re 1bcu- 111.J ;a lcw mlnulet l.alrf the .alarm \l,('nJ ult apio. sc-~cul comrt,11ni, --.crccallt'd a, h •11 di1hntnns dine, ~e4:uri1y .,,a\ able tu )O(alC 1l1ot 1J¥1 oc:r 1n bet clbl and b(HJ bcr JJ.'-lblc 11 ·\rr,attnJI)', ffit'f't' !,ti I l'Klrt 1n tho S)'ltCffl \llrmptt'd Thdl O• A rruile 1,11,1.kn• v,.i, ticu'I ~1.1.1anl for 190d 1hdt 1n tbc SUD ft"t- I! He h4J bt.,,:u (IUJhl hy !ooJ ~rvl(c pcno®CI kav111g lbt' \tiatl::c-1 'i;Jth h.ron ln lu• p,Xi;('l1 lh1H hMhft bttn r,.uJ for Al ftJ'\I ht dt111<:J e\Cf}lhi11~ bo'A't\tr, h~ lll~r adm.111rJ to U1k111s 1hi: 11cm,
m.Gf CrtdiL,I ~\'t'lll.l\'t'r'lft'0(.$91'1 UIJIUI Gru1hca.;h )1'# a,.• mull or Oltlng out !Ill 00.:t C:ai;fl )'t'al lbt' lllll\.tllJIJtll Pfil Orafl.l)
l(ttl\'C h. S:1.kXI
It! onkf co t,ll OUt 1hc rorm Y<lU ha,c: 11, 1 ~' 1,.'l)lk c c.huic:a 1-.t 1,1:11 J:Ul CKIII collcra 1,thrc"-n.tcur~aclbtfln&l'.k::ial tld~ ~uw ,,(Mi )'OU rnm1 koow "''I.M MIUQt
1uhs.a.11Jt.·PC «:llrtc'I )'OU llo&n .,;J l hAi \ • tllf dt\."i 1on lbt-n~NUJieful,fft'\",u\·toi.'OOtp,9tt'C j•l!,l\J1kdonlmctty.l ,S ~,and\\r•f.tf m.,i:;u;rnc. C1111i'k. tu 1l l1t11n v.-.-. n)I. cdw'1111111C! ScaiaJ. co,,1.1e1 rmianc1.a.l ll J dcpin.mtm · fill tllJI \lob.ii C:\'CI tiehnlanhtp (onn., ltk') CIII )'l'IU NIC tu,• Nn1pk h\ll·p.tp farrn whla pul you 1ft COMtdcntuon f1w a\11761oolldaoo! ,diolinhljn. The fnrm c.,n be 1, IJtt.il)Ut-0 fhc nurn.ao l 111:cordhlf: w finan,;i.tl ud owmic:Jor J.and ~<'iJ1<.ll1',,f. l~'11U UlC 1,..CT. "l.llbit~ ANANCIAl AID ,....,o..i I' -
p..,,.2 f>4:$(1'1h1 WEDNESOAV, FEBRUAAV 21 ...... == • NEWS c:, InKalllxl" ii', 1IkigJ I .S2 • • 10 ,;cll ~pica • • -= la mock on Sunday • i:5 •
Ill( M mil 01\tM thJr~ h.1oi bttn ICthl)\'eJ •oJ l't'pha.;.cJ .,,,ilh lfl UJd '\! ml, O" f \1 lhlp Valucul the nu ,1n1 i:h1r "SIIJIO Dhlurbal'I(, t(.'J Security••~ m,c,ncJ ,,r "c.1, .,1.arn11hQt lq,c ,:ums off hi (mnl o1 Ltt Hu ll h·ti 6. lbe Jllarm ,t-i111 t.tH
St,·un,y ;111J !ih1J.rq1 l(f'VK'C.\ wdl ht handlll\C the ,1h1.tt k111. ln,ti:.MI 11( rtlln11, rimlnal th.A!J!C' \ d 1klt1 t1.aurd , t ,) S«t.11tl)' -.,~, nohlicJ l'cb. 12 ctt..1 • vctuie le wu 1llq:1 ll y p..ul.c~I Of! R01tnbc1r) On\'r an4 le.1krnit iu,ol1nt 8> 1hc ,idd r•I the veh 1clc. 1h«<" v,a11 hJOt JJ..1111c1rr plkiJk ,,r ,a.wlhw: Cucut d' Alroc' f\1l1cc aod Im: l)trctt1nlc!nt1"rttulk-d to 1hc ICCfle The ,1v.1k:f of 1M ,dhck "'"' cu~ nnd fin: f'C'l'iCttil'li'l cltnncJ up Hie llK' lluJc:nl IL.ltl, 11 ntt'J-NIC'J ttiut )1,U dt®l! 11rpl)' n'ffl If )oUOOiil l.bwl )W'llqoJAltfy f:h,:1h~ SIC l\l1,1tknt, It~ l.lk11.
Handful of unclaimed ~cholarships av ailable
W(' uccJ IH fftl\tDd Judct1u.
10 i."l>n ia ,md ll;rJil)·•·· JtlUCn uiJ Suuk·J1h, ttl.i)' qua hf) now
~hc 1,•11 they I IU)' nuc ba,t, ,r
bt-fo1.: Somc:-Khf-1.iinluP\ati:'
1.fllb,..,,.11 toa'i~be..:4&1.~of
"P«: •fK:cnt.-na. r~u,mlrlc, (ounJ.tlJ<"' tc.:hulw,h,~ :LtC'
1tw1i: dnllilh.·d to NIC
TI1< J.,.,,or C"".111 dl'aJ~ Ilic
ffllffl.t (llf I.ht JOC1pjC-n l tb.:y
llll) ...,Af'II J hlHH l'\JCl11t04JJ
1uJn11 IKl ts .a 1ffllalc: und
,,wr age 30. llf, nw&)' v..1re1 1l,e
Question s arise with bookstore, credit card fliers
by d.unung c.-:b ..cudrnt -.11 1cr-1 -1 C.t\h t,,1,d,
~.,, ~-.JVJ up lo I pn«nt
flc,•c\.:1 IJ1oC) t'Ap:,ct Che th.Jeni h> fl,a)' lO 99
f\c:I"'"°"' intc:rn1. •h"·h lobcaarrc111 rntc Of couri,c olhc-r adJ,oon.al kh \\ lU tic p l.t«ll fo1
'"'®' J'C'""l"H, ,lk:h • m11,u11 • p!l)'lllcnl
-.·h,,b 1.t :in C")tr1 fcit of S~S Aho. ldi.kJ to thr
1lnlll print Ill( 100 mh~J f'il) thl!t1tt: 111k1 m,.. 1t \\111 i.llCrc'~ (' )• Uffn.1(" IOlbc llf ll ll<C flllC. rhn
1i11f1pht11t10Dl cncuur..ic t.tudt,ih w Appl)'
aluid111m\ ,I", ll\,,111;1hlc, 1n 11JI 1ull, tun<"
lhJ\ 411d II, bcCTl ,,nm) mmd
~cocmtang,"' fk,u b.ud 1aiJ. f
waNto "'" ;t·, nrht o, ~n~,: I ,l:mpl~
1.br qut'mbn b«au1oc tbcfc ,re• IC>l of
ie~ ion, Should ~c JHC' 1.:11.:Wt ._.,n1
hc.ataan to pcorl~ "'ho sire A(lf t'J uatl:d on
(oU)O l hcin'.""
11 S IC """ntn11uung tn the fin 1w111I rrot,lrm -. ,lit 11~1by m.1 ~1n51:n:Ji1 a\·ailJMc o.nJ
11.'l:C MMtt" be a,.kC'J
'!'lie 1pphco.11 11n clk'Q1.1r•#• :nu,knl\ 10 ,1rrly
I ).99 pct.:-ffll JK)il\O
AS'fl l Pn1chtt1. pl?'·l•w nuJor SJtJtl:. ''l n cnllep
you·~ wrpo1eJ tn t,r, attic 10 n\llM '""' 0M1
J.od,\.ofl'-. Br1kk1, dw, c,,ll4JtC. flli.'c,,1ro•"CS Jehl
ti} C"r'lnllhog ,1udcn1.1.
bmK" Sk•.in lihn11l ,uu 111, Jut ,.i:J ·wc·re
olJ l.'nt111,th lei Pl.Ike aa,r own dr..-h>0M.. ;wt
\OCU<.· pnpn prunpbk1, an II N11, not pror.tJ-&f'da. hu1 ,unrly aJ\·cflllr-ltW'n4.'" he \il,jf.l
1'hl'O',l,'jfla dlit' 'Jun, m.111" 11',l,•y II '\\ hill moil
t-tudattJ Jo llDY"' ay • ll't l'ltlC a b1,1i Jc:al, pc;npk on haadlc: 11 •
r.,1.1J Ryan l'>tuh.im. i('ncr,I edtk:ah c,,a nwjOf Du1h.1m uJd be JWn't 1binl lbc. udl:nl p1ru1.t11on "Minter~ 1n 1hr pomphli:t
wtu-. b M .tt pto\'it.lcd I,)· d't t;cM 1-.,re 8 1i1C' rwttcl'l QO\IDCWMC b\J} (f for lhi: boobwn:. sail.I.~ bt,.,,,1, llOfC I.L.ael OOf. cni:foot lhc rJ •· She m e..wd 1hc ad\cnhcmct1a plact'd l.n chc bap p,,y for lhot.e \t(r) h,IJ' -. h1'- b lter1 I.he CQ-.l oj IUMUIJ; die bl»bh lfcdown. 1bt boobtorc hu 1.i e11 uut 1.~rw,n lldii d1oey tclcwtft\l1'11t1»,'lilt)'.·'~1111J 0Madtu, \h.1J cnu: payintt lor 1nform.au on on ftn.1nc:lal 1id nu, iafom1a1.1nn i, frtt 11, ludtm, at lht fin.1n.:i.1J a idoffit"t '1'he i;jnf, inl~c 1hc pn~·r c>l lht hag!. , t1. lud1 mJut.i (be pnc:e of our opcrat1nJ wcl 8111 Scmmkr. man11;c1 0 1 1.bc htlcthtorc. ~sa,m.all)', .,,..c v.~,uld b1n c LO J',1) fot the h;a,a O u i.- William'\, (rt'Shm.;n i.<C\,Hot. said, AS:,.tlC h,u ftl'1tlU1.11 tct Ju ""lib IJK" .;J,·cn"i:m.:111,,"bt t11Jd. We don'1 brnct i1 tn,m them." Wdl111m,uidthc N"l()lu,t(l(c 11nd the tnlll'lct do nol make a r mf11 .and 1hc c-ntm: 11urr lu, SOC'i 1n(o I.be SUB LO kttp ii rw1ninlt · w~·rc. a ll untkt ocw tiuJid."' be Mid -Ate oik-nh re cJut if lbc mrnim11l
r .1\niait I m J e:. hcr4; 111.111)' )<:<in u 11 II 1,1'. to rn}' oll tbt Jd1r~· ~1uchlirJ 1\\..-.J "'Stlkknt arc nn h IIIC'f "'illillR lu JI\C' ur COM\'C'hiCC,..C' the, Ulcd lo rhc up In order 10 sow ',;o!llcse Lonny S1r111, dll'tctur o l ,\ux11itf)' Sc1vm~., ud lhe Aull Ii Mt Stt<, h:C'1. UC' m.11111 UJ'I 11 r (t1ur comr,mcnu hc h0o.,k1ll'lf~. (o..-.d k",.,.,~C'. 1tt1Jcru umnn 11111J huu,1nar
We're: t.l"t 1.1r MJ 1lu11 "''C' reicc1vr nu funJmg from th~ t:ol lc~c." he u1~1. l hc Au•lll.11J)
S<"f'\11:<1 .u-c U'UI)· nu\1lltr)' S1c1n mcnli(l(lrd lhc- book,tOfC' i.:oru11butr1 • 111111c por1.tctn ul u 1t1i:ume lu hulr •he Sl H hn11ocull)'
H1: 111"> 1.al('d, • l'IOI 1he cuJlcgc a rolii.:)
In o1Uo" 1.r\'J11 c.:mt compnn1n 10 d<» t-u, 11\c, 1n lhc sue'"
A'-1.'urd1n110 \tany tkrkccU', nn11nn1I
c:uluron ta tbc l.11, 1 iuu'"' ur 1bt Sfnllnel 11kt
•\'C'tAJc \*ri ~An p;a>·• lt'i 1 rrr~c,11 uutu"lt
\tn S5 ~00 M c rtd i1 ~4rd dctu~
Thi11 m~1 , ti e ;1,,·cr11a:1: Amtritan u JNl)' lnl
S~lQ.70 J'l('t )'t'"..S foe cfN11 c111d 1t1tccc11t.
Colleges, universities head toNIC
Transfe r Day successful helping students selec t the ir next school
bt Krl>Und <•I« Stflrrn.- 1 trpMltr
Ai 1'tillt,k1 0,1y Feb 7, tt(lfC\COUIIIVQ fro,m ~O~llct,.._. lbCI Un.i\·et1.1t1M thruut,:bow the r1,1LJ(lll 'lll'Cfe al tht SUB to prcmdt ~nfOl'ffUln)tl OC'l lht1r 1mll lUh01l\. Tht c,cac •·;h h)" Ad,i,ms Scn-1;."'tl. imd ha1 bc<ornc a tn.J,t.ion U.Xh )'CW' mun: v;hor•h h:I\T ha-r1 aJ&......r In p,~ ,l.Ulknn. mm1~ ,ho,.;c., atlJ mtdlly ac:ice»1blc:: m(l'lrlml!uo .tb,,u1 lhffll '111n 11, grt:111.- :w11J ~~boml'I~ Sara 'Blltlle!au. h 11w, tr.tuJcot,. ao ~•of v.twl'~outthC'ft' St:,·ctnJ fk'W ..diool\ h:wc. bttfl uJdcd lhil )cat to the ctiulor tut Wc"t.c::ro Munl.ffla CoUttcc. LinfltlJ Coll~. 8..iU) r Lin1 to1I), Ccn1nal Walh .n,!!100 U nhTff 1y. Pul(t't &,im J Chmlion C"llc,c ;in1J Walla Wllb Collqc: v.cn:
Wbiuruu, C,,ttq:,·
1'r,1n,1cr O.ay u atiout fa-.C"•I" h"'-e c-c.in1A1
•11h,cudrn1 a.."1ai,IKtllt")' Da111,r1 LiniidJ
C-0Jlctt IT'J-'l'C\c.lllAUtC ''Tilctc (lpP,ll11m11n, pctw1ck uuJciru >ltlth 'pct;ulilro 1nforrn.r,h,,n Ahuut 1hcittollrF<r chn1L~. · ~id J.amc:~ Spmm< f.1f R 1)1 l111,~1,,1y Will 'Mt mall'r dll:M,'C', n•l l.1blc. 1tw,kn11, WC"«' allo'ili:d I I evaluate 1be1f cbo1,--a t•f M;)1ouh on an t rK.l,Vith l t,.nJL Tno,kr Oil) as pa1 for lhc uuJcnti.. H kt, 111(.ffl contJ"-'lthntl \ht,p I() UnJ the be" ht'" ta.Id Mlky Bttt-tidl. 4 ,1,1.an1 .Lra;l(tlf or klmthl~\ IC Reick St.aft! l:n1, cnily A«unJ1n)lto~lch ,aC~n, 11U1r.ta1ndunt11, f1•r ,_.v. MUtk:114 ter'ilttl a 1 lbt lini,·cn.u)·of IJ;ilio. 1e111nt 11tuJ c11!1 n.:,cJ c.t.U.t hJ ! ottt1JUc>11 400 11r, t n uuv1v1nii IJ11.: tn1u.r" pmccn Oihcr \J)QCIJJ..: wlom1JUOD ll tlKC lu ha\C t',pl•lntd l,i.:ciUfac:c" S1udcn1 1. 11n at 1 \UII c,gr Cocttt ll ,\kr1.; 1.dllcthtn: at NIC for iiJJ..itlori;1I he ir," ~u ,d.
fwm SborthtmcC"ou111, Wl1,l.!C\n' lhir ell c fflJ)' there ~ot1ld h( • f, ,unJ:nwn 11:lho!.,r,hip tllilOMl1..Jr for ),ioU 1 f• 1rfl) for ll foondat,pn ...-h0Lu'Ul1r. U,r SI<.: fonn h Ill! )011h.wc1ofilloo1 News TH1c SENTINEL PA01 3 Ni ce shot Man:b Uolhtl.kaillu,c tu o1pf!I)' (11f Joun..buoo xhola.n.h,fk J &.IMO-.,,. Phll e..t,, c:,eatlve W1111ng•wdon~ pleya vldeogameo tor a natural high. Free rofreohmenla suppl<tmonted tht °"""t
•ns vary with distribution Olscaver Card adverUsament \ lltbftl M.udc r r1,,,...,,~, Rt'III)· Bnu.:h.anl, Nl,&nc, IU\J IIC"ro\ln1 ,na i1uuuc1e,r. l"OUl.lt'd UfJI tht book.:-.&orc h handing OUI 01~cncr C.1JJ ,lrl111<110t'11'o alt ~.udcnt~ v..h(1 r,un;ha\C 111:m, in 1hc
... ttt1COUntucJ
I 1~3Ch
IIJOOflf lht' <11khtkin1. I" t,,W.•G.WVII awe,,. trios to rocru11 John Sletloger, b<Jslness odmlnlllrltlon mo!<>< from SlndpoW. Th~ tegul.N' iiuaiJCIC' u"ludcd A.Jbcr1"'.-.n College o r IJaho Boi'-C' Starr, LC'wi~ •1111 and;. Noffl1'*'-c l N.u~ Unl1<c.t 1ty the Ulij\C'flit)' ul Sd.,bo, Can-olJ CuHc:ic, M004., lhc Uru\cruly of Pregnant ? B Birthright can help you. -free pregnancy tests -comnwniry referra l s -injalll & maternity clot hing 9 23 Sher man Ave C oe ur d ' A l ene 664- 1390 1-800-550-4900 24 hour Hotline LEWIS-CLARK STATE COLLEGE · "Rea~ to .A.ccele~ate ' Your J.i-{e & Career? Let LCSC put YOU on a PROVEN PATH to Life and Career Advancement Compleu Your Bachelor's Degree In Coeur d'Alene 1.--- - w e O FFERJ -, 1 • No long reprtntion lin es • Fin.nd al aid packaces • Crtdlt for Iii• u perfence •Avariety of degree, • Convenltnt <lus hour, One-On-One Counseling Available TODAY (208) 666-6 707 LEWIS-CLARK STATE C OLLE G E 0<1 tll1 N orth 14tko Colle(• C3m(N1 \1,,olJltl:a. MC11u1n11 Tcd 1nac.-l f'ollc:~ t \JCffl On:- If! l.'nhcruty. l:.bta11 W.JunilllCI l nl\CT"l.1)·, Wahtnptn State. Wh1IY,onh C'1llk_[:o .w,J
_ J
WHAT WE THINK ----Beach needs spring cleaning
ciao I
grtat job k«IMnJt 11 ..:lean iuid pm.c1uabk Then go cnu 1.bc:
hill ~ncJ hy the C(11lcgr.. oo, IDCd by 1hc COO:UIIUIIII)'. dte
bc,eh ,, fllthy. Onftwood 1i n c-rt 1hc edge• ur 1h¢ pri,linc
""''"" and ranJl1ft1 ''8"n\" 11,n,~ me tit.1ucr and iaod h:lkhi!,.
h't IWl I pC't:(1) ,ight
\\'bco lbc bt-.:b \\II\ flr,,t cttJl,tJ it"'" dl'W!C b)' fac.'\illy •ml
,1t11kc1u Th"Y rc-01 d•>• clum_ns_thc •rea. ,ettlPJ up
p,1th.,.,a)'s aod i.c111n1 up 1hc dacb, ps~n,e- tabk, and znlh lllll.l
C)VC'f)"lek'CfljU)'A The" bt.~h mill)· hclJh Ille cullc- At·\.dtcll.c,,
.aCLr..:1 p«1plc totbc1rta. •!lid the bt'nch 11..\C'lftlri.npthou\lruh
c;[.rrk to Iii,:,~ (1' Coeur d'Alcnci and di<' \.'..smpu, of
fut alJ lhal I.he bed tu.- dime- for the coflc~. 1ht collc,gc
b.a , nni done in rc1urn ThouJh ,~- ~cpl r11.licd ur i:ind
tnmmeJ. the am h•~ fo.lkn in10 diucpJ.u "the \\'o'1aun1t1t
Jt~ .m: J1rued with lt>Qm,: v.·a.* ,1n;,I ocher d1my Jn"-' \IUU
lh.i l' nol n111urnl (Of I\ IJkc. \1.r•~ an:ih att C(l'YO"td v.l1h
"«--l\ ln the ,ununer.
h ', lime lfl <' :tdv1n1a,ge of • ~1111.ilml'l Th~· IJ1kc lc,·ch Mt
u.111.D All-time lc)l,I. ind 11 dcan'11ook pronming for lc-vch 10
raiK 1bi1 ~mmcr SO'<\' n. the hme ti, p!l t!Qwn tu th.: ~h
anil IUtl'I h h.td: huo the UIIC'I to 1hc f.OUcge 11\)1 II w*' )~
"¥" Bet'iliccn ,·uhnucm rtom 1hc college and ma)·bc cvC'11 1hc
1.'.0tnniWHI)' that &u\'<'~ Yap-Khem-l.'n, , lbt lietch cuu1J •pin be dean 11.lld P'c.1<ia.Ot h m•Jbt C\·('n he II rtatt "'~ pcorlc dort"t mu1d ,uU..:in1 on the l.tk.c bouom
btJO>hSlud« /ill.ll0Nt1·Clu(/
Ufe a bowl of
by JO<h >CUd<lt' Edu,,r-i11-CIJi.-f
Oneofthc boa ra,\t tll'IIO. m
111tn.O. aod b', 1be
~1nawi• 1A tvWQ are.d1ny, old, poor!)!,., ••,u,<1,oc1. ca11,,1.411d)·, \\'bcolhc{)f(aroom,;DOC1'
.:ame IJUI 11 wa.'l 111.t 1/Jl'lking (Cl
11rote111>nlM'IOlf\1 Mainly bc(4ll'I( tbey (It"\'(!' ealtlCl w Qxwd'Almc 0( lbc) amt N'I bkilW.K~Wl:ry bwa,.,.l)'la,<fncl,)1!1,11
"'CmocbinJT1gcr, Hldlkn
Dl'l.itun,. &(.lt IOCd'Amla ,,ed. earlier. '1'nll rit'" gee bett t\'tft chou$fi they '4U'C «lead
mAIChJ..JEO $a hcrc'11bc Ji,vo(Ow:a, 1'111.'n'JC\lh.lt..ur,.k,,.,;)'<IUlll'C IU Spc,L&oe.)oudidn'•~
• Belote N'Jgbl. fall"
- ~llock
•Quin. • Shatmo 11r1t1ic \',:~ .,,-,,.,
• YouC411 Co.mi On: Mo
• Billy Elliot
• Vottl
•M Lma
lboupl 11'1 00C fl('IIJillJllk.'J cd·,.. didn'1 C\·ca ret s.flilllm -
AMC bl:e Ill< llltult'I m Spoboc in,o.:odo(ohc,ed>c,tp Rtpl
Cil'lt'rn.u 1bat mr !bx utm SUI bcf(l(cC\Ct) QIO\lic. -
Scnli:ncl WM OCI me' saa:nd, 'ii.I.'.
nxt1\<d £ ull (mm Lanny S1e:1n.
ditffl«OI OU.\ili1J'Yloel'\'ICCI..
Re,f<>Odlna o, w .-w-naodymacbChot«h:n),.._
$tao s.nloauod (1¥ WQUIJ be• nt., nutbmt mW Sieben
Bulldlni::tjMXJCI•~ (:ai%,r4\Albhk 'lll.tnki.lorticuii.
""""'"' 11• .,...
Shon Cul>
Pnn I ~now Yiila cbd 11 NI lhilnb.. Thine hide poch, Ulnlllt:,b ll!f~ <OVCmi Odd llt'e: tel1llycoe1,·cn1~ The qtaOl:Xl11,,,"c~~IQ.11kb) ,i,1111\lli)cm'?
Chol«<bmi"Q,,c,llon V.11y "the: bbmy cbcd 1'1f h<lild.,)•""1,pinsbn,\k" Would11'111 be iood IO hl~c II ,ip!nfor<tlkkltt,ti1.:..k:hup'.I
M1ll'C lhnn likdy >"" a1ft tdl )Wr w Saatt bul )® eari ldt ~tto 1uapoo E..tl.a) J\c('of'd1111 w, an AP~ Ad.t.m Bunk., .dl·pnclo,mo,lgcck.
M'Jrk1 hi, IOOI too. v.,'lt!Wl [!'('Im 0o \fril~s. hiv.• r« f4oo WhaliJu)'(IUWv.r1ha~
MN11 A JIIIIPCf" wdg!it'' Swpld
"'W"'1hrirrl'oJrloon \\cU.n1~on)\lll "' "Did )'111 fcN )wt bJ, IOCbY, Ht.11.1 F.am"O," ·'Gimeni,11,,1 meaii, u,inc OO<hhands."
"'ttmi·~ ,our tllpchm. -.c,uld ,wuurrto.•lthlhldr
E\W bc:ar !ht·OClt ;iho,.,1 Ilic Md)on.Jd', in actii.d\/ Ir, rrur. lnHw12C101111hc B""'~"""B"'""°""'b ~\\1Un-.tv,t"Cablt"1Q
Vl'ltl the~mJli'ltilhctv.\"Clt
Sllnd:I) fiCbcd illld ICI'\ llt \\'h.11 \lt<Hlkl Jt.,u, do about Ihle'' /\ fflllUICl\kXl'lcontbch!l)ll~
The Sentinel v. ck<>mc.4 lc:ltcn 10 tht cdJlot Thoo.c wb1> ~uhm11
lcn~ mu,t bmll thcm lcJ 300 "«d,. \ll&'Q them lcilhl)' tfkl
prov•Jc .a pb.NlC oum1:1Cr-it1 otdcr-co \'crif)' ,1i1thenlicity, Somr. lcllm nuy n,ll be. pnnlcd hcau,c or ~pll(:I(' liulit-:ttJun,. 1.1r bcc.,u~ the)' I) arc 1inulu to• nun~ I,)( &cum alrcat.ly ri:ttlvcd oa the YfflC "1l>JN1. 2) .re
ol me I h,"'C
,p:ni 1ht 1.,'1 JO)'--"'" li)l{•Ung ltlf ihc
~•, dic1ruthand1hcll.sh1 Longcrlh.ln
fflQI.I pcnrlc Ufl \.JlnrQ1 h;t,\t' brC'II •hvc rm here to ll)', d1111 lire 1.1 bi:rc 11nd n<,w
Tiu, bJc lhh 111,uuc:n1 lhC' tr\l;.t1J PlaciD!l you1 raad, in an ll11~c-B God. tu PMUmtltd. ritt•rhtuc-d Blhk 1hc hopcOI Ute cvc,l lin)I wcncpllm~. Of tvc11 1bt' N-hcl ,n bell n cnmrlctc.ly 1mtc:awn;1hle h'111 likc buyin g Rood m~11r.o,;c fot lht Spacc Shunlc 1n Prbll
The iteim:h fot lttllh h a.t, t1«111nd 11d l i~ a lire.loo~ QUCII lof n,c. oJl'IC J hll\C ll~ltl, \'Ct)' J.C'nowl) I h:m, ,noopcd abuulohoo,t ('\'Cf)
w1a1111ctl lklu\C' of ~Li!P(ffl S.wll: m1 4. I've been the-re• OoC' lhtug I know 1t1 IU) hc1111 <or ,u,~. d 1hcy ~"' a plalc ,bnw~,cr 11'1 di•Oi."l 11 1• n« lhe t 1Jh1 l,ni: Fal\C prophets i::,,lkcl bilbocu, O\·('r 1hc- tt'l<'Y1,1on I guarantee one lhint II they're on TV 11·1 fu frQm 1.n11b 11nJ all lbC.) \\iLQI l' )'OUT mCJ!I.()' At ichool. "'hcn: I kd w nllnl'oruhk I h,nc- mtl ~o many fine )oung incn..ind •->men. t me.in n:.aJly good luokini. (banning. in1clliJcnt, 1'CIJ·m~nllCT'.:d people. IJ1.01 lo,·t., 1bc1:n. lh4:itcnlh11\1;um.. p,c:;11 c.ttuc,, WC11'k h11lt1h - lhcy·rc' 11"'·11
pcorl~ The rnitilrm '" almn,,.1 c ucpiioh c•nct' t Jcl a lml~ d\1~r. I llUI my new lnc.nd t1d('loi;11 (1,J i,.oOMtf or l-Uh Jh~Wk'J. o nljgu,u 1('C.h:IKtt rch11-111u, {'!fmoci'c., 111i! ltkhUljCI 1\ (1111'1111-. l t iln 81U 11111 one·, ,u..:cc~~ 1nd g,)OIJ fl.lflU'fl<' to• Suprc1nr Htlna i, o1b\t.11J.. Tht cca&n focu, 1n t."lllt', life h ,,cl( Sc.It dim: ~II l1 the O\l"C of JtlOd 1hln1i In Quit ,:i"'"t: ~:rcdll co "lhc 11t1t.1r~ o:pc:d111inn 011hinp hQpeJ fnf C\.lJcnt dcnu,11,tri•l•llOof rc:1litittl
oul ~bcld (N'c.w Wodd Tran•I cbc 81b]e • Hcbttv.-, I J: 1, Thi, 11 c 1hc t11w,1 "'brad ii\ 1hc unJ'' m I.ale> vur l11urun1.onlli11W1 to.llU)'
II )'OU really "•I'll h> \CC GoJ. lool 1hc m,rrnr dccr into )'OUr nv.nC)'t', \(Xd, 1hc ~:il t,),('ncc or life, i11Mft.
Spring fever hitting har
b) .._,mc.'arptnlrr -'if'rJlmf'lrr~1rtu
I dc,o c know hc.w, :in)i,nc d~ l«,h h01 I ha,·e 'l"ln' (C\t"J In lh( \',IIOI W.'I)' Wbc111hc rnn m.11,:n 011 nrr,c,uncc. I llnd lln)' Cl.CU!ot' lu bt t!\ltMdc tu batht 1n it1wamuh \l:1ybe die rn,011 l'tn ytaminit (Df ,rcing i• bc<.:au~ lh(' itotrnJ hall b(ot"n ..:G\'C't(d "-'hh S1'1,IY. ~Int'° htf11te numk11g1\J08- U,u.Uy N'flrtb ldahu gc111 a Pt:bruo.ry Ul1111 lull.I u lltlps to ~nduu: lhc ,1mm.~II\Olthi1)Clr lh1Jhopcd1bc 0t1'11nJ. l1t,i ,._,,iulJ m!ol M!(' h11 th-WC1". ""I hrdiJ, '>O ,-j, mc1~ Ytctlrao(lhc col,t
1n\l •1mw. I M:1Witlly b11J hopt dt.wccl •pnng ,-c,on 11prrt.1iachlnv. 1'12~n l 11v-okc tohmll cltup11111111J
KimC.1rpwt11" prd;1ni11 1hc pounJ 111 my ~ck:.·MJ I 1h111k. 1m01her rea.\.On I lO\ll tti,~·•td 111 ,pnn, H br-.'.W"° fQf "10: ll JI ll 1JO,t' (n1
LllldalWI O.lloo-Boll T-Klilpod, i.-11e11 a.,IKal
Llllda- T-10.-ailftld MlclalMar _..... MmOitlt
XlloEla -......... 9-wi..
LabClocqe Mlod)-W&nllJOcrMnt 'l'lial,o\'-
lntllUIU!4UI !$(\'Ct m.tk(. l'('~t>llltlom
p,...4 Tril:StMtt-+fL ..... O onl<i!ys in Q • .,Si! • = dresses compete • Q • >- in C1>1umbian • -= • i:5 Bealily pigeanls •
Tile.- l.iltc i,. low l..ool oo lhc Mrh1 ~wk. Now if\ easy 1.c> \c< 1hc ,umnJ ur lbe IW anll Jhgu,un.: he-~, h 1h111 wmmM N(C True, tilt IJlkc aii bc.aullM Junng mo"t <>I lbc )C"ilr bu1 clunnti. lhc: winter. t'oc1a 111rr1-11 fron, 1h.t :uu t,:Qvtttd by 'A'l\l.Cr Ul i.bc IIJ'U rec,plc flep 111 lbc ,umrutt 011: tt:1'l r,t ,umpv,. oob Jff.11 dunns IJic wbok yur liH'l'l lhou,ih '5'IBltT COWft C\'Cl')1hjng W1Jh ~OOW, 1hr ~lh:fc.'
f)C'\"1hl)' hbckiu, ot J) *1: ,t)eJtible. The Scac.ind R:~n thc riJhC h> nl1 i lcucn. Ldlttl m.ay be madcJ ll1 lhe Scm.iacl. c-tnai~ fauJ isr lmattil~ to Room SJ of 1hc S1chctt 8u1IJ.1nti Thc:S(n1i11c1'1 e,ddl"C,).~ i, 10(., W GarcknAYc Cocurd'AJcnc, I0.8J814 Phoac (?tl8171,1) .lJU. F"- C208) 7M.J3ij9. E,nud: ~nunclftnat.cdu - - - - ----... I PERSONAL OPINION
b) <.mo11 /oh u1n,on s 111,1,rlrr,-.,,r" All u, cr tbr a;mpu, , c , ct)' d•), J JneC't , 1uJcr1u ftnm C'ln( l,t lbe l;Ugcst 11my , vi ~n:•1 f""'<'IPICJ" vc ,, ,, hild lht' pk1,1, urc 111 t.c1n1 Involved \111h Bui wh.it I i.« 11 .abiuu1 75 pe rcent nl 1hc r,opulnllnn arc• ...,azc b«omtng rcli JitM.11 mhalhl ~cultl'l'l. lingw\CtJ • • You1h for 0111.1 "" ur 'Rc.1l Lite \llnblt1t1." lt '1 • lutt.s ll~t Qt ()1111 ( nr ('l!n t. ~aJ 1he •·orJ., 'ih.uc d~ Joy ol G."I ltt ) out hft '" TI,i c,c.ue 1bo hrll 11u1
Find truth, God in yourse
J . >--
plnl1 ~(A
New. Year'• J .,.,,.,1 un1il 1prin11 to ,:0.th 1hc 1i,uc o( rehmh When the ,ll\>w finall> mch, r111 1ny hh,:~-tk pNaUni: """'•}' 1hc nui pt>unJ.11 I put°" o,tr \\il)ler. 00'~ 1111 lh.an 1h.ll Srfin.tln,r bnn11,, w1d1 tt 1hin1:1 t IMt m1-n1 tire. nc.,., he.ti 11mc ,.r hor'C'. the rtru1nl~<' ,,f l11nf. • ,unn)' da)'t, picnjc( , 111)' dA), on l1lf b<-.a4'.h anJ ~itutirul ,un,ch (Ill g,: I . .......
lps shed pounds
"'bctl "•mf'("ft. ,n,h:.W itlg u~ ~uc a,on: m't'1'1\'N. She ,. tJic: tntnnct and tlt-pn ins ,uh~h ,,-t.lbJ lcl
IIJ'IIIUJfcf)', pm u1d llhajo1ricd a wffiiitt WM ~le- tO km\ Olm, dlr~l:JUtt'\UM.-d,in;t
'-h) bf IQQ9, vollilc PO lh('
'-bC di ·,,,-c-ftd lnlOfmntJOO
u,~- -.1011u..:h rru...~ur1· c11IIC'd r (fa,.,tnc 8ypa,, urrgny. pt't1 -.Id lhe tttrfet')' ttqUircd
lft:,',l,~l1'0fl'lh.an llxtpound, af}II 1U1tl had• \1~"111tin1 dl~'f.hkhtght,lont.l
Sht hlld 1n WilU th~
•!Id r.c11i11 • f;!Qt:l,ub.tloo
• rt)"duntri.Mi l'ld("IR' b.ltvtng
l·:.nun, Wdlitd, \lJ~ L)">1D llr.d C'allwruv: l::Mbl."I
V.'C.l'C CClfl'likmf lhC Jll(IOCt'.(1,01 ',1,1>1tleii1o
eJ.uo11on in the l'tulti.l S1.111.n dur'tij the mid iu I.lie!
1~00, A l'~1rrrnl c.llll.:.1t.1.-i, Ruch Wc:utcut1r1 Jlr, R11tb.
11>'b1) t• lll,W,fl (t't(h;a:vms-.all IIIC'IL!t,v.t'n It• i,,c,1
Polilk."\ Rc-fori! prtskJi:411., ~h1p~.J1.1~ 1bcrc wt:11r phunoti,. Th( fiN \l.ootlln f'Wlraob ,if Ancii.:nt
E.&,·rt ""'" PhaP1 H.at-.1.cl'!t. Shr hwJ .lt>J
~ipn.l 1n1hc )C.11) 1501-J,,s,! UC
Sue11c"d).l,:r,.,wnquttn)ot tJi,,: f-'O.ll•ho \t.1.'.tr'
k.Qcmn fPr"P,\\'t'fand hc:la1.11)· arc; \1»1cJ.a. Quc:c.·11 ol
Sbcb:i 11'1, Elh~pi.111 q1,uxr1 tt'lj.'lllnJ 1,mu11J %0 hC..
0t:c,r,11ra .,n..1 MIU)· l"uJor l'oJnr n1kJ 1-.Jttl~d in die l":arl) JSOO,.. She r,uricJ1h,.:,n1d,noMn..·~8looJ>
~bry • t,c,.~,e rukd v.ida rull ~'Uf{ an.I mri lhc chalJt:llfC,. 11( !oC'\'('f\' «ol'II.IIUK.' cri1h JtlJ rc~IU1111.
Jr:.iruk:UC fwll\JII, from /'\,font:11u1 wa, lhc lir.t
"°(tnlil'l r:IQl.:teJ Cll lhc Hl"\C'ol lt~f'li:vttlMl\'r:s.
Sht w'l.111 thc ,ml) rnemhcr of ~,,n~~ to wt1,c
'\u 'A'llnl\ It) \u;:1;h ~.ut
..,.. Sllm(ltft ~kol. "Oil!'a J" • d, hot dtb ,urge!')' will•
wJ tia 'Llom..och n 1nu,,fau:J
Ill.Ill)' ,q,an11e from lbe
~l41UIM:h 1bc \Utlff)' 11 •rt
~c. Tiic doc:UJt •ll¥bt\
~II 11UC,lrDC!L IO the ftiC\I,,
wh,lc: tlil'i.lttg uff 1hc old h Aftn the \k.-..:tur n.-att.l,dllC~
major Jt.Uffff) 1..-omplic111100,
tl&Jd Ill f&N t.bc: l'\Jd IOCal
hrj111arhtrl'W""' ~IIINL'.hi\
Ilic ,t,~ nt 611 t'U She
) d,do'I (CCII ht111,gt} N'(;,w,c
~!nae &01t1i IO Jlnd from brr arc QU 1.ar~cr lhan i. pcnc1.
11 ho:1.1 U1 di(' alntn..;h
\rrou!dt«11t"n111t'IIJtbi1 re lttY,I';· S.tmpen u.id. ~\ lo,.a 11 S poofkll t.llla' tl)r \ht "'''fll lhrwl,h ,ht enuni "-'1thl'h.trr,:,bk111J. \~n'-llJVIC 111ititt,,tlll\\'l)C\.,r,k 1ciu,;tdifrctct1d) rnbct"t.i1'1.-.:1he
V\lu,kalhcr WtiJbl $ht ,.t.1d,he1, ~11U1hr '-. Umc"pctt,oft l JI(' bcftn, 001 J')C'(lple111t<htJIUll,U il<Thvhcrioot,.
:i.pin,a L..S. C'nll')' lnzo \\ Wt anJ WWII &.-aua, 1md P11~1un
W1,nw:n t,1, ho an: wnrtf'1 n:mnnh::rmg 111
1hr lr.auty .uaJ r1,h1c.1n u.lC")il!C')' art C'l;ll.:u
Owm~l.1~11 bQm acwJ li,'Cd frum Ixs.i.1-n I,
t.M 'llo .tS lnO\\ It ldt fra,:Nll(U. MM)' Nly t\,h ~<l\WI An1mC:;,\IIIM ll'tllllJCI Ol \1.v,o K.iy Lo,.nict1 o.s. 01h:1, illl lud( lkl111.1111 hon,
1.k-o.iJCOtt LirCl..lit>ome.1ndf:.s 1 1..uu.kt
lft11lt h aod Mtdicfof'
l111f111, l~J.t IDllle tnlht<P1t.1l •i.tmc'P U.Ttt 1Jc '\\di bl,~1lCi,1I w.,r llUl'foC Aou;nct ~1th1inplC'.
l:lli.ahtd1 Ul.1d1,1,<II. 11.e firu lluruert th:tor Aho.
\1.uy Elu.i ~hJionty. ,,\u11.·nr.1• f1"1 (ln)l~MKlnttl
hW11! UllJ K11m1 lfomry. a1Ql.hcf ul pt,)1.b,wul)"L\.
Wtrn1 woold lh(' :,.itonl\Wt"l he l1k,:, 1f 1t b,d l)O(
tia-u for S...·.1j.1"ea.' 5.11:ai,a"'ra :u a Shm.lKlllc!, Amcm.~n l11Ji1111. •ho.,.,._,• g~ui.k• k• Lc\liii1 and t'l:ul. Junn, lhdt 1.'\plar2C1on oC W ~<ll'lh\llC"JoL
Qlh,rn u..-ludt AIC't.;10JnM T1n11e1. M.Af)'
Hl11ricu.1 Kln,t.11k), t.tplDrff" !(• Afm,1 :,nJ Li1uuc
A.met lkl)d. e:xrlno:r lu 1h,: f\"llat k'"f-1,)(l;,. he)• Stark Wil'I. .anC'.,pl~lfff k1 A,i,1 aoi.l Syhn
IJ;iric .J('",IC";\fllt>t('f Atbtt'fo n,~ flt'...1tot .a1blrlt" of 1.hc hn.t Ii.a.Ir or 1Jic Wd1 u::ntury ,~ \blJn:d EJla IJhirlUOH l..ltr:m;U., ~a.:itic l>iJrik."-'CI." SIie' "-A.J lnuwn .u ~Babe~ tluoui;hout hnadull ldc. "ihr1oo&.1hc'1lltlc!ftHm11p:in, hc-10 U.1hc Rulh
Cll<olnk"~r 1,1r11«11n name~\ 'l'Oft.'J ,n "luch "be r,«lltd wld kl ,t,tnl ff\Tlt\h \\>Jul.:11lu-od111gtui;h f '~ ,c.:b,:-.Jl.htrb.1.0.Uthlall '....J r lell01 lk'\'Cf' l<N l Jl'l.lllC 1t~J1l.1t1,'(l~Jui:1oh&:r lllpt"-\1,(111111 ,u,:,rdtrUfv.l pl.1~· In IYJl,sl><lo:J
IJoit(Ull\'"• Oc,JJcti Cyducl(::\tu ,\,1ho1u.l
C:lun1piur1'!hJp unJ ~.u. ~ko:.l.1:J LIiii!
\ll·Anll•n1:u11 Wnmtr1·,. E1.a,kc1boll pla:,cr LIiier t.bc: b(,c~ thtpmrucr \\-omt'fl\ ~k-.and lidd pcri(ffll(f in !he n.itw,n
Ik1v.o:n IQ~().IQJ? l)idflkwD hcW Amc:ritln IWllf CH)1n11t1.: 'illl'll'id rc «J,. I" (he JdlCfflll U'acl.· D11ld-6rldc\'<'Dt,. She""'"' ,.,..1, auldn,cJ.iho1:rid~ ,ih·CTancJ hrulc lour wtJJIJ ro..'<"J,. in 111-illt!lt .aftemocw1 h, 111.,2 •he.,. ,U \'llll:*.I w,,nMln Athlc:tctlhbc.wh1d1 ..tic \\'OCI 0,v( 11Jd1t1CW1.JI b~s. 8)' 1~0.t.ht->Atialhi:Ttu,amlW~Opt'n OutfTwm:.1111rnl'-
Thn:c ye.1n he-fort ,tic: dted UI IQ$U. the v..u aamcd Women aihlcui of 1bc H.lllt Cttlf\11}' Sodaflltntfe
Li.)IJ)'. th..- mflw.-ntial women ut the field uf M>tLa.l ..n,a ur C'llll'a f1111lnn. a ("n,11 w,r nur,c •od fo11tldt'r uf 1J~ An1(fi~.m Rtd C"ru~;.. lklf'n Huol bi.:boo. k.:oo'An f,lf 1nJ,2n rcfom1 ~t«)'. 111,d \1..uy H.arrh (Muthc1 I JOPd fanll.)LI\ for • I~ ,pto;llf" iUll1 writtnr,, c,{ t.hc poor •llR.ln,; cfa.,,. u11JW:n ol ~nn,yl\Jiltlb arc ~nilcd in lhl, <"'<1"'1·
Tlu:x .,.,,,alCSl moiuC1cieodare11,1\ta ft\\- cu 1hr
11\11\)' .,hu ha,·~ m.aJc I.he' .,.,,,rid a bc-11et". hc,t1h,tr aiill h.lf'rl<'r rl,u-. cr;pn-i.llly for (rm.ab Herstory
~•·Ft--.wn 21, 2001 I Women blink • • • 8 nearly twice as • - • often a~men • • Surgery
"<) ht LIii.ta R:inm!Jl'l wporth ) S111npci1 h-&·11 lindh,u 1 v..c-1£,hl prubkm ,11\1.:c W wa, ill,.<er SJI<' \\~l~beJ 2,Ui , Sllc uld rropl~ wcvuk1 .care .J tlulJmt w,iu.Jd p:lUII anJ U·"'lr... \lnmlll). a lh«t, f.ll 1,,1;.d her dlolc!lk'tol \l·ai op. t,lro,.ll'fC1,,!lrl:''\lo'l1,outnl lriJ!""Ji.shttic"n"
LE !::"'"''"'"'"""~ ' I"" hoJ h<cn 101h algu..1£orm 111•. ,,ha;b111 b«.unc I() ,he 11r,vu1J , 1/'lt'd.ltl.1 k~ILlt /Slllitobr poulW,- S.amprn 5&ld. '"abd
pP&,nil,o,uv.c,pt• \;liJ,hcJiccldcd'1ntcc1 Jou ~pcc;w.t,1. In Spobnt.
1hc 1lo..io1 1c.h.1~ k> bccc-~.c
: Who is the most impor t an t woman in history and why? Tmc,\ ~hotk. ·~ l.'11,J,.,,'if.-d C.-OC",tJ.«ll,t.l,,N, &mJra[');i,y
b«atniel h\:c tJe"rciir1,t-~~11,e ,00 -~·11·1i.1-UC1 t...uru HU!io'-On. •• FJrmr,u11r, F.1ll#•lllD11 •·\iothn 0JCrt',& htl,-~11..cciC htt f111nun11,m..1n -.rirtt• \lari.1Jai,rol1,oo. ~1 ,,.,·,u-,v,1 1/a,,l,n ··~illk)'RCQIIMI titx::i.Ul(' ,he (k)C'.s 11ut fo1 lk."T hu~·, Jn'jUlllm. J..od.Lifld), 11 C'~nr11.1lS1u.l1f1 11,......,,hc.J) Si,111nn lllllttod 1l)C\I.01DC'n°1o IUO' tmc'llt If 11(1( (Othcr.'\1.1,n,en wuuldn"1 be- ~bk h>V~t"' C:hrut11a<k, 10 ''"'"' c~wd'J\.(('n,
$,ntt.tttl rq,orta
One J.ay • gill rumcd Veron,,.-_ 11,·hohc reilll\ liktd buJ
Porttf 10 a put)·.
• Ovniy cx.cil.cJ Ptltb.·tr11.11 b,lfflr 10 pull hil ('DI oot 1•fh1,
d'*t aru1 p:,lub thm• up (or chi! 1\11'1). Pontr ._nr\\ Verunln
to,·cd gu)-. wfKl ha,·~• good CD c:c-i1~1.c,n He grtt,t,c.J tin
c.ue anJ Me'II U,c du,1 oll. A, ht \:r;11.krJ il op:u be bcgllli ll•
rcmin1sccof1hci;sc.n crw,JChcu\C'J &ob~a U>.
Poocr dm.i.c,I tn bl.I bc-\1 bllt) ·Nut tu\ ruiJ hc,kk-J OUl the=
doo( fl)Vil\itcould l1C u~ l,da fUJ!bl ufhlt Ille.
He rt'...,;hod tht n llrboul I half 111 huut. Uc grabbed
bb CD ca1e. • t,,;ig of J»l.11111 chipt 1111..l .i llwm d,111ddttlll1
AM v. il~J IO~ door Vc((lillic:1 IMIJ.'CttJ 1hc door
-uL Vcromi.:11 TIIIC'>C 1ft fOlf)'OU.."MNldhmrlinF '1c:Jlbc
"1nank1," IN ur;id ,·huclillni.
Ponct •eul Ul anc.1 tA.·al~d c,,-cr 1111.ht C"D rl"')'ff ran.a
IA'"C 1hc1uy nwmm1the rl•~i:-1 ht,c~ The JU)' 1.,ru,cJ ha
cm: •od tie~n t<' bugh
''What u I.tu,"" he yc.Uc:J nu• "\f tlli<: ~a.11ilti.'Vanllla kt"
Tilfariy? Uc, u l'hc Vtbolc room~ &iwKbing aua l',inc.r ttsmcd bf!J;h:1
tcd. Verona CIMJI(' Q\c("f .oo ,hc:lol hn hc:ad
·•J COll\cl Qll'\'Uhe V.'t1h•JU) lhlll lul, 1hl'lHUlf,•ahcsaiJ
£mt'lllltSUat'J 4flJ JiyWOi.Uled, f'orit.T p~J ltt, CW llod
ran !JUI lhc di:111J, ~le il" 1n h11 P1n10~11d dra\C 11tt·11,:,, 1Yr1'(".ani'Jt
ht would )('Vt'r apn Ix
cmh.\ml; )l,.-d hr N\ co 11\.lf'l~'f··'11llftg •)UCtu
collccllOQ. * • • • Mwac~ ~-'11>hona
W11h,01tW))'C0,.&o *** L1iro,~dbcf(Wd buy 11w•111'flt'f« ** \\<M. l2l"Of'la~0'1own
• St1d~•011tiN1fdct
Health watch: lips to light II
b) I Inda Roll WltiMI trJ"f.•rlrr
1:1c:c.:ic,le111orlJ.,.iJc ,u,kf ,,,nce1,.aNyC'Offl(blC~ a(lh.u Mill( 1 .,..,.._, 1lurhi:acd. ,~-c:11hfnlJ ll> Rw. ~'"'l lf"l"I tof1h rn,f~ dlkl)' thednJn" 1h.1J \im' pn'itllt Llt.i flu .c.1-.00 lndcttrmuac,'9
r:ocs1ndic 11CC1n.ihi.ln t,-.r the•.1.1 flu K'•~·u ·nui)'C'U c ,u:1
~"\'fl\, ans .\!NtoJ. C.dAA1iiia. AJr.iri.m.1and.lVY&11WLl-.hL
l..ona •:.r **'*1t PtDI f..\UC"mel) W,wkJJatik Malt
Bc!>i t.rl«1J<w1 In lfo'l'\\R cdioogh na1 s:rt;ic t.,r Hip· hopl
AnlnJ,cat~ K,~pi up wid1 Socat MXtlC' UINacl~"\klef Great Li,tcrnng .\l.\ltotn
ta,i., <het 111('.td rmwc !Aten \\etJd
Qv..:l'\l,h,rlm1n,uncll olt11Ca-\C'aoC1U1e~hn
Bouo,n Urie' Long l:.at a, che ~·1.t ii, t"1l n lbwi,11 lhl:. l.sll
Ear~'l bnc- the ~I r,i~ thi:) ate re,i10!\aNc tk l'l"'.I
or dit IIOM'-'''1 "'*° it a ,urc v.in (o, thC' mu111.'. ('Ofl:1t1-'l(:W'11r
Of CU&1.al bt.ltfltt It'• the uetl)" U'ut rc,..:onJ It«( IJl th1.: Itel
""""'"-'Good***k'l«uon ll'lr 11.U l)l'C' of m111sc
Vr::t) L,l'J(' ~~hon ul \1."<CJ CIA l'cwV"b
Sdl,orrcnu mc.,\in-.,c11ita.11'\tl•11Juo& ~blJUU'Ul!J llllc,; ~pt 1n ~IOl.'k
Cun,.: N04;'0\10IIJ!Ct),(r'\'~ SutrW llmocd ~lcJrc
Li•teni.ng ~,on~ oc,cr V.llCl. l l,11\ die tnrll•·\Wrt J«I
Bonom Linc:' lla1.tinJi •' aoodlc" h1:)"1n~CO.. ,..hd~rcul111g
tbl;'lvar,u, """11tt••11$ hook, lo1_1,."t" .111 nia,bt f JoVlc'rCf, •• '* u Jl'IM"«C'INM~(\pct1C11Cr$,un, Ha,1m,c.,,,ria,11uai Wil\ h•
f:u. O); un:: c••)· 10 hr,J 11aJ n,111.1-;. o,·trhr.ar h u,w.11) dttcrsl anddh·~ F«f;lClt~kipMr-n1Untn("1t1, lt.1..ainp lhc rl!k:c togo.
l'ffil\1t)'tr*'** Plot! Ok:llp \1,1\h ..,eek.I)' Mio Oaxut \l:J1o."daon h\J ;~ Jc:ra,im,·01 ,rfln: Kr,oy,lcd~Abk ".a.J I Sdh JU\t al,out C:\Cf)lhlng Uo.1,:nia11,t1tiom EA,cUca1 au1usnn \.C'rVJt.e Con1.: Mime:: \t.tipki O\I,) t'lt!I be 1n Shon mu,;, o.,mplo
CD'• v,.nh aplitd l)tb aR nnt 11,..1d11blc (Qt
P"Vle11o' 8ounm Tht, I-\ dlc,a:* ltnc l'llf ~YJni COi;
e,pccilllly lor collcl(' \l~ll with 1'IO m1,ncy \tu,ic 1~'1
Cbe-3p:T IIQ)"hcrt tl'tC: blJt \C~liool IMC. 1J(le1> OU1 nf ).h;Cl
Fcw-1nt1111POc.Pt•nc:tbooJhl aCOc,dl.r,J •'Oc!dJnJ"' ru,~-~K
bat Nuio lc,ch Nail, '11,e Fr.i.iti1c.' \\'1h '-Old out.
Sam (ioody * * Prof Ort.al lC'lra.1JM '" IOJf'N-"1' 111J •re<i.al o!1lidftt
sumcm1t liiri«uon
MOU toe)f.x"Uori, 1\·111b.Nc by Mier
Sold mu,,c f'OUCA nJ 1.-.hirb
Coin: Pritt-1 iw "'•>· 100 hiJh
W°'1ldti'l 'A(lt II MU\IC11l 1'nv1.1l Plu\~11
The) CUT)' N"S)'IK '"'ff)'1h.m,:
BouomUnr Foc' lbot,cwhocllll'lwllltotilLw. tbcirYtholt:
aUO\li~on the DCW 8a~:b1-n:d Boy. mu~i... Sa111CiouJy 1.1
I~ pl&'C' II ~frY V.'Cfe CO 1'11.Akt a ~,1"', lt'IJ\ i, h (\1'n~l)'
co1t111k'f'C'llll. over pn.xd.. , Ilk nng to t«n)' bopprn I.Ind I lditlg
die ac:w •·a,t or R.llf>"C"O"° m,1~Limr- Birl.LO,
To""'t Prm' ('IMJ pnct.t 00 111:W n:IC'at,C'I tif lhc)' h,1\-e 10
C'1A.~ Sdcw:oon.11,p>rdll\lhtSl.B'"l"'"il.'.IN"t"
so CthtofflCMicr, ice f'Cl'(•nnc l
~n·1 UfJ)" 1rw-y 11t1Ptbnl an,.~,
Ml.'- ,11ttholc n>d-up h,r S-lin,& Pluful OIJ1ni-tJ:11n1n
Ca!Ticd IOOlt1hlng taUnl A•1·cm\..
Bocaom Ullt': Ju1ll.kXl·t ti«hc1
kfl \lc;Ha ~l(f h®r, flf •hop111n1 .unll:d witJ1
CO Mirk'.\ like SUX" f[h;.h Nad," ·'"ni., Frl,de," \11:ciah~a·, Blad; AJbQm. emt~m·1 ··~tar,.h~u MJJtarn..·· 11nJ Pink
Ao,,'1', 11•~ Wall!' Jk c,en ti.Id ~nc nc-.cr ,tun M..c
Linkin Park'" "'One ,,q, C'lo.tr," Modt,1 M111.1i,c'1 '1'be
MOOG •nd Ant&tC1iu: .md MtP1.'~ ,..ntl, fact Pt,.,j~
A,to000ubt'coolJPoncrfouDJth<nc:~1rart)' llc C\11.
~s~mhla nt\11 bl""'hl~ w,lb lnll,111..SbclkkJ uut 1hr
dotJt lo whlc ¥.-.H )Uf'C to be lhc: ~M. mghl ol ltn hk
He &,,oot 111'1lit bouw:. sntibc:J hli CO enc. poca1.,'-"'h11-.. -S
doodt:br111, ..md hc:adtd up '4> 1ht. l'mi:r c;,;infidcnlh,
kl,txkcJ Ol'I the: dn1.lf
Veronli;a 111\\lttm:d the &•ir -.mllen,. ··Po,~ff •h• 1114
''Hl Vero,tk:Lcai, r ouruc U'I.,.. f'itn,:r1.:1"llv,1Jm11 ~• the: no~cn •-s..,,;w«rl""P(lrtcfmack-hh ~•> u.lhc COrb,)~t anJ ti.ndcJ h1-.CO\
10 IU) m.atan1QJ lhc pl11Ju
"1n1c, Type C' may f"lf ffill.)" nnl di•r',•)' In) :1ymp11..~ Wh.lt't, k'.AI)' Ii ,hoc\ IN~ j1'C: alllll.ltllt) cha.11$111J by mulal!IM,. lbc:~ u111W,tiont. uuo< ~uhck ..i1m11i,,1t, 1b.w llllO\\ ii 10 C"\·:klc dK"" hunun l\c".Jfi ,nunwx Jdc11-.:, lMIIC'J fmm ~,·mu, u111n11n1.1.im.,n,.. "\'u:u..c,cb.11gc l.ho:1m.cht1.'"11hc-tli.d. "'The)· •~l1')'1n,:t11~uh1\(', hio,'" h• eonq•le, lhc llllk·l1HIJ -sp.uu,h flu"' 1h111 w1rcJ ,•~ 10 m11lmn
Wbm&~<'O 'l\tly !IQmCf'C"l'k .a~1u-tll)' JC1 Wll. t111n11lc ,...,1.·ln,11100, R•u Rtil 11ta1 M"I 1ticUM;Jlfi)fl)l)tt. l11W J'C)t lt\ti ,·1tt1'4:C 'o\l I'-" u'N ,.,c the \.IC, inc;"'""" the) u,,c laUcJ ,·,nn.n.. •·Mu h, 111uuil1 DllC In 1111,k. ,le t,,11J _., 11 h.u a kiC l'.lf 1lc 1)mptoctu"f lhoL"Ofnmuuc.'O'IJ Af1.11.1111no111c-("1'1~tokd1"'°Mell pl}M.IQJJc ltdllh lhrre h,. lh1 of kpll>· n"f0(1.it1.e d11C"il\Cll l,a lnflu~-u.tl U tktf l'l'I lhlli tiM 1tau 1.1.J nu h11, r...a am,J h nltCU iKCfflllr.mW 11,, • h11b f<i-vcr Otbt,t ,)'tllf4l•ltt'.! tnduJcdiiUc, NJn' lhrOllt. nmn)' ~'t',e, tnUXlcoa.ithc.oJ.k:1'(' OJld l:.tlp,c II )"UI' hllV'<' ,tic th, )OU 11.brlt;lcl ILi)' bomc• ~\·°'* h.nc thepc,1,1,rrtnptn.:nt th! t trutn ~rtc'm.J.mg.• K.t11 Ad hll\l) hca~ (lll<IQ' \\Uh b.'d rot 11,11d \klnlani f\krit~' Pf dew 1lu1J Sl'l.-k n1"Jk:nl 1tl.C1)l1on 1mm,:J1,1td} 11 _),u rc\Cf tir ,,~1l'h '""""*' )1'11°t('C'(llll!hlJl8' 11f'N1u!LWdti(I. IIMk'U'- )'OIi ha\'C(he:>.fJ'IGl1t1.
Terrell loves cats, cars
l,o,mr Sl:ical,ok,,·e1 hgcu..
Tmrll. 36. lu l:ibtri.;hnkian 11,r 1hc 1\u1u
Tc-.:h 1nd CC'Jh1M•n ftri»,1r rrogr~m. Sbc
l:wlJJc, P'J)Cl'\'•"lc.. h111inJ. CMlk'n. rC\-"C,,c,
o1l1t~ f'IU'I\, 111nJ Olll tooh u. Nlldt-nt~ km:llv.,ubomv11~1A1"1:h 18.1965.,n
RI~.\\ )"ft l-Attt, ,he mn,W '" o,auk-. Che. Vilicrc tJ11t rc,rit ulUCh ol bc:i life. Ha
fiN jinh\\\Tft 111.alani riu.a, ~I PIT.I.:& Jl ut a"-1
Pothli. m Oti(Mlot Sllc .:1!~11 w~'IM'IJ :t, 1 Jit.11.Jtur m •uriola tiu-anc~, \\ llct1 TtrrtU lfM.l'HJ 10 IJJ,hn, f.hc t11:r GhO 11 !l:IC Sht ...,u,t«:J for the IJnht, Dcpa.n.n)a'II of TBll-~.DIKYt1tt11'1f~bes')Ob,1tthct.~~ litr U&:lN 111(' me.. l\onlC'l ;u~ W M n1,..,ay1 \l.mtcd tn tcp.trcun.
"'I ~.,. ureJ u( aJ'l.a)'' lx1n1 "'~" Ofl 1hc: ro;w., i,h,: -...IJ
Tcmll 1A11111, IA> t,.n'° ttk.lC'C w11mtn il'l lhc Avto Tc,:b rfQf:f'llm llm k'Jne..lU, 1t •1c .Vt' llOUC:, ,hha.t\ldi lhtft h,a.\ h«l'l .a .J1alll ltK.re;ut1n 1hc munbcf ol 1,1,ooicn whoi:an11l 111UIC Autoto..h p11sr•m Wbcn Ttffl'll 11 M hnrnc, he J,,pakh lime 1J111 brr computer, rtad-&. « \\J.ll, ht'f dog. Tisq:cr She •ho rl1y~ Soft) Mad C'htil1.cn 11, Ith ha""" Wr,ky, I\. and ~t(.. ll.
M,;J.i.111!,~· 1.:.actia Spca:h. lnu·rpeNOftal Cumrn.011lt:lbtlm..1Uld \hu \kt11J.. She: lw hcc,\1Cai.hin,111 s1,·,1111_..,, 11, q She"*" bl--m Ill Spol.11nieon ~O\' z~ IVS-1, t'<Ut"ptni1nca:h11I haclul,!h,..J0111 hC'Jf"ll'ffll• la.nnl11Sr~1tc. \\',1,h 1"'1a,,hcfflilPK'Llha 111.1.".band Ed. 'Aho,~ ..a nud «mer •M "'r-:,Uic She wi~ ,1 r,mfrt..,1om.tl •1X"..1lcr for a Jonr lirnt.,. but \\irntcJa \lt.wjr:orjoh Wbrn~nup:111n, l<J(a•,-....""C~h Ill 1.11111.: u1,. W uwit 11 \t~ Kmla)· ontu fl\ Ila fUC ~rcu('I'\ (11 he, d.:i UCl. tflCI \1.1. ,c \t~y ,,r the \j"1~C11111110 M.1."\1cv,, llOd f\a Man"dl (IC n, lnllln,cltt '1,K1nli1)' lm·o10,,-.i1.1ntm". \,:Vffl)'""""a,a.1,-C:'o\t"nt
l•m.da anJ huall • PI\\I Oflla: She•·, l o thAI 'lhc ,\•llkl vi: """She k,,·c.cu lm<t1 htt i-hoe1 ,o,.·a,100,. McKmla, ltlnw ~C"I\DI\.JI('" l olflun11a1ttp..MC&tJClt~,fro.n...e •
·wow 1hr:,< .an- FM the SUl ...W. Ht)' su)·-.. cht'-\ 1htsc(lUl" E,nyooc •·•impn.'1-~ F..tpccl.aU)· Vcn•ico "Now '1 onl)· could Jo \ilffitthini at.1U1 UK'~ dncho. ,hct.aiJ LIFE
\\'c'tt· nut au1 o( the \\.OO(k )cl lntl~o,.a. c;om1n1ml)' b,.1\tt'n 111 1hc flu. b 1,Ji ll .a bcahh thrcal 1h111<.n,l\fl A,R:tlftlu1.i; In PanhuiJI,: ll r-~hb pubhc 11un.111•· \Up!.'1''t\.nr M,1nc Riau. All 'O.\C'JD '11 "'3f'lttjlfy 1n hdl 1v.1n&: Jtllt'n J .tllu.tt) to '1im:ti 1ht Vt.ru, a,• IJttlc l-1.h; thi1 ,,t,11 "h1d1 1, ,ood "mx lhe \'JCll;1tlf: WiL(" l.11.c.."" 'ftiu ha t~i ,11iJ C}ncc \ iw:c1n te"d. Jl tal..c1 ahaul IY.O v.'tti,; fc. lht tho( In rfl><lk.:t .adcqU,ll'c ,mmumty tn 1he hi.-.1)' Jnllurnu 1, .,, 111.."11t.:O. c11nt,,r«>1n J'('1rir:i1,,r) cr.-:c 11'1fr,:1m11. v.luch" "1U~ h)· IJCIC 1)1 lllir uUlumta VirulCJ. The ,pt~Jfi, lypc ul nub llelcnnlncd b) •he 1)-pcC~I ·11101Kfllt VU'Ui 1/\. 8. ,11 C'l dw1 11 '--au·.cni lh,: iUntu. T)pts:\ ~th.I U .at(' dlO!>C t~n~Jhl(' lutcp1Jc:1tm., lh.11 (''\.'Uftllet1UJh11u11li.c
,IIOIIICU1,(t,rc;1U1 11t1lc\flc>plftnt.1Cb:. f'tt\COll',)11111 In')' .-\l'llol}• lll'-t: af\" Of )'OUJ)tfl b)' (;111118 dtinl1111 Huit.I • v111111 rlaicy 01 ,c 11t1J c-\rrcr,1111 U...11'1 b:uta .lltl • 111.1,l~,t <'lllia.. h't n1,t: 1,-., l•I,• lllC'cO\i 11 \10111 f'.WU~.Jlr llcatih l'h,-c 667 ~Kl f11r1nlu1Jm111nn H11111 oro11s Stylings ' .. Comedlon Craig Robinson ••oked mixed responses In 1he SUB. "1 lhoughl he was oftenstYe, so I gOl llP and Id B W,...l<lr uld Robl,uon woa chosen 11 tt,e Natlonal Auoclallon ro, College Actlv111 Confo,..,.. In Wenatchee, Wdl F A C u L T Y F A C T S & F A C E S by Mall Ball Senttnel repo,1er
Lwctt.1l'tm-llhan1tnm.._lkr,qr SbC'fua11 Ollr b11J.1 uc<11l,., 1uc J.-is ari.l1ht('.C ll\li
Kcnl:I). -47.
b nf.11." .ell\
,~ C:-OJ(I) ._ ShC' :':~:~~is~~=~~~\:,!:~~~,
111 1991, i111tru...1nr ,\ttn.c M
Nd( her
fwm Sc:IWc 1,1
SJ R,dmg her tHl,:
I-:• • Professional·Technical
2 p.m. Hedlund Building • • • Refreshments • See what PTE students are leamin
9 a.m. -
b} Lulo.t C('(1fJtt" Plrotn~,m,1flrr hom the Jt\lotned 1r41l1 01 \fl ~pok.mc NorJh: Siu Are~.,.., the lrc,h tr.td ol ,our t,udd} , ,n '" hoc m,.ny 111h cnum:~ o'n· oul l bC're for 1'!1JdctU1111 t·•rem11~e
EshU.r:illnJ 1h«1 I ~·Ja~onl"(,1thc ndg..-..,.cli111 u111l ,llilk~ 1 c,t .a rc'-cnl trJp lo thl" 8t11.11Jrr rrc:L H.au11 t 1 ~;,1n :alic"u u.tl.am·h.caw:ui:ai:n. !\ 1ut.ill •\·,b:t1d1e 1..11.:uun:J 111,,1111:11~, bric-rt 1r.tudtu11 rrai.hc~l lbcu
hrowers /strongest oup ever'
lll bc"'I ti111d1 l,.,;-wn. W111.k.1n~ tJ.- nJhi
· ai,d ulai,cJ athlcti:, v.·rin h,t\<t! lcurr,c,J 10 "'url
1bt:u r~ h:i,, rrudQ('qJ MC", 1ici1 tr.ad, (,clil r,ktKct in fwr ), c~t'\.
Vtluk II h, l'l1ffUfMln IP h.t\'t il ,1.roag U1l·1t'-. It.Un. h(,ch tc.,n"N'ing ,._,."tract:"" d1c)' all' it tC'.all) :'I 'lO ~·hd UuJ R.1'1.Jn'1.11J I0\\1111:i;.ulk-hth.i,h«a
t1>dc.1r;u11d11ng,thi.:1n."'W1UL1n 11id ·uy (.wd1I 1,
llt ~I dum,naol JtUUp1,f thft'I\\M"l lri 1hr hblncy i.,!lbc \lk't Ill(' Ll>'-1 ~·fGene Rdancoun. (,,, ptnona.1 n:awn, lbt\w,rnC't)\tal~1m1h ~A,1'1c) Wh.:bcAr1 Imm
11~~; ~.11;:~~~~;~~!~a~Ji~ h••
au.an, K.an~ Motn:h :! ,Jump ~.m),-onc d.k''~ i!ood WI)',"' \Y4lkm, takJ h.n~·1n1.,lfl1.1N:"IV\!i '\\h>·d1d1h1t.OC\Vt' Wh.l1 wm '3ion.,·"'J1hhrnthcfut11f\:'.,...
old Armnry t'imldint.M'n~u dlC '"""' tt111mn,t
:-1) Md h riic:c t~, h;a\"t. hu1 1~, tiOmt ~J)'lit 'A'Qli. nm ,·1111 h.JH~ ,11 ~1k •11~ for Whog •Md r,a,...1klng.
n, ..aiJ ,.\1,'(0Cllll1Qd.11ins lhcv r,~ tlutk:intc :ithkta
t.rlttt 1rammr: far.-1h1ki 1na,· I"<' in vnlcr. lie vtrc:rcJ
J 111 )'ct. lhc ?: a11llc1~ cnmpkting 1n N;utotwth b11w·
mrn :lift ri,11.l.cJ flM 1hnl\l$h f111.1nh m ,h11< f!UI jkQJ
ltlrou}!h \ili:lh in 1hc ¥..:11!hl lht\.W,.
~111anunlic.ud-,'1 IC:;a~ • \\a1k1n., 1,,11d
\oa.m·1i ,hot ru, .a,>d wasM ch,ow I\ llh(, t.illlkl'J ln
-, hpn-.1tlocn
1r lhfU"o\ 11IJc i1 .sill th(' 1111."1 dorruna!o! .in) 1hmw,
ha, c,tt ~,."' WU11.11v; wJ "I W\1111,I ,IJ(l' "'Y· In
lhlncy oC the NJCA,\, a lar :il'i lhrc: ~t:llt(lfllh1p (QC" d1.1l
:!1)1" II ltathcr H.uding..,., h,, h111. a.om.c olh12CIOI (n °'~"~lffl.:
•llnc:,, and1icr'\«. 1aid ahc l1ur,co"totfo 'olC'll 1n hn
'«utdmg Co W1ti;m,. Anrocu tdin,~, JUI.I \'llC...-d to
ln.Joor11~lj11j11,1I~. •tu..:h 111;1.t httaL up lhc ni11iu1a.al
"t• mJ 1n1pcw.1 dlC' ,,uti.'OfflC'oftlic urc,uninJ t'\"~"'-"·
men•, f\"l.a)' team h.J1 )Cl lO ulhc1illl)' q11 1JtJ,-.
Wi11l:iM u1d thC)' 'A'1"1UJd e~tl)' rl11 IC'l 1f lhty r3n •
n«inMO">l.·OI\ the "'(ITT'ltll'"Jl'till) 11.'.affl l"C fa:al ~•th :'.I r.lfC
\l.wk'c ot n•mpctiug -,:,m" tine o11K>1he1 fot
~. \V;ulana iaiJ he"'"' lo , lmunhh the
ll"C f«llnp ~muo111hc rum 1'>· ~"kinJ them ti.• do
• bit:"1 .iid he: -,.1hl.cw, v.1tlc:h he ..:1n id),
'P,,fltn( nO',I.." W11tl.m, ~11111
n..:ki.11d J,CIJ te111U t.t: 101.,lung luc ,._Juuk'c.n and 11 crw•d 11ahc Rtprn, I~ C'h.amp,oo,h,rs, .u
bM: Path Couuuun u y C"ullc1i-nl'l Apnl 21-1S. for
uaiil'Cl 0011ik 1 W11tl1tr& it Stl>dt"nt Sen 1~c._
the , lope' Stud.cah , tq,rc-J on dk- ~a; tton l1 jlhll)' 'Aid1 Ol>C' IWI »ad lh1u 'i\'IU 11 1111 IOl.>k to •d ofl 1111 l\jjhtnchc-. Thnl \lo II '- a rat1n1 ot C\~, \\ hJ('h f.'ltc, th~ mo,t d.anic:rous. \ founwi t)«fioJ iodtidc111, 11l ,mcltc •wuc-111.- ,.. ~n~w .;1mruir, rocL.: i; li mh1n1 •nd peak climbing A., a c1.tnii.:ulum. ,cuJenu c:i:pn1rncC' 1hc uutdoor-4 ai:Adrm1JC.11lly On :. ~r,.on..,l le\'('I, 'lufJ:ctl 1, cxr,tricac;oe- 1hc ,iune lbintr• tluoot1h OutJor.,r PunUJ Lii. A,1!.lc fnnn 1hc m,tn1e1 100 •cl'JilOll', ~rndt"ftta ,:athcc c.ar l)' C\cl) Su t>dat mornln · I,) U'illtf'IC lo.;al 1cmtonc.~ Feb. 11. 1hc S'poqnc \ioumain. NOfdic SJ;; i .Ut'.a. '\.\ h1l h Juioah c.1Jl \'IIC. uf th~ finc\l
W1111 a11 hour;t.,. 11b11J"'", tt,c 1,. 11 , clltl\e111cd and nr.1nJtll lhrrn1Jl11h;, -. Udcmrl.'\. S1udc-n11. uf illl lc\chcron, c-mUUr) t.kkd 11 1 1hc dilkttnl n l cd 1r11h,
Dogs can be more th an pets
ffltl1 patierl:e, lots ol love lifelong partnerships forged
b) t'htr, J h. u bart 'frm,nrl rrp~rt·"
S11! lluwn SI.a)'' Occ• ti.av.I Away Tu 'Ir' lh.:-,c ~omm•nd°' .are b,iked 1111 over lov.n •hilc- \IOJ end h111n11n, v.ort tog,:-1h« 111 ,.rmu, 11d1\"t11c1111ch at. uhcJ 1C'ncc. o1galn) ,fog tllfJdrnJ. fmbc:c Jas fl)'h11II ,and he1dm_-; n,e 111'1 itd.1~ lniln't fm:nd" uy,i: • luC 11'11:iul J.._,_r;, hu1onc.:,l 1cl..1tlon\hlp v.llh 1n11n Tuda) II ti being Ol<'Udrd ICIIU a r11,1ntt\J11r 1ri.1t It h1ihly 1ev.aullna: rt,, t,uth rn,111 a11Jt:J1unc \bu,. 1.u,J~nh .U\" fin1-111~ W1 11v.r,cn t11 ,oniidcnnJ purr.:hHirtx thcu fint dt>tt Propc-r or,: o1rul tcalung ~''" r,hcdicnu• 1uc tl1C' foun1la11o11 for 4 llfc lont: rt'htwn,hlr t,~1'1111:'Cn uwnr1 aoJ Ji..111 \\'ulir,ml Ilic c ~l1II,. o--.ncn become lru 1u,1cd " 1th 1hc1r 1Snc11n1roll11h lt Joi~ ;anJ tel{ He 1..h.:-111 1u the nrc ,,f .1nirna l d1eltcu lhou1.11Hh ,,f thc-,t' f'C'li wtll bt
u111>c«!>s.trd)' cuth.anixN c-vc ry yc.111 JUr.i In lhJ, arc.a ll('cc,rdJng lo •talhlio: Imm loetl !ihc1teo. Oaf<\ ate lo)a l ..::11m r:i n1ot11 who•c prim'1ry go.ii i• to plc.11.l· lhcir " "'ner, 1 hc}' ,ui.:I tuC'l'ili't1tn' mood,. t,od>· laua11ai,:c 11nd wotd, Eicpcn tnlncn ,iiy l.foJ" .re ccp,,ble of IC'Jflun1 i• many iii \. IIJI\ vcrb;il i.:urnrt1~1:1Jt., lboottb tjlJl.ntln.cd doJ• Lh.u fCl 'C'tllJ.cd llC\'CJ Undc.11'lllid wllv A• ffllkh bu,, obedic:racc 1, imuu,uon~t for U,c &oa, 11 1e11i.:h~• t he owner ,~c ll;ill, 10 t,.,c:rik 11ttuup:h lhC' lan1u•rc h,1,uu:, 1n!J inoh,t a docrutO\'C d<'a 1rt10 11 wC" ll -muncred, ~brru.licJ pc-1 Some owna,. <A'III w11n1 10 St' bcyood 1t1c t"o :t\k-1 or acq ulr~ a J ui to 11cicam r,1hh • ._:pci.:ifk 11urpoi.c. The por,u.l atlcy 111 lttJ h)'. ltflC'.Ltnit. he.i,.ll iit nni.l ('i-('11 can ine f r hl'ier C\'cnc, "' tciC! r COlDJ Clll.J'fi)OC'D1Ja ll )'. ACc;,1,djog l it rlt.t Amc:nc1.11 J.;.t:ntk l CJul1 f h11- pa,, )leat mathcmal 1c, icuttui:10, 8ilrbu11 O;in•. ,ompe 1cd fntetnAhon11U)' 1n .1.ttility w11h her Shchl.c,. 01hc, ~porh 5Ud l 11, Jo1 ,IC'd1,hn11, range fr\11m lhc novlc~ l r:uncr Yt ilh JUM • re~ do,~ 10 1hc upcri v.ho un ,u,,c:ofull)' com mand l6 doa~
IK'tOl hc: Al.nbtl in!~'ClQI
The,c t1.c11vl11c.s ,an t"C' ath1ncd uni)'
1hrow~h proper 1."Ummun1t"atlon and ,, fc)OJ
Whfking rc1auoo,hi(l bc1;,,,cen uwntt and dus 011cc ownou have mll,lctl"d ,1 fey,' rnnplt- i;;ommarid, 1hcy C"ilD 'ii~ them "" buildina hlt1cln 11.1 tit-ll(h nmrc.o Jt1t1 uh la!i\-. lftl.'.nlnt J~l \'IIIC.11 Cunnr rv1ne r hip1., """' jt4> bc-y1md 1hr1 i.:ompc11mo l.e\i:I ,\n,J Intl.I hm1u11 ,:.u-r ,uid
ll~\i51JUKC' Dos• .a.re U'!Cd iri thC'laS')' 4,rk Ill h(l,rnah •ncl 1n hv111"e 1,rnu hcnef11 Cram 1bc i;ornp1n) I'll chrlC' 1<,, int, c:ompanlon11 1'hc: t.tJht nil hurin1~· imr:.itcO ctn ftnJ c,pindcJ (rced~m 1t11f .:omp.an1111ilhlp 1n iHhl•ticc Jog.\ t>oJ, can al\CI .alert rccplc .,.,ho ,.ultcr ,c:1;1.11'!\. vs" Oll'-om1ng crJMJl.k') Whc1her ,1n owaer"• 1011 11 h, w111 i c-ompc1 1111- n. \\·mk w11ll 11,1111Uuc:t' .-nun,11\ or 1,,mrly ha,c II well m1nnc1t'J r,et th11 1 ,for,.tt' l jump nn ;iJUI:''''· the) m1hl tl,cJin wHh the bt1 1c: undrutandiog of
/t>r 41n tJ1U·1tf•Nmtrol """''"' c.m , l'tllll Kuh,ut,
FL dutilully gives linger to pro games, pro athletes
11n»ln11111,1-r ·1;k'111 ;;1<A111\lp.w.oJ11fl1111 ch,- mcnt1oufan Jihldc, r,1tln iii.in tlir. !lip n( • \.,>tn C,Ml1p.anng:il morcili~tl) WI~ ~Fl.-1,onc lh.ln; &Ml,, lheXFL .11 Mhu11 llmt'I bl.,1tt for rmu.: oot )'Clf « tllracb. Dol1'1 look lot aay
11'"w1..iaJ1\•IUn~ktJ 1nton1uld·)·c-o1rdc'..il,~ YtJ11¥-'(lft'tfioJ
11') IIU: Kazi,1y \1,M. v.iioudl) h m) ri,-«iteplJ)'tf. t:ddri.,ofl
l J.. 11 J fanr o,nnplc o( \\ h;1t'1 wrt)ftg wrlh dir. NFL Ulld C\'Cr)' ocha
11uJ1.-~p-ru k~llt'Ou~pt f,.-i.,-.J.cy. \'-fnchwlllll efl;lfQby "1111tl....c nn)11M nim..in!l'.~IOCCW") 'rn llll'llO)', Iii.at .,...t'lllllrrftd key to harpina1
1h.111uu~11oialpc:nrk C'"'"d hl,etosnd~t:imn 11!0C' lllln!
ltVY'a,n~ m1111hc k'.1 ·uc ""h 110 f't'.\l"I0-"1 rot<A llfll °"* btforc: tlw:m b.a,-ctbw:.m.,~1,q; lOu.11.1,: 1uatt1.han~ Hlill.oJ-r·awt,-.J ll il'f"f\Jlhemtlc-b1rd lla,; rt 1y!Mnl M#fi...1.una, pt.011(' tt.s,n,tw.tC$ when d\l.!sp 10 -.'Cll
eaJn~lf; than )'vu "' I \\Ill C"Ver ,"t' l'hey waut.t rnchrrl"C h.1i,::ll doll• <l.'.ld'11lkt lh.un mean! htt.i.klri,: al.h1cto Y,oullllirt'ICl&chan Xfl..tc.:1mCl'lp111n•IDrr111tt, PI Jr.1k..'C'IU$'(• golfin,. 'Jbe'-C l{U)'~ .amr'I p.•rfoct, a1'4, wn: w.Jtllt." o f t.hctn "tll ~· ur,N the)''U p.'i thwll Nocw 1t.bhnyl"i:OCJ,h1''11, 1thtbnr)ot- UWy don·1 pcdorm. they 1.kwfa ;1.1 1-nif.'l)N. ThiJ '*•Y· XR. m.\U:S 1.00u
)i.;~\~ JI all 00 r& Rrid Srua,1'1 Jl.'n.:)' X'S~)' i:lf' 11 ftc:,;L H,• H.11c Mc.• Sm.ut'J Jcncy ~'11Jnt. Who 's he? Jtc u O.e M·L Ht 1~1hc S RA. He 1" \11..8 Hcllneu1ycvtf')'UIIC n,·Phcdw11hthe IDllflC')",I~ .,.hi,don'I w.n 1""IJ ' CI.IPal'l)'o(
j A'l',f .21.2001 r,cSOrtML P 7 ,.,._. N ,lllve • SPORTS IJ2 Americ .1~s play~>d • g .1 \ ers,on 01 • ,..... lacro,se ca lling • • c.c:, for l 000 mcm to • i:5 a tea m • Class teaches skiers snow safety IOUtdoor Pursuns releases •• th; t1>< '"k •h•,.. 0 1 I in.I &hey hr,vclcd sn.,w In a l l.1 l lac:e mlvenb:l'era OIi lr8lls 11u • f('\'CII' hC' I /IVC'n.or \nowfa ll then they :1h('cd 1he ,tui,,e \I. Hh 11licl, to 1M.1ltlt" the \ttuo,n Fu,ally, He,\t J11c11hcd the n u ns. or 1,roomrd l:'r1.>si;<QQnUy ll\1 i1tc11 i 11 lhc Nurth\\1!'\l, ••'- Cn! tdvur 1'unuih <k\11n:aucin l'hr l'~1on , l"'(IO 1cl1mc. 1c1.eni.bled ctowh
1 ,w,an Polo ond .,ffowsl.ode1'1s examine the ..,wpackot on "1 ,va&anche area •t 8oukSor
Cfffk8a1 ln. .,.t..
c:,11tr.1.,un1 trees. as the~ lktrd
l(uburc rlrr11(N1.:r
lbc 1one 11,c 1nnunu1~nnj_!'
th< Jcp1h ur ,now
1«t111lqu'°• tUf
1u1mn1 uc:ii
p.k:i. c.mte ,1ll 1<1u ut1!nr
,1311,1 rt'l'Cllled
n fod,J Hn.te fo,lroncd
dd mu111n11-nn~
W AnDmg b\111 'Aen: IOC'~ltd .tl tli.c bcii:i nmng ,ml.I hl~ilrJ ti"° enJ ul tbe art.a fhr hu 1 "c.nN :11 cioa~cnicnl d1«kpoinL, for 1bc group Th~ nt>,1 .a(lvcnturc 11 Khtd11led Ma"!._, -I f(lj,;ll110ft ;i tu !:IC .1nnoo1Kcd. Th~ oppomim1y lo c-xrc:nrm·c 11, .1t1rl)' c, f 1tu\'11 l...1, 1111 • ,·11.riel)' ol lix,uiu11\ 11, .in , ln1.anjtlt>le commcxhly, (i11c (h11Jnnr 1'1Jolll \ • c:i ll 11 ca;ten~ion 7il09 i1n~t 11i \CU\'Cr )UUft..:lf 11111*1 'IQl.wi,I<...., Cheryl Kuba rt runs her team of dogs durfng u race. Kubart rKOI dogs In area races and Is exper fenced In dog l talni ng.
cu~;:~::~:::r,~1!';;:,~~),; ~t~l:~;;J::~.,."
t.ttl rt/u•,trn, ril Jr•r troJtna .-,r 1,1il~11',ituol
1t.::Xl·L lu~.lbkef\1Vl.ball lltb,,ru., ,.,•hy l11.1UIJn'1 I"' Ihm: l :ielnlC' qlJco\llOQ uf th 1utf,wiz1tVloctMc::\1.IOOll,1n t,..i1 I £:PC m·i:t Chill afccr Wcxk I 121,11~bc~,irl11,Jll'tluol.J1U'a _ 1~~~;';~~~Jn~'Ct~ '" • m C.1111~~00 e, hno '1nm •ix.· 1-it !ht ~111_rMJ i. bti1I~ I c:w1' 1\"\'Cft biwid$c 1bc bunn)I JoJlc."r ( ll¢\1Ctlll ltic S.:-~nc ofll.cn,i,1.n.vr11..-son lllr:"~L uf rf.,)ffl~sn: oo! ~~J!('~lhcjmc)'I. a,.S lhcy Q)fl't ffalty h,)\ (T 1hi:-11CT.u1sNt,- II adJ~WIOlhcfpc,oeo(~i;:ttt"lhml Jn 1hc,1imc-
r- 1m1 lingrn • hen U,,1,p
go "'TUii£ •od nuke mmc lrll"lf'IC)' o il
ct. Tik!' pl,t)'C,1-, t.ac abtJclun-.:e k-1n~ 1n1hi, , k.tJ.ue. ~I hah kl l.ht:1r I.Ttdwilll) \ Yb~ 1I,• ll1tar l1l\·~ "'r 1hi: , ,,nic So tbt.tliDC ha, ""OOI Olt' atkl ll,c raun-,. lu\~ ,lmJlrnJ, M doQ'L 1.-cull uut the XFL Whrn 1Jac:)· l~idit let \hlincn 1;m-n and f1.._Vti oo ~f'OOltlw).•,11th(IOC.11 "\Cbt') 1trt'bUtltr) \liJdk") 1»«J t Ofct
Peja watch out: Kandic's coming
Baller bl'QIS dead-eye l1rUke trom Ell'IJll8
ht Tri<ba U.rnbllri frntll!flttJkll1rr
.\fllfto K.an1fo; Jo\,ct bcl;ctb.all U It
~rr~n·1 for1hc -pon. he •ooldt1"1 ('\tn
he at NIC lbt wpl1nrninrc from Uc\ltUlld, Ytai,."O\fllvi.:I. lllknut'i.l ~C'AA Ot\t\ic,n I
1Jc,1a1n1c S1111c 1,-.1 )'C'~ Ht, IC111tUII.IIC1i tba~ v.,;rcn't c.,~i:mcd
1l-1lb v.111nh1g, ,1,,hir.h fr1NratW him They wc:rt 1.hl.'tc (or ll'IC 11ehol.ullup.
He .,.u oot fimna tn 1.bc:tt If he
1r-.ut,frrr"<>J Jt, ;UJlith(, !\'.CAA KhrM.trl llC woutJ he forccJ lt1 r1.-J\h1n
Ouua: 11,it,;wll, COOVII~ him th,.1 Contr d' Ak-ae w.u,
the pla..:c: to ,on1c.
Tb\.' nwcb Ktm, to be ae1tkin, c-11
In lhc-SWAC. K;1nJ.c11 u,nk«!N,, zn
1n ..,;-onnic. Nfl J m f'l.:hl'll.lnJlne., Nu ,4
in Chtc:qlOil\l Pffl,"('111. No. 13 us
i,s,,..,uJ. ~hill, ind N11, 7 ui l~lr1ahC' rtti<llllnd.1ng lli,(a\1lritca,p,....-tnflhc
1.amc i~ Jioctcm, t.um 1hc: •.I\IWJc:
•Mcrko h•, ticc,1 R'hc:11.utding auJ
11hQ011111 riiw.b bcltl.'r pt the l.u.1 •*•
r.amc," a,1:11,.·h Hugh \\·;1,"1r1 u1,J 'Ht
1lw JIQ.'1t1' mnn: m..1t1Jft" anJ conftdcot" Off lhc cioun, Kl\M~ looU 1,, ti,~ funtly lnr m,l"'lllltun
"'M)' IOttUl. l)nigJ('J al'IJ In)' Ji\J..
R_,,la\', Alt nw lll'n~" Kuuh,t uM
:\1) f•lhtr tu:lp;. '1fh(' n1c l•l ,uccm1
111\d tJ'(:)' bolh I\J.\C a.!*ll~'~ hc-ttt
K11ndlc'1 to:t.l t., to pl,1) ('R•k\).1c)IUI
h.uke1h11II m 'Yvr.cttl•V11 or Gtm.1:'
,r1er hr 1ra~luAtc:L He ul..S lh.i11hc k,cl YI rfal'
O\~ne.a, m;iy 1,ot be a~ ltirh, hu11hc
rl~)· •r, h.1\c I , ,1111\udc •nJ ,LU: nil'.ltt
lh\ f11\'Qlitc Mblcti;, ~ja S1.0)11liu\'IC',
2..\ ytar-c,IJ p!•)'ff l t\rlhc
S..u.i.mcnto Ktns;.11 rmxh 1itc
K-11< S1~l.11\K:O,ah11alkaJ--c)'t.
!,.J11-.1l'! hum fnriil Jl.\111.ftCC. U lt"·cn I~
Opporu,tlll) to l11ldc pb<.:\ "1th all)'orte
fl•• da~·, '\toJIWl\'K v,ould dcf1tu1d)
h1,choiL(' m p)J hJCk. ht l,C'J..n N.;;..:k
t>r1i&:d tin..:~k'tt on h111i ••1'h1 .mJ
1nlk lid,uc \lwliitin,i (r« lt1n1\'-1 he
JI"'•)' dr1bbla Ui,c tiall roui Lime., W1lh r.ach hutUK't ttpC'.lo('fttfnJ htm •l'llt c:.ai;b rnc:mhrr l1f hi. famdy Ota the u,u.Jt be tulo)s i:.ttini n1Ji..1rot11, b\ti:runa 111 ti1pri;n Orm. ;md
Ju~ Z. "o.1td11nJ IUO\''"- ~lcqnn~ 11nJ ll1mg-1~
Lady Cards can't find hoop continue five-game slide
tll pi1~111 .kh,,t ro hi: 1he .1~mct at 11 \(let th.11, ~JC !ell tl,1,d, tu cant!. (.aillnu 1,1 k~rc
•,i:n minutes,
1\my l tt'lilrl'I kJ lh.,. Calllln.ab \\ith IU pcu On 1hund1y '-.1(:,troprcd a,hnc uuc 11t Unne So1tC! C'cllkg\!' ~I !10 F.11n h''lllC) led Cardt •·111112 r•uml!l I~ lite lt>u, t,ut 11'11\lNI free 1hr•"'' co 11c v.1th k,"Cotld\ ~mau11n1 \
J)lttn •ru1ur.kd •ho.,11ni. hluinr onl) ??-59
,h(.lt'~ 1·h(' l~\1 pn.:'\:lt"" lo·ot'S came Jg.t.1n\l !'1,11
bh Cc.11nninn11y ("l)ll~fc ,1111J l u1h V'•U~y
Sla11,: C'11kg~ n1c prnNcm tl'lllt th~ btc,1,l.1J.. b that
('m1krt'nu: llurir'IS, the --k1d. Am)' 1md Ao,:tc:. le"' 11 hue cpttt•ltllz,.:d lhc Ca,1'111.1'1 .h .1 IC'~IIII llmullng m ttt --..hoo Tu f11II
1'hc- C,11J.• mo~I tC'C('IU u,n,-t.lcp 1110k. rl.u·c
S;11u1J.a) •I l101mC' aga1n 1 S,, 12 Srn,w ( 1Jllcre v. 110-c z..s.: "H:r.ill re,l'ltd and unhc1Hrn l~-0 SYt AC muL nui\.~ ~hrm • h"'1Jb "Pf>C.U1c111 for any tc-Jm. lt:1 afonl" a \lumping oac
1'hc Ca.rJ11 olUlu•td)' bm~cd ~7-4b 1n 11111
llllC: b"I ph. cJ SnC'IW U•"•h. fllll)"lnf Imm.
Card Freshman forgives forgets life- long friend
Derting overcomes loot Injury, continues playing favorite game
b) lmtutU.rllUrt Sl-mm,lrq,<1tJrt \11111(' Dert1111 anJ b~slctb•ll ll,Hl" 1unc haftJ·tn Mild :.11K~· 1h¢ 1h1rd s;1l)Jc.
She: •·u. introduced lo hu ravou1,:, Jllml "''hen htr ~'U lricnd', J.11.J, 1 l1l1h •chonl co11cb put 101c1bcr , 1c-on1 for lht 111 .Sim;c icuini th.ti finl ta1tC' ol h0<>f!l, &he h.n 11-e,rt {\(en llMC lO (ll()Ul;!h She: fdl lfl ln,·c wl1h ll and the tv:u b.a"e tl.:rb u1~ohcJ r,cr \JOCC"
Dn1u1 1,~,lit her C(l1npchtlV(l\c. l<nt ih~ same .a11J ._10,i. nla1inn1.h1pr. 111 l~11u041cs • lhc L~y, tu h\·J 1.u~cco. S.ht • lkpi.·u,Jj 01'.1 111~ 1J1111i:.1, AIICI lo,tn;. •hK•• 11nd the C..u,hn.h 1111\'c ti«n domJ a IOI Lttd)·. to ILttr bet ft•111i I looli. 11r to l'n) mMo. • Pc-wag ul4 r<apotl\e to whom •tu: ,Juuru Mer~ ral~cJ he, anJ t•u•1hh11s:• on I ranc:h, ,.tits \\,P coum1011 to hbd them h1:.1d1n5 11ad rt'fl! lhdr i..scx-1 ~J 11r c.attk In 11\c SW,\(.' Cl'nkl't'ncic Octhlli 11i- r.a Su. 6 1n 11..ot,h. Su. 12 w Hcilb, .and !'l:u I llUI\UIUHl'l\'l."ffaCIO.
Th( fr't'lhm11n 1mm OLlnu11u1, Wlll-h "111 her \Ccon!.I .cuun ,1 NIC' She \\'II tort"cJ cu Tt'J1bll1 unc ~1n allt'I lnJwin1 ht'I fo,.,t \hC' chi~ NIC wi1h C~f'IC'(C,mon" of n:«1\ lbiJ. n,o,, plir1nR ttm< at a 111n1n, collt'~e He lo,.1111111 and •m.1U r111tnl\cr 1,.11 P'"t>flk Ah'1 ippc.alcJ In her
Cards can't board 1
b) S•m ('J1mmm
S(l(mr ~l1wr
TIIC NI(' ltlC'n •• h~tbu.1.1 ICJUn ho,, lx-c.n IQ J m1111 fo11k
1u:td). dropr111J tY.ot.UJ1aihthnnic 1,1me11nd IO\ll't'nnp
1ti.:,r 1,1'\C:r:111 record co lij·7 lnc-an!cn:occrll), t~ C.GNt
• m,d-J*k S 6. 1'hiu00. ru,):,itly 10 it'a 1*.~ c,f
rdio.mchnc and c-olJ uuhilJc t.buc1ua,-
s.wrd,1y rught lb: •~~m .,,,.-n.s "°1u:11 lty 1hr w11ng s~
C.OCkJ~ BaJgcn Jn .1 7-l·~9 hlo"°'"'I
Lt'.ad1n1h)I -'• ,n.u,,y a, 1~ p.,11~1 JQduph)'C'ltc,hta1
11,aUlnne. WC! C.:11\h •('at ou • shooeln,: chouJlu, 10 rut k
le lb( k'(1t1,cl b 11, "1'1(" hit J~hl l3 p:rcct1t Ol ib rtc:ld·
s,:aal ,ucmrn, Add1ns "'1ha1 u-a1 w.u 1hc- lact 1ha ~M\11
~urb(,..,OOCJ tJ.c C'..1rJ• -l7•29
Aric:rJ1Qll1nr ioa.15.J!itit. lht' 8.tJ,n~ wn1tOOt1•
IIC'Olt' 16oflh..: ncxl l'lpc,i.nlt.
S1c1,;(' 8Gl'Mk"t the: C.UW tt1.k'mric.t11.111n, 17 p,ml•.,
1nJ Joo,nha:n Aooman (t1td1N in H1.
(}n Th111'1J.t). U'IC C..d1 JU\( m1/dcl pullutj oJf IUI up\CI
1•fo. 2 ltl lhc: nllUPCI Di:lllC' Col lc-r,'6S•60
lmihnt: I.be: Rcbd• \itke WC 10WC1J t,udtd of die &:,m>c
"\ICfl'IJINlC'\'fflM60\\11h I 27n·m11mng. nm,..
(JC)'( ,o;tl 111<')' ¥,IJU!d eotnc. ho>.A'C\'Cf, .u the)' l~ O\'c."r
1ti..:1ron:t 1wo PJ'-""-'inm, ;1Jlo,l;1ns Do,IC' kl )fl(';,k """">
V.tlh lhc WUI.
8,.-,nac:r.ittd Va)ili1i- hunrll•ri~u u,-J.2llP"1111,
.ipiixc. i.uJ Anikt\.OQ Pbl u1> 10 Ol11hc l,oouh, L)jxk
$J'RUlq 1JRS2lf< WC.,1 five davs Four mghts on Iha While Rim Tnail In C.nyonlands National Parl<, M.\QCN 17-24, 2001
T1ke :?(l•)tiJ•4.1IJ 11"'1\,h her utf 1hc:-<01rt1 • ,;l:.iinJ! ,,n i-nov. ~nd "":ikr 1_ckri:n,frn,i "" • tcawti il n,1,1 c.c1•111\et. J1munln1 lu AC.DC rom Ptn-y. ~.1111ni ln•han l1)1)d ,4nd h:111g:ll\C \\1tl1hcc lr1fmb
".\I) ccui:h rc:ill) hid, ('10 nn1 •t-.11!1" Or.11111, ,-.a1dal lircg Comp ··Ht 1cll, u.,1iwN'Uc\c1, U1 u1,.1nd he nc\·c, Jl\·c,i upon u1.. pdl)byNd1T.., Magg~ Derting takes • lout during I game vetsus Dixie Community Coll090, The Lady Cards loot tho the Ffl>, 15 e,ime SHO.
No Holds Barred!
lO~SOF !
BEGL\ 'lil'G S \ ll'Rll.\,. ff:IIRl'AR, Jrd
So1urWl)s & Sund11y~ (? g;m"-"> ca.ch day!)
flVE rv SCRFINS 10 CIIOOSE FRO~il Including a !\Ki SCRFF'-' ('Inn, comfon.ihle 011no,phcrc'
Cc.,,,,.. ,·tl)U) ourJul/.,,, 11•~ lm111~1. mult,:111/'
• \\ <1rld Fan1ou, Mot'l(arlta, • lllood) M11')1
Gre•t t"oodl
4 lltuot'I ~hkhV..a1 lhc la.~ tbint ht· v.•n1cd111 Jo. Tbc only "ll) he cwJJ tnw:rcr a.ud rt.)·inl 1,1,H 10 jO lull JUlllf'lr ~°'kgc H1li h1v.h .choa•l ('.\•lll.·h m, Tcnr1s:~~ fl;lC llUhUnt c:Olleh
OVI "11h the ha4.cthall 11:Jm •·\\'(' lit( like• rAm1ly he Uid \IJrt' 11,: llll\lC ''" d,c CXJW1 "'IUCCIIUC"J., ht.,! '-A'C' 11,ll b,k- 41Ut (ot ('.tdl NhC:, bvci,OQC Y.Anht-,•111 alW ,ahJ nllltc1m1h. \larku Kandktakf'\ ~t'dmtofT from pn1t1kt 10 dl4"UM hi"I line, l'!a..,kt1hall. wpbomott fn111 \u~ll\'la~lt C'CM"urd'.\kotdil ,u,.J1Nlopt., port.
Not even Lewis l\\ins can shoot team oul of funk It.> S.im c·a,n,n,n Sporr,F.Jiti>r ni,.: :'\IC \\'1.nnc:n l'la.'\ktlh.all 1c:am JUU c11n'1 \(UC(:, The fati.l IIIM b:t.1.l.clb,dl It b..;~cd 1,.,Q the 1c.1in -.11h 1hc: mo-., po1nt111,1nnm~ 1bt') 1u~f c.a.u'twm c1tbcr Iha C.ardt ba.,·c bi..•i.:o lbc \·\t:llm ol h\'C 11,ini;:t1l l,111\t.1., ULh lllrlC: bc-tnS hcJJ UIL&kt t,ij JX•lllh llu.")' 11rc- ,.,ru,thnr 11, ,1:a~ n\i.:r !-411:)• ..tt 13,12 1111d 11~ n~,1i11tc in rcacc 1114-10 1n 1n lhc Scc:mc Wcllt Athlc-t1.:
1101<! I\ IU\l JlhlUoJ the C:Pfnc'f R1:11oa 11 cuwnamnt 1U.ci rl.n..:.: \bttb 7 'it(." ha, ,110C to ht;H ur l,;,,\I IU C\'CD mllt II The: C'.11J, hu:-c 1·n:-uu1c: Volle) Tinu,J.lJ and lhi: CnllCJ(- <tf South<'m Idaho frttb)' n,r> thrn h\11\I Cc,1t,1111Jo N"llh'ol.C'&li:rn •aid Luluti Cto1h ,ucad 111(' ~ICI (11urdrr 1111.jU.llil)', SIC,nu,1 fllulh u, 1he eur thrre ot lbcM! lt'.llmt. •lu1 Ill\" 111 ,t 1h4 ttouom OI 1111.· O:l•CIIO:fC'I~~
nk: pttt. i1101 tv.o road r,unn.. NK'.' Jtfci1aJ S4l1 Lv,c C,r,mntunkt) Cofkgc auJ LWI. Valk)' SI.II~ Collete.. NIChiblhc ro:ad IOTl'c."&,utt V11llc)· 00 J'hundly,lhta l\11 "'J' c~u(',(' or Si.iuthcm tJ.Jk) oa Frida)-. They w111m up for M~rth r, stcp'li IX t(l.lffllUl'll"n1 \\llh h,,mL" K•l11t'i llh C".ol«ddo Nontw,-c~tcm aikJ b,tcm t.;wlt
lower Level of the Student Union 769-7809 .ASUNSET • B0WL11':G CFNTF.R W2 W. Sun""t • Coeur d ~Jene • 76~-26~5
h-J'lfl...d.1°'1b St,arltwlur,,,u, '1lx Vtlir.:eo.l llx l',.11t1t'.-J1t1xu.-d b) J~J K.:ob),
1 1hc l~I rn,cb:1111k1 the Jr.u11.1 \kp.lnrtll'11l. ~r((Nll\,llla,, ..,,.,n run nt 7; '<l r.m., ThunJ")' 1hn,ufh
S..1.ut1Liy• .1ns.l M.uro l• \ Th("''"'"' 1\'lo\11 l~,·cy Qwnn. ""'"' a.1h-.v,i:rtd
b7 niJiu t'nhq.vt«ut lA."C10
S,.h\l.,\l;I ~hlh: he 11 &r-JIU'll • ull·
uk of lih )uuth A,• )OUl\f ho)-.
s,:h\l.M'I n11.'C..1 Ufl ""h • hobo
ur.:J PvpP) .11,d Fr.mluc. • Mt,1,d
1111. "'hnouhey ~'UC'd lll1fn ,.
1.Yldl.:il l ll!I' HJ, ,,ones an, ,o,ul \htk
lrn.1gh'CIIIOA." J.,,ih) 1.1al I mi.,.~,..,..,. i1 ,w,.l '"'lftj! lhe JU) 11ft ··0ur h"-'ft fffl "tlll"C-1.,t st lull oC f\ptf'.IC'f1r..°td._kln, k'L"'Oldi.n, Id 1....-.ih·, Lttby lun~n n:1u.,,u. 11 rt,»)- holh f',>Jlr) 11i11d
• Feb. 21-24
the Coeur d'Alene Polit"C WC'ranmtn1., Uirb•
ahJii11,c, are appa,t 1" A 1-ra1~di; 11n m.tJut ll·ilh mo~ ,.emc,ter to gu1 DuJ.; ·•
t.nwotk. \'•r'la from WalctcQI Clr 10 .DCr) hC 10 Od 01r\.> otaJ'1 ht'•
•U~f!1~~~~ ~~~~~.a~::nc:~:~: f;'/e1;A:~: nf tmJ1n•nJ
dc\flntd un H111 rr1n11.. nmpnJt tro,n S..SO.Sl,000, art' prlnlcJ
tocull)' on •"hl\'Jil p,pcr Olrl• tnAle, 1 llm1tW number of r,it1a
""llich 4JC Clk:'b lfJGl'J ~nd IUlltl ~teJ
S1n:-('1 Rod rnasa1inc wld him ad·,pat:i: 1n 11,CJl hn anwtd. He
Jc11sncJ en ..:I ~htcb tnoludcd h11 tWJ,n-, .ind tdq,hulk' nW'tll)('r
rorc:ar 1:.nlbu,1a.m lo N:gin m.ul~nng tu ~ hm1h:d·t'dll1 l1"
pnnll Ruc\y \iofor,1,\leb, 11 l,111:c ma1f·onlu p11rt1; •upphtr hwgtlt bu prlnt, tn ltr,.< 1,p,1.u..nu11t',. w llln1 lhetrt tbrout,b tbcb t:Ul'IJfl.aJI)
He ,d be bod ii lt•d Upt'flenco \\·1,h
c,h1omc11 v.·hllc dolnJ bu1lnc\~ In Ount'
Bu111('1 imJ HQC vw,~a popular mllgai:inf Ho ,sable cop.a:, arr the r,rinlinJ: ct>,h and ,.ult r,um. tir.,1 h(' lcam«t .i lco,on ~1.11 lM 1ypc: or rcople be ~anl.<d to r9C.h throuih l111;lfl\H>rl.
Uo!Jkct anmit 11rht.h \lobo 10 10 • pubhlh!:t
.,·hu 1.ak,u "1Ul a ~rcc:ntJ111c 1;1 1 tht :inl,c', ornin1,, Dirk• m.uk.ch bJ" own w(lrb. tdmnant all rrofil, t>ukw lr:imeJ 1hr it11W"r·•otl:lng\ o( ,c>mmc:h:iah,uo,: an•ntk aftct he to\ufkeiJ an a Spnb~ fr«ine hup 01rb 1,.1,111 be CPU(d djunbuu: hl, (IWO v.ort.., 11bout .11 rublilhrr \JJm,1 lo ba l."~f)tNlrt' 1.0 mu1:u111t'" vrdl t,o llll lHlldc uhout hLm 1n RoJ .tnd C'udam M<lt1-JttOC tr.I lul'la).
O,rl.1, bu kno\11:n J:raptm, J c-isgn llhlt\liClOf, D;i ,d ('lrmon(, •1tll.e 19<Kl. Di,kl •••d C1cn,on, influenced him lo 1.111.y ill NIC ·u 11 •••n'I f<1r Oa\u1, I \\C!Uld ha\C l>itikd 1hit rw~m '""''
AJiO." ht said I w11t1ldn'l taa,·c h\Chcm.1 • "ht'l'I tkm£ltll rocc'tffd 11'1(' cc1nuact tor artwor~ al llw new fll;lli('~· depan111e11t. Oirb ••• ad ed to hdp. Lcl(:JIIC\l l:\c1"ccn ltiJl.h\loll)' 9S attJ R.a1ui.ey. 1hc riC1."t I• a IO.t110t, .1-0 t.,,atJ c.:,ak ec10,uL1..:tct.1 nl m,a,1,,i wilb 1 ,kclct11I ilrUtlurc or mclll. The f!"....:c," 1110\. aibnut c111h1 \\tt.•, o,n. ui,l coming b:id, 10 ~I a,• oon·lrnd1l1CJnAI ,1uJc-n1 h1• htt11 h:irJ. bout• 11~xl ure«encc l'nu,hu~ Cdlle-rc h«.amt • re-N,tm,al ,~1 for OtrkL Ouk~ $1LIJ he dn\n hi, v.-1k. Tomi. •nw,·· wtth bit. .ll.ll·nlJlU att 1<',\lon, Wbc:n ,be 10('11 In work in the mnnnn,:. Ouk" 11 wll 1n"'h)'f'Cf·f1:1tu11 n,~ i.lotlJJ bJi art'Aurk
C1,0•·1n,: up ,n Rooncn f'C'l"I')'. D1,b wa.'> \'nuolly ooen111t.ed. t1<.'.',cr bc:comlng ,n1cre.,1N ln h1( fomll)"t. «cur1111ion, los, 11t1.
•·1 u,m1: from• bumlllc- ba.ctpand;' Dirt, ,olil. "'11 h1eh m;akt Y...hllt ldolcindl!I uJJ."'
,\Oahi1h Khool, t>irk.• tic-c-ame • machlm:(IJ!Cn!Qr lnr A r.t1lroaJ He .atd 1h.111ilthou,11 ii paid 14·cll. he hakJ e\·c:r) nsh1u1c of ii Al."Cc:,rJu1g cu Olrl.., w•\ Q('\'Crhumc- And hot"••• ahup dirty.
··llk:y p:Ud}UII \\C II IO be tnu.t'J'abk." hts&hl
He s.,iJ hb 1111 ',,t,lt. alwa)• tllllging hin1 whak he. v.·b. wortmr Ill ,he rnih~d
•·,·ou i:atn't rrllll)' cum your-1'1111:\ on an.• he ,~Id
L-:itcr he w-Ofkcd "'ith u manufac:turins frrm i11 Spobne f.x four )'t"a" Aft.tr • muJb lay-~lf. Dark\ 1:..1m.e lot~ (t•nc..:lu,1011 lh.11 bl:ARTIST Ct'ltlllnUed ~IC' 10
'Trestle Creek Review' offers cash for literature
b) GU JCW,tm0n S. ,,utrrr,.,,,t fut ch\· n,,.. cunc 1n 11, hlllOr}, Tl"C"tlC' Crttl. 'Rc,·lciw h ufferin, loHb pri1¢1, SIOO for fltt,t pl.we:. S!iO rc,r i.a.-000, $25 lllfthi.JJan'11wohack,rat,1c:
UlC'ntlQll•o($10 The Trc~lle Crttl Re,..1c\\ it
ffi:OJ(nltcJ n11uonall )' in '"Cffl ,nnual ('Qet aml v.rit,er W~oric,, E11.:b yc:ar ruvlt' lh:i.n 600 CIOJ'JC'I a.ti." prinlcJ 1«::!JI)', T)pteall:, 1bc tdilmli tt~1\·<' •round 100 ~ubnu st.otll aoJ .ltiobl )4} make ii Into rnm "'We \\,OJll lo Jl\·c ,pcci:al atlnmon tu ,1udc:n1. rac;,,hy 11Ad ..caff wrncn. from hotb MC lllM.1
jclUITIC) l1l ,clt•J1~1\a')', SClb',l,.tl, ~fllfflllU1onlh.·nJlo• the: ,·c.110t""uf cht pri11nc. Cli.an.,:1n, II.mo t.ing nr" d1.1lkn,ri frlr
Qwmi v.ho cixh up h,tv111$ tu l..ttp lbtl'ICY. F<.'COl(hhl:\ll.l1
• 7·30pm II', lhc Ind of r,ta.y 11ml Jcflt''li ticma \Utnntcd ur," J.ac:otry \,W. • 11',,t...-A 1ndi.~«:h.1r.'l,._1m, lhll Jillilvue they n:all)'dontnl,tthcr 1''""'11*- · Jo11.'Ub)· ,rr-.•1..:.all)" l'hmc thh rUy bcuute 1t lt.a,cs f\1IIOI for llll~'IT«illuon '"'lhkorl_,,y,J(b.d llt\JIC thcir .1111ftCl'h.'CCl1C11rL'dlCit
·~I o \NS Mohkt r(A)lther:itt\ol 1)11;\i,I ~nd I naobc:'a teib.,. rhcrt aicabn rrwmmcn l1h· Ani;r,l-1 S) IUOO.', pxv~ymc. • ntv. pap·r ,t"ndc-.f ·\l1t11.-...tall thc oc,,., ,,;.1U he pl4) ins n1ut11rto ch.11111..11.·r.. Jaob)' wi.! he~, pk~ •·AA thertq·n: \1.'ty 1.slruJeJ beuid n.o.c ertnnd ,he...,... ....i inu.,1,-cJ in the ~1icn H1d~lr lutbtti ~kO!iflC). 1'110fling the 1..-a\l w,th tmtuar,...._ 1Ud 111\.lln V,1n f..uun. 1t.hi.1 k1•h tu, tali:m, ,
LC!i(.".• ltl\tructor (1_.J,1 Mutf'l(h -.atd fapc:,tl:1lly to lh1.NI ~·ho h.a\'t' nc,cr b~n pubJb'1~ " ·Our pnonl)' 11 rcSJ~nnl 11,ritfllg, bo"'~ \ Cf "''Cl also pride: OUri.t'l\'t• (10 lhc (ac1 lh3.t ..,..C £tf ~ubmlnlO,I\ fnMTI 111 1o\·cr 1hc «~unlQ•,'" M!Knth ,aid Uccrary 1u\olm11,ion, of (1cc <ir form;i,I Vf'nc.. i lKK1 pl'O\C, C"vcn one 1 pla)'1. llf(' bc 1n1
a«"C"ptrd. The) oLrl! o..hn looking fot :uhHtfk inch1Jms.
photoJnipla -11nJ dta~h,~ Muench Id ~t>c hopc-t. 10 bnn& 1hl• NlC publiciitton cu• 11c¥.· le'"cl ol lh cnuy ci.1.McrubJJtm M1.11."ntl'I h., born an E.n,:u n ln\U9'1nr and tcmpu~ artist rwr four)·c-.an s~ ti.a,• mAl lc.1·, dr:,:~(' in fine ian, fo,m lbc' UtU\tfMly or MOJllllJlll Hii-r r,oe1ry h.a, tlc!tn p<Jl'ill•hi:J v.·1dcly. She h\·c, wnh her Gnol hu~ m HamM>n. ral.~ c-.a11 ondiahor$.t.A.'- M'-Ua.., \·OIUl\ltt"ttfti a.a EMT ror Hamr.on R«tUc 77 Now In th 1<,th )·tal thr Ttollc Crtcl Rt>\ ic\l. ,tanJ, uul ,u. u.11hmm 1n lht rcuJin 1,t NIC publk..aUoo.\. Ttt,,1lc Cl'ffk
Rc,1,:v,,..,,,,.1ancdln 19>1.?by Eff;lich p,oJe,-sot Ctlad Klln,et. who tl\'CBGW lhc hlC'fll() JOUtmal lol' II\ fif\1 17 ) Clln. AtldrTa C1Ucc, wiu lJ)t u11cnm Bd11or1n .ChlC'l l.a.1 )'car 'lo• \1'1,en,;h, h:11 CoJ..e11 lbc 1u nn ~f.llilk lot ,ubmJo.1p,n1 I\ March I ~. Nlf ,nfomwuun conl.K'I Muench, Let IIAII AOfk).. Roon, 2 urull 7<A-SQl1 CJt 1al,_nnier~httnlc.ed1.1
ll"'!CAl. Ft~ 21, 2001 ~· I T-wo-lhirds ot thl' j ~ople on Earth i have never made ! .i phone call • • • • • • •
Oe.relf. Mohler portraying the old David Quinn In "'The Vc,,ice of tho Prairie "Qrouc.hU o ver LH.Jay JunklH (Poppy) during a rahHrHI. n,., production 8/JJl18 ThursdDy.
11~ ktllCTJ J11.bwlJbc1111 a.;11111i ir.\ptrll~. u11J · Sc~ pl.i)-. )OU ltt' M 111U\'1c, u( the \ti'CCk,&fi&ll•tbC'l)'fltH(rbylh~ DCM IU t'C c>.pa.u."tlttJ m lhc 11.'Glcr '" °'The' Vt.kt uf 1he Pr ,11nc • Nfform1.-J •·i.lb ufa.-n,,;('t.111 ll"Jt, !IOICJliOJt, lmutcdlu l ti110(\lirkS'""DIK'1L TKlcbihi:it11Jl'lt:rcwnntmlllll,.illl.7J t·-..u.11)', ,1..t1 illiJ uuJ(n(, MC .:a.Jmufe\l lh."C v,11ti II> rot infcmtUIIUft C11!1 it.H- l!lO
passion into profit b) \Ulklt\\ olfro.in St t1111~t,,, ,rrrt A hhtMi•h bl)" b11\ bcct1 dcd1catcJ tow 1hrouehoo1 hu hf.c. k\l"cll nirb 111 Jlhl uarunt 10 rror,1 rrom h11. na1ur.sl u1en1 IJ1rb. 40. bu ,tcppcJ 11110 LO 1bo ruhn of prirninj com.mct-.;1111 .l.rt""'(Jf\. \ll'ilh•~ll lh(' il1a:h1t,1 d1.11n..-e uf joc,,"in1 b.lcl Whc1hcr mrr,nt lh.N(l@h the p~c-· ~r II ('llr magu inl" ut dri\>11\I h)' tlw hll l d np:lr: 111 froot of
CIA.L MCM>t')' nat C\('')thlnr "'hl-n
ld1ng-llx- n5.h11.""0lltgc
llitdrrompq ?
,c.·Ml•hMp, l'"r 1ho,c- "f u, 'iliho arr caught ,n lbc the middle rich rnoatd• to 001 tt~CI\IC fell Or.mt-. and pc>Pr c~gh ta hone madrqW1tc
hC1f'I (rnm r:1rentt.
._,. Ho•tvet. con,ic.knng "'above ,,·erqc" ,\\·.>Id :M.hulANhip Karil\ alrm1 lhc v...ay '1)·
.ire likd> ~ad,ng 1hu column. ,·w·u
110 include" c:ower h:ucr, ttue,~ or
~,mmc:ndnJi11n or at1 arrlkaMc mum~
tlias "hilt ('lttitavt. upcrlenc~• ~·uu hrintt
So,nc NIC Fourwb11,oa ,cholar,:hip, •~
cd h.t-.ed on~ •n,1 w,mc on aCtaJc:nuc
1 Your ottd ,, Judged by the 11.arric
11iioa )'011 rl.ict on the f'AFSA
The l&Jll,C\I '-rbOllU"lhip )OU Cln rc«i\'t h
OE.JJ. and 20 or lhr~ ar.: •wardcJ cac-h
1 \'i,11
,._ nJd(, l'du/financbl~idJ,c.hotu,hirV fur
Thln.l. tcA.t¢h 1i1udc ,utu,;ie, for
ar,hlpi GC':t nn 1bc Internet ""'O ·cp4i,,nia.l web.I.tic\ arc ..,...,.cou~cv1cw.com.lfinatd aud r://\\w\\.f,1Mwcb.com/ Ab.a scie 1he hotli ~IC', IJbr:uy, m,fod.ing ·'The Ctillcac: iidrn•'• Gutdt' t<> \1<'11t 11nd 4>1hc-t"No--NN!d dtn!!:, which dcullh m<Wc thin UDO
11,hi<-e Nc.\·crra~ 1oh.1,vc.inr1'lfJ11a1ioi,ga\cn
11) ynu ,\n)' lnf~rmauon a (Qmp,n)' Cim JI"'"'
)'00, )'OU CAO find )'OUN:I(
Pounh a.nJ pc1h.1p1; 11tti,111111){lfti111I, rwm •n
111.h·i cr. pan:n1. fi11onc:-i11,l aid cool'lselt,r or C\tll
Aocord1n1 ro Nl\ hbnri.m 0.1\lc
Rem1n,1i.,n. hnd101 J~holar,..hip, nn bl- M1 comptc,,: 1h.11 tnO!II 11,1udem, n«J IO~RC' tu IOICt.M;I wuh
-vnu s.;177 h'Yc qui:,11on.111d.ly, Rcnun,gtun lllid y, lib ,t 111nltC"
Remington ut.d he. aod ,Mht, htmmn.n, b,1vc
~en h(Jpint ,1utJcnb lu.d M::h11l,111t11r, for )'car1.
~c arc 1be ,tt'pJ. ,1,11 I" dtJ ul It', niy l',c.hcl If )UU'tt a iJ\'\')' 1,1udcm ..-:oh :.a ,av,) Wft af job. YQU co.n ioco 1h~1.·olkg;r'or )ou-r choice Hd a1 1.cJ 1 t,~l ('1.·cn ,r '1« 14ve n~m<"y \\lh:u d1J I Jly1
'E\'t.ryonc in n1y fitmd>" hdd me lhal I ~C!Wld QC\'Cf be:: 1Ut)'lhing. The)' uht I wauJd hi\"< to ,U) bocne 11h
l:.aflque a,sJ li\'t. ofl ol dthet ~lpk ," fhcn Nld
The opportunity to mo, c here ...,Ith bncx.trndtJ f1rn!I)' came up and du: jumpcJ on ll1ttcho1ncc "E\·C'f)OOl.l be.~ u tc> C'rl('OIIUjlrlg Ill mer 8100 said Thh s111.1;1don h ru,1 ,m unfllmiliar oo" (Ot m.1n)' )'OUIIJ v.ornrn In thh arc.
J4)'t'lltt' tktt on c..w1p1u ltli.l. ht:id of! ,o ctau: Ri..:o •11J Not All of tht' utkl.:t· Ul v.·ou,c:o 111 NIC .uc plOlhcn., 011,,1 of th1:iu ;JJ1: bctt to UWJ'I for ul..iU c,1 JIO on 10 fovr · yc:.uculltf?Cs.
a Calif n.a1h·c. Jch
binh ur her
!ibc felt lbc J ttlll<" a bclt<'r h(e for -">l'l In Idaho.
Tr.1init1g for ca~cn 10 l«hnaltt&)' miechnal (it'IJ1, 11 popular wllh )'Ol.ln.,. ,inJk mOlb'"ratuu:Ri..:u. She sa.y, 1h.a1 it ia • -..ondnful cnvlranffl('ltt for n'IJ\iog hc.r son and cao1inu1nJ her cd1.1cah,1n, "I can dr<>p him ore 111 1hc
Ac:c<J«hnJ tn NIC ki:gtt,U..tT, Ri(;lt.ard 8.:,..·.1m. of the l.829 i1Ulkn1- enrolled~ ~IC curm,tl). 979 lrc. l.lndtr 18 1lu• fif""' J)(ll lncfud,c the .z,g dual rnri>lllncm ,1udtnt-.c1bd nh rnrullC'd In hitth M.hovl and ('l11k-tc ciuu1«~ concum::nll~ or the 939 CifJ.) 1,ro11nm ,tudr11ti l111t yc.,r, 701 t.11:ld
I.hey entered the rmsfllm lo ~t.11hf>· fc,c turdll!'.1 edu.:u.uon f1,oc nwnN'tt al\O i~I* 1hc 1ro•dng nwullC'r 1'lf bomc'-Chaol ~ulkno "M 1u.u.\1111\..e 1he (lED fo ol'\kr 10 ,11;h1c\·c 1 hiah Khoul c.:i11i" lcr11:)
OISAB1Lf1Y W«~ ""1i,n1..S to •w•~ncu nlt'<i~Jlt' ron1lntttd from pa I -~tuleo<bmpwblmdm on wiJ \\'t'ff' 1..-:id dvoui:t,Clut dwt Sl:B Wh«k'hau '"'1 mob,lily
Rmtuni; 1.hn1tt11hool 1.hr v.ttl v..r..i dufiny 1111k lll'C':'11')' Ct-.11uringanhi~•hobn,~IIJ dl\llhblic\
n111lun.a.l dump1on., pLl)nl Ag11n1e at "'·lwxkhai:rb.N:cthJJI
1.lSSoc,cerTc:am for Amp&RCj .wJ UlC" VrCSJdc:ttUCE:O ot Nut OL'·oo:i1100 Ta:boologic~
"4~ ~"'$1DJ4" Mt.¥ ..a.J
A uv1.·y
111U. aboul
Olhcr 11uc.lcnb.
) need to
Co omr W"lhu(lu:hmt 1ca.. 11 JUfl.lor high ,chool I, ,-.1)', !.he
I very early
and h ICl prpvjJco
JC)h" Wt'll
tNI l~~C IIIUt"
likc Jenic•
.uc hcrcl,a:au.,c
prcpatt oow
in lire
the brc,t
fM hthon, ue, IXmon1h.•
*'"C' inc 1he 1onuy to mun L' a ul hy31cn1,1 "° th11.1 I can cnuu$)1 m<mO)' h, ,,~
hom~ 1nd 1bo c,omrM, 1klt'nin Rico1,IUd
aftu t~
C.lffl:bn V.'t'l't'bclJiildrt: b3f.al>c:nl of IJ,o: SUB anJ \tuJait, npcrkn.'od h.l\'U., ,I lcom••i d,,..,.~,y by re.ad.in#• ~,ccuun 'k1 upw ~OO\\aperwin'o\11ha lc.1mintl;di1Jbihty1cak.. F1·iday College Night DJ K. 0. WAX ~Cltylal.MI r:.... • BOWUNG SAT NIGHT CASIHO BOWUNG IT.ABTS AT IGOPm ruesdaq night 99C all d@flS 12oz Barn- close Pl~y1n9 yout f;ivot1te J~nce musK College Night! ,ryot, te 1n the dom hefote 1100pm with your colleye I.D • you can tece1ve $2.00 off the cost o(<1~m1s,1on' ,' • • ', , ,, ' 1. \\
in fresh. deJicious Mexican food 69 cents Tacos All day, every day 10 % off for NlC Students & Faculty with college l. D. 7th nnd Sh~rmnn Downiown Coeur d'A lene 765-8522
Senor FroSSY Specializing
Vcndon 11'11.'ludocl .:unpuitt .1111.leplC"f'\Yklf!P:wttrwr,t,. P.llsli.andk F:amil) 1-bfth .utd tht :\1C'E8u Dunn, t1ll" lwU tutic ur ll-e mcm hil~b:thaU p,nc agn,~ Di:uc Cidko:-. • ,nup ,~f o,1l.icclch~b.r.l..:1ba&I
WUJHtSDAY, FU. 21, 2001
*"''C .a pti:kotat.lor• 1'0 '1'rou.m uc fl'IJUC} and 1')1\ii'.l1filJe,.: 3 r,cnonnl pm,flC\.11W"' ROlfflthnl' t oompany k Jt,1,·ck,ping \'v1or ~up1i1K)n rrognm., tnr ccimpilcn. U11tt1 c;~ ,;i:inpl) tlllk LO ch:i.r o."f1nit11Jll"f tllll1 th: CUfl.'IJ"llllrt \loll type: What tilt' pmon Si)"I &f.
in Coeur d'Al ene can you earn a four-year degree? Now offeri!'IS, &thtlor olScienc-c DqrN in~ lt'1 tn.i• You an urn a rou~r dtp• In psy<hology In Coew d'Aknt! Corw~l,i-nt rwiif'C ~nd \¥Nke:M cbs:s.u alk;,w you to eont,nuo your educAuon without f"'"I vp your~ or your qu.a!.ty or hre • Cal tod.1Jrfor ,o-.i....-• .~in, and ""'°"NOOn.1108)- 661~1S88
Oa.,u-tbtz!,tdwwt>tkol stl•• 2001 Other undergniduote ond graduate deg...., programs are available.
OM .i"'1 1/Z~
Sweet Sounds
Jm rocks Schul
b) 1.ukt GN>f'JI' /l}111M/r~fflilflI1
Wr.k Terry J~lfl<'bllllllydun:C(d;th(, b.mJ at U.- lllUlU.J C:dd1ntx1111.11 ILf/1.tll)CCII II V,l)iUfdk1"1,t1ftfU1..b
,..,hi:tb.-t ti r,c1funn.1n~,e \\'1)1.tkJ h,1\C' an)' pc...~11Mpolitfltllll IJ )W haJ bcf:ct I.hen: J.ut )W, II ~;1\ J:pp!ltCI\I.
lhe aicr,)' onl)' Nuth Ill.II 'llr.l)"
A, 11 togutck yoooaajoumcylbtougba.>lOC')' flllNw1th m11,1,;,thc re,lorni.flk"c-.i., 1.hro:ctJ 111 ,1 v.,1;,~,lil.c form lluilJtnJ ,1nY+I) tMcJr,11rly.1hr
t'IIO'}.')' u.11111 the auJ.1rn..-e \l,,oll owtfl1n¥1ftt!
'*11h •rrlautt
E.vty pi«.:t... ''Su-ait N"o Ch11.\C't •·Mu~ Fine'"
11.1id ~pfam 81uwn Wr.apra warmed lb: ln\ll\ltuCOI~ \lo.J th~ Pl1lhto« fo('I~\ hr1J1,1ih111\11 h,, Moo.J;ltu Su1c L'nwcnh) hudd1c,- h' lhcn
1hit1¥" u.p.1mJ thdt pc-l'f«miu,cc oufht 1hl111, pqlirC'
Alon <kmbctlin1 t'll•>·cd lb!: cromtlonc: m '"Ni.bl Aiwr SiJ(h, Ahct Sf~l1t'' and "P91\.i
Dc.K\ and \1oonhca:1m JI., " the interk1inn
li<'t\l.t:cn him 1riJ t.ht r.tudcnh on \.I.lg£ tlut. pb)mg bo.c~ 11nd fonh. 1hn,.,,. ,cally mtcrutinr, Gary Ocmbc,hn1 ployed ht1 UtJmpct in Bloc· hut phe1-,nJCtl.lll). he pl.a)·cd Alright.
OK 'r,,u W1tt"'11hciril)' t1.1~ motllh lie e<N111nued by lncluJ1n,i. the 111,cbt:os=t 1h he rranccd up and down ,tic .a,~i«. H11 ~tlthtf JoincJ ln pla)in.t ht, aombonC' ~·11h ltl1 (oc,I tn the Jhde A, il'dtiaWbn'I enouih. IMn Bu.kvkh pl:i)cd
v.1d1 r,quh.itr' ,Jle('d Ju~ d11t11) ua the vJtlfllf'bi'llC. lfr t,rw~ht t:l'.11 .i tlrwn. Thb quile
:t.1mrlc, hut no• Uo ,tq,pcJ down lrom lhc and ,1ancd t~lclJt thy1hou. Ht tapJ!Cd on a.
iappcdoo th<
nc,x)t ud 1u-
u:pprom 1hr
atrtllllll lbt:
G1"1nN.'rbn1~ joined 1n
The) lai'P<d fh)'lhm, lhruugh I.be •uJlmce
L;ri101h,.,,. ~yLlfll)('don
t>pp<dt10011> TenyJoMsdlrec:tstllt
"«: they t,pr,J Celebnltion 01 JIZZoa IIHa\C. The)
lllf'rtd 1htu hc:hlrxh w"b C"n1hu,l:a"1k sr.."C Thlt pcrf,mno:nci: haJ bccumc • craJi'lit.:11.• Gcmh:rltnJ' ant.l Bukwh have pot·pafd9 ~pclltcdl)' QY\'f lbc yt.an.
mu~icl.Ub ldkc ran m ""11.1n:i.n.. "'°
1he)· wort With llboul :?O JUIUO( hiah hmdl 1111' l\liO da)-.:. '"'to,~ th,c "'Old of j.a.u."' Aid C'JCmbcrt1og !Miki ~tuButv,tb.thc'tt~l,11"1
n:.,n1c,ror lhc knowk._ lbr bd, tui,·c ah~ btt11 tlWJht by thetr itntrodon.
p.,,. 12 THE SEN'llNEL A&E
Gary Gomborllng play, one of two trumpets tn U,. pe.rformanco ot Blue;" Feb. 6. He alto ploys hl11rumpe slm-ultaneously during Improvisations.
A n,omber ol lhe Coeur cl'Aleno Symphony Orchestra ploya "Thal swtnQ Thing."
A member ol UW IIUZ bend plucks chord• wllh lhe dlroetlon ol TffiY Jo,,es.