5 minute read

dlund's ermits

Stuucnts gain experience in wide·ranging ficlJ. prepare: for employment opportunities in Uflpliam:.: industry. govemmcnt projects

IJ\ Utdt \fortttn 11i.-7"11NII /l, r,vttr

Pk lint: ur1o1, ,m-,:r JP1n1111l 011, ,ta,. Jell rcn,~aw·r • o1, Ilic Si;b"'iU1' \1,,111," Pc,v~,,~c, 1k"1. idcd to tmh.irk on 11 mvcc 11.h.1llcn11ng- ral't'tt tic 1a•J llh: d(1;tn111h," ,n,1,ntl)· luol.td '" t.11\cnc' 1m,l v,jdc "'"f"'"

J.lllJ P,·nd,ll t r l Jc~1JcJ ac, q,111 w11tl.ln1 tull Ulllc a,-,1 JC"I my '\ASII 't(' ~uw v.nb k:u Cb.all• M'Nll!'•l('r bf -.:hoc•l ltll. Pc111\11htt •~ 11ht.id, m "-'Ofll.l,'t • 11h ,mnt· ll11Ylra11ic:1 fob\ In WA,flin,:h'ffJ t>rrron 11.nLI C'\'Cn u l.u \hi.:ronn,.a Ate all rt""lllh1k'-. for die """''"

I 111111111 11 10 so" hcu•\'cr 1ht' 11,•lt l4lt\ me·, uld 1,tn1l11\('r --1 ht· 1·11rm"1'• •wi *'''"~ 1,1 "'''P for • f1111a 11nic. rm h.1111,J ,~ ,u,1 t,~ II: r.ut old

It t11.1y N'.a lnw:1 uru,11, 111 l~hc-l ~111l.11vC't ,1pJ uthct tla.:1ni11, rn h ,mJ,.·til\ a., h..:rmn,.• lh•'IIJI, the) lw'-<' l'ltto utleJ lh.it JU ,,me~ l.llf411 l"I 11<11. II n ;I JICC'U)· ;:1'1(11,I dCkflr-'11•1'1 ·ru lc,l 11\lo,1\ 111 tht: lfrJlur1d Hml,lmc tuf 111orc th.al'l lt,ur hu111, I d.t) lh\""'IC f1C11rl~ ,llfC' h> l'I(' IIIC',1111\ lht, f)p11;;af j1,ll,1JtnJ1.. ,\lmu\l 0\-1.wdy ,,<'n l11Uv., Nil h.n 11n t:l.xtrn,u prnarr,.1111 t1wd1 k"-.1 •hat die) ,.fo n~ p10,r11-m 1.11.<'., ~1udc::11h hom 1.nll'wtfh! lk''l;l l('-n'IJChmF: e,...,111 elr~1ma1,;1. anJ w1th1n l\lofl ,c-nrs h,h lh,:m ..-,·11,ltl"•J cn ,..nrl,;.

,n Ult' d~ 1runi..- in\lti\11)' -An~1h111i: rwm l1umc .1rpl1i11,.oh1 111p I<°', re, "'' -minctll ('fr'J«h n~ .,,, l\1l'lflf'lt na111DQI" \\c1o11.c-alolnlra,rlr wl1o1> for 01,r ~.i ut m .uw1'1(1 .tl.141·1 h.tvt the hllk" M ~,ti 1 j,iM;brfor', ,J,.;t!t&'. but '\tlll WilMi lnl(C • loh IP rlC-Cth~II;.\.,• ct.rfcain('l.l Rt1,ut ('uun'- cfcc1n,cic1- i'*'IIU.:Wf Ou, loctu It.a• .1lv,,.a)'11 bt"rn 111,1,t ,1uJcnu lbc ,~ltl, •he)· nccJ tt1 l:inJ .i )uh wi1hou1 h,ninJ 10 JI) to .chool (,~ 1,1,i, )r..r,,• W11h ,ibo,ul l11urh,1m, 1,11 l..iu .anJ l.abtl~ c-ac h Wi) lhc r1rOir.1111 llllr,,"-'h ,1 'wiJc u.rtct) vf ..-uJr-n1~ A1, .ibunt.l,m~'ll' uf v,,cll pa)l"I Jtob, anJ \'Ol.u.all)' c-n,lhm, orputhrn1hn du,w In r<cl)·r,nl' Imm 1un.:u:cu Ill Nb)·lloorncr,. Jla\loc\tr 6'1lk1c1u tbc \lud(l'lh

Brian Hammon, freshman electronJcs mi,10,. tettl hie e.lectronk: circuit board, too.

Ut' llomra~h ~•thcr, chey ,II n·rm lu ,~rl! 1hc 'illllC'" i,k.o ,.hl'"n II i;mno, Ill c-Jn:1ron10. 01er.: \O 1nu~h of:, lu11.1n: 11,:cc,• ~.1h.l Jrttn1) Coc:,.-.c-r. hc,t111w1r1 cll:"\·m1n1c, m;iJ()f ''The fuLure', t•.ihcd 1111 -.h.al rm lc..:;,rnJn.1 nu11, lht ,,..,,...1bll111~ -.11n't t,1J uulll lh('1t', noihin,: kll t•• kAn• AnJ 1h..11'\ llt\l.'."rT~·h1n, altul d1I~ 1uform..111on 1~11 o.n 1he ,1k1ulJc,, ,,f l\lic, llk:P. C'"°n' and John Dunn With muff" 1h11n )t11f, ol ,umhlneJ "'-'Jleti,C.1.1,C(' IQ tb~ 11'IJu,11y 11,t jni.lru. ltln h,11h d..~nh(' 1hr,r c11r1u.uh1m ii\ a t>rcl;ld, o,'Cro1II ,111,I) ,,f ,k,tmnic\.

•·fo JU,l llt.tl )(.In Y,,(' nttJ lu lc;a.h lhi.Y ,IUJl"Ol"e\Cf)lhlll!! lnlffl J1m;11,·1,1nTM luodo1nlC't1U1I, 101hc: ~(1r1~, c•I' d1;i1.,1 clct.11'<"nti;,."' l>unn wilt.I 'B) tlM" t'lid of1htJr 11,(.'('lJ.lld )'C.11', dk'.)' 111 ;i~ 1u,1II) br bvild,n1 a ,lnllll m1i.:1op,1-..-(''-'~"'"0t'lltnlkd to1t1pt,l (t."" "" We',·"' hild 11,1 hrtJ U (IJtt 1h:tt •lltt"-'' ('\Cf)'C""' hi tct ,Ht anlknt•nd,nr or 1hc \\u,1~." r~ ,ittlJ 1

Jacks of all trades stay busy

Maintenance workers do more than drive golf carts, battle chew splt clogged drains h1ui.l!t1t. \llkltiom• l'hl" n('W SU8 i, i,.Cttng Ill IM\'.IC'it\C the Jcp.Jrl!l!C'tll • WUtLfu;uJ \brn1en,11Kl'.' h,,.. t,,.-,"n ,,,or~l11i: doitl~ w11b lbc ewl11M:"1110 111 nul.r

-.u~ die Jcwr:n ri,I hu1IJ111; "'ill h: c-.ml) worl~l-,1(,~

"'WC' hi\( D M'I uf rrrnntln, 1il\f (-'>tll\ "1ulJ -Altt)' ~\( C\Cl)tfunf!d,c "" l hi' ueo.·J.. ul ,111Jcfll\ t.kUh)' ~11,l 111tr.r ,t.111 l,1Un• wkl) 1n r,nflnl)', Uhpla~-,c\i b) ,t'\Ctal carupu, drinl.in£ fot.11'11,1hu duned ~uh ,htv,,ns tob.J.:oeo. ,,·~ the "*·n11riruil ~h~~fl. 11Ca1I) \.1nJ.ilhm ,,., bk,,1' m.,1,~1." ni.ut1tcn 1Kc"f. job lunkr ClnmftJE, f'lflC'Y.

Retirees share parting thoughts about NIC

pcopl-e Th,, ,pnng. lhrtt mc:mbtn nr tbc collc~c '111.R- June Cb.apmui. Muioc Sch1cnnan .,'Kl Oori1 Ay.110. w,U rC'IHC' (r~m th<'lf po,111on, 10 Jc,(IIC' their UJ~ to ,~h !1o.ti\ •*' Chap111110, founc, ~01111.hmuar lor 1hc Sho\tktcir Cnw") Oi,tilJ"ltt Hduca1ion. rcdttd 11 1ht' t'rtd ul "1 1\ulr)' aflcr 28 )'C'a" or worktnt '11,,Uh the collc11e. A kC'lloc, tt,iJ(m. 1hc 6Ct-)'till"•Old t.lld \be ju,1 fch 11 v.,1, 11111< 10 rttu". Sht' pl.ari~ 10 ,.pend her llmc- Jo1ng commuoU) iac11-..i1io o1nd trnclint Scblcrm.an. ~11,1nc:n omcc i:a,hler, h•, ,pcn1 1.1 >t•rs ~uoon,g ro, 1ht wllqc. bui tht' ("ocu, J' Akoe n.111,-c hb, dcep:r lie-; w11h Sch lerman lh<' ,1,;hool - i.he ,:nadu.atell (tom NIC in l'IS~ She a.11id m: ha, JU"l rc~hcd the llt1u· in her ll(etotclirr. She \\ill,~ bet time rn,"<Jint, ,·olunt«n11111"'1

JJnlcrllnJ 11.fln- her 111..r day v.nr.,,:tna na Feb 16. y,,hcn Ul1 T111um 'Vf111 u,k.e o,tt fur her A},lt\ ,.,nc:J al 1he cullc#(" 10 )'Uri .a,c11,1; • p.ut·hrnc ,wi1i.:hh1taN orcl'iltot For dlC ~,l J5 )(:tr,,, tJlc h11,, ~1,Jminhtr.Ui\'C \C"CftW)'Cd Ste'\'( S....btnl. \lief" f1tc:\kkN (l,f w.!I~ ttlWiCWh \br ha, bed f!n'_"'111 111 &n.1.ny gmdu.ll!Oft.._ pl.Ayint ,.Pomp llnd Ciro.:um l.lMk'.o on the ptaoo ,i, ucpn lnr ma:rdt:ing gr.ltlu..1c., lier lime i, 11.IJcDd) d,,ono.:11)' pl.11m1ie,1 CtUI Slit' uni -.lie wnn1, 10 v.,,rt. t•n ht,- f,m,lr hl\lOI'.)' Mid 1111wel v.JJh hrr t®,in 111 hl,11,.,k.d f•niil) ,,~. bu1 fo1>1 kcp in _u.nd t;.11ll"b up <•n bc.io,c wort. lier la.,1 dli)

'"II~ ,\J'lflf \0, ju\&~ (o, dJ) ,1.flcrher6'lh hlnhd;i)'

A fTPl.ettmml s«'fd•t') tui, nnc bccfl touild )'cl. l'lll A).in \ll.ld \Jic: 1hmk., 1hcr-c 1t.·dl t~ m.an)' 1111-..camr,u, aJ1t1h.:.:a1inn,. l-«-1uu,e: p('Ppk .tlv.-.1)·,ccll bc:t1hcyw1u,- htrJ,ib. '"S~e Xhcrii h lbt b¢'-I bo,.1 un e.11npu, .\y"" wuJ ·t ICC why lhc) wrold \\JAi fO ,.c,f'\ (ti( hem "' AU 1hl« v.umen -..ilJ 1l1C) l'-lwe cni',>~'CIJ ~,Mkms: v,Jth the pc"(,rk o11 NIC' "I h~c chc- pt'opl,: .• S.:llifflflill\ "''id "Thcfrc 11 fnm.ll) ·fhty' rc ~tl)\\'1'11i,'+l,1lh'" A)4A 11..S Mm1l.u 1bl.turhu "'Pror,k ,1f'C' k l (nrnt.!Jy; · Vic: "luJ ··ft t, n tet In ,..:alL d1~·n ll'lc \\;ii.\. 6.11d h.1\oe J"L'<ipk ~)' H1 ., Mnuy un1l,,t1h mJI)' '"'"' \.~ lh- 4!o;p:ndN.:«J •1-tll 111ct11l-er• belt M'111,dt.1w the) MIi be .1Ut'\:teJ. w~lwt it I.• "-•lllnc 1n hnc • h1tlt lonitr dunni n:,:a,1r.a11, ,i:, "''"' lUIIK1n ,.hilt a ntY. ra,hk'1 lt·.at"rh I.ht n,pn.tll' 1111~ inr 1h.l1 fntn&tly foi.:-c:- 111s1.e,t Sd~a.t..: nffl,Y

Policy defines procedures in case of campus violence

Committee chair says problem not significant. bu1 hostile incidenii. have occurred in past t,) \ta«) 7..tbm Stnttntl RrJIIOl1l'f Oiu1.Jpt1\c or hot.1i1C'" ll('bM\ik1" "Ill l'l~ be lnleralcJ Ill Nonh Idaho

C'nllcsc: 111; 1, 1bc mt'\".liW:e bcmi ,en, hy • 11"'~ pull.:)" ,·un,;crntns \'j0Jrrt-n1;.: •• 1he WCIC'lt. rt.u:c- 11 hb b«o drafted 10 Jcltl wuh 001 of umuul hcha"'tOf on cuotpu fhc pahcy ,, 1n1cniled tc., o.:onlr(II d,trurimc-, ll'HC"".tlt"lnv 11114 1n11m1d111lni hclul",ur JJ,rl•)cd b)' ,1udC!t1h. fati.:uh) Of ,h,mh oo c-.mpu, h tott11u1.1 a pr()Ccdurc 1ha1 will be foltc, tl.l If II pt"obkm ""'"' A rohc)' n •hndy 1n cure, .ti NIC con«m,.,, hana~,rut'nl, t,t1.1 the Ile"' poh1,;y b 1n1endNI hi dr..v,. lhc hnr bcl•ec" har11, n1cn1 and r,ut of COOlflll b(oh.i1'r10(. Vmlcr~c 11:1 I.be PC"L pl.ICC cnmmilltt" chail'm.iUI, JJn,t Schlrpcn. toorJ1n11101 (If ,mdc:n1 uppor1 ,.tnicc, rot ,1prllcJ 11.'c!l)nokliy. ,aid ch.11 thct(' bu be"'n uo.:l.11nu11JI ll(,.:unt'.tK'(', of dm·u1111,c or ho,ulc t,.ch.nto,- 11 NIC 11'1 thC' pa,1 ·~u1 11 hll, noc bcc:n 11 11iJ!l'11(k..int J!Mblcm"' -n.c t11mnm1a w:,nccd 10 addn , lhc i\.wt beh>tt ii ticcarot' • J'lrobk,n Schipptr. ,aid. The- p.,lii:) I, c11rrcntl) be1n1 ft'\'tc-c~I b)' the commillt'C' ;11td o\lullcnt •nd I:icuh)· ,ub1111ucn1, Whc:i:1 n u. hcc c>I error• h will be )ubmttttJ lo tbr boa1d oJ tru,1c:"' fl)'<h v.·1111\C 1t1,1ri\\u1cd on o:amru, ,r 11 ill pant'd !Kb1Pf')Cn wtd ,be c,i;pech. the pohcy h> be put 1n10 cffcd 1hi, ~c.1r l'hc- nc•u comm,ncc mc,:;uns ,~ ci:-hcduh:d fur Ftb,uut) hur~~ttd !<IUJ <"nh or ,u11i 111Ctttbth.

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