3 minute read
Communication made easier with te chnology
E,CT}limel.bcr,hal11t•lnt,,h 0 ,o1wr,,mblcwhc.1Co.1n1U1 ,,.t1,1C1M \1)'
1oomma&e\ ol'ld I k.ap «hc fumuw't. jump do•n ,1.111, IJI\I ,IQ' IIL-nMi
'1cx,r, 1uhr1tltfin.teo11n"'"~r
1'n U..} 1.1h,c., fluuu,n •ntJU l\,)\o f«ld.t::wth!nJ1111\l\11tltct uft11C l'.,'l~.I)
1111\1: J"""'h,1''C' l('ht~ lulni• coUcp:- ,1W.,.•n1 it,u; tmm honll:', lhe a,tkinc I\ 111} 11~1 ,ih1.it1k nr.ui-1.lf
1;,)(f'lm1.1u,c111ion w_.h 1a1ml) IDJ 111el>d1i.
Yc~h. ln,utJ •n~akll<'t•lf 'l'tlJt-tiwl h\ilnollun,mc ,murw~••t' tmptrinic ta.hn1~l,yk;1I m.and u-1 thr i('~ll'f s,~ I coold '<4111C • inu:r u:"ll.ttl
I.ii.,: boon tu V.f11t' f.\'CJ)th1n, tllflflrlt in .1 lt11crou:it.1\llv
Tam •tiv J.u,oft·lfl;ul 11· prcn)~, rt~ i,,,1,1...:ek1t4,T.1~ lw,-e ,1 ~• Mywh<:n.- 1ft 1hc "''!.lf~t.l 1n • m.mer tif \l."\.,in..h H11¥1 llhcn lhi: n:c:Jpicnl l'hcch lhnr .i..:i:uu11f 1, cltJ'1rnJa1111111hc1r
(c11nput.cr !k:C~\,ihillt)'· Th.11 \."OUIJ he .i 111.111c1 uf b,,,u, day, ot IIMlfllh'\. Tod.a)' ~iplc 1.:,1M he cuntac1cJ .in)'v. heh: al In) lln\l• ·n1('rt' .art ttUub, r~, l11f n,ut,,lt rtorl~ \,P,t,p IK.TJ ht ),c IR (('111l"-.l ""'""
~11.1111 tlc1111L"t,,,l'<'opl,c 11ohoan: f'IC\'tfhomie•1Jlu1.11 ·,).mC111ft
.11-.c• r4"11J ol thb lda.•u111111un1~•h•ll'l'o 'IIJ~nLtl ~liu~.111'1 J,,w I.Ji.:~' Tlr) '\1ht.i,tr.,1hcy t«p.lPloJ11otii:11
,omcoflC' \\\"UliJ I I. : t,1 ,pc-.11. C11 11. C,1c1r ('11011C' nunik:I "·u1\c:111c1III)
P,)fl~ Ufl '-"II ~...ut p,iit...t,l,t',. NPl.1a lnl:Dlnlft I~}' !,11.1l <01111111 the pn,i..~1 ol wurJr'""'
Ahhc::lin~illl~•n.nc r11111.iltl"II: 1~dic 1t11ri, 1,.itct11ntk.1n,c tu.1 l1l.l' lt'll.1.,.,,11.11, .,.t,., ulltJ anJ 'tlitlM. J...., :M'lf'IC fCbtln nr 1111nrhr:r wnue r«lfllt:irc1iellff'dr11\Alltn 41n1•h11'1C'"',.. ,,l'lc) lwi111r Thhh~ht:tc tJIClt.oJler tJcnllh,;dllOO bu,,,. CtJ1111C1 lf1tu rt,, 1l1l, hl1lt t-." \ti, nr1t 1,~ )""' pL,nrc.ui.Sm;unht'H"I') prlk'f'l'flihotalf )X111 tkfort 1u11an~"""
1.hc ('hlin,: )Ill.I 11ITT'.-i) lr.nuw ,.,,.ho III c.allcn,r thc:-11 n.uoc ;;in.I n1,mlicr, 11h,o 1hcUtncu,.lpl-.c l111m'lllbcttdtj tr(lllhn,. f irnllll'!J'll:-lf)u.ir p,t,)1hn,JC".ll~~\I\~. 11nl.) ,uJl:IJnlfll:l10,.11l )'(IU,t11ult.1'ft'lbt
,ipe ,n, ti, lni, "'ho h c.s!Un1116.l dan'tt»,~ toa11,11oer llll't~ .v(' pbhy ~,ltf,et1 W(Wl'K:;I hie so ttlk on cht pbo,to for hOw1 at .4 llmt h, tt,.1, bit to othrrptt,plc 1n PC'C'dof thr 1clc-pbooe? I doo'l lhinl Ill. Ille- fffgc:fliUW'-l'lr\\ v f lht ~-· iUll.ng \~ i.akc:s plac:ic: (o, Womtft. (1t ~""Id r '") "pcvrk t1o,.1ncan.hour,.crttnctonlbcph(U Whal
CIPI Uioe p«,Jlie P."''IN)' be tAllinl about!C&ll••tltllJI abOllffle, the -·~•nr t-.h) ,iim,1l o1oJ lllfo"'·' )'OU coee11t11wcb on 1hcir bnc ud tiall 10 V.i'itJtl'IC\'1.'T)l'lU.~U)'tDf! IO£'C'l lho1J uf 114\t )'utlt'\tt~iugbt about *h.d H""uuldhc 11>.c ·ldan 1phocl,c:1 l"'~IIACCIIC',Sl.'OI,;) Y.h.u WWJUld)'t'IUdo.t wilbooc ,ptimc:.,Wnic 911 kclff.' JiM ••)' yciu'1t;i, •f*t) .ind)'\"IU ~the man Of,..al'!Xnof )'CM dtt,1111,"'h.d v.oold)'w'ly. - m, t v..n "''Mlknnt lr 1co.nhlvc )1)111' adJre,.., ""' 1,_. ~·n1e )UU M)mrlunt'"" ll 11 •·,TC.11•11Ul'I.ht &dtcommunloaunn, 'i)',1em c:lxe:\y Jioc,, IOCh a, '"fli. l',,c:~nlNluhlf\·c '°'-1 1nyr,hnnt 1K1mber-.a.n I b.t"t )'CU'ttr \\,ould pot hr' I.I$ nh1tlft. bllll) 11· a good 1hn,1 I hl,< • pht,nt. How abOuc )'l:>U't
J4M,r l''AAf1 a .\rm,~I ""PfITTtr. JI,, ''f'l'IC(Nf.lf'lf't' Af>r01i111 Tl) ,.·,p.Hu/t,, lwt ,·d..-11t11. ( ,,w;t l'nMrtlhcllLWlf ~t1111k1-.>fC'U'Wlc
If,1110. i!it• \CIIIU111> llluuf lhc 1t1Jda1i..,n ~'1llk'II Tu1bon t1J11, 1hc 11nnr -ti Ii full unic "udcne. ~('\t"t. the c .1 ,1,an nrt11 u,.,Ji:1111 h",c lu bu:) lm,csh11tud1\1 tarf'l\rnlf\U.l1.21'6thc:1fcool1n.jl \Ollll. n~ rin.,,.111·, ,11~,,--.,.,,. RM. h.u,1 s..™1u ~'1l1hr.r11)Jf111t1m,p-inglflll0 Ucvrcncd Llrie-,·,m l~IJuthoolJ 'iUB.btl'I 1t•.u1uoh!J lil 111 J"ffVJII 1,...:iltNIII l !. lhC ICll;~,nd 1100J Isl H<dlYO,J builJ,n1 ""be,-,hc sua a,,lnl'<J 'dlllll 1 p?kr\ dlf;' KrJJunJ l•te.lll•., hr.:.Mh<' II h.n I htsmliM \M:"Wil4 lht' I.ale:
~hu111:'t.1ltllk111111',:i,~ fllldlm,: but"JUJ thlfll' loU)' t.outhmJ <l,11 \~ 1•1,tuc\lrJ \lcrc 11.Jlu, I ,:\'11f'fft, i:t;:11 ,f 1hr J'"'Sr&lll h S( hull.I ~nJ lin~ wc:llticnm 11 Schult "P('ntJ II J.l.Mtth1.lll!,(' IQ "''11,Juuvwo Wiohi.·R hi.- .,,IL'fo t!. lf,: 11J'O fn,Ul;llifd IIR h l11W\ tOl.wr.lm ,n I l1i¢;1~11 fo,1 toe yc..ut.
Ac,ord1t1j rn Schu.lu:. &he: wudc:nt\ ou1· kllmiog atiaul mnwremcm> tllld A1tlt1don •Del v.iJ.u,dly lc.,m nl4'1tt. E,i.,;,h v,.eck. tbc mrnu .i fffld')''~ Jel' mew chlllma1"1, They abo l.eom ,JJ.c:.dcronlt/111. E"cry wed: cbt gudcnr\ do• acw Joh 11'11tio tc-.llWhll\l \l.kh In dkhVl'Mf'li:iiJ, l(TVU~ ba,k;ing. hQ,\OIIIC, m..l.ms \.lwdt. ahd cmkiog I.ht main d i~ llm v. 4)' .c1.11ket1 c»mc <kit o( the program wdl
Ull(('WitittlulflllC. llt,!,1 M~.~me111totbc
_..,""' ~-i•J ""}dll•1 •boul
~c't'll., t\1:n thtiu&b 1bc pr(IJ[lllJ1 i1, ooly I IJttlc men than hair 1.)\0', he '-ltd hi, WM)wkdgeor cooltir1a h.np.atly ltnpttnN Nt,~)"<llt. l'le. w1lle!0nllnutll
SI(' .111 a cflc11na,I cc1imccnQ1 rllllJQr He l&id he wanted to k:im h<N,· to cook.
Mme ,tuJml!; -.,,."JU tit cutunu:iq Oil IQ Ulhc1 allilW) 111151'.bQch t0gttatW()o)'t.1tOJfc,u(•ycar lkfrtt, N IC't. It\~"' ~u llttnillcllle
Sc>tne voll M~1'11,hna lhc: Cvlcnat)' lni(1ru&t or Ame11C11.n Ne" Vod
C'am Uuyd. I)( ~n Valley,bpian.nutgloattc:nd
1ht M,otni, An IMtinllt :ind become o pastry chd it. lou or h.ttlih-00 npt:neacr." be Wd of dx p,n11:r4m H11 f11Y(lntc ,ob 1t bo.k1na,
Sc!w.11 r.a:1J mot& (;!(VII)' aod adminiStntioncat ai
£mn)''" Ucal'"1cnt0Ungn 1tw.commu11h) Md \Ctldctlt bod) io tnkt -.h-amqc ot'dlcgood food for ., .,~P"Cc.'
Spokane author speaks about findilg a passion
Workshop spon~orcd by Spirit in the Workplace group teaches personal growth b) AnnW \\ oodtn $,n11,.,-IRtJ"''"''
Rc.'C'd Da11gbtnt)', Spc 104. ,1111u1h(1r 111nd cc,n,uhu• "1th• 111.J\lef «11c< ln cxiun1rellns. prtv:111r-i111, V1ur)... hvp oo tinJntJ ll p,at\tOtl m hfc on Ftb. 'I a.1 NIC
D.11.1ahtt1t)' \pti~t of m1k-1n11.etmkh .1nJ. ~·titntttc a 1c,1h,ll<
~u, for 1Jc:nllf)1n11 • ptr..on11I pcMinn ,md lu,.,., lu lla~C ai.;lml'l
C'coit, (or Pwrn,1ur,41 Jk,c.'lopmc:nt 01rc.;1c,1 1.mdJ ''·"·"'ell
SUv• ,n1rodl)l;cJ Douwhtrll) •" • u:t~c:r 11f innh \('If Pr11I the r.,th
01u,:bcruy 111 lhC' a111tu1f uf P.olOfU'le PM:l'f""•C ·\v.~~('Min • 1th:
Inner l-1,0, A Uufo \l,'(Wlhoul. for t.11c'• B111 ()u('"JOM, 9 ttc: \II.id 1bc book 11 d('\lfn.cJ to~• l••ndoi..11,, thtntJL
P,h,1on 1\ • con1inudu1 p.lti.• OJ11iht'nt}' uid
Tbc Jf'OMp di""ll"d "·h•I II I\ IU be r,1,ul!ofl.•1.tt: ,inJ I~ lic:nc:ht, 01 belrtJ: C61i11C'<tt'd 1u ,p1hl 1n 1bc ...,.wlr.p1a~c. the 1ud1<"n~c lul('\I being authea1ic, cp1h1nl.ntil.", 1.ulfli:, lt•dtte..1 .nd J;)IO, wn,cthlOJ
H 'lliA)" 01 bcl111t r11-,\iOn11tc, TIie)' t.lld lhillt t.11.lJ<'IIII k~m lC:11tr, 11:llo" ~uelr.c" ,1,rt C'I\Cflll~ a"" v.1.11lr. u .a tori plDcc: 10 N 11nJ lhCfT I\J belier ttlnft«UM ~llh rc:1>pk ,.N,•o \(l0fll'C1c:d h1 "rlNI ht tt,~':;~:;:~h.t~ tu-. 0 .,n ei-pcrlcn,~ ur u11Jff"l,r.a.nJ1n1 •h.t4 • b) Ult SI(" s,,in1111 !ht W1-'.('Lk.,r &•roop
(:) BAGELBY'S. _J(,.