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,11 AU Atu('rlUft.'1 l O dahl'I th U•f) '~"~' ( ol h ) C'ullcgc IM 1hclr 1occond , 1111,.« itht' NJC \I\ N 1 m•.i o llc The!) h,1:d four J'u ••~·.,tr rt !\ ,1 1i:.a 1ri ""tc,1lc lilt lb.at ,'" '\1l,k1,i,; 1)11'\"1,: 1,•r hni HcllJk y ~l.d 'C(llb)' w11S.ed .t-.1n l h•III C"\r t)'tm,;.'" l' 1lh y c.1«1< u1111 1hr 111utnC ) n.n~iN No 3 a nd

:"l~~.~~t i" 111 .;,1tu~::e~n~-'~~=~~:;:r

l(Jl"IIO\C•I M h-1\1" h:'cn n)o,r.; po-.atUL he W11J f r, lh) 11.l• l•"""J th,: M'l.'.OUd i,1.ot CarJ<, I :lq 11~ 5 lhul l ~1 trnht.cJ lhlnl '-'"1th k6 c·,) lhy t) nued u , ~umrc11111m 1n 1hc tll'(I 1v,o

1 rn d, r r nla~ "' lnfl'"I .all hut lh la,t m.11ch 11 1 ha,y•c1; h1 National Champion Shoun WIiiiam, (125 pound,) con1rol1 J a red Severe of Rlclco Coll19". Wllllomt flnlahod 1he-110C1 28-6.

I b e , e H n 1hc y qu11llhcd all v.tnt 1nm the

1.jU.Ulc-11111 d \\-tUll<-1"1b 1.UiJ \U c, a IOU •h V1~·111 h , C'ulb)' pu, , IB !ht

"fn11111u,h 1mJ '" C' 111 dw c,n..i1 , lht' Y •tte 11n1I ut IU,t u l.1~1 )c.lt " Wlli tl"a.nb

1111J T he) :I."" , ,11ne ,norncn1111n t,u 1h, 11nd 1br)· btt'111cht C" \'n~1Mn1 lns:e tlktI hi" re.i i rtl~c! ••1lr11m u:,·11nf.l to fuunh

\\tu1 c umh ••ml 'l.,·C'tyonc v..H knnncd up 1n

..,... kth&rnl" o %o111n W,lharm 111 r,cwri11 Sr1111 h

\Im:: # 11ml ( un1 O• cn of Pvl,on. \toru. wok trt111 , 1Ju1al1ttlC\ .1l 1IM' lllanil 17-li r,t1und,1oc.-.

\\ 1111,,m. ll •cnl .t-0 1n tl1t t(lllatt'lc), 1nc hldlng

11 10 b J« h111n In lh.:- Hn~I tt1,ULh. llt bc111 the me "f'f'("n n1 e,.:rt1,·r l hh 'loC'""'"' tn \ h,.,oula , Ounl. I r11111CII him , n lili;c JO ,ccood,.·

Wilham, ,a,1d mod c(!I), t11;pl1111n , n1 hll mrt111 I

«ta< WtlUam, rlnhbcd 11(:-:ood l.a..a ~t:'il\Uft ,net w1J thlll 111, cocnpclll lC)O 111 the llcgr k-vtl i, 11n~a111 to""·.ud hi~ plan to comptlC' al 1t1r 11>\)t lJ

\:hamp1on•h1P'\ for So<i th Alrlc.t Sl!'-vtnhdcu, William, \l,,11n't 1b0uc tu 11,c ii up

··When I 110, 101 hue h w.u. ju, , a11ulhcr ncpp•n• 1o1pnt." Will iam, H id MIi via, l•'-l }Ur I rc ul1.tcd I wan 1c J 10 " 11 h fiH, me n1on- ltalnlnr 11111t"'

Wdl1..um1. who Vlon c-1j.h1 Sotuh AftlC'an nG.11~1 hdn • pt>\tal a 28-6 n-..-:on.l 1h11 \otAMJft. JciaJU11t the

Card~'Vl 11h cl1th1 r n1:1, ;md 1211.11.c-J O\l,n.s o-.·cn mil) iw,-c MJ • w1.11hcr umc ph)'\lt:;ally

11t.in Wl lll :un, dlJ O"'c:n ,cJ h mr-J l:t,1 •uw11 for ln~ ""'St') 1nJ iu1rtcm.i Ji."-.-;i1NI ·11111l~ In hh r11'i .if•ln.,1 Rk\, C"11ltcp«'. I di.Jn'l lhinl, ,h.>uc u lw- r1t>•I O-.rn ~id l J'*'' \0!<1U tKll ll\crc und~rc lie& U"CII bcolt '"""" t,111,~ ,. l.ldcnJm, 167-potrDJ <hamp1nB fohn M.:dhcc \." ,n 1hc "'c-m lin.11 1 l lt'fh41f'1 f"U\'iJ1fll all C"\ll'a plhh •·ur •u·•llcJ \C•tn mh1u1c, with lhe ttr\t ,'" WhJh:flmh ,J oC Ot,ii·<t1 • ,·11JJa111 ("ff\tn Ml lh1nl u r ,\C him c,ua c:ont1Jcn~C" 11W' ,1,nfiJc.lli:.- ,.IL\ •kfi"Udy 11\·rr,.,hdmu1,: In O•c11'1 flMJ m11 h lk ,k\·a•t,1le1I hlt fin,.! \-11ollm 10· 1 fol dlot! ("t\1Wtl The \lo th 1ccJ Uv.tn , alrt ,1J) ,mr r<,.,1,c l(:\l,I IIIC. incluJu,, 1¥10 111111! hl1h ,..-:h1111I d1,1111rlmt\hlr bu! he loliJ lhl t IJIIC VIISI lflhfC'

Jnlertru I \lo'Cftt ut 11,.·1t. -..uh d1t. ce16hdc1,i;c I 11c-cJ cJ ,;atd 0-.(n v.ho ,;oncltulcJ .al '7-7 '"h v.1111 rhe lir.1 ttmet w.a IOl;:11\Cdt"l>tl) m.at...:h R, ~toitt O:I St \1..ui.c!I, (lnt,brd a\11·Aatit:rkan ""h • W-l-"nd·rl.\\."'C flrud1 lmy Sabo11(ll'ltcci: ti1 h NIC"• "6:01.J pJ.a,.-c futh11 marted lbc flllh II'" 1991) rtw { •hl, 1,,.,l. lhrtt ruiUun•I ti de+ Jn th.st

•I'll'* \\ luto..u111h u1d hc- •11.• p1U\t~d •1111 thC'

11111'1'0\1..·J 1<H1d<nt •u~ lhh KA"1n. C'\~•111 >

•1•11t,1 NI(' "'1n,n,:c" foe'!., RM;k.1 .iod L!Mt"n

Th.ot, •t1.1l U", ,1,II ,1buu1, bnn,:lnf dlill trorb)' h,d

Competitiveness make s se ns e t o Huddle

Sbt: ,d h(,f pm11a,iy r~-11..011 for ant:nd,nr ,incfc.tr \ f.c ,d -.hr v.wlJ hli.t 10 rt;I) fur" NIC llill-' tNi,k.(1baU lludJ le: IIHI ,ht- hkn OM,100 I ·hool. bu4 i, 'A'iUlll'' 10 •·h;it

1hc dl,lll,t'nn., uf lht p,yc:r,. 1111.J 1hc ~'Opchn Und vf often hc, rch frClln t1fll\i:t11hc\ :111 • ~m.a11t:r callc-gc T hct~ io,'t a, mi.i:h Huddle -.i\i,I ha rontn!J ;11n,l ,li"i~111r fnr rtt''lll'C UI • , m idi ,chooJ. ,Jie ,a.id 1bc ;:.mll(' ol b.w.C'tbiill bi. tinpu,td Junn,:

Al !. f)OL-,111i:·, Lcwl, en d C' latl. H, ah tic, 1•1,1 )Urt •• NIC' Shc1>•11d he •Jd1

School, J,tv.Jdk-kft her ffl3l1. 'l,\,11h tht- lt'IUM 4 111(:kae~"-. ln.1rn,h)' ~nd 1l'iMknhip 11, lhC' ,1pe.1 u.ll·limc \'.illffl '4'11nns \Ix recc-1\tJ aum 11 k..ig,;,c ba\l.~1w 11 bonontllk mcn1ioo hr, "To be ,1.11,;1;<.,<J"ul )'1>11 11~,·o 10 t1t11 rno frohm:a 11 ,n<l i opho nt0ct' ~r<cnl 1111t, t'Hn 11,, 1111l t::S ;::~ " Propfr htf». ,,p W 0 ~~

11.\, .a ml fir.-.t 1ci.11 m llt't ,enl u r hrr; cm J .tl1t' xw~~

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