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The a,1rt""l\'e (',1rd1t1AI dcrco-.c fof(cd t6 l1n1-h1lf lurnoHtr• 1111.l hc hJ the Spa.rt;im,taJu\ot lbpotn111n1hc~r Wi1t'°'1 uld t~ • u , I.Wet ('otundu NW -·~s hig onir cc1r1.udcr1ii1 thc-SJlllifLa~· n.-141c~, rt1.:.c1nJ on cl'K-rn.:i,;1 All lOOin!m:al~*<t,l\!d1Atht1.M1r'4 f r<:.1hnwl Rcagi,e boi11ec fA l 'pl11t1d N1L IC'd tl1t' C 11tJ, n11h 1n the wn1 with 16 po111b Point &llMll kn)· f'ccl)' a,corcJ 15 poiou.
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Wrestling te am falls sho r t of consecutive champion s hips; Owe n , Will iams win indi vidual titles