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• C0111t,c,M B<ib "li!l'\\,·ll ..JJ ~""~u '-Ud1bt'"Plin-d1ng "'"',en 111 MC" ntlrr "°"mg-1<nn<111C.,.,1thty de.al .,.iU1 i.-ri-,, i""'~ anrJ t.hto hurt pcopk' woulJ 1«k pn.,,11e t'.lft. :,.:,..,.,t'II !';ltd lhty trJcr pr,:irk' to ti;o11tc1t.1f \lf,l~I r'rotcr fr.r cnun'IICbng Ntil~t>I the ,hJJi:nl• \l,~1'\lfMlittrJ """ ,,k ctih K~r kit• IIUC(' Sc..-..dJ \aid 1lut""11h nutlotC'.thcte. ,, hc.l ~·Jyof tdbn,: "t1y a prr,.o1:1 t.:nt11in,nL'd11.1Kidc.tncllh,a pc.,r,pkn1u1t lac,I D11ndicait1Rat1,l1uh>· "'wmpt.l,!ffi. 'lr,;,:v;clt ,._uJ 1h111 Jerrt*"•1111 -.-n,01• fali•r .11114.•llJ nx~ MJk~ NC"Ac-11 i.;1.J• NIC1b: '-l•U .inJ fo1&:ubyti4"c•1~"F'l1"1ibll11) 1obC"a'4att -.·bc.n p«>rk- l-'<'l d<'ptt,.~l f..• t'.\Jlt!P'e. lii,\I k'lll('lb \11\Jd,AJ 1& 1th JI 11,1uJc,11C few IIIW\IMJO!lllh•t•1.bdfl1hc ~uJ,rn1,tal1,-c ht'-.11.,n·,.,..,tc,,,i,~ (llfit1ttillmg'4!1i:1Jt-. ""The f>.Kt.1lt)' h.b be.an." ""N't'll '-.lil "Yo~ 11ttJ Kitte theft' 1c 11uJ,c,111~ He. ulJUI('~·· IIJ!f"t.lfo.,tltll"\:IICll'I l-lh ,,,rnh) M ~IC' •holte hc-l('f1il 11nd Iha ,1111c (,,11,;ult) ,11.S \IAff tdct ~tu.knl~ \lolt,r l1.a\C 11kcfll)1111C't.1 thr pi 11. 1hlhty ol w,aJc.o luhim •·weC'duc:a1t' pwpk 10 hr ,111 1'11:) \:"1,1n bell• t.a,1: 1tit gouJ life'.~ N,1irtJ1 ~J We ft' In• hdr1ntpmfC'\ltt11111.t•t'1t tu Llet..luflC'Uul u.~lfltll\f,• N..-1or~u u..J he 1b1,.L1 lhal If • .,..,ttc 1n • ~, tchi'l-•I ,n .in urban 1n111tJ ...,tii:rt If i~U\iCf(or:(l lo\lla1hc1.T1>\\d, 1hcM.-li~1•1 "41,.,,-,~~'Ca.llJ 1.11t1n.w. Ho.,..1."H·1. ht-uid11x' Pl°""""t'"'l.,,11 1uJett11•c-111ml.ir Nc9fl1 ~hJ 1hn-r .,.n,1.h dnc.-nhll)f rhe l)pk.al kAil 1J.i.l p(N)Q ,11'1:' lw1flclti-"k.~ b:Jpin,11r'-\ a,,.S h1!flk1'\l'ln.\.. Ill· ,.1t1l lh.,1 bopda.Wt'U ~.tin Jll."Ul•k 114\~ .o-.. 411 hur,c, ta-I'""'~') ttfm t,1 lcchnt hr Irk"-' 1n Lat an)' mcanin,tuJ «01)1t; so c;t1 1tc 11111.-i1,on 11N tiupi..- -uicu us,.JuJn k.li11i •n 1necf'd1bl)· qJ h!C', h.tvlnp a f•mil)· h.ht.i>ry u( J.:prn,1,,... al~,., dt'<11lnn "'"lllcrc',.,al•il)""f!C•11n1.; S,...,..dl ~id He 1Uf;:a!tf'N'l!'it~bolinil..., of a ptN>CI \lhon •lllr.:1dalh1\l\C 1hc St.·\Pmi:llJOd Lt.ant the~rf,c ®11' ul 1 ("N•r(, J'Uh lll(Offlfflll M111.·i1k, I""' kth.iJtt) of di<" AklhoJ.,n·.11Jnhdll)- U(lhcltlCI~ .utd Pf0\lffll1), Of h111t.· t.:l•"'iC III lwnll htl11 ;and l't'CU•' ii, Nc"-'dl ,,1lll ttk-r1T\('lf1.aftl U,1n1 t• 1k.lt tobta~..,.. •hmJcullnt ,1h,11 wil."11.LaJ flt"'°" Ur ..W 10 "°' r.Mron11.t" 1hc- f"rw11, 11.,,,-, ,onJ 1hockcd.diJ1n ,vrutonJdoo'tlf) ,WrJt.u.ca,\l~.a\l.a)'.llcJ,d~)' th:.\I 1pcoonttccd•tn b-.kn lWJ ollet upion.,,. ,t1t• )00 t.:W'C' anti ht pu.lJ1\C
1.n11o.1 ••~orou~)
P:Nm 1(1 -.ctk. )kip. /\ )'C' -w.iyol 1htr,1llcw.1n,: 1.jUC'\tlOl\1,(;0lifitml 1h11, )IKl h n< h'al -~~\lt1I "'\\'1U,u1.1go111,1thftk'to~1 fl10 Qf'R i\ 11t.tl.'."1tdrd1nbc'•f«m••' (l11111-clmg:ut1tt.iUt1mt 1h 1nk11c,nni,111 ic.1i1l 1l111N' v,fsnllft' If! a JUld1,XI 11• fc,.:c~th/C' th,• """"1111 ,111nt. tlt1n a.nJ ~ukid.&I v•mniuuw;W.l<e vi pcc,i.•k '" feel
~1111.tl.try ~hi10I f•1':1Uie\l OQ lbeif11iC'-ltor1 i,d'ld.ak ood rdct 1cp.1h.M ni.;.M: up IIIC' Ql'R haul.kt -.1111 ·a ft.•111 Q1.1l11nrtt.
1.·,11.1n~trot•1arJJ'IO(':>I. min1.acr,""hor,I n1tnir. P,.)"Chuk>.,'1•1 1'11 "'lwic,a kbiJ c,f pull p=non die) .arc ...,.,lb1111 li1 ~.,•·w,11 )VU kl mt hrlp)v1,mnl.C'm1 11rl"l'•lltmrn1.,.·1th. ,.. W,Uy,.,.,,pn.111!1-c Ill~ .\k""J wt1h ,1..J,.1n1 S:O.'ICS t.jllc\hciD1., ~"'('If' "''OI""'~ 11,hcn)i1t1dnl-hr foliov,en#- t\o"-hl 1n ~c..u:mr:nh 1lu1 ,u..:1dc ,,., rn>C • Etllod dulluo :tild ""f.rC"l 1h .1111 ber1c1 41fl("m:111\r ~;i.tt hr loond h~\l'l C,,,11.0l\lbllllll kl rn,Ntm'I., 11(111 IJlC' ~Kiik K>lllUOO, J\cttpl l~ l'f,lhl~ of ttlc p:11,011', r,am hul 1hcRfiflcr .1h~1Tt,11nu .\nJ crf(n h.ipt in 111y tom, ,1.r 111 J.11)
••< hen h._. ~I)~ tht pn,011 )f-., ,n~ •nmcd 11h:iul Ill a 11ll·11C11l hc;alJh rirmidcr or c,cl11,'f IIJ¥'n~~~ pruf('\lon.tl. rllf l'C'\I I'll~ ttkrnl Is w.h~1 lht pr"'111 ,li,!lC'CIIIU'<IC'QJlfOlc1,IOfMll...t:)VU\IIO'\I, 1hey • 1wll~ l<pl 1ht IIJ!plnnunau F'bt' lhinl l,c,.1 R'l«t.i.l bc:11 tht pcNJQ .-i,:rt¢1 flJIK('tl"f hc:fr, hi.II )•Ill h.a,'C' tlo v.,1~ 11l l1Xn\1U, 11 lbt'l ""twill7 mO and L("JM o1ni!J'r-•1t1rnll0'.lt , hnpc J)t'1.-.plc di\o\·mn ch.d Uic) ,.an ilf'Ctl. l~i, ht~lh~ll\k1' 10 rt\lJ*' 1hi11lini;: ,..ac,dc U(J lk>C 10 he ufl'lllil.l tu il\L. Ult 4Uhtk,n. 5.itlllk'e.....n ,.;uJ.. lfrrc\ralll•l1llh111lalC';aslJa \Uh;l\k don OC1;11t \.:uidrhnn l\lU(lol' CNII ('C"C1'k tbtiulJn I frdN.totCJt""I tflhc)' m11" '111)' of tht w1ml.U "*$ll'Po,pk d1inlidJ: ibo,,1t H1it.:1JC' i1rt O')lfl' 1111 \lllt1"4'!e tnhc.lraaJ btlp1hr1n.'"
~ndc-nQn wid IJ1>1 unronunllld) not C\N)1'1'c It .1hk1od(l~l