2 minute read
Expectations high for track
, nella to ecllpse lndoar season b) JC)hn ~uh,rtarM.I (c11tmdRr/"'"'"' N it" ll,1d._bo1, pltrtt) tn h111>t,. lnf11.,UJ
111 a, 1hc1t OllldllOr \('awn btgm, ju~, u 1hc)' c,quitl lheil tt<\l llnhhe1 1n
•11:lmul h1,1or)' during 11\c htdnor rr.ad..
~.aHC1f\o1I, \\ 111'1 1bt men pl;a,c1n• ur.1h ,n>J
1he v.,1m('t1 fll1h 1tic C11rd, 11r"tc:-ruin1,11c rru lhe utatdot.11 ~.u,,11 hl N-11n
('11nch ~Y..i\ W1ulin, wa, \Cf) hupp) with hh lt'4m 1.11)'lns 1h11l 1111 17 .11hlc1c'lt wC"nl C'1lbt'1 tqualcJ nr heltcrcd 1hci1
F"f~1'i.:dbl'•t h \loll\ nu1 10 ht 1hcrc lKBn•..-., S1.i1e l!,i11·c.r':\ll)I) untJ 1e-.a11i1~ drnl •1th -.e,.c-n 1111, ""d JO 1.up. 111 \.Cllrt' well in nn1i1,n11h i1 t•rt'U) ,itnilicutit,• W11tlrr.in, 111.1M "It l1ntl u( wnl tn 1ir1 the 111p home 1ha1. m) God ~c'-ft' f1hh '"'!Jlltcftl ,n Ille ~U\lllU') We II 3
'"°".duns \IJII t't)ut,1 lklC be mort h1;pp)
Gelllle CAREER Mdvantage
111, hJl"P'rlC'\ v.llJ t'ontlfWl' fur \\.ul,jn, h•IJI lt',1111 mrml'l~h h.a,·c quahfltd h" 11'11 L0111Jnc.11 d.J.&wpon,hlpt, due to lhc hl..-. W'~ Clll'l)•(Wl'r p '!'di b 111,·o Olh(J fl'IC'tRhcn 'A'tf11 qu,1lifirJ Juun; the \\Cl onJ inJ) L.111ficlJ lt;i:tireJal<-r Mcct hC'ld cci,11ur~111I)· v. uh 1he tnJuor d'-ltnp.lomtupi,m \k\ftt1n\1flt Ort rtlC" r,iu. t111ry•o\cr 1.ju1hhcn. 1r11.:I,~ <~nus Svicr 11111eu', ,hlll puu. ,.,u K~tch trnrn ~ d1wu,1. J-lt.alhl.'1 f•)lilf '""'c1mrr1 1,, lU)O and .l,000 meter ri.inu .inti R~.:hcl S~um.•, (\\Onu:A·, libot pun The 1Y.O l.i1c,1 411,11ifich 111c b.od f.11.111, (\fo~u.,.,· I in tht 10,0110,,n('ttl f'IU'l llt'IIJ ('h111h.: fk\·L fhn 5i llltne1i B.<.'.) 1n 1hc men•, jtHd111 Allt'r 11Je NJ('AA lnd(i.;11 frlKl .uld field Ch:1mpu,n,h1r,. W.d,1n, ha, h11h h~, frl( lhc fluldoor ,ca,1111 • 111c," 1, • rc.l~ttt.ihlc t.hot or helng tn lht lop ti,c mort' than rcil,on.ihlt, ,,,d \\-11tl.in, Thr CJrdln;1I l~l. 11nd f,rlJ Ct';1m1. h.:i,1.'
1t1dt ishl• '"' un th(' ~J( .\A Ou1tJ,rn r lt1d, •nd firld Ch.1mptC1n,hip,. ,\1.1~ 11 , B mf.JwaJ,h\lllC', 111 The ("11t,h fOI tlfk" "l('"r d•lK't 1,, S,i1111 t.rnl 'l1.1.11lfyrn11.it. ,nut(' a lhl('IC"~ 111 1hi:u w,1
IUll·~lll.l<U.I nu1dnor Ir.id .and (irfJ lncfl nl lbc )l'lU 1ht hlC''C'l, lh<' Uu,1) t Opc-11., "',., hchJ .it .a. "'·cl nn~ ..:hilly Sp11l.11ne C"cm1111uni1) <',illt~e 111'1 <;~1unl.i~ u11 \hn·'h
18 Soph,,.mm1c ',,11c Ke-1th VIHl1 1h~ hl'H 1,111 iU1d Joeu'II 10 lcutJ Nit· Kcill1 alrcall)
~u.iliOeJ lur N'ath,nal Juti11g the 1nd11or l(';l\(11'1 Otbl''" ltl qu.ahl)· at1rr thi11. 11t«I incluJ,:,I
JflC' W00<h~C'. u1\.1AS 'lt'CtlCld 11\ lh(' h11111111cr throa 111 J7J , tO, h1twl1'~. \1.ardt2S KJ11t.1. '-~•lltce tit Reol.burJ. I rrr. Filw>· \lvd1111 RJc.,, c~.uUt'J-' at Re>.b.il'J ~I .,:,.111 Sa!uti.l.1\' ;\pnl I r, n.,1o:r 11( r.a,t'"rn t ·tah at hi:ttnc: I IQ. J..)· Apnl7 (:oUqr u( t.u(t-ffl t ·i,h athilf~~s.i1.a:r1t..y, AJ'fill \\ alla, Walla (' .(".. I bt1rn,:.,a,o,.iaV...ir~), :\pnl I?. l~lt&ir ,,r Soulbtta ldJ.hn al bnmc I 11 m lli-J n Ap1'1I I.: ('1•lf.rcrul~"thrrn ld•hl), as borne. S4tt11J.y, A;ir1115 \no• l "llllrtt at~~ I f* m. fnJ.a,., Ap,11 1 1 \ntit•,l"tollc-~ athl1mt., nflQft S:11111111.Jy. Artil 2l
\'111.im• ,·an"' (·.t· II ~mnt' PIii tdllJ}. \t.uch 2• ""'' M'CTourtWUffll. I& R1(til~I. W.a~h, s.., 'iun.• M.lUc.il.25-:1), \\ct., s1.1, I. nhn,u,-, a1 o,Jcn. l,1•h. j jtm Walnewlo1~, M•n.h. 29 t·u&unado ~nh•nkrn CC'..•tRJ.fl1<l1,<ow I p.ni h1d:•) M,111..:h t 1 ("11!or•d• ,or1h•nc n, ( (!..a Rln,;tJf,(\110 hoOn Frida)'. ArnI I RJdt-1 Col au Re:.d11u1. I r IU fi,ihy. \pul ' Rkk• CAIJttt' 1e,,h1ng. ft(l(lU 'Siti:1tJ.aJ,Apr11i l'C'atraf \\allal1t;11r,a l'nhf'nll),•t ht'""°. I rm foe'8J.1r. Ap(l) II I 'tall \'a~) SI.ale' C'"oHtg,t 1t hnc1~ Ir ru. JriJ,n, Ap,1114 lldi \an.,t s1a1,t·o1• .,,,,.,~.11P11inS•1utJ.t)" Apnl 11
IHUf C'bll"1CC",,lll hc-tnt, 1 r"n 111J.a,> Apd'21 Utd<' rol l~,. 11 home. ci ,... ~.11 iarday. Arni !2 • lntn.m11nl \porb C"oH<I S..tlb•U l><oclu 11 IM \p:lrt\ Oflil't.. 2 '0 p.m hiJ.ay. \1-,dt 24 Co-c:d Sctfth•ll \t•Jdl'tn \IC'Cline, a, l\t ~port, Offi.:c. 111111. TUCWM, Arrd,1. ,1111.iral 111,eh, •t (lcilfl(' Room. 9 p.m. -midnirht hl.Ja.y,Ar,nl 1-i fluwlfnlC, Tov~nt. IIC SUlllct l.anca.. 4 p.m.
M,10ib'!', Ap1112,& ft•lnlorm..1htltlt1G lmr11mur1I Sf'h'l,conta..~1 Puul M.a1u..adc1 :ii 769.J?W or "'"U In= lntr.i,n.;1111 Spor,, 00-kll iA die lower le"tJ .,, the \1udt-111 t:ninri Ru1l,f1ns.
• fnd1&tldd
0Mtd.oi,r .sn,.,,. \\.1111•,..U tn,lca,...._ 111.
SpoL1na. S.a1urct..y, April I, \\"ntnn •>res• Jn,,,talloul A1 Monmoush, Ot,:_ Sarun.t.a) , Apal 8 lSAUSnift\lffl.11
~pol:a S-ltunil:)', Apnl a,, Amit~llrurlnwt...._..
11 C'llfflc), Wa\h Fndly.
J\rnl ~I e c>ut~Pu 11,, Indoor RO(lo; <1hnbhtit '9. f>.IOpm l~y.Marth