2 minute read
Darcdcvihng Nin1h S1rce1 b)\\-..-
\,,,·,·,,~R,,... ,r k.11,,na (ht' ,tr1,11,1nJ at>o\c lhc b(;kl, ul .u11111cJ 1lftlllPlca .wd ,,,in 1111,1
Ttft', 111111'N!iht)· roll di.l\\n 1hc ~1C'cp rr.u.k ul t:11\h r1t11unJ ul Jt1t.
• t:11h.uln1cd l11n,hns: "'h1lc •l~)lr1& ,n
Ead1 ,i,t1MI "' lhC' , ,m..., llw.,u 11nJ 1hc ,ltu ,~,ri"n 11110 1110\,ra11"I<' 1,1111 du.· h,ml i.t•r.t<'" ,1kh ., R.arid, t'o11l'I..:. l)(,n h,>f••
.ind Jer<:"m)' CfUI~ 1t11th~, 1hC'U' hM'II, fo, deut1011. fhC'\ •t.in ~.ul) ,print h)
•hll-ltU11:: Ill. ,u11.1 IU<l\'lrlg JOI It\ form nca 1t.1!J.1lluti<. and d1tk1ent t.lt.1lkhfl'' fo1 iht-"1lrr.,ni: l.l!"a\.C1n l<•~nn,t, "1.:mth Slrt'cl lr,uh h.a,(' bi:C!a tn the hui1J1n1 prui;co lor mtR) )'CMi 11nd cnnunu.: ht lru;tcut- in numbc, .u1J \"fltlCI)' e\1 r, o,c-,1,rin \l;in) r<orlc turr,htd u1 11111.I m.11 1ha1 JkJ 1n..u:h11'lC!t)
IJ~J to IJIJ 1ut cnllfl' hc:IJ co,,..,cJ b} nu,,hc 11iou,id, nl dm Nlnlh Sl~C'I lf,11h MIC' Jui C''ll1rtl) h)· hitml
·n~ ~ll_(' j\lmp, \ ,I')' ift ,Jtc (f\tlll ,111o1II foot Jail Jumr• tu j11mr, tt,1ch1111 ,1.1 leel
11,·1lh Jtap, ,r.;u1nin~ .arprn~im.:11cl) 15
11"1""1 llt h(hq'('tl ( .11u· h•• r,ut ibuu\.l11Ml1 Pl houf\ mer thr> p,l'II tij'hl )C'.lf,, inl'1 b(lfrh,i: i:rt4lC tht\C l,uic mmtrkh ,,r d,n f., er)' 'J'lr"'II
~flcn lh<' rain hdh 11nd the d1tJtln11- i, t,-,,J, he hrini, nul ,ho\Ch. 10 begin btuld1nit 11.r ""'' ..-~ll<'t1t1in1t eou~ ul
J111111n f11U1t11r1ni; In hh (1101\lcp,. hh
'-1d1111!1:c 10 Ju1 riJint quid.I) ,
·s1•me11,nct. lhC!) will hefp dJg •·hf'"
1hq··re n,,1 tu t't1•1} ru.iin11 ;1nJ )'nu Co1n Jel them tu p1,l up .a ,h,wcl, ,.111.J C',11\l'
1.illun,e .lh\.nn Jiu lld, ..,,.bi, .H(' llho aviJ din JUblpt"rt. llr, ho ,.on. Cam { .in(' adrmh hci:nnun1 • bcncr rider 1h11n flllU\Clf lll'\U1h('Y.,O\ ··11' • ;1111.mng,"' h~ ,atd a\ he C'lpl111n, he,""' 111~ m,lh h.a~r 1tuw11 ht lhe p,1,t fe11, )'C'llf\.,.
Tlk' Ninth .Suc-cl trnlt, ,lft lot ,111 ,11:c, h 1, the h:ln,uu1 lor 10!:,LI )v111h Doun,
,1f llJ, ITTI''( J1ret.:d) :ifo:1 "4hnol lu 'I('( th(' o1illon On ~c,:l..enJ, Jtdu;;ucd dirt lllfflJ'C'I' .uti\l' lr11n, ,111Tduftdinll' 10 n,. h)L'.lt1du1; ~cllua:,. k•1hdtutu, P•HI hall, ;ind
Ohl carr<t, UHC'r lhC' rt11l.1 di lllndmJt-"' co .i•tJ 1n Ltcpiri,t: h('1t1"dJ u,cJ
J11,mr\ 1n1;1i;t U.1rcJ('\II, on dut p,,mp
"'"'"' anJ kt lt1l.c 11nd hnJ) (11111, O\·ct l'Jt.:h 11ct1 1u1,111ii 1.t1lc •nJ d11t1uth me\." 11\1(1 lh( p~IIC'tn tnvc:111t,(' ttl\,.: talc 1111n) lwun ,•I
JltlH'liCC' 10 l;,rnJ ,mno1hlv Tric.:l, lncluctc; :1 ,upct 1t111t1, \\hC't\" bt11h JcCI lc.:t,,~ tht peddle-, :and c.\lcAlol ,mu1h1 boKl 0)'mg 1hwu~h the Jit hl.c lht' 111.1.n c\f "rd; 1 ,omr,klc '.'60 <kitt-c •J'lln 1n
Hie 11u, ,rrnni111 1hc hAndl"' huh wnd
C',1 11.:h1n; tht:'m hcforc i.·omma:: b~d. 111 i:onl;M;I ,,.,.,,h lhC' dlll Jlld (IJe nn h.101.kt, v.hkh 1hc n.amc c.,pb1n, lt..rlt h • ch,1llcn1r tu clC".1r each jumr •nJ
('\('ft_. j!¥C'411('f d1.dknr.: lo ,•ttilpklc ~n uurc ,~, nl Jump, E:.,h ,e1 of dir1
Jump, ba., Q n•mr 1e~111~1ni •ht '('ttt,.
The lllW('tlftJI \ltC'p Jumr, ctun 100111 nu•n;tc1n,:J~· o,·ei feGrful rJJtrtt at lhl")' lfl(1._ .ii lhc :ilic:tr hc11,'hl .u,J dotan,""C tht JunlJh hi (' 11, 1J.\c1cc,mc "'" n111nc,I tht
Hc;Mh !,If' i, lbc lf)l"'I COIUnlllfll)' tuSckn
~,111:lfl pr Ilk' 1t•tl it.. h h ,miilk-r )'Cl t.UII
11.:halkogc to ..:11mpktc lbc ,pt,;Jy \C"tlh
IIIUI \.It) WiJcl)' ID ,tu•. i\ ,1111111 -.Cl fir
1loublc11 nllnt('d Shell• 11 -...h.a.1 ml,,t h,cog111ntnJ Jill jlllllrc'I' U\(' a, ,tc:prtnj!
1,,1onc• to f!.inld 11p confiJcncc. ('JUbhr11,1
1h<-rn h• totiqurr 1hc Jaricr .-:ro,1, \t•n)· ndt-n Hl\"h ;h C'"h..i'< nntJ <. ,ll,(' fur the iu1t1p, "'II '"med.a)' he H1111 dQwn , bu1 a, lvn1 I\ Jhc)' arc iiblt' 10 conunui- buHdtnJ JnJ t1Jtn1, Nu11h ~lh.~I wdl ~·(1n1111uc 111 fN\\ lju,t11.J.ntto,Jdt' C.11J1oCMid lnk'.1<"-111:d m k..n1in1t rht rh)thn1 <ti d111 Jumptnr"' Cl.cd, 001 thc Stntb Sm~._., luiJh loc•1c:J nn "uuh und Spc•boc m ('fl(uf J'Akn<" llf NII.Iii 1pltlj('r~t11.,.u.wtl.Lcnrn fiirlnf'QfllMl!f',n P CII0 9t>W~fncllft
When nol buildlng the lumps. Jottmy Chase throws ••Yle Into his riding 11 Ninth Slroet,