3 minute read
Splitin' Dixie
Cards defeat nationally ranked Dixi~ College b) Oan J.utkt>
W,u111t; 1hrtt ht,un. for the r.:am "'°"'. m ,111p lnni cnou11h 11, Jtr,1.1n1 ti!<! 6cl~I tJ11: C.1hlln.-l, 17-~ mer.di, •. l S\YACI rl:i)l"J h,711 tn 1'1~K" CoUcfC \l.wth 17 ~hd 111: f ml y. lh~~ kd -I · I t~ g,HII( wa\ •U~Jt('J!dcJ artcr " 112 IIUll!lJ\ l'l'OU~ ,,r d..ti\rw,, ThnJ h.1~m.u1 C li!h«1 \lt11( k~\\' ,.C'd 1h• i. Cud'"" m th!! c,n:rn'ld inmnt:
Pl.1)· 1.,:,m11e1l S..,1tttJ.1y 1nom1:nc ~uh Dhk ,1lh.hni; 1¥io m«t' nm1
"1,1,h1k Nlt' ¥ihOOI) .il'lk in '°'rakh mi 111Jt( nlOtC tofo•-t 1t1 Oi\it h·Z i\Wm f;nv P,lcbcd r.,, 11mi11g, ,111~111Jt 01.11 11111< aiiJ \\,1U1.1n• fi,c to r.:1, u1, hi\ lhird to•,, nll d,e ',(,I.'-!•!\
N IC' i.:,wu1nucd rla) flt fnWI)· dt1uhlchr-11i.kr ~111,~y fu Jck.;o
Dmc (I.$ \«ortJ b.l\Cm1111 S(,u, \11ith,1 kd the t'Jt\1, •·1th 1ht« RUI
Ta)k• Wt-,1, Huh Sumnct 111111 Andi\·"' Reifel' ~h 41fr,'¥C 1r1 a nm In help ikfc111 1hoc 11i111h r11nl.('d 1cam in 1Jic 1wi,•n R),111 I.JJp:,l 1111~·hcd l!C\'f'B ,1100): 1nnin~ tuk' la1111111, 11 01\k l'-'llt'h l\l Spok:inc F.all\('(lllnmumty Coll~ \1"'r,;h t<, nfh111eldrf hyk)r
\\'N 1 1\J dlft'\" t-11 '.'\I('•\ 11 hu\ t'n n.1Ult' to II b-4 ¥ilrt Wc,,.I"\ tJ,111hfrc in lilt c1i;hth innrni: ~~·1,:J ~h111hlup K1t1flllt!n Un:a.,~iJc,.. 1,1,iVI aho h.uJ twu hih. 1nduJ1n~ .e 11,1,u run Jm.i~lc 1n lhc fouoh f'111d1<r Roh
Sumner h*111n RBl-doul\lc .n w.rll ('It'<")' Hour~l~~r ll•ll flk.l.t\lur l11e v.m It' t'C ptdk"d l'A'O 1te11R"k\., i11nin1• ,,.,.h,lc ~"'Ill)'. 1,pd1r,"C h,1 kttm)· 'ilt'l"Cn,Ji•~I Ult' flLIII(' b} r11chinJ l"'U hi1le,., 1lln.l!Q:"-
,1c IUl\rl..-J In S.tb 1...iM: Cl1mm1micy C11U~,r tu rom11('!< 11\ Ml~i• Jay duuble hc.itkr MIU\"li IIJ,. I I 111 J1111k" nn¢. htkk1 fh,b (',.un kiad,,lf ,int:k wp NI("", 11nl)' tur vi 1hc ~'" lllo.") tro\1 7 II ,\1.l.un fu1-, 10,)l ir.1~<' up "C!,·en N,m,-.J nm< 114'1 10 tlih while 1tril.l,1.tf tllll three S1111t l .ukC''t r1cdUltJ!' V'4llillhcd IO J11min,1lr 1he C-llhllll,,h Ill go.m,: ,._. '"~I(.' ,,ucl. 01.11 1.a Umr, Thi:11 tOl.lf hn, v.~1)f ~jlh .._, lhc)' ~pin lu1,1~-0 J.ll<,00 Spt.11'\ (l-2) pdchnl ,..,x 111nit1!,l\ llllll 11Jk1v,td u,1ly the h1h ,111J lour run,. C\Jill lllK'AnitJ Jut 111 the 1ca111·, 1IUl'c ficlllmrrmn. llv: t~o 1ui11, 'flit tht: nt'\t W:f, dlhlbkbc.1dti ~, NIC lu,.t .a.1 in pm.: L1'"'' tand •1,nc, ll m µme ht<~1 In Slll'~ one. ~h l.olili.c 1,T,1,-.eJ 11 ..__. ht .a,rmit llntt run, ln !he b1.11tum of the nmth. \',1nC"k11\'c h11J 1 twr>-nm lnpk amo!ll hi, three hi.I,;. WC'I 11nd "(1.1,)fW h.1-.rtnian ~n \1oSll-l rai.h hJJ !VII 1ennng ~ingk" m 11 1,-,nr dfOC1 l1td,c1._ fe._y.ut
I uro1 a1•I Tr.n1\ \t.111!11cl..,-.,mhincJ hl t.1.nM' oilll cighl SU"l" b.illNl, In 1,1tnci t\\1\, 11\e \.,rdJn11h ~"Orc,:I a run in 1hr l()J) or 11h- nin1h f'IUI them .1hoJ .1~2 fol ~\Q.I l~,,nrclt'Cii: ,U\h,;\. wt 11111., 1,1lk,._.c,.1 l!l)C hh ml(! ,io nm, 1n :ilrr•"' h\l' u1ning, ,"(1~1mn: '41th JClbn Suthcrl.md °"
I h\c l1111c.r Oc-..1tu1.111od h111cr J~ Biwu ,eacbcJ fll'lt on u.n al'(lr r1witilut11 '111oMh.i 1,1 ~''"' 1hr 5,une ""il\nltl¥ nu1 Smnne, b:11ttt,1 nnl~'f fil.:IJc• tu:11h o,.~l in on• '<''t'n:lh-inning\jnJk-.
'1,vth 14, SIC huok\S ~It.fie Fan, Cotnn1u111t)' C'alktc 4"'1 'W\)111 ,L? :l, Su111na h.ad ,..,.,,. Int, and ,,,.,o RBI 1loi11 wilh c,..""-1·, t'l'o hu awJ.11.11 RSI. M.J.n.wd, 11-11 \\-J.\ 1be ,tutUl'lf pitcher wi..l 1..1,e up only (1th!' h11 and oo oun 1n fo1111M1np. l<cl,.c\C'r krtm) NJC:I\On h1\ 5fi·ond ,.,.,c- ol 11'1t M:a:<,(111 ttu Int up -inc hit In 111(, fillal cv.y lm1ill8,~ Wcn111dk'~ \a.Uc:y Cllfflmunll~' C11U.cri: \·a.111C' 111 c1,'l1o11 on M!ll'Ch 15 tn u !J,1ullk- hr'.11kt "'' :,;'IC cc,n1inued 111 \lfC.d ~i1h l\Ji'\'I 'Ain, (~ I. 3-2. P1kl1tts I (',1 \h,muyJ (l•Ch. Ki:nn) Torf:C:hP'II at1J b",n S~ar, ..:.•111hJnrJ vn 1& lmt tuucr imJ ei~J'it fllriLrout,. C'ludic:r ,\tldl\'.'.,.. R.c1k1) twd 1v.11 Rlll vn a \Vec1<11r.hlx e,'t11t o~ N"IC \(Ofcd f0t1t n11L1 11, the fiN.
111 J.UIIC hu1. Sumnrt ddi"\crcd a nm--.coo.ng
Lady Cards stay mediocre during West Coast swing
NIC 1.'.t.lll<'(ICd 01'11) one hit .lf1Uf1\I l:.oh1tm Ut<f11II U11l'er\~l) on \1,.1.;h 17 t,111 came oul \k:tc'11ou., J.fJ l111hc: non lt.if1lt' <11mpC'IUhU1. lbt' (',11dt,' lonr mn c:.emc oft fll a 1br(1w1ng errl'lr h:i l:.i"ilC'rtl Uh;Jtc,il lhill ~llll'A('IJ '1J.1UI)
L11:-."1n ""'°''' fr1.1qn womJ l.1.,,, \Ufl kJ off 1hc h•uth i11111nr ""1th" \lftl,'.k: .inJ
"''°'\ \ilil."tlliC'<'d 11, W'\'Of~ b,1'-C b) l<.ity
Practice makes perfect for
101 .1 ~H,.11111, ~ho
1: ,i1f!~~ l~~~~~~:m~lt'fflf C'otlC'JC' ~:::: v.11h lier Frid..!)' cd11bni11n r;1mc AJ;un,1 t.(\hnt~ue I\ "'hlU (11',1"1 S1t111h 1, ,all &1htlt.ll
·1 d11n'11,:o11l) lu,r 1.m~· f1« IIMC. ti~· ,01J
Sm,1h1w·tl\l'*o1n11thC't)oc1' ln1he~b•~roon-i ti, c;ilrrieu 1 '12GPA h11Hl'U t,,eo ,c-t:t1t1d s1111c t1f tbr AnJriui ._1u11,ocu S:an Jos.c f'i&)' run:) wc:rc ,i;Ortd in 1h,e 111r ~1f 1lic ,,x1h l nm at n-1n.ttcb t1' 1h(, ""'' hoi1m.mwm 1.l00Md1clhk1 1o111• ~&r1.-l'IICJ. t'C\:.:iu,,• of tollrJt. huhlin, 1hr111 Ii' f®t IUU; ,wc:1 unJ AndrutJ bdJ l1ll 1hc \Jfl,LJ\h1~· 111 ,:,.um· Th,· C.ltd \lie~ bdJ '" '"'~ l11h. 111(~\\ 11 ume hmil h\'C' 111n111g> and \rt1'-111s: 1h r bPIIOIU al the innlnf lfl ram the nnt." co11i:b b) ~fl\lA ('lrmcfll• an,1 lht C'a1d1 "'t'U' )·~ ht tltc .\l~1(h 11ut \C.'\lcn l.(',1cll ,1t t~ offr:n,1,c aui1<:k 'Airt l.tm&fA L1C'.a,,1: AnJrini, •f10 ,11u1 \1adnt" T11urnaffil"RI m F-rem11n1, wa" fo:•hm•n kti 1-lutier ,.·llh 1111 RIii t" d1< founh )'111tlc'. f11,;,h111a11, 1'i.dl)' ,,ut S.an Jo..c ,~, S;1.1utd.a), r•u· u11 Ju,1 llt0,,.,·1n,: 30 lllnC'\ 1 tla) l.'.,ift I.kl; )'rJUr bun 8111 Smuh n ud to pr.h:titt A l home in frr1.1an.. U.C'" .he \\.,,
11fltu1c,k.1.11:r.a"ipt.•11 lha1,nfflt't1tl,1!)11i,«J., \Ct)' d11lcrc:m rmm 1hro.,., m,t 'A'C'1fht, '1'bcybalhr~1rr: ,pit1.• .1WJ a rood tt1ntc 11l az14 11y•. ~m,th w.S
(..'r>-,,1•l!imUh, (."J1rdln11l lN1ck S'fu..;,cc 1fi~11rc,l.atinr11cq1umliilntN nmml1mi:-1~. •s11c·. httWOl"t cnhc,"' W•lkl"" !loltJ. '"Shi!' Mt"'" ',O f,u,.tr;dcil." CcU1ft1: tld (If 1haJ lnMtil.tl(lfl b)· "'urlmw un
•·Stt<", 6 JrfM ri,'.H.011, )'tlU "'°1tul1l11'1 l.OO\Ji d~
\\,1i.alhh•\\a,"W .nl.1"1o~id Stie••M"'
1.h,ll~klM'I, ,ht ,.L11 rnb, IG~1d1 IIR)bt.tJ.~'. "I ita.11)' h\t' II hr:tt. 11',rtilll)'(WC'U)' J(l>l"J;.. ,"
IIN l.u 111"'1 m,