The North Idaho College Sentinel Vol 53 [No 9], March 23, 2000

Page 7

,i,hcn p:ork: ••\It um dlt' r,.p,e,,'" \1t11.11.11 -.,111J ..,hc~'J nr,-cr Jrt +h:011111.c".;S v.uh .111.,1h1n1clk'

•\n c,1,m,ncd ~.oou pc..-pk 11>111 .&Hen~ lhc lOlh 11nn11.1I r()oan,. "'h"h ~.,.. POPCOnaa Sund.1)' ,uHl 4.'nl.l., 1 n1 1 lrlda~ Whol, 11· 0 K l: M popcorn o 0 111 ._ _. ,cneoll I Hie. •rc,pon,c fl•nch 1n 1l,c SUD, 1hr fu1uru n kno"'n tor 11, blci1d ul 1,,1u,c~. mu,,c und performer 'Aho bc,..,mc 1hc ~o.1n 1hcy lcJ,.h ubuut n,c l()rl, (pt 1bt l ,ht five )l.'..11' h,n l,,cc11 .\ fol.Int() Thrt•11llh 1i1t1C'" ,.,1J

A Little D ixie Pickin'

"•IL(d kfO\, &be \t.11,r in S<;bulc'r Audillll'mm unc .11 I on,t, p101,1n1 tu ta)' "' m.11111 ('\l('fll twrpciK'd In he )'C'.!f 1hr) V.ffl horn

"II )OU ha,·c • 1.-11.u.~ t# JUI bl • rcrform•n~.· 'itc""'·a,, BENEFITTING STUDENTS Mo.w who afl('IU/ NIC w-e 1111a11·a1-e of to what rhe,r' re emitled


fllf'I ,,,,,_ 9,hu ,..,n; -UI h•"'1'1 ,1 \\'tek illen'I 1hr ~111ly 1,topk •lu1 lfU.&hf) to fC'tC'i,·C hcnc(1h, ~IC ,1ut1cnc, dna• wc·lt ru111mit •n1I IOl11(' ,_.n came >lUCklllt. "'ho 4llcl1J ,tc .1rcclt}!'itol~ h,rm,qn~ b..11C'hhl~ die~' m.ay n« be aw.1,c ul ,.i11~ Clina S.:(".,14111, adn1iiu,u 11,c l'\11\lMII l"ttliklmfk"rl'-U Ute t,,cric:111,

~im,mcd1u1JJ"t'C"M.TI('4too'-On-.<am11u1 hcallh .,.cr,·1..-0 J1115rto\C1 rMM,rn,, 1ne rrr~o1p1111n, aud pun 1Jc lrtc uu:J1,'1Llio,1J :u1ch .11 CflrUr11t:(1'1 l hc1o ,ind p111n n:I~"' Ht'..ihh ScnKc, h,,, nk'Odcd 1,~ t,Qan nn Tuthl.1.)• hl 7 r.m. IP 11111k.c 1he ,ru..:c1o m\1tc (a,1t,1< ,..,,hl,l't(' v.h1, an:i""")· \.kll,n• c~Ja) lJ!ld.\ ~1h.b11I. c:oocJrn~101 pf ti<'allb and l,l,\"llnc:h uid

1Wd11mu li.t,C' tot.all)'

L.i.C'it ;11.h•nuse- ol lhi\. \S\IC' 1,1 tl)ffli! 1i1,c11111 uuur.1nupt1i,pum \\llh

tl)t)I(' ,,rtllln'\ .lttll bct>eilh .SI a IIIC~ff .1ll1,11tl11h1f

I'""' \II 1t11Jchll fl•('C,\(' Ii ltm , ,cJ IUIHIUnl OI ,n-uraMr ifk'h1JcJ 1n 1hc:1r r,om,al Utihf'fl for acciJcnh if 11\4')' tll-c:uron u1mpu- Ill 1n ,1n)' :ac;C1\U)'

•ue>dithal ,...1,h 1he c,,lle,:t, ,u,h •• .i duh (\\'Ut\1'111 tts, tu SS,OCIO c11n bt p;UJ (111 dua..- 1«, hct\r,il.sJ ruum ,mJ buMJ. X-r,1)"\ .UlJ \tffliLlr Jie;1hh c:n,1cc,. S111dcnu -:an p1d; u r .11n c,;1r. Sl.7SO 11 lbr)' kl"IC \I. band, h...C 01 .Qh e)'C',

BENE FITS cont1nt1oct on 11

ASNIC joins coUegiate community in o.c.

Burns. Sm ith rep rese nt No rth Idah o b) Bttkh·II ~m;,v!Rr(IPtfn A"i:'\tt.• \'M;ir P, r i..krn On1Jfc1 h1mn ulled hrr 1nr "'11h \,·n t,ii.: Smuh Ill \\•:hh1ntlot1. 0.t' <An '"in..:rcdihk cdui;auunat c,pcuem:c :iboul thCT Jl(:CJ rm rcuph- 1u Jclt'lld 11uJe11h "t?bb, Ilic rcrtt!,C'nl1tlhc• ,·cm 111 it a,nfcrtni.t 111 1kt: l:n11tJ Slutn Sllul('nl'I A\~1.c;1,1t11ln {l'S.S,\ 1 \ l Jh'.h ~-Ir~ Al chc ~01, 1~,-:t'•.1 n unn.i l ,u,dcnl c:11n}•1cn Jctt"tmincJ ttic 1,1n0(11111c;,n• .tt,:C 11 1n .tJrth.lAI," ll1e h,un tu lnhh)· \on,~ h•I IM t h; \'Oql1no \'Or, ,u~h ,n t'\p11nJinl! h11C(' ~""'~ lef"l"t10<1 •t1d 1h(o 0"111 1 c, t~IC\lt fcdcnl fil\af\.;.1;11 ~•d And tG'ltt b( nttJt\.. \en11 l0¥ L.m.i Ttnnc~n o1nd

tu W.:L..bittgti•1 D.{ M.lftb IK fo1

• "oaftrtncc ctl lht A111i::liu 11 \1\Q't,t ,\v,c'(:t,;a111111 of (".1,:ll'nn111111t)

t'ull(:gn.. • t,,hh)U1J% ilf'J!,.ni,,11t11n -..uh r.1rmlar f0,11~• ..u.h a" mrwnp 1hc m.aumum Pell Grant lfCJIU WU1e11".l1CII ~A ~11 Gr,1n1 w.a-. CltlJlnJII) U1tt11J.eJ to nt\t't t\'cty1h1ar h,1111011 to,h, room .illd t,oJ;rJ.

Tcanc,.oo ~ad "But •w~ )ou'n:: tud,) ;( II \II\"<'!\ ~\111, ~, Ac\;,)('CJin, 111 B1Jrn',, \I h1ll 1on u( Pell 11t,1nt fonJ, ~cl< no l a1vc:11 uul l,c,au,c run t-n 1•uJ1h •1uJcn1 1,jUJhl ted t,y twv ,nt 11n 1n,·1,111r. ,·11mMt1eJ wuh 1hrit p;nni,;., or k,., Sl~.000 Rurn, 11J. hc:t ltti.:u111e. uot '"""""1' her pArcn,,. 1 nurl) it.J.111.10. a_" \\coth -10 huun ,1 ttl •I • rc1ut.u ,.,uJcn, kthJ or,, tti

AS:0: 1(' '<\.'l't1AO Julie Klnr, Uc1,1,

0: ..-..YJ"CIIO

Eric Sfflllh •~ Bridget Burnt hll Washlng1on

o. c.• on behatt ot 1tudM111



u ry CraiJ tR )J,1hu1 nui!t l

:'ttflt.:C. fopln o( tliKU"-.iOII

fhi•dcarc. Job m1lnJng

b> Jffl') \bnlrr v,.wv l R~I"' "'"' Nie and 1hie l'ollc J:t' ,,r ~·u1hc'm ld.iho 11o cn: J: flLIUtJ a IU Gl cl trlUC-.l-..C lh>ITI 111-.nutm M11d1 IJ 111 81N wC'ollc-11 u a ,kcd lot' I 13 I r,crcC'hl 111ar:i toe due tn NI~, 1.xc:11J nnolh1'1Cll1 11'1 tbt t tv.n ) eah bov.,,t-r tc1 ul.1u,c:, ~l«hk,I ltud • 10 pcn'tnl 111(1(.l.\C' ~,uld be w flK1cn1 (.io, Duk t>:cmplborne a.Uuv. J lor d 8 J't'f'(C111 mur:•-w: nw- '"'n:.i~ will http ,ttc ICbool r,nancc_ tbc 1lmt111 .J.000 11uc:knt f'Jlll'Ulatioa JfO'Wth and •111, htlp fund 1ho Nt>t1h ld•hu C~nlcr for Hlthtr Edue11i1:1n ~ICHE II .1 .:.ollec11ve ,,, , .in1u11t'lo nf MC' ldabn S111ic lJ111~tn1I) Unhcnll)' M hl1h\, a 11J LcwiJ-Cl111t S1a1c Collt,:t Adam Frnz ot u1,soula 1htow1 to nr1t baNm1 n Sob Pietrac:k In • p1ck oN 11ternpt on Dl •i<I'• Joke Jordison during the fourth Inning the ,..,ch 17 game WIIS c1e11yod I l ew houta due to wea1het. In ht1 I US,Oltd budl CI f'l'('j'IIOW.I whlcti '111 "'1,ld ot1I ;,:t.1,t1 vllt ,c m&t.MtJlllllo.C ,~ NICHt· w1U be 111in1 tbC' nc• money (llf a ,1uik111 k'"'ltn t:centt .t:n C«ut d' Altfle. TIie ccn1r-r "''II bt'lp 11uckuls rilld PM ll wlocuas lNJ.\C'41 k,:hoc,l• "''thoul kf.vln, Nonlli ldlllto The IJKIOC')" "di a1'fiU be ultd to btrr. IIIOl'r full· rune t._ulty 111 retarJ 1tw: ,:ro•ln, popui.uon. BY PHONE 769-3388 BY l

8Y I • I C I I I ONLINE : www nic .edu/,;: n11ntl IIICI II

ISSUES/PACE 3 THE • • • • • Bill Porath turns tra ge dy into triumph B AC K PA GE ENTINEL Thursday Mll'CII 23, 2000 \<III \II '' '\1 \IHI I< - \ I I R I II I I l \ 11 ( I I ( I I I I (' I ( "" h I' \11" 1, '"" 'Journey Through 20th Century' under way b) ,1.- rt) O«k t' II }r,,tutrlHrpmt"
Tl"'IJ"lhlllJ:pthlk,11-.Cietl(t in 1ruc:h1r 1-ony S1rw.u1 1hd "'hen hc ~M""" 111 Nie "-,h h> ,1,u1 the 11opi:tnn Furun, \\'hAI un F.ud, i, lhc Pf.J11=t'm l'1.lt111n,.. (IOll'lk ;1m~md the ,011nlr) .11.l.c-d Ync1 1u~1 a1H<Ar1NI )'fllil ll'<''JI "1unuc,n; he '¥.,11lld 1)' , \loancrJ " no1mc- 1h111 \/,•" ,t, JJfrr, n1 11\111
1h11 )~,,r IIK' (on.t,11 "' ltJC"1,1111t15 11(1 !Oih e<"nll1r) An,ro,.i 11,,1) (d 1K"r1)'\, tbc ,.,.,,c. C'fkhnJ lnJ.a)' 1o.1th pc11rlcl'11111 rn,111 l9hlllo !IW pr.,tvuuc;r,. t ur aucfkkc°"' ~c:catdlnll to St (:'4MI. bt\; 11;,c, 11f 1h~· l,vr~ ,~11o1I \ thalh,lfflt'IUI On Sunll•), I Dt pcl,l"IC', one born c..u.b \Uf l• ll>t 20th t"nlUI) and t:1nc ,n 1ht )t11~ 20011 mt:1 10,:c1hcr III the to1Jfl(: mum. Imm IOO·)C',U·olJ M.iic• \ ltrrtll, t;.,r,1 In 1900 In ~-'W-ccL·ulJ \na 011ctt,, burn l·d• H Tba.1 ,1u11c n111h1 the 20 nh.ln 1 p,uplc
I\Md hl trll )'OU tlPW dllhc:ol l ti "to linaJ ,,m,: pcrwo born t'lkh )C'llt ol lho!' ?ll1h C"C'flfUI) ,"' Sit'Aolfl 11-J ld Hy hn to4, ~·I J,oilhf.i.:IMm. ii """-' C'ill)' IU ,.:, 1h.-1 M' r'fl'tJ,l 1•1 1bc rClon miadc: l'i) l knnda M!Xft:.t 11, IOCilhflJ: IM' 101 pc,,rk Sume mno )t•u h'oc ,n a umc m bu.rl-.,y "-hen )VU h,.1,..: t he Oppofhltlil) m do ,n1n('1h 1nr 1ha1 otbcr, haH no, a111J will nn1 lt.;1\·c !lflllll lcu .1 lon1 hmC' \l(:\ wid "'"J. onr ot 1hc: IUUII dC"pto1o 1n11 th in•• I~ Id JO ,11mc\lll1crc anJ 1h,rc', • handful llf p<OJ'lc. In 1hc: l ,nl rnur )c ,u, cPmbl•cil. 19,500 pcopk h111~, t!llcadc:d The Colle,:c Rtlauom 011 1,·c \Cftt pros;ram t,thrJuk, 10 c,t:r) -.!,ht:,> 1n f(Qllllcn.&• C<,unty, Lach ,,, n\c,ulhc lill) etf the ..:,,111rrcn1.:c 1l1r nC't.l :?O ,1ldc-,-1 f\(o('lc ll,r fo1um I•:,, fun (oJ ll"Ctu1,·nt, ,uwl FORUM con1muoo on 11 .,- ,e,,,,.,,,r
1nd111k f~1; nt1·l,1ntr,11 f'C't1Km;1I 1,'fflJff"-"lirtJ. ,Jt°""runl\ ill 1111;:d bu~l~" allll ~a1hh 111,11r;1ni:c, OIIC ol the mitt« 1,,~ ,111 di,c: \l~rd1 Joi ,\Sr,.;IC lllli.Ud mttllclJ. /ulic KinJ:• ASNIC s«-1c1.uJ, o.pl111ncJ bu~ AS~lt' tun,h' ,1ullrr1l b<"l1t'fJb. \l.111y .ti,t1111n1 11c1i,111c, oH.:tcd co Ml'' 1>l\ukn11 •re tll.'CW'lt' ,,f t-Olnp:n~iun lnt,11 ASNIC lu11,.l,. ,u:o-.111r1 Include, mr, pm,.,1dc1J by Outdoor J•1rnt11l•, l\,,..l•n fofum 1tnJ the m~o1hc...J\1p '11M.'l.-.r111111 N·HO!tt h1~1. A~NIC will Aho r:a>· lot 1¥.ll ht.WJtJ. tit k~ t:llUft"C'.'IIIIJ olr COJTIJ"II"' u,,J
fot:1.1 ()( lht' \onk,c.o~c \lud cru~ ri11ht ASNIC oonUnued on 11
Vice:: r,i:,,Jc ,u .\I (ietrc. ~c:o
C, po l R·ldilhoJ and Sen
UI ,tic:: ASAC('
'A~d·~uJy_AJ.ain a
NIC to benefit from budget increase

'Help Me

Couosalng services looks to rain and sensltlvtfY toawarenesa or

• C0111t,c,M B<ib "li!l'\\,·ll ..JJ ~""~u '-Ud1bt'"Plin-d1ng "'"',en 111 MC" ntlrr "°"mg-1<nn<111C.,.,1thty .,.iU1 i.-ri-,, i""'~ anrJ t.hto hurt pcopk' woulJ 1«k pn.,,11e t'.lft. :,.:,..,.,t'II !';ltd lhty trJcr pr,:irk' to ti;o11tc1t.1f \lf,l~I r'rotcr fr.r cnun'IICbng Ntil~t>I the ,hJJi:nl• \l,~1'\lfMlittrJ """ ,,k ctih K~r kit• IIUC(' Sc..-..dJ \aid 1lut""11h nutlotC'.thcte. ,, hc.l ~·Jyof tdbn,: "t1y a prr,.o1:1 t.:nt11in,nL'd11.1Kidc.tncllh,a pc.,r,pkn1u1t lac,I D11ndicait1Rat1,l1uh>· "'wmpt.l,!ffi. 'lr,;,:v;clt ,._uJ 1h111 Jerrt*"•1111 -.-n,01• fali•r .11114.•llJ nx~ MJk~ NC"Ac-11 i.;1.J• NIC1b: '-l•U .inJ fo1&:ubyti4"c•1~"F'l1"1ibll11) 1obC"a'4att -.·bc.n p«>rk- l-'<'l d<'ptt,.~l f..• t'.\Jlt!P'e. lii,\I k'lll('lb \11\Jd,AJ 1& 1th JI 11,1uJc,11C few IIIW\IMJO!lllh•t•1.bdfl1hc ~uJ,rn1,tal1,-c ht'-.11.,n·,.,..,tc,,,i,~ (llfit1ttillmg'4!1i:1Jt-. ""The f>.Kt.1lt)' h.b" ""N't'll '-.lil "Yo~ 11ttJ Kitte theft' 1c 11uJ,c,111~ He. ulJUI('~·· IIJ!f"t.lfo.,tltll"\:IICll'I l-lh ,,,rnh) M ~IC' •holte hc-l('f1il 11nd Iha ,1111c (,,11,;ult) ,11.S \IAff tdct ~tu.knl~ \lolt,r l1.a\C 11kcfll)1111C't.1 thr pi 11. 1hlhty ol w,aJc.o luhim •·weC'duc:a1t' pwpk 10 hr ,111 1'11:) \:"1,1n bell• t.a,1: 1tit gouJ life'.~ N,1irtJ1 ~J We ft' In• hdr1ntpmfC'\ltt11111.t•t'1t tu Llet..luflC'Uul u.~lfltll\f,• N..-1or~u u..J he 1b1,.L1 lhal If • .,..,ttc 1n • ~, tchi'l-•I ,n .in urban 1n111tJ ...,tii:rt If i~U\iCf(or:(l lo\lla1hc1.T1>\\d, 1hcM.-li~1•1 "41,.,,-,~~'Ca.llJ 1.11t1n.w. Ho.,..1."H·1. ht-uid11x' Pl°""""t'"'l.,,11 1uJett11• Nc9fl1 ~hJ 1hn-r .,.n,1.h dnc.-nhll)f rhe l) kAil 1J.i.l p(N)Q ,11'1:' lw1flclti-"k.~ b:Jpin,11r'-\ a,,.S h1!flk1'\l'ln.\.. Ill· ,.1t1l lh.,1 bopda.Wt'U ~.tin Jll."Ul•k 114\~ .o-.. 411 hur,c, ta-I'""'~') ttfm t,1 lcchnt hr Irk"-' 1n Lat an)' mcanin,tuJ «01)1t; so c;t1 1tc 11111.-i1,on 11N tiupi..- -uicu us,.JuJn k.li11i •n 1necf'd1bl)· qJ h!C', h.tvlnp a f•mil)·>ry u( J.:prn,1,,... al~,., dt'<11lnn "'"lllcrc',.,al•il)""f!C•11n1.; S,...,..dl ~id He 1Uf;:a!tf'N'l!'it~bolinil..., of a ptN>CI \lhon •lllr.:1dalh1\l\C 1hc St.·\Pmi:llJOd Lt.ant the~rf,c ®11' ul 1 ("N•r(, J'Uh lll(Offlfflll M111.·i1k, I""' kth.iJtt) of di<" AklhoJ.,n·.11Jnhdll)- U(lhcltlCI~ .utd Pf0\lffll1), Of h111t.· t.:l•"'iC III lwnll htl11 ;and l't'CU•' ii, Nc"-'dl ,,1lll ttk-r1T\('lf1.aftl U,1n1 t• tobta~..,.. •hmJcullnt ,1h,11 wil."11.LaJ flt"'°" Ur ..W 10 "°' r.Mron11.t" 1hc- f"rw11, 11.,,,-, ,onJ 1hockcd.diJ1n ,vrutonJdoo'tlf) ,,\l~.a\l.a)'.llcJ,d~)' th:.\I 1pcoonttccd•tn lWJ ollet upion.,,. ,t1t• )00 t.:W'C' anti ht pu.lJ1\C

1.n11o.1 ••~orou~)

P:Nm 1(1 -.ctk. )kip. /\ )'C' -w.iyol 1htr,1llcw.1n,: 1.jUC'\tlOl\1,(;0lifitml 1h11, )IKl h n< h'al -~~\lt1I "'\\'1U,u1.1go111,1thftk'to~1 ~hi10I f•1':1Uie\l OQ lbeif11iC'-ltor1 i,d'ld.ak ood rdct 1cp.1h.M ni.;.M: up IIIC' Ql'R haul.kt -.1111 ·a ft.•111 Q1.1l11nrtt.

fl10 Qf'R i\'."1tdrd1nbc'•f«m••' (l11111-clmg:ut1tt.iUt1mt 1h 1nk11c,nni,111 ic.1i1l 1l111N' v,fsnllft' If! a JUld1,XI 11• fc,.:c~th/C' th,• """"1111 ,111nt. tlt1n a.nJ ~ukid.&I v•mniuuw;W.l<e vi pcc,i.•k '"


1.·,11.1n~trot•1arJJ'IO(':>I. min1.acr,""hor,I n1tnir. P,.)"Chuk>.,'1•1 1'11 "'lwic,a kbiJ c,f pull p=non die) .arc ...,.,lb1111 li1 ~.,•·w,11 )VU kl mt hrlp)v1,mnl.C'm1 11rl"l'•lltmrn1.,.·1th. ,.. W,Uy,.,.,,pn.111!1-c Ill~ .\k""J wt1h ,1..J,.1n1 S:O.'ICS t.jllc\hciD1., ~"'('If' "''OI""'~ 11,hcn)i1t1dnl-hr foliov,en#- t\o"-hl 1n ~c..u:mr:nh 1lu1 ,u..:1dc ,,., rn>C • Etllod dulluo :tild ""f.rC"l 1h .1111 ber1c1 41fl("m:111\r ~; hr loond h~\l'l C,,,11.0l\lbllllll kl rn,Ntm'I., 11(111 IJlC' ~Kiik K>lllUOO, J\cttpl l~ l'f,lhl~ of ttlc p:11,011', r,am hul 1hcRfiflcr .1h~1Tt,11nu .\nJ crf(n h.ipt in 111y tom, ,1.r 111 J.11)

••< hen h._. ~I)~ tht pn,011 )f-., ,n~ •nmcd 11h:iul Ill a 11ll·11C11l hc;alJh rirmidcr or c,cl11,'f IIJ¥'n~~~ pruf('\ rllf l'C'\I I'll~ ttkrnl Is w.h~1 lht pr"'111 ,li,!lC'CIIIU'<IC'QJlfOlc1,IOfMll...t:)VU\IIO'\I, 1hey • 1wll~ l<pl 1ht IIJ!plnnunau F'bt' lhinl l,c,.1 R'l«t.i.l bc:11 tht pcNJQ .-i,:rt¢1 flJIK('tl"f hc:fr, hi.II )•Ill h.a,'C' tlo v.,1~ 11l l1Xn\1U, 11 lbt'l ""twill7 mO and L("JM o1ni!J'r-•1t1rnll0'.lt , hnpc J)t'1.-.plc di\o\·mn ch.d Uic) ,.an ilf'Ctl. l~i, ht~lh~ll\k1' 10 rt\lJ*' 1hi11lini;: ,,dc U(J lk>C 10 he ufl'lllil.l tu il\L. Ult 4Uhtk,n. 5.itlllk'e.....n ,.;uJ.. lfrrc\ralll•l1llh111lalC';aslJa \Uh;l\k don OC1;11t \.:uidrhnn l\lU(lol' CNII ('C"C1'k tbtiulJn I frdN.totCJt""I tflhc)' m11" '111)' of tht w1ml.U "*$ll'Po,pk d1inlidJ: ibo,,1t H1it.:1JC' i1rt O')lfl' 1111 \lllt1"4'!e tnhc.lraaJ btlp1hr1n.'"

~ndc-nQn wid IJ1>1 unronunllld) not C\N)1'1'c It .1hk1od(l~l

Onae u canY 0 TIie desperate act can be avoided, •everl:fl& h) Jrrr'"} \hnr11r lr ,1,l N pu It'• M l lhl!1Mf.tnlra~in1hc L 1tc:J St.It~ find ,1 '""Cl.'qf}lnt."C•lflfflllt,,1.11\'.'ldo C\'CI)' ~'GIi. a;u,nflttat fl) tht •\Q ·n ..,,, A ,.,.,,4h,Jfl uf \ukldul•!fY· D\,, w11iridc "*1-111.. in!Oirn11;JIIOl'I D\11,JJ(tio:U&nJ ~~tfllUlh \U.l..-#IC'\"C'll' doc in.~ ill Joi "Ill II IC J'ffW11IIOII \dllllW M.a11:h II lit S1 l.ulC'·,tr,t1e,·or,l,I011,m.:h 111 l\aa ,I' '\IOU' Stn,11Mr tptakr 11,•IIJJ.i.\ ~ndcnoo. • 1tui,lwt I \',,ritu-t IN'<,ln;•t1""21I
1v~·e111• P.""1blctr.-!!N), \..i.111t1 ib( qut"',llllf'I I\ lht lfllW 1mp.~11 ~rp to ,ht Ql'R pr~"'' *'1.11(1h"11 i,t1 (JI(' ttc.11.\L.kl '''P''ffl* h1,rf\lllol1l((JllliJbr :i-k.~t111brpt1-on 1b1nlrn;.1h11ul -.i111 1Jc lltC. 'Ht1lt'~W 1-a«n \Cl)' unl'l.lm l,itd) '"" 1'4' 'Or.l >™ C'\ff ...,.1111 )OU (11111.J &U 10 ,1«1• lllld 1.:0,'1' ,--,11l,.cupl"'a11d"h"'l.1111"" 111,hrn~ ;1rl' .a~ur"o"tl" ,-ou ~n,IIOt'it-,thr) "1mctlua \111,h !ht'\' lll"fl' 1kJ.J I'm •111iJcrin1' 11 )W'R l«Jq 1!1,1111,·;J.)·100'" ~lwdin; 1<> QMumtu m1111.i: 1t1c i,ut..kk '-I~ Ji,n fkJ( 1""-lt",n.t the"'~ 11nJ1\'llhl~ 1/util.111.11: 1•1'11111cJc v,·,irti 10 Lil~ \fe,:r 111c l!~II ,11 h.t1 been 11,kcJ, fl'C'hu,1-u1,11111 pt help IJ,i-iulJ t:,co luU011,eJ. ,\o;(lft,S1nJ lhC h~,kkt the- M°)' f.11..1« in the p:lf'\1i.n.11lfl \IC'f1 1n 1Jic QPR ,,cp •• l<l h•tcn c-.irdnll) lo 1h(- ptn..nn 1b111k.1n~ abc.1111 u111;1J.: l'bt tl\'CIJU "f ttic,: •lc"Jt l!IIIJIIC''ic'I I\ lP Ir,' a11J ,rt lht ~}(
bJ ,\nnlr Woi•dcn "'"""''"' 'Jit,,, T hi, 'C'AIC"\.ld, t'll.ol\ilC'~uJ<nt11h.1~C'(ummmtJ wk.dt: Scich \tllikl'lh dliCJ 1-'if ""lt·lnflkttd l,"I.Nl•iinl ,•mu111b. rtit fiM Jllt'd Nie.,.,· Yen,', O...y The o.h(r JU\I I (C''Ao Y..1.'C.k..\ mtu the "(lf111t V" Ri,rlt Wu,Jaih tA.'Cl'C lll\1ll,~ In 1bt rwr-L!v; cn11wn-111rn1 rn~ 1it NIC rt,,, 1,n'a VJCl'1Clh1n1t v.t iJal W1o1lht"\CI')' lC'ttlC\lcr,
"'•>· 11,c frruJ ,tcp 111 the' Q l'k (11111,,TI~ U tk,w ,11 n:f~t \Qn'ltont k1 hrlfl Solm" Jtnctlll JUrcklll'lt'S ale TIIC t!r ft/1('1'1:.lh ,uK:lllc "Wa,tllnf11.1fl'III,.
b) (.'od) \1tN'!lm Sr11tt111rlHrp.1rt< lllC(\f'l.'tl.llll•Jn, art Jncll.h hitter lnJ~~·"' •• .J. ( hllrl ~t111 lft (,,rtt",.J\tlflhri (.~.,, J',tlni, "Fb.'f"lcilfc:f••I() h"11J!fflrwucl• m.m...,,JJ111l(and liCIIUltiWll,l•.a 111,,~~ Jill)' 11 Nr 1•t i..'lnp,r.11')1'lfDNrm• u.,•:u llmul•lu. ,, JuJJ-•• Pm"1r,-U l'n;·,-..J,'(_Y l',11tJJ/11 ,,,,. , •f'«"'Pft"'"Urc •·Al'Alkm11..11,11,J "MO\lf«IIJw,tlbtrcPLl>·,•m1111ll'"t1•V ,,,11f"l'C"'•l.lrn 1,norr0o.,nr.ufhC'"' 1tn..lit',111~nd, .olUtM.111 J1•ttlt;)) ). 18 \nna (;rU, IY f-.d f"t11zlf'f', 42 ''""'"""l"111.1/" ., ,,,. v«wTnfwff~ ""'" (1,,t,.,,. 11.:mlf'lll""-U
Why do
is so prevalent among youth?

Ex-L.ike,, Kun • = Ran,bis i, tlx· .,11. • time feJdlng S<.Ort.'I : S:... (1,7251 in 111" • -= hi,tuc, of S.1111,1

cS Cl,1ra Ba~kctl>.111

Splitin' Dixie

Cards defeat nationally ranked Dixi~ College

b) Oan J.utkt>


W,u111t; 1hrtt ht,un. for the r.:am "'°"'. m ,111p lnni cnou11h 11, Jtr,1.1n1 ti!<! 6cl~I tJ11: C.1hlln.-l, 17-~ mer.di, •. l S\YACI

rl:i)l"J h,711 tn 1'1~K" CoUcfC \l.wth 17 ~hd 111: f ml y. lh~~

kd -I · I t~ g,HII( wa\ •U~Jt('J!dcJ artcr " 112 IIUll!lJ\ l'l'OU~ ,,r

d..ti\rw,, ThnJ h.1~m.u1 C li!h«1 \lt11( k~\\' ,.C'd 1h• i. Cud'""

m th!! c,n:rn'ld inmnt:

Pl.1)· 1.,:,m11e1l S..,1tttJ.1y 1nom1:nc ~uh Dhk ,1lh.hni; 1¥io m«t' nm1

"1,1,h1k Nlt' ¥ihOOI) .il'lk in '°'rakh mi 111Jt( nlOtC tofo•-t 1t1 Oi\it h·Z

i\Wm f;nv P,lcbcd r.,, 11mi11g, ,111~111Jt 01.11 11111< aiiJ \\,1U1.1n• fi,c to r.:1, u1, hi\ lhird to•,, nll d,e ',(,I.'-!•!\

N IC' i.:,wu1nucd rla) flt fnWI)· ~111,~y fu Jck.;o

Dmc (I.$ \«ortJ b.l\Cm1111 S(,u, \11ith,1 kd the t'Jt\1, •·1th 1ht« RUI

Ta)k• Wt-,1, Huh Sumnct 111111 Andi\·"' Reifel' ~h 41fr,'¥C 1r1 a nm In help ikfc111 1hoc 11i111h r11nl.('d 1cam in 1Jic 1wi,•n R),111 I.JJp:,l 1111~·hcd

l!C\'f'B ,1100): 1nnin~ tuk' la1111111, 11 01\k l'-'llt'h

l\l Spok:inc F.all\('(lllnmumty Coll~ \1"'r,;h t<, nfh111eldrf hyk)r

\\'N 1 1\J dlft'\" t-11 '.'\I('•\ 11 hu\ t'n n.1Ult' to II b-4 ¥ilrt Wc,,.I"\ tJ,111hfrc

in lilt c1i;hth innrni: ~~·1,:J ~h111hlup K1t1flllt!n Un:a.,~iJc,.. 1,1,iVI aho h.uJ

twu hih. 1nduJ1n~ .e 11,1,u run Jm.i~lc 1n lhc fouoh f'111d1<r Roh

Sumner h*111n RBl-doul\lc .n w.rll ('It'<")' Hour~l~~r ll•ll flk.l.t\lur

l11e v.m It' t'C ptdk"d l'A'O 1te11R"k\., i11nin1• ,,.,.h,lc ~"'Ill)'. 1,pd1r,"C h,1 kttm)· 'ilt'l"Cn,Ji•~I Ult' flLIII(' b} r11chinJ l"'U hi1le,., 1lln.l!Q:"-

,1c IUl\rl..-J In S.tb 1...iM: Cl1mm1micy C11U~,r tu rom11('!< 11\ Ml~i• Jay duuble hc.itkr MIU\"li IIJ,. I I 111 J1111k" nn¢. htkk1 fh,b (',.un kiad,,lf ,int:k wp NI("", 11nl)' tur vi 1hc ~'" lllo.") tro\1 7 II ,\1.l.un fu1-, 10,)l ir.1~<' up "C!,·en N,m,-.J nm< 114'1 10 tlih while 1tril.l, tllll three S1111t l .ukC''t r1cdUltJ!' V'4llillhcd IO J11min,1lr 1he C-llhllll,,h Ill

go.m,: ,._. '"~I(.' ,,ucl. 01.11 1.a Umr, Thi:11 tOl.lf hn, v.~1)f ~jlh .._, lhc)' ~pin lu1,1~-0 J.ll<,00 Spt.11'\ (l-2) pdchnl ,..,x 111nit1!,l\ llllll 11Jk1v,td u,1ly the h1h ,111J lour run,. C\Jill lllK'AnitJ Jut 111 the 1ca111·, 1IUl'c ficlllmrrmn.

llv: t~o 1ui11, 'flit tht: nt'\t W:f, dlhlbkbc.1dti ~, NIC lu,.t .a.1 in pm.: L1'"'' tand •1,nc, ll m µme ht<~1 In Slll'~ one. ~h l.olili.c 1,T,1,-.eJ 11 ..__. ht .a,rmit llntt run, ln !he b1.11tum of the nmth. \',1nC"k11\'c h11J 1 twr>-nm lnpk amo!ll hi, three hi.I,;. WC'I 11nd "(1.1,)fW h.1-.rtnian ~n \1oSll-l rai.h hJJ !VII 1ennng ~ingk" m 11 1,-,nr dfOC1 l1td,c1._ fe._y.ut

I uro1 a1•I Tr.n1\ \t.111!11cl..,-.,mhincJ hl t.1.nM' oilll cighl SU"l" b.illNl, In 1,1tnci t\\1\, 11\e \.,rdJn11h ~"Orc,:I a run in 1hr l()J) or 11h- nin1h f'IUI them .1hoJ .1~2 fol ~\Q.I l~,,nrclt'Cii: ,U\h,;\. wt 11111., 1,1lk,._.c,.1 l!l)C hh ml(! ,io nm, 1n :ilrr•"' h\l' u1ning, ,"(1~1mn: '41th JClbn °"

I h\c l1111c.r Oc-..1tu1.111od h111cr J~ Biwu ,eacbcJ fll'lt on u.n al'(lr r1witilut11 '111oMh.i 1,1 ~''"' 1hr 5,une ""il\nltl¥ nu1 Smnne, b:11ttt,1 nnl~'f fil.:IJc• tu:11h o,.~l in on• '<''t'n:lh-inning\jnJk-.

'1,vth 14, SIC huok\S ~It.fie Fan, Cotnn1u111t)' C'alktc 4"'1 'W\)111 ,L? :l, Su111na ,..,.,,. Int, and ,,,.,o RBI 1loi11 wilh c,..""-1·, t'l'o hu awJ.11.11 RSI. M.J.n.wd, 11-11 \\-J.\ 1be ,tutUl'lf pitcher wi..l 1..1,e up only (1th!' h11 and oo oun 1n fo1111M1np. l<cl,.c\C'r krtm) NJC:I\On h1\ 5fi·ond ,.,.,c- ol 11'1t M:a:<,(111 ttu Int up -inc hit In 111(, fillal cv.y lm1ill8,~ Wcn111dk'~ \a.Uc:y Cllfflmunll~' C11U.cri: \·a.111C' 111 c1,'l1o11 on M!ll'Ch 15 tn u !J,1ullk- hr'.11kt "'' :,;'IC cc,n1inued 111 \lfC.d ~i1h l\Ji'\'I 'Ain, (~ I. 3-2. P1kl1tts I (',1 \h,muyJ (l•Ch. Ki:nn) Torf:C:hP'II at1J b",n S~ar, ..:.•111hJnrJ vn 1& lmt tuucr imJ ei~J'it fllriLrout,. C'ludic:r ,\tldl\'.'.,.. R.c1k1) twd 1v.11 Rlll vn a \Vec1<11r.hlx e,'t11t o~ N"IC \(Ofcd f0t1t n11L1 11, the fiN.

111 J.UIIC hu1. Sumnrt ddi"\crcd a

Lady Cards stay mediocre during West Coast swing

NIC 1.'.t.lll<'(ICd 01'11) one hit .lf1Uf1\I

l:.oh1tm Ut<f11II U11l'er\~l) on \1,.1.;h 17

t,111 came oul \k:tc'11ou., J.fJ l111hc: non

lt.if1lt' <11mpC'IUhU1. lbt' (',11dt,' lonr

mn c:.emc oft fll a 1br(1w1ng errl'lr h:i

l:.i"ilC'rtl Uh;Jtc,il lhill ~llll'A('IJ '1J.1UI)

L11:-."1n ""'°''' fr1.1qn womJ l.1.,,, \Ufl kJ off 1hc h•uth i11111nr ""1th" \lftl,'.k: .inJ

"''°'\ \ilil."tlliC'<'d 11, W'\'Of~ b,1'-C b) l<.ity

Practice makes perfect for

101 .1 ~H,.11111, ~ho

1: ,i1f!~~ l~~~~~~:m~lt'fflf C'otlC'JC' ~::::

v.11h lier Frid..!)' cd11bni11n r;1mc AJ;un,1

t.(\hnt~ue I\ "'hlU (11',1"1 S1t111h 1, ,all &1htlt.ll

·1 d11n'11,:o11l) lu,r 1.m~· f1« IIMC. ti~· ,01J

Sm,1h1w·tl\l'*o1n11thC't)oc1' ln1he~b•~roon-i

ti, c;ilrrieu 1 '12GPA

h11Hl'U t,,eo ,c-t:t1t1d s1111c t1f tbr AnJriui ._1u11,ocu S:an Jos.c f'i&)' run:) wc:rc ,i;Ortd in 1h,e 111r ~1f 1lic ,,x1h l nm at n-1n.ttcb t1' 1h(, ""'' hoi1m.mwm 1.l00Md1clhk1 1o111• ~&r1.-l'IICJ. t'C\:.:iu,,• of tollrJt. huhlin, 1hr111 Ii' f®t IUU; ,wc:1 unJ AndrutJ bdJ l1ll 1hc \Jfl,LJ\h1~· 111 ,:,.um· Th,· \lie~ bdJ '" '"'~ l11h. 111(~\\ 11 ume hmil h\'C' 111n111g> and \rt1'-111s: 1h r bPIIOIU al the innlnf lfl ram the nnt." co11i:b b) ~fl\lA ('lrmcfll• an,1 lht C'a1d1 "'t'U' )·~ ht tltc .\l~1(h 11ut \C.'\lcn l.(',1cll ,1t t~ offr:n,1,c aui1<:k 'Airt L1C'.a,,1: AnJrini, •f10 ,11u1 \1adnt" T11urnaffil"RI m F-rem11n1, wa" fo:•hm•n kti 1-lutier ,.·llh 1111 RIii t" d1< founh )'111tlc'. f11,;,h111a11, 1'i.dl)' ,,ut Jo..c ,~, S;1.1utd.a), r•u· u11 Ju,1 llt0,,.,·1n,: 30 lllnC'\ 1 tla) l.'.,ift I.kl; )'rJUr bun 8111 Smuh n ud to pr.h:titt A l home in frr1.1an.. U.C'" .he \\.,,

11fltu1c,k.1.11:r.a"ipt.•11 lha1,nfflt't1tl,1!)11i,«J., \Ct)' d11lcrc:m rmm 1hro.,., m,t 'A'C'1fht, '1'bcybalhr~1rr: ,pit1.• .1WJ a rood tt1ntc 11l az14 11y•. ~m,th w.S

(..'r>-,,1•l!imUh, (."J1rdln11l lN1ck S'fu..;,cc 1fi~11rc,l.atinr11cq1umliilntN nmml1mi:-1~. •s11c·. httWOl"t cnhc,"' W•lkl"" !loltJ. '"Shi!' Mt"'" ',O f,u,.tr;dcil." CcU1ft1: tld (If 1haJ b)· "'urlmw un

•·Stt<", 6 JrfM ri,'.H.011, )'tlU "'°1tul1l11'1 l.OO\Ji d~

\\,1i.alhh•\\a,"W .nl.1"1o~id Stie••M"'

1.h,ll~klM'I, ,ht ,.L11 rnb, IG~1d1 IIR)bt.tJ.~'. "I ita.11)' h\t' II hr:tt. 11',rtilll)'(WC'U)' J(l>l"J;.. ,"


l.u 111"'1


~tv,A,Oft Freshman Rob Cmln ol Coeur d'Alene gels a heatthy teed oN second baoe while walling lor his chance to run during the Mon:h 17 game • .,..., Oixle College. NIC's Jeff Byrd dives back to Ots1 base safety, avoiding 1he lag o, Spok8ne·s Josh Gonzale:r during a plck orl MN attemp1. NIC defeated Spokane Falls Community College 4·2 on Ma:rc::h 14.
douhl,co, bi, Pih ROI of 11,c )·('.-t In tJic n1nlh 10 tnJ lhc ,~ .,.2. NI('", piithc1' tv\·e vp ool)· f¥io hlh .uir.l !tu1llctl.ui..l ( I ~I) pl1clleJ lbc l111l l'A n mn il'lg, •~ Jl'll,'.al. Ult 11.iij ftN 'l'Jt1 \\ht°'II tV.1>-IVIJ lnplc m 1"4; n,-,,, ,_. ,he, Uf'I 2 ,0 II<!' lruJ~ 1tlt" 1r..1m \OoUI, • "\"i4 l:-;11tlrij1 IIH"f".tgt'. Clnllnol outllelder Toylor West eyes a lly bell to 1he C81Ch during tho Morch H Ill""•= Spolcano F•tls Communlly Col)lgo.. NIC won 1he home contesl 4·2..
Smith throws no-hitter r~:~. 1 : 1111:~~~l~t;~c~·~n1 1 ; 1:::~(c7,:~ ~~·,"~::;t~pt~:"~1:.~~ct~1:j \I~~: ~:',lkf~cv.·~n::n~::~. ·,~::~ ~~!J.~;r~';;~t ,uhltcl 1 " 0 hu~. h) John S u1htrllmd i.h:1\1,c fU"- C'hl'r)'I .\1,Jriu1 lnlJ'fl»("IJ r1rer1a1cJ for 1hc lotnnc:). AUc~n.1e<i ,in1I Chl'f)l ,\nJnu1 hu1.>tr,c.J lbl: fusal game ul 1he h•unuunrnl 1.1,. l,n,et,irrl HIJ'll'>l't,-r t•• .J Z w11h lhO: ""'ll 111rik1ng oiu ,.,., In the hhl l~lm,arnttll same.. Chc't)'l up fc1r lhft'C llln•Nt• CJlh R11U1 ~IC 1he C".a1J, 11~ ,.., )..a Jq1e C. uy C. l.NIG!J;C
~a~lf\\;!:·'~~-~?;'l..~,~J' l.,:~'t~~,,~:~
==t~t;~::!~~-1~::i:e :~11~1·:~p\::,1.~·:c!~?('•l
Uuuc 1S111tr.1mrmC1) nan-owl)' def,., IIM' Ciw.1, 1111\ c1;tu \oru~ Ro 1Nut" ""'I .,.,.ILc,t 1hr c-·~rdmah, arc in i.:11011 1n,b)' (1"MJl'lllt11t)' Culk::e f111m Olki1. Cali! 1 ll In II dcft"n\hc b.-.Ulc. Kell) Smtih nont' 111 ,tu: Card-. l\'Nll •d\'alllJ.SC' ul .igain,1 't'.;1Lmi.l Valle),.: t' (i111nc 1111.0 n~c•hll,1111111 "tt.111'1~ 811111" v,,a"u•.,J chrc:v. r"c 1nn1n, .illo'l'in111nc- run nn four trT(lfl. b~ 1~ Re.1r Cnb, l<,.icl)N i\ 11,1.·h.:,lultll l"t l pm. ;.11 M:munul .H .a ._1um-up .:.ut1r hlt th<' 1uu111.1111)CJII lflf" S~rra luh Ta111m -contrli'u1cd fnur h1l-. 4or :'\!IC flc"'I
freshman ·thrower National champ gel~ praise for work ethic. determination by Mm C1unuvn Stnlmtl Rt/10¥lrr B ALL 1n 1).-c;cmhi.-r durint• itl\k"'' llo4Cl. ,C"'4lll, lhn-•-.,.ct Cf)"al Smllh '1~..J ;111d \;,.tf~lw;d a., chc "'\w,un hr:11111: 11,, 1h,t~ 11 wofldri.-curd S1ni1h c.1lml) w.slkcJ ""Cl 1(1 hc11J l.c."•h w.,.1ti;m,.1n,h.11J O,i,h.ih.-..a 1,n·11t"' W.1t~i11,ni:>Jdr,;I Smith ,1rpp:J up ,mJ thrc:\lr ll ~,h11,1l 1C'C11fd l.a1c, on in the )Nf al tht" lf~tl•" ·r,11o..._ NaiillfU:I, ,t,e i:ar411 ,l,J the !5-p,unJ .,..l'1th11hr,""" v.11h 11 pC'f"l.1(1 d l\1,1rl bl led ' tPdK'L NC'ol t,..J
Oalt',h<'c, Jen llubr1 51111 the t'lo11U in Jm111c "'"111h~· h11 llt.u 1,.,ur, h ha1d lb•: hffi m111,1h u11J 4 h<.111, I W,l\ pn:11) \C'le,·• S11111h ;,ud Stl('·, flll ,1 ,,nlid wcirl dhk Vul.,111\ •••ud She·~ d(lfll" n:ially \\tll d.::\·l·loc,111g hC'r in. lmiqur.
wrr10..,:'1l 101.;ilc ~t!II ,fflo'AQIL, ·1f.,1u11i..:Jwttt,1ll) \\CII.- .\muh ~..J "Sp(ICU p1:.ab1,1~J.:.t1Jownhcrt h '-.rdrc tuoi."" \\f'w:11 ~ht'•.a) ft"ll(\.11111,JL
Jic0 ,~ftmn11t<llhf('I(' hriur, ol p,111,. tkl" 1Hla)' 11111 ind1aln 1hrn\\lllJ 1M' ~O p1•11n,J.,.,('1p-h1101111,c.,JUkl
"Throwing 30 time.1 a day COIi kick \'Ollr butt."
Smith tt~t'nd)' 1..-•l. ,h1h rt""-·~ 1111ht 1wut10C'1 1hr,111o iac ~IC"', fit\l full '-qUitel 1".ltill,11 mce1 <•• l!IC" )-t.a, \n1ill11u '(J th&.- tummer 1111 l'Cl:'1 11.1 rilact 1 1bc U1.hh L11nc Open .ii ';;pulmic (.'orn1mwllt (\.Jlcp:o nn \bl'\h Ut l,.ool lot Smuh tl111.w, 111; uc 1hr \\ hll._,l-,h lnut;iUonlll tN1 ,,rril I, tn Sp;ilanc
Stnllh 1.Dd ·1111.C' dwt ., ••


Darcdcvihng Nin1h S1rce1 b)\\-..-

\,,,·,·,,~R,,... ,r

Ttft', 111111'N!iht)· roll di.l\\n 1hc ~1C'cp rr.u.k ul t:11\h r1t11unJ ul Jt1t.

k.11,,na (ht' ,tr1,11,1nJ at>o\c lhc

b(;kl, ul .u11111cJ 1lftlllPlca .wd ,,,in 1111,1

• t:11h.uln1cd l11n,hns: "'h1lc •l~)lr1& ,n


Ead1 ,i,t1MI "' lhC' , ,m..., llw.,u 11nJ 1hc ,ltu ,~,ri"n 11110 1110\,ra11"I<' 1,1111 du.· h,ml

i.t•r.t<'" ,1kh ., R.arid, t'o11l'I..:. l)(,n h,>f••

.ind Jer<:"m)' CfUI~ 1t11th~, 1hC'U' hM'II, fo, deut1011. fhC'\ • ~.ul) ,print h)

•hll-ltU11:: Ill. ,u11.1 IU<l\'lrlg JOI It\ form nca 1t.1!J.1lluti<. and d1tk1ent'' fo1 iht-"1lrr.,ni: l.l!"a\.C1n l<•~nn,t, "1.:mth Slrt'cl lr,uh h.a,(' bi:C!a tn the hui1J1n1 prui;co lor mtR) )'CMi 11nd cnnunu.: ht lru;tcut- in numbc, .u1J \"fltlCI)' e\1 r, o,c-,1,rin \l;in) r<orlc turr,htd u1 11111.I m.11 1ha1 JkJ 1n..u:h11'lC!t)

IJ~J to IJIJ 1ut cnllfl' hc:IJ co,,..,cJ

b} nu,,hc 11iou,id, nl dm Nlnlh Sl~C'I lf,11h MIC' Jui C''ll1rtl) h)· hitml

·n~ ~ll_(' j\lmp, \ ,I')' ift ,Jtc (f\tlll ,111o1II foot Jail Jumr• tu j11mr, tt,1ch1111 ,1.1 leel

11,·1lh Jtap, ,r.;u1nin~ .arprn~im.:11cl) 15

11"1""1 llt h(hq'('tl ( .11u· h•• r,ut ibuu\.l11Ml1 Pl houf\ mer thr> p,l'II tij'hl )C'.lf,, inl'1 b(lfrh,i: i:rt4lC

tht\C l,uic mmtrkh ,,r d,n f., er)' 'J'lr"'II

~flcn lh<' rain hdh 11nd the d1tJtln11- i,

t,-,,J, he hrini, nul ,ho\Ch. 10 begin

btuld1nit 11.r ""'' ..-~ll<'t1t1in1t eou~ ul

J111111n f11U1t11r1ni; In hh (1101\lcp,. hh

'-1d1111!1:c 10 Ju1 riJint quid.I) ,

·s1•me11,nct. lhC!) will hefp dJg •·hf'"

1hq··re n,,1 tu t't1•1} ru.iin11 ;1nJ )'nu Co1n Jel them tu p1,l up .a ,h,wcl, ,.111.J C',11\l'

1.illun,e .lh\.nn Jiu lld, ..,,.bi, .H(' llho aviJ din JUblpt"rt. llr, ho ,.on. Cam { .in(' adrmh hci:nnun1 • bcncr rider 1h11n flllU\Clf lll'\U1h('Y.,O\ ··11' • ;1111.mng,"' h~ ,atd a\ he C'lpl111n, he,""' 111~ m,lh h.a~r 1tuw11 ht lhe p,1,t fe11, )'C'llf\.,.

Tlk' Ninth .Suc-cl trnlt, ,lft lot ,111 ,11:c, h 1, the h:ln,uu1 lor 10!:,LI )v111h Doun,

,1f llJ, ITTI''( J1ret.:d) :ifo:1 "4hnol lu 'I('( th(' o1illon On ~c,:l..enJ, Jtdu;;ucd dirt lllfflJ'C'I' .uti\l' lr11n, ,111Tduftdinll' 10 n,. h)L'.lt1du1; ~cllua:,. k•1hdtutu, P•HI hall, ;ind


Ohl carr<t, UHC'r lhC' rt11l.1 di lllndmJt-"' co .i•tJ 1n Ltcpiri,t: h('1t1"dJ u,cJ

J11,mr\ 1n1;1i;t U.1rcJ('\II, on dut p,,mp

"'"'"' anJ kt lt1l.c 11nd hnJ) (11111, O\·ct

l'Jt.:h 11ct1 1u1,111ii 1.t1lc •nJ d11t1uth

me\." 11\1(1 lh( p~IIC'tn tnvc:111t,(' ttl\,.: talc 1111n) lwun ,•I

JltlH'liCC' 10 l;,rnJ ,mno1hlv Tric.:l, lncluctc; :1 ,upct 1t111t1, \\hC't\" bt11h JcCI

lc.:t,,~ tht peddle-, :and c.\lcAlol ,mu1h1 boKl 0)'mg 1hwu~h the Jit hl.c lht' 111.1.n

c\f "rd; 1 ,omr,klc '.'60 <kitt-c •J'lln 1n

Hie 11u, ,rrnni111 1hc hAndl"' huh wnd

C',1 11.:h1n; tht:'m hcforc i.·omma:: b~d. 111

i:onl;M;I ,,.,.,,h lhC' dlll Jlld (IJe nn h.101.kt, v.hkh 1hc n.amc c.,pb1n, lt..rlt h • ch,1llcn1r tu clC".1r each jumr •nJ

('\('ft_. j!¥C'411('f d1.dknr.: lo ,•ttilpklc ~n

uurc ,~, nl Jump, E:.,h ,e1 of dir1

Jump, ba., Q n•mr 1e~111~1ni •ht '('ttt,.

The lllW('tlftJI \ltC'p Jumr, ctun 100111

nu•n;tc1n,:J~· o,·ei feGrful rJJtrtt at lhl")'

lfl(1._ .ii lhc :ilic:tr hc11,'hl .u,J dotan,""C tht JunlJh hi (' 11, 1J.\c1cc,mc "'" n111nc,I tht


Hc;Mh !,If' i, lbc lf)l"'I COIUnlllfll)' tuSckn

~,111:lfl pr Ilk' 1t•tl it.. h h ,miilk-r )'Cl t.UII

11.:halkogc to ..:11mpktc lbc ,pt,;Jy \C"tlh

IIIUI \.It) WiJcl)' ID ,tu•. i\ ,1111111 -.Cl fir

1loublc11 nllnt('d Shell• 11 -...h.a.1 ml,,t h,cog111ntnJ Jill jlllllrc'I' U\(' a, ,tc:prtnj!

1,,1onc• to f!.inld 11p confiJcncc. ('JUbhr11,1

1h<-rn h• totiqurr 1hc Jaricr .-:ro,1, \t•n)· ndt-n Hl\"h ;h C'"h..i'< nntJ <. ,ll,(' fur the iu1t1p, "'II '"med.a)' he H1111 dQwn , bu1 a, lvn1 I\ Jhc)' arc iiblt' 10 conunui- buHdtnJ JnJ t1Jtn1, Nu11h ~lh.~I wdl ~·(1n1111uc 111 fN\\

lju,t11.J.ntto,Jdt' C.11J1oCMid

lnk'.1<"-111:d m k..n1in1t rht rh)thn1 <ti d111 Jumptnr"', 001 thc Stntb Sm~._., luiJh loc•1c:J nn "uuh und Spc•boc m ('fl(uf J'Akn<" llf NII.Iii 1pltlj('r~t11.,.u.wtl.Lcnrn fiirlnf'QfllMl!f',n P CII0 9t>W~fncllft

When nol buildlng the lumps. Jottmy Chase throws ••Yle Into his riding 11 Ninth Slroet,

Expectations high for track

, nella to ecllpse lndoar season

b) JC)hn ~uh,rtarM.I (c11tmdRr/"'"'"' N

it" ll,1d._bo1, pltrtt) tn h111>t,. lnf11.,UJ

111 a, 1hc1t OllldllOr \('awn btgm, ju~,

u 1hc)' c,quitl lheil tt<\l llnhhe1 1n

•11:lmul h1,1or)' during 11\c htdnor

~.aHC1f\o1I, \\ 111'1 1bt men pl;a,c1n• ur.1h ,n>J

1he v.,1m('t1 fll1h 1tic C11rd, 11r"tc:-ruin1,11c rru

lhe utatdot.11 ~.u,,11 hl N-11n

('11nch ~Y..i\ W1ulin, wa, \Cf) hupp) with hh lt'4m 1.11)'lns 1h11l 1111 17 .11hlc1c'lt

wC"nl C'1lbt'1 tqualcJ nr heltcrcd 1hci1

F"f~1'i.:dbl'•t h \loll\ nu1 10 ht 1hcrc lKBn•..-., S1.i1e

l!,i11·c.r':\ll)I) untJ 1e-.a11i1~ drnl •1th -.e,.c-n 1111, ""d JO 1.up. 111 \.Cllrt' well in nn1i1,n11h i1 t•rt'U) ,itnilicutit,•, 111.1M "It l1ntl u( wnl tn 1ir1 the 111p home 1ha1. m) God ~c'-ft' f1hh '"'!Jlltcftl ,n Ille ~U\lllU') We II 3

'"°".duns \IJII t't)ut,1 lklC be mort h1;pp)

Gelllle CAREER Mdvantage

111, hJl"P'rlC'\ v.llJ t'ontlfWl' fur \\.ul,jn, h•IJI lt',1111 mrml'l~h h.a,·c quahfltd h" 11'11 L0111Jnc.11 d.J.&wpon,hlpt, due to lhc hl..-. W'~ Clll'l)•(Wl'r p '!'di b 111,·o Olh(J fl'IC'tRhcn 'A'tf11 qu,1lifirJ Juun; the \\Cl onJ inJ) L.111ficlJ lt;i:tireJal<-r Mcct hC'ld cci,11ur~111I)· v. uh 1he tnJuor d'-ltnp.lomtupi,m \k\ftt1n\1flt Ort rtlC" r,iu. t111ry•o\cr 1.ju1hhcn. 1r11.:I,~ <~nus Svicr 11111eu', ,hlll puu. ,.,u K~tch trnrn ~ d1wu,1. J-lt.alhl.'1 f•)lilf '""'c1mrr1 1,, lU)O and .l,000 meter ri.inu .inti R~.:hcl S~um.•, (\\Onu:A·, libot pun The 1Y.O l.i1c,1 411,11ifich 111c b.od f.11.111, (\fo~u.,.,· I in tht 10,0110,,n('ttl f'IU'l llt'IIJ ('h111h.: fk\·L fhn 5i llltne1i B.<.'.) 1n 1hc men•, jtHd111 Allt'r 11Je NJ('AA lnd(i.;11 frlKl .uld field Ch:1mpu,n,h1r,. W.d,1n, ha, h11h h~, frl( lhc fluldoor ,ca,1111 • 111c," 1, • rc.l~ttt.ihlc or helng tn lht lop ti,c mort' than rcil,on.ihlt, ,,,d \\, Thr CJrdln;1I l~l. 11nd f,rlJ Ct';1m1. h.:i,1.'

1t1dt ishl• '"' un th(' ~J( .\A Ou1tJ,rn r lt1d, •nd firld Ch.1mptC1n,hip,. ,\1.1~ 11 , B mf.JwaJ,h\lllC', 111 The ("11t,h fOI tlfk" "l('"r d•lK't 1,, S,i1111 t.rnl ' ,nut(' a lhl('IC"~ 111 1hi:u w,1

IUll·~lll.l<U.I nu1dnor .and (irfJ lncfl nl lbc )l'lU 1ht hlC''C'l, lh<' Uu,1) t Opc-11., "',., hchJ .it .a. "'·cl nn~ ..:hilly Sp11l.11ne C"cm1111uni1) <',illt~e 111'1 <;~1unl.i~ u11 \hn·'h

18 Soph,,.mm1c ',,11c Ke-1th VIHl1 1h~ hl'H 1,111

iU1d Joeu'II 10 lcutJ Nit· Kcill1 alrcall)

~u.iliOeJ lur N'ath,nal Juti11g the 1nd11or

l(';l\(11'1 Otbl''" ltl qu.ahl)· at1rr thi11. 11t«I incluJ,:,I

JflC' W00<h~C'. u1\.1AS 'lt'CtlCld 11\ lh(' h11111111cr throa 111 J7J , tO,

h1twl1'~. \1.ardt2S KJ11t.1. '-~•lltce tit Reol.burJ. I rrr. Filw>· \lvd1111 RJc.,, c~.uUt'J-' at Re>'J ~I .,:,.111 Sa!uti.l.1\' ;\pnl I r, n.,1o:r 11( r.a,t'"rn t ·tah at hi:ttnc: I IQ. J..)· Apnl7 (:oUqr u( t.u(t-ffl t ·i,h athilf~~s.i1.a:r1t..y, AJ'fill \\ alla, Walla (' .(".. I bt1rn,:.,a,o,, :\pnl I?. l~lt&ir ,,r Soulbtta al bnmc I 11 m lli-J n Ap1'1I I.: ('1•lf.rcrul~"thrrn ld•hl), as borne. S4tt11J.y, A;ir1115 \no• l "llllrtt at~~ I f* m. fnJ.a,., Ap,11 1 1 \ntit•,l"tollc-~ athl1mt., nflQft S:11111111.Jy. Artil 2l

\'• ,·an"' (·.t· II ~mnt' PIii tdllJ}. \t.uch 2• ""'' M'CTourtWUffll. I& R1(til~I. W.a~h, s.., 'iun.•, \\ct., s1.1, I. nhn,u,-, a1 o,Jcn. l,1•h. j jtm Walnewlo1~, M•n.h. 29 t·u&unado ~nh•nkrn CC'..•tRJ.fl1<l1,<ow I h1d:•) M,111..:h t 1 ("11!or•d• ,or1h•nc n, ( (!..a Rln,;tJf,(\110 hoOn Frida)'. ArnI I RJdt-1 Col au Re:.d11u1. I r IU fi,ihy. \pul ' Rkk• CAIJttt' 1e,,h1ng. ft(l(lU 'Siti:1tJ.aJ,Apr11i l'C'atraf \\allal1t;11r,a l'nhf'nll),•t ht'""°. I rm foe'8J.1r. Ap(l) II I 'tall \'a~) SI.ale' C'"oHtg,t 1t hnc1~ Ir ru. JriJ,n, Ap,1114 lldi \an.,t s1a1,t·o1• .,,,,.,~.11P11inS•1utJ.t)" Apnl 11

IHUf C'bll"1CC",,lll hc-tnt, 1 r"n 111J.a,> Apd'21 Utd<' rol l~,. 11 home. ci ,... ~.11 iarday. Arni !2 • lntn.m11nl \porb C"oH<I S..tlb•U l><oclu 11 IM \p:lrt\ Oflil't.. 2 '0 p.m hiJ.ay. \1-,dt 24 Co-c:d Sctfth•ll \t•Jdl'tn \IC'Cline, a, l\t ~port, Offi.:c. 111111. TUCWM, Arrd,1. ,1111.iral 111,eh, •t (lcilfl(' Room. 9 p.m. -midnirht hl.Ja.y,Ar,nl 1-i fluwlfnlC, Tov~nt. IIC SUlllct l.anca.. 4 p.m.

M,10ib'!', Ap1112,&


lmr11mur1I Sf'h'l,conta..~1 Puul M.a1u..adc1 :ii 769.J?W or "'"U In= lntr.i,n.;1111 Spor,, 00-kll iA die lower le"tJ .,, the \1udt-111 t:ninri Ru1l,f1ns.

• fnd1&tldd

0Mtd.oi,r .sn,.,,. \\.1111•,..U tn,lca,...._ 111.

SpoL1na. S.a1urct..y, April I, \\"ntnn •>res• Jn,,,talloul A1 Monmoush, Ot,:_ Sarun.t.a) , Apal 8 lSAUSnift\lffl.11

~pol:a S-ltunil:)', Apnl a,, Amit~llrurlnwt...._..

11 C'llfflc), Wa\h Fndly.

J\rnl ~I

e c>ut~Pu 11,, Indoor RO(lo; <1hnbhtit '9. f>.IOpm l~y.Marth

Julit: OcM;9rn1 rl1u:(d sccupd in 1he Jnclln ;n I : 7 4; Kir i 1homp!!<1n IinoJ1cd luurlh fh 1he ll.OU 111 2:2.l '1-4, Hru1ller l.a)lnf ' fiflh 111 thC" t .51JO 1n .l ,0( -l anJ Ct)''"'' Srnltli ,u, •••h ,n 1hc h11m11,c.·r .,1 I '4'·0 Th• NIC Cam,r Cmler lm,ites you lo come Mu~ nf tM ~1ion't J,.ading @1Cperts give lheir ad\ia, on atter and life ~nnlng! $11KM.IR Work Study Student Employees FREE 13-Week Workshop Series to help you plan your future! NO SIGN-UP NECESSARY! I\ gn,al oppurlunily lo g•I expert career inlormalion. Upcoming Wort<llhopa WANTED!! The N<>rth Idaho College SUNSPOT 11.-ed& work sludy studenls ,111h.h<'arh. Work wllJ1 pc,ople selling concc,slm1~ and ttnlln~ water cqutpmcnl whUt• ci11chlng o SUJ1liller tun. Contact: Outdoor Pursuits Lower Level of the Student Un n Jason Luker 7 69 -78 09 l nlnNty ,.f Jd1M .11l DECK ~";:.·1;rm TUCMI•>· • ffawball lblt1 \'11lh'? 'l:11«"Cullr~, ,110,cn1.l'1ih, t pl!:1 l"ridil)'.M.ut:b1J l tAh hll~~ !r<.1,1tf'('~ll ('llf', It Ortm. l lwi 1W011 I uJ.i_y \l.udl :S \\'all.r, \\all•C',l Mil WaU1i\'-aJIA.\\olloh..,11(1(~
21 ...,... ....,_,2. ():'.'0- 11 '..If.I pm • Tucllday. Apnl.c Ka)a VOGi Sttis5Go ll. t,: \0 9, tr, r.m TucsJ..y, Ap,1111 ·¥rl•1 llfflM .w.c,.,,,,., ,.,..,......,., \1ounlabl lllldaa. at '1,ah,,l/i.h,. Man.·h?.s. Apul 1 a ~pociJAc • M<.i.. l ·I.Ji. MMi:b ZS·Aprll I, ror lnfonnauon on Ouadoofl'ur11.u1~ lall 769-7Ml#or ,..,1111bt W'Wf l,t,cl uf 1hr Stlllknt l 1suoo lkuldinJ.


lhursd.lJ:. M,\tQO 2'3, 2000-

fORl:M: SrnJcn1, p."1m)· h,.,um..:-~11 (~,inwu1u..JOn. 1t111w.~~

ronUnut'd from pa~tt I

Tt111o )Ut mo1t lh,,n .10.001.1 pic1rr.1m

"'.;re "(It C>ul ,u11l .111 .IJJ111on.1l ,.UOU lot.('ll"

cdu.:ah11t1, .,.,hh:h llr1urhhrJ ,n 1hc- l•rc

IMHh nd CUI) 1011, Cen\lff)' I 11-I.IJ~

c.h.au1ii11~u.1' h11\ li•IIK ht mun lilt- lllrt ol

IC'lldUng .att.c,1111 hl' P"rOS!k thwui,:11

lu11l t"'"••n ~h.u:ac:tcti1.tl10et, I IHI) .fl\Uf llfUfC\ 'o\Cf(" JlOflf4~(\J 1h11

'i.1cw;iu .itJ ·11 1h, 111 11 ,inc (;i11

llUII(' In so111i: had, 1n lm,c, uJ \'1~11111;

rnn.i,~ 1hk J'tt•pk

IU \1t-.Jfl_ "une uull\ ulu.1b

1hcm,chc, ,hmnp 1tlct torum •fl•I

th.ti I~ flC'tlPfll)(ft, ,110 j1h1 .ar.(o~

lm",nJ lhf ,IIC'1'- l--1\1 )Coif~ pcoplt' "*' ltl "'° 1utnt'J •""J) Juunc • 1C1.,1,,n ~llh Ot <:la) knl.111"\. wl1r, h COh\ld<tl"J u, 1hc 'lo I 'Cl1.iut11u,1ua" pcrlon11cr 111 111< .,,.,\IIJ

,lt\tt1l\1ilr,t Ut hlfh ~hool1o. ittt ,ampth 1111)J

Oc::rhc\l rrom ll'lc 1111ml' 1•1 ,1 l.1LC' in

,.,,u1h-.~,1"m ,I",., YntL f:h;u1111~~.1 \I,'"

Mlt1n,11II) i1 pop11l•r m1'1, i:-mfnl ,n .idul1

IW~'iH ITS: C.ollc~< 111,ur11nt'C pl,,n

It.a,,. advan1.1ie, Rlue C'ro"~ a, 0111.lblc romiuued from 1,age I

11~\l.c\CI. \th:h.;I ,ahl th1111h1, 1, no

hlllc 111,>1«trn11 fru1n lt~l:t.)"• hi)2h hc:•hh

,.arc cOloh i.111J 111,u \I~ duJn'1 rtton1111cnd

d1 memtinmc:n1 •t. ,1 mur,cc cir c,ua cJ,h

r,w ,cudcnh

S1\Mk'n11. IOJ>~tn~ l\lr (1111{1." '-°°'"frJ,C i.~R cum IO a t:Clmp;An)' "v<h Blut ('re,,, lit hJ

1h.: cc,lkrc " ·Pti111 fl, " 'i'htch rtflt" .in nJJuu, S21),000 or ,u:c.:idtm rn\l"t•lt

1mJ i1j.OOO fnr illl'l'\\ ot1 11,r of ~hai 111

1uJc•u, rci.:ci.,.c T'hi• ~i.a r1.o111 11ppllc.1i


,\i.cotJinr ht ASSf(" 0Hiccr11, 1hr

i;ollcgc ~ plim r11nolt.J h)· ~tonrrmn

S1udct11 ln,u,,m1o<', h.a, 111, 11J\.in111.gc Tiic 11pplJc.atttlQ h 1.1111) abo..ittt II tull•f'.l,JC' l1in•,

i\SNIC: Srr11th and Burn~ lco1m 10 lubh) ,,n bchall ol ,udcnh 1n D.C rontlnuoo froo1 pog., I

8111 \Oilul lf't 1uc1tn, ri,i!u.,"

l;..lui:.11Kl!I h" riJhi. 81111~, '-1 J. o;hl,1111: a r.dl)'JIII' ny Pl 1hc L'SSA, v,h;;:h ~JU\ trklfc 3.S m111,uc1 ~udc11h throurh the mC'ml,cohip VI 111111c ,,o .;1mpU\C1o n.a11on:w* Studc-nh Jlolild noc ht\'f 1,, loan tht-u lhc, .&•II.) 1n 1lf'lk1 t',> f(I •n «11 ,nlon.

,aid Bu1m. \Oihli I, ,cty1n1 on '1,1.'llf'IC' ,hldc111

10i.lltl ~J"\tlf Burnt. ,wpJ cJi..:auon " 11 l.c:y rorrip:«111

)cJt b) ni-11) IU1:11I perlPfnllr" 1nd1.1Jl111:

lhrt:t' mdc1111· t)1ll,1n °"khc, i,(lrt,a)cd

l), \I. crnhcr \.'c,n Dr.tun, C"hrt, 1•,1r1t1

rnrir.t)t:d Ot Jo,.crh t-lc1chtr o1niJ l>itn

~ltC'tllC't •ill t1ppU.I at. CUfllCf\:1111\'~

m,l\C'..-..C,tn't lbu) Ciuld'fl,";Uct I r1J111)

I I 11 nt. fo lhc SUlJ 't. I .11!.c C'1,rur 11' A l,•11e

R.~•n ~pc,lpk lmc the C"h.1ut.u~1111 lotm•t-

b11, 110 c1i1tibilit) tcquirc:meonh ,nJ ti dtC'•P fhh h vfft.u, u c p.1~n 1,-. OhlC' Cn>"" arid w.111io1 40 Ja)·• lo li1nl co.II if )1.11.1'rt lk'\'.C'J\ti:J.

I\S'IIIC officeh do11·1 11:cl II CU\C'.r cauu1h thin, '\1.-t'I I t'flllUJh Uni)- 1'15

\ l uJcn1, arc e1n 1h(, plan 'Nhi\'.l'I k4\C'tti ,1~1

1,111n .u,J Jc,ntt1l Un 1l1t ,\ hnol 11hn, u,dC'nh m1l\C ra) at lu,1 b) tbt-w:1ne,1C"r, -..hkh ,.11uld Sll!J fn.- th<' hll ,11J \.Zl'l"l for lhc 1,r,ri1tJ and ,utnm(t

An:orJ1nJ co ASN IC So. I •ur.i

Tctine\OII, mo,1 -c1u\kn1, ck>tl'I hano much "~*> 10 ptu,1~ Jm•• .ii nni:,. h111

K•1hy S1>n1rt1tu1. who ~Wfl~ Sun,crtnn

ln'\.llli10Ct" anJ. lil>4Jf~• Whh •hl'11I I~' \(I 140 nmpu,c, aurnnJ the nJtion. uiJ 1ha1 lbUnlhl> p.a)'fflUI r1all" Ct( aft

·o&t1nin1,mui"C' t1igh11111rt

\tld1.1I 1,1id ,hr Yl'lK1IJ Mc the «-UtJc


l:,t(";1 ,n, ,nc ("O\'M) ()'('le ·wti.u ('\er tCtvr 1,,con1c 1c c1 ,~ urh1 nov. , u,uall)' dcttrm1ot, what \111d "'

c:Jucamon )1)\11.'..ill afftJtd;· Uum ~id "'l'bl"

l.111et c,f cJucallun , o.- M:rl l)'t1lc1II)'

dctamine11 \\oh.It J\lb yo11 g.:1 nut Job 1unn

lillO \lrh..iJ )UU.- jftl.:Uftk' i, 4nJ ' cJu.:iillOfl

)()Ur lid, gel ln1 a butt" 9ck'"

fc,ltul anJ ,u«- lc,iMaturl', dun'I IM!ld

,tudot" hish on their '"' 111 'P<ndlnJ

pr1or1t,e•• .icc(ltdlnJt 10 Outn,, hl'c JU"C'

,tuJtnlll nrc i,!tfl<'UII)' • P.alhr111.. •bou1

\'l~ll. Burn, h.11.I 1he Ide• co JO lo lhC' lJS.SA

rc,,,"tt aucf)lhnf 1hc

hch~·\c lhir) na,I II Su,dcnJ, .arc tncuuUjC'd co i,.alc i1Jv.;1n1a:,e 111 .ill 1l1e left. IC'f• -w•datllc Ill their ttcndu , Nai:.;;irotn uid Bcfor(' cntcrh•f lhc ,.tlfli. '11ntld. 11.1Jci:ih can OnJ

OUI \\hill d.,- iltt cllJliftlr f1tf ttJhl h\l"W hy callln; S1u~knl l-.,cni.:t• ;U ':"t.9-)1'11

i.."'Onf~ ;1r1d ~'ltd " .,.,.,II bt'nthl "'u,Jn~o In the Jo11i tt111 hn:..I.IJ!C , hi: and .\nillh hndJ

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We've got answers.

from the ncd, dn'4·t1 tA111u1 h1\ WI~ .it !'i1 Luke', IIOtf)lt•l f>otl'U.11.~iJ lbm: ,ur,crJC\- l'l<O pn hu neck to un~.1nl • rta1t .1n,l 1cr1tc1,..t bone rmgmcnh 1nJ Jf)c_•lhcr t1Ptt111Jon oo hi, ltffll' "'1h.,t he <'llt1IJ 11wr1tlllft Jull w.t ol thi:n1 Rch..bll1Lillmo "'•\IIOf C'..l~) • .:ind t'M,;h d.i.) \\.1, a u,ug:k. ye1 v.uh1hc ~pp(.1r1 uC hh lriC"nJ, .mJ l,,mll), he: v..a,,1hktnl"C'lu1n ho,nic 11hct tv.·(I •nJ a li.,H m1m1ti~ in llliC: tio,r,,.at. Kercrm,n s home "''n t101 i:.i."r i:11hic1 Nc,1 ool~ ,,,._., l'ur.ath ~,u5,:li11g Cu ,klj11,110 Ith J1,.ih1IU) , til11 ht- ,.,..,in ruhud lh.11 hh f'IOII\C 'A&\ nnl b11ifl f1\f II Pof111t,. 11 ~n.11.lf )C\cl lll"l\ll<lfl. tC'l.-heik'l.1n

"Km m•,·t•r n-a/1;,r ltow 1111111,•_/rit!ml\· yu,1 hm•e 11111/1 ,\'()1/Wlhlng IIA,• 1/1i.1 lwpp,·11s. "

anJ c1tl\l•)'('.U C'omru1a Si'J\,1«, cmplo)tt, h. lJ "~"' dlC' 1.1..a h'!Ut )<'.lN .,vfk-ln1 on hi, ,ph1-<Utf)' hou~c. nnly rn d1W:Mt'f 1h.a1" v.,11; 1101 uutt'J l11t .a \\hctkh.uf ""I rouWn'I t\TIJ J( lht\lUjltl lht' Jnnr,• Pouith 1111d II w1t1 rt1>t l,1011 t,c(u1t' .a .,.,,111oun prt>,tltlrJ 1ht:lf m the rorm (tf • 1K'111hhrir'• ~,l"f)On E.le.11.1 Sm11h h.1tt n,.,,cJ 1n1(1 ,, h,1,1,oc-.;10 , the ,&ft!cf fr1,nt thc l1Pr"ith1 1W>l l('lfl11 licforc lhc: ,c.;idc:(11 MC'f htiu:4t WJ.., OMlf(' V.hctkhaiJ k"t..'C'l ibk IO Jlt" Pffttt:d tu \W.1(1 huu\Ct. 'The P\'W11,1lt1o "1Crt t•lcl I\• 111lr.c Srni1h up oil hc-111flct. P~,,.,h., (OCM,anJ ((.MoorUro. "11111 Computt't ~·,tt,and 1h~ m.t.lJUcn~.n~e dt:p,rtn1t'nt rll.:h<'d 1,. '" help thcmnhl\'t • h fo\a, quni. a ~li:hl i,tlotlllh 1tiJ '"J\bt\u1 ?h r,c,nrle h..wlwg thlt1p.., b:ad, anJ (or1h ilrl'O\~lbc~~, Th¢ PortlUlt li,·<J In their 1,r1g:hbt'it' hoult' frumJanu..ryw .\u,:11~1111 lll'9Q ~hik 1hc1· hiid anvlht-r h1;1U\(' b11ill lfctplrtJ him fllt.l~'t' •·a, ncic llw cikl uf the colkae p,1,d cum11wm1y·, m,01,cm,:n1 ,,. Pt.>ralh''ltC\'.l,)'r(t), Wtk'a Pouth tttumcJ In v.,w~ 11, July of 1999. ciJhl 100filh1 af1c, the :u:cid.;-nt. QCllhlnJI! Wlt\lht'UlllC, 11, ~wrr~mdinJ' trnJ i.:ba,Q;cd t1Cc:u1'1C tu, cu-,..:ir\.u1o h.:11.J rt'n~'""'tcd h1!1 oflk:c 10 m.t._~ 1111ui1.1hlt ftW hi, v.bc:dda1t R•mp,c, "''t'fC bulli 11'1 IIM: hl'lrlt ,1nd ff41 t'flttalti:C ut llk buiM•ni an.I rm· du,101n 1ht tiliUJmi: v.cft'

\\1,td 10 Clf<fl 1urmm,111ctll) w11h a rcrnOlc

,•1kh l"'ttr,1di umt, "'ll.b him

In h1,qu,c~ fclf "'lf.~111 ,c.cBC-y Porath

bck,i:ht .1 \.a.n from 11 ¥iivtnl&ftc v,,,ho,e ~11 h:.I mll\CUl~r J)',lh~h)' Tht """ ln:aJy tu.I.I a 11rhc(klua11 lifl, find P1WMh CU~IOMIU<S O UI 1nt.luJc: • th1~1~. Sllke pnpkaJo b.l,t' i.-

JJffo:-uh Utl~11f1PPIQ,I! thm,1t,•llhlhl:1r

h•nd,. the 1'l('ering "'~I h,L, In mc.1111oh('~ Pc,n1h ,an pf~ hh (11110 u:cr lhl' va,1. SIC al\.t, ga,c Pt>111lb hi\ c,"'·l'I p,i.AinJ ~cnr.rSeehul '"h •n an,,1l'le1 \l('J' ti,) b;.<om11t1 \C'U· ,uHitietit: Ponlh \.Wd "With th(' uppor1 of my fncnd, alld fllm1IJ. Ill.•, lornlns 1odo thinJ'ltlfl m) o•n In 4tdi,nk1t11,, ,urr,on1nJ 1bt rttO\c:r) pf ~11,1h·" rh> "'111 hrallb. 1hc proplc u1 the ,ullci,?c and an romruutth)' ""'.toted 10 (.1c1 \Clmcihu,,: to imprm c 111, mcntnl hu!Jh as '4'(11 Ct,Ut-,:-c rtdlt.lihff\. .adminntcn:d, (w,J. nal.ct 10 r;»..o d)OOC) lh~1 P"'111h could \ptnd l a do ""fllClhtnp fun AbcMl1 I ~O pN>Plt> hPm il'lt.'t coOcge aod ,om,minh)' ,o.,1ribulcd 10 8111',. Fun Pund. -.h1ch tlll\tJ $$.000

Pv:w:uh $aid br. ll.'OCIIJ noi bl' tlCt't be II

1oit.a, ,r IC •·nm·1 for tbt !iuppw1 of hi, friend,, h•mil) .and CO.\loOfkctt ar,d 1k: couJd

M\ocr 1k.1nk 1hern e:MU#h You flC"CI' l't'al,rc hO\\· m1111) fncalh )'OU

bilCI UUlif 10fflelhir>J h~ lhh h•ppcn1,," f\1t111h ,.11d h'\ l1l.c Oat' twi fJamJly.•


Porath leers up some mud ,nd anow with h1e Honde PIiot near his Rathdrum home on a wet eftemoon. The oftofoad vehJcJe, conuolled by levers on 1he steering Whffl, can reach 70 mph

,J\i..t)"IOI II f'ln"oe'

n,ml,cf <tf mt' hltml.itillfl:II ()u.i Ru,:fl)' tQm, "'tui:h "MIO 11.M: •·1•1d dt.ampnnJiiP< Ii ~"°""' r1;i>·r.1ota klMtl ,n fr1:tt Gu~,.d\l.'IC1.4•t1arin.ll;, rrvm Rillhdn.m1. ,pul,c JC P,1t.11h', ll'lft'• 1Cho.ll 11f!IIJ tht' f\\11 l.-.1cr nl('I '1)' """IW'ntupeohb1un,h.aid. 'M)'ll.adl\ hl,:)1111.'"' Yllllhlaid. Gu"'4d.1,(1!1 bJt nlci ~uu,,"1S'k",tK-, ,all 4wc, tht "'"tt,i 111-d thmuj.h ,,,10111 wn.h 11lcm, he h,u k,Ulk'd rn.,ny ltlch 111 de..alinr "',th thr. 1fhahiJII), Phr.ith ~"I ''Wbt-1, I trJ J~W111. tic'\

11111."" b anJ Ct'p NDati fltt\\411't '*I n«maf lcwt,. 'You bd.\'C IO ltt-p ltMlf lff Ltq'I )'lli,lrbo,J)' Jtl1ng.'' Pl.inth \llld '"flu! \Q) 1( a CUI"(' i~t\Cf d1-w."'ll\~,l"OJ~.Pan1h h,l.\ pl41l\ toe nc.w w•>• IC) pa,1,op11~ NI theatlhitih hclu,n.. lk '1kt ht h~ 1,t(ltl\ ul nd1 1i, tu\ 1tu,in;)dt' "f:olirl '\\Ith die .t.\-'1~1,11n,;c: of a rlt'.,._ \ko, iil:.e lhzll IMIIM111bc..-.lJ)" drnrr, d,.,._ l'I lfalnll\8' •hctl-hU: kJ" \ltfi,;n ,peal~~ to II ~lffk\·C'I Ht'.dWl",\.lOflyanul1ra•h&hL

to1ih1t"h i, IIM' a fl(l'Vocrcd hilfll: •&lldn, in Lhc luwn, Thoo11b f\ir.:,ih hoh 111:\'Cf J>IIQ'td () ku,:by. hc\lldbcthitll.,Ow.ufJ.4inm,1) Wl. ''Ywh;a,,,:: 10 !Iii•) i.:rhcandtr)'t'\'C1')1hin,:."

P41t.11h 11ald "'TbtTC', ne'IU a Juli n>c:)m..nt ,n

1")' lift'-

~v. March 23. 2000 LIFE THE SElffiNEL Getting \lot,r\ h\ Stacy Ze h m I. I/ r Ii ,I I I,, r P't::IIIDll¥Mt,litr Computer Network Admlnis1r111or em Poralh e>tlts his••• on the -.,halr!IN.
Wh<'n Bill Pcllfiilh w,11\d11~n. hl\ film1ly, frw:nJ., nJ. lhr ('11111(' ,,1mmun1t)' 11.iachr-J 00110 heir him rc1 ""1t·l. up ui.a1n Pon.lh. l1h 'Ii 1ft \ lrylnl.A 11.1wl ch,Mrcn o r,y. ,\nni< und Stx.c) li~c 11, Ra1M1111n r\Jc.alh 1.ol'hldt-,cJ t1h, hie h~ be' 1~ph..iJ. 1,1ntll 111 Jt.'l:Hlcn1 Jr,a\htllll)· d1~12~ II ((tf(\Cr On No\· I~. 1998. Puti:i.ih ilnli hh ,n1t •ere ,1n,i.L t., u;notlc, ,·chide llfl the ft.:c:"4;1) 'k'lll p~ f11\11. The ptt ·UP lht:)' ',\'Cf(' J,1,1ni n>llt\l ,inJ li1~U)' <.amc 1i1 ,1 1c:,1 cm lh 11•r Ill lhc nnJ~ uf OOC:l'lffllhJl lr.flk f'oralh'" IO-yc.1r-itlJ ,)n br.•lc \t,tr,,I N'ln~. S"l11,:1wcJ a h1n,: .and h.kl to ti.,·c a ,~in ,nrl'lh 1,, hc•f \~111 f~ 1n llx ~hkt11 lk k..:o,~tcd c.·QCnrlt'(cl) PlMiiJft', n\'Cl ,.a,N'\llicn 11n 1mpo1ll 11ud he""•" r.11nl;1cJ
OtnW'.,,11 I'!,, .1
h111h pwt~t'll tz0·lan
Foran lk'II\C. 11tbk:11~ pccw,i,. t~OIMlftjt i,.:ir:altto.l (.Ml l'ltde\.t\t1lhl1f- '•I llfl(' lnOW\lhi'l~llctlh.aft 13111 !w.alh Punth aarJ h1,t,,,llha h,IJC'nJOycJ nd1na d111 tii\" ,a 1bc n11D1•••111, ,U('fOlladin• lhc R.alhdruJ1'l,.\tt'4 Mtk:~ c.1h1ldhood Po,;i,h al..oct1J1,,l)'t•l '1.11ns and t11hcrt1C11\1t l,:.t. ft'fu:«J IO ht ~'O!JlJ hl,l kW'lf'CI tJolh:chinJihck,\cd lk\111,-(\j ibn:omc \nlkp:nlkni •••I tcU·h.l Uict1.•n1 anJ "'"'~ht Vtol)',cnbxon,c,)('11\t'Jpitt ""fltor,,lc )'tlUrll and tilJ JU\t fl\"C ut',,. f\r.!&h 'Alcl , ~a,n'1 p"llnC: 111 Ji~ up." Nd.I Ou\t.J10111, a~k-pc 1o1.h1.1did lll,t, anc upc,th« Al Ille~ of 19. Gu~wi"•i '11,I~ 111,m ac:rkknf th:.t min~ hit Ide H.c """' .,.t,fc tum IU\ tr.alltl'l.dlt c,pcrlclkC' 1111011 ("',.1t1,,c llfttti)' \f)t,oll.1ns 11trhil.l~""' \ltt,111,1~,, '"" (\p(n(11('~ C,tt1'it.1fwlf1 ~ho lx\:.i11.c if 1t 1,.·1Hlni~ t1.11u,,,: and\:.at1 ,:t, n11..11c ,1i.1rt 701"111~ rn bo•• ooaJIJ1·no1m 1',1t,1d111'<d1ht 1notic) rw...._v tru,u Ut11"• 1-un l·11M11 NICJotiuytum"'ll .aHofliJ.I Pik11 nae 'W.1111.' f!C:NWI ,., 00 ,u,ao,nlx<J ()Qwil Qt"'•
m) ~11111,11Sc l1h ·1t·~•llr11iJ f\1JJ11h '4td "'lk'1ihrlr,c\,lffl("llkli
H1'1lda V1l11t.
111,t •
11 ha.,
llmds Pilvt11tnl.u.c11 ,'I<' did P''t II\ Mll lb( ,.,u tiJc In lh(.111Ckmt.un, "-hc"C\'i:t they Gt'I lhc." 1,.~nc,;, hull lht't n'lll'i dn,c m lht 11lilln tu;1ch Ill ge1 10 I~ muun~tft\,, A Rl.1h,~1m J'lf'lt« ~lilktt Jhcm llll«, b111 lhc HOftd.l Nob bll,c ~Ufl:u.1., tailflJhtl MIJC'"\al lkl"'fl\OC pl.lit, W !ht ~fifft 1111(1'11,('d t.hrm Jo} ~OOIJl'UC ,1ni.-c lhty ""<I( "~ loot. Ul If.It' IUCI\) °""ti,.-n I jla\l ihttn 1111 1Cl miln rc1 '-""' thw&b,'" l\1r;11b wd, Pun.lh hod i.bc ClSIPO'ft,1n11r h) purtkip.d( 11, •ltbn nl bl• l,nmtataa.,ionia."tnlly Ht' w.cnt \lciinJ on Mtl\mt Sl't*-1nc un ,pccial1)' Jt<iinrd ~\h fl-. ra,,,,ik'ctn 1ha •re moomtJ 1.1nJcmc-.:itb I M'ollll •Jt ,,rcai." r1u--i11h 1J Pl.'ICll!b ,, C<Wl\Ulnll)£ lbc IOkmtl (ur "t1lo l~hfl<'l'°Cl('l llllJ new ¥ii.;1)"UI '-I.I)~ 114..11\'C Ht h,h a ¥iitf.•ht i<l th111 i, ~UIII) l(lf pw11p~ic"' lObuilcl 111iJ 11111!11&.aln

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