The North Idaho College Sentinel Vol 53 No 8, March 9, 2000

Page 1

tu "nf'lin lk,"trll ~'l!lhrlHtJ'°'"''


Fonner registrar leaves mark 011 siaff, student,; by \ttnl<' \\uodtn \fo tMt l:.Jdot

K.i.u;;~;:_;,-,1"'11 ff11111 l•M'919'1-I. \tttdcr Illa, Ju;ttl'o1o<"t.l •1th tin:.o.\l c.:uK'o 111 fktrmhcr or IOW On \,c-v. \Qr, be d,-.1on, n:-n~cd UY tun._lf .S • htnr,. ln•crim Rq.'1-.nar l·l1t1ne C"1m•m,ht .alJ 1h.:11 a lh·r brr 1lui,.cf), ~got11bl1.11.Jcl•IIJ1ihC'rtGl.num.ltudia:hlnl tunt rtalin,- NM p,c hi.'1- -.pea.·h Nrl Shi 11111 tu,J bn f"t'Nl'll\oll11y .- C':1mm•!11 u1d. fkcJu~ ur 00 l.'lnl..'tf, \ittc.:1"1 f'C"l.i(JIC"J •~ rqi,~trw Jn tfflmhc'r c-.nv. ni;h1 1.11JJ he had pt.11111,:J oia <(1.111111, h.-: Ii. 111 1ht 4'0!Sq:,c a, • H•l1lnk"l'f ,)1'111ttllur ',be a11 mt111hC'f nl .,lm,ul C\C'f) ,....,mm,tu•r ,,n c.impu,,"' ,.,,,,11,ripluhl ·'Wctt.1tt1niv.o.lhrradv.( "'iU 111,•hc,.• Bdnrc O\'ft A'\ 1c11~r.u. SIICC#f "-111lal In lheUIC'1;'T1.1 1111.a., IIX'n.1.m, JollC\Uoll~hanJ \lt.\lflt\11rilllCA"!?'lillilf.l[ltl'kC' ~ho l..t\1J II llcff" • C. 1H11ot1;h1 NtJ '"'he !U .:UCl') UIW t.uidti'<' aiJltall.ltltllttt1•lf'ffl1JOC" Stn:drr !C'f\~ u11 lhe i\N f .alh ('11~·<"< 11,11,:d lml11 l~ tu j1Nt, Al a 1nemtlfl;i.l W"n1'."C" Mmh ! In Xhuln ADJ,sonum. f'Oiol h,11 C1f) nu1i.;:1l.uun Jim H.auimi.1111.l ,.ud Slm!ld Id•"'• 111k uf n••htfht--.J c,1,·a tht 1h11 fi-1!1.t.Trt1111S1Mv, "'furm 1l'tt'.n'i 'C\1'>.I \llrlh ~.-.J 11,•a- ,1J'll.;n} Hl'&.TTt\"' tlf' ._m Ill• lcoa r~:.iJ 111 the mntll.W k't\k('. lorn,er SIC" ~M [k,b lknnffl \lllll tru, n1C1 I h.itl,:op:, 'll.11h C'J.iCatlll t,inflfl'~ •,;;i. klt l kp·, c~!ll('nite, tot,,Y)·,1uJct1c ,h( •,th a IC.', ~\l'C\('\.lln",J..,,-..:C'~ h•~ltJr1tl.ih,1W1MNdt·\di.'f"ffl('nl

C,rontdnr 011b '""''CU comr,1rcd ~lrC'c-h·r·, 10 11 rlJt~· Jtrut 1rr,lll.1Nkd her b-,1 rttf111111 ni."e "Ith hrt fnn,,l, 411,J (•tn,I)' 111 Ult rntt1•lil1.1l

hi s 1lplne cl1mb1ng adven ture 11 the Central Tower of Paine In Chile,, South Ame r ica. Schoeider dUcend.ed on NIC Feb. 18 with a slide show prttentahon hJghhghhog his cron-counlry climbing edvM luros. Story~ -1" t.

C111t111.111,l11 tl,.. JU.lflY f~l,,IC' 1.t~ t!k.C thIJtp f'."Uf'I..- li!ln Ibey ia,cs;,.mc, tru1"'·'}"\QkJ m\,:rt1111p;;itll111t S11«k1 A,-.;h•lil.lN11pt11l)lb bttfli1M1C\1111 Stn:1:k"l ,honor .it rli lC


" Our uhilil\• to r,•11d1 1mi1y ,1111/ 1/fn:r.ul) ~di/ he tfu• hnm/\' muJ lt'.\l o/ "'"' nrili!atum w p -Ui. r rrll f•,n, An1tl'ltan l 111»1 n 1i1111rlh 111Udt·nl .whl\c·1 New Pl'Olll'IIII alllrl llllillll lnlo 1111 calilmit'l lll'sl

°w'Nl11ulR,111•,1,, T

l-. ,.,11.,.'l-o,: ha,~' a \111111'~ l'lf1'rf111D .Ji1n;

v.11h dM.: ( r..:tn I.I \IL'!~ lnbc! to help 1u,Jr11h

l\l"('lla:1,11&: ~-·*'1111:uhurni•I \P1L"1l1i.&

'Ow! .\11'11.'B:;iti lr1o.h:rt1 Srudin pcui r.1111 ('t.,uuna tb:

•w;•l'1lfll ....,1,.,lllcrmp•'lr) 1·11,-:,wrn·,II\.J "'·'>"' at l,rr

CJ1 dic IN A111ct\cJ.1ll lm,n 1.hfll J'<f'f'(lfoC

Our 11h1h1)' Iii rt:..:.ti f.lDl1) ~ncJ Ji-o, Iv ~,uh:' 1Jt,·

tic' "Jl> •rd ,e~ 11f m1r i:-1~1111.1h1•11" llol1d n,m-11 hu.

'¥Ah,: ,\n1e11\;~ and ~lttr\< thlJtl• •Jo.1..:r

IJK? u:Jl 'Wl:<n. 111 ow~ \.Cu,ho w,11 h:' 10 m.s.:t

S,:111w ,mC'rtc:•n. ~Ii.I 11110 I IUH. rh1l"""'rh)

1~1.1, tor lhc cwnc" h.1\ ,.:, 111 rro,tu..""C 1hl• Jr,,l~ ~h lk ,w,Jlhe11ior,rh..,111111ih1nf1WL1.),~••k"

,;r{t~,fll:C'lJJnt'<'¥o1,rt.cJo.1f~li"'~\Ctlll ~.,111',.11,i:h 1hr "U'IC' ,ir111ut1 I) 1L1 t,e,11,: ,n :ii.~,w .\11h ftean, 1~u ~1111 :all ,rnJcnu o,c lughh

\"rll..',,..J t,11 ~i.1~ 111 tht\lllU1JUC(·raunc He wtil bC' ftUltlJ lili.c '" '<'~ 1hc.: ll~•ll)W•"!Kl ~c,1•-,Ja:.11 ,,.m1'/011,.,11..:ij11"1S1l~lhi11hlh111

tbl~l.llllhl! \\Ill h.• \LT\ ltl"IIU!ln!Lli In ldiwf11l11,\1th.,s l1r ( 1 11t J',\k:o(' Tntc h,n klpcd m ~n-J1111111 the J~"'f" 111 ih~ \mctr..:all ~ll.llhe1 11nJ h,1vt ,-ootnl!t.lttJ tinllni..,iiil; 1111hc W!;l..f"C!l thtUlUl"l,C,, The 1.oone rl'll"l'O r\"lflirt"l1w:nc, for 111""-'.i~ 11( ,111 o, "'-"'li;Pr."Y ,r.lllllrr lkP'C('- 11 ~i,11\., 1ht na:d f(W foJ~

t.1.W&:.11lo111111d ,., "IC'l'\t' tl!C' 'fflC'1"1 C"Jui.·.10,,11 o( tlt1th

ln,b1wiJn,,1r1·ln,.Ju11 ~u, 1lx-o:itnt hlbiplrpJ 111 rru,hlc • 1.nliJ IC"neul C"i.l,1,~••111n 1,11 N.10~

·\111r1~Muaknt,.and111t!ft11;n 11.·,iilic niu,.111t:1,n lll lt.sn1(n imlilul111ll\, \l. l lih- m,3i,Uai111nJ f('k\,1111,~ti•'II• ..,,1h 1hi:1t l11diJAli..""rl&.t£r. aaluc. WQ..11,1,111f'U'ar)$UC'I.. l'h:P",p'llll•p11\n.k."' thh t.lllC!f'"llt'r:ll(Jt..,1lulll b flllQ-h,da,m i:tuJ.:nt\, ~famo purnc•tqf 11\IC't ~-r¢1111lm1 11:U~btrt:,,11,I "111C'!ioutl1-.haaf\.''Pk \tl"'(lfdlCICllC'flllo.1'11.JIIC'lll~IIIWl'C'Jlll.l.'l'f 1111\C' J.oh,t.11111 t ,\m rk.111 huli.~11 ~1111lic11r, .:cintl.'1\1 m~hllkJ ..-i All \hl1lrM1 llll."tt;1.\C'

mlq Ill), n,.hnr.~ ~1,.I ""''1,1,"\il) 1'11 U:llLhun::: ~a11u· .\mrm';'.ltl ".,ilwtt':1 lb.!' ri"71f«1-.;.,.I impat "' 1r,..J,1••r1, W mlcrftb 1tffl «u1nt:J 1111th<c•l,1(\u.111,,n. 111u1J...-. •1 fJl'IXC').""" oil "'ltlr.a chJ,,gc, rulnnl 1li,111tqrolllrJ11 tuni\ul and l't'o11.il1toll1oca. ,h!I 111 i.nkf\.(;.llklinit vf cht' '1.hd)' r4 nrdlriid~ •I tllclln"fll..11 lff'Ql(+nd \nin1CM1 li,.Uiu11fld..'""' \t~as,ullctft ""~ l.rdbin~i« ,n.·1,"'Jh)1flaty 1hr< 1;'11. 111 if /1,k-1rl~1~1~ l.G11111~1htlllrl·~11f1hrllll":IJ~,tick1~ > f•lf uul:i ur.kNnntlflJ! a fC11ti-;uh1t IC1 tll flli.-h~


lbttr ~n, .-.1~Jf\'. nl IUIOJ*ipic' l•l'llk'W).IJ,M.l1C1111,.1111J\lli1)"olllft lbcmo aittJ 1nr1ci. ,1r 1h.: "'"'ram ,n,1~,l 1h<

~t-.c1dl"' 1111J "'n,.c o1 r~ ,~~;11o.fht;ri1o"t1UP~~rs..1\C \men.: ra. 'l"Ull!Mf1UUJ lutn lt1.IQ1dtch.o,11,1o1lU,IB.\.1Jr,;J t;,1li..rt1E11'.I ~I he "'IUIJ lil(Ji1 lilJ ,11 llil 1tl1 N1U1"1= ·\nrrk:..1h tJu.:lff,lfl llw: t.vll1hr1r •• k,u11;t tll.ll :"wl1"'11'llW'rll.1J1".1;nJAflef'mm,,rnt,:,;QQfl.u1: uut .·1' llte' tlll1kt1n;.1IM1 hi1, 1111 ll;flfonwJ bl\.~n TIO.a1,lht, dl;.11~1~11,lfalJ~ hdphthort"l.\'flt\J. fol!HIJ),:lll.lll'IL.::.: 1111;;.;~"UWll.'J1tif111b\irfw:tf'l"\la.r,,J t1W11iaar •U'll:~-t~ l!r ~lrcim · ~,her ONl.ll'\f':'oC11t1nd BY l'IICJJ\F.; 7h'I-J1KR

h) JN'I') "·"'"' ~llfittrlRr,.,,,u·, r,~c~~;'~~t~~n7~J.t~~~~, 1ti~f;u,:~ 11w" ~oo,uu~·1m11 111 aft \mcc"2n lndu1n f\.lltimaJ ('t'Dtt'f CIR~~""' 1\l"('011l1ri. In Pct; Mi.:h.aet HMtlr t.bC' CUt'.llntil.ihon ul $10.0111.1 •JI, Jl\tfl I.In IO frum lbc .:du11 a1 In \\ odi')' aru~r ICf'l'('IIC'NUh·n ltoh1 Cl'lrt w11h 1nb,lkakn 111 .add11t1M In tht i!cm.lhun Burle Yid fflc., 1<hooJ •41 l'llt'h 11 $,,1(1,INIO Joaati,ua Ln.1 )'t;,11 Ill brlp U11hl,• CllflUf\A·1u, (IIMllltC'i ro11bcu·flk'rThitca,k'rh.ts11~ r1«c of l.iaJ .cl )' fffl' ~<itttln,~:11,\'IQ richhiJ Sc,ta fblf the lt11:.11f1,n ..,~, dc,·,Jcd due Id ahf t11>1,11l •nd ..:ulnm&t ,i1,111h~·•c- fllJ •·111 1br: ia,:1flAI k-.:.:dwa uf the r,tbci 1hr '-1t' CENTER -uod on 11

handedly • "' • Colli:!(,· otiers ~,nit le mom~ lhr> uh1m.,1,• 1um:l11111,ll"t • • • 8:\{ K P1\CE THE ENTINEL Women take 5th a t indoor nationals SPORTS/ PA(;[ 7 Thursday Marcll9, 2a ASNIC battles $50 tuition hike ~IU I ir11 tt'.a lht 111111 I, , lhc Increased enrollment cited In hike proposal pti,1':1'1) ~\Cl K:111,111'11,;,11 ('1,-,UII) 1('1.Jdc-uh ~., Sl~..:lkr ""IJ he vi,tll f'llff' •~ llwtl:' m,m• 1111111111g .;&ltcrn.tll\lP 1,1 uu~leb, w.ho ,mlhorlrt lUJUttfl 11\\:ttuc,, a\ !hl" \l.«'1:h.!l lll('C1lil~ lul'llllO" 1,.om,- hnm 1111111111 t 11 u• -: 11tl1n (uni.I.ins IUUfl'Cll. Uk.h KllQtfr..u l'c1111111y Pf'tfC"> WtC!.. artt1'1 ,ncrc.rnft!l in r10J'PIIIOII I\I ('flrllllllll'tll thill J1Ctttlll,IJ:Cltll,hllfl(ll'N'wl',lUtJ1.o1)''\JiJ c.a..a11111M1111 l l'Jii._._,,..,b<"'l"l""l""''""b<l!"i"""dNot'*'~'looollh ..,,,...
hutton 11.1--. do1,1hkJ 1il'k."C l'J!'I" V..i1h d\t' pr.....-J S.2f, r("(' Jn.:R'.aw:: thh fall t"IIWlh1tcl\1 \\"uu)J Jtuur 11• $1,-..:
A l•H fo1 ...:0<11cn11., (.'()Ul'II~ rt-Ml.lent, uu1 -ul· 1h111.c1 ,11,1.knh ,,.,·,1ulJ .k't" d ~ml.' SJ 1111.1'1.".t\tl 11r,,l ow 1,t ,1.1~ ,111d~1w., v.ooW r,;1~ ~:m more rcr \l·oiJ
CiMt vlh.-.·h .1tt hl'hunr I s,o 1~111on 1n,,c,1H.' prnr1hed b~ .ff'! - ... - ... • \omc rc,.•pk m1rh1 I.I) ~~lj nn I lnl \Jl11l \"i,tl P,c~1dc1u lJ.Jn "i!x.,~ 1 r 1 t..l\ II S~ Nl'I mtach M ,uu.! nl, 111 n'l1h 11.ts"I tnu.:b lu ai la"<p.11\'C-
ft.alllt•n h.u mi.1 CNJ 1,,r thttt )r'.Jt\ 1,11 the 1nuunm11 ra1c .111 .:-~1 h} ,1a1r l.i\lo s.,o Fm UM.'t\"il\CJ "-'"" \\dl rahlttf 1he ,;mh fll C'junllmr1n 11ft w,uo1~or1AJl('n:c111 ca.fl )C;1t,lllfl"t' ~hid, 'ih«l. lCf p,u h'1l 11ut 11 .,.,11 hlwc lh.ilC:•I mll.11hon of Adventure ",Jn11111,m,sor1o for the 11111 • of ,:tl)), '41) in.: lh.11 11,nr UIU\1 l,cuodin •.n ll~ IIILtf.W: ¥out1k1 C"•j'Und Sl( "'1 IOl.ll l hudg'CI 1<1 tuuft' Uu111 S tnjll, n 17 1--1 pm.nil D""" ... ... .. I '" Anothtr altn11•U~c 111 ,n'"rt'J'IDS um,,,,., ,1mt Shrdlcr In a;,·t mN,: llhlll..:') Jw,11Ul(J.1.i.h." .. "' Ont ~llr. • 3hYt' tu 1.11\ll'IJ IUIIIU11, IIC~lui.hnr tu ."ihtd.k i, llut U1.: hn11i.l J •cn t) rcrc(!tit uf the ~,1llrft' ,. TUITION continued on 1 I •• - •• -1."1.•lkJC' l ht rroblt-111, ,u;(11rdlnJ t,1 t,J\'Hl f ITI!hl )'• \11.°:C rrcrn,krU l)f \IUJl"l'II '1:t11li.:r11 n th:.1 \I.hilt tnroUmtM h •, P1f1C \If' t1 j'CfCC'hl ln>111 lh(< fall ol IWi tutflc f Jlt•r 11.ltl'J. u ,ue lur1,ltn_j h.t,onJ)' ,C-ntl.lf11 p.·tcrnLStreeter loses fight with cancer
I" thb slide projoctk,n, S1eve Schnekler pa for a moment on
1,\ \Iii h,1l'I I.N· '1 :1litr

Chrisl!no Glsel, 6, performs as Georgo WatMnglon chopping down• chOrry lroo played by Mindy lllddl&ton, 20, Phi

Thele Kappa p.ubllc retallons oltlc.r, durll')Q' a club service project Ctub members preMnted a ,1111 to chlktren at the NIC Chlldren·a Cenler Fob. 22 honoring George W hlngton·o bl~hday.


ptj Theta Kappa orpnlzes many service projects dllrlng year

b, SIik') 7.r-hm


Dcdic1r1cJ mcmt-.n. 1)11!\'t'f\ 11nJ aJ, """r.

.alktvr Mu lhc1 l<J1f1PJ1tol«rb&h) 'ti.1th

mm.-rou, .-:th1l1('-. throutlt1•UI the.:->"'"'·

m,x«dmt; Cll ('f!.°'1«111 D11'MI (J10r(l, l7, Pf('·

tncJ 11,hdt:til NIC',lkl1.a K.IJlfl,ld\ilf"IN 11f t,11 ll)Ctlr

K;ippa h .in huf'lllf ~l!.iCI) ~J~.tltJ IU fill.Ir

lvillnwl..<1., o&1\' k,111c'nhip .11.l,o,l.1r"tri('!. ltl111-.J1ipo11ll~\tf\l(e'

The\'f'-'1ip twllni,4 1n,·tth~"" mi:mtic-r, an1l f"llfil."'ff'II t,,:h1,: n1II" mu,k,ol-. ,in '-"'IIIPU-\ ,i.n,.I ,n ll)C,cu1nmun1ty wnd h) 11nut'l"\alin1, l(';1tJ,:1-.t11rptM- 1!111t'!I

The ~bolid'\b1p 1i,,ll11urL ti•,iutrt\ 1,,1uJcnh lu he ,...t,.ol,1n 11,q11,1III) l,w mcmh.·1,h1p 1n •,111h11

j!t;,Jc pniurt j't'r'att ,,, hcnn, (.)rir111.u1oru .in.t in...h11.·uon, a,c hd..t 111 lhio 1opnn11 Jti.~ Ml

Worldwide mission lands in North Idaho

Nursing student grew up in missionary family tt,~\tocalt"

fr111ni11.Jr ..-hh from ""Al1imt:1.

•t-.rd tol G,.-...l 1111•mJ lie ~r.rld 1ltit 11 anunu,c 111 Ibo\\ 1M mh:uonJnC"• •h.11

tt will be 111.i' tu •o lO utbn .:ult1t1n.'" \hit~, a..ud "'lbty kam t!(l'tlrt 111 b111hl P1c-11 own humc:, Scarn h,)'Y, In J.:al V.-llh StWilllJ1"11r, Ille\ ltllfhl ta..:, .,.. ...,....

Millt>r', rwnit,- wa11 fln1J1"~1ubcr,.~ 1n hr.1td, hut rh~ •'ctt .tlrl• 1'flt"l\1"1' It lhc UITN'

They *Ct'C cµ.IJt,j lol do lhrir IIUUiOO,ty ~·tllk Ill

Afn.:1 ~IC J1m1.-1ns 11p 1n a nint \\m,l .,,~It)', Millet fOIUl..kt~J l,.:!"')("JI lttlfllt:il llJ She u1J hf r11u11,I t1'rc t,rrnca~·i- 10 t,r.: ,er)' en.ionbk omd,.1fu.d1k h w.:n lff':!1 lr,1n110"' J11fctcfJI ""'nrt')',"

~Mk, Nld ·we Wt•uliJ fct. J\k\J lllr,t of. Jmmn1 (ti!tlft a.:2J •-ou.W Sr' 10 tr.tti:I atDCJnd lhr\loud1I.'" ,t,e •11d her 1~11\II) 1a-w~ \l;ll) fn Afoa lo, four ,·.:irra •ltd 11\.co mum 111 thl. \ '1111c-J ~l~tc, lur ,11,t' , ::-11 anJ ,peal. 1u 1br11 u1rror11ni

hurd1~ :-omclit:SO Olshl1 '¥1\IUIJ SC'I dl.•l..lyC'd cowia.un atll1 \be otiJ bet Lwul) 11n.,ulJ

1,,1 u, do},(ICPC t1cht1«1n,:.

Sh(, haa b«rl lu ,u.:b II\ l\am., Lraitun .n.l Swit.r.(rlm,d

\H,ile ilnd1n1 c.hruvahot.R 1bc •orW. ,\l,lk1 (\ltl..iikfN II. pi;.:il pn tlt'fC' ILi k at,J.r Iii JQm


lll-1 (.euly diJ ml'-'tl:,n;u)' .-,ft ,,lrC' hut)'

h•I CIC" 1~·,1\1,r;n 1ntc1~ m :m11n; \1.n)

~hc1Lir1h1p-.11,,· il\ullMhlt u,rooth 1;11 lhc1a

k.lppl ~· •U1ilt11h 1~11.,fot111iJ lu h11.!l·)Da

houl, J..4111,,.. "1•('1 1' dK' llrJ-.t('I .,ltk ._,. lht-,•h.1p1n

""'Pflr'l•lhih1~. m IIWI ftM; mbcn lu.J ,1

lnlj:'ll'll'l!Mlt lu n1..11nt;un Jcl11,,.nlur u, tile: to.:W

a,111)0,pti..·,irt·,• 5rco1I dt.:OIJt'C ht m«l .uiJ. h,1~~

lclki11o ..h1r .,..,1h oct-1 ~11acknu tK> are

~kd~•tcJ to lhtir;..: 1<kmlt' ~•••fo;~ I ,un


S<r, 11.~ 1, ,11 m.s_r.111 {':Ill I l 1'111 I hctl Iv.pp:

~~r-~1\illtlu,n n~ l)cJt.t K.IA',1d1.·,ph'.'t

a..-ifi11,,;r,1.o.• .in,1ron~1r,1~nm t\tnhtti.,1

t...:Jl\'ht tlit 1.:olk •e attd the u111mwnll) 1he

l'\.'ha l\ ppa~;hll!lw..:r h..l\ \·rtrlun1«n~ hw

111i;..,111,,1h11n""m.b1r1 llo&tott,IC l,,r Uu111.u111),

t,,f,1n·hol l> l 1n11.-d w.,) nitch;.rcrr

h;i,1 "'(.i1111t:J ii 11olntef<.lo1l1rr111,11J htll,lJ('h,ild

~-..~111,.°'Jnwklr the nn.-dy 1n1i'C ,om1111,1111'), .10\I hdr,.'(I w1!l1 lhc S1 \\'.\I(' rn~r.-m lht .:ho1J'll'."f held I nm1111.1::,• 1<111• •• 11 l~n.l

tibta a11J alt:hc.o0 h llllH,.1l'l1I foo,h vr,.m, r.u N nun~ o.immarc tak 11,m, '4at i.1, mnold S~h 1mllU1.h•r P,fon.1 Kim~~., Yt.;i, l11-l,.lm1 a rtJmUt.tfl" the rniut.h tu hdl\ N.'11,1 a t·h.t1n'-l• iWN ocher 1onh 1(1 J hJl..n ,, tn ri«d r ltk."lt 11cnn. CklLI K11(lpll 1,.l.\,1prc, ,!,,11.llCJ th; kll11W•f 11,-n•l. lrum lhf nunftlJfC 1t1k lo die J"lj1 c:;111,c "'A,a111r1. yc:nbr.,111 > •,,,-n i,.,.pp..t NI~ ,~ctib Vltlllli.'tful ''l'f'l.•llt#Ulk"'\ for k~pdcwk-ipnacn&.pUlltn1 >toa« c,,,·,.cn(~ -11,J -..11",1..,, 1h,.t1 h,in lift 11r1.-h)i.i1,h1J\' ..J,1ittnfthrt-t)r.i1t irl.,1lh) Chnlbt -....J In llwt 1'-,1) II ,,,nn(\l<I u, Iv lhlnp IJI.II Sf; fOlft# 11n Ill OU1'hl~,"' I he Citc..tcr Sl1f1J1¥1,·~1 ~f(*"••t 111t,."'l)IIJ!';"~ the\'"'"'" 111 lhc r.11:,rl( s,..,,1 nl fflJ t\11'UIJ.l, llnc.i 1hc l'h:h;a I\ l'f'Htlllflll,"f ,~ 1'J(' hnJJcJ the- rt,::Jo.1.11 hu\urt, t11e..:1111, 1)1h ~t'.U, l,.\thc )'~r1.11n1tt1. 11,,,ntod. l'tN lhc:1.1 ~;1pp, 111cmh·m 1111\' Jlf<JW1111 fo, ahc- bil,t!"l ('\CUI 1if 1h: )C1t the hth!ffl;1l1ua.,I (.\)lfl\\"111t,,n \ltf11(h will"-: hdd m,111 du, )'flll- l>dw t.:..ippadl.!Jikr l\ hoJJ'nC t111,,1:nJ WI t•r u, 1•lli..T1" 11 ~,11..:11.·111 hmii,\'.u1 t..... ,;u~

coaiu (If '"("~1~ 1fl~OU'C'., r ttlll.h ti~ Ir.ilk l.i.n&IJ~ollhc h1--C) l'o;w lhJffl (l\clnrLa-ncc- of 1J~ h\"n..·h n1l,•r.t11I &b)i. \tiller 1to11~·cJ th•t the culture v.,n qu.ttJ: d1Utttllt rmni ,o\mc11(':111 (uhu:'t t:ia:::iu~ <,( •he ftt11cb1Uff"1'."JX(' Miller a..iJ th.-1 •hco he .-. a ~r, thc\11':L'I wall,ra, .kn,.n 0,r &UCCI •1d1 I frttftll 1nJ an. ul.,J A(u; •·a 1&1.nti•t1t ncht ,n fruat uf ch1:m. Ju uu1 cu.llur~ ti 11. po1,1r- fu .illow lhc' ddtrl) tltJOnN. Atlllt)' v..11t:il IM lhc~)IJ man tu (ll"IX'ccd ahud of chem, f',c 1,1.v. 11,e s:irl ~nd tiliru,cJt hl!l1 ICutnn ·1 fch t,,ad. ~hlltr 1.aiil •ff«11u"' "' 1hc (Qlntlllll tr11 1t1t)' ,ull hd1c,,:,I la 1ttb11e ..._. \i1Ua II ft0'4' rnruHoJ 1n 1hc .~IC fl{C' nur.ana """"'""' I l'(ally C1'JO' '¥11-,\lng •,th \llhc, ~k aod hrlr1ci 1ticse ..,hu ta. ~Mia C&iJ hle Wl ~uts •1th chd1ln-l\. "1 I •di l"!•ibohly cnJ Bf' ii •1\lf'JC' UI 1hcdcU""7 ~·"\Mier II h> • ,nan wub 111111111nar)'

h,1~k11oultd lkl tlu1b.anJ, \111 11 o1111n11lly

hum C".iWldcJ, bu1 ""hen Jlt" ee&,;lll'd 1hr CIJhlb

,r te he m,1t-t'1t to Ora11l t1.,1h "" f.,,1111) tom

mt« na wnrL Tht l\110 ffl(I Al• ht,\l•)t.Jtr 8iblt rr.•11&m

nllc-J ·N,:w Tuht\ hit.Ir ln•IIIUIC'

\\'11ulnh.a W11 lltt) laft'I nurrk'•I a.nJ UIO\'tJ

h)Ji.Lebo Thr M1lltn o1N' u111ur, 1f ll'IC') w,tl ctmlln~

mJuiM~ "°'._ 111 Ula lutwf ··\\r llffn'I "urr Oi;hr JtQ• \1111~, , "Vrtc

llf-e t1.·;1111n, Urlhl I Nil don,t' •1th cr•llc~ and I hU'(' thfcr )C~ ldt "'

If you could change any event in hi s tory, what would it be?

llur,d.s'( M,1,e,h 9: J000 -- On!im 3:: c::, 1\nlerit:a arl· • C: ho1
• LIFE -- • :::, In
of • c::, >- Ill ,md
m • -=
ol • i5 • t•igh1. • -;"'.
dog, "''cl
""gd TH£SEt1TlNEL
.\.r"l!'l•.'1',!••n,r W
t,1.11 I 1111•~-..l)"boklCCIUtlf' l\hlk't ,um·cJ to Alnc-1 'Ahc:il WIC .,,,at J yean t.,M fl'lf M 10111 •t \lie Ullr C'C'RKffl~. hr, fllffll" l', bra, mh1hc:J 111 lht Plh\lOI ,Jt 1-r,t\'IIJmg !AC
h<'/1 Hr1.1h '-Mier l.1 .,.. .., )\llmJ. 1bo
h.'.'r ~rnr.1 •·cc 1n II bo(>i i:i,mr, S,,1 ~hcl1n.:I of hoot atTif" rtw
fl) t'ud~ !rJ:(lft,m !)rfllm,·tNrf"'rf•'I ·1 11,11d1.tw1,i~ti1( ,,n1a.1n,!•rttif 11111111, MtU'-"i.11 \IUkr. lJC \IP.~ \\h~fthc-.ld, IK (',,,_,;i,IJ.,\f1t,r hfo.,1/11•1t lm,~·..,. M,.,._ ~,,,,llf'Jrlfr' ======== ('11,uul4flfX'\"(UI ··1 M>UIJ, h,,n;..~ our \\',wtJ\\'11111"' ,nH1hcmrr.1 rulr Vtcinam\\1 ,1 00, \fotcli'"';,I l',i.ln;,/n/ """''"" '1\l.1'111!.1111111\N!'°' l\111•uli.lprc:,tntt~ ,,.,('l'C'\(llllht' H11k;r h.1 • 1uillu0t1e ""•11thn1, of J,1or,1n Jfo,hl\:.1u..a.• hc'l11tc-tic..,.lflC,n """" !>iltk) t,u.-..ui Jal'Td"iroi th.24 fk,mn Pron, !ti C','offl;twrrr~,,.lfrtt <,n:irll'nf 1-\ati,.,J f'NUr1fAfn,, Sun•l•,lf",ulai,_,, H,..,,M,

Briel regional visit ends basketball seasons



Frenkllnd u,1ng

prac llce be fore t 1111 Region 18

..=.::.1~ ----

Clinbers _.y I ..... teats

Schneider\ ascenlli exhib ited al SUB

b,, l.&Kl'I No111 um .'kmmf'IH,·1.,,,,u


r, 1 rJb) \cm.:.-JE.anhalldT1om"1~pont1>..

:-..r11tanc, of S1,;q: S...1-rkkr UII .t, fC'lk,w m •tte 41~,1,)IN ui u 1D1uu,c .Jidc .a.o..

~t, ll· u \l R Aloas: ••di ,,,:he )ah ol

"'\pt'fl In W'-lfCb ind IT"'UC' "'hnt1ltcr ha:\ Mn

chmh1n1 fur ]K H111, 1n,.:h1Jm1 l'ktlllh', "Urtimil 1n

.\la,~.Sd'"c1,kr • ,1onirini ft"N1n,l ln~11.'Jt, .itc"n htt'

Y,1t,c11111~ ,.i.Hoa•I P4, ,.here he kil, m:adcch111h1n,:

tt..:mh Mc: 1h( fJ f'apct,a ,QI(' 111 c:irtu hoctt',."o

miautt, U< Mid us o( Ith- UH•1tt f\llllln rbr

hC' pwc.. "Shpoooptt •hich he rotnetd °"' , • ftlH' m!hftl offt~totll\lt' dJet.1

\kic,, ¥11111 \d11K·1Jtt·, C1uk.m dur•"'"I i:11mpuuoo

Chn, CtlC' \I&) me tor thr 1.-h111h ul lhC'U h\C'"\

[l«p 'frllhin \\~lllh ,\mt'OUl Ul Atj!t'IIIIIIII ht', \0111(' (I(

the~"' \i,C"\ pc.II:., of P,tl.11111ni..a The c-cntr.11

'°'*'Cf of P.ala.t h.i--i a 1,n,cnni t.l)INI lo,-. lll'IJ a

wc.d ht11b101 I l.000t«I Thi')',.,.,.._ ~C',1d1

*J of '1c ••) rt"ptt,CmHIJ lbc tr.a.mull(" dufk#JC"

fdf\C'dhl'cnmremoedoTr'llfft'lllilull •,1) ttr

k...-,a, \.chftetdrt •11b lbt •,P~ nl • tofu ,hrnl:i

Equ1M"('d w.11h lu, ,·1..ti1ka T.t ti,· , ,,.,,,nurJ llfl lhc la,t

:!.OUO,lonl 1..-J ,,t 11.c- dunb Alooc \\ 11h IUO mph w.tt1J1

,tw i:11111,t clu1~1.11h Ilic Jl('ak, \,h1M'i1k1 \11.;.i\ fllccd wilh both the 11hu•,ucn1ns dunh 111 h1, hf~ 11.mJ the' pttf~t,,rpoc1ur11t) 10 ··pcnc"\C'R'

Tlw1bc.ui.;d)11.h.thcdad S....._1.JcrwdlltllOllrh to d'l trw rcM. Mid ~l doa-a ap.111 b) lbiC' ot •pDh •11bf1011brtc oe lllJ ~.a:J1rr ••111 dtr lu.turyof a IS m1nuk ,ir-t oe lhc mm.t toc'.1n11h1l r,to1l. be w=cll HI hhlllC' S,hnetJc,', JMC""t:ntaoun ifllCludtd 11 ~h•J[11n lhiLt mad( up Inf ,m .1111fi~·1,1I :aJ,·1.rhw:nM.·111: " Krirp11; anDtcu., mounl.altl<l'O .th\oC \\~n tht) w.\)UIJ nthcrw,..,bi: Jc,.aJ '" l1lf the ~,wth F.a..:c •ho rnntJtJ Wfflit ,ll 1hc Jal' OD lu, '°ffl{ut('

bC'1nJ OIC' r1t,t 1•mC' ., .•«~~(11tt)I

lbr NI(' ',\\1111'11 pl..11.1-.l lthh, '"°Ii.I( lht IIWII IJnl,IK'II ii. ,1Mh 511...-c •I 1hr tro.JC.\A lt1J111•f l'r"" l tlnJ F-1C'lol (1a.i.mp1onsh1~du11ni lhC' lllftlt.-.J N: \I .ttdt l..t llodli ftlll"lh:t 'IIC'FC dw llnliakiwdllillllll")n,,,.._,....,..wa,,c,,,..,,midi...., •on lhc ]' po11•• •rlihl 1hro• \m11h a frnhrmm (t'(lffl l'rn&11n, tt (' • 111mt, a 1-c,1 S.1 tcr1 l \/,& llkhe1o (ht "IC voomrn 111CakJJllf'("lnt-.v.h11111~1t1l·nhiaJ \!(~111, S\11111('1, 'Allh 11 1111\1"' of \fl l lfl,.. pla.(J 'lt•CftlJI 1ft 1hr •1,fflt'fl 1, ~N"I( r\il lk.ihaT&)M' pb.--a.t t«OaJfortt.e C'llt\h 111 1M \000 mctcn • • hlk' or IC) lftl~

Cards split lirst two on road trip

b,,................. s.,,.. ·., llq-onr, Thr c ,J ,111t,11ll 1um 111'Clll'J II\ :'fllll.lW-"l•I\ 1-1 N t" Ir/lion II\ liN J!<1n1t• \11.01.1'1 -4 o:IJ.tiN\I Wh1Cv.vrlh C't,lkj•· 1.~ .ao.1 bi lbc ta.:uaJ IU c.cmn.l \\a\friacton'" jvakJf 4,), Wmkt l,'"'1,1,...1111 ,1c-, \tcruori•I I 1rhl h•\< nut uo tJ th( 14•o1m Id p-a.c-ucc: ouhlJ(', ,i11l.1nr 1hc1 r,u1h""1. 1h-ru f1f\l 11111, 11t, "'n•IUlill wct..ccda.i, ., ·~· PriK"hC"1DS ln"Jt

•v., pa.,cd •ell 1.-. ,c

Ai 1rilll ptO\CJ to be 1a ..,.,on fo11n Hti"li•J wsc1.shf hi •~1.impktt pmc

\Ill.IOI)' "Thtt) I pncbcJ "'di h11

hclffJ 1,111 •nil rc..:,wtrlnJ

l,u111 j.,ut Wf8Cr:'i ,- Wd h.a,111 wnl ,h(JidJl'1pli,;:hfl,r111 I

hb !'hpHN( IL ",;fC•-"UlllbC'l'ttll ~2 J9 1• 1hf, a«oad ha,1( a, IIM\' lcMI 1 blmhu,11rr i! io \\ 1i.rC' led all Kotcrt "'11h J7 ('01nh .inJ pulkl.l

tD the '"AC "and'ft&li •hilc: ••A"PP•lll Mp lbt rc-plwtt-•..on•11h117·1~ '""-«J \\.'c rr f'l;i.)lnJ 1nll) ..,.cu. w 1,un u,J I \'tll 1l1uu,:h we lod. l11 1 uilt rf't"\nkc. tl\cbl,),•ti:fm.-vKtJ 1111111ru1 c.-:h prnc' I.\C' \1 cmt..1 t-c:- lhc',r b\.l ul th ,._._. d11Wt11 tilhl 1(h11un1h, .,tulc 1,1') f'cll)' Ju~I m 22 l'IOIIU'I .ilillll lr/lillh fiu~ t.lC:.lh , lh( l'lo'O c111nb11u:J fut ,n 41f 1t,c, 1c11m'• r1111t .........

'\'1(' rit.lllltldcd IJum 1hr k-1o p,U OU1

l'i1il .1ru:td111tlk"l ""'...., -.,.i ,o \t«J l uih \ .1Ut) "IC'

bl kl dw V.ohcrinc1> M'i '" t 1.ih V.1llt1,ho1 M r,rcrlll hum lht litld Nit • lu\hftJ 1r,cur<r, \n1111 <i<"II, rwJu.,;ciJ 0111> luu, r11111t1" ,in'"" N,hc, 111)111~ 11.(,n c·u, r,nNICJ 11t1d1 tl pouil,1111 .a ill·I) iJio,.:ic1q from I.he frki. Amy l~" bi • ttaffl.tttsta 1,pma1.


c-h 1.-. W11klno- .,_11,e.,,_--, 1o-11,ebo00,,durlng Tllo-compNC!ltlhl- .--3"'

1,.lwmp N.i,e Kr11h ,,111.~ o< tmJ. ht ~l~C' NI( Ill¢ h,P llr/li11 "i~' 111 lite 1\oll~ 'Kttlh ~,u;c._:,:tJ NMC"l"-111) hto.if\ ""llh I lhn.•llo u/ $1-11


111 1he ?.-5 ai1k ll'b)" llfhon• \to)Cf K1r.1

l~pwn.. Kaf:lC' II.a•• ud bm~ Ucnnaa consb1Hd to, •J11ntC'd hmt' of I) n) , ..,., ..i., ~">ot1i<ial'1 1111'Ulc II(' 1!1.-k lht 11,'t'lmC'fl nan nuw l.1p1 iowal 1M c1:tM 11w 1111nO \'Offtlldlf•I lil rl-.Y 1hn1l 1n il,c 4,SIIO nldCf rrl.a) •·1fh 4 um • ot \I nlirmrl, I(, n w•ulfl,l,i. hft.,\1111 ttw 11(.'.hool w vnl tiy w,..:n -«Oad'I. ecus~-""' ,..,.""'w1c• l~m• ~f '\l lttt. A 1/2 l9d1c-, Oc-ftad1•i

"-""""- w-...r..-.1111

• dw09 of '\.i kw1 f» •he• ffC'.._ ~n.iof ~lrP•-"1.11.dl al <1),11 I'-! ."'4 ,,.....,. IA"'I

('u,,.,._. hn1\hH n,ctllh Ii~,~ rhc- nllt'n'" .a,1100 ,d.11) tom. cno, •t11•t 111 li:-rcm)' John uc1. Ni:-11 sm,11. R)'an luu 1m1I /\fkl)' S~Ck:Cf, rl4((J l('ti.-nlh Ill It rll Ul. ar! 11dt11.v ,·hool m:ml Sqn,mo,t Akt.anJn fom11.• pi&w lalnl ta lbr lllliJcaU 18.79

Base ba ll ope n s seas on slo w

Ru,ly Curd, open sea,on 2-5

b), . -

1"11< -... dcfAtc,l a,, I~ Um Z-0 at bn

1U &"IRI. dr (infl) ll:WIJ(l;z!.....,. lu11t,-n lb ll'T,llft;r f1\'C' N a, flN lt\ffl pn 111 ctr fr,a 1l,1v 111 Urtl.a,""· .It 0111,11,i1. {he the C,udt Jru11pc1I ,1111 otly L,t,11J •nJ V.<1C'

J.:1..-:J by I~ V.iJk), t·~inow.nit\ C'1-.lltrt M \'h 1. pcbd \J.un friu', ~.. ..._.h),_nll}~

.1 .lltt'-1 \.ill lAc-<·11,.,'lUo1tyl"Ql1cp 1-ld tdo. :.a·c· ~.J lt1m;; tWI.• ialh. ..;hit, ..., .,,cnn 111c 7--o "--'11111 • smc1r Ilda~ •lb fow ADI Lllpul.asaWa *P''""-•dl,-oRBI fr<,.lhr- e.....,_"C\l l.u ~~<ipl bitl •9tWII NIC" la:a.l lA\ll' <."t ,l k.-~ Junn,: • J.-)' ~11111

_.,, ,1,,11,......,,

all btl l,c,7111,c- of tbC'

b dlt fOt'OO.,

l.cadu11 the< oHffl,l\t

111•.;l. v.rrc u•phvnH'llt)

K111d)'1t hhm1 uf Cont

d'..\lt'fll' r.l .J .! R81l 11nJ

Jen llutiitr ot R.11hJr11m

11.npk• .!kBh

~I(~ 100" oa Ccocral

\\a,b\a,:1\)9,·1, J\ .al R<,,.11

(.·11, \1,1h,b I h1 1bc- l61ti

1nnu,,. •• 1n,1Jc-tht-r.a1l.


n,n gitt-C'n up b)' Ntc· t11Jnl Ill< 1-1me In fa\ont cd C'Wl!ll I' • .\nJttllt p1CdlC'IJ tht" d1\UiftCC hH lbC" ('aid,. uul.111,: 0111 IIY, 11p -......._,_ Sop,omore outf-. Kllm -It -·on hit lW1ng durlnQ I ....1t1r«•al\.11..~.

T~NIR \ aUr) •• ihc 'IC''~ nuua, htu si1!1 10 ..:r-..l.:c,.d, •-Ab; jlD,a t-.o • c1ih1 ,aau,,, puchtd <.uhtr Mob \umDCr b('lp,td JI\I' h" -.nh ,n Qth k,11.1 -.,th• d, Juncr t111hc'IC\'lnlh111tt11:,. NI(' oll~h1okJ ltlt' 1111.11 '" 111w11i.1mrtil w1U1

MC'l"-•IUC.:!Jtl~ Wlfl apim.l \r.JUttn.ell,•m (~1111

{ :JilltfflUtltl\' t (>tlc1c 1•1 t·,-.,. l\.il' ~l d1,1flf11 IL-..aN~P\ltn:h l. fikdibir1 rlnNl'mt RymlJISlal.:n&:lCIUI t -~ll'tll' ufl. ul.W l.upll h-i t'"'lt<J off r.v IWftn ,ii 111.., \lcm:nll l-dl \.alll""lc-.1~ tlfu-lr

a 11C01"1'k'-' UC' 1n 1ht rieJMh 11111.., "'~h • 1v.11 runun,lt•·t f«l p,·i1, 11ul lb1u1 II'-' 1c;a1n.'" M•va111dl1 '4uJ • !\h.,..• 1~-.m, 11ot rLa)rJ h;ad aJn,11,1 I~ ptnn Uld., ltlCir tic-II t,w au,.,

C)\."'° lr/liCnl hrri, I,,.

an.J ..trud. lw.11 tUnt.- 11:C'llh


P,tt,hur&h i, the • only1 1tywh,, : = ,111 the mdjor • spott, t1•.1ms h.\w • 3 t~;t:~~.' : SPORTS
Carch lo~c out in fir~t round of Region 18 play b, 0111n I ul"' & <111,lk lth11Mn \, ,,'''J•H"I .,1,1/; .,,.... ,,c "'' o1 wr. ..s r...n, ua,ht ., at tic 'Rcswa 11 1nurumcec Golllf 11110 t.bc l.lftJlt C'lh1u11t1lun J•JUffl4fflC1'd ICtdN •.,, IS, lhc 1 anh v.<rc r,a:lc«t ur wult "" I ,111l'A' ('ullt,:c Jrl !he IIJ'C"llilljl ""'*nJ rumm. kUUi"II \\.art ltd ~IC' •IOI 21 J!Otnt, but c :imnuucJ • ltd) hip W1. lUtOO\fO hi hh IN , ult ., • l't11ltn,ll ,.nphm11111( Inn 1\-U) pitdl(J Ill l1 J'i1111h. I he 1c.m 1oJ1111 11, 1.,_.1 hrru pmt, ,,t 1M 1.:pl.a te'Pil"' a, Jhl)' lr,n'fbl 10 ('ulkf(' ol fJ1h·r11 lfu,b C'ofora,fo ",;ct\b•t'lU'ta Cummaany l'ollC':C I llr Canhnah, hf'd: lor ICYCath plACe
11- ~., ••_10,, ai.a,uiht t: ,cc· Jcb :() rnt or 1t,<' t1ph1 C..rJ1n.1h 1>rottJ 1n Jl1UMC' IIJu1t, \\ UC' .i1.11n lc:1J 1tu•
\\-llh llt~11u,.1n..tu, llrll! lnC' lhlC'C'\, lttUIC' JnhQ,cal1 •JJ,1J 1ft r"101, a11J k\l 111~ IC'&Jn v,uh n,nc ..-1>,mllril lDIMM!lllo)d dtifPcd m •ieb I,& and 11 poinh Pdr) kortd 10 polftb. d"i~ 11 au.t\11. and tw.t w,f11 111,1h • lhC' pme The tum 1'.'....,..,nucJ to h.1111h •••)' from 1-f'l.linl t.nJ ,1,1hcy~w11~1cJon IU1if 26 l 1w,1,111·r-1 e \\ omu fl!,; l•h C'.ar,1,' ICl",a Can1C lo O raJ 1r dcic.srJ i.o bU' rrni J21Df • acrMnt
lhC')''te ~.atcn u, tvdct du1111, lht IQ',,(91 C'OKh llui1 \\,1bo1t u1J "Tk) • llh.Jat 1-.idt PIii'" b&,.-.r,,r ol dlit1.1 ""' tore-, -' IP aialbk k;al Thrir pal pmd "oho• lbral •C' •ill U) In dml .... _.. "(" k"" 1111 '"'~ (.',>fktt' 7U ,,.. \hu:h l. t'tlll not "Hhuul I l1eanh1I cllon ~\pl11rncJ hy \\11 1·MII lth• ('11rJ, ••t'f(' 11ut.hl•I ~I U pcr-.c,11 lntn11hll! f1clol 111d l rc,-..rn1 rrom tq'IJIIIJ 1bc dN« p..lUII arc fM ('anb •cf\' Ju\l fh• of :u oe
Women fi fth , m e n s ix th at i n doo r n a tion a l
Andri111 ,1ri l..c, out eight in opener
did nc>t 110 hampC"r chC' C NI ...... lilt ,,,ond hall cit lht douhl~·-ho1lr• ,.:i,K·<llcd h)' 1'11111 IN 1hr lrnmh IMINJ w, h•J 1hrcc dd,,,..,c ~ttul•1ll..-tck;l11C'Ji,p &1•.::~~1uncoaJrn.· [)Qnf)u11 \\ 1111.amt
11 (H w:-1.~•11d" l•)lut ti pl,1.:C'il 1hh1I in lhc tnlk w11h • s..:hol" rnonJ ,., l I he •umcn', ,J ~,jll(~ mtdlr) rlDi\h:J fifth
,atirr,. P.hJ an v.ccll("al r,'b uJ 11r •tt"C ar,rrtuv~ ~\dy Thit pnc .~ lh:- IQQ:I (..,.
111 ... ..,.... \ IJ111tUJJU 11111h l t,t l hc- te 111 Ill jll l ft l,"{f!fllkox.
·;~ lS • thr~ "~ltd uw lllt" C:ink l.t l l.1,r11it .ill,,,.-cJdVl"t'f\ll\lrWt1tfn°hlr,w.·hllr-.tr1.._,,,.._. 1l biutC'f' Uc tiullpl'11 11n.1p1N ,,, 1.«r u.r, •• omr 1.oJup 10 1t1trm1 c-uaac:c,.. Tl)b'Antb.dr.-ot.. a ri.lbcm:rto"l(U't'lfrml)na W'bo.-..J\M,\.nt, .,._('dlqr dloo ,t.1, and canl(' tll!iC un ll'P n-1 SMlftJ p;'4:htl JJ,,u,1 Sf"-"·"' r11~tnt • 1.1111114:IC 1t-1111t', s:1,in, 1111 ,..,,i, run ,wi .,n h•h- Hl• 'A,1ll.«I J\1,11
..t U.: lt.-J ufl 'J"'lf, 11»1"111'1: 1..-0 l'UM anJ tu=mcilltAODW\" 1"bc ac-,1 &.), rr.a,rw BascbdJ A a6rm) lkicacd ,1C I:! .t s..r ac-. drti,md •llh tM1 bib a.I t•u M81 '-ca \1..p mJ 1-'NIII ca.fl t.J '-'
k°Unl 11111." nm.
"'<Ai., btallrr11 ntC'•h In ,1q, •r Ill pttnt1tt' ~•MA•lht•h-Ccafflalll. tar .al "\\cattd~dc-wii"•~•--. adlmllff••tlltatt-ellh:'~

Snow day


club endures 24 hours of 'rubber l egs·

I"!' \\ ltlh't\il•ll: lklllkn ' ~'.

I h_. ,~1 c:luh h.a~ tl.iJ ni.~n~ ,r"",.-111111 and

,.,.,,, •nov. ,14h.-n1u,o. iD(hiJ1111 J,1d,'4•fl

lluh' :tnJ K<"J \1uu111un, H L" hul lhC' Hil/lr\l "' ,Ill t\("U,,. 1<11\\ ,he u111111-111

H,1111 Muhht-1 t.('t-' R.i.:e 1a Ktt11l"Cfk)', U.C

A f•"1DII •lt'l4'nrllCIR fl( llu.- Cl'lllf''lllnr. 1,

m;~\l'(h111.h ~I(" MUJC'nh,; O'A11tn

l•,nt1 I u~r, lu(' l.r,,C'II ;i,iJ Hratho:-r

TIYimm '-'''"rttN u11h.: c•tt•111

o· t111(11 ""rl.aincil 1hr 1...:1: .n 1~ ll)Ufht,t

,tung 1b.11 he hi, ,,c, J,lfl(' llk'l\.lodl)

~rlit ,111111) mu~l J1;i.b..•h1:<111t, JC'01nr,l

C\~nt C''(t O'Un.;n w1d. -hi., 1t.( iu,i. ,1nJ


1hr ,•t,tii:1 ,,fd,c ,11~c h lo~ v.hnon dt,

1bc 11••1 ,1., run111 111 : hom'l. 11,111 111 •

uuk 1<-1t111 k"'J Ilk" rtik ur l, ,1n 11 1tuli:" .1+:11111

I tw \ I -h,.1 1, "'fl.II ,u, u~ bcf1,rc 1hr 1ft\('ftliun ,if ltft\, S~ICI!> J111IJ vntu I IJ>Jlt'

tJ1.111...,1.·1t lht.1•1111.iJII U'IC all tt1ih1 Jun~ l 111.."r ~11.I 1\11'C• h11r1 h,· 1111"° tln:rc-

rltl h'1.t rww tl.i.nJ1ng up lwm, l&I +1 llJJlC He r.;11J 11'1e' le) 1,1 "'1111un, I~ en:nl v..11, 111 11or ,in)' him,. l11o,;,k :1 lnUI 1.•I 11 lttUIUl('11 to Jn II t\:ln, IO ,lov. llllnlUCt> ,omi: ur on UM! T-tur uaJ 1111(' quid, hliuutc J,.... n. 11111> '" koaJ ,ar;tlihl 1111, •JAIN -rh,· l t11u ~·it1 IO mm111n of mn, 1t1111

111-.thUtJlt'll~~ 01tr1 lu..:lJJJf 1U,1l{hl do•11 c,O of kt,'" lh rncu wJ

\1:<"11tJlt1r lo tht u1mptllf11u, the y,11rJ

hnt \CAlfl\ qunllnnahlt' fun 11. ~nl a ri.ll(td

\lo(lt\,I fl14' I~ fHKhnJ. colJ .111.r WCI run, iat l a.nt .,., ,l1,r,1r, rdkr.ttns h'C' h1n J1.>('11 rldl tern• fu i·u 1hc C\C:111 •di \\ ho e\'ef ilrt'lll!k'd tile' ('\~Ill ti,p IOC',11, anJ ,t.t,h f'tcth ,nnv. wa, M:'lft'(' N',:~tl(' 11 J11.I n•'II ~nu\11 411 kun~ tit) for IIH)f(' lhJ.U tt,1,1• 1,1.~ch anJ Dllct .;-omp:Uton 11.prc-J dt,-.n nm .ilh:r ~·ns 111111tlc. Ml hm,eJ 1,i1u 11 ,o!IJ !11h""(I o1 f"'R'UIIU1f'fl•1l\,~ h \I.a_, rruh.Jhl) rh 11111) 1uuc 1h.-1 ,.....,,,,

l.ulc-r h.1, "''' ,.i1J lit .,.ii\ hn1tJ •Uh

d..1u1g. Lui) 1n 1hr mnnuns ,ln·u 11ou11IJ

}'('l utl 1hr Iii! MDJ .-,Jn11r<1l klpplC' O•I.'• '!'1lb

c,h...,,1mn "h (tit Ill'" I hJJ h«n Jn.1r tbmt1;h .i l.11o.)I

huh: un a >1itonJcn h'ni:c II "a. rr<II)

1004:h,• O' Hnrn ,1.1 O Urirn J1d .1n ,11na11nr W u•n"' ••J

I .11lcr "--omrk1cJ ,1 l>uuhk lhc numbt'r to

fttu.l lbC} f1J\de;d llllJlbl) I?() 111llc1'"' ttll\ in ~2-4 hu111 l1111( pc:nuJ ffU1tcn •·,11n, 1ho11 he ,)l'l('I tl\14 C\C:r v..ui1

to h1.".\1 .lln)'nnt cnmrt,11n .1~~1 ho"' 1uciJ

IIIC') .itt' ,1lk"1 •._11ns for ouly one ~y. .• ,11 ·,c h,·fl'IJ: lft tot li,c-,1\C'l:I )nu Jd 1,~ ,l«p ""h•1e ,li,fo1t lh<: du.),• O'Rrn:n ,..,J_ lb.imm 111'1. ··11 CU7) \, \he

orJ•mr,t ha"' ,he c;,nur,ktl'J 1t,c fir,1 I!

tMUh ,1n,I ""ht:n it,t urnc d,,I' n tit, ._nci:•

hurl ,o ""41 1h.&1 d•o:)' ,1111 hufl J;1)'• hw

Tii.,rn1t1 1:11u1rli:-1c-,J -1\ 111111 hctnrf' fl\'"' 111 111 lhe l11ud rnctllo1I 111ul f!h)"""' lo1hl•f11111 u,n taftt~lm1&, ,til" ""'IIJ lh,t- l"<~lJllC' \11\'f( 1flC'flt.flJ •fKI I

hUI hl.•1nj 1Ni1th irr\ v.11" .all k,J the

1111(' H'l,~C lnli:JII In '"") "fl (or !-I ht>11('6


(.\, •etc ,u,,1rl1,,1:J 1hat ~I{' t t>!Ph •·•H,llt lk.luall)' OA•III co ~rnc 10 C'.-twicb lo, Ua.:~\C'HI

n~mm hl"HIJ l ('U\lplc (",m,aJi111b ,ol)' Ill h<"r, '°°" ~•m~ .aJI 1h.: "":, up h<"f'C' '" "" 1t11~


• Womnt', 8a<l.dblill

'-'«-'AA l,MI,,.....,,., 1,11 s..111111. tc.., Tur

'U.,. \1.,i,:11 l•t 18

• Mm'• Baolk,1111111 '1( , .\ TtlllmllAWlll • H\ltcbln100. bi for .SA., \tan.ti 1-1 II.

eua.d>all ,.ettaMC:.(.' ~Saft l_.C'if~.1rm

A"b) MauJO ~l.....,tC: .W~ l.alt(.i')"tll, Ut

s.iunla,. M111ch 1f Spol.,u"t'.a,('.{.•1- I PP•

Tu. dn \1..lcb 14 \\~\'a&r,Cl".. wt.loc.ftl,G

Wcd,C'lld,l)'. IS PWr:tulr1Dt llllfllt hxi.i,.\tnb


Db;k(.'ullr2r 111b,n'l('.mnnS-f\.i1'11i


~&J~ Ja)(e D•w111 1111.1 oft• rock during a wnnv day a1 Rod Mountain, 8.C. SJrteen anowrldlfS took• lhreNtay vacetk>n performing aertal manctuven In C.nad.1

eSo11h:ill Man·h~bdncslo111tlUQ:Qffl:l l'f'Cl:Dnfll t..aLl'ksr1;.,.tmti ll&P t#lrmOn,:n,1lll'll f'llit) c~ lpml-r,.1.1yM11lill lllUt \lwntMft, ·., » l'na.lh-m,et pm.,), \\afla\\.dla<.C :uYo,.lu\\ '°\\ ,.,..._flSuldn' M.1:1\.tJlt t 'At1,inhLI n..Jn C l.,. t:11: ?I

T~.:y r..c..-, •1

\-1ffla\ ""7( .{:.,AJ"" Cl,, Tl~ M,nh.U

• lutnamumJ ~pon., ,acsu.Jlr,;b.up:ncinor mid:

hiJ..1,\IA\:hlO <ls&rf',JJ..-k, \tdit~tn::aa\l usu

11r11 'M,sr.: U (....t""1looll(Jf11d1l,\lfflhts.111!.1

:-.11,"fflfl(tic noo11i~y.'\'4rcfl I

('o·cd ,,.flhd ~ar. a, IM S(Ult

t'Jfl"Kt l:1nt1m.. f Qf \liii,dl : fuu1',11mll! "lftooltr.lPIIIQl"ip;v,5-C'OIQ,1' ~~111\f.Wikill'J(o t~>cw\i~lhc lntQman.t \f'll'tl, Oifi In~ k...,..1, -w· M°

• 'lnock & f 1rM (h,/Jau,\,o ,,..,,,_,1pm..,spo!.>,k.


• ( >uUlout l,unuif~ ludcidttcoi:._,llmbllta., t, 1np.1 .J.a)

M.mh9 Sc TIMWPlnc \\lfltM'lll.i "d• 1: 8'rl.. \t ,'.'ti II t!

l(.x:l,.(.~ft. 11,11\ rt \bi.I, Ill. ,1r.i~~ lliqfrtpf'T,,'tf,n \fu&fflUII! Slm:d.i);tt 11,. I )~) IC1d.a111,nC., t.;nn. ~11 t'ouDI' •!.. fnd.i.} J.t.sdl 1 pan I ;n.-.1411 ~IIC"4J(."I M.; I l ic.J W lm tc.JJ,:u.ain1, _..,"""'""dnoob)ll!i:.,,,t:


lho'l\e .i carporau mt-mbcoh1p ••'c "'''t. lol•Hou, run~"' wuil S.:rttmbe.r zoou. NIC p.1J 2.J..llour f11ne<1.i t<W 1he -.~lfPl•rlllC' ,t•IU'i ¥ihh:h nr111h 1uJt:nt1 anJ fih·Uh) ('lln ,1,1n 1hr hC'ial!h i.:lub V.11hoQI h;i\ 1n1 10 p,iiy t'11rolh1.rn1 111 pnltt'l,\Jlll kn. \'1C<"·P1cuJc111 Br1Ji:c1 H1.1nu 1n11111lh •lnN:, rhi; d\"111 1ott1th ?.J.flour • f """'; "'". u,< <h<7 •"'"'' i< hv,,. OJ(nf I &«"e11 Ill lh< i.:luh for 1hc .iHt&I~

i.lUd~ul, lbl'- Iii U CVft\Cllk'ftCC ,:.1.lfuur hu~,. I\ hrilJmc 11r th c1iJ of 1M d,,11 c('tni.C'rmnJ the i;\trrc,ru1c r,111c. ttov.l.',ct. die) llfcn'1 tk,hltnl,'t lf\lt' to 1ht1r ,,.a,nt". 24 Hum r11nl.'11 on·1 ""l'(n .:.i huvtu d1&) Tt•k c•at. lh()'t:lot< nl,:h11) 11111 /\o!huoyAnd(("\,\,'I rm Th,,, t1rt-n .i1 .a ii m un «.._~-'Y" •t•J at,, clfl ""'l"C'kt't1d1 h', tnotc lA<" IQ-ltour h1nc,,i durrng. d11t '4UI.. ,nd 17 Hoot fo1loc,;,\ on the' .-..-l,·11,I

1· I~ JJ,(fl,tJD•.' "'itiil Ul"t.~t.ully. !4 lfour f1111c~, clc~tl} u, 1hc fin~· p,i111 on 1hcu c:ontN h th1A1 l-1-Hou, Fitnr.1 I\ Ju,t a t1.1111c aml J,,o run 11hhJalC' them lo he uptn 2-1 houn • J.a)', \hho11J1:h Phhl ol lb('lf loc.a11,,,1,. off\:r .!.C -tt\11111 111"cM,. tbc Cocu, J' \klM:! dub ll~ fk'I huunos·• \h)bc- .!4 lfour Fune:-,, d•lnn thllt 1he,e art "'*l'IU:r b\"1n: 1br n11.uibcr ul mc,nl11t" ~bu u~ the cluh't\C'C.n J j p.m anJ ft am •• m1n11111al. anJ dOt"""' Jll\hf) lhl.'ir operau,,n t'1i;pc11t.t'\ Su, "'hem will l4 Hour Fitn~"' bf! cipcnlnJ!. l-1-tu,uo,' Titet v.t•Q'l '-11) hlf •UJt> tiu1 arc ,pc;;al•ltnJ: 111ohc licfottsurnrncr \11h~1rh .:"4 lfi,u1 f1mr',, h 1~,1nx 1rvuble h\'ina vp 10 il'il ll•mc. H 11 .a• t'.\U'J'!lHlnal hrialth c:luh Po,hllnr. •n Ol)mpi('•,ite o,1mn11ng pool, 1he duh Mfcn lr1:"ad1nllh, t)c(t', 11nd Jltl' 111.1..:btnc,. •• -..·ell j), f•~11.o,, Nnuislu,, ll.1nm1l'J' 'i1teng1h •nlJ a .ek ·UC141 ol free "" JlhU .JLn,J ~11hlc n1ad11n"" l'bC' c:1uh 1111w h11, • irmup c,rn;,'-C ('!mtm1m, ii Lld~ \:luh JlkJ 111.nn1n~ bed!II Horc:h1II, • .?.J~Huur Fune" v.1U 111111 u, ~d uuJ etf 1hr i;mund Ml1:111 a,W lhC' up In 1b namt

NIC Outdoor Pursuits

Lower Level of the Student Union Building

* Kayak Pool Sessions *

Tuesday Evenings

March 21, April 4 & 11 , 2000 6:30-9:30 p.m. Post Falls Poo l $IS/Sessio n or $40 • 3 Sessions

Open to All Ability Levels!

Come Learn the Basics of Kayaking!

Come Practice Your Eskimo Roll!

Come Get Some Basic Instruction!

Kayaks Available for Use!

Prior Sign -U 1> Required 769-7809

"l!b .I f "1,h,1.p-.J h,wdk .a, II ,11.,,, llk:fll "J" lh< n,oun111n. Hie c:unlfl.:Wut\ ,:rumbkJ m1"1 11bit\ll r1Ji1tf ttic 1 t,;,r bcca1hc 1ht) ncu•r "'"'" Jal:ik 1u ,11 •D41 h·,1 d111te tm:J 1,,,
l'Talrit ACMt'IIU',al ht1mt. I p,n. \1~ \1.111\h ,,
'1.1.w,,:tiN N,111ik1~,t!,e:sm11 6. q1rn. r..,.t,,,M.:,c 21 R llln....,, lit. O IU r 0iurswy " "'l THESENllNa

B.l,bie's lull : Odml;' is Barb.1r,1 • MHlicc111 Rol)('r1,.

Sculpting Beauty

Pottery classes bring ancient tradition to a modern campus

bvl~tffllJn) liolur ."irn,,,,..tRq""'u, fll(' Jcm,111J IOf putl~T) d4'~ tJ,11 ,,.,...11ta.Ttll!y. \f11n) JIO(ll.'1)' 1,11J a-1,un~, l1.1.,w;'"1/Ut!cJlktiedl11111 \ott'J11lt.1 c:io,ct-ct"ntough rhr bc-v1nn1111 •~ •nllt'Ju1;11(111fop,!ftf)" IIIC(11 •1udtt1h w1tb ctic r11,111.•r·1i \lobed iuiJ.:1111""• thtm ICI lean, !ht ,hftC'f..-r,r "'")'ii.,. •hti:h.ds) UUl bl· i,,'1_.p-J. W.ih m1rrm1:d1..irc 1,11J,.uk:t'J ~(1111~ ofktl-d nlC'"C tl'"-1("\ 1tln ti..· t11kffi up 111 four t1rtloC'I -.Md, ltle'.INII ,hr~•udcnt,, n" ,J,..,..."'r<t 1,1UN)' lo,,•w• '"''"''')t'llt, HICd.t•..ct.ltC' inltJ.Jr-J 1'111lluv. ,11Mklth tu \l,A/~ Olli Y..Jlhlfk"llltihl)"I'-'

Oielernano Mt show -ood-y.Mald16 and ...u ""' ""°'91 Apll 7inllloC:O.Galoiy/Boowol Hd. n

ponory, •nd polnl,ngt and 4..-....,..,byllloNIC. MClel)anme,,t,ASNIC ...,lhoClluon'eCounc,! ,.,. ...


al6pm T.....,.yendo ga11e<y walk•• 10:30 • m lodOy

u~:~~,;,:~~c~;!:f;~·1.1,~ ...., 11111ft

I Jl\c 1hc Nd1.: ,I.di\ 1n\oh«I 10 a.m. • '4 pm.

1n •url:Ulftt>t »p)fh''r'4 "'b«l"' Weekdays

t.1JJl.i..iil.)f.K'l.f>'JC11,'t),101 ,,\..,,, rc~,rk ~111·1

rr..a111c JU" lww ,l1lticc1l11t ;,i.._111,,ian> 11 10-0lk •ill1 Ufti' w,11.,in1

wrth t-Lt, k 11l~c-\lrrmdy t«tuu :al."' Studtom• h.a,t \.'.iatic:l.) of v.i1)11 ht ""fu,h lh<') nm d1,rlA)' .111,J t"\'l·n ~II thcirnv.n \l,\lfl... In Apnl 1t ,lUJc1111h°"' wilt~ t1dd III lht' (:llfOC:r ti.alkl) m Q,.,..,tll 1h111 wdl k- up·n to ;1J1 tlndct'lh whr, 111:1114 10,~ tht1U1\\1-t.1t,,eylw\cpt,l!U!.'.~Vncu11p1.h ft', nnc j1N

•'l'k'n 1u pt,tttl)' ~uJe111. l,u:1 111 rtw,4.,1srar,h)', pa11u1na Mid ,,:otrun1 M1.1Jn11, F.vcl')· )c;i., d1S1n, tlll' <.111uoU\ <w::..,.,n 1hctt 1o • "'kul tht fllllh''JI ~11.11Jn11,• w.,'#L l}I( \.ludl!l'II\ Jt'CC •~ nf 1hc ""°"IC) l11r 1l11tlf ;1n,J a unaU Jl(r«nc r'lt\ 1n lhc i.n.imK'-1 dt-p 1r1Jnrr1t ·r -lm rully pAAiJ or 1h,-.,• 1.)nc"" ,,,ml ,~ wk· Jll(lv., u, 10 JI~ ~'4'J) 1•11 SSOO i(;hol;1;nJdr,.1,1 at1 ,11klcnu. • ,\J \f'I•~ C-11~ H..11. In the Cli.i..c ti.iUrcy lwn ,,\IJc'atlillfl" loCnt ,,.,, )OCJIC c,f 1hm "'urkc~eryht,'()~i:_..,. Sot ,n .111 ,l~110 1tt r,,11tkJ ci1 llu, hm11y. lmt' p.•U.t'I)' 1..,.kn1 uJ 1c pl101,,g1.iphy ~u•dt111111c- t,('l«lcJ 10 ,Mv. 1hc:i1 wen Th1,s )'i:.-it ct,.. 1.Yrami" ..tcrM11ttt"J11 bob liaa«-n pt,1kt') -..1tkknt Jill J-ti<' 1,, J,,pb~ ''" • H''" die \f'l(ll:WIC' ~IC'"' J~l,'< ,, 3n a.Ju111."0.i J'l(!Ul"r,i r-1udt,11 \lo·ht, I i ill"' 11 rcurm,n~ ,1tkkn1 t11 SIC • hll -tolt1c-d wntbnf •1thd.;i)' In a1ie1tlr,cuuil •.ay : I ,,nt,.;1111 Her v.·,wl ii l.illllUJit Sbt ~ttt• l>tr pnCk'f) '° •l"II ;mJ In • \.C'fY t·ltpn1.1rnJhr.ta,11111t\lo•} S1u1.kuh l.1U' paletry daiM.'":'\ tflf II li'4'1d) fll·1l",1'1(lni. ~1<n1 r-·11r,k 11 uJthcy hl.c tuil~ lhr1.:lu1tba,u) lu~t.pttu lhtnN'h~ ~a, ,mc 11.1llrlfl'1lhc-.ri.:cl"..ll\l"Ot''\ I •·11nltJ MJMe 11nt 11.: ~nd ct~t1\~ out.Ith m tn)' l1k.• 1.16d \h,1,'o\11 Hunt. I 1tn111h1 d11,vr.11\lldt'Cafiln ,1a.i., 1nw.t •1'111 •.atriJb&. rn,11 J, de 11.l'W )al di.ti lbh 11\411) ptllkr) ..:lauct, h.a\t litt-i;1 t•lfr1td. tllhc, Ui.kklrh "hO\o.,lllftJ !UU~C"f'Vlkt)" ,f,11,a fltUf'IJ lh.11 lhrn' '-1111rf) \\ ,, ru,C ~·nnuth ~l('tfll I 'Vi:1t1t~.J l<H.U.c t~d;i." bt'..:..U>< lbc.tJw,uung 111 lhc'Ol•I•". 1ntcfl',lf'\I mt: s~kJ .tuC'I ku\Cn, JlOIICt)· 11Uikni ·1t hlt-.l n-.: two ~11io1er,tt>t"1. c111r111t. 1·111,utcstjJ I'm ukm,tt tt11,uih I ,ir n ~ lhC' "b-.., Ii J llir: Ii~ \trc-., rrl~wr; I rtall) C'llJU)' Jl:rtl1t1!1 f"1) 1,al \lo\lb1ht1;.h1)· " l.ync,.h1;, hce1Huchllt)putk'l)·,l,1'«.'t,tll SIC'!>.111« lijXII She J.Ud W al.,,·J.>", Wl't'\bt\'.Mlbdp11~ w11,Jcfli, m 1111) "··~· f'l"'''"k-· Ille!I> ,c:n1o1,n\ ,~., t11 Pl"ltt) •nd 1;C'l'lu111-.."l 11t11k11h ,1!11ht1irt1C", C\Cnnn S1tl11Jda).._ l.)'nc,· "1lidmh1ff'll~-1IJ1 he, Myk t>l leac.h!ng llhlOlll'IUC.Ru'IWlt

•1111l"lk nino~h C.klod rt,.J lilt f~ir picc, b) t,;,blln, Jtskt' .'im1m,1R,,.,,,.,,,

1n,ll'\kl1111' k1durJ ~·huh, m,J l1i:1

c, ·n,11clll'oHWl ur v111'1Cthh1i ,f'C'C&;1I !II Etnt'I')'._

•11 ll.1111t (U\,"t Imm .an)· d.i,, llll \;Mtlj'IIJ't

Sm ,111 lul'k"h "' 1hr ·Jll'ini: illtfK1, 1mwc tu 1o1ri.:n. thatt ~i1.w, 1111J1h1inall)' kf\"l'll In tJle' hdl S< lmb, v.·4,1h fu1,.h.utg\· 1hr v.hi.iit.· "')"1l"lll '°t.l"ni:..s 'ol,·1,ulJ

b! 1ntid..'rnk 1hn'IJ1hl.u\ the: )'C'.ar lfollot\'Cf, Sdu1h1

I\ hnlL,111111)\Jt;mr\• "'h~I h.n v.·n1il°l1'°11,11'

,,.: to 111i1llt1d1 tl.'n1hc:.1,tc pn~roll'l1 gn" ,11kk'nt1; i.:ll 111t',l'111'rng ba\1.: 1 d,rJ'U 11C't\11111be tn.1•Nt) (lf to luut,cr lhdt cJu.:11lk1n.'" &Imler 'llh.l


'Threepenny ' risky, worth it

Iii• t ~"~"'""(I thh! A .~ ~Ml .11\q11 111o 1111cmt1J 1lu,""tu., "'ould h. rt"'" 1i, him nt',1 Ti"C" 1•rcmn, KC'tl(" '1 /1""" or l~" ,11.,I \\.1\ llfl ,t,r,• ,a,,)'i H"t) ~df <k\C'lnp1:J 1111,.t ,lnnc wrll

l"h.itwid1h~c11,I,.- !l~f'l.n "'~'

,,.itoi 1h,t•onlyr1111C,tt1.Alhc

c1t111C'c:1,1 "'1n1,n~1.1trt11f\.1111'.'r

n"• rn11«,t1 pc-t1m11.,1oi.c:\ \f"CT~~

f'~,lt ,1n,.l l('l'llll.'\t • lh11ud1 lhc

nshl pr..,,ac •'Cfe~"'

p:1(orn1(crt.11r11,1ln. lt.i"'1c.u1u:

$nf'rthcr '-Ila! ~I, J\:Allltln

rb.~(dbyVtn.:t"i,IAun111 -~•~ 111u11heaw,,J land,n ,~

u, fttl II f1ill1 uf !he ~10\f, .\,111 w., p11J.ht111N'4,1~

\t, prrr,rtn,:i.l (;r'n'1111Cpcrlnr111.ll1':C'~." M.-L 1hc K nift". pl )"Ol h) J,111 r~hcJl"C1p'f. Ht «n",l tn

m•n)· '"'""' frnm ,lk'211nr ''"


U 1111,a 1111.•\ll\ 11 I, fl.k..1..u.tlbllt IIIV.. \t,1tk1np1I 11,1iJNC;J(IC'Clfll)'

"'l.'.11 Jc\4:)1,11,,J. fl W'o\ fllQlol

CllltlC1 IU~lhi"f IUf 11 hn.111,;l,11<: ~· 1ht· ~r111-, .md d"-"" c,·rn~mc ""·cnt ui11 -.·11b 1hc1r rl\~.

lbr.lkf lkr.inmrnf ,k"lo(T\ c, :I hU).'C' llo!f 01\ the h;i.; k fr4·dn,1nJ1 lh1'l•J1,r)' II 11()fll"ll,.i1 ~tiu11'1"f at1dulffll.·•kllt,iudk-nc;.c, •~11.Jn'I hlt' dik" t-1 chr l1m;oo1rr 11111i-..;urat,,,c,1,.mca.1'hc:)'i,.lill J11tia w,lfldrt1ul ;c>h11Nc-,~1)11nt 1!W111o1d,o:d11nOuoh11Uld lt:c-1 rcooJ "' -.h.11 ai""' ,-.f st 1111.i, fll.,l'Jbctv,.·1hc,lf\.-i'lt'lil1i1 "'"'

Jr""\.C·;l 1.rr111rrbtd )'

hmit1,'\I MJp~ih,"' and bl.lJr.,.c. 1tlllXnh cd I.he t"Jf"'Ttl-ncc illtunl1lll~~ll'IU1,;11Jl!IIAfl."~ rr-.ut1nu1t ·°"')' ,h,1nri:- ,utN•nt.tLl1)' - bc1~tiL'rl ,00\111; """"ht.i, 11J1oi "'"'tu1g on 11\t line \..,,,r.1in1 kl Si:t111III Uit •lud(111, ,,.-:t II \I.di ll'IIJl\lkJ \IC\li 1.•I 1l"'111J1nt~ 1,1"'N'k! \ll1hc-1l11'~'l'"'N.IC,,1Co !he \ l'1,:lu~.1lkll\lll food •l1td1 hdp. fQ) for ,uprlie\. Y.,1h • .,;,.1rr.1c:1.1)' ,,r 15 ~111drnh, lhtC':L1u mnnb:n alm11"1,·1111 1hc-lpt>ow111111; lnr1.t, tn ,udtac-l111C"• kn11 ka,m,11$ cn,1MfUl'letlC T11I )c.u· ly,,. im JL1tk, Dad. •\hr~J. Jlll'I Oum,~ Kah,: Codoo1, Kim Unui:luiut J\rk11C l..;mc J1:.n111ft"1 Mr•urr Jdin P\tJlh. t"r.1\1 \ht1ll.'lky, k.ukh l1r,i.1onilJI> \\.'ICJ Tlc'\luJrr~~ ~.,n chnt fl(\·rv.11,L.111 k• m and

~"c lu111.:.h from 11 am 11, I p.111 turkln) d1n.,11r;l1

Thm~Ja). 011 \tCltld.J,1-lru:f h1,l-ll)"lh1"yha,c l11u1 kl

""~ l•Nfl oj tx.d.wori, anJ k\:hlft'1 ltonl S..IMilU

l~nt. h-4. S~"nt. '"' the 1Jr 111tudcnt t\"CJIP cnt\.111 in die rro1rr,un "f 1h1nl vlJt-r J'!\'f'k ~i.J C\!flhUIIC lo tic e;l)u,UcaicJ and btlt ad\AnUlfl' cir oh.It Ult'~'-"-"· l~nculJ •1bc-\lobllk't.l~,;""iW'lrt't1'flt1lqw11h

1n~ fa1J'ld) Thr) lhir1l.11',1.o..>ldp,I OranJn1,f11~ft,J ll)lll'hout1011' lf )'u.i'I m.t1.t11 f(l1 lu*h.1henplann,11.1l.:1n, l"°"' '"""°lhc'.-11 WA t~mUch1hl drmxr MfJnn} , 1111 \Iii) II Alld1nntn"'tllht"lll~l1,,"\,IIIC'Vil1h1-<•1•11 wk1dc1."°'n apiodtdtaf,xlilltho!o~bn·~.

"lf"l.°'d-t.'11.11 ,u.adc,1(, lnolm1 fw I ronwutc Jinnr-r

• • • • THE. SEUIINEL P-oe SI
Tara Smlth,S8ndpolnl. shapes 1he handle of 1101 pot In an opon ponetry lab. Smith ls In a pottery den llugh1 by Usa Lynes 1.Js:.i·1 i,:-1dll' sticirh 111h1 duv.11 lhcrc:"Yollh )"V11&1idf1vo )•llllhe .tJ\'l\.'e )OO ix,:J lu hl!':it )oor,uorl: Jt"ll\t'n 11a1,t
Restaurant offers cheap date alternatives C ulinltr) Uris proi:ram cook~ u11 lunch and dinner on campuJ. Sl.hultl, &11 Ul•b\kWf .JI bllC'I')., fflfflil'll")'(.it, 4,J~i;Aft t Jhm\ of .an) rla:e l~'dnnhtrt"II" Ii ·1 n• rr..
F ,,m
11 41 m h' Ip m Toc ~.a)' 1hco.1tb
1l "'1rt11U ,1h1ho1r.1\I(' luoJ111)111.:'.ll.l· 1111drnJ v.ith lhe n••r.: 1J1lhL11lt. \l.hll.'.l1<oiln..1tln "uh the tr-.n"'.1.'\C'J hth1rr,.,, "r"Rf '<"mc,.t"' Wuh l:Jnt'I') ·, h.n hxn ~n 1vt lll<WC' dwn Im•>"•"""11 OIJlfl'IMI) ,tl.tikftt.,. :.tft' IJJtUhut wuh lb(' lo.::111N un 1hc ~·,11i.J f1n1;1« "' 1h,· tkJh11•l l:h.11lilu1J1. '"\\'t'\·c .Uv...n, t:f'll,.'fllll1 1rc1I t.hkknh htt:'11 N Emr:r) '"' S<:h~l11 .,.1J
b) J1..onHli(HI .i:r,u,~t/hJto.rttr Whu knc"" ,h ~ t~"l11 lo> .1 rL1\ cu,dJ be '-0 1nttft',.m11f' l 'hi.. 4U<'"-1lnn (,t111'C' hi n1C' ,1~ t ""J.011.'d PH1 N \<h,1lu At.Ml1.11•1mn c1pcr1~1"i"# u~ lh1i:..'JieM) C)jiC'ril r\ll 1hc d 1ma:'«"o d•h I Review ...,,ll\lk11u1 .,cibul r,trfmnlng 1tic-1r,1.'T) lm"'1'1.1n1,ok-,.
h"• 14 dc1rl,,rn! \111.l w, achci,lt't lmd w~ a.JV. rum,ct,;.11111t1 w•&t11r,r11I h.i""I 1rwtt1pl~ '1\1\C' h111 lllt1tt Ill.I.ti tht ~h,,1~
hi t(1 lOUf.h!
r11111l 111;111 lic:p11 v.·nh v.tu,
"',mh·J lt1 \C'C, tht tk.db o l
the kmlr, v.1mh1.hdwt
111 the l,1\I
In~\ Inf tl'ia 81i1i hl\C'I
Sa,ah Yanek ••no• white Jon Echelberger, Mack the KN,., •nd hi• thvg1 look on durlOQ lh• musical "Threeepenny Opera •

;a ~,..,n.!f.JD \.,· ,~,u~ t,1 l..1nd·,.i), \I<" ~t ru11rl" 1111"1 1...- ....._If ,11 urn ;11111 (llti,,."t 'Pl'•I•~ ,,~11'1('\ \\bJ\h 1rt ~nH:-fcJ 11n.Jc, 1,·c~ .aa. h •• ,._, ,,tar) 1~ kw, ,'ti,.__. "'' ·n w-1 , 1r1rlWf'-lll'Olllbl\'.Ull1"" •·WC' h.1\t' ;i \IU1,k111 t,uJ.y "llh .rn 1uhlc t'f'Clitt tor h,;, fmol,,J,!y,"' ,..,,J UoJ.Q), ~Utr u,I AS\I( h <•.ilt.llltu,J! 1ht (t(' 11,,tt;1"'(' "' \l(,. ""' a, r,\r thC" ')~" 11tl.idll Uldt',I\(. "'hh.h '""'' Ill lfllll(' ~('Ufl'"'"''fll.l11d111.;'lili•U~ic,.,l'C' o,11.lhtl1i1111t01,11.-:, l he 1Mnl "11.rm.111, 10 ln."tt",iU"# t111hnn, ~Ua Lud, n t..1 ,1~ 11~~-"'i f.a..1,11) ~.11r111c1l111'1t!rlll.ilo1111.:1.11.i. t ~rm 111.,1 ~,n,: •ti(')'"' 11,nl'-u~J ·ud ~I.Irr It~ poin,c-d ,,.. aJI \,d4f'll;J .irl'I ,..Tc-.wd1 l""''-'l'tlle.::t1 )"('•oo , rot an,, pill tJ:l'C rr.ww:J hy lh( \l«t artd <. 11111n \<.11111111fk'r

C"t•.\TFH:: An.·hitci:1 t('\hatampu., ntntfriut-d rn,m p.t{?(' t

l,-,·;1(1Uh •.t, Ja:kli,,r.J tk IU I~ h....,. aid Hllluu1I ,111nif1"1111..:e nJ 11 ~•,


lint {'C'l"'J("d a...,nnlinai "' B\11'\c. rttt '\c,ffir:i.,h lt1rn1hri.::1 1' mi:1 qlh llt\tn 111~!1114'\;I\ frul".t 1i11oond •hr

',,;11 1iw,~"M 11)11\11M llr 11n.i,dctNnn1.11 iJw, 1f'lh1tc1:t1, fot1t

Ill i,dl l,lf' lhc "-',.hnnl "'I 1h1n~ 1hc ctahm;1I «nh·r "W11I help ~~011'(Uktlfb 11N ~h, 'h !h:11 fft..J.iti: lhc: i;«Jqr u;n.t I'm JIN 1c.".tfl1· r.u:·1,:d u, mn, 11.trot ,\n~~ 11'11! .en t1nt11t) h• lhr .to !Lttil.t\ald L1).c Mnl\k.:aJI jh2).th,:cu~UDlwru..'l

...JIN' 11,tt,kJ 1hru1.1,h J'(i, a,f(' doo1,111"1"

,IW J'(l\\lbly 'Joi.alt' fJU\.il111ni11 tu1uh.

ithfrndot nm R1<h.1hh '"nl"f-0,lf lill,l lh;it '\I llllll'"""'" "·"" "'t"l"I 'i"l1.111bey ..ttl11,l,I M,ct\."t'n1"-n 11-.:La.f t~ ,,-;in..u1111r.11ru1,.'j'<'l.,.,,,IJJ.._1,

\hnl.1.r -...ui, oiJ1111ru,.tr.uc'lt\ c:h•rir •fl.idrnh "-11.lh,",cr tJa.") ,.111 p.1 ,n\11~ ""1rh

Yotuk• 1;nur1nir ihc ,.u,rliai. 111 qiul1h, d i.olkl,.~ Uhltul,.lllf' ,mJ 11dnu111-11,1l\•I, "'

IJ,,ho 1n ~11,1v.11 b) th~ ll,.1Jn1 Cnrrr lr1l•'lfflt..CW11'S)-..ttm1,nfl11oliH' 1t1lf1<:('.lrttf r-, Sbcd.\c.-,', fo1u1h 4dl'9n.llt\~ t.1 nat,rn&! 111111111, l'I Co l".1\\. lJ bill 111 lht 1ot.11c

k1i\L1H•1e mulJ t.lh(' th,: .utkVIM , ,cf' 1Un\l.'1.•.J ltt 1.h.arrc: ,~1,nhc• 11ta1 Jon·1 WJlr<lfl '.\K'•1lhptop.'11) 1.1,et,.. 'llli,mm. '411cJ the l tdt1<.w1 mml"11f',f'n1tn1 hen l'('nl ICI ill \""«.I ll'f ",('\1."t.:d )Cir..., ,11.,:urdm;

,,.,h a1.l.ll1o,\ tt.."fll1Clf1l)hd1ffl·1m1ch.111lltllt"l'Jl't'::l\Wllltt, rtiillnn: A11 C'\.••t'IU,~I lfl 'h':dtt111 ,n 'IC', ft'\'rr,: f"' tUa \"\~ ,,. d...-.i.p Wition. he t,aiJ 't h:hC'H' tb;t.1 l ll,l\'C' the 11!0\I \h.mir of ~'"''a.ling ~1.,1 u( ,m)'C•i.:," "1111 llihc..;-r 1a:.1u"" I 1-<1_.,c 1h..- bw.!J uf ll'U.\.h"nh'o\l'lo('

,,.dm~ "l 8111i.c nin rrw Pf'liji:o ~0·111 h11,h rnntn) h1 dtt ,1~c·, cJua.1111n.i l huJjjt,;I l'llJ1tf,111l •U, h A Khn,1' f;ac1n, 01>'ffl:n"'d1n1. \\hJ..:t, v.1,uJJ nctJ 1n11111') for h11kJmg r,u.. daumrll'TII,. TI'C ,ftit,:ni} ,,r lhc llkJrtt)· ..,,ti be llntcd 1hr®;:h .-,,.uc donurkim, fnlf'l1 '11JJ«k. an.I ud•·1 o11tse ,,0""1.h rrrv.· IM11,ahr iJcl al N\1r'IJ u t.--uhur.d ,.,"t\k'f lrnm I ~tffln:n Sl,111.' ("ollc."&!t' In \\';1lJ11ni:1frr1 llit' c,•lkic ta, a11 111,Jta" i:ult~«OCJlha",hh1t11,1~~r-.u Iii. r.,..u-n un the 1Dt.11h1111 IMIII hi~nf)' c" lilt' P-:111.! O 'UII ln~ 111,I. it,.."C"nr,!ma: 9" iklru:', !IT)' h.1,, Iii h..:111111~ C.&.1!i11y &,t,.;o W.J ht hi,p:,, lflc' \'\.•111a'QII hnn:"' ,,.iuwc .1\mrn,:.m •111<iko11 111;,:t":Chcr JnJ 1-~·WJ~ nal.'C dk:11 flllrt~.:A l' 'lff*t~, (;111,pu. The u·111e, v.1U p,n,iJe •<lhC'



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' ">day.M•tdi9:IOClO CONTINUfD t lrto,:
I \ t II lrilf,.!. J h~ tfrr- Jirn
,1.:1~~ , dlul J J mhll!' ,ti · inonc) "{ ~\t'I h,1111 I.ti.: liq,u 1,1,v'-
\111:1.:Llcr ()hlPO'-t.'"
10 u11.·n·o1~
fl"u111 P•IRl' 1
<la,l. ff
I ~ \l,,turt lfor\.1·c.iJii1."'d
lfl u~
1' hitn:t
.a111111 nl 1,;&n1pu,.
.atv11ott,. oU,u.-h anlJ
.a,dcr,tand v,J..: l.11\d
ki..:Jlli.x, vi tJ~ tnlx h\· 1.hc I.ii·~
1,111'1-t,CNl,11<'11 ((lllhi he I("' ,cars o.k"""rl n"J· \:I<.. ulf1d:1b ,tt l1oUI.I
\(,.,W\Lnt 1t-11ha~. Ill:'
~ndm.;: • h•t •1t 11nit'
tnlC'!Ylc,.,,,n, 'kho,11
b~:.JI) Cl)111110
ur u:·nlcr •~iulJ
1,, stic ua Mt .._CIC'r 1tm1ndin, pn,pk v.,·u· r,m1111 lml•nn •11hc li>'ft,o.J 1t1 t.i:ih11,' &,i.e t..11tl Sot l,,,hnlb ~11l .,.,h1l-: ,1c.· 1ult11..1l IN)' be I.he 14*~ u•
lhc f'Cl;ILl'"•n.
,,r ~11ntmlftk)' htl•\""C'Olllk.i<'r1hlll'lll 11bo llh.lW m.a11~ S,Hht' ,\"'~1i\'.1u\ C"Ju 11h1•'11 11k.1t. 1hruu;h rn·11uc, rr.irh,. .1.1.1Jin, anJ (IO"ibl) •. 1mncum lypc: •1m11,pt,C"rt. tiurkltm!J Kool·Alde From Jonestown by
::!'~~a.<'' Cove Bowl and Lounge '"°"~ .. ,.,,... ---· die: ka• ,-,adMbl.1<111 •11fodlDIIJon11u1,,a.,.~ aJlld ndLW ,11,, !"1 ""1 " pre-,t'flh
Civilized Animal ,111cl
!\UCSI Melefluent
,..-.1,..,..1 ......... Ytl\h
AlC......\l,r~IJilll'ftnit,,-i ~·'*''*-~1 llJUJll!k. ff ktn iNr, hrA- 1,-uraut' )'tlllr ....._,,t-, o...,,. CAREER #ildvantage IJru ftull Rid:d floh 'mn · Rifu- s~ Wi i;i. Br.Jict,.1 im.ire. The NtC Career Center im,ih.·\ )'DU to coml' hear •ome ol 11.,. na1ion'• leading tXfl<'<b gi,I' their advice on nn.-er and life pl.lnning! FREE 13-Week Workshop Series to help you plan your future! NO SIGN•UP NECESSARY I Agreat oppc,rlunily lo gel t•j)<rt carttr informall<m. Upcoming Wortcahopa ill<,111• 1~Jt,Jc,n\hdt1<:..L.n lturhli IU lll'I ,11h(l..1rn.1l(IUH 11h 1 '1k~'"'" 10,"nl'fn-,Jun11ltn lftJ m . .... . ......... . ....•,~,ure l'l•l ifl nol' oec.ause • unall cni:ICOI.IIO m11Wugh h • l'01I und4f ,o..,r pa, lf"d rt't!....., JOI.If Wfr,,C, 'Of!d:lilnspr,cto(~cardt,1MI ~.xiOonty OIOOpllr;t tfWV<J1 e. et.:.k' livt I 1-.i..•., .,,, , ••,. • +h..l 11, ~cs•+ tt1,•1r• o.,t' ,ol .:\ ,t.,J 1 ;"°''
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On Their Own

Tiic ,inple rnot11<.'r pn(1lllutinn i, ,1tc.1<hly im,wmg. All t<x> often women are being left to do the Job of r.ii,mg a f:uml)· ,mgkhandedly. AnlJ.lingly. sonic of lhcm are able to n<'I onl> pnwiclc for their childrun. bu1 to put thcmscl\c, 1hrough collc~e. Hen: an:"'" "llrie, of the women wlw do nnd 1he one, who hdp 1hc111 on !heir wuy.


women's Center offers support for variety of needs

bt Anok Woockn

\l,tr1,Jtin ldll,•r-

ingk' mnthtn hllcn na-J hrlJt ~hrll No;kC>!\th..·u kd.1'krka\1nsa1 ~1


\\onu:o', {°('nlct 01 (\-..-., d' \l(IM: tt .1,1,11l1thl,c Whtk1hc\\1,mc=.n·1o

Ccntct rnn1,111I} "''•l\ w,1h tOO'ot' •n

dnmi:"tl( uokl'IC~ 11r1.11lfn'lft\, lhc.'l n:k, v,n~

i;ll(nh Id lithc-r "h'tntin 1n th.: 11icJ 1h,11 11n

r,nwlck' hnvr ~\l'*o1ran: rhc' WM1itn'tCcn1rr,,flcr.M"nk"'n

Ilk ludln; • 1.,..huyr lSo.•ni.e,t/,1: , ,.,l(n,:,c

i.hdtct, l\l.U(TI\I\ hnc,,.-1nJ Wl'l""rt fr11-,p,.

lk1.'l'n1t, ptm1Jc, Jiclu., h,r 1l"tlffle'll i111J

1.:Mdtct1 r•.- up tn 10 IM,a. 11ncr ""hkb hll'I('

the) '° thruurh lltl...t ~nl .&litJ VJtlOC'

ffLI) quallf)' In "JY JOf'IJl"(. IIC(Tll'dtnJ to I 1u

iandall. PfU¥Till1• ,er\~, diM;t(• for the Wnmm't.Cfflltt Randall ulll the INCi ,awn ..,,, ..., t.a• thtm ur ta~

_._...., i,,.,,..i..l

Adversity paves woman's road to education

b)' l"•ns~111h,n \.'o+imt'IH,.,lflnn

io1c1atcl11ht"1'111p,11 k-J'K' lndk"p!i,l~e:lf 1111'.' Jhdtrt IC'l"ti.17'1 wnm,;,n, Zll v.·hN.h ~.t)'CII \ingk ,umh Ahcf lca\ln& 1hc ,J\rll("f ot 1tc 7•1 ii\t •fft i.ldnu ;it MC~

~11J.lll wJ 11\M • hllc I~ center ,n hdf1 -.u,nm fi11J .,..l)t lo ~lknd tplk·tc. ffll.lll nccd111~ 1111he' .,.lid. f1•r-.'C MJ:'clffl1otJC)'· Sli..: ,a1J1hi:-~ 'lfnJ~XUf"(ftcli1P1 tbclf ,lffi•lntJic('c-,1tt·tfoi '\"" 0ift41iOMal "" h•t1ictr '"I\ luc of lhcm v.uukl hM' 111 S1t&ow:ho1)!, but die) l1a,.: 111 p.-1 h.KL ''" 1hi:n ll't"t flf"\1 • R.in1l 1lt LuJ SlittJ11J 11IO'l11.1r 1hc ""cnnen 1he 'lhtlt,r w.-n·tcn arc hilh ir.tkJr.J pa.11.1:tle\

Vlnnicn. 1e,uic mrn .,Jw1 11e ....t bdp. fhc t.'<nh"f h n1n M1 r,tr,ctll h)" \·,,h1~4'(n,. R,1nil.dl ul1I nat,mJ .Will("!KH ll<Oh1,.,J Ill lkll'lll"~ti(' ~IOklll!C" 'Mhl.llui,q 'ilit liliJ llUIJQ.h •11J ~hl\111:iUfl t, & Lirtf: r,a11•l "1Cr."'1el rro,1lkdh) till; \\omen·, Cciu,.-r. llicccf,tl:'f tt11.·rnl1) '4or\;N v.,th I.he lk--,<lof'mtm•I P,.h~)' d~A at SIC" a«o.rtJ101 to R:1$1,all. ,1nJ lhn Vt.llulJ l1l,e1 to ht 1n,uh~,n mcwe!a.;1l'n1~M rhco.'Vl~tt pr1hiari, fur ••n1&o1J .iuauf111, 1ttncM 1111.,ad1 1n .\cw11urJ.ttnN~~,,~ tn.lCMfl tn {~tob(,f ll.iAlofl ;.aid iluJmh ""11h iJta1 hlf ,wn,'l cam1• 11t fnlt"lll lJon lllbour dllmc'IIC', ioknc'C' 11r tDCoura,,d tu (Utl\St die "DiaTho_hm ___..,......., 4..,b-Clon. S-C'olltp MIi NIC.1-


I Ji,tJu:rj 'ltb lhc flC'\I bnl \hOKC' Foo ft'IU/"lllt'J k'•il m IW~. bul V..a 11..11\X'J

11, lr1<s:C' hrcauw1•f r,robl.·11h ,t-.c ri•r1uard h>

w·orl a a mi~ 1111hc home hc.ihh

\lolM'rt I.he 1h1.lV#il 1h,c ""vtl v,wJJ tic! )cu

,u ,;UuJ f'h)1iadl). SOO WOt\Cll 1111111~ Q,pa.:11)

wi11I hallh rnittlrn11 bl'l:amc a,.)111,c,crc h> V111tl

IU rlllf'\1111, .,., klf1gi:t \I• "11'1 arrlir.J hll' dl\,1hifll) *'111 l1iomtd IU KhOi,1 Sbt applied lor .u111.Jumni k:bol.mhir &tit ,rnn,t'I, cnmrlr11nJl 1"'l pph.:~11( n ~m, f«i•Ullllf.'li.l:,unn, (ron1 b('f 11Ulrt...-lOflati..l (l'.llng

11l«ou11:h:a d11ti~uu Ull1°n'b "'llh lhi li."hillilf'hir

COffl"'l!l¢f' The ti.,..~-.:1,111n,n· ~t,11"' h.lJ\\MJ1t "1.,l.,nhlf' k NsC\I JIG the MuJrna·, ~hol.,1,1J( ..-h,1·,~111('1!1 GP,\ ui.l nrhtr (ll'{l.llll,t.,11c.·c, ttlatanJlltl~ uJcrtt'\ DCC'\S fo11!,t,1n,111,c)' hlft il'il~IIU1l'('\III) :.J CiP,\ hi:, fittt )t"--IIC in lh,:

11,rJ1ealu-1,.rC1.inAI l'f•-•i;un1

IY1111t,1n infr•n•·J l..i..t t.pnns 1h.,d ,ht .,,,.ould fc,;ei\~ lht w.ilc,l.,,,"lhip illid \ hol'lt,m.l Ila 11:1111,p,rt Oii- \lr'CW) w l"ililr\h p \\4.'l awll\lnl lti IWO r,.ltb; )bC f(:(CI\C.J h.alt I I fAII •11,I \lolll r«t'ih'" thcoehcr ti..Jt lhl, \rri.11'1 l-1Nliill,l'or11tt ,lcd1n1111(4!f.,,. .,.,.t,.i, (Wlhllutcf k°t Cia\.\n ii.\ 11:hoduk:J.

I~ 10, lcR clan lttlmi UI anil •nM kl 111.·rcar Al'ntodWftUIO\,bcd1.Cll'lhcr f1crda I a1tJ 100,111 hr1 llll<.:Uft""'IOO 11.111 \\ulc up 14~f ,n 1h.:- ti,1'plbl, ,1 , tct1m ~, orti.,n rnnnn\• pot•,nmni 111t',uh Na ,,lfQ:na·Jclll ·, lt'fl\l'4cltnJ:WUfl l-011 IU1i lJ."l lfll11i: \lie f",1111 ,1 CClnH&M' W.COJ lu rt-11H.J(I fin uw:.,t,,k hon.It' She 1i1,,1, Uft.lVl,·;n 11' 1hc .~ he b.i,I dnnc 11nul a.le Dlmn t Jied f1111n tw, fuuh) rtp:un. TI,e ')lnpe,.)nu i,( h,, 111111:1,, ,cnt H .11tll lkpartntl'11I

lnl'C'\llt.iion In tw:, h¢enc lc"i&n;hins fnr n (IIUI(', lntlt~m.1,1l~,·.Jp•11onol th..- tnukt, li'Vr.i1tJI°" lfllllOOi:la1riUI Y+11,01tJw wa,fM>l •tr U'l cc~\,1111rc,1 dlC' "''"ny. ._..,, ,·nnnc:,;k'J lot~ Y.llh Clo.Uit;1l l,1f'I: 111tl I t.rl..:r:d ftll"ll\K'O \"l'(U, v.tlj}t 11Chc-r YtlOUJ WU.11 JtJC\'"ll\'C rt,!.' o.'1:•lllr.lChll" hJ,J !fl(;l.lf1t'\II\' rrtn~.Ut!J the! rumn.:c I')' \cnclns 11 mr,11lltcr1l1nt. •·h"h nu,cJ the rcl.:l'IIC' or L:Ul,'111 t1k'l!K1\kk p.., Foit b.u br-t'.'fl uo.iMt 101rlufl'l f,1 ti.:r 1tJ:1lcr

'Wl\,'C 1hc H~hh Ol:'("3.rln\tlll 1rt-.l-'C'(1cd 11 She II h,,.._'N In l1vl" in II timd \I. ub hn lttn-1.-,: ho)'\ ~au'ic sh:'finoo1 i&lfon1 to J'A>" lat lhc n:p,u"" DC"cdcJ ltl tC','111)' Che' ct.un.a,:t" ou..nt b; the on11.-.:1ut lm,a,JJstUJ11 l11theirlKHic.ll ~)'-ltm and lum-K."'t,fon ~uJ the ru.)(.-.niJ llo(iral.10 ~J 111 be 1ri,l..actJ 111.1~ n•tntiJdtJ a,~ or 11"' lliUkt ..\u1hnn111., wtr"tun.ihk Ju kotitk 1hc .;cintJu.·1or \lltloJ-.i1hc•1-.l ln1.r,1,,,1 her '""41.: 1""1 ut11111tai1na n,:oruu,,c~ 'tl,.ili:JU!c. She 11trrnd1 ,~_. Monda~ lhr,,o'*' TtumaL~ 1ni..nbt1,-o,. 1n Cor:\ir ,r \kne \tr..,J;))' ~\o:11111,t\ 1hc illll'llth llfl t\ 1'ltlll.£, la.;.,,;,. «:a:clhtc 11t l'ulJw:1tn Crrd. Ii, ~a,ldp,11l1 \hc-r dll\lCf Mof'd.s) 1f1mui;h \\.c-cl•~Y. \I~ ,lt1\t,WS.mdi1U11 lV.• ~~l,11"'¢rlll .Ill t!"lti:m•.tur fl huun per wttL 1,11 l',,nh,1nJI.: Hohh 01>1tn1.. hiJ,ll)' 11 tinod.tJ oll lll\ll t.l.c,1.J..,...ay, lfll:, 111,:SoW(lll'lhln,t tfC',·i.;ii w.11b her ''""~lhc 1f1Cl\•1d:ae<--Jr~1,l lo1tm) cti,l,Jrcri R,n .,;.i~J ··1 t..:t'I ,011 ~-an ,lo 11n>1ti,i-, )l•U l<'l )UOI 111uld 1u."

In a rlt"Mlc:Urr rmm 1ht Alu1n111 ,.\~1.1t"1fl hlQ'li 11111\,,cr •1'1111n1MJ1.1Cll '\IC Shatilcy 11,1,1d hct 4,. hJl,dl~ !ff\('\l:CJ UI J~Jt:JIJ\.'lllk•ft.. ·\t ,& 11nzle fflPlhr-r 1111••• :1<l~, ,t 1wm11.h,,.• n,11n)' (lnOl111 but ,he h:n m .dc: t'J11,•.i11.m • ,rt.1,..-

p.u1 of hi:r lllc

I 1111 ~11.J 11';11 "1lh1,11t lbc ht1p ,al\t1uptutc,f Shitiky WW bn OUatt ,n,1n11.111ft,,, lht could llOl hln-cdonr,t,r•~dt ibty lu.\(' all t,,cc,, \l,\it,1lc1fot, die ~J Allct rrWUadc,n, hlf1 hnp:1. tn w«t r,u1 llln&: a,anwdgl '«ITW) lllldpa111nl('1t1k'ltnt """• hn or_. 11.>Ut'IJ t'Ulalf!Uk!t '11D rD lftlCdk.4I hllll.n (1f II lllll!lar 1)1Jl" 0, bu11ncu. .,..,..,Jol,,anln,h, ...,....,,__ •-,,-... .... a.-.c-·v --·..., ra,, Kay

w. uh ._,me 1.ollc;t cJucilCKJO Sht: ,uud Ille o.('lllt'l bt-1~ V.~lfnr• re1 tr,dnir1i:, 1hrwrh ti!Jlll,UU\ R.a.nJ.11 141J thM ,ulp(l)n11:nt 1, Ilic lej, lcw mm.1 VIIIPlt'n, btu th.Ir it w.uulJ I'll' in-~ fnf l:O.Ulgt, loJ 1''~flkff,-l ,1n lt1C1,,'ftll\C In 011.·flP1.ltC ~,n;5c ""'"~ rn ro fn ,cbool Thr W,urrn C"dlkt 1,j1 t1JW1-pn,{d "'J'"'111.u.und1.11 w.d••nh wnmca tn lhl: f1w- 1111fthrnl I~ o.'UUmar.1. tilll Randl&I ,1.r.:,..eJ 1h:i11tle,· .alv, Vt.orl. '-'•lh meit<ltd~ "nicr R.:imLII ,.11l11hJ1 C"\c-n ttilru~h fl,,ihol\,d \Ullt,Ho.:, "'°"' u, ~n'c.,I c>J p:-urlt \I.ho \U.lkr from J,JCne,ll( "IOIC'1-.:,;
~.~s:1:.~ :3;;·7;
IU m.,.~c II rtti,.h "l.ll1, ftc:1 four 1;.bl1Jrt:11U\\••3il't1(,f t-.1u1l 'Atte )IIUtll[ Ill IIIC tunC' \ (('\II )\".lln fu,t 11nd lll:1 tru,h.11,J im.lib~ 10 rc~oht m:inc~I ru~ ..the kll htt •Uh t,..a ct11til1c,1 hi tJ:hc &kn1,.- S1•m ilfltl' "he: lo...i hrt hu~I hci l11hc'tJICd ,.s ats.ean.&11.xL ''It c:4, 111C' ,1 klits 11111c: 10 rn."O\'Cr rrom ttc 1,~~ 1;.11J \he.,.._., tmplo~'C'•J 111 th.!' hcahh can uiJu"lr} a,• rt)ll\f(:f(d nur,.c .1!1 lh; tune \ '""" )~"1111 l.atcr •tk.·11 pniblcut\ ..i.1th "l"IIJ.I a,tlJJttti br,:111'1 rn 1nlrt1c:rt \\llh bn ~1111y 1.n1i.1,11. ,ht 1J.1ncJ ltun~tn, ilboul l'-"nJ t. c 1,a. l~ll1l Ah,111 li"f \tilfl 11:l\ fnrt di'4"LI\\CJ lwr opt,,11H 'tll'llh A \'t!',:!Umn:~1 ('~""'1~ ! \k\11kJ 1hc rnC\11.:::il l« pror1;it1t ;H lite njlht cbni.,,: IOf brr. Sbr :t.al4 Wit Jtlt 1-0C''"oadJ U'IC UK 11>C'J1,.al C'\'C 10 fxorbtnc:fil Shc»11t ha.I ilrr.unC'd,,I tic,,;c.,nunz4aw~,1ncc ,he .,.4 1 lmlt ~·rt SorJunn "1:~dd ttpl.-:C' the •:.i1hr.choa •ht fell O l.l hlJM. b.Jt htct•ll11l1J
rict\lum11, .\wx111t.iur1i1,~11~1i111 alumni t.t.iw:1t~nhl111t1 Ka,, h,tto!\4tlc: f<(ln .-cc.:ti1h compk1td hl·r fiN , ui fun
*00 11.-1, )Cllll, llfO'llrllh hct l.1.11111)
=If -::==.'t' .. ._... P119<>12

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