3 minute read
Legalization legislation on hold until 2002
Idaho State COIie cmnges back ballot plam by K•te •:hi Snit111f'I Rf'f1(111rt
AC'.hllntc ul 1)1< Idaho SI.lit(' Code: h1u. ,e1 tl\t' Le11111iutlon nf \1iM"1iu,itu. aub tL\1C) rbn~ for • b111Tot init11uivc bad unul the
MJ.,e,11bu :?OQl cl«11nn
Thc ld•ho l.t'Ji• l11urc chan,s:cd 1hc dc..adlinc for cullcc11n1 the 38.000 ligru.1umi of tqhlc-n:d \'Ota" nttdod to ptit IUI ll:lill~l h( t,I) the balk\! l'irU )'t'llf,.
•ro (ro,m (c,ur n1nnlll\ bdan: lhc: ac::nct,il dcclion 111 Aflril '\il h alw UO\\o ~1iro
.ao.ooo ,1cn.11t1ttr..
L\tC' P-rc:,iJrot D11n Sheckler •• c<-ttiQf 1hc ,uppor1 from C'aM.') H11ni~.
1hc v. r-ittr ,1f Califo1n11· Propn\1Unn
11 S. wh ich loc.11H1td 1-q•riJU1ma 101 m«bcuµI u"' nc rmlJ(NliM wn L,1a
11\"('JlV-fDl'J l'heh1o'Ut1)t'tinM1,-.n,\\.d ll cm1,k..-. ul'I 1hc wl.'clu:oJ ur ,\pril 2 J Shn::l.k.r
,.ilJ th.u • groop o( .ittotrll')'\.o \\bl"h dcclin&:dtot'Offlfl.c1ii on lhc idenllfa flf,
I, 'A<OtllnJ on• Jr11h ut the duh'• l-n1rj•nc
··wehope 10 h11\c the 1n11UUv" v.t11w, b)· Juiw: ;IJlrJ 1btn .,. r·u \ l1t11 un;t1l.1u1i: ptliliom M 1h.it Mlt.- he ~rnJ
Shed. Irr "~id lh< dub flflW ba, 72 m<'mbrn, ilnd lh u II h 1be fa.r,c,i lln campu~. S1udcnh from c,1hor hh1ho couc,e, h•\e ~011 111,1ed I.MC' utk,ul l>Cllma up dub\ on their camp1H 110d h,,\·c ll'a1dielr'IUJ'll0f'
··w•1ill 11o·e·rc r.uri1ng 10 '« • poop or "uiktlh t,lo\\n ll-1 Rol-.c-11,1\J .i.1 Ll t 1h.t1 ;aK tt.i..11) t.rkio1 u, oo 1h1,i. h-.uc."
Hometown Hero
Shcc:kkr ...W. " We're #oiP w ,wi to I 1h1nk , • 11111), roa, orpm~II~ rh'lffl "'"''' the ~•I<' ,wan l',l grov. rht' (luh wo •pprnH'd b) bf11h 11tr fntrn-C lub Co1mtil and lbc BuJtd of l'ru,tte,, tk,pltC' O\,Je~l1ont by ,emu: Coeur d'A lene Ci 1> C0t111it1l mc 111~ The 1tl .1ho Su11 c Polite and I.ht d n.11 .1-...arc.nc , .ind prc,cm1ora orran11..1Uoo l:.nough h l!nouJ,:h hi.,c come out in CIN'O'l(M)II: ot lhe (IQb. ~m plclbc'd lhlll lhe ICC rc:rogrur~ \be nttJ w prtJoCrvc lk fi"l amct1J.nrm and 10 p,t,crvc 1bc forum <,I P"blu; J,cb<l1c Oft lhn c.ampu~:· Sbcd:kr 11n1d. '\'r'hm \lot' optal> d i.s.;u.h lv,un h "'hcri v.c rc.acb bc'ne:r w,Juuon.., 10 pn>bkntll, t'l11b mtml~H caau1 10 a dcchh•n Wh,l l~1 ~~"''" Uk the ini1111th'e W '4)'. '-S\Wl'Urlf 10.000 ~IJu.ttUtt• bccoUa:.1tJ
The ch1b -..1111~ m•rlJ1i.ru 1.ti11l1tt'd tor 1h et~e O\'Cr 1he aa:c of 21 (or rccuatlo,ul and mcdlcinal uuic. \f1111JU.llJII would be alJov,cd IO be 1UQV.-"R by h C't'n,cd ,lite commen:in.J (1n:net11 IMld W(IUIQ bc- d4' • I lttlllt' liqWf 11(Wn TllCM' O\'er ll wO\lld be ,lltJYtC\1 10 lu\·c the (I{ lbctt (JMI pl&nf~ (Of ptl'\01'.W IISC. Farmeu \lrOuld be 1ble 10 ,row unlic:-C'o,cd low THC ,nJ.unnal grade: hcmPi, which co.n be mlkk int-.)~ 11M k\lik., Hemp $Ced oll Cl.D be "'\Cd (or c,n .u"1 fPr f."Ck*ina. The ISP !old S.M'Ckkf th111 1he only re.son "Wby hemp wu 1U1:g1J 10 aro~ no"' o. bcc,i1tte ,is.Ible di1ccrnmcn1 between l\cmp 1nd matlJ\l•l'lr• 11 1mp<1u1h1c wl1hou 1 d1t""1i;..al.o.:il)'11s. The club I)> pl:s.mun, 011 bold11l&a IJ'O- d)'UII fand-rn:1~r cbtc bas ftCJC bctti \el yc1 Mcmbcn 11te gofng hJ make LMC \h1tt, (bt the Cund-~itr,t:r from lht nklOCt wocd Al thir.1r bidcc tale oo April 20 The)' may a lW 1m e • btnefil Ctlel«fl thh ,umJ\ler. Lo,c.11 band Trip hat 1Jreldy agmcd 10 pc:tfO(m "Aghung 1hi\ ~A.t aaalru.t m.triju111111. n <'051lOg U> ¥111Y 100 mtach money and if, hurt1nr our ,oc1c1y ,,. the loa& n u,," Shc..:tlrr 11ald. "'We n.ccd 10 come up w11h II dJITCrtnt p l.an MariJWln• h k!!o• lwm.f'ul t.b.1n 111kohol acconlin5 to Lbc Ne,. \'c,d; Time-. Thc.y ,JJJ 1hc d111g e..cpcfl\ •sr« W1;1)ht>t h mott cbngtrou1 10 wcltty Jnd iodi"iduah Marij11a11a. runbt:nnorc, h.lb JIC"t'f c:.1u~ a 11-nsk dc-•th. wbcn:-111, 400 people dk aicb )Ur from ,u:,t alco~ poa'Klning.
Igraduation 2000
More than 550 students to graduate b)' Pa.n Sb1on S("11t1r/ R r-ptl(1rr
Gnu;lulhon for mote 1h.an SSO \lUtlt.n~ I.) 1Chtdulcd fOC' 10 Lm. May 111 Ac.'conbnj to MNn Carey .11 die kql.mv·~ Office. apphco.1ion1 con 11nuc 10 am,,,:. Cnre)' Nid 330 c.tnd!ICWt., Co, ,:r.dullli(lft will l,a\it rompktcod acuJcmlc: p,OfBttU, Md 225 1,1,;llJ ha\'C /imshcd 11ppl11.'d lcchoolOl)' program$. 0( l.hc5c 'ltal.kob, US will be v.~ l-n the «:te.mooy. Ciro.du:011011 c11nd 1dau:1 c:hJlble 10 "1fllk ,n 1h e jl«>Cct.1.1~.n completed courM"S •t NIC in tbc faJI od 11)1)9 or will romplcl.C lbc:ir counc• tn 1ht 1or,inJ or "'mmcr o( 2000.
Student, piuticip:1ung In lbe Lctcmony v.ill ,..uhc:, Ju BO:\wcU H.all. where the pro.-e.,,ion v.-dl begin. Studcnhi 11oann1 lhcu Cl!>' and scw,-11"' will ((lffll u lit1t and be led by frcJ- Mtch.acl 811rtt lion, wlth 1nr1nbt'n of lhc llc,ard of lN<,~ admlnlurawn and facultt The proceW,ioa will c,()<:s the \OCCCf field and ("ntcr Olruhaioon O)mu,..ium. hcuhy ac:h.ic,·cnKm .-a"'"lltd• will be: prc,;cnt.cd 0.n Sbcctltt, ASNIC Pft'"jde111. "'111 oddt«t. 1hc \.11tdct1t hoady Rill Wt"n1utb, I~ h<IIJ\ .a m.nk-r'4 dc,n,c, ln 1hcol"I) .u"1 rdi1kJU1. ~•dnn, It' '-''C.11 ll" an l1anorary dlx1nratc in d 1vinll) from Mbrrt.wn Colkgt: t1f ld:lbrl, wtll JI\'(' d t eo,,uorni:cmtnl lddrt•u He become ,01newh~t of an 11ut.bori1 y on h.tk crime.,. r:aci,m ..tnd 1ht wt111e ,1,1pfmMld,.t fflQ\-CntfflU m I.be Nortbwu&. Wu~muth ha, ~ncC!d a, ck(('Uhvc- direct.or of tbc Sartb•c,1 Coalition Asain,1 ~t&lldou. H1Ltai.1,n~ru ,iftt~ a~9. He t, c~ m:1J)Km or i,e,·cral 1111o·:anlJ 1oducbn1 Lbc R.noQJ Wallcnl:ICfg Ci,·ic A'A-ud. Coc:ur J'Alcnc Chi1t1bcr or Cooirncr.,;c Ohllnguubed C'ot,cn o( the Year Awud .and 1h e M11.r1dn Lu1ht:t Kina, Jr r,..1.cn\Qriltl A'l'W ll\'CJI by I~ N.tllklnuJ Ed!Kal.Jon A~MX:iatlon. ~tJJN'fltr1Jordon Smllh, II, ot Coeur d'Ale110 nl<s for John FrloR'1 au1Dgn1ph. Fri•sz, quartell>ack tor the New England Patriot., •Pol<• al lht NIC Alhlel lc Awards 88nquol on Thursday May 4.
1'bt toe:omcncrnim ttttmnn)' will he t.i:pcd and 11ttd un ClwMid 19b)'Adc.lpt,111. Medi.tat II Lill. MiylOaod p.m. M.:ay:.?I. for lnfC'm1.a11on rc,antl1:1s 1rudu11.1iot1, tunlKI 1hr i:t.eglmur·, Office al 769-3Xl2.