2 minute read

Burke expects many changes for future ol NIC

New regi st r ation process, cultur11l center in pla n ning by Mkbad l...rc M1ttitr .Umliu-lNr~,,u,


fo ll 2000 ..cm~tt:t tAtlll -.ec- • pol d.:.111 "' new p«1Ja:ll ;c11111r oft lhc crouod 111!d • b0tc 01 1du,. .anti 'ilNl.'.ltrrn 1•n ilk' dra~inJ ho.ltd

One or 1hc Jl«IJCC.:C\ in plnn.n1n1 11 1hc

N.it.11,c i\mem;.,.n CuJtu111I Center

The: archnetl t:hflc('n h tl N.a11-ve l\111etico1n 11.11mc1.I 10h11 1'11ul Jo11,,.

Jone1e' crc'lk11111 I, u,chnle 1he Na11unal

Mu\c:vm of 1hr Ame,,can lndllliM 1i tbt' Sn\ 11h,onh,n l n,11 11111t1n in W;uJt,namn, U.C ·1 feel '-Cf)' ronun111c that .,.e un fiffd wn1ehc,J) 1hJt ha.• font,· lr'f-cl flt cltpcrthc in N111vc A mcric.an projt:1,.·h Prt, M~I 8111lt ,111" "We urt lltin& lo crc,1tt II huihSing th~I "'U pre,cne 1hc c;ult11r•I her'1•J<' o( 1bc 1o 11 c a., Y.cll a, prtwtd,c I venue ro, OUI .N;li\c At1IC't1C•II ,1uJc11h 10 ,nu:111oe1 "'' 'huc.h n1bcr and 1ht collc,cl)OJ!"I.Altun .11~ a \\hole." llutke 1.111d ··h w111 t'C .a 1.i1htr,nr r1..cc • Ana1hcr ..:hllRJlC to, the f.tll ""•' 1,1 lui1lonlm'TC:uc

Af('(ltd1t11 10 ffurkc. ~h1Jcnh did fl(lil obJed to tht' I i at rahed tu,. bc,111.11.c Ilic ,1ud!:111, "" 1bc- hcr,d111 dtrc-i.::11)'. r he S2~ dotl:it tRcre!Mc In 1u11ion hlJ'<tC\'C'f, h another mancr Burle "id 1bw n,u f'('MitJ b«J w be c.,11npc111hc 111 tinJcr tn ,111tiM.:I qi.11111)' it1\ln1cl<lf'i "'I dun~ w~ .;11c- 1cn111t c,11t n'lul~) '• 11o·t'lnh Umkc wd -1 don'1 no:e,-..,,nJy

Icampus Crime Lo G

")11u11t00., 'I hlcn,,11 .tbk IU ten'l«'.\Ot .1.blC' 10 qu11h1y tatlllt)' 0 1 ,,~u The l.111 tame I chrckcd, Ube 1umon, 11·, le\, l:lurlt! lhan 19 o, 20 .........ronctCflltftg the llbtar)',8uth Cflmmcntcd 1ha1 1bc ,111c (qnd1n1 "'hidt the hbtat)' will nct\J, I\ 11 (cw )"car, oul thcte H, ,a1\l tnH)' n11a.n1aU01n l'lcd 1bc monc)" :uld 1hc ,1111c Offl) 1r1, • prcdetemiuwd amuun-l t',t'f)')'l!af

·we will 111,·e to nl\c ""me or 1hc mQney pmiucly.· 8url:e .ill.id Anotht'I fiuu, r ch.snac- will be when lht b•~bllll rtcld will be rtpl11<"ed by:. new bu1Jdh1J. atcoidi.1\1 ti> 8u1Lc. "l'hc bu1h.hn1 -. ,II be buill ta bous.c nun1ns c l,1i,Se1 ind 01.hcr c l.t"(JQonl'f. pen111nlna; \() 1hc rncdluf field. touch a-. 1o1,n1>arapheu. an,mhciioloa> and 11. 1~·1"t-)ut pcnstam r,,r pby1.lc•I thaa:py. Thr b;u.cbllll pla.)"e"' "'ill u,e the tit)· b:111 p.a,L._

··w,arc JN>Jr'lphteally cOo\111,i1:u:d:·

8u,le ~·Id "'N IC' OWIU oalv .t7 lk'tc.t.

ThcrC' l'I ntw pat luna O\tr by lhc: N4h\'e An'IC'f~ft Cuhural Cente,. bu1 no OM ,,. u,;ing h 11 tned to bt- the llo\11 ld 11,s (o, lbe l)q,O,rtmtnt ()I La1xb."

An(lthcr poi-Sthllil) for parUna. "P•ttt

1, Rnbin Hood P.tatk, ra1h cr 1h1in the b:ucb.lll fie ld ii V.D inlcnded fo t The lon,:hou,c. which wilt be the Ameri can Indian Cullur1I Center. It plhnncd 10 be txuh on lhie IOC'ttt fteld. thr onl)' plate (or td1 fo, 1 ~ildtni, "' We have 101 111 11,cJtt:h commiute looking (or a rcpl1u:cemcn1 for 0.1v-1d L111d1-Ay ·, v11.:t 11,.c,11den1 of i iudcnl ,cn·tcc, po,itioo." Butte ,a.id. *'We a1t rcplarln11 folb "' h~ an: rtt 1nna." Olbcr c:.tto,11n, uccordmg 10 Burke. lne ludc eAp11n"ln1 nppnrtunilfo In pfofeuionAI 1echn1co1I field•. r1ndiftJ WA)'• fot ptoplC' 1u go 10 ~('IOI who may be: worl(ina: dutina 1be d1.y 10d 1.:h:anie, In p,u,cc11,•1n1 ~oplc tluoucb adm1'11ioo,. .:ind c l1"IS(\. "We are tryln,: tu find" wtJy 10 m~ke 11 • Pne ~top ,hup. ,lmp1i(y 1bc proc:e,.•.• Ourt-e c.ald.

$500 ,mien from wall~t ,n unlocked locker b)'J«'nJ Ma.nlff t1f dAtn111Je 111 lhc ri,:br ttllf' Joor lllctc 11. no w,~ 111 tlJu !lmr S,n1111f'fNt'JW'lrt,., lbtft rM Sc1.·wn)' v. , tM1111kd or 11 11~,1 Lfl,.,1 OIXUff'td trum n AlbJ«t riouccd ~'°' ,..,_ 1n"''ftJ! from hie v.·u.Jkt 1llC '141bJCCI became wte Y. hm no one k-.nt.'-' u11ylhing ;1,00\l'I II Sub,et"I v. n IUIJ lhtrt-., "° mint fl' '4 ho the: tnolk')'

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