4 minute read
Friendly face in a foreign land In a class
• 'f(M before. Marthltt·an:tt'lolheUru.4'1.1 Sci.le, w11h hc:r educauon ,n mind l,lll(J IY'lcr lhooM,.hl di.at bet fo,.-u, fl'\ltlkt IOOO i nclude ruttQl'IC'C.
"I untt It.\ •n C'\d1.u,~ miJir:m ti' t.Vdc:r 10 l.mpn:m: my l:n,:h"h
1111d h;a~c "ddTcn:n1 eJ.pcnc:cx:c h)' h\'inW in a (l'ft1Jtl L"UIIIIK. Mllll11.1w,t1
D:an ,.,ad hli life~ n a Ml
!Ind Vl'I\ DOI goutg 1111) '4 here
"'he*''* diat 1ti..- h11.h ~ti.101 gn1, ,ollC)'~ll cc-mi Cllllr lnco rht Pbnn,na Qwc;L !-ltUf' '\Ra hent he W;t! \IO('lfl.ing.
Dan and Manha HanWll together In lhofr PtummN~
II \\ol tbc llllftC otd ,z1rh he: had ,ro~n up With In hi, howcto\\n i11c:Q Camt W (ht C4~ tq:hler ,,..,,h hn ltllk lee- ocam ..,nd..,kh • 11.m .aid I wd "Hl.' •m \he ,m1kd tbtn tumc:d ilrOUnd aNJ left I•~ ,mhtl!ll. 1lit tV.0 be"9D 1(1 ('.-,:h
Olhcw mtWIC IC'rioull) •nd. in•
-.bui•1ml f\)ffla,,cc. ltlil. enpred. The oou,~ic \ ,c.,.,,'\I ,1 a,• k~ IC'ffil(ll~nl tic<·JuM! l-bnh:11 pll:nDC<J 10 n:rum ti<imc m Cofumbla1ocucnpk:tr l'i\c )'(aJl 011...,llep: Aftcr11ti..ic111m..,n1h. lllel"'O ruli1..r,l th..1 thcy •·lllkd kl he 1ogdber, 110 Manha tq.ln 1ht irn.mip-tlbol1proce,.,.tonell.lllkl 1he llt11ttd Stai~ The rnw.:e.,, cool. aboo1 • ycu ,.ok,Wt' my f,;wlllywbn·1100 hard." M.artba tr.11d, "Cul..->fflblll i'\ 1i-·fnir lhrwgh Jl(fM.1111 dmo In 1mm o( violcnc:ic a1NI C'(on<wn)' w• my t•m11)' •u \Uf'Pllrlhr ol lh)' dixl\lPl'I 1 tllC' cotrplit nwnaJ '11/Uhin l '!','d da:)-t ot M11t1hl'• mum. foll(No"'C'd 111.tc:tby Ill Wl~'lf' '*-~OI M.nnhl ~rngcd O..n 10 tn;d4; •<•fr1e:d11n,: o(hnnl\Clf
Of Their Own
byKtmO.,·b .~,vm,-tRqwur B:
The cooplt- (n('l 11\rour.h Bob'• \1,ai:r \lobo tur., K11rtn'1d;,cs.1 focnJ Boh'utifitf •o., ,n:,uum.eot.AJ in hitehln, rhc a,upk: up hr- "'11h her.,., t:ht a,,utci.l thrng I h:nt e,c;r ~k)ne Mid I h.wr Rill n:ern1t'd the dca.\ion 111 •n,. poi:nl in ffl) life.: 04n wld
Some f i nd love in strang e plac es
S.-11t11trl Rep,.,nn
JMOA Ind Mt"t_tlln Houd. arc ooii)-wrt~ill«'lkce cou:pk Thi\ co.iplc mcc OIi lhc lni1cmc1 1n II ch..! roum
The: toopk" Cl~puad,ct.l lor,I\ ,nrlfltb1' hi:(\"itt !l'K:)
111cl. •h1th lfl\:l1.Jnt ...,.ndm11 pi..:IUR'\ o( thcm1<h•"CS. IO r«h
Coiu1w,, 111 n'°'I mtn"lld ruupk,., l hc)' IIICff hcwlc~ to ._..tw, they kd.cd li'-c:
'"Wt' V.ttt! JU"1 fnrnJ,._ .o arpt'M'iUWX dldn·1 m;a(I('(,• Alc:,:.mukl Rur after .a fc,.,,. month1-., chit)
Jccidcd 11 -·.-1ilfk'l'1rthitm1,,
I as afnild •11 q1«1 1 b«ilu.~ ,,I the v.r:1.n,l \kv1n
>"* hOlr ,,1 mc1rt1:na pcc,rl"' m'("f' tbc h•lcrfl(i. "'' we n,c1 m ..i p,,M11.: ~-.:.'" \IL-"'1" ,o11J
Mtet lhot W>·,JA"°" and MtJanfc.Jltnl,;J\r.,Nl1-.~ lmr f1~ J.c.-.oo t11 t\"llln'I to Ot110. kl, wi ,kpi, 111 Rahdrunl Hk') fn4.1nJ 11 ,bllK:u!no h.t\·f" ln11idht11r...:t ttliMIOl\\hlj' '>II J;1..,-, J..-..:iJcJ tn 1uo\\"htCocurd'Aknt to bcdn-< tohn"
About • yc:.ir aftn' J.a.M.1R mewed to CocunfAkne lhc-
'"ooplc m.m-K'd f hl:) rttt'nll_)' huth • ht.,.,.. in 1ht- ~ru 1111J me l~") 4aMCfll,hDt 1olkp: And lr.wg \lc-r.11111-ap-.)'1,,'hc•k'l!;)' majot •~ hlolln 1, .i l1i~llr)
C'Jlk:.a1k..,..nujor lk,cl1Ja~un a.I'd \1c£,14'lri,'lfl..for8,u\L a( A11~n~..11n~ When I~) m nnl \\mmi tl.1).""t"tbtt" thC") ,,n~n \hK.f~ li'IJClhcr
·0o1nr h, .hooC .:inJ ilUcnJmg ,;.Lit..,~ k\,'C"1ha hclf)1, u, rtl\llncbll)' t>c-.·•lllC \roe c;ait ,hare~ • \lqun 1ro;uJ ·we,.ac11U1t:•(1111d mu1i,«cwh1ithtf.•
.,,...,,t...a.o,i Jason and.._, Houck study togett,or tn their Sb'eSS manao,enwnt class..
The tv.u have '-nov.n cJiCl'I ochcl for flklft' th.lo• )'Car lfflll. afttt • ._t\ifl\\illJ rornUK'lt. bu\'C bc,m rnamcd f«- 10 !nOllJ.M. Thcynmi, 111.m.J colkic1~r Kll\"Ai•.il C'JucaOOfl~pl'f and BvbJ,. t,u 1n~\tuJ11•• Ho,.do 1hc)' m1111.1rc 11,i.h.ft thc~o( coUc,e'1 F.njo)'u,1t....-h t.'llhtt'lCO,itp;l.n)' 11. IUllntpon.n:ma,.f'e('t in J1,;1,nnathc culk~ llCc- b:c.:aii,c the) hlli\( •ntndcd a11or1ll(ltC.b))C' ro,ethct lh p..i ,t """'""'" 11 ',nKclOt.'OU> 1.:.1 ,v.,&tu lnt'nd ,"K.ltt:1:t!illtd. '"Yoo'rcoc\'tf loody. ·1c,srca110 ~v.,hf\r<)IP'l.h ""'1nc'frl1Ufo1to b<." Oab..;.J. •An.tit •orl..•n..it•c:11 fOf U-..l.llK'C 1'C!)QI)' ti.,'Coocc:ar Thc-y nrrl) erer .U-JUC O\'tf 11ud) hi&blh arid fifld Lhluinj! the 1.,-,,llqc life 1Ct£C1hcrcn.wkt. thcm to mt,11"a1t, i:rit,quc i1Jld nicnt\lt each ulber 11',- ft!((' kl hJ\-C M:ld~tfUll )t!U f«~• Sob wkl. bul dov.nl,db I.kt cm1111 bcma nWIC'ned •od ,ncndn~ c.'"OIJcge
'""'""' "1bc h.vd..:.~ pan abOl.!1 allt'Ddi:n$ col)csc a.• cwple '" 1bc fin..nc."111.l pAf1 ol" it; Kall'ft t;i!d TIiey both 'NOrt (ull-4m'IC 114 the Coc.11 LI Alene Rc_.on. ...W dh kJ 1hect bclvy lo.ad, K1n:n 1• a lid', ump coordin,'.llor Mid Bob J~ I CO()j;IC1f:'C, Karen· ad\kc 10 rol)e,c coop~ 1.s to be ~h·eof ach ixhi..'f btc.-« the exu. ~, Ot)l.leit can put Oil coor,lti ,-.n O\cn1,hdn:un1 and m.ay klvc ctr«.'b on the nMUriage Bob'11.,h1etil. ·11rou·~ noi 11:"ing tun. ,.ou·re noi OOU,g ,tngbl.."
Aclass, community struggles with loss of student
Highway 95 claims stude nt life driving toward NIC by S1" , e Shrnk Srwt1MI Hf'rortrr
Andf"t.il"1.mt1 Wh«lct, \4. dM:J Apnl
1,1 in an 11utomobilc •ccidcnl on lflghw;ay ~s duma, ,torm. A.lldi-u \\4' onhC'r\\·tycoNIC A , ,u1lc p11cnt "\\ 1th 1hr~e ,on" Andrea l hcd with her ,noihc, 1n Rl)'\ICW,IJ!ilitl An,hea w.o In 1ht! 1~mc a1•ph1, ck,.1p cb~, •• J,...."'qUC Hnum. •hi, dlC'J
Aftt'f :I hclJt li1tad II tnO(llh JI,.\
"It w,n ll rt;i,II)' tuutll ,1ruQlt f<JS lbr dwo, and mt.· uid er1ph1c dr~izn 11'1\ltUclor S IC\'C l',>tll't Goth '*t"rc ,~rK; ,10Jcm.,, •
Pl!O.ct '-lid lh.lC ~he kwC'd brr 1,..h1ldt'ffl \Ct)' fflU C:h •n'* tlhl ;,II ,he Cllt.ihl to l11vt1l\.<f: the- c:hlldren in IIC'f CYCt)d•)'
11(1 1'\·11~ ·hcrythlnJ ,he did wa\ sc.red lbv.llf'd.,brr1.;b1 IJtefl,,• P.\rterwttl t.a,r ',tft'IC.')lCf AnJr(a vmutJ tn\ohc hN chlldicn in he, 1rapt11c dr,iJ!n pn)JC".1.' in fflllll) • a}'\ .!l!I ..he c:wlJ, "> they •ould t«I is lbnugh die) -.'<~ • p.anolbctalUQIOOl'I Fund established
Sbe will be mw,cd hy Parker, tht' mcmbt'n o( hct ll,J11phl" ckt.lJjl d.a,~ and ~1t·
"The h1rdac run "''' 'ICf'iltCh1ng bet JLlll'lk off thl' ru-.1,,; Pulcr \Dd ·stic -. 1llhc1m,d• it -'"'l.t , "Lt:111tun¥ 1, '° m~Kh fun 100 me 1hul I hkc k1 I
J.Atp.,n hi ~t'f'I('\: \ 1.Mtc1,.,,,J A1x1,td1n1 "' M.iu.ct ..tic- 111 ;l, '(ticdulcd m,rr \C\('t.l )C'uo -,o. t,u, wa.., I'll.II'
Andrea Wheeler and son, PtMllon O'B ryan (of San JOM)lnd Trevor and Kyle Wheelttr A fund wlll bt -bllshod fo,the boy1.
-.·ill nl'II end a:fl:tr ttliri.ftg f,001 hi• k'«hifll poutl(lift lli1 NIC Ni,l'idn, fflJltlCC'ring 11.nd ph)~ ffls.troct«. tw been 1~h1n,: fot :\Q ;tnt1 Unidc, tt1:(h1n1 al NIC. Nelson hu ubo 1uuch1 Al Coeur d'Alene H11h Schoo l and \1ctt,coiw HIJh s~·hoot O\cf 1bc: ycan. heh•, 1au1h1 tl•,1tt.'' ,11ch I\ ph)'!:k ,. c:.nglnctm,1, •MtMU1ny, camp111cr-~nce. 111\d ffl.'llh AtC:cmJ1n110 Nebon. hH ~ehl.ng (arcet tu, been \U)' n:ward1111, b,ut • 11·1 not OH·t )Ct • Ncl\4.,n 11111 would like 10 1a1:.h ll1-tn:,nom) or phyt.K" J),lf1 lime 11,ltrr hit ttt1rit1 In adi.lltltOO 1,• it.ad1ing. NdltOII will be ·odana w 11h hti 1elbcopc. rt!>tonn1 h!J J;lfdt.., fiJ\ITlf. rnoodcltua w "'-'we o.od .,..·r,Unjl. • hoal: on cla:oiccin:uR.., "The mt1111 ,c.,..·,ildm1,t chiTIJ •bout 1cacltint. i• 1h: wu.Jci,1'1 R'\'poo.\oe. .and lmri-ov1ng the qUliJ11>· 11(life 1htoosh cduc.atl:ion,• Scl.;on wd. After N'chon rt'hR'' he plaru on ,pe:n1.hn e • kK o f 111nc "'llb hi• j,'ltnll)" He l\ mi11'11C'd. hll cbUdra1 ooJ b..u ~ftl,k-Mdren •nd ~kl he tiopa 11.1 'P".~ min ,imic v.11ti them of1cr reslnng.