The North Idaho College Sentinel Vol 53 No 11, May 11, 2000

Page 7

U lbt .arp,al h.tJ bttn ,11pp,nvcd 1tl.e clcd,on M;l) 1\.1"< t,«n l'c-dc,nc-

/t. \bJJc..nt "'"° bncO) ftl.kJ in a1 the ,uung li,..111lb 1~ot

AS";IC tkc·rrt",utan H11,I''"' Own, -..n Jl'f'M'Cd m

hil\~ hc.-(n klhl'IJ ,'1l('fl ill thr ptlnW) h<ll ll> \uCC for

0.Uun .:lllllllf lum ,i "'INUJu•lll bc-.iJ • OIU11f1 ll lhc

11c.u111"(11,r the 14'a•.tu i.nn nl \fat1Ju.1.1U Clu?! Thr

1.tuoknl. lllidth.tll he Jwn·1 Lnu• 1b he •,·1 ~.u~

1,:, 1.cllf'C'-'lf'k•1'i,io,,I((' ror 0'1 ,c.t1,inl) hl"f'C t.b,;i,I fld "•'I•·\ v.iere 1rtf11Kr'°'..-,j ~1rd1~ bttilU-t ol 1tu , • ft1Jm~ ..i.f If die') -.e1c, 1hrn

du1 4fk~n• lhco O\llfl" dcm<-...:Btl( J'lfOCOi •M • f,1il.wl'.'

.tllJ 1lte11:forr 1t«-'f! •1.• •• 11..- Qa1.J1d.11h 1hal ,l,ooW

m1.ff11.'t' The ,t1.1Jc11t dllllfh l.h.11 he- 111r,a._,n'I •"'-tJ to l'IICJI 1111 ASM( rroc1amatlllri of wim1h1) fhc ~lam..uoo hn't l"Ct;jl,1UCJ "' the 1\SSIC' b)l.a•I, it O jUll a (11'1."Cl:lllol'll llum-. t,,1.J ~Jc ,,rt4urd 1hr niJn lo the!

.,,wntt imJ 1f1111 be 11111 ,1in 1h.- ~f.llm1b11a

"'l'u• ll<'ff ht-;mt flf ii ~,1,-,r,n IAt lhu cpn,u1s bcf(ltt. Oi.m,, '1td ·1 -.11110£1)' doubt th• .111y 11.'11.11, ldU&I had an~ udh..rnc< ton 1hr rlcc1100 th,df Ir thrtt' w.a ,11nUlfflCa1t1t. 11 ".n un\oOl.u.:ucd hy lift)' or &hr"~ unJ 111' ,et) ,n,· D•IIOl'I rin rca,.--.n, ft,t ars,c:lll. inc:lu.1h111 th.ti r,t,hm•l'I Sr 111i.111, and Elttllon C"nmmHt« mcn1brr 1.-.n lndl l..uf'«trJ 1hr 50 o,:naiurc, F~I. lo"' a ~IC »ad ,hie 1\1Jc'1111 in·~ncn't pt"PtriY

~lnl At t.lnC bomb. ,tl.llXCJ4 10°1> v.~n:n·t ,tied,~. ttg1 8".,ord1nr 11, Bffi:hkt. uDI)· ~ht,ut ,1u.knu ,~1hr.¢. •cnt thruurh !ht b)I*"''• I \lotnt 1h rc,1111h 1hc

A!>~IC cln;lkln1.. I ¥it;RI ""'°c' lhit ~udnll handbook to find uut il lht r~ioll ;i&,11.llllly hillJ tiecn ,,.·4,1,cd la .,.,. J11c-..t1o111l and I '"'~liltt'I fiflJ 111,11, *'Y ""•)' ~1 Ju1.Uf)

~-di1in11lirtltt11~on IMI lll'fCAt.• BttthlaAJJ

Otlloa Wd t~I be -..- 1,urpru.tJ I.hat thttr ...,.ua"I rn•f\, ro tic a tt-cl~11,,n. tiu, d1,11 be nct:cuanl)' d111a ·1

V.~OI~ h,n,pc the)· titan up 1hc-u 11,.1.• be ,..kl •i-m 1111,I

1·m not 1t1 111c r111itietn 1h01 hncl', iD. rm •urr thctt'• swni lO hr II lot ot Ji,uu,1 or ASNIC a, 1 wholtfcufflDll'fllttltl•

~udc-r Ouaa,·an Amold r11eJ at1 llpf'ICII c. lia lD ctlC'

t"ll!t:1111• .asaiMI f•"· wtin J1dn'1 ulr Jw,u1 her l'.afflC'1ltp1t flt'llltA tht hN d.r) 111 Wc-l«tJoct.

II•~ hi the .-\SSIC b)l.a•, th.11 •II c.ukfkbtl"\ ITIU\.I h•,( 1hr1n d.Nn. fan br1n1 d11.qu•hf1c:J from 1hr rlcct,..i llic: l'k~llon Cdfflfft1lltt JniJcd tllll lO l'ffllO\C faa, fmm Ur r lf'd.iun


'l 1hlt1\. be'• uht ,11.11.len11 jud ur1n~ 1~1 l'&U\t a cu,nnllJUoo (l\\'1 ,nmr1l1111i Jt11no• (iwn, u,tl

I-all,, c•11•nall) dc1,Wl,.,J IU,.... 11)\'u,l\'-(4 W11h A.\"Stc thruue:b ihc 1fUlU('lkC' ur A.S:,,,.1c Prc1.. O., ~II.kt Rosa Mendou end Oscar Lopez dance to lhe tunes or lhe M11rlachl Guanaluato. Thct blind p l•yed a fl'ft concert Cinco Oe Mayo n~h1 In ll'leSUB.

'fht Wlfl.k.•J,t W.t,rlcd tilt I..« tl!IJ) l,1.,bk 00 IJIIC ia.C ,b) c,( !he cl.."d1oin All,,( th.: h.lU,11, tn•n the tura::: hi: .,. "''C II Ung mthn~11111.,1 ELECTION conunu1d en Pogo 15

Trustees hire architect to design longhouse

1.egal!Zatlon ol MarUuana Clull recelvta atafflll of approval tc lrt.:t1111, hl Ji.1111 pc.1,1.1hlr (jtf\1 .aAJ 1.bc comp,uur-1 r,c:,<'nt"d lh('u uk•, o1t1d 1housl11t 10 the romm1Utt ,n 1-cbr~ ud \larch Jur1c10 mAJc tnh1:1I r chrc;b nn 1hc: hnn\ ll,c1QJ


AniJ the • Nint P,11nt Pll1n,- \\X'Ut d'Alrn, T11hal ,n,1qb(or1. ,nJ a jVil\l

..attrlftj c1imm!Utt c.f ~ll(JC rt11rloycn h.:rn.n mrcuns in the fall to ,clttl 4 pi, hlt .~h11un,~1 nrm ,i, """d ,tw nulhun t1t.ilot P,')l'\'.I Rully '"'l<t'"'• 11cl'.' rrc1.ldtnl fnr .aJ,n111htt,ll\'e ,et\ 1~c, luucd ii rcq11r\ 1 rar vu1po,al, fn1 1hr.itlhittt:lu1.1.I '<:nk:n ..-.nd the \lcctr121 commmu fC\'IC, p mpcnah lbr ~lln1m11tc.·e narrn•ciJ J,w,11 tht

0.1 April n. the. coo111nt1ee '<*«led klftn & Jt~ 10 bc:.t the prop., .anJ 1hc> Co.I.fl' d' Aknt" Tnhal (.'wn.;tl 11J1PU''Cd l'tw: W'I nr 1hc dc-ll,tn wor\.. fmm 1br 1:mnp,11\) I.\ C!\llmotr:J at \.V1.000. hiJ"''"'" 11n1hc1 nitS:!JCYllOfl\ "4111 oci.ur on the fll!IJl't', ThcCOQII' J'l\lcwlC Tribw


.._, .wul h.u altc.iJ, ,tnn.a.tcJ S10,llUO "' IUUndda.'lfl Int !tu-. fll'\',c,:10nc ol the h1,bli1t11• ~)II Jo11c, &. J1inn• ,~.,,. i, 1hc 1tumlwr ut '\as1,c A111Cfi1..1ri ptuJt'(h 1hry h,,,c 'll!1uli..1.-J.11n lhh.1uihuut c;11untry Jn,1c, & June, '111'1" dirc:i;II) inrnhtd HI lhe ,m.:h11c,;t pl.1t1nl11~ of Ilic:. N.iiK•IW \fuw:i,111 vf the lndi.1._ t<tt the \tall •t thc~11111ti nli.<1n lmllhlht."ID Ill W l\hJll)llCICI, DC • 11i" am111rn1 11r tialt'nl Imm thl• 1.u1:11p1u,, 1, H'I) unprcini\'t .- Pre•

• The tiral11.111011 (\I MwiJuua Club n:Ct'•~r 111pptm.1I fwn, 1hr lnrr,-c:lub ("oar.icll to ~(llllt • •l1ldcnl fltf4IU1.11h(lf! 011 4,:.amp1n. lb( ~d &J.elJ 811,t\.c 1u re,r-•nd 1n • IC'llet lbc Cncur J'Altnc c,,> COIJ!k1 '°'' 10 tht .c:bool 1hc 1..ou.nal Jdt the ,ll>h IJ hu:n 11uJco1 eJun111J11 atn., droJ "'" TRUSTEES <0nl"1U<>d en Page 15

Cardinal athletes honored

b) AnnJt \\ 1Mldrtt ,tu"'1i,;uttfA/,ror John Fries, speaks at banque/


than '.'llO propk :attcDlkd ttlc"'.,.,d lr\llUII C•rdialll 800,tct C,i,b """Jnh «r('lfk-tfl)· astd ..nll.'11un Mil) .a al U1c Corur d'Al('IIC ln11 NIC'

,1Jtlc:1t'- pf 1.1,e )~Ill iftJ k~·.Jlhktn o( ik 10, hotlottd 11'1

1ttttt.uiqucs.. e \nn11 C:n.t anJ C:IJ-,l•I Smilb tlltd r-r~ lllhktc Clf lhc

Uc:11. a \C1ph1Mtiorc uan,(cr ln"'1 l.e11;11..Cl1R Sl&IC Cc,llrtJC, LrJ 1hr

SWA,C In poit,1 fidd aoah m.J, a~ rt1tkt4 loC'C(lnd III frtt throw

pm;rnl"'V" C,cu \l<a,. on a rt'OUltinJ tri p to C",WJ0tnl..a the nitb• nl tht

h:mqucl aod tco1 11'1m'1lC' AllJ1e l..t'11i, llc:('Crtc•I ti.rt •ward Smhb. •

1~cr for the- C'.a1Jmo1I ff*_l v.lo)ll lhc: !$.(lOlltlJ 'tllc1Jhl ll\row 11

1h(tnl.kJtwT~ ~.o,,n4'thh\'t'.M

• Natl' Kdlh 11 !K'l"hl N"C lrom l'lllh "1hc: t99'tl-lOOll athlde

ot 1bc !!'Coif. K~•th u uDJc fc.utJ ln 1hc :Jl.t,i pol C\Cfll u f lhti. )<.1r'1

OIIJ,."l(ltmd. "1 I.rah w*""" h,aJ!l•st-.1cJ .,kisti·, f"h>ueal "rtnjttll hOCtn~ th.,t a.II b(nJl r,t("l.4' St, ('OUl»JL

• .\l~kundn Tom u • r c1ional ,·b.ampina ;1rad All·Atnct1q111

l\lllncT, "'1" hn11011:J .u lhe sn,lc aiadt'mic-•hk1~ p f thc- )'(•· loin..

lw 1i \.7 CPA uid \loOCI the 1ttc1f1. 8K tkC In tht RtJIUII 18 rn""\• CUMDif)' dl,.i111poo!oh1f"' ill l9W. AWARDS contlnued on Pogo 15

Theway or theWolf 1SSUES/8ACKPAGE THE • • • • • ENTINEL Indoor champ preps for outdoor national this week SPORTS/PA GE 10 Thursday May 11, 2000 El Mariachi Election plagued by bias scandal Experience reigns us Falk, Lively claim Lop spots amid controversy by Kat• Ft,o S,11t111fl /uJlfJHn Ftc,hmao ~en. J11ncl I .1111\ ..-on the podllttl'I uf ,\~~IC: Prc,1J<'111 b) • 1n..1rru1 r, f ltk>tt' 1haa 70 '°'c~ alkl w: pf'11"'1utt Sen M1t.c l..a,d) "'on 1hc Pl)'llu.•11 uf ASSIC' ,dee pt"C"u.k111 •her dit April U>-!'ld '\:IKXI "" •ppc.i l of d~ clttl10II fikJ t-.t pcol\lcl'IOII I canJ.11!.ar.c 801111 lltUon b.ueJ cm ,t11m, ot h1.a, 1111 lilt mi~ boolb ·nic 111'1!l"lll "'n m-mvkJ b, the u~,:lillfl Con1mittrcc
''"'\*ltd hlt the- Jflb b) J,rf') \l•nkr Slntukl R~('"''"' T 1, \ IC n uJ ul Tru 1u, ~~':!~1:,t~;~',:;fl~ : 1 :~~ !\mcJ1(',1II lnd1i1n C'uh1m C"tfllt'f Arni ~"·lnduJcJ in lht I 111;1hlll:" \l.,.1t,
IDUCI IS ONLINE: edu/'<:nuncl BY l'HON!i: 7h9·3.1Rk l!Y FAX :769-3389 IIICI II

shown that

neither horses

c:, nor rabb,is can

Legalization legislation on hold until 2002

Idaho State COIie cmnges back ballot plam

by K•te •:hi Snit111f'I Rf'f1(111rt

AC'.hllntc ul 1)1< Idaho SI.lit(' Code:

h1u. ,e1 tl\t' Le11111iutlon nf \1iM"1iu,itu. aub tL\1C) rbn~ for • b111Tot init11uivc bad unul the

MJ.,e,11bu :?OQl cl«11nn

Thc ld•ho l.t'Ji• l11urc chan,s:cd 1hc

dc..adlinc for cullcc11n1 the 38.000

ligru.1umi of tqhlc-n:d \'Ota" nttdod to

ptit IUI ll:lill~l h( t,I) the balk\! l'irU )'t'llf,.

•ro (ro,m (c,ur n1nnlll\ bdan: lhc: ac::nct,il

dcclion 111 Aflril '\il h alw UO\\o ~1iro ,1cn.11t1ttr..

L\tC' P-rc:,iJrot D11n Sheckler ••

c<-ttiQf 1hc ,uppor1 from C'aM.') H11ni~.

1hc v. r-ittr ,1f Califo1n11· Propn\1Unn

11 S. wh ich loc.11H1td 1-q•riJU1ma 101 m«bcuµI u"' nc rmlJ(NliM wn L,1a


l'heh1o'Ut1)t'tinM1,-.n,\\.d ll cm1,k..-.

ul'I 1hc wl.'clu:oJ ur ,\pril 2 J Shn::l.k.r

,.ilJ th.u • groop o( .ittotrll')'\.o \\bl"h

dcclin&:dtot'Offlfl.c1ii on lhc idenllfa flf,

I, 'A<OtllnJ on• Jr11h ut the duh'•


··wehope 10 h11\c the 1n11UUv" v.t11w,

b)· Juiw: ;IJlrJ 1btn .,. r·u \ l1t11 un;t1l.1u1i:

ptliliom M Mlt.- he ~rnJ

Shed. Irr "~id lh< dub flflW ba, 72 m<'mbrn, ilnd lh u II h 1be fa.r,c,i lln campu~. S1udcnh from c,1hor hh1ho couc,e, h•\e ~011 111,1ed I.MC' utk,ul

l>Cllma up dub\ on their camp1H 110d

h,,\·c ll'a1dielr'IUJ'll0f'

··w•1ill 11o·e·rc r.uri1ng 10 '« • poop or "uiktlh t,lo\\n ll-1 Rol-.c-11,1\J .i.1 Ll t 1h.t1 ;aK tt.i..11) t.rkio1 u, oo 1h1,i. h-.uc."

Hometown Hero

Shcc:kkr ...W. " We're #oiP w ,wi to I 1h1nk , • 11111), roa, orpm~II~ rh'lffl "'"''' the ~•I<' ,wan l',l grov. rht' (luh wo •pprnH'd b) bf11h 11tr fntrn-C lub Co1mtil and lbc BuJtd of l'ru,tte,, tk,pltC' O\,Je~l1ont by ,emu: Coeur d'A lene Ci 1> C0t111it1l mc 111~ The 1tl .1ho Su11 c Polite and d n.11 , .ind prc,cm1ora orran11..1Uoo l:.nough h l!nouJ,:h hi.,c come out in CIN'O'l(M)II: ot lhe (IQb. ~m plclbc'd lhlll lhe ICC rc:rogrur~ \be nttJ w prtJoCrvc lk fi"l amct1J.nrm and 10 p,t,crvc 1bc forum <,I P"blu; J,cb<l1c Oft lhn c.ampu~:· Sbcd:kr 11n1d. '\'r'hm \lot' optal> d i.s.;u.h lv,un h "'hcri v.c rc.acb bc'ne:r w,Juuon.., 10 pn>bkntll, t'l11b mtml~H caau1 10 a dcchh•n Wh,l l~1 ~~"''" Uk the ini1111th'e W '4)'. '-S\Wl'Urlf 10.000 ~IJu.ttUtt• bccoUa:.1tJ

The ch1b -..1111~ m• 1.ti11l1tt'd tor 1h et~e O\'Cr 1he aa:c of 21 (or rccuatlo,ul and mcdlcinal uuic. \f1111JU.llJII would be alJov,cd IO be 1UQV.-"R by h C't'n,cd ,lite commen:in.J (1n:net11 IMld W(IUIQ bc- d4' • I lttlllt' liqWf 11(Wn TllCM' O\'er ll wO\lld be ,lltJYtC\1 10 lu\·c the (I{ lbctt (JMI pl&nf~ (Of ptl'\01'.W IISC. Farmeu \lrOuld be 1ble 10 ,row unlic:-C'o,cd low THC ,nJ.unnal grade: hcmPi, which co.n be mlkk int-.)~ 11M k\lik., Hemp $Ced oll Cl.D be "'\Cd (or c,n .u"1 fPr f."Ck*ina. The ISP !old S.M'Ckkf th111 1he only re.son "Wby hemp wu 1U1:g1J 10 aro~ no"' o. bcc,i1tte ,is.Ible di1ccrnmcn1 between l\cmp 1nd matlJ\l•l'lr• 11 1mp<1u1h1c wl1hou 1 d1t""1i;'11s. The club I)> pl:s.mun, 011 bold11l&a IJ'O-

d)'UII fand-rn:1~r cbtc bas ftCJC bctti \el yc1 Mcmbcn 11te gofng hJ make LMC \h1tt, (bt the Cund-~itr,t:r from lht nklOCt wocd Al thir.1r bidcc tale oo April 20 The)' may a lW 1m e • btnefil Ctlel«fl thh ,umJ\ler. Lo,c.11 band Trip hat 1Jreldy agmcd 10 pc:tfO(m "Aghung 1hi\ ~A.t aaalru.t m.triju111111. n <'051lOg U> ¥111Y 100 mtach money and if, hurt1nr our ,oc1c1y ,,. the loa& n u,," Shc..:tlrr 11ald. "'We n.ccd 10 come up w11h II dJITCrtnt p MariJWln• h k!!o• lwm.f'ul t.b.1n 111kohol acconlin5 to Lbc Ne,. \'c,d; Time-. Thc.y ,JJJ 1hc d111g e..cpcfl\ •sr« W1;1)ht>t h mott cbngtrou1 10 wcltty Jnd iodi"iduah Marij11a11a. runbt:nnorc, JIC"t'f c:.1u~ a 11-nsk dc-•th. wbcn:-111, 400 people dk aicb )Ur from ,u:,t alco~ poa'Klning.


More than 550 students to graduate b)' Pa.n Sb1on S("11t1r/ R r-ptl(1rr

Gnu;lulhon for mote SSO \lUtlt.n~ I.) 1Chtdulcd fOC' 10 Lm. May 111 Ac.'conbnj to MNn Carey .11 die·~ Office. apphco.1ion1 con 11nuc 10 am,,,:. Cnre)' Nid 330 c.tnd!ICWt., Co, ,:r.dullli(lft will l,a\it rompktcod acuJcmlc: p,OfBttU, Md 225 1,1,;llJ ha\'C /imshcd 11ppl11.'d lcchoolOl)' program$. 0( l.hc5c 'ltal.kob, US will be v.~ l-n the «:te.mooy. Ciro.du:011011 c11nd 1dau:1 c:hJlble 10 "1fllk ,n 1h e jl«>Cct.1.1~.n completed courM"S •t NIC in tbc faJI od 11)1)9 or will romplcl.C lbc:ir counc• tn 1ht 1or,inJ or "'mmcr o( 2000.

Student, piuticip:1ung In lbe Lctcmony v.ill ,..uhc:, Ju BO:\wcU H.all. where the pro.-e.,,ion v.-dl begin. Studcnhi 11oann1 lhcu Cl!>' and scw,-11"' will ((lffll u lit1t and be led by frcJ- Mtch.acl 811rtt lion, wlth 1nr1nbt'n of lhc llc,ard of lN<,~ admlnlurawn and facultt The proceW,ioa will c,()<:s the \OCCCf field and ("ntcr Olruhaioon O)mu,..ium. hcuhy ac:h.ic,·cnKm .-a"'"lltd• will be: prc,; 0.n Sbcctltt, ASNIC Pft'"jde111. "'111 oddt«t. 1hc \.11tdct1t hoady Rill Wt"n1utb, I~ h<IIJ\ .a m.nk-r'4 dc,n,c, ln 1hcol"I) .u"1 rdi1kJU1. ~•dnn, It' '-''C.11 ll" an l1anorary dlx1nratc in d 1vinll) from Mbrrt.wn Colkgt: t1f ld:lbrl, wtll JI\'(' d t eo,,uorni:cmtnl lddrt•u He become ,01newh~t of an 11ut.bori1 y on crime.,. r:aci,m ..tnd 1ht wt111e ,1,1pfmMld,.t fflQ\-CntfflU m Nortbwu&. Wu~muth ha, ~ncC!d a, ck(('Uhvc- direct.or of tbc Sartb•c,1 Coalition Asain,1 ~t&lldou. H1Ltai.1,n~ru ,iftt~ a~9. He t, c~ m:1J)Km or i,e,·cral 1111o·:anlJ 1oducbn1 Lbc R.noQJ Wallcnl:ICfg Ci,·ic A'A-ud. Coc:ur J'Alcnc Chi1t1bcr or Cooirncr.,;c Ohllnguubed C'ot,cn o( the Year Awud .and 1h e M11.r1dn Lu1ht:t Kina, Jr r,\Qriltl A'l'W ll\'CJI by I~ N.tllklnuJ Ed!Kal.Jon A~MX:iatlon. ~tJJN'fltr1Jordon Smllh, II, ot Coeur d'Ale110 nl<s for John FrloR'1 au1Dgn1ph. Fri•sz, quartell>ack tor the New England Patriot., •Pol<• al lht NIC Alhlel lc Awards 88nquol on Thursday May 4.

1'bt toe:omcncrnim ttttmnn)' will he t.i:pcd and 11ttd un ClwMid 19b)'Adc.lpt,111. Medi.tat II Lill. MiylOaod p.m. M.:ay:.?I. for lnfC'm1.a11on rc,antl1:1s 1rudu11.1iot1, tunlKI 1hr i:t.eglmur·, Office al 769-3Xl2.

Burke expects many changes for future ol NIC

New regi st r ation process, cultur11l center in pla n ning by Mkbad l...rc M1ttitr .Umliu-lNr~,,u,


fo ll 2000 tAtlll • pol d.:.111 "' new p«1Ja:ll ;c11111r oft lhc crouod 111!d • b0tc 01 1du,. .anti 'ilNl.'.ltrrn 1•n ilk' dra~inJ

One or 1hc Jl«IJCC.:C\ in plnn.n1n1 11 1hc,c i\mem;.,.n CuJtu111I Center

The: archnetl t:hflc('n h tl N.a11-ve

l\111etico1n 11.11mc1.I 10h11 1'11ul Jo11,,.

Jone1e' crc'lk11111 I, u,chnle 1he Na11unal

Mu\c:vm of 1hr Ame,,can lndllliM 1i

tbt' Sn\ 11h,onh,n l n,11 11111t1n in W;uJt,namn, U.C ·1 feel '-Cf)' ronun111c that .,.e un fiffd wn1ehc,J) 1hJt ha.• font,· lr'f-cl flt cltpcrthc in N111vc A

projt:1,.·h Prt, M~I 8111lt ,111" "We urt lltin& lo crc,1tt II huihSing th~I "'U pre,cne 1hc c;ult11r•I her'1•J<' o( 1bc 1o 11 c a., Y.cll a, prtwtd,c I venue ro, OUI .N;li\c At1IC't1C•II ,1uJc11h 10 ,nu:111oe1 "'' 'huc.h n1bcr and 1ht collc,cl)OJ!"I.Altun .11~ a \\hole." llutke 1.111d ··h w111 t'C .a 1.i1htr,nr • Ana1hcr ..:hllRJlC to, the f.tll ""•' 1,1 lui1lonlm'TC:uc

Af('(ltd1t11 10 ffurkc. ~h1Jcnh did fl(lil obJed to tht' I i at rahed tu,. bc,111.11.c Ilic ,1ud!:111, "" 1bc- hcr,d111 dtrc-i.::11)'. r he S2~ dotl:it tRcre!Mc In 1u11ion hlJ'<tC\'C'f, h another mancr Burle "id 1bw n,u f'('MitJ b«J w be c.,11npc111hc 111 tinJcr tn ,111tiM.:I qi.11111)' it1\ln1cl<lf'i "'I dun~ w~ .;11c- 1cn111t c,11t n'lul~) '• 11o·t'lnh Umkc wd -1 don'1 no:e,-..,,nJy


")11u11t00., 'I hlcn,,11 .tbk IU ten'l«'.\Ot .1.blC' 10 qu11h1y tatlllt)' 0 1 ,,~u The l.111 tame I chrckcd, Ube 1umon, 11·, le\, l:lurlt! lhan 19 o, 20 .........ronctCflltftg the llbtar)',8uth Cflmmcntcd 1ha1 1bc ,111c (qnd1n1 "'hidt the hbtat)' will nct\J, I\ 11 (cw )"car, oul thcte H, ,a1\l tnH)' n11a.n1aU01n l'lcd 1bc monc)" :uld 1hc ,1111c Offl) 1r1, • prcdetemiuwd amuun-l t',t'f)')'l!af

·we will 111,·e to nl\c ""me or 1hc mQney pmiucly.· 8url:e Anotht'I fiuu, r ch.snac- will be when lht b•~bllll rtcld will be rtpl11<"ed by:. new bu1Jdh1J. atcoidi.1\1 ti> 8u1Lc. "l'hc bu1h.hn1 -. ,II be buill ta bous.c nun1ns c l,1i,Se1 ind 01.hcr c l.t"(JQonl'f. pen111nlna; \() 1hc rncdluf field. touch a-. 1o1,n1>arapheu. an,mhciioloa> and 11. 1~·1"t-)ut pcnstam r,,r•I thaa:py. Thr b;u.cbllll pla.)"e"' "'ill u,e the tit)· b:111 p.a,L._

··w,arc JN>Jr'lphteally cOo\111,i1:u:d:·

8u,le ~·Id "'N IC' OWIU oalv .t7 lk'tc.t.

ThcrC' l'I ntw pat luna O\tr by lhc: N4h\'e An'IC'f~ft Cuhural Cente,. bu1 no OM ,,. u,;ing h 11 tned to bt- the llo\11 ld 11,s (o, lbe l)q,O,rtmtnt ()I La1xb."

An(lthcr poi-Sthllil) for parUna. "P•ttt

1, Rnbin Hood P.tatk, ra1h cr 1h1in the

b:ucb.lll fie ld ii V.D inlcnded fo t The lon,:hou,c. which wilt be the Ameri can Indian Cullur1I Center. It plhnncd 10 be txuh on lhie IOC'ttt fteld. thr onl)' plate (or td1 fo, 1 ~ildtni, "' We have 101 111 11,cJtt:h commiute looking (or a rcpl1u:cemcn1 for 0.1v-1d L111d1-Ay ·, v11.:t 11,.c,11den1 of i iudcnl ,cn·tcc, po,itioo." Butte , *'We a1t rcplarln11 folb "' h~ an: rtt 1nna." Olbcr c:.tto,11n, uccordmg 10 Burke. lne ludc eAp11n"ln1 nppnrtunilfo In pfofeuionAI 1echn1co1I field•. r1ndiftJ WA)'• fot ptoplC' 1u go 10 ~('IOI who may be: worl(ina: dutina 1be d1.y 10d 1.:h:anie, In p,u,cc11,•1n1 ~oplc tluoucb adm1'11ioo,. .:ind c l1"IS(\. "We are tryln,: tu find" wtJy 10 m~ke 11 • Pne ~top ,hup. ,lmp1i(y 1bc proc:e,.•.• Ourt-e c.ald.

$500 ,mien from wall~t ,n unlocked locker b)'J«'nJ Ma.nlff

t1f dAtn111Je 111 lhc ri,:br ttllf' Joor lllctc 11. no w,~ 111 tlJu !lmr S,n1111f'fNt'JW'lrt,., lbtft rM Sc1.·wn)' v. , tM1111kd or 11 11~,1 Lfl,.,1 OIXUff'td trum n AlbJ«t

riouccd ~'°' ,..,_ 1n"''ftJ! from hie v.·u.Jkt 1llC '141bJCCI became wte Y. hm no one k-.nt.'-' u11ylhing ;1,00\l'I II Sub,et"I v. n IUIJ

lhtrt-., "° mint fl' '4 ho the: tnolk')'

Pog.2 THE SENTINEL ltlund,ly, May 11 aooo ,-. 3::
• -- • =-
• >-c
• i:5 •
Research has
n.<1118) A ,.ik1 -..u fc"mJ in tht lhl\h ,iuhllk the l1l'ind), and die ('l"'l'lCf 11ou~ l'k•l1ficd 1h.M 11 -..111 f1'11l1id The o'llo·nct of 1ht: ~a!IC"I :,.ail.I hit 11o,11llc1 w.1.., ~tok:n (mm hi, k>t.:1cr lri 1l1e l'~'n, The: ~J«i h,;id JP\I ~1l,hcJ II S.,.)0 i;J~L fi\,ittylhl1111, Ct'lt' in ht• <AilJJtl,u<(onnd Hil-aocMtun (t'I A hit and nm 1nr1dc111 ua:u1red 11.1 the dom p.a,Lmi 1M <Ahrn,, Wowl\C"I 0, a ,uburbiu1 no1i~"'Cl.l i.111 CM'\...,,,,·c .in.c,unl ,,.nn,nm, \ m•II ,i,pcni""'t rqiot1cd w ""1f:ri1y lhlt a t*'•&I! lwl :',T':;:~nj :,':f~:~.~~::~~-r:~~:': 1,l,;.cd llbl\11 11 lbc) W1'~ totJ ii ,..., t«Yl dcli1cn:d al)d 11i&:l'Cd lot ·nx: tlt'ffl ,10IC"II \U\ :a VST ran,trUIC US8 I .w 1.:..,1m11iJ Huf"P)' Jrh~ ,...,,ll c.aM~ \'alurd Ill S.70 \1l~11.M pl.I~ 0 <;) SC'\'.unl y '-''•" nut1r.ed ,t • mi"1ng £ ur;.c. 111nd lh~n lhc :~·~:-~,:::' ~ltc~r:;•;ro~.:~:'t!,!~t!="',~ the$9JinCll\ll ll~'ilUrbiHl<'t i 'J lwt:~~?t~':~r:._~,i~c~,t';~~: :!~:,~t1~1r~~~ "nd in11mMo11oJ the \Uff, 1'nll« v.·ctt 1:~flol .and a,h,l,("d o f lhC 1-ilUilllOQ and ;ci.k(d ll'lc Jmupihe f'COf'llc Cu k,ne campus anifnotnm.,,

Now he's a delegate for Al Gore.

b)'K•Hif.hlt Sc1t1JMl lt.epo,u., PoUlinl sclc1u;c h1,.truc1or

Tony Stewart began in politics campaig11i11gfor his flu he,: ·'"")' liked lh<C a,e1,dctt11c 1d1TIU1pbere."' he IU..ld ll 'i,. \~f'Y C,h'llll'II 10 be oo c<.1llc3c: nmp,.a a·cc\ •t1c1 •,Hcl., uchan&Jn1 Ide.a, 11o ,1h .wdcnt,.,.,.,1t.u1ht-h. lt'11w•>· o( (Ol)\l4nd} ha\'illf lllCJIIIII ol cblllkng<""'

Too)' S1tWll%1 wa, bo(n pohl~IIJ

A~ .a child. be v..(>~c,d on IC'.l<al c11.mpal1:n1. A1 11™'' btlp<"d hij, faihu, Y.ilo v,a, 11 111embn of the Nonh Cnrofl1t1 l..cJl'I.\I\R. f\tn when I 1113.411 )Wng tlo)'

I \\.~Id li 1en IU lbc rn:.,.,.;, c,ay

J y.• Ste\\-att WJ.. "'l , uendcJ a ICII ol roll1ical mrt1ui.;~ l Jµ-.:~ up in• polidcal fainUy," He .111e11dcd We,1ttn No,1h

C11r1>1tt1• Un 1~c:ml )'. wticre he gtaduahal in 1964 v.hll II hac.hclon de.1rcc in pe>llllc:al "'°DCC Ste\lo,,n then \\.C"fll w t.bc Uni..-cuh) or rconcuccKMJt \lll C. "'bcrc he c11mcd his ma~r-1·~. "I tc.1111} ,irugg lcd between culn, le> bY.• \C'l,ool «'I' ft'llJlj m)' m11~1cr·,., be uid '"l',c alv.·ny, been in1rlgucd by 1hc c.:tlf'l(cp! o( li,w .11nd bc1n1 ILn atl.nrne'y 'ill('llld hA\'C II.ISO bc.!n ,cry C'11Cfgclk ll.tld uclll111o p,lrtkulhtl y 1.ili'd ,ta.ti.I,

law \Yht>n he *It\ In j!taduau: \dlool S1cwan •,dt'llC:d u, 1ueod • lbtn:·d•)' canfctt..rtc;c

'A he:~ be buencd IO people ftom \lilt dcpaumcrw 1111 O\'ct the v.t<11td dbc:t.M, relation, and poiieict.

After y.r11Ju1t1ng (tom the U111n'NI)' or 1'trn ('l..1«" 1ft 11>66, S1ewar1 111u11h1 111 WJl\hl1,,1on S1111e llnlvcnil) fof cmc- ,-ur, runng In for • profeuo,r on k:.1H'.. n, 1 ,ummCT •

Oc1p11c hi, nwohrmi,n1 in poliou. St<e• 1111 ba\ nc\'e1 lu.·M • ~1U11ul iltll~~ n(f( dc,c:t, CH"t 1n1tl'td1.o Wbtn J'MJ'tt nc,t • and \lihm )\llli(rc 004 In IW1 dc..°10.I otr,,c. ,011 c•n d,oo,~ ttl Jcial th wh.ltC"\Ct l\,1111! ~w \\ ,Int 1\1." ~1.t\\.m ,:i.d. I hJ\c dctilkl.l 1hut •lwl~\'Cf hmi1~ role: I b.a\C \I'~ b,:ucr 10 do 1 ttlh)uph rt1J,,1dinJ!

Stc:v..nrt w1U ollcnd the SUltt Otmocntfc Co111ru1100 I• ('uldv,c.ll J1.t11C ?.2·2.'i a\ a Jck1:111c l(Jt Al Oo,e. Thh I\ h" 'l«oad un~ a~• t.lcl~i:,al.C

$tcw11t1 " f'l,'llin, 1u_.:1;d1c..- 11t•1·~ Pop<Offl f;CIIUffl ~.ruf h t~.ut.llil'!t8t'-'O·•cb" L'Ol1fm111;r oo d1\et~lty ,n I~ cunkutu.m tn Srrlcmbc, Tc,1chrr, from prc,.ct,ool h> ullt'&c In

Students prepare for Democratic Convention

Convention to feature speakers, workshops

b,Jrn-)Mllfttet ';,-,u,n,/ R,pmtrr

\"C NIC M\ldc~ wtU 1111t:ncl 1hc SW Ow:rooctll1ic Con,-cnHon '" Cald\lo c ll JUM 22-lS•de.kgll&oti: (CII' Al Gott: MCll'C 1hlln 400 dt:IC'pn from 1hc ",.rte i.nduding ) I from KoolcMI v.·lU llumd the comc:nuoa. Of 1tios.c. ?611rc ht wppon of "'iL'C:·ptt~idCJU Al (';we ~nd fh·e :i1e '°' f«mcr r1c\lde-1,1l•I ,.nctldl1ic 811 18md)ey The delcJate) wm be llhlt' to beat trom around 1hc .ro~. mccs v.M1<ffl dck'plt.1 lfld Dl1C:tld \to'Ol'k~ tbail 111111be 1.·o,erin1 m.&ft)' j'l\\lC'I- fmt1, c::amp:iJaR\ 10 po,l11in.

One 6( the- ti¥edelepl~ lftc..til\i il Koac

Eln A.;-c.Qrd111J lo l:.lf.111, ,he h«11mc: 11 Ocn11Kra1 bccau~ of tltc:it 111anding on education. 1,1111 c:onuol and Cl\'II t 1Jhl\

Alim 111end1ns 1h c e,·cn1 u, ~1 c1en Kalhm111. ¥1:ho M'1an !.C1:illJ ln1crc~I In pollt.1~ when ibc ,n,·oh-cd 1n Jut1,ur Sia of Awcri.:.i. m bipl -<.bool. A~ 10 Ko1h1n•C1. ,be: N:~11n\c: • Ocu11ocr:i1 bccau'\C 1bc y •re eon1pa.(-.iu1u1lc 1ow1ml people Ofl -.ocl.ll issun.

l>c11'll11.:taUc hc.1dijuar1c,., hclr111r m111hns 11nd ddtnr \'llriou, Ill~' atuund the orli,r A,'told1n1 M Lent """" boc:uac ill Oanocr,e l:wxa\lW" CJI hct belie(, ,n l1obc• a~I \ll'l1oth w,J how tbC) bclp 11\c: le,;~ fomUllllC Ill Kl('lc:t)', l.e:ev a;liJ tr.he I, ,c.ry cxult:'d 10 ,ttt'I\J 1hc .,,.,,.........

lhc)' luu: an 1liM1iio11;11" hrV.,anl lhc rcorkBttd1kr s.atd ,hr i, 1t•II)' ~U'fltd llhi,;1.1 d.r l1fl1Ulllnlt)" frun, p,hlll'al \lOI\H'11U,,,n, to ~ncwpcork-

11.c fUIAI Jcl-cJ••i: ~h(h('tt 10 attcbd tlle C:(lft,-cnl 10fl " Do!I0\·111l Amo&J. l nhb: 1h, <1thct tklef,IIC\ AmotJ 11.h hcc,1 un hlith •ldei ol 1hc rol111,0il t"•UI)" ,,,1"1

"~le: fll"C lhc ~~o{(Q' 11,;,1hoo wnd oor QOYCfllffk'nl b.n ila 1-ibltpl 1(1ft 10 l,ak arc ,:al Ilic J)C'Olllc,,. K.llhmao ~d

A~'OONtnlt 10 Amokl. he u'<'d lo he • \'ff'J hMJolfC' R.1..ihUcan ·• 14SUoet. •1 la\c l)etn 1n1erc~cd ln l)Olal lt.::\ 1111 ur my l,!C'." an ~d '·I don't t'Cl11e,-c I "'°lll "" n.n f« ('(fitt be\"lllk or £"Mttr c~ lt'..w.lm, c:bc·,.beft. bill I doJ r4,ul Ill al""•.)

Falk ready to take on top ASNIC seat

President-E lect energetic for school year

b) Katef!.l u Stntin.l'I Rt'J">fl~tn

Sht' coll«b u1tm~ Sl'ie na~ c.:aulc Sbc eaU, bc:r-cU • ·doik •

She- I, 1he nc,. ASNlC Predden1, F11U.

H11dln1 frum M ~. Fulk ba:iulh' it1'f1>l\t:J in AS.NIC lllli.l 1ha\ >·ur, lbc w~ • frim1111 M".Utcf

Hc:r lmernl In polilb 1,zllfted younc;. She: uid hn older , was p!'\hdo'II afld , btr Fall W.h Aclan ttprt~lllll\C a\ 11, ..ophl,,11l(}fc in high ~boo) 1111d d~\ p,cddctit ..6 Jwrlor. \\·be"" ,be ribni,ed the '>C!l'Jlot 1ri p and prom A, .t lllClt. \Cl'\cJ &\ • cla» rep~ma11\'c 11;1un Fu lk decided 10 Utt<"nd NI C beov,c: () I the ll>c1111on, th~ l.tfflO'orbffl: of Che omfl'I'· dlll"I, 1.i1JC, and he 1ni:k learn. 1r.1d1: coach 1Aa·1s W•, ttCTu11cd ht, 10 be' o J,.<m.5.000 rur1r1i:r l'hb 1,1,•mwr, ,~ fait«s IO \f\11tlH)' (Ot lnt!oot SIM_il)Wll\ ltt the 800., ''I ki,ula go with tire flow 011d whatt-ver

l1t1ppe11.s I ju.~t ~,·a111 10 be lwppy."

J11n,t F•lk. A~N'IC P r flikklll lect

f"'nll.'I' ASNIC vk'C-fl~kllt,u Tn, v.m~kniMmC11¥mr Wf',,~,.., hfe UI poli1k, :a.• ll \OlUIUCef Ill lh-c It! lkc,..hltt \be U a Dt:-twx1ill bcl.'.&be vf hi'~

1,(,1 W111ki11\ 1H.1C tic, ,n • 10.000 at tbe tc•m·, flfit Ol.lld(l(ll' Jfle<I tu 1,fC hc),A• ,.l)c....,Ot,llllpc.-(urm ' 1llhoJ 1,,uiiJ fC'•U)' ,ore 11f1c,wa,d 11m.1 I , 11id I 1110!.IIJ nt'\Cf Jo d •i•ln. d1mn1 Q I lo,·cd ii Sbc quah Rc.d for 1hc uu1d0ot nath,iial~ ,n the 1(),000. whleh h lhc equ1vt1!cn1 of 6.~ mile,. Ouldoor N&tlolllli. 1o1"e pl;iH thund.a)' 1hrov1h ~111u1J11) in IUinoi.,;. F,dL enjo)"\ a mJ!ing and hlli:-k:!*king \\ld1 het f11m1ly. """'" llil,1 ,oow <litng aod 1.wimn11n1- U™ ttummer 11he coinpc:tcd u1 her lir,,t 1n111hloci aod Iii lootu11 r~-.rd to cmnpctinl m anothn thh y<at F1lk "o~ '" a \oa·im ln rnuccor am.I ,,1n1<tl111e, • hfc1u11rcl at the Unh·cmty of ld~bo Swim <.·cnkr v.ticn ACJbool lut' lhlM!ll\k!CI 'il'x' \po,l1Clfl a hriJe bo) ,n lnd,11 throu&ft CbUdrrn lntcnt.1IIClnill w11,lb d(it, fa, the Hllmllnc Soeid)'. 11,ud C:Clll«u. •t.,mp,4.

""Thh b d«ly; lb< uld. "r~c l!tta doing 11 ~11Ke I 1,1, ;k, • li1tlc kkt My btothet v. s 1n Bo)' Seoo1~ 11nd he'• two )'<M'\ older lh£r, (O(' :1ttd I IO(lkcll 11p 10 h1n1. I \l.«iht .al1,1,,1)'\ IJ)· CO do tlknt blldgu.. c,'Cn tbouJh I w:i..,n 't a BO)" Scoiu I 'ttM1cd nppns she ,1.1m~ orr or k uet, •..S I t.tltl don bccaur.t 11 Mame: luhlt

fet':dthan 1rad ,tic t.nd bc:rpid'C 1\I\ u•cen1lybulh1 ~roo 1bebi&rn v.•hdc: lhc C()W\'. an: kepi Ah<r NIC, Falk tt lookinc 11.11.bc l ul I, .ii, v.cU •" colle,e~ In Orc~n and CQlotado She h a prc-J,1,;; tn11Jn1 &Rel hncl't"".et.l m enV1romnerual law. Sllc \aid 'lhc 1blnk., ,1 wouli.l be fun 10 be• hlgl1 1oCllo()I iff"cmmtnl tca...htr "I'm prCU)' m1.1c;:h 1ht gC'ffC'tlC I wll!IC w be h.iippy ,..,1.· 111e said. 1 1:inJa JlO ""ltb lbc (kiv.• llltd '\l.ble\Ct t111f'r(11 1 I jU\l 'AIIIU 10 be ••Pl'>"

·\nuthu d<lcr•tc •UcndlnJ h AS1'1t• ~""' Ew~hnc D!i't'·htcr Ao;mf4nic

Tlle candidates views on the most controversial Issues Al


• \\>t't lO lovtra IQln\:bura moli~ ltlllnJU:ltll. Eduradon

• Pmpo.;c• • 10 )C#, SI IS 81lbo11 cdlJCQUOO -

• Wt1t1H IOdnt'klSU~·lrCC N•oon.\l

Tulb,m Proofn1 1""tv- lp pa1L~1, i.end hh 1,1.:olic:Jr

• Wcnu aU 11'1114·')"Q'-okb in pre•c.cbut-.1


• w.1'11., 111 l111tt1 •nder, b\lt prncne 1~,r,ay.-,rhft Ciun C'onlrol

• Suppon, rhc Htlld)' lhll 1111..1 • t..,.. 00 1SS1at.WC.,pt111, \\,1n1 dllld&aft't) kli:·l "fll

• Suppol't\ t.dgru,uJld 1.bc:\:U•t fllfl t.>'I\ R'"'1tbCott

• W•lh ~1..:nt" dn1i, 111 r1.,1t\.tt qu1d,.f) ....t,hurt,

• W11nL~ to ,q,ctlJ S l-l6.,.ll1t>OO\tr&bc: bC'\1

1r11JQ11tn 111.SVtCWpnoc111c,f1<1ult\an,4 I 00 r,trccnt of chi l11ti:n

George W. Bush

Bud~tt ond F...conom)

0 Wlll1.t.\lt>11wS2trill 1nnuf1hrM i;:illltJlflf\l

Soi.:1.1 $«\a1 t). '\I TnJh•.111 ftlf rbcdrM IR!d-SI

1rill1un tc:ir • ~u C*4

•\l;oulJ,ttppOf'I •hal.m.c,J, ~ amendmc111

• W111t\lopu aS,.i.~I fhU1C¥1'111n cll!m·n ,can

• \\am., 111 u,c pn."Ullr1111•l p1.u w sd rnoftt) Prum G.>nr1't


• A,at.m.1 WDC! t,c:1. 11wria,n i11t ""0!1IJ k:lltt II


•Sa)" hat.c tnm..., J,111't "f'l'IY to ~,uab

• \\ lllll~ the tot·c,m•ndrtJrnu int:IUSl\~M f<C" 1nlllt',.-111\aiu,:,


• \lilflrllll t.(lu)'.h Jru. liit,\

0 Won't llllW,ct "IClbOl\1 01\ tu U\\-D (~ U:1,1!


\\'<111t• UH()Ctld\JJ Ui111or1<,oc,lu,:.aooci

Pf'OIIIJfllt ll\ff 1hc nc,t, >1'ffl

Wo1t1h IA> Jc\·l"Jor l«ol CClU 1Mk/lJ (if I hQ,ui

u......i..,,Jwxi1e1,h \\'.ti!C!tct&lftt11bt.t,li!"tn~Ytlll"Uic:r101c&.h

C\l'li,UDlt frr C!Ulioo.i m


lJ fu\U1\dllnrocnL1l1Jcc1,itt,non!Mh.l

11\Mkcldn\TI11ot1l t1on.\

Gun Control


ttc 1,-pt o,:<' (\li pbUCSIIIII •

0 f'lroc:,n'1 l!f)P[ll'\\hdJ I llcly kit$.,,

• Si,ppon ti.Kt,iroun.Jche..:Ls111auu•l"'umio.l

l«1tinio blol11h -,,bl("Jl'II !cpl

u 1111c

• Sllf'l'l'l'u 1.u, i1,1b,.1Jmd uwJ.i~ u.,·u,~, ICCOJSIJ

• Wani.. ~1th for h1ldrn lrnmk.>b«1.., IC'l1ftmcn1,

PaQe • THE SENTINEL CA MPAIGN 2000 LIFELONG ~:';~r;: H>t p1nll'.11J11r idea,. p.1r11 ul.llrt, ~ivil ri~1, nll.htt l~n h1rvm1 111 JhidC one''> 1in1c bcl'llltCh numcm"1'1'~· pn1i1 ic 11 INTEREST ilUll'IICIOf :i~o<d ,:~ I.V ,tc:'Wlin 1ool. ::d1t job '1,..11 \Ii.A) 1() ) •ao - J • 1. c Stt-w11r1 'i1t:"'.a11 ~id 11100 1 miler,. h" patt:nh~('tchl*lmcn1t1f"I My mc>lllcf 41 11J mt father were very imJ)CWl.&m 111 '")' hfr'" hr- '.Jld '"I h~\ C II !114!&1 .actmiratM>O fc• lhitu O.ll'ltl1tltlflelll tom)· '>l \tcf aod I ,ind 1hc wrprwt "'c h1ui in m) famll)' •nd th, 141flfl(.-,lh;a1v.~alw,1y,t.btrt"
Wtnhinf:tun .and ld•hn will 1111end The c;Qnft'fr"nH 1,
b} 1ht' Human N.11;bh
fou11d1111l'ln II br.anch
1l1c Kt.1UIC' Cut1rll\' r •~l
un Hunun R<lit10,1h S&c'oloillt i, • member uf
"I 1h1nl. 11 v.·11i be II really ~I karnm.,: orf"'...,U:IUI) 1,, ...:c llUt roht11:.1I J'fUtt\• iW 'ill'l)l\..,"Lnu\liJ Al die OOQ\·CQUQfl the w.llC dt'lq.11~1 \lolU Jtd,1r• 111, htaJ10 Sl111lt l>t·111""''illl, 1111.i, f'l'.ft(1inn Ill'~ cl«!«'"~~· j(t ~-!l'" IJ,lj11,1.,if o.1.11\(1tl1oJnbclJUilu\ \11 1,1 li
Htr fatJat.r. who h chc lkd Mana~, 1t 1bc Unh""Cnity nr ldJhQ, would ll''C her I ciaJt ,r CJIIC t>f h1, 1,-0\\') hlld CWU'.t~ A ctW. ,,.1 nblc tocllkecucorm~1h1111 onctalf.i 111i.ffl(.. Shc.-v,wlcft>oule
Budgtt and Erono,ny • PkJ.(I to mluce 11,11io11.,I dc:ht ld'fflu.lll\ • \\-.inh IDJWC: a Wrf!Mll.xi I.a, aiamc:~ IO)'C.:an • Want\ 1P 1:.¥"C So.:J" Sc\'llld)', Medlcart ILfld 1ddt~ !he ddic: bd\Jftl Si,·ma ·~ ' ltt CM! Rt~hts • WI.Mt tu c.lJpUUC UIC: lltJ !Cicll.l lJIJUW ln Alflrmu,u~ Acu,1" • W1111h h>Jo •w~y...,.~h 1flr mllit.W)'·• Dun't au.. 1Jotft
Whe re they stand
ldl"' p,ll,.:~ Drua,

:hartt<-"'l)hoJ), • J lkdfl

She- Yo&\ hlmJ • UIC' CQllqi~ ,:anltntr In 19'17....t t, mp.,o~il,,I" hw tht ut>L,rqtaf 1bt

OY.n'~U~11111.l ~initn011 1bcnw1n

lntf'I" .:at.J Ill Uie Wf'ri:I~ lralnmr:


Wbcrttl 1• ltmc lo prunr "he: Jtul ''"" lucb


Nt:1."' Whtn q1.1n1 ch.:M ~rn:uinq UI

tit• p!l'I loOIIIC pcurlt h,a,,c lll\'1:rl bc:r a fUGO)'

ook,thri"ktc:11,thrmllult.htu "l

hem fix pl1111i ,ht rt«l\~ ,tic ,nMI

~unpllmrnb\•l'I *• k,i, tn trn111 <'I &he lvr1

S'.hc-rnun nma, f.lubr~ The bri,iht

)c-Uo"'° ti~1im.ol d,r,Jrd, bJnr. ,traw

,W•ll~ , .,..

H1tr1 f,1Hlfll~ lft lbc-r~and ,tic t.lli:N

"l)ttlal po.Jc IJI ~hCI o~ mmi.n,J" b...ud

tirhiftll Se1ta H..U 11.t lfltllJ .r tp.-.rt, j,t";.;11url·1gh1,anc1Jt'\1lrOM:1 1:du

atw:ros,.,«t b)' "'.dkw.a,-,. \\h11.-li 11lk,r.l, p.-oc,le a 1.lflo\ff luol Ill 1h(, pS;111h

N"t\hl.and ~w..c:ry, h;llkJ oo Ille COf'fltT

11' f11jlflltt•) .&l -.1 Pnw'ic A,Clur hP

dtin.irrd lrhtTVc:t ,, u1dud I fl ftttt

,hn.ih\ .u1d Olhtt ,i:,n., tc, lhecollcp: 1~

\l11ftlit1~l'l bdpt;MlCU,h :inJ .Jd ll.1 l~

tll-.wty ohbc camrv,..

HIii 'A~1JJ h~ 1u lfk:lll'JIORIC 1o0n,e

"'lhtmt J.:itJcm' Jl1 nth..-,w..-r.JI ~mp.I\


A lflll'IJ.ITK•tbr:r', g.ankYI • 11'1 ._,.,Jurnbint

ac,,J boll)·~·k,~11uld be an 1nu:ttn111il

Iheme pnkn. 11111 aaiJ Stu: dl\"l 1un, tl,lnp

M..t i.nl1dmi 1hm h,HC' U1 tbru 1JW1km.

~ie wd p:1h.l.p1 11 Nm:rfh 111tdr11 ~Id

ti<' bc.wu11.1l 1t1t11~ Pbn11n '~'-utth...ie1hin~1hr,l1~tk1

ue.,..- wU1r-1~,.,. rc1t,, H,n U1i1S il'31,IJ

11ur.1d 4h~"ffl The)' Id,('."' ~IN' t,ut~y t.1-J,e

'4t 11.11,c. a '""''pk ,14 lllffl1 "" '-""'I-. Hill ~id.,"lli1<,(11111'hkt'alil~;1IJ"l'OClll ._,_ Je.or r1o1n1e ,,t 41Sflt Vo'OIJ Id tl'IJU)' (llantMtC ,1 in. ,n pllrn

.alchc:...:K'1lC\"l'IIIIWU1 f U1luin1,('Alltt51r.J

ltJ:!lit :-,clk!'A Al 111,t,1 ""he" di.- n11~ b.rr., ,l ti 'Al'IUIJJ1h.,1cn, H,11-.;s>d "f.ach tiu:ilduttl1:l!UIJ bit,-c l,111,11 I Ute tl~n..: 1.iftlrn ot lia,-t 0,1c hi~ <.e11tr;ahud J.-drn."Hlll'iud ha ,H th.· h:rnJ WNI. lltll PJII lh!o 1hc

ll(l'i'ICfllC\1'-. lt!eWl'l\lftl 11Wf'Cl.1;C('hlf

"~"'Id .top cu11u11 Ui,uu;:h 1hc OQ tt J:,,cdi'(lltlt11,:1vu,r1~1«011.J.1111f,•

a.ioun,J f,r-J*."ll"81bell""'(1'1..



Asunflower in bloom Finding an

Ill f'hi Theta t...if!P,1 the

1t11tm.:iuorul hooon ,,(IC~I) ft11

N\1-)C'.VCt'ltlCl!CJ. ~fC' 11udcn1 lloll> 11.ari~n.,r'loth1c-,~lthaf hl'.ll'ld'. Hitft)fn .11uJ ,c,,·cn ottlcr

mc:mN' r ~ nf the Dtlla K•ppa

th~('r ftum °'J I C al!tMCI.I thC'

12nd annual l ntcrn1tinnal

Ct1nvfnOun In Ofl•ndo ,\pfll

IQ.n._ Ph, Thcl• ~11pp,1 ntirmlx-r

trom all ij,\·cr &he: -.«Id h11d dir

nppi,riuni l) 111 .mcoJ ,·11ull1

"" .,,.,,tiQp,, Jf'nc:r.,I lntth nr,.. •

s• la bllnquc 1 1111d a'llo 4rJ, cmmPnylU'lo.ll~,·1,1t\\1th<11hC't

men!N!t• ad the: tdfl\~tltJOR l'br nmH~lllhm 'A·11, l~hl •'

1hc \\ illl 01"\111QJ Wt'fld tkllphtn

ho1fl. lo"ucJ in the he•rt of O.,ne)·Wc,rkl \hmheu Ht HC'd Ep,m

Cfnlct ~nd O..w,ntl'!Wtl 0Nk~

\1 •nd Minnie Muu,c, l;hmi 1111(1 CklOI}' \H'1(' hClflorC!d

gt1c\l\ 111 1hc opcninJt

«Rmt11tk°f. Uf !hi, l.~\('Cllioo, ll.1n,fn, 1hh )('llf.,. N I C"

,ti.1ptcr "''e prt,iJc111 ,1r

ht1\lflc\\, Jcc1dcd 1h,1.t ->1c ,u• go ns 111 n n I"' rnltnH11i11t1•I

vCf'IC't' kJnJ; l:ICft.'ff ~('tltt\'l'l'IIIOd

"l hold 4 1(11 of hka, un thC' lt,·rl ~nJ l.11c11o

1hut th" w:., 1he be-1 lh111r flll mc:." ll.1n-<nwh.t




•IJ \o.lcl) l'lu•il'll'• ;ii.--1 JIK•IJ.: O\ Cf the Lute" uq:11111,Mmi) ,,c·

1Nl.mJ.Jt1tbe\<\....W, Tb.: 1ntcm1111\"n;il nlflcc• induJ('. .i JH'C'llJ<"PI a11J lout lol('C' rre,11.knh Pt JlfJc!tCdl rc1.1on1o lho,en ,;in rur lbc

r1.H,1Hon 01· "''"' N1u1h t)I \111.~P.r,-sic:1,1 llno.,cn • ru1uun1 lor O'lh.'tTLICkll"llll o(fo.~ (Ob~Ml."J IJ't mi,tla nu11C' lhon h4'f111• bn n.llllC' pnnlcJ M II h.llh•I She c.1n1r.11,:MJ .u H,111)' lh<' 1unl111•,,a" 1t 1ucn St1c .11111 klfu1,1, cnnJ1d.11c, (:fe.akJ 1.11mp.1icn oon,h, and hr,xhnr(', lo fl;n11 ""' In 111crnbcr, enu,•nll' 1t1cu

'o\,l\llll! ,& l-JOOI. \I.kit 4; 1Hlhl,.11J inhel"~•hlnthc,ut llw 1.a 11t, .,..n,.,t:J on thclo'-11 C'H"111np i•f the ,1,11litt"11t1."" u nM:n ViJ• .imi,,,urh.-cJ the !000 '?001 \\'1:,1 -.,.,,flh'AOI \'Koe flrc-,iJcnt r c111,ddn'1 h.a,c Jn11c 11 ""hhl11.1t )00 JU)",. IWl-<t1 t:L•J fOl'acrCJlmriujrnkilm Kau:n lt1n,C'rl, tlvll)"-. Ah« .a 2.S IUll:htrtJ.: 1" r.i.f I J ~C.4 ...: MC l,1.111111i4 \1inneue i,rc1m111 ·111 l't'\\ 11.luii; 10 "''"' v.1th ~Udcdh anJ u..:b Cll<'m i,:rov. an,! 1,1 uc tll<"nl ,11c ~t.· 'i1rnm·11 ,.,J ~11nnc11c hn 1.iuJhl • l,. 11\dC,sancn 1,lau ;and uu11,11t a1 l'urt11 d Aknc- ll!Jh Sct1o;,ot \11nrw..11 a.,rt !'ltp , ,n 1n..110:: 111 hT d,.\IC1 ,. SIC I 11..t f..tUJli' huw""''· m.ath Al'kl J.nt-1,ttJ,i lo.\~t;':~'' ::'! th<" r m1!q·al .ul,1111111.u o,r ~linnfUt' ,1,1i1i,1 ;1™rudo( Ill S I ( \c,;-orJ11tJ Jo S.111N'llt. I""*' lh.11 II('" rchuft, ,he 'ol!II ti. 11w,111ng tn t'ol(1f1i.l '*llh lloe'I hu.ilo.nd Sb(> t'-dJU)" u.i.,clloir p,,Jquni IC' IJn l"li.·m11j1 h)JO(ll mu,i.,: 11nJ ~od:itl • ll!l'IC' "''ti bd p.:11\ikh11iltrn \11nnc'lk' w,J ~he l11U1i..) I 'f'!Cckl • Jftld Jcal of lllfloe. 11o1th her l.imth ;ar,J Clf"'I.AII,- \l.ill tt!JU)' y,.e,h1n11 ht-f r1a.1iJ..lilhtrct1 ru"' Uj'I Bui .hcw1llm1,:\ lf' I l l«l th,1111 h.,t, been ;I f'(l\ltks:,; hl 'ololl.. .11 ii(', 1 t1J.\C ,«n luh c>I &MVl l h )nJ ,~ 'i11n11et1i 1,;uJ ·t cn,r,~tJ ltlc tc;a-,hmf Cl;P"flC'BCr ,.....

inspiration Inspirations wm pull students through strmes pru 1 I( 1 itln f\ r"t ,unlllll'1' , n the: 111 C n y nu fttl n P. 1u&, \ dtt trun"lnJln,t lW tlll.m5: • ~nr> IC't Of rlC\t c,U ull I toc 11 ie- .u11tu.l.,n 1t• ~tcr111r hl~ tt1W1.1:fnnn:.

w,,1i fin.J , -ununr ur 1'1n "'".t,1;1JeJ

V.tth h111IIC'Yollt \\'c1J\tnt IYot! J11b, ailJ bctr>f .a full wnc 111Cl1U J,11:1 11111 1,i.att1to11p flt\kt

I ~r il\l11~1 n1rdf, "h 1hi, rt.,u~ •wth

ii,·• The an\\loff 11,,, fkfinild)


1,1l,ln1t.l~C'" 'l'lin~~hr-.1111k'Jtu\l.U1l

,he ('fl\'! nntd lt.u 1n111n lhp bll'l,'(I' 1-1


M..:Dt111o1tih f11f du: rar 11flll.'f l1f,• Y('t. 111.11 \lnn I w,ori r 1 ctN hC"t a11'( I V.&HfU11lthnl l11rJu,:hc1111,.,uu,1, lh.111 ,~w

111:ru1:,:t'(l11re I ~ctM NKl.1o c11UC'fC ln lht Kl.ln.h hlll' nK111n11tiii11t, I fomlJ d1,,11 tbc ~mr tta-...111 I Jec,JcJ 10 IC'l h.i.. t11 1.1;ho1il tililt tlnlJ~ ttl,C I •It.Ill" c!lllt'(f 1h111 I wdl nc 1111

1 \C'1:i1kp~ 1uP"11h111 i,recr thcnutkfrte r ,t.alll1.a\C' \h1111111h I ,uu uan.,lm•ns. J 11,111 ftC.!\oet IOIJ<'I 111.1n) 1W the pcupW I tun• 1'0('f ml'll) )IJCICI fllllC'hctt f1i,,·fl!l,h1pt, lbM I am Jll~"'III l1N I hlcumc h11,e l'C'C'11 o;tnNiJicJ Ill tht• 11ehoul MC"11n1n 111 .1 'lnlk • hfC' t,'OQ h,Mal,·cndcJ• .,.,,11 (iii~ In( hlffl~ 1t1ooih1. t•f J..:qut Wldtkn, me. b.11 l fed Ncl...cJ t,.\ h11\C tw • t.b&l"t' ti• be hc1 ltk'tid ~'ht;. 'A.Ill ht M)' 111,ph.ata)f\ i,;, f1t11~h 'Ah.ii I lvM' ~"""' I c11wur •1" C''tfJ' 1inoe tlf )11U tn finJ an llhpir.11100 u.-m l«-p ,..., rtt 11.:h1:1nl \\lwt'\,:rY.111~,l"tf)II\I lbtpcorlc~w~l<l'1lltht (l,J",'t1C1k'('1 )'U II.JI\'( Cllll h.11,,: ,t l"'\,ruund Imp.kl ,,ron )'Ollt hfc U )OU II(' h,a\ 1ni ,nt.l lhw~ht, <ulkrc 4it rl.annUl.g hl tali' 1,111'D('ll1tk!'11ll.th111.\111o11,C',,ll'Jdt,c,-.1111;lhu),•U\\1ltfflltlt-11t..;l, lt",an, t'\JJC'flC'Dl."'C \llU -.houJJn"t ffll\\ '""'' ,1/hrni 11 <J ~lfm1t'l ~f'f'ftr, /II', ''I""''~.< uu hrr " rr.1r,•lt,•hal'l,/11111nrm,iillrur1t>r1•Jhtrl~,1i1 ,,t

Diesel instructor retires, but wm still substitute

OICICI 111,10.,:1111 bJ Ruftlt ~\I he h,1, aJv.,1"' l>,,"\'ledlllk'~l'I 11.: "''" fq 1e...:ti .i., nti>.h Uwt cn-n UIOllJ.b tic: rt rc1mni; he ,1111 irilrnd l11(11t11C b..:l.1u \/1(' oo

ncc41.lon In -ut,.oia1u:

fbrhk 'Ahll " Ot1Jlrutll)' IU'IJI Ala k"1 Uiatcd i.c,.,..butlfal \:I( in J9Q_. Rd1Jr(l'.' (1111rt1ni tr,c, ht

w.L,;1111"11'} r,1,1111111,·mt>pc:to11or

Uc JOI ,1 ~tc t•I lhe tcuch,n'1 laeld v.l1t't1 he '4,l", IA 1!1,r l N,n) for l•\\tt JC•"' ffe lAlll).hl nt('~lillfttH lfl 'f\11rl1ng Y.lltl iurhmc ~ngine hcl-.:,~r,.. Miatik lliL!lt ._,mt 111 ~. 1f • ln,clll.i 1n ~11Jrn1111 an,J li'IY. I~ lll111,1~rc. tit n~111htm J~bo. Ill' und to• l.imll)" Jo.:1JrJ U ,It lhl\ 11.,l J\•!l!f f<' bc- th('i1 h<ll11l' ll'111111C'1 IUl\lt'H\)' ,,111 l'lctC""' M1.1tlk~1d ··1 1,J\'C' uR11hk", ~,i,n1, ,~ 1111 1'1(' 1111\f .111 h.tcn pu,1nw 111.i t,c111 rJ1ra, 11nca.t1t i.1.J I n::,1U) en.M RuMc..,.iJ " lr ,oi~iJ "hool.'" Ruhle Yid h( t! tnoL,n; !"""Ml.I h1 tt'l11c11wnl C\cn l.ht1U5:h he ,1111,lll1e.ic4i(.Wl~ ROOlc 'IUJ bt riLt1h lo ,pn,,.Unr: lflnlt 1111~ \\Ith h" f.inul~

Po e TH£SENT1NEl Irgiven pen, • = 10 test. 97 LIFE C: • -'lo: pe rce nt of lh!' • :::, = popula ti on . >- would write • -.::, • i::5 thei r n.11nes. •
CAMPUS he coo o(lbl;' k l'CICOrr ll MM', CUI!\\ tiK tin lbc WI) llnd I.he \',Qlhcf I, M.llnii,;,: 1iO IW'tt OJCtr. Spn,.,_ nirllll 11 a,tJ Rowq,.. t-foctin N;MaJtc pro,""' l.llC' IN llld J1,1hc R Hi11. 18_ '°'3 h,lh. brins• ~t\. 11)1N,._ H1flc:qrol~m1bccqlltp;,cm 19-Ji a.aj.-in111 in J)\ydio~} IUld • l.s1cr 1:all.(d niu 11~ hint ''°' All.I~ wc>f'l, 'P,.)'cl'w'1'°» r, w:itl m; m.ain Jt"'c UIC J thnl &auchlaJJ>
for lhr11' I01c11an the !1 ji,,.. Ill \CU -\1, 11IIUN1k P"l l'l('I.'\(' k ~,rl.: IIU!l ru lll.llw1Jmar11~(1(1.· H1llt1.1,J II C"\cr)'t'rlll: d d 1ty1 1hfft •rouldn I~ ny k'II l fl H'r) hv,.t,•1.Wg 11.lf tnC One t•I 1hc nuW. 1u•1l)lh lllffliJ:\ Ju tl11l 1 11.;., rroplc t"(' Ill ti"II hn h°"' 111t~ km: thl'Oir11r,u, l,c,o,i;l('(\TI)lhtn,:lltc1 bcm.111ful Tht.ll'ICUly. May 11. 2000 p .a. ~·-·Julle R. HII, ClmpJSQ41<-, lhe OllmpJS bngh~colorlul mallvewlttl the~ ot now ond-shepllnt!I.
Student elec ted a.~ international officer byMIM.)7..chna Jif,.1.Jlitor l1"ilyliHp:(ll\lt'1tilb.:u.01M blvc c11PN 1bc hon4Jf to tiul41 th(: puJel ion l•I JtUf11tllU004I elfi«T
Team of Phi Theta Kappa officers dress tor the occasion al fhe tntema110Clfl convention jn Orlando. {front) Karen Hansen, Holly "'lhe sunflower Hansen, Stewart Campbell David Noskff; (bKk) Oellan Oe-Ltchev. Stacy lehm and Mlndv MJddleton
,,,tc l1\L 1..-bdtd.k, ahu I~ 1111!1\"1'.."Jl'!Xl,h ll,111..en·, f).k>Ch anJ bmcN•r<" ""'""' Ja, ,,~J •11h ,unn.,...,otn an,l •ht- y,ur'Cu"ml)!l¥1'Cf1'\'(I\' Jay. bul IJt' ~Ulhlt<'Jtd hdp \\c: J1.Jn·1 lno.,.. v.h•l "'c "'etc ;1c1t1n,: inlo, ~111 'fl.C ,ur,,on<dhl'f lilllf1("tt.'t"llil." 1a11I \Hn,h i\UJJIC't•,n ,o ,,cc p(\.hk11t<if1"11hl-.;tcl11IIOl'K. IL.n\ell • fdlo• ,._,lfkl'n frwn \:IC'",aucJ,.,hal.:MllpujJ:l'IDm b) drn\iltg: hi kll\11,.*ct-<<M't\'J '\h,n~ "11,l 11\fhirtJ ,tu,1,1, h,,h 'Y<lth wnJfoy.a l\anth oo 1htin (ltic1rie1ttbct r,'WlcJ11hc:,kJhiJ,J Viirlh ~1'1l<1• ,nov,n i,, nn ,1 lluo, n·, c.111T1p,111ln 1c-am ]!Jlhr11"IJ MC'II nwwc "'lr'llhCIU b\ •1•1thcf anJ lampu1 : 1 l'<'r, ~td If tic..1 •hcn Jc\a.nhtJ 1hr a;.,111~i;11 tun1 1n term, ur the Hun,..,n t;;1i.t. f ,,ru. '"\\ 11-r 1h,· Ot11im .ml! IJt,1111>· ul l1fo 'Y.<''tt tlnlh "'id&.°1 ~Men ukf \lie hrlpcod OIW,1,nll.,_(', tnw."' FACULTY ===--a: F A C T S AND F A ( E s Lamona Stinnette & Ed Ruhle l)y K11t11 \lo,iJ.t" and SUK) /'C'hm ~n111t1rl Rr~>f'11'r
1,'.0(llrk'tuiii hr't llllb)~'f·. cli.)!rtt ,ind J h;ad 1U ut.l la« hoy,.~ ,cud. m Chen- Slie ,imply

M arried couples decorate the swdellt body 011 campus. Manv wish the)' could, swear they would never or ~vonder what it would be like to go to s~hool with. their spouse?

Here are the stones ofa few of those couples joined in collegiate marri111011y.

Friendly face in a foreign land In a class

• 'f(M before. Marthltt·an:tt'lolheUru.4'1.1 Sci.le, w11h hc:r educauon ,n mind

l,lll(J IY'lcr lhooM,.hl bet fo,.-u, fl'\ltlkt IOOO i nclude ruttQl'IC'C.

"I untt It.\ •n C'\d1.u,~ miJir:m


t.Vdc:r 10 l.mpn:m: my l:n,:h"h

1111d h;a~c "ddTcn:n1 eJ.pcnc:cx:c h)' h\'inW in a (l'ft1Jtl L"UIIIIK. Mllll11.1w,t1

D:an ,.,ad hli life~ n a Ml

!Ind Vl'I\ DOI goutg 1111) '4 here

"'he*''* diat 1ti..- h11.h ~ti.101

gn1, ,ollC)'~ll cc-mi Cllllr lnco rht Pbnn,na Qwc;L !-ltUf' '\Ra hent he W;t! \IO('

Dan and Manha HanWll together In lhofr PtummN~

II \\ol tbc llllftC otd ,z1rh he: had ,ro~n up With In hi, howcto\\n

i11c:Q Camt W (ht C4~

tq:hler ,,..,,h hn ltllk lee- ocam ..,nd..,kh • 11.m .aid I wd "Hl.' •m \he ,m1kd tbtn tumc:d

ilrOUnd aNJ left I•~ ,mhtl!ll. 1lit tV.0 be"9D 1(1 ('.-,:h

Olhcw mtWIC IC'rioull) •nd. in•

-.bui•1ml f\)ffla,,cc. ltlil. enpred. The oou,~ic \ ,c.,.,,'\I ,1 a,• k~ IC'ffil(ll~nl tic<·JuM! l-bnh:11

pll:nDC<J 10 n:rum ti<imc m Cofumbla1ocucnpk:tr l'i\c )'(aJl 011...,llep: Aftcr11ti..ic111m..,n1h. lllel"'O ruli1..r,l th..1 thcy •·lllkd kl he 1ogdber, 110 Manha tq.ln 1ht irn.mip-tlbol1proce,.,.tonell.lllkl 1he llt11ttd Stai~ The rnw.:e.,, cool. aboo1 • ycu ,.ok,Wt' my f,;wlllywbn·1100 hard." M.artba tr.11d, "Cul..->fflblll i'\ 1i-·fnir lhrwgh Jl(fM.1111 dmo In 1mm o( violcnc:ic a1NI C'(on<wn)' w• my t•m11)' •u \Uf'Pllrlhr ol lh)' dixl\lPl'I 1 tllC' cotrplit nwnaJ '11/Uhin l '!','d da:)-t ot M11t1hl'• mum. foll(No"'C'd Ill Wl~'lf' '*-~OI M.nnhl ~rngcd O..n 10 tn;d4; •<•fr1e:d11n,: o(hnnl\Clf

of their own

byKtmO.,·b .~,vm,-tRqwur B:



The cooplt- (n('l 11\rour.h Bob'• \1,ai:r \lobo tur., K11rtn'1d;,cs.1 focnJ Boh'utifitf •o., ,n:,uum.eot.AJ in hitehln, rhc a,upk: up

hr- "'11h her.,., t:ht a,,utci.l thrng I h:nt e,c;r ~k)ne Mid I h.wr Rill n:ern1t'd the dca.\ion 111 •n,. poi:nl in ffl) life.: 04n wld

Some f i nd love in strang e plac es


S.-11t11trl Rep,.,nn

JMOA Ind Mt"t_tlln Houd. arc ooii)-wrt~ill«'lkce

cou:pk Thi\ co.iplc mcc OIi

lhc lni1cmc1 1n II ch..! roum

The: toopk" Cl~puad,ct.l

lor,I\ ,nrlfltb1' hi:(\"itt !l'K:)

111cl. •h1th lfl\:l1.Jnt ...,.ndm11

pi..:IUR'\ o( thcm1<h•"CS. IO r«h


Coiu1w,, 111 n'°'I mtn"lld ruupk,., l hc)' IIICff hcwlc~ to, they li'-c:

'"Wt' V.ttt! JU"1 fnrnJ,._ .o arpt'M'iUWX dldn·1 m;a(I('(,• Alc:,:.mukl Rur after .a fc,.,,. month1-., chit)

Jccidcd 11 -·.-1ilfk'l'1rthitm1,,

I as afnild •11 q1«1 1

b«ilu.~ ,,I the v.r:1.n,l \kv1n

>"* hOlr ,,1 mc1rt1:na pcc,rl"'

m'("f' tbc h•lcrfl(i. "'' we n,c1 m ..i p,,M11.: ~-.:.'" \IL-"'1" ,o11J

Mtet lhot W>·,JA"°" and MtJanfc.Jltnl,;J\r.,Nl1-.~

lmr f1~ J.c.-.oo t11 t\"llln'I to Ot110.

kl, wi ,kpi, 111 Rahdrunl Hk') fn4.1nJ 11 ,bllK:u!no

h.t\·f" ln11idht11r...:t

ttliMIOl\\hlj' '>II J;1..,-, J..-..:iJcJ

tn 1uo\\"htCocurd'Aknt to

bcdn-< tohn"

About • aftn' J.a.M.1R mewed to CocunfAkne lhc-

'"ooplc m.m-K'd f hl:) rttt'nll_)' huth • ht.,.,.. in 1ht- ~ru 1111J me l~") 4aMCfll,hDt 1olkp: And lr.wg \lc-r.11111-ap-.)'1,,'hc•k'l!;)' majot •~ hlolln 1, .i l1i~llr)

C'Jlk:.a1k..,..nujor lk,cl1Ja~un a.I'd \1c£,14'lri,'lfl..for8,u\L a( A11~n~..11n~ When I~) m nnl \\mmi tl.1).""t"tbtt" thC") ,,n~n \hK.f~


·0o1nr h, .hooC .:inJ ilUcnJmg ,;.Lit..,~ k\,'C"1ha hclf)1, u, rtl\llncbll)' t>c-.·•lllC \roe c;ait ,hare~ • \lqun 1ro;uJ ·we,.ac11U1t:•(1111d mu1i,«cwh1ithtf.•

.,,...,,t...a.o,i Jason and.._, Houck study togett,or tn their Sb'eSS manao,enwnt class..

The tv.u have '-nov.n cJiCl'I ochcl for flklft' th.lo• )'Car lfflll. afttt • ._t\ifl\\illJ rornUK'lt. bu\'C bc,m rnamcd f«- 10 !nOllJ.M. Thcynmi, 111.m.J colkic1~r Kll\"Ai•.il C'JucaOOfl~pl'f and BvbJ,. t,u 1n~\tuJ11•• Ho,.do 1hc)' m1111.1rc 11,i.h.ft thc~o( coUc,e'1 F.njo)'u,1t....-h t.'llhtt'lCO,itp;l.n)' 11. IUllntpon.n:ma,.f'e('t in J1,;1,nnathc culk~ llCc- b:c.:aii,c the) hlli\( •ntndcd a11or1ll(ltC.b))C' ro,ethct lh p..i ,t """'""'" 11 ',nKclOt.'OU> 1.:.1 ,v.,&tu lnt'nd ,"K.ltt:1:t!illtd. '"Yoo'rcoc\'tf loody. ·1c,srca110 ~v.,hf\r<)IP'l.h ""'1nc'frl1Ufo1to b<." Oab..;.J. •An.tit •orl..••c:11 fOf U-..l.llK'C 1'C!)QI)' ti.,'Coocc:ar Thc-y nrrl) erer .U-JUC O\'tf 11ud) hi&blh arid fifld Lhluinj! the 1.,-,,llqc life 1Ct£C1hcrcn.wkt. thcm to mt,11"a1t, i:rit,quc i1Jld nicnt\lt each ulber 11',- ft!((' kl hJ\-C M:ld~tfUll )t!U f«~• Sob wkl. bul,db I.kt cm1111 bcma nWIC'ned •od ,ncndn~ c.'"OIJcge

'""'""' "1bc h.vd..:.~ pan abOl.!1 allt'Ddi:n$ col)csc a.• cwple '" 1bc"111.l pAf1 ol" it; Kall'ft t;i!d TIiey both 'NOrt (ull-4m'IC 114 the Coc.11 LI Alene Rc_.on. ...W dh kJ 1hect bclvy, K1n:n 1• a lid', ump coordin,'.llor Mid Bob J~ I CO()j;IC1f:'C, Karen· ad\kc 10 rol)e,c coop~ 1.s to be ~h·eof ach ixhi..'f btc.-« the exu. ~, Ot)l.leit can put Oil coor,lti ,-.n O\cn1,hdn:un1 and m.ay klvc ctr«.'b on the nMUriage Bob'11.,h1etil. ·11rou·~ noi 11:"ing tun. ,.ou·re noi OOU,g ,tngbl.."

Aclass, community struggles with loss of student

Highway 95 claims stude nt life driving toward NIC

by S1" , e Shrnk Srwt1MI Hf'rortrr

Andf""1.mt1 Wh«lct, \4. dM:J Apnl

1,1 in an 11utomobilc •ccidcnl on lflghw;ay ~s duma, ,torm. A.lldi-u \\4' onhC'r\\·tycoNIC A , ,u1lc p11cnt "\\ 1th 1hr~e ,on" Andrea l hcd with her ,noihc, 1n Rl)'\ICW,IJ!ilitl An,hea w.o In 1ht! 1~mc a1•ph1,

ck,.1p cb~, •• J,...."'qUC Hnum. •hi, dlC'J

Aftt'f :I hclJt li1tad II tnO(llh JI,.\

"It w,n ll rt;i,II)' tuutll ,1ruQlt f<JS lbr dwo, and mt.· uid er1ph1c dr~izn 11'1\ltUclor S IC\'C l',>tll't Goth '*t"rc ,~rK; ,10Jcm.,, •

Pl!O.ct '-lid lh.lC ~he kwC'd brr 1,..h1ldt'ffl \Ct)' fflU C:h •n'* tlhl ;,II ,he Cllt.ihl to l11vt1l\.<f: the- c:hlldren in IIC'f CYCt)d•)'

11(1 1'\·11~ ·hcrythlnJ ,he did wa\ lbv.llf'd.,brr1.;b1 IJtefl,,• P.\rterwttl

t.a,r ',tft'IC.')lCf AnJr(a vmutJ tn\ohc hN chlldicn in he, 1rapt11c dr,iJ!n

pn)JC".1.' in fflllll) • a}'\ .!l!I ..he c:wlJ, "> they •ould t«I is lbnugh die) -.'<~ • p.anolbctalUQIOOl'I Fund established

Sbe will be mw,cd hy Parker, tht' mcmbt'n o( hct ll,J11phl" ckt.lJjl d.a,~ and ~1t·

"The h1rdac run "''' 'ICf'iltCh1ng bet JLlll'lk off thl' ru-.1,,; Pulcr \Dd ·stic -. 1llhc1m,d•

it -'"'l.t , "Lt:111tun¥ 1, '° m~Kh fun 100 me 1hul I hkc k1 I

J.Atp.,n hi ~t'f'I('\: \ 1.Mtc1,.,,,J A1x1,td1n1 "' M.iu.ct ..tic- 111 ;l, '(ticdulcd m,rr \C\('t.l )C'uo -,o. t,u, wa.., I'll.II'

Andrea Wheeler and son, PtMllon O'B ryan (of San JOM)lnd Trevor and Kyle Wheelttr A fund wlll bt -bllshod fo,the boy1.

-.·ill nl'II end a:fl:tr ttliri.ftg f,001 hi• k'«hifll poutl(lift lli1 NIC Ni,l'idn, fflJltlCC'ring 11.nd ph)~ ffls.troct«. tw been 1~h1n,: fot :\Q ;tnt1 Unidc, tt1:(h1n1 al NIC. Nelson hu ubo 1uuch1 Al Coeur d'Alene H11h Schoo l and \1ctt,coiw HIJh s~·hoot O\cf 1bc: ycan. heh•, 1au1h1 tl•,1tt.'' ,11ch I\ ph)'!:k ,. c:.nglnctm,1, •MtMU1ny, camp111cr-~nce. 111\d ffl.'llh AtC:cmJ1n110 Nebon. hH (arcet tu, been \U)' n:ward1111, b,ut • 11·1 not OH·t )Ct • Ncl\4.,n 11111 would like 10 1a1:.h ll1-tn:,nom) or phyt.K" J),lf1 lime 11,ltrr hit ttt1rit1 In adi.lltltOO 1,• it.ad1ing. NdltOII will be ·odana w 11h hti 1elbcopc. rt!>tonn1 h!J J;lfdt.., fiJ\ITlf. rnoodcltua w "'-'we o.od .,..·r,Unjl. • hoal: on cla:oiccin:uR.., "The mt1111 ,c.,..·,ildm1,t chiTIJ •bout 1cacltint. i• 1h: wu.Jci,1'1 R'\'poo.\oe. .and lmri-ov1ng the qUliJ11>· 11(life 1htoosh cduc.atl:ion,• Scl.;on wd. After N'chon rt'hR'' he plaru on , e • kK o f 111nc "'llb hi• j,'ltnll)" He l\ mi11'11C'd. hll cbUdra1 ooJ b..u ~ftl,k-Mdren •nd ~kl he tiopa 11.1 'P".~ min ,imic v.11ti them of1cr reslnng.

I ThursdayMay11.20()()
"'"'"' )oo:n.gv.ho 1htyv,ou\d rt'*") ¥1·hi::11 d"t roe oldtr. fl(itll<'r ur llK"ffl would have vc1t1\IU!d the: anw,cr, "l'oOfflc'tlnc (Mm aAl)lhc.f coomry" Bul t..uc 11nwr('faiC'A,lUI)' 1tw.. ('()\lpk tiN mtt .,.,h(n Mlltma an t::<ch.1nec ~udcat Jmm <.A.Ii. (\~mnl>tl. 111.cOOmJ IJllr,Mk tlla,h ~bool in Pbitnnw. fmm 9,-fuch o- n hilJ Jnldull4(d
I ~=::.:-~:!~«
lllsd n,,I\\, tht 1-...,•o twilh atttnd NIC and "'Of~lll.lhcCoe:1.11 d'AlcncTntw lhn:J'I\/Ca\lnu M1111lul h m1jNuq ,n buu~ aJmi,ui.Uiltk.ln W Dul ln plu'°"'l'by I thll\.l lbol, (b.lDCI! Ill
'"Thc:rc 111 11 re.ii 'tOld In th"" room.'" ,a.Id tn1c,pu~on•I ~omtn1.111lca11ot1, in,.m~m, 'tim C"brl-11c. ·She lh(' fiN lint .)00 'I.IIW ..,1,m )'~W c~ffl'!tl.. Sht nc~·ct had• f tu.,n. 111111·:i)"• ,mile. .\ f~nJ 10 ht'lfl Wttrclrr' ~lldtctl bcc:C1 niabUwd al thmL .,, Au1trh:1 l>ona1100, c111 bt rn.;ad(' d1teccly to 11n) branch, h1 ,arr of U.S P,,;..J..,.1 1.. Oun•IIDns ,buulJ lndlc.lllc 1h111 dw-y atr tr-, 1bc Wbce.lcr ttv,,-J:w:,it FACULTY W ilSlrUctDr never plamed to be touched by I\IC Engineering Instructor will still teach alter retirement F A F A C AN D C T E s s Len Mattei & curt Nelson b) tCal'II \16'1.lf 'knJ,n.rl ll~{N,rttr l;\h 1n..uu(Ctlf' Len Mnua btgnn (olLhtn:g 1n 1%.~ \\ll1et1 he, hie \ ll'I thl' tln'IC 1h.,c J,t h,.S fiN bllb) 11..W pl-,1t1ncd U, be a "4)'•.,t hµnK"' mothct tt,M·t',('t, nc-11 lk>,-., nc:1,bbnf \U\ 1e•h1n1 -, 1 at NIC lltkl l\alJrtnc(I iu mct'IUOn ch;ai 1hcy ncc<S,od ...--,
rclidy )t"L of M.altei ~,mns. 4tlc:- Yoitl.tik lrl 1.c..·h fc-wrt,tll\"¢\ "'' W h,1111 mClft' lmM: f,• 1ithcrd11n1, f-iov.'c:>r<t, ,tr,e • Ill fkl lomtcr b..a\'c 11th chttkf She: 1N1 NIC t"'C tictlllC .;hoti;c <-1'1c..;b1n1 fi,·c 1.·1 ,\C, noc 1c:.k:htqJ il'h)'cl,11~, At an hd1111hh choK"t, 1\-t.iua lk\:idcd tl'l11e MW v.a., lk.finucly the unw: fl) n:11~ A1o.•cord1n1t 10 M1ud .Jlc •11J be \.ttfltna hC'ri.dl t,u,y wuh """"· .an 1; l-,1,<t"\. Y°li• d.o1~"t<" 11.n1l ltish~hni. • I lotc Je.cmil1$," M1111t1 MIJ UOtn I will ml\-\ ITIO\C 1hc lll«enlCliusi ,ulb •1Ulk,~h Cun Ncl'OII'\ tcachl~ .:.uttt

Phil Sim m\ wa1 : - 1he first supe, • S bow l w1nn1ng QB :

...;;- 10 r hrase ·rm • i:5 go ,ng 10 Oisnt•y • lJ nd.

'Four-ever' great

Baseball team heads

Into regionals with fourth place seed

b) Oan I .ulkt

Stltnth'l Rr{Mrl<r N (C WtilppcfJ Up Ill fCIULir ..e•\00 i,owiJmc ("Qlor.KfoNonb•·~t ItI !Ind 9-0 bch1Dd Kt'lth 0....0°\

t11rJ.iy M•> f\

Ch)O v.ei" '4·11)r 1 \\Uh fou1

R.Bh 11nJ Holt hvt' b•\e"• t o help NIC •rap UJ' 1hc- No, .i

\tCd in 1hc upcom inJ Region IM ivllrMmrnt Thi! (,"arJ, ( 19·

ll kaguc, JO 1'11 O\ffllll will be~ Sou1hcr11 hl1hn 120•14.

'.\l·ll) m lftc opcn(f

Ry•n l llfl!JI 17 I. "''Ob hi,

1iC\'C'nllt ,1r.uJhr game' ,uld 1h(11

"'Cl!oi 4-~ tn IM s«Ofld fll.ffl('la\ Nil" ,wcp1 Col\lrndo

S(tftll•·\·\I 1n • doubltbuiJcr

nn\111:,~ At Trc:u.,uu.• V1'1e)'


',\IMinr JIIIJ'Uil ,,nr 1- 1 IO\htJ 111mc l'AO l 1 Tayh,r Wc,t hall II hnt-tnoJnt RBI duubll' HI c-C1n1rlbu1c 10 a t1\'c r1,11\ Inning. Pi1cbcf Juh11 S:1.1lbcrl.a1-S tJ·l> IIJtn'it•Cd IWU hll, and Oftt' 1w11rhtd Nn while ,1n\in,t ou II s~ ,. OOm1nat.ln, r11chlng alluwcf.l c,-ily lllur ltiu il'IIJ tufl ltl the \l!.,;~nij (l'lilnC.

B, 11ndc,n 8cn.i\ 1dc1, ,cored NIC', ool)· nm In fiilh.

Jes*8 Fuqua -. Monl p,-her ]1Y91in technlque01 Spokane fells Comrminlty College.


cu 11 8·3 JUC'llC

l\1,0 Win. All 1hrcc hJd '"'0 RBI

,1pi('\'(' AJ.lm l·m, I~-,. IJtUd.

'"'' t<\Cll. SIC 0111)' ~ll <1oc

l-µtldWIOI botbJ,attlittt.hcnl!\I


On Apul U lhc ('ardinah

"PIH v.uli ~nuv,. Collc:sc

F111:lng t"0Ut1-c of S(1u1hrrn ld;aht'I 11.1 hon\C April I~. 1hc C'•rdinali wcrc nblc IC! ,,ore 1hc l!ll.tlt(" wlnnlng ,u.11 111> lhcif IAU •• bilt. J-Z Lupul p11chcl.l )Cl 1Utudtet complete Jllmc ,1nlih11 r,u1 nlPC tt.1nr,1 imd ~\C up thrC'c Sunwr 1111d CraUl c:~ch h.-1 run- nwin;g nak~ In r•mc 1wo or 1hc doublcltca1kt, NIC n\lnagc:d urdy four b1h and 1:11mnu11c:d Che cm,n rc"ultifl£ inn 8~1

kH., Swur,, r111.her fnu w:u 11net1 1hc ,~,. allcw.,nr ~en runt. tiu1 <1nly tbn:c c11,rocd S.1mnu h.,J an RBI JR.)l(lbk. Thc RcJwn 18 toum1uncm beg1111 May Ii) Rt,ult, "-'Cf'C no1 av1ulllblc Id rtt\, 11~ ~.,.,.,,,,._

Clllt0<1 VanCloave S1and1 In la< an upc:<>ming pflch as Kellll

OSSO mlrtors his - In tlleon deck clrde on April 21

Taylo r, DeMami, Keith, Wood ske and Beck earn Ii rst places hy J11ohn :oiulhC'rbrnd .fr-r1ti11f'I li.rJJtJrtrr

NIC"• Neil Small 1001. ,-c,.l,li,J pllk.-~ 111 thit I.SOO nit:ICr'I> wllh II IIIIIC or -L00.60 Mil) 6 dunfll the Wul\in11rnn State, Unhrr11ill)· t11v1W(iul)IIJ11tMoobct'r)''fr.1J;;

The mt:C1 ""ll\C1'11C 1.a!lltt°"I f..,r NIC before ptcpurtnJ! rm 1h(I

NJCAA 11.ltlOO;al Muy Jt.11.

The Ca1dln11I 1m:k 1,nd ncld teilm oompctC'd In tbc RtJ,lon 16 chan1p1t'ln,tnp~ In 01c1n. U1.ah

Arni :8·!9 Due to the bt,eb clc"ullort.

C~'ICh L.0 1• W11tl.rn, ek:mJ 10

hln·c hi, 1uhlc1« flle.'ll" mot!:" on

n1WJk 1Jh.t.ancc 'f'llllh ,mJ U,dd

('\'('ltl'\h,r eudunn,cc u1blctci II i, hard because af elc"AIIOn."

Wa(lin!J ~id. "'tf1o Ille ~llll1ii,1

OUI u( unc nO\UII • .,, you IUl'I

utou~ the 1na..:k.., Oc1p1I\" Ille clC\'llliUft l-lc~thr1

Ta:yl°' v.,on tbr 'A'OntiCn', 3()0cn in

111,n-.e vf l:20.86 camlttll. rir1h on

lhc itll,11mC' NtC II\I. 1ht' dOOm-rcln) team f ini,bcd


In v.omien't (kid C'vcnh .tuhC'

DcM11mJ M!t • tcJlun r...-cord In

11)c Ja\'clln h) r!j!h, foes. Cryllal

Sml1h ,b:itttned the ,cltool rcootd

In Ilic hummH thl"Ow •mt l(l()k

IJoCl.'Ond in lhc rei:10t1 wilh R.ichcl

Squirt':\. ripit bcblDd hCJ

111 durd ptAOC

On she ~n·,. '"ldit. Neil Sniall

nin ont uf Che f11te,1 &IIOm .ii

clc\·a1inn ifl NIC hhtory 11

I.SS.O.S Jttrint the mcri·~ 4d<OIJm rcl~y. Nute Keith 11e1 11 ,d1e1iol re(1ltJ ,n 1hc ,hot·put C'b.lrhc B«k t(,l()L (11'.\t In the jJa\'thn, o\·en:omt~ ""

11t1LJc ln)uty ht thro11o • d1~t:lfk:c

of 198-10 Joe WOO!b._e. Cruig

Su1u an,I L&-,•i Cu,hrrum hn,,hcd

rm1 ~e:.:oad .and lhird rc~pccc,vcl)·, In the trnnm)ct

··'rbc ('1tt1h h:id r'"' rcg,on111 cht11mplon~ .iuJ f'inM1cJ 11\ud 111

I~ n:;fon l'il:h1nJ full k".\m, fnm, Ktct:ur11J UVSC

We're movlog ni a r,uim·c, d1rcc1ion," W111~i11,- uul the A1tm,ru,uatlon 1, tnu\lnJf I0'4Jtd\ • full lQffl lor Ge'.\"l )'CM, "-htc:h will mal.c u, rnucll more ,·c.unpehlivc (" hh Rirh Jnd uvsc·, tuu 1Nm,).'"

Arr , I '.?I, 1hc Carih witte ,n t'hcnt')' for lhc Atnie" Pellcur ln,·itc.

f\;:ttc Keith fC'nt:uncd ut1dcfo1c:d 111 outdoor cornpc:111loll In the- ,hot put n~I d111,("1,1\ ocnh .1nd rcc('lveJ lhe NIC Alhkle 111 llt,c: Yc:111 11....,11,d KC!flh i. ccmrcml)' ninl.N ~ooJ m1Mn.111nn,-.t,(lchc,cn1, Uc'a g<lt a lot ol UUIIJ' f0111$ rnrh1m; w11111:1n\uld Cr.ig Sutu fini\hcd ~ttooJ in 1ht ~hind l<'.e"u!I. Ochcr It'll' rin1,hcn ,ocludcd '.';e1I S1r111II t:?nd. ,tce"pkcha\Cl. John Styp,a 1 hJ, pale uuh,. Krt,11ll Kipr 14th, 1,h'(U~). ani.l Cl1.1tlle U~l. tlnd,}A,·chn,. On 1he wo11n:n·, ude. Kira Jl!Olnp,.a«i qwl1f.c:J 1111bc t500m lor n,ut)nah, 111-ll.:tna 1hc cut hy \O(flt.eCOCl4h ·rh~I wn a tm; dll)' for f'l<"r," Wadun\ said ~11 JM her ,ixtll on thc,11,IJ .IJmc li st." OrMiunl v.,11n lhC' j,Helin OC:rplll.'" a bil.,nJ lk."cii.ktlt.. Taylor plolll'.~d M t b on 1he ull tlrn.t' '11C t"11ntbc 151'11Jm Kai, K.nt1hOl'I and Squue ~u1lirle"d lor na11ua1h 111 the hurdle~ •nd th.c: h~mmcr 1hro"w. l't'.,\d). "\\'c h.ld \(lltlC ofr d11,y11 for ~oinc people d11r 10 diu, u11J ~IU/lnt.\\,"' Wi*tl.Jn~ :a.11.1. "hut wtcompc1cd v.'t'II

Th!!: team h :ti

C\Cf) IWlftr pll'lt, ht ttt.JUC'\I" the t.Ume meal. llnd 1hi: ~bed~ knov."i "~ai..·tl)·* Im be mean~ wbrn l't orlkr\ ""the: bre:lkfthl of thllmJMOll" "' \4,1,.,.b(' lh,I('" hc- 'A!ll;rct IIJ Suntntr'\ ;,ohJ re,fOfflllncc lhi'S JiCa)(ll'I ()r l~.)"h: 1f,; fbc Jov.; Ol lflc ~llll>CS.itll.C'"'WL\)'llUh,I ''bff ,r1« I <A·•, )wnr, my dud', ball., l\lll sn m)" b,lld ht 1,a;t11 mcc,-ceyttnnr,w,fl Sumner \llid Uc bed llh.-iu1my•,~ \0 I 1.wkl .amt a )'Cfltemf). Bnm 111iJ r.abcJ jn MQlitV•, Su1t11ir.r pla)'cd II tw.'1cthll.ll 11W(OMball l\\bcS:n:waldcr. h,~ll bc(.,1mc hi, fln..t c:hoict. "'Rlh<bJI ,. ., n..-r: nf• ,~ 11..tlC""'" I

11111. 1bc: l•l·,rn v..~, ,nlall 1'J'll.t I did.-'t \\'.11M 10 lll' thai! for fou, ,cac-.• I~ \Jal My c"1oK'!t 1.illtJ ,~1 hu.l®), 4l"MJ he v.~ MC!,'° I Cfldeod up hcl'C • Pl.i)·111; in hi, i.tCMd )' 111 NIC. Smnrw:r t..u bn("f't'd-1\'C \llllh11"· l)ll t,,,n,nir ;t\·('~ nine dooblb :u.'IJ 2S R0l tn I ":ad Ullt I.tam. Thn1tgh he. ,, uwrc dwfl ttlublc v.,dt ! hc·l.'ttdit" h,~ Jdtme "'I lo\t' JO h,t. llut M)'Wl"IC I J;C1 !fl a Jurnr,. I c;ao IU'AI)" ICJ) 00 my dcfe:nsc t1'"'caltlo\:a>"kr Ht'\ 1hro¥.o f"llll 16ol'.ll ~tcalcn lhi.u-:.a."°" a."Ltd IOdc.,.,_.,,t,rd,c 1e:am. h('c:amp.'I~ lhffllll11'1k l•\11fi1e~ltt,111l aal"'·ay,c )IIY we·tt Lied cil hkc ,be Y11ri.,1t1- ,n chc flll.'t 11\.11 "''c b.a:\c a.bunch of it1}'~ot1001 tum 1}wf1

f'IIJlal'llldiofq,pc:Nllt\,"SumnC'f"II..I ~.,,.,c·~.1 bllll(b c,f li(:111pp)' fll.)'1. Ilic- Y.1nl.«'IOl'C 1hc •1mc.The C:l(tlln;it~a,rn::nll) 11111d a 2t,..19 ttt"'Cll'l.l CI~ 1l SWACJ,bu1thecailyp.inkloof1Plc )<"M~~u liuk roo.:ky. Wuh '°''Ai c«onl wiJ ;1, La.:k.c,rtt.111 d1cml,U). thr: kam tbll)" h:kl a 1um,n~ po111. 110.'1filiQJ1<1Sumnc, "\\'hen v.c plol)'Cd Dl:d(' Cotlc1,\'!. I hc:lic.\"c ttlt')' 'Ille~ r1111U'd ninth ~11 the n.i!lon ,""M "'W 1'hic) v.m 1bc1.t11m 1ohc..u lkfon=1hcpmc. wcllal,la!Cilm n11ttt1n1 .did u.: lilll.t'J about lhlnc" tl'l..i u·cnorJeJ u, i"' ikin,i:. We wm rt.Ill) rtl"l!J up iwiJ ~11JcJ up

bc.ol.lllll dr1n.1111tJ o,,- ct:am hu'A-c..i 1h:111Ait ~nll\ cllll lffllt Ekm& hi. b,1 }Nr N IC. ~Ulllltc:f" pl.ans W ~,r,,uc- • Jerl't'( in utbktk tra1mr,1 ~1 W.a,h1.n,U111 SliUc Un1\t't\ 1f)

""I enJo)'c-d r,.;ic. I "'"h 11 "'Do. four >~ r

11111v~"U),'" Sumner wud 'There"• a Jcyc Cit f!tta1 peopk ~C:rt. 1& ltit nr fnic.nd\ rn min.'"

Sumner receives Nelson Memorial Scholarship Chru .1nJ Vd-1 Nc:.lit111~..,,.n)rd1hr MMl

S~lll)ll M~tnorial St.f'l!lW,hJr, to Ca:Jum) c..110.hcr Rot, Su11 net bcfone 1he \rnl 21 hom1!p11ic. ~11111,cr, • MlpilOOh>f'r frum ''"'~ ••the u.anini: c l hc-r fur the Card" 1,nd1u1 ,t1i'llcdlathc SWAC "ll·S1arOamr in ht frc\J,m.w )C:41 Muk "id"111rUicht-dJ1">T"1bc:C'iltd11ul,1111 lfN:4.~S .l>lnJ pt"-~~••)' fo 11)111 all.('r a lottS, ,utr •t: le Y.ith I tinuq rumor Mr J,. tt:fl)cmb,.l'ro M • aru11ha.Jcn1 11ll\k" wi..J "er) l.1nJ f)Cf"\OCI ll 1i ~11L, 1,., d fnu11 lri \lemon Be. e•h ~c1111~ IWMd lhc ki)Qlanl,tp.

ThuMdaV, Mav 11, 2000
l.&1pul "',1, ,,,·en the: ,tiw l 1hc M\I dil) :i1aitu1 ,hmng S 1111)¥, Colle;.-.. He phchcd u 1,"0mple1c Jllntc \hutou1 •Uowfo1 cm1) IWO hru He \ltutl. 01,11 14 \\'idl no 'M'.'Ott bt..!tnit 1n1t1Ulc bcltwm al !ht '-r~"Ctlib, Surnnc:t "'°rtJ Joe BiiillU ""l1h • ,mJ]( l•I "AIII 1hc rnmt l•Q Scortni only Mc ru11 m a11mc ant NIC u:orc:IJ nini: fl.Ult ht lhc rmal 111.·ro inn1ni1. winnta1 12-.a 0"!-0 hu • iruud ,lam. und Chf10Q'IC'kil\C h;ad NfH1cm n1 111plc MC hadJ5hll1.. Cards
Cn1lum1ml) t'olka:c: t\pn1 ?8· !9, N IC 'I\On Jame one an ,tram.,1111- l,1\h111n 11-7 D.w,n ,. I in IIJr IC'\'Vt1h. I~ C:inlinJ.h rllllltl.l ,1..orlntt ..,c cn run~. Rob Crain had a IWO·nm dc>ubJc. •nlJ 81>b Pit"tt.i;;l. rul4I 11111 ,uh .-nd Rfll , v.,rll Jtn:in)' N1d~n 11..0) pi!.Chcd the IA,1 llmlng th Ing up unc hit h1 rid, '*I' 1hc win Ke.1th OHO, koh Sumocr an\J Andrc:w l.4r,e•i, ca,,;h h1I hooK' nm, CJI rOl.llt'
tag five titles
the: N.tCAA Uuuloor Trad 11t1d F1cli.1 Ch.amp,ons.h,P\ 11' PA•ah\rillt. Ill \Odair.
~w~1 NIC catc.tter Rob SUmne, hiil-S thrown out 16 of 31 potontle l be'N steo lers thle year Sophomore's performance supported by breakfast rltUal b,- 011.t1 Lutke 'in11mrlR~J}{lfrn "Gi ve me: 1ht lniliil'it or dianplOO", bccl~ I '\~ p • pnir IOOily WOO NIC :IQPbOcOCIC'C .;~"tlCf Rtlb '-:unUIN, '1'hc titc.i.ktasc QI dwmploo.'i.'" h Sumnc, c:alk ,L culni.\l, ufa "*kof tml(~l"S ~,lh h;t\11hn,...,11.( lk/OR'
VrA.\ tidkt ••L. '° I t.lOk mtlftora 1<11110 ,, One of S.nnun',- hl,tl ~hool 1.v11d1e, \l,,L\ ghcn 11 m.'flnllDCJ1'4t al Si.vth.,t!it Uk.I~ S&utt•.and 1hrough h m. Sumner~ 11~lup1n fl~)' 1tinc Ht mhhlr1eJ hi, riN )~• 11nd t,ht,v,\."\I p(lkn11.i bul tbc hc.lO"'*b tturcd 11llc.- 1Jic- '<.u.on kcah1•n11 1Jm1s, "'wlJ be- clllfc1Tn1, St11t1ll('r "'.i~cf.l ta be cloi.ct 1U bumc: "Ir W.J t. II klfll[ v.11)' ttun bc:n:,,r "'"-'
Providing needed
for Cards



CiatJ\ Jrnp ,n ,ti l;l\l 'C\'tO h) John \uthrrtand ~nw,,IN,111,rl,., ·r1,t l du\il tolthill tca,11 :i ,I\ ·f,im: k-..n~ i,.ti\'l·l t,·\f'l•llm~ 1 pllf l,t ,-.-nc, 11>11h \1t1f\\ rw1 M.i} • IJIC't.'.inhtl t IHtnSW\Cpl.a) ~~lt.lf\l:li1U1 \lr-tQk'll 1hc 1:l t.1p.•r. $· I u1 tb< 111•1 ,,11nc al 1hc lli•ihld1c.-b :\I<.' l,n.t th( ~onJ f.af11<' l tJ lllllilf11tnhrJtlc~•1 •,chtbc t ..cnl ift the Wllfm'fkl: tht t ,u ,.., 1.1"' N11 2 t 1.ah v••1~ r,, ,ipto 1tr RI."~ 18 twrn.urk"1!1 ~, \.J1L.IL:C'il) NIC J1oprrJ • S1:cn1t: Wr,t .\thl1."l1._: ('onlc~cn,a· 111hhtll ..ld•ldw·,dcT tu thr S111,..., ~"'"

lhc f1N ,mi... 111;1 11 p.tchrf'·

Ju..l\\.1tJ1Sn,.,v1o I~ !U);i;1l\ttth..

C.u,h J.n Kelli Sn111h 11,,11

•-t..:oti.kJ ""uh lhC' lu,, J~,r111c

bs1J1m1 n~• -.J •1111,115 \IJII.' In lhe' ,a:;nJ f.llrc lhc- ib1£rn

1,iul ah,1111.di,:t In~ °"ilt· cm1n

.,,.,.u,4--lNICh:hl mil:1p. Judfltlll: I;,~'


hkl,1) Arni I~ 11 IIPJ'lt.111'.'d

1tw:1uJ,!b IJlt' wa; \.c1JIJ icnn dr.un\l

X.:-n"' \.\'('N 1t.i1ng U1.1h v~11c-,

~('1•11crr'4n11dh..-1..1naiicd rht, "'"'~ d(m fhlt,11~J h) dk'

a..:Clnra ol I 1\J •\lh~l!rll(CI (I\

\ndto•r.a~(' Al\1. l>..,,t) Uile--bl.:e ti II, ~p11:A,at,e) .an,I J.,d."" \uJ1·Q

IOI (i,,..11 h&Jh \ffl Hie thrtt

"''"ITC.ll.•fhln.-.'"lllfl~ll•,;uhull.l~ Mfl4h..-J,~1hclllll~~~ ol the,.,n lh,11 h.1d fw:<n

10t.l1ttl.,.lnl 1 •alf,f•l'-'" l,c.-.kr1n

hbLu-14WIS..wtb)'.Arc,I IS Knc1w1ug tbe <On'IC'f~~ l1f lhc'tt .11.1kll). Alq,'laot1. CJclet.btt .1nt,I ' eonc,nQCd 1n C00'1ml(' C'\~11 11.ftcr k..amang l,t 1hr: "'hoJulc di.ill~ TI1e 1~" mntn1n1 the tcGm h~ '411.hditnc'ol.,.,~l)b:'4.ltv.dt4 th,~ r..u1,n. Jnwln, thr.n, from line tn M() ~1a bchinJ a tt,;I hoe liVS('IWn()fbh.T ,,llld 80(,k p:lr1 If! tbt 4"na:i.1' pnn. h1ll.lrm1 a ao n.ileol11111ou--·,u:icl.~'f)ffl'iooh llla1ldn:L1tcdit1fl'lll.."tl00 ln,tc11J ul ~u•rcn,111n. lhC'

,1v.:l~ d1no,c1 In run1,h mli.rtr

11'.u-n "',I.I, 4 td(~m '"«ltlJl't.llmni pra.11.."'" •bik • m;nr.11 fmm tbtl\(11.<C" att.l ...,""11.-...l ll) ISIIJ lllC.,f. In lhc

"1.1..if.ktt klW' On the f1~ld \pul ~1-2?. 1b<

c~~r 11,rtayc."Ja~• McnkGI Field folk'*tlt~ 28 J.,~ uf 11••> ri11nn. arull..a""\\ .t1IIJ "''°"'"""' )iJ.k llt,J\ ~tUlout l'WKC al tlk'

C~,.,,q,e MU1 \nllllh p.1,ha.l (llC 1hnx "''""' 1ncluJmg • ,J11&.tuut ~Uld .a comh1IM.'J ('OltW · frorn,tichind 'Nin '*ilh Chtn I

A~.ri. Lu.a Im'\ h• .,_lfiu hiTK" nm rnlp:1t\ffle'1>fl('I\.~. Ahnt\iib1J'f ¥1~n'4,I.\K..l)C>,:~ ,thov,I

h,t11ntlud1ne 1"'11 dt1t.1Nn t>unng 1hc til\al hiotri< \(TIie\ ot I.he )·c.a.r. ~;tit J ,1\c. (\,n,m1HUI)

C'nlks,: \&oll' four µ11c1 r11"111hr

C,nt"""" -we lud II lll(h Ym"M-nJ.'" uJ

C'lkM·h o.,n IJ..111 W1ll111m• • w<' h.alt"f'1'tll1Ulll'"o,~ju..aaJldiki'I c.lf'Llil.ll'

Battling the river [

Kay:,kmg dass learns lcchni4uc, 11)11-......,,

,~lfl""' A

,,:,IJ : 1 ,111J 1111,c.11ttik il11ulc ol ,.un 1n ("t•Ut'f J.i\knC" lhl• J.1,- 'll ~hllktlh pll"raw f,,r k&);1l1ni diu ~ \lier lc.1111mr 11\1" h~in1,1 rcall it1 ch< d1lu11n4tc,I ,111111vllc.J l"ll\Uvll111c.11l ol 111 •••mmtn,• rn,ol, l.&)~U' n ti\ l.1~11n t uk,·1, "'l111c. ., Lly,1L.1nii d:1u rs,urh 1hc , 11m1 • c ui"·nt nl li'trS!"'>l•n,:J{Jh·f o11 lluo,l11.i;c On the Sp1.,.mc Ri.,cr ttt-11n111n1 i..1).:l.t'O lc:ri 11rr:, •1th lmk tonuvl d , the tcr·, ,..,,o Clifft"!ll l,tl.t,. lhl't IIIIOt•1b (11.,t,c.- lV.l•tllll!' du,.n, nooJnl 11,·11h:N Ft,11,1J ".a.let ni.d,o 1ht oi..:1 ,,1 ~JJ31n,: 0111 t1l thc 1;uo'C'11l •d1ffJ.:ull r,1"11:<'1.h,rc 10 h),lkt·r, 1h.a1 u~ J1M ti(ot11nn,nr u1o11t "'"In ,1,11.._ ,\ ,trJlfhl hnc t11i lttUJ!I, ll• krra, lh<' w,111cri. ,·umnr r,ulh the L.a)i&~ nn.;OQUulliat,ly (tom ,1,,k It\ '!J~ TI~ "'<""'lhC.f "''' 11111100 t.11!.l hul 1hr uc, wa, r,m1l)1t•1t~hr• ,ubl11r1,:e,l ..:umpki.-l) '-'<111."f, IIIOh.·111c-111 h«-.;:lllllt'' J1f11;.;uh t.luc In ,ho, l('J ltn""~ 'fc.11ccr the tto.,Jy ~,1(( fn1m the d1111in~ v..11cr

l.1 ,-.ilch u e lii)t'111 ,,1 "'"'m p1l)rnir)'knc.

{"01,rt" •'ft,. • ~c'-'lnc,i,e "'"t ,1111. •·mn cl,hi·,•nJ

IICt',t h.11, 1-'l~tt u1d 111 ,w·,cr ...,.ur 1."tl1tc,n, anJ \ O h\C'J 11,h,lc 1c.1d1111,: 1hc dJ)\ lmY. 10 pr..:r·•tt'

l11r , , ,i.t ,.,,.th<'t i..t)ill..tna .in,lJt~tt,ni ho"°

Hlth•n .1.c, nuC "" "'' lhto rtll•hll.UC KLll'I

,,.1,11,u~·, ol ttl•n.l ")tllht'H.: fahtlc\

··t-:JJ~·PU( mt'r kh,"' Jed St'( u"J O\<Cr the fkll"< of fl.l\hlnf 11r.itt"1

£1i<ffl>llrt.jUJ(l,,I) r,,Jdk• ~l.llnf l~t-Urrttl1

• 1th 11 11uid. ,fl•rn dr,1'111 • p.ttldlt' 11lllllt' tb.11

lc.i,n lhr 1'!...t In a ulm ••IJ \hll c.:JJ} YI he•

11:s:H1Up1:J in ltit' l"'dd) ,,her ltna11n11 the ,

~1uJt"t1h J1~1h\ bo• IU Ju pc::,:1l1c: ~(IJk

11tu~n ,,1d1 .n lhC' "'UII<') U1..att.'h uAc.: 1u,n, l'lllcnng 1ht ru,h,n!f "'·11\e,

1u11l lr) tng llklr ne•I)' 1, uld h-ll.111,111i pi•tnh iiild

mc:r,l.llh Rc,lhn• 1n o i.'uln, ,..,1111m1nt pnot kd,. mu,h c:.i,11:1 rn ,rudt'tllt 111.11.n rt'llltni: "hill

tic,nlf ru.JicJ anJ s-•llc..1 bl tl.X!Jh rht'r '*'~•"

81:i;111n1.·r,. fctl dl"l.loc.111cJ anij ,~in lo-.c the:

-Lill, * bkHd '" • pi•ol, ,<ml<'•"' n1,1 aMc. lo

ru1 1hrm\Ch·c,. u('fiphl l.'~1dr dflwn n ,u~hing

••1c,. l11),1~cn pup lllt ,rray r.l1n, \lrh1lc •hiH·t1nr inC1,f1l v...i1er. numh hl'-lht'\

"'*"11 h) ,r,c•rt" co dtulll thC' noodc-d byid, Al lltC'

(Top Iott) Kalle Ogleslloe poott.iOM he<><lll lor Ille upcoming pitch and (IOI> rlghl) Ktlll Smith hul11 a sttlka during I Apr1121 game egaJns.t 01-.:1,e CollogCt.

ee,I of lhC'1t hri1 r,,·(r J,·c.ntu1c.. •t't •ludirn1, h..ipptl) 1ohcd 111;i1l.C'd la)cn 111kt 1',ull·J 1n the. ""~•mth uf lhc. w11. Mt"-l o( lh<' k.a)'lllt'f, t').JICflt'fl,(C'- ""<'l'C ..:ha.JIUJ:1n« h111 tnrnluco1Mc.. NIC ofrrn bit•ch bc~inniu,: ~ui.l llllt:HltC'Jhttt' b}.aLmJI d•,"C" ,Uld Ou1d,1111t J>ur,1uh JI"" ii.Jo h}• fCnUh h,r 11'1f;1n11.1h1m. t+ill 769 78.U'}

h-or ''J'C'"

P etty ends assoc iation with

v.b1> .1l'i1I uil.l 1lla1 l"t•11.:h1:. ,hcll1ld nnc tic, on ti 'I 1h1nk thr Hov,1cr C"htb ha• 101 C'tu1u1h 111cmbtr,. 10 •bctc they llllt' the \"U..Chn llft lhc flr1.anl. v,ht,h ••II be 1<-c•\I fol all or IIIC' lf"llrh.· W ,11 lft ~Id 'tk Buvuc, Ctub prt1y1do an room a.r•J 1nor)('~ r,11 a l hlrtt'• Wl lh foll 1,1,.-b,ol,11-.hlf!1r. T11i1100 '4',UHi1' ;a,rr r'IIH liJ tht 11thktlc- \kl)MU11e111·, huJgrl b111 li1t11Jcnr \\ilh(tlU tbc (1111 tide h11\c 10 p11y rcl'lt 11nd hYIOJ t'l.rc'll'CI, t,c,.uJc h•1o1n1 1u pr1u:1i(t'. ci>mpctc o1nJ ,1,) nn 111r nl 1ht'1t ,u.w.tro. "'If 1,1,c v.,UII ht «1111ptl(' •t need 1h(),c "'hol11nlllr• anJ C:i£!hl i, '1111pl, lll>C C'tl<.tUJth," W111~on \IIJ fl Ill.Ale, II h.1rJfot1~1' ")(f\, "I 111~1 h11p,· r-,c.f)ltnnt: "'''"'" 01.1 1 fl)t 1tlc he.~, .and 1111 !he ttlhcr <tt,adw• Jt't thc: 111urict 1hc:y need 11ml r c11n it<I l,,1,

I h< ~I(" ~IJ.U'J. h..,. •• ru of 1hr kun of U\l,·N b~ 1rt1r,I •tlh Ilic Bulli.l(lf, lhr« 'It.Cd,• ;1;,1 fil C(Qeh M.11l h'"' ,,d,I th< .l\<'111•1 wdl 1.i.~lC'f111r 1th IYny', '"C\t"'"~l Tlk' mo1...: r-tiJ, • l1N1-na1111t"

ctlllll~rr AHutd1nt1, lo PC'II), ,c..iw11, f11t lln rcH·r••' 1nduJ..:J

1llwippn1,um<rtl U'I lhc 'IU) Cil IC\:f1.111t,J h,m itod II u~rh,1l 1p111

btt"'t'ICrt f<<v, 1111d c, Sir' a,,h&.a1u (41;1c:h M11rt. \\;hik' Pen> "'*

•l"1 unh.arr,y ~11h lhc- rok' l'IC _.,, C-'1't\:lal 1,1 hll 411 (H u••tti 1lw1

hC' ""'"'tlt1 ll.1,c M rl•) nut 11f p"111,-.. ,~na i:u rdl iulJ \.ll) a•.,~

ln.m l:tu, oomul ~In, Fl.lllld tu<'htJlil)

l''l'II)' h v.c.:1i:h1ng h1, ''flllOfl, rind h~, bft'tl in (11n1, .1 \'9th :'! J-r#kl.'oa). \\,.,1i,n111t,n S1111~ 1111J StK1th(m M1,.,1

Ston e wres tle s way into Mi sso uri

:'limtb ld•lt11 t'tllfCjt llc.1 ky SHIii( Ila ,1.:i;rpl 11 • ~~l,111,hir, 1u1hC' lni,"'11>· \h.-., 4111 Shn1e• .1 S1 M,1t11"~ t-lirh

i;udu111e, plu..:cJ H'~l)r11J cl the '\J(',i\A ..:h:11np1t11uh11,, ,11 11 fn-•11t11.1fl lllMI lhhJ 4 ,.up11,ut101t ltt" '11.JtMlc.J llt 18-1 ri,tiu,J~ cllyc,r.

Washington mat champ signs with NIC

C'lu,I Ot.:1rhn•1r...11,111f l...ii(" Htrh 'idtnul sn '\l1,,• \ltl. I ~lh, W1ht, li.1, 1i1ntJ II li;Ucr ut 1n1c.111 fn "'«'•llt Im ,,,11t1 hli1l10

C,1U~,e. l'.11nll1 t' r 1 Wl11kaon1t-;1.t\ll1'1UJo,.'CJ c,,..,1b,,1111fl('llll w~l 'l'.'i 15 hi lhr« )c.1r111 IArvJc, 111o.:tua!i11~n

u11JclNt~J ~.htin in •hkh hr"'"" •be ti.u~ AA l~a,,wc1y.h1

d1.1mrK"Jn-J11r C'li.t,twlflJICl!O ""''. ,lih'C'•'l'll'" , , (',\INltnj(, fouct\111_ b.1itd,...!t1

JAl.11l~hl.:;aOOc.ini"~a.•1,:Dlkroinc.a,mitr ftC'l' 1hr linl hiph '4:hotil rcn11u tu ~ifn • klh't 1.11 inlt.ll1 11, •·r<"'tk fo, tl:t' (lln,hrlilltnnt"'"..l."'11

·n.,;C'J kll)'ilif' l,wl,n, lcir «m1(1t'l!IUJl'l l1C l\ttthll>C'h "'a111111t h' •111~h 1lc k11un lht°fr "'111 bi: ll 11\.rt rodeo M.a) :u a1 C'otbin J'Jlrl. 111 Pm, L,11, M11mc-H1, 11f t'IMm •Ill prout.k II\<' CtHC'f1.11!nnlC'nl mJ 1drc,l111tf,1h will he: rm'oldcd h, C(h Rrtv.1111 C1•rnrJ.n~ f nr iM«imullntt oil Oun River Sp1.1rh at 7(,'J 7~7' Whitewater Rafting Men's basketball I IIN THE STANDS for College Credit "The Canyon Class room" Social Science 204 July 30 -Aug. 6 , 2000 Lower Salmon River 7 days - 2 credits $370.00 includ es: 2 sociaJ s cien ce credits, food for s even days, trans portation by van, and raftin g equipment. For More lnfomrn!i on: Jnson Lu ker, Ou!do or Pu rsuit~ 769-7809 gets the cut again BD11ter ell ~ HIii II lffee pr.,....._, 810,000 h) ltt.11 Kd.l .,·,,,1111rlRrpot1,r' Irl th r ee ,..c,11r,. mtn', hinl.c1half ,o.idi Huich Wt1~011 h111 \ttd h" lclun·, fu11,.lln1,! ln,m 1bc n~"'l<'f Ch1h cul tcpcatcdly. The Booou (.'lub·., Uo~ 1t.1 ul Ducr: 10,,. 1-mcd t() cu1 hmdlnJ for 1bt p1011rnn1 h) SIO.OOfJ hu 1hr !000 ·01 M".a\on 1:rtim I? lull ,eltu l.r•h1p1, "'"hen he nr, 1 ,11111cd. nov, down to c1gt11. W;ihun', Joli h1n "cl.'01111: C\'c.11 101,1Jbcr 10 f"t'lll~ 11,;h.;1111pl,,1t'->hlp c,.ulh, w11•, hard 10 c.arnpctt 1n 1hr: S\'.'enll. Wt'~I hc,;.uu,c: h•1 thr I•~• ~u. )'\ 1h1, CC'ntcrcp..:c hil., bC'cn ,1u.mbe1 ""C' In 1l1r l ,11i1cJ St.a l t\ htr lli"1 1on I pl4)'<'1" comin,: (IUI ~•I 11"' W11boo wlJ When I t1w;,,I,. tbt Jl>h. the) ~,\UU-J MIit •c'd h,uc: •o m.all) ~h,11111.tur · bJhl t•f MC"• hud tlMll:tl<, \4.'IH' "" d1r 81)(t\l t'r C lub'.,, 1, 111cmbc1 lfo1ud 11 1 Om:~ ton. 1ndud111g W111,on,
\. 10 Jd lllj u, l (ill f'll;i)"" .u,J ")'11\F !rt jt'.I 1h11, rrn,r1111'1 IU m.·· u1d Wahon. 1,1,f'u,> too). !he lr4m to the NJ(.°.\i\ f itlJII Fo11rmh11r11"1>··•1111MC:-

On:hcMt.a. ""tu ye:ir 1bt .11ud:iMCc wdn'1 oouce :a btJ dun11c. Sn)dc:r "41J. In lb( (uwrc the~ will be m11ny cre.uvc -.:Nini:cs S11ydt, 11,11d 1hc 1h1nt> Hui WlU 1:hlnic 11« 1•nl)' rur 1hc bcur, :1'bc: 11.111nc tu1'\ ch11ngcJ rrom lhe NIC S)1t1ph1.'ln)" Ot\'ht,.tru tu lhC' Coeur d' Atl'llc "'MM1.~ 1111·1,,,..11iull1mf'(•fWIU S)'mphM)' Otcht'ltl. He

Mlcllael Y01119'1 wlll'ld preniere mystlcal, eerie

bJ Jo,h Swdor


~l' ,~1u1bcNIC Symrhort) Or1.-hc1;u.t lhc'tir..he ID 1l.t,.1Q.,n,._"t1I, "'11\n \II .\mct'K.IR( 00i;n1 111,;i-.

I ~Vl(W =':~~-m &ii.lll.,...('Url \1.ayf, 1n Sdiukr Aial lcw111rn, Uv"•1tll lMI

ll.c unc:-n betnn v. ub SJ;mud fbrbo:t-. u;rn11nc- I 1 '1lx S<.·

for ~.and.II \ Cttt"J'Y t«Jms 11,,.,._.,o.1 v.1th u-, muuc 1t "'"" 'i~c b'6Ctl11,J! tC\'W1t1.rlhl,,,1o1r 1j>htOU1 ul \\ ua1J uf o,. bc.wttlul-.iJ

It l>ijUIICIC\(\!1'111\Cu toa ll11ht .an11htrtrh1l 1nnc u •nt hnrrh lllli.l y,OJ.lwmd, 011oe~d'lc.'1.1n: ~-~\IPllPiiilwn11i ti ~.JcJ lat ,tit 1ld1t1J ·~'""' lh&'difl1~uk, "''~r~"'.11(1),M'C'nl hoc chi.' 1:t1c.•11~ gmup pulkJttullr,i...d)

'!'ht 11<'\l(m'l."CY.,r'loC"'Ol'IJ prnmtn: t,J Mt....h.KI ', OwtJ 'I ')'ITiphi.112)~!.'Tbc.-

F,1itw:-rnn1 "'lll,~wn\1t"1'lall,;t llll.O\(':fflCOt pWI' tb,lt lclt IIU' IJ IIC\'tn~l.'111 anywhere fl bcJ.iD Wtth .I f.lOIIVW M)I.IIIJ.JIIJ.' Cll)C;Oit,le,4,)f l.lnll~\.i,\d >i\('lllt..

M>",cm.:nt~'{)•;s"<;ffm.rc'f•" 110C' h)•OCllec,..:h~liQl'IC.ll'nC' I.J~

l.;1,•1;~ th)1h111.: p:n.:11mr•1 rtrr..-t«IY.11h,1,;1hn~Mf1'1"''ll' MlmlQfl,\.:•lbyHW"tt.tJ ho,.11•11-1 l,uk "°'v.1:rocm .,1111 madr the 111tJsc1~1~leu,,

A foflom ltthng l'ieJ.!n UIC dunl mu,emcnt llv..a., 't'fY 4ulrtand full ,\'lll·11-S~h1m1.·,.,-,,.uJJc,'1.1

\,11,-c(IIII ffi,t"IC•t nnJccry a<IJICll I\IU'lllllertlll'\\IOfl,k)'llll ('1 11d11I, Yi1nncrvf1hc Youn,: ""'"" C'Offlpt;fitw:WI. pacd the ,ympholl). Cnindal .iucn,.h ('._'lt'Ut J'Alcn< fllEh 'Ki>ool. •hm: h< fla, r'a)'cJ in tbt on:ht-~nuncl j.w:h.ioJfo,l...a,>""'"'·

fQi tht On.ii~. Occ-t"' (k'Nl~m't ·Rlup,odt Ill Blur, (ictw&eC"nt1rildr)a}'ClilhcS-llrlO ..,,1l111k! oc1.he~a.

Inc Jllt'I.~ Will\ UP,-hci11111nd ~,1.11.;I. ia,111 rk.1-'llnl It rt.JI!) cnc.k-d thc('Ql:lttfl \l,CII

Local high school students disp lay artistic urlenis. upstairs

b) Ham.on,)· T11,>Sl\r


Hlt\Vftll H1dl r- fe,i.1trnir alt

,bnv," Om mon1h 011t eth:'ludt., "'od.

trom ~I(. ,11.1drn1, and 1h( u 1hc1 ,,.


fhe !','IC U"•knt ,111 l, Jii-rl.a)·<'J l11

1hc C't1me1 Oalkr) ,1n1.t U\ Jud~ h)

WC'ndy h11nllut1J M1llc1. Tv,che

tt1d1 f!fitc aY.o1tth 1111d 1t.1\ fl(lnm•hk

t11t1111on, 111.crc JI""" 111 lout

t.1lC'J:•lf'k~ A jwot',. 41w11Jd fllfJh,: by flanUunJ

'-t11lkt h.;in11; ui rhc Jl.fllkl') In 11 ~hr

de~uht-. 1n u h,imJ itboul \lr.lY ho'lt

-. I<' dct(1rmn,:J ..., ,1uJ1.•l\f• 'It.Cle wonhy of the • .ud1 a1td hMQr.abk trtl!llh•!O II <l•IC'O't Jrl.Ulcr 1\111 lhCMUI\Jl• uc 111.~111 1111)1:h.,l llo-c1ll.aCo,.,pl'f, ,u1 ,how 1.1,rr"""t ''\\ h111 m.aucr, n 1h.,1 1h11 lht ,tuJcnl', "'orl ilnd the)' ,Ir( all Jul-1 prouJ In he •hlr 10 d1•pl.1) 1L" Ot I<, ,elccC1u1h h1 the lhrce d1mcni,100.,t atcflll. thn:or .,~•r,h Y.'(fe g1\t'tl u.nJ Ullt flOOllnhlc! flll!tltlOO JtJI

Judgt' W(l/1 :111 •,..•ut tor ht'1 1to11cw11rC' pit'..-:<' lltlri.l fioblt'I I." \l,·hkh •hr- h "'tlli11g for S,,12 C' '.\IC'ltdllh Y.(10 1)0(' lot "\\,ilt1P,t bcr, 111aikof)C',tm1,t111y

h<Kh J.l"QM Ruihctfnrd "'ho mu1llly 'oti<il,;hc-. \IV('r lh(' r,tflCr) dl.ltiftf lh

O(H'R hollf'\ "'flo for h1, li1g lih1\'.I; ,ta•hdl 11111d( of 1.1pc Rnd p11pt.1.

ToddSn)dt>r, "'m p11Un.)· lnuru,clor

srud 1ha1 lh(' C'ilht'orc cit lhe mu~c lhoulJ JtC1 c,ca better 1hu11 11 h no'A Sn)'t!C:r s.;1id 1h111 It \lo-ill free up fund in: ro, the t<"M or the nuhlt dcpartmC!nt Thur auccmom_y v,IJJ llc:lp the cm;:bc,tl'll 1u11d ~ppl) for gran1, 1v.,11 of which 1~y h11vt apphed for 11nd ,tiovl4 t:cl .atl tul,"'d l.o b) June "CThc duhgc:J 'lhoold11'1 arrc 1 1,tudcnl•,- \llid, S1ev~ SthcnL MC fc,umh.lion C'll'Cl.."l.lhvc dJtc:ctor. Srndcnl\ c,1n 1till 111kc p;ifl ttl 1hc ')mphun)' (or i.:olk1,c cl"C'd11 11n,l 1hc iuOd \Lill cont11:1uc> to !\ave • "l1e>l:ir,l1ip 1m1ilabk The oollcsc will ..:ontinuc 10 employ Sn1ckw-1., ~yr:11r,huny Ul.\lf\k:tor and the ,ycnrhooy "'I ll tthcitht and perform 111 ,tic rnllcgc In add1 11on, NIC uudcntr. and •urr v,,111 ha,c (rot odmi\"Kln to all concer1s.

P¥-e,ld~nt Mkh:,d Burle ,.aiJ In• memo tn the -.:l1llcgc conm141111I) thJ.I he: (c,cl~ that thh ,U1JC1urc v.111 allt1* both arour• to pro,pcr .11,d in r,uhtl( 1hrlr '\l'panit<' ml~'lion\ mor"' clrcc:c1H'I)'," The ,ymptiooy suild \lo-ill aho ,p1n from the lnund.ilioQ Uodc:t nc111. n•m<". the Cocu, d' Altoe Symphony Ot..:hc11r.1 Guild •ill conhnUC' 10 r-.:iii.c moaey ,o ~appoft 1h( t.ymrhooy oo;bcs1ra a11 a M· for-prolll OfJllllizitlifJtl

"Mu,," l~rt't the nwm in1p<Mt1t11 thine. pcl,lftl<' -uc- \hl\k 11 • d*

'«Of1d, ,,id Sl'l)'dcr St~ni'- a,; mc:mbc,.. COfflC' f11'\t

S'n;ikr ~I.I lhJil he 1unl\ 14 ~""'inn 11111mnslly fftlo\l.MJ .d"Ui.1 fC'l fl('rtotm ._,

• '°"(l1" dctfl-"I onto( tllc' concc,h tk'lt ,-c.u. \"ttl )c111·, ~n'Mln "'i ll u~ludc l:unccn" "'Sp.ani,h Scu:1iikk" Oi.1 ll.

~°'md" of Chn'1.m.u J>rc y. u,, " l'osn c·nnC'Cn 1100,., t-c.h

17. MJ,ur!Jdu..:inr in th< CI.Jt.~!" (Yo,nh Cotk:tn) \fan:b IS. lUll alkl "P.1,~,un11le M11\k OIIJ ,nd New• \fay S-6. :?OUI

'"I 'AJllt tc.i v,,i~h them the- ~cry ,1nd ronh1t1JC,l 11ua:e,i 1n 1hc ruu,rc,• Sc.hl'n1 r.aid

Artistic talent rewarded at Boswell art show

the C:)c 1h.i1 ,clm'I(" lntn the: g.illC'T)'. E,·111,gtli11c Bcc..:hlcr ""'"" for her iwuu .• 01.1f" s,,111:· ,o,hkh buni.:-h <1( luilha111 n:d <.>11 111.d:y bur, un !I datlt,·~1. Onldv Andw,on woo an .i111.ifd for tu. putcl called " In the Kh('hl!n • Tha piece Vtlll wl,l ,w ._1prn.11:1i 111!!,111 fQ 1hc. gallery fot S1'.',. lfu,1411'11bk Mct1Mn v,cn1 lit Pth~ II• Parlenlrr (or he, till t:k.:r·~ Ea,\• Ul 1h11 C'.llC-J!Clf)'. l"hc: la,1 catcJl-ity d1~ ,or JIJdgeJ on -..u Jn1\\r1n1 and m11c:J mc:J i :i. wluch included .ill 'A..i1crcolou, I here \lt't' IC' 'I c•I lhC'iC \Uhtr'nHC!tJ 111 1~tJ,cr Llkrc-1i-a Vcrbruugc- v,hl) t\ t1tt.c111pt111~ t.u ,ell br1 conte t"l"l)'OU l'll'i.'it' ~Ofau P11d1cr~ for Sl?.S "'"" 11no1W11rJ. ART cont1l'llued on page 16

.__ __.__...__..__

h1 Hgurc 0111 •II lhe m)'lllc-ne, or Mc 1hrnu,:h b\1> lhC'OrellCal ,ic;-w Jl(l'n (Eiihlefo). tbt ochc-r-.ouM tall.. 10 ntkiln •!\Ii 1h)'ffl('',. h, hf,rc, of Clthtr \\mn1na .II r, .1tlffllioa. "' r,n>Y111g • p(Httt he

B)' the enJ lit lht rLi)' 1he ~k11,u.1 1Mld a11h1 dt':I.Mkd

lhM lhc)' hllld much 10 common. ti~ 001)' re .:41 dJff<'lffl«

1ht')· hnd thd.r rntm. l• \I.ere 1n tJ1l(('ft'nl "*bJt':''-

0.blllll, 11n c ldcrl) 1c.n1le n1,11n pli&)~ h)' em 0111(11>1-

broughl 1hl: 11udifac,c kl laurhtcr l'~C'I)' untc ht woo.JJ II)('

tm +.1mpk rf1r.1-<. *I h.a'"c' lu ,o pc,c Ca~ (11.o)'td 1k

part of' an otdn 11wn v,tx, 10 h:l\·e 1111 c,-f the (uru'I)

t,r wtU> hnc.,. E~CT)' tin~ c,ne or 1hr nihc.r .;b:u...:t.t:n

"'ould rel 100 ~rioo, he ¥riuuld c11tic1 l'fC-1. • jcile. I'll'

m,ttc: funl)f U!i:om lfe Y.4,aik' M M'l'p1bt-rl•!r li&J a1iJ

•live E.acb c:h11nic1er fttou!,:'hl a nt'\\ J vn.utuc tu QlnUCII


t !11dtt 1ht" dr~'""' 0 1 Jue Jarub), 1hc P'•> 1umcJ t~r

I\) bt a C:l'Mnp.Jrtt \U.:CCl>l> Ht\.-.W~ lhh \lt,I.\ lbc' '1""UIJ

~;i), llfll)' lhrtt r,crfon'I\IU:11..""« 'lllll!fC' hdd

tbcJU\SIC'I~ l'u:,i,,.o. rl.a)'cJ b)' Lul.C' \ W,d.,,tr, ~nd C:1n,tt1n. pla)"c-d b) I ct-h Junlu did • rn1gn1hc.c:n1 Jnb rt'l'fC'(',.in~ thcu t;IL.1f"l5. ! C'r\. While ooc wuolJ bi:- try1nr

lt"*OJ'Ll-•~o.,,ill'I The east or Picasso 11 the Lapin Aglle pow for• historic photo during rel'IOMSII walker, Junker star In small, well liked drama department praductlon h) Stacy S11.tu11k .$;,111nrlRt1kJftrr The rl11) p~_.,.,..,"' UIC l..apb1 Agile,," r,tC'\C'Mcd b)' thcSI( Jram,l lk"l\'IRmtfll • pt'M r.omrJ)' that 'ifl,'U'I.Nf r111h11•i.1'-M r.\11'1) c.lil:h al.ld1c-1'1Ce member l'hcpLl)'lWl ~cw.1.~rtw.lh1nbi11J11l'IO,I hv. o ,bc,ut .1 tu. 11 ~1 nitelntit: hct"'ecn P'll.'ltuo .and fath1c1n IR£VIE\V ~7 ~t:.l~=:·:;;~~9~=:t~ "'Cu• -.C.-ta! ()ti Che\~ h \\ti 11lf11M-I II\ Ir tbt- ,u1,hl·rt1:c 1m"mNn -.-c,,. ran 1,1 1ht "''-'"" t-«a11~ 1hr) \!.-('IC' d1Kt tn "'h.i1 1hr .:wn -.c« llil)IIIA! .1nd llu,rtr 1k,p,1c 1hr fia,1 lh.ii1 "'h•1 "'•" h111pptnlt1,:'-n'1 Ill\\")" ttMhlC' hccatnC lhl' .WdK'tl(C Will'- ~.1kJ, lhl." p la)' v,,m, rnlltt """'P"IC' ,..,~ the lh.11"°" 'llll·fR' aMt' 10 rrlru:I' l t.t

In the. -.ri1tr•" op1nl1Jn. th" pl•y w,H the be•I

P'1,~t k1111 llf'ld 1111 )(.:it ilnd ,~ 10 be""°"'" a tr._ ,nort hme1.. Eia(ti a.-1.111 tlfouiht wmcduni to !he ~UUtC'

dt.d Ol~lt lldlkd In the: O\Cn!II unr!ll1 oC 11\.; J)ftfomllP«

Pago 12. l'HE SENTINE.l Rubber hands : las1 lo,111er • when • retri geral ed : • Gertlrcf Malhea perlormed tor "'An All American Concert.- The eoneert wa1 hekt on May 6 Ending on a high note Ttwt>day, Ma)' 11, 2«!) LEAVING THE NEST Orchestra leaves NIC b111few changes in-store by Josh Sluclor J\&£Ulu,,
Ut'IIQilt $,f1kfi,a110B ecrcmooy .,.,..,. held QR S.tlU~)'. M11) Ci. fl "'"' 1hc 1radut1i11n or the t,.,mh Idaho Symphon) Ottht,1ra to lhl.' COC'ur d'Alene: '-)mrh.,n) Otl!bcuna. T hn II a cll11nge 1ho11 wdl rtponcdly ben('fn bc,1h the Clllkt:c .tnJ C1'1Cunl' Alene communlti~. "One 1h1ng )'Ou can tounl on i\ (hangc," Todd ~nyJcr ,aut •'S(-, t'n }C:lr. OJ.(t "'t \\·.:te the North hlab1.> S)'mphon)'
whidl b1· ld1 un11 dcJ. Thi. ~),Jt mcnu.nn uik for,c oi1.ei:1"1f) \l;,:nt tn btmnr l·•"h" ror • ~J•y 111ccc !'the 1J11S c.alk'd "Eiult lDllv.-Tbt' photOJli!.ph~ ~ckdlOlltl i.vnu,crd uf n bl;u.k 111\lt "'1111e rhocu anJ or tho\(' ll. thrw J\IC ~11,.itck anJ lWll ('4ffflt'd honorll.blc ITIC'llllOII Ulln K.r,uinc lhunphreytt. "'an for bN plum, 1h.i1 ~hC' tltle~ Niap Tunt • \tuu;,r) : h)' Kumrn Ht1be:n l't'\'.t'htd #111 .i:11.W ,m.t l*tl"f Uenun, Yoho hlld l'A'-o r,«~ tn the ,i.hnv. that both MIid 4udl). ;11:hic\ccl ,\r, llWllfJ lnr f11111.tna," a rh<1111 nl lier btJI friend fn,m hit'hu.S It .Old (1• S.?~. 1llctt Ht p.untlnt:, u, lht ,.ho,. imJ f9U-f "'''" ,l\l.•flh "'Ill) IMk: j'ICl:C' ~.~rntne an hon11nblc mc:nu(lfl tide" Mc.My'-C1f11nd "b) Hl'ltl'lcrf"'llo 1&.n utl on 1,1111va., tli.,1 c.iu1l1t .i Je11 ol _.J__
Theater Department finishes strong with 'Picasso'
P aoe l4 A&E I JJppcd 11n1,1l~d

Th,nday, 11. 2000

!il, t:C'nON: F,1~p1.>,.,,....,,

ASN IC mlp'tl't'(' ,~n1"" rcl;1h1J1h

C'Clndnutd from P• I

ATULETES: l·nc,, ,u"t-,h.

1u.11nt.ilnlnt dnnn1 IIJl'"llh 1.11 NK'

condhutd rro4u pa~ I

e t.Aunt l altcShrn a1frum

8111inJ,. M on1~ Wil!t n;amcd •h"

kmJlc"a.·.idr:ma;..ahlctc-(ll lhL-), .ir-

A u-om~fc, ffott1 M unhu,a Suuc.

I ,fll\('t\lt) v.11h a t) GPA. l3a;n.

l <'~lh !I'll" SWAC 1n 'i lubb 11,t

~.,J~IWl ~'«'OOJlill

un-bi1.1ot ~1ct"n11,11c und b.a11tng

ll\Cr11j..~. Olhi:'t '11,)(llll~ h• ;ilhk1c 0 1 1hc

TRUSTEES : flub can kl<"ll>

ratt11..1p,11c 1nM;httol 11CU\·t11c:, con1ir.uwd rrom s,:,i~ I

Ot\p11e worucJ ;;,, I I,. f rom p.trtnt, f'f ~,adc:n,.._ the duh h;i.,

MAI. DONADO: Stulk"''

\Al1ncll f('~IVC (Of d~,h ('(ltldnUt'dfronip:a,ttJ

A"..,"<L•..-" "'"'""'""""-ons


a..,:«Jms 1,, Mou l-'ctcr'I-C10, 'o'hn

'""l' m ~1,~ioo, lie ..:i.S NI('

.JiouilddonKft 101\:-lp lh."'C' pcxipk-

~Juotlc~alu1;;11, 1111111.(' 1bl" Colleb,'C o( Sc:~1hem IJ,.ihl, ml 1hc l'ni\CNt ) or l~t0. !1,:ICii,,IV.ll'1•IIC"t\'.l'C\lll llll'&IIIJttt: ttcmmtr, f.nglnh h~ ,a d()('I for de11,c11lt1.I') Sp:umh. l·1c:u1;h 111"'1

A RT: lhgJ\ <dklOl .in 111 ~""'CII nindntH!'CI rNm1 pai" 12 1111 Judg,c "''t.111 :1~,cb1;1 11\\.,tf\l for htt mo,('d ,ni:~1,..1 .,;(41..igt- ~'tuldnu

Plll,r l.,.;1nl,n Su\·i:g 1111d Tino ~cbli(Cht111i: h111h rrcch cJ

>·c-11r 1nc:foJe<1 Jt'try Petty ( men·,. h .hlttb.all). David ~naJhera

twn:sah n11. Kci1h °''° (basicb;ul),

Mcli~\ll llall h•~k) balU. Cmn1en

/.obe l (w111n cn'11. ,ocC'crl nnd

Kacl)'n Thlum (,ofthlll) Nominees.

re.,, .u.::ukmlt' .alhk'lc of the )'Ut

1n dudcd J.iH111 lbn~on ( l'rlC'n', h;a.\M"ll)i\11), l:;rlC Sfn~h (Wlt'\tlll)£).

Ad,1m 1'111, (b:i~cb:a ll t, bmtl)'

A\'C'I')' fVOllcyti.\11), Kuti Thonirwn (1r:.;l) erd D')'n Devlin • .,.,'OOICn•, '°'"'"'ff). J ohn l'ricu. • 198S Coeur

1hr nihc 1<1 bc: Xl:nO'Yo"lcdj;.cd it,• ~lub 11nd '"" p,nu:ip11k ,n •ct1\'i1tc, ali Ions .t\ 110 ,chool code-\ ate l11'oli.t-n. The lub'~ ;<»I

i, 10 duingr tbc ld.lho law, noc lo encm1ragc dru" u~c. The: dub

(i-cm1an SubM:quc:mty. '-ludt-111.,

c.1f'lnlOl l\'CaYC"fella:llllliJ 1u1;1kt\l'lt ,·11ur\r which C'(»h S 1,600 perAccorJ1 na cu M:ahlon1do.

(C"b 1cono/La11t1m) n«d 1he "Pl"(lnlUly .., le-am m 1,he OXIW d butltlqu,co. '"'t c:0M1dcr myself co be an A1lk:ricnn, bu1 I feel dua I h11,c in1.1th" 1ha1 • pehon wl,o hM

1J'-"1Ull•lcll Joon't b11,c ujJ. \till~ \~QW~uwi,,.

t11.1mn•blc mcni.ion" fot lhc ir" Su,·ct fOf ·M1'1(1f1eJ.• \"'llfllC crayon\. $7S, and Sctllidllling 1«-Elcfoni>.• ClOlllC It'd dwcOlll. 1 '*'" "-' hy the ,-.i¢1y "' aooJ W()tli.: ,1ald Coopct. ·1 l"t'lt1ld1t'1 h.a,c ;1,~C'J ((If" A btur.r


Cove Bowl and Lounge presents

May 18 - Di scohesi ve

Jun e 1 • Civili zed Animal

June 15 - Moment of Clarity

Jun e 29 - Trip

July 6 - Bead

$1 shoe rental $1 per game

$5 cover charge

18 and Older Must have proper ID

Come check out the specials and what's going on!

2318 Sherman, Coeur d.A lene (208) 664-8151

EVERYD AY 1/2 lb. Steak and Fries $6.95

I0% aff

food cot:tl with valid Srudcnt I.D. Sunday-Thursday

localed In 1he


216 Coeur d 'Alene Ave. 665-0085


d 'Alc-ric High SdlClOI ar•uc lllld qu1111®.ic;l. fnr NQw tingliand P•tnot."-~tht,:ur-,11'fl('aLttut

th(! b!ihq~CI 1nJ 11.1,N;flOO Frl(,1

hul h-t ~Ill 11,lway~ nll Coeur

d' Ale11,c: hh bomc. 11nd u.J ti1 1

,i,hik new ~porn need 10 be akntngrd Il N"K", 1k sputb tb:u

h.l\-c bc\.'n drMna ,ht rolJctc neat to he nlllll\t.l.lncd A uffl *'-1MIR and U\'C all.."IIOII. ohmg wi1h II raffle. ror 11 1%~

C1.1.d ill111C, r1uscd "">fley for lhe ~Q'CJ1.1b11Urn~nt.

.,.,ant\ lo dei,dop a i,l111 for lhc Nn,~mlx:r 2002. ball\)I tu lrgalitc

1hc drug Sisna t1.1r c, from 6

P'(.Unt o( ttgi~tttcd ,~ m1m ht wllccttd and l2 coonlln be ttp'CSCnteJ

f11ec man)' of the A:imc t,,uic (h1,llc:nge1- 1ha1 111 confront all ~illffil:Jl('\11 milk:,w.wn kool -aiclr r,·om jonC'Slo,-n I• "''' '"

-w< want ,.,,c \l,:bt,t1h -.•here Chicanoll.Mlmo dl.Jdrl."l1

Dl,!,r,tlac!lli;VCJOdiMfl'Tl~i'.,... ......,,..,.....llt'nllldllllt"?

Senor Froggy

Specia/i;;;ing i11 fresh. delicious Me.<icanfood

69 cents


Al l day, every day

& Faculty with college

71h and Sherman Downiown Coeur d'Alene 765-8522


Thursday, May I l e Trip

$2 cove r 21 and over

$4 cover 18-21

Thursday. May 25 • Bone Daddys

Friday. Moy 19 • Wei T-Shin Con1es1

Every Friday! • College Nigh!! Ge1 1n off cover wi1h a college ID before 1J p.m. l

Every Sa1urday! • Ladies Nigh1 ! Ladies gel t/2 off cover before t l p m

can hir.e • ~i1h i: k311n1nr CJWO"UMy." b: '-!lid. •we wan, to rirro1cc1 C'hicanofl,.J1111DO ,·oulh fmn crime and~ V.·c w,nc01iic11~lt11, fflm1h 10 Wrc u, the C('\K'l(lf'niC •a.lpol1tiellbefw::lir.<idfvn.b.!coall Amcrion\. We "-.tnl Ill h\'C in• 1;0111munity ft« or r.tct\m :rnd -rumoutot.her The h111h .:chnol an sho1i\ i" locn 1cJ Ul)\1111" 111 80,"'cll S tu..tcnl\ ftc:,m L,kehlm.l. Lale Chy. C(l("ut d•A leoe, P,l\t f.itb ~1\11 8on11tn Fen')' hiJ! I, '\Choob !'.Ubmlttc!d thh iU1 CASH paid for your BOOKS Bring them to NIC Bookstore 5 D ays: Monday - Friday May 15-19 Monday-Thursday 7 :30 a.m.-5 p.m. Friday 7:30 a.m.-1 p m. Pregnant? 0 Birthright can help you. -free pregnancy tests -community referrals - infant & ma fl•rnity clothing 923 Sherman Ave. Coeur d'Alene 664 - 1390 1-800-550-4900 24 hour Horline Nth l'w!Qllllcowt. llieUSIQOftrOfflllWBIO BfUl!6tl"'°9'an'#llll~0t~ 1>ec1MMhtQOl 1Ct1.,ne~~1rotn \indalfllpo,ct\ S>Ono.-tlll)bloll*ill~ ~IIOnOl a !oantO~lari,lf'tngr. \lltdmt--..lM'Wlrvotffl'l~loolbaltllci.
! I I :
: I I I D I 1
I. . 1 : ----· : L--------------------- ~
r---------------------, ! 10 % off
for NIC Students
With ...
Madness! Live Music
"' tit< DOWNTOWN UNDERGROUND 216 Cocurd 'Alc neAvc e Cocur d.Al<ne 665·008.'


TIie day set aide Ill observance ol OIi' planet's wel llein9 Im rown. AWl8U Worth ol events Ill lUPPOl'l 111 111111111 environment lit MC In April.

1l'ee plantlngs, Poell'Y rtallngs, wtldllle llll'Yeya and Wlllllower WIits were leatlred tbPoughout the celebration. However, wolv8* were Ille lllow stealerl.

determined to Cllange the future of Ibis threatened species offered htlormatlon and workabops to educate Ille campus poPUlafloa on •••

Kent Weber otMlsSIOII Wl)lfholdsa piece or turkey for Aha.m l athls Ion Tenas hold s onlo the wolf

The Way of the Wolf

As PGIIUlaliOII falls, conaervatloalata contilue l1gbt to reatlll'II pas to their natural babltllta

b,- lorlotla \\•l.1

IIC' 1111l11u11 ,,h-t,b,,,tb.'('UC, npk'tcl) Villf''\I IJl.ll ltl Che: IX'"' Ul'le l~I )~

ToJ..1,-. Mt 1hr 111\\rt ~:,c IJ;ilc'\ 1tw:1r ar't' Ju,1 :t.Mll •i•hc~ In the \\·tlJ. '41ulc •

qu.U1Cf m,lhon V111\h·n 11K' t,cm~ m,,tn.~N an..1,Cfll (n;im lf1t1r


A, pm of Lmll ll.i) tr,1h'1ht an t,tn111g "' 1hr

,.i,oht1o "'•' pcc:w:nlQd 10 Ji\t "'"'1'1'k: hinc • tzlt.ikt undc,,1,ndinJ anJ ln\lJhl nn ht1" lht "'"If populat ua v..._.,. from lbc a~ l,j'«-in lis.1

•o•l10""'111g'q.1CCIO. Idaho ha, more- ,h:an I~' ""<lht• l.1'd "

MUJnd attltlftl 12 u:iac:, 1hal ~,c ,11\C'\ ,n

1ht •·tlJ Attutdint w dw- Wt,U f..Jtr.111011

And kC''l('Jft:h l"C"n (r I\\ I.J((), dU\ 1, .I bis number <OOlr!lffJ lll l'1r J~JO, 'A'hen -.ohc. .,..crt' ,twih,.bcJ fN'lm

1111: lo\\('r .as ln 19n. di(')' "' ,r put on 1hc- wJ.in1tcttd ,pcuc II\I ht lc.1 94 1bc F,,h anJ Wlfdlirc Su,1cc tUS l·WSJ 11pprth(J II rh1n rvr 1hr:

ft'W'\Cl)<'1 •-ah.._-...1nc ..t,lk'•oulc.ln'1

u.llU'* h\h & CiAiflt W (WUc."1puf(' Ill the rmn'l"I) , In IQIJS. iht-USFWS and d1i' Ne, J1crc:C" Tnbc ,:~me toaicthcc 11nd pbnncd ho...,. 11, ttCO\',(f and m;ll'I~ ,u- hc:

t..c,i lloh • Ne, Pen,: tribal n~rnhl-t and aru manger e1t 1hr Wl±RC. h p11r11c 1p1111ns in thc- tccc,\cr)' oi

\liuf,n 1lu, non profit 11111.-,111.diun

b 11,o "'orlonr \\llh clJucaUllRtl rrownm, "'111' 1he Ni', Pt1Tc mtic "'

~Ip cdia:MC' .dt..llll ~.iii\,: 1bt,~c 11ohou11bc h1~"'), l'il~)'

m.J~t,l.hc-..1M '111c mn-.a tmpon.w 1hlni fnir the r«o,·ct)' or 1bc wolf • c,h11.:arrng pniplt :tbt,ut lb'° \\Ulf. \11,hl,h Jl\0

~opk a ~k'f undcnc.ndlnl 11~-.11

11,rm ," Holt \l 1d Th<' l0-4llC

r <ctc111lan ,ilc huhh • 11.1d. nf

Sl'ft lOJlh -.~ll,·1.., -.hi...-it .ire ,,I\·'-"" 11'

U1itNc1 Pm.T Kcnl Weber u( M1"',111n \\.oH irud, hi mlln}' U.S. \ChOOh 10

cJ1.1,.al< 1hc c:ommunll) 1th1>Ut 1hr

llfli.nwl tb l'lt~ ~r.s the rrol'ilein t,( nli\1Jndcru:tD.1Jn1 Uth crt.'llllk Alunf h~, 'Ude. i:\ Mba1111; .a. knwlc ,.,,11 •·ho ~1.1pln.11c,lf(' RhJ1nlKm<1f'.'."t

S#"•!I ,rl H. 1•• tr 111-t b.-, l'IC\tr 1:i«n 1,,11ncJ •Sflt \1• llllpnnk',I h~ ~·pLr 111,11 ,r ..-c •nr 111nl lw't ,,u1 1n 1hr fore.I. Jw: ••nJIIIJ pt.twit) '1 1'\C 111 J,:o111Jt"' Wch:r talll An.'Uft.11-.i to Webef. P"'l* l!tJn~ 1tit,, • male II f1l11,1t ,"1 • iu. 'AhK"J, hu111h1, .inu~l l"u'alh<' CMl&.'t' •• It rts II ('.lll ll('\(I' '"t\ ha.::LkHllc'fttlJ \\cha"• flfPt\u.iU,-.., i:1mtn "? I mlllf!Otl mill, l l,,IOO \\1,U h1, ft'ChclJ tlUI IU fOllfC llwtt l'\OJX)() p:oplc "r11! -.1tl1, they 11,1,c t('«fln.l ~.f'KXJ pct1r1t. Woll'C\ au1 c.ll ur to I ~.f'Ol pooncb cil food • wed \\'hllc dttt •nJ dl 11,r then r11,·m~ food. !ht) h,oc a t11\lt" fot -. 1rtnorlon 1n 1ht'l.intcr 1h, ~flf,·c, dc'ln'1 hlc 10 •lccp 1n theh Jen,, th<) -1rcr un ihc f.hlUlhl wtnrlrkl)' {U\(f\.-J 11'1 '!,C,'A The)· ~\'1: l\loo cu.I • 1.>I l1.1r w 1hc:,- Jon'1 tra:-,r h> ik.ith Thi!) fuw 4 lolQt: Cllilll !hat MXJ" 11\tm dt)· onJ • M.111 uodcm..;0.11 Ill lttp thcnl 'Aillm ,,,..h,k- •kcp1n, 1n 1hc •flow l hclf hva:c. -.cb~d feet

tl\JkC Jt CD)' (u, lheffl IU 'A"All 00 the

The m1JM form 01 CUffll'lltlllk1thc.111fot\loul\'Cl,I\ to •tmw Jillccuon 11) m1n1 lhclf muu1h, .inJ 'lhuo,1,ln,: 1h(u 1«1h r1IC) n.:iy 1.hc 11¥ \MIIC 1)1'<' of c,>mm•1nk:11U(>(I ltb: ~, wwJ lool u11t MKl '"uJJI)' ltl,c lhc.m ..,..,.t:\ct, ,..,,,c.. ,tiuuld nc,,c, l'ICptiynS•1,1th '"You ,tw., l d nc-u•r plil)' V<tth 1 ~.~,. they "'"' ~1 •rd Jun·1 bclun,: -·11b pcur,k ."' Y.:~twd Wolvo ;u1d domc,111: duJt• h-ll\C 1dcnll-'".II ONA l>om~IH: du,:~ ,1,i;tu.11 11>· 1.kfnmlCJ"'uhn Al,1~l.a ti.II W 1~ ~able ~\lllflllr"ll,IUOfl ThhlUtht'Ul lhc rrc1.eft11111on Weber WU',',li:d If,~ c~·cr r1.1

• \!hilflCC 111 ,.:c lhi• 101\S re,gl."d, ti.1 bci1ll cf'c<.11urc 111 rc,'4')n c.•r .:-c:a In a pkbuc, ~,&. IC lhc: ()'O 41( U'IC ,,.,tlf11 ,111~)\)U

A y 2 0 0 0
LAYI Holl, 1 represen111tvo of lhe Nlz Perce lrlbe.pl1y1 a melOOJc lonil on his !Iulo.

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