14 minute read
',\IMinr JIIIJ'Uil ,,nr 1- 1 IO\htJ 111mc l'AO l 1 Tayh,r Wc,t hall II hnt-tnoJnt RBI duubll' HI c-C1n1rlbu1c 10 a t1\'c r1,11\ Inning. Pi1cbcf Juh11 S:1.1lbcrl.a1-S tJ·l> IIJtn'it•Cd IWU hll, and Oftt' 1w11rhtd Nn while ,1n\in,t ou II s~ ,. OOm1nat.ln, r11chlng alluwcf.l c,-ily lllur ltiu il'IIJ tufl ltl the \l!.,;~nij (l'lilnC.
B, 11ndc,n 8cn.i\ 1dc1, ,cored NIC', ool)· nm In I.hr fiilh.
Jes*8 Fuqua -. Monl p,-her ]1Y91in technlque01 Spokane fells Comrminlty College.
PrlCIOt,-No,TWJIIL....~=~-~- cu 11 8·3 JUC'llC l\1,0 Win. All 1hrcc hJd '"'0 RBI
,1pi('\'(' AJ.lm l·m, I~-,. IJtUd.
'"'' t<\Cll. SIC 0111)' ~ll <1oc l-µtldWIOI botbJ,attlittt.hcnl!\I d.a)·l()\in,:5.fJo1,11tH
On Apul U lhc ('ardinah
"PIH v.uli ~nuv,. Collc:sc
F111:lng t"0Ut1-c of S(1u1hrrn ld;aht'I 11.1 hon\C April I~. 1hc C'•rdinali wcrc nblc IC! ,,ore 1hc l!ll.tlt(" wlnnlng ,u.11 111> lhcif IAU •• bilt. J-Z Lupul p11chcl.l )Cl 1Utudtet complete Jllmc ,1nlih11 r,u1 nlPC tt.1nr,1 imd ~\C up thrC'c h.in. Sunwr 1111d CraUl c:~ch h.-1 run- nwin;g nak~ In r•mc 1wo or 1hc doublcltca1kt, NIC n\lnagc:d urdy four b1h and 1:11mnu11c:d Che cm,n rc"ultifl£ inn 8~1 kH., Swur,, r111.her fnu w:u 11net1 1hc ,~,. allcw.,nr ~en runt. tiu1 <1nly tbn:c c11,rocd S.1mnu h.,J an RBI JR.)l(lbk. Thc RcJwn 18 toum1uncm beg1111 May Ii) Rt,ult, "-'Cf'C no1 av1ulllblc Id rtt\, 11~ ~.,.,.,,,,._
Clllt0<1 VanCloave S1and1 In la< an upc:<>ming pflch as Kellll
OSSO mlrtors his - In tlleon deck clrde on April 21
Taylo r, DeMami, Keith, Wood ske and Beck earn Ii rst places hy J11ohn :oiulhC'rbrnd .fr-r1ti11f'I li.rJJtJrtrr
NIC"• Neil Small 1001. ,-c,.l,li,J pllk.-~ 111 thit I.SOO nit:ICr'I> wllh II IIIIIC or -L00.60 Mil) 6 dunfll the Wul\in11rnn State, Unhrr11ill)· t11v1W(iul)IIJ11tMoobct'r)''fr.1J;;
The mt:C1 ""ll\C1'11C 1.a!lltt°"I f..,r NIC before ptcpurtnJ! rm 1h(I
NJCAA 11.ltlOO;al Muy Jt.11.
The Ca1dln11I 1m:k 1,nd ncld teilm oompctC'd In tbc RtJ,lon 16 chan1p1t'ln,tnp~ In 01c1n. U1.ah
Arni :8·!9 Due to the bt,eb clc"ullort.
C~'ICh L.0 1• W11tl.rn, ek:mJ 10 hln·c hi, 1uhlc1« flle.'ll" mot!:" on n1WJk 1Jh.t.ancc 'f'llllh ,mJ U,dd
('\'('ltl'\h,r eudunn,cc u1blctci II i, hard because af elc"AIIOn."
Wa(lin!J ~id. "'tf1o Ille ~llll1ii,1
OUI u( unc nO\UII • .,, you IUl'I utou~ the 1na..:k.., Oc1p1I\" Ille clC\'llliUft l-lc~thr1
Ta:yl°' v.,on tbr 'A'OntiCn', 3()0cn in
111,n-.e vf l:20.86 camlttll. rir1h on lhc itll,11mC' NtC II\I. 1ht' dOOm-rcln) team f ini,bcd
In v.omien't (kid C'vcnh .tuhC'
DcM11mJ M!t • tcJlun r...-cord In
11)c Ja\'clln h) r!j!h, foes. Cryllal
Sml1h ,b:itttned the ,cltool rcootd
In Ilic hummH thl"Ow •mt l(l()k
IJoCl.'Ond in lhc rei:10t1 wilh R.ichcl
Squirt':\. finblti.ng ripit bcblDd hCJ
111 durd ptAOC
On she ~n·,. '"ldit. Neil Sniall nin ont uf Che f11te,1 &IIOm .ii clc\·a1inn ifl NIC hhtory 11
I.SS.O.S Jttrint the mcri·~ 4d<OIJm rcl~y. Nute Keith 11e1 11 ,d1e1iol re(1ltJ ,n 1hc ,hot·put C'b.lrhc B«k t(,l()L (11'.\t In the jJa\'thn, o\·en:omt~ ""
11t1LJc ln)uty ht thro11o • d1~t:lfk:c of 198-10 Joe WOO!b._e. Cruig
Su1u an,I L&-,•i Cu,hrrum hn,,hcd rm1 ~e:.:oad .and lhird rc~pccc,vcl)·, In the trnnm)ct
··'rbc ('1tt1h h:id r'"' rcg,on111 cht11mplon~ .iuJ f'inM1cJ 11\ud 111
I~ n:;fon l'il:h1nJ full k".\m, fnm, Ktct:ur11J UVSC
We're movlog ni a r,uim·c, d1rcc1ion," W111~i11,- uul the A1tm,ru,uatlon 1, tnu\lnJf I0'4Jtd\ • full lQffl lor Ge'.\"l )'CM, "-htc:h will mal.c u, rnucll more ,·c.unpehlivc (" hh Rirh Jnd uvsc·, tuu 1Nm,).'" f\;:ttc Keith fC'nt:uncd ut1dcfo1c:d 111 outdoor cornpc:111loll In the- ,hot put n~I d111,("1,1\ ocnh .1nd rcc('lveJ lhe NIC Alhkle 111 llt,c: Yc:111 11....,11,d KC!flh i. ccmrcml)' ninl.N ~ooJ m1Mn.111nn,-.t,(lchc,cn1, Uc'a g<lt a lot ol UUIIJ' f0111$ rnrh1m; w11111:1n\uld Cr.ig Sutu fini\hcd ~ttooJ in 1ht i.bot ~hind l<'.e"u!I. Ochcr It'll' rin1,hcn ,ocludcd '.';e1I S1r111II t:?nd. ,tce"pkcha\Cl. John Styp,a 1 hJ, pale uuh,. Krt,11ll Kipr 14th, 1,h'(U~). ani.l Cl1.1tlle U~l. tlnd,}A,·chn,. On 1he wo11n:n·, ude. Kira Jl!Olnp,.a«i qwl1f.c:J 1111bc t500m lor n,ut)nah, 111-ll.:tna 1hc cut hy \O(flt.eCOCl4h ·rh~I wn a tm; dll)' for f'l<"r," Wadun\ said ~11 JM her ,ixtll on thc,11,IJ .IJmc li st." OrMiunl v.,11n lhC' j,Helin OC:rplll.'" a bil.,nJ lk."cii.ktlt.. Taylor plolll'.~d M t b on 1he ull tlrn.t' '11C t"11ntbc 151'11Jm Kai, K.nt1hOl'I and Squue ~u1lirle"d lor na11ua1h 111 the hurdle~ •nd th.c: h~mmcr 1hro"w. l't'.,pc...tl\d). "\\'c h.ld \(lltlC ofr d11,y11 for ~oinc people d11r 10 diu, u11J ~IU/lnt.\\,"' Wi*tl.Jn~ :a.11.1. "hut wtcompc1cd v.'t'II
Arr , I '.?I, 1hc Carih witte ,n t'hcnt')' for lhc Atnie" Pellcur ln,·itc.
Th!!: team h :ti
C\Cf) IWlftr pll'lt, ht ttt.JUC'\I" the t.Ume meal. llnd 1hi: ~bed~ knov."i "~ai..·tl)·* Im be mean~ wbrn l't orlkr\ ""the: bre:lkfthl of thllmJMOll" "' \4,1,.,.b(' lh,I('" hc- 'A!ll;rct IIJ Suntntr'\ ;,ohJ re,fOfflllncc lhi'S JiCa)(ll'I ()r l~.)"h: 1f,; fbc Jov.; Ol lflc ~llll>CS.itll.C'"'WL\)'llUh,I ''bff ,r1« I <A·•, )wnr, my dud', ball., l\lll sn m)" b,lld ht 1,a;t11 mcc,-ceyttnnr 11.nc,w,fl Sumner \llid Uc bed llh.-iu1my•,~ \0 I 1.wkl .amt a )'Cfltemf). Bnm 111iJ r.abcJ jn MQlitV•, Su1t11ir.r pla)'cd II tw.'1cthll.ll 11W(OMball l\\bcS:n:waldcr. h,~ll bc(.,1mc hi, fln..t c:hoict. "'Rlh<bJI ,. ., n..-r: nf• ,~ 11..tlC""'" I
11111. 1bc: l•l·,rn v..~, ,nlall 1'J'll.t I did.-'t \\'.11M 10 lll' thai! for fou, ,cac-.• I~ \Jal My c"1oK'!t 1.illtJ ,~1 hu.l IM~llt.tr®), 4l"MJ he v.~ MC!,'° I Cfldeod up hcl'C • Pl.i)·111; in hi, i.tCMd )'C.lt 111 NIC. Smnrw:r t..u bn("f't'd-1\'C \llllh11"· l)ll t,,,n,nir ;t\·('~ nine dooblb :u.'IJ 2S R0l tn I ":ad Ullt I.tam. Thn1tgh he. ,, uwrc dwfl ttlublc v.,dt !heh.al. hc·l.'ttdit" h,~ Jdtme "'I lo\t' JO h,t. llut M)'Wl"IC I J;C1 !fl a Jurnr,. I c;ao IU'AI)" ICJ) 00 my dcfe:nsc t1'"'caltlo\:a>Somnnk.inllkn1.-.il"kr Ht'\ 1hro¥.o f"llll 16ol'.ll ~tcalcn lhi.u-:.a."°" a."Ltd IOdc.,.,_.,,t,rd,c 1e:am. h('c:amp.'I~ lhffllll11'1k l•\11fi1e~ltt,111l aal"'·ay,c )IIY we·tt Lied cil hkc ,be Y11ri.,1t1- ,n chc flll.'t 11\.11 "''c b.a:\c a.bunch of it1}'~ot1001 tum 1}wf1 f'IIJlal'llldiofq,pc:Nllt\,"SumnC'f"II..I ~.,,.,c·~.1 bllll(b c,f li(:111pp)' fll.)'1. Ilic- Y.1nl.«'IOl'C 1hc •1mc.The C:l(tlln;it~a,rn::nll) 11111d a 2t,..19 ttt"'Cll'l.l CI~ 1l SWACJ,bu1thecailyp.inkloof1Plc )<"M~~u liuk roo.:ky. Wuh '°''Ai c«onl wiJ ;1, La.:k.c,rtt.111 d1cml,U). thr: kam tbll)" h:kl a 1um,n~ po111. 110.'1filiQJ1<1Sumnc, "\\'hen v.c plol)'Cd Dl:d(' Cotlc1,\'!. I hc:lic.\"c ttlt')' 'Ille~ r1111U'd ninth ~11 the n.i!lon ,""M "'W 1'hic) v.m 1bc1.t11m 1ohc..u lkfon=1hcpmc. wcllal,la!Cilm n11ttt1n1 .did u.: lilll.t'J about lhlnc" tl'l..i u·cnorJeJ u, i"' ikin,i:. We wm rt.Ill) rtl"l!J up iwiJ ~11JcJ up bc.ol.lllll dr1n.1111tJ o,,- ct:am hu'A-c..i 1h:111Ait ~nll\ cllll lffllt Ekm& hi. b,1 }Nr N IC. ~Ulllltc:f" pl.ans W ~,r,,uc- • Jerl't'( in utbktk tra1mr,1 ~1 W.a,h1.n,U111 SliUc Un1\t't\ 1f)
""I enJo)'c-d r,.;ic. I "'"h 11 "'Do. four >~ r
11111v~"U),'" Sumner wud 'There"• a Jcyc Cit f!tta1 peopk ~C:rt. 1& ltit nr fnic.nd\ rn min.'"
Sumner receives Nelson Memorial Scholarship Chru .1nJ Vd-1 Nc:.lit111~..,,.n)rd1hr MMl
S~lll)ll M~tnorial St.f'l!lW,hJr, to Ca:Jum) c..110.hcr Rot, Su11 net bcfone 1he \rnl 21 hom1!p11ic. ~11111,cr, • MlpilOOh>f'r frum ''"'~ ••the u.anini: c l hc-r fur the Card" 1,nd1u1 ,t1i'llcdlathc SWAC "ll·S1arOamr in ht frc\J,m.w )C:41 Muk "id"111rUicht-dJ1">T"1bc:C'iltd11ul,1111 lfN:4.~S .l>lnJ pt"-~~••)' fo 11)111 all.('r a lottS, ,utr •t: le Y.ith I tinuq rumor Mr J,. tt:fl)cmb,.l'ro M • aru11ha.Jcn1 11ll\k" wi..J "er) l.1nJ f)Cf"\OCI ll 1i ~11L, 1,., d fnu11 lhtlrb.-.nr lri \lemon Be. e•h ~c1111~ IWMd lhc ki)Qlanl,tp.
Liidy Ciirds Leave

CiatJ\ Jrnp ,n ,ti l;l\l 'C\'tO h) John \uthrrtand ~nw,,IN,111,rl,., ·r1,t l du\il tolthill tca,11 ell.bl :i ,I\ ·f,im: k-..n~ i,.ti\'l·l t,·\f'l•llm~ 1 pllf l,t ,-.-nc, 11>11h \1t1f\\ rw1 M.i} • IJIC't.'.inhtl t IHtnSW\Cpl.a) ~~lt.lf\l:li1U1 \lr-tQk'll 1hc 1:l t.1p.•r. $· I u1 tb< 111•1 ,,11nc al 1hc lli•ihld1c.-b :\I<.' l,n.t th( ~onJ f.af11<' l tJ lllllilf11tnhrJtlc~•1 •,chtbc t ..cnl ift the Wllfm'fkl: tht t ,u ,.., 1.1"' N11 2 t 1.ah v••1~ r,, ,ipto 1tr RI."~ 18 twrn.urk"1!1 ~, \.J1L.IL:C'il) NIC J1oprrJ • S1:cn1t: Wr,t .\thl1."l1._: ('onlc~cn,a· 111hhtll ..ld•ldw·,dcT tu thr S111,..., ~"'" lhc f1N ,mi... 111;1 11 p.tchrf'·
Ju..l\\.1tJ1Sn,.,v1o I~ !U);i;1l\ttth..
C.u,h J.n Kelli Sn111h 11,,11
•-t..:oti.kJ ""uh lhC' lu,, J~,r111c bs1J1m1 n~• -.J •1111,115 \IJII.' In lhe' ,a:;nJ f.llrc lhc- ib1£rn
1,iul ah,1111.di,:t In~ °"ilt· cm1n
.,,.,.u,4--lNICh:hl mil:1p. Judfltlll: I;,~ t.ht'
•,111:.:11ihC'f hkl,1) Arni I~ 11 IIPJ'lt.111'.'d
1tw:1uJ,!b IJlt' wa; \.c1JIJ icnn dr.un\l
X.:-n"' \.\'('N 1t.i1ng U1.1h v~11c-,
~('1•11crr'4n11dh..-1..1naiicd rht, "'"'~ d(m fhlt,11~J h) dk' a..:Clnra ol I 1\J •\lh~l!rll(CI (I\
\ndto•r.a~(' Al\1. l>..,,t) Uile--bl.:e ti II, ~p11:A,at,e) .an,I J.,d."" \uJ1·Q
IOI (i,,..11 h&Jh \ffl Hie thrtt
"''"ITC.ll.•fhln.-.'"lllfl~ll•,;uhull.l~ Mfl4h..-J,~1hclllll~~~ ol the -.ca,.,n lh,11 h.1d fw:<n
10t.l1ttl.,.lnl 1 •alf,f•l'-'" l,c.-.kr1n hbLu-14WIS..wtb)'.Arc,I IS Knc1w1ug tbe <On'IC'f~~ l1f lhc'tt .11.1kll). Alq,'laot1. CJclet.btt .1nt,I 'Su.kn eonc,nQCd 1n C00'1ml(' C'\~11 11.ftcr k..amang l,t 1hr: "'hoJulc di.ill~ TI1e 1~" mntn1n1 the tcGm h~ '411.hditnc'ol.,.,~l)b:'4.ltv.dt4 th,~ r..u1,n. Jnwln, thr.n, from line tn M() ~1a bchinJ a tt,;I hoe liVS('IWn()fbh.T ,,llld 80(,k p:lr1 If! tbt 4"na:i.1' pnn. h1ll.lrm1 a ao n.ileol11111ou--·,u:icl.~'f)ffl'iooh llla1ldn:L1tcdit1fl'lll.."tl00 ln,tc11J ul ~u•rcn,111n. lhC'
,1v.:l~ d1no,c1 In run1,h I.ht mli.rtr
11'.u-n "',I.I, 4 td(~m '"«ltlJl't.llmni pra.11.."'" •bik • m;nr.11 fmm tbtl\(11.<C" att.l ...,""11.-...l ll) ISIIJ lllC.,f. In lhc
"1.1..if.ktt klW' On the f1~ld \pul ~1-2?. 1b< c~~r 11,rtayc."Ja~• McnkGI Field folk'*tlt~ 28 J.,~ uf 11••> ri11nn. arull..a""\\ .t1IIJ "''°"'"""' )iJ.k llt,J\ ~tUlout l'WKC al tlk'
C~,.,,q,e MU1 \nllllh p.1,ha.l (llC 1hnx "''""' 1ncluJmg • ,J11&.tuut ~Uld .a comh1IM.'J ('OltW · frorn,tichind 'Nin '*ilh Chtn I
A~.ri. Lu.a Im'\ h• .,_lfiu hiTK" nm rnlp:1t\ffle'1>fl('I\.~. Ahnt\iib1J'f ¥1~n'4,I.\K..l)C>,:~ ,thov,I h,t11ntlud1ne 1"'11 dt1t.1Nn t>unng 1hc til\al hiotri< \(TIie\ ot I.he )·c.a.r. ~;tit J ,1\c. (\,n,m1HUI)
C'nlks,: \&oll' four µ11c1 r11"111hr
C,nt"""" -we lud II lll(h Ym"M-nJ.'" uJ
C'lkM·h o.,n IJ..111 W1ll111m• • w<' h.alt"f'1'tll1Ulll'"o,~ju..aaJldiki'I c.lf'Llil.ll'
Battling the river [
Kay:,kmg dass learns lcchni4uc, 11)11-......,,
,~lfl""' A
,,:,IJ : 1 ,111J 1111,c.11ttik il11ulc ol ,.un 1n ("t•Ut'f J.i\knC" lhl• J.1,- 'll ~hllktlh pll"raw f,,r k&);1l1ni diu ~ \lier lc.1111mr 11\1" h~in1,1 rcall it1 ch< d1lu11n4tc,I ,111111vllc.J l"ll\Uvll111c.11l ol 111 •••mmtn,• rn,ol, l.&)~U' n ti\ l.1~11n t uk,·1, "'l111c. .,11.tc.t Lly,1L.1nii d:1u rs,urh 1hc , 11m1 • c ui"·nt nl li'trS!"'>l•n,:J{Jh·f o11 lluo,l11.i;c On the Sp1.,.mc Ri.,cr ttt-11n111n1 i..1).:l.t'O lc:ri 11rr:, •1th lmk tonuvl d , the tcr·, ,..,,o Clifft"!ll l,tl.t,. lhl't IIIIOt•1b (11.,t,c.- ~1.il lV.l•tllll!' du,.n, nooJnl 11,·11h:N Ft,11,1J ".a.let ni.d,o 1ht oi..:1 ,,1 ~JJ31n,: 0111 t1l thc 1;uo'C'11l •d1ffJ.:ull r,1"11:<'1.h,rc 10 h),lkt·r, 1h.a1 u~ J1M ti(ot11nn,nr u1o11t "'"In ,1,11.._ ,\ ,trJlfhl hnc t11i lttUJ!I, ll• krra, lh<' w,111cri. ,·umnr r,ulh the L.a)i&~ nn.;OQUulliat,ly (tom ,1,,k It\ '!J~ TI~ "'<""'lhC.f "''' 11111100 t.11!.l hul 1hr uc, wa, r,m1l)1t•1t~hr• ,ubl11r1,:e,l ..:umpki.-l) 1.11...kr '-'<111."f, IIIOh.·111c-111 h«-.;:lllllt'' J1f11;.;uh t.luc In ,ho, l('J ltn""~ 'fc.11ccr the tto.,Jy ~,1(( fn1m the d1111in~ v..11cr l.1 ,-.ilch u e lii)t'111 ,,1 "'"'m p1l)rnir)'knc.
{"01,rt" •'ft,. • ~c'-'lnc,i,e "'"t ,1111. •·mn cl,hi·,•nJ
IICt',t h.11, 1-'l~tt u1d 111 ,w·,cr ...,.ur 1."tl1tc,n, anJ \ O h\C'J 11,h,lc 1c.1d1111,: 1hc dJ)\ lmY. 10 pr..:r·•tt' l11r , , ,i.t ,.,,.th<'t i..t)ill..tna .in,lJt~tt,ni ho"°
Hlth•n .1.c, nuC "" "'' lhto rtll•hll.UC KLll'I
,,.1,11,u~·, ol ttl•n.l ")tllht'H.: fahtlc\
··t-:JJ~·PU( mt'r kh,"' Jed St'(llr.ht-d u"J O\<Cr the fkll"< of fl.l\hlnf 11r.itt"1
£1i<ffl>llrt.jUJ(l,,I) r,,Jdk• ~l.llnf l~t-Urrttl1
• 1th 11 11uid. ,fl•rn dr,1'111 • p.ttldlt' 11lllllt' tb.11 lc.i,n lhr 1'!...t In a ulm ••IJ \hll c.:JJ} YI he•
11:s:H1Up1:J in ltit' l"'dd) ,,her ltna11n11 the currc.nl ,
~1uJt"t1h J1~1h\ bo• IU Ju pc::,:1l1c: ~(IJk
11tu~n ,,1d1 .n lhC' "'UII<') U1..att.'h uAc.: 1u,n, l'lllcnng 1ht ru,h,n!f "'·11\e,
1u11l lr) tng llklr ne•I)' 1, uld h-ll.111,111i pi•tnh iiild mc:r,l.llh Rc,lhn• 1n o i.'uln, ,..,1111m1nt pnot kd,. mu,h c:.i,11:1 rn ,rudt'tllt 111.11.n rt'llltni: "hill tic,nlf ru.JicJ anJ s-•llc..1 bl tl.X!Jh rht'r '*'~•"
81:i;111n1.·r,. fctl dl"l.loc.111cJ anij ,~in lo-.c the:
-Lill, * bkHd '" • pi•ol, ,<ml<'•"' n1,1 aMc. lo ru1 1hrm\Ch·c,. u('fiphl l.'~1dr dflwn n ,u~hing
••1c,. l11),1~cn pup lllt ,rray r.l1n, qukl.ly \lrh1lc •hiH·t1nr inC1,f1l v...i1er. numh hl'-lht'\
"'*"11 h) ,r,c•rt" co dtulll thC' noodc-d byid, Al lltC' ee,I of lhC'1t hri1 r,,·(r J,·c.ntu1c.. •t't •ludirn1, h..ipptl) 1ohcd 111;i1l.C'd la)cn 111kt 1',ull·J 1n the. ""~•mth uf lhc. w11. Mt"-l o( lh<' k.a)'lllt'f, t').JICflt'fl,(C'- ""<'l'C ..:ha.JIUJ:1n« h111 tnrnluco1Mc.. NIC ofrrn bit•ch bc~inniu,: ~ui.l llllt:HltC'Jhttt' b}.aLmJI d•,"C" ,Uld Ou1d,1111t J>ur,1uh JI"" ii.Jo h}• fCnUh h,r 11'1f;1n11.1h1m. t+ill 769 78.U'} h-or ''J'C'"
(Top Iott) Kalle Ogleslloe poott.iOM he<><lll lor Ille upcoming pitch and (IOI> rlghl) Ktlll Smith hul11 a sttlka during I Apr1121 game egaJns.t 01-.:1,e CollogCt.
P etty ends assoc iation with Gon1.ag:i v.b1> .1l'i1I uil.l 1lla1 l"t•11.:h1:. ,hcll1ld nnc tic, on ti 'I 1h1nk thr Hov,1cr C"htb ha• 101 C'tu1u1h 111cmbtr,. 10 •bctc they llllt t.al.C' the \"U..Chn llft lhc flr1.anl. v,ht,h ••II be 1<-c•\I fol all or IIIC' lf"llrh.· W ,11 lft ~Id 'tk Buvuc, Ctub prt1y1do an room a.r•J 1nor)('~ r,11 a l hlrtt'• Wl lh foll 1,1,.-b,ol,11-.hlf!1r. T11i1100 '4',UHi1' ;a,rr r'IIH liJ tht 11thktlc- \kl)MU11e111·, huJgrl b111 li1t11Jcnr athlc.tc~ \\ilh(tlU tbc (1111 tide h11\c 10 p11y rcl'lt 11nd hYIOJ t'l.rc'll'CI, t,c,.uJc h•1o1n1 1u pr1u:1i(t'. ci>mpctc o1nJ ,1,) nn 111r nl 1ht'1t ,u.w.tro. "'If 1,1,c v.,UII ht «1111ptl(' •t need 1h(),c "'hol11nlllr• anJ C:i£!hl i, '1111pl, lll>C C'tl<.tUJth," W111~on \IIJ fl Ill.Ale, II re.al h.1rJfot1~1' ")(f\, "I 111~1 h11p,· r-,c.f)ltnnt: "'''"'" 01.1 1 fl)t 1tlc he.~, .and 1111 !he ttlhcr <tt,adw• Jt't thc: 111urict 1hc:y need 11ml r c11n it<I l,,1,
I h< ~I(" ~IJ.U'J. h..,. ••i.al ru of 1hr kun of U\l,·N b~ 1rt1r,I •tlh Ilic Bulli.l(lf, lhr« 'It.Cd,• ;1;,1 fil C(Qeh M.11l h'"' ,,d,I th< .l\<'111•1 wdl 1.i.~lC'f111r 1th IYny', '"C\t"'"~l Tlk' mo1...: r-tiJ, • l1N1-na1111t" ctlllll~rr AHutd1nt1, lo PC'II), ,c..iw11, f11t lln rcH·r••' 1nduJ..:J
1llwippn1,um<rtl U'I lhc 'IU) Cil IC\:f1.111t,J h,m itod II u~rh,1l 1p111 btt"'t'ICrt f<<v, 1111d c, Sir' a,,h&.a1u (41;1c:h M11rt. \\;hik' Pen> "'*
•l"1 unh.arr,y ~11h lhc- rok' l'IC _.,, C-'1't\:lal 1,1 hll 411 (H u••tti 1lw1 hC' ""'"'tlt1 ll.1,c M rl•) nut 11f p"111,-.. ,~na i:u rdl iulJ \.ll) a•.,~ ln.m l:tu, oomul ~In, Fl.lllld tu<'htJlil) l''l'II)' h v.c.:1i:h1ng h1, ''flllOfl, rind h~, bft'tl in (11n1, .1 \'9th :'!..in J-r#kl.'oa). \\,.,1i,n111t,n S1111~ 1111J StK1th(m M1,.,1
Ston e wres tle s way into Mi sso uri
:'limtb ld•lt11 t'tllfCjt llc.1 ky SHIii( Ila ,1.:i;rpl 11 • ~~l,111,hir, 1u1hC' lni,"'11>· \h.-., 4111 Shn1e• .1 S1 M,1t11"~ t-lirh i;udu111e, plu..:cJ H'~l)r11J cl the '\J(',i\A ..:h:11np1t11uh11,, ,11 11 fn-•11t11.1fl lllMI lhhJ 4 ,.up11,ut101t ltt" '11.JtMlc.J llt 18-1 ri,tiu,J~ cllyc,r.
Washington mat champ signs with NIC
C'lu,I Ot.:1rhn•1r...11,111f l...ii("...J.it. Htrh 'idtnul sn '\l1,,• \ltl. I ~lh, W1ht, li.1, 1i1ntJ II li;Ucr ut 1n1c.111 fn "'«'•llt Im ,,,11t1 hli1l10
C,1U~,e. l'.11nll1 t'U.kh r 1 Wl11kaon1t-;1.t\ll1'1UJo,.'CJ c,,..,1b,,1111fl('llll w~l 'l'.'i 15 hi lhr« )c.1r111 IArvJc, 111o.:tua!i11~n u11JclNt~J ~.htin in •hkh hr"'"" •be ti.u~ AA l~a,,wc1y.h1 d1.1mrK"Jn-J11r C'li.t,twlflJICl!O ""''. ,lih'C'•'l'll'" , , (',\INltnj(, fouct\111_ b.1itd,...!t1
JAl.11l~hl.:;aOOc.ini"~a.•1,:Dlkroinc.a,mitr ftC'l' 1hr linl hiph '4:hotil rcn11u tu ~ifn • klh't 1.11 inlt.ll1 11, •·r<"'tk fo, tl:t' (lln,hrlilltnnt"'"..l."'11
On:hcMt.a. ""tu ye:ir 1bt .11ud:iMCc wdn'1 oouce :a btJ dun11c. Sn)dc:r "41J. In lb( (uwrc the~ will be m11ny cre.uvc -.:Nini:cs S11ydt, 11,11d 1hc 1h1nt> Hui WlU 1:hlnic 11« 1•nl)' rur 1hc bcur, :1'bc: 11.111nc tu1'\ ch11ngcJ rrom lhe NIC S)1t1ph1.'ln)" Ot\'ht,.tru tu lhC' Coeur d' Atl'llc "'MM1.~ 1111·1,,,..11iull1mf'(•fWIU S)'mphM)' Otcht'ltl. He
Mlcllael Y01119'1 wlll'ld preniere mystlcal, eerie bJ Jo,h Swdor
~l' ,~1u1bcNIC Symrhort) Or1.-hc1;u.t lhc'tir..he ID 1l.t,.1Q.,n,._"t1I, "'11\n \II .\mct'K.IR( 00i;n1 111,;i-.
I ~Vl(W =':~~-m &ii.lll.,...('Url \1.ayf, 1n Sdiukr Aial lcw111rn, Uv"•1tll lMI ll.c unc:-n betnn v. ub SJ;mud fbrbo:t-. u;rn11nc- I 1 '1lx S<.·11111.it for ~.and.II \ Cttt"J'Y t«Jms 11,,.,._.,o.1 v.1th u-, muuc 1t "'"" 'i~c b'6Ctl11,J! tC\'W1t1.rlhl,,,1o1r 1j>htOU1 ul \\ ua1J uf o,. bc.wttlul-.iJ
It l>ijUIICIC\(\!1'111\Cu toa ll11ht .an11htrtrh1l 1nnc u •nt hnrrh lllli.l y,OJ.lwmd, 011oe~d'lc.'1.1n: ~-~\IPllPiiilwn11i ti ~.JcJ lat ,tit 1ld1t1J ·~'""' lh&'difl1~uk, "''~r~"'.11(1),M'C'nl hoc chi.' 1:t1c.•11~ gmup pulkJttullr,i...d)
'!'ht 11<'\l(m'l."CY.,r'loC"'Ol'IJ prnmtn: t,J Mt....h.KI ', OwtJ 'I ')'ITiphi.112)~!.'Tbc.-
F,1itw:-rnn1 "'lll,~wn\1t"1'lall,;t flll.tl llll.O\(':fflCOt pWI' tb,lt lclt IIU' IJ IIC\'tn~l.'111 anywhere fl bcJ.iD Wtth .I f.lOIIVW M)I.IIIJ.JIIJ.' Cll)C;Oit,le,4,)f l.lnll~\.i,\d >i\(11.~Y.il'lllt..
M>",cm.:nt~'{)•;s"<;ffm.rc'f•" 110C' h)•OCllec,..:h~liQl'IC.ll'nC' I.J~ l.;1,•1;~ th)1h111.: p:n.:11mr•1 rtrr..-t«IY.11h,1,;1hn~Mf1'1"''ll' MlmlQfl,\.:•lbyHW"tt.tJ ho,.11•11-1 l,uk "°'v.1:rocm .,1111 madr the 111tJsc1~1~leu,,
A foflom ltthng l'ieJ.!n UIC dunl mu,emcnt llv..a., 't'fY 4ulrtand full ,\'lll·11-S~h1m1.·,.,-,,.uJJc,'1.1
\l.hk.h,11,-c(IIII ffi,t"IC•t nnJccry a<IJICll I\IU'lllllertlll'\\IOfl,k)'llll ('1 11d11I, Yi1nncrvf1hc Youn,: ""'"" C'Offlpt;fitw:WI. pacd the ,ympholl). Cnindal .iucn,.h ('._'lt'Ut J'Alcn< fllEh 'Ki>ool. •hm: h< fla, r'a)'cJ in tbt on:ht-~nuncl j.w:h.ioJfo,l...a,>""'"'· fQi tht On.ii~. Occ-t"' (k'Nl~m't ·Rlup,odt Ill Blur, (ictw&eC"nt1rildr)a}'ClilhcS-llrlO ..,,1l111k! oc1.he~a.
Inc Jllt'I.~ Will\ UP,-hci11111nd ~,1.11.;I. ia,111 rk.1-'llnl It rt.JI!) cnc.k-d thc('Ql:lttfl \l,CII
Local high school students disp lay artistic urlenis. upstairs b) Ham.on,)· T11,>Sl\r
Hlt\Vftll H1dl r- fe,i.1trnir alt trom ~I(. ,11.1drn1, and 1h( u 1hc1 ,,. ffl1111JJCJtltJh\Cb,x*. fhe !','IC U"•knt ,111 l, Jii-rl.a)·<'J l11
,bnv," Om mon1h 011t eth:'ludt., "'od.
1hc C't1me1 Oalkr) ,1n1.t U\ Jud~ h)
WC'ndy h11nllut1J M1llc1. Tv,che tt1d1 f!fitc aY.o1tth 1111d 1t.1\ fl(lnm•hk t11t1111on, 111.crc JI""" 111 lout t.1lC'J:•lf'k~ A jwot',. 41w11Jd fllfJh,: by flanUunJ
'-t11lkt h.;in11; ui rhc Jl.fllkl') In 11 ~hr de~uht-. 1n u h,imJ itboul \lr.lY ho'lt
-. I<' dct(1rmn,:J ...,hK.il ,1uJ1.•l\f• 'It.Cle wonhy of the • .ud1 a1td hMQr.abk trtl!llh•!O II <l•IC'O't Jrl.Ulcr 1\111 lhCMUI\Jl• uc 111.~111 1111)1:h. -.si,l llo-c1ll.aCo,.,pl'f, ,u1 ,how 1.1,rr"""t ''\\ h111 m.aucr, n 1h.,1 1h11 lht ,tuJcnl', "'orl ilnd the)' ,Ir( all Jul-1 prouJ In he •hlr 10 d1•pl.1) 1L" Ot I<, ,elccC1u1h h1 the lhrce d1mcni,100.,t atcflll. thn:or .,~•r,h Y.'(fe g1\t'tl u.nJ Ullt flOOllnhlc! flll!tltlOO JtJI
Judgt' W(l/1 :111 •,..•ut tor ht'1 1to11cw11rC' pit'..-:<' lltlri.l ~tJot1111t.al fioblt'I I." \l,·hkh •hr- h "'tlli11g for S,,12 C'tpl.il '.\IC'ltdllh Y.(10 1)0(' lot "\\,ilt1P,t bcr, 111aikof)C',tm1,t111y h<Kh J.l"QM Ruihctfnrd "'ho mu1llly 'oti<il,;hc-. \IV('r lh(' r,tflCr) dl.ltiftf lh
O(H'R hollf'\ "'flo for h1, li1g lih1\'.I; ,ta•hdl 11111d( of 1.1pc Rnd p11pt.1.
ToddSn)dt>r, "'m p11Un.)· lnuru,clor srud 1ha1 lh(' C'ilht'orc cit lhe mu~c lhoulJ JtC1 c,ca better 1hu11 11 h no'A Sn)'t!C:r s.;1id 1h111 It \lo-ill free up fund in: ro, the t<"M or the nuhlt dcpartmC!nt Thur auccmom_y v,IJJ llc:lp the cm;:bc,tl'll 1u11d ~ppl) for gran1, 1v.,11 of which 1~y h11vt apphed for 11nd ,tiovl4 t:cl .atl tul,"'d l.o b) June "CThc duhgc:J 'lhoold11'1 arrc 1 1,tudcnl•,- \llid, S1ev~ SthcnL MC fc,umh.lion C'll'Cl.."l.lhvc dJtc:ctor. Srndcnl\ c,1n 1till 111kc p;ifl ttl 1hc ')mphun)' (or i.:olk1,c cl"C'd11 11n,l 1hc iuOd \Lill cont11:1uc> to !\ave • "l1e>l:ir,l1ip 1m1ilabk The oollcsc will ..:ontinuc 10 employ Sn1ckw-1., ~yr:11r,huny Ul.\lf\k:tor and the ,ycnrhooy "'I ll tthcitht and perform 111 ,tic rnllcgc In add1 11on, NIC uudcntr. and •urr v,,111 ha,c (rot odmi\"Kln to all concer1s.
P¥-e,ld~nt Mkh:,d Burle ,.aiJ In• memo tn the -.:l1llcgc conm141111I) thJ.I he: (c,cl~ that thh ,U1JC1urc v.111 allt1* both arour• to pro,pcr .11,d in r,uhtl( 1hrlr '\l'panit<' ml~'lion\ mor"' clrcc:c1H'I)'," The ,ymptiooy suild \lo-ill aho ,p1n from the lnund.ilioQ Uodc:t nc111. n•m<". the Cocu, d' Altoe Symphony Ot..:hc11r.1 Guild •ill conhnUC' 10 r-.:iii.c moaey ,o ~appoft 1h( t.ymrhooy oo;bcs1ra a11 a M· for-prolll OfJllllizitlifJtl
"Mu,," l~rt't the nwm in1p<Mt1t11 thine. pcl,lftl<' -uc- \hl\k 11 • d*
'«Of1d, ,,id Sl'l)'dcr St~ni'- a,; mc:mbc,.. COfflC' f11'\t
S'n;ikr ~I.I lhJil he 1unl\ 14 ~""'inn 11111mnslly fftlo\l.MJ .d"Ui.1 fC'l fl('rtotm ._,
• '°"(l1" dctfl-"I onto( tllc' concc,h tk'lt ,-c.u. \"ttl )c111·, ~n'Mln "'i ll u~ludc l:unccn" "'Sp.ani,h Scu:1iikk" Oi.1 ll.
~°'md" of Chn'1.m.u J>rc y. u,, " l'osn c·nnC'Cn 1100 ll.in,., t-c.h
17. MJ,ur!Jdu..:inr in th< CI.Jt.~!-.in" (Yo,nh Cotk:tn) \fan:b IS. lUll alkl "P.1,~,un11le M11\k OIIJ ,nd New• \fay S-6. :?OUI
'"I 'AJllt tc.i v,,i~h them the- ~cry bc.si ,1nd ronh1t1JC,l 11ua:e,i 1n 1hc ruu,rc,• Sc.hl'n1 r.aid
Artistic talent rewarded at Boswell art show

the C:)c 1h.i1 ,clm'I(" lntn the: g.illC'T)'. E,·111,gtli11c Bcc..:hlcr ""'"" for her iwuu .• 01.1f" s,,111:· ,o,hkh buni.:-h <1( luilha111 n:d <.>11 111.d:y bur, un !I datlt c.in,·~1. Onldv Andw,on woo an .i111.ifd for tu. putcl called " In the Kh('hl!n • Tha piece Vtlll wl,l ,w ._1prn.11:1i 111!!,111 fQ 1hc. gallery fot S1'.',. lfu,1411'11bk Mct1Mn v,cn1 lit Pth~ II• Parlenlrr (or he, till t:k.:r·~ Ea,\• Ul 1h11 C'.llC-J!Clf)'. l"hc: la,1 catcJl-ity d1~ ,or JIJdgeJ on -..u Jn1\\r1n1 and m11c:J mc:J i :i. wluch included .ill 'A..i1crcolou, I here \lt't' IC' 'I c•I lhC'iC \Uhtr'nHC!tJ 111 1~tJ,cr Llkrc-1i-a Vcrbruugc- v,hl) t\ t1tt.c111pt111~ t.u ,ell br1 conte t"l"l)'OU l'll'i.'it' ~Ofau P11d1cr~ for Sl?.S "'"" 11no1W11rJ. ART cont1l'llued on page 16
.__ __.__...__..__ h1 Hgurc 0111 •II lhe m)'lllc-ne, or Mc 1hrnu,:h b\1> lhC'OrellCal ,ic;-w Jl(l'n (Eiihlefo). tbt ochc-r-.ouM tall.. 10 ntkiln •!\Ii 1h)'ffl('',. h, hf,rc, of Clthtr \\mn1na .II r, .1tlffllioa. "' r,n>Y111g • p(Httt he ti.ad.
B)' the enJ lit lht rLi)' 1he ~k11,u.1 1Mld a11h1 dt':I.Mkd lhM lhc)' hllld much 10 common. ti~ 001)' re .:41 dJff<'lffl«
1ht')· hnd thd.r rntm. l• \I.ere 1n tJ1l(('ft'nl "*bJt':''-
0.blllll, 11n c ldcrl) 1c.n1le n1,11n pli&)~ h)' em 0111(11>1- broughl 1hl: 11udifac,c kl laurhtcr l'~C'I)' untc ht woo.JJ II)(' tm +.1mpk rf1r.1-<. *I h.a'"c' lu ,o pc,c Ca~ (11.o)'td 1k part of' an otdn 11wn v,tx, 10 h:l\·e 1111 c,-f the (uru'I) t,r wtU> hnc.,. E~CT)' tin~ c,ne or 1hr nihc.r .;b:u...:t.t:n
"'ould rel 100 ~rioo, he ¥riuuld c11tic1 l'fC-1. • jcile. I'll' m,ttc: funl)f U!i:om lfe Y.4,aik' M M'l'p1bt-rl•!r li&J a1iJ
•live E.acb c:h11nic1er fttou!,:'hl a nt'\\ J vn.utuc tu t.hr- QlnUCII r'•> t !11dtt 1ht" dr~'""' 0 1 Jue Jarub), 1hc P'•> 1umcJ t~r
I\) bt a C:l'Mnp.Jrtt \U.:CCl>l> Ht\.-.W~ lhh \lt,I.\ lbc' '1""UIJ
~;i), llfll)' lhrtt r,crfon'I\IU:11..""« 'lllll!fC' hdd
tbcJU\SIC'I~ l'u:,i,,.o. rl.a)'cJ b)' Lul.C' \ W,d.,,tr, ~nd C:1n,tt1n. pla)"c-d b) I ct-h Junlu did • rn1gn1hc.c:n1 Jnb rt'l'fC'(',.in~ thcu t;IL.1f"l5. ! C'r\. While ooc wuolJ bi:- try1nr
lt"*OJ'Ll-•~o.,,ill'I The east or Picasso 11 the Lapin Aglle pow for• historic photo during rel'IOMSII walker, Junker star In small, well liked drama department praductlon h) Stacy S11.tu11k .$;,111nrlRt1kJftrr The rl11) p~_.,.,..,"' UIC l..apb1 Agile,," r,tC'\C'Mcd b)' thcSI( Jram,l lk"l\'IRmtfll • pt'M r.omrJ)' that 'ifl,'U'I.Nf r111h11•i.1'-M r.\11'1) c.lil:h al.ld1c-1'1Ce member l'hcpLl)'lWl ~cw.1.~rtw.lh1nbi11J11l'IO,I hv. o ,bc,ut .1 tu. 11 ~1 nitelntit: hct"'ecn P'll.'ltuo .and fath1c1n IR£VIE\V ~7 ~t:.l~=:·:;;~~9~=:t~ "'Cu• -.C.-ta! ()ti Che\~ h \\ti 11lf11M-I II\ Ir tbt- ,u1,hl·rt1:c 1m"mNn -.-c,,. ran 1,1 1ht "''-'"" t-«a11~ 1hr) \!.-('IC' d1Kt tn "'h.i1 1hr .:wn -.c« llil)IIIA! .1nd llu,rtr 1k,p,1c 1hr fia,1 lh.ii1 "'h•1 "'•" h111pptnlt1,: Y.il'-n'1 Ill\\")" ttMhlC' hccatnC lhl' .WdK'tl(C Will'- ~.1kJ, lhl." p la)' v,,m, rnlltt """'P"IC' ,..,~ the lh.11"°" 'llll·fR' aMt' 10 rrlru:I' l t.t
In the. -.ri1tr•" op1nl1Jn. th" pl•y w,H the be•I
P'1,~t k1111 llf'ld 1111 )(.:it ilnd ,~ 10 be""°"'" a tr._ ,nort hme1.. Eia(ti a.-1.111 tlfouiht wmcduni to !he ~UUtC' dt.d Ol~lt lldlkd In the: O\Cn!II unr!ll1 oC 11\.; J)ftfomllP«