8 minute read

ative A merican Culture- Center plans drawn

\1M1•rl1i111hn 111u-lrt/)fl~, WU arc lt<1u1 ,Jr.-'11. ,,s;IS4¢ lh Sau'"r ;\mtfii.;.u1 l11hurnJ ollr bclt.aJ 5<-ltct 11.JII ul Iii• rc,lt U.al 11id1,1Jc U1

11m1&I :\1u uu of 1h Aqteft'.'•n uuage t.•f lbc N.auvc ,\.ull,!m::111 C11t111r,aJCrn1«11o·itl b(ta 1u1ttr•1 ,,11Jc,_"('ll H11rJ..c "4hJ 1h.: oluo.il u·mc1 ,11 pn,,111e.r.1 lr.u"TJ.m• caw1ronmcn1 ,11 n,._ -.1111~t1rhim111111oty h'..,111n1 o ti... 1 plaice 'lll,i:rt" S11tv<" J\n1criC111 ,1u..knt1c11.11 kd at h,u1110,4fld a place' 11,Jai:,f(' •ui,ku11, -rn biUJ)' N:111,·c An1c1i,1n cu,m uli.un

" T !,ei111agcuj1!,1· Native ,·\m,ri,·1111 Cultural Cemer will /,r u 1wtural ,·a,1crp1."

\tk-Nltl Ku~~ prt'9d,-n1 1r ,,,c

We ll!l\lcfl•I ht.ken 1hc-- ,.qu,uc loo,tai(' 11.ud tt1c btutdll'lf tki.Jp 11111n 1hc al'(h 11cc1un,J plw..c 11110 tM


Thc- prt\Col N.auvc An~ri uf(l<t h lO(;lltl.l UI 1hc l>cp,inmrn, nl Ulich bu1ld11lg 1Ctl$ from Robin HooJ k V rad:. the ollkc 1o1.·u lricitt<d 1htrr- dut to l.i.;,L 11T ~pai..""C

W.l\tlln oo [)f

Jrn:t I lh S'm 1th 'IW1Jlff lnflJIUtml\ HtJbl no• 1'( h111·c Jtttral cl.inn tha1 arc bc1n l.llughl :lit over in" ~.uh:1y nf plX"n,· Burtc- HtJ "'~t,~ vf lb~nt. ~omt msetb,;r 11 •

-.;u.: l"ttt!Jct11 M,, h, n,,,le ormnunJ.1~ t\lftt, v.buc )'l''' hJ\t ooru.iJmn,: h<>,ar,• kl IC'tllflUIICIJ.alC' ,rh1dc 11e~unJ t,..,\I, ,1111k,11Jo(oulJ •,ulltutbeccntcr

Jc.,tJt• ph11K" 11! 1hh p.1101. SutL<' • id Clu~u •itl I01...1tcJ In the t:ulrun,I \.'l'nti:t, h\ltlhftC' \\Ill Jl,o tic 11 mln1 1uJcnt union June hu C".atcJ die unagt or •n ,n,to,,r 1-lrcc1. rather dw1 .1 n.an nv h~II•·•>· lfl ht,,pc.cltbi11J11,a11111i; h hthrt ;1,1~'-1" o! !he comm11n11y ,·ul1unll ,1:11 1,, •111 c*oura,:c 1otcn,uun lf1 att1n01Ct1ilC'.• Blirlc ~nl •fh1, toulJ "<Ud 1h, -.·mn1 r11c1t.wp 111 om N,11ivc J\1t1cUnu ,iudt.1111111111.1 od1cr lllifk-!nhu

•·we- <1«' In 1hc- rrr,cc"\., of a 1c1\1ti1h1y ,.tuJ~ Bu4" 111111 •wr: ',\301 tu l.'.omtimie hmJ·ni••nit Im 1h1, c,en11'.·11b hmJ.ralUnll fof lh~ w:Jco..'C' hudJJ11Jt II llnllDI) cl~i('S, 111 lht Qffit r111,1inh) 1 uch v!hc-("' Juttl't" mh h tr) Ing- 10 1on~ .i • 1114n)1 lrcn 11.1 r,o..,,tik Juririt ~un.dru.;Ocrn. 1l>C flfm i, abo

Thr: ON t•l lbc f'l)j(\-1 It t.Ull kU\J

risky behavior ey to avoiding Hepatitis

Chrome: H'~11t B1;1nk3d loc..a!IC(:f(lf c.cthournil lhe Ii\ n S)nip1umauflkpl1iti.,U l11dt,,.lt,r1ur11hci:,.

f1:~. ft.ulk:lmd,1l'f'll"Uk Ian. 001 w,rnc pooplr hJncnn,)mp«'limlltall A\'~,.J rt~) h:1~""" l'r2Khct .,;(ck'-' ,111,I di,11'1 .ts.c 11«,Jln 11 yuu're 11111n1,-ffll.'ll.6 J 1ugmc 1 flwd1.h:\lu:<-4.~ hiJb rrotci,tuhcl &nJ Ro .Jc:ohol an: rr:qund c.u'l" fl'tt t«t, il1-p:,IJ111 .\i.indB MorrCNliQC}pcn-(tlio( ~,It-, 1 hd1h.'rh..cl,~c,f the i.nia.,keinii, 10 c;.txv.cd .1

HtfQhtu (_' b the 1no,,.l cucntnnll fmn t•f IIIL' ,.ru1,111het111t(JSub 1f•di:t~ln

».;Ute ,ul1111(1."tf1an ts °',-Cl)tl tn t'C'Ofm.-1tC.fCJmU lkpa11u, A. ,r,N •I.II h~al«at <'tlffla1. h 11uu-h li:u COHIii 10 Ill the l nilcJ

S~1h.ll11r1 tlCW)CJ'111 ~nunmcs

~('f'f'•llrn,,td~ 1orJ.<XXJ Atncn(~Jnc•b )W. Alnwni f•v nuUMWI Ammua, h.li,, 1hr: d,~w t11•b) M<.11,c lh,m 90 P:''-"ml o tho,ct h.tn" t:NuNC.a.lly ln(a:~J h, en. u.W1 <.at k-.11.l 10

,·1rrt,ni.1s.. c:.allCC'r « run (()Jflj'ltlc..11om of the 1,..., llrfllllh.iC,liic- H,·r,u11u H. r1t'II/JQdlu11c

Md rootl ,,f1.:r1 lflR11J lhrou.:b unl"f\ll("Ck'J §.C'.\

•iul 11dl."C1r4 Q('a)lo. h •.o oOcn tpuJ lhrll\l~h ron.1.1nu11.11cJ NOt1d 1rnntfu-.it.111J rn'"

111 l?'ll.•hm1uuune~1n1,•tt1'n:ilti.l

Mood l<K lkp~u11, C h.pn

\t&!t prork .Vt" tlnallil .H'C &h!.')' b.t\t: Ur:p:tt11l,

C 11r111I 1hii:y how ')mpt.orm,11 hvw

1.hlClbe.AJ\anttd bwt di,ea-c ln•m JIC:f\1111.l.~ t b 1hc (•!11'1nnrl C4U-.C tur U,·c,

1r.en ril:mt.a. n,1 -r,ymp1.1,nu mdo.Jedlroruc

J.au <JC. rolih. ,;:,uri,li.i~ Jlroblffll' i,nJ

IOP:IJ.mt f Udl\.T

111':'n· nic1,·a.r:Lu1oon (or lk,,.11111 C. un(murllkly • •1•un, a,oiJ n~li.y l:i..:h.l, c,r l)Ja"1111.&n: ~·111j 111nn. dnnl..'- flltOt\, '11.hhtti",ht ••11im:ttl(an1ip.ll)l'klgl.1JI

1X'lfy J1,lff ftCro.'li « IJIUo.),."d, l..: lhc n«dk::1 .an:~tf;.,~,11!1.1.tJ 01.1n'tt1n;htll'ck.anup h! ...i 11)\'t!,lll'llb1, tail n.ibtic:1.,-lo'YN..

• pain on the left ,iJ..- of the upp.:r ah<lmnen

• swe lling o f thl' ,tomach ,rnJ leg,

• reddening of 1he palm~

A c-.erponlry •tudenl wottt1 on I.he F• m,n HI ii Estates home to be raJf1od oft J uly 3..

Carpentry students hard

at work with Raffle House

f1mlatlon 1tkets

Ill' 8100 II) ralle 1111118Y t1) \tlnd) Wc,ltmrn dn Jt /'11tl('I c.rrciio> 1oJ.:hu luw bcrn OOildllll II l\\l.,\1111)' bCJU4.• Hlll,.-

IIIC' bqlnnrnJ 'ic-f'Ccn1t-(r b'C~· )'f'21', Cho NIC~ FuunJ.t1mn ralflts 1hc wmtb'\~r~.00'). fnfSlrl)J""r lu·b;tb)~lfll!nt) fHttht t'OU.:p:. ..;u,,Jt,,1u llfC UI iJinr '"" IN n11)ft(h• oC bu1M,n3 "h:11 l>.a"c M~Rai:.LMp."UU) Uutnkt« do1:nh(-d1ha ·1,:.1!1)·"'dl-p1.11 l11;c1.tli r"' hue~ \kRni: \11ld tht" fO-rro,ub CIW'JIC'nlry f'l't'!P'lW"l '" "'tt.uc:d l'll \l,J~t ii liilN IO hulJJ 1hoo~ ,\1 fr.N. dit l,".IIIJ!lellll} l1J1J1tdatlon ~t«M~ lut•l'tmJ s~. an""' a ta:uhy ·~ u.arf

"""11,cn. lbi,ycnr,,"1'lou"'err ,klMtcd for 1hc pugnm, lacak.J u, Fcrn;.u\ Hill bh11:,.. Thr lat, t.a\cd thil: rrvl\lb1ionlll'OWlll s.n.wl JMn buym1 die pr~rty1Uldckn.1111(Nll. Th: c1trptt1try -..t u,kt h :ere u, 1hnr l.w "«b r41hc tiudd.mg rn,-x.,.,. Whcnlhi:h•,u-~ bouwi,1inl,~l.1l\l,iUtnc;ludc. clcc-1 1-icil)', ~1,1rnhu11 1.aJ LlriJ-1'i1i,. Out i.\ lhc k'<'DCi.l utc Qf 1bc 111\:bll4"1.1Uru.l di:Mp of 1.bchou.~ 1bc~·,1tr)' ,,md..-uh "'"Ott 1,n 11,c hnu"-· MunJ.1~ 1b,1't\1i:h Fn,-b) li'+b.iic-coar1ouinJ1nt&~ c t11J111;rda,un,1N IC CJ. \lJ>·ct,,«nltbc ll in 1bc cntpC'hlT)' pn,pllln wJhnhY1-Wttepa1t111f\l'lc:' (.&rf'CrlU')" l"lfllJl'lWI II l'\'maddlOJ hut1\('11.""nUl.11111 11ktht'JU~ ~v..ip.,n"


• Coll lodayfe>rc0t1rseodvlslnQand lnformollon, (208)667 - 2588

• Clossr~lstrollonbcQlnsAprll 2 1, 2001

• Classes be9ln tho week af Auqusl 26, 2001

Other undcrqraduo l e and qraduale d1>9ree prC>Qrams are available.

"' 'he ~!11nnm1 oC f.11 ltlOCflCf, lllc C:<UJ'CltlJ) , tlllkt1h b(pal ti, hu.114:r.g llfhl.111hll!J1 Mll;.ba,11lhltil.t,-C\1111,J -t.llA'hana,. S4M, .i1r1-~ WI"> J'l;unrt·J Cl.be (ll,llt' U 1.i1pr:).. 1h.rca:c lc,.., 1111'"°,wciH1ittU ll'lt) ract1\IC 1h.-11 ca,pcau) tTr1tf.a1 1,,in An ~n boUlc ,JI be k hcJ1u lcd It, '1 1) U 1\00l'oo11p.aiJl,unilh'.$.111t n.1.1ttd •·tita \'U"".'Ul& 1bc hoo..c: She a:11,I \\hen ra,pJto c11rnt 1c1 die dt•1.1.1niaaJ t!h.lat Lh,A.rh dtt'l'l'tc;ilkrJ. tOll'IC' people trt l('llhlltlhc11e,·n.c.\.r,ec:.tlf11lt 10 he dw:1t drum bouiiC' Tbc~r,u..:11aS~.lXXJ l!arl01;1Car.\ 1Mlc~111iUJ1( di( \l.inra•t,11kin'1 v.:tnl the R.llllX',I pnn."1, thC') t'Cll!IJ f!Ut thr lllOOC:)' tu~1rd IOmC.lhinf ul tht.1t(hcncC' the n!OM ud;.cl.l c,cr run;ti.urJ hy Cloe \1)'0" "'Cf'C JO tJ,\;A;t\.hu:t lhc \l,,nncr for dut )-eat'111J)hv.tfhll.iwthd,e1 L.il)'Clll,l.klOf"('l"C'k' III~ the llni•m1 fnc 1t,,c r.dUc 11tit. )Cit •l "111 ht-held JUI)' ] 111 ,'IC

Booming Bass


JDS £ ~bt) CA$H

Y<M~lx>ol:$tort~ book>bac!. s,oo...,,nv~t>o- Go<>$/\"'°"'_,


WHAT W E THINK Gro win g pains

Nee D A Ddressing

Tl· .ti,,.,1 ~.ir tu1, btcn I t>u,y OCIC'. t<rom ln.'IUUCU>n

1'11,.;. IUT"NtJ k) f\C\'- CCl'UCh l'lf cdt.1(.0.tlon hcing bulh.

1b e,.,Jl&cxc h11., c:tpcoc-t":cJ wm(' r3-1M

) nf lhl'ln arc 1rowin3 pa1n.t.. bnrollmtnl tl.l.\ been on the

Nie 1hr 11-1nnlltt ~, d1t"'®m, Uy lbc llllK'. llw't Wh)

""buildinp .arc 1'"'4cJ

11'h)' '1id lbi'o sd1t'a.1'0 11ct htrnt.~ in tc'lol,im',, tlCl( IQC.)k kl

1hc r,rohlcm vf ,wcr cru'oVdin1 carlicr. Nc.u yc-ar

1ncnl "''Ill ,,..,,b•hl) ,n,rca~e a1•1n tiul 1hr numhcr tlf l'OOfltl ~iU Ml('h11n,c11111Jnc.

~tn1, ,c,n,t1&.atly 1.:Nnrl11n aOO.i1 f11'tkins on nmJKU h l111Jc r<•,m f()f •11 tJi,c: ,tuJcnh. aDd the pnlbCc1u CaJl (t '"-'N<'.° M,.irc 1&1uJconr• Dk'.&D!I mun• cit\ llnd 1nare c~ lca('Uk1na l h.arren-' u.bm the tl.llnr.al 1eU!~ h111IJin1, j~ ccxnpktc'

>Aili ci:'1.llt'II)" tlC 1nore moo, fr,r ,w.~ hu111\;11 building, "'1lh tJ.e ne"' dl10t1. "-lll 11 llll.(t eHn mo10 ,1uJent1., lint 11'lr c.impuc "·11h uudt1:'ll• v.bo v.ill coaunuo m n a.boot p.vtm)l a.tld too r~w d,.,"CJ ,- 11 tk1f1: ent,,llinit '° 11\11.n)' 1c1.1J1;nh. :ntll\d.1N)'. people ..-.an, 10 KC' other\ i,1 ao tdwllbOO

'Mf, J1m c;ollc-p= h twl( tlxc 1iMII proplc Cntl do lhlt I, -.pcn•1w, cx,mpttl1cou\-C ...r gre-o1l M' r~p,nn. pcorlc fot

N'\1111 world flt ar1t11he,- i.:oth:ic ar unh·t1'1I) t"hc

1n n 1ht1 v.h111 1n11kc-~ 1'111C' "° ar~Jns will no lonre,

11~· fl(nhk111 ••l mcmn•,hllfljt u 1101Jcall lf.·11.b.

JfJ t Ilic nrd) V.&)' 1,1 cn,u1e thll t"YCr')'Olk \\bO ;lttc:~ the l,trhc 4u.d1t)' ul educacJon 1hilt u rn1\,d(.S tk)~· te1J.:no \nU cu, do""ll on the C1i».\ loaJ lbld tcxbcn ha,-;: b o t 1C'ducc lhc au.mba of \<chie~ on ounpu-.. ha • fon.11cJ 11nocu11 or ~urroon.Jt'CI by .w.1.1cr on h)' J~h Scudor EdU4f·UI Cl#f'(

Ulk 'wuhout h 111 i1111J tbe uwnbc, u( uullcab, nwJmr '411J <vnllmlt.

,,-,1 ,holl'ers l,ri11g May

CHOKEC HERRIES t tUh bp 111hr;b~1 lil.Uleot lbC' "C 111) lb( •Wild\ ~ltlC

1nrio.;.:d "-l~thlna odd r!rt\1 o[th,:11('1..-uOI)' Af?mld)' d~ tin,,~hmth: ;;,i.-..ctv.lt'ti;1i:lnu.nt lhopi,. 'i',,rl"' fud111 lbcflCJ:.Ufl\C ,...,1, J ,~tJy, but lh.11 ol l~C;J'\t SUMY"iedl),

I0.1.J!"lt) J«'kt:Ulta\-clhen ff'C'd l'mm ii th11I A llf Oll••tUCtl\int' n:11,lu..tl'd Wotc-.- h\("tfl(j,lef narQJtGllir(~ltubc' itN 1tit-l, ,tudtnr, •W:-1 I ct1,:b up tAinJ 10 nm1:11t>, tc1 hll 001

., ~I 11Ulkah 1J,.,c1't 1n1Judin1: m)'M"lf wlilil • )'UJ.'U!l1d1,.11t.J11t)i.k, ;.osncih1 11g f"re,,idtn1 IBu.r\.unplaincJ.l.bat all be n.·rnm.ar:iJi.'ll II \Ukltl~·~

• Dr. Barke 11 oo uho'A U11lieJ Cit) Gu), rdo11'1a)l.mcbow I k.lllt\1/).

WhMl}clt'.lilJ~mg.iJ lltat Tun) Stc,un Ka

NASC"AR dti"("r I had no ickn be w.u wc;h a. ruk~t.tkcT.

G<HICI Qualln:rH

• Stidl'wn1cr, Li:nd.l Bllll. "llllttJ tu ~. d the Cotut d'AkflC' Cutno It. real!) lhc

"ullw,111cc,pcueoei:'' ch.,t ti c.:Wa:m1ohc?

Tiic&O.\'A('fi,)d.lJ l11hi: ulb:ltUll:'- uiJ only C)pcrifflot


• U allf'n\Mt' Wo'!i l!.ut, "'h)dn 1h(y Leep abdU<1ina: lht ,1up1lkt.t peorle1

:-m i t1ir tlble'>. nuu I 11alcrlt,f1Jllttl.lUI l!Xbt:r r.ui,l,. itnd 11·1,kb


1fllt!l,tl l 'a,pk

1.1il~ll'llntofthc:: th111wckanJf(•li, 11 ,R'fl11111Jll•1 fc:rl pt'Li1:0lll.be: l \ ,h Uoa,J f,,.as<>d,l!lck,oJ far beWbo.tubc: for 1«hzint

.. jf 111Juy,..,.hc>ll.,1.,1h(

I Y~Ill Ser\·k'ti,., \w.-.1 fft)', •h1tr ir~ ,oo doing? Theotht'rdny W"tt WIIJ.• •·1w111n wnrtu,,: oo ha paper ln 1bt hhrM)· foytr when• auy •tlkc::dltLllt' l'babcl.la llu1.1t1«1'-Jl.tocc. She &s11 up ,rill 14.Ctlt 11., 1ht t,111hroom, l\.'J\'1111 ha ptfU CID II Lilbk When ),lie"°'~ • $UY WII,.\ raJ.in,1.:rCl-,-1)' 'ibc".a\l~ hun i(bc bi.td 'l,tild be W;t,.\ n:wln, He replh:d )c" en.~ gqhbcd her r3pcr DUI of hi, h.wli .u...t 11.-n &l be ~'etll on Mai her 1il(ing hh paper I ttk',s be JUJ.t v,mtc,d a plCCC! oC.htrc ,.._y Datttntit tn11t \Yhy diJ N1C' b.l,e • C111C\l de ~byo cdcbr•noo oo Qu111ro Jc \fll)O'~ Yciu arc the Wt:atMt Ll.nk Goodb)('

1)hCJ1 It'., I~ 11th,cr Jay.


S,:-s; 11!1 ll.1:konlnltllef!tl1Hbe cJu« ..,,ho,111'to11 1 ml!M JimU thL'rn to 100 v.\,ll"Wi, 1.iga !hem kgiN)' mJ

.i.1i; arhoncs numbn'lnanlrr ,·criJy•trt~tll.'lt)" S<x,x

1 ·• • ncit be J'rinlrd

•nd or I.be humnn hid ccruinl) helped clC1c11t13 ll.lvoc-.-t.n. bu1 tbctc nre .>UH ,o m.u1y, uruan11"'~ quc,IIM\ tb.&1 b.i,.·c lo t,c,

I L Etter S

rq,rod""'"" fnxnld\'C.Qkl tichc.r h.un1.,n Nla"•,i,,'I Wh,f,lll'l.tllp tta..1m11 rrum u,inJcli-inc\ti mctclyOtg.ln lloll«\, lC\t.f 11tt"'Abl.'ft RC'~011n.'" 4"WW)"

11""-c\C'f, bod, ,ldcao( the MJ:Unk"tll h,wt' it.cir tt;I.S(lila. Cforung C'l)Ml up an mlittly ,!trfC'~nt tcillm vi ~sihthUo fur ltallrll'nl

C1fdU4\IC:'- 11nd 1)1hcr mcdic:1tl brr:llkthroughi UwcoultJ only htlp die tium.an nwe. fnkft*'-'00.l>lll'I "'"'ld ha,,o chll<ma &cril:'IJ,;"1Jy rclalN lt' I.hem 1111d ('\·ffl p,.icuu '\\lib dcr«u c®ld bavt bc.tlthy chJldn:n Oonina wdl und,"1brodl)' bl\~ v.wth)' cfttcl\' oo lhe. ilJ'lCutrl.ll'ld aud 1ndu'1Crul

Ex -editor: Good job, S e ntinel

1am a rcmntrcdU..()f of th< NIC , 1udcn1 fk-.·\~pct. lhrn nUcd

Tbt CIUJ.wia.l Rt\1cw C1982~). I ju~l v.·inti..-d to,~)' th~1 I'm lmJl",~ed w11h 1hc: quihty (»f n:rorulll ruunil in the r;arcr fArrd

11.W(U. Todd Saydc:r t-tOr)' and op,mon) ,.\1$(1, I h:.,·c 10 lc:U )'OU tbllJ 4"bco I v..:o •1 lhc ('lptt, our dK·n

11dv&)i:r, Tim Pilllritn. !Old U!J th.11 '"ooe day" people. would

1e..">elvc 1hcu 11¢\\'~ 1h,uugh hnn1 t (C)mp\llc:n-0\·t.t ,01nr1hln, caUod lbC' WorlJ WidC' Web. 1 thoualu. "'~"', tioni,c cdmpu1cn ho,o.ktJ to• natv.url, ,~( lnfurn111.llfln. n.:llft'lfl. l,u1 prPbobl)' not u1my li fctimc. Al the 1lmc or ray ~nurc. cm tltc p.,J"ff, ou.r pll\tc-up ptt>ku wu b)' hand w uh pbototflphio J.'!3ptl nm l hroup I Jc\'Cfop:r 1n th< IW'kruotn S1orle• wcie t)pcJ PG 1ypcwntco maLlna: t.:t,py cdtdna ror ,pclbni and gitmmat t."tron 1imc-coo.~uminJ. ~1Y acttt1m1 the- 1.tuJ ..-rn ~per 1od11)' 011 my ~omc c.mnpulcr aver 11\e lo1cmc1 for1hc flf'ln liffl( a po13nir11 mcnnc111 rm rroud 10 find a wc-U•rOWldcd. lhou~ht·pto\·oldn, pubht:ati~n r,11ll 1hn\'1IIJ DlNIC Good Job 10 cb,: Mai( at lhe Sco1iot l O.:a• n <Mutph)'• Wbttlt r 8/IIJ~

The Sentinel

There's .a big djfft'rcntt bt,twttn d1111,n • ,hlx:r and doo1ng • humllD txiins, l'U they \.bould '1Ckk '° pi£~ ,botp. t'(,)\\.,. and 11t1« ~hn die)' ~,n ""mc1h1n, they.., be tbkto finh.h Opeomg P.n,Jon,'1 l:'O\ mighl tic ~tt'1 1h.1n c:lil'>.1111 11 Knm11,J,,hU •ITfk''"""''"'~ i.n,tMd Ht ,.,.411lmi..i11ttlo<'f_._ l(,y.-.j1,;1J,,uJ11lt#llf ,,,,,,.,.,,.,.,to,.,-.1.._r,,,,.., .,,. AS••l('fl/JN,, w11u.-111l11tft,,J('B.,,.4'11f, _.. ,,h.lJ,.,, ,

Wo,l,d.._ ~1th flh&CI $f(N, l~a •lkJ !ell.fl('' ll\'Otod1. anil ..-,·en the pc,pclun1HWI af cndanSffl"d \J)C'l:.u:·'l. l'm11un:.Jnw..ac:,,;ryc,nc:a,,~lh•t ~tnn:.h ~Id tlt-Jcelc before fulH•I tuun.n ckimni 1Ait<> l'lllO<. t,oi how "111 th.:.) \lu !hill V.-tthuut LJJli.n11lk,uund:,; cl( frtau« iuid/o, pc,op1o? In Amc:ria, b dooh\g ~,n be pn-,cceacd from banish a, 11 tom1 of ftC!C lipc«b ul)l,I \QtflcifiC tac;m;h. br.>"C1·c:r. m E.urop: dll") 4ft 1tlttady U)1DS 10 bru1 ii f()r ;1 good 1.:.aM>f1 -ff duain• 1 dtc:rnc:d 1111.lc: anJ '"nm.I " Wt ""11 1op pcopk rrom pltkins Alwf c~lng the l)'pC of c:htld they \i,,al'lf fO h/1\<c or e,-cn abort.in; one 1h 1t,n't wl:1111 lhcy h!ld rn mind 'Whn& Will ha-prcn to die ~tnnr w™'n tJiey rnlv.c v.il.11 the) arc-, not 10 mnlbon 1hr r S>-chol<JSic:il impaca f'lf ;l d1mini'l.bed sco~ of ind1,·(Ju,ility'! W'b.ilt wooJd luppcn to w,c;1t1)' d v,.c ~Jlllt'llkd

Ea st Co as t paper gives prop Hey, my n11m, 11 Ad.un 8huUC'nknmt1 1111J I am the open11i1;1n m11n11n l,!r 1.111: Cia,.4htt Dad)' ai 1he Univ1,,.-nit)· of V1rr1nla. Wt n:.,flC('t che efforu and ld"11nttn\C:ll1s The &nlind h,,. mndt from httt.b., Wl!W)' anJ "'iJ.UAI pt'Oo,J1t1..t1\c. ..\dam Rhuntnknanb: C:ik.triNt'rh"tflr. \·J\

Staff membe r agrees with cartoo

To dlC Editorw Cart«'!I C'~tur. l.Awc 11 Clhc ictnl'OO about Rc,ruN1eaA ldAho l..C'gultu'ln>' Hue: copy Ill my (lc.,tt_ al holnc ud li.\t' ,all mllliy cop.es lo 1n;any fnroib

1'11 JoJ, Swdor. Re • "R..cial CommtBL1, 1ncitl~· l~~:~~nf.:'a:~l:;•~~~~;•.~!;:,l!r~~ llll) oehc,f'CUM_ 1.mo...p e.u,, Oalionl ~We a..,,1-Mallir Madl<lllll


Otb nt Vigil ,WCStiJI/

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