8 minute read
Track squads looking for big things in Texas
, t litr,l kllbJrt -~•Jl,I/N'lrtr,.•d,rrOn ,\;ml l7 L.ud lDl:I. ....,1 fi~IJ t<!ll'-" "'h"f'l thrwgh
SP'1lW' l·.1111 f"(' l'l1n1101 fM:,m,,c 1v.,, k.cQ1Clfl I~ lh1rd-rl:ior
UO(WCl,c·.uru1112t, ~1.alhe-1 ,md1.1u.dlf)·ini~9.i1hk1a.fo1
Ui,: VJ"C.~ '-IC"t\A C.)l)t~~ l1w'np1t1mJ11r \b) 10..1!. in
OJt,,:a. ·1O:UI( Jur 1 ,IIIU tl!f.111\o J.,ra 1-c.lt(J the 1hnw. ~"" head tQJl:h Lewi, \\'.ttliat,Uld, S()f'hrnn,~h· CI.JIJ ~l,1~1 (11,'(.'f ~UJ;,l I lace UIJW, lll fw.rl hm~u
"'flier hal'e 1.-hm 11
/like-.\ rc> b, //,1· m'Sf lmth ,11/1/eticalfr and un1J1.mualh'· rnm firu rlx:~ 10 Iii< iJIOI JM. lhro"ing S.l 11-l Tnm mGki T>· \\~Jnp.rd ,,t1 \ll)lnd UJ \1,K~)' (H·l 1 .\l.&>111.t:CN\Cl'h'l.!41kl choxl~ti,·cJ)' CaflJ mcu liAk.o.-d up lb,: 1 r fnur rt!I,,.:.: ,n Nllh 1tw: Juc\1:1 lUkl h.unmcr 1hrn 1. Cnmcmt1 S1l••.u-d"• IS7, CJ(, itM)II ru• 11,"1 lnr.:bcd 1nt,>hn.1f'lik:C-p.l1.l
~WI rr1·, I~ C11.«onJ·{'l.lcc1tiro¥0. ll:n,1,'l"h Kepp I IS! lw:t>
OJ l.£'\I ()n.1.in..u h11 lhihl lilU.i.l f\"lUth~r,,1.-:.: m,vkJ
C h,s.ll1odtlud h.,m;ta:1i:..l lnlu l11'1 rf.,~,rith1 l"tJ.JOt~
Tc~n m.wn >.kK.111170 0.J). \\'\111,:llnltl*l l)•oJC\NJuti.an
{U.'.:~J,h,t lhrt,cucd.thinliaml lounbpllr:c m:uk.o..
(.lw1i lk\.."\ 10,.1'. h I m ,a..-d10 • 1lh 1107.0\ Harm\
OIJM'Ta,lmi,;,.,cr I n.1I\CJ.l01,tttptc,ha.~•t'1·Jh.lb.
Olen: w • •lw ~J 1iCCt11atJ ,niJ 1hitJ·~ fou~tiQ I•) lhi': ll'CTI I tuUJ' n. 11,·,;cn,.a :IJ1umucdU~1rll1t1JWtt1&Jcffl.1na&"'(.nunln.gtht:
Sop(,,.,11, 1 lc\-'Cr>ts.
II 11ha II rdin iool
\brid11CiJ :.I !ht1wthct.1io111ut.U...IO)l~lntolit>tpl~,...-
J('rt,od anJ R.11;hcl Squ1rn ,~nl. 1111 lfan,winc GH" f~t m11rc IJIC!l an) (llhcr ccnnp.111c1A
II rJui;i:11.1~01 ~u11e:.1USUll1nJK1~lU.w1:hHJl,l.
0711ot'I; the C.ar, lhrtt rb-~• 1111111.'. J.mu, lhtu"
C.'n- t.a.J \mu.bl 11-' o,), S<Jt1!fn (IJt,.(IS,. kt11n h1\1u.1~14
I)', 1i:J'I' ;Ji;li l!l))t'fk.l )l·un11:mlh..:~1m1k'rtlw'w·
J.!..~~i,l-:!•:~ 1~r~;:1!';' n Ut"tAI l'h.1. 11,11,ul 110.t·rilt.::1! in tht
The bi,: 111~t-- ord" """l·kcoJ, :a."(«d111g 1,1 Walk1n...l. wa,i
Kufl Kllut •hn lospe1l l~Ofild f'b~; IU lh_ tnrk' jl~fllr V.llfl
~n.c 1(4
\li..,lw~ \"~'fJ' lillk p:xti,canJ lfJJtUIIS In li'i11c,r11t
W&U.llr d.'"Sbct-,w 11-II
\\Ith~ t, tJl'(II' ~.uk"lf'l,111 jia l llnll.lnll lhr l,e:1td. l"ct.kh
W.t'-•"' w,.J ht a II)' 11J IO L"'"P bn cc.am luf'M 111J hP!lh)'
I W,lnl Lheru 10 1-.C b::pfly, Yrhcthcf tlicy Yl'II) Of k111C1- witJ
\\llltm, ""llm)'h,~c Y.h:,S ii llllnk> hc-11.c l'\c•th!l:1hk1u:;all)
Gettin' her kicks
Sophomore's life revolves around sporting world h} Trhlw 6:arnh-11rt
")\t\tw,u· l1Jcfrnttd) r,..:,.bo1Jn lift-'nr
H.t1h1'•tn1.1011 Asilli:frotnpla)IRM,MX"ttt,IO
1be SIC t.\nnl('fl''I l(.trt1, VI,· r111u un 1hc trac.k 1am llolttirrc\lrt· urin 8uoc v.llhli.:-r ~ft'nh C't-U«n .1niJ K\'1111)' 11ldnl.'. •1th ha>~"'~ brotba Sho hN 1tlllh,-.J Jll.a)'II-, ,o,xrr .al
•J'l"f• M.hcn hcffQlf"CQlu·n111lkJ hcr1n
1ccn:.uo11 1IO('\."t.J
H\•h.~11 t,IJ11l'd htl ti111 a-..i11dc(ffl'l\'t rfayc:r Jloh.t. h,1"'-c-,·cr. ummpre~:"':J 1Aid1
Jdrn'IC', lk\.·tlkJ tu tillu: thtog, In h.i.·r ~••·a. hruwh She 100k the 1,.,11 u.rhcld o1nJ loC()f(J a S:i»I. Stntt' th.\1 J.t). t,hta bcc11 a lotwa,J In tilth JDdc. th~, bocpa1 ln mn w1npct1.1.1,·cl~ &l\l.lh.uti.1a('\'.:,-,J11ce hi 1Mt the ,:1a1i(K'.1IK1'\ )'Ul,I IC'(l!'I\C whe:11
Size role- ol helping the gnatt" 1md p{Ul«t111,: th<!' goaJ 'M,i f.lvnri1c p.an nl IOC«'f U pl.)'iftt P lcam he uid •·1 ,~lh lilc o,rnl1nJ llf ne• ,iralcs:tc• 111 tic~& 1kC" olhc1 1cam,." Nut only Jot• ht fool lip ln bH older h1t1tbrf Omt•n. but he rulh, cnJn)-. ,.pc:nd1ni,.: 1mic ""11h hl1111,·i11 bu•lbi:r Jue h1<:u•in1 tin C111•f\." •h•n Juli 1d11rtw,, tic 1, nu en,inc('t1ng1tu1Jm II<!' Cho,(' ltl ti< nntntlnC'Ct 111'14 only l1t·o11r,c- r>C ht\ Jo,·c w,u h111\l11 r&.e,-11()111: 1111J •The i.ln fl.wne ,uJ, o.,J,Wll ii '4unh lilt the bo.td 11u1r\il0..ldfon Thi, v. inkr, tbt Ulk:11. c~n linuhei.J 1Junl at lbc Ind.;••• Na11,mo1h Puring !be IOI.-CCT off ·lt.l\.1•1) Jt,,hr •vd.cJUllpla)~ l001i..:rullt I.ti pai..U.:1.'..
• h1ch a.ht u.J htftc,.f htt si,n.e-·plAJlll¥ br«,nlC' ICXlpc n;cnl 'h-(a,~1hln811t,.MM'.ICC'tT11IM
•ggn:sooh, .iJ,,ni,: wuh &tic h.Jul cDnllk:I,"' ll11h1~ Wbl:tbc:·r on('' c-n 1lc 6c1iJ.. fafollr t.m be lotltlJ ~~'lnl! hno.i.,, "llkt "1.:1tni:. pi,)111~ t-n:NII onJ fl.ti fu,,1huJI ...,,di hct1~mil) 't C'.&11fkll ll\C \\'lllk>ut ~p.lft.11;' ,.JK' •.lltd H11h.l' pl.111, &u ft1U11\\o- in hC1 ttx11ht·111 h'1ot~1,p., b)' l'loconuQi • f'hploll td~hoo lcm.btr a11d p.'l':\.~ht~ a h.s!>l(tt.11,uadt •·1 \Hl\1M lilld 11 plllit) ing 1111~ the
811u111!lt('..:et"Ult!.fll i1tbk11<. ..:botJJ,blfl 10 0.1t1ng.i Uc ,~nl 1bccnhu: 1•1f-1C'ib11n lllUnJ WC'tJtils .uid hulld1ng 11u:i..:lc m.u'- ta.hti.h h.a, drs,·J tum unpr11,e h1, 1ft pl,-n, t'lfl 1~1cu1n1 hi~ llpC'Cd 11-JlJ IIUCUJCh O\C'I 1he1unm1ct lo tM\IUc r111,-ins umc: fo, tlu.17..4g, I Jo anl •~111 my 111e 10 aln\\ Ill( dowri rt y1ns Do+rnm I •occcr he •ou,1 f·l\'t' )Undm•n Ifie tl'Nl-.1 n.1rn ttt, tum..ell 111 an c-n&in¢ei \.\1th 1 ,:ooJ ,;ol.1 aDJ rau1t,I) l'CiOJ 1111m1.ttl w11h cb1ldrrn lh'i 1h\"o111tj0h ""ulJ be 10 lc~h ma1.h orc-n11neennR ial a UIU\'c-nU)' 8,.un ~,M 1hi11 ti,e h:1"1 rnjn)cd tu, te.unmllle:t •nun. 1h11n an)·tb1111 c-1\e 1hh )'e.ar My l•\i1r11c llun:z atw.,111 1h • h:..uu u cmr <.Ut1llf J.ktie •1ic,.,tJ. •·J rc-•lly hLc th,: rcortr. I rnrrt anJ die m.ak horn!init Olrlht' lklJ • Hod rn.fdt BIii hoi.:a\\inli:1 i...·1ll l·c11.a1t1I) miu 8,iun n.;'1 )ur ·111~ k~uh,p ••II 1%, 1111• cJ,""b'tlnv.mrr,,ouJ 'Ile h.as ,lc...-cl~pcd i1110 oi,rftu1111lcukr• l'!:i:;t('t p C. and Wit!cb p('\'f"k dl!'\CJc,r" t,het,11..1J Ha ocher dn-.im J{1b \ttoU.ld t'C lo"'""''• rb) ical lhttapy rth11bilitJ011n l'l:1akf h\t )'C~"hU11ftllu""IICll11y,11uli.Jl1ke1u~ 1~1r gniduatcd -i1h • p)d ;oo and RUkJdut,\U A 1111 li Holu:, 1111111C1r1illc (111u1c h rlart, on rttuming nc.,t k.noo 1\l MC .,J rla)111~ k'ICtff and ninntnJ tJKl Mkf Nil Jacr,lM. onr,nnrio"°'lq:~ 1nC'..ahfomii ,,rArit4'1n;a y,-b&.-rcdtc \l.1ll l1nh,hl1ct~1~ .\Zld(k"l!l-)1hl)'pLl)~ttt 1rrunlnk.._ llulu ,·ooi.:bt'J fcit the: rl.m-1M::"U uf her kam t'l'.\1 il)'ltl~ \M( 11 lbc ~uc, a lnp To v..111.:h World Cup and cooki 1.sle !Ul~ Yt1thha.~""""ldta.kc1hc:m Wr ..,,,lUlll hla,c 1&11..b I N.1.,1 chl't'tlMI hrirt# !he,,." lb: -.kl ·t l\•\t' the> h1c111~ "-C'lllt 1H ~ck.,caoJ-c-,·~·..mc ,, (ric1Jr.li •
Outdoor Pursuits just getting started
Club offering even ts through summer b) Cht'l") I N:11bart SrmUN"lrrp.,,,a On Arni'.? I lfflJ. !?., Todd Mcu.e al Ou.woe. Put\.l.ub hclJ. ruck chmtiing.di:r•-.cstcn..:hlngC'cC1')lhlnJ lromha\JC 18.fi:ty l('lk~ dut1bln5. anchon.:. pn:llcc-tioa •oJ Klf•f'l:M.'\lt' A OOTC"n '1\1\knh pa"jc,,jpattd 1n d,c ,1.,..~ held 1t the Pl>'ii fill, R1,-cr P..itk rllmt,u,g \kill, <"lift~ apptl'«I Jw,e 2.J.24 °'' 100 la,.•t un Ournnc)' Rod: tn 1hlScl.Urk CnN, 1\QC hour noob ol C«uJ J' Aknc. 0111~"W1tllukO(I S.icunlay. ,"lll1p for me nis:hc ar,cJ ,hmh Sullda)' \1ooor•inrtN will LM ltJ.:1n:ndurance on '\ia) ICJ·
"We t1lwaysfi,u/ :,omething exdtim: to dlJ."
2-t 1n 1n t1lLcmp110 ~umm11 Tnd.d tlfSSC'. .\li.Jtu11 AJ111th. R•hm anJ ()u1000f' Punadb L•) ol\.1n w.·lll Uou lhc l..OCh'lllRht't,Clm.U IV.~llly 12·D On ,~hC' 9.10 lllllknl' lMC'N11oC l,r-..u11 1u1 LALC Cl1C.Ut d'Aknr (loll f,llJ'('Witl,oili., 'Ow:)· will ki,e the tic«hS,111.1nb) IDl•mmi,::
1a1.Ung .t•.1y ln,,u 1LII the'°"'~ u..t,ni,,.,.d,, tcl '-llffll' lo WinJy 8:i~· 11,d uil home oo Sund.J)·
1 Thc1~·, no bcUC't '4'3)' 10 kw~ llh:ul.· llo'<C utd. 'rkOutdootPumn11 otllcein,1dc thtSUB ••IJ J,11,.• 11M.n11 &: JI.I# 161-l, lhc Sunr.pcx on lbc btu for the WlnlTlt"r fo ,dcbntt~ ,1ll rrnlah 11,·111 t1t ircc: 11nd • ~Ulna dinic will l"C' hdd <>n lhclr tr-.! llp.:ftUtJJ.lf. Tii.J• MJIUma, uilholll'I, '-CJI ka)'al~, QllOt'I,, f).tr11,;C,,,10t1, a111l ~oSlt)'b.&llw1lltl(-,,·,1iJ.,hlC' WcJn,;'41~ night sm.al l bout r- c "'·di •tAlt Juc,c 20 anJ ct"tllllll(' lhlQlgh Sc-J'lCtuhcr SILi r.p.m S:l1lbot.l, :tf'( :1.vad•tik fl'C' rcntorpm•tcbot.hnm) behfuughl Oic <.1.11ldorl and Wmokhcc Rhu DfbnlJ tnp, .ind Sl.!\'\:n Dc\·11\ tuk.utg trip hil\C t'ltcn CIUk'Cli."J.11,, cu., tht <MJIJ..,or «......,uipmcn1 ,v.,1,p, Moocy. wcatbc1 hJ tin11ng h,1\( u.ofOl'luDl&ki}' t.llnl l('l'Ct,11 d OIJlltlJ'l'.•lfcUCYid Ot.hrr ,ummct activmc an: ,ult 1a 1hc r1l\nnu1g ,u~ ''Oic,;L ,n v. elh u, the Sut1,pot r(., 'A·b.t'!I J'OUIJ UCI llu, w11nmcr-,'" Hc,...c-.ittd ·We- alwa)1 lind Vlflltlhinf eicttlng
Amily With Flavor
C IIDLI AU)'.,~lfl Jc-.11.II.-J ffiat'C Lh.in l)tif\O~o10.ldc1p1 ac:hlll.l ln,lc-1ro(
)J.·ot.mi: an Atocnun d uJll tt\(\' l(lC'> rtl h \ n:1sn n.d 1nn
We ,ll1"C' 1t1.11,r, p1 an 11Jl('m.aho11.il l llild a p.c"11l 1hc11v,1ul,1,f.i l1t), /\ll)~1,11.!
~x(l(ding 10 °'1.ulr 111iJ A ll v""1;, in 11i..~
J Sw,: ~. lot r,~1,· one ttk!Ut.UlJ
\le:, 1A·11.11111i,z to udi;pr, liKJr 111 oul } ooc
J o\VllrL1M<! tntcrn.,ttnnJI J fut c\tty
C'ffllr k 'A•lltlll fll aJup;, &hr r e~H·
'llllllwh1.>(l'1~na11J.bk n™ d u ld Du.11ne itncl AIIYJ.1"1n
,fllcJ v..na9 fl1Nllh-1 11J a;isf fM U \"hi1 m- l'\')' li l!IUI OnlU •·1!1 'Clt.°br11te hrr ei.Jhth
1tid:1)il0\by.ll and All)'M.ID duJ11'1 f op " 1th ooc
IJ 1b,,ufh Af\liu1 • )'c.it a~:u.1hc) rt cd L,·J,:a fhu)' 1!11GOli1,,, LI.en-' th llnll lWTI lfl Vin llnra Gross,, 1hcn
Jl, lft.lM V jcltll&III l-ll'lC.oo A ll)kltl 1W•U!I lh ll.rcy
Jthru pan-time n ann) , Ah~.c. \i!Cnl lc> l.nlmhlr-:l up ll •m'-' •U :n1..t l )',I!~ llrr1 '°n w;i, t,o,n in a ho.piul hu1 t .)'1ha -... , lotm,I "" a 11,a.1 Th,1ugb c,nf)
11,e Gff l. i to~"'· 1wtttc lhnc t•'O L) dl.:1
1 mur(' ~,,call }' d(- ,,dt,pcd lhiu1 Jim1" '1U h aur it.an he can
Sli1,.· I~ b1µ:c• m 11,: aod ut 1.J1kl •.nJ "'.all..
1\IJ) v.bo ny.m, (,1t.bY.c\l \ 1. IJc:1n\' n l \h n 1c. I\ ty1m.1:ll y :1 , l a)'·-'t·11t\1'(1(' ttalC;I
Oua1~ i i an~((" ~l'l\(llc1)tt, Yrthl d :a nl4.I.Dk n.a11~c *°'k8n:A~ •ho: iUll)''I al hoo"ic hll)"J n t,1111('J 1<1 hc1n-.c:-,chool 01111.,"') "11itihh•nl11#('1llotne tch•xil n I a.ti
\\t'ri:'\il11h lhedrildt>11•n)' ibJC"'"t.
All)'l.l lfiUiJ \\hc11-.~ ,:01 IIK' £AA"ff)'
M,'tt, tJlr i.e.m. 1htw,J1 INlh J.mii n1.o1ri1100 '" 0Jrt)'lli,olno1\ lb..1 >A hJ<=o.dand"M.h>t Ouat!C' ,in,! All)'JHl'l, ,tc J ts.od .in• ~~c l•l lw.•mc w:houl fof OM.)' ii "h,: v..n t;clU lll\ l•)QCI)' 111·11huu1 • larr c h mtl} .al.I l. iJ \ ba
Of< ,n urt)' \ pnl. l>.ut)· .-nn,lk.J 1n the s«ortd r.rnk 11 P ,1Jt1m 1:Jcn1rn1.1,y T1w 11.1gh
AU,vanti.tdn·t maJc d a., t.11 tnto I.lie lc w11 r l•n 11. \he wai,LCJ t>an:)·11.nJ
•1,."(0C1Jpt1, hc,1 rl'llltt .,t flomc 0 1J:n her d~lQ.Jf ldlnnl ,11 run, Of i.•a.itin3 J \\WI, wd
Str eet Beat b) Ot-1nnC' C1Ufc>rd ¥111mrl tt"('IQrtrr ,mtJ pl~1ft1Xf"i'l'ht'r
11.Jm:w.,nldQ,, 1'11;\ll'I 'll l hc.-yr, l(b " hnnl
.,,. Du\lllC' •DJ All} \Olt 11h o U)' 1ft ldeh l) .1rt) ,thil\11 0 1lt1,11 "'nJ WI ,;.U!Wtl"
()rµm, cd w-c ayaU.lbk lR Sf'IOUIIC a nd the) CM A,1.4,, h~ .11 hti11~ fo1
•~lulr. l">11tt)' \\ 11 \ticAritia A.,,.m , lc" h11110l&anc • il!J A ll) 101111l "(t «Pin ctlfll:w.1
\\11.hl>w.:: ~·, 4.'Tlbttl.W.. Ono..'t.11)'-"'J. d 1t) mrt 1'1lh tcllu \\ aJopk'L " 1M
Chim."\d\',cur,unex c uhu~ CIWP"
At"'"''lin11, 0 11 .mc 1111J Al1).«n. 111 the
A "llftClllfUI(' Mln)' l 'l Ull'otil}' fl ll -1«1 IO
11~ ,1 bah:, AAM:1t.1m1hcs uM.1&1 1~ uL .: r M t 1•1 1bt,r own II t" a ll>t,• of f..:C' fOf AwmJ h 1,Jopc o ul dulJ.n:o
I n O,na.11 u rmmul '°' N l'i1t1, c:,.~Uill)l,irl,&ol'C ,1h111Jdl.q'1CJ
•·0,1,tc)' v.n1han,l,,nal 'ibc fcrh 1ho,r
", l(n('',1, btn: 111 her • Duane 11i&iJ ll;1, 1n1 tu~ ,dclnlcJ 1bru 2\1-J,:ai
•'C\l,hng 11ntU\'Cf'W'Y, 4nC'11nd All)«>n teem Ille tbC' p.-d«t c.oork tlJ wrt It• t">llt'Q', l.~J1a and Ham u.~ lbc) arr ah&r to J i\'C them chc llWt:, ~u, n,;.,n and lifo tht') cnuldnoc 111 rttMt tl tllf\ ai:rc: DOI. a dnpkl!
Adoption process takes time, patience
TIii! .Joru,on f'llll he \ll l"J' t l,y >Jori \ """"'" """"'""'". bc<l lldocch)'t!ll."MH t on•ln Ith: t.l)Up!.: W"i.fll,'l I.J IIJvf'I Ut' \Ultltn illJd @I
81 .irci,•nl llieJt,rcruru,~111kltlc ,wnit) 1-,«,uplc"o\, lo~f«xn The a\'flllgt',apr,nr.-at,1m: u., cqrtsr11lUdl!a 111"1' die r:iP=0 IU'(I QR!fl.'l\ffl •1 ibc I 1..rd ~LI 'Thc ulaYt.~U.ipoqo~ t.Si t..w:~1rrcirnm11X"Ci•t'I\0\{2B.
'The n:w•nl 1\ lhe ,mile yoca ~l C\'tt)' da)· uJ tJit tUKl&"lfKIJb(mll) k)\(' Tk chalkD,C ii ha\·i"I the P,11K'111.'TUIIJtrtdlWlittg-.nd 1imc'"
SIM)' Wtdtc. JO HC!nJ•rnln. 7 l/2 montM Cor,1rd'~
"Ill'.' ~-.trd 1hr l1t1shto.."1". dk- bua.." llllt.l Lbt bu.es. With thme kkh,, 1hc ch,dlt:ngc l, gcuans ur, In 1br moremg and b.a,·lnj:,pa.tteocci. Shllun• Zr11ya. 25 'fll&.na..!Jrrutnlh•
'1berewunl Js "·atchlDg aU ol 1htir t.chK,·tl)te11h. Tlic tballengt' i, l«J.'l nJ! up wilh th:clrJ.:wltlf1fflffl1'' MlcbtHt Ri1CM)'~ 25 Mlvtr l l/l 1nd Mlluttla. 11 m.oolh;
'11,c l'l:.WIUd o Ill,: IQ\( lb;.1,1 @l( )'¢lit ~art Lile '-''OIJJd be"' b<•nl'II •tlboul 1hrm ~challenat 1,lc;an'1do \.\h.11c\"er l "-4lll."'hrllc-'c:t I \\·llll. JrriM<K~o.38 Akx,5 C(litUrd'Ak't't>r
11' (,M 1111-ly rc,;,omai~"GJ 1ntt'thJIIMln,d ~k'II, ~ca th.n1 ,IJ "• , iy V•l'l',:J11n11. lor,n lo<>lm; Tt*. StNhrti P.-.ot. 13
Fathers today tor children's tomorrows
·Down to Earth Dad' gives lecture at NlC hj t11e~I Kubi,n \ml/,i l1tp,i.•,.,.., Oh·r11ic la~5'1,,,mthr
1t11,1r"l.'.'-.Cd1cAJnt.·nc.aalJlhl·1 l\a, c hu1i,:C"d lr,-.mlhc hlullccbc,n,U~· J ttnJ,olfllll P" U'I an in~,,lvtJ p&111 1f ihc 111.mli) tlli1t ( CICltntllJIC'l l•1 lhc 1lt,(n twtm,: ol dior du!J,cn r.111 ie l.. M,!di(-U, ~·'°""" tbc °' ,.., u ·r" t.1nb n.s· 1 die lnun.J1t1g td1lt1f l1f 111(' bl,,.n lub11hl>.,,.lmi 111lil) n,rv,ilntrr,1nJv.i-t1t.1i., 'A'',1,V.11.,.~da.Jur.:. ~11t~hcll(Ol11!1J~U ~\r)Ok
tc1lL\IK ¥04h. 110\'Cf11v1nr up 1111t.l bil\.inE" nnpathy for otbm M11chdl tucowascd f1tbcn 10 rc,iJ 4u,1111i1y ooe. ,.,,,,, qwibl> tune w11h lhl'U lrid.\ "Qmluy t,1ft quality ,.,tn00,1 q1111nt11~." \htd1dl ,.,1K1 Wbcn tinhcn.,n.alcliffl('foflh(otr 4.bilJm,('\'('l')J.t).lhe:) lltt hclp1n~ 10 torm hooJ• "' muc.. Uc ,up:.:0..11."J th..! f,1J~n.
1,houlJ Ml only rcaJ h~ lhdr ~idl but tl.M> cc.II dac,u U\IC 1Dlc1, ll'Olln 1hc1r nwn <hddlll.ll>J ""lbc ..conn r.hi,ijJJ t,e iold ,ptinlJnC'cJUJy. on: lht pot. uiJ
<;j,'1!l)('tll lUIY n:prd l{l lbt1t 1cwm.a1, M)IC", <.•r any rlol. M111.htUu:ld ~""'1c-t.rc.ilcllr\Xllloc: qu1intll"\ a1o ~di I 1.jU•lil)' ~I" 1j111C 1pen1 'ihnri.ng With their dlildrm
Tbc.."-CCOClqllall Mcr'IICb(IIH btl\\l.-'C'l\ cbi.l.Jttn oDd f.1t.l,cr\ lrC1mr,ortan11.0lhc dc\•.cJ,:ipmrot \d mental \\tll•
·•ouart I.he pnncipk tnn}mtllt'r or gcmkr rok:a for Jl"lct'Q Jlih IIDd )OWi' hoy,.· M1khdl (11.1J. "Po,,1h,-,:. .rtlnn,UO:o f.tom dicu- toJ.her j, mon: 11t1ptat1,n1 chc-n hom lhcumotbcr -' dd LM:Dl l.imQ in thcu IM., •row a fllthcr commwuatca with hi..\ cbtldn'.n bd~ ly creak aht'lr kknUt). 'nac OC'\l JuQ-'O to t'IU'lh dad co11 make• re;aJ unpac;toulbc llleOClhclr uh b) ttu.ruag thn, hchlv1C1r IOWUd po,allvc Cll.1.iOM a, \\'CU •s po~.u,w tllkl'llCIJon, Wtlh