10 minute read
S Tud Ents Show Vivid Work
b.) J o II h St u d 4) r • n d \1 11 u d i () r I i :i Edftor In C/i,r/ u,tJ .!r11•lt1rl r~1 • 1u1r,
The Cnma Oillrf) anr11111 \lt.idtt1I "oJd,.~nJ cr,J, .art rJ,n" 1~ (c;uuN until fcicb)' f..Kh year tht- 80,,...t:"II H.111 g.alli::f) fc.tturn ,,udtnl an crc,led 1n art cl;i,s« 1hroupi.>ul the )(.ir 11· JU"1 fur ult 1h~ Afl ~1u.!cnh Iv "bo" lhcwolt; 1ht~·..,c Jvni: o\Cr 1hc .M:rn...-...tct,"' Jllid .an ;.tulkn1 latum Bc,ftnru. l:\tt)Pnt doc\11'1 n•;1II) "°'tt 10 &ee wb;1111nou art doinJ "'" t.'.llfllpul. ~nu! nl)'"'' ho"'ntlfJ111hoJ~dand
"'"'"(The h,,~J .u:q11111DtA hlJCnh, , ,1h the Jurying u1J AUit' Vo,:t. c:h,urpcr,,un or 1.he lme ,Vb dcp.att1111 11t
Thi." yeat the
E"Joe Jl)9.\ •~ a ,cry uucrc~ing pic..::e. 11 1, 1111 oU po.i11ll~ on ..:anv:t.-. 1,r .i hciut. "'~h klok., m.ill1:wn11.'d. a\ ,r II wa nckkn with di\Ca.~ n.c pitti: r;:. lhc;, nnprc.\,10 11 tJ"ll Joe_ 11'4. \Olf,001\C d!N' Ill Sockm.mn. ~·bn dlttl UI ~thu gre.1t p1«'C$ 1nclucfc two pa.urtinJ• b)' 1.ttj1 Jonke, 8oth untitled plt~ct. h1wc nice tcii:tunng .1fld .a bc.umtul "'il~Ulg of ~lo, Pn/\(11111 PQJ'tc:nua·i,, un111le1d bloc 011 on canva~ wt., ul111C1 Ollk\'iunlt) l\lrtenllau"'dblue. "'h11C', ~111:kand p:unt 1<1ac.11c4(0(>J tbrcc d l ffl(Jll.hfflOd loo,$; II U\('\ multiple k:\'cl\: o( c.:uw., Vh·fd cul~ ne.u-1)' "c''*" f~r .i J'l«c alkd "C~l.li ,n ihc CraJJe." b)· JIU E. Judge 11 icU, 1hc ~,ry 011.he wrig 1bc bright ereen tbl in II rlnL mid.le 1,.
1~ hlW!lJf11t o( the pwntm g ll 'i a&01:1ddung I wa, 110l 11Juror Vas1 t.atd..Shcuid theft' V.t'f'CJt.1•t "° man)' gOOI.I ptOc:eS. 1bo t("Jt "'~"' •
Heavyweight Art
h) \tlntl ) \\ tt1from Srn1tnfll t,110,1,, A n un tic .Jc;quuN ,L1lllull)' !Jvtlugb flhrK'.il llC'b\'tl&e\ und 11..n ill LUtJlhlc an lnrm, Oa.:c .1bca\}¥>Cll!ht "'"'\lCf •o..t 11lw1t)~ im,,l~'\'d w11b rouC'ry, Jnn P:trvm i11. 111,'0ht:d Viilh llrt (rumbi.ilh,!Jo P1u.,._11t 21\ tk'K"nticllhti tako•~ ;1,t1nly .in adbcrcd"111J dul'" been turncJ Lntl• 111 au A It~ l!ffl('1.i \\cd:. P.u·~,n f1d1h lhc NIC wre,1.linJ 1c,.,1n, tv.-hcfir: he 1 11'~ i;o1mdn-cd an !l> l\lllDI ,OilcllJ. Oo.:c • \\cc•.
he i.1l.ci ia p.,ncry ,tiw i:n Bo-.wdl ~,n .ancntkJ NICa,a &tudrnl from 'HJ lo '93. where he \\ l• llr,ut ol 1hc. v, r('\lhJ>I •~am. lk ""'"" R"Cn111cd b) !','IC Allt't he- won lhc bi,ih Khool fn-St;alc l1Jt1f1'Ufhl.'1U 1n •·n:1\lhn" He kad b\·t"d Ut WnlJ1t W1tU11.
W t,., .u,d w 1.thc ,wt· 1;ho1JllJ)111f1 wrti.lCf In tua:h thcJf.11. In i99.1, thr SIC "rntlliig 1c;1n1 "'·l' na.hozut) champion, ;U.d Pan,oc1 pllltcd \Cror.d 10
1hc rw.llOIP a,; a ht~\)-'\\C f:hl v.ti:•Jer o\t1cr NIC l'.W\CICI ,H·m to 1bo U1uw~1y af W)ut111ni 1tnd w~dcd for• )oi!lll' H" pl111:C"J ~®J m lhc Weumi Ad1k:lil: Cool'erellCC' You 1111,~ 1,, f1l11«fir.t hllll.l.1111) lf.Jtdi,c NCAA 1~1uf1Umci11 ldtdn'I l{~Jlhh,., l'.inc,n WJJ rlt.il I 'l,hc:U ..._,_"Ctlfld hut1
A~ wuh wn:o*IJmg.. l•;)AC.'Q hJ\ lk.'tfl , n\nhed 'lt·llh p,Utl'y uncr h11h hn,ll \II ol h1, poller) 1, dun,: on lhc Whl~I. 001be 1il1 he "Clfflt.Umee. 1>Cutr1-'- P1in.on 1,1ld he h\:c11 fn male l\ttl, he.a he llCQl,;W'n.all) trc:tte\ k.1pvt-.111wJ tiowl L Tu Pan,r,n. pottcn' n:i ,kill th111~1n he tmpnn·cd..
Tht' mar" }1,u'1c jr 11111 1tie b:t~cr }'oube1.-01Tw Ill~ the roorc ofan 1111 11 n1.1kc-, r.,~,., ,-aid ·JI'• n,.;;,1~ 01 .in :idl.acd ,kalkd rumcJ mto ;,1n ,n.· r.,r"Jn "I he h1u 1111 C'}C' 10, m;;;.._1Dlt 11 ·,ucc liJPldni(' \ha.pc: l'hdugb n lolwhhM,1 1• 1'iO!t ,1J he• bcc:n d(i ng: j"Oltd) lontt cr>~P ht l.ni•" \\hi11 L'i'llon 1~·1l, c gla.t.cs Pl,'IS.(' a•nr1~ with wh.:it ~)'JC,.f"C!ople l,k li,wll) P,111;1,n '''" tu, JUl~ •~11~. t,u, l..1•t v,iotahc~)td11 "t tJIC' 1111 dl.·(1llllmclfl~• C'hriwn.1.1 ~I«,, S.1/c. Iii! wt.I he v.cn1 1hrougb r1I\ v.hok hm.1,cclnui1111 ~mhh ix ttm lu 8,(IU,1. Pllh()n 1d lhc lcc:amcd mane)
Of Drama
'Sy lvia ' offe rs com ed y, c uisin e
b) ll,njUntJtt&e Sn,dncl n.purtn m1·1h·tp1CXC. Sl'tl. tllll\ did the)' 1hn>Y1- l1)$dhet • IAl<nh.-d "~"· bal idMJ • Jelk'il'llh
;irain. Tim R.ilfk:k atiJ 1ht lhc.'111tT dcr,lrtmcnl h;n1: tumc:J O\ll Jntllhc l uu~il\lltl\'(' and ent.cnai.nlnJ!
Jinracr C1TIUJ try Bill kU4hafonJ anJ t:ompan) Syhui. v.n.11cnb)' AR Owney, nrl11ca tht b'Q:h1n~ ,1n1I f,u,ny ,MJc ttC human l'i(i~, An.I thcit oldt-M ffK'nd;..
Jug, Tbcpla) fc~1m,., Q1c1-1p&l&ye'Jby Coh.u
Anrch,) ,\Dd hi, wi:fo K.11tc tA1mc,c Han::in) in thctf "c•· Y"*"L C1t1 ,~mcnt. Wi1h their .,,id, ftu.1111)' off Ill colkgc, the couple t.an ('Ul'll.-w:ri1r.-1c on 1htnuch•e,. llftd 1btit carten. WhikGrcg·, unra,·di, K1u: "taus uU
Gkj: ha bit of Ill 1J~b,t. 'i'ho IJM.t&Ju he kne\\' n:i1 he.,. ., and -.hat he ,•,iu1JcJ ltPffl hf¢. Th;il I~ until he nll.1 S)hia Oulic R~). She t1 llkcoootlktdogllDlltbc.-l\\O
1mincJ1.aldy form• Mn:!'111 bocl•I TIit \Cruffy tm1ydot1 noc &'-" owr v. cll "1th Kak. ho"'-'C'd, who fotb ber dos O\Aolll~ ~>••tc()\--Cr ·flvou.-;h • (cv. ruon:: M:(m'~. Kai~'• anim,o,,11) for 1hc rrruu •·S11b,·ll C'l'llrio
WOl.lgb fk,a, 11 ®f, S)h 1.1 lo•,c• io W'1k ~ftOl,C bl pc:<9rk'~ C:('*'hcs 4!1~• b.1,1~:ill) 41t)~hcf'l:'cl"° 1hiu', l(Oi.omroitiahlc. Sllr ,,~oh to runoo.1 ~, :ind Katt'- mo,t re.~ lricfkh, U!Qllalfing '* or lhr-11 nkk\t, Pb)l!.I' (Mlll'1~ 8~nJ, In r>oc ~cnr (in::J takci S)l\'111 (oi • tnidnJ,hi ~tolJ .ahd poun hi, ti..:IIJ'l 01.1t to her. w"°' ,1...- pnb • uc under :au,, ,J~ t.Xpbld with 11trict of tour.Jdlct '""'1., 1~1 v.uuldC'ntb.lmM•,.ailc,f S)'h-ia'• bone,.t and cndaring JoCruC oflnnnoc m~ ore,~ hetf\tcn rl'K')tt •nd fun::.t;1 Ka.le to~l11tt1U-out WIii, K.'ltl.'. ictl\ I.be unbdltll)' ~OCI ~"11.h Sytvua 1, d,i·v.111, 11 bok ln llk:.ir mamat:t Orel! 1hinb Ill.ti Ksre jU\:1 doe,n'1 IPfi"C'=lillC' 1bt bond he's madr ,i,11h m.in', beoiit fl\Cad On one ofhu 1tuil))' .,.,11.lk,'!11 thC' part.Gn:i moeft. fom tl'hllCnrl,cnlan&l h1Jdos B{w.·t,tt mid fncndi tl.ce.Ja Junker .anJ l.)11n llmmr-,m> Tom II.I, ,ttn IN, \Jh.1111(1(1 l\c.' lon: Dd lrlU o~g 1h11I S) l 'ril 1' c:.nu, 1n1 blv.Jttl'f')t,l<'mli forh1inlhell ht knows Whctt Gn:1 ••.at1, 1.,J.kini: •hn1.11 bow S)'h·i..1 has 11 ''nkir llllk truu oo lrr." Ka1e. P,'IC\ balll~il. art4 vi•ll't a thntpjM. Lnho JM Pulm:!r, lrtclr. v.ith .all tu\ or her c,ra111,c to lfl 1u Uie: root ol llK pr~IClb tllll)' IQ rtihtt Iha! Ci~r'• Jusl cr.uy cwrr
TOffl'I wtfe Kole, played by /Urnee Hanan, resorts to aJcohol when dealing wll h her husband's love attalr with hf• dog.
Kai.:dog.N.1\ 1111 u1tlm.4111m &n!J Gn-g 1111.1\1
JI\C: 111. ~o be 1.1..."(tlk:I M pd nJ ut S)lvi&.
At 1he last i«Onl.l. -...·hi;n 1~ 01Wlh:01.T h,111, IWl•k up lha.1 mitMh llWI Kate i• a -:l"d· l1nlt\tJ 1'tt14:h. \hit uvn aa amJ MX'C'f'I., S)h1a1Uld~h) Cilq, lo\n hc:uonuh 1 he pt•~ •• 1urp1,1n1,ly luWl•llUI w1lh • 111.\t·f\il''tll moJc.ml) WllWlbC M.Tlf'l a11d l'\fl('hC'IKW •'Wf', I mu,t *1md. I lit\·c a hapry cnJ1ns., oot .1 do, whuull.~ lm.b Ilk<' ,1 lrud.n h • klJ (m1n1a OiMl.1'Y.-1~J.CnNa16·~p,n v.uhlht 1,tkw. ,ua.n1ns 1117:JII Ru1hcrfml. fltOOI.I, for hi, \\,'i l J G11n,e fc;~'" i:ulill!lf') ikll;hh. vk..:lnJ a inrnu of 'f'lt1.:h·idUpla whld 1411.b ur1111@<"11.inJ rm eh,·,...c. kmon f!C'Prn' chid,r11 on ri,:ni-: p1uaa YJ1th .,.,11,:d \(J/1.'.l.&t,tn 11rr,l ,un-Jricd tortLMO pc:*> MJ (11.tafflclllul<:~at,fot~'C:rt SyM• ,h(lv.l."d llml'lda). Ar,il ~7. ZS anJ 29 .an1.hll n1~hh \h"f'e 1(1,ld co111. fof l'IIOfl: v.\6,by AR. Gurru·~. pi(k\lj'l"'Thc Oi.rwtt: Rt1nm "' "~ l..ctlrr.. Gurney alwwMC l h,r 1.:lltl'CtlC
11s ]00&1hanili a.11J r(anruna: ll~II wmmn rooi;m1.. n1etahtl.11h1ChbcpntnM.1:(200) IIMlh) 'ia,q Ri tcll. I~. h ll'l~ Sfuc lJ.t., 111. 1mJ kyw, In-mg. ll, 1111 2000 !1u11t Coc:ur tJ'AklJC lbgh Sc:tk,ol. R<>t.dl A1t~·nd, MC t.:itlns ltl Fl'IIJ..,,1.:' dc,.J,pl tlio:ir «wnpl.mon, ··Nol\nit'r Lll .c1hc 's'ouih." J'41'1 bcm Ill artJ ,iJ \.1()1(1 IUC!h ~\ Lcoclg Cu IA! '.Ofll
"'*' ro p:1b,a,idJ Ct,,~ urt lhdr coo1pl.1hoo, ll1l') riui ur Hien. ma.Jcda.,\l l1C" l .d1 mm.pt~ anJ \\t=J U111 (i,t..rtwl k,c,l,nJ for ~nJa. l'hc l.1bcl •tr.rxleJ p.ifll.,; haaknrc lllld ~"iic' ,1ylC', lif nllNC. ilCCT!f1hng IQ Rev.ell. Null.lC\l" olll~t.ml.H1 lo.:.oJ
·-nu,. KllJ 1f 1''(1nl bo:11uc \loht'l'I "A>: 111\,t ~t.un:d oot. we 'A'Cff 1~,l.u,, 10JoJu,1 Si,-.1 h.a.nd&.," R11t:tll u.tJ. -k .,.,'-" ~,3f1ClcJ ,;cnin, •ll l ~ l+lhcc tt.i11p Ctksl11:n;) fro'" r,..·Of*'C"l't'T)'Whct-c- 00 Tbt nunr1 i..ul0t1 h1t, Ihm: tiund, ;1.ll'CIJ) •igncd k> bt,ct.. Uotd1. Pi1r.hblcPJ anJ \' lfliknl 5':xit1),
Sh,dJ,a. who duc1, lt,'llAII~U~ fut lllac.:ldklO'IC', ~Id 1t!ir} buu,ti1 au1 h)· m,11or 13N'I EMI h the ICM'IS' h11d b«n
("OU(d h1hC bJ Jlfd'km.. 11111h l{r>((h •• j,jlflg.
R«Clld)·, Bol"h 1i1.._, 1.1gw.-J Id a m;\itd labtt hat-..
~lc::MaJ on 1n ;aJtium dJ2i wa1 11nikt lhl ra:r,,d lahcl.
OIJN:1;.bou~ 1,,'l1uldtl,1\'('tcttl\·cJ c,,pyriJ!],1111fnf'#C tor nik:11*111: lht tlqi: OIi d.it'h "'"~•1tp11.CK1f1 but ~'\Cdx ..._,ngw.u~) rnJqx-nJcJldyat
E:\11, Bbd.hn1i\C 11ldn'1 hlwc any kr.111 rn,tik1m t1AC\l lhc)' h~ pc:m1u,e,loo rfOln the h:inJ k.c,r..-11 1;1,.J the) onl) \lo).Ol,·J 111 rru.lc .a kw Cllfll.L'1
IJV:(ut11pll&l.lllCI ldJll l thcU ~utJ l.tbd IWIIOC Wll'IUlll lie 11Ud' IJIC)' b.a,'ffl.1 C'Wll !;,mi.en c,~n )Tl
Th111 ~It',, 8hidchotsJ(' rWl• to NII• !ohi.,..,.,,_ pm."ibly at TI~ Mrt. J..,, uma blt"1h to pl.I) Rtlli'U tmJ wiuih lo~ ltl#C'f banJ, 1,, rt,,..111 U,e. t'\lllC'flt1.111 ttiwa~a 1\:11•11.J, m«c<xpo,,;ur,
·A ti,i vc rnlly guw. v.cJI i.,1,nWJ1 h,;t11h tr.n·rl llei;ud 11 hl'nll,t't'l I hnlJQf 11'-nr hook1n; ~\lfl 1r.u1), 11·, pouiblt turhimto bed. •ht>v.1 ncfttbJ
IMJl.1Jh hc:rt DD IOIU," ROll."'11 uid.
Olal.hou-.c II v.11d.111tj 1m m111b~ •,umpd1t1uoof 11tta. b.inJ.-.. A fci,. lhi\t may t.. llO I.be compwti,on 11~ l'.Jdirl'\t.,, A~111n•t ,\l1 ()JJ1 04o,t MckOl'\1111 M.o,rll 111 ht~1,lt\l"t:Fi,~f.•>1 lludi.aaJ.htCU.N h«auo,c: lhc)· ~re 11111'.xfy t,('cc,mmj( morupop:ilat, sa6Jhr~'1·1r«lhb·Ola·l:Jii,u..: 1&JhiJrlb1 promouoo.rJJy ,\ bxllll trur•l Sf'l"'lanc. Scll lnhtru.dl«. •f*t, klWII hk~ 1111: Rdll\td lrom Sv.·cJtn. •,oil be tl!'C'l'l\111~ JiC'lp ''° their CC> •r lhc cnJ c:,J Jlffle, 11111 v.\11 tic' tbe flN ~ipcd twnlt 1,n Bbiah,11,1)('"~ label Ollltlhi111':CI to Im hn onl)' ~lp:d hp~, UlAt ;iln.-.t:,· t111,'C' f'l'('t1rilcd W1r RJmll.:, but v.·hu r«J hflpdl,unbu11~ l)lcm. Atm, WI SclI lnhcrillln.;c, DI.It khou:tC' is bd('ing • 1th lhc
,lhtnhutlOII cot Ag.&1n11 -\II uw• rm,1 CO.
1'1~ 1hrcc frtCN.h h.1\·~ brW a Jue ol ~rary 1nu:uc 'l.il'ICC' b:lna: on• n:c°"l l.al'id fwtdl laupcd when~ Jl,!l(tjhcJ a .,.,c:1td. \'.'nnlv. IL,hlun• ooi.,c ba1Mi.• lbt t-11'111 ie'nf 1hcm a \'11ku ~:mo t.1111.'d 1n\.Jc ,1,1111~1nc", ba."<'tuali JJ,: Uld ~I v.u I) W l.& I..JJ.iJW'hl'•llJ uou~ in~ c~. ,.,...,i;-.11y SOl•nl lrl.lcl\1111;: co1ht hanJ't ni)lJ)
""'11>St:t hlll', In ti f«thelc Jll}' II tl1C)' h~Wi{ICV1t,'tl ti,uk\'a C\'(tl ynun lhL'lf fin.I L'\11nJ11l#t~1n" ~fol mud~.
R~U,.Ull "~ ,111 mikrcl'IJcnl t.1hc:t 10 m.tlc mDOC)', tt-cy h;m.· lO lh~I M'IIUC .M.VI uC od»et axnrnm ," he t.a1J
1br.y h.1~,r 10 K£1 boi11fh« 1ip b'.'f 110l· u« lhct,1i pct.Jf'II¢. Tiutproh~hl)'v.111)tt\Clharrc'n l'mju~ bdn, rc:.ih...i1~"
Experimental styles showcase Difranco's best, worst talents
b) Kol• F,ls,o
11111 ma, have rec-,ctod , others n worttl llll dollr
Otr.i\nf'or1110 ,,ttar,pann f::.xh)l~dic 1\UTill'ICl'rm,ocri:b~
1no.C'ilr11 'fAtdnrt"°r llmWJtlhi: l«l,;,Nnl(t'NQl'lr~,1odpop. ,ni ro,·i.lun otlmni J,_'11h of lnll" »md lmmad.:, oth1.-»ll) LKlu\1,,n lat f-nd.1>·
~h""Thc~fu:nun) Rttu1nt."
'.\ow CJo.h and'"'"' l'lltl11~ .,..-cn,. 1.11c' x.al~,:n ..,1ll lnl~ 1inod1ufiJns.c.w I l'WlllJul(,4 liltio.. vy1ng(or Plt'Vll\\. )\'LU hnic. and ~~Lu Wrd, lhc ruu1h1htio lld't t·Uie1urt1mll"fl'JCIII IQJ,lllmlht'll"iln1,in ftb1!(~.111tl1¢1'f-ttkinollhll
\Knfg111',T111lt'fMA.) Ill
1liok- ,.l1111"wr 'o(\"1l me lc.knwnn puor (111 tht, llbn..,tur1llJt lk-~tb u.-.li,:,-.i~ t.qu11t pr.111;111 m.w.:r,oo:,.trr. lfti"" be ii otfm IC'lffl( 11.UJhn~ .ac111.wt M.'IIUCIIIOD. ) mvli:1.1n111tt- film Pl 1h11 ffP.lllkf, (lh,nltn,11 f~b imw1111 ,11 la-.J ii 1J ihl,; t,prnan,. Dist IJIC') 'ft' nt1:kc1111 r nnr 1llh.·ri~111-~rcc1 ot Ute him h) t.inid,t 1~ i. u•giin the "'"mllttxl or1f111R61:11t1d11:111'."1Jlt\'aldii,,1bctilm1\ ll)ln l•ldril..., IJ\;IUlkl"ct\lil'Cft"(W'f1.1.Ug ,,tuir.:thn•1,111foo"' lkRl •ht,rn,:11 knot h
)'OU ulf )'OO• ho11,e
.\tuuUn Rouxc: l"•Y 18> llu, him rzumun • 1rJt.t1.al l.Lll.1.l<'r
"llh("ll thc :1..-11,,p 1w CK~n, t,111 r~lht"f fl.Lt Luhnn.:innl'"Rl,cfll."I) +Jul1.:t''t1111 ll~ h<-!111 and XICotc hiolnwt t1unn111 :i
,owlnl!l TIIC' t,,ggc.a uJ"'i,k to lbc Olm 1J
!lt:U ii l1ure1ut1g 1"-h tnntlll\\ (lft':\lli,:1001, C.u111cs Film I c~n.t, 1t.hi1.h mc.tn11o lhAI 11 ml) hi: &lll.l 11ri1bt) t~ •mnniet lluU J11.~1
1Mud;¢t rt.,rt 11..rbor '"'' !$t Palwr- ,w·\t':ICC'llpl'Oic\Lt fur tw, one; 11·11"1•1) ltclc:i1 rl11)in1 bc'lurcnt:I)
11'111\le th,iC.111.'.ll'llnc'OOI fol Lbc l.uLIC'~ffl mnn1~11
Ille s.,fr'.iit'll, liM:"IJ lookt J:f'Dl up UDIII ,1 u"""' tbl nalllCt J,:rry Bn,11.:Lhcamn ..,J
Mi..!i.ttl lbyi nuhc 11;1111c1e.·fflc'ncc lbuluu lh('lf \lnU.illy 1n11·nt1,."d the l.111-e t'tt .1!11 w11uu,r rrlO\'K' ~on v.11.b NoYt·UI" t"orf)lhirlJ .mJ .1.d. ~oc:~Uot11 Jal« Jll111, hie U.v.lfui)1 "'1'\e Rod;.'"allJ
AfmareJJ,"n S,n« they n:- In'""
IA'lll•lfl lh¢Mr1fll100r ?li~III)'• bctt'J llflfllf\l 11 \l.nn't fttl Wldclahcd. ot c unc. 1tic i11ilia.l bnmli 1bt)f'pn,: for,l, ltl..c
N', y.mth the f»tk'C u! •lh111,,1c:>n 1~11
:\.l,UuntlQI llti,f1l1t1•thj.'IIIIIIC1,0bi:thcl,.,1..-. t,1'Ci1I ~unk-)· Kubrid", nni 11Jn111.her f)'t'I VY1<k!Shu,~h:l11r~·hrdk,J !,;:\'(ti Spu;Thn-r: IOI* Kut-.i,..lo.'• jck.;i .md nt*1 Ulc}· ""\lll.edon1nil -tOU1tc>tulflllK1.1""'-k."1
,1,1un Pl (:mh. luU~Mth;~ by •.-:r. ti ICL'II Ulrouch lht- C)"CC ~.r II )OIIOt cioo-humatt 111.tley J«& °'mcnUt1n1ltlll'ldy1.'IC')' to ~buni.111 o\.1•1,1.hc:ff'IU"olitllnpin, falm. 1,a rape, tll)~ )Y 0,.lS<,)(TtJu~ I JJ Thb ti.Im srub di.- )';tm <•I ;i twJ.. hci,,a i.:o,npk-lC' \\Ith U )C•ltlll hatiJkic ~llrd Snn,,n1, ,tn i1f1ns th1d iRnbm Di..- Nuo) al'kl h,, lllC'flh-., tM.#1111, R111n,kn $uf(., 1hc '''"tJ11t I Jou~ hi, litU Pi b.1~ b«o done m·'-'f 111iJ '"''..,.q.au11 1he-c1 apin. Wi, s.uturnc-r~hl."re t'\t"l")lhm{1 tit1D!f r«)'\:lcJl. l'lci in) h i m 14·!d11hi.• &11,n 0c :-i:uo. l:k.andu •id Nmtlf'l ab"'"C 1h: Utk" '1111.U. a.tmb.uoo. lbt l 't.mre o(dt£ ApoU ul) 29J flvrt21U1nt11t,C('lhhh1m:•I fl •n'111 ~WM" ,it the Owhon I lC\kln m~ krl a lirp.ataletm~ioct. I!. TI1e11i""~ t:allfll'l 11 "-.-1111 done tty Tim 6unuu ("Skq,y Jlnl:law""1. '4hU1i.J"·f!)'\"1,11fthV.1ttt.ll.lMI(. • ·run Jc.oet1 ult.I 1in1 bctund hA apr co,.linntlL'\I""° k tc,I thear,=t~l,oha,. cr1 lll\'Cd human'!. 1-1 & !l"lt.t Wlffttl , n 111 k,,tndOlh
&,a,·h wark,;,... • Equ/pment Rentals CXflcc 1'11:nerB FALL· SPRING· SUMMER
OU'fDOOR PURSUITS f.lu• LliUlJJ!l1 I•( (Alfrom t-.fit JCl:'IUDDOaot~ wruni. In °R(l\:\..f'.-r'(f, Si.:l~•ri.."' 0.f'Tlffl«l ,,.i1t11 i"'I h)' tm,.ntt l t.)tl.11·l,raJ.,r11t.f""'1cu 10 'flt·ltrthn'l f 111 trl,,,vr Jo h!U 1t 41}1//r'1l,.,a,1;.lu.NiflUhoiu.i,1111I 11.,,,.,1,md,.irrmttu'lh'i ft,1m/111,muc1101ltrrlmf Tbc 11f«l tyri..:-.. m1~ \\1d1 bet ~'\OC'l.ll lll. \'Ok"C' iallJ lhc cno.lung.. cltmv.anit IJ~ of l"1nlflel,l!lndpioonilltklmc11t the tie\A OifrJ.llt'fJ°-.C\'Cf Jorwo ln1hct,f~)'wm,: Rc,'t""liftS .• v.flidt uon,CAJl)' 11 W PDh' J~l!."'I Mlnl "If lk:' t.(C(Jnd (1) ·Rcd;11r1ing." "hc"mr, DI the 11~\C,f ti,;rtie,.t fric!W'• lmc He~ 11sain. •he puuthctn1rnrc,1,,,11oo.tuw. l)IOUfh the fl';al tml\Utt ti Oi1Tlln..""''111Q:.'4h1d11rihc1J ~bk let l\\hl ..nJcor1tun ID II -ounJs hie( the Wmptt Oo the llttOaJ co lhc IQnji J\1\1 t,Jc,od toj1,,·1.bi:1. Whlk rPOM ofhctinu,1i.:hu,1~t,Uf.:h!Lj. h(r,t'l1.;:t,tb:M!!tcll'l1Cldilfi°I Oifrulk'l."> 1rsu h1 rc:1 rnU11u1 oa lht track Y011t Nell & 14 \ fCl'\'C,• 1t 11'x~1•1 Y,,(1ik ~10' l'n('\.~ft I\ h 1 ,n d ullt"tt,I lyno.
Ne""' ror O.Hll.l~ :itt "°'en fflU\~.C.1'11)' ptoc:e,, IIIJ lhe}' don'l" llkrilhct He r ,·okr1, tn Jl'l1\uki.11y th.K tl (Wo.n'I lllllltt'f11ttu1 .tii:-'1a 1~111a
Wllhout 1t,,,crylhit1,:rlr.t W("lfl\lf\lt lllcrc',nochu1.1kl n\lkc the fflUI IC \C.U1,,h on. F11t 1,,"tJ M:bool 0 1Fr&lku lm·cr'l. Ulc.rt' Olt' ('knt) Clf aou,; 1Jut (c.il"'t: Dlfn11xv a, tohc ,1.u1CV,,ut )UIJbef;mdhl:r J!Udiu '1",mbl.Uttu Ltttgua" U a trut ~'-.unrltWhUe \he""'"' til nuut.:ah!v ~1t'•Jti,t~lr.roun.iaoe~ Uw hi~hl.Jp,,!1 her v~ aDll 1hct ,tory h'1tcllins. Aldl<l\li11 1hc:" idbum ha !M.lfflC nott<eblc n.iw,, 1bh CO., "'nnh 1 few O,Franc.-o fan,old ,nJ"'"' The r,ni c-o 1~ ooc or the ll(:\t "br.1 C\'C'I Jt,nc IUIJ 1t.lth.1UJfl !ht ,cxonrJ en 1c..i,"t"t MlfflC'lhmJ 10 be lk-~itN. ii 1111 bo:lh do,u, 10 C'll'lo." thin,:: Jtc.al 1ni1u,
• Jazztime Ma) 12. 7:30 p m Sc huler Auditori um NJC Ja,.z Ensemble and Jai.z
• Mother' s Da) Co ncert in City Park. May 13 2 p.m Cd"A City
NIC Symphonic Band with the
• Stephen Pyne. author of ··Yearof the Fires: The Stal") of the Great Fires of 191 O'' speaks at 7 p.m .. Todd Hall. Molstead Library
TECHNOLOGY . ..• 121"' lb:1dc} .,\\it
C:• ~urd"Alclk' IUK'!IIJ ':.•.;:: (208) 772-6800 .,._
-·.... _........ ..........,._
F-lllil trnhm1kJ lnlmxt A.."«'\•
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•''\•''me Gets Their Soul Reviver \:"' at Little Seattle.