2 minute read

La Experiencia Completa de ,,.,,, SPANA

(Tl1c Complete Experience or Spain)




Cornman threads transcend language barrier wu!d1n,:tn1ul lC'd

Tranle~ ·1rr,11n.,..ilh•ild I fPl<lnilf) anJ lntndcr ho. t.oolmg ,u rrom u~ _ -. 1 wJc.•i.. ~t,·a1i..ic,1t,l'Xld1C l

·al lili,c t.hc n.· uf I.be \~edJ1tmmc.1n

~1 n1Wung\1ll111,C"1fl lhe .., ton o( C .ua!uh. Sp-.i111 ,\j; the i<,nn I.OOO)'C*'cdJc, d1.An1be tuli-C(bRI!'

.w1tr),thc ~J,'C lliimo: "' i:val-funcb 1sr1U Sp.im.Jl calk..l C ,1tllitft Thh put II d3.lnptr ott

J tomm11rut..o1hon 1.kill, 11, f nrtJy ...tuJJcd Spitru.,b

The,cntrill rt.v• ¥,i, fllk,J WJth cblldtta pL.l)'lUJ,: iJIWDd I

Wt..1•n ·"' the du'-! h)liC Imm Uftdn lhe1r rixt. ltlil\lC •nJ IIIUJ?hlct llai tic loomCJII. -

1rcwgiu.cd dlc muskun He abd t IA'\..TC ommt 5(0 '1.wn,u,ol lho m,1,..Sch,,nl C•I l:nJ1,-hknrrrnt We -.:r1t&ol.hcC'\'cutJ&ann,o;pnnc

::k tobn ITlOl't'~ CDnC'hC\. Wcwm11ohcar Rlnuhl ,~ uulb. fllr IJll,tj,t \('lltGI J.J a,~, V.~ hdeft JI "*1n.J .arid OIAr

.wn._, WA~ ht« i ",ndf.dl I<~ di( ~Mn I 1u-pmd for• pod;•

1:.Jm, a1111pamnm1 and me..!.\ ill thtt"e iniannt, 1.hn:oghaul 1nv;11 lbc llllllldof wlun11t1flCOOIC'f' .i Uic •o111111111horlhi:.p1en flUl1riAe rtUIJd 11,)' J.a). Clll nurua,p,p. I bouJhl null. lUII <<>lf..-e .,11.1

1~lnt,for~a1.1 \W.11,aim) <Ao1vb1Ji..:k.w111.al'A ,\)-Y.ddl-m:mas.

1rX"lq-,,JWJcat.;hm)'eyc I foundllt)·:,dl b:111, l'llelcJ lrito\l,oo.

"ffTl.l ,i""ll"ridon U!il thtriugh t.All 11lk,--... hcfo 1tnrc.J IJI('$. and

;1!,1,di-11 l'-1' h blm • lr,>m led b 1Ji..vn~

Nt"UtlLla~'fflr:t,M ,.i.t 'Am:tlli h;IJ .:a libk ivt,111 hrt b4\ She Ut.,J

'T ~").· Ylhil( LJl<)' UI Ofl I 1t·r t(l lhe ,-c~t,)IIC lift$, ,\nJUlkl xbt1'c.11nrr ui fnJf11. ul • buuuque.a fc.lllk.'tNII l>C"tP.---il•)'UIJJ'.II bo\ rm h t, ,h.x,J. 1i.11\•1it..-..11 Cat~ I ob1cf\l'\l lhr\Jrail.1• t"U1nmc1u

I"~ ldtxlhlrh:r.t11ttI1IUUl)111aJ1 \U)o.lll l,r \\ l1kinJ tap \UI tbi: tl«-f1 ltfl:dl IUll&k IQL'I ha~t\l D.

!lib t.h U11111Cfl'IIM11tlllofl1.mc:b oulOI

I needed. hlhfotOlh IJJt) Jclicoc)' 11.c dicc,.c !1'C'kh1:J l\"lll:;a 1h111 my lOOIUC tookltt!k:h. ttic huucr t;JnJi,,,.q Ill) l•n,.tn fn-.n n:mn~in-,:da,l'I), .ad the NI.K'( Jlnt'.Atl'JC'<d)'Ythefc Tineo." I.art. l\littC. 11:,I "''lne. ,..;;u &en-«i 1111.mhrrulrd (IUJl!btv D 1 ale The W't'tJht l)f 1hc: men! and 1ht •inr m n111'11«>Jc,11nf.1ruxl ~11h d:lc helll o (lbtdiy, ptTJMfi1t1 me for 1.hc .iu,,rnvy~1c,,t&. I 1k11lon 1he.>baft te11hc: llPI MlUDd nf •a,Q.. ~r.11i:ncamtin\\ilhlhc111k A, 11-aiw:..t10,ii:c1Wrt. l•W ur and headeJ f.-, .Jldtct Waler O«J.od tic lf1l'C'U.M!I re,1r,I.: r.t.n Id ,hdr bomc& lhtwgh 11119" "''' hlmrd inCo ll~ltll. l'rom lhe alley Joc:aprd 11110 Lit ftallb. amuirnctll a11l1.1 llttlll tlll dw ¢pcucd1ntoJ1 Qllllllc 111 dwin,i ar.:-,:i, 1'hn'e ljt'llntd lrllow ,u.knt, v.bo gMhcttJ l,ot di111ic1 Coinc:N1hon 1dlft Md Cit.Ir d3\ ·i Jt'UNI()' t.hmu#h the Qlfflnlllfllt).

Ollt a1.-.1 ""'"" \lmpk. wd111 naa Spu11l,h ,x,kms. I orJ..-11-J SJ'lghdzt Bdlopc-,a. 1nffl.b-('d Mal.Ors ai,,t ,emur>J hcrf mt~o.l

UI t1.,nW1l1' 1autt. My w,up wa: Gvf\3Cbu, 1 ,:ol,.J ~)' 11Dffli11ll toup v.-11.h ht1ob, diecd \'C~ Cht'l'ft'J alfflOll,I, d1m\tton ll'\\."'f li.'trKltl coll«: "'·n., 'Cl'Vcd w,lh C't&militt, 111.unrn,;, cup of rum A "l"IM1'1flll or Mtie lilt humt , !hid.. .., kcnnr!K' h mlltd miJ JnrJll..<J mc:l 11M11 ib klW\'.C. A., the nkuhul burned away. lhc 'Anl:tf hn,ui:t11 me o 11 ,,1 p)"n~ia,)' 1A hen he Jnift'd i;rUcc 111111 lbc di.J~ tiqunr L1n11J\1bittdJy. "'c IIL'ft t.n

204-A Ironwood Drive (Albertson's Shopp_ing Center) 667-2074

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