Wedne sday
Oc1 25. 2000
ENTIN EL Week dedicated to anti-drug message ...... N 'J I( I 11 I I> \ 11
\'oh11111· :i I. No. :1
Event offer alternatives
b.\ Pllm SLllton
I) I
I I '. I
OH:t(' h tM ~11mru\ bov,1ni. ,~conhng to On Mon1fa). d1\{'II.I)' uhlcl """'c "'' up ut K('if), lWJ.tnt,..·n him, a11<...11,r,1r!J h • hr11tg .111 th( lll)'cr nf 1ht SUD v, ld11nformi11M.,t1 abct111 rt.1Ul'.1UCJIUII in..S lun,tllh-J l'.'C'Cl fo1 and ,hcm1cal ~kpt"n1IC"D"}', 1.reatmtnl
A 1,,•a,, ~hh·h IIH hccfl 1n,uhcJ 1n 11111 A. numh('r nl ~orlc hvm a ~aract~ 41f ,11li;,\h;;1I IC'lakJ c:rnh, ,ull be on J1\pl11)' 1n dcramncnh "''('tt in\'oheJ 10 (or the ~111mn11I CnH('fllUt Ah:uhl1I o1nJ f11101 or 111(' Sl•81U -.eel, A~<U('dtnl 111 1-ca,d '"n 1...c \1,111.ljtt't 8 111 Unit: AtA·ll1d\C"" Wtt ... 0ti 23-!7. M:1,1ri1nhlfd, 11.r &,l1JQ1t.<,:1,I c:'UJ" v.. ill he \Cl"f1t1g C.'olk,~ ,ind un1,c.-r\1Hn 1hrooahn111 1bt \.1od,i.ol •ri·ci11h, drrnh U1.-1 111c oa lJn1ld Shllt'\ ,.ire l'lfinging '""atrneo. bl •lt,n111tu·c In akuhtthl;' hc,cra,:c, f'Ao, .1l\1lhul lllK.1 Jn,g ,l,utr« ltl lh( .illcJll/n" .,, d1f(ccc111 dunl..• "'ill be UH·Cd c:u:11 d,1\' l,ludcnu k~1pc, for the dn11ll ...u ~ m.kk avatb.hir AccorJJn,ll to Athu1ng Spcdall,1 h11h In 111ukn1, wi1h 1hirir dnnk rutchJI\C, Kdll, ,r,. 1mporuu1.1 f(lf ,-11Jd,:,1hil'l\.n(JW 11n kuthcrford ,.aid ""h.Mh.t,'' ti, ,11rpkm;-n1 tJic ultohtil i..nJ drui probltm c_.,11,11,. 1n 1hc: Wy\ •r«1a) need, will he .o 111l.:.t,lc for common,,~ ~ ~di .u (JI) caml".111. She s..wJ "OffiC' d,inb 1k 1.·u 1 11if the' MocJ.LUh; \\Ill 1hc pmbkm I\ un ..1 Mil.&11 K~c ~:oJiblftattJ to ,ancc from 1J ,o hl H tor tho 1tC'o('ft.un lar,c-r ,ollcgC', and w111.,cr•1lic, h(cm1~ Jri11l.r..
( 11(' 11 1
( l"il~ 1e,1 dunmun Vu'" ancl UIIT)' v.111 bee a\,lllahft': to hll\C: pid111c, 1.1\cn li\llh ,r1,11h'uh c•l rodav Pic11.1r1..,, v..dl be 1ho11lo1Mc hu ucwins ;,n tltC' SUB Wch~11t.
.,·11.ilAbk kll·•ll)' 111.d ,IIIC't11.ill\C chol~N IO atcohal ClMl•Umpttl"1 ,uMI drug v-c. Grllurt, '\l,WY>· n,1 c-Juhub included Id.ah!,) s1.111c Poli<e. Ml'llhcn "- 1>.anC1y ol i11.ii\'1hn arid fl\C:tli\•Y' 1ft Araln,1 UrunL l>rhlaa. Po•·J,, R.1\ln K'tirdi,kJ lt1r llmf'-Ll), ,u.:h in Vu'" .and A1>W(i•hon ftolOlent Centre 1nJ Oi.udoo, I.all)' "Y.i11pl.ay1v.i,1c, •• ~11t•tl)'UIJalf1tc:II Pur,uH" on 1hc l«'tt1' l1dd, a rmll:•dtudr.111,; <f'lnl ¢1. A ~fo1W,•)' Night fooct'll.11 part), v.11h door • pie ca1i11, ,:~ia1~1 .:111J (lutJi.k•t ru~11,, r,ut-. . .,.11• ,.pc,rM'C'C\I b;, \~NIC •nd 1tnneJ hJI ,. rn. I. ~hmNn: •hemurr rtantltd. >t Ill ) p "1. Ill I~ Sl,.!8 ha'CMJctlt \Ill, \ll<'W h \,J)cdultd fgr the SUH dmtnJ A rm.iram In ltlc J1n,ns tu,vn .tt l1110o,hl11nc on II.Id.I)' .,..i.LI induilc Ollf infonn.ilioo (rntfl lh< Id.tho Slalc Pnhtc atld IL rrtu·M11IU1ft (wm hl11'1n Su1c rolu:c: C•rHain \\ 11:)11¢ l.unl.'1>. • hn bc:.aJ\ the" Mui 1,11,l. f1,r« 111
n-.1m I\ H,tCl1W,etll f'l,lt1y ~ b) ,\ SNI( ,1\1..1 Uul1Ju1>f S'11~1L,. k- t-1:hcdulcd en hetllfl "'' 1 P-'" Frid.t)', follo\Wd ~ N.a1u.ial ti1,_ri C\tl'lh lrom fl pm tu nddn11ht. ""·hh;h •~
r,pon._,r('d ~ lnr~11mtal Sport,
,r \it·,11·. l<1.1ho
• 'lllda1 • Noon12:45: IJlnnja Adair, Ciiplaln waynatongo • Thundly • 11a m.· 2p.m.• - . 1a11r.-.roc1c Cllrnblng. • Fl1day • 7 p.m.
Halloween Cllla. 9 p m -nidnlght NalUralHigh
USUAL i 1.1:""'r" 111\ll
S1ra11ge noises co11uno11 place in campus buildings IAh hx-,1u-.c ol 1hc- • \.t>lccu1h 'h \,&Ill "Rut 11othln1 ~rq~ h.t~ C'ff ho1ppM'IC\I h(tt Jn 1%9, Bob l ruc:blood. a tu.Uuili:11:1. tl'lkt abwt hn CXpt'""'llt;(' •,ulh Ille "1,ho:~, of~'"' ti.ill .. Ill .i JIJ:..'J
b) \Hnd, Wulrro.u .~lft1,1t'l1,•11f.11t,,
t'\I ni1)111tsc cu~°'h,in, MMC' fu~(" bt'.l1\l (lf.UQ::t' m.llt..c~ !,-:idrnl1> l\( Lht "IJlt'nl,1hlr.1I h,1\~ tull JICIW\S. 11ttn iDd kh • NIC" frtf ) Sloon h.,-.-c c,n.111~1~-d 11~il 111·h,"1 •Pki \\.,n~.;n It~ h.ilh Pl the ~h~r huddm, at nlt:ht rt., C.P01-11.amc,n C~nm.a,t«rn h,11 tukiJ ih ~l:.a~ oi Mt\lJlJC:'l."C'Oinr, 1,11,Jth C'\f"lf"lk"111 d11ht,g 1,111u\lW 1h1n1,, Uow,C"ll llall 1"*'' 1:'.U.,iocd 1111,·t'inl t"c,ef1np fot C\NflC:bllll, Ille' l,1lc til Scl:cr f!Jll i. ul II lih"I fmn, dill! ISlXk. ni.:.t~rn.alnmlloflk.ffff\lfTlhinS~ .. , 1•1,folt1 ll• 1he ,~...,._ bloJil,.._,. 111,u,.. 1,;:w ~•N J.m h.u.
M'.IIN. He ~14 lhc nlO\I tblll hu l:,r;-~-n arr hllUMcp,
1n tht' h.:i.11. tklon clo\1111 and mun: commooly 1ht u4 fum11utt hel111' mmcJ When ptoJ•ll''.' thri. lcJ.. dw nlOln YrA, d~l.. and oo hi:m1U1tl: h;IJ l,cr,1 mmrd. 7.Jl(I ~d ll('l1pk b.a\'l' cbuncd tJ1.11 (lllf Ol ll'IL'"et
pc'fi.,-in.l ,l\klfl. lhti, 111.«' 1 mu 111 • dat\ NUir. pc.aetllll L!ro,1 kJ()kJn,-. flOC\l'Cl II !hate, Another n1111clf It 1h..1t lht 11ff1«r'1 g1r.1\r 11Jnn1 ~Ith nthcn •«e U'nllkrr,c'"oilh tho t..11ld.n,. 'bo ~)lk"llh the ....hdi1)' ,,(1ht, tak 7.,., ,.1,J he h.s-.11'1 had. Jtl~· llli•ldetth 111 hh lallut.1tnr,1
Stnllnd .rbck. • 1·,"'C' hcaN \1li«a 111 a 1.1.dli. nx,m."Truct\f,l•.J '1tiid. rb: c11rrt11I c;u,1rid&lln rnr St-rt<r 111111 hia, v.orW chccc: lot ctlf'- 1'1110nlh'1., 1-.ibt-l~ M.1Rfll('1. 1J1J "1K' ti.ti hclrd 1K11~-1r11lh:11•flik.-p't.bYld1 1~hc11nly~,hn,,.elf Vuu JU,l tic-.;w lhing.. .,,d try ni:Jt 10 JIil) lllll"!lla-)A, but M)ft1(1JfUC,o
I lrtal.. Ul)'lldl IIUl. .. ,,IC wa1J. ··v111.1 !ICllf 'H,1,·e ~I'll.I hCMJ lhc thu•t'r Sil, tlOl
t'\"Cf)bod~ \4.)inf
)'l;t. Hop:hllly ~I I do. I huC)c 11·,. .:a n.i..c
M.i1r4'1C.1 'iU!Jtllcw,cde., Y1.11d1 \Qll) ',1\ov,),hu• l)OW th.It ,ht ...,ud1 itt the Seiler U,111 ,t,c, ~)'- "'For.rt It!" A1,oct.:, aiq<,d1.1n, Ran,J) Pn.·l.hQO, hit.~ '4orkJ Al s1rtu, trty~ H.:1.1idlitts.,hc:m.iM'l1tx' ...t-'>' u,1c,pLll1uh~ tJ1i,J&:1 b.ippcn1a, im.1Jc UJt butWtn;,., l,ut f'w\ llCH"T)C't'II ;111~lh1n, A11.:r kn,,ng • ~uk!int ~tin, 10 f.Juf'-(1, ,., his -.e-1t\C',. I li.t11ni. lju.C 1.-,lr,J 1J1,r~,ld1n.g'"hnaiLL Hut l1 m 1'k·.ar1n,ttuni::• .. Anuthcr bu11dln1 whn'e 11ade11~ N,~ cutlffed b. 1be
SPOOKE- 1.•on.1u1ua.l on It
-vuu'd Q'IIJ'X111 Ill 111'1 AP {,)l\.1tM1) ~ rh)'\lo1,lg)'}
Cultural center plan discussed Arthitoct chosen for,ign ,,nbc, and lt.aNt .itw;'"*' .\1ncrkan lndlan bcnt.1)..'C ..,·hllc oih(n rch thlal of nnturnl sci<ncc building it""' mnre impt)fbllll tn tu,( .n
bt J i)'(h Studor
IR ,cnJ111h:11on -w11h Amctlc;1n lnllh1n Awattnu, Wed, .ul NIC', ,vllts,c, auJ Cucu1 J'AlcJ.c 111bc' rtk'enbcu mtl fot th~ H11,1 of lhrtt l'tledinf• to dlte.·u,, lhC" pl.w\
h,r 11.. ··&,t1n~tit"rr1JJC1.t !'lo pl.1n" hinc fo111111ly b«n m1Ur hut 1lltnd('Ci fol\C 1hc-1r orin-ir•n, llQ mMlt 1hffcrTn1 ,l•f'C'.1' ol Lhc c.:u..lturul i:C'n.tcr 10 SC'altle h•1ed Jonr, and hrnu, lhe
•~hi1«tutal flm1 d,o\c:i1 &1.1 -.,ll'k un -·~O'l'Ndt'l-
A.Sea Gull pe,chu atop 1 ~Jing on the Spokane Alvw near thesl\ore ol Y11>-Kffhn·
lbl\ rn,jen C'he 1r1bc a11J collesr olfici..lh ,·11~1 ori11i111M ut1 •00\C nccJ.,m.tla.;Jltt)'V.•JUldOltcrlL' ~lilKdml{ 111 k-r,lly lar>•,:n~, 1oomc l clc lh,111 ii •huuhl be • plate 10
pl11,;e lu ha:ilp mlm•fll) r,tul.lcnh 1UCC"l-cd in ,olk,:C" In aJd'i1ioo • ulld11111n.1t l,.10\.""·1,1.\d11<."u.~t
1 he tiulh11Af or t'tuOdm,, •Ill likely ha.1~ off1itt .,I*<, mlnori1y '-h1dt:n1 tu.tnntt11. dl'>Plllt JIC!,h (1lf lurirn..,an lnd1.,u1 an o,1ct ~uhurall) itfltlri,,·,mt mui.kl-. ;al'IJ 1111 Amtn,~ l"'hl&tl Rc:""•1r« Ccnkt TI1t cc,lkfc h• 1.1U.rJ about " lll\·bnl llff4 ai'li rootm for \nlC"rat"''' lnJ.un~ to Jfil)' 'I ThC' 1.:ullural ,01c:t I "'ill ht 'lo'O\l"n in111 1he tumrulum.• 1,,11\1 Prc"J.c111 M11.:h.::il tltulc
,.,,one:(' b1.1ilJinc The (ltoptnd hu1ldln1 will hl'lu~ 1hC' nurun;:. .alllct.1 hr•th. pll~ui;.:d thct..l")' wld 11~1111,41 Ktcni.:-c 11rns1,ni, AQd h ,l11u~J lo bC! buih un lhC' ba,c\'11111 l~d 8urJ.c ra:cml)' v.tn1 11> UouC' tu te'-!n,1 rutnlinJ from lhc Dc:p.a.r1mrnl"f P\1Mk \Vo,}., lt1c dct1gn ~ .-111 c("f )'IUJ.1100 a..S
ho ,1.:111.11 ptoj«I i:llUIJ l'll\l $ 11 ·rti,1', t1n1lht1" fM' rci\lh., ,,r 1h.a1 u,r ,,
tlcp\li\(',o, 11
JnJ rundint tu., ,1u1 bC'tn \C!Cutcd. COt'ur d'Alene .ain::hltcc1 Pale ll1clm,111 uf. II 1,1,1J A Atchl1ttU~ h11 hccn cho,c11 (or 1J1c 1u1,,.JnJtallld he:llh .1nd 1'1,1tu11t
un\no-·a. Ju~Qft. ""'"u'" rl'.l 1ae a po!'ll',-u.J
lh,hJ tC'..:tu rol ph..1..c ""•' ,ei;uted fn\lTI 1ht C'ocu, J ",,\ !fnc fnhc, Thc-
t-n lbt' durnu hi dir ~u\C'111hrt t-,anl
lnl.1l 1.,tt1: vt the pn,~11, u.nloo\'rll
t•l 1rv...a«11mt('t1n~fo,1141PO"·al
NIC honors Native American Awareness week Powwow at11'1Ct1 bundrelll or danC81'1 rr. U.S., canlda b) J rf'') MHlcr
.,.,.,.., F..tbt,,r l\rntth:ilft 1001.m
""''w"nl('"' \\cd1., Oc1 Ci
l-4, b1uu1hl a ~•ru:ly <\I C'-er11t 10 help cduc,11~ ,1udt<n1i,,, lil!CuJI> 1111d 11\c communll~ ~ An1iet"1...:11.11 !ndia11 i;:uh111C'. lhcm, dunnp 1bo ...·ctl. ,ndudcd • K'ttn 11f k~ l (lh,'\, 1.111 M1 , h"*. 1.'0lll.:t'rt .uld a fl'l~·,1"
wccl. v,·11h .. r.intl J1~-:uui11n abu111 lh( ~•Uu: Amcru:.11 ~Hpei:IIH' ol ("ulumhv~ 0.l) Ida) U-ililJltoOall~ taught IUIJ 1·r.lcbN1.CJ .1h lhC' d.11)' >\r11C"rk1 w.11 dl\t'll\C'r\!J Pantt 11k"111bc, , e"<rl.ai11cJ v.h)' S,1tiH· Am('ti..:an, \'IC"' l'.ohu11lt11\ Oa, dlfkrcnll)' 11ml talieJ ~111hc if;t)"• 1mpc,tlllne¢ An u.n ,ho" Yla'ltnW~rf,r> fll.1 QI) In I~ 11nltWOtl!J ff.a)' kunm cil d)C SI 'h h\'1fl Tto, 11 r,t.111,:f, C",t•urre l·ku. 11 p.unlC't ,,uJ Will Bee~.• dn) rin,I t,mn,c \\UlpMcr lu,J 1hcu\!.tlfl..1ol1e.1•,;
for 11•, '11,,rl, cin Shcrn111n Alon•·, 1r10,ic: ·Smokt- Si,• Tht t!QriJ rl:i)cJ .i ,;mrl) oJ wnp, 1nduJ1nl( one lrom llob ~farley'•
t11t ..t-iv\\o,u11.mNuC"I')'" hit! hi1hl!Jl!I fnr lht• '4·cd. w~ 1l11cc -'lfJ''" the Var K«h1\-Utn J'Qy. -~'"'
Tlic OCt~ Vil'il,\
r,umotcJ ~ U\c' puv. """'""" i:u1.trlt oJ I \UJltn'M'I anlJ d,c,. 1111cr(':)I from iJo11)etf\ illl O\ff 1hc i.auntr) .1nJ C'.11n.S.1 \l1ial.'! 1han ~00 ~l\l'.cf1 ~ RM:ipatcJ In tecctH )'01' 'l lC" h,u m•dc 1ru1
Thur\J;.I\, O,;t 11 1!1c "jul(lol ..,.rk11mc:,I unpnntrucn1" 111 e~t.iM1,h1t11 I ( lu•er llw \H'1"l w•h ,pon"1rt'd tn tt2n h)' a 1n1il rcllil(MHhip • •01 1hre c·,~u, J'Akll< rril'C' h1 ftum die Jd.1ho CotnlllllllliQn 11,1 lbc' ..\th ai'IS nw\...."111" J·,m Boyd.• MIIJ'Cf .an.J. M>n,:v.·rilc, lrom lhe l'nh1llt fn1h•n kl:lt'T'\llllrin Ro)·J 19(17. th(' c:olle)tc 11nd th< llibc 1igned .111 the N•Uonal lnJm•·rnrn• r« 1hr ,\n, F.-.h da) lni.hnloJ pallcl !Jh.c:11,,11111, or • ft,,11 rck..1-cd ltlllf full knJ,:lh CO,.. v..ith • liflh olJrc:cmcnt ta '"'ori. coae1hn cm pnlj<"tt, •11,l prncniJ1U1m .ah<,u1 tbr Coc\lt ,J' t\k'n~ f11tit,, uc
an .,.,uc r rc,<'nlcf.l trum .i .~llli\c Antt11t111, ,1~pom1 Mo1UI•\, Ori o Lid.rd 1Jlf 1ht"
u111 tlK" "'"•) JI,: arid hh h.11ul. Re, Pm,;111.I tCCt-,.,r,l 1he UC\1 Cu,11pl1,t111n ,\"'~·· :11 11t,c !Rd -\nt1U.J f\;~tln~ ·\nv:1K:111 M.tul,c Av..r.111,
Pfutriam, th:ll cru:ou,.i!;C' •nd hcncfil 1riti.11.I 11, well I\ ,1udcn11 11nd thr l-nn1111wuhet 1h111tbc collci:-c ~ r ,
Onhnc ww"' nic.e~ulsenuncl
Two dancera participate In the Yep-KNhn·Um PowwoW, part of American tndJan A.w1t0MH WNk. S.. bffk pegie for
relli.d sto,y
llY PIIONE: 7"9·33K& hy fa,: 769.J3K9
'3: In TrenlOll,
~ N.J., it's Illegal • :::s to throw a bad : !i2.. pickle in the : street
CAMPUS NEWS Lord, liar or lunatic 1:1111 ....... . . . .
111111 IIN ... . . . . by Lonnd.o \<al.r .~Mlllt"/t'¥J.tQl'ttf
"'-bu tic cnilJ 1.,c t:•n ht (ound Mody cu,ti1\ ui 1hc l:t:ho Room ul the SUB .c 7
pm. The ,:muri i\ lf)lfti to pro-.1«' ,m wvltont1X"11t for aJJ
J&mH i..Jole, 21, buol._. major CU1a I hole In dr, wall lot an eleclrical OYIJet In• Hlbhat for Humanity hovoo. IAJole 1, WOf1dng on 1he houN 1hrough NIC"• Service LMmlng program.
Service-Learning program lends hands to community Sludcnis lcum tile value volunteering. c11iwn<hip
'Wj\h lbr t(lf'IJm1m1ty in• \lrtl) tb:it
b) Robin UJbr'fdath
Jnc:11.dr titltbJJ ICI I, t-.n,lhh IUZ, f',~,y Ona,ultnn,
tiw11os,1~1,11tt ,otur1t('ffll1[l 11t mon,
•lO mn-rn,tia acmcu:, A.!UUll C\ atJil (,..
•ur"- ~pm,....._.e lhl"llUfh Ser,,i:c-Lam1n1 tl.ulR- The.IC CIM.\CI 1,ne Hlllku~ 1!1( .ablbt) w ciui ...t'IJI 1hc)·'\r lcamrJfU11W'ck) ,«.r worl. ttl d~ wmnu.inh). 'll(."'1, ~t'llk.'t'·l..amlllf P"Jlnlffl bcpn fl'i"t )c.llt'I ni;-1.tand Ml "\pu.ndcd lintu a W}.'C wd'i at Q()lnrnuml)' ouJttac:h, a..'"l't'lf'din,: '"
prot;r..m u,·cnttt Ltuoc Ol..unHt'fftdl. S,occ IQ97. (~2:? "udtuu ht~~ .:hoed1 u~ Srnk.: 1..euumr
opi,oo. *""1fditt, 10 ,&a&u,uo on 1heprop-nm·.. ~'t'~1tt', hnp·//w" 111· .ntc: cJu/1,cnu;:,cbcrvtc
c.b1m ··w1a.111h11 111rtiok fl'OIPl'm '"" 1,, do U. tn hnl cduc111Jon ,.. ,,h llfc,•lfrin,.,,.,Ut.aiJ o;A W;<r pu,pt~"' to«inni.:1,,t the ce>llcgc
bcftCfi.l\Nllh. Tbt:Sf-tvlcc--l.(o1M11111i,dllUCt,
lmf'\),ln1 Lu.ten1nJSk.ilh i'tr,J Nun,<rbll C£llnm,uuc,rian..
org11n1,..11un,.; ft!Ct"1\"1ns ,-uh.Int.ctn (mm the pn,gram
'011Cn:- ~ 11uiny ,iplion, foe ,hadt111, u111!tt1lcJ u, tile J'll'Ggf;un F.f'tl!h,h IOI 111td 10? ,1odcnh cboo..c tbc
fntroduct,00 II) Wt.bP'irRt! llC\1$11, Ou1door ~
Ellti,..,, Ot\tloe,mmta.l
"What 1/11s whole pmgrcm1 1rlt·.\ w ti" fa hnk t!dm. ·lltwn will, relll
l'<)chology. Mmiilrclln.l
Pant,I)' •l'ld ln&etpctllOnill Co1t1111unk:1.1t11.u,,
l..aul'W (')t,;un~lfonwtll. p~mdlrtteor
··P,nnCNJ11" hil\'C: been (llfflk'd
.,.ult rtWH10£1br 1,rt.Jt111•l111C1, ... HOl'l"'lllwud "MCl\luf~ O!Jam1,,1Uun1 v.te "-lldias 11,1th J1,,1i1h,m1.arcll~andllA' It) •a, 1.0 u1hC' t.."Olnrnunily rcnMcnu Ou~n I VilllqlC', tt,h, f<W
Hmn"rtil)', St Vinccm dt Pa-..J. T f_\ U. anJ1hc Ammcanka:I
Cro-.s atl." rw4 a fcv, c>f the
\.DJ people h.a\c their c\'4n 1du aOOUI Om,t1Jnlt)' and 1hc cluh w1n1, 10 mu.kc ii Lnov, n ptl•pk", klea\ 11tt wckunw.
1bc club,,• non· Thb 1'1'1<'1UU abe) doo'1 afl11i~U' rhcm~l\'t':1
"'id, .in)' cbutl:h and h dnc.,n·, 111:mcr ...,bolt tc!haion >Ware 11t ~·1, v.ha1 tnl;lftn ,, f\Cf')Ohc b well:ome ,.WC'llrilnltn,:ct~
gruu:nded i.n die: tMi,>c, u(
O!Jillt1D:rrii.trl1,~r·t.F~ C)rea;i,MJu• ,111dtrih w(rl for
C'hm1l..11t1i')'."' P\ltlcr $.lkl Thil lttn'lt'IIC'r the trouJ''I thrmc. ii bbCd UG lhc
ICWl<t l-lih and Ci.ami: 1111d lJ,c,
pc"'°nal1ty or Je~1.1l <.'ht1\l •OIJ Jti, V.Ofk. The)' dl.c1.1\) .,..hc:11icr llie 81tilc ts n:U11bk nr not. IU."t'Ol"Jing en, ~ ¢ ti,a,·c mun, or .a f'IR'blem v.ldi
ror Th<
AJ11)·, Mamagnnd rumU)'clnu""cwbtt~rv.,th
C.mpt,1' ('~de for Chrnl..
~trn1n,: •,h·h fl~(~ fot lbctr
ld.aho Slia&c P.rh. Setne '-LUt.k'nLJ ~rlcnmtd ahodl Ttad,nadctr. F~ ct:.."· ,1u..k'lt1, ..n1oc: a pupcr 4bt,ui 1hdrc,rc,w11CU
Cll'Ellnb..nna 1My warit In
c:11llrgcto11,Mk11tt l!JC\IUl.':IJC.l)NlplC aboul OoJ. •hllc Jd lbc 'lim~' time cmptl•dtc a run aaJ (rfcndl)' AlmO~pbc:rt:. C'hn, Pon.ct. prct,idcslc ot
1bt 81blc t-c,na 1nn1 ,u111'lh)·,
~1'·cd ffllSlflHC:tip~ thl>J II •
t i1i,cm fMh ~uJcni IJ('(Uffle\ a
p&n1W"r '41th • iC'OIOf ldu.JL 11.nd 1,1,c 'I l'fih aid hcl~ lhc
-.11b d,ildttn
pn,g,ur rr,a:ho',l~l«J!l!Cfl Ciregg Rouse', Ou&J.iof l..nckntup 111.k.knh 1ft. 111·1)1k1nt w11h lht l:hf BnJthc'h 11nJ S™Cf' OfJMll/"'11\'M'I twtp,n,. Olhcn '¥Ibo ~camp:1t1lo1ntur
Sloi'i&II Alldrr\lo ,• lntnxllK1t0n IQ
Web Page lbfgn IWJcnl~.ttt: dolnf! CUfflJ,&lkf ~od, :ulfJ
group ha., been q~~•innlnt ,...l1clhc1 or nu• 01~ h ~bu he:
,c.t11y ,~ Tix; oo,·c:ttd 1hc po..~1b11i11~ 1ho11 he 1, ii h111,llh."
The ro..,... Fon,a, ColllllHRN' U l00Lu1s tOI' puel1ne11111cftfncill" )'fa'°I Aprll 1-6 tYCDt 111Jcd
LEARNING: 1,u,lln11td tlll 11
·1t.-71a5am,ol ... H.._Spiric"
An inside look at Service-Learning
lttn-io ranrdalas a laillelflaJ 11prw...i,,...111oaa 10. 12ml•... - -
l'hrtNfh Scnii:r-Lamm1, NlC ..rwcn1, k°oll"M dtinL,n,i: \I.1th b y ~ ma."ll,c di~,~ d tt.:al COOlmUlld) ,w.a. ~QW1h
'U NK" phlbqily u1~ruaor P.11 l..1ppm t.;t)"-'1\hll.klJI\ ll«i! 10 "'lhcr:I h: human r!KI:'" "1
untknunJdhia. l..w'WUC. inuruatanAL.1
anJ lc:am&.1.1\'t'l} ,"J"f'l>-•ita rml·""f"IJ ~,·1ng~i.lh
Rt k.mul$ lhc ,·MIC'l l,Jf'c:.1ti,al\b1p ;nl "0.-Q! ~01bi.11C)',mdcm Ill Stn·1«- I ..cllfl\lnf bdp 111
tn da'o1n1011tm("n1,
• Cl"""Ji,p""l lodmhir ,blh
COIJl',CQJIJOq!L\(Jf~\lOltllWltiamon and n1.an1111t anJ 1.,mal)' life by lmLz"I ,tuJcnr,
"'irh 'lfflinr1,,"il11m, ami.nJ lht t.Ul~IIIUIIII) lnrl~,oo,.j Lll!WIO,:tiorh bruadrn '411.1dain
• A v.,de,-..ll'C'
or t ~ JIORnCn
• BJlieldun.knundingnf honUl)1«ue,
.IIW;attl'I(°" ti(mi) hUill\.lll~
buud -tnmrtrc;umuutlcs. A ~ Rai"P,,n
po. ..._,..,..--,.po1,1 .... . . i _'°••,
·<.·litk"al lllk!c.:re.iti~r thitwnia;llbil,tlo • ~nt,,om1ruta
I ..iQb. i Tim Chrntit - ,n 1hcir Jllffll v-.:~lltl!JCQIJWllll\dlklMd;~,. k\1di
• Rent Iii< k.am1ri,:
• \kc,,AN Ml4°11b • /\..1l\(tmll'UaOI'\
•Sdf·l1"''""-"'nc., •Sa..&.r.1 .... 1tl,11llllttL111~
• Ccimrnun1t} flll"l'W'ni
• Ackkmac l'l11iu,·.ittori
ICAMPU~ CRIME LOG----------Coach reports music theft while away for weekend
b) Jffl') \\falllff Nr-.·.1F.J1111r
Tllrh(l"J ~1,1nl)· w.1,, aPfll'Nl;bcJ b) .an lftihv1d1111I <kt 7 ,..i,o ..J\ol'('J th.:ll hi, f>k-.,i:lc "'II\ rnJ\\IDJ twm Bmwcll H.1111 •nd \tt ..n,cd to li.DO~ I( \CCUIU~ "4J pld.C'J II tip IJt dw. llol Vio.UU 1.i 111.d.t ,11ht.ll n•poM
Ocunc.,tk DhpatC" (A> lhc ,rau11)' offict "'"' noc1fiN Oi.1 4 o( • P1'·01Mc-
docnc'\IIC d1..pu1c 1n rruru of the ktl/Jmw Hall. T1tc "'"le:
.i.utijccl ld1 41nJ tbc lcmalir 1111n offitc ln liw \lllh Ccn1cr. Appo1.rt:1nl) lbr dhputci •·a, <1\cr ru1.1ncn and •bee 1bc, m.alc (tilbbcJ lhC' ftm~lc'a. 10 tal.c: ht1 t..M.: .. I(' lhC! \Cbidi! K\:Ufll)' told b1m lo ~\C Of puh..-c '¥101.1ld he c:allcd, Inform.Him, WA\ Obl.1u1C"d from 1hc- fMUk. Who d1J rJut "'.wt '" run«' 1hc prPhtem !LU) hmbtr
\.'anch1ll\m (81 Sul,j('el *Cnt 10 thC" 'IC(Ufli) olhce 10 uJv1~ 1h,11 hc-r tire h:t,d ~ t i 111\licJ ill 1hc t.c•1, and CIAd, Su1c:
C-,llc,:e PariillJ Won Cka 6. $he" \olld ilic: p.rkc:J ,n ahc ftN .1p;,tc n,e,;110 !be Cf'O\\h,ncb "' 10:30 am. Sbc came to 1M" ~ ch1, le 4l 2 p ru. lllld tuunJ htr UfC' d•\heJ. l'hr ,14\hu,g 1(,11 a 12•iach lotijl: punc11ut 1n 11\c 11tt
n..nu11 Setutit)' ¥11U aoHhrdOI,, t6uJ 11,c 1hd1 of 40 CO, oi.:CIJfJl!I)!: O\·ct 11\t '\llcr-kcf'd f,.,.C'Mt) ·IVl'O (Of lhC C~
l"CfnnJcd to, cu.:"b Whcit l\r ~me 1n. dw: .:o.k.h t1otkeJ tht m.11 fl,tQm 1100 uorarc .irea •·he.rt the 'llcrco and Clh "~ 1:epc u, 1Jftl1.1dtd .and 1fw1.11d nc,·tr he l.dt open. Mftfklltf..)
S<~uril> •·h n~14irlC'd nr a m:an po..,1hly hnmg • bc.aM
ll!U1c\ inth<' litir.11') loytr. \ol(llm .:•me out of a mcc111ig lnln the h.il1\li.i¥ A 11.alf mtmbc:, 1:11mc 0011 C0\1plc n1111u1n I.tier ,m~ founJ l11m 1'hut1f)t'J l.Ut'f. llr MitJ he '°'1k num p1lli 11nJ "'u h,n-Jni: rom in h1, C"htt-1 I itir1:ry1111rf called 911 1hc: NIC nuoc .and \c,.un1~ 'if'•,fo:, 11rrnrd .an,f u11n,porn:-d the 1ohJ1:CI ti, Kootrn;u Medical Crnltr
'l'bc.1:lub'11 miJ.>.ionn m \lrvt11,hip OoJ :wd ~,rtop A flCNWa.f tdillClcl)hlp
"'Wc',c-,..,. ,~ul to teU people v.·tuu. w do or tell pccrlc "'ti.1 tll thltil or U) 10 cor11rol
1btir li,<t.... Pvn« said. "Wctt /UJ.I here ttl ..)' bm h what lhe
8ibkrcaih ..
A P.,Wsc the lt'WP h.1n tlt>QJ hy ~h ~tcr i1 OflC b)· C S Lewi., who ,wsct.. •Aman
\\•mu.alld\litJ the ...-in or thi-na, k,tn 111d \\oOUld Dtlt be a Jl\llll 11.n.l kachcr Hr11touldc-ithcrbc1t luna.dt'. on 1hc k..-ct \loilh • man who'"), he i, • f!O,io.;.hc:d egg llf he v.,;,uld t'IC lhc dc\'il of hc:lf YoumllYtllkr)'OUrt.iloi«.
Ea11lcr th,, v,·a.,., and i>. the Son o( GuiJ. ~ cl'4: o1 madtnlt.l'I or ..Olhtth111g u,,tJN:. You Qfl \bUI
lffl)" plllnmi1in1,c about
The l:n.1 cuvrlt ut w«t., 1hc
h\it1s'·~~,.1n1hcll(Ca. Studcnh lc.rt1 tibuul l1(e dvoo3h tbrn war~ ,n 1hc Mo.,.. ic.:· lc11rnin1 poiuum lllcy JIiin o«Ull ,UII, .1nd ~l111IOIJ\l'l~. acadrnti( fl'lllll\.alioo. crilk.111.nd
(;fC'.Jtl\ C thtb.kin.& abilitic\, cthkill u~t.lndi:ng o(biim;al) 1t\lld and dti1.('1bltip 111111 kaknh,p,, "ke l'rt\idcnl of CM club, laid ,tic)' .ff no1 1)4-\fnhb}'&n)'fflC!:m.l
(iud 8111 kl m nol tonwo wuh
C' ..:C.....; ;" •
pce1pk tod rued We •·nn1
Ufl God ror food N' )"Otl C-.IM f.all Jithh fed Jfl,Joffhhn l-4Jri.lliPd
He t.l•t«l.ho~,·i:r. there t.
hclriing i:on\lNCt h,o,ltli(:t l,,r IIO!J)
!)(Opt.: 10 undtnu111d the .:ontencor1hc 81b&c."'
(lkni) 11f e, kkn« lhtutigh
'<llior 14·uh4:balk11t,t:!oo Thi,
111 h.1r tit lord. -~ v:r°"P lookJ ., ..111hed1Ucm'l1lL'lp("(1.1.of God Mint• lun•U<" or a liar. Ho\l.·rttr, the:)' ttJUhi ,w,t f1tll.l any pos1.iMt 01Jenoc olhim bc1nJ cltbcr, ,...taer the) fuund hcis1llcl.ord ·we wuJd bu)' .:I. 'Twcb b)I .an .\ntrc-1' "l"lf) bodl Id tn:ik.C' p,«ipl.t foe.I rood." Pi.ll1tt ~d
- · Duhoda-a1 769-305 « Tooy S..wan
_...,. .-.. l'lnkipab ...
dllracaa wbo 01, widl • dally 1apt,, Sitton ..,.,aaeJK11rt1a
- -.... 1,.... -da),.ploo7p.m.
· -<hNllsU Motoda, .... fdday. ...-
• n....,..., _ _.ootn .. __
111\ ticlnlf II f:rt'i'C 1c.ud1c1 He bas no11c-r, tbol O()Cllh)Q\ .
.. We 'Yr11n11u hll"c run and kt Gl'HJ du the ~1."' P..xtn said
NEWS BRIEFS Department of Education passes new law for posting crime stats NJ(" t«a'(C(I nc-.· f.cdmiltt\'l, f1• A."l)lll'tlnacnmr ~ Mi-.. \lnn'11\'.i111, 1n,ti1,1'~NIC~'thu.,... , b:ct11..-mmc ~kSWC\t'r, ur: axar.-..-y d Jl&illl'41Q. n.'fD'l'd 1.. (nCIQll 1,.11\.:~ tic cvUt~ ca, h! Oncdor-fl.'\krul llmlll~ o,1,11tdxlJ. A.1:olk-pbad.l:.el. "'• ltlCCl.'ICty fmoJfu
"'°""""lha&.1 If, lffl'Cfai,..: a!I i;nmm.11 ia.'b\ity nnCIJ!ICIUI, ftl hudd111r.,.p1R.1n, 1ob. ntbtldl, a!o.v.d•ahe l c,,ir. ;arafo.wt. StdleQ.lkaclW ihe l 1n1,mil~nf kbh(lhitldiftp.acin1-q1l'<ta!IJlofatnlandW"C'~ , s«:inyotru n. al..o illl:ludeloffcat'll"', blukhng,lllldl)n,Jpa1)'°"11!!J or~b),NIC'~ llll; Armnr)', Wi'ri.foK'I:' T~ Cair«. k Saldf'o:._Cmw:t ~ d.- hL"'k NJCllf. CCl'lll'I'. Afr/ l ~ M v.hcdatem.:dll!llf ·hluldbe ~lill',.'Ccail i.::1111p.1\ -«UU).
Rotary Club honors NIC students Tbc: l \ c uc d' l\knt Ada) C,uh ti11-1. ,cla."lcd l';i.Wl kL!,i., Collfl!IC u ib C'WC.llionJI JllldM ,.. honunna !JuJc-nh ul tbt fflUQUI. Thi'- mwnhl)' tinnor "'A \0Un% " ' ~ OIUOII f11J •tiak',11 tr ) Qll Y,'{)Uld hli: k> l'NJl111n.1Cc "lfnct:lfX!, rk';i,c a,i. . . l Pnicllta ... c,k'llfkJft 7806.
United Way Lo hold carving contest A., Jlll"l nrlhl )"<'.it h 1nd·"f)8: n \":fe\ fr.- Un*1d Way,1hc:n: ,.,u1',c a 1.TC11tl\'C'Pllfflllk1nC1JnCt14. l:.IICnUll,MCC'l'IWW;iF,itoCllil'W:.~u,
b.ldit • puttlfll~j,"d;·o·bn1munJ u,.c "1'Clltim ~dw f~'l:;11 rc,'111 ul a ~ t l l h k J"'~JIIIC'~,.lc!RMiBcx:M11fflt\ u:imllnalllflC -.,1till.-lh:mcol ~runlftin. WllkhflY llC\lo't-.l ,rulddtll(\ C111 I.hi, new l'rllird Wa) c, ·cr.i d!OltWUH~
Jocelyne Castillo, 1tudllnt in the NJC Reg:la1tred Nursing Program, 1dm1"ittere a nu fllOt. Maxfnt M1rttn, ll lhe coordfnator foe the nuraJng progr1m at Lewis and Ctark Stat• ~loge.
SPOTLIGHT Scuba e nthus iasts hope for club recognition to further student interest b)' \tau \f1t)'
Ult1(l1 a.s1d he woi1ld llk.c 1bc club 10 tpark an lntcrc1.1 ln 1nJ
S--1tt1n,/ tC-!'f'rta-
cduc•tr people abolll ~ub1 c.U\'ina. ScubA wind,; for 1rlf·
loci,,1jOO ...
Ulrid1 uuJ be ~" .. ~cd ro, the dub -. bdc auC'IIJ.m1 Nit'',
11...i cvet w:ub:a cl.1" 1tu, M"nu·,1.:t -rhC' WIUUDA 1M f1lf 1bc cla~\ h buic • Ulncb -.Id ,\bl>ut 20
pcop1e ~•1ncd up for the- cl'1'-S, but thctt w,n oal)' rou1n rl,)f' 12 Utri,b .i1id he- upcth 1hc II 11n cn1111nuc: ll'I pt1- H n,nn: clll~• art offel'W 1Puo11ghqm the ye~,. Tbf S....:11h.l t."lub,.·11ulJ .rnc-•" 1 ..,,~ hlf r«--Plt u, be ffl\Ohcd lh;atl c.i.n UIIC'lld lhC'cl ~ ;l<(1lldtt1JIO Ulrich
tht- M11.... PolF-Mh:ul,,m,af.111 ..\le Owtftto.:iubrt,NJC µdd,n!S l1Cn'Cnl(l(J.logi.1\\..:.rtl1Jlllfl;cd lk>'A·11wldnw1y~ 11a1 J.A: on .ik- .,1251~,·nt « mutt• ofl
Siebert Hall receiving face-lift
Seu~ lhvu,1 t:ou1d t.n.k.c ilUdcnh to .W:b UolK locale~ U Lot C.a~ ~nd Co,nd, \k,1~0. H J.("UN J1v,n rn'tl\C. t'lub &11tu, Ja)',on Ulncb. intramural ,pon\ !IUpt("i,o.r. Yi.J he 11,111m Lhc dub 1oolfertts' mcmbc-r• .1lfordahku11,·d to lbC""C and oibc,
Fall sale at book store in SUB
A ra110di..l1ni ~ m \x.ticn: I-M l lotalt.d WC 11,ffl:. The b.acm:m atl b bet•$ rtmollicd aieoa bw t 1tfllimntilt L,b..J~1«ci-;.x1m TIIC fw,,t ll,.11."1 rolfDIWI"° '4111be CQ11plctety ~ IDfflC!ICt An-.V:11. ~ .cti Di.'\llhilit~ i\t;C ~ I l l , Soolr 'tf\.!CO mishl be ll*tr\lP!Cd projt\.1. The~""'" 1i1:hddiod to hl: c:ompktaloo Ox ll
Faculty accepting holiday baskets I .cvlt) Avw.rnN)' h now axcp1inJt don.tiomi IOhdp provJdc ·~S:l'IN!b..,~toNIC~lftflCGl llac'!'t'hoflll\JO.Jthc oollo.1Pl• l·a.'Uh)' Al,,tnihl} tt\a) 11tod~ 10 MOO!I Klll,a a dw: f-u, Sb:nnJno««Qu.,,nm 11.»(lf Cllll 1(1),1812
NIC names new cuniculum facilitator
.~~C. Ulnch ~aid lhC)' v.,j11 bcgln 10 ba.,·c mC'cllnt.t. to cka olfkc" u1d ,11111 plllntuni: CuAd ,ahu•i C\'Cftl~ Ulridl'l.ld ht ba been inletr1.IN.l in M:t1hJdl\lnd l lfK't 11
K,at11S;1tldbcrg ;,.a De\'- mttutr«and.,..,IIT'iC\IIMm I~ far ~fcv,J1.11i;1t'Fedw1tt,11l pup;t11"' Shc1C".a..holbcO.-..'llpll ..'IOal ~ -.J.Ji'bSC'urdl cfll''.c'l:inr.1 •ul, w11h liNJ\ICIOt'i onJco,t~
y age
WaJunt":-n l.J111ffl"liity ...,.iih lla c11~inan.Sbc.,,ill ~ ,hh ~ 1\f fn1"11ht li'm,scr.,ry«i rJ.alin-1 \,j,1llh: "*Cl't'ttf'IIOd lnl!U\11 ¥ ' , ~
" I loved 10 go\.nodi:cling o • IUd aad I •lw.i}, ..-.nrNJ ra uy toeuh• d.1vlnJ: · Uto,h ,,1ld The ~ub.t etas,; can ht lllkcn ror PE trt"dil nod I, 1.1ffcu:J lluuuah Oi,·c~ Wc•t . Tbty toruht or ,,.o onc-hnur tla~-.n ptt 'l't·«k with d1nu1 c~c,,.,M:., ,n 1bt pool 111 Di,·cr1o ~(1,1 11 , • , honcnc:d cl1u u c:omple~cd In b.111 o( • M:nk:•IC'f ln•ddit,nn to PE\:"ti:d1h, r~lcip.nh In lll'°c-1.t,, can urn Ult o~n v.,ter d1.,ln1 c::utific.arKlfl for up 1n 6(1 (cc1
So.J..."Jn.,~1V\,llrr-buchdof1,~'l'CC1n~fnirnWc-qan ,1nd•bibcdle-J111111J Odnrt ~ n , four )CWII ~ die a-.,i...r..r, c."'OMIJn,dlll' foJ the Rcp,n I!S~\l.atk~~Jk'fih~hcTln Kek:MJn.Al~l,;a ~ITl(l\'Cdt0Nldlkbibo'l't·1flta 12•)t.w-d&l
ct••.1g:lwcr.s...litc ~L,1pJ),bllr..lng..i.~m}\b1n1,,dr.,win,.pu:ntltlJlr:d
1')t'ndt~ IIIIIC'\\llh hn ~'N('t. Htf i:u\fflle'P'lll\K111', ~
In l..n\~' "Aiincl,. Tr.dn-111IIIA,IIIUJOh&i.:." -.I "Geen FhcJTo:1ut«L..
Phi Theta Kappa recogn izes leadership, encourages work ethics a t NIC
~-" • ..,..... I')' 11,c ,,.,.,,._ ..,._,.."""'. l.qblo, .,...i ....... I,,. ~• .mdhcr 11111111)
by Kim ( ~ntcr Srmln,J ,,.1,mur
Emery's Rcstauranl serves µp lunch
Phi TheJa K.Jpp.t h the lntcm:rtwnal Ho11or Socle1y for1\\n,. yea, coUcgo. f1M 1licu Kappll 11 • c:luh t'fl ciu11p1,1, 1h11 ttC'OJrlU<'• mnJ t-ncuunt1t!\ IY. t .. ,~..1.1 ,ol1tJlC ,wdenu. TiliC duh Jl(tw1Jc1 t.Jfl"P(lt1ufll11ts fOf «~clopln11 lc•J('f'\brp and
lbt- di\l.tnl t!ducnuoo , ,~~\t1. to it AN' bulltJlllg in Kdlt.11tJ' 1n<I cii. ~PonMH1ng 1hc bulldll\S of• pla)hOOi< {or 1ht campu, lh)'CU.fl", To ~omc • ,tub rnc.o•bcr a , 1udcn1 m1,1~1 ('Offlr1clc II n11n1mu1n
rc11<,.,.,,..tJip II.OJ \IUl'mb1.11r1ri 11.11 c,11111nu111, tk'"mh: ~ut'lknct'
,u 12crcd11 boon of 100 Of more tud diu'IC.. afld m1Jn1a111cJ a ).$ OPA or higher '·Phi 'fhcLa K.n ppil 1., • gtlUd '1011tce or rcc0Jnh100 \thoJauic:ally.· No~tc.r ,aid Clu b ~rnbtr,, In JooJ ial.t'IJ lni att di11hlt' to a:ppl~ fut Cna11,ti:r \(tlQftlrdupt: lQl.til,r,a sn m1lhOR Ill 52.S unhcmu,u ,,..11ll11blc 1htoo5h lhc Phi TbcQ 1':cpp;i nctwod,. \ kclinr, af'c· 11)e ICtcmJ aiid fuuoh Thut~ ol c,1\,h mo.lllh .u nonn 11."'5 S p m. Oricntalioa fo, p«»pcccivc nc\lf mcn\~l'l "'" held O.:t. 13.
Tbe tAM fc,. OIV1llh, Phi Thc:1-1 Ki,ppa b,11, p; in .w:,·t111J cu1nmun,1,i rm)ech. R1i:,c lhC' Rool (or Hum,.nfly. P11nlit1J with C•rc f(II' 1hc lkp;1nm,cJ11 of ibc Aft(d. l'llU,..tlllctU of
lo ,hOv. Plu 'fhi:1..1 K•wa mprc,n. 01 till)' c h1h on c11mpu, 1hc lntcr.Oub C<Ml~ll m«h c,cry uthct Tuc'\(la) 111 t111oa ia lhc SUD
k:t'\,ICc "h It du:
t,c., orronimll)' In Sain lc:"adcf't,hi~ 111MI ranic:tpa(c In
commumly kn kc r,0J('C1,." i::lid 1>.1,·1d No!lkt. prel1dc-nt o(Ptl1 1n<1a Karsia 11\C club cotou111,:c, ~n 111uuo,rhcrc for c~1;baog1n1 iJc.i,,
Senor Froggy
tma, • r; now oPC'r' for hltl('.'h fn:,m 11iun ao I pm. oo T~)'" Wc.Jnt'l~ and ThuNu)'L Select~ lt11:luc.k' cW n\11 ind ch,pr.. bar.N \ol.lad i... ~lh ptan,. hcrt,.cn1,tit4.l -..,lmnn flkl, rtabhruom chli..M't\ wuh ~n:.iim \oltX:C' 1111d a pow ohtckc:n 'llnd"ich C.Jt ?&1 776) fn, rt"tC'IY.,liOM or 1t,9,.3,tS8 formtttin1i 1C'll0'\.11:U1
Classical play scheduled for early November .\ \1ontb an Tbc Cout1try, · 11 pLiy ~od h)' rricl Al'lddim:kd
~:~.=t~!~~~r:,:r.,~;;.~~~,,~~~='·· ~bcJvl,:J(ot1-10p.m.ODNO\ ?4MJNo\·,: I I int3o)"~II H11U S..ilu.ln" Aud11mi11m F.a.1111)' nl \IWCIIII\ arc rttt '*Ith pn,ptt 10
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Campus political clubs square on tor 2000 Bi-partisan debate hosted by clubs, scheduled for Oct. 30 "" 11•~ I um nu clo.: ,ear &be ltcp.hf...:ui aaJ llrm..ffllt
a:cOl\hftf ti,ancannbnol1tlt ASNIC ltl.wtl. tilt .s.l•a)'1l...,.,c-,''llbrn:Rtp,t,1IQII~ .Ut"-1h1..a1<'J 1n 111tpc,lb. I.C'at. l(I. rl\,11'1.rJc'" lbe Ul•11*1aU..: hc'Jliq\hlrk'U •,111 the l'lc:lrot fkcJik..., li-0 ''"''" • aapct11l tlYhC\ONlftl kl Bffl;hn drat) llolb Sl'II IQ 1nucJ1 ...«llftr dmllhtyMW-.
~11111111, O.On )O.~tuf;ic..::£1c~ • Uh.111.~mthir l.ak(vrur f,\kllcltooa
h\ \I.rt, ti:«~1..1
dobt~•wt... ~ IOf(,Maadbf•
""" ~\II sn:• upm 111'>l1t11;all) ·1tt1P.iN 1.un1lw, U,\.(f'I for Len, \f\t 1,1ud 1J1c 11\lll~cJ ~1 tlr\rlur lbf t ~ •II~ hC'f JWfPh ilalci\lOytJ • atdu:lf lbc RN lluliln ~ ' t II a Uuul rradn AU thtcc uc C''-ilitlJ abciul T01lllr In a
-A~ 1
rrfcm111 h1r11Uy tll. fL.try fmntt.111 II~ rM.l..fd 1,1r • Gcu1 Mttfll'\A'll 111,.11 l.lkl I ~ ,01.N bc1m,MkflLhll~111-oulJ ~ rt1 lanl,.ia W0-11 •
Pl)11t•r•tl1..r l.t1l,, JWnWcnt 01 thc lkmoa-1111e f1m,dw \,'~ '1«..hlff.\ ..."C'r'ff'U1klMPflhe! Onsao.r.ik Out, •ho •ai bur1I on cb;tiQn da}· NI
ll<Jll"CttT,yt. . ~ '
opidl) ... ...,,_,,
kff&SlllJMDtCl97l•kD &)ar~••f.n1 flffll dtir rir;ht kl Yl,,W -.J
maJr II IO dw Id Rcpat,bc.m
lw-~IWfta, 11.(,anllhoan \SSl('lalolWf&nd.
On die Cllhct ti.-.1 ho LW thf l'"'mfflWIM tl&Mto! 10h~all out rrot,le111111 .. l1l'icr.d, 1han~ f1.,-ne pAnu IO\Ol.11.lcn ,l:\&lttoJ.:..t 1h1l '-Au1,1IJ tOi: fe'l'J'IC' llll•tt ft«@ la w.lf .. ~ c:dui,:.,uon pubkm'l. HOlil'fl'ff. LnI iwJ M ,vuc:btn .notd lbt real
ou 11'11
rrC'll>ltnli,d dt'\1toO )('..If M'II ~ Jll"rU't,l4Jt' of ~ll1den11 11 ho '1:itaJ In l'N(I WM 41 pcn."trl
c-..o, rely ,;po p,uplr
<1ub axetitJJ -1 ml) m. kt a.,.
Tk)IN'U,l1110do~ -911 dlDuld p'l'C' 1km a lllal..
..., .. ...i
pm:C1'11o11t p ..
197! o\Dlhrttp:l"ICllafty~itcJlhrwpa,1)1 nllifldlln ~ dr fllnllll.
tetc,W ffltW 1,U 1.l"l'Wl~ 1 Um:i lbi: tm'tfflllXJd \IIQldd led. • • collcp
1k riprc ,1110 Lld) iriimmcb)-10
tba ""'IIJC'IJ pm1,---nt., l'A)flt: wJ
dothJonof ,i,4 \ •11n11 hi Yid. lit' at1tt<J vo1h
lkcth!ct lhaJ II 1'1,u.Jd tlC' S(llid fQC" ~1,1,km, to
.,_,...,_ ~ u •
Kottilll••• .clllda
titih. ut llft\ ily ln1.,:,hnf in I~'"'·"' a, •ell a,
'° .. Pa)• ll •Vf\•a _. R(plbf.:•
'""'"'""' hetv.tca .:1,r, uudiml ~i-lh) I J.'lctl tbinl 1tq •t1Jb die r.un1J1c11b11ru ol lhei,
. . ,. . . .,.,. , tpJ
h,11110n-r:irilun .....)'klptl.f~llllt1'lllttdlilt
Dcubta U.S 1k ~ Lwl ... l&Ullallt an
-.-1.tootllul ...............""""'>""'1" ll.-cwt,h1...:rt..aJr.._..._.r-........,,
or 18 a.nd2" 'HU°d IQ IY.>.'t. 11n'VCJ1a, kl • lhd) a>oduc1<Jl>)•l><
llnMtl \tu1hnr
P..:.D11J11iJr, ln1dlartPDC fiftbCJf
1urrh, ~ ,!Id bumper IU.Kl~-n ,1,11,.lcJ
""'"""'-"' l1u0 ....,_,... ,.,.. _ , lrrciirk dx: fomlall..: •fflt dlt 'l"N-
l ,:n, n.bord 1/111 Mk.a "Tbc !llrrmocr1d,;• r,wty 1,,1ant, 10 hC'lf'I thrm mt,ir •ithtdn lttJ. Wul&I ~,.lmk,'1.C<~ M111Cfttlli:bnrdl01*ffl(ffllMJDC')' MMof-ril
~dcctdlf«cbc fin.time•
1 ~ ftumthcCOCQf'J,\l'cnc'
1\1 k.l~ •• l«pubt,i,:•m. hlllf D1:111u1.1.dt. l"'u I.Ddtp.-odt'nt, anJ t'llir ( Q1ut,1u11, t1.1h\C •ill pa,1telp.nt QI dlC' ii:-.hd;i,lr ft•1ut11 f ,,... lOl$ftlllklctal l>ntrictCDJIJ.1k1 '"'ti;h(.11~ aftd l.t.PUl""->•I~~
~ - - c d u p .. lb<pulh
fl.trdllcrwiJ~,•..w....... k)"*aftd ,1~ l>c,no~:rat11,; (llC..-kfly llfl.ilDW:lhc'y an ,1~11b
f"a)nc"\" Rffl.ttkr, ~ti of 1ntt1C'al m pnlrtlo h
1nun oH\tt-1 •l'rrh h:.nn11
frhi;:\l/8116 )Os,Jn
""°"""'__ °""_ -""'""
pn,I,!:=. .... - -,1,... ...i,---tnos
Stadi:llb IDln'nkd .. sci=, mwohed • ci*t lfw R(fClblian (.11,b(Wdl,t (lcmo.Taic0ub1htokl all,\\"SI( IIC'CrCQt)J11t.iK1qat1tfl..rhJ
Other candidates exist I Electors, not population, choose president "*' ' M ,,,..._, .....,.,.. ~""'" ... '° ~ . . . . OW!allYAa1cl'I ......
CbrR' a, IO -,.;la
OftC"J<)ffllftdflt.Nldwl lhc) 11'\t'J"haJcWI Ille fC'... ,,f thl' t;iOJwJatn.
~ c , f Jiun:u
"'.,., iui't l'Ctni
" ~ bria1 from
dlrcc: ulldt4iln Ht 1k. nianuii ! I I ) ~ roe:~.S 17-tc~ldn(:sftnm4,I
lllty *"C 11-cbnc fe¥an cb'kul ,utc. Vtby'' \\ uh 17 l l.mdiJ.l&c1 ill,II ilWft, 11\Ctt ~li,1 be
,,."'"' •rn I r1~nt1 ,.., n •
~lmdc•tjjJnir.a•,11tclort11to 1imil dom,wnnr ~
*'1ul4..Sp-ti.:m1 kl!
->....,,,.. ........,
ilk'C'Vl"trraal,.c,..,ICQSC'lfR°#lftW. die pull
•.nLilmfMlft.C1.~al"'-.c" 'Tiut~ #C'IICWCfu.t I) 2: 1<1«m ol tllc poll
.81311 flu\hiY,\1f!rn•u11!.Jlkt) 211 l-1'1\,,Yrll Murtlh."11 ultc•IU).tef)·t, un«1.lJl&llk'Jlur
Idun\ dlhi,atram~) ror~1obi.•lllkma:1"'C' Qlldd.llt, ilWdt' from d i r e ~
.~,n. ,-.iflkm ••b.ath.\M.~J'Wl(el'I dob. "''
•Jib die
'*'"-ibnrp,.....,..,~ ... mpirtam 1o nuLc an cduo&Al
da."Ulllll hlhq thJII OClt NiiN, tJa 1,m.,,.,.,x-(' ( Joe ut lhc t1um
1hc~um~ru'll't"f l.,,ilfb{.1cu""drn11 l'1t1Mkrllol~t:111tJSwn11IA11ietk:a' \.!•I(•
fl a 111111.lffl)' SQ!t~ 1J,,11'th.nt" 8 IUi',.'O h lb.JI
•Idaho .4
Amtn.:.a ,brf*ndndqata•2)'IO drcl IX:nn ot • 1 UQC1we 8rmda.. nn
• Washington · 11
,r,aaa di.I Im tlc'cn ,fl pl,A't ...-r tht' tint cl«Uoai antJ
• California • S4 • Montana ·3 • Texas .32 • New YO<k • 33
t)lllffll hallcd ! h e ~ Collrp. •
lblN CoJl'llt~ rllfcu • c u m l l ~ l&lhmJfflCnl
c~it Tii,: Dtdnf;.i Culk'p 1, • a:rui.11• if l'f'<'Jlk lliU
:-.,-::_eo ltw h1Ue:1 ~ .111 re.I)' 1k-CDllcrpt\ol"'11parl)"i.
rr•-, •
1.banp:d' m,. ..burn, nxo • ..'ln' r,1110..:1,.
• Nevada -4
• Wyoming·3 • MlnnesoCa • 10 • lllncis · 32
Alllir'pa,tycua~*'ntf.r:rialfilc')Ca' taflpat")'wla.'1td..iO&lf7lll'l~hll
MW a JrWP ol dt\."1i..b. bh ,-,Y d«b cltclln cqa;i In Use isumhn Rcpmrn&lh\n 11nd \tnat,n in d,c l S ( )wiircn. A .. :sa c,4,1np&c.lJ.iholuul1t,uSrn.t1ot1-,,dt11,u kq~nai.tJdlC~1Cl«t(wr cltckn Cafll<Jffll.l tm ~2 ~ n and taoo~wOIC')t.r.t~doclc'ftl¥111C1,
-1--.. ,_ ~11:~~\~~.~,:~~,:~;· ~~~\~j
liiaYCfl'I bc.G\Jof 11M1 pv1,. dr)
llcpwbf.;an. Ida"• cloarn tlla.'VIIJ~
the , :\ ()JcQ.&ituiioa Thlt", ~ ca,, pan Tir
~ tlC 11,rt}ln r(t'r(YOOft!i nfh IUlt to \'<let b' l:bt paidml af'lbc: f'h.:n ~ IW'ltplc 11 '
wo:•.1!51'1"•-l•rllmh. T
tu,c , -
n.'llr ab:;
111 lhNw) t)re ,ltcun •
.... Jltro!,llca- .. dw .... GcaJ< w Jbe ffllt(lft ltl::1ll)' p»rlC' ta) 12!.11 p:opk
• MIMOUn • 11
• Flonda • 25
• Washington O C • '3
o.""''""""""'-· wp1,,.-.
\\knOircan~~dlepmftJ•Clbc'ftll;lll~.;D lt.t.'f'tlkabilit}toll'>Wnd«b'\•dlc i.a.d~io
thr)clnn I l"'tt,nd 1hrff 1,. ll.111:' -.11h41tdlLian ~lA.11 Tndw:OIJC'ltttic:eU•l'JJill pcqt: ~ .... and 1.999.W'J f'('(pr ~ b 61111 n.t llrmlimb SCI lll th:
-....... ...c.~
... Sn
m lflt'i~ I W9.999p:cplc'a,Ull;Oarc
Ibo rkclCr r,,n ~1.uc di..:, not li.n
t11Y\J&Ch'flhtp1111~ 1eanJ.J.l.cj1~ 6cs •11111 IQ. II NI llocl.('ll ( httOljft IO do
1B.hc-\htunu:,,1bhtt1ttf..wd'cocJltf alliJl.1*. T\tt tr.d.n ii w cm ~ l!'&'~cllbr IUIC I Wit Tlirtln;:ldt'I ~ fotl:br ofJ"m of IOJ "'" C'ftlilkal 111n
'"* prn.,_ pilfl'
,ruit.e. fk'WMe ,.,, l ~ "-'tic. r,niiknl :if MC aial a .. -.·c pr~1Jq11 h• a,IQfhc: Iii •IJl/l,-.J. 11 i11 l~!i1'1k lor • r2111,lul.i1t •huwanlha 111,riul,i, ,~u t11IIJIC' 1hr cknnfllf,'Olt' l l t t t ~ i a 1124, J& •mUtc sqiata, \-ult b) 11 _~... bl ... _ b luffnlc,I
IU& •knf'Wln~htdrdcat.nlwwbuc wn:,nlalk
Who should get your vote? b)JO<hM!alph Nader U....V ,..,.
tbe<'lloctl ,__ .,..,"*'"""" .... ................ __
PctJ. lil&lpl S.adn l!IW < X I : ' ~
A, aawahaof
fclJWl'Nfflltfrtefl,':ot)'CM'lllldoovi,11t11tcm,t«,~11tJ11rr,1111 Jhc....,.,lpol>l,c
'-Min'• kiGa1nr~,, m1lia 1or1111t1)· 111ll('i;c~uJctlt1,. lk 1, f11r t,(,fl muacy/t.imf'Ugn nnu.1111:c t¥1•lllll,. Jt)l,tf lltlLJ.1111"5' •)'\lfflJ. rJ'Jdu:ll c:~ Ml thr \IN(111tt' 01 tbe -oi.:w t«UJU)' ')'WIii. eqllill ....._ rifbti
George w. Bush
Al Gore
bJ \bn~ lltd.ld
c....,._,... .. ..,._,.._._.,""'*'"'"""'"'
o.. ot .si . . _ aalabin.""'1«-r!,,,, .. """'" ... _ Al C,orc •ann ll) nut.n SIO.i)IJot • 1haknt, collqcc4h...k>n ta, ::!11!.IIMtC'a:b )'Qt Wath 11thdn.luc1iun a lfl'lltn1 Mlld~k> NtC for C,,lk'~ MuJtnll,, f.Wlll •·Ith tht tlJaf)', nttLe up mu.t. D{ the 12 ~ Ill 1tu, C"Olln11) •11hoo1 l n l b t t i ~ ~bl!) IIUdtabc.n'tallotdtDJO
-~a ..
• l"ft'I*' • WGltd lbCat1b. ,1c1;ll: -.,"I...__.,. llld •lh DOI br IU)'N by
=~~~--- _. .____
balth lnt.ur.111(,c Md~ Qin,p;u111c, •011IJ hf 1,-r,cJ hi lmu:t 1:1)'4, fl<' lolJl'flll•II\ lhC' l,-:.aht.itl'-!'lll ••• m.arlj\tlr'll l•IC' mcdio.,.. JllltflC"ftCI Edu.;Jdkwt a, die moefl ~ kWC' kl <Jore tk""""""ptl(f2rltl9fC'Cl'Ullmu,e~
........... tllloup ...... Pl)and-
~~ltlcwll:,t"aitllllllrd ""=') ...... _,.,._ _
~ r"" ••• an llc.dlcntok WIIC'II. t-..c ......... ., .... ~di<)--.,_....
lhf\•Olllite fuw 11J1Q:ll'lbnaa,Jdlt ac.1 tbami.ahdtla,N r.:
1 ~ " yg,,oLb c:nn1Ue,l m ('lte$(bQol l"""J' ,am:,., (;~"liklflQ' lilntlUf'P<>11(f hfcl\1l 11Jhh.. ltttltr)'lngtn K(i4 11Jl10C11lhMr11;11111c,: ht!I ~ · i •hkb'A'OLIIJ..IL1..· "'-'h«J',
lt(IIIJI II WWiNIJ , , lhc \.'.Ull't"hl ~...., ~Ufl1~ \>\li:m h ,I ..... dttil lo '.JJef l 1h\lit1/at1oin ,ll 1he l)Wt°rli II a ,k1n111c11110 .SI .\lfll"l*"1tl,""1'..,lhlllf.""1.......,,, b,o r,uallyc'""s<d IOld.lj>IIO
ltrctua,u,_, ntr1hof ~
T...U) afal-.npc,1111<) fW!a/
s-.·, ,-,_ ..,.,
......xdctiffflf ,__,-.......rcwu
tmN aho°"'l .......... Jlnl,'lli.,C o f ~
ei 1
tk")' 1nJ bllftb ad flll.10i;i.M in•t111JD0m IU m:tlt qt1lit..111 ian.:i:- anJ ,,ibcf r10.1nc1..t1 woke, 1n .JIJ
I I~ 1upplfl'•atllm1J.11\C • 1m,111,1J c1•1'1 l 11ni,lfl, htl'A't'\"A
lhtle'5tmC'of dlildfffl•wcll lioflbnt,kl "''""'
"''*'"'""n....-.c....,lorlf,td.,......._ ...... II<.,._.,._
...... _•Jllwr-ll>onlbwmyan
~-::/:,d~l:ri~:!': ~,.:~~~\~f \kJ1t11t<',
-\~~~=:=~~=~~C:=' ••~J'fl)Nc'rm mnnN:ft~ltlhtt.aDC"ICJ.
fo, mma lh.irl ar'C'r.i..: .111)' 1no11,·ated Clc:tt"oolJ lilt roWp 1~ ::.=~~":;.te1Afftnna1"9Mll~aradtbttnil1Utr), OI•• 1
C',nrr I, J f"'"~n laJi.1' Ht ll'M h«A lhe Viu• 1•niJr;,t f11( 1ht fl&III
C'l,:hl )'Cllh. ""''~ llll'lhlW0\111.'I:' rm,! 11:m.... ~ • • • ICIQklf
lttQ }tnflc'HC'C' lk ht,,•tJCi.111$lllO'llllaJ,ta/forni-anJNticlnal
r« .-.b •&Qdc,
bald\ Qrt ,..._ nU) A.mcn.."&h •l'.ild haw
"'=" •CIN)-~IDll)'IIIMCdlP~lftardrl'toJa:tdc
tScc" JTia:•~•tlilb) Ma,n n:brttl. di ll.t'tf' mftl llf' dlic ~ C,cq WIIIC\ kt k~\T Soi,.i,al Scnnl),. ..... 81&1Bush~p:upk llc•illlb~allo•~ In,...~, oae 11uPJ (I( 1~.:it StJO.t1111 ,w •111 f*> ln M.l"Xi•I cc,1111,. It )'t1Ujl.tti1 r,,.~ 'S 1 rm('rll rc1umoo)'PUi n111«).)'UU MJUJJ h.ii,,ranc,11.a 'SIOC.7t<11 for ltblCtn('ftt. lbi, nian., thll •htn ln1i7 rti11, aM.1111. dlnr ...nk' • ~ k"'
~ •• 8 lulllr) IOll.'Cle. Lader C"KW I
10Uf" 11-daum U\IC "'k1al11eJ 1:rit"'-").. tun\ rJw co1.11,1ry and th, f':'tlpk lrU1nlu,1111•tUr ,ok:e lt::xbcarr 1, a NJ t\WC"-ir ,..ii,, t.Jit1h11 om,.-..,1 ffh.w hr uld. ·1tQ!di c.w ._.... br
..,_. l>wote; lb)('ll•MII•~ lbalUVlbpcqifc:otoat•ho tnata ~ Un nuy m. flmh tnnt, ra,rtr Tilt \itCiaJ Sa.uni)' tnrcumplc:. R!Jtll W.Wr 12 ('ltf\'"'nt or )WI 111tumc J.rCk"1,,, 1h,eS01.i..,I s«wit).11 )ou ,t1;11.e ,u.1 ~U.UXl•)tat )t1' "'111 jY.I)' s11u11111o!w.."'-·ul S..·u.iril) ffl )''IMlll li(t1u11r ll'C'ofll) r,ot-W111
ttfflllt,~1n...hrn,,111DJp:,~••ll~ ~ lhtff .... ~.., \,:"'311 Sn.wit) kft.
1nfhfo•h""-..._..,..._,,W-t,-...,......_ ... ..,.....,.,bi;!,INll_u_
~ , ..... ~ a t . e , . - t t a
~ .II I./Ml'Jll'-1
b) ~ 1.. • ha life uli>,,
'A'hal'1rwl)'n.,..11dulCftG'dlit-t.l"'1 ,nnlhe11«l a:sarl...'11 Usro.•tn ...t1'1'fof 11 p:r.xm t"«fl )<:at 'C(, ,r ffllll'ln c,1'!WIWI un 111n111rtt .md)11U 1,n~toi 111 rnJcJ. lulJCh, •hk:h JH•~ mhlll! "i1tl11bt \.kick 11ia,L\'I. )1"' Cl'i111IJ hil\~ .it Y.tlllJ'fllh'
fut )out recitc:mirr-1' l~nl all )"111nn.,...1hi11,n,;ICI(') 11t1t11J\'1"411'du1Jrn1
RffllClnbn roucttaltd Pu• •alsh on Sll\: 00 a \rar!
-"""'IW"'°""'-1""'4<h1a..i........_u..i, • ..,.
lk> .U0. J'l'lll;a k>dllnc" •kl't ~ lkt1. CW tllhdr lo•. ll p> 10 id,;d A1Wr1Calllldinltt~11o.tin11;tds.11111111111nat,t'llballhc'~
•caW Pn,ilkKltool.ttt~mui;tlbcuct M"'°'1~1Q Arntno:.t dun I 111.a'f• m,ugh llh.~) Ill v:Dd 1tr1r hh I~ pnutc , \'~ h "1ltll,1 aUow )OU '" do 1hitt .\ '1lUI hM 1tur
,,.,,.c )'"" It••
ib1'1 t•*lo lhC' flll"llc 11C'1t1vh )UU t.lo111'1 haw(' 111 ,-) jl,r lhcrn. chc,.l fITTa1tl1t"~l\l"tftlflffll thasnn,t,1~ ..."hnulof),iurd111lrk'f ltr .. ,Q ini..'ft'~II(' IChml H1ffifl('lnllffl (iltlfflt rv,bfir,; 11Cb,d1lnll) loltlaldl
rhcqu,ltl,of~.t ........ ,.i...., E,..,i,.q•lo> Lnna...., .. .,... o..tir.:.:..M:cnrcurlr••••~tmh~
Pogo 5
3: C>
--...... C
: :, C>
•• •• •
It is illegal to sell TVs in • Spokane on •
I WHAT WE THINK Gore's plans better for college students
W: bi~=~:::~ooriaf
1h the ~ b l clil),,11011 v."'ttb l'A'l)', ooc cancbda~ \Cini> 001 for h1i IC'adcN,lp'r~c~e. bowled#(' o( world i1nd
national b..~ and dcc.Uc:it1on 10 mkgc t.rudcncii,
~ ofdir Sctlti~l ,u~AJ ("J(ff in
Gotrc 11 the. only map- candld.;itt who ~1t1,1Mcnd) menttoa.t (ol~gc ~ h . Pll.s1 Of his ~t~OO lnc.ludc, m.aktn) up t0 SI0,000 tJl Ii \tudcnl • calkgc ~tloo w..dcd1,11,."tlblc )"W" ENOOIISEMENl Thi!) nnl)$ dw ~ I I would~ able tO atlnid SIC - - - - - ror htt thR'!Ugh tu crrd11\'. N('I( ooce ti~ George w Buj,h"• "1ump sp!Cdi. Otl hi~ wct,,.i:~ or during the dcba~dl(I he n'lentioo c:ullcgc Mlldc:nb:. Gorci.,1hc:v~prt'!tidmtlllldprlor"totll.wVt'UaSCf11W)fff00lT~~ )1tiee tht t'art)' "70s.. He tu. bcea .11111otep.a1 p11:tohhe rcdtnl .i;ovcmmcn, tor ~ 10.,, ci£ht }'C:ID. ha\ 0t,p:ricnn"Jltld lr11owlt!dgc or ia.'3fld .«ain, .IOd ffl0\\>1 cotl'IJl'ffiliOO ~ rlJ lbC' middle.and ~'cr'Clob~. At>OChcr ~ tbt: t' boGwd \IJ$lfl(ll'b 0«t l) tblll. be b oot Both St.t,.h'\ k1ca.,,. att: noc warbbk. ~ we ~ uampla". Doring tht b,;s ck.bolt. BUffl ftl!el)' lldmi11cd chot Ulllkr- hi~ tat pl•. the v.t'jjthy would recctvc d'ie bi~ W. l'Ul. ~ Ofll)' clcacd pno;ition 8U5h ti. c\'U held 1\ JO)'CfflOf' o( Ta~. Ouno.g du11 Lime as 30\'emot. ·rem bu droppcs.t m bc11'tC ,ta,lt wJ1h the poM«t c.hildre11's bealtb care and the W<nl mnronnlCfltlll m.'ORI (H4'btml ,, OO'W the mosa pollllltd Cll)' in the Cl\oCl'I O\'CI' I.A!' Aft$tlc'$) Ill thetlilUOll. &i)h hlUi no1 Nd !he c ~ 4.Jt \ho'A'rt the :abU1ly w, h.:&ndlc-bclt11 :t ~•lei ic...ter The 1nlc&riry or the two caadld.alei I\ • nujor ,1.we d'l1i c.kctioa nnd muny prople M,-c e x ~ die aprdon ll"11 Oulh hal ~o tbt moral ground. Bw.h "¥.<di IQ iffl,"'-er qUC"lDOOS .ibouc bi, drug IKC', plus be
enllcd ~ Adnm Oymcr frocu the NCl"A· Yod.: Tin1e1 ao "'a~4iolc" 111.1 ~u·ooferm«: Thl!l curnng fn,,m an "'Up--.1a11di11&"' Qwi\11.wi Cl(JC'C: tS lhc logical cbolet: for ~ 1 , He tw pl\)\"" himself 10 be: M clTCCCi\'C:, campn..,~l(,f!lde ~ witb"' i.nttn:'>1 10 oollric studtnb tu:llJ tm
thct.Apmcnce ncc:dcd wbliild d~wp off'tcein lhccouooy b)'KattP..ka
Uf, 1':Jiw
I CHOKECHERRIES Roct 9,,1.S ~ni 1hc mtirc rooming ttadiq the ankle and ripping on Lhe author or it Gary Allen Wd 1bru: bt,na *Y
&~~ [ .::..
•f¥1 ilfftn~{\IC. Wll lhc t"Ompflmcnl 1hat he bod C\'Cf n:cc-lffll. Hi,co-~"'Cruy Aunt'' Catl:i l1nplit'd thna Kim lhQuld hllvC J\l'I turned off lhc
~tO. Obnc11nly .J>e cUiJn'1 read the •·bole udclc. Khn did 1umotfthc radio. Shewdthllt.lobclo,'ed the' m11on bu1 d1dn', hk:c 1hlt iopic:, 94 S is in die busJncu (oc cheap ..boc.t\'lllUC. To9'.$.tcl~ ma~rial- and Ob- tbll an: in1dli~1. I'll \lick whh ~
F1a,h l>l<k
Whm KVNI DJ JJ;ct Hauieo ttl\d • "Ne:W\ That Dtdn'I Mllte die New$." .uocy • couple: "1k1 were u!KUCCcs.slul In mu1uplc. aikldic cnmipu,, hie quJppcd '1'be7 w1,;'"a·1 c:,-en Poli~." In 1ht '60, ~ CQ1fltdl.111 oo TV'\ "F.d Sullh'.it SfioJ\\"' cold abool • PQ!i~b doll; "You wmJ it up UDJ h
fo~t ~ 10 tbow lhit 1hc ""'Orld
I\ ooc miach belier off' II u!.Cll
IOI><. 8ttp: tea,·r • mtwagt Rt"Ctnll)', a t-tiltknl c.lled NIC M'CUril). ht~t..idofgc11in.&11 ptr..t1n, 1bc \-qke nwiU 1)'1.tcm pic.kod ttp. 11·,a good a»nath1111 pcnot, v. un•1,Jyin !ICc<11ln' 10r:nt l'IC ,cc,,n1y guard. PM<I Ow~lb \lid lh:it nGlll)' C:\Ct)' cu&M 1hc umc: lnl(k 11 puked on lhc RoM:Dben) 00\'C: l1'KA Tho Dik.c Road). h',aJw,p 1~ QIJM! J\I)' but tl~te is• diffefdlt girl ~ aighL Wow1 Now 1h,u's • ply wbo't gcufog some r l.t)' C1n·1 btdlsputtd Aecordtng t.o the Ne• York. Jourul Amerieln. ·•A Cir1 11,·ho .,
li•ll~W.ctfl ~1ldbc-
b) Robrn lJlhrtdlrh
by Josh S11Nlor L/iulr-111-Chwf 94.5 rat)' and t>rft11.Sin? In mJ)Onw 10 Kim <:arpcnu:r·, oplni.oo pitte lut lSMJC,'•
Halloween: Dangerous tradition
N/C'sforbidde11fruit, it's ...
I I 7 i~ lffllc.h mo« of n W.'Om.m th.In iboy11,ho1, H."Ummm. No kiddm.g? 1Jeoplc accllill,Y gc1 p.ud u,•·n1tthll.
F.q:ual po.f for N{ual ,pou AJ. pmkinj 1,1,,m coouo.ue i111 ,mporuin1 co poam oot 11w st;ifr pay the '"1n1t 11110C1n1 ro, th:it pnrting pcfl'AIL\. $10• .u 'tll*(knU, Where dot's 1bc coHcs;c p:1,0(( h,4\'1nJr, llll W ~udtllt's Joy.·. pnOnl)'
,pot., whc-n 1.hey JIG>" die
'"""1 llw's
only thfo,. Why t• 11 Wt storf can iuc "OOC:nt 5p0b buc .t.iutkttb ftt 1.clttcd (or p:111dngm•,t:iff,fll)I? ~h. but C'holtcbcnic,. b,b the 11(11 die
K1lmtoa- ha\,c no deiigPicd spOI),,, t1ot c~'t'n for oJnrinV\1111,or,.1
flf"'t-comc. fi~•Met\'C A.dmuwUillOI" ~uld be he-ti: rin,1.11n>·•·11y. POI mlliqg the ktilk1..ast b&uc. Cbotcebcm~ pouid lwt .. ,he U of I for p.l\UDI bbd bead,-, on be11Ck bodlei 10 ..,how'' dh·mity '• • prorooctOMI
lllllm•ocn it1w.tarounJ the oomcr, l>o.,r&c, will ak-biau, h) Jtt-.)ITI~ in c»t.tun,c,. d«ur.-1in,: ltu:ir ht,n1es, C31"\'i.Jtg J;1d,-O.L1,1tC'ml. tt., 111J ~,c~ .1nd 1rlck nr crtnlint ln my opn,on, man) Hall\1~ ~
A 1t.lw1't ~,n,y, "'The I .nctct)- by Shirley Jxbon. 1.ell, t•f .a ,tnall. rur.111 cummvni1)· .. 11h ;i )arly l<iU~. E.\~tyycu-. th(- ~ c fJl.t 1hc!irumcffl a1ffllULM,d. \\UOClcnbox. Oa. loltc-fl' d:i)'. .ttAdtnt ~w.JJ be dr.iwa troo.1 1he: bo>. and 1h.d ptn.oo '\lt011ld 11,in
pn:,~n,, ,toocd "' dc.ath.
1bt 1,w.-n-.pc:op~ caulJ nee n11~11bet thf
1011cry·, P:lfl'CV, yd t'\Cf')'CIDC pathcip.ite\i t.e..-~w Ille)' v.l"tt' nJr:11J of oppo"'-Ul.g lht lll&d1t1oc1 \11UI)' l1~ov.Ctt~if1ctd.hotflW "-'hlll pu,po,e1 I hdlf\'t lnu.Jlliun, "11fl '*°''IC Jeef)I)' cmbcJJcdint1t1r"«iet)'. wcrrcqUtntl) fl'llk,w lhcm 1,1,ithoot oomidtnJIJ:. wtlld 1hc1
r¥r•eitnl Wt,hvuldCiltd1.1llyu11mmc11t1)' U-.Klltion bt-fon.: •'C pnnkip.iAc in at
namhlC(J'1ail)'. I b,r,Uc,-ct21h ll'ldWOII Jha,,ld be"opped
bo:Mlle or •ha ltrec,te~n~
~mpJck W>Rgmd((Jt"
[ (:~J ~~
Oruwh llrl""' • htugoo""' the door Pr •a.lJ ~ W i d e 'l,0111dN't~t1..Jdc:al ft'l.tt1'
ALW>. lhr \ ul ,moun1 P l t ' ~ . dc,:~h •l'IIJ
I WH AT YOU THINK Young people's apathy leads to Democratic decline I WJ..\ n.-tttlll)' IIJ ;I pilrt)' Whrrt" lhc
1elc'i-iu~n. •·hich blllff\J tbc d1.1nncl M2. h.iJ
11W'n o•,c.- chc ""'"''· Soon 1lic l(agc Agmn,1 the Mllclunc,11.ktl'"Tt'\Oly'"ensulfrd 1hC' '\Cfttll. The liNcm,mmtC10l~10ltl('(lnc•\. mouth \li:n. -nuta. R.agc. Cool Yw kQl.1\\ d11!)'d be ,1 r,i-my i:ut'J 1hJ.J1Jl ool)' Uthty
cnutkd. '"Ne1thtr \\IWth the omc Ahct a.~1m1 rfllW)' ot ot) ptcn "ho ihe) \\Ill ul4c: for. •nd £.Cllint•"i•'tn lik~. '1'hey
"'°\·c, g1,'t ~ good cboioeto." and ~Both
~·1,'QI.C.tltllotrear Vottrn,~twt)u11
1c.11T1c:d11n1, If oor i,t,hbc·.t.1 apa:1hy conhn.UC\,,, •hlll." \\(' 1.."0n.saatly «irnrWn.utn1, i1. \l,('
1hrnk is the tic,.1 pn-:tidtnual c-;andld.ate. I lkimk 111111 mm, i, R.aliwb Ncdn. So ii ~ t
w-111 , 111,wlly ..,"l'Tt'.-..kt ,•orrr....."r 011hc
1hc1c iut. men choicn in d1h 2000 t'C(lUNKtnt cl«Untl d1,1n 1w,JJI( J.i .1nJ: 1wlddk duml\, I c:n(()l1nit,,: )'OU 10, i•il
l.t!ICl't~llfttl lhlflJ Ab.1ul 1111, h;1nJ itdl•I
RATM pndc 1bc1n>oChNon JC'"tllu.1u,nar)
tlvtt \l\ldcflh b&::1111 n,tno,i1K'.1..
c:b:uip~ b)' 0,.,n\t.&1 II)' pl•ylng poldiic<4! \fl'IU1
Al d1t MC'Olid proJJci11iilJ dcb.uc. Jlm Ld,(':r artt1ed ,bt mor.t ~liarol thl' l\11'0
A.t.:ionllil1 to NIC'so•11 ..t•I,).,
ln&;.lud;n, dlt!' WTO pmleo,h, MYt: T1t,ir1 concc1t1o and Ru~lh l\illdcr ,u.111~,. The N1.111J1 I o,pclltd 11.p rhe Scndncl and v.1h tufflcd v..itb mP!tk.-1 f'C"l11lo;.1I romplalna
Pfe'l.kutili.l cwkLJitto wtth. ··Wtk.oa,e C',ovttl'IM Bu,l't Vitt l>rrtidt.m Uu\h. trr.lme:it1Gorc.."' E\•m lht ffl(I\I '6pc(1cd IU~lfl
v. wv. ,·otm.Jc:r.orc lbeu )'W ,·J.rt compuan
THE SENTINEL a Reponm.~a!AnbU
a E.lioorwe...i
Josh SIUdor
---·- ....
K... a..
Cbatk' l.dftan
S...Cancmn Andy Te\"it
"'-"'> ll«u.U N1h. ROldahl
f\mcnt:11 \r1e,-1hc polmcal andragyn.)' cit 1tm Jtroelrt.1.lon P«,pk*• 1ft-.;H11 nwdng lhc.rr vallnJ1 chllll.'n NI.~ CW!
C&IIJjtl,lla at dlC' wnc:," I bl,·c ~11bl.N
~"1~1)'1 w ..-,li1i, .. t'f\1b!!Ny tbQ mo~
The ~n1incl v,c).,;o,ne, 1cucr1 co lhc editor ThOlo( who iubmi1 k llet, mu,1 Umil them to JOO •·1ud,. "'" 1bt.111 lc1,1bly IDd pro,,~ u. phooc m.1mbe, 111 orutt 10 w 11ry .11uthcri11c,cy .Somo kucrs may n~ be pnntei.l be(;iu1oe uf i r11ee llmltanan,, bf bcca.u!oe tbc.y t) ll~ 111mil•r 10 • number or letters alrndy m:chcd on 1hc umc ,ubjcc,. 2) arc pct'-,lbly llbelaiiu. or l> 1~ illegible. The Stntlncl t(3Cfve1: 1hc rigtu co l:di1 lent~ l..cuer. Ill.I)' be m11Jcd lO the Se, Mn.ailed. f!l<tcd Ofbn.1UJhl lO Room .53 or the Siebert Buildin.g 1'be Stitr1t1cl', addrc.s, i, IOOOW. Giudcn A\'e .• Cowr d'AJcnc. ID. 83814, Pbunc: c108) 769-3388. f,x, (208) 769-3389, E-ma,lt <Cllllncll• n,c.tdu
anKl. Jf ,tie ~:,o;r,c(" \Ii.a:, ftJu.~d. clx
or du: \--.a,;.lle and lcfL OuriAJ lhe niiht
de<.tn1elilm ffl'..ttd by Ole cdetnuoo Titc11ucft!t".1t11nJcif'H.1ll1.Wottah.a.nor V.ffl.ltlllt:S bannillS, this hoJ.Jay dwtp;cd. There ani modem Q) w1ktlc, ~nd tt.itio.-ccn came from tilt "wi1Chaai1'' (1,,Jt\ ll\ld Yo-ori,hlp 5.aWI Mid hold ftnlngc rt"b,ior\., In WU1cm E,u.n.,pc 100 y,can bcfo~ \aalratt,, Ill hanL Look up the lc)\Jlo'OfthJe...ui. t:hn..- w.i, horn "\\11('h"' •nd '"1Ao·icn.. Pf1 the lmemet nl'IIJ(JOC On u~u~«n. prcvi00I) named u~u~, ..di Jl"C11''tr p;Ql~ IUIIPI gi1•UP" r,( "'th.ik-t E\c. ot S3mi:111.Jt1 E\-t. l.bc' lutJ oflhc I.It.Id callod cm-en, 1M1 cxl\l lQd:i)' WU,>~ tC'I C.1111 n.11 lht V.dcd, «ad Tbroo•b,,vt t,:nlllflN. H.1llo~ot:c11 l\.i, ~le rl\'lffl bdl .ind pl3Cc t.l"'m in ekmlll ~med dt-:itb. dc,uvCU11n nd 1bchOOiC'i. Thie Celt\ h(,bit\eJ Iha! if they 'W\'"1tip of S1lll0. Wh)· ,.,()Wd Jl'l)OBC •.1ut pk!t;N' lhi, God wilh !heir v.orshJr, he 11, cdcbnle 111,, ! 1t· 1i 1Jmc t.O chinp! 1ht' •·ould prole\;I tbcm from rhe tM.11n«-1t'III
l)foct11Jl'C C:CWU hlb ND of lbc
(IUdt 111·.1th, 10 procc-::r n Jrom dnriooK
Thr ¢01/Ct(ICI lhc: tttrvitin1
S t\lpkl bumPfflllk'.krn "They c:11.11 \<Cod me 10 wll1.;c bol lhe)' can't nu~ mt think." ..\ly prlfnc:nd cmi't mal:ie 1111 apple pie bu1,ht. Olli w~ nlilkt •
v.l!t'C wta1.lkcd rQC tho &'Cxl It 111C'v.1,1nan 'ACtll ""·llhnaty, the DnuJ• lcR a boUow
~ ri.11ec.twlt.bhu1n.it1 (111.outi.i«tht-
ha~I- NIC'"s no, '"""h t..tta-
only I 11t 16 sc'*:nu art an (!tfaruc minonty. OolhcoUcttt·im,'Can unn:al ~!oCnt11ion\ ul llleit c:.mpu,lifo.
The eclcn1 Cdi... hnd pncm glk'd ONICb -tin dcmlliPOCd tmm1111 t.adma- ffl 11,'tlfflCrl 10
1bow "prop('r tt,rr«'.. 10 tJu, Jl)ffl. Women
Pam Sla)IOD
·---,__ ..--
a Aw.....
~o1111cv• R -F.l(emodyA-
._,..,...... _,r.,1or ...... """...
-- ·-Kim~
Lon.... w.a.
o-,,aE,....- . A ·-Hlllo(....
. ·--Club--"..... """""""
l.codonbip,\• Racly MounlaioColcpl,Mellt
•• • •• ••
Queen Elizabeth ::s didn't wear 0 >underwear ~ 0
Instructor shows dogs in national, world events Davis 111....-'lnl 1111111111
d1irJ .1111ti011g. thc 2!f cuumnc. J)le\tl\l "'Shimmn 1.. • pb,ycr;' l>.l\'l"
f• November compettdon ··11e;,,cf)' hi;)tl(~~ir'-C~lung g.oc.-. Wf{l(ls. tic tnt, hiiFd m n,; ,, "
b> f\.Jm(.'arpe,,trr
&IIIIC ol 1ht c,'mt., Shimlrin 111.S hi\
, Da\t1.. II n1nt ·tc.i.1 "'-'t.l'lt'nllUk'JI 1n,1n1..'fflfilll NIC".
~0¥.1 dug" ta 1uhot141 a1wl "'"'JJ c~••t1p:tu1un, ~''" hll\ h«n IIIICl"t\\{'I.I tC, ~'fl> 'llnl!C he11tt11, .u,IJ h1b <JM~n J..,g, for 30
vc;n.. Tbl"l:a'\I It;~'!-lich.1,cunk.'d
ll('t hxm of compt11llon ltl ck,i 11.ilit)' A.~COfdlng IP 11il\.'1\, dog lf:1ltl)' n a t.."Tlt1Ut1tmi"Jtkln t.h.:ilknEc 11nd mc:nt.J ilnllCI) fllf dvtc unJ nYontt rocfllll\f)t'II'.' •n 1hc "(loll I,)( dof ql.li1), tbc mll\i N' 1fllkl.11;111,\l.1ll).llkn 0.l\.111 ((IC'l\1"(10..\1111 hc1 1111.1 \h1dJ .i111i1y d121ttJ,fO(l,h•1" IN f1nl.uld th,, bit
She ccm1t)c'tci.l wilh ho ,.,.,.,, Shdtic",
sti,,nmn 111111t A,rcn A.,rcn ruu,triJ'll,lloJ tn di<' md,, 1t~1.d c,·rul but·~.._, W~llllhhcJ" \\~Ill nfJ,<"'1,w; 1n:1.t.:;1J ul ••lkm,!! thn-.ogh tllC Htht uik of .11 h1nnt"I. \he M'M llwOIJFh the kit &Jdc
Slummer p;anJClr,wC'd in • mml..Jo1 ,·uet1prchlWU. '*' luch ninu~h uC fout dop, u11nfcliDJ ~ia,1 vtlllt'.f c\·cnly 111.o11tbcJ fo1.1r~ 1.c.-1,1'1., Tbr te.wrh ~ji.lJfl'll h} «1mhi11inf lb: '((tt., of 11H f111rr dop.. Shmmtc.1" helped dle! L1.s. 1".ut1 pl""c-
1t.;1.mm11h·1 .in: roqo,ttd t n u ~ 1n llfC
lhc J"t! 11,.dk.1«1«-1,"ter and tbc: A fn,,m,r Thi: do1_t wal .. ,,. 11 120-k11:I( bnJ,rc lllllt b 5 ftt1. llll!'.b om.I I foa1 ~Ide. The dog mu.., WILi .. !he tinllg,:; w,1ho111 IBll1n,,
""Dorin agihl) C'Olnpc.•O!iM
i.1.utcd 20 )'C'ol~ Bi1Jllu·1d. lk Unhcd S1.lle11 hlllbtt• rom1ic1ing f("lr 11 )'t:*' Thm 1• ~ lll'"'"t:IQ!iluy compeUlOl"I. ()pp(,ocnh we wlllin.J ta ,tu.re1,p.. ac.S11',a,:11:~rwA) lo male ft1t'n.h for both humlll'.L~ <&lid J•lt,'- Dn\'i11 ~.uJ ();,v, ..• frin•l.. from ~l tmh, btlprd tu rai~mnnty 1ocurbbttc,pcrnnM.1tho11 \he c:wld 111ttnd lhc Finl,111d CQ111prtl1wm .gc,
O;l\ j" p~\ IO Ullill lllld p.1rtic1p,1k Ill l)l( nr-,1 n.& CU(llpcl1t1,111 hrtcl '" Sprill$,rldJ. Ma»., 1hb N"<J\ ~ 1111d S 11o1.S
The Chlldren'a Center. located behind ctlrladanson Gymnasium. offers chlld care for -.1uderitt and faculty membttt during fall and •pring aemnters.
1hc 11,,,cld ctwnp1~111\hlJ1 hc.h.l .in l~irwgal
lnOuOOCI 2001 \cc;urJrn, 10 0.a•,h the t,c,.t f1W1 u( dolt :iiilltt i, Iii.: inett;~ 1n QClmmunac,1u1Jn
.J.dl, i.n.l unitcn111111-imr it.: °"ti' ,.111...
"'Shimm('I' is .ii drUJ(hltul Joi; w wori. -.11h."' l'lil•l·u•td ·He mu,,., hl\
Children's Center reachers encourage gmwrh. laughter; education in st11de111s. by J.wda Hrook.'i Sr,1Julrlwf1#"1rt
bt I.SeUglitctl anJ l'.\citcJ. ,twuh of cluldri=n cnal.fflC(l lbt
pumpl.,n<. p,ncconc,c anJ .xMrtt
1bac adorn ,ht l'tlffllllcc nr 1hc C'blldttn', Cc:l'lkr. l'hc)' grtttth<'J,1:,, 1i:nJ ('\'(r)lhlltS: in 1l With 11 '-C'rl~ of
Orie <>r 1.he J":~rl< d~ grn:1 h She.Utt Thotn11"- J1rn1e, ci,· 1ht CCflCCI' ~~ 11, cwig1n11Uy fnim 8unr. Mooe .• .tnd nlO\'i.'i.1 rl, C(ltllr d'Aknr: 16 )\'iltli ago, She \UJI di.II Jlt' ld\'et C«ur d'Aki~ and WIii probably llC\'Cf' lt.t\C Thom." Mtd, .. I Jo• 1111 ~f.tnl~ll.ll;l!
-~=,..,o11.t,;. tn,truc1or Davi-. shows h« two Sh•ttrea In I dog agility
compollllon •• ahOwn AboV9.
~ 11h f tht>thddn:ti rnSI lll)I 1cach,ug dln:cll) , I sclllttd;1,;;ateaichet.(Now)I jU\I rmunly O\mll pul ou1 fires all®¥ k.Jl'lg." n1nm;1., l,turhrd ,ifte, 11111ying 1his and ex pl.ti nod, "Th1t1p, h~n. if1bcfc',.
l'-"e •hRC pcnflk ltn,uu.:11..-.., gQnt. I miaht lill uitclll,UOCMU fora whik. Bui
all dii)' c,(.Ty d.i:y 11·, a (·oi~hnuJ.&mn c,I 1hi(lll<I. l')Un• un b'• IILe bc;n; ,, fl'U'ICip.a:1 of a iw:hnol ~hC'Jl' )'OU h,.1,c: Uhc: """po"'ibilil) aO W rnmilio 1a...t
Thc0t1ktl\"n'11 C<'ottt 1\ the ,itc o« 11ft early Hrad s..rt p;u~ "'nh ('tJht childtfflina1tcndlll1«
>·""'re lnicn11,:nni• ,..,ih pm1l1\ fi.ud) chl1~1ttn. KW, f11II down c:ind they) rc:1 hurt, ~1n'Ctlth! ~ · hil. j1n1 lr'4~ of lhin4t'lo
f\t)' ,11\111 IMl\'C' & fl,ll'Cl!Un,t rm&:rnrtl c:allcd Pllrtnt, a, Tc-11.."htn. Tbi.m,.:iJ.
go111.g 0,11111 u.l) e-tl'r)' dny,"
c~pbiMcl th:1t 1be pattnh tu\·r llltt:ad) II.Id u>mr tr.uruo,_ tiu1 111
•&ulltlc INC-lmt,pcnllt t~ tc.llC:l'lt.n.." Thot'l)l" s;sid ''Tht)·· re lbt
edcfmoo 1he rmcnim i11, &:"~J to hdp te.tdl fWCIIUn, cdQ1;-11finn ind
~ 1Jw1 ,n 1bc:R dolaa 1h< '"'-'flckrful job 1111bc cla,,n:ion,"- So 1~)'°1c 1he one~ ~II) 1hat U'op 1~
«ntcrgoi11$-" lb\,m.a\ c-tpbii,cJ 1h.111he ClulJrcn·\ C<'nler bn~ bctfl flpc:rl ,..,. the p.'l..t I .S )'Cal .andha~ 11 full-lime ,.uld four r1111
lime 1taicbrn the,rnff fhoma.~ ,.aiJ. tvth ~uJclrl 111W ,.l,df childrtrt nn., aa~d. buc ffil.)· d(i \\ltl1 thr hl;fl lk'CJ. l\W. mwmc f;am1hc.,., ~ fllcdominaicl)' 11tuJcm1'' ch.ildm1 M't ahtD • prefcrc,u. lbt ,-aitct lri<'\ ra 1:cepchc: enn'lllnicnl uff;Ufl clliJdren Al,11.111\I 101u
~,fK'.1111)' \Omt pamtlia(I olOOC'.ling (lr Jn,cnc,lon .,..,,h thrlt c.hU..lltn. Sin,:r 11 h a fWN'IIII~· luotJc,J JW'O.t,..'t'acn. noc all l.imil1c11 wiU qu,h{)' , Ahh..14.1:dt lbc coucrdot.. lu\c ttnldi11tc.. a,·111lahlc:. 1ht mecli11ti, o.fc hdJ 111 1bc Uanlin1t 1·.anul)' Ctu1c1 lnt'ocurd'A~nc '£be, Chiklrc,n·11 Cc.01cr-t1o l;.llttfull)' pl11nn1:J ~\iuti.l thc NIC" i.l~nl'• ""ilcdutt nnJ i.\ OJl('n llurinf the f.111 iuKI
~rrinpwr~m(rum6:45un 1t13" r.en. ~1ooday-11"11'1Cb) and 6:4~ .:.1 in. 10 \ :I.Sp.moor-rid.I, The c:cril.Cf I\ IOC111cd 1M1 Ilk' ntht 1'.ldc
of the nl.k! p-.l...S lbe sun. nonb ol thl,' Sdkr 8uild.lng ADJ l)dund the
Counselor helps students deal with good and bad stress Btoteedbacll, stress management cal'88, ~ ...... mllllle
the p:noo liJ au. for 1L'1S.i.u.i11(lC In a "tn:·wrdutcJ ,1tua1K'11i. She h 1uuncd h» hdp uuJ~nh k11m ~11 ~i.. ,rre-., f't'li.tcd J,"VC~ :ulll hov.· 10 \lil.'Ct"tfully
b) I.Inda HtfM'lti..\ &nllMlrtpNJcr
Ru1t~·Wcd,t'r io11,c • 1~ttalion abwt ~l~u 11 pcti.tin'JI lif(', \Im\ v,,1Jlpia)' ,1 n>lt Wbcdrr 1t rl•>• 11 nur,11 ,., a mlPl'!I' rolot, ba,·lft.J the kr'kl\iik-Jf(' th.rt lhc"rc .lt'r bi,ch ~ ;HIJ tloHJ ~,-,. t11J) br htJpful (i,,.llJ ~1n:,, \\11\llJ t\.· llun,, hk i,:.:t1m, 111,,,1,ml.'d.. tuni11i:: 11..--hili.l llf l'lcmg llt(»;pl(J loeulk-g:r. Ba..l ,"-,0.iuM toe Ill.<' ll"l•ntt •Job, f111J111r tn ""ht11.•I ill' a l•,\tk." tc:11111,m\htp. Truu Runge WA-l.ti. lHUUm,elur ,.; SIC.:. ml1ht lie
10:1n~mrnt 1n lht Colkl!'e S1k'OC~\ S1r.m:gth(l"IUnc d1.1riog 1hc: fall !,c,tcr J999. Sk arrfC\ ,he tt•-1111n,it,11ity (I( l'llli vnl)' ~lll'<.l(lr, ti.11,11n .S\i ~ir. an J(\t\lllllt CO:idt fw '4'i.lfucn·~ b:hM'll:iall;&nd1bc ln\U\ll.t~t0t11'k! lo~., mll\lll(m(l\l c.'00™' ol(cmt here Rut111t'· \\.',xkrr hanJ.le.. W'Cwrcf.ol-CiJ Col~ a.nd wotb ,trictl)' v. 11b ,ludenh. lbr:.y f'' fm1u .rrtumfn,: td1.1lt110, t:llnu.n-g ngbt 001 ~ high
Jehoof. $he U.}"I 111..1wu,nei, ~ tllDtt apt to ~l help Y+ ilh 11{ft\;vn:13fcd iSMlN''I h,I\C l;lf..l)'lll#·" ' Rw,gc.Wttkrt Ml.ii.I. ''fk,vr mail) Po$)'\.""Mlot,~~doc.. ii cake IOt'hO:n.,e. Ughl bolb?l'hc IM.l.'"'<r,bwdk 11¢,i bulblw to 'l\,W 1(1 chlLll!l~ Atld 11', 1he ~:itn<' thin, 11'\ .....cfl")\'idc e lot ot '4.'f'iJCt",. ~rt" wHhln the flat., I de, lbi:. bl.....i Jobllw Inn. but b IOI o(hmc; ii'~ the pn..oo: maybe: lbe.y Ott i11JC re.ty 11, 1lQkt' th.II
1.h..ingi:'" si.c '-'>'" ,he i.s bnpcful "IC' l.;t!1 ,tir ,t00Cni1 v.,1h ~11 lhe 10Qh 1h111 1hty "'ill neeJ \lrh(n u·,. tune tbcr v.111 be te.lJ)' to 1ruk.t IN eh,lnj,'(I, She hupc~1h.i1 w.1h1111bc clll.o (roorn)or ,n her oflke, the
~lllJenh ',"Ill bl: able 10 m,.\r ·-nllic \ffl;ill dun)o'.C' lhhnfoeht'"-
Rungt'•Wa-kc, p\'t' 11 tkfl1..,n,u.t1ic111 f't1 l'ltolttdbac:k to 1ht non,1r...S11,onitl ~l~llbi .i11rr1Jint
an O..·er-2S S:uppon Oroup ni«linr. ··w11a1111bmfoeJbclet)dQCJ.,,.1h.a1 M'!mct1ma \\e·rc \UC'-~ ianJ \\\"di,,n't ~now dwl \\ C''ft' i.11'"\d, •nJ '°"'''°'lmn Y.t' tel,u :WIJ \IJC Jun't
If WC f\'Ja., or ROI."" b,llM(':1111)' all biuittdb;ick I~ dotn.g iii tti"'"' )'(')U rn:Jb.xl. rro,11 ~·lJUt 1J11,-11 hfidy... die ~id A biofccdbad L'OO(li;(' wa.. v(kmJ for the: firq time th.1\ ,t:n>c\tc,. ll111kli1ul1 att avall.:ibk 1n S11-.1m1 Sl.:f'\'~.:. llJClll'l't.l tln the: '«(It'll.I fMlf 11f 1bc f-.:dmicl\trJ
Bu.lldmg. Cllll 16'J..71Wl hir nn 11~rt11ne,ic
Benham raised In Chile, German beer among favorites on FACULTY dedicates European vacation Ille to teaching Instructor's •r,,a)~ F A C T s luy Nel1,1,n w.un'1 u11c.rt"lcd 111 bcmg 111.(ilCbt..Hc V,,th ffl\)fe! 1nlC'f(\ted In CUJllPUICf\- a.nil wurlc:d for 1hc: NM1on1I B11nL. in 1979 •" an
M.Jti11 \lr!b btirn In Ouk. She "llllhal uc
Marla Benham & Kay Nelson h)' T.,.. \'uu... "w'lfflfJt/,rf"1tft'I
1ht: \lniH:t\11)' or C'hUc-. ~rin"'"in, ~he w1U11ed 10 tt".Ji.'.ll. -~1-c crw:an1,1 111. G(nlc.• ,t,e \.aid, v,,1ucti l'l1C111\11 1ha1 \be Ill' C\. pcuplt>
She 'l''AftH Ill help pcorl" he bilin,uill nnd tfr.pto,-c tbrirtJwt.111.edUt:illmn. In 1071, 8n~o1n1 kfl ('hilt.ind ""t"lM..WC'~IHomu. v,hm,,-JIC: t.luf.!hl pn\'.dto d .J"'le'-
Aflcr IS )'Clln.. q mmcd tu Nonh ldltho
appl it.uUOlb ptoJf11111tl'IC'I
nui1 ..ummc-r he- wa:ntl"\I rn chilnJl:t Jol'IS, ~mJ ,c>mt'Ortc (1om NIC ,~,ktJ him u, .1.11ply fur •
her th11drc-11 Anihony ,111d Cck,lc She bes.1n tc~hinJ .1t 'If(" m IW~ Benham Prtc,r 10 teachin1t at NIC, "ht: lueJ tn Bonner"\ - - - --
Fcrt)-· htr a lcw year,., lC.31:hin, :r 1ti.:. n11ddle 11nd higl1 «-hooh: th('rt. She rnt>,td to C(lttlt J'Aktl<' anJ u1mmu1rd 11> S1'1l'!t;;1nc 111lk'~ ,he l.!ught SflOn("h 1ll1 TV "tiSD 10 1 $:d:~lik lid"'ali~"' i" 11 pn:>J!11fll'I whtff Inc' teatha lt'..:hc, Cll'l lhe l'V llnd \lladcnh fmm llll ov(r U1t c:'OUnU)' cnn 11,·11,1cl\ :u'Ct k•m. \1t'lt\, tbiw IO \11&1l-S ~ in\oJ,,cd In the pr~n She fuili • I~ 1.11u~h1 :at Spokane: Communir) C'C'IIICJC" 8cnhwn cnjc'I)'\ ,i111lnJt. J.iinclnp ,1n1I ,,..h1h1~
po-.111011 m ,be C:Ufflflll{CI' Af'C'.l He ~·I Ille jqb wiJ ~ wo,tc:d .;II Nie: pUUIIIJ pH>1rarn, lctJl'thct .tlld rt"Wntinx 1:,l\111111 prorr.1m.. II few )':J:Oi. h1 th.: fall ol 11>i,;9, NelM.m v.--,1,,. U.lfl\fmt'J tn1hc Nl\lnc....- ar-c. of Ult eolkP""" lfc win ffl(Wal 10 1c.whl11,: compvtt't .ivp1lc•tlc,n, 11nd C:Amputrr foe txi~mc.,1o.1nd COfl)pukr 111.'ic~. _N...c•_l,.,_n_ __ Ue sCu.ned \Choo! Id lbc Ut1.1\m11y ot IJ.alll1 In 19S.S, 100k l.)(r ;i ti:,,.., yc.n, 1htn \\ffll t,:11,;._ .1nJ cu,npidrd Che.• ('OU~ 111 ~t hil ckJf" ,n 11J82 lie t."OIUmucJ un Ml\l rc«1\,'d 111 .. IMJ\irr', Jn
c:Joc.iu"n ,n I '.mK
l'h1111ummtt Ncl\ft!l 1tftd h1.~ ,,...,IC' JOcUu,t. '4hc, h ;tJ\fl nn lm&ruchlf nn <:ilmJll.l"- ..-rn, en Gcrm..n,. ;11'1d A11..1ri1110 \'tJil [1uni1y ··ecn:n;in bee,. YrtnClllid fondn fi1\l-~ ... Nd,oo f.ll.lil.
Nc:lv~1 ali.o ct1jo)' 0)-r.,.hlntl an,1 ... - obk hl fiUI in m~~\1 u1 1ht1hffl fu the ian:ia Jurin! 1hi,,nrr
Page 7
New program allows students to stay in Coeur d'Alene U of I cx1,msion office offers classes for education majors
Tf'nn1\ at HrildkJ,'• filwOrC' 1opon Shr ti.,~ hocf1 i ltnlll\ lfhUU(lnt for tbe fv.,1 faU, kt-.. rcauon l>i.r;anmi:11, frw 1hrtt )""" anJ .ir~ NIC kani\ l:O~lflklt'I 8111Jk) lilld t.hll! galn,cJ lhc Nit. ho,lrlklt1f jl.ll'i l\ttau\t' o( KAdenuc ,1nd phy,1cnl c,i.'t.lkn« alld 1'cu1J;: 11, 1br rll(ht pl.iu: lit IJ,e rl~hl IIRlt h .,.,., Junl'lt hflh grade: I' dlt.l, In her
l>) t-.Jm C1,1rp,nkr 5t-ntm.rl1rf4•t1,, l"l'C lllll\t'tul) l)f JJ;1,ho olk11 lhc l\\·l1 l'lu~ r...,u fot tJ11a11un til;IJ<tt"\ whr. c1:ttnplcuJ 1111.0 }ctn 11 '-I< Y1aJ 1111.11,lu fotfle
li.•",<to...,n tn lilt- Trt-\1t1t', att.1 l~l. ~ hik cn•npt'linll tur thtr rtc\1ikn1111J award,, •he tl11:1,'°'r;i111n0«:11hlltt11u11r:Jdn~ltlf .,Ju.;,Uiuft f!Ult'" Clft &l"I""'", ...,,..., ,,_J.:.,t• c111 a\011.i •lw lo,ng dmt .- Jl u1~lctr111i Tht 1.-.,v-.un I• ~ut!Jc1Atl... ~lid I .11\1ta lt1.kJJ,r~ . .a llWl.'1111,1 the: l1f0Jr.1nl b1ittUC)' 4gft'CI, With 11,11n) ,,11\rr1,1u,k11U lhrlt !)11•1 b.J.\1111 lu dtt\'C' lu \1',91.,-w, I! lbC t,e,,1
J«idcd lli,11 •PE. ttt1tbi:r i1 '*h.11 llht:' Wal\lt'J
kl N: lll'h..-n "he f'"'"-.. up. ~k ,.11,, 1hr uni) i.rnJcru •h-'1 )Uf IC') dic\·t the fltt'\uk,u1111
aw.uJ .., ba,c iil~.i,-, (' HrlkJ m al.bku~1."' Wk 1.iiJ
H~, gi)JII • .arc- lo 1'«omt 4 ritnc,, 1rt11'1('1 , Pl'-
b:CM:hl o1 tilt: pi,•,r11.m Sbe p,ulK11Mr-d ii!, \Jl9 rrt\ttat:b lll'l'-'t tb hccumlni ,n I lrJn Sht h • !~)'••1 .11 tJw,;Mion f11-4Jllf 1nJ pl.1:n, ht 1ra,Ju,ill! 1N l~mhcr.1001 'i1lt' h.n n."ttlvod a lwo-)tau ftnu1t 1,Cbofar\lup 11nJ In~ p.11111.:ip:;\l.(J tlil r,l.1w1 Jntbe USI \ 1t n11rJ \rntc, fmnt\ 1
1c-a,IK't 1111d cc:rCJf1«S USTA "I will be- aNc eodo "'h,.c i',·t~J"a)\'VtJnJcJ 10 ,;k1 ;md JC1 Plltd ,~ dolfl.Jt wt~al I IO\'C,.. •he ... ,d \ l ~ I , m.110f1ni IQ (d1M.-111t(,n v,-1)o IR
jftl<'"~d 1n the T"'o Vlu!t-T¥io pcl)pu1u c1111 ctint.ll 1c..n,1 C'ontcll 111 the Unhff'III)' or ltbho
C'\ICll•tt.1CI 11ff1u.
Car accident turns commuter Into pedestrian Life an adjuslmcnt .is walking becomes main 1111nspo11ation
nt11k.'Cdd1a1 :iboura
b' Jt•\h \1udr,r /,J.-/
,.,,,,,, f'I (
\\1thoncml t~l•.,tlllrnt'Jlrom11\'IJffl1Uult'1
l:lk,"'' ~ltht1.t.. l(t
lu•r-,"btU;111 l'>ul In) m1 •II 11,;h1 111Cki fh; I ,,, 11101 nu.I
~ m~ linitlk."1 \1.idl rwcdc,.I Ju humJII,' 111) ·~ J'l}tlllllllh ,\«!11Jm tu f1flll • jOt\ llr i\ 17 and h,t, t11.'\.'(l n'll.·nt.J.11~11tbclllft' hut haihrc•111,lmmg l1f Ii wh,k. fkhOi,; .ah11,11 lrlnnr. l'lun~ltf'tw, n. e,,rc,.u!I~ hr(:. 'CUV.¥J1,.'UI.Jl't".i:.uo.
l1111u1•II) IIJ"4.tduqi,.btJU1o&.,\n•n,:•ttllaf1
WI tra,illJ tvYt"ldlt\\."TJ'*hc'~·""'"''" We ......,,LcJ
p1n1t nn I •·• •
""'""""" lh:n '* ,:tb ffl)'
oJM1~Nl11bccumin~a~lll!Jtn fh,1tikfull), I h,c:w11hm•,,U,.inp di~M Kf.-.,l1111d"orl.10i1",t.atd'a,,tbiJof~de..a ... )rt, ll'te! "4co1Clrt h.:nl'lc:cl, 1,u: •nd )(.)till I h.1,1.'ft'I hlJ
publt'ffll~ilhllrl,cr. Whcnd\&iln\l,l\l\QVt 111.ol~1.!1.f "'·111 bavmr: achbtc-, lllcrt-an::1tJ;1.r1)pl1'""".d,c.JU1 .,.-alkin11 \'Cd ••,..o( 111C«)' b)' nut bu)rn~ j\:t)lnJZ fol II IJhn;C(lf fnlD,pi.xn. \\'hmt1 ]iJlf(11."UJrr11~ p&ai:at "' ..~,J Ull.lllt')' it b«umn difficul11o
r:a.~. r,.-
111/Q f!'1Uf1f ,n brew Wrr 11nd I om not p.,0,.1t1t1~
rMflcc • rricnJ"• hou.r. Gn""mi t,Ap thlll ,ti ~h..l 111,lti.lo.- lhty._,,... 111Cn llY m.r,k~ a~vt lh c:nmo ,,Ill.I ,\nime111, .:I &hdt t1n,\"I', l«:ffl..r ll'DU 11>( u, al km&. I
he rec:.nUy .sprained hla ankte.
mikaw:i.~ f11'11nttw1
lclM,:hc-.J1.-11-,rlti.1,""J"· 'M'\ll:a.llnJ"1ik'~1'111C' lht"
....,"'"""'·~!ie1.'0n\l"ft1Crta: 11,wc11cpan.."ttol 11
1111AlcJ l1.hdn'1 lui'o"C" full<'I,..~ J111Ufllf\;C ori ffl)' c.,r ,iii,d 11kt C"\Cl)tll)(' d"" l lnl>'l". I Jao'1 tM,c Sl..5QJ 1.tyl1i,; .1111ut1tJ h••tii.-n I rmgbl 1-«dan('\\·c..r- ~'\lhca,c
M;m ,.fl:\ \"lll itJI W.i) 10 I n-d \Icy~.,·, 10 ,i·1111,
Llncotn H•mmon•, 18, Worley, jugg.lH- oulai'.dtt ot the SUB. H•mmons profor• foo1bag. but
~-~v -
OUtol'M1.ipc ldrm~
'"' 1&1>1-1., the
k.,h Studor
.ipplk:",;1111,n. Wt11r\.rtn",l11jl ,IU twcnn.•11111 "-.· -~ hl1n.k-J t')' 1hc •i.:lti:nf Jun t-c f'IIN:II ri_..,, .10 ilb,la1111 i,, t'l'pitl lipU ao,J \11,n 1.J11,11W WI" llsii-,L r111~hi.•,i111llbc1diad1n'Cf i.m 111in. tlul1t1)C.arw... ~koJ. l twJ bocnk?l"I! Y,ltl'i ah' aloi 11,,11ti;otlt1~rw,,1 wntJuut:I 1nm1hev.,"t1,l1,I \\
)'Olr"Allrrla,t11Jl'I) fiN(lll,fw.·•tdblh
1b;!c11uri•!UllC'III tna"'.1)·, llhntlltt1)'tlmtht,.U tit'
wouktn'r h.'\~(' "n-bcd ll'IY I ~o,,ld ,1111 t'C (ln\'tn,t'\t't) \l;h(~
Apioneer in flight, alumnus receives honor in washington Bu_ru~er·s li!"e-l?ng dn:~m_ came true ;;'::1f;:.~ ::~\::':r~~-~;~~(;:a;~~
de~p,te preJudace a~ainst women b> J\a1" FJ,11
Wl1en(il.aJ,,Uunil.CTk1ml«'Jtotl; ml"U.
..,q,l.1f'in '11flT'n't n1uir,rcd "'ii.It fud )", n.l~lpWxtcqtHpmieflt CJI Alt '-fittJ 11\J~uh'f'I \.kn ttfu~i ro fly ,u1h hr-1 bccuuc ,1,c v...,, • fl'tlllUIJI
8~n•·, ln\t ut 0)1,ng ~13l1tJ when ,hr ,ti11d. \ht1ttw up0t•h•dcnl lkllm11fwn ~,,h One cL), \\.hllc r,l,1)'mf 1•ld~kte tu hct ).t,nJ. • ,,t...,tt
u111 pe1)'Ql,Cl~I Ytllh the 1111lthlf) ,lur1nt; \\-\I, It c ilad}, llupN N.i,.,;il ;in,I -\nil) nll11."Cn
fltv. m-crhtaJ She ~01:W 11 Yr-,t,\ 10111# 1'9 l..11,I WJl10 toJic t1U111ha ,t l11111I ~ fou.11d the l~ld 11 h;ad la&J.:J 1i11t1 lrr •n~ aN( tu loCG IJ,c pl.we up de~ and 1nim lf..S IJliC lulC'"" i.1\1: • t i ,ning 10 ~ .-
h ~ A.VI·, ,,111111 {tuu ,kcr u M I lttn.t:rt d1111 "1c
viud: ,,ut t11 the ulthd,J urt 111.'f lk,t..c hcc11u1e .fir \llr°* If hn J'<nt.. 1110ti,l 11U1 •hctt ~ht twJ Jlcihl' . , "''OUld be III uuubk Ru111kt'r h.lJ 1,o,tJ )1, *"•I \\.•, lw-nttl ""'"~ b) the pilot t«tu-c ndc, ....-rfl' S5. Slit t'\-CfllllJII) lln~d 1ht ffiflf!C),C\-Cn 11,o.,~h ~ v.~ 1,urJ11'l'<(I ,o bu) Ice klwltll i.:lt,cl,c, 'o\'1lh 1l !iihc i,t,I\ 17 ~hc:11,hc lamcJ 11, II) U1111A.ct ,,.,.._.. v.,>t\ms .a• ,en ,~c r.1.i.11M pumr4n~,;-11 the
thi:lr rm,tmnt·I Cil.ail)'I MIJ 1hi,1 matiy of ll'C men wctt M,1.it11111 t: le IIJ111.- kt'°'" rm111 a "'*'"Wl f tt1oru..1o.J hn:.Mt I tnjt))" tho jl ,h " JIC ~ "'\1o~1 men u11IN."ICJ 1,1r1 cl ,,,A,.llt'f'C 1lac)I ,.:uuJJ do ,11! thr f1yw1 lhr.11lnrJCl'',IC\ll)f1!1('{:a1i1;.Jt, ... c1mcd~f
0011r111hc •·• Jo nlU\l 11th.nfL Ml lht H~cn ni<,~C',J In fl.l'IC'U, Arirt 1w, ut ln-c mo11th\. llw1 •tr,p.l(t' Ytntliio',('J Cillo., Yrfll, IC>!I (amt!) mct'rt'tl lu('c..cur t.l ,\kr1~ (ila,,ly ~,1;11 li.lll h1111 Oitfll ll"'\~111'\oll\
'"""°' 11,, J1( arn,cJ.
<.ilJ•IV'\ w,J th,c 11.1'> l!al•
'r• fri(l•h:.tnrtJ
""'., .,.....,u,~.......
Alu,....Gladya°""*"'. llttlng on lhoSplr1t of St. Lou• In 19311, loc:onsldnd a .,..._of ftl9hl. ht w.;s l~tung: ain,11t niuf'\t' 1hc ht,c )'(llfll "n.,C'lllercJ She
il('fl)NII( W111ft.ll ti, I. v.hid11!11')' Ill ltrm lnilfl t hi
wa, ~le- tn n•k inn rl111,e \\ h,:u 1,ht "-:.• lh. '11..-
bll·r. thi: 11\1,IICf wlJ p,lot. lktb Bun:olc1,' t.alkm11aticn ( i i ~ in1ttrup1cd 1htm 1,1,J .t.J.C'd Hoh lluvr niut.h ll)'111i,; ~ " ""Cit' 1km tl,Ul!:rd •1 ~t anJ rc,iu1nccl ti., 1.llfl• ct!l;lhlltl Ihi: o"nr' \l,c•ppi.·i.! lkth 1i1niJ i:11.QJ •urn M ltll (.ilJd), .ahll\ll lh-: k,,..,1,'l. H'° ,l1J.11nctf,,, 1.aJ hcf ltN brmun. l11nl· 1Y. 1'1\2. l.llkl. lkrt,UdGl,1d)\Yt"fl'Cm.JT1rd ll11.')' l'lnJ 1h1~ ,J,1ldfrn. 1111 ,11 •l,0,11 CbiJ,, t1u111ht 1,1 fl). In IQ}I\, f 1wdy\ r.1:mc,J htr 1mtNCl11t'1 tk'fll..C.lllo-1 :dle;a,.J Hccb ,lllff.C,! A\'l,,t,un l1hlu~u-=,,. ·n.r
n-inflltntsl b DQ lfl\ln.Chlf Of:lc' 11111,:,
three ~uldcnr, on uo,1o<o1111t1)' 11ti:h1111e.JI
•\•L.-d t Kuot.:11.1.1 McJJu1I Ccnkt ttnhl lhe Cati}
l'crtJJ,1,.r1 01.: v,.flirn 1htc-n,:ucqu11
At tht iamt t1nw:, 1hc' •tt,dcnh locJ L'1l 11t 1nc 11nJ ult.l"WlMslk,..,..cJ.,~ ~'"f,l-111)","Uild (jl.i,J~ , l11n.Jcd 1t1c pl11,c 111 • 11C.11lr) (1dJ. She 1h1.,11ih1 • l.od "'·"" 1u 1h, lurJ ,y,cm,. ¥i-bk>i 1',·11uld 111(1111 II¢ !'I.ant 'lfi."(IUl,1 roccJ lu 11 '"' lil frv.
tu."-"l'tt\.1llr.llf•l!Jl'IIJIIW lklJ lo> 1ft' 11 lht) ((J1.d,I ult ult Wk,i 1ti,c7
trtumc-11 tu the pl;111t u !J;U1t:d aftJ d1q n:11.111ieJ tu Coc;u it· ,\Inc .,.,,dlOUf fu11hicr 1nc."1tk111 1111')(111\(il.uht;{lll 11\.1,.•1J~ll "'tl('Jtfht't>.•1i.lti¢
At 1haa,r1,J
~s. (JL,J~,kmted 1nf1)1 ,hi,t•k
~lkxia Sn~ l!.h. ~he h11, tau~hl P(f!J'k hov. "9 pw.ahutc. fh ihckl~ .cnJ lu1 111 n.=11"-op(('f. r;l.iol)·" •k>Jlpe.'Jtc.x.h11ttm 1991 htC!lll\C !Jlt'h.-.•11 11100lc111 ~1•h 11.L!.mu: Hi::r 1101ubtui.r"llph)'. ··WioJ In \I)' I A'C"' 'Ail\ j-uh11,.hal lhlM.)"(M JOdi"'-1\,1iliibk M
ll.a\lin". In Scr-cn,bn, lhc N..tion r\ctonJWtic\ 1"~1,a..•1011 hi.11111.,0:J r:i1..t), •'- •clJcr ,u1t!>t1lll0 ,N
lh)lhl T,,:: t1.-la lti1: ul futt UHi\) llfr."' ,hr '"111.1
-----------------------What is your favotite Halloween costume?
"I JiLctbcr.1.111:
l>w,e') o,;CNumr, )iJl'IIUn
\uuoa, J't l'ln1i.,1l
,.,,,,nwhlf", ,au,
..One Ulolll ~'UII (II.II
t'Jl ..1111110~
lhll l)in
.n. ll
liuw1,1 (nntJ~lni1
fl~~ ; A v,&m~c1:
llnu ..
lwM1JAlr r
IM.( •t•111<.I
hcol1.hc !lci'rc "tO\.OOI
n1t11rc. lh
Nr11111t. \\ l.rtul t.lin111.
·Wcdu1,'hdd,riate ~1.,no~c,;11 in C111k traf'l(r,,1,."8
t·1;1ffal"l'nia,l0 (,rftrnll ~utlklk+', (
'"Supc,._um.,n ,..,ilcll I •A,-1 \nn \\ ritcht. 28
r.~IIIIM1111,1n l'nr,rHm·r
lllE $ENTIN El.
~ 0
All umpires wear black
C _...
::, 0
•• • •
Cards settling in as conference·contenders .atld ui.;:u, ftakow 4'ddc1l 11111.1chc, g11olf in Men eyeing ke_y m1tc111111 m:u"l., the 1hu111U1 Ckt, IS a,11.111\l t 'ult.tmbla U,..ui versus Na. 2 Spokane c.c. c,•1<~ Tht Carib Jo11,ped E\rt.:lt Conuou1tll} C-Ollei:t' b)' \ntbctr SNt'U .\mlmrlrf'ranrr
.t.l (kL J,1 Sonh Id.Ibo ll.aJ 2M ,-bell\ utt ~.S \fflt.t;E\'<~11',fptjt.
No pr~,nce da)'' before• ((l!Ut-dlay, Ihm: 5,imero.idtrip" MTh,, -y,r~\: "'" II toagh t1chedUle.
Cc)ach Bill Eilenw1nlef ,111J.. · We play 1hc flnt. fourtt, lftd fifd1-pJ.1ec
·•Our dq,lh \ho\\'CJ; Fhtnwinl.l:r w.J. "Wt v.·on: tb«:m J«.1"'"· Ow tum \trcn,11;11'1 w,H too 1ooch (r,rlhcm.• fbe pm,e w:i, lied HaJI •t dlt' tt..11 A fl'.t.l b)' l,u JI ur l'>tok.< Ile m 1br S101 m1t111t~.
~onkrcncc kllffl~. a.II 11n
,he rOlW Ret.1 h mort' !mpon.1111 lhu.n Pf2(Ut.-c . i 1h11 pomt rn lhe
M'~ ..
Ehcn• ln1cr':. C:(«ttini; l..'M.'lk\. xt:m co
~\\'1-d;1t1,r. l'htfl1C"ll', h'~m m»fd l\. 'IOhd ti•
2,1 1n 1hc SorthWul
.\thlct1c A,,~latiWI of Conunut'IJI)· Cl1lk~ Th: lca11111lb)' Sd~l'll 'IICRI.II e.:lmoi,ik C.C. \'l,hn'I t"l't(IUJh (or
l('llfing c<einucJ ~ Kip Sh111bl,1,-.n .-nd Wa,k Rlm:-1 t.11.1.b ~YPlnbulcd I
10.,1 Cunh Ownn.m~n ron&ribm~-d ,.._,, , ,,hh. rk • inn111i J.lre:alr. ._,eked nl I Ml 1.1~1.rnll)· unlucky FnJ.ay the I ~It. k.lBJ-t.. Sh,1rhunP ,inJ OtC\\ t:l(K,011 C'a d1 b.JJ ii J~J ffl a ,l.t VICIUf) tt\'cr .Sk.,;il V1 llcy
r:-,mmtWJt~ ldllitJ,(
'llCdllfin• I N<,r1h\lo-c,\I
J\lhlcli< Ai-)CJcurtwo of Communlt) Collea~ ~ - - - -
mc:n·" ~'ICC'(f pmc. The CIRI:\ v.crc ddc:i'4"d by rhcwllJd('.;,ltroTnwm4--I Ufl0..1.21 Ille Cards ddc.ucd 8dkv11c C.C. \\ 11h four diffcr-c,u playch '-C~rlna and four differCtll
pl.a)c:n•n1uln110~,ineOt11 oncop4 J lkn Lugar \ICOn:\I • 80") 111 chc- li~mifMc
"'Tb,~1i!llrn t\ <J.lilcd... GK,,.,.,,i1Mtf Uld . h '1,',I\ I.IW,11 lwigtr Jn .a.J}IN tu 1hc: C\lllt-ttc: Jamt" .:and pl1tylfl1l W11h C:,t,t;b uther. Wegoc tl't'l:r&hoK-lmmp,1 lru\ "'°t.'d.l-00." NIC it. 1111blfJ pl.11.'.1.'. In che NWA1\C"C. l::.iMnwtotcr 1o11d thn. .-,, ., ,1:r, "'CC"k for Nllh tilt rnrn·~ 11ml 'A-C1rn,:,f,. 1ean". Thi: tum v.--111 f«c ..tton..l·r1J1-.c:- Sri.1br1c
Cox batltea for posttlon ol the bell during an Oct. 14
Ocl, :.?8 al hOO"IC The J,llllX \l,Uh 111"' p,m
contta1 versua Evenm Community College.
Briggs stars as soccer's lethal weapon S8pllamOre - · ta flu. 1W motlvlUon by l'rl~h• Itamtitirl
' A
lhe ;1gt-of J8, SCms Bnus, bnog.. rou&h td~ 1Ak1u. 10 NIC"1. ~ field, Sftlt'- 11 n~the (l(
"My dad /rtJJ alw11J.\ bu11 m,· lil'm, he J,ns aln·an , been m~· morfraw~·
111.\ho Folb, &""""led from S...)lhoc.11,tJh Sehoo1 Thi• ~.,M)l"I BfiQ.' ha., ,ho,••o hi, ,~r..,1,l..itlty wilb tits 11h1b1y Stou1Jrtq,, to ~.... 1,ct, pc)\Jtioru, dwrmg <c:a..\00. Brigf' -'-nt hum MC'rut'n'HO(<'Cr r,la)lftM miJ.llekkr k> dmplt pb.Jitlg" fol'\l,.vd H..: "".ti mo~ than tl~y m ~hnnat poci1i'*' Ac t-1.:h1 ~e:i~ or :ite Bria,,. ".11" \\.;iti:hioi Ci((m.u1y'1, ~ team Ori 1dev,~Jon '\\hll,c \'l,ltd~naGcrmitn)' pla:y. I lflCK1,:hlto~tr. -1 \l,lfll Jopla)' IOC!Xf". ... hc a.lid,"\ ha tittn pUyu1g o;ococ, C'\"\"J \i.Q1;e !UiY'Jng to be" good a\ Cermun). Hh p..1rMiOll hn.,
*' •
.aJ~.l)"ltlttnhw""°"" Bris,f e,petienc:t ioclude:s pi~)•na 011 ldAM'i "ate \OCffl' t(llm ag1111h1 tbc rN 111 die flfonh"~'· He -...e al'\O able w oompctt w lhc Re.Po,1-I WWlllllJk'nL Ori!!;!;,' km!!·ld'm r nal, :ire 10 play Oi\'UOO I IO>Ccctand move tn.mod'lttw&e. llLl)be Phocnl, a, Vci.,,_ enr.r -aid, "'Coach P.i\Cftwin1t:1 h'- pu,hcd ou, k".am b.lrJ ,mJ h.a!o bcef1 \ff) enchu!1111,11\: thl, ,-e:,.win'" Outl()(;«f tumitnaa) v.an1,.canbceo111.ributcd1t)<.'ti.:h P.1"4.'"n11o·UUcr :a!Wthck=-m',. ;mwing.d1c.misuy All I~ IOl."'4:C'r 111.1)~ nrc required Kl tfll btihh> dic1-.. d,} plc'l'lt)· ttf n1111ung. bh .,,.el#hh >1111J plC'ttl)' of rn1 BJ1ii-' ...._,d. "'Mr daS ti.&.\ ,1.,..11)'11 ~11 my hl.w. be hi&., afv.·3y, bttn my mot1v,1ior.•'" I rniu my family.'' llh r•mJI)' t,..,. al'lt.~fl-bccn V(f)' cl~ and ,·ecy ~pponJ,·e. Rnap~ f.11w1mr 111hk1tt\ R,nldo lrom Bra1"11',lOL'\.-etlt'3ffl Hl\hotibie,. t1rcllldc "'II, ffl(lufllilil\ tKli:n., IUld r,ID.}'Ulf: Ninl(:ndo. Ht cn)o}'J I~ MU\k, OR£ and OMX un: bi, fil\C"C"itc,. ik M
111 t.-um:1111~· nialarinit in £t'nmt.l MU.Ii~
11n,t!~• only cC1mpllu\l Pl NIC u,: lbt LK-k af fans o11 1he 'Kll.'QU ,~~ Th nu.1 home pn1c- n No~. l \(.RU\ W1d1a Wall.I c:.c.
Women continue travels on bumpy road, drop to 3-19
made C!u..b jto.ll 0.riny Wlllsb'J ofr IConoJ 1;:s, lhim 1wo mim11c, 1oto pl.ay. Brintny Cox, Tiffany Beck.. JON tl"dehJnl and MtgWt Fraser cxh h:id a gc,ol. Cob) Meikle .u.d Qryn Devlin bosh hnd a ,oo.J and an
b) A.11,brr St~c-11 Stftt1n.-luP4tn•·r Sbc.""' b;alL. Carmen 7.t,bfJ, returning from .i kn«IIIJUf")'. l'a.U hc:.t pl'ti,CtlC(' kn<wr'ft OD thi: field Jn jUSI h~·~1 111.n1t1 lol'CI ho lhJl>C' go1h
a,.\1 :\1.
1bc lad) Cl.uh domltwttd 'ikag11 Valk)' Commu1my C:oll<g< 6--0 0.1. 13. NIC had l.l
, ha1 .. on goal to c;vcc·!l one.
~~:~:~~u~ onl)' 1tbou1 90 NWAACC ltladlnll
ZQt,c,I sc:Qred lbrec- goab. Mc.,tc1c bi tt p l Md rwo :t.(.~i*' 1 ~;:r::~i;o.. ~°:ah11o~~ ~ WOMEN'S SOCCEA co11mbu1cd I and an aS$ill . p1,.)~lwJog.ital ttou,t. Sbc- mak<\, NORTHEAST OIV1Sf0N hod1t-llffl$ • ,.,.i.met When 1hc-~e 1wo ;QOCI chCHi:u 11Dd i, I lt.!rim 1c-sd¢t, Teamo W·L•T PTS prl'viou\l)', 1he reiult was 1 We .ire- mure confident with ColumblaBulfl 11-2-0 33 CWdi:n1112•1 victory, CJITl"l("nblcl." 10-1-1 31 wrllh. ~ho-\\-'J how far we h,'IVO The Canb \\'tie ddc.akd 2-0 b)' Edmonds Norlllldaho 30 come... Ebcn•lnta )lid+ ''Thl, h l:dmoruh C.C, <ill Ocl '!I dl1111'tS, 1& Walla Walla 11-4·1 25 lhc fitll Ume ii.II tcue>n we (oor,:I m.ih:hup of th< twu lop tum, in 4+1 W"""lcheeValle~ 13 1hr tt1ck or 1ht riet . The ball the COltfettn«... N IC Jrorpcd to 10. 4-7·1 13 movcn,em was 1bc be-.1 all )'ctr," l in lhc confett"l)Ct ,ind into third SMg11Valley 4-7-1 13 In Northweu Athlecle place unJ. 1l·.'C·l ovmtll 1-11-1 ChrtttJ) Wabh'" 1hrec t1oo1h, Anocu11ion of Community Everan 0-13-0 0 helped lbe Canis cklen l:Jcllevuc Colle~ 11K t..i.Jy C,.nb $it th:d C.C. J..D or, Oct 10. C.oallccf1Cr with Columbia B:ui:n for sccoad Stffn" Prinunct f'IO!,&Cd lht -.ltu1001 wilh three Nvcs 1n the place. The: womca 11rc looldnJ \'H:1Clf)'. f0f"W1ir"dtopla)l'ff~ Tht \l<On,c11', ,.,nnmJ ,rr·t"k <lkkd Oc1. 18 11,ahu.1 ··w< Litt" «1 • hiJh tlah' oow..- 6IM:.ow1nte-r said. -we ri\!.11 (.'c:'llumb.11 ~1n. ~ C.onh loM 2-0. JWI \Jioilll to mlc th1,; W&'IIC ()nt lnotO 'lo«k." MC bla,tcd E\'ettu 7·0 Oc:1 1.a Tbc Card, had)~ The: wc,nk'ft 1UC on Community College of Spobtlc Joho1, un icti.11 .u,d fac~tt hlMJ lV.1.J. A diff<rcut pflli)"tt Suw,doy, 0..L 28, II 12:JO i>.ffl.
""'"""'"">"" ""°
'11111\ 1.111, ~ . . Wllllwt
Jund Fall 11.0d A\hley Wl~han lhc
out uf MiHc:r·, clau.. Mc:Oow•n
fin1Jiicd n:"pc..:Ublc: ICC'Ol\d c ~ the. fiThl tKII Mdkr mndc: ............... car... wv.,lfl'ICtl 1bc Unhcnh) or Mootina 111 rht him w~l lt. llnu.blng only fr1ur ai
b) &nah•n Snumrl r~p,Jrt<r
The Cardinal', vollcybaH IOlllL is 1otlll u111t..11,, 1ht1r wa)' th.rougb lht, rough
by Cuw Hc:hlncoun
Phl.tllc:ad VaJlcy ln,.il~han.111 In
KtHipcll. MoaL. Ott OC!I. 14, ThC' Unhmily of Monmi, -.c\"lN!IJ a lcw. 17 10 win 1bc IUm lilfe. Tile NtC
\C.l'IOII Vo'llh th(u ). J') rt'Cl'ltd.
•111.:it "·nh the Cc.Jim·, ~,-cnt W\IU;ks bJ~c tl<-cri •""'d h<Jplna 1he 1nm flnll who c11n pctf("lrm hot .and l'tl lhe job done." Co.,cb
ith WOR,1t fioj~ U\'C'f" lhc
l.i\t t,..,·o mecb, .:oun1ln.. pctton1) be.stt, and a top
~·omen M)Undl) defe~ited Fl,11M'11d
1ht« ranking 1n t~ 11a1lon for bt-1b Vallty C'oouounll)' Collet:<' on 1h the men and "rime1fa ltam,. the home 1urf whh u <tcorc of 38 10 outlook Cor nllt.ioa..i, con1lnuu 1c, f1a1hcild Vallt) ., 7CJ Fall. mi a lite gro~ more po!'lll'•C w1th co11Ch tros.s be,,.c or 20 mlnucti. )C,·ca l«Oftd, .md plact-U filth u\o«all 11on 1hc- .t I ·mile CWl1ll')'fi!Ot' Tht NIC tncn plil«d roanh 1n 1tie ,otmc. Wiw:h.trt (ioiJhed doJcly hch1nd U1 20 fllU)Ult\, UIDC ~ \ fl'I liJ.tC'llfll e,·014 .u the Bi,-foot Qpm i:n 'ipo.,ae Cln Oct 2.1 The women place \'.i,1h The Uni,·tn11) c>r M~a1u11·, Bogner Kc.rry wun lht place,i,lh1;.u1of 11 ttam.'ToJJ l.J\f finl\bcrd 1hc-1J.cm1nc.·1ct t1ICC In UI 1rutiuc.c, $,8 ,«Md~ On the suy1, 1iJe. II "'i."" MIiier OOIN in II lime of 26 m11W11Cl. 19.90 lm1C. Ruomna 2S:.a9 o,·et Ml ci1h1• i«und.\ ttl c-r,mc in nlmh pl;ace Alhlc} Wu-du.rt pl~ l6cli in lbc lilon,c1c1 itolf ,t.ll.lnt' (~hstuJt Ul(fl
C.ttl} C.'unh 'l.1.1J On <k1. M. lht C.ardinAII b~ted Sou1flc.m tJ..abo. Tbt C'olfJ1nlLI, \.lmcd Id pllly 3.\ n tc:am
a1ain"' 1hc.· l"op IO>Ced cumpcmor "The- Card/ti.ti~ \\ere uble lo sc:OR Jint nnJ
""mic good hlocb," 0.nic w.J
Mid1dlc- Ho.,.,•cll. ,1 fl"fq,nwi from YuJdm.1. W.a,h, ltd tbc: Cmlin.1li. 1,1,·0h 'MA l,;,ilh Ct)\UII fffll.,, kd wllh 1u. di!,'"S.. E,·m 1bou5h lhl> wn51he c~rd1nil'i l•,1 home 11111th ,he)' v.tre Uflllbk to b: 'l'ioaonou.,i ag1un11 their orr,oocnt.• tlS-5. IUand 15-J,. "'T'ha.1 11 \\-u., 100 bod tbc: Cardmuh did n11C hA\I(! IIA)' ffl(W opportunilb 10 pro,·C' cu tht'ir f11n; thlll lhc)' e11n play Y..cU.' (,"cmi, \l\.ld Oo OM J61hc c,rd,n,J, ho,tcJ 1bc Utah V.alle) S1a1<" College an'1 lo,1 J.o. The C'.Mdm•l~ "en: u~blt Ill t,e:u Ulllh (15·6. 15·2 am! IH). On <kt 8 1hc: Curunar~ cr;M:lcd to 'rotin\11 to pl.a) Yali111J1 Valley Co.mmun11y CoUtgeThr Olnf111,1k \lo't'ft! llblc: VI I.Q bc:;rl Yakima one ma1d1. fCtrinr 1hcm 10 pl~y tbc: fou, matchc11 ln,1e.tJ of dute. Evrn 1hough cbc C-ardin1t.1, were thk lo ,.., in II g:ime. Yllkimit wll w11.1 able "'~ln<l5,7. IS-8. 7-15.....J 16-W.
Women vying lor top ol crop Team charged after Zobel's return
Cross country teams third in nation
Volleyball drops last home contest of season to CSJ
5,00() t11cler coon,c- tu IC4& thie NJC V.OO'M:ft 'ft'tlh II IIIIIC of 2{):Z7,8(>.
~O,lnlv1 ....
-...•-durtngNIC'••- NIC loet Ille Oct. 19gome ogainSI C<>llogeol--
of five- m1lc.sJ. Cha,rtic \tillC'r p('MU1
yc1 nno1hc-r p,cnon11I bc,1 for the .._,
With lcodc:n Ille Ch.1rlie Miller. "'ll \ • gOt"ld ra:c ,. MJlkt 14id tOfflk"I' l..aike Cit)' lfigb School 'itand '1t plo1n w1, lg 111l..e 1~ liN milec11u, •nJ Todd ti,1, • fonnc, .iccumplhbcJ toad ~'"er, lh< NIC out in 5 mmu1c, IQ li(((IOJ"' hul v..e men are ,t,.,wing lbc proper \JioUt' 19 ~ind.. fd\la-... Camms lhn,ugh 1tic fln.1 rode m 4 l"i'feJknh needed t.o tt~l the h1ghl} f•vt)rtd t~llttte", South Plain .. ud 1.n1nu1c~. SI ~cODJ,.. Milln huJ tu COfl'.IC Up\\hh ~ llt\\- •1r.d~'g,)·•.. fa,,11 RJc:h. '"Alter the (irq mile. I ju\J tried II) Uur the I\I)'' 11,cn•c the ooly nne1 who h11,'l'c dl~11n,:u1\bcd 1~n1"(.h·o In 1brrc 11r1J tcco,1.:r:· ~hllcr 11,ttid. Miller m1uwgcJ co l..ttp rlll'C' thr1"1UMhUU• lhien.icfOIJ Tht NIC women hn~ J)N\'ffl 10 be: 111,ith Srnu McGowan of the Unhch1I) o( Monun.11. whom ll cc:1111, 1h.11 d,'\C.'\ nol qutt led by 'lt.·oulJ""t fll)fl'llllll) been con,idc1t"d
(or ,econch bod..
Oven.II 1he NIC men scored 44 whh the Un,,.·cnily of Moncanll
v..mnlng '\\ilh a lQw 8C<W of 24. ()met flnhbcr> un the NIC mu·,., •udt indudcd Blake T1ylor (26 mi®l tj, 59 'CCOlld\). Jmmy l,\ and Octd.: Ptt¢N>n in ?7 muTUte). 23 ,;CCQfldc, Todd u~t f?7minutet, }5 M!COftllil, J~1 KuntJ m 23 rmnuta, and Joomn Oan11 in 2S m1nule> -.nd nJ.oc secondJ.. 01he, finhhers for the womc11
included Ocbc.nh MoyCT (20 m1nutts 1od 10 \C"t:tmd,\), Francine: Mcch:111 C20 ,n\nu1e, 38 ,cconds-}, ~un Hcm111h.lct C20 mh\Ult':\- SO w,cond~l. Arce Slone in 20 miDUteli ,1 ~ Julie J>.¢1crscn and R11ehcl 0.)t')\·4'd' Ucd 11,1 2 I m1nutu 110d ooc fOCOoJ. M.ichrUc Partccr finbhed 111 21 minmet,,, ll l)(C(M'l(b, HeOlhet Vfo.t (21 rninu1t:r.. S I ~ccondJ), Aleds Capfl'I (22 mlnute" 32 ~ond,) •nd Shannon Booth f23 minute! U
Al lbc Will1.,UCIIC': lnVlll>UtNIJIJ <Ml
Sa1urda)', Oc.t 1. ,tie men'\ tclllt plnted 1'th 10d Ille women's teiu'II pl.-:C'J I-Ith llttlORJ JS Oivi115on l, l and l tcam, NIC bin thb "·eckend orr nod it prcparin1 fat 1he Re11on I~
Cb.11np1oiuhlp\ io K1tli1;pcll, Monl onNm- ,1
Host lomlly consitting or.._,---.
l'tUltti, ....... a.c,p dou\)nh!l'Emmastand wll!,
thelrodop!9d 11111-Duson Mlllclc,llft.and - - - · P,-.
Family helping foreign players adjust b) I .11ke Gro"'"°
NIC brlu~ 1.._ ~~~
.,.~,.trm-1 np,•nrr
,._1K'd1('r he •,lilll ·on!ln~ 111 •
1 ~;~;;::,
ilh 1N un llli! hnl:l'o nl t:.m.1W1 Ouind•'lfl, Kandte gr«tC'd hh 00\t f;amll) aher h;1"\<'lt'i.1IJ pn,11~ Rran,101\. ,\mbcr 11Tld (-mm.i (iumJoo h;nc '"o11t(IJllrd'' l'An of the b;1...kcdWI f'l..)'Cf' who h.a\c L~f"IM: fn1ni O\~OCCI.. /Ii. llllnl"tkt•I ~:hun:h hi ro..1F11lk Drnndcm ~•J ht bn.'al'IIIC IIJ\·t1h"N ,,.,J1h 1ht i\·Athk:tc rN»Srro.m ti«:iu,C' i1 g1\c:1 hi,r, • rc.a,oa t(l go to 1hc ,PfftC\.
l)ur,e.n M11t.c1c, l I. .\ll"1c:dtn',1,, Yu.,>11\lla~~. tui, 11,·cd u1 ,ht
l ~1411<", fat th~C' )U.h OIJ"an n &t •nw.11 (~an) ffOffl 4 t:il)' of J-00.0UO proplc wtin m1tJot1n111n lmC'm1111(ic1.d Bu•rnc"'.I He 1,hd
no1,~k En,-11,h lxofo!'f com,n~ to Amicrk• 001 ~ l111t had plenty ~ l'Klp ..nJ \urrnn leamme lhh l\lfT'lfn li1n1u.1fe 1)10,1111·1 ti1o1Ch from h1sh i,huol in Yui@\l4Vl11 bclJ.!"1,1 l•im 1, a fTIAIUjtt t,., 1t1J1l.C'.a \INCi, IJPC ul hhahtlll) In llf\kf tugf.'I prumuccd
rllf Nl..r,NII in 1hc lJn11l-d S1,uc.,._
>t·,.!!!n:;'~~~~:~::1l; In
VUfo"'laviJJ but tht•}' lu.J the l•ppc,rtwut~ to pl•>· IOf('tbu loJC' th£
• \"c,llrybull l'a.olh:Jt' ~r t:tu,tt:ra l tab. 11 l"ritt. Utah,
• Womtn '• Soccer
Snuw CuUc1c.1I f:ptirai,n.llt•fl ? pm Frid•>· 0.."t. 21 D1t.l.. ("nlff'air,u151 (.i(fflgt" l t.ah. 1 p tlL ~f!Ullb)', ~ l 23. l·ca11 \'1llc1 ~1te C'olkvf, at (lccm.
WaJi. Walla(".(. •• al btunt"". I r ru..
• Intramural Sports s,111:k Puul To.naa,n:11 M ltJ'ltC' roi,t11., no.Ht T'-"IJ.i)' SJa&ltt PJac Pin111·ooraamt-nl. DJ e;tm(' rotim, IIQllQ Wt.dnc:Mb), No, I. Rult1 ttf 111• Gm, frhla C"h,dir1111". •' 1.w.1c rllDt'II, l•<klff \\fdr,c 1.l,U-, Nov K j OD } a......thall otrkl•I• llll'ttlftl .oC tM ,pm,t. nrfict. ooon V.tdffflih), Nc:t,,
S11tu1day.No"' -t.
SpokaM C.l',.. ~t bofflC'. I :,-10 r m. S1111&rday, Oc, 28 W~doc:MSay, Nqv I
w....1fflff (.".(.',.•• holN". 12·)0 pm
S.huday, No\ 4,
• Mtn',.Soccor 'ipc,bn ('.(".. at homt. u·m pm
,mri.-.,from Imme w,tlt u fnmifr ••
\111tkoK.1t11.lh.:,~. lklJ!tlldr. Yupl:l.,UI bJ, •lw Unu,c,fo.n (Oui.ftdotl. lh·C"d in d!L' \ 11111cu S1.i1c• fnf \dopl..a:11°,\ttiJtlt b<>SI lho:c )tab. M..i/t•ttng hi tiu~,f)(~, aiinunhlU1t1t1t1, M,11lu1 '" ,1 f•wv. ,1r.l ln1m ;a (l{y nl 1t1r1."(I 1111d 11 h.1tr mlllit1n r«"Pk, Ht,1.mtJ ltl -flt'a,t l·11slhh ,nclc:mctuar) ~hnul aJlll wrhl 111 o1n lmUl'4!C: foe fortJ~ii I .&nJIJJfC: \l.brtt' he ,1uJ1C"d En,rli,jJ Jnr rhm:· )'t'11N. lll1(ftaichanJ n\lti.19rrhank(dl111n up t1i hJ1 'VitkllC•~ ol h11111lcnh hi tel hlrn rmmotcd Int pll~·th~
P•"'-lo C...... , d""1 A•r,-I<>. W111h 3 rm f'rid.t.y Nov 1 Wmaldattl.".(".. at hmrN:. fl;JO p 111
Slit 1,akfl C.:.C,,at S11,I~ l.a~e (II)',\ pm Satotday, ~"" 4
"''"' I\
IGOT NE~T 6 rm Fmhy, -....,... ~
ff tn prm"ide rwl) ,ul,/rte
r;.W11(1(' ,m14,, eJuc-n.1ion 1,
fmp<1«an1 i,.1 tiou 1n!1dn 11,
M11rko ..nJ uitl ~hilc rl11)'ir>g IJJUIII ~~ti 1other tll
Ou,.ua·, .. 111 '°'"d hi, J-\.t,('ICiak'i. llrtrtt u1 \Uy 2001 from
7 r.m. lhu1..i.,. Ol:t 2h.
'I II,- ulml r1/ 1hn 11rogrr:,m
e crouCouatr, RirpNI II C'lwllplomhipl, •• Kah,pcJL MOCl.1., S&lunb). Nov "
!"liatural HIib mt t•r<• 11:)A\o 'ii p,.m. mldnl1h1 f.ciJ4y. ~t.w 10 J OC1 ,I lhnlirthll dndltac', If IM •pom ufhc~. 2 lO r tn. fricb) ~uv. Ht .I on J lla,tktdtall maaapn ...Una. It IM •rortt nfria!, nMD Mnrid•>, Nl.l"I 11
eWreoUlq Pac-Uk Latara Un1qm1,. al hnmc 7,)0p.a,.Frldq.Nov I. Rlahllnt C.C.. 11 boinc, 7•]() Satunt.J. No• ....
SiltOu.t•)', Ckt.
Walla \hit. l. .C.. ~t ~m,c, I fl rn.. WcdM11ln.y, Nv"' I 0
f'Of lnforn1.111on on lnuamvtal Spun1. phllGCI '1119.J?'N Of 7t,9. J)5,.J \·l,lr lhf hrlrumur1,I ~porll OtflCC ,a 1be knr.n of th¢ Stddi:111 Union Bn Jd1n1.
hN lntk' m Tcnneo,.,ec 111 l'urma11 Unhcrnt)' rn lillll',t(lll(" W~11
vl.cJ hgy, 1bc:y fWnd ot.11 oboul NI(.'. they uul c:untril C.udullll ~-\h,&atU (Nt:-h C>ou.v Thib..1ub W~\ 111\01hci1 J'JC\'i(IUi c;:01d1 Ill
Futinl1panl,I whc'n hcttiult.fc:ncJ 10 SIC h'C' i1UI.C:J1htru 1-'l\llf" 'YoUb)l1m
Tht Ci11lr.don, \a:) 1hc.) tile: ht ~·ct h> .. tk,.,., nt'w pt"l,plc: aml 1h1, oprof1uffll)· bu alln\licJ co O'pefl th(lr live:- up 111c obJC<thc it 10 http 1tio alPllcHn lttl wck'"OUJ(' 1111J cot1nc:(l(J
to 1he comn1.unu~... Bt\\ndM "'I hlc, to '1.1,ow di.1, t ait1 tic' 1W11 ,ocu~1ri.e: "'ho 1.:w1 be cnllcJ "P 1t1 l11'1)ct.Of n«J.'" Ambet1-1Ud.' L1~ 1,1,hcn Ilk'.)' n«d • tidt 10 lht
11'J•l('(f) 1tlnn::.
Whd~ w111ct11nj l3r;it1dl)I) 1mcrw1 Y.1lh 1hc 1'.»lt1hllll tcom. 11 \pc,a..1 rru:1khh1r .....11h cn~h Olle o( the
..CC'lntJ lh ll1i01.1gt1 ~ had 41
1\l1tytn in .dJ11n1A tu ,\brk.- .1nJ Om.,n. Filled "'ilh c,1rnrlrtl'Cn1, 11nd w.ppon h~ l,aU;C'g Ill !ht pli) '" Ofl lhc r,11Jcl111c ~ll 11\i:.) IOA~ II dllalofv..1tct 1'ht jdciLl ~t 1h1t rro.11.~m 1~ S'f\>Vldt- c-~cry o1d11t1e o.tio u JV.l)' from homt with II riimil)'... 8r.indc)n •a.Id
:ffltalf~,:. h's GETTING COLDER -&You SHOULD BE WARMER Give Us A Shotl 2310 N.4lh Coeur d'Alene
JANUARY 12-15, 2001
$299.00 3 Nights Lodging 3 Day Lift Pass $85 for Transportation
Hours: 6-ll Mon-Sal
7-10 Sunday
zo . ~ ~•ni·
1t 1 A.Im,
l·ruturiillt' THUNDER ALLEY 1
OWU 1111/i.. Jmk. ii ·r f1xhn liM."' 1! ~111(
1.!,UUUU~l.!:1C!.JUU @ Java
C\'ery Friday 1'ight! 11: 3l) pm · l: lll am Uubdieval>Jc llu,u. lntrt'diblt.· f1m! 1 .'
TURKEY SHOOT LOUNGE Canu nJtry •ur full wrt 11
n1 . I
nU 1
• \\'orlJ J·.mMu~ \1,,r,:.iru."
• ~l1ioJ.,, \t..,,. ~ u..s,2·. • l,r";a' r,ooJ!
FIVE TV SCREENS TO Cl IOOSI· FROM! Clr.11\, ct111,lvrt1,b,I\ .11m,~•s1l1C'"rct
Q. l1 A It T E It
Now Serving Espresso
!%.,~! L ___ .:-_:_..1
THL'K5UAY~ '1pm 11 rm ~; ,\Jmiv.. 1,ln & 2i c,nr: U,·n, U.11c.fmr, \ho, ~, nruf, Ft, 11,Ji l·nn, ~ ~J;, 110\\' LAN \,Jl!t:(')WH.0'.\:Lr
Fne 12oz Espresso wn purchase 11 anv breakfast
Pogo ,o
J!l!OP.le ~h.ire
~ 0
•• •• •• •
At least
-= 0
'l!,rthday a, you.
Storytellers relate values
Cliff SIJohn p<9N11ta tho h"""V and algnlllcanco of tho horM In the llht ol lhe Cd'A Indian Tribe.
b1Lul.. C....,,
CliU S.t.Jobn tp0kc a~ut 1hc bc,r~ ·, 111111f1~1ll.C to the-Conn d'Alt'nc tudw.n,, Wcllnc,d.;a> (k.1 11.
m Onf1v.(lCld B•> M.oom He: u.ld. "'Jo iK\\ wo,ttJ ol 1)(;1dc:ml,. you·rc 1(1 t'ltolldc:11 you1 n1100t, 10 k~tn, tn open )'WI bcttrt t11¥S 10 bt:comt bcutr r,tople The c:1JtN ot 1hc 1t1bt W1l'11d 1c:IJ ,10,1t, "boul lift:. and he u~. "Our das~, 14·oold Jo •II d.iy •nd .ill Pifln l<>ng."
The , 1ory ot the hODC bt5:llfl •• • ,igh1m,: ...Onr di) 1 sroup v.1.1 J13'trt,C .:an)I., In \toy d1inn-J lhc 1CC011c( ffl\lOn whd Ilk)' uw wmc1hinc; ii \l<M( •
man O'IJ •n 111lma.1 1"' 11,t 1ntroch1t11,1,)n IJf cbt IION: i>pc:r1ciJ 1bcir milk.I, •• th()' 11,ocild 11t, IOfl.ttcr haYc to c-,y c,·cry1hlng op 1hcir blcb "f"hc)' ho1d • Stnt warri« rialQCd Se1 C'ha. Vt·hn led fl;At1lc1 u,10 &he Thomr,ci,n fllh M"P. ~ t o t . -. . .
hefpecl to cellbrall Ametkl11n Indian AwtrenHS Woe1<.
AUt'r 'iUuhn rolc.t 1'!11 ,w-i«. O.,m.11 T,o. AmcnC'1111 hidtlll ~,ld m111C)t1ll¢i. t1udc,11 adv»;or U'ttlodl.K't'.J l1u bothcn l.ndo &OlJ Jim ·nk' ·rso l'.imil)· 11 ;",l:a\1ili,o 1nm 111lkcd 11bou1 the hh1e1r)· ol pc•llt'I) 1n hi., tJlfflil)' anJ in ,kt.ail 1ht rux:cuc, h11 tr:Lndmn1hl"t 1auitn lhcm. Tbc-rl." wr-R: flni,hC'J an,l u11t1nhbtd •orb oa 1h,pl;i)" 1hn1 be '°'"'C't.l 10 a cumpkt. or h11 crAft Juu "'"' in hone llf 1he oettn,J maLifll the irunutc PIC'l.'t', ,,f(ICJlllt'ry
On fnd.av, UJr, r.·o.1 told 1he ,ti.If)' C\r thC' ChkkC'l1 D,111« 11Dd t.leKribcd t,ow tbc d1nc:e.q, 1n111,1i.:d tht pn11nc ltUc:Un. He ~na am! l.!Nmmed
and ,tolt hot\.C1 fut Lbcir Ulbc1l1C booe I\ loulcJ al a\ a ''\1enct1!1ff~ b) 1hc Coeur d'Alene JndJan, and tia, bc:c-1, • ro~·w, In
lhC' bc,il l•l lhtt NIC:t'J C'\'C.IIJ IO Jl\'t IJ' td(la 'Nb.II ii '" Ilk(' P.l11111n~, l"''f1fa)rJ the- c:hk:lc.n dan« and bO\lo lhh daa1.i11g (Of tht btni UI rYIIU:re rcO«tcd I~ INC to hfir matnc nuw.l ol the.It tt1bt Chk'kc.a d11.tkeo. r,1n,e 1ri •!,'.r from I ;I-?~ and fftll\1 ~net•
lhd, C\·nluH-,a, SiJohn uHI
un,u,al~J !tom {)!,~Ju. 'ltb
Jlm Boyd perform• for the crov.,d. HI• &how at Sohuler Auditorium IQt week
Uc told ,hrno 01 bu,.. Ch1luian1ty wn introducicd 10 thru 1t1hc, ln1hc late 171Ch • \ k11dc.r 114nle',J Cu~llnJ R1n~t1 .uw ,1 vt,lon or C'(lrflin, nm~10fii.nn .in.i 111M 1hc lndtAnt to for lhc m,n \Olilh chtt.'11 t.Ud.1 \Olho \l.'Wld 1,b(W.· them a new
Driftwood Bay displays Native American art show History inspires trio
\i1,1t.t 111 dk' plinuog) lfflll(ll of ndin th(II dln\CIJ ln tf:ld1ll(:ql doch1n, lnn».1t1'1.hoc,llr1N1nwu 11Q;1-,..n:icJ b)' II n,t,\·~ hon,e. Tht
by H•mw)ll) Ta)lor
Srntmt'( rrporrr,
lat~ ruJc UI Ile (nint of lbc fOOffl \\,~
"'1lcrun lri.Jion A'Al'#'efla.S Wede:
brighland\.'ObfUI, hconllw,ed:i~
nC lmk- k"C"-flt'C.' hclC"CII ~nd IOIOC
l.l Onra(lhcwt', tbrwp 4 ~Jdc \·.uicl)' o4 ll'ld1.1111 am.fdd1(pla)-td m Duhv.000 k11y
tiun,1o.~ Id lhcetn1erollhchilkw.» mtnJ&a.n,,naL\fschllfflll!d~.
R«xlffl of I~ Sludnlc Union 8uik1U)J! the Ml t,Jm;· Vi'» opc:u &iJ lbc put,1,:
w,n 1Jcc:be.t$1.1\e~,1pcar"'tfi~ fhl: SlJB or1 rritJ.ay 11.1 llak:u."~ 1ili woilt..
lmmnroonu,2.p.m \~)'lht\'11.tgh FnJ..t)·. lndlkbt 'lll'C'tc Ni111,r
ikdlC' •• • hlood ho.Rd mtmbttollhc. Bt..:Uact N.itkltt He h\C" on the Net l'\em~ IQ\Wlft ih-\ffUtlon 111 l~~
ld.lho. Jfo tnlttet,I in tit, tnbc'1rt hmaly IUJ!lmd}u,n w ~ hh b,oru.e '<UlpruttoJC'lud lo«p> •·1 bC'pn llll lhk fre:fwit11' to tll Jili f'I~ UldudcJ iri lhc t.l'to<9,J \\ 1th
a,>d brmtt 1111d d:iy ..aiJprure..
f\""" lr.-1nT\O \l'<11cdWcdric:\Clly lndJic:U ,h1( ~lcc&!Cflof~ p,khm. l'•w,l" anJ Qnu&m..
.. --;.;;..,~,Navajo lndlan Jim Too lhoWI potta,y In lhe Or111WOOd Bay Room.
Pl.'li!fk'Je>11fflOIICof"h1,~t-co,.·n andttdpiett,fflponer, ..cte: ,r...htion.J IDdhmC\noobillind twnWlo-14,.e IDI.Wltl 11JWC', All ufhl, f'IOCt\ w.·t~ ".c!t on 1at,lct «n'ffl'd "'1lh 4:!JlorfijJJnd&111c:loeh
A brona h- b y Wiil BNbe of !he B'8ckfee Nation.
0. Thundaf, !""""C°"""J< Att• """'*"ulllc •·-tol U'IU~\ pumlC'IJ OIi CIIWl\a....,s. •nd a WI" k:athcr hide•,
rta.. mg c.rnng, and ._ey d1.11ilu... 8«:bc lald. ..l.\t'\'Cfta(:.k,ngv.1)'," lh• ••"1:< of Cud
J""""""""' "J rm.c piaz.
Ii.II M tbt a;ra,,: v.a., 8«:bc't
h 11, k..uf(*d 111 bn,n,c GOO '«med co ,llcl OUI lhc llll"l l.llA ,If 4 hi, pic«1. All of die 1tcm1 be bild in
lbc ~ 9rl't'tt fcw~•lc.l tMl,rd Viti.kly 1.n rncc
Meet the Parents' makes Stiller live every groom's nightmare ..«n:ll\C 1111J lu, an 11.111,..luh> ub~\kln v.1lh
h) Krt,tlnc J ('k(' ~utJrlrrr,"lrfft . Urt1 "111lk1'1 ·ri.,1,uu1o Scll1r' muunc-h,11 w11n .iuJkncn 0H·1 ,,,..i1n. Jn ... M~c tll(' f>arrn:•' tPG·I '• ,ulkr lhiitt11h,c,"'·n:ni v,,1th Ruben i~Niro II the niJhtn1111C" ut C\t"f)' l'-1pdul;l'\ll(lfM
Wilh • ~ l i l t G.Aytllfd (C.tcg) f'ockcr, Sllll<'t ts .urc tu CN '"'" al l.tUJt,I"' ,11"9 ht
~;~:,:,·,:~!J.~: : a~,11~,.
:~'~:~· 1·:
(lfO("""h\e nt h11 tl11,t-hom Wtat'11 ~ l&kc,
Orrt 111 l.tJflJ hl!Ukf ((JI' bcr m 1er-'1 •'fJJlnJ .inJ cu --,n«t 11.- JMtrnh · • ~IO c,f
h11mUio111n1t 1111,r,1lc11lloon1 pl~suci tum.
,wtrn,: '61th hk a....i JUV..i,1fC Stilltr'• ch.ll'klc:t. n,:,. 11nhl..c: hr\ m
t111101lct 1t.11ni:dcatlm1,•·t1,1h:1 lll1 "'ttu1dc,1'f \b1,·1\·11l 1,._111 ... Jin~ l11ac.-lf1,t.tnt lofoutn" lif P'Cllt'J)· WP1tfhnul 1hc film ,m,t..u
\fary." P•m ma1t1 Ii ._fJC'l•fl Ihle Grca h.aln u11 M ow frr'll :IO k"fftfld\ nl n,e~mg hl·• fW'mls.1l<'N1w u1n I w,dt \JUd)' nl duuhlC' 1.11,et. lifl,;d ~dw,-m t. &odlit'doJ in
1.111111fic:.111 pc.11~ 11nJ 1,uhcl,: pw.Juv.-11, 1tm,u~111hc• 1116\IC, for &'t.illnplr, 1'1C et•t111,1cully l,:hrts•rlc ~1111.,,, 1J11 cunJcsa:nd111g cone Crtq " 1 nuJc tionc\\-itll f'mn', mlt'r Oi:M.,~ t\1oole OcHuffl ,r111ns nWTWJ; 11t1 "u1n.La), 1ht 1otol') n \C1 for th\ll\1rr Thc~rce1npl.a)', b)' J<~m, Wkl Jm, Jl,rrlfd1L h-.ct up MC' a (offlk
11>·,amid WJIC'nGrq trll, .srcw up1111 i t111m
lnJ h.1, cicpe'nt'liu~ n11l~1Dt,'.', 11·,. rnclllcdtl14
!lit' ktuall)' .. , ... ,1p 1n l>t1ruh ,\ h)' ch.11 dltl \\otJI. he till..~ hid a 1:..11 lh.i1 .. Tbrrr ·,. ~it.lhinJ Abe.II.ii \t.,.,..," u c•rci 10 hr t.a) ti,nhrd" f<lfih • luttr .Ml l 111cm. ilfiJ ht pJe,l.50&1nd •·ill .Jc, 11,11)1h1~ Co m1ptt·o hi~ mill'°J the IUIJllhcr fa<r tiic: Nnl lh.11 ,111,1kf 11rUnrr1\I nnJ m 1hl\ l ' ~ her ~ i::1111,, l'hc 1,cH·r r1.:l 11ty mdL U)· d 1i\ 1m1c Otts•~ hraM: ··1\t,i;,e i'")"' fi-nlth l;a...,~._,mll:1 tomu'k.l 1*"_. t.hc wllOI<' -.ur1d 1, am\rinn, ap!n...1 ~1•tns 1hrm lk,111- 10 mil\. lhl." tiny n11'1J'k, C'lf ltC~ andC\er)IHII," th1n~\ h,t,'11(T.ll)' thr-.,c h,m
Oc:,',cihlrx1C'f,J.i1,l. U)tnn,"
1h,JUghtkt.t lmlc w.h1~ lie, .;i~ bu t \ Cntu,11
11,"nfall \\'hh lnlt'rhx:k,n.g com,c: , ,1w11(111h, ~ v.m~ !Cd
o~, lm" hi.,rr1t,.lc \ltllolllOIK 1h111
bc-Qtl'l lit- h,, V.J)' OUI of. ttc- gdl invc,l\·td "'1du cuuultrldt Qt ibe ltot Jin~ uut11i1Se) . 111:tt •he b.x:kyllfd oo fi" ond 1hto 04.'ll'ich iJ '*"h an o,crllt,wlllc w-poc Wll, .all tbt-i1ay bdcr.c Dtbhtt·• •itdJinJ "•uppatcd co tale pl..a.:edie~. Alco lo,.c 1n 1ht- tiW..c w;,a.~ an alw rfflr 1.hc couple ID he numcd ,10 P.a1n·, r,.f~
~cvln. Oln(d by hAnd from a sant:Se bkll:-k of \\uud. P.\m anu.ret G~t htf ff'lutlomllip 'fl•11h tr;;C'\-'ln (01il'Cfl Wilton) -.·:u ··i1n~1ly ph)'ical." He l\h~rdlycowforto.bJcv.1lhtbi1 1n(CJrn,,ntt1n J-.L· \; unR"IUOn.abk ~ of &t.llrlJ.anh ate too much fc,r Grc1,. who tfkk l)ri ,..IOl.ahq 1hem 11.ll anll h1av-Jn,g C\ Cl)U!IC 1hi11l; he i, 41 t'la.t)' J'lfll·hr.ikl Oreg 11 .Ju 001 of;lt' or IIUM" iH IIK'.k t.a.lls It. Kr fi~U~ 1;.1o'tlllh- ii IUl)'lncwt and ,no. off (IIQ • "nouy 01tth1
.1UCIIJ.lnl in one tif lbc hmruC'\I 0Uthunt1 m lhcv.htik nw,,.,~ A dclintet mll\l &cc.~ I'd WAJt tm11I thh Cik Ol'lmu oul oa ..-1dc.o ,n., nf 1pc.iid1ni 'S8 (IQ it. I J iW dui one lht'C'lt UUC uf fl\~ \taN.
w~.Oct 25.2000
'"'"""""'I'<'°.,. I>)' ~drl!'l"
rmMlnCN'd rrom
(.'hn1,0111L..Oft Gymna,mrn
·•ne he.ant IOIJIC' \\cJr'd 1h10&• "'he" I 'A·o1, sn tbt ,rru th.It wd B(lb Cumpt,,ell. Cllllf!U.. IICX'unl) ~,rr1ter
Three)~~, he h:oc.t 1111 t:tp(ndll"t! ..h1lc he Wll\ mal.m,: Mulut1th1
tk "'Id h:" hr-.ard the dnunct flOll.t
Fubar by Ian Sudiek
,~r a l\;dl ~•na on 1he
t11anfwood floOJ. lild mt tm11ditig ,u~compfci.ct) ffllpty. u~wiu, 1~mll·"Pt* lc.1.bccq.11pmc:n1 .,. do\1.11. bill un Uwt ofp1t 1bc ,~.:. ~a roJkJ up, he ~d o\t(a,;1hc:th()Utth,i\Of'l~W.\.\
pla)'in, • )ol:t un h,m Whtn hr ~ d 1hctt "i' 11(1 bo,..J:td~I oo
A1gh1 .tW•)'. Cmipbe.U ~I.I lie
Q lkd for k"lt' \t.iNalJ. """'llll.'t w:c:vrity afft1.'Cf, lolwn)· Md COITIC 101.lrf)'lll
Wb1.le C'amptlrll "'•' 1.llktt1J l)fl he '-'OUld hc1lt
lbc l'AV-Wil)' radio,
tbr ~l t'OOt1t1ually h.,unclng. He \lid tJ~ i1" 'IOOll 31 M.,Ja!J tll&Cml ll1C do!>r. the bol1PCW,
.._i ~fll)'bc ii Wb II pit..1 bbk.tlbalJ
plllycrtbamay~dla!11,longtime ,CO 4lOO "';1,j1,11.t in 1hcor1: "OOOl.105
LEARNING Prognuo, help, ('t)fflmWld). I.Cad~-. coglhh
11.llbtlld for' bui.ld
to -...ilrl for. rbcn proj0¢1 admlnl\ffllton 1.·oa~t thr
~J bad CIO kk-1, thal ~ ~ert
home, for hmtworkina. k,w ill(Omt' famllion \rudttih &-inn¥ 10 1il1::c •
w ,n.any program.. uffcttd by ~1
&nkc•l..t:11minr c;lm.,. a:n get
I'll.II~ COCIUlci w1d1 lbt
Vuicenl (le Paul to help thie
mform111100 rrooi the rrogram
down ,nt.lflut. hooitlos ill' pcorle v.tM, ju)C b11.'l'c .I
Scf\o kle-Wnting T('I •fgn up.
1111;1n.l1.a1ion UII wt up a .,:tiod1lle fllr 11lr1r VOIUNccr •·.xi.
«intlnuit'd from pagr l
Ct1np:,t.1')' I\C!C.IIJ." ,111,J K.C'\)'n
Rtc.,.-cl. 01, l'inJ:bd1 102 MUnc "'01l,,,a\iroli1kdul
\\cM,11.t or Crom 1.bc uffiea-c ~ Mudcnb n:pt,kr for 1,;l.,s.~ alkl alttt1d 1hr Hn.l itS.\ion tn,uut:1ot1 lbl>'# ~Vd)'dfle •
orpninlioo and I cnc:ouni,c
'"' ot tpee111f ll~)Jgnn>(:l!b
die pro~, dflllon. ~h1dn,L, ('h\lO\ing tlOC 10 p.1rtic:1pute are
le ca \·,,luattier v.«l and cc,
,1.1bmi1 donlltion.~.. "I help people 1b.,i-, help." ,aJd J:imt1, LaJoic. another Eogli.~11 IOl wilo ,,1lunttffl nmnu•l labor 10 help
&i\C'l'I Jlro)l'\.'b CC'lmJ»r.lble in
1imellnd"llfk.. Su1ck11J\ chOOl!inf 10: panicip,le fit)I pif.'11, ~l'I Aj;CtlC)' and wotk Olli lbt llf1"llltgt'mcnll, Nu1 IJ!e \lulle11h
Funmercials by James Bell
~1.lny of the (lfJ.1n1(,11(1Jl, JI\C ,1uJenb IOUl'l ftnlJ
ont.llCaUoo.( •·11h expl.1nauim1.
llbol.l1 lhelr lilftnclca.. Studc.nh MrmUJI)' wlunket lbotlt lShoun,pcr1eltk'it~r. bt).,,.~~,tf 1h1• Ifill)' \'Ir)
dl.-pc.~ins oo .chc.J.\llc, MSlUdl:nb mlll.c • ddlcrcn~ ti)· dmutlnJ lbtir ti~ 4nd
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tk'k~ ,,rdrum, C"CbUC'IJ 1h1()ur.h tll( w11!1, 1,t <. ho d11n 111, o,nuu,.ttJMt. Ckth 1l111aJ in ~u111t1J mttt.rn, ~ aU1111 c1111 n1U1~c ~p,m\ 1rom abmc. '\n taml) 1lf rnkio. i.>\ltlm1 lnci-thn limuJ:hl an tfll~(C~l to 1h,l'I(' l,1o.,J..in11 c"1 \Jotl' 1h.u, 200Anlt'rka,h In J ,111,LtdCef\ 1111111 ~1txltht t®IU1') !ll'ld CntllkL&c111ne IOfClhct lilnd JiowOiitd then C"Ulll.irt'
dil" ''t'ur, k.tthn·Lm fhe ;tlUl&lall C'\'Cnt
"'"'~r,f\rneri.:ul11,l:tn AVtllft:UC\Wcd, l.c:J U"!' by.OOC Im°)' .SOWi),J 111,nc ,:)m 1t.t ti>· Ql'fltn Dn1k."10g III v.hfl
l<l he 11 "t,1111r111c •c» JIH)'\'1h; ul'\. le.
lhi')· van,·,·,l 1hC'1r lc:.alllCtlo ;ui,,I
CICl1tl.,,'oC"Jcm,ieion..•11C1I) A jio\l.llooUW cuulJ twl •S OuL
r,... m.:dl\ncl(l lnJJilfl1""'*"
at,.cr,cd lbC p!•W'\O' (\x rfle finl lllt'lt',IIUlmJI.I itJ\C')dPQlllli\C
Cllltloo&. ,._. 1he lt(ctQCd 10 CruT) lhr1•1 •hull tfilll 'i\o1ldieJ lhc pntl11:tp1IDhd.!ukc1b.:11br11n1
Kenn> "hubb)wl,c (llj \Vhuc S\1.,111 \~WI. b,q~·o1n
lhc- '<\:Ord rmlld C'nif) >\11ti1pna'}"l'f1«l111 J'lft'llkCUl.lrl It'll the
fru:nlli.:.and ,vlm,: req:1lc:10
1r11:nchtnp. 1hC'P,.111, .....1""'mc;tn'\lfotJt tl'k'".''~i:h.stlh)·n1tie~1J. "'The p!)'lt'l\'0Wbn~pet1pl<
lcts•~lld' •nd p.-n:1 ktU11r
11nJ ht.ihh Yo:hr11 )'fllJ come ultu II l'Jt'\l,''l\'O"" CU\k"'
~l'ihyn«$,-uJ the p,w,;.o"' r,nd l11Ji1n, IOJC'il1',ct!ll(1 lllld
akht.111! J kia•·b~cJ
C1ltrc "tklrpr,111,....,,\\1:ll'C\t't}'f'ifitual. 111.111.nly l'*Pfll)ct, l"IICUtdoircrn~11r11I ~1n,:1n,... Sd1.t~y1obtS11MI "'1,,d,). <•or noo,fndi.w f'NPk Joa'c undcnwi,I •h.a1hey'tt .ill ; i ~ hccml"JC',,
~ 1deui.u:an ltll11 1
l;m;."11\S 111c,i.mJ "' l'bc- bu\l dtum b,111(,l Wtlilh~ from Nell'th 8,1,1tk(MJ
s11,~hcwan Ull1.S.., J'"1vi<lcd..1 r,uulluJ rinlll!Jbt.l tl'li t J,t"~ 1hc· d.~1.'Tii II I.NtnlC ,i,ppl)' c•f cnttt\ 'rh(- bt•.,111 n11-"J l'<' hc.JrJ lhCllUSb 11,t io,11·, tw.111, ('lr,I~ ltie~Uf'lc:CWl'.'ln ,I.inch ille.1 UUL1itk llfll 1tl'IC ,l~U'I rif'ld\1/bcrf thC! lfl('II ,ind,-,,.l~h"'t'IC pl.-\lftjl: NC-k·IO•Nd g.ania 1l41.Utl~I Su,!11 \'alk)' C:o&ltge
Nabubl·S~OfnNrC-'r«l .-1J l.-lu\'t"\t1111tt1...,,1h rncnJ, fmm ,111 \11ttt 1hr (\)1111!~"l! for chc ~,u,J cniry m lli,. p,i,ri.,n,c tpt, \h,¢b.a.l• fOL~ f>I tu u.,J,1,,,.1.1.I J.~m..: 1>111hl
"M) (111he1 h1nJc.•tHhh 1l•"MfllAl'll&" "ShchalawM 11'.i. "Ytr"' \rccW1oruc TIIGli\llkh 11f <oklrlul be,1i1.h d..-1.l•fUh' hi, uutflt ~k11l'tl lt,1,(l he){)(', d,ii:~"ltl); aPlJ l'IHftJl:ltn~ lll~lhcf "'lv.\lf"J..,.,.i1hl¥.nc,.t1"1hcf'C'ot'JVIM1<1fl htl.lld -\ mr11111un ffll~W'C'C'ptlon In • pt.,W\l.'o'* ,, tlwl ("'l1toCl~nh
"' ,,.rn,v.·vp nJ
d.:tnct. On 1hc o.,uuan,.J.ffl«n (llftlfll.'1C'ftV
huml1cd,.<'I tk>I~ ,n ('tilt' 111unt)
fl".111..:,r:ini-c~r-uw ,q:h1ct111m.11nyc\l!IIU Nlhi~~Ql\~V.ll9o
'1cnA\'ani.. n Goldr'n .4.t:r \ien/Wun1C"1, \fe.11/\\.'1mll:ftCh1':-lC'n11n,J
Rl..iu:n>I Pl.l\lk, :\inl'i hUIC\ ~11hc,.\\'(llhcnJ11nq
S-lw'flll, \ten', Cir.a...., w,,mm"
fotJlk, Tttlll an,I JtJn,or C,ltqontl i.111J the tiny T1.1h. 4l\l~i11n
R~C'n fcuthcr "'1«. 1$. b( the Y Su P1:t\.~ Tnhc (~tlllpl.i). ,.lml ,he' l""n u,~ t'<\Cr,tll ltn0<,flhcrc of I~ f'IO'lt',\(1\11, ..
'Pu,. v.ow, )J,: m; hk, Ptk'c: ~...1 "'I ck'lel'1 lnow"li..1 I 'l\ou.ld Jo ""·id1,1Ultlx:m lllt:epeim>..vlw"' .ihh"'
f'nc:c 111,IO# "llh ltl.ul)' OlhCJ Ji.,.J<f! r,,t,lloC\,·o lllh IAraprcJ 11110 MIJlk.~11111 bclh, "'h1d1 madt I Nm1CM11t1W lune ""hen tbe) Jm,'"J 'lt't.lnM:fl JWICC'f
I h~\(' t6S ,h~II, OR m) J1nslc- d"""· f'tlcc ,111J ...A 11t15Jc ,licit ,1.nd, (11~ C\'CC) J.t)'ott~re-11 • ()1p111,,n, lh 1;11,Uuul w;1,~run1 tor
~IC w111 Oarrt'fl T"" l\mcirk1&11 lnJiall a11d \111111ttl) StuiJl uJ ,\\h·1...e1 Tl(l'I rrt('IJt.1u11n, ((If Ibo M...,.wm,, ttc-,• 11 t.ul)' 1hl, ,ummcr 1111111 im:lmkid f111d1n1 fut11.h, 11 r ~crula drum Nlt1J, .uiJ "Pul.,n l(t ;inc!MS t w h.n ""~i11111.cJpo\\w1,.,,, f11f t 1~h Stale U111vch1t)' 11id 1hrou~bou1 Uk' Notth\lo('\I. T1,0 ,.iW he k1\C':'lhe- rt.1CI\I: ~c,c '·I'm .i dillk'.C'f ffi)"('lt aod lcl\( Hl\ilnl ""'llh 111) bfPlhen. T.osald
tir~!:eJ~!:~ ;1:,~n1:;~!~~~ ~l~\C:::: :: ;~~ ~~~~~~~ 1
hNlbt11,euh~1re 1'.11t, lhe NI(" commut1JI) rhcpoy."11• k1ndk.J the cmouoM nr m.tft.\ dut1tlfl lhc C\C'nl TIK' rramSf.athcr of .11 c:l1!1<l hub) a car• frN, n10t1th~ •#U mllik' 1 llcJ1 .alivn h• ht" p;l!td.w,n 011,:lhh \11!J 1he chlltJ ~wlJ "''" w•I~ "G"m, hut ma 1nbutc 1n 1bc humian ,r,fnl
1be i:.hildjumj'IN. diuK-C'd 11nJ win foll 01 C'netu Jll•t M.c •11~ h1ld\L>()lt,lliJ.b( While thct(' W('rt' m,1111y IM>lcs rn the .10J1cb«. ,11 1e,curll numberc1f pe.:iple tumc-.l ,:1111 ltt '<'t· hr,w t.1pJhc:at1t dlC'-.c:1"".,.,....,o...,\-'ltc tolht'tl£o.."fflo Thc)' omctn5('(: 1bc:m pcc,~-,"·i:: 11k;r ..uhu~ "~I(" c:,11,lr,g !ot:<'dicr .1 •J r11itl1.t1i ll'K'1k1" tll;tt',1 wh.111', II all ~Nlut.:' T~o ~id fberr·• a ,ptnl uC f"',J luhn1t" hrrc-
t.-1.i.a, ...... "'*9
CIO<lkwlso from lop tlghl: The 1t1d1Uon111.ndiAr\ adOrnment •nd gown Npr•Mnl tho pralr'6 ch1ekon. An American ,nc11:an woman dane91 to the bMt of the drum. Manv ltlbet aftlt'n<»d the powwow whk:h I.a one or the &ltgesl m the Northwest. In • llurry of motion, Spokane Tribe member Jamee Tomeeot Ford, Wasl't. makes hi• way eround the tribal dance circle during the annual powwow,