ror \(~IC-CC:Unly. loll l h1nc:: 'M:r-'Cd 1hc1rllar\~du1yllfldh;,p.\(' The: Am,y \\'Ill supply 10,000. tbt rmfn,Jonal rdd,malicup a 11111llcr. compclkdtt•OOh~· pllttb) •orking in cu.ow four w-.1n 11.: n\llllltJ.g 1a •hkh Au-f<ln.:c 1),00(), the M.-t-lne,. 7.SOO. bt11 f<tt"<'l'lt.ii,:eof t.ho\c intdUgenccf«hcamel11nJ dde~ 1hete11Ubc:·rcc&l.k-i.1 intoocthc~1) thi: Nil") J,OtllJaDJdicC<Q.ilQWlrd '.igninguptoM:'l"<c
Friday's events plan to inform, console, inspire
NowEa<• In fC,P,\11~ ao lhc lnmnat ,11ta.:k an the l'nlt"'1 SL'llCS. NIC ,, fat.tuiug '-t'vcna.l e,·c111, rn~> 1n~1ng 1u mfonn. ton'OI~ and 11Urirc.
R.-lld i.G<A-bo. •n cap:n on urtr:m.auonal
K'C'W'Sl)' L'4t.lC). \\ill &pe11.k from 10.i m COOOOll m the Sl '9' • l...>1~ Coeur J'Alene Room. Tiili
""i"O.•m funun ~auoo about rombittiog ,n1.tmahon.d 1~"n \\:ill addrcu ~"UC'b 1uun ._, or,1lm11 forckilllng w.ilh IC' ...Stbc ~un1y of 1.bc Unurd SUMcs ag.ain\C lulwc lcnori:lt i'111k"ki. l...c...,i, u.,11 lllso d iJO&» ¥o·1lll
thi: ql.N!>tiol\ -C.n 1L"JTQriui1 tic rn1.bu1a1·r l.,:w1,• rctHed U.S """' hcutc11.anl C'lllff!W't.hthti dctt'CCOf'(lf M.an111lt1U1(LllC Jitl•iM.arun S.:b•')l•ltlf Afhuf\atlbcU t1fl In 1be. Army. Ltw,, WJnllr~gn UfC.ll-ifl1"'1 m.poin.1blcfor ncgcKl;ltil)M), u.11h ll L"UWllflC'-. lfc" L"OMi<ltrcJII ,r1cda!htlnlhc i~wcof t)·bct" tcrrur,,.,n.Hu
!he- r,1Ml Ha, crcdcnual, lr-.ludc kN11aoo..!~1U!!<Umofl.bcAn.cnc-,o c. aw Snlitmow11n lntililutloo ui wa.,hliiitm. &rU101,uy111J11Jt,,1.\'C!J./lrn.&tl)'tn.-e~i:bJ»'-'iMc: Thcfmt:11\111\o(()tt'iadcinJ 1o~e\dt1ck~,andhd'4= \twkl-."JU.tol.htcnller Al~tlc-&:ha,o::,.., ~•t'CICamnrorlhctinn Pt.1nu11Clt1Jca •tcr•~l).fttt.1\IICratti,\ktlhcbt"Jk:Jt ~dodO.""".Jll"idtn1ol SIC, ..,,d•loni Cl)c'oru1Jncn1 1.0\bc Nlilll.\li: ~\Cll)turai h \ l"t)' lmpnmw. -V.-:.• 1RIY\t.1oml:<thc fun11.U"J rorlbc CulJUnal tllcr. Burtt~ ''Thtrc4reur,11n1 ,a11on,
11 ,1,1ub1t Heupbaoc:.Jthc.11N1,'Ct--..ororplyin, l1Jnl i:n..irq,. \rnkh he ftth1 Wtll 11.1\~ \.lc»na: Pl\*-w,."IOI'. HtiJan.'CdcunoemabulJl lu()fgnn1moocyaooik:d1,0ho11dlhc~1
fie: t~ Ccn1tt t1 t'"mdl1" ni:,~, "'"'IIJN. oo
~Sl'-100.. Btld.c "*in.m 1nt th.Mtl-=N,b\'(
~•• Gw!tim: Ccma be fuiiJ«J Yi 1tlnl1 r.i."*"I h c:c-'lftl;')' UIU)' OOffE W 1tt1Jn tlr,,TC11w:l'lb D\'CI'
"'-inc t\mrttcan Cukural C'mtcr~IUl bt: ll~11lk r lep:,eob 'I. lien lut11.L a\: 111V1:1l.lblC'," i«mcJ plc., lb.11 be OCX1id lilM1 bcuM:1n1 tlatn10111, m1htt tJi.anw.A1l f-.w1hl:HUllllt1<JtlllL "U,hc.Jldnotp-o.b-..t whll.-hr,anortlx
C\iJuwal Calla \H..;l..l tit bwlt W'\L "" rumh aw 1JY1111.Jhlc n1CCUOOur tJ11.? Culnini.1 C<1 teora11pup. l"hi,will llllu!J. r,us:~,.,1, lhc IQIILI ainrunl lar too MnfllNJM('lr lhc«nlO" Ot11M'~-Jtti 1tbc~t\loouklhl.,"t-ll.ll'C'thc ,rui rt''?J'l ilitl1tt t:11 lbc ~oou-.acltlf\ Studenh u,uulJnotbenlt.w.cJlO\.,._ICCCC' ~of h.1t,1JIJ)'I~ I v.oold like Cl>~\.,111: llr mbcll Q.JlltlCd !Ob:IJ'I tircak JJWclll" Burt..c wl1
Tbc: C()C'UI' d'Akoc Tnbc h.l., hc.lfk.\J 1n ~uins lh1"I un,que prof('\.1 .J1'1'J wllh lbc l.'!Olk-tc.e to hclp ,ludc'tb~tt: the llflCioll cutlun...~Cl( An'IC:tiol.
The CO!:'Urd'Akne ·rnkt.1 ClUll-,l lwdoMkJ S120,000ootheNxl,..:Amc:nconCutwmt~r. Burke ba.., blJJcalN that~ cultuml mm will pnwick a k.imn,s cawlt'OM'K'rit v. 11l1.ti 1Cl'I~ nf OJ1111ri1.mlty. RukS&IJ.a1'~Sotn1tiobt:11placc
wbrre ~ati,c Anxn:11,11 litUdou caR led al hrmc
11nJ a pla« ,..,,1im, tll,alk-1'111 CM \l~ldy Nnli \'1.' J\mrt'ICilfl cum,;ul um .\c,:onhn1ttol.bcU1111hoo«~~iga & l't..:,doo Rdctcncc 81J11'., tlr llC"' NIC
d 'A'tk:<lll'IC' c."llf'f'lrt1'1'111Y abJ loamin, flilt NM1\'t Anll.'tic:lnuudcnt".\11'1ptVl'!le§. 11\ttll~l\'C'bll
,: l.herina pbce rouullknl,; Mkl tril\&J t:l\lUpu11d a flllCC where Nan~ AfflC'l'\OID and !Pl·natl\e:.'-Ill imcraet lll'IIJ from e;i,;h~hcr ,\CU'i'IUn l!Ueb a.~ communil) pue11ac:b. l111X1tni'Uhlwiarw d,ltlcing. drulruuin.,:urdcs Dl'ld caw..l vhJuni will ~putt lie«' n~ \Ir.1th~ ~1¥,(ll'kl:Mcd fV&1.dl~ f«11 Wk'.f'inl alld tCSW11 '1111• U,IQCAl.ffll~ vrrnnun1ty, ISll!to '11\1• bolll)' wtll tni\h: litllallCIJt W(' ~Jbl Ill ponti-y,a riWt'mOll llWI wcsuuid t,-..hlJfll.ll\ JIOI.I we are L"Ottl.lllllltd tOdivcn.ty • lk,wd~JQ?.'"'Ct-.:ICh..i.,UlliOJlP"1lll'IJthc proJCl."t Jnch>JQ the (,ec1 1ti;ii1 NIC tithe kadn in NQnh fdt,ho.(l'trnJ)' and uodofy,ni;. In tiunW1 npl\. TheL'Olb.~tl~l~U'lttJ.: commuotty, and ~ICll,on lh'lll incn:a.ung thr qualltt orurc. A1J10. Bm.e ~ll II JWlK:IY ix.•"' N:1m-i: Amrrian ..eudcnb.. l ht N.aim: AmmellD off10&:'"1• k,,1«1 a."l'Q!-.1 from R.cnn mw ll V Paik. Uud,c. fff'l,114\I)' i..t.c.i the 11111:couJd 1Cnd the \\'mn,f mes~~ IO-- N;iu\-c N't!Cfk;ai1~1UlduC11alllllff1t1eL \VII(" the Nnli,,: A.merK11r1 C\11~1 Cnttrr ,, (lpt"IC\1.1~ 00Jld1n, Y,.r.. ona= dlr Dqwunrr1l of L.~ndt 001kltn& may t!Cuw:d loc- \auJtni lub'-
jobllC U 1'l(I ll'\l;WOC, \\'{1tLingv.i1h ((lntp11n1f.:\ 11nd uc.i,kmJ11h., dcwlop"Jl,..,rt"'
• "/t, Ctkbc-'a1t1on uf lbc Am....,1 .1 1~pa1l. f :11un1111he Rfd llot \ t.rr,,. Sdwkt ,\1;,l.tori:1111 IJ JI' l~ WI It !IU ~hlldrcn and 1rruon,S7 forru1boi111l '1'1Ca1nlyl'-'UCIP..-n11knlltgtocl)fflJ'ttta'J
A candl1.'1 1ah& VJJd v.11l tit, ht1d m Fm Shmn.a.n P.1rt on the N1C t&n!p;!li at 7 I'm. ~i\'~lt\111'111rurhu"-bei-,.a.i"-"'tll1L.\ palih~al aDd 1.'0i»mllM)' 11tt expected 10 be Oft Ju.od ll'.ltaumoof tellec1iont1MltttOVC'I')' 'Yi 11h '-1ng1t1f. rmwc •nd J'B)'Cf A color 1uard v. ,Ubc~ Bring yous ov.r1ca11d co, lb:-hlit:ht
Ouer oc,1,g;n:.1Sll'lnld lobbym for the Amcncan C-1\'tl L1bcr\1M. Ufl)t)1l. Ltiwa Murph)
, ,l.tittd b>\pcakm TodJ Hall , 7·\fl pm M11rphy will ,pcai..1bout tht ACLU',- 1,ce oo lbc gm~mmcns', hs,mclanU auion m 1hr 'i\·ake
<1( 1bc t1,d10f1;tl ! rt,JC'd)', A«arillng 10 a pre,,., rt~. ACtU :i,h()CJIII.':\ 1i.c:R'.:1.o;cd a.irport lltellnt) me»Vl"Cll.. bul dl~n·c;, or 1hr bro.,J·bl~ u.uull on tn1.hlio11~I Amcnc::lll h,:~1n, wgcd hy -,n~. They al'IO c.,cuoon 11,gainsl 1.h)rc1~i:r,t11;1-.blnf' and ,he tDC~:ised u~ of n1t11ll rn•filiog. \fotrh)' 1\ 1hc fim -A'()nun and 1bc lini Amcri~n co hold tbt p)\,iho" of ACLU waa.111nruaG. D.C. !lo(:,tt1uniLI om« 01.ttt,1,lf".
She hn ~o 1.: 1,:d 1n OfK' ut 1be .50 1'1)('1U
lnlluc:oual Wfiliagtml•1n 1.0 t<1l1r:11:,,jon1tl
polJ11csby R()ll Call.• Ca.r11ol pa:pcr
At$ run. NJC 1111d R1.'d Hot Mama,, wJ11 ~r1, /\ Celc:t,rauoa or 1hc Spirit."
o. rund-t"IUM.7 for the American Rc:J "*" lll
Sdwkt AuJ.itunum.1'1,c e,c-1 1will tl•duJc
l'l'LU"K'., dw1« unJ comrd~ fOC' on ,he: '!'lllt of lhc Amrncan pc<,pk Wt." (\~I l',pttuU) do..: to thh 1niglc
,,11ulidn u\ h,tic <•I vur rt.«llt r ri\!ilc,._. to tl'J'fftent ldnh<t ill l'l'ca.1lc-nt Hu. I\'• 1uugwal ~ntdr Aid \ t1klu S~n,. din-clcir (l(1hc Red Hot \ 1.ani;L , Aa;i.vd"1(1f h) Stc, ·cn~ tht)'
~,,ind in the wmc: Pt:nli£Cln ~rkin; lut 1h.i
hiibyatt:nun 1 pJlfflt' 'Wl'i.lmflly v.1,nt iu u.1.t "'11,,lt u.c hl\e. to do \\•l'ull \\'C can ai.d cBCoura,:c otbcn 10 do lilewh,<•."' Sk\c~to.1ld '"lt'\_J:tbl "'lu .t rn,.n1.u
dc1ui 111na hkcth~" Show Odd., att 5, 10 I« llduht anJ S7 for dultll'\'n I.! .ind u~ iuld ~n1on
Tkkct, ll1'C :i\'.ti111blc 11111.hc NIC tK, office
Stan Recycling! Life/Page 4 Wednesday ~· 3. 2001 Playing 'Hardball ' A&E/Page 10 ,,I. 55. No 2 No 11 1 11 I 1> ,\ 11 o Co J I. " c. 1. ( 0 Hl·11r d' \lem Idaho ore than 200 students could be called up pproved reque st for troops affects NIC ~~~O:O:~~,::~:r;ri!n~i;11ct>· :~:::::c:i:~:°:'!~ 1~!sa :;::1 1~;~~:~tiii, 1 uMI nl«llt:111 ~ppon. CftJuliOet "''ppon.. ana 1tit lffltlt'hl wuad,,. 1)1 1111111J.2S. H 1WC\'1.'T, l1MII))' arll Army Me.enc Na11ooal OuW ge1~r.l c1\ 11 ,upp<'lf1 ,mJ harricliand Ou Sert. 1.i.. Pca,o.,.l:\iin ntm"'•l'IC't4 fmma m1l1t.u') pc-twn.ncl re--tnliMins ·t dunk. t 1~knpo,w t to m.zke l.k(c:nae \he' 1r.1J1<.atien pf 11p au 50,00CJ N:111.-ut RC('tulkn. ..uu, u K1.1.h, a,e 1.w;nfu.,;1 and di) C:\·cryd1mig v,,: calf! to ~ppt)XJ1l1;1tdy 1"!7 NIC \olu,lco11 we (iu11td 111'1,j RCM.'fVC UOClpl ltl1c-r Ookiuc: 11.Wlllll'ICl\difll: 1h.u tbm.t mh.'fC\lcJ m iupport our l.'O(lntl) ng:blJIO". ·• 1.·n!J(taf Jn 1hc Anny Re"'CJ\e. Arm,- ~~1.11)' Odn,1ld Runa!c1J'• tC\fUC"'I C'nluons -o,1.,IJc1the Natjoo.i.l OuiVd. Bn:iw1.1n u i<l l.lllfllml b)' Ck ~lit NJtK!ft41 CWIN ar Air N11bn1W_ Gll.ud. for ~lhnnr;,11,..,n 11nd Pnes.ldcilt Bu\h'i. "'The S.MwnaJ G111rJ -111 rU>· • hu~c: Lt of I awJ Mo~dun I Oflod1~1t ;uc 1m.lmJu:i.l approv&I US 111ihl...,. pl,111~1\11\·c ltlk' 111 hoawuu:'ldddcn e'• K.i,b,11iJ 11e dooret,CI.K perwnn~ ;~em n::.iJytc'4!'1'\C\,INIIL'lnrctiw1nllcl\\ho a\iolJ[IICdalll"OICIIIA IM)S,Sc)l)u1tbnt1 Proplett\L"'l'25.inJlho,,,cttt
m the R,ocr\c "111l,Ullrtin1e !Mow Jdk'nllJoct," Krtlll S1egul. hi:aJ or •n:krilfl hcndib ~.000 m~ Robb Bn:nn,u1., H. "tud1Joxr Brt"nrun .._,d. "'lO 11.,nd up 110d al 'Il l(.'. 1o.1il1 1J1.11 •1 le.1~t l1CIC \: lC ,\c'"'111,1 10 Kl'*t. cnll,111w:l'lt 1n th ,cr,..-1~ rtf!R~nMtic! tut CC'ntUf) 1tic, '*-1X'h1 whllt "-"e .1,n: nuJc i lf Ready, set. GO! ' 11!, Jump off tho , 1a rtlng tine during 1he Coaster Cross tnvttatlonal et SIiverwood Theme Park Jul Sa1urday. The NIC men's ~of the only homo meet with Hrat place. Chad WaJJJn, Who finished fourth overall. led oll Cardt wl1h• Ume ot 26:.53. onghouse plans 'culturally sensitive' unds not availa ble yet for constru ction fl art Mlll b::in,dm\·n IO pl.celh: N.'.ali\-c: A.n:im:-"11 Cwlwil Coictr bchmJ Soler H~ Uie pomi or lnnd where lhc Spoklllk: Rhu•~ ~Cn:..d"Ak:ncJ("l1 Thht.imhrultimdl) lcaioc IO the Cocur d"Alcoc1 nix:. •:ciordmg ID """"'"'c.-rc..,10e,;.,, rro.:e.,.& Rd,,_Oool., .i... 1>.w1Jonc,,,1tknu\·l.'.Amerie1Ul 1rpm&.111le "inca!atmg
ArtJat rendition Illustrates per1pocllv1 ot Longhouae from tu1u,e c:ourtyerdfgarde-n ONI ! NE: 1vww.nic edu/~cn11ncl BY PHONE: 769-338 8 BY FAX: 769-3389
English instructor looks in England to find hero
John son takes paid semes ter off
b) Hilllll} 10\\"l:f1
T,.,ixm,-orwo1. Dt. v"il'"" Jolm-. lll\Jli,h 1 oc1 '"°'iln•10 uuri, ,J,c1,i;iitu11~01 J b.,c1-..1.,
uu•..-dcd co Europe to wnJk i n the f00t.ucin of hct
hero, M M) Wo lb~i,ecr.,.ii
Wo1l\~~rall "'~ a~woo. pv.:mcu as1d
tuCbtt. J 1>hn11011 v. ent 10 Eu.rope to do roe4tth for
ooe r.UJ ~n~ta ,xi WoU1,wnccnR'!<. life. 71u, bcroiu wa,: born in 1159 in Loodori nnd d ied in 1197m
lAlo<J<>o Tbeflt'SI
\'O)la,:c, D.u,,lhcr -gh
Janu.ry, \hr travt"k:d lo
"WQl/swnecmft wt1s ti political thinker, and she made contributions to thought, litu,m11'!' mid writing books on ed ucation "
luJ). Sbt Virglnla JQbmon
.t.pctllfit) II\!_~
lldt.lltt<>nlltwo ---•
onotUJn ID
Europe from 1'brth thmoah M~y
Joh1uion vi\11.CJ churche,i,. 1:'at.l~ and hoo16 or
11pa.rtnl('nh wbe~ W~lh,onoc~fl 11'1.ay hll....: b\f.-d.
SIIC • f'i\'e >Cocy houK lhlli 11 I IIWKUlll i.o
L.eH.1vrr ThUt bl been die u m11jor
1nC":n:h1m1. Thill nw:scum hil, 1ll 1bc hi.\UII)' of the
Wol01ooemfl may b.a,c \'l~1Jcd d1i, muScUm.
ocma)·bc C'\'t:n lh•W lhcR! John&On IM) \·U:1ted
the lwiJJ,.oe wbcrc Wolluoncc:rat1 trird 10 commai
wieidt WNlhcr vllried ln Europe. but u ral!W!d
11!084 or lbc oa,c Jobw,o11 wu 1hm: oncn ,.i.hcn
~he .,.,ma k~y ptw::e:.. !,\·bert Wolheom'(:rafl
tJ,tllJ. lbc ~, .,ooJ.J come WI Sl)mt u( lhc r l~ where Wolhtonccru.ft had been were signiracJ:IU
pllll.."n ii1 Mr-life. folut.10CI J.tltCJ n. block away (mm Ol'lt ol lbc pl,rctt Woll•tonccrl\11h!ld lived
Jobn'k:lft .allO found tbr i.antt chutt:h " htrc
W{11htnn 'Cflfi IUIJ "'u~: J,e
vi1flaJ Wt1ll:'4ooccrah'i\ gn.,"Csdc in 8om,c:m1h.,
Eii:JIWd JtlhnsciQ vi,1loi Ilic Ri~nbtq, ~tk In Copcnhllgcn. Oen.narl, •flleh WoU~lOfte'Ct;lft wrolc about ill many ot lttr book~. The Cbll~ bcea.rm.~ II tulDCUIO lbc )'eat WolbtoocauJi Wit,) tbm,. Jobowa uiJ .,1,e mew .a.he "'1L' ICK'lm1t1 11C lhc Jll'"" thfnt..:•l'd 1111,W. r•~•MI thtt.1 Wolhu,oc,rJ:ft suw; \he bad Wolh aon«nfl'A rcspo~ to ll)C)H' lh1np w sbc could (()ln4)al'C lbofl With her OwtJ rt'~, JQhniOo 11~ ,•,,ncd Rome.1-lorentt and Venice:-. Lalcr ,1>1: "iJJted HllllCC. Pon:usll!. Gmtuny. l~l.uld., &>gland, Ocslnlart. Ntln\·1ty .i Sweden. She vi,itc:-J htT ncrbc.v. wtlQ lhu 1n Pari,'i. lLnd die took :t rmy to lniwiJ. W9lb tooccnul 1.n&vclcd by w•tt:r' "''bl.::n iJ>e "'·cnl 10 lrtlaud: Johnson wanted the !\MIC r.x.pcricuoe MIii)' Woll,1imCC'11'.h w»callcd~ WlXflat~ of Fr:minJsm Sbc IUpcd fort1qWLI ngbl.\ f(Jf \I.O,ntn. She n:pmcnl.Od 1csndng, courage, ~1)1, fW-)C$$f1C$S edu,;::IIU(>Q, She: WU a comptu lotcret,1tn1 penw,ti 1,1\.C .,ix: "''11.!l ilkali1Ck Wolhw:.neuatl Wll• otism·.a.nt In bcr wrinn,:. natural to the "'orld und h1unao n.aturc. '"Woll ,rllned'llt '4'u • p,IU.icaJ,.ttnd .lbc mudt *1tibiilhOCIJ 10 lhou,tlt. lilCl'lllute Uld wrote boou on cdi.lcllbllfl John.5oo Mid.
There ..,.,m: 1~1::'i on cducMion for men and Womt11 and 1ilw titicnl education John"'n y,-lmtrd w tntvtl alone lib' M r hero. tMJ1 °"'bcn ,1,e tmYclt:d 10 Sc.mJinavia she took her 24-)'CM-c>ld 1,011 wl1h hc:r She h:IJ a lamily rrunkto in.
WoUMOOC!Cnft'• f•lher "'''" 1n akubol~ and "'1fc ablbtt. \l,hiC'h bl 10 bu ampiUsn of ~Ila.I nghu fo, wc>mcn Sbe fio.oci11Uy wpponed her (a1Jw:r, tu.i, .s:i~k'n and ooe a( herbrottlc.-n.
Wo1b:lC)IICICt11(1 wa.,; ooly 38 \\bctl tJi,c, died wtule g1vio.,. but.b 10 berdoua)ltct, MIi.i')' WolblO!k'l:nifi GoJWln Shdlcy, 1hc author~ -Fnmkai:1Cc 1n" Shelley', flll.hc.1 \\.'Ill Wtlllllln God•,,in, who wa., BruJ\h John-.onttlt,M.vyWoll ~toac-.r.tfi '"Fr.n.ktnllein'1Grandt'POO!er " Wo&hlooomd\ oocc P.Jd " I'm JnuJ8 ll'l be ~ member ol 11. o~· t~ tn milk(, my livingl,y \\riling'" JohRMIIP \1t!J .JIit fou00 lhal 1tffVClin& 'A'i.lh ll thc:mc w,a:,: a "'Ot'ldaful w.ay 10 IJ'O\·cl
Discounts available at Ironwood
b:adocc.:umd O\'tr j,C'\'l"N ~)'\ !'I)' a male ~di
11111.:n:na.l OOXf WllJtnt, 1ft Ca..\b1dcat LKH The \Ii.a.\ l)t.l11J.'d -,id ia '-"1Nerm:c \lib hcW \l,ltlt him •i-'.
9'11/llCd lh111 an)' f~ ul.~ \\OUJd ffiUI, 111• hdn,:fihl
VnwantC'CI ld, 1Uk'Ct tD)
1\ii.u rqoo "4"'~ filc:d Sep l) h) ru..k'nQ
uv:idtnb ,1r Jn.&lo m,aking 14\\ d «.IIJ\lnalb allJ ta tv fcnale ..rudcr1l" 10 die SUD tk mnrtu:1111, Y.0{ acoomp.lJU(d by \IO'lo'.alltcd 0ch·,1111Xt1 l11fmt111llm ._.M. ptJ11cn:J 110d f~llftinl tctoJfi
Acddmt !EI
A t"o-vcl1kk. tll.VI to,ut)' 1Ka1itn1 t:11,.'CU(fl'\)
700 Nock t4 RwLT A\'1..~ The ~ud,.."'t11 wa., Wild by the #\<.ailanc ,o ge1 out of I.he oow:11ey ro t..k. v..hcff he (;t.nlC fruro. Acconllng 11> rcF1()11.\ the ,uctcni be U,S a llru. 1:-ilc .,., ._"$CfW.tochc \ ice prbidc(II of Wdcol ,a'\"tel.1 Vt-rlMtlassuull CC) Scairi{)'\\'<Ol)()lilii:J(l(\,ptlJl t..'-"!Allh Sept. lkthac
P.-.GEZ ,...• NEWS 0 InTokyo they C: • _... • = $1!11toupees • 0 >- • -.:, fordops • i5 •
~po,urr ( A) Secunt) w11.., notified Sq,c. 7 o( an elderly m.&le unnnt1ng bct\li ttl\ t \\'U l)Qnt'd l."alj in~ Sbmnan pudanic kll. S4lbjol.1 •.u, (-.:ing W~ Oaidc.:n AfkT lxtnt CC!l'IUICtcd and WAi1i(d. tht: nun WflS 1».cn home b) r, 1,_ '"""ul1(8 / A lqxN1 (){ ~n,plc aMaUII \\'M JilNScpl 14 by a ,tudent "''IIO -AM elbowed by ttnQthc:, mak' '\l'lll;lng tt,, tum ~.W-hl'l lhc
Old man urinates between car,,, student mi stakes gas for brake by Mo.t Nt,
ull oon)i..·a,.I \fohtC«l 1".idJ.o~ lut &pL Ul Tb.: \chic: m,1~\td V.tte' .:1 IW? Bod: Crnn,,;y .u:ld a 111920 C.ani.vllft, ~1'k.'\l hy N tC llrJri\1.'f uf Ruld, IICridc:nuUy MCffWon ~I tWlCf lhlw !be- bra.l.:l" IM--1 IWCk lbc p,.\..t.n,' ll.11nu~c1,,1J1c,1111\\ai~mwed1ul11:Y,tltl!Dl appro~intllkl)· ~I.SOO 10 IJ-1 lluicl A tC'po11 Wn."li> Cot ,1 ntws tipl Contact Nt'"1" E.dltot M.111 M.w Phoot; 7&9-33138. Fa.: .,.b9- l389. E-m.;iil: S...·ntif'Cl(huc edu
WHAT WE THINK Lack of tutors hurting students
ftit m11ny ttudenlJ, 1hc. mo,.,, OOUfliC'J lh()' fl!Ct
,th ttibJceb. Thoy rdy 00 c.t.U• bC'lp (tom others 10 be.,
·C(.)J(vl. but \Ii-1th a maJ(lf -.ho,rtag.c. of tuh.lf' oo umpu,,
uttulloo ha; beootN.' quite r,1.111triu1na.
f;vf;C)" ~tudcn1 on campu.~ '" ('nl1ltcd 10 1•a hou"' c,,f hcc:
.i.,ru,.lc.Jlth week. Wuh2,0U ituden1J cnl'OIJcd III fl'l•tb
_.,..c11hhlf<'m«ta,onl)' 16 mt.ol"\ a.rt:O\'llilbhlc- 111h.:
i:,0cgeStiU,Ce1u«in<l<>"'' llall.
ni., ,.,, a prohlc:m NIC mu111 deal wi1h each bll ~,,er
h,u,c many unort pdu11.1c or tta,ufor in 1hc ,prin1, 1bt
lk:d •ai1ln11 fQOm imd Ions line, ind1Qte 1hl., IYW)
111,n tc-v·cre Lhan othe"
Stud(l'll" Jiving up 1hdr 11,ne: t.P h~lp 04hcn I& 11n h(inorablc.
urr. espcci11Jy consickring that lhc)' Mly mJ1k.c m1nlmu111
fbc: problem ll ,iuu)llc: Not enough volunWc:N to fill 1he
slut The llidmmumuloo c11;n·, Cottc in)ODC to be. a
ao piUd \'Oluotccrs are nettUary.
111• lhaL docsn' t h•r,,c:n
1roold be. t,«1,1,use 11tudcnt,~an man m~rr m<KIC')
ng 111 Mc:Dot1 Jcb:. T•to Bell 7-ll m K-,'-hrt
0·1 $0n>conc w-ilh the knowledge 11;11d WU co IUlOf
,mkc mc:1re 1h;1n thc,pc~n who m.ikt1o )'oorcac~?
n.c budget seems ~kc.., \l.btn 1bo ~hool can ,p¢,1d
000 on •n empty bu\ circlinJ; die c:amp~ all day and chi:)'
'1cvcn pa.y Culors a dignirted W11$f"
Tueon lllt' 110 i:mpoJUnl and • vtt11.l 1ooi for the cJi.ahorul
t-ofm11ny1:1udcn11. 1th.tttc.11hili1yshoofdt,c
raged to n-1luntC!C'r. ,-,1 decc:m:d ~>· mr.l,ly .11mt tlcgmlin,
n,c, CoUece: Skill• Ccrutt '" ia. tfdlt wil)' rcw <\.l11Jcm, "' '"'
uua hclp tbcy nec:d ir pcopk arc 1hc:rc_ If me.t..u~ an:
IO ctisure o.dt'qWlte ~talfut!t u( wonh-whUe n,tuntccn
* facility, Sbldctib .tlould tic •bk co (uMI bclp rather thM
o. (omfortnl>1c spot 111 the ..,.. aititlg room
1110111 free speech. the,·e would be 110
.- n1n, 11,-,.u..h<UJidC'i,;,,, lm>cl 8-illaCo-y
Jl:tlc:cl-U'l;ippropull:'" 1n hpJ1
ti!q(, ll',:1CmJli~•"IIIX!
~oal)' OOC'fi rl todudc:C\'Cf)'
oqb) RIFAl!Jlimllhc
kb!nt, tlUt ~...,, b)' lhi.\
lbf'C'h.tbd O\\'M ~l
..._ l11 lllb.1L•omg a,a, ~KCOA~MI03.I"""
OO.X»198.9. The•idcllit i:mbc-f«md at
•4C°10C. "Shoo( II> Thrill'"
•.\laNl( Farm.· 'Sn~1 Crimirul."'fDQtM~l'1
•n.B,oib. "Walk We"' ia-·
' Tictkalic, "AO,ymlh: Uk""°' ltl the Sky Wl h n..-·
•I-01C1Armswtia, lt'u lqdrduJ \\'Ofld 1.c_.. ,_
l'lftln We RftO\li 11."'
'S.0.&G..funk<I. "811<lp, °'·'CIT~blcdW:w:r.-
'rnol<S"""'-"Noew Yclllcl<cw Y«l \\li)-didft•11heyb.\t1M)ft!C
•ihntroUt'IOUIIIJ lt).Qgv116ni.-
i...1.., J\S.'IIC ""124-ll<u .11 r--w. ,wce1 deal gnlns on '<udc,Jb, ASNIC r>•d
~k't,"1(t\1Udcm'l.'A'Ollid 'l/ylo,,cklp.1)fotfir>11IICII.._ ""'....,.yy1
jj 11,,,..,2 1r-cfoc,Juf10
rnP1c,11 , - l
Jo>h S1udor
mu 1, onlyp:x 1hk kt ol.lgn ur
111 0.-.obct •Di! M.s)"'. Moy' \\1ty
•'O.Jld UudcaL\ vp u:p al !he end
Wt.II. ,ood for AS.'llC They
lo&dtbc r.lll-al.l l<)b:wi:ofl lltll.1
oowtmwadc.i.J \\llh 1.t,,nwc,nd
AlhktK Oub. 1a them•lt:rm pbulRing
While \\Ulklng M W>f'bC
pbol1Jt for ls.,..c 1\WC, one af 1h:
Sc01,no,I', pl\oWJr,p,m. Robcrl
Pa,e. w,1nc.Utd ll ru&hc, humot'Olll t.igbL Al'P)td'ld)', ti
1h: ba,c:b,11
To day's music st uck in rut
It ~1• • U the IJlUMIC UU!Mly hM rWZ).I
1lw.-!f1CUCkin a ru1 m-lhc p.t,l two ~thi.."re Ju.~ NXn oo nmagcof ~· hnk. Thcooly~ 11..
IJIIC) :d( 10111d tJir; l,,1IUC lh go.,1, ~~ u. t,.,y~,,.s,.,.,.\11,1 h.u , ~ lhc natioo and"°"'' gol'A~y. hrst, lh:lla:l."""l~lhn<N'SY"'aoclr"'n
llrn.: 11 !rol'IIMbalkdcaR of C'Olltftll RetU\I
'-"''JJ'l.µ.O IC'nl 1)1e11 ~\R <ia101~ QOton 11 wtld - ch.b< "'lilld""l' y, g.i,ood"""""'
t\JUf"I k' Lci:p up v. ilh lfll: lMtu oUlaeal umd.
h "'\"Ill • br &\ ld&nt,.·11• "*1:ho.
w~ UIJlll!.3lllk ot ,uiri• men wQukt •ltmd k'I l1opclull) l'l«WJC mt' DAI Ju-.unT,m~ Wb<n Rnuo) Sr,,nl<wnc"""-'ul.
~\lJflll uml.lkn robOIJ.'CJ her. aod (c:""
W('Jl; try1t'I, OIJI btich !ht Spc:n and 00)' hlnt.l lt' ltl ,di .altMlt,:
F.,,:n !he rnd, rommu1u1y ha<, falkn lnifl lhb bl,1d, bole(!( rt-p.•hll\~ v.11h Stipktd. \1uc.h'~ nnd Lulil.lo M 1111 gtllla& MHlluch rndiopl,I) lhal)'OU<k'11't U\'ClOJOOUland
i(C'\'Ct)'OOCIS atr.ud1otsy
tl{v.,af\d v.tlc:nartJM\ do,lhcy
D1 l1l11
,..,.~ 11,(t.mlh: 10olh:Oo0o',..,J
P.11« "'f'PN •h• pop"- oJonal Qh dw:111tnUON.Al>d tft !M \\cdd o(fO;S. ~f.;&) C'ruc.od1'k:uill.a ,.ff (1&111Ctn11r •
t,cw l~'P( t'lf hl.'ill,.) mcul
hl;iYl'C\tr llldmltk""l!(l,.anunc.k:qµwnJ
r1JU.1ic mowttldll ~n!u.s,lty through
"'"'"Y dt\!lppdlr, lnlart.1 "'wl&Jn't all b.ll 11'1C llllllk C)(l Ult m.Siu ilftt5UI.: .'Ind mMt mn....:i.ut.'I aff'n't artl'-I.~ An nrti\l lwf dian lalm~ All aliAM ha\ Un.ipi.llJOQm.1~1..ill l'h:y'«notafnodto \'Cln~Ull<'l»l1,11 ~;IOU) liOlnelhlns nc\\ An !lfti1t wlll mJ. bong WlfXJl)QlarlDd ~bb,v.nrtf~bii.wba
rt'ltl\ic. TOtod.ty°'lflW\ldam,. Jt l«'ttl'I IO be .all aboul ~•·ni~,!11;~ ll\anclM\\ mtcrll.'Ublch-yarc.
h """""D lb>JsJ, ruJk.l} """"'""" iuclf. ood hkc )'QIU" local ~on. 11 bw,n't wiultd
fl)' blJJ1 \I.Cr~ f"OA'Od up and CAA
"'"''aid 1hc flCW dMn. Tht
fee, 11'1 Clfd,erroa,Ud gccung
pelt& Unfommat.t:ly. \o,1!:ldow,.an'I
ITIO\'C 11nd balebaUt tQld nol W
1eop wbeit 1hc) hll ~Ill Ne11
,P,111 the ckimt (ip.-rl'- ll mighl t,c a pJd thin, tnr
.- pl,,«CW>JUC" -mpt.,q'lle-,ar ..,..,rd,.,.."
(;,....t<stHu>hQu<llt '1cb1'1\liSltlw)~IS5
mllliol'I bosnb 1nu, 11SIOm and
bi1 a carnet u1 cht butt.
I 11,Ud,S: qncc w~ w,1111CJ II P)
•-e~s.ttdowno,lditrtnk\\ilh. ht should Wk It~ Ont
~line! ,pelled Juliu,. Vich.m~y'" n1unc Wf'\'lllJ 1n b.~uc
"'r:komt1 cn:b Ill~ \n Pearl J;am. N"ir,Wt.l. Tbc
Rt:J lfoc. Olili PL1,rc:n. taoJ t.i<hcr tiwlllh
Ct•nrkid)' th;tr\ii,'OJ 1ht- r11et flf the Jr,duwy \11111)' in d11:cnu,-i.: IIOl'>II)' hA'tt ~gni,:cd tlW.• .mJ b:.a.l ndlo M.:IUOO, MWOd lbl.-
CQIJ(IU)' hi\'(' '{ULll iacAl n\l fc:afllrt$ hoping IN& M'.)m: bond \\ Ill be lbr one io t.'e;iJ.
tbccyck. l"'QlildbkC"CflliCOdlD~k1Qll11t1a~!I :ttiwt td fMl.t tbdrnwjarll!MJ dcklL Plu..c U')' ,ornielluf'l' ne'>' , An)'lluo~ /Jif»ul,11 ~.tMb•n/NJUrt/vl'P111'$f,i1,,.,t 1ft ; J'l' .rr 4.,..-.1'1,,..,..Jl>t~I'' ( '-"' 11'!1lll•l•ll,flrfi,tt•'"'-'";...i.J,l,/iwt•lflll,. lit&tttB1,,,.111.rt.¥r..iw,-1/.,u/tl'!«~
TV playing tricks with cigarette ad s
n.c..i.:rdo) whi.Jt'Afl".htng thcnb:.)\\,U. tA"JINtn1:iutte• lllllllb!Xun,,gc ltJ11\,-:d\·1..'tl (Ollflll~<I dg;tn.'tt<:11 bunll.lllSllllUII howcinrwoby-t\\Yl ((lffll,;mOO and ~mg llw:smd-.a I& un1;11.~1ng l•n,ly nmbffl 1bc cigattetn woold lightcxh ocha, llld .,._ """"' ~., hcUoo lbino wbll< °"""held the 1noulh. oc·hclpk,,.i vkcin111 open. 1bc:y p1mpal ~,op11liJ ,,,11,1,cm,.,. of ""1>oo ffll'lftl):<.1dc deep int•) \bc:il lurlp.
Why ,vuldn't 1-dw ....,i.,1 pk,J.,n:1 tkc.)~ • simple c:.1puon II the: enJ of a GJ+ ltll..'lll«OC~R:::lid:~.IA'!lle!llulkd Kl),tuJl'u1om \Y,d: my n;Ql,XUllOll kl ndiculws'.' O( COLll'st.. h«1111..c the lkcnl
tmplkatioa U(\hill, t,\.'MCfnerll, ' out CUIKW with~ INth, nm: lhan lild) e1s&;ulal this 1hJlhe:rU110making1lllUtlCtlblctn()i,IO p. wwort\ !Ubuy. r,ock ,,, "l'IOl.ob)' her own wtJl .uxl ll.ldicuoft. llOd lnigical1y ut I~ cad. llo"®f)lng hq;""""' allCI dyln, UhlllMA.d)', who'" 111 fault'? Dec. the Mele wh:ticco nit.led 1n ~a m)UIII abtbty to tac;kk:icx u~amd nm tbaninrn bap:b, IIJJ~·.1 u.r cty, lhe quc,lloo pn,.,....i tw forgr<""illC""l'""'oflllCJWbkmO"'
1'0:lkcs n\Jnymt,ac o.t au \"Cl)' Ullcraln-
1hhwldo'1 i,,, 11><,op ""'1 '""''"'"' IIC,nttC) ll'i!C, ordenyttult nmltibdlioo-oollur a:mr;,nicw them ltl e11d« yw Into nklocinc ikp(ndcnc.')'. Rieber I JX'OiClll to yuu 11 solution which OON)·t m:.1tt lltlf1ther~lc mM" th11t kill• 1nolllrn. and urphan chiJdrcn Alli.Ii( youdoi\'tbdlolW bk.e)UU'l'C Mlppot,,:.1
CO, he. will pltl.x: 11)111 ig,unt IUU>OB in )"nut
l.iaJaBall ~!Ball
JllbC$BcU Omc UclMCOUlt
El,'""'1hl)o)auio Jaa.Davnhon llmilyl>cd<r Klmllloiimon, Dunne lliUII)' _.._
R;cbcc(:a Hann .t.t.11'll.
Jo.1-ICII Lllmhen
MJa;bw M.i1.:t
Rllrnu M:irumoiu Kan, M<>llc
P.un Sl•lon Robio Vlh.-..kht
°"'1 Wahl
Cm1W11rol Marjori< \I ,u,..,. Tua Ywn,r
Cc'li.t.:idcn:l.llly, nt)· <dtaiola will du.mi.,,. llllll'I)" ruil.-uk1u-. JM:(M'l!aol'hl,111,c. 4tlRlltJt li~..:Wc, bdwc:en ounyCllptitltteic-dn,·m ~b.taldt.hc:irwi.llmtoon,;IIIJWI. Wilh 1.iltl rM1Ua )W m;1y people tnAltbq.'"~bl~filrthdtor..'tiOaiand lh<>t(IOl"1ll:al""*'f""t\JAJ:i) 11 truybt-, 1licywitl leiim ~hfully lbat Keely', mtilflilhrough hcrdocl\kln.\) lltht. ancwbokiUcd K,:,IJy"imam W11lk.in1 drampu.., J .'i« 11\.1ny pes.'('Je 11,.1;\c (kc:U.-d IP'ind.ectpn:ttts. Plcaw!. ui,akc II cb.:tUOn now. If you·re addie1«1 anJ wnot tu :Mclp. ~l hdp. Ir}W da10't WIIIII k1, lhcfl J'R'Paf'C)VW1elf'(m:lbc:.CCffocq~\\·hi(h uw,\lly 1mul\"CI ;111 a;unin~ Until~ unlca. yw w.it11 iol"C 1(1Cnc bnd <if111c~forWt'k:ids.OOl1"l•f'IPCllr-nnlV o. king for my 111.1; Ji.'llllll'\ « m, moral~ #i,,''J"I'~f,J'1f,"'1,.'ff"-'1Ml Jfo "'P'°''""Y•UA1t.,." ,,,1r...Jt<i,\Urtti,i•11,,, 1o·1111111•J,11rr,..,lw,Ju,.,a1W,l,l,..ff!"'''"* $~Wr,jj,<110r,J/l,/wiidu"11..,J0'.11i<,,l.i,
• AJJoOC1.tnJUlll.a1UIIC'Pra:iFiwS1111 AII...A.mcrinn SC'W~r.Jf!Cf
• :'1:ahc, f"au-nalca" 1dllJ ~·~llf<' ,1' w ,·car
• Jh1co,,Tnoc: Rol'IM JJ. Kcnno.1) \w-1:1\IWtnDCI
• Sodch uf Prnr~JIW Jourulh"ta <kncalEii«lln«<A•....r
• Sa:tic•wl Hall n( Fane
• N>11<lCUI Cu!IC'g1a&c Prcu X"<."004 Pbi:C' Bat~ ShlYW
• S.atmMIColkJLGt~Btu . ~!:ti!.~0c:am1 E""°"""Awllll
~··()of. 3. ~· .... ! h •s illegal in J/i. Col umbus, o1, ,o, i ,ose ll com f la kes ! dn Sunday • • • • • • • i
1 "Nt Yotk·, ntie uw rara 11.y" lltlide. Sony. Jul.i.\l,
letun 10 the cduor Those who .ubnu1 ~!al l!lua bmh lbem 10 JOO arch,, ntn 1.lmn lcfib1} ud • phooe number in o,dcrto verify authtnlkU)· Same ltucn Itta)' nac tie primed hcc:.IIU3C u( ~pace bllllwion<t. cw they I) arc i i,n.ilar 10 a number ol ltutn: alrc.ady ~l'talon the.~1nc 1,ubjl't't. l> •~ Pl>"lbl) Ube~ ot '.\) The Stn1i ncl n:ic:rves the riglu to cdl1 lem:11 Le:llcn Jtqy betnlilod tu Scm1ntl e-mailed, Cued oc brouibt 10 S3 or lbc Sieben Builcbng The Seft11ncl's addrc,., 1, 1000 .,,, G&roc.,,.,..,Cocu,d' Aknc,I0,33814
(?li8)7ffl, , ~ l\.x: (l08) 769,.}JS'9. £-rnniJ; \CntiDClfln.c,OOU
•1llc Scatrntl
\;R ecycle '" h. ' ~t 1S.
'¥um off unnecessary lights. --------"'
i~kll ,honer showen. 10 help lower monthly utility bills
In f'C'31kkl.llC M lhl~ntdJ..'' crun..-h, ~k an:
<>t ·:u111.JL111in• m\·c,t,·~d ,n thl,tl1011 mcluJc.
\, n.1.1. Krlllkt1.ii Coullly Solk1 Wo~lc
t>i-nnr111 anJ 1ht h.U!)Celw F..11vtrun11lCNitJ
~flUlnce ILi,1q; 'A ,IJIJt;tY." Ibo cn.:-t,i:)' buy.hxl
r:r,,p,un. A,1wi n-quc,,cJ llitld n.~t'1vcd 11. \6
r,c«-c,iJ cu~1t,mer ril1c tm."ft'ar.c, Rodiac1ng u1e din
"'"'In "Alli h.: matt 1ntp:1C1.cnl The puhhc h
c11t»ut"JJ.!e:d In «1nli11UC' ,otng: Comp:u.i
l-1Ul'""'"1it LiiJt~i lCFL). ,\ f\'.').'lll•r ,nit "'h,1,:,. 71 ,,a.11 hu.lh uw:J c11bl
lk'UD wed. wdl ili.mlC' :ll kllo·v.·1111boon~
Ye# lllJ r;D'!J 1•N: &• \lid A,..,.,,11
'P()lc re""°, Rubin Ou!ll.a:r .\ 10,..,...n CH.111moJ on fut ,hr 11.11me llffll>Unl
qf rune .t,,c, 1? k1l0<.,.,11U ~1<• M60 crnu ~r
'tC,IJ, lll.l\U1'Sol UJ«nh., Dwlt.p ~J.
ReJucu•\11 llf"o tocluJc: 1hcnn0!>li1b .at 6k ~ m-, 01 ks,. lull 104~ Oll)~ 10 waJ1 clot.bc1 JJJd
·hl'Yl'a-.with IU¥o 01)'A.
nPf1hnnc:cs., \hoocr /
t,(lutc'- ne'\\ .piper suld fflitplJOl':\. ,,ffu P.P" n&I rhMr hol)b. Har.ard<iu, fflatcrfal, «h '" paint. drlflf'l'" and JIC"'Ualk'..,. £H(llltc, t~l lllW 11.111 ft«".1:c c,m l'IC WUl'fl('tlofffr\'lffl«•.rn. io.i p.m \\'edt>r~t.ay1. .iSorurd.a)'\ cinly C'-001UWCr, m to,'\Wd Ct1obu;m lh('>k: llmC (unconrumnatcd) pmdlK"l\ tree cit charge ,hrooph 1he 1'1:CU\'C't)'kxdi.anr.: pmgnn, Oi~iJeJ ~rU•l).;r1. 11.1eb ., RfnJ<r-'1"" · btcyi;:Lcs and J1.wnm1.~'<'D 11rc •llo 0>1lc:c:tal iit 1hj1 ate•. CkM v.·(!l)tl~.a,U u, thruu¢l 11 annJt:r. lha1 1.h1pptd 101hc L:n1,·cr,,,1ry c4 ltllhn 10 lotl ib ,tumtde\"tric gc,icnalon. iuc:\. COl'Kl(tc llflll rock: ~r,,: rcu~blc 100. ""'Cboc.xe co WWI tt'C)i.lin1 t\lk 1Jun1 n.iw Pcrrat ~Udr'\lt'd. ''Grat.\ tllPfl'O(\ CilLR l:'C' n.·9,ltJ as l)Qid;;)':ud muklL" Sllt1in,: ,m.a11 ,u rre~cnl thr,ellon Imm hecomtng 100 m11cb tlf 11.dwll1."llg<
\\'hn:1 uh.i#(,lbk 111A"'nAl Alt:' m.'.-yclaJ b.:ld uuu mww1111.t1111tlj I they titj!.\n TIC"' In\.'\; l.m,"1 ha:011k!' ptdrn IIO!'C'l. t1a.-.b tnm 11111.l pl.-Yl'. tqWpuall~,:L1~ htil'Gtllh\ lulu ~NII tl.6\(ltl;ill, St)ruf'-',\,111 rur, an: ltamfonncdinio f1cwtcr 1"<'411. to}J. -11lli l.nwl.dMJ!l; rlwK tioru. hR;(lftlC t" lfl('I .IIUld J'!U'II ooJ f'.l)"Oli'r(iolh Ill: Kll1:,tc1u1 En\·uoo1J1C1lll•I All111nec 1. fUQCCfflUIJ1 11~tl 1th Ur (1nllo,.1.10Q pj n,li 1111t1rr.1I ~,,._, lbt' CWJ.1Wf.J11ian'i Ct'Xll'Jur Hodl Jh...tlhta, 1&11J U1ot. •1udcnl\ i., ,tr it, i mhdr1rtt uclll\1t(1tc.1111~1'1d1na."IJl'lpC'W'~ Thun,dn\' 1111,~._111111Ulr h,i.:lul lhc: tnw1 ll,n sti, ~nf..\·mll"
r som•,u 0 America • = • -- • :::, R~y< lcs Day ,s • 0 :>-. • -= ov. 15. • c5 •
duhc-.1, uq h1i;\uni nn la.II 1111,~~I)· h,:ht, 1111d -
•howcthcaock &nd~Ak::I he.1ltf lc.u'lpe!'lllt.llel M:lli.J 11, dtS- 8<1<>« tuming uei. lhc ~nL tr)' h1.-a,wrclolhw11 n.nd nu, hl..v1~dJAfl"lttl(11nt rn;yde I\\U-UiuJ11 cif tbc,r ulu1111mu11 um~.'.'llvu,g l'lluu.lliUt1~l\0Co1I Atono4 m;ydrJ f',l,pt'I \IVCl- 17 I"'"- 7,COJ glflJOOfl. c>C' "'"'trr, lUO kfto.wuu houn iJI niergy md ) r;1Jbtc yard~ or lnndfiU ,p:rritt Brcautt kl>~ \"DCt'JY u rtct>J<d t.,> fl*iK'l'lltt' ~· ~lt" al."om.ft'IJ(mcm (n Ofll\lCt\'Minn l'i 'lln 10\'~n\COI In IUWn' " Lbl )'C'at." -.a:iJ Pat Fmttr. ft'O.)'Cbn», cocmtmtll(lr at k.wu,;cy fot1ulc:r SU11(WI. '"Koot11'1lAI County rccydcd e,w,ugh , cucnJ the Illeof the Crcd,; Laodflil I')' one )'C"ill' Sl>C' saad th;i1 mofe panic,pnaion v,lll ~l.1)' the count~· rn~n ha\'1n1 to ~1tt W,lt\t.c 1() 11 new. fMtt di,w111 lill)ljfilJ. thctth)' nthing the di,pMlll rec E.u~~8C\."O.l t,ln,, At'l".p'OvidaJ •I the Rim.~) Roo.d Sl.11.luo, open~ a.m. tu ,HS pm. lb1I)', ,m: lnvik\l 111 req,:k an} ut 1bt ll'IIUwani .ind l1uuichoM b.Jueric:o.. Cl'lffll:tt,,U:d t'lltdl"Nrd ~I .Ju111ilwllvtll1 QIP, millJugs inlc:law ',(,..J.a
Wave American flag with honor
ddt&il '" the Unlled Sill.IQ Col.Jc. Amctic:11111 can be •utt ID cany out tbc11 11141:'.nhoo.s of 1ymb! thdr pride and pi(DQUJm.
h I~ a ua,,·o,al to WJC)lay lbc n~ ocly ~t"A«n t1:unnsc ac\d 'IUfUC'l on butl,linJ1rt .-nJ \111.IOOllf)' n1icq:aJf. In
Uowt'\t't, 1A·bmapatnoucctrccc b dc-.1n:J,, chc Ila& m.'IY be displayed 14 hours
ll JA) 1r p,vpnty tltuminaktt Jurfnll hour\ of dllfknc-., l'hOk fl.aal:• QOI illwnimlel.1 \houlJ tit hrollSht in (w1bcni~ aadJispla)'td
~.a&n 1hr nu1 da)
Tiic ff4 •boulJ !JOI bl.: diSpf:a~ on d~)'• ~hen tilt v, ealhtf h mrlrmcnl, wk-a .It\ .11l
!;1,eJttbcf i.\ disp .&)'C'd, Tbt naa: ~tl\1111 no, tit draped U\tt the "°4,,J, lop. uoe, Qr back uf. vehicle ot or ra.Htoild trua « bent. \Vbtn the ftaa; -J d1'f)l:ayc:J (l'(lln a tnocor ,'ducle, lhe swt tntht be l1nnly ln the cha.00 or clatttpcd tu the ngh1 lmckt
When du,pllaycd C",lbcr horizon1a.Jly ('Ir
Wf\JctlJ) ltt,1111\t Ji WltJI. t.lOldo LbcuJd be U('flCnlll'l',l and 1n «bi: 0..g't own ritht, dw u l1J ob\(ru·,·~left
Whtn dL\pla~ in a v.uldow, lhc no.a 1rtl,nuk1 ht cfurb)'N 1n the Nll\C w~y. with 1hc wuoo arbtur fie.Id to the le.fl of \he tihfi(f\·C'f 1n lhe 'ltroet. The 111,1¥ \hmlld M\cr «: dtipl&)-cJ wuh lbc unioa '-"'"''ti.. c.u~ 11: • tiJtllll of dire
J1\ln::L1. an in'llaiw:tt of el.treinc d.anp:r 10
T1,co n~ \howJ Qt\'ct'be All \\Catlr\l
a;ppaR:I, l,cdJ.ia1 ordnlptt1. h ,.holald Dt'lct bo u)(d o.i • co.aumc or 1lhktic uoifonn
Thc:fl~gshou ld tx\·Cfhtuted r('f ad\'Crtising purpcnc:1 in 11ny n,U1t1cr wruiuoc,-cr
ll lbould nOI be cmbroidcttd la lticll arttdc:s. Q ct.J,hl('IM, huadbrctuc:(s and the like. printed urothcr\ti1'1C'. on SJllptl" oapk.i.M or bollti or 1ny1hini def.igurd
(« 1=ponr)' U'IC IIBd WK:&rtl Adw:rut111g iigns 1hnuld llt~ be c,.,,tttcd 10 • Atlt1 Crom v.tuch lhc flag n llo'i''n.
'Ole rqlllt'>Cll s a living tountry and I\ nscU consitkrcct a llvlns thing. l'bffl,f0tt
Ille lopd 0,g pin bl:1011 rq,licl. >bould be wom oo lch bpc:I near the bc11t1.
Tbc rla,. \'r1l1Cn ii lS '" such IOOQ 1h11
lt 11 oo looser• fl1un1 emblem ror dh~ay, 1hoQ1d be de~lro)'cd in• dignlficd way. pn:(crably h) burning. Amcnan L<sion Po,,U, lltld kul s:tWcmmcn1, often ha,'c beibtin: 1odl.sposc of un'fl\lM:Clbk Oaf',. lo 1911. P=ident Wil.., Slid, "Thi, fba, which 'AChooorai,dund«'wbic:b'\\'C tictvr. h the C'nlblt:n~ cN ou, unit)', our ~-er. out &bough1 and~ 11.11 wtlion. h ha.~ no ClUlachanw.tcr thJm ~I whkb 'WI!
1h-o U from g('l)Cration to gencn1M>ll. 1bt' choice 1\QUts." JtQ\\. w1U thu JC't'.IC.'tlUOn cboo;,: n-aoniothc~t - \\1th~,pc4.111nd bonnror Y..ith indifTtttncc·,
~dvice available for non-traditional students
Suppon meetings held every Wednesday in SUB
hy Kim Dit1s1tM.ln:
1Ji tilled with rn1m1 ch..llcn~. wmc. fun ilnJ tome KIM')' for lhc. DOD--0Jld1tioftal
n,cL..--nt lhechalltnge\ inc:lude lilldiJ\I a,etv.tt11hofflt'o.wlx\, aad
tllJte\ The oon lnld11ionaJ ~udcoi could be., Lht" mother rt1umina lo schOO, after raMos • p;lrcelt•. lht
Y.l»k:rt IOOl:ittg to 11h:wcc in hi, m bcr nt1J.orcvc11 ~,1.11t11na• ne\\.
TIil? tt51.unr bib DOfHRditlocal
"11uck11H compmu'I• Z9 pc~c11t or cutMU cnrollrtlt'nl, Fcmlllc. outnutnbct m.alei by m·c,tv.UJQOIIC:
\fany 'lludiena find !IUPP"fl 1rt
tlC'IWCll1dfl& "'l\h Olhel MUJC'Ql.l &n thclrC\lfflllll.lnUy. A V.'l"C'fdy wppor1
JflllilP for <U.tck.'l'IL\ 2S ltn.d okStt i, now mcc:tina oo Wedo~ m tbeASNIC
c.'OnfetctlOt l'OOIA lJ( tbt SUB 11 ooon
SIC cou111ttflt\ l><w!n11 k~ Md K.t.1)c
Kd , brad the ,nrormal mccuns
Hett ,wJtJlli eui diJaw the Wll{tUe
ch.tUcngc<J Ibey fi« IIOO !cam~ 11~1 lftJ" for Juc«fJ. S11*'11t can bnng.1hmch. Dridn, "D<Oc" Clcmcnl, lq,n "" .schoolmg Ill NIC tv,,-v )ffB ago Her _,.,_ h!J:l,cr_ wcrc-moMly«ollOfflk. "1'hcco,.iof&,·tt1Jh:i~~fri, t")OOd "'l' ,..-.- In-." 1).,0. ,.;,t Sbc"'*'al,jt)N.1tpo&11cnhttt.ife"ilc:n:$hc ¥1•borcd.nd'4·..-.d• ~ot lif"'1)ic"O.Ocllodo<hcmo,t-g,,,¥ ""'""'WUl8•1"''"'""""h"'*you, lfld....Sl!.mnato....UyilllnL" Edt:lcl'ne«-footblllllldtr.dll IA<C•yll,al,Sdlool. Hlsm)Oymmin lhuroclda...kdloim0>-•0<>Chm,: dei;= Hcfindll0<-l"','.tNa,h< tries IO rd ""')1hlng UI. 1fI bid II f.imdy. I v.wld (11,)f. be .tile IO dothb.."DcPric<&ld OOlodofficutiy...ic.t,
my t.tudr:ntl." ht 11.d Unhi!C )7, tcoJChn C.onlcll\pnrary Mlllh. ln1etmrd1111c Algcbr11 and Fmuc He atl.OteJC'hb otC.ak:uJu, I d~\ 1n Fills. &h.k;wo born on Jut)' 29. 19J.I. the oldc.-a or c:1&f\1 eh,ldttn He ,rev. up in 8~idwood. UL I m,nins al)d fanniny U1\lin 6S mUie<t u.u:!h\\'e1it of C"ha,o. HJ, tither. Fmnt.. You in 1hr M-111DC1,, ~iM!:d 1:n H~w&ii Bohx ,VIJu.tkd (mm Wgb w:bool 11 Arb.niWf'l lt.&h, a r-.chtd 10 a ChicajCO !IUburb.;t';i.mccl hn 8-.S. de.,« ,n Malhcmllbel •• COIOnldo Cotkat-. Thctt. be mtl Ltc fin, a d1animy 1eo,,.;hcr and tole IIW)(klf«h1n1 Boltx:bec11mc an NIC tn.\tl,tnilnmor an l~L Ht left In 1990. 1998
He U'"'-" a combilllUOO l~ton: -1 group O('IJ"1t~, 111 hi cw.)e-.. He \Omt1tm-e, ha\ hi, ,wdcsttA do• group proj«lJ li.k)c 111 , n1erw1wc tn>ti,uomcnt hct\\ttn .,;iudcolJ and m)><II." h< wcl. Boh.:c: t~ u1th1:ColJe$1:SblhCcnttt2·3 pm. TUC5da)'\..S from !US n, lO a.m. W"dffl:3d.a)·,. Wht'tt bt l, a.JI tiu,)' atcl.lJ.11 oran die. ~klll\Centtr. fk\h:1e •pctKK his umc-lide. Amt'lll.& hU. (1\·00tc acovltb 1.0ChadcUyabng. biktn& ind v.ll,tt·W~I r.f\tng Sohlc'• wtfr:, /\Mt. a Jqg1 of chc c:olltgt". i• • nunc.
11 NonJi ld.lbo D,y Surp:ry. lllC'lrdtffl, .om «re. Br.:.u. 2S. Pclu,
25. aod Alm. 21. Oren u an in.,unil\Qr n:Jft!tC'.UWi.,-c Jn Spubnc.
Pi:ta 1.,.,. cScct.rie;al mjl.inccr (o, Yo.ic,c,;ueam Wircle.s i11 ScsUlc.
aDd Alan b 11.Wdcnt IIC ti&~ WashinJton Unl\.cnit~. &hat'• do& b P1:.tehcs, • Sit,crw, f-h,td:J \\1"ppa m,x,
Chance occurence alters theater instruc tor' s life
-~·-rid"'l!ll 111'.op:Cop.
Qrc.. Ind gd:Sin&m.imcd fll IV.~ lllmed
J,mieF~tcblJJ. Raridl:. 56, l'\ lhe (Iwata dittc:llir ax!
,mt:nJClor Hc. llCnchcl Cbealff Md i;p:'«b
cl.ll,J..,\C\. R3tick••.obomooNO'f, l.S, 1944,kn
Q,c,urd'Alt'rk'. l-leal.t0!w,lm:dit1
(l.,,,mlSeoak All<fdoiosim~"'*'Ollhc
f.i:~11\~lyofOn.-p Raicl " Mall
11t1ali-"'""""""111 111g11S<ooo1
Whm - .......iy~thc
Griimal """'" ""'bcr• 111uMon, Ronck'• brc d,qal ~pxcc.'\lty\\11ffl hr \dUfllcC'1'oo 10like O\fftrlldiing. tfctm'o-edbird:cohb:bomt1ov11 m 1917 when a fnmJW.«lif hl' «uld 'Wl,'lri.-lhc mtollht )'Cal'for111 lllMl\ldOr"'hocoulJ Id ieach
.,.,_.~ Thceolltg,,loltcdhimloUumcln l9$g. Forhis llc'.atcrdllMN. he-bu lb: Ulllcnl(,cc pl.a), and !Qn llbl,uc chcfn, ~lly his acunsdhWi. With hi• ipc,cdl~ R>n<k.._,<hc-Olpn.-1bc(°"'lllcys)ve ,_.... Rarick oho."""""' w,th""' 11,poo,n fonlm. fie,_aaor,,~IIOd~~y.Sdffor1tic~~. Rand IWCI 6Cfl d N.a1han. Ben. \lo1IO"'ll1 bdS us 0.:L
21,;,,,..,-.,.r.,,tbc:«wkncy~oll;duatKmllad Jeal, "'11.b Cln•clllll)' trOObk!d tchook. 0<n "'" 11,ui:1..,.111nnn1, 0cu.-. 2. r,;.,....,, 1s •J"Rl«" W~Sl.tle Uo,;\'Cl'iity Hr\(k,j. BIU('.t\abluclittJcr
r""°"•.OCT 3,~1 LI FE
IIDIHradiUonal ttudents meel together to _,., and help each othff ba ance -., l ives and family.
r.,. ~lq cuntmJSt:S \Wly 1ft al.llbluhcd m (Ufll?UlillC\ * L'llll°I ~dDlfl WUN tn ...... -c.,y-·[,om "°l" s-.11111 ;thpinad........_lt ~herf'l,Ohourt,..JC11M1:mdtbc NJCnfioc, '" \\'Mh it. and she kl findutg gn:11 fulf1llmc:rw with htr new """""'plhhmcro' 1 .,. We Have the Friendliest' Sink in Town. Pick up Book Swap checks in Siebert Room53 ~ffifilllill~~@8)frf.W~ f.tthl,~t 2310 N. 4th Coeur d'Alene 665-5996 Hours: 6·11 Moo-Sat 7·10Sunday UVE mu11c on Saturda nl ht 1 Better lngn:dicots. Better Pizza. Pregnant? 0 Birthright can help you. -free pregnancy tests -community referrals -infant & maternity clothing 923 ShermanAve. Coeur d' Alene 664-1390 1-800-550 -4900 24 hour Hotline '° .,.,. After the terrorilt attacJca on the Pentegon, a man who declined lo Identify hlmsell wavod an American flag al motorists departing Washington O.C. Into Virginia Instructor enjoys group projects for hi s clas ses by Matt Sill s,,•E,·l'f)' day in Hob Ua~·, 111.AIII cl.u.~ he n:ae~ rot hi• dllCc collc(.1.ion 1111d r,alb fQmi: uut of' the b•g. He hlD a '5t1Wertt p1d: oi,c t.1t two number, and roll I.he, ilice. U U:) ,cl~ tlWllbcr como up. he pw1. o,n • qwt. I dc,n'1 knuv. mt} more
Students venture from Silver Spray Cabin to 8,819-foot peal(
b)· Mall JObRliOO
A viutt:.t~ olbouldm
surrowxkd the ani hkc hiktfw 1n the)'
Tv-o hlkm. NIC tiudcnu Ewltl
FtMlc nnd Daw Riddlc, 1n1dgcd lbt'ir way up 11 boulder rtcld Imm their blue
Nice /rike. superb views just the begi1111i11g Ac:alrd11 CO f.l.tddLe. ~111nod.11jon11 iat tboc.1brn hcncr 1b.m 113 t0nic "'°''I"' Amcnihc" ilx.tudal hot from• g:&:i or waoll 1'0\·c. p l:anu:rm IUld a rour.NJrnct ooolonJ 11.t.0n-. Sl«pinS,t)llcb. fumi,,bed hy lho B.C pm; dc."p.nmcnl, priMdC'J coobib btddma 10 til(cp 16 fJCO(l1o. /\II fuel and outhou~e Wible be ai.r·htlcd an aud c,,uf by bdu.:'l,>prcr
c:amp at I.he S&lvct Spfny CQbin t1r;.•th tJI
Nc.l'IOO. 8ritkh Columbia Fninlt l!K.I
R.ilkl.Jc were p;wt of an OutdQor f'tlmtiCI
ap:dihon spending 1bc nishr In 1hc
e:i.bl1100Sep Sch
lhc:ir clc\t.inatioa 11WaJ an lltdoous
The iummii o( Mt McQuarrk Wlb
'.CCTllfflbk. ~mg t0 Raddle. Ah1.'t' more than UM) Ill.Id• h.\lrht."lllr., 1hc po.1tr rtachcd their g().ll. MrQumic', .umm,1 Mi.:hu 3.819 ((d *"~ J.Clt '"''"'CL Judgmg the d1 IJll'IOI: •ncl t:kv.u•tio change o(lbc dimh ...,,-usdilfK11I, tmm the nbin. llt'Ol,nbog to Riddle. 'rbe h\ u a hdk.ide fillied \\ 1lh rocb narixi.~ from cio)· pcN)lc, '° the i~ (if Volbw:ip ~\CS V,i:.v.'W lrom d~ c:ibi:n the cltl'l'lbm llff)C:lttd ~, be mite& ~n1111pail\b."d¢11n\fa;\ P:,...k.f«I ...,,,,h~o( gmy A .M>-m1n111eclimb for lbl.'ffl Wti a d•Mancc mllllge uf u pinky fin~r mn len,nh f0t It.II ~'a'atlhecohin
11tl" oud1otu,e b,b dk:. bc!lt VJc\li ~I ADV 001hmuc: lrl the W«Jd.'" "111d Todd Hc<o1w. trip organilcr Thcdol•r o( oolhou..c o~·c,IIJ(l.\cd a ,man lake (W h)' ...,,.11,cr trn:khog frnm Ul<' a1Kieru \Voc'<Jti.1ry Ol11ck, B~yond 1he lllkc the hori11m
Wll5 dappled v.,11h co1m11(,,, re.ah"' the aod.) Mou11w.ln1 'Hey ldon'cha"ccnaughfoodkl l IDl lhc rc,1 Pr lhc oipa • 1oon·1 kfk1W wl1.1J t wa1, thinking I t11idcre1-1im.i.1i!d lht numhcf of cak1nl!'l lhllt I 111. nt1 ~olna tu burn ae, the ,1,0~· up. My pc>l!n v.-ccc kmd 1n,c,rc th~n '\liltlln,; 10 •hare dicubou111iful ""PPI>· of rood
thklng to 1hc c:oMn ,, • four mUc joume:,• wuh 3,HS feel (•f vcnical t.un lhc \tecpe,111a11 U, llloC' 11111 l milct. or tho hike A \'tn1<1J gain ell llu • IU.1jtl1Uudr t:an W.X.11\J OD IC'[tl ~nd fcc1 1·t h1J\'(' blt\tcr, (ti) 11,y btl,'. h,c1 ,mJ ol'.I tht b,lll, of my feet," Rldlllc ,al:d lite da> •her lhe lnp. "It Mu.:k, " '1be hike up wu., kind ,,I di"1cuh.'" Pt.a.1,k 111hJ E,pec;.111lly lht: 1.1~1 h:11f mik J didn't him,: an)' w•ti:1 left nnJ Sdidn·1 h.tvt'. ,~ry mud1 (r,-,d Slll\l\011 became re.all) bnpurw.ot 10 me wbcl'I I «'&ht.Cd
Acll, 1lio .,...:rt nol 1111\llcd h) 111,11nc11 1:1103 PfC'lunJ obJc<h 1111!· p:roup ~rco11hc llftet· ,Lirk hour, 11t11yini 1'11.Uitd 1iime\. re.Sing ahc c-J.t,in • Jt"'m.11~ •nd m»..10,: a ftw Cl'll~or their t1wn. Pnlflk Cl1k."tt\l \01'.hC 11( bo lht)Y,;hi\ thc:jvumal .and o..:aad, 'l '\Ii~ 10 111;,mi:dun,: '" I ..
First-time climbers losd " fears, conquer Blodgetf
Bltu.i(j(,ol /)mm· 1um·i,in fm1 du,llrng~ ~alnvtdsoo .s T he rook.I" dunbc1 "4:archciJ tor .a b.iindhvld ;1,.~ To(jJ Ilcsf.e n 1d. 1 hti u. v. bm! the kam1oa beJIRII. HcMc 'I\IP lbc OUl,.wc,r l'\U"f,Wl\ lc~c (« 1hc rod: dlmhing expnfibon w HIOU$dl C.1t1)·00 in tht,ot MounWn~ 11boo1 JO mi1e11i()t11hof M1,;.11,.,ulASepl. IS. lt1 lbc. foui~hoot drh,c. lbo ,roop o{ 10 (d1(' ma)ori1y bmlg .made ol t::..pcm:no."'Cd c:limbc:nt lt'I vp camp and gqt rctad} for lhc fiN elimh. E\U)l.)llC Wll, (1ncd w11.h h:smc"~ liehnc" ,inJ .,fkl li'"'Cft a pep Lilt. Befon, Jesvt0g. ShllMOD l:I r...,.....wuc chmbcr. cxpt"C\.v:d hnJt ·•u I rall.11'1.0K Ltc,111J. ttu'6n,: HC'\SC h.> Ltcp hct homfaJlin:g. tkMc :,aid all dicdi1nbtr\ "-Cl"e fl'Ullntt ~i.r J1\'c, in hb h.amb aocl lhol.c or tht otbcrlc~, Aftes"•nathc:r cheek o( cqtupmc-ni. thc'}· h1ud two mib1i,tl1arfirttd1mb1t Qls1:l\~1Alllt11:.1o.~1hc11ue ".ldy 10 a..,._"t:nd. Enc 0'8r1cn. •n e:1pi.T1!Cfll"\'d chmbcr aOI.I wx of the a,oop lt4dcB reat.W1(d •be chmbcn.. Wt:'rt- 001 here 10 itnf'~ onyood)· o· Hlicn ,:ud "'\Vc·rcgoln,g 1i:,goup ilnd h.wc • goud lmlC81.-:kfom Dc)Jnt 1'1< k four ruchc-,:, lcngc.h,. ~,r dlmbiflK ros,t:. M> l'C3dl the wnimi1 11,c n,.i,ori1)· llf'
Bldfoot Y..111 fm·uon c:bml'llnR. llierr v.~rc 1,,.,.. "<11 ·
dt:fincd JWldwl(k. bw cnt<!CI hkc iOlcJ ,h~-..'i v.crr
.1tile "' wep thmbl..'f, lrun1 hwmg You lu\<c lt1 lcarn ao 1n1,1. )l)Uf~- O'Brien
• IIW'I)' u1ne1 Y.hen ne\\' dut1hc:D •,u"le: h~l1.1nt loconUtwe • " h ' arnn.tfng view,., O'Ooen i..1nl tmcc they
Seth Brundige c llmbs. Bl ack Dome on an Outdoor Puraults trip to uhau.!oler.1 l.tld )'d l'.\Ciled to h,"'t 1bc: ru111
BJOdgen cenyon, MOn1. ~'
1bt)' ll c-mlc:-d 1.M•n 1h 1i>e u(8bll.fu t <>0,U>Ol....,.<Olba>.uo,_ro,
.,.i tlt1!11dl'.' c:lut·c.hlll The «.t.~I nmnun~ evc.nune v. out .r,,.un. ohhoup 1hu rcq1un.-d v. nJ,.tng up Bob Gregoire., wh,1 hJJ uu 1n.11l) pbnned on 11oc.p1ng bu, ;1f\cr bc,1nn1 C\Cf)',ll'!(' cl'!: \lo;n. J uin1t, he d<:<'tdcd 11.'1 Jwu thcin Sl111,lt1.11"" Spt~ v.-:n 1he $U,tl C<tt IILU d.a)' h w;s.t more d1lhtUl110 gel lo, 11n,11wo 011hc p1ri~ h;i,11('1 !'ht} bol(I. due h) e4l utklr11 ll~ appmlch lo Shoi.hun.: w.i-i ~,t-cptt ;11,iJ cn·,ucJ mo~ 111...,,·1.:A, cm !e\it'1)'VTIC 1ha11 tlu- pl'l!~«.lu1 d,iy Ra1hc1 than "Ctl:.U'llllnr 1n1u 1e:i11tt,. ,,n the nw1c;11dH1n.:cd chmb He,.~ dttukd ld hllY( C\"CfY(HIC ttp In 011r J.tra1u. St<lh OrunJiie .,..,.., th\! ta~11u ~c:nd l:Sr1111JJ,1t1:, J IQrm..-r NIC ,1udcnl , lln.11 be-en climhm~ for o )'C'4f ~nd ,aill he M<lt lti, 1,lllrt 1hntt1 11,c (hudPC>r }\tr,1dh pto~n•m the yc..11 before He' be-come 11111c:comfllh.hcd i-pon.1 climber nnd '\C\'t 011hc mc111bcn t1l lhc 1uvup ~ouched for hi, .,kill Ahhouih lt c;,nl) 1,1e1k lhrcC' 1-"'IC:ffl to rc.ach lhc mu.l polDI of Shl.>shoDC', the cliu-b v.-J.1; nuxc JUfit"II 1han Bliu.:klool hod ~·n. tic,n• nl(lf1; ,·cn1i:a.l w11h nui11l! of~ a co111p.utJ tu 8l.1eUuot', 5.SJb. An •rrw;;.:hlos 1.tonn MJ 1111\t' 1urned lhc rroup b.ld ~~:,~ 0
,md leU Blodigci1, 1hundc.r hrr.-"11ng 1hcir dcp;).nUff "'h ,.,.i, "'~·'/)' 111 hl't .JJU.I then l\'.11 c,;c;itJog,"' l!QI..~ Oc,lcr u1d cif 1be \\eeltntl t>,pedi1ion "I bnd lun. ""'" l1Ucl1 h"nl \\'\1tk It '\\IH the h;mk\t l'\'C C\Cf ~utb:d 111 m \ ll!C', t.u11h.c: mo\l fu11 r,.r baJ "
by M:Orin1 two go11J... Sometime~ we J1ecJ to p11:k vu.1ory
!?l Eur!!C BcntaQCow, week or rite whole in t:at:b Jillfflt' Cole St:hwcr,n nunc.he,. bxtr up"' ·nu~ )'(.it our 101.1$hc 1 SMilhmie, 'J • ha, abo Mgnihc1u1tly co«1,tr1but('d If.& Om lc:tguc
,.~ au t1r,c1•mu,r we~'- •Ill r,ut.:'1b1) ti('
1hc Cards hne s.bed lbcar said. bolh are \'ct) &l\lJd T hey lu.i::c ;iccQtlnted tor co11e:bc1.1wec-k of 1he whQlc year."'
undefc.11~ Je11gue m1trk to s.o. vc,:y 1ough;i i1 u1uron1 wh(ro lhc)' On Sept. 14, Sthwer,n Oi.chmia11 On Sept .11. BeUcvlil: CQ1ttmunh Ben Lur.or •"Cl Jcrtm) WIiii.nm.~ n,1atch with W~;,~bcc CC. dr-t1'1 foet: u lu, ut '11oh Suitk.'lilnc\ ;11.J Bnun Pa.rbc1 were. rc:~pomibk C'olh~tc ht~1cd our men. and lo\t ,1 e.tbsco~d gotb Ofl pcu.1l1 y kieQ n w: men dt.ft1'lt:d "\ktlau Valley$, 20 nnnm«,can. gob)' bdo~ lhc)· for h\'C goah \.c«eti a1.a1n 1 Sk,111i1 0. Ori Sq,c Jl; the tUcn lJ 1nc hod:.
10 earn 1he wm Ou1olin Cnh ,opped
PAOE 6 THC somuo.
l n1,109ga~.
• • • • • • • SPORTS Wts,ODA'f,0or.3,20()i
C: Michael Jordan scored,_ than
c:5 1O polnl! once Bob Gregoire :tOC1tOhoa for good hold$ asho boulders ocrouthe rocks. •11.IOl'lll~;ol"'"·'-
. .;::."°.
Soccer men on roll, remain undefeated in league play ~ Eisenwinter says depth 20,&:pt.'.OOJnaon lhc diit,.. loplayi:o,a1\ICt1tl) fcir 'X) 11\lfllllc:, On Sc111 19. K..1y .c;Of(dthc,-..t,I • r,r, • Jnkc 811cb1tu1n. v.,hO h,u been We al~ need to uuptih•t om 1wJ Jor ~ltC' men .a11Un•1 CultsmblD p}aytng bJg part In WIOS IIS UJ)('t>rlllllg Wi!t!k :iidc: lh~ductobm;l.1n,JUti(1 camm\1n1ct1hQtHll) lhl" fi-,Jd B11.\1n whtchled1hcm1011 I.ti wiU be the touglte.\l bounced lntck.
nd f\•il).: "1.mmt,J,· n • Cot1 sfa • Sil Up:nC'tk.°"
h. wh_.1 the men·~ c:ompc1w. 111 wlll li.,cly be SP")lc.lUIC. The: Cllroinal incn tttt.Qn, roll W'!ar. with four g~h •nd ~n ,,,.1 , 1whb.w 1c.iim h,1,. .C:({;lrnplhhcd'\4> fat, the lkUc\Uc .1.nd Edn1ond, c..,mmum1) W11be 2.0 Wtn ovct Spobne 810 Ebtri\\lnlcr the i.~c 1h1"llllm.... learn ha potcnho) lo be \Cr)· \ttunx c:(1 ll c8t•.'" Eikn'l\·micr ,a1J '7ho Communlf}' Col lege: 111111 S1t11JnJllr, ~coach "~. for ocu goalie E i cnwcnlt>r JI am! whcnthac \\'t:ilkfk
I. Evc,en Communii,,y Collcsc 5.z KC IU))' tc; ll on. Vo11cy. Schwerin 11.nd Forber coch de.fra1 Eclmon1h .\.(J four ,-hol~ 10 earn the diucoo1. NIC 11.11d Colurnb i• Btiln C~nnuu1 i11 WeablC:s...e, 1hAt 1bc: co.Kb b11,, ,1,-orcd two in tb1,1 I J.1aJ HC, Bfl,t&" untc.11Nle!J l\\O g,>ilh o~ ou1. ha,1SpOlcant" 11 ·9 College 1·0 ptt\'111t1dy \tcrl whh the: tcltm MC 1hclrahll1t) On Ser, JS. B.1cbman, l·a,hcr, S.,:hw,hn \\.U tt,pon,lbk for iht 1 ThcCanb rtay h(nl 10 W•JI• "Wt: fl~~t IC)f1.o(dcp1h ." br.,IJ 10.~hu.>lo 1n1c11,11 y Jcrt:m) Kay, Srou 8ri1tgt1. Oylun Uunl ac>lll C.a.,h tluet'U\ W1tllo CC 1'1d1ty .111 4 pm coach Bill Eim't~iDlcr stid While Cllleb game thctc foC.'(nu, 10 ht as. Suc,meiC'r and IJv. .,1>n T,lie e.1.:h u,, (ka 12. dw: C;inh lr.1\'tl for On Friday 1hcy boll Pn11nul11 n..,,, 10am, will 111.C 14 11r IS p l.1yen, 10 1mn\llc \lo,11~. thal w,11 ,C'iilJ\(" 1.cofcJ II icnl of 1.i\ gooh,c g.amr \\ith Skqil Valle)' CC The Ill Collcae. (onow~ by• S.nmrdll.y we're able 10 use as 0111.ny •• 19or trn\lMc fo1 u.,. be Clud 'Our iool 1, e"""'rn V•lley Comnniml)' C'('lllef!~. next day lh<')· rl•> .11 f1\c-rl'II Got • sports 1.tpJ spam (d,tc,t S:>m Uffleron. Phone: 7b9·lJB8. fax: 7M1 ll89. E-mail: S«mt1rtf'f\lnic.fl<h1
1»Caruwh v.111 rlJy M\11.., ,he:
WN 8.U4·b41J AIJ·Star .and Sal&INll)'. s, pLl)'Cfl 11,ill 1."WlpCtc' Geoff K.cldl (;
v.,}-, Rob Gill, Sunn) 11111.1 ~n,oro fa'(ltl
using fall to work out kinks
lwcnl) low- pla,·c:n i'I(" (WI M:hol•rdtlp Pb.)t'~ 1ft IC\.--rullcd from .....,r11t11-.H.11,1,·1m;u1llCaruidil.
F~ Bailey •nd J.ty
8.1pth.Ld \\ttc r«ru11cd I,~ ll11•AU
8Mb \"011~,CttJ 00 Tt·.;11)1 Hill~ ,Ill 1r11J tra.,ekd to Jii1p.m to ~ompc1c 1~-, ,ummrr- b'11k>· 1, 11 kll·hiandcJ p11"bcr, 1tOO Oapti11• cnicbn anJ rL,) inlh<t•ltltOcld
l /_ "',r Cu\!~ pktC'\t UJl 23 nC'4' t«~
~c 10 f'Clum.1n,. soroo,10010. mbcn 1,1. u.,ny dN,p to.> o.n:iund JI , !? mI.he spnng dl,c 10 the bu,\·)' : rac.clcrmcc.lig;ihlh[)'Olld
·tt,,M,1t' tw 1-«d md 1111110, dtk ivc abiluy. • Mllfl)'.aru(} t.;ulJ lhc- IIWn .iJ,;,o up frc:~11n1t1 J,1\0n W~['llhn fmm Ncir1h ~ntn,I H1gh Scwol 1n Spobrtr kd IN' '\ L.c.aru,:: 111 b;icuug )r-~ 11W Non!, Ccntflll l() 11 wxPl1d r,IAR flm,h 111 II~ 4A ,t~c: 11-.rtnAmtnt
•·Wcr h.n--c IO fltr_un: OU.I iJ. \\>!1¥1(. ('I' bcllt'r III cxh "P')i, Mant..wdo w.t "Tm('ftttyli.,ppy"' 11J1 lhc inl 1c.W. «1llldd ~OLI the pill:hinr Id 1hl.~ ;jmc, We ntc\110 "'""" oi:1 lllkoslly and ,,.,)ml mcnu11ly ,nJ phy1kally ftX'u-"Cd•t 1111 llo,r
TIM" Cardiruil1- fin,\bcd 1-C~t1 tb 0111 of IU t'"1rtt, ln lh~ cMft'ICGC\! la I yc.11, \\'c h•vc onc or the 1oushe,1 c:,,nfcrcnl'C't- 1111bc co,aotry." .M11n1M"do\11d
''Weittp11lo1u(pl,1ycnonan Che! fnll 1ott11hla1t tor the spnng." M:anr.Mdo q1d. t'hecc.ain l.rn\cl llh20rl?>i;i aod •lhk11..,. arc con,l.alltly w••cd 1n.10
au(:ni.l,u,ct :u pt11eua,. Ar.I v1Joi, q:_\.1,.j(Wn. "'The) lQ;\·C a lof of t'Xfl«ICfit:C IIJJ wlll hclpma lCJCf.1(\1..a)• Mian,~ 1,,Ut.l ''Q.,J lldi gocid la4CWi1in n4IJ cootrol md IOO'l1ld be: v.orkcd into our ~, Jutlltlun J:a)' b \et) uttouo .11'11'1 ha~ 11 htM ,,~ ,he came. 1~ 11tt l\\1) &hit1t, )'1,u c:11~·1 tca(h."'
J.- oo hrwl!• 11,t lo lhe bnc'•UJI M.inr,.1tdi:l J.1NI H,: rui dn\~ lk 11:1\i:biall w,ll a ttig 1..qr1 r1n1 ho,c.
nit, IC.UI wUI play int1rt•tqu,J Knmnup &nd P'fildltt JillllOI with 'K'hoob ~h '" l"rc.aswe Valky. S~nc Fillt,, Ltwi, 11M Cbtlr. S1.,tt nl'ld the Uni\'ffl.1tyofClllgaty The:)· .alw1 pl•) ti111 E.l.,,m, W11;.'1u,1j.tOO 311· f,lar k'IW. o( whKh IJ-cy \c:'OUt hlf plll}ct).
We ,p,ru people :,re a. much greedy
A\ •lur1~. )'P\I know
When be came bad,. no oae'(Ul:"!ltiUfte.d him. Wc Ju~, wa:otod mOR "StM1M11nc'" He harr1ly gi.,·c h ICl 111
Uc <'IMkd hh e11.recr, or "° we thought ,1.ind1ng i111hc fr«-1hru~· Unc He-had rnudC' hi, ruu l NBA toot ll' win hi• final NBA ll,IUlK', \\b1t:h JUU hllppc.ocJ 10 be b1' u•lh "h:uup1Q11•h1J).
Wuh the l.1,1 tc:littmc 1U, lht J•mc
mo\·cd on and ~h11-nf-cd Bui lhc 0;1,n,e iuidc ul him ,till bui--ucd.
The Sept. 26 g,me at home ended with• f-0 Lady Card.s win
tearing up Scenic West Athletic Conference
Cards ready for big ma1ches with Watia Walla, Edmond s colleges
-~f-:, r
Thi:~·, IIIOC(Cf te=im bb v.bne hc..J co.ach
dJ Encri,.·lncc-r rull• one or 1hc:1r ne.1 1mp,n.m1
!Ip\ °' lbe tCASQn
C.,ti,.art' lcktk1n.g t1>conlUIU~ lhc-11
J~11.,un1 st-.t'(ln He.din, into 1~)"t ma1eh, t.hc:
1111 hold,• 9 C). I c>vcnall t«'C)rJ. ~Mk hom II o.()
c .,ltt &lrrwlllda CC. \lobo dlC C'a,d..lQ;tl\ for dw
"M: c:luunpioaWp La.~, 1Cai'tJ11. the tc!UII I.I S-4l 111 ""'Pia).
~c·~rtillly~dw,)·c..,-. 1 n1Udt1-1id1. n)
• t.:au.1 ''Our trc,iflmcn •n~ ~kr,:'11"11n land l.loiinJ
-\u"rWftJ In f.t\Cm1,1P11c-r.1h,c Canh ~d Ottd 10 lhcirbut.plll) t{Jll"bi 1J11.lftll, •10.1rto.1 EJmou.b C'"'ltrftltiaa 8.a,m CC. h kiob at 1.1-ooith 11 '4'111 be U!o fout (u,.ludtQJ f Willia, ai die l"Jl qlNn 1hu )1."M he .,.kl Plo 1tit, pu, nt 1hc:
•·1w , a,1u1a. QIC\\lnla 11lJ ar ll1C: l.itc.f(lal ,.,.,~ worr1cJ 11 .,.,am·1 £l'lflll ID l'\111K'. In nl,lCl·kill(l)e r•~t Sept :'6, 1hc< ~umcn h)Ut.c,J 1hc0Mt.ap~M:t"\c\ 10.1 l.m1111 llan·cy 1hc Oltd.s w11.b '"'" 10.J, Tlll,111)' 8«.*.. Kell> Tyo,. Mtpti 1--T::liu.J.aria f.radlml and AA1..tmGll."bbclccdm a pJdt111ntt !he pnc.
n~ ,oollecpcn Seccu.1 Ptml.l'lltf aDd Kim Con!M. a, NIC oat\001 lbc. &.lldor, 17•.l 'Tm .caU~)' in, 'So filr. wgOOd.. £,..._"A\\lnttt
~HJ '"l'ln"\'CI)' rtu-.eJ l hl-1f1tbh.J\C f1)Uf'd\O,.tl)1 l0 v,.in" hi tl,c Edtuoaeh be. l'rimmcr ,tllf'P:ld K"i,,-cn •,hoh
l'licCJIIVl:heJ tidmc.u,chwhh l?llloc,;OD#(ICtl "'I d1C1u~ "'C' ~>«J "~IJ." &w:1,~lntlt!f s.aid ·we 1.~11Jld h,w-c -.1,a. tiu1 °'" th,nt<t, dht.t.·1 ,mul b.1rindietCCClftUJ1J1lf lbc C.anb "*°'-' •C'11n lln Sept i I v.ilci, d,c) ,.,,lied Bclk..--uc C'C Ille} DUl•hnc Bdlcwc 10 .J m me .J o ,hulA.-.ul Onmna Nd~ lkc:k. Mettd)1h Whlknwt 3tld Ci1\11C An5:el1Jo\ ntUa.l pl', lnlhc-Sq,l. 19,;}.t wm,;;,•iffCtilumhl;t8.wn H111\"C)', Netw,n: 1100 fna1,chm1 w:.ntl 11lt \\'Onw:n roorc l.h.ui doubl<.J C()lumhu h ._. ~·hh I \ HolV 1A·11., 10 r,o,111 out depth p lo1)1, 1 m,1~1r rt.tie ,n C'\linial t.1KQOA "People 1Vcn'tJ"'' comiq ofl t'Cixh."'
\V~tQhm.-1ht1P.l'\tk1Ut~<"OJC'D1 (,I lll'l return l:l,, 1 u,c1, foy htuuthl ll hillJ.ltlt' c1e,~1cine111 m\·1 mC' l'C',er • h\lti: Jontan fin. He Wll\ n(',tf e\t-CU Ofte' nf In} fan,nir rlncc, Tbcrc \\'ii JU t M>fl1<'1htng !1l)l1111 111.m II 11~ \l<.a) h ..,oald '-1.: ofl fn•rn lkl!
f•tt 1hr1.1w line .a111I I .,.,t11h.l gel
S:'-"'~hmnr, Y1hde -.. u:hmr TV• thouynd nulu tW:l) h -..h tl,e •-..) 1 1ub l,M.:lc would i.,Bd u, llll, ••,.. He 'kc>ulJ 1-IMI.'. ,t IQ th.: face.
f,1\c- ldt l'lfl nilu, lal.c twt, drtbMcalltld lt~r Ue'd Junl ln 1h llk"'C an\f \hrui
tu h(l,whkn :1h.:1ward. k11i111 us lnow
he '-'.UUldn't t"'f111tn "h,11 hc•c1 iu\r ll.,.nc
c:11hu It wa OW "'.IY "" l~inJ • way to wu1. Artd lt.••1hJ.o.,mcll ld111111 ._llll c.'t~.11 I cC111ld h'• a M:C"Ond. Ll'tt.e hh ,..,,;;ur,y. II
"'" .1,111ud1mll!t!:Hl1111 h Y.,U ~·)11fld t:1rlat1ill1ori h(>W he nt0IJ ro, 10 lung ,..,,h w many pcuJ1lc, h ~' ari,I dtt-.an11 p1lcJ ,,n hiJ -tl1ouldm c~c:l•pk v. atcbtJ lll•1 10 Mt. but tu kc-I fotdlln -.ut S(t'll1J,111hc 8'"'~• BnJ lhc t:11.111(' lcrt a n,unt' bu111h11111h1dcor h im Wl~II he IC!fl In, lht' lln.t nmc, V.'e t.11 ,, led why \\c i.:om,,l~nc:d 1b.11 baJn'I u:tn rnou,b h1,hhgh1, We 1n111eJ tno1t 111:tn lht' hour• ol hi,ihllJ.hl r.:thlrf 111 l r1•H•.le,I
ra, ,1wh1k', be fcJ d1t n1ur1c '" ptil(lkie He \Crimn1.41cd wllh Im. yolln& W11.,ht.n1tlun Wi1,11-1d\ hch1nd g u111"dc>d 11rcna l'lld cmn:.~ltun dr11" Bui the fllunc s~w b iJ~r. We -.h11ip(CI of hi\ lnni,na• to be on 1hc Oc,or •&aln, tKll he tknicd them Ile t:uu1J J etty I.hem (or only'° Ion{[
When 1hc ,moai1aecmc-t11 came, \ports rcpoclch \lllJl~ C'Olllplainma, Tho:)' 1n why rhcy ,•id Jordu
wnut1Jn·1 d~ ~me. Tl)ey uid 1be 39-·
)-Cat-oltl '4iu too ,to"' and'"'' o ld. The)' warned th1111bt youn1 Cl.I)'\ wouJd CO.I tun, up ;mJ atomr 011 bi, Image. fbcy
\.aid 1hey w11n1«11u ttmcmbrr him
,.,.,11dinJ a1 the puu1;iclc c,I b.ti ,pon
F1r-.t t1I all, lh1, I~ a man wbt;uc
hlood cell,. 11((! Hnk onu1,gc. ba.Uclbalb
rc1!1n1 him to go Imme wou ld hr Ilk<:
tcJli111..i hnlc kid be "'n't play w-i1h hh
h))!I. Second. he dc,r1;n·t need co be lbc
HfflC rl•)<'t He wall b( M1chat!I J onln:n
11l W. nol Hu. Altlte\f. He"II i llll \COtt
2fl pa1n11- a go.m~. We tU•.t won· t st'c
lrcc 1h,ow lin e dunks Ile,. tcill a11hc
rmnacte u( b.1~Lctl>.ill
S,, wh,111f Kclbc 8f)AD1 or l<e'",n
Gnt11eu u e, Mm vr lwic:e :a 1.a,mc?
Thal " w\ clh.lJI l'hnl'' ~·hy he
cmn 11,g badr; tn 1hc n,..t pl.a He lbt1~·e\
Pn CC'mf'('tnioo I.c l 1b1.• \id rl•)-. I c..:in·1 \\all for au of the \.('\Ul'tl·Jt.UOllfil lO t,,nd. t Co'.a.1. 1 wut '1111 we ~e 1 bc>)'nh •mlfc a flu he ton:h~'tl(IQ)Cbod)
l"bc W11.anis aren't tOlf1£ 10 "'·tn •
1;h•mp111n\hlp Th111 l1ft't lbC pOinl rlnr. m;1Jc thins"' .oou, \li chacl
Jord•n doma "wbat he 1l1'fc1-. 01JJ nll thbW! wbu ate ctHici.n.nJ bun "''ill be:
~rard11r1a, 1htu bc.3ds.1n • C:OOJ!lc mn-ntln. a11bna: IIKllht!ve, 1low'd he dO lh,11'1
SPORTS THE St,m,n PAQE 7 Head COlch Paul Mlnzatdo setsup1 pracuce routine during which players cycro lhe ball tllrough the Infield end ( outneld• , ·~·
rards to host a ll -star showcase Friday .. ~! OoJc,.uo "We 11etd to work 011 imeu.rit_v mu/ !ilaying mc111alfr and plly.,icallyjocuted at al/times'' dtf1t'rtnlpo,.lb0Cl!l('Oitk:: ric:ld "We w-c how lhc. JU,P handle the prc\,u"","' \C.1nr11rdo .aid.- ·w~ m..1kt: n,ul11ple •u~Jlutivn and ffk,,c 1ti~·111 t.oJJllettnlll('Ot.f.."' \i.an1.1r\k1 aJ 1 look1; MlW.\{d rn.-,.hnteft kf1-lu.n..kd pikhct Ftt-cbom thinl hn:m;an 8rn McodW:q .and t1orbh•J' k,,1tibtc Ra.wm.n ror klkicrditp la\~ 1'C.1Jil.1"
• ,:~IOfWlfd/mldHeldorllffany Hottz. right, escapes from Bonuga'a Jennette Byrd
"'11.b' \1 ! p..m., lb;: tceond pl:a.'e C;ud~ are p.nt1na lhtU I tc-.,uc rcaird c1111hc HIit ai11.1n11 lciguc Wnll.a WttllaCnn11nu.011\. Cullqe. 1r• a Nttlc ,~ fl~, ~¥C aft« 1hc fi"t half nf chc 11 .'"E1\Cc1~m1cr UJJ llic
Canl!. bll,..: ICffllN k lbey'n:.c:mungort • J-0\\oJUO\'t'I' ,~<;~;!!=J·~~:!!:1y g.JUJ67 lhc: leotrrnill lhc Cilltw Ca~m ~ic.... e.ct hd' uri for
U'IC ~ad. !'\hcy'n:' -ommg of( 11uoog." 6\ot'n\\in&tt~ lhc (cdmg ""1bc mii.;<,fc,11;rcnr,11,-c'111 p>t,1hom ~hcxn ,ood." be wd. "'\1,'c*rr linJ111r; "'.i,, !A.'be IU(u.•1duJ IIJld tbiu'c. tbt ITIIXI lffip:,Nfll 1hJn11 " Al.·wnhntc Ju M.111141\IQ, 1l"('hc.lflll.1rC' ~a.II.I~~) and ,II htlp on ih ffil'Nnd "'''b • Joi flf ~~rn'lll't' q;;a.1111~·1&) h..s a 5·2 rt'OOrd
greatest player returns to wooden stage Sl1111ct1111{.. •th 't\•llrr
JU 1
1.1111,turui evct)' hlllc mme an alhltl~ mule,C'ln t'f ult Of th< 11thlcbc hdJ We 111;1 ,o tlklUth eoch ut 1hc11e n,11, n may I~ •~ tM c.nd ur UIC v.c,,ld We cnli<iu ;11tdcumril,un s~11ncu,,i.e f:t:I:£.. Alit •aner I• DOI lhe l1ttl."r n 1hc•C IN lhe rch1m,,f l):i.,.kc ll'l .111", • S.; m ( :.lt111«in Jll:111 ''' rl..iy(rc\·er !JI c.11~ )-..iU llu• ·11 1M:,tJ Ml<'h.atl lord11u 11, l'l,1ck
Jordan anxiou to lead Wizards Game·s
Soltball team preps for spring season
Card s face Divi s io n I 2 sc hoo ls by Broy 03.lcs.tiu
$taff,,i,ro11, The (1l1.,llflb11ll '\C!h.eJ.u.le m1a)u be rofl~idcn:d a pra~tm: SCHJOQ (o, iprLn& pl&) t i NlC.
The: tt'lllU &ell I d l.Atl(:C to bui!J. o.od come 11>1c1hcr hc:fort samet count aod • n11hoonl goal it 111 1-1.akc. Thc- leamw1 ll ct>ml'¢tcm fall ktlmfl\fil(~ w i1h team• 'lUCb •1 Ponlllld Suite Uon•crsily. Ceatril.l Wo.\h1ogu,.n Uni,·tnll)' 1100 SimnB F1a,1cr Universi 1y io C.n:ad,1.
The.If fiDII I hOlfl,t' 11t0t ',\'Ill
be Oc1 ZI VJ. Ccnmtl
Wuh.Jn¥too um,·mit)'. a
Om&1()Q 2. 'S(hool The Catdln11l1 Mt c0,1i:bcd b)' Don
Doa Willuun., .atid IJ.MHCJ
play fmt. third or 1n 1bc ou1fidd. She alld \fond)' ba\c cxpc.rkn« to lead the tc111n CN1 tbc mound.-
TI-= tnm hut• fll:&)tr, Wam• Pctcn.ot1, Mtct nnh one yur She IL.\ tcaultod by Pi,nlanJ
S1.1tc, Unh rnily '"II h pR'lt) Cllul 10 'IC'C ODC' o l °"' plll)Cfl Ill I OM~ 100 I Kbool: Willilnu: , Aci;orJln&i co Wi ll1 W1,. the 1c111n 1, )'<Ki ni hut I, dchnitcl) up 10 the ch.a1lct11e
Runn ers bring Irish luc ~
Michele H11ntn, 111 00 1fieldcr rrom S1c,·cl\tvillc.
\ fonl ; Paula l>•11 cn1on. a uullly
rlaye:r from Khnbcriy. 8.C
11.11d Mclisso Troc:r,d.dJ. a.n
1oflt.ldcr tro1n Albony. Ore.
Pi1ner110D originall y pb,)cd
whh 1hc Canhna.t, tn '99 but
1,ook • yw off 11nd h;h tctumcd to play ror lhc 1cam
C.arpe.olc.r wu all AU RcglOO
18 SWAC pla)"(r l.t~i ,ciaMffl
or1d bit five home runs ror 1hc,
C.rd1t1ab $be WI.\ fourth in the league in h<>mc rvn~ aod h11d 11
,hiuu,, Jl('rccn1•se of .Sf:M
"'Megan u c:ruc1ul for u,."
WUU.Ol.., •nid '"P1111IA ur1pitch
OonDon W111ltm~ Haeocoec.r., ,.,,,unb1.1tl!'I h, •on'lc v. •y."
The CClltn ii fOUndcd 001 "'llh Conic Broatch. 1n infidtkr (nun Surtc)'. BC.; l .11\lta Clark.
M fmn1
Aloh11. Ore O.n~lc
O.aug)Wtt). 1n lridJrr (tom Coc:urd'A lrne; Amiand.l Po&dcn. •11 i.t1hcldc 1 f1(1t11 Vancouvc1. Wub.; Angie
Frie.II.le a r1kber Imm 8illin1.-, MIJflt Katri KoUmc.t. 11 p1cctier rw1n McMhsnvi h:~ On::.•
Kri~un Kellogg., ll1 01.11ficldc.r bom Vuc::ouw,. WIUh.; Mc110
M:ad:ty, BB ,nficldct/ou1fic1dcr (rom Spokane; Kalli McGilley.
• phd1tt fmm Spc,kJnc; K•llc
Smilh, an 1nfiddct from Tbt
D.alle,. Ore .• and AMc 'ThoR:1Cn. • c•tchrr rrom S110hon1hb, Wa.\b
Athletes take diffe re nt paths to cross co untry
Tlilo\ tru.hnmDCf"' \tcchao and (moll, hn\·c n111dc &~ lt\!k 10 COOJrd"Alcl'IC' l>erc 1hc) 11te runnin, cro» 1."0UIIU)" and lrkk for S I C. M«"~. "bo W1:J lion\ ILnd rai\CJ ifl Klll urin. Tullllmorc. orOlf,Ji CCJWtt)' ln:l.aod,rc111C'mben:d..,..·l1t1 ,u1111t.1hc d:i.y ""·hen COJl;b Lewl\ W~1kuuallod bu and 11)1(1 bcr W "-'ll.ll i,Olll8 10 (0011:' U'I lhc Uultt-dSta:t.t'l. 1rc:nicmbtr the <by 1..eOA·tuang ffll' m Dublin.. l.rclod,'" M<lCluo '' I \lo,n ~·Vf\.lns ti~ cltitl in• l"('Uaunm. I w,u trying 10 run n.~!tllnnt aod talk 10 l..owu 11t tbc-wmcl.Unc. lclldcd up g1.1111'-$ In tt\'.lllhJc beau~ 11.u,.cJ 10 Coach (cw 1111 huw Mttb.,o uid ,he ...,,m,oo 10 come so 1~
linlt~SWI."" ,tn1.~w"' 11.Sb,..h.J lun lllln•hn& NIC r," a )'tv Ctit0.11. v.1io<d lJu, foll .aho 1\:C11lll bi;u1Jt. a, he uld. A \'Ct)· h11rp)· cwnJ)\."f"" wh<-11 lie: fouDd out be "''I.\ g1i111i l4»comt k1Ule US. ~Iv.An ~w dl.1.1 If t d.iJn·l i,:OITIC ttl tM U.S., thna f "'"Wkl ~t('I II for chc t<",t Of ffl) llfc."Ca,mll .,h ._;i., 'Cf)' dlffcffl'll dl.1n home. I WU) imrreuct.1 rn,ttw:plKctiero.• For M~htm. ti WA\l'l°I un11I bet tl\tl\J "-"t'(k of'C. l.b.l \\'.'Ill. brfole ~he 1c11;•htft- -.llcY1:u •Jt d1Ju"I i,.inl: II) utitil n,)' ach1:1nl '*c•.._ IWtcJ f..Umg hcluuJ.· 11ti~ uid Bm1dun l>l.1rin. \l.·d m·~.,«--r·dAd .riJ lkln1 l).Jnn Wt' Ma-ban's pi.n:nh. Mt'Ch.11• tu. been n:rnning 1 1ntt ,be v.o Abou, 6. I!or moan u,ok lier ID hct rtPil pr.1cbct "For my fU'U pnuicc IA\': hid 1a run Cvut br- Afl.JoJnJ 11600·mct.:TU:II..L,N Mttlwl ,ald. Tbnl'• ouc ailll I hall m,k, ''l rcmcmbtT \lrat.lllttJ to tun mote •od th<y t IJ 11•"'-' ,r,ir,·\11euiJ ·s1~ I.hen I"\'O lo\-:J rw1t11j\J Cam>II it,'L\ rn1:,ciuttun hwn h11
brodl,:r, \t.anum. 1hcd 1v.·& ycani "'°'''IPin h In)' hurimil'ID;' be ··He ka:r-i nlC gol11g v.iu.·n 11 lturt,"' \lccharf• ra,·ori11:1 rK"C: i, lhc :o.tcerlel.:h,to< but ll k"W )catS •go two \(fe:M; frii.. lln\"t. J.lmnt,e 1'10\•,cd 10 ~k'Cplc barrirt ,tic '°"klrf11.:1 n\'et. Sm' .almu,,1 qull ""'in1 ·•••hm ,he .u1rcm.l WltC'iflJl.lrin.. t Atro11ct 1tamt11ateolbt"'n.amcd Dent1'11 S~.aU $"1 00' SOIIIS, apll'I and I 1tl w> m11dc the pn::,pn 1."""t1nntc:t:KJ0~ with W11c~1n, 1.;, help ho t"qtnC tn 1hc VoJti:d , S1.:11d.. Cannll"\ '"ba1.'f. Cur:s. *I.\ a f<'l'llk't • ninntt n1 NIC m IQ8S aod '89, She l• he:!~,:c thccootll!('lioo-. t«tum111 «ulf' lfl lbc l 'DIIC\I S1~k~ J Jld r\UI (cs NIC he 11cii)11go co Au tnlia lne ,1 llttk -.t.ik b«.SUIC be b.nll mnn)' lncnit, JtOfl'I home- l.hlll weo1 1.herc. Mttbnn, lil\'Onlt IOO\=JC I.) "P'.a)'•lt• ki1v.,l,11i ··Dtro11 h,t, ,,.c,\'cnal i:hlfcrcor mu\'IC"I on hi. h~ ~h o.'I" "Siar \Var,," ·n,11ooa anJ "'kn) Mc..<imrc " \1tc:h:m'• (11\"tW'IIA.' c:alnr ii1 yrll:ow v.·hilt: Clll'f"!Jlt1hbluc..
Speed, race adrenaline feed NIC studen t
byCt,ils111km ~wrter NIC tc\', ltll mfil'k" M.aintcil.Mitt 1na·h&Dk ~udatt Ju.,IJn lloffro.n. memberor l.l'C N,ll'lh"i:."1
ModifK"d Racing A!.)oci11tiicin. cao be- ,cen r.cln:
c,uy Sawnby At S1.lid1nc: Spc.'O:lway in Slllklme.
Hofftllllll IS OP CIWJJ)',,IJ dail)' sod~ he bOpej"'
funhet hi! N.fttt wish nan.ti, 0t v.1xbng on tall~ Wh1k i.albns io llolTmAn, 11·,,pparmt
lhllbc0 ,.,,.,.....,-.tbcspo,,.O..mJpt
have IObc. N<"nbwe11 mod1lied•ncs nicmcan spend up liO $:!Cl.000 ii\ a ,it1Jle rxi11s &e.'i.U)n
Accxxdingto Hdt lma11, money lmtb tc> be lhC' No.
I f«tor 1.D mecti"' NCIAb..,.-o.t Modified Ru~inJ
~· enm;a
E,UI when moocy podlct the i.:k 1n tw::mi • mblc mernbcrtJI ilie N~IRA. "'l"Cd:ii #XI bn::akdoYl'llJ con ahn)'s pui • dilmpct (rum a fiqp.nwalil llndpoitlt
"k. l((lg I.\ )«I dcq'1 f;el innny wrecU."
Ho«m1111 said. llx w.inninp u..unlJy !'Ill)' for* rlf)Ctbd."
Thou,Sh c~r'llfflll •~ Caidy urx:ommoo m many kxlll Dl.'cw•>·t a re~· h~ doll11t1can be
ffl4dc (ur punlng ~l«'r, ur pat.chc:!I oa I.he t-an. Spl'l\-"1B art u'1lll.!l)' low. f'rivate htwoc~ lh:it "'lotill<-f.n~.
Ho41111a1111horacc,inQlhc:r~Somcflrhk (l\'Ori.1c, induda Tri-Ci:bc:i., Wallllchtt. Yakhl\ll.11ndKalh91!ll, MC)CIL 1bouibrt1M)'ol Uk,.-,,c 1racb aR 1~,,. HoUn\AIJ call, Starclmc • home and uid be alw1.)-a.ffljo}li nctng ll.crc
Fais ~on., (I{ radn, h.t\,: plM,rd in Hoffman'afamity. lie lo,'C\ tbi: :\pnl'I IU!d could klt"llletiay,.....:lbeatJJ~tflbclllorra:l!RfolJo,i.
tun, ·r hope c" con&inue.r.i:m5 8 km#; 115 l c-•l'I., 1lo\'c Jl," hru.ill Sutt.line Spctdwxy ,~ nc111 Pleib&Mvaciw c.:u1 "~ of Pent F,u~. Uc11&11QUI u,rn riJ!rt ,,n Sclticie:. Roa: U1Cb1.g1~1 an:- 11 tht aide ol lhc swd. Thull 111#1C-(ourth melt track and hold!I NCC\ "-lmtncr Wedooday Sau,1Nlly tuJhb.
Admission on Wtdoc:1,da)' b S4.SO fot' ~ulb.. 1bil1
~il\ll.SOforSaturtbyc,mb WeJnnday
f'11Ce. 1tldu(lee\'Clll.i like- htutlfHO-p;t5$. (C\'N' (~. O,:we cigbf, DJ the ru11{1Nnm:, ICDCa Sn«uttl.1)' races include 1hc No~~ Mcxlt(JCds. mml trucks llnd 1111 OOl.:WOBII dcnM)litK>ft dcsb,)',
Wl-- (.-JAb 765-2695
f•"'"'°"' 1'HONDER ALLEY
Glow 61 tl,e dml< laser !,g/w bl.i.:k 11~11>, aud LIVE ike,ja,!
Every Friday N ight! ll : 30pm- 1:30am
Unbelia-abk show! ln.:redibk fun!
En1<1J our full $tl'\•1Ct lo11nl(t and gnil!
• Wotld Fa,,...,.. M;u,g,rlw
• Bloody M,.,_,
• New Mi.cru BRv.-,;?
• 11-52\,
• fl'Otll ) Mu~Bc:cr • GrurFooJI
\Vafth ~·wr b,~1c SJ11i111111g C\'mt in .i cle:an, c:om.fortahl, &tmo,jph,r~l GROUPS WE LCOME!
Q. VA. Jt 'tE't MAN IA
T l nJRSDAYS 9pm. 11pm
S 5 Admits lon & 2S cent:
Bm, Bcmiing,lllO< Rtnt<>I, Fmi<h Fri<t. & Sod., ,,.,,.,!,.-' . HOW C AN ¥0ll GO WRONG/
SPORT S w,....,.v, Ocr. 3,1 [ff.[• -
b)' Ocnl"~ Oevcruu1. And M1t1d) Oglctbcc.. WUlinm• b '" bc:r (OUrtll )'CU" bi:•IJ CO; ··we lll'C l\lrO. \Cmt;tlmt1 l b ~. pccr lr Jocp in twry pmi11on. WOJjam,uid Wc.uc \'Ct)' t.ak-ntcd. II~ I 1h1nk we· ~'111 be ~id in 1JM: prinx fael)·oot Mark CBM'Ol1 and Francine Meehan st ret ch ou t before a cros~nlry meet at Silverwood fast week. CerroU and Meehan 1,e bOth ftom Ireland end hOpe to add more ta lenl t o the team's 11tre.ady atrong roster. ' ' ! rs pn, 11y cnol tn see mie nf our pla"ers at u DMiiOII I scil(IO/.' '
-we fiJCt the toiiJhc.•t fall schedule e,·c.r.-Willianu i-11jaJ. We lake oo Oivt~ioo I 11ml Oivii1on ! 1.CIIOl.'lb.'" The tum ,. led b) rctumlos 10phomore1 MIWdy Allon.• p u cher
rrorn Ott.ion Cit),
Ca.rpniter, an
T he longest
opera was a rourd~y. :20-hour event.
lassie opera eatures love
hu1nr Pf'(M i.ttrco4rrc, "'C°'i fan tune.'
tiy Wnftg,;mi i\t(ltart. cu:mr tu Scbul1.."T
.inumtt:i~lung 1hcauJic-n« lhlU AH "omen Ille hlc di.It· A rn:•·Q Jixturc 1h!! fundimcni.ah of the plot. uh die l,..,o·i.l.00·11.-b.ill-hour
m,1,1CJ1II)' Olllnr m 1hc: ri..xc:, ,if 1bit. 1$th
d1,,t1.".d qpcn..
·e~l l.ll, Wile Mllo.,.,.1.-...J lhe lhi..•\ nl acla..w1.11J
Jdlnlu\·rl~·v. Ith 110 qc-olJ pfUI of ,J,
c..-n 1,11i 1c-11tot fiJt.h1)·- The!' mtb~ 4,.1f M01.1:rt.
1'io'.bflf 1t1 hmc' 111·" c:hn1;&.cci:1w:J "" dam~y and
-~i.AI cdiK.1!«1 thu plo)'lul opera·, i.:.~t.m.
I\V.f Mid Luthlulnc~-. ft' btlp 1111d.l'Rta1.J U1i, H.tlu.u--wn.1-opcni a frtt
Ji,..;1"" Mk u(frrcJ fot ,11.11.icnb A (c.,.·
tl<!dtc lhr even, Ptn')' l.4-•rt'nro or the Sc,uic
t¢1 tpo~,· h\tl~ .,buot "bnt be ~·rihc-J a,•
l~, /all)' ~lffle'dy fl( ffiQ,)' IUlll.lllhC'
Tt.: .ll.ldlr~ ,..b Clllllf'1'1~ c-l t,t!Jdml.i, Yihom,
111D)', thrt, woukJ be thcfr fm1(,pen! 3'1cnd;t.nce.
"1l1J:111 lhc ~uJ,~·t'll.e I.belt Ide.a, :,hou1 open. the
itJOI UCC'COl.)'JlC v.a, 1.bc tiq\" \\M1110 c._nn.g
&u!f aiuM·lnJ hunu. •·ith bnd,k'd hk,nLI h.alr .and m he1 h~M. l..on:nio'• kr.tu~ 11nll'd io the 11.1Jic11(C' .aflaut opera nd 1h•t "'C'o,,i fan
•·11o·oulo.J he I li1td and •Jry .,.., \\tlllcrl hdon:-
)r1tll!C ur rom11n~ic t~w..,.. here cWoc;.1cR 1.bcd
:IJl'Ali)'OJ J<t\"e Dr opcni op;.ncd b)' Apothgtuui.ti: lhC' C(ltldu(1or
~~1,;,..iJ htlllC rl, •Ith nnl)' th.rtcpiw 1-., 1'hc
'11K 11np-r" t<r11n unpnJ ""11h pride llhou11hc,r h<11 lh01Jgb Enili.•h .,uh111I~ .,.,.c~ 11?._,\;: 1hc i.h:1,t<".lhe11pcncoa,·c)·cJ lht
M) ibrouf:h 1l1c- c-mohoaal f1c1ghl"I Mid intcn,11~
ttqt"ri.' ,·,itc:~• lt"J by tht" piano·, Jninatac, itJllr. M:'1rc A• 11 m' "'~ rw lo,·c:. lhc l\lt'U .,..
.ii1ttn;w1h~, IIUIL'tt-1 "" faiihfuld
"Awach •all\' ('(J/llt'd.\: ;! m~.H' rommuk cmifmicm. " f'cll)Lorcnto ,a.,.,
1l<" i: 1t-itd1. 1Jitu1.:h w:cmcd r,n1111 a, 1bc "''t'lllltn
*Pa to •in: f-tonl1l1at1 .mtl 0,,nhc:Ua'r. \Qkcr. ad cloc1}!idcd m1C.c• l1kc li00gbm1~ lhro&11thoo1 lk
*>rit.rm With n r;httrl c:h.itig..' of mM<l die\ could
~• ~·It ,t""'",111> onJ tio.\l ahtlUt 1hci1 l1l\<C for
loit(...,... 4111Ul1, )1:C Hlai..hlt\OUI lllaiJ n.a1ncJ Qc,rinn. ill-'*•I Ooo Allim\O. lhl: tynal ma.".tr hchtOd
•bi.,uat, AJfotud tolJ IJ.e "AUllllc:"11 dal thc11
Sari"- h.·.rnindu Jlld Ou~hclcuo. w.:~ 1e;i,v1,qi: tct
• k111Mte.i11J ..«relly r.:1umcJ cli,J11ued 1t.,
Tlc .,-.."'° r,lll)'t'd nn, w.idt 11,c t\l.O ,h,J'Ui\Cd mco
!)al 'Ill •llur~ c..·h other', r1~ ltl be unr.ahhM
!II 1c11ixn runin.:J at fif'J.I. hu1 h} thr- bcpnning Act II, they tdl ltW lhc:' fdtt'i~.ntf,;. Wbcn tho tv.o
•b111),,11hcu bet 10 AltOCN, be lc1 lh.::111,n on
itwu~ of \t.(Jffl\.'1t Q;uhcnna the tv.<o lit 1hc- froiu
'• •ul('I. Allon,,l.un~. NC""" fan Wile' (All
• like' 1Jctt! r TII-C' men furga"c tbcir .ao.J 1t.: c1rmi tudi!J 11n 1ht ,;a;nc llllpp) noce
•Qkh tlcptn
L:ll'CQN lotctnlll 4U U'llm:).11'41, fc:"111.UJC of din
•ctunu~hulccwn!'. W1th1.l.:t.niciJopcni,lOOliC
.-, ~fon' !MOO, t"\'et)'thin1t 1, S)1umctrical. tmrn
lt111rrll-.;rofpi=_rll'lfTflCnWttK' ~)'lc.OI mu.,lc.A
Ill tlAuKa) opt'tll.\ la) 1.'nd IJght Jfid
~,. Dt.'! 111.ICll:1' IA'ti..i the' ,\{'C'Y be;, n t'IUJln.&.U)',
~ngtc,L(ittn:r.o lllcl,'f'Cfam.'c:",,\.'da i.,nJ.Jng ..w.stton Imm .w p ~hou"'· MC,u.11.kn11.1Dd l hC'
*"'nu1ut)' dro~J 1.,.,,hly. w.11h m.-n "'c:mnJ ,u1b
•11rn,:n .,,..-.anny lonJ 4n',i.n "('1,-i f,o llltt4.·,'"
,-.,,h •i.Jrtv .cuJ.:ot, "'ttt rtquw1.l 10 itltcnJ cir
.:.alJ r«:iri,,· cla.u tn.'<111 bl mAdc-clcar1tui1
la11,ca,a,'1 •llllhoUt a 1a,sc Vlkrnt wocoan ,inaiBJ
lrJ"lalw""c the dcc,t,cl 1c,·cl Th,, npctauu,iht v,,b11 - 11111,u&th A IIIOII ol' °'rolU!lRIJC c:onfw.ic.,o-
Chadl<>ngo, IGlt,and Phll Qi~sonrud oxeerpls from"Rlng Round the Moon" during auditions IO< ""' upcoming NICplay to
open Nov. 1.
Audition stresses commitment, long hours
by Rhcrna \'1..uwooio ·51.lltwrfllt
•·RJ111 R.ouuJ dk' MnoQ, ,11 Ptenc!ic:\11nnt, '1) kMI Atl(IWbL one of'ICe •• rr,llif~ rt11ywri1hh ol 1be mt1u:r,. h\"IJ ..WitMI~ ltlf th,*intcr't'Ct'd:U tbcCoi:111J·A~(·u11u1:1l Caucr Commundv 11k"tnl,cn. I\ v.tll .n SI( ,culknt; rt:W c.MXrJI(, fmm lhc s,c:np1 Ul hr'f'C' a( aP'filRlhrpl11) Oi.n:cK'lrTun R:i.ridt wn•1c dt-xnpllvc Jd,=ct1\c.foruchdw:i,tc1 Hc\li:u 1'.rotb~ ~C And U11$1l ()C',Pl~ \\ho he lhnu¥hl ou~hl be ~oo.l (c,t the p:irt.
Pcoi>lc .iud.Jooni..'11 h) to1n11hrou11h the k'.ffiot ooot v.-tulc JAV'C them M.Mnc 111~11:ht ~lt1 how the c~ ,h,,uld t,c R11ricil we:. loot.ins r°' 11:01nbi""'tion 11f people, who bc-.M docrihr tht" h11rx1.:r1 1n 1hl: pla)' He al'-0 't.lid ht \\.11 loc~Uni (Of qu•lll~
1ktmrnr dlflflt ch.\raai:1i11thca-,."1orTI11C t.cnpt1w".rcn11.1lllblc IOda~• rnor kl iludlll~wuni, ~hen thcl!IC .-.,J11lu.uns loo).. (!"\·Cf tb.: \ l'\lf*'.'lcn, il gl\-c, 1hcm WIUC' in,ipt1 tlf lllwilicpb~,,~1 \\' tit·n rt.:"'l•lc .;;un\' 1,11111h1111,i. J{llll(k, nc,·r1 m.itlt U'IC' johMJUndc,h) lk ~idtie an1(J it,., !Mlffllol J1fhcull R:.nd,; t.aM m:my pcurlc cl,"lfl'I kn,,.,.. 1hc i-oimnnmttit "bc:r1 1wd,uo11i11; (1JJ • r1 Ptq,.um1 fnr1 f')i1), the d.ira.iPr exrcii, o muumwn u4 t,U bn.a~ ol rellcAn,al llmt' phi~*' nu11ffl l,f )'l{llltt, t,1 rchot~ M:ripc l~lhe,crylx"\l"'-""''Jl'~b.kc• NltduU rod \),1)UJJ c.,po.:1 from ~1 rl.a)c:11,'" KlltKku1J '.\1~1,y f':•'rk ., .1u,hhoocJ h11w tuJ Pf'Cfw;ili.'C III tbc111c1 M11;h 1d rra\·tl,, • 1ru1Qt 111.a)l,r m\ .1uiJ11f,"IC'J lot the J'l2). ~-.J lu, m\'nl\'cnK"rtt Wilh IM.a!iT bcg:ao when hi- .,, 7
\lt·h,:n h" votuntocn;d aJ. Lake Cil)' PbyhtJt.he u 1r1u\bcr Tna\llf'CCC'1\'Cddlc:pu:t~•gc:ocral ciwr-=tl.T, Sc,pbnmorc Jul ie: R~. • the11tcr aDd rardan l.:atl,ftW~ m:iJt>t, hoP bttn dol41, theJ.Ltt i.111t"O
I) Shcwumvoh·c:dv.,lhthcLak.1:Cily
f'l.41)·1'\w\C' nnJ in thC'.lltr 11.1 C«ur d'Akoc Htgh School
She:. ).lltd \.lit' thia._~1hc: idea 1m1,he bll.S a l.:luncc cocq,anlJ hrr bori~ !Mid tblnk fo, &he th;1r;M:tenri 1s, 1~:lfflins cxl)Cricnce wi\hin itself, I J11.1J111ual for t'\'«) pl:ly l.hnt cl:knel oul lt01oet-:1td Sb.: "'"' c~l n klld rule of Diam, ()1Jit:t ta~, mtmhcrs inclo.J( ('had Loo,o 11s Cohn Anrdc l.\ l-lu3olf~rlc and \1ttt1ldl BicrnQn u l..aiJ) Dn,ach) lrlllia. ~Rias f'too.Oil \he Moon'" op:-n, Nov I u> Schuler Aulhtonum and v.-lll .»nlim1t rnr I\\TI "ttkcnd, There i• ao chtrgc rorttudcnt.i..
SUB musician lacks emotion
ASNIC-sponsored event has good student interaction
f~k E • wt:ll·litl(,.,11 aJ;a
11w~d1m. rru:cd Oh.· Slu,knl \.Tt1111C1 (hnlUu1p 111.l b,, mmK t;timfl(i'lnC'flo 41( ASNIC un fJl."1 1'1 u1.1, rr.11.~"l\lo.kl
'1'C4f" in llcl"tQ,' 1hc l)flC."! tell like t,,,id,, ThC'rc w1111 no cmotioo. and nOlhmg u'l lh<I kut bh tuu.:hmJ :.N.,w Ith fl'IWU1~ til Ulc tll.'i.\lC', Anuchct lhUtJ tlu•·• qllllo:" 11nw1n1t V.t:\ th•l \"\('(I 11\ci1Jah l;t,c I:.. ,ocmJJi hkc l>a,·c \f,tnhc t. he hln'l• llrl)' nf l)\lll't ""np. 111 f,c:1. Ilse only reJ.11) 1«cn1 \.OOg be C'OUIJ ~•Y ,.....,, lac;11h1.1,• l)nvc bi:n 1tw,utb if• (u11 In hnc 1M d.a.,.,ic. u·, lllw c., lhJO\'o wrndhins nc'Ai in A1tbilUJh thett "m klnic.! l'ir111bl ~()I* Jn 1hc, h,..,,_., i lt'lfll 11u1.hrncc
mcmbc" \\'ho •-crcn•c l1mdt11t wilh efic E. 1\1.hill' CO gel iDlO chc fflll\.ic. l!\'cntually. tt:4~ hr,iAU ltl lo:A from &11 Jl,llU of llw: room tic pl•)'Cd f'OU.\lDJ n:r1Jl11on,., (If 'HQI.C1 Cllifomi.t" and Rollin' on lbC' Ri\·n 81uC\ orrotk.musk from 19SIJ.1910 "'i«mcd 10 be 1bc ttn1c, o( Eric', mu~ic: l(:oowkJ&I." and Nall llul not being I btd 1.t11n1. but lt became a fmle rcp.·mhcalrer • .,.,hilc O \·erall, ii n11n'111 hC11T1blc $.OOw, t,ut Ihm "'M ~enl) of rPOltt (« tmpl'O'Ytrntnt. I can Clftl)' bo(lC lhc ni:i.l 1irnc Erk l;. rta)''l hete. he lw• ltUlr IQQl'C kno'ALcdgc, O( l"t'-'fflt mu~ii.; and can pua a hnk mtttt • emo1 1oe1 hthuld lu, Y1onk.
~<C\-\Y,Ocl,3,2001 "jl'!!.
• • • • • • •
Tic Soffi14:L PAtlf.9
ARTS E r\.&
•11li,.:~1(J ,lllJl."uh 1i1 hi• OW\11.· Yi!s. lh.U JOl111d1 fl,\!hl AltJ1<.1UjthJ:nc:I· JJJblt\"1':f'"'~J u,1kf1rn~-e m• ·,:11:11('1, h> bLmi:\h from i-u,dkn" mcmtic'ri.. 1md hi• iiu 1 r ,,ilh. J.rc 111n:1ring, "'1me&tung ~il\ mi,\tnR, tNnoic a COY« ol Cti, <1~r,1no·,
RCVl('h nicco1,..,1,ni;he
'Hardball' kids teach coach life
t,ybnaOll 11.hoo
K<IIIIU Rttvn pl11i)t 11 11ml:iler an hi, Int chip m
d'!r roixn!J)' rtlai"-C(h.'Offlcdy '"H•tdt.U"
111otwin1b of J111W'1 in dcbC wi1h lllit d 1ft'111or
l.lc41h b), toU1.,:101, m11,1rtt n\· hckl. Conor
• O'Nrill ( R~,·«) Wper.t.ely 1Ur1lJ 10
R l\ 11 \ \ 1ncrut J 1mm)',11.brotcrroufuml11 Oooi,o. Bui 10 die dough. he
mui.t Ol.':i..:h I.he finn-spoosomJ Linlt' Lt~e ~m
In lhc r'roJCCli, "'llardbJJJ" il.o' l aoodic:r "'Mt,hl)' Oucb"' WIMU.
1'c: ""·11h II JO'(r 1cllm 1nd 1~QQaeb wkar1a '111;
izolJ The luul-1.,tlkini boy$ want to pl"ly. ,-aylng 1n
thc:irumpk. ,-ulgarw.t)', "We t.\;1nnaplay,bt1ch
Oa.\c~ll't objective l\ ibowa wbcrl 0 1.c kid lc:.un.,
bc':'i tooallS •nd end, up in• gilllg ~-,oims.
O'Neill hn.\ 111,own prol,lcm.\ and al fmt dClt".t,8't
~.ttt .lhol11 the team. He llttomc.., 1mprad \\-llb
lbc: bo)·,·ah,bt)' 10 up.rid d1tittovc Md U(ill ,:4lnt
The KIJIIJ v.·;u grcAt. 1bc ocv.. IIC\ors •c:rc
bcbt\ ,bk. und Rt»\c'I' cbm1.tcrd1dn' 1 )'
··"''Ollh'"oocc. HcdMlh1'«' the mood n,inpora pttnK"n.,uu~ wom11n.1nWftJ me wo,iderwl\1t he
V.-.1>vnl>kin,. MHudb.llr' 11.o heart. 001001 up. 11 J.i'"C\ a rt*I
bill.•' Ufo i111bc 1k1ir,.11" pruJccb al wbiu thmC'
living 1lxtt m\'C 10 dc.11 '¥rith. 8&.\ed on• true w,1')· and~ real C\<'rl ltltnC.)Jb a.he 111'111) ¥1'00i;l•Wdon,
lt1r- tnO\'ic makes yo.1 bush •nd 1111ilt, bu1e.111 bring a t.c:&r: IU 11w eye. foliowcd b)' bop: and
r'Cc&.,-.Uflll'II.~ Bt forcv.lll'ON, yoo may rind yuunicl(le.ivi11M,
·,ultc'ins;· ··I IU\"< at Wlldl you ca.II me 81!1, ~. WaVC')'OUI hll.llrJ.• IA t~ ur.hkc•&rucpbycr"'
St udent sc reen s new area fil ms
h,-J..,.Oo.vid\Od ,, __
t Hncn'1 gcit a11)·tb1nr to do
wni,:hc~ Do )'\U tuw- l1ufc or oo
MX"lal life and "'J>· lillO much flu
wnc? Foiyc, Ulkiii, up :i ldiby: U)
:. rdu.~ muv,t, in • thc1ttt neu
• )W
! Urc1rt., fPG,U)
,,: A S1cphcfl Kmg acrtc, \.'OOlCS
i lu lite •uh Ant.boll)' Jloplum a,
a waagc man whh ~n 10 .ct:
1h1nt1~ otbm C,J,n°1 S1.-"l in 1'>60.
'tC'i.l ar11.111•n,1 om\'C'I 11 a hl».rtling buil4tli1 occupied b)' Bobby Oa1ficld (Aniun Yc-klun) aod tu~ mother rth'P" lbvi,) fJobhy Jm"", .iuach~J lo 1b"-
<'ldtr man. but ~QOQ lcarftl ht ~cut1 • h:wmcd pm mtJ UK ability ,o stt matt thin nonnaJ rcoplc. Ted 11bo tichc."u bc:'i being hun1~1.1 h)' mca tn )dlow co.t11 tbt• w11111 1111n back 11nJcr
1l1drc.Mlf'OI Thtcu,1gh ll1cu- urnuttu •<>£ether, Ted help, Bot,by kn'"' more: trwb ;1M1,11 hi1' h1111 kfl,l
Woman artist redefines genre
by Donn..:. Wllhl
: Shlt..r1·'ll°"'
0on·1 kl appcarsw«1 foot
).-iu l'>r..\pi.1C'lhrcoverother <lcbol c:o ·s:JO
I . , Siuunt..y
RF.\ If.'\'. Motnlii,.'' t 11ic
---((Wtt re.arum*
<10,tt l)'~n, (1ft het 111oouch 111 bed. 1nrlo."'t Lcnnm Mu:rph)·
t 1;,lnasccutallhctoW11 ; Tlx. ·,ucn11nrot\.t:r'··gt"lllt'
: lilc flnlnq' SpC'".111'11 .1Qd M&OO)'
MO()f'( U)'l!>i ''°' p,ifl 11fflt
• Migph)' oomt'' in li~e an 11A$cl
• lc'nl tu "'·A.kc U\ up 11, this (~t., ,md ,he flliUU ooo c,f !he
• rum• rod, n.lbunu ot lbc )'tlll
: MW'ph)·Wrote~ll lht l)flai
• IO tlr albu1n. !oOUl('ll"tll OOI found \ cry vltctt. a1kl ,he- lu.!.
lbt 1)1lt"/IIIAl.c:111lltld-"'UI
,cap;llinc ..cyk of Alli
Dtfnm.;,o v.1tb the' rippmJ
ruh.11t d1onb o( Angus Youne, ·f'bc f1N1 l ingk Bnl.c,o(
You, C11t," h.t., "\wig Ullf*I
Music fan track f latest rock news
IICRO ate wmcul lhc lhinp h,wcruns in lhc 11111,1c "''f11i
RCII.J QQ 10 (and w1 •••bo'uoonni. ~ho·H«ordin, and ¥1·lw.',J)."linroo"",11hloc:alaRiHi..
Major Lahti N1'\n f
• Tht' loilmtlt V11l1.1"'T'1Ur~0t1IJ be bdin,.oCfMltnl: : lht, hill, and 11'1 rwnorcJ $1('111(' Tnoplc PIIOI~ Staind
be c~ f"f the ormin, .._..._
• O.J L,cdul "'1 Ump RWdt ihnu.Id be comin• out •,ul1• I ntw album 1nmo Utni: -1n; t.Jak fot fdkiw 81tkh me
*' w<:U 1, i'.O\'c.'tal od1et s~• •PP<MiN1tt1 I
• Bob O,,lan will be Im: ill U.: A.n:na l mbJ Oct anJ wot. tor hi, 11('\lo n.lbum Lo\'C .1nd lbcft.
• lncub~ 'A·ill l'IC C'fflUlll lO tbC Spc,knne: Opcr, Hou"" Nov, 12.
• Tool will ht' in.slung in atcn~ tour lhi.s 1411 The)··11 he itopp1n1 ,n Spabnc NP't j Tid(c,1111) un ult chraugh 0&.8
Scli:(;J Ut'ol1 ~U.-tniay, 0..:t 6
• la Olbcr tuunng l'lc:lh, 11f1er ,q,cnding • )'cJir touring \\ ilh P~ Ji11n. M11tdlho~ 10, and :t Doi.'lfl Oo••n. Lift ttouw I\!Jaulutl thc:1rfil'III t ht.ldhrun,: tov,. ~wn 1.bouih Ilic band I) '-11 lo ril"Y !.;t iia1 thC)' will noe be playing in Spolainr.
fahi:-r ~.j,hybm,1Plkrtnt1, diflw:ultku1.,ntin hi, ht..,1 MUllmcr ,if cblldhood, cciuriatcJ "'Hh Tel.I u1 1b~· m);itrry uun11.111J1ns lhc clJcrl, llWI aod h11 m•i~al r.1J1 non't Sa) A\\ 11rd db \ti ha,:I l>.1u'"'l.1.1 pb)is N:tthMi Cc,1lrlid. 1 M.&Wlll111n 10Jtt1nk •i,;, bO\ fCl!(IIII)' I.ti.en OP ll near t&l.4!Ul'lic ..,·um.;n a, • J'illicul v. 00 Lccpi 1.:hanlml, "'I'll QC'Wt tdl On 'hMol...'fi,·$nJC 0a)', 1ic titw Ill\ Wiu1Jur1 L;i,Jn~rre,I •nd 1h~ onl)' Wll) M gel IICI 1\11.:k h tll unlud lb~· m 11d t•f 1,a, pltiffil <« • 11.x d1gi1 cl"ldc lh,11 ..,..11,m: lbr lnJMJ'P(I tbc lti.:.111.ltJII ~·I • ,tokn Watnothl Si1n1ichnw. \:~iw, mUA& gci h11 P'JbOll I Bnu1111y Murrfly)
Cu hdr him 1,1\'C hh Jaufbli:t"a
tmuumr:.nutlly ulli l)nc:aUy.
Mutptly haru her UMJI and ft;II;~ out Id lJ\&NJen. 1n11.kin• them foci her ~n,. ~hlk t>.cking the wng with ballS hitlJtll, in.atun1tn1ah
l&kt: Rillie l1ol11by ,r ACIDC woutJ luvt lx.'C'n hcf"'Up t».nd. In e:,'«)' Km$ Murph)' '11.41\IIIOf 10 tinog CXr1•UI aniwy 1n10 ibc album. aJdllijl. a bulo ri11J1C11.0 wmc: ofh(r a ,,._ Unlike min)' ol 1od1y'J rffllAlc mu.c.ici.aru.. Murph)' c11n IK'lld her own ln the maledominated ·t,orld or fOd;.. if >.be~(gtt!AC"bhtr po1t:nhal Wbllc '"S:30
S'.alllnh)' MQmmt' 11 a IIITIII o!l,um ...t M•'l'hY hi> SI"" pol.t'nllAI IO tt~b fl¢\\ hc1ghe1 ll( d while making.a mme loc hcnctr, 1:bctc ft IYl'O m11in wnmc,· ft.male .ltlUIS tcod CO t11hct scU 001 .,,J erutc ni(botric111Uy popi\h Wllg-'o or the)' comptc:1cly d 1appcu. 1bc 111 iruo,>dol doing cilhctof'lbc&e-lhin:p ~be ClO IC1111'1 rrum tho 11lhllm .1nd gr<'IY> 1" 1111 ifh\l
Fotan)·"-'DC. '4bo is n:ad)' foe ~lhiiq; ne',\, \OA1ee.luas 1ti.a1 t1: :ruch amity, hkt I dfi;Oll)nd 1n the~ "'S:.30 S.attttda)' MM'llnf" tJ \ ICI ~hcckou:L
hk ~nlun drh~ boo!"'
/.oolandtr O'C-1.JJ Ben Sti!Jcr I• top male rnodd
l)('rc:l; /11nlnmlcr. WhJ\ ll:'1' •
..;r,;•h ct1ursc in fittdini OW v.-hat il mca,u 1t1 bC' • male model
Anc.rSo<.ingtnaN(I I 'fl'.IC.~ClA agr111 111fornu h,n, 1h31 male muJc.t, h,,c ba>i1 fl,-.a.,~in• 111K.'C P, l.111C'Oht'., Jutb.
7.<W1111ndcr tHn find, h1mi.clf bt:1ng hrainw 11heJ tntu Lilhn~ the ptc\i\!cn1 ,,r Ma la) ~Ill
1or<lhct "",lb n,·ILI niockJ blooJ Han,d l~·cn \\'ih•m) 1bry ICC uut ,.... btlas do1,1, n thi, uniJ,·rwnrld 11ptra11on TI,u "a h1l1rriuo, dt1ak. 11mJ uhulk"' mov1t durec.:J h)' Suiter ,n cl.tWcStillirr~l)le.
•nic IIO'A' dc!unr:t sma,hl~ Pwnpldm ate bu\)' 11)ltl~ curnrilt 101g f« 1bc1r hll\ album. Whcu ~lea I v.-iU he a\·rubb~ tor ft limited 11mc \lo ith Jud:u O"Rtk)' a ' CDx-t. h'•t.!iipcc.kd chli1thc1r,rrn1ci.1 hll'"'·ll11bobc rdcucd ,.,,,ha DVD and Jff\M'lll~ly VII~~ • (n\loa,'" 1h.: new album b)' 1hc lial'1M11runa aplo,loo lnov.·n iu Sllpllnal ma« 11 dcbul Ill No. 3 on the Bilfboar.lJ 200chwtt
• Saturd.M) Mttbl t.htca.imcmbcr Jumn)' falloo vnfl)trt ttkas.m, 11 fiV..-·trllCl CO opcclcd for tde»c UII)' 200! • \tono nnt'f ~,:.,mil\!flOnurn.rn. "ComcToi;clhcr." !
$10-$IS. at 11K Spnkant CoovniilNl C<nlcf. fTIJ.ay Oc1
··Punkd Chllptcr 2." ()(,1. 20 fc;all 2,s- lJ,18 for k~.'.Uk.llkf( "Pttk.·A~Bon, SlO-,!S. 11 the Sf'(llc-;UI( Can\cOlM•n Cta ,f <.kl. 26:' kockt<*Tfc-"." U·S10, ti CJ'• tn do'ATIIO\\n
SIU. in, l.«:a.l MtbkSr•,
• A,u1111 R1.:hnu ~nd 1he Blun On,·c]'\ .1 lhn:e-pi«:c mcbbh1dlfun1 OS.II etf Spokaoc ""111 he m tht 'III.IJio rccordin1 at the c1-t of No.,cmbn, 1~t CO "hou.ld be ~11IICT lt)('t•,ul1dutlm,-1.ocnaL1nc..thcy be: pl111)'JflJl. lhr Blue Dolphin Orel :?Sand Capc11)C'1 0,.:1,
P op band sends gospel messag
Non-secular album mixes old with new ~1!~_1!11!!:'' ""'"'
G:ll'ld~,rtu! lyriu.CUI be! rwndltllw oar Chn'Wn rod bukl ·• Cfl The Nc:\lo\hlM oomh1ni:.J, 11.:k. PJII, ,Cl,,., ,n,~ &h•l ppd' \ 1.-ne\ ,n ooi: J"ll) CI> Tilt'1r ffl(le.f m.'t'III CO. ·ShmC'. The H!u," ff;tll)'ctid~hloo Thctlli,"11tnl"ft'o."11,117 ~gl.illl.;lu.lin,lilt'lle:Wlollftp.andi? 1J.., 'klrlP, Thell) 11p,,.-..lnlll\l.~"h',..,-.,:,«
,.,_ 11c ~YM"!)p l\l't' IOll '1"'-,dN. fl.lllMN 1,r,d drummer Pett.-.. Furkt. \, ~.:-4U,1 Ql'ld irtt1wut Jlll.fy Duvu.. ,,-.ulw IOO btsmt Phil J«I. kcybcwdrr kH fT1L1l>.,ru11...,11 IOJ drouuntt l)un.;"JJI l'h1lhp~. c-.ilv de, 1hty J.1t1t,biathc)'ilb,;.)rb, lhc-uov.n 1n1ill'llmffll1.
lb(tina ICMljt'IOthcC011,(lf.ll,)-(lfd)..• hat h .:;:a,rin • 1U(IIJ d1)1ltm 11nd die cllPru, II \Cf)' c,,1.;hy The: ,iilnj; ._.11,1(1J,. :11 llllk hl~ modem day pop The l)·rKt.Sldnrl r,1,lA,:0 ·,m w,.,.,.frr •h•ll WIit JfOtlmflh· '•·•" ,nflir t/,ut dUJ t1rtrn,,l/'11ttlt,ou11/d,J,1'1A.1111.forJw,; n-.tify -llcia. IR lbc lifotfflc-( • head long aJkT lhc CD l, dclOt pl.iyu~ ~fCIPIINII hadll'A't.""'1le l)'riai1u., the lhitd "''"' '8tti11Jtit." fl1t:d!or\N. \\ll\ rnlf)' peal :ind th~· ,.,Ofdl 1,1,1,'T(' wdl rnncd to,:c.'tber h~'ftti"' -....tiocnm· rock IDJDC', IQnll No. 12.''0ud~u;A•St..fft,""hiit.~Oh nxk bcllt. 'Af)'lng fn-.n ll(ltnt ,i,J lhc Olhn" o.c111f'. Th~ at>J'llf 1, new iuiJ k~umt Trb)' '1>< Reandy, Th,: Nc...·,dlii.')'tt.11me tu t!wi i«..i ror :11 ooo.."Crt Oci Sepe. 20, d!cy \\·O"t 1nthci r-abnJ lot ol \he Spuluinc Valk-)' Mall rL1tn11 h'lf their oooom "ft.\l.ivat Coa l>ios.•
Tmndllk-J.,h11 mean, 'Pan)wtlhGod.. i:uricM n,oot, uri o( I! ~P5 \inltt with Th: Nc\lo,t,o)11 pcrtannlng l.ut. l\hoi;<1hcr. do• it• rood CD,,,_ mr'~'1pl)flnttas-,c 1lthC0Pllft.J..1.-.dtu IOOQC lover·, roU1..,.1JQ11 tUld II ni1l\it.·l1.1"\'t' ptopk "'·1,o io...t> Chri~ por nxk
l =·n:ft~~r':!:~:~,~
Cllfllll -w r.r ~.OcLs.11o.mmOl\,o,1,otp""""-.._C.-A........ ., .... ....... ...,..,... SIJB-l l ...,.IOl,..ror-11 ...._G. ic.-a-c..--. .......... - ~,,.._.,_,. Oiu """WIii be-°"" l'Oct. 26. 'Ill, Oll1IIJ WIii 11c..,...~ ,o- ..•,• • o,,n lduclldoa-'lltm ..,.wm.,.... OcL • • ... ~1...-.~c...,..w ...,_ 769''444. A&E Wtokf:SG4V, 0c, '3. 2rii -,
V P o
f external relations : starts work after Schenk leaves
Priai l11111c~·1111,11.1 C~IJ·Aknc- In IQl}(J, J.~Y.,lfM)Ja. lltllllb.l'l"k') lil~Laiat, T~ Afk-.f mov tl.lthtCnu-d'Akncaru
"-,. v.,n,:J (or &he 0.Vd' Alo!tOinnfflol
wMt"f'djc)- p..w.itjgn1(1) qiali,li,-ci-,.\UCI,, v.hld1'cktttl!NIIOM:L
!1.IONn:tcndy,J..JhMOn 'i\'.ll\bc:f,cl,J
Cc.q;m.i.truin U.:h Oner. Sl!ctcl\\.'dMa fllcil.._.
~t'QI; Nmh JJllmC11l'l<iil.UCSII\ •IJ fc>.k.ftl
k'll\'Klll~thilll'IJw:i ~IC"' ~,l~•dl
•111'- ~\ali.i10Clbnwtcnlhcp:,.:,plc1othc
1.U1m~ot Sc11th'l' fa."l.lll) ,nl
1~ c""'1cd otfi,.W • the loc.aJ aaic und Ctdcml k'\d1lupt,\·~ttr~._in.l clJ-"f'('ftlllluc.
Jllhll lll wuJ Jic b.'lp'\ M 1.-diL* lhcrolqc,'uWt
,n ~•ll'th tcbOO', l"l'lo\lf1' communily iindm'CIOll1)
She MIi.i IJllllpU1j..1f bcr,.ll lllCO'l\t)' lhl:
ID t'-1 to blow the till.dMt lhcU' ( luh\ IIU mptu'.:itlt.lC'll.ndt..lilfflibari:rc~ll"'-·11htbc
1.ullrJ!('., SlX'.' gaJ :\he •11t1Uto ktieftur,lht· "1JUC.l&dl 01il>e<c>lq<10,11 _...,.~bana peru.•1\l'1Lllthl~
S kill s Center run nin g e mp ty o n tutors
(·"llw1r,1Nl ind (t\l~I hun h,nc N't'"n ~('nan
::;e lll in.uh ,1udet1L tTI 1hc rnlk,c r,\.1 11
\\11,·111.:- tru~tri,;81011 1
Tltc:'. wuJ.-nh ,u..:: 1n ot ,111.uor
I-'\)' 11 lhttC 4 r.hc,"C urmllth wtor,.?
},.~1.0f\liJ1 lo Jl(,:I lUl(Jf(o•Jt\ltn.11Uf, I )kbt-llc knfc 11 h111·1~·nt C'\'ft)' fall b«-.ttJ\C
.-iin (tt'ltn lht' 1•1c,1btn ICffl<'IICI ,,ikfoAh.· Of
"'fh1, cyp, 1 c1 111«m 1n 1ho I.all wmtw:1 m mu)' tummuuit> cullcst, bra,u,e tr ruwn C)cl~ 1Jlrou,:h." JcrJo uid
fbtrt •1(' l.C,8;:1111.,tb i,,lu1,knti cmollrd un iJlllfll,l<i. m Cl'l1lr""' ran, fmn1 llf'\.1,1 \, t1ou1
.i, 16 1ui,~ att :i,, 11iliaN,• 1'J 1'1 l' '" hi\ md11.• m..ilh IUIITI IUlJ
Uitor-, fDf Olhtr \UbJctl• •• .,,cu:· Jecdc
Tu l-«uull" • 1utor. "tudc.rU\ ~10(111 0111 110 11\h•rmaJJo,n r¥k<:111nd meet die ro!lowin, fatlltR'Hl(:nh.: Tbc tuto1 uw..,t ho.v~ pDW the ,CN.,ht \with p.-. Jcu lhnn • B 1u'IJ ha,·.; • ftk-rrnJ twm lllt" 1nmuaor
Tut,mns h • M'l'IIC•tt, C\1mmJlmcnl t1( ~1rt.111s IOhour, • ,.i,uL»nd
rta)• nwtl1num V..l(('. •\ccOC'd,11~ cu Jtrik. 1hi: Mei< 1-hon.asc l• "'thC' J11l1Uk (W lhc bcbl Jc.NC'', 1111a:.i,:cuioni. to ,,u«~• .-tin :uc ,trunJitia art; J'' help c:111)', K'tk be.Ip from ~heir frtt.11\14- lt,n iJuttn, uffkt' IIIINh or dtuJ' b) lln- n1,11h/,nr0tt :1.cudy « lot111f'd 1n College Sl.1Jh Ccn~, hlfnrmA1011·it,ll '4SCI OUND OAFE 715 lllllr be. NIC CMttt Cenltt invil"' vou lo attend 12 FREE Workshops 1o help you plan your future! WN!kly from 9 10 a.m. on Tuesdays & repealrd on Wcdnem.ays Now Serving Espresso NO SIGN UP NECES.'iARY ••••••••• elcome back NICI ••••••••• uy one entree get one free! ••••••••• r------, !%aQ,!Ju! ...... .J L-----Free 12oz Espresso with purchase ot anv breakfast Senor Froggy Spec iali7ing in fresh. delicious Mexican food 69¢ Tacos All day, every day! 10 % off fo r NIC Stud ents & Facu lt y with co ll ege I.D -7tl1 and Sbcnnan [);)wmuwn Coeur J' Alene (208) 765-8522 T••St•,m,u PAO( 11 Complete Your Bachelor's Degree In Coeur d ' Alene! T(1~(1 LEW IS-CLA RK L~~\,, STA.Tl CO.LI.CC& -~..;...;..;..;.;c-,,u,..,on the North Idaho College Campus Book s are expe nsive. That' s why you made money at the B ook Swap. Pick up your checks in Siebert 53.
Stude nts h ead to Ti e ton Ri ve r fo r adventure
W•"h1•i u '"''"' · Ra•l~I Rifer
1,,,,i,1rra,"1 "" awur L ' coll)(' "*t'thcr and nuke dinocc :a:ner dtrtt houri • of np,roanna:. wt111e-wa1tt ACO® c"'-")'tllin1 oome IOh> pcrspccLI VC. Ourwec-lctnd ildvcnl\Jtt, Sq)I 12· ..,. ll, v.11, mnn:.llunj,~ta l"lfllng lnJ') h ¥o>• .,, oppotClmH)' co bc«>mr kid• J'll- ' 11gain 11ndhthaw.alotoffun. MM)'
ral ~ \\-Cft' typieal collcp-age bb. Son'le "'""° olda, t,uc ,ill .,,'Cff CAgl'C to 11v. m ndie )Wlh m,Jdc l.berwcl,'Cs., Bring in Kbool tor moro lhan • manlh Oil\\, ii w:cmcd c\1dm1 ¥.hluthogroopcbittd Wr:'\\'ffllt'dlobeu.11y rromlbc bu.'1:k :md bu. 1k. We lt'11nu-J.anC'K'apc. We "'•nl,CJ to~II. ',('t'C.&IUMl\l l.au1t,b about lhc cold water We waracd 11to 11pta;h in oor faces. And ~hen lhcv.<1ll!rJWnda Wll) toour, ou:rwet \Ulb.ll!J ,w cwJd * ""~"' hod1ie1 ll\ilcd, racc'II cnogcd &00 ~ht luol: ol ""'Prise tk,w ,rr:u: lt WI) (Iv,.,• 111 chc:1'1c:co1 , Rt,-cr near N~. Wub bthmd Che CUidalaoc MK.I (,I C'Ntdoot PI.Lri.ui14. "'hae 19 mcmbef'l
()(the: NlC oommuruly found tulll'.I)', Y.'t<llhcton t.hc: fin& two d1ty, of fall
Swdn1 die Sa1wdly m11mi12r 111a n: f~lns Sa.m many
pcopk \\'CR' \'mn"'1ing \\here 10 WO Nortb.v.CM wo.., tllcrc • nvcr 111
l.atc.Sc:ptcmbc:r thnt ¥,a.\ high enou&}I nnd wuabk for .a UK"CO.,ful ra.fung trip_ \ f111y wcrt: ronow. ns 10 whcn:1 lhi, little wwn '41111 l<xttlod
While .mo,,t raftcn ArC hanpng up 1.hd.r gt11r for the i,casoo.
llt'e .till Jumpin• ln thd:r "TC suib ror 1hj, uiiique •t.dl of n,·a
Rimn>ck Dam lcb I.ii¢ T,cwn Ri"tt ro.u dunns Sq,tffl1ber only
The lS-miJe 1,~h of Rf\aNc ¥1·111Cf, whi"h U a f1\,c.baut d rh·c from Coeur J AIMC. iHonsiwentl)· uolld a~ Ill ride .,.,,d1 i.tttp gnidtcnhnd (IISI. mo, ma ¥1'11CC1 adnr the 1lhlebc 1111J lld,·rn1urou1 lypc: o( guy 1lut I It) to~. I 1hou.ahd thi, river CJt1U.ld he • jnke .,.,,heft Qllntinlng 11,j J.tilluro: from lbc roaJ. Oucca1t1p'A1l)y111,b,1',l,'O.Y fmm\bc.•·1Utt, •h~h r,ovidcd J. can-um1 t JOI.Ind uf 1.hic b,t~r lllX'd river Afttr a riep ull fmn:1eur cu;dt11 fln Pl"f'f'Cr i.echniquc. n,y 1hou1l,t1, or,~ "f'ticndl.)"" ri\·cr ,aOOni.:luti;eJ Wc.Jumr,od in cw raft, and 01Jrmiddlc·rov. pcnari fcll out oftbc ran nead)' 201ttonthinro tbc: '*· I .knew 1htng.i wercaolns tl;'I ll\('G Mp. And d1d thC)'f'\'ef ,u ourd,ccn. •nd 00\111~ «hoed 1bt®gb 1bc n \·cr", p,rilh:. 1t \\A Cti-) t.o toeaMltt our group', happlnc$.\ M.iJway on U.c fa)t aoo lilt:ady Journey. f c:igttly ACCq!lcd lhe opponuttlJy 10 h«»inc lc:.d oanmm. ll.1\ lng 1bt tc(t ofthe rif ltri roUO\\ my kid fl\'C me 1
n,Ce bt'>of.t (1l ~,uOdcnc:c. II v.~ no M.""Cr~1 lbl1 the pc:opk rnhl\J m the frciat •h.tznl mo,.1 ol the "''4\'.;, cm,hinJ inld thi: ntlh
If ac any tune dunn,g Ult fide ~)(le: ol (ell 01d ILnd b«llll'k: M:pmtNl tmm the ~tM. J-...oo Lu.kcr. ocpni,~'f '" I.le O\ltib:ir
rt,11;1,11.•v.;~,occdcd A, our ftflll of two tide\ down the Tkl~tn Qfflr 1'-' doo,c 11oiJ cu \1,ctbod.k:1 uttiDlhC'~ ICuntunJab.:k l&)U."'f\ I 1W1aJk1 t 1'11.1nlfY - really hunlf)' Wba1 •~ nice 11tw:iu11hc ndc !'lad, w• 1 w;u0'1 l.beoo.l)' one.
Ahc1 Ill\ hwr co dl.ulll,c into di)" 1.IOlho ,mJ rn:pan: dw.oc:r, thegroup wn drooltnJ •t thougt1 t of (m.h. wh 10..~ We Y.'t'T'r' r lwu'lln,, to b1~c,. dtkM.'n diMa, Nt • fire bu& (I.Jm:d 1n t,u u.,c p~anc n our mlin coolong §OOl'Ct' No comiillint) lhou,;b; tbr dmnd'WAl fflltht) fit'lt' W11h diiincr fiui,Jiod, th: lll,Jx,> w.uhrd and any 1oi,,g:uc scalded (roo,1hc holC'OCOll. I knc~ II WM l lmctt'l~tl)bcd. Wo\l.c~ :10
I.ired IIIOOcxti..ui.1cd from the la111,, hu1 Offitlng dii). The lunnt tmng i though. -my watch read 1 :45 p.m
The 11.Jjlht \;,11SC\(iliPS for Int, It\} &all·IOdfl'I)' l'IJ lhc .qum\°I 1h11 gn1twed 11:J 't).,ty ,nlo 1~1 111\d gNt,Clcd I few blk:1 or wi.l
..... Why the C'.\ci1cmc-m·! K11ow1n, thr ,rwp W3fi gmng lo tu, 1hc. s.ame ride Swida)' \\I! ClbillU'Uli~. o,'Cr2IL1bct'AO-d4) atht1i,1,1tt llo1$1~bk For$-i0.1tluck11b: could tAb UC11Uplcd11y11 off.1110 im OOtraJ.'«111\ rivo-, ltt nr1(1 U, eh(eltkelt WlblUCllJlltobe.
Ou(door """"itHpontofocl IJ1ps - - ys -wl111ond lood to l'rkJtlCh on.
Mon:I Wittman of Lapwai, Idaho, ottempla a cal1WheeL Wittman It an art leacher at Like Cl1y High S<hool and a sa1e1y kay,iklf w1111 Outdoor Pursulia. •