The North Idaho College Sentinel Vol 55 No 1, September 19, 2001

Page 1

1hc trnalC'd Sult, .and I prumuu•nt Ltndm11rk v.u m,:rc tubhlc The number lcart.;I •~, w11 unun:ie:lnlble 111:tJ ~,t lo our Together ll'e stand

Ald,outh SIC did 001 ,ancC'I An) cla~,e<1. m11n)' ,lufJccH, \\cte allowN to go lo Sl'lJ of Stl"v.cU Hall fo •u11dt I~ hn:J1\11l(I' n(w, S1uck1111 Jl,11bcrtd tl.iut1.aJ TV,, an'°iou~ty V.-dlel1i.ftl to~ -.hal 14· l(lhl h;ipJ'C'SI nut Sorn~· d-tll.k1 rulobi.'4 lbc rc1ular k,sou .uidc IO di.-..;.uu the ;1U1dr. Sume ,11uJtt1t,, su..:h u Liod.wi)'. 11ta)·~iJ h<t,111( 10 "a1,h 1lung, dC\'dap

U ofl to exit NIC campus

~,u.u 516•tlk' lluhi:r,!t) uf JJ.ahu, l\.uolt-nal County, ,·umnll)· hntJ~ 1ft tht upper nuc,r or Mohc(':,,J Librti)', "·111 he on lh~ p,x,,t,ly nc.-:1 ,ummtt. "NIC nc~·ih m\"tfe' "'P'«~ "n4 11\l" l (I( I fl(('f.ll fflotc' spJKC,• :tuliJ Dr. Jil,k OawM.ia, Jean 111 U ol I C"«vr J'AlttLC. "ltiJhct c,Ju,o111nn i• a Jl"1WlDI 1nJu,1ry lrt ~ur1JI Id.JOO TIM! 1;1ly dc,c, not ~.101 V of I tu IC'l!\4! Coeur U'Alc-nt. ~, \t•)n, JuJ\ aoJ Cily Admtni\lhfltir 8111 P,uw·, c.nnl<' up with .t rropu,.al • 111.11 propoul j, fo( lhc fOIIT·)Uf un1,tr~JI)' h, 111(.t\c illlt> lhC" city·,,or Cautr. loca1('l$ ,111 l.b,: Spoutlc Ri\'ct appHU,1111tt<I) • qua.ncr·m.ik: V.t'll uf ~((' Tbl'!onl} l•o P'fl1P"t1tn 'kf'ltllll;' HB,bor Ct(lt,:1 lto111 Ste .ar< tlH:! i:it)''• wulrV.•tcr uc1Umcnt ('1•111 llntl lhe ~IIMIOf, li."l' ~1111 1 ·A tci11111 f,·i.J,,,in1ho c.,t,mmunil) •J\'. rKt,:ullllltni f11r lh<' S11m\t1n rr~ny." lho,oon uid "'If lhc SIIJII\UC\ ,,de roe-, 1hrou,11. th< UIU\Cl!,Jl)' or ld&ho Wt111IJ br IIUCtt~c-1 111 l'llr1 of tluai •

IIC"tRobert M_, ol lhe mer1a b8Sl<otlloU 1eam speeks dUrlng an lnlOftallh pr3YW In Ille SUB'1 Joyer, The Sep,. 14 prayer- an 1mc>1k>o•>1 -lion of'-·honor. unity and oatJonal pride dedleeted 10 lasl -·•deY8Slatlon In Hew Yo,k, Arllngtoo, Va. end PennsylvUU,

Budget cuts ordered by state affectin g NIC


immune !nvi, I I\H~-r,m;a,c r.ut "\.dtttCnrlw.currtN


Clfllli a tnftl:rlin: CL'\'lrnM) 31 tw11h flrlliftaoJ1W111n.dln'd.O.w f'irl.



~W'lll«cavt u( !Jie ....,,h:1ttt:t1.1 11lkdl.-J.v.ftictl ll:hutt\1uU87.ll•lt11bt~••

~,1.,1,t,'.t ""-""'' :,~~!~~c :;1:;;:~~ lier



"Dicu1.b,, 11n..,tt~111.iumC0,11ftt.C


• 'k:nWX'l ,U.'CUNU1J tu Prw.. ~1'1.t111d Bud..:.

"l{"lw l~'llll~)'ltinJlllf""')· 1mplllflflWro..._ 1tilddiuur1.l.lcXK·

11-.-..J. )-nl h(-pn Juty 1 :UIJ IUD.I lhn:IIJ!{b June .\f.~ 2fl},!_ Tin~Ji\N lhi: akn111LWM11J11 IO u~•udui lo 11.l(t tJiln,c, "'"'Wl•h:t\'CJ1b1t\t1•1C<"hb:.:al

np:tkllfltrn lhlll we: ,,: ta 1111.Jc «1111uckrablc ;wK'IUl)m (,,j !ht ~I !Of,'" flc,r~-1. 81.di.c i,~11Jrn11hal1hcA&&1 1illlf'I UIJC'l'f'llfll)'. U)·ln, th,1 t.111.· cuh om he

:n,rlo)>« bunl lllt ,n, ~"l'>tl ,"1.

1nJ tef"'nt'J 1h..-1n1.1Jcne f111ha fo1\1fflf1111c11l,ll Prol"1Jtlll A~,c:y In lhc-day, k•fPll~w. m101.,,-emcnl h..:kJ I flk'rUBI with J11l 1Q.1111ilC'1Ufl« tmrtc,ycc,. tu JIKu1,,. lbe i,wc \i.1.1~11eni m:t'1\~l 1c;',1tl ftun'I tJ,c HA \\-1ncptdncr u1.1 the: 1t1C"~1n; • ll.l"'"ry lllltnSc aikf di:it \eff'.11 thrnh

v."c t'tlo!ICJ fo1m \1/u.:)C and Ruge, Brockliolf. Ill(' l«rnct rt,)'1bl r1.,n1 dua,t,.1r ~1J111irniast "'11n1td 111 kn,,w ~bo

,t,,ndlC\J 1-1d'nlc a i.,11 a( pain tll..ff uouJJ be '°'ue t..1.vmp In •NI hcknt11 '~ '111,:11(('·- pcvrk~UUll'fl in nrd OOI ol ~1. ..unm; a .a &ii\\q W:w,· 1bn lh..:u f'Ctda.~ Pu.In 1<) -un.aJ 111.L"C"illl'

C'"f"nd!tilmln'~·~1111UIC' 1ou&Jrn i~ in ~11 uullly roML Rurkt: t:ul'1lnlla1111itorlhi,fi...:.ll Y\2f'bll'l"ISJ,'.O..,,,hllc:J:l(J'M:rhup 1-72.01)0. ~:tnilalion41Dd iosur.u.x a;,,tt ll"UIP&\V.dl AocnnJsns ltl !\fC v,~-c-~J..'llf Jmy\.<t'.W~C1J1.,.,,1llidf«1.lhc.

The mv,c l\\ ll11thi.~ ('cnlcr lr.tcps lJ u! t \.C•nn«trJ I» SIC fbj~ 1Jj'lh~Q Cfti\lC!I ,.hi! 0,iv. '°" krnlt ,U, .,hlat~I tJUC:Ulotl Ull'tll1Uf thst will be" 1hr ("1lY)' (1l ;fD)' ~II) Rdoc1t1n~ IO P.,..t l=11ll1 \\11.) c:01n1Jrn:d. U "' I rl1n1 m tiuild 1 nr\l. Kt<n,,;c- 11JJJ tcicbaolt,,} u1 ro,1 hlb III cu n~ar Ilic ,c~;an:h r.u~ hu1 1un,ll11g h.u 11ot f\e:<11 sc,,m:d ~11h11, 11,ne

Tht:' mo c tu H,utx. Cut..-1 "'"' alWVi· U ol I 1n upmd 1h C'urm\l ttutlculum


Ccnt..-r ha, l1•d • c;.ha:b·Jt."d flnllncJ,tl hhll")' The t.ily rt1n.t1,,tJ the huiJ.finJ , I ~fl,:J J'(Upcfl)', Jtn'lll\"vct. Oiw,on uJJ 1h,:u 1hc

IIIUd1mal r,.-orJ~

u~J~· the c.ill lO th,: t:IA '\'\"rncnt uu5 "•h) ,y,011'1 tlnyhod)' 1L1nJ iip and 1.,kt h ltlc 1 nuin and ,.,of,,., lo chi,?""" he Niid nu, no one rc,ie up W1octa111fti:f '"i<l lh1t1p d1"'nccJ ahCf&h,11 HoO) fo1rcns, \'l(O rroi.Jc.n1 for .lm1ni..&1'1111ve llrr'\'kc", <Ufl l 1nnat tlt:d lhi- ~bno.l imlc,,c;I h.Ul'n:J I vl.,il ti,11111111! M 1A a.nJ 1h,11 rcptnttllah,·n fl\Nll •he nftllflllljttuft (UVtkl ~IC", ln my life u,,.., lgot finJ bewd. ~·1t'1tt:.allyhaN 1uu11~nt:mdall ur,bn~hm 11.bdn't da 11oytbing wroa,g." Sirntl;u tu the nalu•11on. \\ m,:gatdocr &aid ,tic WfU.C·ur lil•Jl'I "C'ft> 'bofu1r," •nJ ''U11la 1t.'" Aft("f 1ft yc:an .,,..,1h Sit", be be.,.. tolndbtbf J08:.cohl.1nu.:Jonl,.JC'll

,m1flw. ol c-hl' mfl0\·111 h.a,J 111 4.!un1c l"1 be.)~ lf wh.11 ~c \\'ctt' Joans .,.,,l$ un1,R'IJ"C'f, Jmgcru ,,..,d ·B1.111)te)' J..Ud It V.JI\ 11!.llpprorri•IC. IO 'ifl'I:' "h,m;t'J J\.lf'gcn, t.aid SIC.,,. , nit.:IR! then ,.,_dlln.Jl_h•tOupcnitt with lh1' EPA. ·-our i1t1cn1 i• tll r0Um1, 1bc 1Aw,Ju11enu.11J A.tier ttuluna v.hal he th,,uth1 "u 111Utl-·P4t ¢\·11,lu~tlOll from Wuc,,c. W11icpnlncrtt«1'ied l\'o\J wnu: up 1.h,- ond hild hh i:mp!U)mt-nl 1mrunlll(!d Lo111Jn 1t•t111cofcooh,[ [ut1, Winc-prdR('f aid he d.ido'I tr,o.,.. whal lodo "'ntl, b lhC' flfl.1httk. ... eruco Wlneg.-, plumber ood ~ler oponllO< NIC, - the """" valve 10 1um ol1 ,,.., 10 l he campus bulldlng1 ONLINE: ""w,nic.«lu/>c:nlinel BY PHONE: 769-338ll BY FAX:7(,</ J~89 I I I CI I I

I ENTIN EL Wednesday Sept 19. 200 1 S1 ude111s expe rie nce France & Sa /111 011 Ri ve r Travel/Page 5 NIC
country in mourning ASN1C blood drive scheduled Oct. 15 tn M.a.11'.\IJ, J~(l! On Sept 11 lhc '*Utld .i, w.: knuiw 11 •'•' forcYCr than~ Whilr 1111111)' ~IC ,1111Jc,u, lie ~li!'tlliRJ IU d~i, bclh. o1 rc:11-hfc nirh1n11u..: bcg-•n co uofolJ on the 6.llll Co1M 3.1.NJO milc, ti~4)' fl V.llUIJ he Ill C\"('111 Iha, --~uld lcA\'C: thouund, JtaJ and mllU-,u,, dl\lfill.lfhl SIC t.f1,1Jcn1 t;cmll '1\'.111 an lk-1'°ur11Jl~ni,J' v.bcnthcn,•11,1. ,.he hutJ un di(' r.tdlu ldt IK-t ttre11.1hle1,~ Tl:'tn1t11t1 had 111u..-kcd
n4lttm >ecmeJ 1mmen.,1u.1M¢. ''II k"tmc:d hb WflltlhUll llVI a movie;· Fcml11a1J "'I "''"' ,ln:kc,I Thh Jr;1nd t1f t.J.l1.tofl1t( i.·.a, h"IUJ\Wn •mo11ti •tu~nh, Slud,~1 Uoll~ L10JIC'y Wlb •I ln\rtl(' "·hen 1h, t'Ycot b•l;jtl«.C" St1t,u1d1c,t1hc''l-l,rrc1l •m•,:c, <In ha 1clc\<h11~1 in a,1011111'1111"111 -nae~ thin.:1 b11rri-·11 !I\ ulhcr C(IU11lno. 1-mJ\t) .,a,d You don"1 l.luo.kun,ulJt','trho~n ht1c---,
Wllh'J'tll) ·s
A~.atc or Arrhnt: 'lio"o~ antJ ·1 cd11tiut Ctrllft.c:alun1 pro.;1at11• lo lltoUmruf )n,)OU P'rc>p"Om•IJIJI 1111 unJ\'.:C'lh111 ,1t('l'1'f)' ,ni:h.i.1..- o.ut,1. JDillna II™" ~rpcnlry J'fOfTaffl'> Bwi.c aa1>d lb.It tlut will nc,c 1.klll)' <uthU\ktmn uf the ni....,,, t..•,hh !.l;ic:11cc ~uUJ,nt!. Schcnu1k tku~n bu JlW t"'i;utt i11kl rn•u111.1 lticd1n1 11 fHJc: 1ebcJult'd un11I rail ,,t zoo: Hur\c 11aiJ h,wc Altc.-d) h(cn •·ell nHT 1011 ,n,1u1nc, fi,,m ,llldcot1 llll~N mllvmg in.Wt cbm 11ppc11v,:J
1Ja1.1,'~u11 •lhl 11.r) ba\.: :tJ.,kJ • J")·chvlogy dcgrtt 1hi, )e&r llnd htlflt 1<1 .kSiJ "'°'C' in che IUIUIC' I
lbt: "°',000·M(UMt"·fOOI hu1IJtt1
Plumber he ads back to work after being fired in February
htm .11rnl 1rw111~-n.111cC' ~meal l<ies:.n 11•1 )Clf 111 June:-: i-,.. ~. ,J 10 Ju111r mt11 llttc'nf, \\·1ncpr&lne• aid '-&ht tn iny,·11. 'llin u noc riJIII • • CC1\ 1:r1,.aboo on his il&, ~;.. M.tptni••c II
Tom ~~li.
f •,.,.....l
Boiler operator says ll!a\ons were 'bogus·
hrc-111« fit('J in h-btuuy
th.11 lunt~
10U l11111 lo1•umpd1o! tfflU<nl
IC'A·t 11\'r.ll.'11'
WmtrAtdnaun"'illmc lurtJ
•otL nrd(r, rrwnllCI·
\lo,111 ro,,C"J fo&,l ia
<inrl")" '"''""",he~··
...:.••nrry n1.1J,"' \\o1r,cp"nl""•r
He ulJ 1h;,\I rhrouth lhc- dL&C~"~
I IC I • I
b~ Win.:J.vdlk'r, ic:h 1tic t<'qwi,f 1,.UU'd ~~~bl) hurt Cll\1f'Oftfttnll

IUlla:fUI I(' ~Ill \l\,11,im,I\ wh11 ..:.boc>l<: tlltt Re~Jdenti.,I Ufc Pmpam h"if hocl!lln~ ncC'd., j.Q."(lfWng m L1nny S1c.m, A.u..ulw')' Scl'\'KL~ 200 11ppliu1ioo, tu\< ntrc..t:,- h«n fNMVl.'d Rauknt.i wllJ tic r,01oweJ ~•ilh.1wi11M>11., 11t1c1utit't<. ilk luJ1n1 ufc 1nJ ('Offlfor,.,.J\lr. .,, ,. C'Otld1t ~lr!Cd tH.Jll\lflS wnh QIH:iroptJ1 M:t;Ul'rt)'. I u n.l«l."'IL'"11C1;1mlV"'''rt11ahll\',slcu


Thret'-- And (OUt-pttiOO 1ww.co111i,t of,mgtc a1J double flXt(l1, \HtJ1 wm1 pcwal( 1-..tJ1t0011u M'W olJJ11iun11.I «1\I. limilN 111'lgk' ruonn. ire ~"*Jnir:J un • fi~i<-vn,c, fll"JHcnc wbcu aulllhlc. T"v ,~,ill k 1\·.111l~lc in ~"t.'.urumoJ.Me'>tlilknb •1U1 ,ptt,.i.l 1ud11.1iJ..:h W.iiJet11 'oiHIJ be rroVtdcJ 1A·1th I h,'d, «-.k. ,bl, d11u,-, cknel/Jrn.'-t'r •l'ld l(lwd mi.


1\vo children left in unattended running car, mother chas tised

bl.J.!!!1 \t.uittr 6"

A1lc-1up1tcf Thtft (M

Se1:11rny nocktd l\,,o nl-tlc, Au.r 1-1 "'''''

111c.rllp1cd to> !\Jc.1l 1n,:-rch111utu,c (l'\:IJ11 I boolb 11

An un the Oci:cn \\'1)(11 ~1mty )'tllc\l oot.

the r.1.itij«-11 n.n 101bcir \thick va f<o,enbt:rry

Drn·c- Coeur d' Al ,~ 1'•11, t Oc,,11mnc111 v. n


HJl•t1J1d Run (10 ()fllc1al, \\tll: call(J. tu 1h~ nn1r11, Aue H, to\benl J'Ct'4 ')(1 llti,tnr oa Rtu.ci1berry Oh\'c' hll

IY.'{) rnrkcd c~r-. Alltr p11rldn1~ thr ~ubjl!c l v.:i1kt1d Juu.1» co I..,('(' fl.111 \l,'h,cn croQ(l\'Jt1tttJ, lit&' Jri,c1 tahJ tic baJ jilll M1lk~d ,t Ll1.ah.:11

"cirurc- \kJ1enl cvnluall(Ml Jnl oac coincide

wJlh Im Pnlke IOI.•~ him to l\o.11c113i



Srcwit:, "'"~ 110tifi.«l by A1.11 14 ,.lk-n a 9111

h11J a 1ci.1.L1tr .at die' l,c.adl J1mnf lbc lf't'Wllcu <•ntniillMJII Sh(' fcll ,,ff L.bc pi,;nic bt'Qth and hll I~ ti,:olkl vn 1bc: IJ!h-1,: tl(,ncl1 Sbc lrnll\rortcd 111 Mcdrc:11 C.:111.:r

IJomtrndfd daildrrn fD) Tw11 ~mAII thll,h 1;11 "t.rt kft 111 .a wnnms cat AU&, Z.7 in fmfll a( L.~ lb.II Sl'CUri1y \loai.l.Cd few m,,dtet 11> n:cum •nJ talked 411 ht'f ah\lul llk:' d-tlt1JC'fll Or lt:t,·1ng unnllcnd~d <hildin .iJone ,n

Dl:!turbtuttttE• Sco;Unll

lltd.uplll'C t-.ahk. k,alflhon,,. l(C\JO(' rid "(;\lflipllmat"pl\1VidoJ narhl!Wi.,J.,W,~ th,: DCCUJWlC tw,t ~·I.Ir pb.11~ CUlflfllJII.T Mt telo:\IUllft. SociAI llllJ C\11.1ta1111l141 fW''tlflUlrJ '41ll he ut{tn.'d.. kn11ict1t •i,.J \UfJ v.1U rl,cln.l ~1Nlllllr w:tl\'lllcttb1t-.p,uid¥)Qt S<"1alwlll&f'lllf' tt~ylt~Jnnlabi,:i,m,cn IVnlOVDthcab 'N;.lll!c'tncludcd ~~frtl1:"..u"ot.i,,&r"t'f"\"'hk'J•tht\l l-l All 1'1;'111..knl nai."p.i1i;-ha.,c,Qlll.·althracfnoJ1cmtt f'l4i1,tr.1rig .i.Jc.obia canl t11.11 '"4111hcui.;-Jld llit ~LB (ll'ttl'let!oOIIJ 1en11."C Wilch oo ..:amrm, fnlom01 1 ..-.. .111C~'lni\1ncao.~1 A.oul1.11') Xn·1co u, lhc SUB ft-...1111 fflfonru1,on l'X~"'91hlllllp{l(&\lll1111!.l111111111llilrl.fUC'IUDhNIIK J.Qd(ccM.hc!ll1lc.

The ,:ifclc•t ~twtn, mrotkd al rm;" lut It) lcmale wtio is.ran ur1h~ C'Ol'll.'crt rht o,c~ nW.:,,t n II.ti. M-)'1.21',olJ nuft '4 1.,k1n111t P 6 CCJUfl.o;' The >,,ungc!\I , 100;.°(Jt l~

"-hetul..l htlp

1n..:n:.a\oC TI.. Prl··:-;unit'II( IIIIUililffl tl.11 l'nl.itt' ch.m '.kl) '-llldc.JK Gmollmtnt •bllt1Li 11!..n 1octc:.1'tl' w11h the c;Qll\ollU(ll('lll at 1hc: oi:v. dorm S1uJc1i1, 'lhould he nblc w n 111\'c 1ri b) Jlln.LW)' 2002.

Training cente releases catalo

N~w courses offered weekly

b" Rtbctta ll•rrk

Tll \\onrldorcc Tra1mns aoi.l Cl'lmmun11 E.luc:1uit1,1Cc-lllrtrc~n1t)...:t11Qt.11

FAJI 2001 cal11 lc1111 Thh \·i:1u- 1hc:, ar.:

offrn11i ,,•riQu, n"w cl•ue• 1nt ludu1s Le-,,.

One A,·i1,l,.1nd1c ~vutt<' Mo~ Sutltintt Skill and•hlp, Sp11nllh f"'r Hcahh ea~

Pct~nncl and Sp.mi•h fot LIi"- F.ofutL'(:fl1(.I

\lw..1 nr the,:la.1.'l"t att held 11t 1hc enter•, hcldqu.ar1c:f'\ 111 l'l1llt ft•II• b)' 1bc outlC'r 1m1JI

b11t wmc: ate held 11:1 othq pl.:ltt-> mdudln,: NIC &nd"" Litt Coeur d'Alcoc The cc-rutr uho orieu rnc,rc Lhian 100 irt.lttnl!t d,.-\~ w

,!,11.1Jc111, cin AIA)' home ,111,J j.11.1J)

Ooc- of 1hc danct oO ucnpv, 1, the l.(am Sail clu, J'bi• da.n h Jc1Jgntd to g:.11.c ,-uaJe.1u~ c,•ofnft'n.:" 10 so i:1. 111113 The cl.!I~, incl~ I S boun 01 .& 111111111 11mc

A1,uUt('rda\1tOllt'tod it. Fill Md Win.In

Gill\ cn PrtJQl'lllwn Accotd.i111 Ill 1hc caul dm, cl.tu~ 1.11u1ht b)· "011.bby OardcMr" Di Rll\an,I The dJ , IIIQ:U 011 Sari.mliiy m.omi11s:, oi, chc SIC 4,:.a111pu" The cb<A 11

1.1uJc-n1, tl\fonn.a1h1rs v11 picking Ol.ll lhe bc,t

p!.,n1,.an1.l 1he l'C,t WII) lopni.uc them Ac1.wd111lf 10 G11l McOau,ber. tk s.ale, ad,·tm mg •rcci.ah"l tor 1bc ~cnll!r, rc,pon w 1bcn· t"bs;M!1 hll\t btt.n ,cry hjJh ltt \Jlc anl.l &a,.t year lbcrc more Lhnn 10,00IJ

en1ullmcnu Th.<" 1.:LLiu.c, uttncJ lo thl• ptOji:fllm 1ft' n ncJ11 cL.i\f-t' n111glna 1n,1n hilroJu,i;ooo 1cl111C·rt1cl to Thl' Stock \ G.ame Sc."" r111,"\Ct ,1ar11111 • ,·c<l.l) t,ul~ The nc~ uulo1t (c:11turc, on11inal att \t,'OClc. by l:llec-n Kl1111 Jn,rn Ul.'fl't'"olr~n:d ,on.I(' 1n pncc from S 19·

S1udcn11 fC!l1Mc:nnp; before Ott. I. can u~ t SS•ctU tttUpl)n 1--.~1c-d on 1hc hack nf 1hc:


F,,r an(tlfm1111011 or 11.> ,Jgn up h,r the d:a~ COQIICt lbt" CfOICC •( 7fil.J.33''.l.

ASNIC officer electio to be held Oct. 1-3

EL:\:IIC'IID fo, ,\SNIC ,:,n11wtJ 1A 1IJ be htlid

1•.\ liki.'tloapecl.ct., 1obtwmc-.a~UJ'C' o1,vll1lllhlr m 1hr ASSIC olfi'1C ind ~rudcril lkr\'I(('\. °nll! J1l'fllkt1.1u,11, dlg1bc.lit)' Conn. pi:111lon "'' ol .at ka.t $0 SlC ~uJcnt" &bd" can1p.i~I\ ,lmi~'11l uw~ ~11.tmtd b)· 1:;30 p.

Sert- 2t

Ol,:ir 11 • m.l.OdAtot)' mccun,: tt1r all Sl(I\CnU.a.l onJM1111~., lod.t)' 111noon tr11h..: ASNIC tilrit~

T..-:Som,ot P•ll:2 W(l)f,1 no.t.'f'. SrPt. 19 ..... Oebri< from the 3: 0 . NEWS C: WK would • ..::..: g com11IC'tel y fr!! the . • >-- Spokane.Arena • -= • i:5 hve trmes . Record fall enrollment again
Two percent increase continues growth trend b y HlJIIU) f<'IOVIC'rl :u. ,1 8.nroJ1mc.'nt Ill Nonh IJ.aho C0Uc11c .- a,.- rCl'.<lfll hJsb lnt1hedunly<• lbartM· With rn,in,lh.Gll .a :? pc:m:o1 m~n.,.cd1m11atbc l;11o1 )<'a.r,.-4.13> ~11-...nh tnn,llcJ btno • SIC. t\ct"orduq1. Kl Rt'Jr!Mllf IU~h,ollJ 8nam, 9) pcrcai <1t fflfl)ili:J ,iu&.·n11 mt: from IJnlw Abo.>Ul pcm:m l.lW ot MIUC UJIJ wuhlft tiw pdu~~ 91 pt"rlctll 0, th<bt ,tu,.k'.at,...n: fmm Wa\han,C(lt'I TW\'tlC)' 11\'C'
1114l'rnllik'l1JII .CuckrLh The fTtt('tlUIJC htlW\~n
tl14J(' and<iOrtfl't'btlt'mak KOOc'.('n4J Count) ha., l,H4t 1>l1d:11l'4 l1111'Ul( f C1.>Wlly b.u ·It! ,11,1dr.o(l 1.11,.l Shu,,ht,nc C,11.1n1 ha-1 176 ~1\AA:nl1 •ttc,ldmA MC Th" r11U ~m'."m-. I 111rti;:Jimc1111t'I! a1t '11Jtng Lt 1 )'(".&r. i.tuaJ t'orc1Umcn1 tud an1Ut11tl111ic\ ur 26l. 1111, Mt tbctt v.,n • •lii'ht 1.k,.1~., t» 1' I ilutknu. Sid11H• .i dia! c:nmlln'ICIU 11udc:nt1. ulJ ht 11t1n~, d1..- ph,J:rllll i, 11 rc~t t'J.J-.-nl.'1Mx I think ll't a fr.,lly 11/•nd cha.QIC\' lvf U•llko1,i tha1 "11t11 Co 1,: 'f 1114 nr 1tit 1\1¢1 •d1111.lf 111UUPC 10 lkl vx1.c:1blng d11 1,n:tit. Ski.aft ,,1:uJ "'.Pt,:_,pk h3\C In tic w111ini ••• hw "11 c.1 thc: d1 lltni:~· f1 J•'""' )till• 1..h..1ncc In k.vti. •·i111 i., 1,-a,11 £nJ do .,.,di 0!:~·1 ""Jcru' •1c,ft l,.1f,l1ng )OU l'iad,. l1le 111 high ,ch11ot.'" S id If uld t'hc-1t';1Ji,:l.~<\clilko1.h,;,1UJco1 au1J!i6,l f'rt>kUl\•1.11 n:,.hnl. .11l •11•n! I -- Bo Jone• blo.logy major, work, with M.1r1in Chllvlt applylng Tyvek, 1 weather seaUng wrap, to fhe 'fteac 1lde of the now donn. I Dorm construction nearing completion More lhan 200 applications for donn already received b)' Pam Sta.Lon. !!, • C,Wll.lt111;Uoaoo lhcncv. U I mt.lllun.> ~J.®-loat ff',,c:e J~u detJgncJ b> 1ir1:ln1AX1 ~kW r~uclln (I( l-E D..""1.Jn '" Spolui~. h tc:hcJul0il 10 11pct11111 J,in l Cct\UJIII:, !acntt\l 0110:11,pu.,.1he ti.,n 1, i.urmunckJ hy 1t,c ~t.·Jj Mof11i:c0d L1b(fuy, lt'Wll• CfJWt.. ha cb,)J (.ell! alld v,c 'l'r lirld $oo)t t CIWlU n:'ldcn« h&IJ v.111 hl\C' A 1.:iu,k"I lbc rc,-idciBIX' hilll '111 lll (lro\ ,Jc aumcrou•
p!ft'rfll ~IT
'ICWI" 4U p.;.r~i:nl
Omer fl)t hanllt'I lct.11. l be \dude \Ii ft 1fflf111\lft~1J. ••td Ilk! 1>1thF1. l V. .U \ h.uired w,ch 1¥i'fl lu1-1111J nm ch uJ,.-e,
•·aa 1Whficd A1o11, 11• ot u pct,1nn pwndmit 00 lbi: lud,c:J dl"ltlf II) die 1r11,if.UllJ""1 l~ftl,.-.;o li e Wjl(lli."J _.,.111('tlnt 1,t J'IUl,I('. l \kk:CII 111,.1 "-~·n hr w;a11 inlnun~'d 1h I t11 1c111o1c t rouW n<'ll l'le h1lhlleJ, h~ •~l.t:d lohlT d:i,, thc: "1utlr111 v.-•1 in A111lt1. olfici:th lold tun, 1bcy cvuM not hdr h,m He tolJ them hl" ~·£_01oa ,~ ~o uuutdc • 1JJ .J .,~c tht' !l\l&nt'1 or u1111l i«urit\' nu.IC The llt'UI i1:h«l---c:J ""' lhC' ~jcl:I .; av, rounJ t1n C&mpul
1, )'Cl,IUJIJ rl,i, runninJ in.M>1h U'Cod i• C'\p«lcd t11 c11n1muc, fko,'fll'l<t ..a1J Tiic plat1n.:d Allied lie-al
Coli news ripl Ct1nt1rt New,-tdltot M.1n M1v PhoM: "'M·J~.f~.\: 769· 1181). f.m.Jllt ~nUnt'k ntt .cdu


• Halpem, chief of NCUflly, left, llllka wflh 11,ff Mlchul Buriut about 1he opening ol lhe thutllo bus

Shuttle co~bats parking issues



Tl.: r,ew ,hm 1-. nc.uly oomr'4e1c, l'tul 11 111 k:fl l.'.'.~np.u "llh Ko ii' p,lfluos t.P*--CS.. lbtt hD bc,;omi;:,. i..,un .,._,1.b I.he it'-llto.b .6J lhe !olly

1h,,vctuC'l'lfllt:'•II h,1U1 W-1.icr Wela».

If fC'l ,I f'llluAJ ,poe." ,-:1J !\r,il ~OCll"-'k, 1bmlr1eu uuiJor ·'I'll tX' WJUlnr for~ ,slillf •p,ll •ilh m)· hbnlc.rn nn. Ihm

adlcr 1l1JJ.:fll ~111 Kc di.c nppmu11il)

..im1mc1od1e1oJllolt'rnM-al11n111or I di( «ttnu1ory "'NI-Id Jo:rc.-.c the p«li,s, rn,11 dhtn.·, mo at "'oolJ hi: 1tu, i,,J ·11 i, • lot 11IO(Ccol1\•1.'flknt IAJ Q_\icf tu .-a0.:.•11111iJJiW'OdGilL11111.ajor1.n &ld&iruftf •nli• tluh ttf"arr11.1M·c to, brn..(]ub C'oc,n.."'I , b\·g 11> Rnt-.a Hood • \' rlf\. IIIIJ 11·1 Mmrle 1,111.,0. tll tJu, SK' ,,111.ttnrt1n5 ll1<1xnh41 lh.:probkm 0,,-;.linflloc(htuli ,..,_i.c,. 1},e

ICf' M."a 1111'1 n a, 1nnmiOE G 7 :JO &I Ille aPt;'Ulll ~._m1 lo11,c,,ndico.,11ci uf bran MJ \ Av,...nUQ, 9TIIOC' t<n aca m: hi:t nl c. haayt",00 u11.I timt kinm,ttr, tn1lt'lt aJnuni41Ul.lW blOLlnt. •.An)'t-'l'lc who huy-,. • r,uk1n11 pu, .ain ihc•lamlcp.1, a "·di."'

~rm tt •I ur 'Aho l-hUCIIC w Ul<C thl=lbu!Ut it'l"WKC' • Ill be sn•n1 I {tfCCn

KDOo.lUl~ \ hick J'.'l'fflUl that allo•1 ra,t11111

•~iino,ud 1;11y -'r.J ,nll~,e li'u. i1tc,n1

111b a lOOUle bu:I pau. The ftn=il, IOI.I pa.ts<'' an: pn,-,· fr«" roe 1tJJcc.u,a~-~in.lh::bu1.ICt\lk"tl.

IIQe ""° \Ilic:' chi: ihu11lo r;i•tue-allo"'\,J

~pad:mt.htJoir111.t.:JuU 1..4n1p111

Pft4n& L,t., 1,nJ nJi: die bib.

·r bu.:o't h,:11.1J JUUl.h in lht "') 1)/

'1Xllpl1U1I~" RUUJlfIT .uiid E\·cryooc h~ liecnHf)"lOrilill1

)lwv( Pohqum. lht 0mm tim dmu.

llid v.a, flla.,cd ti, w.'<' IIDOlhi:r

Plbcnei."I •Nlllld 11,, I-Ii: g4\oC 1~

P1nJ tu111, i..-bicb tooi.. ruu"1lY 20 fl!IJ'.IJJl.1."&

-MifllOfolnh. Th,cJi1,111kr.&cv.111

1fldt n:ta.,mi .1~ ridrn 1.1t nn lhc n.«


·"1'e ll'C uicru.•ln,our volumt' ,:a,;;h

I Foreign intern assists training

h, U1trlCahr-r1

Sann.sf C'"1JU~ lD a,..n.: Stu.

1tu.• ar11..a1 city of Hu1.u1


d..) ·• l~Liqum uW. "h l('C!,n, bt c.akhln,: oo. w,J C\oC'l')'Oot enJlJ)' the lad. ol totrt" The pc" Jl('nod O 11, It)(} 11 m

ri,:hc bdUR" lhc 9 a.m_ dlt51CI Aht'r 1h:11 11

ha hul.c:: 'l'l'

It wu • Luk ho1on the t,,u,. w, Poliquin ur LI~ air cond1uo1t 'lllhlch ln1t101ly coo~ the ,man i:ooJfl.'lrtal'ik but.

l"M fif"ll l-t1.1r II al th<- \1ulC'Um ul ~unh

Jduho"1 p,l{l;1qfol Thtn lt \WU!t'°'Mlbc \lcmnrtal Held plltirl¥ lot. Tht' tiu, itflC't &a the Econom) Piaa ln\g 2.rcll behind the N•uw Amcncan Co11ural Cr1 1t~TOO MddAI)' Or;,-c,"hachbr-vtoftbc~n

Hood R VI Plfk. '(be SliD Ii the bu,' l'C\I

:1o1or .a11J then bu,, head, 10 lht Il(Jhmd Bu.ilc!m, 00 Roknbn:ry Oriv< Polllf,lflll

"I drm ·, feel i, 's as batfmifw(ls/Wo

.1·et1rl ago. fl tl11r.m ·, /rel if( ,·nngP\lr,I..., Mlch>cl Hurt..


nl.ikN lhc l,'11,p- lu Gank.n Avenue lo tol11p

ll thC' \,J l.Jhnr)· 1nJ J'f'X'ttd• II) lhc

1:umer c,f Coll<"ic Dnvt &Gd GIINnl

\,-c1111l· I- ulilll)', l\'1111.1wn iK'.S.1, Nl:"k 10 theparl..ui,: le•!

n,r«huulc<:00Unu1."t gnul-i p11t, NIC 11

v.111 DOI be- 1n ,a,;kc from 11 ·Xt.u11 to nl}()fl. The \butlk bus '(r\JOC OJ)alta ioortJ: lhc wn;: ~k H SIC, lhc:ttfot it v.1JI llfll be r,pcdl.iotw wna, d.a)'" 11,;JC I\

I\Ot bohlmF do1(,cs

TI,r 1t.hllttk "1",'i\'\'ll, h.\\C'. pclnlphkt v.nh • m.ap tOf ttudcn1, v.·bo ne:td 10 Lni>\~ lltvrt~tJk'..CfflCt!l. -111-. ,, rmk.'1 h001 I.hi: C1JlrurJt Cct1Jcr w lhc Stud<nt Cruoo." ....S Mou K.Lm,cr.


J:IO",Cf V.· ••ft,Cf, 4"PrllklAi..1!tl)' 10 m1n\ltt'$1 of f'Cl"PY wialbna '" cm'(r th~ d11timce. I can almot.1 guM'llnltt du.c lhc:

,.tuJc-~11 "'ho dn t.ikt up 'Nllk-in& WJII le.: five pound, •nJ 1ill thttt to fi-\'C' 11¥hn."'

.\her tK-mnJ thi, .IUJtlC\-tlOn trom


Ironwood Drive Alblrtlon'I ShopplrlfC... 667-2074

1'l1Ut,t:1,m~nxlt•1 fran Uchrl(lol 101he

lll'ffl.1 to,ilU; the rt..utt Sl-c, uW

,u,1tr4 11 ,uy lo iACOfJ'Ofaii: ('ll<f(i1e in her d.tUf AAl!il'l¢

Klm1tth:ua k\11 Ur,. ctJnCcmm; ho1A1

lo -..11.y coru(nn.thlc aod hikt 1b1t roulC.

r•lht'r 1tu.11 mk lhe 1'111. hnt. ..Uo•

)"1.Klfi.cll IO 1mnutL-1 t'llU ume to co,er lhc

.tuum.. S«c.1U11Jy. •cu •f'P'UP'~l4'!~

UC'IC'kins: up"' uh • lricnJ iu rttn: ii bdpt ooe '-1,1y moc.1~.-cd 111 cnntin\lC'

,, Pa)11i,i tntrotK'ICI tu 1bc-catllt1 .ataJ Jrt1..\n1; «.ro111Jn1l.v ••II l«J1 )Uil et'f1tfor1.1bk wb1k v. a!Lms.

The bt,...-htt thJI tbit l~-p: uC a.:rr,h1c

t,c-rctsc induJ¢ hw.:n:awd 1CJcnE Lh of

li(',1n mu\Cle, de~<! n•J. of he..irt

Il l.kl. maa.lC'dMooJ dlw..iru.:rcr.,:J

1.111c l•I t,rr1rhms: dunna "C'rc11e, J«t-eDCJ WIJ.i tiod)' Jilt atiJ Jt.:1-caie-J boJ)' "'.:-1i:::>i1

I Jwu.le#j 11 D M baiJ » al WM t.ll

)'GB.ilg,,. Pre;1oJcn1 Mil.--harl lJurt.c ,.11J

•ft ~)C"\Q·I fed JI\ C:llllb,"C.SnJ \\'(' \'(

-.rn:aJ w1 uur d11uc,.so •,: Joo·1 M,c

11.e •piU "' 1hc l.arrat po11r of ,1udcnts btt 1t1 lhc early rnomlni. Nov. '1.'C' h~v~ • nkt- Nll wnc o1 atuJcnJ~ •bot.~ bm--

1hroui:_hm1l 1h~ d.J)· 1111X"C u{ • MinJy ,tr.:amvl..Sudl.'Dlic.·,,rr11~r.mJgoto11.• Burh: mJJcllltJ llut 111btn the doOQllontJ- finuh<J. SM (Olk-¥\' v.dl p.liUQIIIC '1(lhc pa,i.:ans \f'XC 11 llK1 IN the ro,m of Jciirnuh~ f'aJking. He e11(0UrJJn ,tuJ..:111" 1,1 lorik ,irouJIJ lhcm and K'I!' ttWI mMl c•I 1hc t.ollqtc.' i1 f'll.'1.Cfill) hnn, uu:J 'Tlieteiarc w--11 Ccv.- ''*°' nuc l,c-inj u-11li7cd."' Burb UJd. ~Jw,t ,h> ol r,1ving 0\-cr ,he bucti,tll r,c1i1 lllC' Ormu bu1 o unJq I"~ montt1 i.:l.JCltnct. lJuAcu.hov."·J IJua tii1i1th the 11;t1tu1·nun1 ll\lcft':l,1, he: fch 1t "'•• ..-anh lc.,:pini Ibo bes,. NftlllUI Tbc l,u, tU>l lbe Cetllt&r $,\tl,.101} f'n' )'Cat• .,.,hkh •U\ nk'I l,y IIM."IQS1t1J :\lUJ,:al lulliaa nJ fKUh) par~1n1 •·t 1hnJ1. ii di re-All) ht •,t1~h it Ill •1nta,"Burku,.-a1J



fce11..,;,,t' THUNDER ALLEY

Glou· In ihe dark la....- L~. blad,; livl.u ,u.! LIV5 dt,-µ,y

Every Friday Night! I 1:30

The Cti,1,,rnita.l I rauuni o..-r:u1.mrnt • the WC11Lfr•l\."l' Tounins r"nttnh:.ndc,c.'~I ffl.14cl11tapl•n toac,tyi11:.t1MJ M:nM:IC cotp11111C iliC'lll• ID hlAIIIIUIJChl-tttL Tht t'U'I..UUOQ of thh f'la.a h!:f; brooshl An•u Wans: lw111 .Donuua.n.. Ctuoa. io v.uJ\ 111. • ('tuna rn•~1 m,uill,ti.('f fnt 1hr ('1.Momltc:J Tr.amlllJ l>:r,iftll'K'nl Wnrk(flr('( rrainm, Coiw l'hcMWlh~i.torol O,U.tom1tcd Tr:mun1 n Vcm Jcnkull, •11, tt"-al )nD uf \\·1trl. C\pt:fK'tll:c:iiiC.-hin,1 h,u t4u1pp.-Jhimv.1thJl\ic.'lll l.w):ua,c tblh "1lll C'J'.lC'J\\l\'c.' llu\i nc:u llC't\lllftlnJ ra11~.1rce, wu.h the ah11it)' s..1 rromotc pn,iram• 1hat ,;an meet tht &nuun1 satt'lh ,.,t CUtpOl ,ll»(IM 'A1til.: C"tabli '1Wlt • 11,__. aJuc10urul 4.'0ITIIJ\IIIUt)', W40g u Lbcec.;-ooJ tmont' p.:hl'lf1 111 pan1,1 1,•1c 1n 1h11 rn,J<'d wh1 h \\.t\ in1UJ!td truce month, 11,0. Shi: u:nH-d in llfl Aug. J and \I.ill t"Ol'npldc- lkh phnc" c1f ht1 proJr(:1 O\ct to tiJbt wcrl. rtric,J Sil<.' ha"'" J~~ct 111 r,utthc rc lnuon" tront Hul11n

Sha.• u rai1 C1'\nC'r Ind

n1.1Jlc-tutillttt1.'tcvfflit.11 tSO 90:0 tr1imnt1 c:anii:in~ lu,:..11rd

111 llongu:an Ori11.1 She llrl\\'•'lkl1'11h~l l"'( fQ(iCXl multtnabuoal c-.•mr,ink, k).:.atcJ in IIOWhem ct1111.4 tier pllb ror

LllU vbil tu llic U111ttJ St.ates inclu,lt n:hwng hr, EnJb\b WIC~l' dcilh to acb1.::,·ci 1 h1J;btr H;md;uJ (I( Jkiti.1

CtDll'.lflli:r M'f\'kC' b/lJ kcll.lo, hi:iw Jo 11utttr .SIC'•,·urrtn~ kAJcnJ11,1 1m,l 11uu.1i:i-i11C"nt

1rn,mn,~Cn 1rrnhin,lfwc11I (DfJ'll)ntion, t11 Thrwib a fC'C("lil \oop.4t<lM'C rtforl 'lhlh 1he IJtxs&JU,iln JM1it1.1t.: of Tc~hnoltl't.)', :'I.IC pl.11,, I(• 1'$-lnt Ii, r more grJUUlt 111.11.lcnu •• C'url)' •~ Scncuffl o( 11\.i~ \t:ar lu I.U.C lld1·"or1h.i.:1ltv.:inc.'UIESI.., rrot,;1111111.nJ •lu,J)'bu\ine,.) rclatNL1•urfiC.L

knlin, ,mJ Wang bolh fee l

!NI So,1h Idaho CnUtst pto\ i,ks 1ot.cmiatit111al ~1u.knu IQ ~·-..,flc-nl orfl(lftUIUt)' to lt&M.iti1,1111 h>I £un:lJnbt11ln1 (llC\llllUIUl) u, tn Cfl\ mtttmrnl olM1kc1 v.11b.111lollllcLme1. JcJn.lll"d rxulr, 1:tJ I •nrr.:irh\'C' :wudm1 N'llh.

--Classesln advanced Engllah hotp lntom Anna Wrenne her global communlceUon aklll•. --- --- --- -· - --------~'!
pm. I :30 am linbtlin..ble ,haw! lntndibk f;,n! TUllKEl' SHOOT LOUNGE Enioy our f•ll $<nl(t huig, anil gnl/' WoriJ hmci.,1o ~ta.rp;Mu• • Nr"A Mkro 8rc1A;J • Bloody \t.,ry, • Jl..S2 '• • fro,ry \fu; Ikn • Gtc.0,r food! FlVE TV SCREENS TO CHOOSE FROM! w.1.:h yo-ur f11Y01'1lc "P(Jrtins M,-.:n, tn a dr..n, (olJ'llcttUl-le 11mo•rlw:rd GROUPS WELCOME! '1 (1 A • 't E " MANIA TI-ll'RSDAI S 9pm • llrm $5 AJml,.iun 25 <t'fll: Bert, &.u4i..,., Shot- Rtnwl, ,.-,,,.,.h fric,, & Sod. ,.......,. •cow tBookswap checks available: Siebert 53

IWHAT WE THINK There's a shuttle bus on campus?

A:k .in) ..wdO!t <1n ,;.amp.1u,-tw: tu.,« bcrtll!ggesi comj\lo.in1" h'1 plltti,ng-big \orpnsc. untonu11111tly, 1 lao!,;s It! 1( N IC miiht n.lWll.)I\ hA"c tht1 problem

'0,141;"' thc-111~ 'At' lww The b.'oooo. location, kiclw<ln tbai

C\l't)\11"11.'ii. Ulkil'l,ahouc: k Mlrt. holding NJC lw:k. Ye:a.. tho lM.c

h ~11t Uiahow b:"~ iiJ".lubll lllU) 11Nt da: ...,._Ml¥

Pf\ll'llcin wt,cn c:nrdlmm1L, oo a~ rist )'tM' 11Rcr)'car? We

hll,'NIO room forpurbnj: txpamlon

\\'e l~\-c IQ N fidr ~('Vl.'f, Admaol'ltnalllB Sl:Q11

bhl'ldfol,l~ :1AA1nd ~tdiool ibcy k..ow"M ~ldl..'IIU pn,,

thmufb. the)' t.Mw •·lul.'•a~oo. What •~ ocal tu toot• 11:nJ

1hinlt 11t,o&a arr lhc11 mahock«tQ.\U'IJ lhot,r part.,na paln.1..

So \bey bn"'iD tlr tJ!uakt,us

Sure )OU ha,-c to s,,-t !he loUJI er«11 t far die tc.b and dfQJt

!he) 'tc puaiag to\\~ oor rmJepwtiaa; 1$.1'.UC. Bill bd.e,"C 1t or

OOI. ,ome JI.Udcnl.l.don't ~·ffl 5:fN1\\ the $C'.hoaf h ll.\ D,IM1lq bu:.\.

0.. \\~ hl.alncthan"Wl>* are ti¥)·~ktthiflk,.,.hm ti~

\tt GbiS while ffllPC)' tuJ «t\l 0$ Qftklnd I.he campus Ill dll)'1

l, it worth u1 loc,tln,<n« the lllltl'lbtt\. NIC will pAY $36_',())

• year to1.huak 11.rudctlt.\ • (~· bl'1Ck1J "'°"ll the toad.

h '1euy1ouyWI.NICbd ic\.uin'C8lttdl11for11~lutiOl'.I

11q ju,1dorl·, bcUC'\~ Audet.i\ oould lbC ,1 lltl1cCUl't'ISt. h \\-&.\.1

gttnt idea co open up the Memorial Fidd and Mwcum ofNonb

kbho p.rtin, fonrudOlt pctttiltJ. But b 11fairto tnl."t'C!IUK'

Nllllm fro In hdpl*)' for thu $36.SOO hlll dw.'1o almoR a l-Y..a~

c:mpcy" 'lbml W1l)'" toa,'Oid allot this~- Thmtllbout tt. It' s easy to ta)' lb:lt the tnajont) G ttlldcnb' fiDI '-'""' M.ICU al. 9 a.m

N\'4IOOad)',tlOI IOO&iilt. b '•agoodcimc.bulC'\C!}'OOCmi\'nll

lbc,.uncmnc Sllldcnt,thowd -y,at,: up,1 le-.· llll01*.'llwiy. p1 '8tf..ilool

arounJ Ma.m. aid W.-C IOl'nr. l.lmt' kJ hit the homc:v.ort Ibey

~~n·tntik' ruget 1otbc pn:v,ou, 11ij_11t.

We 00N la n:.-ltt.ctbn& NIC Otfitia M' U) 1ng IOe.a.."" p,,bng

l'bcdf'orttjtbc:re But~hco"'.otheliltlebu.lbgolngcoli1'-\IP1.l1

lbC'irbc.Mb t.hal 1hi.smi.ght DOl bC'sucha good idea'' Spcndatg

mare lbao $36,f.X)J to Lie• (cw ~udcnt!i a cwplc. blotb'? Hope

llxy'rcruc1fiJcn1tru., will payoff U atdoan't•·otk,off'JC&&l, pnlNblywoa't be too u~ Why would~ ll', llllll the:

1ehool'• money thc.'y'm spc:nding. ll'uukkl'II.'' monc)',

As Amer ican as


Am11.dn1t Anic-rie11

lf1o amv,1rig 1hc tc:nath tha1

American, wW J(I to 1u,.t

«R oC 1hcir ll111'tl

1l"1o a111.Wt1J lbc ltll£1II tcnan.,is wlll go IU nl.a&C l point Bui more 1m111.ln.g J,

1hc CDJtdy 1h111 m1m oec,u for pa1t1~,m 10 n011mb 1n


l.a\l V..ecl Ill !dtllCI; >.hOl>k our !',)uodul1Qa• iud dti~Jed

mn11) l)(ourli\'c.1,. F0tevct

1~ rcopk a ln·c .11h1' 1lmc will ~fflell'Obcr Wtl.t,I

iupp<11<d Sepe • 2001 -

1bc: tl("A dly 1:1f mfamy.

Lall v..-cd people btf.lW 11.icgia,: Rag,, rai11.Jt1i n~,~)' fllr !be Red Cro,.i. eryinc 10 thC'11.1u1:11W a:nthctJ\o.n4

wcma1 r«I. wt11tc:, 11r1d M~

W t "'-c:ek mnny pcopl<' rc--

ttal u.Jl.eJ ~\'Ing UI tbt

Armed ~cc•. is,c,i. a fnend o( IIWI( v,bo tool: hi•

ASVA8s la.I -.wkwd


',\'cci-C'cner;i11u11sXanl.l Y hc ".llmc sometbma. m(ltf No

longer u 1h11 gcoentaoo ooc

wnbout • c:at1'$C. N<> loa;su

1tt w.-c.' nriablu. N<Wt X 1111d

\', "'ill lkfint thcffl',cl \oCl

1'bc quCjUOO l•. ho•' •·ill

'A-C tmy,,elr 11)Cft,1d(d A.\ 2 1

1c.1r-old Y'c:-, )bc.~mb(~

l(d! WiU "''C be lbC'

Jtn<a1t1)n \Ii.ii. u ,

,11ticr,: do 1hc:- fightingr Or

v.ill \\..;:. be the. ,1nc, who lc.W

11\c c.hllJ( i n 1hc wtt 1',aln.,t


Will 1he UaileJ St.atc-4

COQ'lt ou.1 " a cowmy to be

ff'\IC(cd ln l ht W1.Y WC

hAndlc:d lh1 (1tuat iUC1'1 Or

\ltlll \\C Ji\'C CIU)O (or tbc

v.·o,$1110 api11 Id it, d i\ li\e

(I( Amc.-nc-11c• grow"

1u l'iM I the WCM IJ Nlllltdcd

Questions arise about 'real world '

11 11.:vcrC..k-d \\o1.,1IJ1R11 tis"-""1tkdonail(Jlj~.1,oltf"(r\'t<I hly)I lntff chAlll'flllfll ,h,111 "'" "'h.-.. ii C'Xpi.'\,1at111'1d•'l.11f.~tn ('°.oritmt)'

rcc~ pirl,Mo! h"'J\

1~""1\'alWirid .:rfww,fv.~ Thc:sciC'.tnu!Wybl,ak V.(".11) nutl\.'tll)' ~ctawn or 1i1c "·4:iuJd furthlCI ~c1, nrlc11.,,(1tic,ul"aurtl~ Ito.*. 1tt1~UIJkJ.~ rc~l11y•1"-,,,."' 1th(onut111i..-l) lt\\,1!,\t'fl in~1.t1lmentp,<,rt;1n,~1l1lk! ti.."tCUl)~.t!t1~tuhca1"1

1hc-lt11it.cJS1a1aa,:.c;,.:M1nlr) polJ\nc4 \\ ll bplaybo)".1o. Now. 60 )'CUI IAIC't, tbe y.·pt)d rcprds u, h II c:ovnu) o l cytunlra1"'--ab. After Pt.1111 Harbor du: -orld' ~opini(ln or the Urutcd S1al.t'.\ ch.angcJ.. We umr OU.l ul lhc •ky 1111:t s.•\·cd Europe. lUld t)ll\\lb l)· 1hc \li>Orld. from Oun11nf, :Ln.d J.-pan', l'('Jimes We \h,o-y,(d 1bc \l,Ofldhcwtc',()U(('(:.fol, d«em,lncJ ;anJ b,,nonblc we ClO be- Out pa.ildftilht-N Md grandmotbc:n thagcd the.way V.\' V.'fft viewed. No'lk v.·c ha'o-c lbc opp«tu:nlt)" lo dt, lh<i ,.lllK'.

Wc. can lake up •rm• ,g,1.rn)I anctlC'tn)' llu1t 1,k-,l,COftt:rc l t aDd aoc:nucsl> mun: .,..1.;k,iu. We cu win lhe w111 ap 1M1 1crrwunl sa • m.anDC't W t •~ honor1tble •Dd hclp11, Ilic., world 10 Ke ju_u ho"' "'-oooUlul Amcnna, ltul)' (011 be J.n 1M cad. we m 1u1 .1lw.,1..,,. rc mcmbc-r ! bow: ho IOM · 1hcir H,·e& Sept 'I. 2001 Tik: (acc.-, u1 lhc tno(leffll who died in the IIAt•d : :1nd tbc\s.t' rc-~oc '11,'0f kcn. who d ied \\hlk ll)'lltf H> ,1~c >Uf\'l\'Ofl u11t>l ,em,Jo clcbed 11t lhc m uld\ ct( e\-<ty Aru,crkllll rcgudlt:is of -.h11 lhc (IJIUR bold;.


The SC'nl.lnc1 wdc:omc, kucn. tQ lhc cJUDf. Thmc- 11,tiu 1t.1bm11

JcttcP. mwc limit die m 10 JOO words.. Mpi, thcnt kJ1bly Md pnMC.k II I'~ oumbcf 1n Inda '" vt:r,ry

IJIJIC "',: R'CI.°''~ U11: f~U "'11tlt 1)f 1~ 1dtn11fytnJl \\ 1th T\ t thil aim~tUPIC O.lf1111')liDporft>'lll'l Dam. h;a lale 1d.lghl me ouc b "'IU m high .:hnol, 111.III FrN\ly h:ins i1 liJgJ,-..,:b,llJf hrWoCN COCl(ffllin1 tt:hot1l .SSdble.JUitllfl111.jt,l'.10Lilll ~IH'O~ M\IIJc:nbto bfc•~~J>ooldlfedl'\r lk~SClt,c,p,shul1bc 'laffUrDJ tlttn licd 10 1hc mbwd 11xb w.1uh"' i:n Mlldr. tttUCb \\'1lh ,1 tl'Mtl~lhr...,,1r' \\h,tl ro.iL, Well..-~ 1111! ltt)lb {II the We pltd u14e1 wuJf} a.bll.'C" rc,J wndd. 11. p!iaer v.·hct1.· I 11111\l nl~ l<t hciir hciw tootla:r group f111Yt>1l"llnli~· fa..-Jiandcfothc tJ(ahl(k lr1-nala1n1ui.l ..t1;dl my,.clf and '111d~CC w 11111., We: IWI ll'J i;lat5 ll11bc-hlltJ ttldhl')'l114w,J,,c:,~'111er-mtulf ~1l1Tk:Ulumtlb-lJ'ul:ton,&t,L-..l l.'i lfl!.'1)11.tltg, ill ,UIII )........ q~IUII' ,i.110,J)' tlllC pmi11:1n1 1en·1~ timt tn pubtte cdY1.-llllon ·, ptup ol pna,.k~ mcdlcdual,

.illl'A~r. lbt:l'l onh 1.-,b; ckipnaU1o.i1IJ~ ~b)·!ht ,'.a.ltc1 TI1t1v.~~111lif~ ~• Im~ i"lttt,11u11t.lhlill bu1 -..,..),--';;;,_, tu 1 • myfnrmdN'frc.l'i:lwl ~tif'Ult~..-.igitwtcJ \tll:ft.ilXIO, mubtkwd.broL(, down .aflll tti p-.l) io.J ol r,t!YWd nuip:J ~act'J itsl41tht cnl'Ad. J\Jkl.lllJI w 'OIT)'. l .,'t OOl fot""OOt"U Ult' a,\"IIJ\ lh.Jt Q'l.ldt t"''ff) &ol.bwk p.i;c auruh.1~,I ~!O. c-c f'"'Y 1mc s..hc!Julcd un 1lflPOM1tr1 ·ty ~o dilJUIIC diN and Jr.i,..,,·1.'t~ ~1ruo111 on lbcubook<"tl\Cr AnnJ.• u.. rud,ui. -..e .abo ~1C1t1Ua1trtr'Jln'nptqtlllflr.-)', IU~lmCC anJ tl.Mt ntpc Ylhik Mill Ji.:\JflJ 1.oa,·olJ 1111hlal)n.,:n.nict),R'!ll1t1~in da$11,1ty 11nd bold a Meal)' Job. lmnai:,a.lly,t11wcnl1hl!.Uf!POIC 1hn pl!IIX. atthoush not tJi,: ...,UN. " !olllt l'll.'ll 11 ,oo\\-Jlobc cd"

ru,il) Mid IIIMIX'tl«. ltlUS qu.abfyuqc.athc''real «1d Tiaubrillpmc-tum)'fKJI W1U \1Ctw:my fWlll~I) dl«k1WclJ. lcf~tr«": ci.t.,.tw,,

"~objcru lli.ilBuchlci'C in I dl1ndmoC thtqucstionablc oat"'U""'n,_.l M,yt,c.f ::~ipitand thMi.fuU)', <, I've oho fl'lll,zcd amoptm hl\d'l l\hcre a job. dwxll, n,y IJC\I, •fooDJ fi!WJtial n"l{!QrNbiblb siJ Jttc ID geOCI' bcwg~Corme~·, tWl Bwt lf I jUil uq,pcd latttf '"t\"&l -.urllr and 001oflhlt ~!id jU11g.fe(r'I\ iftlnmcnt \fllo •• h•Bfl school. r u jlai.U)· oc ....,

Student says Aloha to N or th Idaho

l1k' ~...,,,mir fQlm U'l't-'t,. hc.,uwut -ulh ·t,. Wllk.,ak.'c,i:lht'bc:'dlnlJ.l"ffWf)~aan


lu,,e M,lfl> f'COrlt'ual I v.,\ kHl'l"\'t. to Cncud'Aknr.• pl«t"l\tim:,r. N1,;tcrinf hnl In the , t t1rtn"11:1-.J 1.'l)IJ

1bmi Iv.• ITI0\·1roi:111 N.i.ih J.Lihn l v.i1i11'\11nko;,k..;,c,tr11n)l1UT11l).,1)


N6C J lcbcwult'wl1tfna:aldlll~ldwd'1

j?um111unfl'-'P11W,1,Jl:'Ailly\ln'll,f:t Wc <:.kcd,t OUI •Id I likat-.ti;.a IM\\ l1Wi.>k~•--hil<'k)tt&J1J1CY.hali ~.wtiful ,o-.u ...,\' li''l' in Our ac:hr(-,1 h


• l!dt1irw ll• cu d Jc1T) M11n1ct

kJUltainrhtb) lhcl&l',Jlnd dk·fl''ta*21 ~.imnind•lllC'OI """''M}•,1d,;: hctt l ttJ.luodl kll""')1h""I\\' 1111d mor.lly ~Cf)'!-JIIC M,l!UUlllfQ ll.,l\·cJha. ban,c - to1111nc10111CY. I K'rctof•fl'l'lln hnm,:, nnl luHni: !11II\Jl11k." )'Clltft!Wld, t1f pl 10 U,e bc;&dt y.fl,.nc,tt v.~111..1h." "crydiflicult hi\! 1he lhcJIU,fhl m.itmc t«l l~x.l;. (t.1'11,k nll." 1 \loruk IO &'1111-td r.u ltlCC'~tun,I

<h.10~- No ooc tn icbho ll~ "AlabiL"hdldJC. , lb)'C' In H.rw111un1 !JI' '7'.i.:ihalo"Utumk )'GUlti.a itlfflan):. In l l.a\\,111

• Rq,onm. ,,._ niphcn and Art ! lntb llaJ M1t1Ho1II I

)'l'ltlhf.tirlhr..P.c="-"Ml,C\ff)"'"ba'e C\itti.lflli11), Coeur d'AJcnc.111 dl.ffcn:n1lru4 lb.v.·aii. h iliM: arc Uttlllaritio. Prople~ 'ff) lntfll.lty, Youcwtd t,c-,,.,.UCltll ttul~F'WWl.,b> •00'-")' U<W,r'•il ~"'"'r 11r '"HoY.- ).-cbo117"fff mc,hat 1na\:ct tfll:' red :1& bo nc Md 'C.k(imc., di•~ towol'mnot iru:wli.- with,)'11 C'ocur d'Akrc b • ,,:cy bc.alliful tU"A'ft I kwc i herd rm uying IOl,Ct m) f ii l.amill' 1.o ,,-.i1 M1nict1mc wtx,bo\\;i1 M•Y l'lJ SctlO ll)' M>lnethint INC l'vctle\er(kot htfoc~. hb:~ww.,v.b...~ rm ~ lda.,dcd In rffl\\.'hctc. The rchool't, • , lln:~ arc ttimdl) .ad Ilic l~'U l1 k.iuuful' • \'A'ilfll

• AU1.'lt"1~ Lull<'.,.C, Prtu M, 'il.ll.All-\nJtTJlan 1',111qt,aprt

• :,;.1100•1 Pocori kLT

In WiM:onsin, J;;l huller substi1u(es 5 are not allowed l o be~ Jnstate • • • • • • • i:5 prisons
atJthcndctl). S<,n,c lcUctll m.a)' 11<ll bi: prinlcd bcco\1.3"' of '-pace li:mi UlliOJt, N hc:'Cau«- thcy l >.utumiluUt• numhcr o l ldlm:tln:.:ady fc«-lvod un \he t l) p,MMbl> hb(:I01J, or ))ill'C il k 11hk The Sen1u,,cl l'bc:1"1·0. 1hc right lo tJ,t ld1cn. may be m1Ulcd to lhc. Scnti:nd, c•maded fa,c(d or brw&hl tO ROO!tl j) 01\bc- S cbcr1 8ui.ld1t1t- 1llc Sent10d '• •Jdrt1.1 " l tm v, G tri.lefl A\'C., ('ocur d Alene. ID 83814 Pboac: ~208) '169, 3388 Fu t lOIJ) 769, )389. 6,1t11lll; ScCltiOClWoJc NU OP IN ION
PERSONAL OPINION ' Wu.-.u~v.St.P1. 19.2Q\
"1d'lt\\lntct Bpd. heme: I"" ~Qf"lhc- 'You'"· mf'YJn~ i.,,C.QaUrd''"n."!fJCIOK'l AnJt1rr1J'dldl thcru l\flCfl" C'.o::urd' Almu l!. lacak'JJ1nil l'd the. ·'Why the S'l'C.ILO~"!' tl!\flOlhe I wld
and Se,nr-pcr of the '11 it4l' rltn:c.Tune Rnhm I· M•ruit:th ,\1,1,-,1nSWlm1er • So.:,ay ot P\>ofr,s,ti,ial J liebrnl b.u llcacc A"" :ud • '<IJ.t1oculll1U1,ff•mc • S.11lnn.1l lollt l.1t Pro., s«tmd l'l.a:C'f~ICti s"huw • R,..--.."'q \ 1<kl nJam Cull~1aLcl \kdja A\~t.lVllfl Bot In Nc-w (1lp'1 • l11.11eral faoelt.eno: ,\OA.inb • JJ.lhgJ•rc Cbib<lnir.~ E'\«'l et"tCc \',1, 1(d

Salmon Riv er becomes classroom

111C students earn socio logy 12C(lits with paddles in hand

J!:'*' c...,., - al.._.,.,.,, a aimmcr-t;;e:hQQ& foCbedulc 1nclud1n, •'(lltonsmr.'>Othv.b1i,e:saod.di~

14P •hUe twikm, .tn 1hc 1unand oht,en•ing - w e hikint thmtlp w1 grn.uup• muCm)-OO~•hoac:\ICa-cb)l"tJIIJOC

Mntd so take wdcms OUI 11tt0 the fie.Id of i--r,Al>nandK>rcnl..lmbjomw,lh

t.Jamof CMdoor Puraii~ to flilCllir.arc 1twning.

Jldl>Cing lhc p,,t dfrrn oClhc Ne, Pm,, «'*'nu vlutcd a culru~ cc:ruc:r, •bed• fflOYlC and looked o,-..:r Wlurc Bud. (ndia11, IOU!thl for ihcit L&od mJ

TIit mly miS,,""'1l WM a jo<,!MJ, kcl' by ll'*'1C md fltkd wuh rcsr,on~ Topic. fotu'IPK!uo."Cl:.,1ldema~cfl~ltkl.


b: JOOffl(')' Jn.,., n lbc Srutl,ou \'lctllll. «ltllC\\halraJo>·IMl,JCC'tybw w.arm. The fl.N diay tu.lktl UOft$ (:.\'Cl')'Oflc h4J at.1t;mo:.o 10 SL111J bo\,.· one ,u·11·AAtrand lhct.r \Ull\'!Uodiop.. MOM .nttnoon,, JtU1.1fR of t'AiU to lrut'C hiktJ toW21d the lop~ the c,,11)w when, tka:ri.TIJ cloud~ rcvc.tJcJ tok\tfuJ 11Wl!,cb.. The <"SIP(•rtnnl1ylnvte'\li·tticn\,cf(n:wnadi...uncr helped ("C dK' txp:rlc:l'K:tl uod ti,pb, into pcnpcxth-e:.

The e,oop puJkJ tl'l~t.ber \\'ith loC& c,J lAuglucr whc.-n Luker iotrol.kiccd 1hc F<d: Ol)mpio. Luker wtw • hnc: lora ,;i.-.l:)(fln, truuk: ""hac ~baiukJ tudd) a.~ fM &\ ~"bic 10pbct • fod. In die wind. The lritl

'*• 1dW'tting.toa \labng~1'11hou1 Callwg down 54.1tnc:: £ell 11(111,e OCY1·a:11J 10rr1t ffilNJcu.:robrlt.k:'iUl.t',npl\lOf'CfUrn

S-lylhcmon,sti,,y.kromy Wyn!,. ;U about S.fOCJt,,., WM tht nutth l(l, comp:citllfirMsl.'d from S.fOCll-lO.inchcs.11,16, Coot·.l-'lldla·bu! Ith ,c:r,mgth him lhe (lffilk,"\lttOClt, th.v r.uo-..i ....-. y ...i bng!L ~u of 1Uhh1oct U1 cbc: nlODllng "'•rlcaw1111.. "Lllknl1.~pjmi:hcxhcr·, batk1. Oar-be.lch Ji1o~ 00 "'b W

U'o'l.ft.-bcTnur,a*'I f"C('ll'Jlt: l\ll\'C ori Ck cnYiroanrlll. 1111 a~aoon c:m lJct developed C«cwv.urld an..l °"1'1'"roopk 'A·hlle l'li't"IJI• (un Student and Hea<I Start employee Barbara Scarth write• about the day's events

bi& iu Nn~ o \\11ltc H(IIJS,,e The CJ)-,.&jlflmc ~lid 1n,de fo, II gtc.U SaJl'ICOf \'fllk:)'t!Oill Tht npkb ""Cl"-' swift a.~cs rfunpl a., dtm;llberah~ Lal:carolbcoo.~ridc. Wi>Ser ~"~Ual MIOUI 1 Cttt hfl,b 1111d rzlb nellft)' cbrlp-trud:cd.11 ktmu<;cd ""hen a nu, flip,, O\t.'fbock\\·unl. ;\bow SO mdet \\Cit tl1l\'dcd onchc S~n,m Ri\W. SwdcQL'\ \ft the Nll.:J hilt!I th!II Oune,;c IIUUWi li,cd in and BOO 1t. ,1Jbd 1 qumk't·mile lllt.O ooc Vl.:lft. Gean*' l.w11,c u~mi-cn.d: v.lMxl\ aD11.IUig..µilc11; of Meli: V.(tC tt.miodm °' die pa.SI (t'OlllCQtly me ~rulJ"(llnl,:y cl\an~ wticn:. the ~,1,t11 ~boon rocdt, dx 04, Spntc. NJttt. Jer h«lb k n Ult· 1u.Sb in" ,uw: whikm1binr. up .ind do'wo l(l'C;.ltn The cm, impnct Wol.l 11,lth t!r m'liM:illll.llhc.-wn.\k:alonrlhc-mu~ 11,i~ "a, the- Lua da) IOO iht 1,...g< 1,t A.c Xl m,la IA.\'rC paddled. lb the t.luw w111tr. LootioS h.od. !o lhc 10 m,l,s of n-.r. lhc pa,;.t CKpeti.:tli()C'\ of ~hi.'(-Cl,ltlute\. llOIJ IJit: I'" !'lftl :0.. tmplCI Km,:,,l.Mlb'•ol>Jc<tm 1t1 kttp Ulkknt\ thill)jn,: lbot.w: the 11tt.t,. ,o pcni,,:ct,V<,rouldbcwrcd.

l;•fl,J(·"ll'fl'$e. Ran captain ~my Wynla, middle, and stUdenl Todd Maser rejoice with fellow 1111ters alter hilting some fierce 111pld1.

At right, SIU(lent Tonya Polanluk and oarsman Jeremy Cope share aughter after a long hike above cemp. Tha canyon walls, some ol the doepest In the world rlse hundreds of feet above the rive,.

Sophi stication, language are keys to French travel

Pu,nk\l hi~b-hct'k\t shun rc\·talcJ

I.he: lutlrJe of a tyr,ic:-al ,bider Parv.WI 11'('.tnOg .mllJgbt lC)IOg putl1 The l&Ul A.-fll'.'CIL'd Off lhr scquiM ol her pmk, )kln·tJgllt blWlC-11nd llllLkhltiJ lkCONinJI)', ,he W(ltt hu~ 11111111• i,l)'lc. tnut.l;J'Mc:01 p.ial. sunglo,~ A• lhc "~lktJ bf c,1rT)'iDJ Lool, Vuiuoo ~. men ku,t tl>cir s.uc in htr (Olllidc:tlt uridie. The ~,poh11A\\omc11ofPWUff,Dl'V~rcau.,.lu wjlhoul U)'k from a nlllg:4111'~- Md ~l'l'DS up W Fttrn:b -1..1,1cbrd:i Clln h:: an 1mpoM11blc ""I... TillC nntnhk sn-e~11.w11)' 10 a 1U1iuoaltl)' ~tbc~~- TIie Frcout~.rJIAbt1Ur1t1ylc. imJ Alnt'fK\ll1h Ale all &POiit comJarL I oolJC<d l \\U '6ctinaom in 11Qhlk, w.-cinng bl>llcy "1dlC' ,bit.~. too,,r U11.\l.'!ll~c.fodie1 nnd a b«in, luirr.ayle- I rc:al.uw bow Atncti.:-111 I 'll1IJ lnlhot.'OOIJ:U).

boU.erou!t., huge bunb or l•u.gh1cr hc\¥1omoutnvJcJ(IL~ ht)ldc Pltl~" IU~,1)' t.)'\knl, the "'MCUl>, I lc:IIJUtd how flOlg)' I iroupo( Anw:rican 1ouriu., an be JUnOC1g quietly ~"((I Pln.\i.&n,. Our guide 1otd u, that Fn-.uch people doo•1 rundwtly wnlk LIAc ~i lifld 1h,oi IC Cllll be C:OO!i;ickl"cJ (0 ht n,wni •~sat someone. Trym,: to l/JOk lite• n111h·c. I 1,'0l\\lal'tly f'C'Ollk-v.·11"hcd 10 munk Ill)' \um>Uodi.J1~ Path 1-:tpcd int ~ntl.C m)·i.tlf.,1, ,n Amcric.w. Our #IUttnllC)UJ lifCYy)~ 1ft c,·.Jma "*.uft\1 tltc tin)·

meal. A 1.Jtcr t lop In Cll.lmC1. v.ilcrt lhc Canl\C'l him fc'-.IA\"al h held. f':Vtnkd the r,o,J, bfc\tylct OI Uw: wn.Jchy. wl,ot,t m.iU.ooodOIIM t«hnnlk.odthel~

Oliri"g an1,1kf v,·c:d:"1)11 I vtsncd fncrid.t, in Jkusy. Bc:lgwm. a. mett hour •"·:i.y trom bonkt cir Gtmwly 11 'tl.ato i uc.01t0n frotn my \iM:.aUon. mying in 4 home 4lsd guided b)' 1 """"'1 lldp <""Pl•""°'"""' l'mx,h and Engh.\h

Tna,clil)Jin Belgium \lrill\ bkctra\·chngblct

"'"''., :n The Janlln do Venialllet are ganlona that -cit 30 mllet behind Iha Polalt do Verullles.

King loult XVI llved In v 111H w~h Morie Antokiotte, and the cottage above wa• buln by Antoinette to f'OMfflbte a peaun1•1 home 11' the 1700s

I had 1hc- opporwnlly tn \tudy French thr~$11 E.utnn Wn.Ji.inst(ln li'n.hmJty', IWIWII wmnu:r 1n,ullllc ol 1ori:11n l1111au.\lC l'f"$Nlffl ~ttuJIC'd 111 fnuto.~ 'lhc,,quid:c%t wny I() tlc\.-onM: hltin1~l lt 1mnK'P10fl ~nth&.- C'Ulnft. bein, h,rocJ kl U'IC ,he am,Uolgl· UI t,lu..l)' A OiCC" put to lbc. (:WU pr,)JB1tt wa, t11ml1111UQW1nc.t cm.11~ whdi mm"lm lo about ll;\ NIC" ~n.lotet crcJ1u. TIIIC f(t\t Y.'Cclc a, JPC1M lcuurdy 1n Pan, '1t'hc:n: N.IC' Pn:u,h mwuch'lf "MMam1·• &um« Hcbc~t )C((J,op:uUod mt.•, am.I 11-= (!'llldwina W'tt w«b \\U'C '"~' l111c.niely J.ludyini:, f'ffllch in ('lt)' of N1,;e !J!m!Wllll«'d N«~-c), OD tilt fttncb Rlwiml In PrtMacc. dst iu.J, hnc M curdin.11 di..rcciliOl'l.1o, with \''1!,'Ule rqj.MJ le> •idc*Allo Ill pcJ,::strum."'onl) Car,. ,1nJ k4ll~f'\ l<J'l'.'Cd down IJ)e itttcb with JX."1'Wolco, tiont1t11 rrom rukhiog muwn,1~ C'•fc,. "'uh r,tio-~ylc ~u,111: ltne Qdcw,U,-.:, aod " tt Y.h.:tt.V('( 1maginubl~.~eutboup ~1caJ.We C)flf"O'lllt' A.lllt"nc:J'n\ \U/1-.I OUI In l~IJtS, oou,,tnc, b}' 1ht1rcompimatl' Ill public; y,c're 1<000 .ad

Yl1ya1u, 1m~a11 o.,uld do cu blend 1.11. facn when i ltied IO~p:)k Fmichln dochtng stotCJ.

lhcula""""' '91,lJllJd rctpOCld "' M1ndv Wolfrom English' l't4vtllng wi:lh • k,ur gn,up m P;u-n \\.Ill,• ~a, cu,h,on ,o bc:~in d,c oi:-.xt lb.rtt v.\."CbO( ,ntcnm'C'. fh~·~ fircn(h lllll~,u.-gc' MuJ)'

Alier .:a !nun udc: he:1,Jmg wuth co o.nt Ital)'. t

atn\·td ua Ni1.-c. aoothef l.2rrc dty in Ft,ut.,.-t. We autndrd ell•~~ d~lly, v.11h V.'Ct'kcnd, r~ !It O ~boc,I c;n!itlr(I l 'f,.r,;/t' /1tf(Nfj11't1111d llt

Fmt1fai.'f OaUl:s 1t.·~compmod.ot ffladtnl1, ftOffl around &t~ _,.l r'TC'sll;b tk.ume die oaly COlnll'nl bn1uag,c ~en 4,M.1ttl)' tbroo,tiouc cl~$ Wlcning aod ll:lind.JIUI}! fttocb (or !C"~'Ctl IIOW?, a day bcc:une rc:,.1 ~tcs4 oo 1bc ~o Wcdcct1cb bo:m1t m)' hiJltlight. It. few of lb hnmcl• t4U11.-d cbc fuoch ~i\.·1c" ou Frari«"• n11uon11.l 1"3lrdA). Jkur,/1~ Oil). We f.()nk ~,in. inc~\-C train,.1n,U) 1Jll lc.'llf.'IU md IOll}(~ ur t.hUcff'n, U)'lt<i "r ftcrKh cultun::, lricfudiftg JIJ~elqlli UI.C hlUC-COWIC

1n Iimo. Rolling cobt,Jc<;tone tlttte.\ tloWl'd inro \\tL,h~t tont IUkl bride~~ ldlln&/~l,t tffad, c:~ iu)d mc;aL Tiic ~- w;n lbU:illy OH!tcft&I wuh I'() dt')utic ('), I dttUJc. couunoo

"'C.Mher for 11lc Bclgi.llU'. For1he fitll rime an \l.ce~ I c:1\joycf.1 lhc lu,,nll)' ohil.tins; in 1hc p,t..\.\eogc:1 riidc "' u 'fo)'nta. wbMc coutt

h:\\'nkd lhc bc.allfuUy g1cco coua,ry<idc: o(


The dn~ Wil\ a l'.'lllliOl'll\l war ht)!ich\y (o, 8clgwrn. but It wouldn't tµv, piqued my ,nst-JC\t 1f my (n.;twll h!ldn'1 b\«I IMlUIV' d10 lnt.a!<lonulGcnnllll) lnWorkl Wu II. After 'ktuns • r!ltlnUfn(tll dcdtC'~tcd IQ Unrtcd

SMC> in BlulOgnc. I ft-II or p.,triOltJm

It ll1U1,'hod ffl)' hccn IU \CC how pmclul 8dg n people nttti> lhc Amctknn O I., lhnt relieved

BcJ.& o( lhth fuur-)'C:;U Gmnin ll(lllrCMkm

Btck 111 Ni.;-e. J finbhc:d tr1)' Im.a ..,ttk of

tW.J)1n; Fruids. m; uQdefflanJ1ng what I

1hoo&)u .,11, ,ll'ICe f~ocl1 nttbe. I 11'1\."()lnplw,«I

my tu.ll In Fr.mi:e of 111 le.1.~1h lc-nd(Oit i" w1tb

J.aniunt'"· When I h.a4 a i;ough. I «JUld &O 11no 111W :i..t r« awull,h ,yrupq11i

'lf/1'(/U' · Robttlb'om " I could COJll)'

Cotl\"l':nlillJ with a tlllCi\~ wbo helped me open up m)· hroi.cn1.i..,n:q,{rd, whm II ralfk!J. I ,u.\ it,k ro 1.-omioot\1cn1c 1hough1, *"" lika.c even lhw£,b J b.JJ Im Amt!J1can k.1.~ot lllJd 'flC:*C UI hmken Frt nch &r; I giunod oca:-pumcc m Fnim~nuc by rr..ttioft. bu! b) &n1n.9Ce:001ng 1ho


• • • • • • • TRAVEL
I ift.t Edi!or
a trawtl
Chef\11 Kub.111. Phonr. 7M,ll88. Fu: 769-3389. E-m.11if: Stontuwl~nlc fdu.

toen1c,c •,us held In

lla.m P'rct.idcnt M1~t:l Bin~

w1th hi,. ~count o( lunJ'1na II.I 1!11;~1,tJJl'fl"{la1,11«i-<:ly 1bc momc1•1 o( ,1,c. ,.,.,'O rttrhnct .illacb oo the WorklTradc Cenicdn New Yot1t. lle1,;s)d1h.,, intJ')' 1ngto t'Arbtin the 1TI13cd) IC> hll M:\'('n·)·ear•old diru.t,rhl<'r. wol'W tailed bim. 'ltbtwdto ~iaclhcm1r1U u(~l'OIMDC'Wbn t()Mtt\'l"d (If, pl.ini1l"C111nd C'Jtttlllcd 1bt11c1tor tem,mn1 wcall wa1chcdan TuCW,I)', 811,kc ,a.Ct "\Vcdnn'1w1nt k> adlnil lJ~t twman bclfti" 11tecar:1Mc of ~I.ICh nttoei.Uc1 -,:wn\l,.n bdn~. UnfottuJQlcly, lho.c 11'.DillClo are i~bJctofotgCI ,. \ 11" Bul.lA;d, P.:a, k1t of the! F'1ra1 ~lcrlllll Chm:h 1n CCICWd'Akne ,3.1J lhat he v.-a, mM'e,d hr watched monbd,, ul C11n1rc» 1a10 1o,selher1n Pl'i:YCf 10 • ,pi ril t1f oon·p;tt1l"'*111h1p.

l1II: &nt'\'lO, proce~, -~l. llllltff, ltOmlw, r~11J:a1100 lhm 1inuJ1y

bc,,Jmg w.u ~rnrtw,_,.1,oJ hv l inc.l,l Ma-hill C\'oCltd1nM•lf•fHca.l1h11nrJ \'1o'cllr.c1, lu, NI( .St,~ ,c 11,«d ~!udt11h 1~1 11...,·,i: SI! «111mc m,: ,en ICC\ 11".tll!Ahk aod tn ull.luc lhcm

The 11.iUur ur U1utv C11w h 1n Cocu1 d'Alene, MAnl~n 11-1,· 11Jhcl(h. lcd .,,,.JrvtJ 1n tt.c rrntt fl• {'Ntc 11nn

Thk J'fll)·cr 11,1.,c (Pfflld framed on Pre~ Fr.u1l.11n 0. Rooi1<i,,c:.h'i, Jl'd. ahf'r h1! died TilC 11r-.)ff m11cl\'d on 1h~ Inn· and light of (J<)J t, 01\lt.·J ,.,.1 d< of c.motaon Mucfllbach cri.,;.;,1.1~ ,11,Jenl:i 1t110 kt Dn)· ,hutth uJ r,l"",1y The mo l po;Cfll&nl 1rn;1mc I came lrunl llie 1lkkno 1hrnu.rl\'(' \1Jt;IIII Agne\\ ~UC1,J,('l.llhc l:-c.,ut)'lh;.111-«ill ,1111001 u,. •tulc Ane.•lhct \'4.1uni1 m 1,1 tall.;d ;1111JU1 M, 'Otn·hd 1t1 Ille" m1hlJar)· \\bn"~oll thCt:1llb,I Ctt KO!oll'VP. IIOC kfN-1WUll ho-c the) fflol)' he ,OJf)f "'Ox: real tT•imi) 1• w. he said Do no1 :ip.lthcnc Dul th(, ho1.1,ic"' , b'u11,:h1 tlnw11 by Rot,c,,n M.utmm. • hfac\ American •00 m,1,·ed here (ron, ~,1n 11.11:t K'I lk 11\Ut..JUc:t:t.l b1m~ll .-nd 1ouJhc•,11f'ln &he SIC ba--ke1bctU 1e11m Ht fonh 1n Gad ;i111J 1ho CUUflll(C 1n 111 wnnh .1unotd lhc c:ntlrc troop Ht- poke ut hi,. c:,t "'=ms• hlxk mim m !l.'OJ1h Ld.tha, ><'• how wtJrom,c lk' fttb lb, 01:ich. R)'IUl Ullltlet, wid he rlil}' •uh 1hr w:nr COClfflJC he ti,,"tl.l .-ir 1he r,r,,)cf mcctana It we 1."0IJlle 1oec1Jiu a1111 mil)._ we'd be Ji1ie. · M 1l11111.m I.till Thr&

Many Idaho Ar fear 'guilt by a

All die M~li frum 'b.~1 wcdc.'J>tllltact on

l.l'C WmJ fr.dcCrota IWk tJ,e Pt-nu,on lff

#Nin the Middle 1*I. J:JUftJ 1(ll'nC t.11i~ to find

ain,-on,:,W, ..\'Mu,llmdelic.:C',._~'ffl(l"JIOW

AttlfflCllM.EU,1kyl')'at,.,,iOC1;1b(lll Sc1f11111lt\'rli,c.SL1Cl..)011n:Rmcnl'lri"1t

t 11iatp.1 man:tll.'J m .a moiwp: w,wing

Ank!'nl:.m lli,~ ,nd }'Cllm,.NL11t •IIID,., bi

L)l'lnlll'Ui.,I. w.,.h •mc,,,que"'""\~11dalued

ll11.: 1..:,1111k; C'alld ol 8'.ttl(!c;IIICclcd ~,ltld:I) ,c;hi,oj ckJC fo.)Wl\::_n CiomJlp l!nl\CSUI) rcmntdallwsn,.,,fiJll\.'\.1~10thr~1uc .J orium~!'.ll".uirt,r,·.1nd.1livn

A for1ncr NJC l lu..bu aC f'abtmlllll ~r

-..d .,he V...JtttO d~ num .1,i_.. o(tcm:iri~m will Mnc ,1 tMl-i.1.1\h ,,t C:lliTIC:" J~IN Anh

t1rd Mu,hm ,mmaintticl. f<nr r\l tor lb.-

ti.J 'ty CM her f111ntly, lht> m.1~111"\1c)J IJIM lc

n,,n11.·111.1'h.-puhlr.JlcJ She ••ham In Pw~ pi1tt"11bmxl,pcaktl~ll.J\dc..-l)' lbougb~ r.itd MWim. q romi:(l(d 10 t.1in 11.anil > .in,J oow •!n....,<ie' hk.c m,,uy "''"'"" milk-Jr lOJ.. Ucrm.vrlC'd1WJ1cl)0;in•..xiin Anln'lal l!\'t"n "°1U1 adathunplc\inn. hc:t ethmol) "''ulJc.&MI,-· bt-oo,ulo,,l;c:d. • I h,wehe'\O' ba::n i~,Jof myheri1D1,'l'., tM,1,11.:,y. I lcnrhw lhc liilfCI)' uf myduldrm

,i.,...i ~he r,pl,.i-.'\t \he hal llC\tt p1e eu111' her \lo.1)' IO(k.1w,llitnll1JOIIOt11'11\\'ll Vf~1her cilm...: ~bu1 1,.afrn.tdi.h..11t1111hald1.h fiflli UUI ltllll. b.,•rc;hdffl ,in: Jtlffflllotmlllft

THI Nll\e di&)'" ago. Arnen, \\elc.11tieJ"'-C1lf('nnl' mnld, 11nd l..:arb ut Ame th;1,I mariy twn1 Arn llw;u:1Jw 1brdu.)'lhill .Resting
. ' Flreff9htere lnveS11g :uei from the ,oo r 109 of the Pen tagon near the Impact site i n Arflngton Va. The atttK!k d i d n ot cripple Its o pereUont lon g - • press conference w as held In 1he buildi ng that same doy Cour(ncy ff ro•n.
Non-denominational service emotio nal ~I L!nd> 8.U ,.., hi bonuror 1bcNlll1t1e11d D'.aylll 1¥.i.)Ct ntid Rcn)Cfnbs-.-incc. dccWnl b) Pre\hknJ ~Ilic W 8\bh,
side the nd na ot I.he Soulh Tower (Two World Trade C.nter) nreJf.ghl era l ook lnto the rubble of the Horth Tower (One World Trade
whJJo taking a btoak ftom
NIC prays for victims, • survivors
ian cmoornuJ l'PO·dc.nom1r1J111onal
the Sl1B i.
be C"t1lcd 1hc b\ulJtng It' a 1hundtrou, .tpf)l.4U!,,t" TJ lnEmu,. \0,/11 n. dnff't1m1l fr111t1 UM'° rro,on ltutbc.rl'<1rd. ~.LM Mark Bo~n ,1 17 "'-'-kn.tnQ """" .. ,, .Miu " id 89flEMiO Paul \ffl r~. :..'&Or.11!!:lnQ
Students, stuff co ndemn hate I!) C'ht',:YI Kub•l1 ' ilAoA1i.h1"-~l,-.m.,..:,d~lhrt.lLl LL..hod11u11.J 1\n.-~ 1..-c Y\ui.. lb: lb""ilib Wi:k,:1.:ucuc huiu l'*'fn \hey ClfflC' tn,m (ll'h(·1 An11."flti.ltl.

11ic IXf!namy fdl Iha hng ot 1hr N I lllot' Ne• Yort;. Sc«k E.,cti..ngc. ,1 bltld: ~v.ay fmm ,,1llmd u 1<1, clotedlll'ld V.&.\n'11oopc111.1mll MoncL,y. C1mldt·fll~"$Cfn.ld. the l.1tSCll bol\LI tndi:t1,: fittn H\ dk" wm~. tt,i;JlkJ In Ooot,. IOI to\ ~1t 1ht Noc-111 fou.w \Oo tht: .art<1,;k, aJI 100,nf their CCflliic1)«'1 IXCUJ' tlJ<t \\1(" 'M''I\:. IIU I

poof'k •"" f Pf'ttJ f•~ find l • bu, rout~ •'ctC" c;ll~ blk'rtalruntm fld P'lrtJffl C\'(nl, ~rlt' .sho

On Frida7. Amnic11 Mnpprt.l rnr lhc N.!tiu1W Dit.) uf fni)'Ct 111-t lkmcmhnincc IO 'lloC ..::ouJd ,ncvc. Sow, ~dent Cic(q,: W. Bu,h 11 atlm,: for.- mun, 10 l'IOl1r\aky

New York's not that far away

Students feel paLrioLic after last week's Lragic events


Sludci t Po.Irick 8wJlf!.·• fund,,, niommi.,: t.JnC'd C'>II \\llhdi,ewonl,b(hl 111,,chc, '"Oh m) Cod' Oh. n.1y g.:>\l' The)· JU~11,c.m1JN 1hc: llrl4 IOWt'l',.., Rfll,bii ri:c.,llirJ h1, 1notu ~~1ni: &\ be 10,•~r.1ie11v.,,tieJ 1a,c,\i.a1,.h1hC'\\,,1JJ rt.Ide

C'cntttcuU~ Jc UU)'lftKhl•f11CU\NlCIUI da,,:•Ul!~heunt'('

CfC'\', up IP

M.1Jt) 11uJcn11 htc Bcrktl~"w,,kt T11~,.Sq,t. l l.b11tn

\clqloonc c.111, frocn (ncndli nJ ran:nly mcmb,,::C'4. (>then 11,l)1iJ

(1111 v.fll;u lhq ,iaJ HIIU ll&iL a: d91U!'fl. tO('lf!\ xrui,

M*fl.t"1Ltnn1t1nbnnnra,f'C(lr1ki; Pf!lflJtfllit•la llO~I QI)'

~nuns bulldlog

1....tDI v,o:l'1 Client\ b,:1\c Jal twJcnt, 10 _Jt'lln iotdh('f .n.l

d1w;u>;.1hc 11,,uc" 11nolvm11: tti,: n. uma III Sew Yort,

~TI~)h.ut1.a lJ'IJ .-1 the 1~cnl.1!J('n 1mm"nopeu Juromtu-1 tt

mterf.lllth Sfl)g mixhne 1,lhck-nl\ hamkl.l klfclhn' 10

then (Uppon for lls.: ""linu 1'il II PilllL1t1' l ¥.~U\.I l.(:mlf1 t


Oibc:11'11t1k111, hkc,T1.cbm~ky, .?(• wllnJ""' Yp m

8rookl)'n sail.I hh fadia J~"'tlhed 1he- ,,t~! lb - ~(l'f'k

runnn:11: .uour1dlak.ew,ld,·" :tinds:;1d ii""' CC1111rtc1e\.0 A~h1n\le) ho,fo'1 tc,d hu1111 tut f.w.btt llhtd a.m.

\\ r:dll6<1.:a~

"It 1,t,,v.1be fit\11111,v 111 my lilt' tlUll 1c,crhc.udn:.\lcunccm

Uil nl\ IIUIC'r'o. ,-olcc • fhbi11\lL"\' 1,11c1 H,: -.i1J bl, l.llbnWtlUIJ

l"'T'C'.;..hi1iurlf~yint· nic>·~~1n"1nisc"' YutL"'

•• Al\!1tc,l1-.h1no.k)'MJBr111l1g 1l.e1..uU..f",lf1tcPllh \\uskl

Tt*Cc:n1n-', (WJ11 h1wn'>d1J&b1n1) a ,,-mbol of~cw York

linericans sia tion'

Fn1:h1n,k~ Jc 11(.nbcd d,e nim 10\\1:n a" hi:1nt 10 New Y1.11k •• the S1 tuc ol l.Jbttt) N to Amrnca To l:krxbg, Y.hull\c.J?Omtlll'• fl't'fl11l1111 tilt. the ~.,.,.,n 111v. M\li"C"R"thc11pc~nof

Se\llt YorL tr~ o,J.idhc

,ootd 11:utt'mbcr gc'llna w

tJ.e11\illl11.1 • kiJantt

l•X1luo1 up 1111he: ttiv,cn

"!110 lcmger beta/II(' u New Yorkt'r at that point i11 lfm< -J truly beramt•,011 Amttrican."

Ju.luu FL<oehimJc:y

;u1J 1.htnkin1-lh~ \\cnt ua fore\·n, Tu 8cnd1,1, llic Wnrld trade c.·c.,,ic, "'ia.,•t.11,....r1ofh11 life: .\1y honic v..-,do11,1~at n,y rnanunc aregooe! DU~."bi! wd

ll nJJJ"1fauuly111Nt'lA Yodmm<11 110l1.llcb.111

111lrttt1"1hcr m Bndltn M1J il4 unck v. hu wo1lcd for

1t1 ·f>llOl'lc contpan)' ulu«1cd ocx.110 lhC' World Ttlldc Ccata

ll11cotul1n.2~cap...and htt"Og.btcrt, Jnd be 11.aW 1w h.hrtoidc.J

ho"' 1bcy'rc Joinx. 8cr!dla wd hi~ f.irod)' I, rtall) ~,med nbolu 1ho::n1 lbet\."fflh hav-c maJc Hcnd.ia; nmo.i ;1J,d dcJl".,°IC'J '1 can·c ,cl my nund ,1Ct or II It'• ,tff"«1cJ v.ho I run J 'Ahrn 6'.:nd1• lcll Nt\\ Yoct la 1994. hr lcfl after 1hc t\flC'liC'UCC {mmd)I' 11,,., tctnw'l\t bnmhi1t1or Ilk' \Vor1d fol.le

(\·n1n ii' 191),\ tncompanwn, 11-! twoc\"ffll~ ntt JiffCf'tnl to OcnJi,. Only a fillh-pk, al 1he u,nc-, Bendig ,aid v.·IH"n lhe

'wttdd T.-.Jt: Ccnt,,:r w;" bombed and woh""IOOd lhc. unp.i..1, 11 r.howc-J 111.1111,e bul11 lm1:1 wt:n:: Jurueof r.uunio:,t. fie said tt WM like ltrrornt" could try 10 t,omti 1hc Tr.lJc Ccnrc. t,,ut ""'" II Ill.'\« Jodo•Ar1." Wi1blhchYwrncotl~.11 bruu.11;h1 a "14:o!Jy Jdl~WI f~.- ~r..·unlin, 10 Bmd,i, In QJITlpmtlf lhr

1kndiR uJneryont h,h bccfl r~II) \UJ'POtlt\·~ and 1ol1el1'1 To Fi,h1n,k:), lhc und4."•'ltw,dui,of c,,'Cnl tw hrlped b11n rc,,,~11t b1mw:U ,a AmMain He 1ald 1b.t1 wbm 11C' w;1.llu~J inlo 1hc SUD. wh.,c,h l.t l'IOmlll.lJy k1uJ. d w11.1 JlntMI (ilC'l\t Iii:: ~11,J 1h.11 be had nc,"C'r undC:r•ruoJ v.h.11 ~I and ramil)· tnwc lried to 1cac.:h him ol"OUI bani Wl Ank'ricwa unlJI he walked mt,.. Ibe SU6 WC "'Ille: \.'ti} l)Ung I felt 111 ffl)' bc--..n -*>UI ffl) t4lba'. &lld lbc ptt,(llc dul I l.110" ~nd la,·cll"th•ll lhc-.c-pcc,rlcfr11 lhtumr v.-aytbCYid.

H-: ,~d 1h,11 mr""I or 1hcpcopl< in the SUB v.--crc jlJll) ntilt\ i 11) frtteti n pla,;c Jtlr)' n~y ha,~ ocvcr ~n. but it UIU fuiJ the w11t ,m,~I ,1 b.111 (Jfl hun '"IM lOll,Jltf b«Anu: • NC\\ Y\'lrtc, 111 pmnt in umc -1 aul)' hcamc ,u~ AJUrO..::~'" he ,.1 Bc1idigaii.!Fhetum1c-y~1dtf1ey \\an1c-d1u,l1C1J (or IP. 1 nf,nwnL '1'bcc; 1.ilkd ltlrn.Ylll Cl\'ih.1n~ al)d Wlli:;C\I tbc loc.>lc Of wm:m~ru. Btotltr <w11J "'Ftr:o.t 1t~w1 '01\"t U\ 11ohid we w11n1 an'1 "'''U let J'l.'llff rcork gn,' but no,.,.., u • '01VC1 us whlil .,..c: w,111tancllhty'lldtc:llnY"''il)' '"

Bf'nd1g, a,d be tuc.v,. wh111 point cbc- 1.enunu.~ wt10 1~ 111g co

m.aM" "'·1tht,u11an)' •w\h. -u 'ACC:Ant~ i.,upc"t-plY,:erdOYin With boxk.n1vt"" wbM

c.:m "'~ du 11o 11.b md1l<llf)' ftlR'c "' be ,..tid hsdun>lcywd lhnl thc-ui:r11, didn ·1 ju,1 1Hcc1 Ulie people: who t.UccJ. tiut lll'IO altcdtd 1he pmj\l<! who arc leh

f"1"('.11 dc\(JOt Chri•liM, llfVUcd by Rym,: 1h11

1i:1nhu11t1n for the il\'(I\ •'11.h pml"'1tn(1i1 b)' de.uh It. not out or \'C:rtgcan«. bu1 ..amctJun.g ~110. co~•kll.'ly Ju"dicd ~{tct lhc

c:v( h••krtk( t.,-.i v,t,rl; II w.n 1hc \'ff) rrna rime in m) ltfo,"' be t.1kl. "whi:rc I ~ould ,u,t1fy >.llhn,: t,mDtrlf~•

-----------------------.;_T>E=-=SE- P-8 &7 luWIIPto-ifr ~e9'1111 Speech tn11ructor Mona Kllng&r comron• a student While watching news of lho on America In Boswell Han a tldl"('necniblc t11h1 liar, •.IN d,'l!elhttt \lilll tlt-<'trh«I tn the' 11 ,.OPW(h1.:b~dd-.11Wc 1111 »rm11i:re \bU and Nlirrinr al"-> h.dtf.",J Ativ t, s. nU11il bdfl& M-"1.'11 ttll{)ltc 1han 6CX1 mil· v. u Jiel11.~eJ. Pl• r.l, fc..lE,\ an.f UPS iLlnnllll pd-sc;; wc:rclorttd IO ht 1h1rrect hy trurk mu!k l,d talk felt• few Ja.) J'-or th.- fll'\l lltfll; lllllCC 0-011)", \1~ l.c;iij:~ fb>w:t'lilll pn'lt'4 WC'.tc canc:cku. rn adc.1111->1~ die ~ond v.eclr nf NR. gmri¢1. NCM 1ao"°"- l""tj or dK- l'OA Tour ,1&1NlC Women's Vulleyb.,111.\ett f'O'lpor.eJ m cmcc.k'tl. N)r the ru,.111mo ,n Amcn~n edr 1D11 IOffll."
C.;1t1.:idJAfl 1U1p(lfb
" 1<1
P.-,dJ'OCW'd The E!mitty l\"'1U~ w,d Llbn Grlnuny Awudt f!UI ou ' Pttm,rr WC'dM for m11oy c1flh1: 11'1\rlf nc1.,.,,,rb",1' J.ll~turtc,.dtrtith non.1.1arnc~\~1~c1.igc aflhe Amcri..:iL Will flt,\'\'f f.ortn \v!~I la,, woet. Our li,tt.hA~ di.1n s:~ hu.1 the) ,ull gocJn. Fu die ,l'!OIJ'it)' Ml! •lllbiht)' oJ nm 11nly 1hr Uni~ St.11C"'i liul n1uc:h vt the Yi·urld,. v.c tutM 1novln, .iipln ,,ric fmlibc:1 lo trot mo, IQf \ 11,. 1n,-un..lo11 dw aUMJ._,, -'fJn) r.nllll tuuons c~ form:i11, rmitl bt JMh Sludor,anEci.:o,
_. __
I ,t 0, Tony Srawart. poUUcal sclenc:e Instructor. diSCUUM ethlcal ls.sues lo give s1uden1.1 a chance 10 voice lhcrit oplnJons at an 1ttack mponN fo,um.

Theater challenges actress with role

Pineapple dessert highlights one-woman play by J.ana Oa\icbon

S1-1wiitr In lhc ls«b.. or,c ot Amcrla'11

mOM. ran.....n rtffl* pow Emil)'

DklinliOCI. who )ptDI mMt of her Ilk

In lhc sollwde <ti het home 1n Amhcl')l, M!bs. She Wl'Ol4- 1,n II ooa

tNd,i.lonaJ way 1)1.d .1l lJ,c lune 'All

a,iai:lfcdandl?J'-'.-ted ·roda)'. Jlet

odmit<Jo"4pop,lat. The -Belle mAmhcN." ,w1,..., h1

w,uwn Luce," a pl•) "" tbc-

n1jngt. MIJ hfc(l( OICbBklG. Set ln

lt8J, lhl'i inlct\'ICVHl)'Jc pl.ij h.


Oic-k,t1",0l1 nn llic 111.qc <i.uinJ b<llh

""/ur.11«" tf&llllt11• tbc actm.t \l."ho

mctno1V«t the 90-mimatc: rL..). Hsiun


Rand;. pt'Qduett. u.1d &be'• ob.le

'° pcsform 1lu, role and" wi..11 be

"'iOmcWn, lk1llllllWQ1 rar {brr)"

ll.utut.alheiltcc njor.WMlnlhroe

pi.y, i... )"" Sh< pla)'td , 70·>=

old 'l''OITl;an m ··A Motnh 1n the

Counuy," • Nind lo\'tmtan In "V<*C1>I

I.hie Pninc" wa., a \tt(c \l.·ho

bkkcrtd '4·ith hcr-hlllhat.l a i1o1

m 1hc-cucncd> "S) IVIA.

Rki<l< uicl ho and l« JO(<JC,y. ill<

di1n:klf,l'Odlla-l H..wwnt, ·1.00·11f\i11Cd 1111d talcrlttd'" 4od 1Ju1 ~'lldol)t«lt!J~(,(pt,nb:)IP. l)\,m JIOPhycntcl'tJ 1hc NIC tla~r~nt 1'1110 )'C'&lt •JtO \\lllt'll Rarick WllS k:mpnnanl> l.ll\lltik k.l

ICll:h fft nctW lCIIChcc ~h >fld lhc.attt:atNICII.Ddwort,a11.bc:

SP!)boc Ct'ICMllm1J)' C<'lkJc Rarick u.lJ th;M dti1 pla)·. bdng

hclJ 1r1 mt" Stude111 l.?nicin 11'1111.Jinr

R'dltt ,twi ,n Ole dic-Jii.rr. lo\' be a chnllcn~'" j<)f the 1bc:i.1n


Elcq,t for11tl\«l.l\lll#, rc!Jd11C1ft¥

.w.l ~Wla, 'ill!J...'1tu run die .bu"

~tudolt, C1k-rfl Kut-an. Gtrol R~-

PJO'l'C, Jot v,1~1. .JW.ic Row: ~ltid,\1.ay and Ab Sh111i= arc hc1p1.111 In lhi1 PfOC*:11c1C1 Srudc:ni, utt"'lhc-pctlf'IC.tJu! M.11kCith.1f!P:11" 11m,rdh1s t() Ranck. lbc ~odlc of Amhc:r.i~ is a~w.rt IJa,c.t(l"f Mln111$, $q,C. 27. lH and 29 .,..itht9'C«.1.c1111nddc$ M:!'Yi.d~ lncer-rm.u.100 Ovc- kl 1be. lht111Cd ~u( 1l'froo111,0ffl> 1,.:,r,ei.,p1e a111:ii<le<1d1 mJtit T~kc:1,. mu,t be: hQuc.h1 pf"IOJ &o Sert 26 m tho &o.:•..:111-11111 hox afr,cx. 'lll1tboo ~•lk·lf'l.l•IJQ'l.·cd IKb:bf<tt\fuJctlh aoo r., ,stty"" $.S auJ i10 f•ir~"l'lll

Tres tl e Creek Review speaks with new voices

Students. faculty receive prizes

b) Rhf'ma Marumoto

~lf'MllO, 'Ille f'M,\klll o( mittd.

tpClk:tn,g wilh the v.ind Md

though~ oi wondroo11 p!liOCI iOmC ur 1hi: thlnp )utl!II

ialcnl$ o.rccomins forth \lr"lth

ma new a:1 of "'"ti.It#

l\ic Treult Crttk Re'"lC'W.


blot.:\Offll.l\& mlo ih 19\h )'car

E,t1bhJhcd by 1~~rChad

tl.m~r m l9.&2.. lbc T,'nUe

Creek R.cvkw ~' come a

lt1Qg ""-Y w,lh Ille b1crwkJgc

,If t»t Re•u:w cd:llut, O.ala

Fillgrnald Muc:ncb

The Trntlc Crttk Rcvit\lr-

fcMum •·ritl.q •bd 111twork. hvm Ill wn COWlU)' anJ "drum« ,ubmiw~• rmm NIC ,.u.ff. ,~1~ and tbc pubhe. Suhmj,.,<,io,1, ;1.1t ""'<!)C(<IJan I <oM.t<h I .,,,1"11-r1u·-r,.gem1urn111n Poc-1,y.Ct>"'"rl(;1,oo 1Dd wu1k.t coo,pnwtioM,o c:umpli.."J O( Yr-ti.II C<An tic, w.lbttullc.d Furthc:Sprutf.2001 ltc'"·1i:v,. ,:napl1~-. 01vld Clc:n'IOll,,crc.rtcd a c.'UC1q,c:tlhun k, cJnJsa die" Tl'c:$lkCtcd: RnKW f,O.ccn rroi,ow., ,, prucrit<J w the c:dirol'W bolrd and At.W Ral.l.lnl 'OtaJ dlOkn 1ode,iitn 1lit:Srt1M.~ltW1lon.. The (d.110.UI bc».N 1, ~1mpc:ued of \Wdalb who

U.k.c Trntk {b:,ek; Rcv..:w lb 11cta A11c:J.ttt1rtadlo "'hi le iJ,c 5'Uikrlt1 nict tJliC' dm.

II'• 11 wry bcilll11ful l11,-tiu1 tnd ~Jt'I di11t1.b IO 011,·,d Ckrut1n,.-.l,'0Jllu1g10 MU('IK;b. She- dnctibcJ Otmoiu o, "o. wBlp,t far ,tu~b.·m who haJ partlclJ"t<d" M111.-nch~&bc:J'rndir

Cm:k Rc,·IN' rnwMD, \lmquc c,pponuml) for p«'lf)k tu rc.t )'1'11111 laalt

"II .a.u,, , u, 10 ~-, ukn1 1.roboll~p,cu.lUi c.!$~lithr..'l.l~t111,.TK11dl)CVt \"\'Ike,; Thc'lici.U..-Cnicl. R.tov.ew rqlft-\Cnh Jwi:,,1t~ tJf p:o,pl~·, 1 klllJ.." MU<'ll(lh ...

TIIC' SpnQ$. 2001 cdioon ,oowlll'.d aboot :\00 l&lbn,L,\.i11n11 (mm people Ill U'l"t'fdl.:cnmtt).Pnl.t.1'1',tl'e itlVCn fo( U)CI b,"'4 l1trni.t)· wbmwit1h) wluch "''ffl: J\I.Jgt:Joncn:.a11v11y.


• )100 ti~I pbtt llqilVi(!ll'Witl1011I '\"4111 S5°'M:IW«lt.lpla Mlk:c CMalaoo '"JOllme')' into die Sh.ion , $!! th1tll plocc Tltnoch)' fl'll p un Do11 ritd10 Kb)l1J(I


Ga thering in City Park offers weekly night ofAfrican drumming by Oonaae

....... Atuund 11·"ti) oo \fon,.tllyt\'Cl')lng.., .ift ,!,...,~ ttit\il t,c11

Carnet from v.,s1 ,id( ,;aC" Cit) P.atk '"boom-~ bt,c,m..,..

bown-b,I boom E\'Ct)' MOlld;1.)'c,cu1n1 a ¢\iup(,J( d.rutome,Y.

hAYC g,tbcRd "'1lh Atncan drnin't <".illcd d,cmt-.;1 tn torm a dn.1m

cuclc ''In 1he bct,tnnm, u "'"~ n:allr11m1n. QllC .11!>111(icomn11.1nh:., m~oh-cmcnt. ~ll)' juu fnmd~ dnunrniq in Ille p;arl(; Jal'N

Pcuontc. w .dud,cJ AlriciLtl dn.tfflllllltt .uv.l h H been pb.yu,J

((If 1hrtt ind• half ye.a,,., uld Nowr,'Cl)'wcd Wtt0: 1,cv. h1tt11anJ fiut11l1C$t'ntQ)lfll

time dt•mf .;omcthtnit tc>~l!)cr :i, J; v.holc ,mJ cre11unc 11lc Sft'111 lhtnf lllloel lhc df'urnt.irtlcs II C\'V)Ol'le I• 'll-rk1XJK. trorn NW i.tuJ.r.,-. \t') '<ttkir t'1111cn.~ SIC "'u.Ji:111

Onffen nllCcJ


·J aod i.trummrn 11~ (.SC Tbt~ ii 11IW•)" the ora.on ot IM\'mg lll\ld.:-, ho1 the: fll \'9l,lhl) D( IIIU\'19'1[ 11\lbri ruuJJ d111agc 1hr f~ 1opttit u( lhc c,·cnt CALENDAR • 'l'hir BdJr of Ambn,t" "ffic, i.te,~ thNlt'r -.,11 he bdJ Sq,! 27. dlruu!lh ScpL 19, j11 the Like Cocut d'Alr1ac Rot•tn ,1t lhc Sl,;8 Cot.I. ~1udrt11 S.S. IC')CraJ,10a1thcff.n..\ll-cllf10'.\ 0fl1(1C. Al.hanccJ on1" • ffl•i•m \1"1tk Bnao · Brw.JN"Mdwdl pafonn~l 7 rm fridl) , 0.L IY. lo ill< .i 11llll AA'm" 1hc: sua •CuJl:irb4. ErkL·lbtrtw gu,1.anti w111 J!IO.~ nrion l.t)(by the. SlJ8 • "COM Fa.I\ Tutre-"' na h•h c,pcn will~ tic.I.I Ip tn WC®<'~y. Ser• 2ti, nl 1hc C"C*l!S:':. Sl5. &r:udcnh iU. • ()pt-n •.:duni.tlon .Th( t<Ao clhlt• 'Adi begin OcL IJ 111bc WnrtfoM TriUftiO., Ceritcf Coone ICCA an: S!S l.o.fonMtwn 7fA-"'44

THl SrMTML PAG£ 8 ..s2 l assie's weekly salcl/'Ywas -=
c5 • • • • • • • A RTS E r\.& NTERTAINMENT W~E'-l'IA.Y, St:!tt. 1~. \ ,
$5,980-in 1950.
Drumm ftrS oat her to learn and play Atrtcan boats that ate laughl by Jarad Person.,, fourth from right.
',1,·1\11 ~11ont)'hedeM.~a•.i1.',.:c," VtPoe111, t.&id YO\* on ICC II Sol 11( ptq)li= tllJO)ll'lj llw;n~chb 11111J .II \1.t1utCt
111mg pcc,plc 'lltw IIJ'( lhinkin.gof Mopr!U'IJ b; JiouJd rnncmN', ,1,. li04 ll&I 1it11mmcd,." C,rd1<11 '-'!Id -~ prork d~"C.,c,mcju1,1 \i.UI ltll.lpb) 1u1r.11r I l)n'Wwudlydonl tui,c aJrum.bui wmcof ll.eJroim1.en hnc:t1111'1~1 mcaloL"
The- fine 1\lto s-iil~nttp. (1t1h~ c1~lt11 dad anr11Ce a linlc he'!Ufl\c: •lh'IIOOQ from 1hr S-,lili."e- AIIJIOO)!h lh;at d1dt1'1 , top the Jn"Ur (min lbrnt.r 11mc 111,y N 1unnlnJ 1U. One rnlbkm 1bc,Ctttleaet"' (i1Ct'1i.ciool •-uthtr Wbllc many putil ip,.nu hep= to 1.·onhl'll.llll Ulll lhe eoot fall '!\Ollhcr may fl(l( autat.1 t~k and 1hc cnJ

omen share common goal

Individual talent takes backseat to ream togetherness

'SamCllmtroo --

tttlChl c:t.f'('l."thcadc1•h lllll itllC'r CO '8) tamethU'I frl<'f'C Oblld •lttt hU Cmluutl 111.~·• M>ttCt 1;,ct die Cuuunumty C'D(k!j<:!f of r-..m,01,1Spobft<F,,11, IJ'C'olkg,:o>u u"'*O,y

iu ml.ll..h as M'A· he uuJ 11. Dcb1DJ lo\ bo-hwn i(alCIOc."'Ot \\a,, I huge: l1•ll~"'eJ h)' .a \\amtnt,

t' did -·ell and 1he) dtdtl'I MX"

pl 1\ll~;~~·,::f:a,1ht11hknvrnr

,w,cr, l,ron1 Lhc )~.Jr'• 16-4-:? ~uad

WQC one. 8,3ff'IC \hon "'co:rrunn,: lbc

'J \ltirtlttUd k~b). de(c.".Udcr c.,.,i<' An&dUt

l'llkiJ qu.dnccfhlanJ rl)f1,l,d.fd Mepri

\11Jl™n¢d MCL) JOlh the i,.:\'Cft otl:u·r

n:ram1n,: pl14~~-n. Eik·fflrnll('f uid lht· 1 ,:itl'I

v.,U be '"°"' wcll·tourkk."J dun c:,·..:r.

Mlrw1 tbt-1htrt. 1ht \ti't1fl:1Cll up,ennl tbt

toun1-1u1cn1 v.ilh 1, Spc:,bUl(t

Ci-1mmucury(.'c~llc.,"C f-" Jc,.,.,a,J Uul'II than·C')· l'l('w:d 1hcc,ol)' 1(111. v,.hik ~turning gUIIIIM:C'pcr Sett"1111 Pnrumcr ,orpcd au foe \M r!l«d The: oc.1tl doJ. tbt' C..ct\h poundcJ Hr,:blinc Commt&M)· Cnlkic lfl-CJ Hffl'I.I)' ltd 1hr

"'•)' lmprt:\.ii\'d)", 'ICOOOS ICJUt $.Oii, 111 hrt.a.k CllflnCJI l.ohrl' M:hool ff4l.'RI "' lh<OO In ....


¥"""' llack ..., Hoitt """'1 .. :S IC

''011rla/,•11ti.<11dl mix~d. Nt> ont OUl.fhilltS llll.\'0111' dt~!"

Cli,lhhPl Sooth\hZ'1 Oregon Cornm,uut)'

COlk1:t 2{>.l, Pri1Ml(r'8.vcd 11JI thoU tm U1c wa)l lO a towna:1nmt ,but..,ul 1"1,c,1.11\ntr«l

c:.trllai MOit VahW,k Defender

"E,cr,,-body"t cmlN.• Knttcd

Uld. '"Ourri,nc" k,d 11 '*'AY Ill' anJ1tich1UI11,uocn1 h.1:- Jhffl m II lo ,c. uf


lllo\t\'C)'Will u.uucd Ml'llll \'.;!lllahlt'

ForWatiJ ,i\ v.cll .u \1<>&1 Vabuh-k Pl11~\"t

"1°WO IJting J(d CO h(/ ,uc(\."'\$.,

F1..c-Nmlt'( ~t '!\hcmJJ.: Jlf"C31rtUU wi1bout the b.tU. 11d 1hc S:•'lt Jft"id p.,1.~ t<i 1tlhu11p fomint 11.u,,c)· ,i.- n1nt1 fn:·.Vnncn plA)'tn

,JcJ.inr ~th hJ the CuJ.mAI hncur. Kim (..'on1~ Jl<'I Wltll· IUnc.' Ill gntl OJld will r,on,,C. Pnmttl(>r "'"i1h ttll. llckn~i,c pla)"Cn \cl,;on, .MIi~ T)ng, \fcpo ll"IKk 111W Slo('Jlblarik Aa'lhn will hod up 1hc ,s1rhng ddc:ritc.. Ja)! R~h. \1.111.11 Jnhn;un 1md Cau:k l D\\·~ ...,;11 l'C Cll#t In maL\!'run.,ullait.1h'I) "'\1,'~ \'C fi.11 murt'()';CDff .,kill Ul,1,n~c:·,-e t\""fh.aJ. Luctl.,tn1~M1J. -Our1rcntn1 llr(!nfth b "'* hani .,..,r.d: h,,es.hitt

Knt.11"'\ • •.a6 m:J

•lJur t..tli1.t11 l!l wl•ll m1WIJ • \hi: wal • No OIIC wt.thina ,lll)'Ofl(l 1:bc Sht kai.h the Mft!Up ul 1duui~·1111J .l!I All !\WA~CC,kkudtr. iuld1tJl'ml."dh)' AU SW,\AC'C nuJhddtr Bc..:k llof!l 'WIII rby key n,kuffrnJwl)'

Prlountt •·di t,c lbt: pcmwy ,011lktp:r f1.-,-:b.m1 zmJ K:i.lic ft.upcn rut.ll'IJ.uut

'"' CM\lm.11 (t!IC.Uot' \1t.-""ttd:.ih Wh1lt"nun

•MIi S'ft'Hd'C Jtkn'I\ I! ~upport

1\-oplc "·1ll

aktnt, Je,\lin, dcvA:..lahntt blO\\\ tL1 <Mtt•ppc:titt· \\'Mh(r 8.ury 80Ckh. Neilk \l.u\. ~k<.iwm·~ t.1n¥1c hon.c ron rttOl'd o1 10 ot o(lt docf.(1'1 mlllttr, The same h.111 c-hanj(J Rcrtic:mbn bl I II """\ • rmgal l'lumkf h w~ un1c11,1c,h,1Mc For '7 )"CUI .,.c IJW'\~Led llt 1ta 1lot) Uk-n cit.Jnc \kOwirc ,ind So.a. They tM pa,t it mdthcnail(Wl >wd1hcm h..-.r fut.atl),uu:r haoct haJ come 8u1 t.b.;11 wa• ,-a •.:o. II .«r111 unJittinc llw 70 .J10uld buckle iO IIOOfl h lhr111ld he 1.ohJ 0i,n·1 "'- •II 1un1 Jlnothcr 30 )'C'II'\ kl hope .mJ v.·hh't lt'1j1.111 flCI .tl~licltiQJ The home- run r,to\ 1dM ES~ "'11h •n C!a.,y h•Jhllvl.t reel. ri~kinJ cut 1my ,1fthc ru1hf, i.o--40 hnme rum ..S loUJII# them with t1rint die'~. ll!J\\' t'\cll.N arc )'Ou ""-bat )"-'U bi:111 Ou-,, .\icKtndr) P) ·•Jo\C a hulc Cru,b" f(W the lhlnf 11111c an" fflOw'l HII\\ •b®t Sru.trt Scau' 'Boo Yab''""1br:wncdung gca (ur lbd, Ea\len·, 'lie 1,,u 11 1..n·, 11)(1l.11Yta)' fmm the btit bot-, c.11.,01n1 70 and lool .u 10~~, theU1tlep)'1. II°" :ihoul Ottt ~-! IJ;ut'Q 11 ll«ml n1h1 hi:: bfnkc fh,1px,, lforn,h)", Wr h,11"E l'\lffl \'~ • k'«lnd h11'1t"ffl.Jn He lool1 lik< hc:'1101n5 t,1 fall "°"n.Jr -.w1np td h.srJ. But 1t1ll. be', hukias Brei Duune • Cowr.1n• hun 111 tlocmh), A1kl then: un·, a romp1111~ "" ahol.11 Sha\\--n Gtccn brcu:in11, Duke $nkkt' anJ Gll1)' SbcflirlJ" lti, AngeIn Dodien ICllll rt..·(11\l of.1 l" Sha\l.n Gtcc11 it I l.:c-k of• ~a)U, htJt comrnml to Snldtr in hi, day. he",.- AM pl11~r I thntk 11'• l1m<!' ~,: tat\t:1hcrbda',mounda fC"' 1octic,., ffl()\,'¢ 1hc: (cnoct t»ck 15 fed iind ,10p lc.1t.in1 playm we b.ib \'.Ith the tn,ho( banth, hollowed 001 °"""\C t,,1, .Ji..l'.1ld t,c, illegal JU"' like c:«~cd Cll'lc:"1 bxau\C they 1C1.'(lll'tf'lill'I ahc:. umc v.,:ighlW,1nbubnt1 <:b.u)p: E\'CU ._.{)fl(' , v.ohi,-..11h11,.,n110 tlrill mto lhr twn:I. 1hc- Iv.I kttpl the amc mt.c:gnt) Somnhifttl 1\ll't rlti-ht. Ytli<'P \\C will bJ,e 11wn: t.-J-horntt JUY' in lb.: r11.- , lour )' ll,nn ',I.~· .SO-tK!fnc..Tgll)I trnt11 1w.1.q.a \Vho1t l'mre:illyttyi~1o),i:,1y l'lttri1thal li.too·twani M) kidJ tug~ up IJolmnc tll.fecr l-iO btucP. ,.,.ho M'.llncbr:l''i' 1op 10 111-mne hi.•mic run,:uy,. h's JU~I wroog.. I h,'f'C'. gni.v1I)· ffl\JJn, h) oO! .t11ii1l1tlfll1 nncl bnn~".l th~ JU)"' lw,mc run 1cul~t,.,..k to li.ut.b

~Adventures abound with Outdoor Pursuits

Out\lc)('lr PURUIU 01'1 (Irr 11,1\ C:M:llfC Imm 1hc ell) and I l>rcath t,I (rt,h •ir. Schafuks can he rou11J m 1hc f.u &:<>racr ot 1hr a, tiMJCn in lhc S1uJc111 l:nioo hu.1ldu11. Fl"lf Ml) httth~r,nfllffltlllioo call 769-1!UW T1dlt kt Luker o, Hc.,>C, v.M ,re ILl~il)'lho.f'l')lrllt\1.C.Ol'lfll\)' 1.1uc•uoo, rommcnh "r •uw11100, T,1.lcad,;i111..a,gc ot th11 pn~+Un \l.hU~ )'QUr.•11 Ynurtimc nm)' be lun,tl."d anJ \ Olunt«r .,.ufk 111 al"'.t)1 me.fut 1c- hgh1c:n lhc rrit'l" ol .rolnintt

-re up«11n, • ,rc:at 1umou1

Glc 11hu1 g 1nr."gMIJa'tClfl Luker, lllwmr1ind: bthiDJ tl.e optnli(Jl'J,


ntllb indi.dc mi"lllnlaln

ns.1.&11 b<ittini:. rod, d1mb1n,.

i.a. t11nocmJ +111t.l t,,d,1•llng:

ncn&Aln)j(li1'1N with II one·


N.&led Tio.I Il~~c. who

ni11ti.PfOttrJm. llct.!Nct\hc:d a

Pttop~,i.: dill$ team,·~

tt.:i.11) St.'l ~'(XlkUf 111,11

1a on dte t'un Ir 11 dvct.l'l't ~m mttTNOnJ In bcannc mH,h"'t".J m OutJoc,r t\inu,u.1!,cfrt.11'4·a)·t10t1.,111tlflr fk'Y• pun,1w, u, chit't" S1udnnJ hil'H' ,c«o;, 11111.ll lyJ>r""i t1hnn~ tqUiJ)lntlll Luker Ind Hes....c gin II.tip -.1th t&,.; ror gm• 11.hc,ituttJ llnd Cllll 1t)Ol.l li\xl )I JCl Wh.1tt'1"Cf II I"

lh:U b n«f.t<J IU ,tllrt The rtPl.d

t.ton: In tht st·B ill hJw t:n)·th.lng ftnm II J6.ron~ ra.t'I h> a ,nvw ,-1,,n(l rc,r .1 nit( thAi cm1 the fouaJ.

·:myv..htrc dst' 0on·1torg,·11tiot11 Sun•f....C 8t"11.:b lkat4lt, u 111.cU

The) ,.iny tlc-n,• web•• 1lllkr

btJW~ anJ <i.11ad:d1111

~"""· Svr. 19, 2001 I One in five • SPORTS • • J_ Americans is • • ! overweight • • N
~.~:;!:J;t;'~~~ r.::r•>(~~t
: t---
l1¢ p.-ma: di,_·m\th,, 11;_'.llll~ u~a,ooeofd~t1,ptt.arlt\ in tbc k,~UC'." l:ucmiomtC'fl41,..l ht bgur fll,~)' Fridll) at N IC Ow: \\11u tcr1 MtU.,S '\k1fil \°,llll,.') Coc11r11urnty CuUCg,:: 9n Rupcn k,,l 1hc CW1n11l'L. fhlJing 1hc l'laclt ll1 lh(' UCt fot thlt'C: tOl.ll. Tbc: [4.r,J.,\ he-af b- :n:1i 3.n ~1\1"1-I, Ttll SE•,Tiro[L PAOE 9
Suddenly Big Mac' s 70 seems easily obtained by S11n CatDtfOO -Ea· TI.cbomtNni,JW The~cro~llintgtfllrom 1hc tw,cbilU goch ha, hlmcJ inlo a bd. Uk lh,; 11~ •itl1 b~r bal)d~al'ld ~I.C. lliammcrpanCL I can't v.all unt1l 111.b~ 11k"'pmhkm1•. 1tv.un'1 Ju,t 111-hcn we weft litt:d ur S.am1ny Sou •tld \1iui Md:iv,.1tt p.:i-.\lllj flO hamc:n l'tliP ycan, tn a t'OW, btn:: l'Olbt.l du• ""h'*° 11:..UUI I CIIQ70 11".t.JINhltr:wlicn\\'(' thou,N 1llc 811ck.,~ Bety, 1n.J 98 OC!~rcn would ao Joni ()..fov.uiwd'l\"T~l.'.t.bcri:ati\C'
Record pace turns homers into cliche
Inexpensive trips 1 give fresh escape ttrrua \\'&kox r ""'"'*"'" L"lhc- 11h.:u1u11:11 hq1n!. t Outdoclr P\rNilt.,. hn a br.u)d '~:a.l=~r::~~=:.::::o ~:I= Ill Mt)I uC ihe UUldi)flt \II n-tnt,, inc.ludc
ll.Od ~Kin. r'f'lcod,
cH llu-c...,du1mi:
•11kc-rlacc-oi-"~·c-\t(l.ihaud r.mJt bct'Attn SIS mid S40 Iii& lJl(f'IIJ..'ttr, ~111 lU.c a lWtl..Ja)" Jflna.-llipJm\'fllhc fcion.R1,,crto J~ Wbh. 1111, l" tl,il nnly c1,1c:nt Cl~lb,:~tr,(0,1$~1 ,..,,,.c
too. bcnu "'"ill
ge:u U,.c d,;t AtlK .1i,:.1in for lhl' a,,t, NIC 11 fully cr.niJicJ pltk, mA)' ""' t,c, .alrn'lr for the r~. TI,tro IKH't nn)' p,nt c1rcncn1.-e n«'f"\.UI'}' 111 Join in .tnd 0111.WO, rur.u1h 11.rc """J>' JO hrlr ti.tstnnffl .di>na u.tuy tw11. faa>· aJ,01u.1n: 1 w1 nprutrut11') for~ tic~ lea.min; c'lpc-riC"ncc. WorkfOt"ce Tflllnlng omployN Gall McGsughey rldee out of the I.HnOe Taft Tunnel.


Soccer men return 18 players, pick up fiv~

Experience gives Cardinals

upper hand in Scenic West Albletic Conference play

bz (; lk-tancoul1


1llC mra'c "'IC:CCf cc,,ild be• tclUJ!h 1.ciun

ll, u,,p. Wuh Ill n:11imi11t ri..)·cn. tJtpcrim« will be 1111.tOf- f1i< fle\l,' hle:tUit, lDd iOUI Wllllr.·

un 111hk t.c1 h4"C: jfli-ncd W ,,


'WIii btoor,,~..


«.h Bill


wd. ·Fn1u

0011,.,( lh-t



Cl'lflltihtt tt-,.1


wc·rc IY •Jl or 1h11 )·c;ir c:ompan.'d to ~.1 )-car."' Ei.,c11wl11.1c,-...IJ ·Wch1\r11 ,..:ry babuccdoff~. and if we're DOC 11elruh ...,~·Ube able w u~ .i l\JC o{ cJiffctr1t1 ~upom.."'

in Srnkaor

'' Wt /rai't' a ~'4!.M' bl1/a11e~d ojfe11se .• ,.-e'll be t1blt· ro 1<re" lot of differem weapons··

1n1111.1tc1 cbroagllout lhc p;C)l roo1 gil1tlC"S. a1.SJnlc

Bachnun U~ ooty IWII.' 1N11 JJdn•u IWi had • ha.;.L.

iflJU')' l'I\IJ Jk.iiulJ be hid: for 1hc upronuog


0n f'rida>, tJic cm rt-'rtl1 boa to s~,

\'• II~· Ct,nununl&y Collete, bcM •'Cfl'r>'t cued)

Jlfltinut. l'br C'a:rd1A,d,'CokSd1~MnAld

UnlUI rartie, t'«h hid ,v.opl, r1• the s~1 kaguc

\lk"lllt) 811d1JT1.11\- lidded the oc.herk"'Ore.

SMurdu.y, lhc lam " l"arcd off wilb En:n:u

C'<.1JWtwnU)' Collt'ge (0-1) Rathman, DyllU,

Suq:rmc:M't :uu:I Brian F.arbtt ead1 unc

~al and ll»i~lcd on IIA«het The C1mht1:d , \\'On

U"' cont.c.'\I $.:!

'f'bc- 'Ntn ¥4VC tN: Card~ an nvnall "--1·1 rcwrd

hi SQtlb-,._-,, A1blcbt' Aqo.;l4liOCI or Community

coitt:-,'-' rt.a)' the n-.en '"'unh:31~11111 2-0

Not-so-athletic Cards get shot to play games


nlnt!')S, invOIVemenl dlilllmJiJ ll sporbotkrcJ l"l


l,1.lll(nl i,luclun:Jl'lfl, •t.ttn·u('t, :ve i11 lhc

ln\'\ft lc"cl"Ctlk'Slu.knl

Utt;on Bu1IJ1ns b)' the video ,ame,. Sl"'('lh ,v&ll..i.hlc (or lhcfoJl1raclodcavl1,croq_ue1.\'mc nine-,\ lld,'mtun:.

ltftffll. ,._,,_1,IH'fl·d s,a.,• volkytiall,and 11.-gl004ti.,JJ

·tr•• ett"'' 1ny foe

pcopll."' \Q l:IC' an,-,n\h"CI ,n tpo,11 Y."l\llt brin,

c:omp=t.l1hc Jit tht

1ifflC' numcrOlaJ Walh11

"'"\lvrt ~ponl,,. «h .&\

b.i.)lttbaU. "'ilJ be in1rod.-.:«I

allbt'l.illpn,~!1~~ ,re $10 frir •nY ~poll 111<:ludlnJ• 1111.bvidu&r fiJ)(IIU lff' ln:,c. ·Jnuwnutsl l'opon• i• • Jroi:,J w.-a~ IA gc, «u~tmo in,·<1h'C'd,"' uid P.aul \bruardo. cotltdrn!lf('lrQr

1n1nmmt.llltpOCU l1 «l1C"¥n ,_m;\, ten;,ion Jlrtd f'IU\U CO

Ac livit y provide~ tinna 1tfc.~n,·&C!Atn1n, w opponun iry forthe C:Xtmnl! fitnc,;s 1.:h.allffllJ<. fatl", cn1tl,:~ ttqU1!N II ttUIUfl,wn i.1' t,..o poorle t•t • nwl,n1111u or o,-e 1,icli.kJ

t11.J11.mural ,.ruru ro, the.1n the chilllrngC' mil t,c btklllf, tulCUflll. lut.yalitt, iuld rwo CJllOt lilO&\_ All pc~~att: lil\anccd by lhc roll~e lnlnlffltml buJ,et .00 Mt offl(i.11k\l by 1hc ,ll.klcnlL ,mramunaJ '"J'M.1o aoJ outdoor purulitt Ott oot 0 1ilY hm b111 are.,. ,nexpeitu,,e W•f 10 C'C)O'lpC'lt' ID .tlJllC:C~/ rormercrot -<oun(r)' 1:1t.blete la.."1fl Kunz:~ "'h", lftllt to be going vo eojoyablc: tn'p<I' ,uch n,. 'A1tltc w:i.1a , imd cainpil'lll, lmumunl.l i.JIOtb 1.t 11 g110dltlc.afor«1lleie ,,1.Mkntt~ i1 giva thi:m Mlffltthin.a:101.lo lhtooihi:rur 1hc. ;-c.M," Wdl O.o\\·atd. ~<OUUU')' .t1.hle1c.s.1ld FQ,- infotm.1l<111•bal.r! lflil'lmural tpon,; it'IJ d&IIJ 1J1.lfpi,1.Nllib, \"1°"tlbt 10\\~r lc\d o< Ibo sue

Graduate Curt Dupu1, comJ)tlet ln the Hot Foot Tourney at the Sun Spot. n. tumme, tournament wa, sponsored by Intramural Sports.

} ) • NIClreohlN ColeSct,~ (rlght)ol d 'Aleneoe one by Ju:, Slagle ol v,1 Community~ Colleged ' tho Sept.1 4 gamo II NIC{~ . ,,

Runners open with bant

List has 'greal run.' captures first race

,\~ th, :S.1 Q • hJUJ-U. ,l,1 ti~ fan:• til'l lbc (tl"I~~ C:Otmll')' ICillQ -Ibcl'C' •"' nanr ldd11t11n11 1,, 1h.: Cudmal \Qu•d lllc 1b,t!!c --.un1.:.n •r~ rrnhJn.:.n '(,'""11w: Bd.:ich ol l"ul~tnp, M<>nl,. }1,.."\~IC 01,11y ur 8011,c: anJ Hull)' Gu.ul ol Cu..-u, J' Atd,1'-" '.\11k ~opk)ffit·•~·•

M.y11n Ltnc.aurr of sr-,1umc: ahd Jcrrm!.1h Sud)'kn 1.11 Cotulht., Ore .and ll"("htncn Chn• \'all• nfCOC"lfT d' Al<nc. llill)' Sta.nftdll of Gnih.atU, Wa~ts Ak~ !1.i,eho11 or Uo..,h. (J.ihn., iUtd Mari C111t{)l {I( 011lthn. lldmd roonJ out the ll('Y.. tc1.tUJIJ "'W-c ha\ c • 1.ktJ\ toknt<d r«-tVilfflll'nl of ma.In. hc.aJ coai.:h,\\.,ilJn.,.MIJ Attntdin,: 10 WJUl,,i11,, St~nfic:11.1 anJ LaQC':iH« a,c IJie lop tv.o m•lc rc:cn1111thn)·c.a1 The rum 1h,ocomh1.; o! km.alt kJrlmmol'(I .\ktl, C.trr, ~t \'ale Ore., J1liu: l~ta-c-11 c-1 F11tb, Fruoc Moc.h:in uf Duhlm trl'l.anJ. ,mll A~ Shine ot M1ddktoa. hl.aho 1'bc fflUJtuDg IUl!tl ILfC Chad Wllll.1u of T\\ll'l F.all,, 8111\c h,)'lo, of h11h. rood Ll,t of Spobnc: Ryan Tu,.,; ol OallC), Mon1 and frc~b:nun Gen,: 81.i.11111.~u,1 ul C~JJ\\C'II Tlk' mtn',; Jcam hope, 10 1•id;-up ltt,bman Emanuel ChC'l') lllll 01 k.t)'ti.:abcl. Kcn)·a tthln tho nett ~11'1t•l<'r "1im11111.tcl v.ould be our aicc:,in·lbe1.ok for mrn'~ n•tklnah." \\111kH\\

Senor Froggy

Specializing in fresh. delicious Mexican food 69¢ Tacos All day, every day! 10 % off for NIC Students & Faculty with college l.D . ....,..

7rh and Shem1an

Dnwnrown Coeur d ' Alene (208J 76S-&522

~JJ ''l-1 ' 1111 I> a f)(."o.._1b1h ly IQt ;1 Ju1111..1r," i lllc- .attlle1c1, '-'"P1npc1cd 11, cbcsr mc,rt SC'pl J Tbt rucn't- tc:un i:1prumJ the iflcet 11h 3Z po1tll\ \;:. finb!IC'd Cini ol >J.-ronn<"BY.llha : hmc' nt 16'CM 17 *" the $1.l«)-mrtct f9j;C. Thi\ v.a, U,t", li.o:C 1.'Plh:g1• ... luJ,I hnd • 1re.-it run,- Wr1kuu WJ..''Hrput.U1okitor•ori.lhl, "um111c1 .an,J 11 r-,1d ofr ·•He'" -1 ,ont.cndc, tor ,he 1op 10 11n11bond Tilj&rot run'IJtcJ HI 1hml pbn~ wiC (111'0,0f 1~24 28. Ill 'IA:\ml('n°1. ~umpcUUon, \lttb~ rin1,hed nm1h ~1 nf "' nmntf\ "'II urr,e "J Hd).J -''· fc1t111k 111l1lrltlt • !i.000-rnr,..-r nu,'l' 13 I «ulc.1:) l •it1 \lt'I')' h.1ppy w ith Fr.n,1c,1 \\lirlun,lllid ··ShC' 111, 1,urnmcr S!w 1, Cit.If :So I k.11~ ninncr• lt11."0ll<g1•1C Cl {tSt.<OUnll)" 1"11~ "'"a. n.111nC'n ,umpetr for r.:ttll 1~1 The 1hr v. uh 1hc lqy.·c\t anJ.iY~ umc, ;tf'(' coumt'd lO'i\'a..rd lbc ICBm tot.aJ. ··n«auk'I the ..OOH!·\ arc ilddtd 1011clhcr." W1ukin1 ujJ, ,,'t' try to •1o a p:h." 1~,pk think lh.i~ k • Ukli,·idual 11pcirt. bill 11 i11 a 1cam sp, l'bcff ba11 to be -0 lot o( cbemiwy." "'WC" .ire hupinf l t'lf • 1op the fid: for chc gbb and a lop thrt'C finW1 A 1~ 1_1.c,y, 1bt, )"-..'i1r. · Wat.Ion, w,d I.A•I yc:ar. Ilk· ruco e.m<J fifth • llic wurnco finh,bed '-f"'lc!l'llh ..\t cht: St~· Bala.nict Fc11th••l or Cb.ampwm11 S.atunla)1 U,t men ura duul. v.l\ik 1h..., v.v,ncn pb11r;C'd 11lld The: C:11rdinilh hc»t the NIC tn,-1to.11nnal ..t Sth"""ooJ Sq,t ~Q

&_n \9,
OOn•k;,,g.~ pron c.,( die: )l!M loot pia..e
The fil"I replar ICll~n 1amc 1ll..'\I "1th PC',, CM1rnu1tity C41kgc Owlrtl l11<g'olttle, dlc. fm.t a:011 t.lllll' 22 nu11ul,N and \lhto:1r11J<i u11o llK" nm half hy1hcCan,S11' Sdr,h'nn ln ahc &CC'Olldttalf ili "'°'"'aoa.h "'~rea.:on,iJb)' Jeremy .Koy. \\ho •·11, f'\',pot'l~M..- or two or Ifie si.x, Scl1wC'nn, &ol Brifl!:'· l~1m 8.nq,ull '1llo.l Mutt FrllU. TIie fomJ ICl'll'c Y,;,1 7.0 Tbc fifll _____,,
1hc. Qwnn~11.11u,, Ct1lli:gi:s of Spokane Toumank..'ttl Tlle 1.un~ wc:tt ag11n,1 s~. Gtt'Cn Rhtt amt Sou.tJ)\loN OtcJOll
1,"0lltt,.-... 1\puut Sp.1k.aOC". 1hl..· u.-n kll 2-1.1Moalyfoo.l te0tt',l wa., b) Brigg1. Ap.ln-1 Ora:n Rivrt. lhr mrn bCIUtlL'rd hotck ,., a 6-1 Vlc"C(lf'y \\•1111 1')111, M;on,d b)' Jt"r\'tn) w,ma.rru, Frilh.t\Joabyl..t.,.wl\\Wby St~rcsnc.i« 11'1! dutd ,,e wa.,.a :?-2ch,w v.illl by l(Jp Sh,-•• The nine rte"nlil, for 1hc rtl\(t!T u,cflJ!X H.a"fl1llt 11 S-6 frt\hmu mkf[11tldcr ,..,ho gndlltie.'J hum f.aJk H1aJ! Schoo1 ht Mttndu11. Tnr.y \turfier li. a S·7 freshman frqm fWI rnn,. 8111.:hnun 1, • S-6 (Q™J,n,1 (1"1)1n Stndpo,01 0 1m .k111r, _m1,ll1C'IJr.r ~mcir, ln,cn ~krid1,11n t S~t Jl"IQ1 Iha: IQIQ a,. 11 dc(C'odct frWI Sf)l>l..AIX M.x;hxl :Z:mn. r.rom MWOUla. v.111 be cucuntvtinJ at .a ddcnJi..-r Schwmn.,f>.I, •1lll'C:bob«·rlng1hcollcnw: 11nm Coc.1rd'A1e11c High fawnS:iulcomou n rrtidl'idckr (rom Whitcr~Jt. \IOf11 The ruuil rocn,11 L'I ~u Cu-tkr froo1 l.ill.t Cit}' lt1Jh The tt;u11plJ:), C-Olurnhi.1 8.wa Ci•m1uurul) Collett inak.a,:uc m.ll h,odll)'~t5 r.m. hid.a). the l'C'.UO. h<11,t& Se1k,·uC'C(11tl'ln1t11111y Ct,1Ura:c.. 11.l..u al 5. On S.Wrda) lbc mm hcx1 E:.d100111I Coinmur,t1y C,llktc, W l.ut ht.1ffl(' pl:QC' before a fovr ,iune tl.W 1n r

apdv,,c,ijll1,111,ic" ~v,., $..dUfa,ai llUJcnb

i,o be .Urro,ti''COl lW 11nuthct, especuilly Junna I.he l.'.rius.

Ospn1ztJ b) Sn.leae li\'CtlLI 8oltd. J'b1 Theta IIPJ',O. ;anJ ASNK' a rit,tiai, '*mt'_..._,

bdJ. \1oae) ohcd ¥iflll to U11t ,\mcrk"'&lt RN Cn-M The 11hNlmaU.'J"'\"tlt,ludcnhkt ---

... \ftrtllwl'Sl,!OJ ,aaw m the 111111 lh·c hou,... ·~

1'111.."\l.ltydocuu,J .w uJwtlODal s~-is B> the cad o1 the cqJD.ilX'n haJ moo: l\,IJ.IO. COWN" \\at l\1lil4ble 1.,,

4.111Jtnt, 111,t., IIC!Nr:J help "'111iQsWlft'(!in,:,ol

c.'CIQ.f"'i..., qcr. •'*· suer w ·tt1«m1~th.a·"-

rc<'l'l<O«d l&ltol!<,.>111hr

atl.3t l l,"' Ui.J Ga,} CoUma

t11cct111p lh1tl'I \l.mb lhwup!

Aui:u,.t "l Sol Jn)' job back,,. \\'111qudrN:T~ W00t. bl baUnJZ: '+'fflltbslrig~au cm..:l1.b0nin,klchn.n:a11.1:11'-' rnnny 1hin1, "'ffil 1ons dunni 1hc, v.bok \1tuafion 11'ctt •.u a Joe of ml"f•ltWtlllilKllhOQ K'Olnll C,lll,• Wuc,1 ,dJ "'1'h11v.bolc: l.h,ift.C

,·.amc to II nrpnc to IT'il' Wut>-1 uiJ d,.,.,_-,;n'1 ,rnu>mt,tftticnwntl'BIDC;C' nlCdmJ bcu,~ 1a,e111,·e. He ldde'1 llwi lftlft&J(~l'lt ,u.

hv 11idrJ nwnly bcl:.w\C n V.,H t~b a ~hock. Lo f!et ,t f\rltlt'tfrrwnlh<EPA "Wt'\\c'11.':NU1d-.,idi."CI~ 1h1,. Wui.~ u,J •·we '\l'hhtJ rcorlc hAJ ,l,)Qlc co,n Joel ,~ic;cJ an) (ta:crn bd0tt tAfk.u1g IOI.tie l·JJ,\ Whm lc-1.latooidllx ,abJII)' .,,


IJin.\.'lllfolCOU1QCl/ft5kfl'kC1. ·t;.~bcrc)llUl''iC',a •,pl<" A v.hucQbJk Ji111n1flllllllJ • ,invle mJ 11•1C•lo,pahlia:tk,lh mtioon.ib.tCUthc ,·-.t,m~11ttiic' 1n;un lo)'C'rol 1l11t ~l'O tkh111J lt1taandk,elC'l,l~Llirf'l"J f'l,'lulff. t•ahk: \fl'IC1 arai 'ATll.&tlf\i)tfm'.\l«c~ WhJc II)' hcucalh a h.ll.ltlllliila,.~"~1L1tr fW\JrrMizlll.1-faithJQ)ff' \'ililioct...SUB """'" 11,n1 dwr. ,'Te noo:lbl Sq,t. J ..,"'-"-c UIC <" -tr11. <ht•rwhdtt11uJ n,.~ lei Mb•(IC'Jl.hcu~. Jmuad fJJr bbJd. ~(\ff ...i.1till'lal "'di h.~ m1uwcd 1n • trv. \l,,a'.l.1,,rq,t.."'1W\U.,!o1.1f111,. A t.lcoidrwe ..,;Ill be- bek1 ,11_ NICO:t. IS. Jul.r Km,. ASXIC~.wdci:di:lu~ tna)' il!!n ur lhc wo:-k pklll DI) thtt<,menlh..:SUI

'-IJS,. JI\CU tu W1.1tt~t111t11.I h1, t,1« &C'On1nauoo, \\ l,lff.l

-.t~l,,:d fh'tl lO CllftUllet!,I IIG lhf: ""'"' ·All ,-,11C'1 cc,u.lJ h.avc

h#IJ.ltJ 1b11 ,dll3:l~l brlia." J~m JAtd 8u1111, aJ'llfUJITTJifC lb.M 8.Jw.~ ti bk\ kl1''0fl."'


Nrn J:1'.11~1,l Tl'.ll[ "'--

Yaknophonics/b) J um~ Bell Wmt>1uJnct camt b•d; 10 ',\llfkSc-rc -4 ilQJWl.lhr IC10king fon\W1oruuu111111 ,,r thi, ~bind nJ rnc.w1n11 on, "lh1,·c1k.cofllr(lt\1" 01uiui1on.00 .bcaa1.J ·nu1d·1, bttn l'hc:tJ<:lllffl.11

lbt ,~0~1mmt Pregnant? Birthright can help you . -free pregnancy tests -community referrals -infant & maternity clothi n g 923 Sherman Ave. Coeur d' Alene 664-1390 1-800-550-4900 24-hour Hotline b ~ ~7~----C'~~ F.arly Fall Schedule is Now Available! ltheU1er ll h , llmbh111 , 'f.< tmldln Wi.11111. l'lkJnll, ialURll ( > I \tllll-clk'I l/clfllllll, ()p((I( (I £uowb heh uw achenlme react,,t fl1h ~'11-lt'I I\ , ur llect~I. £0111' (ll('t k ( ut ~1kll 'IU' have 111 II< , ., I,_ I r"'f'I, f uw \ludl'nl I nk n (208) 769-7809
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New faces, at ti tud es, g ive vo ll ey bal l team something to play for 01111~_'(1\ lflt\'if.11:!&e.

b) Sam CllfllffOP and Nit'k t,'ro.,1 it~ 'MIR ~Edba."ICI .,,n.,., f1Tihc r1tht11th\ I.A1!rG,n1,:r bd1at1rfor -~, lo.1)·[<'"""11 C\pmwll1CJnl ........ S..,..8"wl t:b:1qm.-.ora bld....-..b:d. Wfttd Sericl~auli..S .i.cltmutli:n,lfltl-. dcpthi,,cd'lheitdi\1W>Jfl b Ql!Ct)IU:O'\~nt1:c.11 \akl:1.m:.Tbcblllt'i n.-.1...""Criawl"'1kyt,ollCmiingol.l of a ll'ffl1.i: 41eaD1 nUIJl'd by ld."11(1l1116"ia ..., "'"""' i,y ••,.,,.....,...tfcc.,,, "'*""' !,um lh<,,,_ a.... .a-O l.tbeyv.\lOt!Jtt l#'1.\'rCukmtil {'<unmuwJ)~ fwrn.Jltffl~ 1-l.. The)· •Vt"fl ht,o•glU'UC •rwctbo "''"' Lc""-c:, C..., Gno)>llllltor.-•oJl;.Jmo,,J,. ~yeanlCdtplh•lthSiW"'1:!MISl1~ ll\nJC"~ R,,,, '1be ld.lnuir:ieti Y.tN re.all)' ~a." u1d

O.US. "'Vt'c'n:offtoar,ooJ&l:Wl" Sol•. lhat,:oo.f (OfUl1.- IWll((IICMIJC\1 Shu ~artt..._l. ~"'~tm:c m=:hain111 u,, Bcii. c.ilarwbSurtmt,~ nit: ithntwu•1tl' v.m"ar ~-.tV.mNV rr.iiliaalOA.t l .C I~''1C'fldllfar«.rraaatit I CriNll,nolo\Ylll.umY,lleyC'C nallhmcpmc::$Ul».i."!ibf 1k

)'Qlt•••~"«"P \ I lqc.. rm...ily~ c·replaiirlg."~ l.,~.nt1:.ild. I "ttha\'C'areatly~tcnm."' IUI •U 1 gai..'l,,aa)m:!UlqudcaoJ')(lltllCIUI dw<• ...., "'Lltill "'~akc(l(iaa!Ndc.~~d)l:coun (a O)'Wol f.:cm \111\l.. ·11m )'l'M 'C'.l't- hclkr. mJ

·~p:111r11atoos, • a....«roc<1.-rodJ"i' "E\.'Cl)'OnCget, llklls. ml v.~di'll'I have pcb0ft4Ut) 1.<JGt.1,ct_,, Cml\Silld."Wc',~ff'.ll!ycamc~••scim.andWI.' ca~lv.llfl~bcsia-" ThlllMmll"t II M'hM.1h,ot'11"l11.ul'< (')'1'1"' I Gnuti lfl'IQl'lg tbc wr ICMnJ in me Scenic W(:JAdJclKC.ttd~ "1'mmwitc:,v.c:v..1111'4',n.ll


~2 -Com Fisher. Seuer (rQm Scworl.. Alaska.

# 10- Ro,hcl QjewolJ. OuL,idc hlll<r from Fauficld. Mont.

# 11 - Brook• Ann;irong. M,ddl< blocker from Meridian. Idaho.

# 12 - Scilll L3.01ill Oubldc hi ller Imm Coeur d'Alene.

# 14 Kcndnl M.~o, OuLSulc h111cr from Bonners Ferry.

He.:td C<1ad1 - Carl)' Curti"

A1;..;1. Cliali!h - Sid Bl ackmore

•I..R\f)'C'l(I \IVPlnltht

k.JmYt111ll'O l,1

k)attl• 4

ttnUY\'odl u~•'l'·rc Wll1hk°J•.-..1 a,.:1Ugh .air tht wa~ chm;ib 9
SPORTS w~,..Sttot,o, Chemistr ........ 1.1pX!. pmxr1c,1l tlrteam'\ blJ<.•lth 19' ....... 7 • t.a.h Ille"""' "1tlt22Wo,;b. ;;.::en: 5

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