3 minute read
Live n Service
_. Civil Air Patrol colonel serves both God and nation
h)•ktlh 1>.-1:111.tl \l,1w10'1,fl;Jlf, M.,,ya,-,..,11 1J1>< rn\i1f.i(IQ(d hin\~f lll lllc l .\If h•~ hl-llU U )''Wll .lj!'l' ht 1tt, h1111...:II Jn1111 GoJ','o\'Ol'l. Allc-r1,.a,dilll lO 1~ 1.h , 111tr.i-.,lldtlf f,,r 1ht ,\n f,,n."t" h.· '-U\11,c n'l~h,.td dlt' tnl!1t.U, WhJ lju, rd1Jk'(l1 lttl1ng111;qulJ 10 l'-ln1l·11)·1 00 lkd,k'II. I&. 1>t.111c:J Mt f'l'-c' 111HU-M) CMl'rt'r lih~• I '1.J\11~....i..1t,.,..,., m1heC1,ilAt, f':1l111l.l»WJA11ht'C"ocutd 1\lcnc: /\11p111
\M1l;aty "')k l,c1fthf. k.-kl"l.h!p JUJ 111.tc,rth drc'i\o hm• lll 11'.c proitT,1m -..~11nJtt'f .wuli.w)' C-1 the l' S Ait httc. C',\Ph ~n,111f'l!,Jar1.c11be Au h•« \kmtin-. ,ttt nv1l1.11m 1111>1 h, rn1=11n hiltj!n u11 \o:Jtlbillllol ,l(Tlt\f*('alUC,lhfllt 1111.t 1bc' .._,1tk\ pl>j!f;)ffl Th,c 1.·iid-1 f"'l"'tltam • r,1111 i•l,11('.idlJ,c:a,J.(t1.hiplO)'CJUll)1 f)C\lflk', W11h tllUJ,,..ln' 1111m ht• 111C"Qtur, Air f un.,:o
\1,,1\lf Jtll I o,ud( l:lcd it.11 won R.'ah,,-d tllC' n..lc , ,f lc.;Jct hlp .,, k -a!JlttJ htt 11o·1) thruuth 1ti,: nanh. lie ,;,;o l'll'l•ltV4tJ lu C'AJl
C11t M rt} B«\lrll in Jill~•.,!')' ui IW7 11nJ bl1ht wft~htofin.,1n.a:u11ll l.Uadth. A11ht,,1nlr.Ctfq1dc-1ufllaui.1.-..Jt'ti,.ott;
('fii.:1hk !u, the lnkfn..ltun.J Act L111kl h<.'h;tnj/C Pr p1a The mf juq 1"1 the rn.,,111111 p,,,n&lffd thl- Ait M'lf\:A:. i, Id
1~ tUl,t UfkkN.llldlflJ IDJ j('(l,n. ,tur nthl.T )'QIIIIY flt'f!Jlk lrNn .-ool!IJ lhc 11,,lt'l,I fiQ;.l.1dl h1...,un.111. ,,b1J dll\ 1111, lclfl t\ t"'\fl."I. 111) hlll""'llil l~W hrad~ "llrtl "an IJl,,.1co1,nl ~j:o1! h1ty 11Wo.arJ
1-c I I 1o1J.1} bc."1.i!IJ'< r,1 thcu lrc.llf'll<III o.l lh( utfCM."l' tout 11-e) uo·r~r111n the
IUl.1tr•<•I th.:1rho,.11 ~nc1,1ibot, [k\l..1dl kit fOf t r.inUun. Gnni.m). Julv :O .11111 tnd hi\ h1u:11n &1.1111 puup lilt ork'"I.IU<MI Ill Ben O\lria.11 lt11tm.i ,11111 \1!1"'311 tk,:l1dl who 'llr.L, hnmc ""hcolcd. wud 110 -'mcr-.:11J1 lt11lct, V.l"f'C lt,1\~IIIIIJ 1,1 lJIUIUil."OIJnTnc"\,.,tll.llnnly \:fltlnl,.orl
...,.,111 lum Cadet• (n1111 AU\triia. IJ1it.a1n '\1t. ·,kn, l·r11nn:-, lk limni.. ~t1Ml.m,h (tff'~ Bot.11111, Ck:m1nn). :\.~•) ~nd Swt1urlilri.l 111«1. f<Jf ..., lwt '-uulJ h: t\loo •«L\ 1n 1-r.:1 -111«tni111 •1thd1imtD11d 1,1u.nn1 lht' HIIUICtv Mh.1 (\plCINl'IF .&if fo11.,e """ltnmRllll'11tM.iai1'o\t1 ion.:cU;i,c1hc.y "''CtC 0n'4n un hni:I\ t'\CC'Ull\ot: n:1ll11 BC\~lt'll l'C'J'f!W\llt"IC 1!•1..111lhe 111t1 ti , ...,~(Niw,l·1 ha1.J Ill 'I\UII. l11n)UJ!h !tic fn,tlhl)', hf' '1\,1
In I,~ mr« ,1hou1 J,.:~rJJ Cl,l',,locn Ptd,ldl h\ ,1 '" M:h11111,1t (ih.&11. 11,fui;h II juUlllll',l<.kofTdA,h IWMtclhc-~1Mt1t pv..1rt i1t ahc p.•lll•lt'I o\ :r 11a-n.' '!'·hen fl( .,,,,n +J1,1',1,1tll~huruh hdicf tt'lhn.11111,t lum1h•'1 ti mi: nu.11\kd •IJ!j,1'. the IJQl'11 "''*'
\\ 1t~u1, 1hmui,:h Jrn1~ \lo&\ hk br:111,: tn • N,:a.)Of'o.1. (k(!f' 1'1111,· ltujt.11Jnc. lk1rL.ttll1a;U1I Jm ln111 Wlllmll,lltlff'(rtlii:1,10,. (.hfl•h.1111,, hl.t lllkl JoJ l.ll1n. l:kd,tdl
1;u,I .ill 11'11 ·um,..,. • 11.-u, "' 1hc 1,1\ly lnlCI ,:ine1111,l111T ,1 11" tll(1~hirn"l..im11tr 1bc tm,h ·nlC' Old ( 111, - 11111,~il "<'ncuntp,n\C'd hf 11 i.tonc: \l,JII !nr ptlllc,.;11111, b ihc 81bU~t Jm1 .,'c111f11)' lrl,:.t\!ht'Ullfflt{)ltht' fhd • \1u!J1U1 T<'ntj•k tic.111 in llx: Mtdlllt.: A¢n ,11lli."I' 1'.l.11t11C' ..-.ami.11, f'hhtJ l"III l:u11tf'{'im crm;i.ln\. lhr1'('111rlc M•tOOC. 1lfl ~h;.,·hcheo"-1 k1A.1,h~1,- 11n1:c tr"rcJ. h l),c, fNN hPI) k•1 J. 1>111!. J('l, lt.NJ~h. ~ft f1t'I .dk1"cJ 1,1 n1k1 tl'c \\.'llkd ~" Jue 10 And, tUfllt1'l, fft,or.i,~ 1hor J.:w\ l•"d 1h,, rl.lcc 10 tlC "" th1h th(~r,.n,i4 l htW1ulm~\\.1ll•cti.: "Coh'm 111..lll nl thc lcniplr ,l,.,-114 ot w..hlch (IClt't...,,t ti.11llr.yKm1S(...-,111<-.ft h t Iii.: kYt ,r 111(,1 rl;a."t". lvt lb:~ ('.1n1.:11i,M<k.i fllxklc-U aJ Ill!.•) '11r111I .i1.J•-«r, 1f•1uJlf'(('l•1J•Mlf1t1n 14< d1dlt.:1H.11hc\\1ulinJ\\.tll l,11,..-raJ 'llrllh"'--r1J1ti1£1"P,:l"¥1ith Jlf.l)'("l~fll'ICtlCfflfQI' (irJWdtu·,,,C'r. Kc...~ tdl 1a11I ht t,d~o lht' Jc,w,. ,11y (~·,d1tJ1itn pc,i1pk. Jatkl ttab.tC\l Oc-d', 1111" i M>fU hlf 1hr\L: rc-,,rk 11.h1~ Pl hnrl ih W,I ht v.1,.tifJ 1ht1-dh•••MR• a.,p:~·1,.,,i IIJiC 111p 'l\,,ul,J h..,-c outiicw.~1c,l 1hl; r,.1ruc, .xtJ dlri,t f') Nllt.p:t lk •u•l ht kb~ mud\ i·u111dha,t 1«111 •J1Cll fn11nthcJev,1\b 1-.:,,p1c~-.,, ~1'M'Cl1 ....,~ " 1e,11.11Jrlt --;i ,l,lt10~11l°'·11e.1111llenriltlJ1111 ufttr IC'•"J!ltrMtw l1,i11c\\11h11 I "'"h fastidt llick ,iiJ'C hll•.111,11.ll'f•lflhclf f\k""!.tril1." Reo..ltdl \;IIIJ ltd\·cmi;n I<• ('lwi-.1, 1bc n,u..1 l.1mc1u1h•', rc.ilm Dl"-C'ICtlllh.-!IIQ.ll"t)' lk,Lt.tJI \b 11r;J \1.1......t.. \\-•n !\ins )IM1>elv.·~tlj'f4'fflin tlir.k'A\,•1..ibn f;;t!,~ pl11i.:A1._ \tlnid;a, Wffllllll6.k.°'1h) htphclllh h,-a:ro.,., ngfo,;~J11nilh1tt..l11nd "°'111i:\lo11t<r '1)\l\"lfl f,-rn1, 11) 11><k1ndi:t1Jt.l1od1C"V.1ll1 hn1111r .u~, 11111 t1l h,t\l' lhtlf '••nihn Jlh)-..l,..111, 11nJ rirnoJ.JI>' nu.J,ntd I,\· Hl~Jd. nic mr,, l1lli:.J Jb,;u t1mnh~ 11:ml ch, 11 1hc1h-<hn V.hc.-l-k11-J',.,11 _,111111t11!<d\\lt\llJ.&. lbc'~ fo1111t.ll,IJ',11,1Jt1.:. 'i\h11,t;.tn·11i.1\t.' mm 1 1.Jfl them 0~)' loM Ur 1-Wt)' l<J IUlUft' 1•ror1..c11,n\ Th( lvatli 1'MITln1t1111,d. Ilk' C.\P l""'t''" ni.111\ Aw l~lh.'C hr,n.,nJ,alln',1.i:t-1 lhc:m 11, C•lltf 1h: front n«lu-11 -., hc,1111.J bc£oo: NlbtJ 11.,IC' ,tw M!plDl•<J l'U11d JtUtll 1be ,,thrM" t,rnh~1,u111rn:.'- "!"ht ~re.1 ~.l" li11c1cJwi1h L.i1,dnii111C\.. •rtse 1 r-«ll p:rc,plt a,e 'CS) duwlv flll '1o'rll1lh('lff1Ul1l.lll) ·'tia;S.tc1l 1td ""J.r..-l,•" t1. h. !lun 11111~ br:- uu!llcd All c.:·11u.-m ,It~ rrormhc-°" l1C II tom "'h'"' go; 11' Jo ~111\ivt,. (~II.' 11111.J vi l\hl:t'!I huJgtt I\ •rtn4 Oill ,k l t11i:t,"'lit\-l.klltr.1uJ. -1.A',,thiu• I ptf\"Cfll 1.l1"1lk.·I S buw.tl!d~t,•Jd,:n>(' Bc\lk'II 11,• l~<"n to l~li Ptt,idcul i.1c:rWi-t111111n,rc,idcn..-cfor11bn..-fi,,1'-i1 .rJ. all d,c uimrkt H,IC'I u4 Ult' IJroi!OU.11. "" tw.Wac-nmmcmr,r.i1\\" rm h} 1he l."OIIIIUillllkf Uf th,• (\1'&"'111\i.r fortt \b_k"lf Oen. I .11,111 lk·n l lifall\l tlcc.:~ll'll ll•lldl"~ rn 1h.· fll.·ail ~1111,hkh 1• nlftnld) umlkd • i.h 11 :a&-s v.·il' 1111 1blc l<l,.fnL llc"-"•11,1hcJ111~l\priri,t ',\"h1~h" Ilic M'\11\:C nf Ille- J.ot1li111 R4\.'l'f. fk\.l..1dl f.i:u!l'd knt,,,.,k'\I~ hi lvacl'" lnllltiil) t1lll.on11 w1J1tlprn,,pci,rlc-. •·1 Jc,-clllf'l('d llll llSll"tc',l 1111',111rpred,11luct fot lhc'tt \JtU rJC;,i w, I h,n uh:1 tt>ttt 8td.,dl~id. Wll.110111) hhfUIUfl' tdl.'«h.rm. be -...,J I~ rL1n, ~11111.~lf'f"-'f,IIC hi, 11oilll1"",1,"1, IU'Cf"( (it.J-1hl\<'tlt1111,Y lmellAlr Force Command9r. Major Gen. EltDn Ben ElJylhu places a pin on Seektell'a lapel. ce-Jebratlng 50 years ot laraell unmcalion. Israel was ostabllshed in May ot 1948. p h ttl en. c.: nu r u.•, y of Marty
8elow1 A Bedou.ln man make• pita bread for the cedet a. The Bedouin• don't rive ln the modemb.ed wotld. but •re nomadic 1ravelore and dreu In tr.dttle>N1I Arab •ttl,.., They have friendly relatfons wllh the f.are•ffa..