7 minute read
Fun despite small crowd
!.ht *al~ n,k ,1,;.u111ht mcN pc•opl(·, "'1t'.OH4"11l The: UflC\ (or the- ,u1cr Ju.: .anJ 1hc whit< •11tn ndc. •ett 1br lunge~, \li11l. IJ"K'."C.IIC'f)(JIIIC v.,1,ju,,tbut, m lbc) lkc:icScd l<I hll tbc -·•lc:r ndt.,.~ 111J 1otudcn1 Mi(hdle
Rn1.n1 L ~1h<rv,v,,J hn., 11t1 ole,l 11m,c ,11m, •1th 'f'h;lt i., c.a.lkid 2 f'C1Unl1) C".am,,·al TIIC "~'" 1111r:k."llolh at 1~ c.:unh,11 indvdc tht 1:crrh11hal, 1bc
C''1rt.'ICl'.:•. l•ltl'·"turl.thoc O...tc•f"ui.. the Warn k)J ndc, tht-
This isn't just another album
11M MIIIIIIWI llad llltl Ille D'II wllb lallltlt, 1111181111: ............ to.Ytllllf'INIVIII' s nan•N.:1. a1\J Th1•1\lkf c.·un,tll• \tuti~ t.hu1i11,1111: "h..:i'llltl t.lu'te hmt':UIAil) ,\tll.)lh(1 rkk t.l•JI c"1d,t1 the ltllC'OUOQ t•f '11•lh)' I\ thi: ll"hlfl( lt~tn tide' lh!!I fUS,\ t\.;ty "°'" 011
1hc-h,11rt. I M1u1n uJM1hroo,tt 1he bxk-,Ullfflry .and ,,1td) t».C!'s..Ult P"'"'" l'4<.l1ntunc 1,1 tbcOklWfil Thwu1thuiu• 1hc d,1y pcork ,~Id be found ••l~m thmui:h tht old 111nl.' !lo&Oftl J11d C lllt,ll .JI tlu- nt"iaJg,a: Wt,s.tcrn 1t>ol1mran111, wh1~ h .-rC' r,.11l1C' uthoer OIC'1-\ ul cou-n.uruncnt In
1UU\11111K•n ta)' \\n..k D.ltTcll ,)jJr•ll~•t~IT Sll lw.11 ,1nd g1,1n,1tn,;1u.g CRll t-.: fuu.n,Jin w,rnco,.illeti<'s,don11 tth lli,c nug l(lo',\ 1UIJ ball~ J.a.n, (')\(f'llll, .'i1h'Ct'AIJPJ pJ.a:r fol rcvJI-IC of all~ to I~\ C full
'Rounders' doesn't round out edges
hy Kan T11ppn-~r1t1111,1 Rqx"1rr Ti oh,-1,Q,(iamifja,',(JIJOO (If ,di"', '"'"~ oclk"'- ll"''tll"l1uxl P=fW""'• ,, a i,,•ffl f\"11111..Jero(b.,w ~I r,l!NI: can be. Sol J1!Ji1 fot d1iceAbl1t(hc10.1l11JU ln~\cM;1ntc,.,..,o.nr "'bc<orc ThN: Cnl'1\dtd Sum.-...··ont p ;,fl O\l'l\l<hcllnin, 1<11.!oC ol 1'1111,Eil I~ fA'hinlC'\'Cl')'"".,~ ic.,tw.np.ni"i.alJt)'and~- No t~O~~~lhtwnt Wh ltlb.:Jt i, mc'ltc 11)20 fl\c m1nu.1c,i Ion~ tht 1.101) wni; ch.u 1 11·1 h lbc it11m1otht:CO. '4hiiGbh.Ul...e«ind"- ltbe,:tm w1lb111tur,t,,c.-1 l,1dc did.I)' •DI.I ).\¢'1-lft "C'4•111C .-ftlJ rt:la,.,J"ll>1)tlfUUUbk.<&Jo\\.fl_• Whl:IOIU4"tttmlndt'r' The 1011g lbca ,11n "Rari,n.t~I."' • '""'ttt upbe,11 l<M' put ma I.all!) 1»c '<ti.in,: The nllliffthofu!l iine 00 '")" be..a fot)o.l,'" Mldhctdbc.,rhowtihc '"'bM t., benrt-.1 tmn lllonc."" WhhC'"Cf)' P>' \lr.l..11lte lllal' "'(fWl"i,abotlo\ie~. lkrc \1.-thcv.,Olf(1""bthbt111dl1 11ll Md W itt) t)'Tic't, IOdcJl"l"l.l wt..f)' l·m11alhc',.h,cwu, I,·, •t\XICIQU.litl) ~~·,dllCAAlcol:ia "'1bc I.MC Stt'lp" hi." an 1if)pu.;1n ftti Ill 11 aod ,pcaU Ollf ,1$.llftoJ 111·111'- ti-IC', fkhlU nd bhnd I.di ltl~
~~1011 ioto 1hc lyf'ic&. tkith "The Dttmun,i frcc" 1u11J "S,,.W,. (v.lth gllnl "ill£C'1 Alwrit Mon'-<te11t) atl'." aboul l,"11tnt O\·tt 1k fl'<l'<I a,,d l111J,t1Jfflkm(ll:ian Thca,oogdia1 •·•ll tU) lll)OUrt"C.idi.ll lliif111, "SIA) CW11~1n1
Time)." Ith"-'~ c:urdrcc: ri:cl a11J-.iplll1in1 l)TI('.1 E\'tl')'Ol'IC ca,-~~~ to lhh \Mr Wc',oe •lld.anl.aJ in 1he run \lo itb 111111 mnulh\upcn. kB'1it11 om-w.ttlhtlU\\o kJII\C '\loll\riDJ umc. SJmil.-r1) lfl lbt. "'lllll. Pig.
M:.1th(.,.,i.ar.lbu)t0 look for to~<' m 111c-bacf 11~ 0on·1 Nun,hf'da) 11\\'"1;)'"' 11'lt'oCt>e, llil1Nd"·cr<1)pn,of im.M, 1tnJ'-11J,l1nJ1nt.-.ily)'O'lt
U)U\1Ult:U"tni;w.. bu1 -1!\oO~ of )OUI~. l11Cll1Rll!l!'('t1 n~ thtnu~bool thi1 C'D: l1N ,h.•r. ,i.,w n,iJ ,n11-•)- t"Wf)1hl.ng ilnd C~l'."J)l,JI)(': in )'llllf' life h WIii ni.»..c )OIi rll\11 MA)', M.I) n.hilc *
A&E Briefs
C)pen*"-1itwn.\ •cn: bclJ Sc-pl. Q :n.110 1n Schu~r.tWl1«iufT1, (o,r 1hc 1~, dtp.inmC"111 · upi.-n1mo11..,1J001.11on c•I ran:u.tft""
•'-''"" ,1u1h tufli: cnt'>nth, l.111r1 ,u, O.,,umn't d~11111e.·tet •, lulli:, ,null<'
·Ro1,1nJcn, ·· <* »John 1>.ahl 1:>no111 m hk ll,t 1,1J\Jtr5m1.111J thlft ol "11.'~· Yori tu,- ,11:tet)' 111 iJ w•'.V 1h.11 lc.t,-e, d~ audlt'fw:t' ,1unnc_J. 1n11 fn'l'll'l h~ ,~11,J ti 11,u. Nt bo..., •h"'ih,idy l:,tltini 1h1• UklVle W,ll. I\ t'('Vt< s;,KIJ 1h1n,~ ,dck UI.II, ltlf in\UUIIC(',
1hc mo\<1c· rc:1&.li•mariJd1,e ik1in& f-.r11)r 011hl part, Nit r('ni:t,H)'
1hc 1110•).C •• baJ
M,11 D.anmn pl.a)'\ \11h' \kOt-rtnutt. • •Ltuj!Jllnt la11o ,tuJcnt anJ 1:11tJ pbymg addK"1 •11h II tlH·.im rn 1n 1othe Yt'cir1d Po~cr
1·,,u1u.11netu lite lllm bcicm• v.-1111 011.mon '4alk.u,g b'IIO llll unJcrgnlWltl cil\lQv,, Th,rt bt f11a, \ ,;.alnw 1~ ;;ni.gtl'tthl. fC'JJ)'
KCB pl.t>cd tay Juhn Mlll~~W1'h, li)f hh <nUrc ,.nina, t.1f thttc
,uld,, ul b:lsh •ll:lt't, m S.10.000. 11olhch he l,he, The' m.11n
I.lift l&IEIT
Om hypothesis: Good Bagels = Good Grades
Come enjoy a fresh vegetarian sandwich, hot cinnamon toast bagels and gourmet (raven's toffee products.
Free Bagel
\~.000 ~111.11,1 Jc.bl 1h41 be h,u )ff h• f',t)' vfl A«onll1111 t11 ..,,has h ~.thl 11~1 Wtimt. the l'4·o tif 1bt1ll 1tlC ,.0, food lfl("IIJ , aifl)l'l\1 lilc tmllhc" Thi\ ii 'l't't)' unt,d1l'\·1hlc ~c) one 111 thc,r rt&h• o,1n,I ,i,oi,ld p.al, 11ri11'1 Wurm He ch•t~ Sl,000 ,1o1v1h of ,lcbt• 1t, ,1,Dc:rmoo', o~,1;1um anJ lbc.·nAlloVio,lth i.l~.1KIOJ(-N h1 Jct put un Mcl>trmuu·, heuJ \f..l)("m,,-c1 hn11II) 11>1."' 11.11;-k 10 h1, ol,j wap ll!ld l'IC'f1n, TO be.I qaln. Tuv. ud t.he ci,J Mo.: Dnu:1111 l'Jl.i.), hta:h· ,ta~o ,11:mc or 1.~J1 ai.ait't>I K<iR Ut c.un lbl' rr•OCIC")' fo r,;I) aft hh ikbt
The lhenK' H 11&1mmcd up 111 (In(' luw by M OctnioU'1 Jia.,,. prokiw->r \1~nm l.anJ.au· ''\"1.>41 i:an·1 C'w.apc )etllrde'\Uny" o\J,t,lln, 1he: ..,,,11d11 ,wld 1"1\<' cotnc up v.11h ~fl}(lhlag mon=:
""'c h4"e hatd thit 11,tJtK' 1 ,1 1n,1J\l u111n it1111 It I"'' 111,~1bl) btmng. \\ 1tf'l ll'lt Unt\'11l1111c hOA• ~od uunccckd ni>Jit)', 1hi• ft)IWK' t, tOII)' one 1,1 .M,ld. fl11t Mofl,1 ol tM Jhl\llllkt H, tuld hul nuc ~ho~n in 1ti1, mu• k h h.tJ
M(1Um C~tln, few 1he ~t,o" ._ pl\U'J SrJC 11 , I r.m ~n~a.llnr Ill.ii t1.·el')' mc.tnbcr 1•t dlt' ._:,1 I 1• lt•r \\u.~) UJ\\ll"r<•J "'11h Sf(' (11udntl 1'll' fai."'llhy.) Bill CMt'pit ll!l''61I 1i.1hr 111k Of 1ht ",-undn:I TanufTt ln lM."ll"II t'h:.J ll'.llt1,:e1 "a, t".J.. t a." T&rtutle'" t ulli bk ltk'rhl l:Mlid ~,ia:Lt'r) Orgon Ofi,"Cln', wife F.lm1fli v.-111 hr Jlla>'t'd b) U1lfnoi1 Rin.mtu. Tbc 111k11r Orron", lc\C'lbeakJ1'rt>thn ·lD l4\l,,Ot.alltt'. 'fil~l'ltlo Ol'."rtl. M.-.hkt Mia Fraun .,.,,111 ,-,1.,)' 1~ k1\""''"'·L \t.,n.ww nae vt,.,~t ol tie, •ffo:1ion, Valac. -Y.dl by pb)~~ lkn U..n'ltl l.Jb<"n>· ko-w: U,1,1m ••II pl )'~··pm.tflOoll\ maJJ OthC:ri~nnJ 1n 'lno1lkr rork."' 11,111 he \i.alluaa \1.:-Yfftl, '.uric lkh,er, Phil CA1IM'.ln, M;11hi:w Ral.h. M.111'! ·1 (fTA Oumheun iu:id l.tt.Ja Jwllcr · ·1"anllffo- uptn\ 0cc. 29 o1nJ run, 1h~gh the JI 1& II cooamu« 10 run 'l'a\-. s.7_
IComing Attractio~
• <><• •·JO t)a)" in d1ehfc:(lfa811 I.Jos ed&ibtt by Jemu(cr A:W. 81~11,cll Comn c 11<cy MooJ.i Fml•> 10LnL .lp.m
• O<t.17 NIC Si..,.,...Y 0...hnlnl. "A• E\CftinJr llC lmJl""'~lc111mm Sc;t1t1k.r Audi1oriu1n 7: \0 p.m Adulu: S7, Scnfo, C1tuem: andS11aicnu; S-.•. i(,9.7111() a Ort.. ?9- No•. 7 NIC Thc-:itrr: 0(-pt pre.en,,. '1',mufft'" Schulct AuJtlt>ftUm 7·10p.m.AJulh 1,.Satlot Citit.cca:. S..l and Stucknh SI 16Q-?78() a N.o,1.6-11
The- Lw Ctt) Pla)huull' JlR'""111 "t',~c, o( f"c-nnanccLake C1I)' Pla)tio..l~ 14th&. 0.ud(n g rm 1-ndly .tn.:I SMuNly c,enlnJ"I. 7 p.1n Thim.da)\ .;anJ l p.-,n. ~..iutd.i)· 100 Sundit) m:Mincc,., A.duh\, SIU. Scu~tJScnNvC,1ll""' S~ """Otild= 1l & Under 11> ThuM<l;•: S1ucJcm ; U. l>l,),Jill
• NO\', 9, De(-. 9 PbQM~ynM,n b)' i:1um.c:111( T,m Chtl\lac. &,,-cu t·nmc, n»illcry, W«Ld.11).,. ld a.m --'
Oti,,td ~uv. lS-27 a No•.20 NICS)ml""°'"<B &M ;ti11,m. '"Ci11d1rnn1 of the tmu
Celdir.l~ I.ht C1.v. 111:,'" Schukr
Au.J11111mtn 7~30p.l'fl Fmt ('(ln«n,76'>77ktl
• P..-.S.6
NI( S,mpbonyOr..:boua. C'onccn lbn1r "'- Mndnf;il
Sdwll·t "udttonum. SatuN,I)
7:mr,.,n, .it'ltl Solltb)' 1pm
Adult~ S7. Scnitlf C1tue1,.,. S5
•rl•IS1u,kin• \..1. 769-71bfl
•~·o.... 1-'
Nie' fan C,c.. m.l lau Emc.-,nl',lc "An fa-ettlni: ur Ji,1r,1" Sc-hukr
Alal11onum 7: "\4J p.m 11'--C:
C\"lftc:en. 1'<'9-7180
• u.c.111-11 ll<llidJ) f\lc1tt)'S:tl(:.~,,-'fll
('(lffl(f <bike), Ml.'fld;i) t-riJJ)'
10-.m .i pm
811,c. lJ
NIC S:,mph,,n) On:hc\lt.t •11h nll'1t1bcrnl St("('"ooo,1(.M,it
~Ci~1!1!1~ s,n,h'\-1.oog. Sc:hyla
Auch1unwn.t p.nL AdUJI,. S7.
Srniot Cni1ciw SS and sc...ttni~
SJ. 76Q77ll0
YaknophOnlcs Bill
by James Bell
captain Ego and Genius Boy
CANDIDATES: Soard Posit ion drnw, inte res t fr o m aero~; Nonh Idaho CONTUINUEO flom Pege I
The collcJe tnd tllc. conimuaa1y DU)' m.'\lJn•,~ 1tiic ,u11,c, or the Uhum~ntt, SM-11.a Cla) Wt~lll 4 1edmt 1-..ASll•h tn\ltt1tt('lr, '*'ll'1ppoitltoltolhc~l.bt)'e.u 1111d n $CC lon, a (UIU ·)'Uf
"""0111 Shori a Cocllf J' Aki" :m\'lmc.). cu"c.,u bootJ cho.u ind • 19Y7 .aprohucc. h
,«~• '11• t ·o-yc.u pMlltt.lQ
Rkhatd K,,tlle,, a H.a).kt1 rt.altOf Who ¥>I\ lpJ)(llnlcd 1(1
1hc bo,:atd lhn ,r,rtn,::. b
\oC't' l. lnr Qtlt "' 1hr "•·t'"'u p:KiOOA
Kflhlf, 'I.de.I Ith ht.1lth7 fot
NJC to h11.,(' lh,11 "'"''' ~r an hucrC',1 lit p<1dtlon Jvr 1bC"
- ibr ,anl.luia1C', for IJ1c pot1l"1l'I\ .arc: Mid1lk'I lMl.lgc
I hll\<' • re.al \:tJtumll 111e11t to 1krolh:l('.-k.ook WJ , feet 1b111 N I C (fC!.atcd 11 cummua11r '*' utun a C'Offll'mltltl)'."
<'ouu d'Alene. H s,J
F1cdnck.,on, ('()('1.u d' Alen,.
0,i ,1.1 l'aqum. c«u, d'Alene-. Ridwd Lcftan<i • J r Cneur d'AlcBC; Joni I \j('(.\, A bti fohn P•N). U•) d tn L.,L<', r\lfn.'lcr NI C t,,1,kc:INU t<with R oland "' Rall)'' W llll111t1•, Coeur d' Alme.; Roben Hunl
Po,. 1 f illl \. Tbu1na.~ Ha)m•n.
CA111 do; Jert)' fohn,~n.
R1u hdrum. ud frcd
°'- ome)'(t, PtW r,.u
ThC' icneral C,cclion• urc
NWt 1
You're invited to the
SU B: Card inal Cnfe will close upon SUB's re-o peni ng COl'ITINUEO lrom f'l!ie 1
ASN IC olfic~. • 111J<1n1 '-<.' r rn:t't aoJ 1hrc:t i;onfe~ncC' room, 'olom be oi, 11'1<' -(\'Clod noor l'hC' uppn noor mboo-..t he11lli ~' 1tC'\ .lll'ld a i,11 llcf)' fllC' Iii< am de(l.1nmcn1 R,11 ~< 1nm rt. dlrn•mr o( tbC' NI(' Roo\,:\li;,tC'. •11iJ ii will ~rry sn ilK"n:~\CJ 11.ae ol d othh.. 11pcd.<y boolu.. • rc..JJnJ ~k lood" anJ oihcf ncm~. f>.n nf
POWWOW: D an cing o crowd fa vo rite
\F11tl1 ,..,J l> fltt he: 1.,lftl'MJII #t1 In ~~...,<-~, tn Ntw Mc(i('U, JI , rnec- •~ ha\-C one M tbt NIC: =npu, \fo,C' • ~p,ur CMcir, an tnlcrn~Hon•II)' ~11w~n d1111m:f ,,tld b,, fa\.Ofllt p:irt nl the pow~·ov. i, 1he mt11·, 1r..J1Uurul~ D,ntH 1 \.U, .,_,bu rtc:tnil)" mo,cJ h1 Sp~k•ne ham A.tltvnn ll(tecJ "°1th 1be Spe.u Cln<I Dl'lb men -vrc: ,...,k lc.1111tc:n unlhru,ic..i.,.n,.1 b.a.:b Durk '-l!Jd he Wll\ pw~d o( tbc l'flntm11n11 ) ror 1.ckbc"•1h1.1
Book Swap
lhi: t,o,,biun• will be .i '11.·111,.11Mt;;il111 Mca halunpi,1th 01hu i1C1n\ ..-111 ht nrric.J to help \IUl.k:fll\ ~htt l \kl )"ll'lf ta..h •\ nip .:h,irh And •Hid) l.1ckl).\ Tl,c:/C ,,111111 ~c ll acll 'M"\'ll'(i,,'.(Jfkfanda11C11,l('tdi..,·l..1)UI J.o! IL'.II ro, 1tic bnd 1tM,cho11I ru,h Other p(lit1hihht, .ire, m11illn11 .a\l<t ;,inJ • pnntiftjtllCnkC
Sltmmlcr ,,uJ prkc~ "' 1h« "hl'°I .1n1J t.'lffh;(' tuppho ma)' 111 do fi. 'olotlh 11'ic t<>llrs<'·~ abdtt"' 1.1.1 bu)' ID t,uU. ("rlc,·~ c>r hool, w 1il 1lGJ hkcl1 \la)' r.l'C' IIWfll': hr 'loUll
Tht' l.:111.hcn pfan. nn m1ill)' ~;b.111¥«'' 1ah1.1 D1fh'.rcn 1 l ind, or rooJ v. ill ti< n.aUabfc, •nJ. pu11;hhlnJ 1~m m bc" e.nit:r l'hc pbn '-llh fnr r,,u:i Mex1iean ful.iJ A•lllfl !fJocJ# b.aJch. nuw"" hc.ahh i:u,ucrnu, loodt .and m1mt'·brind l .a,t fooJ
TbC' t "linJm.aJ ('•(c ',1, lll cluo,e aftcf 1M sue opmt.. t.anJ,;,iy id 1'bc tMe ot 1hc: £,Jw.:otN Cup b \till untktcrnthk'J Co1h1tut: 1u1n wt• funded b)' ,1uJcn1 (i;c,. hul. JoC(cWdrn,11 tu UNI~)'. th.-11'\ Ml IIIC' l't',hOtl r« lhc UICfCA'>t' 1n Ml.Iden! 1«~
Senor Froggy
by David Mered<lh
Imm OM' .)C'illl In the IIC'H nic S" mllli•WI bcJJJ:,<'t w11, uc:it"-J from dl,c <'1mun.alion uf th" l\cllhb 1fh1.u1th.r u•r,1a Jot ,1u,k11h 111\J 1hc 1c·n~11n1 nr 1111iJ110 thi: 11c1o1, ,~,n\ln,,11,,n ll,idJ(t trn•.h.i) S, ,ml lhC' htahh l n\Ut,1n.:c Jlffl#:r.tm ,i,11., lt:nnui.itnl ~1111\Cl nf • I d. ,,1 \llhillnl J"1.1n 11; 1~h '" 1n 1hc rrorrum I lic tc-1,; •11~1nu;mw1 1 ht-hml.l ch1•dulc 1111" tu 11 '"· w«" 1.Jd•)' In l.)ri.'('mha 11nJ bnu ty "'1 I Jl:l,i. htffl "'4t hcJu~ "II' " lticn ll"\:"\l'C o( fa u w1:111h~f O\c-r lht 'J"flTlll ~Wll ttlC't IOtilh