7 minute read
It's a Sta rt
Coeur d'Alene Soccer Club foots bi ll for NIC's latest athletic ed iti on h)J~lll:\.'IQn 'vr.111,rlRf't•'rt,·r lk.inm1 np.i.nc C,lf ""'""1fltlJ 1)1114! n1,a...-in1?w:mltl,11,fll'k'tiUttp,..1, ~11t1~plc11~..J l·.d111 ,...,,,nr11nfll-llhflln4 lht pl.l)ing lklJ of NlC"• \l'I) i'MII illo1>1nc:tl''"''4'ffdu~ 0rlt';im.,'flr.'k.'htdh) Cc'!Olf d'AIC"IW''-C.11.'«" duh·, Utll £·.i"l'll'ol'lllfC'r.l\n·11M11\lf111:Wlll'lllll tiu1 h~ .i .:lub <1lllll1, ~..tN' fllRJ,:nJr; IIY ""1."'k..::h1n3. 'lllt1t,,mh anJ ,,.o1: i:thn'1rn"kkllb"I ~,oak;!'(' lb:c:luh ti "'-''1'18 lurJcJ h)' Ille fl'ICcrllMt 111 tkaN1•ins fully fuaJal b) ~c..'\lUe,c,111.:UlfllU._ kl ~~..Ctl\111\trr •·11tu,be,-n Cl) \i.C!lat'l."q"li.U• t::..1..niv.-inlt'l' •.l.ld '1·.\Cf)~) lu, b:\-n"1Ml)U4"11at." Hcaakkd1.tb1f~'.l.h.idba:-n
C'c,curd' \k'ot Sn..u,"C'tub. ...,""'"''"'Cl •J.lJ llk'Ul'JlillU/,1boni.._.l1Jlicc;u lwirJt'dnt',t)·urt,,NIC wl'llllhc rollet.:hi.'l.tltJqftn11J~~,o1I l11 t•,t)'(;aRti'M!1."lllb.h.'l,t.h..
~i1l\'C'~bocic 1tic c:lu1'1',;c Jfon,1d ,hd. w,,ith ,bc.l.'Ofl1t111111d) ~li('DW•MCJ \oUII he hclM:\t'I lbc ;1i1kb1 "-•• o.l II v,'a'I team will b.'tlcfil :\I(" h) Clll.,1'..-.#ioS fi1ne-., u.nd by bn:npn~ tl11t b'.al 'IO."'tt'f lliknl lOt,'ci hC'f
1,nl.t-.-(ul~ Tbclf l,Uf,(111 \lptbl'J \l'Ub l\li(I
¥,,Ill~ lllt,&III\I Co1un~4- 0.11111
("c,llc,e inPtn...'O.St'rt,.12.'Thc f,11111'\ cnckd •Jc-tat fortht
""umtll II CO fl IIWIJ 6 Ill 0. 1111.ICO v.,btllftl.loJIC!\'Uf'IJifttl'lrJllri\l,N h'IIX:WIOO OI C°mltnlillll)' Collcse,..li"4'<'.t~I\ lkc:iu'>t' dK:' I"'~ I\ qlU 1fl the: Je,dnr,n11en1 "1~. f,J.,,m,,,nk:rt\.)jfa'lp:'\fotthc t(.1tn', trnpM\'<"ffiel'lt in 1hc cor11 1n11,
J'1n hrtf•tl'li 10 h; •'••'~r.111'.ldlO\'C'." he \JiJ_ we f"l.i.)cJ ,ttof the he'll ,c:.un, we m.ay pby 11.11 >..-,u. "lthl u.11011hc s1111."
, •·I •tl!Jtd l.l)' lhc fiNgitlflt •'il\U Unk Jr,;ir,poirumg." E&1t:nwu11tt -.ioJ. "Ob\·iiouJy by 1hc ~"'ond pmc •"l' made kit ,..C progtc\.<i and "c 1.~n b«onlC' 1t good 1.tlk:111." l cam D.ru.m Jenny We& Qlid theyh.a,c im1.•nwc•d "'lthca.;h
~llftl( thc)'i!l'C' " ;iriiri, 1ocome 1.1~c1.hetai,1ll(Atn. ~t:ATCalt11rifd10c;:tt:n1
J:<upl.e from d1rTnt:m Mte.u," W ""Id We ·,cpb)nlagiun,1m.:h c.-cth.-r but AC:\'Cl'll)felb..'f We an: "'9011n11orrdlct."
Wdb-S.UMI C'Cl')'OI in\'Oh'tdi.n tht nev. pmgwn • tbt n'llii, 1hc pld)'l'ft.alldthc:~lll\' lic.amm"' A\ 1hey ,co -.ll~S, Jodi Mc Kitrlck ma neuvers around he r opponent and steals the ba ll during practice.
1 lhln., tl "'111 u l"'C'Ntlvc lkkl,hron "' he "'111.l '·l'll)"tl"lll fime 111iJ a Pl 111,'C' l1k,1~k"*' uni)' acid " We "re itully pion«nng 11, ,br'IJhl. '1!,'Cl)ont 1, l.:.:im.l"J.'"
Cross country men looking strong , f ast
New coach Watkins pleased with team's perlormance b) IYII fo1"f)tt"
S,.,111 r-1 ll1'J"N1"'
Tbr ,n,tll o l 1:n•r, k'11\C'\,, a!MIJM\ll l"tt\."A-...., "'*'l'.allJ11t1~1.-it,.,oc:w:1hu11 h'"•h'"(•0111ttn '<'•~inar.ain' Ntc"u.a\d~iul~-.0,\\u..Jc..SAtinl.t),S..1~ IY •h..-n-mt(·.anhr.a."l'liqpm-.; 1&11.1\-\'Nhr,iA.I
11n111m1•1,I' 111111\11 ll'IIN M'II•~ \\';id,11i'IJJJth,t~H1Cllr&-,.1..oJJtipv't.i,d, II c~1 d,,1 ,1L"'11e111pl!ll:CfL.:a..C)i.:.ar ·n.n:1t1"""''il'IC INl'll'llllllf•Y"Jni:\\.al.M"~ \II lflf'l}'r.a.:,JfC',111•°"11 V.Mltlh~11J I .:uui..1,ntir.-lt.lJl*>t 11n111eir ,~r11fl1 1u<f"
K.,11,: 1-Mlm 111 I ale t ">- 111 •h. 11-t "'1ho•11Hrh'r1..-u V~l l'lC hW1haQ:11tuJrrllM,: tllnn '"
II~ C~lir1,J ,..,111.;1 \\.1&h1, ~I
I\K ~k~cd1 1ltllint~111"4..-pt ir,.iut 1111('
\p1L1nt(\offllu1111111t'ul~.,t 1hr:l)u1,1,41JI Sp 1L11'h' l1.,m<1 ('bi.~ fk mm 11114 ""'-'l.•nd rl.al.' dl Jlr l ·,11111.! r.lL'.,· v.h1lc ,tc Jlflh.n llltl(' mru1.nh1n1hc2$ 1111I,· Lc·.adJ.111ithc111rn".a. !'\11 <i..1\1'-"".,\ v.t.,,..111hi, ""-••'4 \.irnT
I 'All! '""1('1llTIJlilft'dl()1ht-'1''fffflCtl(c,nl) IJIIC' 1nu111td1l1\Vll'>l•nl IJidn'th,;,.,<i.•ti:'Cflul l•lflhcrnt·n l hre)cITTlC'tfl \h11i.im~uJ \\11tkhtt )r(fl,lth11111h-:.1"~ bop,Jjttol\.l\,: 1hr:1,"Mt1 ·1,ik.,..111i,.l•t--n ,1,;wne,.~n1o 1t.he
IJrfl h.· MR'*'f C't11il..ln ·, tic h.Jnlicr v.,th 'l\b.11 rh \h:n dJl e,,U\hnw l'\f,a;Lllm-. \\,il1tr,~ \\..U.1m,..11J hen. ntin,(f)' un~-crdbylhe ,,1111.'tl.lh.llu,man~ 'ol l111.i.tcJ1mrUf11t,llllh: um.: IC'\l\;l o1,1hc-mt•n H '-1"111:.._·nthe~bt*k'OOl ll!lflCll\61'1 reality Tfk') Ill.II pN !-t.llf11 N''"'ff)til"'>;' V- 1Lilk ~ul1"' Oie •,111.cntl'l111run,i: 10 ,111111ll\ilh.. A,u\Uf111.,-.:h ~vynnc l~ll'AI\ 1 roach1nJ thr v,111111."fl',ll:'~r1 A" ,r,,1ti1hc'mm·,.1c;1111, 1hdrponJ\ an; 1WJI v.-1rn,m,1u111u1.hll\\i."Cr1n•hc...tthy fOlf U)I: 1111,cb."1~ \\ 11111111 11,,1,d U11.· w.10, ~1t'..ill> h1CVUl'1CJ111c;11.h ,cll,·r;llldr11'Clhem:1Cl\·l"'I
IFliers land Frisbee victory
b)' Htkll t ;r hwtte
Sn,m~I Rt{lf~r
Eo1mcd Olli I() be. kwnM ~)' hlf IIIIC' l11m.a1c h1\bC't: t \tutl'l,1mct11 Fuur am, cor1•1\IU'l!I, nf ~O mcu ,mJ -.,imcn
Cll.lU~ to h 1,e • little (11n The •c.ttbtt 11t.,a jlft.il•.1Bd l hC' COfflp(IIIIU\ v.·crc ,r.a~I) h-..
.-;oon Tbc .iniwc of ht pan~1rw•'\, ;irie:IJ
~'""" •tTC -ccklns (1111 •h1Jc othe~ 1...-..,nr foe tbt putt' ru\h u.f ~~IJncm.
"'111C' ~e..1hn h JJCill ,·re rttlln11 1..-I
I ht wud u h5h1 ind _.c·rc hc1C' 111
,Jott11Mtc.- uiJ K•h" 1ta111a. 11c,l'u11an cJ.u1o..iillOfl 11Wlt\'lt' Oc,m,1t,1(l" 1, JV\~ wl'IIII thr~·
J1d. Tum I '" 1/ol.,un (the n~,.., nc p,.w lhe c1lmpc11111·, ~ and l,mdcd qfc l) 1n (11~ rt~c C11 tnd the tuwn11nk'nt Tc,1111 rnct11hct,. u11..Ll,\k-J \nJ} <ipcncct. \fan) lkd,u·II TNly
~1,.,,cr Tttc,,1 Vtel,-rt\i:11, Jn1111c IIC'fn\.<11\
~3ht: lf•,.,·n. \Hch.irl Keith. kll'nl') ff.idttn
:iutd Chm T•('\c, TJ1eo llllinuuc Fri,btc
T«111Ut111l'Jll\li.a.\.ul ul1111ut.t,u'-''c'-.'
• C'roquc1, '"' d,c r»hcf h.111d. cliJ nnc hi!.\C ,ud, .a 111t1101,11 A m'°rr fnv, n..:n c.1tr.1c w «'mpc1(' ''Thi• mill~ llUC lUTl'ltltU Imm t..~1 )t'llf"' ,,,J Ale.\ Hlltfll>, ,I third )C,U iN:1C11Uc1n n11},1r Arel 0,1\l • lihh•)ur
~fkom1~1n m,1J111r. 1&11eJ h!m'wCII A~l\'f l ht-t~htf lhl('C i.:Vlnr<'tHCJO lo f(l ,: llh l rtaU" 111 lht
1om1i11II bu 1 ~1>mrc-111h·( l~mcnt Tt1e .?-on-2 G,au~ \ olkyh•II l,s.nn,unl"I 1 'o\a, full of (\ricricrxcd ,l1mrc1iu,.11 J.te11.1111111r ,hJmpit'n ,1.ck Cupl1 h!llfflc.'d 1Aoi1h tu:.• (Wtne, Ehll IJJf!ritllc 10 Jf4h lht' hllt '"''
II\( 1.V,1ilpt"li1loo bctim, !lk!',.in lollu~c.l Std.an Rt'lt,inwn waJ p ,111nt1 J~ L""C'll unx-J ~\'""' rt.a:c h" t.cam'li\VO
8 1'c•r Ml ,1lten1,1h\'(' h horiaa friday m,:t,h,
1\aho.:il Hlth u.111
Baseball brings back nine returners
by JuJtln Rurm "i,,.-,,,uf.:d'lt11.hll ha\C'h,111 I t)''""' Lui
1'1('4i.c>n'• ln,1-ptitec ri m,h Perh•r• ho lh w~te. JUll ,lift. 11rnet,11a on ,0111:-h Pti;al \ larmmJo. Ahtr 1hc l li>flll rirneu, o r e1imino1mn p· • tito \lhh.o \rmlM.llfl,"" lt.un nlftnbfr 1)-,mn)' Gralftr,ld ~~humOt"t', l,."flC\ for 11.r-grub d11rina thf' I ldm.ate I rkbt-t Tou m amf"f1t 'r"pl. 10 t1:1, 1hr sii«,r Otld, for M oo:,ardo arid hi, 1:01t<:hlnJ1 ,urr - hlf ~C'bllll tf)'CKl h~rc\)\'(( '" 11'1 hard u.1 uplun ho\\ touah o '"· Mam:,rd1• •ahl •·S-0mc of tbc 8'*Y• ,.c cu1 arc JOlHI <nUPfh 1(1 pl•y. lht'1e· ju1o1 ncl4 cnoo,ph ,pot,
1111Jmrh1 Sn:1d,, 1,nd dnnl) ,ull .n'lcJ thtull$fk,ul the 111$hl a 111ir lntramtlf'III (lQ'kl111 rtllUD11mr111 11r1II he \tuncJa) Ck1 12 toci1111u11i .at 'Ip nt. at ~11n~ o,,wlutf Cco1rr h>t 1nfntrn.111on \.ontm.tthe1Sotli..'.t•7M, 120(1
Tl')'OUU ICiol\!d dliC abUUk• bl wmc 6$ arhlcte, 11.t1d l411tcd ,c,ctaf •cuil"ln,. Only .10 pill)'('" c11.med • p(h moo Nine lll'cre tc111mcft from Ill.ii yc.ar
The (,11 1 t,11,e.b.111 ~ca>Ofl wm <nd <kl JS, ..-,1b the CarJ in.nh , ,,.1tutJ Spa..,,n" Ptilb
Cummu m,) ColJcge StpL 26 .rt noon for their opcuc, NIC hosu Coh11nhia B.1.,1n Oc1 3 11 i,oon .and Spt,~ane f all" ()c,1 6.
1'he IUNI '4 tll Include n1nc p,cthc,,, live of "'hom Ill relUffl u ,opho11101c,. R)u
8.111t'-J, 111 It.id lhc \lo!IICff 011
1hc mound alon1 wuh 1cf1 h11n tl cr Bu Fruk of P11111
Ida.ho Stou Re»< or Htydct1. Jeremy Tbonuu, of Mcd1ul l.Al.c. W11~b and Trav1, Poot c~ M~C(I\\ Mait1a1do 01id fall) can expttt lh ,ee hard throwlna (ruin Mark. ~calc,, • 1111 1oh•, fmm CC>lumtria 8a.,rn Scale, h t,\pti.;tcd to c; I C),;c for 1hc tcvn', p1ldnog ,taff A clo\c:J " 1 ,,,ally noccded polition for the C.atd~. hclhil'IJ'IA ,wllch-h ine, Breu MiJftlin, (ro,n K :ilh-pdl. Mom., v. Ill 1J1,pl11y src.11 \j1«d "" 1bt W:~ p.1h ~nd \01id dc.l'c-1>~ ,1~ o ,nidd.le 1nfiddC'1. M1U11..rdl)ft.m.
ASNIC for fitness
fo, \lucknh 11rhu \lo-ere unable 1.., jQtn • wc,gh1 hRlll$. c l.ais, ,ul(l lhinl ;1 pri,.alc t l11b h IC'tet c11;pcMhc, I\SNIC ml)' h1u•t. helped out NIC''> 1.-:k (If• 1-,c m:n:11Uon ruc1h1y cau~c, problem, rcir Jthktc,• .and unhl.c moq colkoj'~ N IC OOC"t n(l4 h:i,·c. 1n ltdC"IU.llc 111.dtthttoom A \NIC h.a\ ncs:ountcJ • ub11dh·cd ,1u.Jc1,1 ctw11ni:1 v. u b St.1 f'it, t10W U Hcur Vltlle\"'-
Thi, )·or. 1()(htlldt1U.1t tia,e tbc: oppo1tuQ1I) co ,Out lhc club (Of Sl, anti p.,y Sl'i>.99 pc:t 11111n1h U"°'111 )' n'ICtnbcn m~1 p.,y 1 $60 ln11llll (c<l, bul ASNIC tun ,ub11d1i.cd 1hc Sl.S throuab ,luckotf"'
Th<: deal i, oo ly open 10 NIC •tudcnt,, Md doc~ C'IOl coni.t1tutt 1 c,,n1t.1C"I ,.,, commllmctu cir 11mc fac ll>ffllbcr "1.ip. I-or 1nfOl'tnoiUOll CCll'ltiM;t ASNJC lll ?69-78,H
Wresder denied for extra 1.8 ounces, sent back to U.S
\\tltn 11 co1nc1 10 'tlic1gl1I·
,u1t·h1ng, 1hc Irani•-"" would ca,ily put Jennie Cr11i1 or SUmf.n111• ,turnc follnw111g Aft aitfll.iDe trip half v..a) anmnd lhi- ,:k-.hr, I If! p.>11.11.J Sh~u11 \\',Uiun, rcrh•f'' l1llJrC 111.1n tc.d) 11.1 ~"11pttr- tn 11 Woclt1 f1c,c.,.1ylc fh11mpiun'iliip1 1nlnn. Willum, clinched lhc "1:(c,nd rt..« hdc 1111h.-('atd1n.ih" 11 d,
I du.ring tho
Students get fi r st tes t o n Cl ark Fork
F loat pro v id e s r est, r e la xa ti o n from firs t wee k b) \Ud1t.ll c ,1c,ult,Snr1,n.-/ llrp.1,r,.-, l.ca1.1ni lbc tlr,1 11t.-cc._ al ~chool tn 1hcir wake ?! ~IC" • uxknh .ind ,1d1 member• tuc.•l;. t1111h, rapid\ pf \IPC1tan11· f'LuL
Hllli. R,\". A.111- \41 O<tnnmJ rrr•on.il 11u.1.111on ck\lu'I 1Pllh1, tb,: ~,c-. l«aJ,cJ tnto lhrec r.,11 ;1nd t,..o unizk li.a).11' (rln•1 11l.t oh J hr I~ Int ho.II.It Ucl.,t J,,v.n d1o1 u~rwn Gnc,c•11 tthc lt1p1 \li-.U Jff'III, nuh,:iJ:, L1k k lUt)'t>nC al tlr,,t hu1 h) d1,: enJ of lhc lt11>, IIK«" \Ii~\ 1h1t. c.anwt.a.knr 1l~t ••• ~.aU)' pti.;~l,'" 'i111J 'm!I \lt)'IIC"CflOr a Spi,hne llbrar,o1n •nd JU<• I 01
HI n l.i1.·hw1nli.<r• M( 1.umpc1h!r Jcp.utment Aflct '!.1nt\ll II Ille hN 11,,a:l of i.;111• o• e,·t'•)nnr 11,11, intiro 111,111 w1lh1'11 to tk!' tn\lteJ l111u 1h(tlal. l,,.l ·•cutl v,wc1 Tl'lr he I r•u •,n 1nre1u11 p."l)pko u ,J t11mwi.o1 tb<m tn lllill out<hwr rc'"1r ooet m.aj,1 1 .\oil) 'ipr1n1otM1~'1\\ rhc I\, 1 p,nl •,·11h11 1lirv11, n 1n h) dic JI.I) d111Jk"d llt'I m.1i,o, K,cht\ II n",n flollk)fl,11 htk LL" )'C'-111 WUlb.nn.1 ,ophom\)rc. qualified for the IUUfflC')' rn hh ftllll\·r So1.11h Afrii.;"a wuu.m, arthcd 1n lcl1tlft afttt a cb) lonJ n1:1,1hl del.aJ a1al whtn he ,tq,pcd Mt4) the ...ak fQI uffi,1AI v.cls:h·ln he w1r,i,,cJ hi, I IQ-pound ,1 by I b "'"""'Nc,cuhclc", 1hc traoi;im, d&dn'1 ..-ttpl W1lll;1:m, and 1-.c left the: lnumc:)'
Sports Calendar...
16. Arir Hla ll<nd C.C, " """"'· MOO<by S'Pt ?ft• .te6p.m Tn:tlli.Un' \'alJt'y "' On111fjci, Ore l mla.y. 0.1.?.1117psn • Ouldoor Pu l'1> ults
~1th o1111t l.t.c lumhlrv.«J cmd F~nt !fl ctcome lhC' Jt'tKlp
1.u1-1.i11ttd 110 111,,e, •nJ ,caurncd 10 .ti,nc ,: mil"'' (h•en 1bc1r ru1, in pol11t The; \\Cit' 11ooe1. but 11r111ina (he \,rathoer r,n>,nkJ rli:111) 01 •11n,h1or 11nd ~0,11 t,,\.'c'la foe ll~ndk'n l l1r 1np \\;lll one or m.in)' Clffcl"\'.'J b)" 1he OufllOl,lr Pu1,1,11h P'''¥1""' 1,-=Ma.J 1n 1ht 'il*'1 hv 1n(1 11t1o11in11 on u1H;o111ing lnpi. (1nt,1t1 J.t,o(llula 6'1,71<!W
Cu ll tgt u r So uthr.rn l dathn, al
T"' ' " PWl1 S.11unb:y. On 3, Ol)
11 Yakima \lt,ndla)' Orel .s " p.m • Cros,Coun, ;,, \ \ lll1mtlt t' l ntlt1atJ0 0 1 I .ti \akm, Ore. Sun1nby, Ott. l, • soc,..r Uac Lp•d:l ni aa nd Flthl na Wt"tlierid• .1t 81g Fi\bct Lale• S~rdiy.Suncby. Sep&. 16-?7 Canoe l!xplorin.g, Ill Upper Prio.t Lil.kc Sllmrd3y..Su1>do)', Scpi '?6n Whlle.,.a1tr Run lng K,ptdi1Son, ;11 tow~.t S,1 Jm('ln fhvrr Fnd.l)'· SunJuy.Oc:t 2-4 • Rodeo C lub Mee ling \ \.alla Wall a C.f 111 Walla m~m c:onJcrtocc: room ,n lee lull Wall.a. WA.Ith•• S.a:!urJ.ay Sepe 26, MonJ.t), Sept '28. "' noon. The " All College" Ski Trip Whistler/Blackcomb, Canada January 15-18, 1998 ( 1st Weekend after Christmas Break) I $60 Deposit Due Now I Final P aym e nt Due November 16th 3 Oa)'s Skiing, 3 Nlghls Lodging, TransportaUon = $344