The North Idaho College Sentinel Vol 52 No 1, September 24, 1998

Page 7


'Al 1hlt pnfol In the tui.g~ttun, Wcud '-'ttl. •·,here nMIJ) i,n·1 rmdl11,t.llk:ihoo1

hhn..n ....S lht Puw.•11 c.a.,,c h \\J11u1 hr: c.alh :i 6:atuJ ~"l(W(lh'C\"('flot d 1"4:tlfl'ILR,lhrlil I k MJJ hnch the ld.1hil H..nliM'I RiJht, t"1.111uum..1c,o a.nJ tk h.-dctaJ Eqwll l:mplo)·mc-r1I Opponurt,I) c·nuuuM,ICJO cwminl!J lhc c.1~. ~11:l.1 tt'l<.wdt .ind r,,und prdlllllr ,..,.. l .1.'.#'Y11.,t.:ntn111Jub l!JjM t, 11"1'-ll.llt'k':l"('.a,c """' Jt~ ( lra:-.nt.1n 1.l1rr1:tr.1t t~ h11111. n ~JJ hL' couldn'1 JJa:~, 1henuner. M1n) P1111,,c11 \\1u •,)r\lng put umc tn 1'-t l.t,11r11w; ut('r "'t.:,1 ..i run-um.: p., twn ~"'" ,d\cn1icJ. ar.c.L•, IU he, l,;,W)(t. l-f4"C) RKhm11n R"hm,ua wud ltlC' Utll)· mand11Jrit~· 11,1,jllUCIIICl'II \\(ljo th.II d~ •l'.'rllCAnl ha\o( ol rno. i..-,·sl.k1:ri.'t

NU..", u.1tinn11t1\'t' .acllu n plan wa~ si,MJ h) O~llllln anJ t,!frnt, r-,itc JffliJt,u Rohal 8tm~n md J.1h.tJ Apti l ts. l~l Tht': hu nL1ft tc\Oilt'a;'.\ ofri\.--c "'uJ 1bc r l .V1 1-. undt'r ft'\-1\,nn .&nd ,tniLl he cumpktc ti)' the cDJ ui the mo1@,

R.i..1'1111.&11 lhcl Ol<.e: f'a t'lc:en f'lkd 111 '!,(IIIC' 1,"(Q'I lln.;I l•I~'(' the llfhHIMUt' IC'UC'f h 1~..:('l\cJ trofi lhc U S ~1 (If J£N1«.1.hrca-.c-•1II txi f1k.'\lankdrralalUll Yhrt we C'\pt\.1m• lbc k11c1 "",dun J tnuodt RAititlllft Ult) att "*'111,- h.- unJ,...;lll'ilCJ 'AhlL"tl he bdlC"\U 11111) r1,Md SIOO.OOU ftlf W of "'"JC1:'.and wll4ri1ig.

R.Lhm.111 -..iiJ 1hr w"" nuc fc>m)dl~· .a('pc'l•\tJ .al 1hr hnac: 11 \\.t!I ,;ipplicd '° lhc ca.'4!. f.\ffl 11·1 ~lfllC'-...h.c,rr,h.imi~'4hf lt1 he p1d1&.II\C ~JI ~t.llJI' l jf~ llfll.l ttx:n fiM.c- 110 ,IC>h ~du1w1 MiJ fh.::tu11.UJ uiJ v.b.d Mt' iJa! ~'" -.Jrlem.lhlc

JuMC' Cihrnl,., ,1n \'.I(.~ trv..itt

rr..t 111bt- rucn1.l.'lt-r i..1iJ 1M. t\c.rt, ·r"v,u, a Jru11, 11be h.a., h.-J

191 •tui1111111it

t:1111 SiJ1•ha (•<JC'UJ t.l'.<\ltnC'

1 ntic- mr-nit>cr .inJ er •(1."'0 uf lbc

r--.ra&. '-lnl ll•ri: "•' a 1,1d nntt al

II~ c,C'nl,, \c111h.-r mt111hcr of thr

lnltc luJ. t«t'IIII)' "aC'd .i1J m,UI)

l,11hc mcmhtt\ wru rno\lmlnJ

Sifohn tolJ .t UL"') ,l"l)IH 1be



J,,.,.t, 'l l uth r

1.-'llct the Iii ,.1111'1e1 pnn1111cd

l~ cu·nt In I\C' mmf'J ou1u1Je fn

Uu: SJ(" \\IU:('I Ht'ld. "'ht-tc !I m111n~111 r111n11t,t 1111.d,c

pllat:c.M1'ltt th.1t1 111ne rci111,i,d lrJbc-1

lO)QI~ 1ha1 hn runchtkllh"r ltlld lull.I hlni Ur &:aid 1hc CU)'blc t:. lcn,h<, rrnm ld.ih(•, Wi11hinglon anll POWWOW C".audlt u1111cd foe I cekbr.i1i1JJ1 continuod on Page 11


o11nJ SUlj'lOJf. fhc ht-.K.b Ibo: !\Ir

111.a~·C',- The t.u:ml 11f lflUICO

JC'Jll;,1tt"d the bti.o..h 11, tl'k" Clk'!JI

,1 ·\lroc lttbr:ffl lli-..1

'" p11,1 ccnuurC'°'• rcJ1onsl :-illh\-C' AtJIC'lh.U1t 111C'I ill lbc

1p-t..C"cht1·l,m ~u1~h m

1h.1uhJivin1 1,, 1he t1.:J1lo1

t·•nill)" md rr,.cnJ1 ~1,11pc~

IOj:Clhtr 1n 1hl" •J'lflftt •mJ bll

Ille 1nt,c. 1....rtl,dP1,11<J ,n fbhinat-

J.Lnc1n1 MW r..unhlinJ I have b(('n lonhn,: l"f'W.ln:I lo lhl\ ,I.a) ,11t(C I <amt" lo ldAho.• uiJ TtHn l' rc1ld n1 ".11ducl Uu.l'\<', ...,1w_1 ~ur11dc,I tb ru-~ ~,. Burke, ,cH1r.l ,, tncm~r *nd 1h1J1:11h plUUClpillt'J b) lcMTJlft$ ii \.llnC ,\,nctiC.l'I d,m 1•

tdOl'tD.....a Gabby eo,,-1 Jr.,• '1-yur-old Spokane-S-n N111ve .t.morlcan •Ing• and plays IM la mlly d t um.

Sixteen vie for board seats

Tru,tcc nice gain, 11 candidate,. lose, t wo b) ,rund h.hl&Wn "l'r 111 n,.,,..,,i,


tn'al'd m1mhct 1,1 n, 1 1.11i,.,. •.f'('flllil I•• 11C'Jl1 P!l Nlt ,~t.luflnl\l«'\.. A, u t Ava uni)- thn:e i!IOlJMC'11b v.cre the h r.c• UIO!ol f"mg flll;I nritnt ,.,,04.hall(i,~1-.. l-l..•\'(11 mott rct P*r aJJc.l1Jk"1ttWin1C1otothcclllk;liJ.aul111~I

•\•1th"1•-ut~ 1fk'll 1&;a,m,r 1fl~ 111'1 1tlelf"n'aldtl.'1innbr-.l l1t1 Jc.&OOC' 0 1\~fh. focmcr d1J n,,,1m.11:1 ,m,J uutfu"'' U)entbcr of tlr twariJ_ l!IWw,~ nun1)C'fo(fln'l'l,...wc 'Ackun'lt t.,nlnfut

1·Jft. 1 ,n:,11 lhi np (11r JcJfll>i:f.11:), Cntn1 utd '1'bnt ii ,11-u)\ 11 ~'f\?3111~1 \tl\jl(_''" Por1 p{ 11'11." l't"ol...00 m,1)" l:'t' dUI." ,~l hl' l#Jc"r II IOII lftUIII 001nbcr flt 101h1111 Ilic kaflut. Ilic ll\ht« ~ah,, "llk.h r,,11 h i ~u. )C' it 1ncR"mcnb art' 11t•nu.111, atJ t:Ot'J ~<'n ,~ JCW\ ,., no mcl(l· ,hat hH1 ~•h ,1pfriw,1t11he~kJL In lhh U\OC', 1hn:e tQl\ \\'C'fl"! OJ1Cl'IN 1lu1iurh 1nipuoum la ,Jr pa." lv.11 )C#\, Onl) •"lC k~ ~me open due k) d u; ·umplc1111>11 c,I ii • ) \'.o1'kffll llank" hrllut'·\k('urrncll a mu-td \J \. ~4\ ~ »i l"c-1 lnd lb\'tcl WolJ t <'1"C"1•1 q·l\k'nt t'yc dnl.10,. "'llhdt('A 1tlri, narnc:... Wt•IJ w1llidft;v.- from lhc DCC ha:.i11\tt' l1l1 •11£ I' 11,fl N IC cn-1pk>}tt, ! o1!\! l.s\\, flt~ l,nrlt 'ltru1fnM O$I nntllth col 1m~ f"\fJ('(lAlt) 1f .I re,,,ci<fi', or.d•J'l' f1111nl) ft"IC'rnhu h tmpll•)'<'J h)' tbc ('Ollcf\"

CANDIDATES oonw11••• 011 Page 11

TIU'ldl~ 8ept. 2418811 Coeur d' Socce r find ~ it s way to NIC News/Page 7 New Cltildren :1 Ce11ter .wo11 inlwhitable News/Page 2 Symp hony ireat s downtown Cd' A to show of patriotis m A&E/Page 9 ("hol.cdrm<> 6 Cnmc, Rcpons Sc,."Bric'5 3 Sr<" " Calendar I ~l<t Colcndar 10 Com ics II sentin NOR I 11 I l) A II 0 C
Pin zotti says she wa s not promot ed because of race •Ith• O."ll:CU\'t" o1.IOm1;111, 'f .-.,• l),111.1 Wc11,I. Mr. 11tomc) ,a;d ~'d bee n 1old Pinl04U ""' \\'ilillng IOI I ritht-lo .,UC Jctk'r Wetttl ~uJ iJnlil a t:ompl.1 mt i, -<r\ !!d aind !ht)· p1tp.1rt' a dcrcn\C'. iJ1fC\1Uklu·1c.'\lftl.lncnL (,jWJirh:.ollKin" •·Ntl~ 11)1n110 IJ""llfJI WI ti)· J.t.y1n,. 'W.r'II all ham • torerl.ll hire.'., R~11111.11t MtJ_ \\ dl h 1JIPC'l(d. l&l S'(Jl.~Jnn lhe> .i, .,,,'bl rO( r b;1 h l') nllttkitr Nr1a1Lllt1>1 ,_,.NIC "'f" Y.ho
Former employee challenges hiring policy
·NJ('" l;;r,\it Ille 1'1""1Jn•n 10 • 11un Who) Jk,l noc hne I r11." L·1 ·1 lk~me," Rtctltnan sn.l. ~c. per th.~ .t h, .,,,11\.lklll.lUIJtfl<\l"' k,cbm.111 1a1J 1h,: ('{Ille,\· ,u1C"1J lht' m,m "'"" .tul't'J hx.a,~-.c I.- 'A:M U"'l'i;:uu ~. ,lfld JIit' tollco, ~.u, luts..11..-ilfll if ii 'il.J~ he ~I. n \\,m ldn·, MJJkc a<lsUcrelll.-:t ,n ltlC' Prnrot11 c~ Ile 11m.J in nntcr t,ir 1111 ~ffinn,;io,·c :11,;oon pola,;y ta he CMllcd. the' .apphc.ant ru u t meet the n1111ifllu111
:;.,,,,i,wlkr,,._,,,u .\ftct llltlC monlbM ,,( L'i:11\\lnkllOn. h t ftC'• ,,u,11."UC IIIIICln l•u•IJl11).' " • N.1111 IV.1Hhirch Wffll)lclc \tlQL'Wdlu,e 111 1hr bo..11'd of au,.ttt, 1tic hnM 11& h tel 111 h:! li11l,hJ 111 t.lit OlJ lll J.lUUIJI) an1I c,-,cn ;iin'Ull &IC'h1UIC' O .i , ,I "-Calbcr 1 1,1\'Chf'llc I n .JJ,1100 h> lk'"' budd rng. ,.ti..,u, I OU f\d1nu 111U1111rn a,;nl'l,I ffo,rn" 'Ole be',\ SU0"-1llf-= mm:"""" fncndl)',•t:tiJ n.~~ ~~~i;;;;, ~~~c·;~l~:'("~~ "•II (onlunn " 1~ t\n li ltJ Amc."tu;.,111\ "llh l>iiol!Nh1io \.:• ..,1u.1oUnh. 'i.11111tt r,,.,, ,c "ill 11"'- 1tlN" ti')' :I•rn 1, mMlftll' &he Sl !fl "•'C'CI dwr,11a "'"~i..r·, I.A11ny\ie111 d 1m.url1Nn1hGf')"IICl'\'1Cn.ta1d Ukff \ll,1"h:mf)'\"«'t111rn."'t' wd'lt S\;8 1hr" h.t\Cl'lltfll \\ill lu\t • \Min, .ut'.-lt'. T\.' tuunF, lf1t~T u1i:all ainkl\'nl.'t' :attn and I )I~ Oh&- 'Jf"""' r.... The r1111111\f v,111 ((ln~1t.1 ul t~ hc.11.1l 1orc, .a E'9ctrk:11n Sieve We:be, took t over ll'lfatni.'t nan. 1110 luun,n ms •n 111form, 1-'ffl btueprfnls fotlhl SUB lhet It IC'hlduJed .;.-, "" for completion Jan. 1999 S\JB oon1,noec, on Pege 11
sun to re -open for Valentine s
l.nlaY, New ...........,.
Regional trlbn gallllr tor ncond anJal powwow 11, t, nkit lh,ttfa,tn Sntti,rrllft1•,,111r lhc )v1111r vid lb,· ,,Id bc:JM.1111 '·(I, "WC';innc l.olorful, 1,it'lnint 1, \UlJrM:I"J Wjlh (CJilhiC't• '""II'- l,r-'o1lhcf ,111J hc11,,h. C.if'II) i;l<llHh•lld1Mp,>\\ihilll) 11( raltl .:1u1ed ltft"l So.UH' ,\m"''""" \liohn l,illh<'lcd IOI' tliot uc:011J ann1111I Y.ap-Kcchn,llm Pu •o• 1.i.~l l?I I, ,,_
Gathering of Spirits
'" (J111'°'11.n,011, (hmmmnp1
~:,~J.;:~:,;~e~,~!: --=-
CIIWJ)UII h n.a1ntJ l hi, mt'aciln& "lhc e.a1ht11n1

el's Prime Mini,ter .1sked '\lhert Ein,lem to lw rre,ident in 1'152.


n Service

_. Civil Air Patrol colonel serves both God and nation

h)•ktlh 1> \l,1w10'1,fl;Jlf, M.,,ya,-,..,11 1J1>< rn\i1f.i(IQ(d hin\~f lll lllc l .\If h•~ hl-llU U )''Wll .lj!'l' ht 1tt, h1111...:II Jn1111 GoJ','o\'Ol'l. Allc-r1,.a,dilll lO 1~ 1.h , 111tr.i-.,lldtlf f,,r 1ht ,\n

f,,n."t" h.· '-U\11,c n'l~h,.td dlt' tnl!1t.U, WhJ lju, rd1Jk'(l1 lttl1ng111;qulJ 10 l'-ln1l·11)·1 00 lkd,k'II. I&. 1>t.111c:J Mt f'l'-c' 111HU-M) CMl'rt'r

lih~• I '1.J\11~....i..1t,.,..,., m1heC1,ilAt, f':1l111l.l»WJA11ht'C"ocutd 1\lcnc: /\11p111

\M1l;aty "')k l,c1fthf. k.-kl"l.h!p JUJ,rth

drc'i\o hm• lll 11'.c proitT,1m -..~11nJtt'f .wuli.w)' C-1 the l' S Ait httc. C',\Ph ~n,111f'l!,Jar1.c11be Au h•« \kmtin-. ,ttt nv1l1.11m 1111>1 h, rn1=11n hiltj!n u11 \o:Jtlbillllol ,l(Tlt\f*('alUC,lhfllt 1111.t 1bc' .._,1tk\ pl>j!f;)ffl Th,c 1.·iid-1 f"'l"'tltam • r,1111 i•l,11('.idlJ,c:a,J.(t1.hiplO)'CJUll)1 f)C\lflk', W11h tllUJ,,..ln' 1111m ht• 111C"Qtur, Air f un.,:o

\1,,1\lf Jtll I o,ud( l:lcd it.11 won R.'ah,,-d tllC' , ,f lc.;Jct hlp .,, k -a!JlttJ htt 11o·1) thruuth 1ti,: nanh. lie ,;,;o l'll'l•ltV4tJ lu C'AJl

C11t M rt} B«\lrll in Jill~•.,!')' ui IW7 11nJ bl1ht wft~htofin.,1n.a:u11ll l.Uadth. A11ht,,1nlr.Ctfq1dc-1ufllaui.1.-..Jt'ti,.ott;

('fii.:1hk !u, the lnkfn..ltun.J Act L111kl h<.'h;tnj/C Pr p1a The mf juq 1"1 the rn.,,111111 p,,,n&lffd thl- Ait M'lf\:A:. i, Id

1~ tUl,t UfkkN.llldlflJ IDJ j('(l,n. ,tur

nthl.T )'QIIIIY flt'f!Jlk lrNn .-ool!IJ lhc 11,,lt'l,I fiQ;.l.1dl h1...,un.111. ,,b1J dll\ 1111, lclfl t\

t"'\fl."I. 111) hlll""'llil l~W hrad~ "llrtl "an IJl,,.1co1,nl ~j:o1! h1ty 11Wo.arJ

1-c I I 1o1J.1} bc."1.i!IJ'< r,1 thcu lrc.llf'll<III o.l lh(

utfCM."l' tout 11-e) uo·r~r111n the

IUl.1tr•<•I th.:1rho,.11 ~nc1,1ibot, [k\l..1dl kit fOf t r.inUun. Gnni.m). Julv :O .11111 tnd hi\ h1u:11n &1.1111 puup lilt ork'"I.IU<MI Ill Ben O\lria.11 lt11tm.i ,11111 \1!1"'311 tk,:l1dl who 'llr.L, hnmc ""hcolcd. wud 110 -'mcr-.:11J1 lt11lct, V.l"f'C lt,1\~IIIIIJ 1,1

lJIUIUil."OIJnTnc"\,.,tll.llnnly \:fltlnl,.orl

...,.,111 lum Cadet• (n1111 AU\triia. IJ1it.a1n '\1t. ·,kn, l·r11nn:-, lk limni.. ~t1Ml.m,h (tff'~ Bot.11111, Ck:m1nn). :\.~•) ~nd Swt1urlilri.l 111«1. f<Jf ..., lwt '-uulJ h: t\loo •«L\ 1n 1-r.:1 -111«tni111 •1thd1imtD11d 1,1u.nn1 lht' HIIUICtv Mh.1 (\plCINl'IF .&if fo11.,e """ltnmRllll'11tM.iai1'o\t1 ion.:cU;i,c1hc.y "''CtC 0n'4n un hni:I\ t'\CC'Ull\ot: n:1ll11 BC\~lt'll

l'C'J'f!W\llt"IC 1!•1..111lhe 111t1 ti , ...,~(Niw,l·1 ha1.J Ill 'I\UII. l11n)UJ!h !tic fn,tlhl)', hf' '1\,1

In I,~ mr« ,1hou1 J,.:~rJJ Cl,l',,locn Ptd,ldl h\ ,1 '" M:h11111,1t (ih.&11. 11,fui;h II juUlllll',l<.kofTdA,h IWMtclhc-~1Mt1t pv..1rt i1t ahc p.•lll•lt'I o\ :r 11a-n.' '!'·hen fl( .,,,,n +J1,1',1,1tll~huruh hdicf tt'lhn.11111,t lum1h•'1 ti mi: nu.11\kd •IJ!j,1'. the IJQl'11 "''*'


\\ 1t~u1, 1hmui,:h Jrn1~ \lo&\ hk br:111,: tn • N,:a.)Of'o.1. (k(!f' 1'1111,· ltujt.11Jnc. lk1rL.ttll1a;U1I Jm ln111 Wlllmll,lltlff'(rtlii:1,10,. (.hfl•h.1111,, hl.t lllkl JoJ l.ll1n. l:kd,tdl

1;u,I .ill 11'11 ·um,..,. • 11.-u, "' 1hc 1,1\ly lnlCI ,:ine1111,l111T ,1 11" tll(1~hirn"l..im11tr 1bc tm,h ·nlC' Old ( 111, - 11111,~il "<'ncuntp,n\C'd hf 11 i.tonc: \l,JII !nr ptlllc,.;11111, b ihc 81bU~t Jm1 .,'c111f11)' lrl,:.t\!ht'Ullfflt{)ltht' fhd • \1u!J1U1 T<'ntj•k tic.111 in llx: Mtdlllt.: A¢n ,11lli."I' 1'.l.11t11C' ..-.ami.11, f'hhtJ l"III l:u11tf'{'im crm;i.ln\. lhr1'('111rlc M•tOOC. 1lfl ~h;.,·hcheo"-1 k1A.1,h~1,- 11n1:c tr"rcJ. h l),c, fNN hPI) k•1 J. 1>111!. J('l, lt.NJ~h. ~ft f1t'I .dk1"cJ 1,1 n1k1 tl'c \\.'llkd ~" Jue 10 And, tUfllt1'l, fft,or.i,~ 1hor J.:w\ l•"d 1h,, rl.lcc 10 tlC "" th1h th(~r,.n,i4 l htW1ulm~\\.1ll•cti.: "Coh'm 111..lll nl thc lcniplr ,l,.,-114 ot w..hlch (IClt't...,,t ti.11llr.yKm1S(...-,111<-.ft h t Iii.: kYt ,r 111(,1 rl;a."t". lvt lb:~ ('.1n1.:11i,M<k.i fllxklc-U aJ Ill!.•) '11r111I .i1.J•-«r, 1f•1uJlf'(('l•1J•Mlf1t1n 14< d1dlt.:1H.11hc\\1ulinJ\\.tll l,11,..-raJ 'llrllh"'--r1J1ti1£1"P,:l"¥1ith Jlf.l)'("l~fll'ICtlCfflfQI' (irJWdtu·,,,C'r. Kc...~ tdl 1a11I ht t,d~o lht' Jc,w,. ,11y (~·,d1tJ1itn pc,i1pk. Jatkl ttab.tC\l Oc-d', 1111" i M>fU hlf 1hr\L: rc-,,rk 11.h1~ Pl hnrl ih W,I ht v.1,.tifJ 1ht1-dh•••MR• a.,p:~·1,.,,i IIJiC 111p 'l\,,ul,J h..,-c outiicw.~1c,l 1hl; r,.1ruc, .xtJ dlri,t f') Nllt.p:t lk •u•l ht kb~ mud\ i·u111dha,t 1«111 •J1Cll fn11nthcJev,1\b 1-.:,,p1c~-.,, ~1'M'Cl1 ....,~ " 1e,11.11Jrlt --;i ,l,lt10~11l°'·11e.1111llenriltlJ1111 ufttr IC'•"J!ltrMtw l1,i11c\\11h11 I "'"h fastidt llick ,iiJ'C hll•.111,11.ll'f•lflhclf f\k""!.tril1." Reo..ltdl \;IIIJ ltd\·cmi;n I<• ('lwi-.1, 1bc n,u..1 l.1mc1u1h•', rc.ilm Dl"-C'ICtlllh.-!IIQ.ll"t)' lk,Lt.tJI \b 11r;J \1.1......t.. \\-•n !\ins )IM1>elv.·~tlj'f4'fflin tlir.k'A\,•1..ibn f;;t!,~

pl11i.:A1._ \tlnid;a, Wffllllll6.k.°'1h) htphclllh

h,-a:ro.,., ngfo,;~J11nilh1tt..l11nd "°'111i:\lo11t<r '1)\l\"lfl f,-rn1, 11) 11><k1ndi:t1Jt.l1od1C"V.1ll1 hn1111r .u~, 11111 t1l h,t\l' lhtlf '••nihn Jlh)-..l,..111, 11nJ rirnoJ.JI>' nu.J,ntd I,\· Hl~Jd. nic mr,, l1lli:.J Jb,;u t1mnh~ 11:ml ch, 11 1hc1h-<hn V.hc.-l-k11-J',.,11 _,111111t11!<d\\lt\llJ.&. lbc'~ fo1111t.ll,IJ',11,1Jt1.:. 'i\h11,t;.tn·11i.1\t.' mm 1 1.Jfl them 0~)' loM Ur 1-Wt)' l<J IUlUft' 1•ror1..c11,n\ Th( lvatli 1'MITln1t1111,d. Ilk' C.\P l""'t''" ni.111\ Aw l~lh.'C hr,n.,nJ,alln',1.i:t-1 lhc:m 11, C•lltf 1h: front n«lu-11 -., hc,1111.J bc£oo: NlbtJ 11.,IC' ,tw M!plDl•<J l'U11d JtUtll 1be ,,thrM" t,rnh~1,u111rn:.'- "!"ht ~re.1 ~.l" li11c1cJwi1h L.i1,dnii111C\.. •rtse 1 r-«ll p:rc,plt a,e 'CS) duwlv flll '1o'rll1lh('lff1Ul1l.lll) ·'tia;S.tc1l 1td ""J.r..-l,•" t1. h. !lun 11111~ br:- uu!llcd All c.:·11u.-m ,It~ rrormhc-°" l1C II tom "'h'"' go; 11' Jo ~111\ivt,. (~II.' 11111.J vi l\hl:t'!I huJgtt I\ •rtn4 Oill ,k l t11i:t,"'lit\-l.klltr.1uJ. -1.A',,thiu• I ptf\"Cfll 1.l1"1lk.·I S!d~t,•Jd,:n>(' Bc\lk'II 11,• l~<"n to l~li Ptt,idcul i.1c:rWi-t111111n,rc,idcn..-cfor11bn..-fi,,1'-i1 .rJ. all d,c uimrkt H,IC'I u4 Ult' IJroi!OU.11. "" tw.Wac-nmmcmr,r.i1\\" rm h} 1he l."OIIIIUillllkf Uf th,• (\1'&"'111\i.r fortt \b_k"lf Oen. I .11,111 lk·n l lifall\l tlcc.:~ll'll ll•lldl"~ rn 1h.· fll.·ail ~1111,hkh 1• nlftnld) umlkd • i.h 11 :a&-s v.·il' 1111 1blc l<l,.fnL llc"-"•11,1hcJ111~l\priri,t ',\"h1~h" Ilic M'\11\:C nf Ille- J.ot1li111 R4\.'l'f. fk\.l..1dl f.i:u!l'd knt,,,.,k'\I~ hi lvacl'" lnllltiil) t1lll.on11 w1J1tlprn,,pci,rlc-. •·1 Jc,-clllf'l('d llll llSll"tc',l 1111',111rpred,11luct fot lhc'tt \JtU rJC;,i w, I h,n uh:1 tt>ttt 8td.,dl~id. Wll.110111) hhfUIUfl' tdl.'«h.rm. be -...,J I~ rL1n, ~11111.~lf'f"-'f,IIC hi, 11oilll1"",1,"1, IU'Cf"( (it.J-1hl\<'tlt1111,Y

lmellAlr Force Command9r. Major Gen. EltDn Ben ElJylhu places a pin on Seektell'a lapel. ce-Jebratlng 50 years ot laraell unmcalion. Israel was ostabllshed in May ot 1948.

p h ttl en. c.: nu r u.•, y of Marty

8elow1 A Bedou.ln man make• pita bread for the cedet a. The Bedouin• don't rive ln the modemb.ed wotld. but •re nomadic 1ravelore and dreu In tr.dttle>N1I Arab •ttl,.., They have friendly relatfons wllh the f.are•ffa..

I l I Page 4 The NIC Sent 3= c::, Isra
1n.,." Sn:lr.11"11 wld,· V..rlll lo
lillld '' """'·1i.iuuc 11kt Att f ,,n,-t .... H,:ai11~ng -~ rrmldcJh> tin,. 111111111.-.. t)1 •II th1·f.u11il~ Bn:k lc.lJ· \l,.a,\lrcw11)'
,,1, iall
lktt.Sh11w,rU 111J.k J ~rfn.'t ttlU,C- lkfw t. .nny rur-1~ .i1id h:,w-p-J tb.:111 ..i..1,11 , •«lht1u r~• Jc 11(')09, h,rtn,1..'t)' )t' 111 lh<· J<\11,\ \\t I t' 1,1hl( kl C'\I',(

Sports Card s volleyball qu ic k out of gate

,,._-cJ.:v fn c #Ultlc." to tic~ \'VC( ,llkl

lh,• C" 1i.hd1n11p,:,J lht' lir I l'i\'CI l11lc,~(·hrut,,rt,.:1 .,!lk"h"ll 1111,m, ap1n>J th( kchrl\ ,1n,.I •ll..l~,I !J 1h~" IOI th..• ._..-m•h.acl.

lc.tjMk', IU-" ,Wtnll I tutJ lhi~i h. C011•,drturt ~ C.,1nh Jclit,l •II~,\ Scr1\k

Wc,1 A1hkhc C"onlcr,. 1.•01~\'t..O ~.r )\';It :-.'IC ,.,d i,n..1 .-_~in \iorldii),. \tf'I

a A<es:LonC-o, Kimil""""I

a So1o8-sc-Wol1Z

• t<lla. Lind'Jey,

=s. V.~JI llk')' ffllOt,M Bts Bc.-nJ (.'1,11Mt1t.1n11,- l'1•llt~'<' \\a"'1.k.~h1ll('('n·• rt&.tlh..1\ 11111 run, QJjJ \.llt ~\j1C'th the lt::lrn ~J -rJ.1) 1,,.1 lhc'1f hifhl.""I uJ,,111~,.,.. h1lh

I.Hid~•>· Ral11c', "iunul(o! JI \11h, l 11"""1) l",ll L1:J up .U "'""'• ;mJ J.! d1t:" IAlhc IIL1tft11,•, -.h1,uld~1h 111111,;.tn11Jr1 t" ,1~1"' .,..,11, Sm"'" Ct1ll..-,1,.~e11 rtt'lil'uJm. lJt.tb \tr( I~ tolb.·lpi'\IC'romc"-u.lundwu:-

Jcfcit..c ••II tlt''ICC

1.1'k'c-1•dl\h x ..:11 J1111kc 11,11d All~"° Oliff.,"· W~ 11.11,e • l-fCJI t•ullw&.. olflld wr'n: J.l),,lit"J; i1itVt~ IU bt«lnitng \tK'CC'\,.f\11, \.li,1l('l)U.,ft:'"-,lil1U.~i.lf11f)te(ru111 'r<IA,mil. W~h

llw .ic.k11tlcir11.,(C01th &ti 1·.1)k"' ..J11iulJ .1-.u be Uli('IUI He ,..11, "'4"'8 l"11!11.:h c.un, d,"' )t:M Taytot. tbdiwmct hc-~iJ coodl lclt1he Ntc \(llk.')'h,tll 1e.11m, ,.;a., 11hn.n.;,'11\fat1111t \.lutbtffl ldt.hamd C-11.1111.-p.

t~ ~h11~ l&d~tlf", ""*''fftiou\C CSI (uy\obaf \ita\OII 10\ l "((N'Ch"'* 01 · I over.JI rmird. Othn lt.lnr\. lni.:l!Un.g IC.>houklbcl...,,._Conb ...... "(Altrq.11)!1 t\ full ol lOUgh !(':Int).· C\arl~ wlJ "111a, h unc l' 1ht ,oo,iiN m lhc:rlillinrl-

('...anJmal\'Olleyl,wtb.ffQtMlyp,•ffl'd hyf'lh)"\>al 11lknllltldltilff) Men&.lt

WU~htk'\., 11 li,ll:f1d11g atJtooo pill)' 11 lllrrc NII In h:lVHWa ,-."Ch.dbl >ell,-..00 111c l(.1m~.i,ianc:ryo(IQJl,iikt1,.ihe\.and r,rmlnn 'l(IIHnJ to uncle IColfl\ mccnl'icrt 1~oonll.)rmtionof'111.aroi,g11klfflMi.\lCtll ufftffltillk.lJi.:feti.-c ,iiootJ !Al~ hclp.

It's a Sta rt

Coeur d'Alene Soccer Club foots bi ll for NIC's latest athletic ed iti on h)J~lll:\.'IQn 'vr.111,rlRf't•'rt,·r lk.inm1 C,lf ""'""1fltlJ 1)1114! n1,a...-in1?w:mltl,11,fll'k'tiUttp,..1, ~11t1~plc11~..J l·.d111 ,...,,,nr11nfll-llhflln4

lht pl.l)ing lklJ of NlC"• \l'I) i'MII illo1>1nc:tl''"''4'ffdu~ 0rlt';im.,'flr.'k.'htdh) Cc'!Olf

d'AIC"IW''-C.11.'«" duh·, Utll £·.i"l'll'ol'lllfC'r.l\n·11M11\lf111:Wlll'lllll

tiu1 h~ .i .:lub <1lllll1, ~..tN' fllRJ,:nJr; IIY ""1."'k..::h1n3. 'lllt1t,,mh anJ ,,.o1: i:thn'1rn"kkllb"I ~,oak;!'('

lb:c:luh ti "'-''1'18 lurJcJ h)' Ille

C'c,curd' \k'ot Sn..u,"C'tub. ...,""'"''"'Cl •J.lJ llk'Ul'JlillU/,1boni.._.l1Jlicc;u lwirJt'dnt',t)·urt,,NIC wl'llllhc rollet.:hi.'l.tltJqftn11J~~,o1I l11 t•,t)'(;aRti'M!1."lllb.h.'l,t.h..

fl'ICcrllMt 111 tkaN1•ins fully fuaJal

b) ~c..'\lUe,c,111.:UlfllU._ kl ~~..Ctl\111\trr •·11tu,be,-n Cl) \i.C!lat'l."q"li.U• t::..1..niv.-inlt'l' •.l.ld '1·.\Cf)~) lu,

b:\-n"1Ml)U4"11at." Hcaakkd1.tb1f~'.l.h.idba:-n

~i1l\'C'~bocic 1tic c:lu1'1',;c Jfon,1d ,hd. w,,ith ,bc.l.'Ofl1t111111d) ~li('DW•MCJ \oUII he hclM:\t'I lbc ;1i1kb1 "-•• o.l II v,'a'I team will b.'tlcfil :\I(" h) Clll.,1'..-.#ioS fi1ne-., u.nd by bn:npn~ tl11t b'.al 'IO."'tt'f lliknl lOt,'ci hC'f

1,nl.t-.-(ul~ Tbclf l,Uf,(111 \lptbl'J \l'Ub l\li(I

¥,,Ill~ lllt,&III\I Co1un~4- 0.11111

("c,llc,e inPtn...'O.St'rt,.12.'Thc

f,11111'\ cnckd •Jc-tat fortht

""umtll II CO fl IIWIJ 6 Ill 0. 1111.ICO v.,btllftl.loJIC!\'Uf'IJifttl'lrJllri\l,N h'IIX:WIOO OI C°mltnlillll)' Collcse,"4'<'.t~I\

J'1n hrtf•tl'li 10 h; •'••'~r.111'.ldlO\'C'." he \JiJ_ we f"l.i.)cJ ,ttof the he'll ,c:.un, we m.ay pby 11.11 >..-,u. "lthl u.11011hc s1111."

lkc:iu'>t' dK:' I"'~ I\ qlU 1fl the: Je,dnr,n11en1 "1~. f,J.,,m,,,nk:rt\.)jfa'lp:'\fotthc

t(.1tn', trnpM\'<"ffiel'lt in 1hc cor11 1n11,

, •·I •tl!Jtd l.l)' lhc fiNgitlflt •'il\U Unk Jr,;ir,poirumg." E&1t:nwu11tt -.ioJ. "Ob\·iiouJy by 1hc ~"'ond pmc •"l' made kit ,..C progtc\.<i and "c 1.~n b«onlC' 1t good 1.tlk:111." l cam Jenny We& Qlid theyh.a,c im1.•nwc•d "'lthca.;h

~llftl( thc)'i!l'C' " ;iriiri, 1ocome 1.1~c1.hetai,1ll(Atn. ~t:ATCalt11rifd10c;:tt:n1

J:<upl.e from d1rTnt:m Mte.u," W ""Id We ·,cpb)nlagiun,1m.:h c.-cth.-r but AC:\'Cl'll)felb..'f We an: "'9011n11orrdlct."

Wdb-S.UMI C'Cl')'OI in\'Oh'tdi.n tht nev. pmgwn • tbt n'llii, 1hc pld)'l'ft.alldthc:~lll\' lic.amm"' A\ 1hey ,co -.ll~S, Jodi Mc Kitrlck ma neuvers around he r opponent and steals the ba ll during practice.

1 lhln., tl "'111 u l"'C'Ntlvc lkkl,hron "' he "'111.l '·l'll)"tl"lll fime 111iJ a Pl 111,'C' l1k,1~k"*' uni)' acid " We "re itully pion«nng 11, ,br'IJhl. '1!,'Cl)ont 1, l.:.:im.l"J.'"

Cross country men looking strong , f ast

New coach Watkins pleased with team's perlormance

b) IYII fo1"f)tt"

S,.,111 r-1 ll1'J"N1"'

Tbr ,n,tll o l 1:n•r, k'11\C'\,, a!MIJM\ll l"tt\."A-...., "'*'l'.allJ11t1~1.-it,.,oc:w:1hu11 h'"•h'"(•0111ttn '<'•~inar.ain' Ntc"u.a\d~iul~-.0,\\u..Jc..SAtinl.t),S..1~ IY •h..-n-mt(·.anhr.a."l'liqpm-.; 1&11.1\-\'Nhr,iA.I

11n111m1•1,I' 111111\11 ll'IIN M'II•~ \\';id,11i'IJJJth,t~H1Cllr&-,.1..oJJtipv't.i,d, II c~1 d,,1 ,1L"'11e111pl!ll:CfL.:a..C) ·n.n:1t1"""''il'IC INl'll'llllllf•Y"Jni:\\.al.M"~ \II lflf'l}'r.a.:,JfC',111•°"11 V.Mltlh~11J I .:uui..1,ntir.-lt.lJl*>t 11n111eir ,~r11fl1 1u<f"

K.,11,: 1-Mlm 111 I ale t ">- 111 •h. 11-t "'1ho•11Hrh'r1..-u V~l l'lC hW1haQ:11tuJrrllM,: tllnn '"

II~ C~lir1,J ,..,111.;1 \\.1&h1, ~I

I\K ~k~cd1 1ltllint~111"4..-pt ir,.iut 1111('

\p1L1nt(\offllu1111111t'ul~.,t 1hr:l)u1,1,41JI Sp 1L11'h' l1.,m<1 ('bi.~ fk mm 11114 ""'-'l.•nd' dl Jlr l ·,11111.! r.lL'.,· v.h1lc ,tc Jlflh.n llltl(' mru1.nh1n1hc2$ 1111I,· Lc·.adJ.111ithc111rn".a. !'\11 <i..1\1'-"".,\ v.t.,,..111hi, ""-••'4 \.irnT

I 'All! '""1('1llTIJlilft'dl()1ht-'1''fffflCtl(c,nl) IJIIC' 1nu111td1l1\Vll'>l•nl IJidn'th,;,.,<i.•ti:'Cflul l•lflhcrnt·n l hre)cITTlC'tfl \ \\11tkhtt )r(fl,lth11111h-:.1"~ bop,Jjttol\.l\,: 1hr:1,"Mt1 ·1,ik.,..111i,.l•t--n ,1,;wne,.~n1o 1t.he


IJrfl h.· MR'*'f C't11il..ln ·, tic h.Jnlicr v.,th 'l\b.11 rh \h:n dJl e,,U\hnw l'\f,a;Lllm-. \\,il1tr,~ \\..U.1m,..11J hen. ntin,(f)' un~-crdbylhe ,,1111.'tl.lh.llu,man~ 'ol l111.i.tcJ1mrUf11t,llllh: um.: IC'\l\;l o1,1hc-mt•n H '-1"111:.._·nthe~bt*k'OOl ll!lflCll\61'1 reality Tfk') Ill.II pN !-t.llf11 N''"'ff)til"'>;' V- 1Lilk ~ul1"' Oie •,111.cntl'l111run,i: 10 ,111111ll\ilh.. A,u\Uf111.,-.:h ~vynnc l~ll'AI\ 1 roach1nJ thr v,111111."fl',ll:'~r1 A" ,r,,1ti1hc'mm·,.1c;1111, 1hdrponJ\ an; 1WJI v.-1rn,m,1u111u1.hll\\i."Cr1n•hc...tthy fOlf U)I: 1111,cb."1~ \\ 11111111 11,,1,d U11.· w.10, ~1t'..ill> h1CVUl'1CJ111c;11.h ,cll,·r;llldr11'Clhem:1Cl\·l"'I

PM1•7 C: ...::,c :::, 0 >--= i5 Tho NIC SCntlnol M,uk M~Gwlre hi!:, hil only five 1r1plc, in more I hAn 5,t)()O 31 hdh Thu<$(18y, Sept. 24, 1996
h) l).irrftJOftl'\ ~-.,tmr/Nr1 ,nr,
ThtC'.rrJuul\,Jk)h.,llk.mJ """""l ht- "Nlll.i lhe ,ni.1Je ,,, (.'flt1,1illll"I.JACi)tllft;I\IUl"lllldl
l'CJlh1 1nr (th' Ut.uJht llllfHC J•1111n.
..-C1n.hb.l,calrc-,iJ> ttl('f'CJ ,1\.l lo,(,1.IQQ'\ hitl&J '!'Un(~-! 1n One, lo Walch
'olhtl<: !\Ir' IN'J • ,1111..nt 1•t.n.:·No11;l.-t'lh•1 ln•1u ( 11.,11.h('.lrl) Cunh~i,1 \:IC ,,~k·~hull IC"•m h,n lht '-"t•nhdr:1'11.iC t ,k,lr\" '" h.l,iC" ,ua;:n.J11I )ICil•,nn llfj In l'll('l'lfl()(l ,,. l.iknl 11, 1.1,u,w, 11 .,,urn fn:1otu11w1 ,ma.I tflc tt1M\ ....r C'1p-ncrn:ni \11rhn111111111!"\ Ul,,:>t1i1I f'f'>'IT 10 hr c111mc: 111'-unWhw1111t1 tM II~ orp.1:0.ilr' .,,lk.
Atut11. R.,,.1he 11nd l.f•ri C'OP\(f "'ill tontn)I ra.,I~ "'k: h11bnf. Blatl.ln ,i e.,p:ni"f (JI hUICM. W~ht ~rad Amber Jil1Jll"(IR
{"!'"'Cl ur l\\111h dcrcn'< and u(fcn~
1bc l't,c,1-of·h,,:\C'ri1.~
lhc U'('11J I"• II~
lut'l\rn.umt 1hc Dt,1cJkh:I, &·pL 17. I llr"'I"', ~IC" "i11ca II\ 11m1lal,,1ll;IJ .t»•ul.l ,,imc frum pla~a, Mc- hetlm1,m P"•H,-ticiu\C', t.1wutupi,.:-1 ud h 11" ._h,• •Ill ,t.i;rt 'll 11,~ 0111~ hiu,:11•" 111,1t1 f wr11, ""''I lkk'tll-1111, S\\ ,\{' dYI~ Sci!athcn, IJ.ihoatn1i11JO."I k.1(1 ltlC ltJ"illn, h;111J "We're C':u;11Ql. Tbl, '" lb: fflO\,I o..wt!p:'tlllu-c tcnm NfC h;b c,tt ~.t'unh w.lJ.
,~~dt hllkt fn1111 8rcnwm,n
lrum 1-...iunil~tm, rs,ll..·
tan.h thh k.a'll.~l ,r("
fmma lJ l\J\ttL1l
u,lkJ"',- burn •u11m1 I~ ,,lf'lli"''"~' ul tbc.· lit¢ C'n,..,1n 1t.111111 i.d."ioc"1111.·Zt, 1c.1m-i 111,u l}1\'1\al•1I II C'otnpdN. f..:\d11t1 atult 1'° l\llllll!'n. ('he 1.-.;t bllfed
millOf\lf'dc.:,ii.,irncn The' 11•·" 11,w loll'11l•ti ,ti 1hr 17 ic.,,n, 1na1t111: f'i<J 1v. ,1,•hn ,.,,m11UUI) 1'\-.I I~ 'C\11' ,._na;-h 1.c:""tl. \\ 1tkit1,"1Ll1hi: 1111.-n 'U,-Jti~r NMIIC'n tc, ,hial "'" 111n111tc 11 0111 ('111;h u'11('t 1h1,tt, ~i. 11t1 11,n~ <M.:unnf•'J-'I\JfTUR1h,._"'to1 tllltulllt'T~h.ol., 11, )ff. • wr lhd h.',ll di in"'"' u.r1ll\:1f111kJ."' W111i..,, ....i. h1.'1u1W1 ,.._ .,._.. l(111u k,J1trf"..idln.1h
Arh'C' imlt n111 1hr t!ICfl ancS a Ihm:'
rtL"l.· ln , J7 I Tt.•,h111,a Nc,I:,nwU l.k1.J~.:!Jt, T1·1t°'1\/ktw,d,.ul1imll' h.J,k4'1h.atl j'\l.a)'l'I. kJ 1hr \l,-1'111('!1 llllh • I: O! n1nni1,,Ji.,hu1 I 1.uuMn 't he 11~1 -.,tit ttk- ,f..·1,th \l,,C lu1.111t1Ji 1ht mni." \~ (ltl,lfV' .-1 lnl'te .11c'C,t-11 ~-., r, 111c 1i.n1,1r11.i:u,1,,, 1,11i 111 ,11 ~1,\ 11"'1 llnicl\i.lllllf"'11U W1t1lln,~,J he "ff\ ~Jth•lllh 1n d,t IIIIIIIC 11'11 lh( mrn lkw.1,Jht" 1111tic't'J11 IA\"CSJ "4"nl r,tut11111jl
l\,icilc hiffl1 &h.11 '-n'",;,.11J11tf")' ,, 111e-•m 'ofll1l1,," \~.,tlJ11u,rt,a11-.-J. ll1!~1Jtt1e 1C".am d!-o.i kN 11•« "IQiu ,!ui 1mk u ,,u \h.u, one 1ni.JN c,.peu ll1"t.1inl11T.ah..,1llvtw1 s.ikm. f)ft- rnr,be W11!.1,1.1i~lw,1u1inn.dc;;.•u11.L,),0."1 ,. fhllgtr,..,.T~ Sha TI Edgerty, Brad Hermon and Oa.Yld Yemel watm up during cross ooootry pcacbee,

IFliers land Frisbee victory

b)' Htkll t ;r hwtte

Sn,m~I Rt{lf~r

Eo1mcd Olli I() be. kwnM ~)' hlf IIIIC'

l11m.a1c h1\bC't: t \tutl'l,1mct11 Fuur

am, cor1•1\IU'l!I, nf ~O mcu ,mJ -.,imcn

Cll.lU~ to h 1,e • little (11n The •c.ttbtt 11t.,a•.1Bd l hC' COfflp(IIIIU\ v.·crc ,r.a~I) h-..

.-;oon Tbc .iniwc of ht pan~1rw•'\, ;irie:IJ

~'""" •tTC -ccklns (1111 •h1Jc othe~ 1...-..,nr

foe tbt putt' ru\h u.f ~~IJncm.

"'111C' ~e..1hn h JJCill ,·re rttlln11 1..-I

I ht wud u h5h1 ind _.c·rc hc1C' 111

,Jott11Mtc.- uiJ K•h" 1ta111a. 11c,l'u11an

cJ.u1o..iillOfl 11Wlt\'lt' Oc,m,1t,1(l" 1, JV\~ wl'IIII thr~·

J1d. Tum I '" 1/ol.,un (the n~,.., nc p,.w

lhe c1lmpc11111·, ~ and l,mdcd qfc l) 1n (11~

rt~c C11 tnd the tuwn11nk'nt Tc,1111 rnct11hct,.

u11..Ll,\k-J \nJ} <ipcncct. \fan) lkd,u·II TNly

~1,.,,cr Tttc,,1 Vtel,-rt\i:11, Jn1111c IIC'fn\.<11\

~3ht: lf•,.,·n. \Hch.irl Keith. kll'nl') ff.idttn

:iutd Chm T•('\c, TJ1eo llllinuuc Fri,btc

T«111Ut111l'Jll\li.a.\.ul ul1111ut.t,u'-''c'-.'

• C'roquc1, '"' d,c r»hcf h.111d. cliJ nnc hi!.\C ,ud, .a 111t1101,11 A m'°rr fnv, n..:n c.1tr.1c w «'mpc1(' ''Thi• mill~ llUC lUTl'ltltU Imm t..~1 )t'llf"' ,,,J Ale.\ Hlltfll>, ,I third )C,U iN:1C11Uc1n n11},1r Arel 0,1\l • lihh•)ur

~fkom1~1n m,1J111r. 1&11eJ h!m'wCII A~l\'f l ht-t~htf

lhl('C i.:Vlnr<'tHCJO lo f(l ,: llh l rtaU" 111 lht

1om1i11II bu 1 ~1>mrc-111h·( l~mcnt Tt1e .?-on-2 G,au~ \ olkyh•II l,s.nn,unl"I 1 'o\a, full of (\ricricrxcd ,l1mrc1iu,.11 J.te11.1111111r ,hJmpit'n , Cupl1 h!llfflc.'d 1Aoi1h tu:.• (Wtne, Ehll IJJf!ritllc 10 Jf4h lht' hllt '"''

II\( 1.V,1ilpt"li1loo bctim, !lk!',.in lollu~c.l Rt'lt,inwn waJ p ,111nt1 J~ L""C'll

unx-J ~\'""' rt.a:c h"'li\VO

8 1'c•r Ml ,1lten1,1h\'(' h horiaa friday m,:t,h,

1\aho.:il Hlth u.111

Baseball brings back nine returners

by JuJtln Rurm "i,,.-,,,uf.:d'lt11.hll ha\C'h,111 I t)''""' Lui

1'1('4i.c>n'• ln,1-ptitec ri m,h Perh•r• ho lh w~te. JUll ,lift. 11rnet,11a on ,0111:-h Pti;al \ larmmJo. Ahtr 1hc l li>flll rirneu, o r e1imino1mn

p· • tito \lhh.o \rmlM.llfl,"" lt.un nlftnbfr 1)-,mn)' Gralftr,ld ~~humOt"t', l,."flC\ for 11.r-grub d11rina thf' I ldm.ate I rkbt-t Tou m amf"f1t 'r"pl. 10 t1:1, 1hr sii«,r Otld, for M oo:,ardo arid hi, 1:01t<:hlnJ1 ,urr - hlf ~C'bllll tf)'CKl h~rc\)\'(( '" 11'1 hard u.1 uplun ho\\ touah o '"· Mam:,rd1• •ahl •·S-0mc of tbc 8'*Y• ,.c cu1 arc JOlHI <nUPfh 1(1 pl•y. lht'1e· ju1o1 ncl4 cnoo,ph ,pot,

1111Jmrh1 Sn:1d,, 1,nd dnnl) ,ull .n'lcJ thtull$fk,ul the 111$hl a 111ir lntramtlf'III (lQ'kl111 rtllUD11mr111 11r1II

he \tuncJa) Ck1 12 toci1111u11i .at 'Ip nt. at ~11n~ o,,wlutf Cco1rr h>t 1nfntrn.111on \.ontm.tthe1Sotli..'.t•7M, 120(1

Tl')'OUU ICiol\!d dliC abUUk• bl wmc 6$ arhlcte, 11.t1d l411tcd ,c,ctaf •cuil"ln,. Only .10 pill)'('" • p(h moo Nine lll'cre tc111mcft from Ill.ii

The (,11 1 t,11,e.b.111 ~ca>Ofl wm <nd <kl JS, ..-,1b the CarJ in.nh , ,,.1tutJ Spa..,,n" Ptilb

Cummu m,) ColJcge StpL 26 .rt noon for their opcuc, NIC hosu Coh11nhia B.1.,1n Oc1 3 11 i,oon .and Spt,~ane f all" ()c,1 6.

1'he IUNI '4 tll Include n1nc p,cthc,,, live of "'hom Ill relUffl u ,opho11101c,. R)u

8.111t'-J, 111 lhc \lo!IICff 011

1hc mound alon1 wuh 1cf1 h11n tl cr Bu Fruk of P11111

Ida.ho Stou Re»< or Htydct1. Jeremy Tbonuu, of Mcd1ul

l.Al.c. W11~b and Trav1, Poot c~ M~C(I\\ Mait1a1do 01id fall) can expttt lh ,ee hard throwlna (ruin Mark. ~calc,, • 1111 1oh•, fmm CC>lumtria 8a.,rn Scale, h t,\pti.;tcd to c; I C),;c for 1hc tcvn', p1ldnog ,taff A clo\c:J " 1 ,,,ally noccded polition for the C.atd~. hclhil'IJ'IA ,wllch-h ine, Breu MiJftlin, (ro,n K :ilh-pdl. Mom., v. Ill 1J1,pl11y src.11 \j1«d "" 1bt W:~ p.1h ~nd \01id dc.l'c-1>~ ,1~ o ,nidd.le 1nfiddC'1. M1U11..rdl)ft.m.

ASNIC for fitness

fo, \lucknh 11rhu \lo-ere unable 1.., jQtn • wc,gh1 hRlll$. c l.ais, ,ul(l lhinl ;1 pri,.alc t l11b h IC'tet c11;pcMhc, I\SNIC ml)' h1u•t. helped out NIC''> 1.-:k (If• 1-,c m:n:11Uon ruc1h1y cau~c, problem, rcir Jthktc,• .and unhl.c moq colkoj'~ N IC OOC"t n(l4 h:i,·c. 1n ltdC" 111.dtthttoom A \NIC h.a\ ncs:ountcJ • ub11dh·cd ,1u.Jc1,1 ctw11ni:1 v. u b St.1 f'it, t10W U Hcur Vltlle\"'-

Thi, )·or. 1()(htlldt1U.1t tia,e tbc: oppo1tuQ1I) co ,Out lhc club (Of Sl, anti p.,y Sl'i>.99 pc:t 11111n1h U"°'111 )' n'ICtnbcn m~1 p.,y 1 $60 ln11llll (c<l, bul ASNIC tun , 1hc Sl.S throuab ,luckotf"'

Th<: deal i, oo ly open 10 NIC •tudcnt,, Md doc~ C'IOl coni.t1tutt 1 c,,n1t.1C"I ,.,, commllmctu cir 11mc fac ll>ffllbcr "1.ip. I-or 1nfOl'tnoiUOll CCll'ltiM;t ASNJC lll ?69-78,H

Wresder denied for extra 1.8 ounces, sent back to U.S

\\tltn 11 co1nc1 10 'tlic1gl1I·

,u1t·h1ng, 1hc Irani•-"" would ca,ily put Jennie Cr11i1 or SUmf.n111• ,turnc follnw111g Aft aitfll.iDe trip half v..a) anmnd lhi- ,, I If! p.>11.11.J Sh~u11 \\',Uiun, rcrh•f'' l1llJrC 111.1n tc.d) 11.1 ~"11pttr- tn 11 Woclt1 f1c,c.,.1ylc fh11mpiun'iliip1 1nlnn. Willum, clinched lhc "1:(c,nd rt..« hdc 1111h.-('atd1n.ih" 11 d,


du.ring tho

Students get fi r st tes t o n Cl ark Fork

F loat pro v id e s r est, r e la xa ti o n from firs t wee k

b) \Ud1t.ll c ,1c,ult,Snr1,n.-/ llrp.1,r,.-, l.ca1.1ni lbc tlr,1 11t.-cc._ al ~chool tn 1hcir wake ?! ~IC" • uxknh .ind ,1d1 member• tuc.•l;. t1111h, rapid\ pf \IPC1tan11· f'LuL

Hllli. R,\". A.111- \41 O<tnnmJ rrr• 11u.1.111on

ck\lu'I 1Pllh1, tb,: ~,c-. l«aJ,cJ tnto lhrec r.,11 ;1nd t,..o unizk li.a).11' (rln•1 11l.t oh J hr I~ Int ho.II.It Ucl.,t J,,v.n d1o1 u~rwn Gnc,c•11 tthc lt1p1 \li-.U Jff'III, nuh,:iJ:, L1k k lUt)'t>nC al tlr,,t hu1 h) d1,: enJ of lhc lt11>, IIK«" \Ii~\ 1h1t. c.anwt.a.knr 1l~t ••• ~.aU)' pti.;~l,'" 'i111J 'm!I \lt)'IIC"CflOr a Spi,hne llbrar,o1n •nd JU<• I 01

HI n l.i1.·hw1nli.<r• M( 1.umpc1h!r Jcp.utment Aflct '!.1nt\ll II Ille hN 11,,a:l of i.;111• o• e,·t'•)nnr 11,11, intiro 111,111 w1lh1'11 to tk!' tn\lteJ l111u 1h(tlal. l,,.l ·•cutl v,wc1 Tl'lr he I r•u •,n 1nre1u11 p."l)pko u ,J t11mwi.o1 tb<m tn lllill out<hwr rc'"1r ooet m.aj,1 1 .\oil) 'ipr1n1otM1~'1\\ rhc I\, 1 p,nl •,·11h11 1lirv11, n 1n h) dic JI.I) d111Jk"d llt'I m.1i,o, K,cht\ II n",n

flollk)fl,11 htk LL" )'C'-111 WUlb.nn.1 ,ophom\)rc. qualified for the IUUfflC')' rn hh ftllll\·r So1.11h Afrii.;"a wuu.m, arthcd 1n lcl1tlft afttt a cb) lonJ n1:1,1hl del.aJ a1al whtn he ,tq,pcd Mt4) the ...ak fQI uffi,1AI v.cls:h·ln he w1r,i,,cJ hi, I IQ-pound ,1 by I b "'"""'Nc,cuhclc", 1hc traoi;im, d&dn'1 ..-ttpl W1lll;1:m, and 1-.c left the: lnumc:)'

Sports Calendar...

16. Arir Hla ll<nd C.C, " """"'· MOO<by S'Pt ?ft• .te6p.m Tn:tlli.Un' \'alJt'y "' On111fjci, Ore l mla.y. 0.1.?.1117psn • Ouldoor Pu l'1> ults

~1th o1111t l.t.c lumhlrv.«J cmd F~nt !fl ctcome lhC' Jt'tKlp

1.u1-1.i11ttd 110 111,,e, •nJ ,caurncd 10 .ti,nc ,: mil"'' (h•en 1bc1r ru1, in pol11t The; \\Cit' 11ooe1. but 11r111ina (he \,rathoer r,n>,nkJ rli:111) 01 •11n,h1or 11nd ~0,11 t,,\.'c'la foe ll~ndk'n l l1r 1np \\;lll one or' Clffcl"\'.'J b)" 1he OufllOl,lr Pu1,1,11h P'''¥1""' 1,-=Ma.J 1n 1ht 'il*'1 hv 1n(1 11t1o11in11 on u1H;o111ing lnpi. (1nt,1t1 J.t,o(llula 6'1,71<!W

Cu ll tgt u r So uthr.rn l dathn, al

T"' ' " PWl1 S.11unb:y. On 3, Ol)

11 Yakima \lt,ndla)' Orel .s " p.m • Cros,Coun, ;,, \ \ lll1mtlt t' l ntlt1atJ0 0 1 I .ti \akm, Ore. Sun1nby, Ott. l, • soc,..r Uac Lp•d:l ni aa nd Flthl na Wt"tlierid• .1t 81g Fi\bct Lale• S~rdiy.Suncby. Sep&. 16-?7 Canoe l!xplorin.g, Ill Upper Prio.t Lil.kc Sllmrd3y..Su1>do)', Scpi '?6n Whlle.,.a1tr Run lng K,ptdi1Son, ;11 tow~.t S,1 Jm('ln fhvrr Fnd.l)'· SunJuy.Oc:t 2-4 • Rodeo C lub Mee ling \ \.alla Wall a C.f 111 Walla m~m c:onJcrtocc: room ,n lee lull Wall.a. WA.Ith•• S.a:!urJ.ay Sepe 26, MonJ.t), Sept '28. "' noon. The " All College" Ski Trip Whistler/Blackcomb, Canada January 15-18, 1998 ( 1st Weekend after Christmas Break) I $60 Deposit Due Now I Final P aym e nt Due November 16th 3 Oa)'s Skiing, 3 Nlghls Lodging, TransportaUon = $344

I Page 8 The NIC Senllnel Th ursday Sept. 24, 1J
I On de _ ck _ . _ .. __
rc1m1tc an opct1 S>tn O..t ~. from •1 r ttt
a1 c:crt11111 ro-ihion.,.
River maggol Brady Sdnkb C&a:ts hl.5 kaynldng 1kllts on the Ctatl< Fork River
_ ...
Punuf1s trip, Aug. 30.
• Volleyball \allir, orsun Toume).~1..-p 2A ~f.f'No«., (,1ub E,.blbltloo.,. hfllucSutld:.). Sept 21.115 p,m. Spokant a lb C.C'•• a1 Spol,1111ie W~y. Ckl.-7,Ai 7r.m
pm Ya k ima V• Hry

Fun despite small crowd

!.ht *al~ n,k ,1,;.u111ht mcN pc•opl(·, "'1t'.OH4"11l The: UflC\ (or the- ,u1cr Ju.: .anJ 1hc whit< •11tn ndc. •ett 1br lunge~, \li11l. IJ"K'."C.IIC'f)(JIIIC v.,1,ju,,tbut, m lbc) lkc:icScd l<I hll tbc -·•lc:r

ndt.,.~ 111J 1otudcn1 Mi(hdle

Rn1.n1 L ~1h<rv,v,,J hn., 11t1 ole,l 11m,c ,11m, •1th 'f'h;lt i., c.a.lkid 2

f'C1Unl1) C".am,,·al TIIC "~'" 1111r:k."llolh at 1~ c.:unh,11

indvdc tht 1:crrh11hal, 1bc

C''1rt.'ICl'.:•. l•ltl'·"turl.thoc•f"ui.. the Warn k)J ndc, tht-

This isn't just another album

11M MIIIIIIWI llad llltl Ille D'II wllb lallltlt, 1111181111: ............ to.Ytllllf'INIVIII'

s nan•N.:1. a1\J Th1•1\lkf c.·un,tll• \tuti~ t.hu1i11,1111: "h..:i'llltl'te hmt':UIAil) ,\tll.)lh(1 rkk t.l•JI c"1d,t1 the ltllC'OUOQ t•f '11•lh)' I\ thi: ll"hlfl( lt~tn tide' lh!!I fUS,\ t\.;ty "°'" 011

1hc-h,11rt. I M1u1n uJM1hroo,tt 1he bxk-,Ullfflry .and ,,1td)

t».C!'s..Ult P"'"'" l'4<.l1ntunc 1,1

tbcOklWfil Thwu1thuiu• 1hc d,1y pcork ,~Id be found ••l~m thmui:h tht old 111nl.' !lo&Oftl J11d C lllt,ll .JI tlu- nt"iaJg,a: Wt,s.tcrn 1t>ol1mran111, wh1~ h .-rC' r,.11l1C' uthoer OIC'1-\ ul cou-n.uruncnt In

1UU\11111K•n ta)' \\n..k D.ltTcll ,)jJr•ll~•t~IT Sll lw.11 ,1nd g1,1n,1tn,;1u.g CRll t-.: fuu.n,Jin w,rnco,.illeti<'s,don11 tth lli,c nug l(lo',\ 1UIJ ball~ J.a.n, (')\(f'llll, .'i1h'Ct'AIJPJ pJ.a:r fol rcvJI-IC of all~ to I~\ C full

'Rounders' doesn't round out edges

hy Kan T11ppn-~r1t1111,1 Rqx"1rr Ti oh,-1,Q,(iamifja,',(JIJOO (If ,di"', '"'"~ oclk"'- ll"''tll"l1uxl P=fW""'• ,, a i,,•ffl f\"11111..Jero(b.,w ~I r,l!NI: can be. Sol J1!Ji1 fot d1iceAbl1t(hc10.1l11JU ln~\cM;1ntc,.,.., "'bc<orc ThN: Cnl'1\dtd Sum.-...··ont p ;,fl O\l'l\l<hcllnin, 1<11.!oC ol 1'1111,Eil I~ fA'hinlC'\'Cl')'"".,~ ic.,"i.alJt)'and~- No t~O~~~lhtwnt Wh ltlb.:Jt i, mc'ltc 11)20 fl\c m1nu.1c,i Ion~ tht 1.101) wni; ch.u 1 11·1 h lbc it11m1otht:CO. '4hiiGbh.Ul...e«ind"- ltbe,:tm w1lb111tur,t,,c.-1 l,1dc did.I)' •DI.I ).\¢'1-lft "C'4•111C .-ftlJ rt:la,.,J"ll>1)tlfUUUbk.<&Jo\\.fl_• Whl:IOIU4"tttmlndt'r' The 1011g lbca ,11n "Rari,n.t~I."' • '""'ttt upbe,11 l<M' put ma I.all!) 1»c '<,: The nllliffthofu!l iine 00 '")" be..a fot)o.l,'" Mldhctdbc.,rhowtihc '"'bM t., benrt-.1 tmn lllonc."" WhhC'"Cf)' P>' \lr.l..11lte lllal' "'(fWl"i,abotlo\ie~. lkrc \1.-thcv.,Olf(1""bthbt111dl1 11ll Md W itt) t)'Tic't, IOdcJl"l"l.l

wt..f)' l·m11alhc',.h,cwu, I,·, •t\XICIQU.litl) ~~·,dllCAAlcol:ia "'1bc I.MC Stt'lp" hi." an 1if)pu.;1n ftti Ill 11 aod ,pcaU Ollf ,1$.llftoJ 111·111'- ti-IC', fkhlU nd bhnd I.di ltl~


~~1011 ioto 1hc lyf'ic&. tkith "The Dttmun,i frcc" 1u11J "S,,.W,. (v.lth gllnl "ill£C'1 Alwrit Mon'-<te11t) atl'." aboul l,"11tnt O\·tt 1k fl'<l'<I a,,d l111J,t1Jfflkm(ll:ian Thca,oogdia1 •·•ll tU) lll)OUrt"C.idi.ll lliif111, "SIA) CW11~1n1

Time)." Ith"-'~ c:urdrcc: ri:cl a11J-.iplll1in1 l)TI('.1 E\'tl')'Ol'IC ca,-~~~ to lhh \Mr Wc',oe •lld.anl.aJ in 1he run \lo itb 111111 mnulh\upcn. kB'1it11 om-w.ttlhtlU\\o kJII\C '\loll\riDJ umc. SJmil.-r1) lfl lbt. "'lllll. Pig.

M:.1th(.,., look for to~<' m 111c-bacf 11~ 0on·1 Nun,hf'da) 11\\'"1;)'"' 11'lt'oCt>e, llil1Nd"·cr<1)pn,of im.M, 1tnJ'-11J,l1nJ1nt.-.ily)'O'lt

U)U\1Ult:U"tni;w.. bu1 -1!\oO~ of )OUI~. l11Cll1Rll!l!'('t1 n~ thtnu~bool thi1 C'D: l1N ,h.•r. ,i.,w n,iJ ,n11-•)- t"Wf) ilnd C~l'."J)l,JI)(': in )'llllf' life h WIii ni.»..c )OIi rll\11 MA)', M.I) n.hilc *

A&E Briefs

C)pen*"-1itwn.\ •cn: bclJ Sc-pl. Q :n.110 1n Schu~r.tWl1«iufT1, (o,r 1hc 1~, dtp.inmC"111 · upi.-n1mo11..,1J001.11on c•I ran:u.tft""

•'-''"" ,1u1h tufli: cnt'>nth, l.111r1 ,u, O.,,umn't d~11111e.·tet •,

lulli:, ,null<'

·Ro1,1nJcn, ·· <* »John 1>.ahl 1:>no111 m hk ll,t 1,1J\Jtr5m1.111J

thlft ol "11.'~· Yori tu,- ,11:tet)' 111 iJ w•'.V 1h.11 lc.t,-e, d~

audlt'fw:t' ,1unnc_J. 1n11 fn'l'll'l h~ ,~11,J ti 11,u. Nt bo..., •h"'ih,idy

l:,tltini 1h1• UklVle W,ll. I\ t'('Vt< s;,KIJ 1h1n,~ ,dck UI.II, ltlf in\UUIIC(',

1hc mo\<1c· rc:1&.li•mariJd1,e ik1in& f-.r11)r 011hl part, Nit r('ni:t,H)'

1hc 1110•).C •• baJ

M,11 D.anmn pl.a)'\ \11h' \kOt-rtnutt. • •Ltuj!Jllnt la11o ,tuJcnt

anJ 1:11tJ pbymg addK"1 •11h II tlH·.im rn 1n 1othe Yt'cir1d Po~cr

1·,,u1u.11netu lite lllm bcicm• v.-1111 011.mon '4alk.u,g b'IIO llll

unJcrgnlWltl cil\lQv,, Th,rt bt f11a, \ ,;.alnw 1~ ;;ni.gtl'tthl. fC'JJ)'

KCB pl.t>cd tay Juhn Mlll~~W1'h, li)f hh <nUrc ,.nina, t.1f thttc

,uld,, ul b:lsh •ll:lt't, m S.10.000. 11olhch he l,he, The' m.11n


I.lift l&IEIT

Om hypothesis: Good Bagels = Good Grades

Come enjoy a fresh vegetarian sandwich, hot cinnamon toast bagels and gourmet (raven's toffee products.

Free Bagel

\~.000 ~111.11,1 1h41 be h,u )ff h• f',t)' vfl A«onll1111 t11 ..,,has h ~.thl 11~1 Wtimt. the l'4·o tif 1bt1ll 1tlC ,.0, food lfl("IIJ , aifl)l'l\1 lilc tmllhc" Thi\ ii 'l't't)' unt,d1l'\·1hlc ~c) one 111 thc,r rt&h• o,1n,I ,i,oi,ld, 11ri11'1 Wurm He ch•t~ Sl,000 ,1o1v1h of ,lcbt• 1t, ,1,Dc:rmoo', o~,1;1um anJ lbc.·nAlloVio,lth i.l~.1KIOJ(-N h1 Jct put un Mcl>trmuu·, heuJ \f..l)("m,,-c1 hn11II) 11>1."' 11.11;-k 10 h1, ol,j wap ll!ld l'IC'f1n, TO be.I qaln. Tuv. ud t.he ci,J Mo.: Dnu:1111 l'Jl.i.), hta:h· ,ta~o ,11:mc or 1.~J1 ai.ait't>I K<iR Ut c.un lbl' rr•OCIC")' fo r,;I) aft hh ikbt

The lhenK' H 11&1mmcd up 111 (In(' luw by M OctnioU'1 Jia.,,. prokiw->r \1~nm· ''\"1.>41 i:an·1 C'w.apc )etllrde'\Uny" o\J,t,lln, 1he: ..,,,11d11 ,wld 1"1\<' cotnc up v.11h ~fl}(lhlag mon=:

""'c h4"e hatd thit 11,tJtK' 1 ,1 1n,1J\l u111n it1111 It I"'' 111,~1bl) btmng. \\ 1tf'l ll'lt Unt\'11l1111c hOA• ~od uunccckd ni>Jit)', 1hi• ft)IWK' t, tOII)' one 1,1 .M,ld. fl11t Mofl,1 ol tM Jhl\llllkt H, tuld hul nuc ~ho~n in 1ti1, mu• k h h.tJ

M(1Um C~tln, few 1he ~t,o" ._ pl\U'J SrJC 11 , I r.m ~n~a.llnr Ill.ii t1.·el')' mc.tnbcr 1•t dlt' ._:,1 I 1• lt•r \\u.~) UJ\\ll"r<•J "'11h Sf(' (11udntl 1'll' fai."'llhy.) Bill CMt'pit ll!l''61I 1i.1hr 111k Of 1ht ",-undn:I TanufTt ln lM."ll"II t'h:.J ll'.llt1,:e1 "a, t".J.. t a." T&rtutle'" t ulli bk ltk'rhl l:Mlid ~,ia:Lt'r) Orgon Ofi,"Cln', wife F.lm1fli v.-111 hr Jlla>'t'd b) U1lfnoi1 Rin.mtu. Tbc 111k11r Orron", lc\C'lbeakJ1'rt>thn ·lD l4\l,,Ot.alltt'. 'fil~l'ltlo Ol'."rtl. Mia Fraun .,.,,111 ,-,1.,)' 1~ k1\""''"'·L \t.,n.ww nae vt,.,~t ol tie, •ffo:1ion, Valac. -Y.dl by pb)~~ lkn U..n'ltl l.Jb<"n>· ko-w: U,1,1m ••II pl )'~··pm.tflOoll\ maJJ OthC:ri~nnJ 1n 'lno1lkr rork."' 11,111 he \i.alluaa \1.:-Yfftl, '.uric lkh,er, Phil CA1IM'.ln, M;11hi:w Ral.h. M.111'! ·1 (fTA Oumheun iu:id Jwllcr · ·1"anllffo- uptn\ 0cc. 29 o1nJ run, 1h~gh the JI 1& II cooamu« 10 run 'l'a\-. s.7_

IComing Attractio~

• <><• •·JO t)a)" in d1ehfc:(lfa811 I.Jos ed&ibtt by Jemu(cr A:W. 81~11,cll Comn c 11<cy MooJ.i Fml•> 10LnL .lp.m

• O<t.17 NIC Si..,.,...Y 0...hnlnl. "A• E\CftinJr llC lmJl""'~lc111mm Sc;t1t1k.r Audi1oriu1n 7: \0 p.m Adulu: S7, Scnfo, C1tuem: andS11aicnu; S-.•. i(,9.7111()

a Ort.. ?9- No•. 7 NIC Thc-:itrr: 0(-pt pre.en,,. '1',mufft'" Schulct AuJtlt>ftUm 7·10p.m.AJulh 1,.Satlot Citit.cca:. S..l and Stucknh SI 16Q-?78()

a N.o,1.6-11

The- Lw Ctt) Pla)huull' JlR'""111 "t',~c, o( f"c-nnanccLake C1I)' Pla)tio..l~ 14th&. 0.ud(n g rm 1-ndly .tn.:I SMuNly c,enlnJ"I. 7 p.1n Thim.da)\ .;anJ l p.-,n. ~..iutd.i)· 100 Sundit) m:Mincc,., A.duh\, SIU. Scu~tJScnNvC,1ll""' S~ """Otild= 1l & Under 11> ThuM<l;•: S1ucJcm ; U. l>l,),Jill

• NO\', 9, De(-. 9 PbQM~ynM,n b)' i:1um.c:111( T,m Chtl\lac. &,,-cu t·nmc, n»illcry, W«Ld.11).,. ld a.m --'

Oti,,td ~uv. lS-27

a No•.20 NICS)ml""°'"<B &M ;ti11,m. '"Ci11d1rnn1 of the tmu

Celdir.l~ C1.v. 111:,'" Schukr

Au.J11111mtn 7~30p.l'fl Fmt ('(ln«n,76'>77ktl

• P..-.S.6

NI( S,mpbonyOr..:boua. C'onccn lbn1r "'- Mndnf;il


Sdwll·t "udttonum. SatuN,I)

7:mr,.,n, .it'ltl Solltb)' 1pm

Adult~ S7. Scnitlf C1tue1,.,. S5

•rl•IS1u,kin• \..1. 769-71bfl

•~·o.... 1-'

Nie' fan C,c.. m.l lau Emc.-,nl',lc "An fa-ettlni: ur Ji,1r,1" Sc-hukr

Alal11onum 7: "\4J p.m 11'--C:

C\"lftc:en. 1'<'9-7180

• u.c.111-11

ll<llidJ) f\lc1tt)'S:tl(:.~,,-'fll

('(lffl(f <bike), Ml.'fld;i) t-riJJ)'

10-.m .i pm

811,c. lJ

NIC S:,mph,,n) On:hc\lt.t •11h

nll'1t1bcrnl St("('"ooo,1(.M,it

~Ci~1!1!1~ s,n,h'\-1.oog. Sc:hyla

Auch1unwn.t p.nL AdUJI,. S7.

Srniot Cni1ciw SS and sc...ttni~

SJ. 76Q77ll0

Page 10 The NIC Sonllncl n,.,nsday. Sept 2•. 1998 Arts and Entertainment ---------------------
At1cndunce at N!C's Sil"erwood day low byC'lnd> Uk~' St111111rlH1·f•v,1.-r S .,uuJ.a)' S<pt. Il • 1h 1bc '1rll) J.1)· ,)t 1hr- )~r NIC -tudent\., (11m,1i,· 11nJ fnend~ ~ould 111tt'nd Slh~"""OC:'ld f°' 1two ,mall po1."C" of ,~nt> S7 <-4'1 Ot,picc die' low Cl"I. 1n1n; ,tuJcnh 1.hJ n04 •lltnJ The l"(,N,n "uni~n ••h) l bett \1..111 :11 l.~i. Of N I(' •ludrnh Ptthiaf" Che 'A,:,11htt w.a JU\t 100 tun:. or nUt,·bc 1ou1e JIC'Ul)ICJU•t I\Jdtuonu.dt hnmc't11(11fk 11w. m.JJ!.lt11) c>I the pcopJc ..,_ht,
dJJ lllkn,l SJJ\el'\ .,.,~,r
or )OUllJ<'I
NIC ,.u.knt, Rut lllJ wh4, \Jriett ~nt II.I>don
\llllnf ®> 'C'CIT!Cd Jn N,·r • aood 11,ne The "'eiuht,.,.,., ...ibt>tltwl
a~ pcrh.-:r, !:..Care' form c,·.:t)da) h(C' N('1.11lmt th1t1 'i1h·~,-,c1 olkc, .i ducoul'lt day moyb<" 111111tt 1'- IC ~1tkknU w1ll lk<1de to ~·. 1uld .,ti~ In •II the: fun thiit b ~i.oofrrt
by JO\h ~IUdlir Sf'ntlnrl ~cp,,rl<f ** ..... f4,r ~tlltb *** Wor1hthc'$ • • Vtdro Spoc'-11 * 'StKi,t.Ji,rh· B Wlld. ttlo ') an,l 1.'.04d,. fh(' 11o1Mldof1ho 1,r11tcnH1~l~11rJ r'•yc:1 .:omr., tu l1fr 1n 1h1, u.1u·1ncl)
, : : .... 1 L- - - - - _...: :-..:.":I 223 W.Appleway 77•8agel 121 W Praine Ave.
• "l.'r)" broi,c m11n. Heb U)lfl• in n:dc:hrlC' hii. hfc 11.-,. a lbv. :ulHk:nr :ind t.rui.kdtller. ~Htyth,ng ch;ingn 111hcn ''\\'"rm hh,atd \m1on. Jt'I~ ,lffl flf pri'On ,11Jl.ll inll•m" M4f>\-fmnU iih.,u1 .a.
1rt.i11-..111(nll11l ~ut " "'""' unrc1J11(J If )UU llf(' • \1l'Wt·• •hi• l#alc.:IIM J mo'°'k' tk-nu~ ttf ,in )(lot, 111" enin·tt dt-.c, .t!"P"al 1111lle r,t1-. pf n:u'llM, tJthc,r~1j,C J.c,l'l'I
&' Smoothie
l11iJ1',/Tl.1N, f.,flc(~'ufrllW'I JlndU1v' '"fi8' .~......, r----------, I ~f{~~6 I I · · I I 25 % off I 1 for NIC studen ts 1 : & faculty : I with college 1.0. 1 I 1 ~,u»~ I L ~YJ!~li ".,_.,,.....- - - - - - - - - - .J 72l W ,\rf!kw.11 \\ f"•11nr ""'~· io,-'.16!>9 m-"4•~
C!'\tft rent 1hu thin

YaknophOnlcs Bill

captain Ego and Genius Boy

CANDIDATES: Soard Posit ion drnw, inte res t fr o m aero~; Nonh Idaho CONTUINUEO flom Pege I

The collcJe tnd tllc. conimuaa1y DU)' m.'\lJn•,~ 1tiic ,u11,c, or the Uhum~ntt, SM-11.a Cla) Wt~lll 4 1edmt 1-..ASll•h tn\ltt1tt('lr, '*'ll''e.u 1111d n $CC lon, a (UIU ·)'Uf

"""0111 Shori a Cocllf J' Aki" :m\'lmc.). cu"c.,u bootJ cho.u ind • 19Y7 .aprohucc. h

,«~• '11• t ·o-yc.u pMlltt.lQ

Rkhatd K,,tlle,, a H.a).kt1

rt.altOf Who ¥>I\ lpJ)(llnlcd 1(1

1hc bo,:atd lhn ,r,rtn,::. b

\oC't' l. lnr Qtlt "' 1hr "•·t'"'u p:KiOOA

Kflhlf, ' Ith ht.1lth7 fot

NJC to h11.,(' lh,11 "'"''' ~r an hucrC',1 lit p<1dtlon Jvr 1bC"


I hll\<' • \:tJtumll 111e11t to 1krolh:l('.-k.ook WJ , feet 1b111 N I C (fC!.atcd 11 cummua11r '*' utun a C'Offll'mltltl)'."

ibr ,anl.luia1C', for IJ1c

pot1l"1l'I\ .arc: Mid1lk'I lMl.lgc

<'ouu d'Alene. H s,J

F1cdnck.,on, ('()('1.u d' Alen,.

0,i ,1.1 l'aqum. c«u, d'Alene-. Ridwd Lcftan<i • J r Cneur d'AlcBC; Joni I \j('(.\, A bti fohn P•N). U•) d tn L.,L<', r\lfn.'lcr NI C t,,1,kc:INU t<with R oland "' Rall)'' W llll111t1•, Coeur d' Alme.; Roben Hunl

Po,. 1 f illl \. Tbu1na.~ Ha)m•n.

CA111 do; Jert)' fohn,~n.

R1u hdrum. ud frcd

°'- ome)'(t, PtW r,.u

ThC' icneral C,cclion• urc

NWt 1

You're invited to the

SU B: Card inal Cnfe will close upon SUB's re-o peni ng COl'ITINUEO lrom f'l!ie 1

ASN IC olfic~. • 111J<1n1 '-<.' r rn:t't aoJ 1hrc:t i;onfe~ncC' room, 'olom be oi, 11'1<' -(\'Clod noor l'hC' uppn noor mboo-..t he11lli ~' 1tC'\ .lll'ld a i,11 llcf)' fllC' Iii< am de(l.1nmcn1 R,11 ~< 1nm rt. dlrn•mr o( tbC' NI(' Roo\,:\li;,tC'. •11iJ ii will ~rry sn ilK"n:~\CJ ol d othh.. 11pcd.&lty boolu.. • rc..JJnJ ~k lood" anJ oihcf ncm~. f>.n nf

POWWOW: D an cing o crowd fa vo rite


\F11tl1 ,..,J l> fltt he: 1.,lftl'MJII #t1 In ~~...,<-~, tn Ntw Mc(i('U, JI , rnec- •~ ha\-C one M tbt NIC: =npu, \fo,C' • ~p,ur CMcir, an tnlcrn~Hon•II)' ~11w~n d1111m:f ,,tld b,, fa\.Ofllt p:irt nl the pow~·ov. i, 1he mt11·, 1r..J1Uurul~ D,ntH 1 \.U, .,_,bu rtc:tnil)" mo,cJ h1 Sp~k•ne ham A.tltvnn ll(tecJ "°1th 1be Spe.u Cln<I Dl'lb men -vrc: ,...,k lc.1111tc:n unlhru,ic..i.,.n,.1 b.a.:b Durk '-l!Jd he Wll\ pw~d o( tbc l'flntm11n11 ) ror 1.ckbc"•1h1.1

Book Swap

lhi: t,o,,biun• will be .i '11.·111,.11Mt;;il111 Mca halunpi,1th 01hu i1C1n\ ..-111 ht nrric.J to help \IUl.k:fll\ ~htt l \kl )"ll'lf ta..h •\ nip .:h,irh And •Hid) l.1ckl).\ Tl,c:/C ,,111111 ~c ll acll 'M"\'ll'(i,,'.(Jfkfanda11C11,l('tdi..,·l..1)UI J.o! IL'.II ro, 1tic bnd 1tM,cho11I ru,h Other p(lit1hihht, .ire, m11illn11 .a\l<t ;,inJ • pnntiftjtllCnkC

Sltmmlcr ,,uJ prkc~ "' 1h« "hl'°I .1n1J t.'lffh;(' tuppho ma)' 111 do fi. 'olotlh 11'ic t<>llrs<'·~ abdtt"' 1.1.1 bu)' ID t,uU. ("rlc,·~ c>r hool, w 1il 1lGJ hkcl1 \la)' r.l'C' IIWfll': hr 'loUll

Tht' l.:111.hcn pfan. nn m1ill)' ~;b.111¥«'' 1ah1.1 D1fh'.rcn 1 l ind, or rooJ v. ill ti< n.aUabfc, •nJ. pu11;hhlnJ 1~m m bc" e.nit:r l'hc pbn '-llh fnr r,,u:i Mex1iean ful.iJ A•lllfl !fJocJ# b.aJch. nuw"" hc.ahh i:u,ucrnu, loodt .and m1mt'·brind l .a,t fooJ

TbC' t "linJm.aJ ('•(c ',1, lll cluo,e aftcf 1M sue opmt.. t.anJ,;,iy id 1'bc tMe ot 1hc: £,Jw.:otN Cup b \till untktcrnthk'J Co1h1tut: 1u1n wt• funded b)' ,1uJcn1 (i;c,. hul. JoC(cWdrn,11 tu UNI~)'. th.-11'\ Ml IIIC' l't',hOtl r« lhc UICfCA'>t' 1n Ml.Iden! 1«~

Senor Froggy


Imm OM' .)C'illl In the IIC'H nic S" mllli•WI bcJJJ:,<'t w11, uc:it"-J from dl,c <'1mun.alion uf th" l\cllhb 1fh1.u1th.r u•r,1a Jot ,1u,k11h 111\J 1hc 1c·n~11n1 nr 1111iJ110 thi: 11c1o1, ,~,n\ln,,11,,n ll,idJ(t

trn•.h.i) S, ,ml lhC' htahh l n\Ut,1n.:c ,i,11., lt:nnui.itnl ~1111\Cl nf • I d. ,,1 \llhillnl J"1.1n 11; 1~h '" 1n 1hc rrorrum I lic tc-1,; •11~1nu;mw1 1 ht-hml.l ch1•dulc 1111" tu 11 '"· w«" 1.Jd•)' In l.)ri.'('mha 11nJ bnu ty "'1 I Jl:l,i. htffl "'4t hcJu~ "II' " lticn ll"\:"\l'C o( fa u w1:111h~f O\c-r lht 'J"flTlll ~Wll ttlC't IOtilh

Sepl 24. 1998 Continued Too NIC Sen1'1ol Pago I I ----------
HJ:Y \ st @! er ••• 1@ 1@ \ $ \ -s; Sorry. '&1$ U @$SI 1 !@\'$$ 11
• 411'\'&' $ I ,., ,, ' t·
by Wade Klckln' Jimmy by Olis Brodwater
the same An.:nC&O,ultur"
• take o tour • m•et our atud.•n.1:$ • ralk with fac:ulty • ch.ttck out .some club& • compete for prlztts Open House at Eastern is a great chante to explon, Eastern and ~am what opportunities are available. Date: O<tobn 10, J 998 !rme: 8:30 a.m. - 12:30 p,m. Meet at: Showa/ctr Hall Auditorium, EWU for more tnform,tlon, au us al (.509) 359.2397 ..u., (888) 7411-1914. ,................ .............. - -- ... _ . kt. a
lizing i11 /resh. delicious Merican food 59 t Tacos Al l day. every day r--------- -----------, : 10 % off : t I : for NJ C Stu den ts : I I : & Faculty with coll ege l.D. : I I I t \. I I .,, ,._ ' • I L--------------------j 71h and Shennnn Down town Coe ur d" A lene 76S-8522
NOON DAY IS STARTING! FREE FOOD, CHRISTIAN FELLOWSHIP ANO GREAT PEOPLE. EVOY THUJlSOAY AT 12:00 PM IN THE llEO CHAPEL AT 332 HUBBARD. COME AND JOIN THE FUN! s,vc;,,N, c;,/\'YS Gel 7 c;x. off fl' or -!;l .OO off a footlong sandw,ch. When a studenl ID IS presented 1101H4TH COEUR D'AUHE 76S·OS94 ORCHARD & 9S HAYDEN 761-1114 Gel Roady l'o l',n) Al SUNSET BOWLING CENT ER Tf/UND ~ l LEYo,Mt X I An Entcrt,unm~lll &. So und Expen~ncc Featu n ng LMer Lights, Ultimate Sounds & DJ CilO\\. In The: l>.irk Bo wll ni •Bl11d Lti? hh 'Llp1b \Im o•\ ; \lu ,io Piny, R~ilmNF,lf: Ptn!> & Gtowin b In The l)J.rk. Friday Nights I l :30 PM · l :30 AM A t,; l ;XC:ITIN<.i WA Y TO SPl:.N D YOt R VH'WsG w 2oe Sunsel Ave. COA 765-2695

f«a.~ a, nJuma era, act llffllCd al) aa.e.s. r,nta1kll f'd111Jdilt\ ~:n.. •-.-d ·~ <lnt..i.c't),.Ndhilt'\n.ahc\Sart'IAJ"" kMn"ff•*T~l"""•

ldrr '"'• l,\m,, 111 <..'hin11 11 ,bakn1 ul <'hifll~ .,.1 u tcodicr of I •1rlt'h l11..ctoho~l'lffl,.wi1,p1pll~u1111 H11CniU1o-.•IChl~,\'~""' tn•rtlftudlfrllnlkJ\uk'l.()i.:rJClll'"'""(chtC'llaarltMa.

•Da: \\tb~IINl..lltft:a~cflll)'llcJll••ftm (JDtb:taa:1.ltr~•~'

C.Uadffll\,(l ~<Jlb,.bmk!(ml••,ble\oftt'aJ'l'&T O.:~l1tlt'\'H'f(l~)'ffff'~Jl'QI. TI1tff'IIIA001"1h1Y1111\I.Jt,p-d1 m11'1li I 111ia..<l'l'1.,.,hcltnl'd~

't\olli:ia15i111Mlhanf.x!•;a\dlq•iahlOlpl -.--Jliltt..--.-l•Nl:ltkOb,~IDO;mip~~_... thcsblmd.~a_,.1Dh'a..,dniihtn.. T J!a:lh1' t5x•1'iri(clm&kJtn:orlO,m:il! ~'h-rth) blaJ A,l~l~lll)vudrnl,\\flilllhr)'~11nlitb.d:.M1olll.nty

Ci&Jc<,(• :il,dlt'11111ttlnl fl•flCll1.1f'l.1t,; IU"' hl"'"f hr1 IUIIC' \\lLII

lft'nxJ.l\tzy ln\rl mr.. "'"' \ffY d I 11,,'\lb i,.utan 111-.tJll.lir) ll.•fu•.aftpl!IN•ht1111111uJnin:J.


. ......... A,awm,,ola, 11nn•1'tlea1nlr)' nn,UiqrtafmnactclltUh

uClb.·J1""'TIU11,111,Mha.timd,1•111t,!lm.ll) h001drr'.11111l,1

tJ1A.,1tkin \tJ1nt•(lf11,, .a11t.lait.ul111"h"\\"llll Ld~ l~m,Ni& al \n'\t 1'cflllWC\ ~.orJltuit•ludkl.lbiu.;111

••a\11 ut.,dcal A1T.aA:a ~lm,1.-IE"lll~lhM ,qib.nlmss~

QM'ID.1•80.:.M.•dwd farcti.n,rmdld. ~.f'llll

(<111nt ''"'~ l'ih 1, lfl'lf".t.1111>1A11Y'f1~..., tu I nclitt 1,11,lt.T-J,"lil\llh.111n..lrr.tll\ mciiPluntd, .,.~•IIIO

l.lw».. ,\ fj-""111 Ina •Ill' l,lf • ChiDoc' 'M.rin n Y.• a 11'11-"Wll \,1lldM. *''*Y

Q) ~frt.,..lrelnbk• klkpwtalb'

S111dtnt'.t /ll'o month t.tcurs,on in S'1e11ya1111. C/111,a. t"11lighte11.1 11erspec-ti1•r 1111 /ife.

~pa l ..tii.... ffll(" Olnw

U atlld.w Jr.aa"I r- * e.wa flta fl'DIOl'liipm hip 11:hd.

Ult) l'C'4-u rktt"~11111NICt\flhi'fflar,"lhY1bilflt,.;:>11111t11tn

.ihlbl) I~ lhrm. lhll'ii' .,.tklh.lli'f' t.eJ Uin, rm11'C'hwafll.a11tt ~I fllr)'~,-.tdatld~.l'll"t!~Vlrbh.1t1lf~J)GI'•

,ttit) and photo, by K e lly D e n ge l


.-.('.aipmaa.~~lsw.SQ!ld \,(."lriianeoWOBIC'ltftlnrM dul

•~.:.ila•fcdu.._~ti,lht~t"IG'l')~llld Joat lrJ hlw 111,«":-

C'11-1U1• I~ (llafll •.1~ ffl) mt..a ()' ~'P(:111"1!,. 'i)lnll.llll) .t,,6 "IJl'lj ...i

1,rt,dran ·1ri1t\(\."nl'noc I ~.1n r.,w « llit .,_,nrtJ lh1,111tf1(l1111.1 ")l"-


Oes t ination s __

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