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Sports Card s volleyball qu ic k out of gate
,,._-cJ.:v fn c #Ultlc." to tic~ \'VC( ,llkl lh,• C" 1i.hd1n11p,:,J lht' lir I l'i\'CI l11lc,~(·hrut,,rt,.:1 .,!lk"h"ll 1111,m, ap1n>J th( kchrl\ ,1n,.I •ll..l~,I !J 1h~" IOI th..• ._..-m•h.acl. lc.tjMk', IU-" ,Wtnll I tutJ lhi~i h. C011•,drturt ~ C.,1nh Jclit,l •II~,\ Scr1\k
Wc,1 A1hkhc C"onlcr,. 1.•01~\'t..O ~.r )\';It :-.'IC ,.,d i,n..1 .-_~in \iorldii),. \tf'I a A<es:LonC-o, Kimil""""I a So1o8-sc-Wol1Z
• t<lla. Lind'Jey ea.no,
=s. V.~JI llk')' ffllOt,M Bts Bc.-nJ (.'1,11Mt1t.1n11,- l'1•llt~'<' \\a"'1.k.~h1ll('('n·• rt&.tlh..1\ 11111 run, QJjJ \.llt ~\j1C'th the lt::lrn ~J -rJ.1) 1,,.1 lhc'1f hifhl.""I uJ,,111~,.,.. h1lh
I.Hid~•>· Ral11c', "iunul(o! JI \11h, l 11"""1) l",ll L1:J up .U "'""'• ;mJ J.! d1t:" IAlhc IIL1tft11,•, -.h1,uld~1h 111111,;.tn11Jr1 t" ,1~1"' .,..,11, Sm"'" Ct1ll..-,1,.~e11 rtt'lil'uJm. lJt.tb \tr( I~ tolb.·lpi'\IC'romc"-u.lundwu:-
Jcfcit..c ••II tlt''ICC
1.1'k'c-1•dl\h x ..:11 J1111kc 11,11d All~"° Oliff.,"· W~ 11.11,e • l-fCJI t•ullw&.. olflld wr'n: J.l),,lit"J; i1itVt~ IU bt«lnitng \tK'CC'\,.f\11, \.li,1l('l)U.,ft:'"-,lil1U.~i.lf11f)te(ru111 'r<IA,mil. W~h llw .ic.k11tlcir11.,(C01th &ti 1·.1)k"' ..J11iulJ .1-.u be Uli('IUI He ,..11, "'4"'8 l"11!11.:h c.un, d,"' )t:M Taytot. tbdiwmct hc-~iJ coodl lclt1he Ntc \(llk.')'h,tll 1e.11m, ,.;a., 11hn.n.;,'11\fat1111t \.lutbtffl ldt.hamd C-11.1111.-p. t~ ~h11~ l&d~tlf", ""*''fftiou\C CSI (uy\obaf \ita\OII 10\ l "((N'Ch"'* 01 · I over.JI rmird. Othn lt.lnr\. lni.:l!Un.g IC.>houklbcl...,,._Conb ...... "(Altrq.11)!1 t\ full ol lOUgh !(':Int).· C\arl~ wlJ "111a, h unc l' 1ht ,oo,iiN m lhc:rlillinrl-
('...anJmal\'Olleyl,wtb.ffQtMlyp,•ffl'd hyf'lh)"\>al 11lknllltldltilff) Men&.lt
WU~htk'\., 11 li,ll:f1d11g atJtooo pill)' 11 lllrrc NII In h:lVHWa ,-."Ch.dbl >ell,-..00 111c l(.1m~.i,ianc:ryo(IQJl,iikt1,.ihe\.and r,rmlnn 'l(IIHnJ to uncle IColfl\ mccnl'icrt 1~oonll.)rmtionof'111.aroi,g11klfflMi.\lCtll ufftffltillk.lJi.:feti.-c ,iiootJ !Al~ hclp.