Asaoclated Students of North Idaho College to hold elections for fall 1995 offices on April 19. See Page 2 for a quick peek at this year's candidates.
Forum brhip s in diverse array of topi cs. Reviews on Pages 10 and 11.
Thursday, April 13, 1995 Volume 71 , Number 10
North Idaho College's Student Newspaper • Coeur d'Alene, Idaho
Instructors: Programs should not return to Hedlund by Sherry L. Adkins Stt11intl Reporter
If a planned proposal by welding faculty 10 remain off campus rails, welding Slllff nnd students will be dragging their reet upon their return to the Hedlund Building. according 10 welding inscructor Milt Turley. Turley said his staff will make a bid 10 the Board or Trustees and the NIC Foundation to request funding so the program can remain in its off-campus shop for several years or until health issues are resolved in the problem plagued Hedlund Building. • The Board or Trustees made the decision lllSI month to remove all non-technical classes from the building and rehouse the welding program. Welding wn.s moved off campu.~ during semester break due 10 health concerns or faculty and students or non-technical courses. The program wus moved into n leased shop space in the Coeur d'Alene lnduslrio.l Pnrk located off of Allns Road, nnd Clltcnsive air quality testing showed no evidence of a hamiful environment.
Shes for the non-1cchnie.1l classes 10 be moved are still in the planning stages, according 10 Steve Schenk, dean of college relations. However. a completion date for remodeling of Lu nnd Kildow Halls is set for late May, Schenk said. Moving the shop back on campus would be a disservice 10 the community, Turley said, because or his students lost learning opponunities and the high cost of moving. ..The administration wants us 10 come back to a shop that is anificial at best and is not conducive 10 on industrial environment," Turley Turley added that he understands the administration is struggling with a difficult situation and that any alternatives would be costly. Energy Products of Idaho (EPI) currently owns the leased shop and donates S3,000 10 $4.000 in materials for student use, Turley said. Welding students also 11nve occess to S2.S million wonh of equipment that l'flC can't afford nor house, according 10 Turley.
"lt°s expensive either way." Turley said. ·we·n go along with whatever the administration soys and continue to produce good welders no.matter where we are." The first move alone cos1l'flC S13.500, and involved 14 loads of heavy equipment piled into a one and a half ton diesel truck, Turley said. Ano1he1•SS,700 wns spent for a six-month, he added. "You don't just pick up a welding class and ·move it like you can an English class," Turley wid. 'They (administration) are going to move us in and thcn...lhey might move us back out." Machine technology instructor Jim Straub silid he would like to~ a modified work space ,vhere all the technical programs could internet and benefit from each other without taking away from th¢ students· college campus experience. "We were tied together closely with the welding program:· Straub said. "Now we
"Administration wants us tocome back to a shop that is artificial at best and is not conducive to an industrial environment."
Please see Hedlund on Page 4
25th Anniwersary of the Popcorn Forum
. photo by Erin Siemers Shout/ (Above) Instructor Barbara Davis yells out her poem while (Right) Judges give their opinion of the performance. See story CJnPell810.
··Milt Turley