A review about the Theatre of the Absurd. Please see Page 16.
Whal would you do II you knew that there w S4 but that taking It might violate your prlnclp~:s? ~iO~O sllt1hlng In a bank with your name on It, n ou ow one man is dealing with that reality. Please see Page 7.
Friday, May 5, 1995 Volume 71 , Number 12
Senti el
North Idaho College's Student Newspaper • Coeur:; d;-;'A:-;le:n:-e::-,-:,d :::-a-:h-o- - - - - - - - - - - - -
Million..dollar estate to benefit students ''They were the
by J ustin Smith Prod11c1io11 Managu
Long,lime area resident and community who were always member Jessie Mols1ead·s presence on campu5 may eventually trying to make bencli1thousands of students. said Steve somebody's life Schenk. dean of College e.asier by giving Public Relations. l1lc trust that them a d1a0Ce to Mols1cad left NlC included $355,000 and progress'' 300 acres on Alder Creek Road in the Wolf Lodge Creek nrca. which the college imends 10 sell in 40-acrc lolS. The real csw1e was rcccnily valued ul S1,090.000, Schenk said. "h's a big piece." Schenk said. adding that !here has already been considerable in1crcs1 in the propcny and that il definitely will sell. Molstcad's first job was working as a teacher instructing nll gr.ides al Folsom Ridge School and then at Wolf Lodge School. Later. she mnrricd and sc11k'() down on lhe fam1 where she lived for 1he rest of her life. One of her children. JO)'CC Mol11cad. also left a bequest lo the college. According to the infomintion prepared by Schenk, who says that he spoke with family memb.:rs and friends. 1he son or Mols1ead'i. sister d.:scribed Joyce and Jessie Mol~lcad as "Ilic kind of pa1ple who \\Crc al\\ays uying lO make somebody el!oe·~ lifo easier by g1l'ing them a chance 10 prog~." Toe nurilbcr of scholarships lhnl will be cre:11ed in J~ic Molstead's name has not )Cl betn determined. according 10 Schenk. who said "The will M:l fonh some 1t.ry brood guidelines." "They hnl'<! 10 be nct1demic as oppos.:d 10 athletic. h depend, on whal we decide 10 fund," Schenk ndtled. Toe variety of schol:irship~ 11ml the college may choose from includes foll ~holnrship, wnh n s1ipcnd for expc~s. full scholarship:, p.1ying for tuition only or partial e,pcn\Cs, Schenk !>aid, .idding that "ha1e1·er way lhe collc11c decides 10 di,1ribu1e the money will be beneficial. "So many of our ~1udcnl.S need lin:lllciai as:.~uince." Schenl. said. "II couldn't come al n bener time." Toe college already had n healthy endowment fund, Schenk said, and wilh the addition of the Mols1ead csrn1e. the NIC FoJn,huon now has over S3 million in ns.~lS. The fffcct Ju,l thi~ gift may hn1•e on NlC over the coming years c. "prcny 1hrilling." according 10 Schenl.. "Molsu:.ld 11.ed 10 help people improve themseh·es," Schenk sai<L
kind of people
Photo by Erin Siemers This place Is a growin '-Rhonda Pickles and Jog/le Storey plant vegetables in the NIC community garden