the Friday, November 18, 1994
North Idaho College's Student Newspaper• Coeur d'Alene Idaho
Volume 71, Number 5
Campus News
NIC Wrestler John Turpen was found dead November 16 in Coeur d'Alene. Sec Pngc 2.
Campus Sports Cross Country runner Gin1 Lehm1nn cams
AII -Amcricun MalU~. Sei! l'ogc 9.
Instant Culture
Chrlstmus Concert to femurc Gcrrad Mathes' lh-e-pan Christmas mass. Sec l'nge 13.
Photo by Erin Siemers Littfe Picasso-Amy Rowan develops her artisttc talents while s~e is at the NIC ch1/dr6n'.; center. This service provides NIC students wilh qualliy childcare on campus. For more mforr.mtion call 796-3471.