The North Idaho College Sentinel Vol 72 No 12, May 9, 1996

Page 1



nu,sday, May, 91996

Poetry shouting features Gerard Mathes . See Page 19.

North Idaho College'1 Student Newspaper• Coeur d'Alene, Idaho

Gissel finds tenure process inadequate

Volume 72, Number 12

Baseball team loses 'Treasure' of a chance

by Richard L~ Fronds Stfllllll'I Rcpnrtt'r

full house nt the April 24 Board ofTrmtees' meeting in the Kootrnai Room of the SUB heard Chrum1an Norm Gissel declnre that the entire mMructor tenure process is wholly inadcqua1c and that ii needs to be chruiged as soon as possible. "We're a family driven mad by pnx.'Cdure," declared Gissel, without any dissent from other bo:utl members. ''We're concerned more with daw than quality of teachang." Gissel further stnted. The board directed that a completely new policy R'ganling i11suuc1ors· contmcts be developed and 1ha1 the first reading of the proposed policy be ready by the end of Sep1embcr. At 1he March 27 mecrlng. two instructors were denied full tenure, ruid llmt event precipitated the chairman's commtnts. The change of tenure policy was just one of sevcrnl major topics discussed. Other topics were: The announcement that Hugh Watson ofTeMessee will be replacing NJCAA legend Rolly Williams Ob the new hclld aiach of lhe Cnrdinal men's baskc1ball team. This was noted as lhe first C03ching change in 35 years. Dean of StudenL~ David Lindsay reported to the board that he I) still in the pll)CeSl, of finding funding to replace Sheppard/Gridley Hall with n newer facility. The new modem building would be loc:nted north of lhe existing h:tll. Bob Murray, cha1nnan of the division of natural sciences, reponcd on the rapidly increasing importance of Distributed Educ:uion- sometimes known as S111cllitc Education or Distwice Education. A1 a rec.cot conference in Phoenix. the future of this type of educru.ion:tl resource was touted a.~ havmg greate~ m1p;ic1 on the character and shape of higher cduca11on than any innovation since lhe invention of the printing press. Murray's repon was a wakeup call to collegiate administnuors because it indiCllleS higher learning instiiutions will need to be restNCtUred radically in order lo compete in a global/lechnological environment. Abo repoctcd at the meeting wen: pcrsooncl hiring guidelines, a n:view of the awards given by the Trestle Crm: Review, and the presenlllion to the board of recently elected ASNIC Presideol Neil Weber. In ldditioo. a lftlallalion of innovative lelcbing ICICbniques by Divlslan Oiair Wah Carlsoo, and a ASNIC Sau report by advilor


Alm Jolntoo.

photo by Kibbee Walton. Turning two- Jason Bartell gets the force on Treasure Valley's Charfle Baumann and finishes to first for the double play. NIC lost the game, 5-2, which was a musl-win to keep the season alive.

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