nu,sday, May, 91996
Poetry shouting features Gerard Mathes . See Page 19.
North Idaho College'1 Student Newspaper• Coeur d'Alene, Idaho
Gissel finds tenure process inadequate
Volume 72, Number 12
Baseball team loses 'Treasure' of a chance
by Richard L~ Fronds Stfllllll'I Rcpnrtt'r
full house nt the April 24 Board ofTrmtees' meeting in the Kootrnai Room of the SUB heard Chrum1an Norm Gissel declnre that the entire mMructor tenure process is wholly inadcqua1c and that ii needs to be chruiged as soon as possible. "We're a family driven mad by pnx.'Cdure," declared Gissel, without any dissent from other bo:utl members. ''We're concerned more with daw than quality of teachang." Gissel further stnted. The board directed that a completely new policy R'ganling i11suuc1ors· contmcts be developed and 1ha1 the first reading of the proposed policy be ready by the end of Sep1embcr. At 1he March 27 mecrlng. two instructors were denied full tenure, ruid llmt event precipitated the chairman's commtnts. The change of tenure policy was just one of sevcrnl major topics discussed. Other topics were: The announcement that Hugh Watson ofTeMessee will be replacing NJCAA legend Rolly Williams Ob the new hclld aiach of lhe Cnrdinal men's baskc1ball team. This was noted as lhe first C03ching change in 35 years. Dean of StudenL~ David Lindsay reported to the board that he I) still in the pll)CeSl, of finding funding to replace Sheppard/Gridley Hall with n newer facility. The new modem building would be loc:nted north of lhe existing h:tll. Bob Murray, cha1nnan of the division of natural sciences, reponcd on the rapidly increasing importance of Distributed Educ:uion- sometimes known as S111cllitc Education or Distwice Education. A1 a rec.cot conference in Phoenix. the future of this type of educru.ion:tl resource was touted a.~ havmg greate~ m1p;ic1 on the character and shape of higher cduca11on than any innovation since lhe invention of the printing press. Murray's repon was a wakeup call to collegiate administnuors because it indiCllleS higher learning instiiutions will need to be restNCtUred radically in order lo compete in a global/lechnological environment. Abo repoctcd at the meeting wen: pcrsooncl hiring guidelines, a n:view of the awards given by the Trestle Crm: Review, and the presenlllion to the board of recently elected ASNIC Presideol Neil Weber. In ldditioo. a lftlallalion of innovative lelcbing ICICbniques by Divlslan Oiair Wah Carlsoo, and a ASNIC Sau report by advilor
Alm Jolntoo.
photo by Kibbee Walton. Turning two- Jason Bartell gets the force on Treasure Valley's Charfle Baumann and finishes to first for the double play. NIC lost the game, 5-2, which was a musl-win to keep the season alive.
Page 2
Thursday, May 9, 1996
The NIC Sentinel
Campus News I Test anxiety nothing to stress about
The North ldah_o_ c_o_ l le_g_e_s_e_n_tl_n_e_ l _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __J
doc~n '1 work." b) R)nn Mot'Clanalhnn Newell ,uggc<1cd 1h:i1 10 be n1cnrnlly prepared a S,·111111,·I Rt!{l(JI/C' I student should have a quic1 place to siudy and relax. I lclp1ng ,tudcnh 10 tkal II ilh ,1re.<~ :ind prc·ll'M •m~1c1ic, wa, 1hc 1opic of Lili! Tl!.'!I Anxiety Worl.,hop. A s1uden1 mus1.ilso pmc1icc sclr-affim1a1ion. " I will pass the 1cs1," Newell said as an example of 'Ilic work,hop was held May 2 and 3 in 1hc Bonner a po~i,ivc sclf-nffin11n1io11 . ""l1's like 1hc Nike slogan. Room of 1hc SUB. II was orgumzcd by Bob Newell. Just do ii." ,1mkn1 coun-.elor. and wa, 1k,igncd 10 help siudcnis According 10 Newell, s1uden1s should main1nin a deal wi1h end of 1he scrnc,1cr stress. baloncc of rcM, exercise and modern1cd dicl in order 10 Newell ,u1d 1hn1 lhc end of 1hc semester crca11:s a be physicully prepared. "gnngrcnc hour" cffoc1 upon sludcn1s. He said 1h:11 Newell provided 1.:s1iaking s1r.ueg1cs. ,1udcn1, oflcn begin 10 worry aboul u vnrie1y of I. Sil by yourself. Don '1 si1 ncx1 10 friends nod s1udy problem~ ~uch as: final cxarn, 1em1 papers and pnrtncrs 10 diminnlc nny sense of compc1i1ion. Engli,h compc1ency c~arn. 2. Sil in a comfonnblc ~pol. "Worrying i, praying 1ha1 whu1 you don '1 wanl 10 3. Plan your uppronch . This includes: looking over h:ippc:n will happen," Newell said. Aboul 12 ins1ruc1ors and , - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - , entire ICM, check the poinl value per part counselors were available al lhe "Worrying is praying and plan 10 ~pend worl.~hop 10 help students with 1hcir more lime wilh anxiciics. Individual lablc~ were set that what you don't ques1ions 1h01 are up 10 g1Ye )ludents help in biology. want to happen, will worth rnorc, answer chcmi~lry. self-confidence, 1he ea~ies1 question~ firsl, Eni:11,h compe1ency exam. a bmin happen." don'1 dwell on gym. ma1h and "<lick tricks" 10 help deal wi1h in,1ruc1ors and 1c~1s. --Bob Newell difficu lt quc,1inn, and use nil of 1hc According 10 Newell, prc-1cs1 nllo11e,l 11mc. ·"'"c1y i,- caused by s1udcn1~· ;ond 4. Ask for clanficauon from the t1hlructor if you 11orric, 1hn1 cun cau,;c phy~1cal and men13l problem~. urcn ·, ,ure of 1hc 1c~1procedure. ·'re,,~ arc no11he problem." Newell snid. "You 5. rr your mind s1:111s to go or you begin 10 .ire 1hc prnbkrn.'' Ne"ell gave three 1111pona111 suggc,iions on wh:u n panic. close your eyes for J() ,ccond, 1,nd rn~c -.cvcml slow bremhs. ,iudcn1,hould do 10 alh:vinlc ,,re,,: lk prt•p:1rcd mcn1,1II)'. ph)"1C,11ly and to main1.11n ~ ,upp<lrt ,y~icm 6. Puy nnc111ion 10 1hc le~,. 110110 your..clr "No 1hough1 or opinion hos :inytlung 10 do wnh of peer,. 111'1ruciors ~ncl coun~clur,. whn1 you ac1unll)• do," Newell ~md. "If you don·, do "The # I sui;i:c,11on I have. 1, 10 qml ~,uclying and anything nboul ii. nothing change~." cramming 1hc night h.:forc." Newell ,uid. "h Ju,1
Delta Kappa inducts new members b) 01 Dr:iun S,•111111r/Rcpmw1 ella K;ippa , lhc local drnp1cr of 1hc i111cmu1ionul honor ,ocie1y Ph, TI1cl[1 Knpp,1 held 1hcir ,pring 111duc110n ceremony. April U. 1lonorcd guc,1, nnd 1111:onung mcmbcf'> gulhcrcd in 1hc Bonner Room for the fom1al l"CfClllOny in wluch M!Vcn1y-c1t:hl ,iudcnh \\ere oflic1JII)' acccplcd ·" members Vice prc,1dcnt of 1hc dub. 0,1\ 1!1 M,,hlcr. ,vclcnmcd cvcf)lllll' :ind 1hunkctl 1hc Dw1,11m Chu,r.,. 1hc college bollrd members and dean, and 01hcr ,p.:l'1,1l guc,1,. D, Oi.1un. J)rc'ldc111 lur 1hc i'l•JS-l.J(I ,chool ye Jr gJvc .111 u, crv1cw ol 1hc ,cx·1c1y', an:ompli,hmcnh ltlr 1hc year. Snmc ol 1hc no1c"onh)
D 0
ad1icvc111c111s included hnving i1s cniry chosen n, 1hc offic1~l logo for 1hc Gremer Nonhwc,1 Region and ho,11ng 1hc fir..1 reg1onul event on 1hc ea,1cm edge of 1hc region in over IOyears. Della Kapp:, :il~o plnyed a pan 111 gcnmg :111 honor- program added 10 the curriculum 111 the fonn ol n onc-crcdil d(lss .,vailublc Ill ,111llcn1~ wi1h a 3.0 GPA or higher. The new clu,, can 1r.111,fcr J~ :111 hono~ crcdu lo a four-yc.,r in,1111111011. Idaho Scnulor Mary Lou Recd uppc.1lcd 10 Phi ·1hc1.1 KJppJrh 10 i;cl mvulvcd 111 their cummunnic, .ind 10 m.11.c .11hl lcrcncc 10 1hdr ,, orld. wherever they mny go. The 1995-96 111l 1ccr, Joined Prc'1dcnl Bcrmcll. Tt>rn l'hnt. Ool> Murmy .md Dr. Pai Pidcocl.. ndv1'cr, for the club. in
welcoming each of lh~ new member... Cinch inductee ~1g11cd 1hc rcgi,1ry .111d received on official pin, ccriificnle of membership, and a rose ~ymbolizing 1he ideal of Phi Thein Kappa: scholarship. fcllow$h1p. lendcn.hip and
Did you know?
Graduation is May 17.
News Briefs Holocaust retold at NIC Alicia Appleman-lum1011 will be 1he featured guest speaker n1 n NTC Popcom Forum 9 a.m. Tuesday. Mny 14 in the Boswell Hall-Schuler Auditorium. Junnan's book, Alicia-My Story. is on award winning accoum of her struggle to survive Gcm1an atrocities in rural Poland during World War Two. She also helped other Jews ~urvive and also escape 10 Palestine after World War Two. Junno11 has 1old her story for 1hc last 40 years on a promise 10 1ell her story after her mothers dca1h.
Natural high and expedition slides planned Campus recreation and outdoor Pursuits arc plarmiJlg n slide prcseni:uion of 1hc last ''Fur Beoring" expedition by canoe from Post Palls 10 New Orlc11ns, 1lmrsd11y, May 9. noon. 1l1e 1rip, from June I. 1984 10 Dec. 5, 1984 re1mccd 1hc rou1e, in pan. of Lewis and Clark, cnrly 1mdcrs. tmpp,:rs a.nd mountain meo. The nlmOSt 6,000 mile trip tool six mo111hs and five days by can<X', horse back. and other 1rn11spona1ion provided by nu1ivcs. Campus recreation continues 1hc Nn1uml High program wi1h 1he las1 activity of the year May 10, 9 p.m. umi l midnigh1. Activities include bnskc1ball, volleyball. floor hockey nnd 1wistcr. Door prize~ will be given ou1 ,md pnnicipa.nts arc asked 110110 auend inloxicmcd.
ASNIC plans luau, more polling places Among 01her things, ASNIC is look mg for a pig. M11y, 10 ASNIC will host n luuu that will fc,nure o pig roa~t and cos1umes from one 10 live p.m. Vcggil' burgers, pa~ia 'l.'llnd. ice crenm, Md rcfreshmcnb nrc nlso includt-d. Cos1 is S2 for 1hosc wearing I IAWAIIAN cos1umcs or S3 w11hou1. In order 10 help mcc1 a 15 perc..:111 campus vo1er 1umou1, ASNIC unanimously passed M Amcndmcm for additional polling locaiions NIC hns II new Self Defense Club. The was unanimously vo11ld in ,1ficr Kristopher Stein. Self Defense Club president, gave a promis111g future of 1hc club. He said the club could have a pos:1ibili1y of :u1 c~hibition, a 1oum:uncn1 and self defense ~mimU'S for s1ude111s of NIC. Chris AUer. Vice Prcsidem, is planning to revamp the ICC meetings and funding for 1he coming school year. "Aucndunce is mandatory for Clubs," Aller ~id. nbou1 the low 1umou1 for ICC meetings. '1liere nrc going to be some clulngc.s tn Club funding. anendMcc will have a direct effect on policy for 1iw coming y.:ar." Club funds have been frozen for the year Md will be nvaiJable nex1 year.
111c evening came 10 :1 dose whh the 111,1nl1111ion of 11ex1 year·~ prc\ldcnl Roger Quic~. Campuign proposal~ for vitc prc\1dcn1. 1rca,urcr and '><!crcmry were a~ccpted umil Monda). May 6. lnterc,1t'd panic~ who arc already n1crnbcr, or plan 10 be ncx1 foll (hnv111g achieved 1hc nccc~,..ry GPA 11f 3.5 or higher) ore cncoumged 10 con1nc1 one of 1hc ndv1,ors or call 1hc Phi Tllcla Kuppa olficc at 769-7807 for more mfonna1ion.
Levy to reduce crowding with new school Con~1ruc1ion of a new middle ,chool. ro r.:duce crowding O\ well a~ save million~ of doll:1n; in 1n1ere,1 payment, are 1he obj<)(;UVC\ of a propoi.ed S9.S million school levy 10 be voled on Mny 21. The levy will build and pay for 1he new m1ddl1: school in two years nnd ea~e the crowding at Lal.c, and Ctulficld nuddle school~. Both a~ currently u,ing ponablr cla~~room) a~ :, ,horHenn wlution. Both school\ arc hou,ing upproAimo1ely 200 10 JOO more ,1uden1< 1han 1hq arc dc,igncd 10 hold. The propcny taxpayers II ill pay S1.68 per S 1,000 of wnblt value. The levy will •ave S6.000.000 in ,nierc,t compJrcd 10 ii 20-ycar bond Thi, will pny for a 750 s1uden1 middle ~chool 1hu1 will open in 1wo year, on a propert) ulready;ed by th1: ..chool diqric1 in 1993.
Campus News
Thursday, May 9,1996
The NIC Sentinel
Snappy photography club on campus New club offers chance to organize photo hobbyists Say Cheese! by Rya n MncClanothon Se111i11el Reporter
cnmem enthusi:t~ts share knowledge. al low them 10 en1cr photography contests and will nmcm buffs now hnve n pince 10 sponsor group phorogmphy field trips. "Collectively we hope 10 rnisc some fu nds share photography experiences, tips so we can get 1hc club 10 go out and do nnd ndvit'e. lhings 1oge1hcr." Sprct'n said. Phorogmphy Cl ub held iL~ tirs1met'ting The 11cx1 club mccling will be held 3 p. m. April 24 in 1hc Bonner Room or 1hc SUB. Mny23 n1the Co.:urd'Alcnc 111c mec1ing City Park band shell. The gave its new club wi II hold a picnic nnd will members a sh:1rt pho10 prin1s 1oge1hcr. chance 10 get 10 The mccling is open to new know cnch members. 01hcr. Elet'tions for 1he club The club officials were held May 2. was found.:d Club officers through tho: and organ ized ~ummcr :ire: Richard Kaser, by Jerry Spreen prcsidcm: Noppadol Pao1hong, olong wi1h 1he vic.:-prcs idcnt: Sue Spreen, help of Phil Kibb« Corlis, ._,_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _. . ~ccrcrnry-1 Wnllon n~rcas11rer 1hc club'snnd "lil'$l phorogmphy shot" irmructor and club advis.:r. The Pho1ography Cluh holds m.:elings Spreen ~aid that he has been a every fi rst Md 1hinl 1 hursday or1he month pho1ogrnphy buff for mo,1of hi~ lifo. lie a14 p.m. in the SUB. fonncd the club 10 help orgoni zc the Fc,r mldilional 1nfon11nlion .:onlncl Cortis pho1ugrnphy hobbyi, ts on campu,. at 767-34 19 or Kuser m 667-6823. Actording 10 Spret'n. 1hc club will help
"Collectively we hope to raise some funds so we can get the club to go out and do things together. " -- Jerry Spreen
photo by Shannon Harwood
Exposed· Jerry Spreen (second from left) organized the campus· new photography club.
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avalleble at OtvMJon oe,1ter ~
Ken Wright, nominated inductee :
Who's Who Among American Teachers Wngh1,pent a lmle more time lhmkmg abuul hi, other good quuli1 ,c, . "Being 1hnroughly prepared h anoihcr ·n1cr.: i, .111 old mbgc 1ha1'-'Y' 1ha1nil:c guy~ fomh las1. a.,pcct 1ha1 I work u1:· he ,n11J When ' lll.' nbout highlight, in hi, Ken Wngh1. on the orher hand. " a \lnccrely nice guy. op,:n and rncndly, and yc1 teachmg career. Wright po1n1cd 10 having NIC he i, finishing clo~r 10 1he top. Wngh1 wa, alumni return nod 1alk :1bou1 how bcncficinl reccnlly nominated as an induc1cc imo rhc the guidance a1NIC wa.~ m their eventual c:un;,-cr. pre~tigious Who\ Who Among Amcrit'an "Having fom1cr siudent, come bacl. and Tcnchcr... tell abou11hcir succc" ," Wrigh1'l:lid wi1h a Only 5 percent of the nation, teachen, ~mile, "saying 1h01N!C gnvc n.>ce1vc this honor. 1hem n re.ii edge. Seeing Tonin Gable. a "Seeing students , 1udcnt, blos<.0m wi1h 1mprowd fo1111cr ~,udent 01Nonh , kill level,. nor ju,1 with book, lduho College and a blossom with und acac.lc1111c(. but with hfc m me mber of Wright·, improved skill levels, gcncml. I try to help 1hc Pnnciplc~of not just with books , tutlcnt, thal :u\'n·1a, well Chemi"ry da...,. prepared get ,1 good ,u,n here ·· and academics, but nommmed Wnj!ht for Other notJb!c 1mt:rludc, 111 th,: .1wnnl. with life in general." Wrigh1 ', l·arecr mdude Gublc. who wa, n .. Ken Wright p;tMll'IJWlllg in the Fulbnght de-an \ h, t , 1ud.:n1. foll Tc:m:hcr fach,mgc program m thm \\'ngh1 w.L, the 199().'} I. Wn11h1 "a., ahk tn one 1c.1d 1er 111 her enure lr:l\,d Ill Engl,md where he 1.,upht 111;1,,hool ill adcmtc career that mOucn,ed h.-r th.: 1110,1 c,tllcd fohn nl Gaunt "hllh "·" loc.111.>J Ill When .i-~etl \,111,h <1fh1, .ntnbutc, conmti,n~ the mo,1 tn ,1111knt su"e", Wnplu Tmwliridgc. gcogrJphK,tll) thall,•ngl-d will recogm1c ·1 ro\, hrid!!c J., bcmg nc.1r lhc ,~.l\ 41111;1. "nh h,, tiN an,,.cr: "F.umc,,. I fan1011, 10" n of B.11h. Wnght COJO}•'<I th" If)' 10 tr1:.11c, Cl)OOC th, -.ime .ind ti., lair wnh c~~ncrkc ,\ them:· h) Che) cnm· Mnhnckc
Sc111111('/ R1·111111a
Page 4
The NIC Sentinel
Campus News
Thursday, May 9 1998
Blood drive saves 120 lives thanks to 43 donors NIC blood drives net 178 pints of blood for year by Ruth CarapeUa ~111incl Rl'porter Hero's s;ivc: livc:5, On April 23, there were: 43 h<'ro's at NIC. These people partic1p.11cd in NIC's third blood drive of !he year. Fony of them were allowi:d to donate blood. Enough blood. acco«ling to Libby Granier. spokesperson for !he Inland Nonhwest Blood Cunter, to save as many as 120 lives. '1'he 45 minutes you give of your time could go to ~ve tl1c lives of lhree people," Gmnier said. She e-~plained tliat the blood center sc:parute5 the doMted blood into three componenlS: l'l'd blood cells, plnsma and plnr~lcis. Each component could go ro a diff=t pcISOO. The lnlnnd Nonhwest Blood Center stores blood for 42 days. Dunn~ tliat time. th.: center sends 97 percent of all the blood oonnted to area hospilllls for tr31lSfusions. The center supplies 23 hospitals and sends out obout 50 units of blood every dny of the week. "I don't think people reali1.c: how imponnnt their donation is," Gmnier said.
"Very little of the blood goes to waste. We blood. Nurses :ind LPNs take medical try 10 keep an inventory of nil eight blood histories from each pro~pecuve donor. types on hand." Nul'SCll defor prospective donors for Gmnicr cmphasiz.ed the imponancc of the several reasons They defer those who have blood driv.:$. Of nil the drives in nonhcm had a piercing or a tanoo within rhc Inst year Idaho, those at N!C are among the largest In unlcs.~ the omamentntion was done in a October. 65 units were collected from 83 doctor's office. peoplennd Granier in February, explained 1hnt "I don't think people realize 73 units of tattoo parlor. nod blood were how important their donations piercing snlons collected sterile is. Very little of the blood goes from 92 disposnblc tips on people. to waste. We try to keep an their equipment Granier bur do nor stcrili7..: inventory of all eight blood blamed the the entire unit lower April types on hand. " between rumour on customers. --Libby Granier the day of Not the week for the entire piece of the drive, a equipment can Tuesday. expose customer.. ro a minuscule hepatitis However, Granier was pleased with risk. she NIC's yenrly rornl of 178 ptnts of blood. Besides ulking the mcdical history. the ··mat's nn our.srMding rornl for NIC," nurse~ do n mini medical check to evaluate Omnicr said. blood pre~urc, heart ra1c. iron level, nnd Not nil volunteers ru'C nllowed to donate pulse. If MY of thew fall outside rhc range of
Offers chance to win new home for good price
by Dan Bell Se111111rl R,·11,mer Dubbed rhc Inland Empire', richC)I mffic. wi1h a g1vcu\,a) rh1~ ycarof over S225.000 in pnlt'l. mcludmg the grand pri1,c of a threebedroom home 1hc Rc.1lly B1g Rnfnc enters its third y~;1r. Thb ,wc,:p,rtlkc) offer.. Ult' ticket buyer :tn apponunll)' to hu II big. "hale ,upponang gr.lnt and scholar.hip program, for in,tructor.. nnd ,tudenl, alike. ''The rafllc focu'>(, attention on the fine worl. done by our cn.rpcnu; \ludcnrs. which i, ;mother 1mponan1 benefit of the program," NIC Foundation Exl-curivc D1rcc1or Steve ~henl.. -..11d. The thl\c'C·bcdroom. 2 tn b.11h home fca1ure, 2.250 \(!Uare fee1 of fim,hed ,p:u:c on 1hc mom level, with a panrnlly fim~hed 1.570 i.qunN-foor daylight b:~-.cmcnt. deck,. a covered patio and add-on features like a JIICUnt nnd a buil1-in cntcnninmcnt ccn1er. '1'hl' other com111cn1we heard agrun and ag:nn from raffie 11ckc1 buyers wa~ 1hey liked knowing 1ha1whether they won or not, their money would go 10 o good cause." said Schenk. ''Thar's very gratifying. Thar's also why we're so proud of the Foundations work. In the J)3\t few years alone, the Foundation hns provided more than $250,000 for college scholarships. provided another SI 00.000 in
direct grant suppon for projects dcvdoped by NIC faculty and staff and built lhe new SI .4 million Work Force Tmi111ng and Co111mun11y Educa1ion Center in Po5t Falls." L!lst yc;u's gr.ind prize winners were Terry and Ina Brc..\Slcr of Coeur d' Alene. 111e $20.000 car or boar prize wcn1 to David Thorp (who opted for :t Hurley DJvidson mororcycle), Robcn Ketchum. who won 1he cmvel padalgc valued ut S3,500. and n $2.000 ~hoppmg spree won by Cliff Collin~. Ticket:,. only 4,000. are on sale now and 1hc ticket price remain~ at $100. In nddirion ro being able 10 purchase a cicker at the College Relation, Foundu1ion office. located on NIC's mum campu~. 01her 11ck<11locuuorn, can be found at: NIC Workforce Training Ccnrer in Po\t F:111\; Tidymnn's 111 Cocurd' Alene. Posr Fllls. Moscow and Lewiston: Super l Foods 1n Coeur d' Aknc, Po.r Falb and Hayden: Stein·~ IGA m Rathdrum. Kellog and Osburn: By 1hc Lake Tmvel in Coeur d' Alene; The Company Store in Snndpoi111 and River.ode Chevrolet 111 Bonnee, Ferry. Non-Idaho residents mny also purchase ticker~. bu1 it mus1 be donc an person. from an Idaho outlet. ldnl10 residcn1s may nlso purchase 11ckcts witli V1sa. Mnsrercard or Discover by phoning (208) 7693271. This year· s drawing will be held Tuesday. July 2.
acccp1nncc, they do not nllow the volunteer to donate blood. Someumes the nurses spot health problems. Occa.~ionally. the ccn1cr rec:eives n thank-you letter from a prospective donor who was nlencd to a serious health problem through the screening process. Addi1ionnlly. rhc center ICSIS all donated blood. Currently. the renter tests for elevated liver cni.ymcs. hcp:uius B nod C, syphilis. HLTV I and HIV The center uses a confidcntfal notification process ro al<.'ft the donor if nny of these disc,\SCS arc detec:1ed. Over the last 10 years. the center hns confumcd ortly n handful of HIV posiuve ca.,;es. Donors face no risk of e,.posurc 10 these di~MeS by giving blood. Only 3 perttnt of 1111 p...-.,plc who donate blood have M adverse reaction ro blood dmwing. For n tx?uer e~pericocc as a donor. Gmnier ndv1..c~ prospective volunteers ro cat nnd dnnk a couple of e,tm gl= of wnrer before do1m1111g blood. "Prepare your:elf 10 donate blood. Dnnk water and ear before you give. Remember, you·~ givint: n pill! oi 011111 from your body, don't go in dd1ydm100." Granit'r 5'1id.
Veterans ~ Thinking about a career in math
or science? Opportunity knocks! Attend a six week summer class in Montana. Work with faculty at MSUCollege of Technology-Great Falls. Classes in agriculture, engineering and allied health will be offered.
Thursday, May 9, 1996
The NIC Sentinel
Page 5
Carter: Chef, fiance, Sentinel wins first place for employee of the month general excellence in Idaho
Cnncr \~id."Somc11mcs I wonder if I ~hould have ~laycd m or why I go1nu1 ... Ile k fl 1hc Air ,y m:ui m n hu,y tnv1ronmcn1quid,ly Force in Dl."CCmbcr of '76. "h's a big change here. tins i~my ,pl:un, the hie 01 W1lht1rn H. Caner, li~ t ycnr working nt a college. It's a lot di ffcrcm 'lier known a, Cnncr. then .11 privn1e S<.'CIOrs," Caner explained. "I Caner i\ n ,ou5 chef by trade. which is righ1 cnJOY working hl!re a 101 nnd I like the people. under the chcf in a ki1chcn One of the joy's of working m NIC i\ the p,:ople. 'They make the chef loo!. good." Caner said. nnd the dilTcrcnt walh of life," he said. "The The ~. chef h the person who keeps 1he s1udcn~ arc great. I like lnlking to 1hcm, and l.ilchen going and running. Ctutcr learned 10 meeting people from different cool. by working m backgrounds." l.11chens. ··1JUSI asked n lot La51week Caner pcrfom1ed the of que,1ion,. wa1ched and Heiml ich Maneuver on a l(;unetl. .' he ~id. di5hwa.~hcr employee a11hc school. Being Ille erghth child in "I teamed it in the Air Force. 111 a 11 famrly of IO. Caner had CPR ctn~~... lhe e,perience of helpmg Caner said he was "very very, 001 m the ki1chen. ~hocked" 10 learn that he wn~ the ""When I wa.Hmall I employee of the month. " I didn·1 uscd to like 10 help my even know I was nominnied". mom in the ki1chen," he An activity tha1Caner enjoys is ~d. when he and hi~ liance cook In 197 1Cruicr joined the 1ogcther. Air Force ond bccnmc a " I don·1 always ea1everything she wg.-~1He ,van1ed to makes though" he confessed. William H. Carter 1m,·el and sec places he ''She's more of a vegetarian, while though1he wouldn'1hnve I like my meat and potatoe/i," They plan 10 be the chance 10 sec agnin. He wns right: he did married on May 18 in 1he rose garden on get 101mvel. He did n tour of the fnr eultt. "I loved Japan, bu1 the whole tour was great." campus. l>JTOrn ~tau
St11tmrl Rq•cN-rc1
by Cheyenne Mnhncke Sr111i11rl Reporru he Senuncl left with the top prize in the 1995 Idaho Press Club nwnrd~ ceremony Saturday. April 27 In the student category at the awards ceremony, in Sun Valley, the Sentinel pulled down lim place in general Excellence. btdividunl winner~ for NIC included: Melody Mam third pince, Scnou~ Feature writing: MarkJ\aron Perry, th1rtl in editorial writing; Cheyenne Mahnckc, third in spons news reponing 1he streak of third place finished and Kibbee Wnhon , second in photography. Judging for the contcsu.111ts wn, handled by the Colorndo Press Association. On lhe judge's sheet. which was given to everyone who placed in the top three of any category, the Sentinel wns given excellent mnrb in every category. Judge's comments included: "Good lead s1ory, good spons coverage and entenaining lru1nn1Cuhure section. Good job overall.'' 111c Sentinel hos dominated the
gcncrnl ,excellence award in recent ycal"I nnd went to Sun Valley a_, defending champs after winning it in 1994. "It 1s very satisfying for our students that 1hey fared bl:ttcr than Idaho's three universities and rival Rick·~ for the cove1cd general excellence award." said Sentinel adviser Nil ~ Rosdohl. "We en1cred ench category only once because of the high entry fee, so the resul t$ arc ndequarc." The SO<'icty of Professional Joumnh~~s ore also going 10 hold an award banquet on May IS a1 The Coeur d' Alene Rcson. Winners in both the Inland Nonhwcst nnd the Pacific Nonhwcs1 Excellence in Joumnli•m compe111ion will be announced. The Sentinel i, also th<! returning General & ccllence award winner in this competition nnd is up for 1hc award ngnin. Scnunct writers up for an award ( or nwnrds) include Mnr12. JuMin Smith. Dan Bell, Beth Carey, Rachel William~. Erin Sicmcrs, Fckadu Kiros. Seth Sievcnplper. Perry, Jonathan Hay and Mahncke.
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The NIC Sentinel
Thursday, May 9, 1996
Opinion-1:ditorial The North Idaho College Sentinel
Worthingless dog: That's all I've ever wanted to be I guc~, I was abou1 5 or 6 )'Cars old when I decided I w:1n1cd 10 be a dog. Living ou1 in the country, I thought it was ncai how dogs would ,ccmingly wander free. hunging ou1 m little dog gangs and lifting their dog leg wi1h a type of public 11npuni1y and a ~m,le on their faces. All that changed when wc mo,•.id 10 town and I di,co,crcd dogjnil. which consisted of u leash und 1clcvision. Dan B e ll For II was on T.V that I Opinion fin.I ~nw Call Wonhinglcss ond his dog Spo1. To 1hosc of you who have never been 10 1hc ,outhwcstcm ponion of the U.S. and don't know Call. let me c,pluin. Coll Wonhmgless owned cnr dealerships. And 10 nd'"cnisc him~clf. he would dress up in rhinestone· sequined ,u11~ and a I0-gnllon ho1 :tnd parade his latest dog. Spo1. ,n from of 1hc camera. Toll and angular. in the mode of I-lank Willinms Sr.. Wonhinglcs~ would wres1lc o bear or subdue a Bengal uger. and 10 the viewing public of thi, early ·6() 1hc,e animals represented his dog '"Spo1.'" I wu, abou1 14 during the summ~r of 1967 in Poway. ColiL when 111y mom told me 10 '",!Op laying around the lmu,c and get a Job." P1ck111g up the local paper. I round n JOh li\ting on the due~ mnch looking for mcxpcricnccd help. No one 1ha1 ,ummcr of ·67 wn, more inexperienced than I us lucy Chapman would tc,ufy 10. but more on thnl :md TiJuann. 1971, when I hn ,yndic,111011. Placing a coll to the runch. I ml~cd 10 the loreman. Tom. who told me 10 ··(\lmc on up und l.(O to work " UJ)lln hcunng thi, I w.1, doubly cxcatcd abom going to wor~ bccuusc 1101 only w:" the duck fann nl>0u1 -Ill miles from Poway. prov1d111g me \\•llh my first opportunity to '",pn:ad my wing,'" Ml hl ,peak. bu1 the ranch wa, a priv:nc. members-only duh "'here duck hun1111g took place. !Jut bc,1of all. belonging. to th" group wa, the lirst ma,tcr ot the JO ~ccond ~\)und bite. C'all Wonlungle,s. All that week. Tom und I fowri,hly 10 prepur.: lnr 1hc umval of the elite mcmbc~hip. Fmolly. the big day ;1rrivcd :im.1 motor home, ;ind tr:nlcrs begun crawling up the winchng dnt rOJd 01 the fonn .1round 6 a.111. About an hour later came the lonc1es1 home on four
See Worthingless Page 9
,,- suRE.
Just a thought... Writers, like teeth , are divided into incisors and grinders. - -Walter Bage hot
~c REl\JRN·
Graduation: Impossible two-year task A
h. NIC. the four-year community college... Thn.-e out of si~ editors on our Maff will be entering yCJ1r No. 3 in the fall. At one point tl·,crc may have been some sham<! invoh•ed m 1ha1. bu1 1his is the ' 90<1! Students have figured out graduating with a degree from NIC in two years is the impossible dre!!m. Though cxnct numbers weren't nvaal:iblc from Rcgi.trar's Office. ii is obvious from talking to students around c:ampus thut two year; :11 NIC is JU\l nor enough. Are students today JUSt plain lazy'! After all. our parents tinished their NIC education in 1wo years ... Or do colleges have an ult,mor motive in turning two years into a thn:c-ye:ir ordeal? In order to receive your A.A. or A.S. you must romplcte 64 credih. TI1e 1110th is ~implc (for tho.w of you who have comple1cd your math requirement,). This commu~ you to 16 credits ,1 ~cmcster. The reg"trmion booklet ,tatc~ 1h:1t 12 crcdus 1, 11 full load. TI1ercfore. 16 orcdih mu,1 be an overload. Conveniently. the longer you ,my. the more you pay. A majority of students come to NIC like bms t1u1 of hd l. bound and detcmuncd to get out of her\' an two yc;u even if II kills 1hcm. Well. it Jhno,1 doe, for those who nmkc 11. For those who don·1 • 11 can ~ccm hke a huge fnilu rc. It ,s 11,pecially a ~•ruggle for tho~c of us who would like to tJkc some clas,c~ 01hcr than the re4um•d one,.
What if you've alway~ been curious about mythology or want to dabble a bit in u ccmmic, coul'lic'! College ,~ a time for hcallhy cxpcnmcni.111011. ll 1s o chance 10 find out what you like and what you're good at. but now 11~ccm~ there is room for no such behavior if you plan 10 ge1 our 111 four ycnrs. You have to suck to a Mrict ..chedulc ond save the lcanung for Inter. Co111rury to contemporory college adminb1m11on behef,. )Ontc of U) are here. not only get a degree, but leum all we can on 1he way. Ala,, our money ,,n ·t taking u~ that lar :myrnore. The No. 2 r.::1$011 stu<len1, withdraw from NIC ,, 1hcy cannot afford the costs of ancnding. TI1cy ,tan here but run out of money before they linish. The problem 1s co111poundcd when you realize NIC" 1he chenpc\l college 10 nllend in the Northwest The No. I ~a,on for withdr.n, al is work con0ic1ing with ,chool. which i, also linancrnlly connected. Though .1n A.A. may not mean much 111 the real world. 1t docs en,urc mo,1 of your credits will 1ron,ftr. and what's moru, 11·) a kind of per)OnJI victory. After two or three year~ it'~ nic'c to h.ive something 10 ,how for )'Our cffons. What j;, 1101 nice•~ the :tltcnrntivc). Spending two )Cnrs Jnd l1Jving 10 1ronsfer w11hou1;1 degree and losing ,ome of your credit~. Wor..e ye1. you could spend two years busting your bull and have to drop out bec.1uw the money ho, di~.ippearcd ... along w11h your degree.
Thursday, May 9, 1996
Dorms: The ones you '11 never get • Our end of 1he ye,ir chokcch~rrics nre preny short ond sweel. Whn1 's wrong wi1h everyone'! Thi~ i~ 1he 1i111e of ye:ir when your bmin is ~upposcd 10 mm to silly puny 3nd you screw up big. Bui for who1cver reason we could find much 10 jump on. so enjoy 1he ~mall dose of cho~ing! • Femnle students on campus complinn abou11hc 1oilc1 paper in 1hc women's res1rooms. They say ii called ''nev<'r ou t" (because 1hc roll is so big). bu1should be called "ne,·er get'' becau,;c ih impo~sibh: 10 1ear off n piece since 1hc roll isn·1 pcrfonned. Where's Mr. Whipple when you need him? Why can'11he campus jus1 gel the cham,in big roll'? • During 1hc boord of 1rustecs mee11ng. President Bob Bennett commcmed on how much he enjoyed "Hair'' ond he wished ii would rc1um. The audience was surprised. however. when they d1~ovcrcd he was tnlking abou t the musical returning to BOS\lell Holl. Bewnre Bobby. ii'~ 1ho11imc of year when 1he starl ings come out! There's no 1clling when 1hey could come swooping down a1 your "hair." • Maybe you're on good beha\•ior now. bul do11'11hink you' ll ge1away wi1h ii for long. We 'll be back next year , and we'll be watching!
Congratulations Class of '96 ~ the Sentinel 1000 West Garden Avenue, Coeur d'Alene, Idaho 83814 • (208) 769-3388 A\'>OCl31cd Collcgia1c Pre~ Five-Star AII-Amcricnn Ncw~paper. National Pacemaker and Ncw~paper of 1he Year • Robcn F. Kennedy Award • Socic1y of Profe..,sional Joumnli~1s General ExCt'llencc Award • Nauonal Hall of Fame · Los Angeles Times No1ional Leadership Award , Rocky Mounmin Collcgi.uc Pre~s Ocncml Excellence Award
Editorial Staff MarkAaron Perry Managing Editor Amanda Tomme lnS1anl Culture Editor Jonathan Hay Sports Editor
Kibbee Walton Michele Bear NIis Rosdahl
Photo Editor Business Manager Adviser
Reporters, Photographers and Artists Allen Beagle Dan Bell DI Braun Ruth Carapella Jandl Dunlap Jenifer Harris Shannon Harwood Leslie Hines Shelley Jerome
Richard Le Francis Ryan MacClanathan Cheyenne Mahncke Melody Martz Tara Matt Patty Moore Steve Myers Tri Nguyen Pat Nolan
Brad Preston Cody Raithel Stephanie Rowe Stephanie Schreiber Angle Schwintek Rosie Vogel Barry Whitney Wes Woods Kat Yockey
Letters Polley- The Sentinel welcomes letters to the editor. Those who submit letters must limit them to 300 words. sign them legibly, and provide a phone number In order to verily authenticity. Some letters may not be printed because of space limitauons, or because they 1) are similar to a number of letters already received on the same subject, 2) are possibly hbelous. or 3) are Illegible. The Sentinel reserves the right lo edot letters Leners may be malled to the Sentinel or brought to Room 53 of the Sieben Building.
The NIC Sentinel
Resident revolts
Dear Edi1or: onccnung y(lur aniclc on Shepperd/Gridley Hull. I feel compelled 10 wri1c 1hc Scm 111cl. Seeing as you do 1101 live in lhe donn,. your an1clc sccnL~ 10 be full or bias nnd ignorance. The inc1de111 on M:irch 17 was lhc rcsuh of only 1wo indiv1duols. nnd !heir actioM should not be used 10 j udge 1hc en lire resident, or 1he dorm. If you lived in 1he donn, you would sec 1h01 nm all of us nrc "vandals" and 1h01 ii 1s only a wlec1group. Granted I did sec you wandering around 1he donn. for nboul 1wo seconds. II ~cmcd 1hu1 you were not even asking ques11ons or even a11emp11ng 10 nsk anyone que~rions It almos1 seemed as if you were forming your own opinions wi1hou1 any fnc1~. Concerning 1he grnffiti on the baihroom ~tolls. hal f 1hc memioncd grarfiti on 1hc s1alls was from las1year nnd even $Omc from the pn:vious. I agree 1ha1 rcpain1ing 1hcm was nn cxcclleni idea. bu1 why no1 wan until 1he end of 1he school ycnr msiead of wni1ing un1il there were only 1wo mon1hs remaining. It al~o seems thm 1hcre W(L~ no problem or even d1scus,io11 aboul 1hc grarfi11 unlil Mike Halpern. campus snfly dircc1or 1hough1 he needed 10 ~tic~ hi, no,e 11110 1hc ~,1ua1ion. Funhermore, wha1is 1hc problem w11h 1hc NIC mum1rnancc crew'? I am no genius. but even I could figure ou1how 1i1 uw a paint gun. Three week\ 10 paim 1hrec ba1hroo1n srnlls is a l111le rid1c1Jlou,. nnd 1f II r.:.illy did 1a~... 1hrec weeks. I 1hmk 1hcy could have done a bcucr job. The ,1a11~ look like 1hcy were fixed with rivc-ccn1 puny ond 1wo-ccn1 pt11n1. I will admi1 1ha1 I was one of 1hc people who helped put up 1he cardboard s1all~. bu1 ii W11s only done 10 cover up 1hc mc:0111pc11:ncc of 1hc nmintcnuncc ere"'. The gr.iffi11 wos pu1 on 1hc cardboard s1nll~ only bccau,c "c ~nc\, 1hey wcrc going 10 be 1hrown ou1 eventually. I abo have only heard a smnll pcrccnrngc of ~,coplc ,ny 11 wu, a dump. I don't know where or wh(l you hove been lis1cning 10. bu1 i1 ,ur.: wa,n ·1 ony ol thl.' ,~oplc who live here. We also cnn find 1hc garbage nround 1hc domh: 100 b.1d mo,1 of 1hc garbage cmcrs 1hc building when people bring in the Scn1incl wi1h nn1clc, of your, 11111. Try 10 fonn your opmion, wi1h some kind or fact, 10 bock 1hcm up! The alcohol policy was 111 need or being changed u long time ogo. and I think John Jcn,;cn, dom, dirccmr, and his ussocm1cs mndc an cxccllcm decision m changmg lhc policy. Ever ~mcc 1hc scmc~1cr ht" ,iancd. 1hing, hove culmcd down o hundred urnc, over. and ii seems 1ha1 mosl people huvc worked ou1 1hcir chlldness. This mcidcnl made )Ome of the rules change 10 hdp prcvc1111his type of 1hing happening agoin. Also. 1h1ngs ore con,rnn1ly being brough1 up u1 1he w.:ekly hull meeting and on: u,uolly ia~cn care of rapidly (unb, it is a maintenance pmblcm) bu1 1hi, foci foiled 10 make it 1n10 your aniclc Why? I pay my hard-earned money 10 hvc here for 1wo ,c111es1er;, and I rcspccl every pan of this dorm. ju~1 a~ I would my own hou~.:. Wi1h over 50 people livmg here, you have 10 expect some kmd of 1roublc now and 1hcn. Freedom is a new experience for ,omc of 1hc people living hen:. and i i i\ some11mes hard 10 control. Bui for you 10 1cll us 1ha1 we expect mon: from 1hi~ college 1hen we c,pec1 from ourselves. you're righ1. I nm 18 and huve ,pen1 my whole life saving\ 10 come to 1h1, college and I do expec1 a hule from lhl\ college for my money. Can you honcs1ly say lhat you were pcrfec1college ~1udcn1 and spcni your life expec11ng more from yourself 1hen other~. or did you even go 10 college? My hou~c i~ mine 10 control. and I ~un: don ' 1sec you paying any money 10 help improve 1he dorms, and I sure as hell don '1 see you doing any1hmg bu1 cn11c111ng 01hc~. Kevin Palmer Proud dorn1 n:\lde111
Popcorn Pullout: Pleases professor
Dear Edi1orlea~e cx1end our grea1 apprccia1ion 10 the Sentinel Siaff for their wonderful Popcorn Forum Whal n great job! I sent copie~ to our guc~I speakers. Congro1ula1ioM on 3 JOb well done!
Page 8
The NIC Sentinel
------------Thursday, May 9, 1896
What are you doing after finals?
John Fish
EnviromnentaJ Science Coeur d' Akne "Make m, al/empt ro earn t·11011gh IQ pay rhe $523 I owe NIC far 111irio11 so I can come back next yl!ar."
Jennie Fusch Pre-Med
Coeur d'Alene "Transferring ro a faur-yl!or school. and /ors oftra1·eli11g in the s11m111er."
Melinda Kennedy Social Work Hayden "I will be aueruling summt•r schoQ/. After s11111111er srhool l wa11t ro t11ke my da11gl,ter ro Dis11eyla11d and 11isi1 friends in Son Diego."
Melissu Puckett Nursing Sandpoint "Working for rh,· department oflaml.v i11 Sandpoi111 I will be parking armmtl a chainsaw and hopefully ger to fi~ht same fires."
Todd Symons Secondary Educn1ion Coeur d'Al,rnc "Gamg to s11mmer school ta/ :~o/f, weight tra111111g cmd art to fill my requiremenrs
Lori Rippetoe Elementary Education Coeur d'Alene "Working for rhe summer and traveling. Then irs off to U of/."
Devin Berkhasen Ourdoor Recreation Blanchard "Going to Florida ro check it 0111. Beacl,, ultimme weather''
Sean Earley General Education Bonners Ferry "I'm going to work a /irth! and party" lot. I' II be sure to set in a lot of rock climbing.''
IIIf a!"t1~t fol" l(e~tfaff~
t~l(ttl(~I'~taff Must be creative and funny. Please contact Nils Rosdahl at 769-3228 for more information.
Don't forget
$ave your books for next fall's bookswap. You'll lose big money if you don't.
Thursday, May 9, 1996
The NIC Sentlnel
Page 9
Learning disability: Won't block my Rhode to success O
ur'} ,tcm "·'~ no1 ,cc up 10 t'<lu,·a1c f'«'plc h~l' me. I'm not on1,11t or arhlcuc. l 'm 1101 xadcm,,·all) g,fl~'tl. I ha, c ,t k.irnmg ,h,,t>1l11y. \ c,, 1ha1'< nghl. lhl' <'(hlllr of )OUr rolki;c ""'"Pj~r a 1,-.inung d1"1b1hl) . Bu11u,1 ti«au,;c I ha,e more trouble learning 11 d~sn'c mc,m I'm <tupid. \'e,.lama
I~ p;1r\',, wluch equul\ one yc:-.1r', wonh t'lf
\\orl.. I clidn·11,·~I rn,hcd nncl bccnu,c I
w(1~ \\Ml-mg by my~clf w11h no d1Mrnc11on,. I wu, nhl\' 10 work Ill a nom,al rule. rh" proved 10 work very wdl for me. 1hn1 i, until my ,chool wcm bankrupl. nus happ,:ncd as a result of 1hc Rhode l,lnnd banking crisis four y,\11~ ago. The ,chool 10>1 ii s money in one of the:' closed credit unions. tmd 11~ n rc~uh l dropped 0111 of ,chool. A year later I went for my GED and llwn decided I needed a change and cnme 10N IC. My 1hrec years here have been well \\ onh 1hc experience. I moved here th ree ycurs ;1go and didn ·1 known soul. In my time l made some gren1 friends und built a SIOl\l' f foundation for my future. 1·ve never had k.imerand any in1cn1ions of becoming a journalist. Go 1hr, does M a rkAa ro n figure. All this 1ime nnd cffon I've put inio preseni a P e r ry writing and editing lhis paper for the:' lust probkm. O p inion three years gone to was1e. Noi really. My My reason~ for being here never problem mvolves long-tern, memory and included using 1hi, degree in the real world. lhc amount of informa11on I'm required to l have always believed 1ha1 no ma11cr ,vhcre remember. h also take< me longer 10 read you arc you should always try 10 make your bccau...e of an &1igma11srn. making i1hard own linlc comer of 1he world a belier pince. 10 focus on one lin~. My eye, tend 10 I feel 1hu1 l huvc mndc a difference a, n \\ander all over 1he page: mnking rending a member of che Sentinel. I hnve learned from ume-con~uming effon. 01he~ jus1 u, they hnve learned from me. I have had problems with learnmg since High school dropouts from Rhode Island grammar school. I was always 1hc kind don '1 move 10 places like Idaho (known as who had to work 1wice as hard a, everyone Ohio 10 mos1of 1hcm) 10 manage cl..e 10 ju..'1 b.,rely p:i.,s. ncw~papcrs. My other high ,chool friend~ My high :.chool career was far from convemional. Arter going 10 chrcc diffcrcm are still in New England working odd jobs. and theres noching wrong with 1h;11. Bui l high schools. l finally found one suited 10 just wanccd 10 break away from what me. aod 11 wn,n ·1 a \Chool ror "~pccinl evryonc cl~c wa, doing. need," people. h's more imponam for me 10 cake on Thi\ \Chool allowe.d me 10 learn ac the d1ffcn:n1 challenge:,. mce1new people and ~me level ~ olhcr high school \ludcnis. experience new things 1han ii 1s for me 10 bu1 m a differem way. I didn ·1haw li ve leave here with n degree. classes where a teacher ,1and< up nnd NIC hos many ms1ruc1ors who care, nnd lec1ure,. lmte.-id. I leamcd from workbooh culled many of 1hc111 100k 1hc 1ime 10 gel 10 know me. which 1, more 1h:111 I can say for most pace,. Each wrvc, n, a chapter in a 01hcr public \Chool,. Bui NIC is geared boo!-. When you gel 10 1he end of 1he pace. coward convcn11onnl learners. I'm 1101 then you take a pace te\l. After you pa~\ )ayi ng there\ anything wrong with 1ha1. the 1m. you move on to 1hc ne>.1 pace and I never expected 10 gel tlll) kind of n:pea11h" procc,~ unul you have complc11:d
Worthlngless from Page 6 longhorn ca1ile horn~ on the front h wa\ my hero. Call. Eagerly I approached him , anxious 10 introduce my~el f. "Call" said, "I work here and ..." "Bourbon and branch and don ·1 lei me run out of 111oday." came hi s reply a~ he cu1 me orr in mid ~ntence. The day wore on and I found myself \hunling between releasing duck( for the humer~ and ge11mg more liquid refrc~hmcnc~ for Call and hi, buddie,.
As nighc fall approached and 1he hunt was over. 1he member,· pany in the lodge began in camc,1. If l recall correctly, i1 wa~ about midnight when I lost sight of Call. Wandering outside I noticed a faint glow of illumination coming from his trailer. Remembering whn1 Call had said that morning about keeping him supplied with liquor und seeing his light on. I sought 10 fun her ingrn11a1e my,elf by bringing him a nigh1c.ip. After procuring the dnnk. I approached hi~ trailer. A knock on lus door did not
~pcc,al 1re;11111c111 when I came here ·nm!', pan ly why I never 1nll-cd ntx1u11h1s uncd nnw. My ms1mc1of\ have given me 1he gmd~s I deserve und I upprecrn1c 1h111. When: I do 1hmk I deserve ,pccml 1rea1,11en1 however, 1s in 1he form of financial aid. Those of you who ore on finuncial uid know if you don' c mke a1lca~1 12 crcdus. your aid drops drmnn11cally. The govcrnmem figures 1f you· re only 111 school pan time. you mu~I have more time m wo.rk. Bui what ubou1s1udcnl\ like me who tmwc 10 work I\Vll'e u\ h:1rd and 1w1cc a, long as everyone cl~c? In 01hcr word,. 111 pu1 the same nmnmn of lime 1111<1 ellor1 m10 my s1udie~ u, the average ~111dtn1, 1hcn I would only hnvc hnlf the amount of credit 10 show for it. Mo~l people 1hmk if I have half the credit l ~hould gc1 half 1hc aid. I disagree bcc;m~c I hnvc 10 work full-11me just 10 get half-lime credit. Since 1he govcmmcn1htm1·1 made any cxcepcions 10 1hi~. every semester l have been here (until now) I have wkcn a rull1m1c load so l con gel my :,id. However. l sign up for all these cla~~es and then I end up foi ling a1least one. Because of my learning dis11bili1y. l c.111·1 focus on live difforcni 1hi11g~ and cdi11hc s1udcn1 newspaper. TI1c first time chi~ hnppcm:d. l was put on probation. The second time I was suspended but was able 10 :,ppeal. Now I've foi led again. cxccp1 this rime I' m suspended ond I can '1 appeal uruil next semc~1cr. As u rc~uh, I pmd for this semester 0111 of my own pockcc and am 1:,king only six C'rcdiis. I' m sure 10 pass everything. bu1 as an ou1-of-~rn1e ,1uden1. paying $206 a crcdi1 ndds up. However. I think I have found a way co gel around my learning problems. 11·~ called 1he block plan. 111c way 1h1s system works is somewhat ~imilar 10 1hc way NIC does summer ~chool. Under 1he block plan you only mke one cln.~s a1 a 1im e for 1hn:c and a half week, a1a 1ime. Af1cr those three and a hul f week~ are up you move on
p~oduce an answer. nhhough l did hear rustling from wi1h111. Opening his door. I peered in and saw the projecting light Call's 12 voll TV played 1he Tonight Show. And rencc1ed off the tube onto Call 's fold-out in a Jumble of bedding were Call ond Mr. Smithe~. Now I comt from a very liberal family. Nol n rumble 1vus heard from within our circlr when my Aunt Bobbie did that Playboy luyouc or when my inventor Uncle Jim bought 11ne of tho~e car~ 1ha1's also ~upposed 10 double as a bout.
lo chc nc,1 doss. Th" wrll worl- wcll lor me bcc.u,.,.,• I will only It.iv,· 111 r.:mcm~r one 1hing :ic a 1imu :tntl I ,\011·1 haw 10 rcmcmhcr II for a, long n period of time. l would much r:uhcr ,pcm! IOhours ,1 day on one 1l11ng. 1hcn ,pend 1wo hour, u day 011 five thing,. By learning 1hi, way I will '1ill be eon,idcrcd a full-lime ,1udcn1 :ind will be ublc 10 gc1 full-time financ,ol 01d. bur 1101 un1il af1cr fimtl gr:1dc, come ou1. TI1i, i, bccau,c I hove 10 be 111 good ,1:mtling when I 1mn,f\'r in order lO obrnm financial aid. Smee l huvc ,, low GPA and don't have the c.ipahili1y 10 gc1 n J.O. I w(ln'14u:rlify for scholor-.lup,. l 11111y 001 I~ gcnmg much suppon from 1hc govemmc111. bu1 u1 lca,1l h.wc 1hc ,uppon from my parcm, Wcll. ,or1 of. My fochcr fc.:J, 1h.11 l ,hould cornpro111i,c my ,chool choice, ro beucr suu hi~ wallc1. My mother. on the 01her hand. ha, done all ,he can 10 gwc me courngc in :1 world of ccimpromi,c. The drawb11ck i, 1hu1 there arc only 1hrcc school~ in 1hc whole country 1ha1 ore u,ing this curriculum. Colorado College m Colorado Spring,. Cornell College in Mount Vernon. Iowa. and Tusculum College in Greeneville. Tenn. h seems funny 1hn1 of lhc million, of collcg.: >1udc111s. only 4.500 urc learning 1hi~ way. and these ,choo1' arc locu1cJ ,n ~ome prcny obscure place,. Bui rcgnrdlc~s of loc:uion. I know wherever I end up I wrll do well and m;1~c a difference 1n whn1cvcr l end up doing ju,1 as I hnvc 31NIC. Si nce I didn't finish high ,chool. I \\,1111 10 make sure I fini~h college. Somehow, <omcday I am going 10 break through 1hc system und get my degree. rm going 10 get 10 wcar n cap and gown and have my nnmc cnlled oul a, l wal l- down 1hc ni~lc 10 ge1 my dcgrc.:. h will be one I wi ll really :1pprccin1c becau<e I worked 1wicc a~ hard .111d 1wicc a~ long to gcc 11
Bu1 later as I gathered the family around our fonnica kitchen table and told them 1hi~ s10ry, they were wide-eyed with wonder as I related 10 them 1ha1 Mr. Smilhers was 1he duck farm 's go111. In my mind's eye and up until now. I have kepi quiec about 1hi, incident. not wanting to make Call the bun of Jny joke. Since then though. whenever I or my family hears 1he old line. "He sun: i, a horny one" or ··anything 18 10 80 and most lives tock." we think of fallen heroes like Call Worthinglcss, his dog "Spoc" and. Mr. Smither..
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: • I
Thursday, May 9, 1996
Did you know... Hugh Watson is the
Page 11
Campus Sports
new men's
basketball coach.
The NIC Sentinel
The North Idaho College Se ntinel
Track team runs for regionals (34.56.20) in 1he 10.000. by Wes Woods Sr111i11rl Rl'pnrt,•r In 1hc -'.000 ~1ceplcclm,c Kenny Kimura placed ,ccond wi1h a 9:51 .2. Nonh ldolw s 1he NIC iruck ,ca,on wmcls finished ,;ccond m the 400 rclny 144.1R) For down, bo1h men·, nnd women·~ 1hc 1.500. Prcs1on Martin w11' 1hird 1c11111~ arc gelling rc.idy tor (4 : 15.92). 111 the 400 Arrnndale Miller plowl rcgionnls. TI1~ Cardinnl\ compc1cd an ho1h ,ccond (51 :07). Omnd1 Bircher 1hird (51 :24) the Whi1mon and Pucller hw11ationnb. :ind Enc 11111 founh {51 :77). cnming away wi1h ,1rong pcrforrnuncc,. Jerrod Ca,h w," ,ccond 1111hc 100 w11h Al the Whuman l11\'1H11mnul 111 Walla Walla, S:irah Miller 4ualilil-d for notional, m an 11 .81 . Rnmdcm Bun wa, ,ccond m 1hc 800 (2:00.l)(JJ und Ltncc Clark •'urd the 80<J-mc1cr, nmnmg a time of 2-mmulcs. (2:01.70). In lhc 5,000. Chad DudnC) wu~ 22.0 I second~. ri111sh111g 1hir<I. Many 01hcr 1l11rd wuh J 15:58.58. Cardinal~ pcrfom1cd well. For 1hc field cven1~ J,1\011 Kc,,ingcr 11:" On 1hc women's side, Amber Lnurillcn 1h1rd 111 the h,1111mcr 112.'-5) and Chm Clar~ won 1hc I00- ( 13.43) and 200- ( 21\.16) wa, 1hird m 1he d1scu~ ( 141-2). me1ers while Violet ll ns11ng, won 1hc 100"II 1,',I\ wmdy and lhc ,prin1, were , 10" :· mcicr ( 16.1) and 400 hurdles ( I :07.96). 1rack coach Mlke Bundy said. "llowc"cr. we 0 1hcr winners were Amber Sicldf in 1h~ compc11.'d ,1 ell anti won u 101 of r;1cc,." hammer (wi1h a pcrsonul 1>.!,1 of 188 rec1, 5 Al 1hc Whumnn ln"nmional. n<> score, inche\) and Mi.:hellc Edmond, m 1hc ,ho1 were kepi but 1hc ranic:ip:ning 1c11111\ were pu1 (38-5 1/2) and d1~cu~ t 139-11 l. Whi1mnn. Whuwonh and Ea,iem Oregon. 01hcr 1op pcrfom1c11> for 1hc women No ~.-ort's w,m: k..:pt ugain ,11 lh,: Pucllcr Cardinals were Kayncll Green wi1h a ~ccond in 1he 400 (1:0 1:53). Sunny Ourry ,.:c1111d 111 lnvnaiionnl m Chene>, W:"h. The mcc1 wa~ punc1ua1cd hy second place r,111,h,:, from Bo 1he 200 wi1h n 28.79 nnd Kris1c11 Bonner in 1hc 40() hurdle, (5,tCJ! :ind Schcnncrhom wn, ;.econcl in 1he 3.000 w11h Michelle Edmnnd, ( 1:16-.1 ). n 10:55.92. Mi1ch An11u1h \hi\ 1h1rd 111 1hc ,hot pu1 In lhc 1.600-nwler relay. North Idaho ,1,.1\ (49-9) and Todd Drurc wu, 1hird in Im liN ~ccond with a 4:13.61. For 1hc fidd cvcnh Jcnmca S1rand wu~ tlmd ,n 1hc juvchn 112'.!). 3.000 ,1ceplcch:l\e w11h a 9:47.2. In 1he di;.cu\, Travis Codding1u11 placed fourih and Amber Sielaff wn, ,econd in 1hc ~hilt ( 158-4}. pul wi1h a 37 -5. "The wcmhcr W$ wrcithcd.'' Bundy For 1he men. Deon MrCnlla \VOil wnh J s:ud. 50.43 m 1he 400 (wilh 1he Card~ linishing S1ill. "Todd Bruce "'·" remarkable w11h ., one 1hrough four). Stc"e Parker who won m 9:47 ~1ccple and 1hen a per,onal record m 1hc 800 wi1h n 2:0<1:07 and 1hc 1.600 rcl,1y was rirsl wi1h a 3:27:48. 0 1her winner, were the 5.000 ( )5:37 7) " Reg,onnh will be hdd m Rc,burg. Idaho. Bo Bonner in 1he 400 hurdle1 (54.85 ). The Cardinal~ compt?tc May J ..t According Armndalc Miller wi1h ll 22.99 in 1h.: 200, ltJ Bundy. Ricl..s College " 1hc favoriu: for Todd Bruce in the 5.000 ( 15.52.04) and Ty regional,. Daniels in 1he javelin wi1h a 168-2. "NIC will comeM all of lhc cvt·n1' Some lop perfonnunc.:~ for che m.:n ~lrongly." Bundy said. "We ~hnuld have included second place Jason Clou,c several champion,." (34:21.60) and third place Wes Wood,
photo by Kibbee Walton High Steppln ·• Bo Bonner practices at Lake City High School. Bonner ran the second fastest 400 meter hurdle time In school history earlier this year.
Sports notes Watson to replace legendary Williams .... Hugh Watson was named the new head coach of 1hc men·, ooskctball tcam. WaLwn is expected 10 bring some exci1cmcn1 to the program and use his charisma in order to sell the program. He's goncn out 10 a good stan towlll'd
gelling 1he communi1y involved by signing Lake Cuy High star Jon Chatflt ld. Cha1ricld wa~ an all-suue selection and should bring h~ cxci1ing s1yle o! play to Christianson Gym when:: the community will get a chance 10 see a local player perfonn. Chalficld averaged 23 points and 8 rebounds per game at Lake City and has the
abili1y 10 piny ubo"e the rim.
Other recruiting news.. Greg Crimp has signed a couple recrui1s to play for the Lady Cards' including a local high school player. Crimp signed transfer student Ann Sheppard from Pos1 Falls. Sheppa,d played al Mon1ana S1a1c Billings last year and is expected 10 play forward. Crimp said he 3Jso hopes that Jenifer Clark. a forward from Mead in Spokane will
play b.lsklball ncx1 year. Clark has already signed 10 play for the Card's volleybull 1eum ne,u fall. Mike Bundy h~ al<o bt'cn bu~y signing 1rack alhlell'S for nell'.I ~ason. Bundy hll.S signed fonner Mon1un11 800 meter ch:1111pion Justin Ta)'lor from Frcnch1own. Mon1. Taylor is a transfer from Uiah Valley Community College. He has run the 800 in under 2 minu1es. Bwicly also signed Becky Strow of Falls Christinn nnd Alha Pcrisopto from Trail. B.C. to run spnnlS.
Page 12 Thursday, May 9, 1996
eartn • eview Photos by Kibbee Walton and Richard Le Francis Clockwise from top left: Striking out- Kelly Horton winds up for Campus Recreationsponsored turkey bowling just before Thanksgiving break. Coming out- LGBA members Dani Mahoney and Kiley Kiebert participate in the campus· first recognition of National Coming-Out Day.
Let it all out- Gerard Mathes wins the Poetry Shouting Contest held in the SUB.
You'll be missedRol/y Williams bids the college farewell after 35 years as men's basketball head coach. Bitter end- Orlando Jordan suffered a broken collar bone and the Cards finished second at nationals Speak the truth- The annual Popcorn Forum featured Sojourner Truth.
The NIC Sentinel
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The NIC Sentinel
Thursday, May 9, 1996
Should college athletes be paid? Raithel says absolutely not, Woods says just do it As more college n1hle1es ore forgoing 1hcir ~cn1or sca.~on~ for 1he professional mnlcs. nnd high school youth nrc skipping college enLirely for the pros. the question is once again raised: Should college alhletcs be paid for playing their ~pons? I ho,•e seveml reasons a~ 10 why I don '1 think they ~hould be allowed 10 make money Cody Raithel ploying sports. Yes. I 1hink 1hm it Opinion is unfair how marketing agencies sell a player's jersey and 1hc player docsn'1 sec any of those dollars. But I ask. who does 11c1 1ha1 money? Mos! Oivi~ion I Schools only break even for major spons like baskc1ball. foo1ball. nnd minor bpons lil..c 1ennis and golf uctually are in the red area. Mo\l colleges can '1 nfford to pay their player~. So where is all this markc1ing money going? The some is 1ruc wi1h television conlmcb Where is 1hc money going? The mam problem I see w11h paying a college player 1s. how do you ju~tify 1hc amoun1? Do you pay u playtr hl..e Georgetown ·s Alan Iverson more 1hnn ~omeone like Iowa·, Jess Senk~? No mnner how much you pay an athle1c ii will never be enough. They will always want more. My \ccond problem 1s how do you JUslify paying an a1hlete who will abuse 1hc ~ysh:m? I can Justtfy paying an athle1e lil..e Darnel Autrey or Ray Allen. but how do you Ju,11fy paying someone like Lawrcnct Phillips. a conv1c1cd wom11n 3buser? I also )Ce n problem wi1h selling Mandards. If you pay the foo1ball 1cam you have 10 pay the golf 1eam just ns much. And. according 10 Ti1k IX. you have to pny a woman jus1 as much as a man. This mean\ you have to pay lhe women\ basketball team the same as the men·~. I do think lhc NCAA ruling 1h01 ~ay~ college athletes cnnno1 hold down n Job i~ unfair. Allhough I know that some schools have abused the sys1cm of work study, you shouldn't label all a1hle1es by a few bad apples. I think tha1ii would be more lhan fair for a college a1hlc1e to have a full-ndc scholarship along Wllh having a pan-time summer job for spending
money. Mow come you never hear 1hc debate of whe1hcr college journalists should have a Cull-ride scholarship? The srnff of 1his paper pUI$ in as much extra-curricular time ns an a1hle1e. Only editor.. receive a panial scholarship and miniscule payment for their work. This I$ the snme debate whe1hcr you pay a football player 1he same as a 1rnck aih le1c. My final point i~1ha1 1he whole idea or going to college 10 play a spon is a nos1nlgie and mys1ical 1hing. My whole life I dreamed of playing in Kentucky 's Rupp Arena. I con honcs1ly say I would do thn1 for free. Whnt ever happened 10 college commdery? Would 1he Four Horsemen of Notre Dame or 1hc Fiddling Five of Kcmucky ask 10 be paid? I don't 1hink so.
College a1hlc1cs. rm sorry. need 10 gc1 paid. I know. you're already thinking 'They do. 1l1cy ge1room and board. meal money. :1 free cduca1ion. Wh,u more do 1hey wm11T Well, for om! thing, ockno1vlcdgcmcm that 1hcy are being u~d by 1hc ~Y\ICm. Nn.1. rm joking (I 1l11nk). For one lhmg. for nll 1hc work a1hlc1es do beside, 1hcir schoolwork. we deserve i1. er ve run on 1hc NIC cr<>'t'oun1ry nnd 1mcl. team\ for 1hc pa,1 1110 years. so I know lir:.1-hand). On the NIC cro" coumry 1cam, for m~tnncc. we had about l ,vo houN of pr.1ctu:c el'cry day. be~ide\ meets on Smurday (wluch we left for at 8 or 9 a.111. and d1dn °l 1JCI bacl.. unul 5 p.m.). To 1op h off. we lmd a Sunday run 1ha1 was at least JOmiles or more. Gcuing a scholan,hip h no1 ea~y .111d b.:\ldc., 1hc fact 1ha1 "you made i1:· you Mill have 10
These nine people have won more notional championships 1hcn 1hc Fnb Five of Michigan ever did. and the Fab Five thought 1hey should have been paid. A college football player or baskc1ball player can wait four year~ and he will be making over a million dollars n year. Michael Johnson, arguably the grea1cs1 athlc1c m the world. does no1 get p3id for wmning gold medal~ and break mg world record~. Sure he commercials, bu1 Johnson dO('s 1101 have the lu).ury to wail for a professional season because 1hcre isn' I one in track and field. Alhlctc:1> should no1 be paid 10 play college sports. They should wan1 to do ll to for their own education and self improvement.
worry nbou11hc next year. According 10 NCAA ruk~. you're no1 suppos.ed 10 hu,·c o job during 1he sca.,on. If you don '1make 1he cut (a~ in gelling inJurcd or you Ju,1 ,ud,l, you're :med ou1 unle,, you ha, ca good ,c1 or p;1rcn1~ for 1hc money. Schoolwork i, a whole ·no1hcr maua. You hove 10 have a1Je:N 12 credit, while J.ecping up a 2.0-2.5 gra<k po1n1 (11 h1ch I udmu isn·1100 badJ bul a11h111 pace it will take you forever to graduo1e. You need more crcdu, 10 make 11. which C<lntbincd wi1h about 1wo-plu, hour. of prnc11cc per d,1y (,1f1er which you fed hl.e a crappy 1oilc1) moles it ex1rcmely tough. I ~now, "You·rc 11 bunch of loser.. I work longer and harder" but you·re making ends,
arcn ' t you?! Spons nrc a full-lime job (you figure nearly year round 1rainmg if you wan1 lhlll scholarship) in 11icm,clvc~. For nil ~pon~. you hove 10 lmin during 1he off..en.,on or you JU\l won'1 have 1hc ~kill\ 10 mal..c 11. Bc,1dc\ 1111,. you ,ccm 10 hear nbom ho" wmc mncr•Cll)' b:l\kc1b.11l or football plnycr goc~ 1hrough college w11hou1 ~ Woods nc<Juiring ,1.,11, ()pinion for 1hc OUNc1C world. Th,11 ·, 1hc1r fauh, right'/ 1l1cy pu1 nil 1hc1r hnrd worl.. m for the ,pon 1rying 10 make the NBA or NFL. II) ing 10 mal.e 1hc1r way om of 1he ghcuo. When 1hc)' dun '1make 11. p.:oplc ,ay...Sec. 1h.11·, whu1\ wrt1ng with college ~pun ..... Well. al Jca,11f the) 1111,dc ntolll!y. they could mnybc s.1vc II or 111 k.1,1 hnvc wmc1hing 1,1 ,how ror .1111~ hard work 1hey p111 111 COJche, m,tkc d1."(.'C1tl lo cxlrcmely lucm1iv.: ~.11.iric,. I 1h111J.. "c ,hould cul imo 1ha1. ll1cre·, u,unlly \0111C type of hono, or d,1u..c p111 1n 1hc cofllmc1, nnyw.iy. You c.m't win" 11hou1 players. 50 you m1gh1 a, ,,ell rcwal\J 1hc1111 kgnlly M to under 1hc table!. CBS mode a ..even-year de JI w11h 1hc NCAA. pay111g I billion for lhc NCA1\ lx11kc1b.11l 1oumumcn1. l·orcollcgc rou1bJII. wnh nnmc, like the TO\IIIV\ Fic,IJ Bowl, you know 1he ~ollcgu, have a gold 111,nc. IIcy! Share 1hc we.il1h! Th,, "1101counung colleges makmg money l)rr ccnuin player. jc~y, (who remember,; 1hc fab Five and Chm Webber.. uh Michigan\ No. 4 Jer.<!y1) iuul on and on. Then 1here\ 1he dircl'I corr~Jauon ~111,-tn a1hlc11c program, and numb<.>r of \ludcm<. Many people wun1 10 go 10 Notre Dame. Miruni. Florida Stale. e1c.. >Jl<.'C 11ically b.:cau~ of 1he a1hle11c program,. With 1111111,: c'1ra revenue dircc1ly lx.'CUu..c ot 1hc a1hlctc, (the) ,vm the 111le,. 1101 coochc,) wntclhmg could come about. So. ho" , hould the pay go? Well. all of lhc confon:nres could come iogcthcr (B1g 8 Big Sl..y 1coms. c1c.) ;ind set a figure for all of the spons equally Or they could go NCAA. NAIA. ere. nnd figure oul the pay thUI way Ju.i sci n \landnrd wtd go wi1h it. With all of the booster.. for nil of the 1cam5, I thinl..,you woulun·1 hnve 10 worryabool Wilk' school gomg broke (esp«ially with u run confcrcnc.: or NCAA backing nl.
The NIC Sentinel
Thursday, May 9, 1996
Page 15
u, Sunshine brings out bladers .+all. Hot weather causes campus
;:,:~~~i~~~.dock.andchrcr1,yi11101hc Harri~ docs not recommend
roller bladers to hit the streets 1or 1un and challeng1'ng act1'v1'ty IO~~(~(~u~~"S;: 1
/ 1
a. S (/J (I) ~
·.J ...-
by Jenifer Harris Se111i11e/ Reporter pring has sprung. h's time 10 put the snowboards and skis up and hit the street~. The pa~l few years. the popularity of in-line skating hn5 been spreading quickly around the Inland NonhweM. Along with taking in a bit of cxerci~c. roller binding is a fun mca11\ of enjoying the beautiful ,urroundings 1ha1 Mother Nature has provided. Downtown. uround the lake and on the dil..e. rollcrbladcrs are everywhere. NIC )!Udcnt Amy Mnrtin1 said she enjoy, ~k:uing the Centennial Tr.iii :ind taking in sun 31 the same time. Martini expres,ed that she enjoys roller blading h ~ecms more and more people are beginni ng 10 agre.: with her. Wally
John Beck ccnainly does. "One of the best sports I've ever done." said Beck. Beck ha) been roller blading for about four years and he seemed 10 take a r.:al liking 10 11. Ile said that after one get~ the basic skills of ~rnnding up. moving and stopping. roller blading becomes more cnjoyuble und rclaAing. Unfonumuely, 1101 all beginning roller bladcr~ agree 1hai it's a sport they plan to ~lick wnh. In fact, roller blading 1s not for everyone. Jeremy Mon. another beginning roller blaclcr. ,nicl, "I stood up and fell on my ass and now I'm done. I have no skill~... Starting 0111 can be the 1110,1 challenging. Kari llarris reca lled a 11me when she ;md a friend were roller blading in Lewis1011. TI1cy went down
.~·;~~:l~i;~::·~~;::: ~talion m town. Ponunatcly. she i~ all right and it was 1101 100 serious. Herc is n liulc friendly advice from one NIC ~1ude11110 another. "Do not try 10 drive wnh roller blade\ on," Nick Hayne, ~aid. He should know. lluync~ lcamcd the hJrd way. Ju\l ask his car (cruncccch). llarm. Dick~on, nnd 11:,ync, ,aid 1ha1 they do plan lo roller blade .1gnin. Even wi1h u few nmtakc, . they had a good adventure with the fa,1-gro" 11111 \ ))Ori.
Overall, the bc~t advice 1, lo ,uck to sidewalk\ and de~ignated area,. Go 11•11h someone who know, how to stnnd and )lOJl. be "nun and hu1..: fun. Oh ya, and ahvuyL.pln) hockey. Hockey? Ye~. roller hockey. but only 1f you like it rough. A few NIC ~1 udcn1s definitely do. Allhough ~omc r.:c1 the puin of
roller binding i~ not worlh it. mhcr.. tnkc the sport 10 another lcvd. Jc"ic Schuffcr. Nate La,lovich and Bob Prcsrn nrc highly t·ompc1i1ive ma more aggrcs~ivc form or roller blading. They play on ,1roller hockey team together. Originally from Missoula. Schaffer. Laslov1ch and Pre~ln compelc in 1oumamcn1s 3round the Norihwest. Like ice hockey. roller hockey con be brutal Schaffor. n nine-yciar veteran of blading said. ··we believe in figh1tng on the grou nd." Tiu~ bring~ up po~~ible ~.1f<:ty i"uc,. but thc~c guys did not seem to worry about it 100 much. Their ,olutmn I\ u,mg the r1gh1 c,1u1pmcn1. Tu prevent ,cnou, injury. roller cornpe1i1nr, 1,cJr elbow .md l..ncc pad, .ind helmet,. fhcsc: guy, Im, e l>ccn prac1u;int together tor .i year-.unl-a-hJII .ind ,ccm to he looking lorward to 1(11, ,unmtl'r s<l they can tackle 1ournn111cn1, from Wall,1 Wall,110 C.1liforn1,1 to Purtl,tnd. The compe1111on 1, tough. the 1:un!c " rough and 1hc..c thrcc gc111lcmc:11 ,ecm 10 lil..c II 1h111 way_ So don ·1 gel bored thi, ,ummcr. Get bluding.
Fitness center could have been reality by RO!iie Vogel
Stminrl Reporter r propo..ed blucpr1111~ 10 remodel the gym had been accepted a few ycnrs ago. Maff and Mudcnts would 1101 need 10 bu)' membcr..hip( nl area hcahh clubs
today Ln 1991. Rolly Williams. men's liaske1ball cooch. helped ru, mdutcct con~trucl blueprinis to \how 1he college board proposed revisions for the gym. Not only did 1he proJtcllon mclude a media center from which ~tudent) could bl'03dc:u1 and 1elcv1\C games. addi1ional conference room~. un extended conces~1ons bar and numerou, remodeling plam, but the blucprin~ also made room for n fitne~s ctmer. The proposnt called for adding 10 the l)'ln. creating 4,000 ~uarc feet of space on tht second floor equipped to handle c,crcise equipment and showers. Addiuonru entry and handicap access would have been available through Lee Hall. Williams stres~d. "It would not be a wtight room. but a fitness ..:enter." He said 5uch a facility would have
allowed for personnl c,crcisc routines for the slnff. community, siudc,m, and pos~ibly Booster Club members who might hnvc been able 10 U$C the fitnes~ center These plru,s, which possibly could have provided NIC with a limes~ ctnter today, were not accepted. Wi lliums s1ud he wru, nc,·cr 1old why the pion Wal> rejected. '1'hc concept of this had been accepted, I 1hougl11," he s:,id. Willinms said there 1s nothing in the long· rnngc pl11m for the school to do ~omethmg, like adding ,\ fiuie5s center, lo 1he gym. "In ull of the thing, 1ha1 we, as nn a1hle1ic group, thought were a priority, the No. I thing that all or u, 11grced 1h111 wa~ needed was n filncs~ center," Willinms said. '1'hcrc are very M1t111l high ~hools that havt I0 1imc< whnl we hove." John Owen. wrt.~tllng coach and physil".il educuuon instructor, swd he feels that one of the things NIC needs most b a facility such :u tilt- one Williams proposed. "A fitne,s ctntcr would benefit students of all ages." Owen said. " It would aid the quality of our school and enrollment by
appealing 10 recruit~. ju,1 as the library do.:s." According to Owen, n number of teaching positions would alw be made avatlnble for studtnl~ majoring in the ..1rca of fitncs,. When posed with the que~tion of whether or no1 thi~ type or facility on campu~ would hun local tnhlet.ic dubs, Owc:n said no. ·11,cy are all crowded and it'~ impossible 10 get into their parking lots," Owen said "Besides, mo\l )tudcnts cllltnOl afford 10 buy membei,hip~." According 10 Owen. u fi1nc'>s center would not be: dominn1cd by uthletcs. He ~..ud that uthlc1c, \\Ould practice their spons instead of \l)Cllding time with weights and nmchines ·11,e only time the wrestlers lift we1ght5 b when I tell th.:m 10," Owen sn1d. "I have 10 force them to do it." Owen ~id there is only talk of giving NIC n fimcss center. He also said current idea.\ call for transfonning pan of Hedlund Building 11110 one. NlC president Bob Bennett said he would like to - the school have a tiUlC)S center and cxpre$$Cd the possibility of making the
h1du_,1rinl An~ carpentry building into one with floor 10 ceiling window). But Owen said n litn,:,,s cc111er would n<..'t'd 10 be added on 10 the gym. where Mnff could make ,urc that people were co1Tec1ly u~111g and caring for the equipment. Both Owen and Dean Bennett of S1udc111 Ac1ivi1ies rn:,dc reforenco: 10 the fimess ce111er recently built a1 Spokane Fall5 Community Collcgi:. '1'he facility at SFCC I'> nboul five ye:,n, old and cost around S3 million." Bcnnell said. '1'hey L'lkc: ~uch good care of the equipment that it still looks brand new." Bcnncn suid A~~oci:itcd Students ofNlC brought up the idea of adding u fitnc\s cenll:r with the remockhng ol the Student Union Building. but the lune!:. were no1 avoilablt:. Bob BeMCll, Dean Bo:nncn, Owen~ and Williams aJI uueed that money is an i.ssuc. "But it. would not be c.,pcnsive in the long run." Williwns said. "h's a maner of wha1 is considered 10 be imponant ·• '1'here arc other need~ for tilt- school like a new donnitory," Owen S11id. "But not all students live in a donn. However, everybody would use a fitnes) center."
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a. m C
The NIC Sentinel
Thursday, May 9, 1996
Webster's loyalty to coach runs deep Player takes a gamble by following new basketball coach Watson to North Idaho b) Richard LcFrnncis SN11i11C'I Rt'/101'/t'I
The binhplncc of the Ku Klux Klun i~ 30 mile, ,outh of Cameron Web,tcr's home 1own. but his parent, were more t"Ont"cmccl about his snfcty living 1n Nonh Idaho 1hqn in that region of point) hut,. Puluski. Tcnnc,sce 1~ 30 miles ,outh of C:uncron Wcb,tcr', home to\\ n of Columbia. Tcnnc,scc and 1s the hinhpl:1cc of the KKK . But for Wcb\lcr. it's II non-event. "People hnvc n certain impression of the Nn,lwi lle arcn. and the South in general, and it's not that wuy u1 all." ,,ud the quicr spo~en \ludcnH11hlc1e. "Mo~t uf the people in P11la~k1 arc hlac~ and 1ho,c (Klan) pcoph: pnmdc every ,o often. hut people don '1pay them any a11en11on. There·, much m,,re drmgcrou~ thing, for pcopk 10 be t·oncuncd nbou1." Wcb,rcr continued.
Then there was rhc mnucr of the long c:old winter~. Inevitably. Webster cho~e 10 nuend NIC even though hi, parent, would have 10 pay ou1-of-sta1c tuition. "I hnvc 10 work :11 keeping my grades up.•. becau~c my pnrcnt~ nrc _ _ _ making such a financial sacrifice,'' Wcb,tcr said. The rca\on that Webster give~ for hi, decision 10 a11cnd NIC" singular- hi\ high !-Chool conch at Columbia, ll ugh Wn,~on. \V:u~on was m t"Ontcn tion for the Cnrdinal men·,. bnskc1hal1 coaching posi11on :ind Cameron ..__ _ __... gambled 1hn1 he would get
\Vcb•acr is knowledgeable about a number of areas in the Tcnnc,scc area because of his succe~sful ba~ke1ball cnrccr at Central High School III Columbia and at Cleveland StJtc College in Cha11:inooga. He found th:u life in Challnnoogu wn~ not 10 his liking bcc;au<c he didn'1 appreciate the unfocu~cd Cameron Webster the job. and und,~ciplincd basketball It wn, a huge gamble progrnm at Cleveland State. but it paid off the ~ccond wc.:k of His cou~m. Cnrdinal men's bn~kethall April when Wn, ~on wns rnppcd a, ~tandou1T1junn Dial. recommended head conch of 1he Cardinnb. Web,tcr thnt he consider NIC. couldn ·, be happier. Ar liN. Wcbsrcr thought the idea "The people here don ·1 rcnlize yet ludicrous because of the region·~ what a good choice they madi:. Coach rcpu1n11on a5 a lmven for wh ite rnci,1~. W~1,on i, 1ruly nn cxccllc111 humnn lr~micnlly. Wcb5tcr doc,n ·, con\ldcr being." Snid Wob,1er. Pulu~ki rnci~l. He ,nys 1hn1 W :11'011 •~ philo~ophy is
for your
The book stops here!
May 13, 14, 15 • 8 am-4 pm May 16 • 8 am-Noon V
NIC Bookstore • Student Union
Mon.-Thurs • 7:30 am . 5 pm Fri. • 7:30 am· 4 pm
10 never cmbnrra" a player on the court. The conch i~ alway, civil and respectful becuu,e he Hike~ a gcnumc m1cres1 1n the life und academic, of his plnyer,. WebMcr as~ert, 1h01 there is deep player loynlty. nnd that he think~ the people of Coeur d · Alene arc going 10 be very happy wnh h1, sclec1ion Webster rcoli1e, 1ha1 former coach Rolly William, i, ., legend throughout the NJCAA but he feels 1hnt the chffcring ,1ylc, compliment each other. While ,1ric1ly a s111de111 presently. Web,1cr 1s hopmg 10 come back in the Fall ,cme,1cr and makc the 1cam. He will ,pend thc Summer m Columbia workrng 111 the City Rccrcniion Center And 11orking on hi, game. He " .m,,ou, 10 gel home 10 his 11nrcnh, two younger , ,~tcr, nnd his friend, Wcb,tcr ,ay, that he'll rcporl .1 much d1ffcrc111 Nonh ldnho than the one that they hove ~ccn m the media After one 1emc\lCr at NIC. he hn, nssungcd ht~ purent~ opprohcn~1ons nnd reported the fncndline,~ and opc,rnc,, of 1hc people in the area and that he hn1 ,ccn 1101hmg of the well pubhc11ed brownshlrt\.
2517 North 4th
To avoid criticism, do nothing, say nothing, be nothing.
The NIC Sentlnel
Thursday, May 9, 1996
Instant Culture The North Idaho College Sentinel
..... , . ,, ., ., ..
Spring events
"Swing into Spring" 1
' T,
Jaz.-s EnsemhlP Sawrday, May I I 7:30 p.m. Boswell Audicorium "A Mother's D ay Concert"
Symphonic Band Sunday, May 12 2 p.m., CDA City Park Alicia J urma n
Photo by Richard LeFrancis· Graphic Arts Portfolio Show displays a variety ol art work created m sundry media. The work ,s from NIC students and will be on dispfay until May 15.
A111hor of 'Alicia - My Scory' Holocaust smvivor and award-winning a111/10r shares her amazing life experiences. Tuest.Ul)', May 14
19a.m., Boswell Audiwrium
'Swing into Spring' jazzes up season Jazz Band features a potpourri of music by Rosie Vogel Srn11nrl Rrporr~r Maybe the weather will mkc u hin1 aft,:r the Jnu Ensemble's annuul "Swing Into Spring" concert. Directed by Terry Jones, the NIC fau Band will perform w11h the Mikc.Sm11h'~ jan choir, Jnzz. Co.. and v1\i1tng guests, Canfield Middle School Jan Bond, directed by Peggy Mahon<ly. Jone) )aid thi~ 1\ the firi;t time another group has been 1nvi1crl 10 JOin 1hc "Swing Into Spring" show. "It'll be fun:· Jone~ ,aid. "She (Mahoney) ha, got a real!) great bunch of kids tlm year." Jan Co. will Join the JU7..t. band with l)'ric, by Sum M. Ccw\ for "Just Friend," by John Klcnncr and wtth l)nc\ b)' Dorothy Field\ for "On the Sunny Side of the S1reei" by Jimmy Mel lugh. "Wc·ll ju\t be playing good old swing stuff.'' Jone~ said. "But II include, a variety ol different JU', pieces." Ea,y ,wing piece~ played by the pu band will be "An)' Dudc'II Do" by Bill llolmun and "Cnn'1 Stop My Leg" by Rob McConnell. On lhe mor<.' modem "de, "Blue, ll1ghwoy," b)' Paul Pcrguson "111 thc band', program ,yllnbu,. A pre-Dixieland piece. ··Black Bonom Stomp·· by Jelly Roll Monon und Jaxon Stock. is on "old AfncanAnicrican dance people u,ed to do t1ll 1he time," Jones said. Fmm u Cuban fire ,ui1e. the fa~, Latm compo~ition "La Sucrtc de lo, Tontos (Portune of Fools)" by
Johnny Richards will feature the NIC Pcrcu,~ton En,emble. For the roman1ics, 1hc bullnd "A Time for Love" by Hunk L.:vy will fc.uure the trombone sec1ion of the band. TI1e jazz bnnd consists of five saxophones. five 1romboncs, five 1n1mpc1~. piano. bast drum and guitnr.;. "Jan. i, 1hc only mu~ic 1ha1 America can claim," Jone, said. Both the jun band and faa Co. uivolve community member, us well us students. "As a result, we get a real good mix.'' Jones said. A second-year Jazz cn1c111ble 1rumpc1 plnycr. Nuthnn Ziegler. 1hores Jones· cn1husin., m for Canfield', pnnicipntion. "Any11mc you play wi1h l..1d, 11 · ~ ju\l great, .. Ziegler ,nid. "You sec the enjoyment on their foe~ ... Zi.-gler ,aid 1h01 he', really looling forward 10 the conccn. "Ifs u rcol 1echnicnl progrum." he \aid. "1.-s a liulc chullcnging." Jone, and the bond ha,e been rchcar,in{! ,incc the beginning of February for 1he Snturdny. May 11 program al Schuler Auditorium. "I think thnt Coeur d'Alene clliten, and people who Jon ·1 come will really be mi,~ing out." Ziegler said. Ad111i"1on to the concert i, S5 for adults. SJ for \Cnior, and SI for \ludcms. Staff and studenh w11h student ID cards arc admincd free .
Composers Club offers musical tax relief hy Brad Preston Scminrl Rf/Wrter A~ the wecl of April 15th (nt'Cd I \Uy more) cam.: IO u clo..e. two 1alcntcd member. of thc NIC Cornpu...:r.. Club paid 1nbu1c 10 the weary wul~ who dump...-d 1hcir hfo \OV1ng1 into the blncl, hole we cJII govemmmt. TI1c <;011g ·•w.2:· by M1:lody He" and Ann Radmnll wa., pan of the of the NIC Compo<,er, Club Original Compo>ition Cor1tcn hdd on April 21. The concert fcatun:d 'IOmc tulcntcd fu1ure compo<;cf'\ who "11.m: w1d pcrfo, mcu all of the mu,ic plJycd 01 the t,COn<:cn 'The compo:,er.. and piece<. were Eileen lckc,:11ic Window:· Derek Almond. "Eiude m E MaJor" and "And the Children Died." Renei Yarrow. "Gather ye Ro..cbud,." Sally Eilcring-Soron\00. "Percu;;s1on." CU1111en Dempsey. "Ve8a" and "NonhY. <!'>1Pa.,,.,.gc.'' Nu1c Prei.10. "Dance of 11w: Gargoy IC\," und Tom Tuylor."Gui1ar in E." A rnajont)' of the \Ong.~ were perfonncd on the pmno. but other com~itiom, had a variety of m,1rumcn1,. "\\ion" wu., perfom1ed with percu..sion m,trumenl\. "G;11hcr ye Ro:.ebucl," wa., performed by a ~ingmg trio nnd"Guimr 1n E"' wa~ perfomx'tl on gui1ur. The remainder of the pieces Y.Cre pcrfonnt.'tl on ,tnng m,1rumcn1~. Among the more tnlcn:,ung pio:ce, wa, "DJnCc of 1hc Gargoyle," b) Nwc Preston. song cenly danced the melody from VIOiin to violin bal:lcd up by the pillllO. A, the !>Ong pluy.:d you could picture gargoyles dancing atop a skyscraper. "Nonhv..:-i Pa.-,......gc" and ·111e Window" were 1wo of the most beautiful p1cruros I have ever h,1.:ncd 10. Although short. the concen w:i.s extremely fun und cntcnamm~. The talented group of composers gave .i great J)llrfomtwice of Y.h1ch 1hcy ,hould b.: proud. I
t" t
Page 18
The NIC Sentinel
_________ lnstan __ tCu __l_t..-e _____________ Thuraday, May 9, 1996 J
Careless What I Did Last Summer whirls audience to '45 litterbugs beware ........ Review:
b~ Richard l.t• Franci~ .\muntl R,p,11tr1 he ,pnng ofknng or the 1hc:i1cr dcpJnmem wa, a unique presentation ol AR Gurney·, pl,t) "What I D1d LJ,1 Summer." Entering Schuler Auditorium. the audience wu~ ushered onto the ,tape Jnd scaicd on three 'Ide<. of the pcrfom11ng arcJ Thi\ allo"cd for:lll up<lo-.c vie" of the perfonncrs fnr th<' appro,unately 100 people: the ~n actors· pcrfonnancc \\J, very int1rna1c. The time p,.•nod of 1hc play wa, the ~ummer of '45 at an American "colon) .. on the C.10ad1an ~idc of L1kc Enc. ntnr Buffalo. 'l Y The pint re, ol"ed around an American mother ( pla)Cd h) Trish Gltcn,11. "ho,c hu\band wa~ off lighting m the \\,Ir. ,md her mn children. Chnrhc ( played h)' Geoffrey McL,Jl'hlunJ und Fl~1c (pluycd by Puny Andersen) Se\'cr.11 ,ub·plot, invoh·ed a C,11111di:111 gJrdencr'\ \On named Tc.'tl C pl.l)Cd b) Kri\tllphcr Grime~) . J )OUnJ,! Amcm.m girl n.1mcd Bonny (pla)cd by L1beny Rose Marml ,md .m cn:cntri,· old woman numed Anna I nimbull ..11,o l..nown a, "the Pig Woman" ( plnycd hy U.1rhJl'a G.ilc I. Sound Im th<' pl.t) "a' pr,:•rclnrdcd ,wm)!·er.1 music lm11.1II) T,·d .md Ch.uh<' .,re \CCn '')Ill!! for Bonny'\ .11tc,11on, 111 ., t) 111,.tll) Ju,cmk fa,h,on when the pin)", 111J1hur nrnl..c, the 1·.iriou, pht)Ch • chrcct ,rntem,·111' 10 1hc .,ud1cn,c ,u( h .1, "I'll cell )Ou" hJI tlm pl,1y "11111 about ... 11·, not Jbou1 me'" Thi, one·"·') d1ologuc "11h the .,u,hcn,,.. nmtmued 1hrou!!hnu1 the pla)
n,c piny·, , ub-plo1, involve various confro111111ion\ Charlie ho, w11h ht, ,1Mcr. mo1hcr and Ted whi le under 1hc nnurchiqic tulclogc of Anno Trumbull. The play conclude, w11h Chnrhc cra~hing the Pig Woman\ cur .me.I injuring Bonny. This set~ off a series of event\ which result in Anna Trumbull losing her propcny Jnd Charlie. much wiser from h,~ hard-won C'l:pcricncc~. com mg b.lck 10 1hc bo,om of h1, fom1ly . TI1c ,ix ac1ors in thi~ piece .111 did outstanding JOb~ The amount of dinloguc to remember ond present bclicv:1bly wn, very imprc\\1vc. McLnchlnn:, und G.i lc', pcrfom1ancc~ were c,pccially helpful 10 the play·, ,uccC\5, 1 he other playc,-· "or~ ~111ncd onl)· ,lightly IC\\ :rhc only problem with the play wa, the d1,mal dialogue from the \\ntcr', pen. TI1c au1hor a11cmp1cd to fuse currently 11cccp1cd street tull.. such as·· 1 don '1give a Oymg ••••." ;md "Sit on II and rotate (whik llippmg the b1rd)."nnd the art u,cd " I don't give a••••!" U,ing 1hc,c phra,c,. "h1ch "ere complc1cly unacceptable dunnl! the umc Imme of lhc piny, dc,troycd 1hc :mthnr', cred1b1l11y. W111chmg the face, of ,ame of older aud ience member~. I could ,cc 1hc ,1n11n to moinrnin gla") ,mile,. B) fu,inp ne" ,!Jng min the hn!?u1,11c pattern, nr 1h01 cru. the au1hor a,complishcd 1hc equivalent of p.11nt1ng a c11hi,1 m1prc,,mn of the" Mona I 1\,1" and 11nply1ng that Leonardi) :ind h1, peers all p:11ntcd 1hn1 way The limguug.c • nmrc,. and hlc,1ylc ot Iknri Miller .md An,11, Nm were the nccptmn. r,11hcr than the nunn 1111hat ume fl<'rtod
Literaryexcerpts read from Trestle Creek Review b.1 Di Braun ~,•11111w/Rr1m1r,•1
onnui,scurs uf fine "n11ng g;11hcrcd around the SUB ,tag,.. tu C\CCfl11' trn1111hc rcccntl) l\'lc.1,ed Ttt,1k C'rce~ Re, ,c,, b) their .1u1hors Apnl 25. 1:ngh,h ul\lN<l or Khnl!cr 1ntrod11c,'tl 1hc tonun w11h ,1 ,ltght h1,1ory ol 1hc C\\3) a, :111 an fom1 and the 1111ponnnr.: of poclrJ m rl'Ocrnni '-OCt.11 w,,.,_ ;md lllcah ,\, re,crcn1 .1ud1cll(c memhcrs huddled around the ,oht;tf)' ,,,ndle, i;rJ""I! CJ<h tJblc. Su,an Weller~!?·'" the eH'nl b) rc.1dmg ht•r e,,1). "A Marsh on L111le Chell) C'rccl..." Wl'lll•r c,pl,uncd th:u 1hc Jlll'n' hud originully lx'cn "nucn a, an .1"11!nnicnt for u ,, 1ldemc" cla" ,he tool.. at LC'SC' Upon re, 1,inl! 11 \C\ cr.1l t11ll('\, ,he came up w11h an cnthmlhnj? .1noont of her tune ,pent ··counung bird," in J 111,1/\h 11<',tr her home. The "Ord, ,he.• pam1ed allO\\Cd the .1ud1cnce 10 VI\U,1h1c whal ,he'd c~p1·ncnccd while bcmg c,11111va1,'tl und cndrnntcd. The ,ubscqutnt pic.-ce, \\Cre poem, wnucn b) Andrea Aker and Andrea Banon "B)c, B)'c. Jerry Garcia" wJ, a f1111gn:ant p1et:c b) Aler and Banon follo"cd b) her ren«uvc """' about the com1c.·al way winter affec1, u, cntllkd"Alway, Sneaking Up On You". Cmdy Bl\bop th\'n 1ool 1hc noor 10 read lhl\-c of her "ort., She re3d "The Bca.\l m 1he Bottle:· relaying how ,tkohoh,m aff«ttd her life a, B child. Then she touched the audience with her poem "A Grandmother Without a Name." "hil'h dcah with a subject of wondcnng aboul rcla1ivcs one
m.1y h.ivc ncwr h,1d 1hc chance 10 meet 81,hQp f1111,hed wuh her pt<'C(' "Agm•, 111crc,a." an111hcr mbute 10 unolhcr of her rclt111vc·, 111COIOtlC\. Cnntmumg tin 1hr hnc of rcOt'<:tl\ e poem,. Montana n,111\C Chcycnn,: Mahnckc four orh1s "or\., included m 1he collcc11on, "Survivors." "Stnj?tng Monrnna Lo1e Song,," ''How We Drc;un 111 Cl.1rl.. Fork" nnd "Animal, TI1.11 Fear Bemg Human." It took th(' li,1cncrs to a ~mnll town 111 thc middle of nowhcl\' m 1be Cabinet Mountain, to \Ce what it', hkc l!ro" mg up there "Tmwl No1c," wa~ a quaint lool at the contra,t between hunrnn~ and nmmul,. "rincn nnd rend by Pam Rotchford who al~o re,1d :1 wor~ by Jo..cph Powell called "The Ranch('r', 0,1ughtcr" Khngcrclo,,•d 1hc ,:,enml! \\tlh a poem h) Lmda l:r1c~,on. "Winier Wmd." and ,.,.o by English profe\\or Jome, R. Mcl eod called "Life Rnft'' and "Sleepmg Bc:mly" Wniing Aloud c,cmplific, the be,t m fine wnt1ng rrom \\Orh by ,tudenh. focuhy and communny member\. Man) or the writer\ arc l'onncr creative "ntmg student,. and their mtcrcM sparl cd the coopcr.itivc c(fon to present the public a chance 10 cnJOY the frulls of their labor. Trestle Creek Rcv1ew embod1c, a grand effon by the studenh who publi,h u and the facult) members "ho o,· the opcr.11100. For mfonnntlon on how to \Ubm11 "orks in next year's cd111on. or 10 order copies of tht\ year's. con111c1 Klinger at
Ext. 3.1114.
n 1he lir11 da.y or Mike Bundy's History J 12 clw. he a,ked u~ what we feel •~ 1hc mo.,11mpon.1111 problem fncmg the coun1ry A, srudenl\ conlemplntcd lhcir clever answers. one thought popped into my mind The S3111C thought that oppcars when anyone begin, 10 complain nhou11hc not1onnl debt or the figl11lng III Bo~nia A~ for a~ I am conl'Cmed.1hcrc i, only one an,\\er 10 that qurn1on. Without a planet. all other problem~ ,ire ob,olete. Without 1hi~ plonct, we cannot c~i\l, There mo~I c:cnamly would not be 3 national deb1 ur wur e,er n!lam You si.-, ttar..ood wouldn't have to "Oil) about _0pnon_· _·- - - - -- whot you are gomg to wear 1omom,w or the la,t fi!lll1 111th )Our ,1gmficj111 other Each day we mll1~1 dJmagc on <1ur plnnet tha1 1, 1rul> irreversible We c,hau,1 nan-rcnc"able re,oun:c, \\llhout u 1hough110 whu11,c w1ll 1"c 10 p11c~.1ge our food or make our cnr, tomorrow. Every 11111c you fill your 1.1:i, tunk you me 12 gallun, tlJJI will never return. If II i, no1111,wc of lumbt!r or mmed 11 1, pb,1tc. Petroleum 1, a non •rtllC\\Jblr rewun:c. II will not be Qround lnrcvcr. You will be long gone before II gel\ to th.11 po1111, nght? Thnt's why you brco1h 1hc ,mog you do now. It 1, why the lake i~ brown und the highwuy, ,1/C lincrcd 111e l(l'ncratioo before )OU thoui:ht the ,ame thing. and now you hvc m ih pollution Spnng i, here and 1he window, of your car will be rolled down u~ you cruise through town. How •~mptmg it I> 10 Ju,110,, 1hu1 B1g Mac wropp,:r oul \O it won'11nnh up your Every time you do 11·, like 10,sing garl>Jgc 11110 your child'~ bctlroom. It •~ <a)'tnt(, "Why ~hould I g"e 3 drunn aboo1 anyo11e but my..ell'!" Then there arc tho,c of you who m~1~1 on throwing your ,1anky cigs out the wmdow of your car :b you wh11 down the rrceway ... HELLO! Isn't thnt "'hat ashtray, .ire for? When I conrrontcd one of the~ hu11-1~,ing hooligan\ I received nn msultmg reply. " I don't want lhose filthy. ,melly things m MY car!" Oh. great. So 10~~ them into your backyard in,1tad! lnanlfully not everyOlld ha.s that anirude or we "'ould hve in a ~pool. If you have any respect for )OUnclf, have a linlc ~pect for your planet. She is kind enough IO give you a place 10 hve and air 10 breath. The leMI you could do I,; take care of her. Recycling is one key 10 saving our planet. Fedml laws can ltOp huge coq,ontions from dumping in our rim. bul no one can Slop you from dumping the oil in your car on the ground. It is the individual who wiU make the difl'emlce and It all 11aru will'I you. Recycle your cans and newspapers on your curt,. If Ille blue bin won '1 accepi glass and plastic. like I tnp down Rllllley ROid to the ,uyclin, cenler, II is I abort lrip dall will leave you feelina sood all day ton,. and leaft the pnenlioa after you forever pllOful.
Thursday, May 9, 1996
Instant Culture
Popcorn forum celebrates diversity lloocy. living hfc 10 11~ bi Stephnnie Ro" c fullc,1. gcning m rouch wilh s:·n1111rl Rtporrrr rite nn111rJI world around you. NIC\ 1.uc,1 addi1ion 10 1hc Popcorn Forum f,urnly ,w1, 1he 1'hc yellow mcc wa_~ rcpM-cnrcd hy l lolnn, "fdebr.111onofl1k" on April 15. The premis..- of 1hi~ forum Chogdud Gonpn-Pudma Ling. who g11vc a brief rnlk "J' rile N:nivc bclid 1hJ1 "hen Cre.ilor d1v1dcd the on how we rclnrc Ill 1hc human mcc in10 four cnlor,; universe in borh \12.C :ind .IJ1d scnl 1hcm 10 the lour imponancc. J11\-c11on,. Cre,uor t>,:,10"00 A memberof rhe cxh mre wi1h a ~arcd elcml'nl Nisqunl ly Tribe. Joe Kal.unn 10 ,rudy nod learn ,1bou1. Al :1 miked abou11hc imponuncc l.uer ume ,1~ four, urc of ~wc:11 lodges. being !here ,uppos<.xl 10 come 1ogc1hcr nnd for people and arccp1ing lifo. sh;uc 1hc1r k110\\ loogc lor 1he VUJ'lcd fom1s of b:ncli1 of humanity 111c cn1crtninmc111 wa, bc1wccn d1ffon:111 clrn~nr, ,wrc given ,p,:ahe11> wnh Mi\n Hophin, 001 a., follO\>,; rhc n:d me,·/ ~inging "Color,, of rite l"".uth. white mcc/ fin:. yellow Wind" and "Grc111 r.1,'C/ air und 1he blach mco:/ Mystery." B:igpipc~ were WJICr. played by John Hull. who A Cduc S1ory1cllcr. Kevin ulso c1.pluincd 1hc lloocy w.llh, wftly bur c.1mc, ~ignificancc or rite ou1fi1~ J t,ig ,tick. His 1111crpn·1n11on of bagpipers wear. Drum1111ng. rile 'lgmficancc of lire in our ,inging and Jingk dancing lives I\ 1hat \\C mu,1 livc every photo by Stephanie Rowe were perfom1cd c:1.1rcmcly moment 10 II\ follc~I po1cn1i:rl. John Hull plays bagpipe in celebration. wel l by rite A111~lopc Spiri1 squeezing all the pa,~1nn and S111gcr;. fi~ we ~':In tnkc imo every duy. ·nic nigh1 wus clo,cd wnh a pmycr g1v..:n by Cliff Phil Wibon rcprc,;cn1cd the blach mcc-kccper,. of SiJohn, concluding another ~uccc,,ful addition 10 1he ,ti.: \\alcr. I le ral~cd abou1 1hc ,3111c kind of 1hcmc :1~ NIC Popcorn Fomm.
The NIC Sentinel
Page 19
Poetry night: ascream Poetry shouting comest puts vocals 10 ;esu by Rynn MacClnnalhon Stmiurl Re1,orru
TI1c reigning poc1ry shouting conrc,1champion lost her title 10 a "MncBeth"- bellowing newcomer. and Gemnl Marh~ u~t Burb D-.tv1s' chnmpio1hhip title 01the second annual Poetry Shouting Contest contest held in the SUB April 24. Pocuy mnging from Shnkespenre 10 dirty limericks were yelled by studenu. and focu hy 10 an appn.-ciative lunchumc audience. A rerun of three judges t'ri1iqucd the panirip;inls in 1wo categoric,: technical merit (volume) and artistic representation. TI1c winner of the cont.:~! wus awnrded S l00. The or her contlli,tants recciv¢d u free lunch. courtesy of D,;un Benncn. event ns a consoloLion pri1c Top ..cor.:s wen: given 10 tic winner; Maihc~ and Neil Weber. Marhc, · rendi11on of an exccrpl from "Mm:Bcrh" was delivered in a Mrong. unf.lllcring voice. M.irhc.'> • rdl'C 1urned n.-d and wa., cl~nchcd wirh tension, which caused., loud opplaui,c from Lhe audience a1 1he end. Weber'~ version of 'The Man From Nantucket" wu.., censored w11h :r deafening, loud fog hom. Although Weber received the same ,core a.~ Marhe, .h.: wa, lnrer di'><1ualifkd for U',t' of 1he foghorn. Last yeur·, champion. Onvis, dclhcrl"d .1 hihu:iou, po.:m ahoul a "young man m~-eling hi, girllncnd\ p.1ren1," The poem rs Jlxiu1 1hc family'~ un-fixcd dog :ind 11~ mmam:..: "uh the young mun·, leg. 111c remaining comcMnnh w.:re: Mal) Ellen Siegfurd. n.-ciung un cxccrp1from "Hamiel'': Cmti~ Bjork. n.•Jding u 110".:ry h;1ll:1d by Alfred Lord Tcnn)''iOn: O,;rek An11w1d, w11h a poem nbou1 a young girl "who would no! take rhegnrbagc our," nnd Narhan John~on. wuh a poem ubout u beartl. Johnwn's reciral of Sh<:I Si1vcn,1ciru. "My Bcurd" wu, ,1 crowd fnvomc. According 10 8enncu, 1hc mn1e<1 help,; ,wdcn1s reli.:w ,ome of 1heir cnd-of-1he-yenr test anxieties.
''Graduation'' Sale! May 6-17 ONLY 2S% Off All Apparel Items Featuring Shirts, Sweats and Jackets, and JANSPORT Clothing This sale is just our way of saying "Congratulations" for a successful 1995-96!
Page 20
Instant Cult..-e
The NIC Sentinel
Thursday, May 9, 1996
Band reaching success h.1 Shnnnon lfornood 'i,·11111wl R,•prlltt'I' The lirst thing you no1icc about P.J. Paul
i, the lack of hair on hi, hl•ud and the abundilnce or 11 on h, ~ face. The long goatee thm hang, off Im face ,ccm, ~omclmw mi,placcd on thi, rn lcntcd,
,ort-~pokcn w ul.
photos by Shannon Harwood Get your groove on - P.J. Paul gets down at a recent performance Cd"A.
Paul hn, been playing the ba,, , mce he wa, 15 years old :1nd the cello ~,nee fifth grade. Though he w:1~n·1involved in a \Chool mu~ ic program unul high school. Pnu l ,tudicd regularly through private k,,on~. Hi, tnlent come, from a l'cry mu~ic,11 fmnil)•. IIi~ mother play, the piano ond nutc. Im dad ,, a percu~~1oni,1. Hh two brothers and si~tcr play ,,nrious m\tn1mcn1,. Champion Birdwatchers - Band members P.J Paul, Justin Spendi ng hi ~time playing in mu~icnl, :11 Power. Nathan Johnson. Ryan Johnson and Enc Johnson. 1hc Plnyhou\C nnd in a piano trio and Mring 111c group has cot 11, fiN ,1lhum. ··Pcr1hclion", which en~cmble a1 NIC 1~11·1enough for Paul. He al,o pcrfom1~ will be :ivn1lnblc :11 the end ril Mn) 1n mu\lc More, such ,l\ wnh n local band. Ilastings and the Long E:1r. 111c "Champion Birdwa1chcn....... con~iMof br(llhcrs. When how 1,,ng h.:', hccn ,II NIC, l',1111joke, thnt Nothnn and Eric John~on. their cousi n Ryan nnd Ju, 1in he doc,11·1 want to rn lk ,1hout 11. hut he doc, hovr plnn,. Power. Pnul met up wnh the group th rough a mutual "If l 111kc n le\\ )l'Of\ or ccll\1 lc"nn,. l 1111ght be able rricnd and 1hcy ha\lc been pcrfonning together for a year. 10 get II symphony JOb." It is n u111quc type of mu\lC which feature, Paul on the Poul ,i.ucd that tu, mu, ic,11 i11,pin111011 1, 1hc music cello during sevcml ,ongs. Paul haJ J difficult tune hunsclL describing 1hc mu\lc. "I'd ju,1 like to have fun and pluy good mu~ic nt the \:IITIC " It 1s a co111hina1ion of complc~ rhythm, and jouy tune," Paul said. nu"ored chor<h." P:ml ,aid
'70s blends with '90s hy Shellc) Jerome Se1111111•/ Ref101 trr
Celebrating Our 10th Year! Tanning Nalls
Hair Styling Massage
1 month unlimited for $29.95 New bulbs and beds Check out our new arrivals of skin care products!
Dust off tl10<,c "Ooogic SIJOO_s," 11,c '70.. :tn: back if you haven't noticed . The •;:aying goc,. "Everything old l)c>conx,s new again." While doing ~ me , hopping recently. a ,tnmgc thing happened :i., I lool.ed through the mck~of clotlung. A , tnmgc bui f.u niliar texture c ~ my linger up;: 11 wa~ rough nnd , 1re1chy and ...brown. You gues.....:d 11-11'.! P \\ ord. pol)e,1cr: It', b:ln,'lek! It "hard to unaginc wanting 10,go back to the ·1ex. You c:ec. l. like many or my <;tudcnt fn.:nd,;. II.we been th.rough it and h:tl'c ~ rv1ved ltl tdl the tale. For many )'C:111> now "'e have been the forgotten generation, ridiculed for our Hash~ and ~ikc heel Condie<: ~hoes. Now many people thmk it •~ cool to be "retr0." They are pouring through used cloo1111g store\ forcloihes thm \\c could barely give away. Well,just remember my twenty-something si.~tt-r.. and brothen.. we were ·10s cool before it was cool. We had strJwbony lip gloss and wrap- nround p.u,L~.We had spxxl boggy and J0:>ie and the Pus.,ycaL~ on Suturda)' mommg. We had Schneider and D:tb)', Luke and Bo Duke on pnmc-timc. And "'c had Vinnie B:ubanno. I.hi! epitome of ·7(h c:ool. Snrunlay Night ~,-er was o be,.1- selling albom Jlld don ·1 forget di<co cl~ics like "Boogie Oog1c Oogic." Of coun.c. there was quite II bit of music from the '70s thlll h still
around and not u, c111baml,;,,1ng. No mic child of the '70,, could overlook "Fmmpton Corr;."> Ahn:." Thnt :tlbum sull g,JVc, me d ull<. Or how ubou1 ~ -d 7.cpp?hn. Van Halen or even AcJ'O',mith, Toys 1111hc An ic indeed Acoordmg to one Creur d'Alene an:.; child of the ·10s. playland pier W3.\ the place 10 be on a M1ru1y Saturday aftemoon. A place 10 see and
be seen. A ixrson could al!iO have a lot of
fun cru1,in' Sherman in their Strusky and Hutch Torino ora bi1chin 'Cuda lookmg fora pany. The ·70,, wen: o fun tim.:. I le:imed 10 danCe 10 the Bay City Roller... so don ·1 get me wrong. Seeing it all come around agrun i, hkc i,tting a long lo:,t friend (one I would rove preferred 10 forget). I crui get u!><--d 10 polyester. I Cll/l get used to hip hugger bell bonom~ and platform ,JJO<:S blll plea.o;c no more "Boogie Oogie ()ogle! ..
Page 21
The NIC Sentlnel
Instant Culture
Thursday, May 9, 1996
o his utt er d.e\·~~'n-\-)
ind.s o.. nev.1 sP. e. c ,men -ro 'to t\.\5 c.ollc.c..tioY'\.. IF IT'5 i~ET~AT G;IRLS qli!OW vf> TO LOOK LIK£ THEI~ >-'IOTIH:R - "WILL iW MAfZR'/M E? J
'\'~·· • hr,, : -
'""' ..
_,)[ \
By Angie Schwintek
By Stephanie Schreiber and
We're Back · By Melody Marn
Wrt'rfl Back~ ~ Are1d:_you !JOtnj ID N sfad.J For- J Dur h1jJory \ n. eed. i"o.
I d%:t
By Di Braun
r \le. Lived.
th(~h Most of i.t .1
Campus News
Page 22 The NIC Sentinel
Thursday, May 9, 1996
1996 North Idaho fAssociate of Science in Nursing · =honors
LDuro Bn,uningcr Bilker Machtl Bamhan Chnrlouc I. Banholomcw Kmn M. Capparelli Anmka R. Cho11icld
Con,tnncc E. Coelho Kerry A. Croxton Coloc V. De.non Frank E. F:u,cen Knsun M. Gamby
Krh l)' A. Gonder Knye V. Gonz.,I~ •Knrcn A. Gschcwcnd Joyce A. Honb:lrgcr •Mary-Ann P. Hay
Teresa L. Hayden !lfork J. Hayden Deon W. Haymon Rose M. Head Sarah L. Hensley
ssoc1ates o 'Ali<n C. A<hbum Jamee L. Ashburn Lilian C. Au.sun Lonenn J. Benn, Daniel J Bell Kendra Bc<scnc Mths.a A. Bc1hel Rodcricl. R. Broach Bmndi L Bum~ 'Chet) I D Collen •Ca1hcnnc M. Cannon-Sh11non M,chtllc Ii: Chri,11nn
Amelia A. Cochrnn Shnn D. Crismorc Alysha J. Dnmmarell Melody M. Dce1er Tanya A. DcJesus Eli:wbe1h S. Dcl'asqunle •Karen L. Dickerson Manhcw R. Dmgmru, Georgina K. Dingman Rebecca L. Dopps Mai Tong Du Mtchcllc :1. Edmond,
Sherron M. Egeland •Cheryl L. Fromd Leslie M. Grodncr •Nicole M . Genonson Knycic L. Gonser Janice L. Gore Amy E. Hnllignn Shelly K. Hansen William I. Hargrave Nichotns D. tiaync, Trnycc L. Mcmenwny Kns11n R. Hill
Chris1y L. I litchcock Kelly V. Honon Gretchen E. Johnston "Mnnhn F. Kildow S1accy L. Kline 'Keith D. Knapp Rachel A. Knapp Michael 8. Koep Roy S. Kruiswyk Kristi A. Lane Marinnnc R. Laws Bobbie J. Lynch
Glono L Johnron Kaye A. Kalman Marlo R. Lake Laun J. Loew Knsti S. Maughan Deborah L. McElwain Tnmum N. Minzghor Michelle M. Mueller Dnv,c.lT. Nell Gnry R. Nelson
Marlena R. Om<ICO(I Michele Y. Ponnbakcr Debbie A Poppleton Scon G. Roddick Chri\linc K. Slider Pe1cr C. VnnGu1mnn Pc1er D. Vogt Anirn A. Voz MonicJ L. White Shan L. Young
onicl c • Mo oncy Jeremy N McCnllum Molly McCanhy Kn )lCn N. McGough Christopher S. McGregor Molly A Michaud Debro D Mon • Jule G. Mueller S1cphcn ,\. Myer< William J. Nom1ing1on •Merlene K. Olenslnger David J. Ovcrrnnn •Linda J. Pnync llccky L. Phillip, Brandy L. PuFohl Lori E. Qunburul Cyruh,a I,. Rnsmu<,en
Mary A. Richmon Tanon R. Richmond S1c,en J Ru11ch Eric M. Sanchez Km11n A. Schem1erhom Gn,gory R. Schroeder Kriqophcr A. S1ein Marlene H Stein Ka1hryn J. Tum1p1ttd 0Jwn R VanHoy Nnlu<hn Wagner •Rachel N. Webber Aaron t-1 . Wcimon, Jo,cph E. Whalen 111 Kayleen 0 . Woodruff Jclcno Zr01c
Associates of Applied cience I Certificate of completion Al!!.2.P!l!!r Tcchn!!loi:i· llrJJle) I. 0Jrn Clim D. E.l~l •Auron J. K.oper fatn.!, F. Keiffer Brian A l..lfnannJ •Ktnne1h L ~1er1,0n Kenneth J. S1uJn •Nn1h~11 R. Sylve,1cr-Bum, Wilham M. Rkkcn rcvor L WhemJn Jerrod L. w,~om Au112m111in Tcch!l!!l!!&:l'. Willi:i.rn A. Brood,word Edward D. Fa,1 llor&e Andre R Mnrtlinn L1rry A Rn<h Brandy L Ware Car pt;ntn nd K Ctidnurn Chmtophcr L. Copky Chn, W Dcubel Ry.1n M. ll.1mn~1on S1e,·en W McCulloch Kell) J. l'cllcn Dehl., R. Robb111, John C Schr,wd<:r Gc<1'l!e F Sm11h M,uk \. ·1.,11
l'tt<r J fJ)lur R1dwrd J \\ ehh C'omntrrd nl _A r t .\I< \JlldJJ L Bo~d
l kJlher '; KPhcmtc~ Wc,kv R Smith
Cfilnp.lllll.Aru>lkations lo ~ "'ferry L. Gryme~s 0..--eAnnc Mn,on Trudy I_ Wh111cnburg C ulinary Aris • Shannon M. llrow,·r Angelu F. Coml,cl, Gnry M. Gon1~1lc., •Kn1hy A. llurri, • Amnndn L. K,cnholt • Amnndo M. Mills •Beverly J. Minkovich Jnme~ D. Raihn Amandn R. Shropc •Keith S. Skinner Diesel Tubnology Troy A. Fuch, Onan K. llobb, Gnrcy A llulce Lonruc 0. Ranum Kenneth G Rci,wt{:
lk,1[li!!1: ]'td!n!!.11.ll:Y Carol) n S. Abbon R.iymonJ J Chn\1111,111 (hn,unc J. Churrh11l Tnidy A Deon l)ouil3~ C. llcllhn,c ·1amm> I Orhtllll Jenn~ I' P11Jh M<11he"' C. RJ1hJ ~nfilT.l'shl\QIQJ1.l c.,rcy W Bn:nner .\my S Cagk
•Clifford R I lolbrool. Richard W. Mllchcll Edward E. Pro, rnce •Steven L Rend Kenneth C. Schnerrner •Jx>nnhl R. Schmchl Hc11tin1:, Ytnlil!!.li211, fM rilmnt ion & Air Condltionlns: •Lorry L. Aynln Joseph C. Bums • Brandon J. Clemen! Jo:ssc R. Jeffers •Wayne M. Johnson • Jnspcr R Kohou1el. David L Lny1011 Darrell K. McCully Jame~ P. McGee Gary D. Pc1ers facob w. Vnloff ldltt' Eof12mnm11 Chri,ophcr Oncon Jo111uhon D. Brandel Duane A. Bn,on C C.irp11,1 BrJdfortl H Cla"''°" Ronald I Dc11> rler M1Lhclk 1'1. Gallego, Bren i\l llcarJ l'ro) R HedJ!C OJ\•rd l. fohn,1on Joel R Succoma11no Jc" F.. SJndCI\ Kc\ln \\' Sman
M!!thinini: T~lrn2l21:r Gare1h F.R. Ab.:11 Aruhony J Nnccnrn111 Ryan D. Poncr Aaron F. Rrgg, Maintenance Mi:cbooicLMilhnii:ht William J. Bone, Damon J Cochrcll Michael G Cunmnghnm Richard J. Hamson Rw.scll J. Hrutc • Jason A. Mcrrilield Brian A. Pnlmer Anroo J. Rcindcl •Cal)' 0 . R,ckmnn •Bruce A. Seely Leland J. Walker Manne Mechanics Roben W Curet Roben C. Ferguson Du,un M. Gran1 Pnul D. Hnmnn Bnrr) L. Pn,~ Km R. Robo:mon Kcnne1h 8 Turner Scon J. W1lhnm, W Scou W00t1"1>nh $) >lems SP.ttLali I (l)\lal A John,on Phorman ;\s,sls1an1 Cum, \ (iuldcn PrJctirol Nuoim: .SCOII L t\nd<'Nlfl \I.Jr Jrcl F B.1c,
usan . Dcrg Kelli R. Koonce Alli \On F McMrll.,n Nc<:na K Rullm,,n Unc!J L VJndcWcg 'l o,hu A. Wncch1cr
~CCltlllrlnl ~ ~
CAdmiois1n11h•c, 1~01. 'LmdaS Davi\ Sally J. Dav15 Amy D. D;iw,on Knuc I.. E11gland Jessica C Hedge Karen A. Hensley Cry,tnl A. JohR>On Jennifer C. l..llng Cassandm A Llv1ngs1on Susan M. Malhi, Lcshc A. McMnckrn Michelle D. McNoll Kellie M, Nadcnu Darcy N. Neverdahl Patricio L. Oncgo Ro~ann D. 0,.1rom Collttn F. R3Chuy Todd A. Rickard Enn E. Webb Lois L Wiucn
Small Jtu.~lness Manogerneol Amy L B10Jch Heather J Bro"' n Travis J Dn:ch<el Bndge1 C Yc~rout
Weldin~Techno!oc l..111) R C;irroll Jr. S1e,c E. Finne)· Bn,11 E. FreemJn ·Grci.llry D HooHr LcGr..n<I T t.hcr, Wilham B \ 1ckcf\ Shmon \1 \\ .idd<:11 Shon J \\JdJcll
Campus News
Thursday, May 9, 1996
The NIC Sentinel
College Graduates
• :honors
~ssociate of Science l)Jwn Ahonen
RtcllJtd J. Alexander EricS. Allcn Sally 6. Arel •r Uddm Shop;ul Brug Oiris L Blltbcr LoriA. Bilrkcr Blair H. B:uney Wally J.W. Beck Robin J. Belden Brian L Berg •Hralhcr K. Berg • ophcr A. Bcs1 Maun:cn S. Blackmo~ cnnifcr R. Boyer 'Th:ld1us I. Bmun Krimna D. Bruun Cicely K. Bruce Cherie L Buucrfield Christopher K. Campbell uanna E. Carrick Holly L Carroll Ul.3
M. Olllmbers
Reguuld A. Clurhon Vlrgmia L. Coleman Wdlccn A. Corey No1t1lic N. Crawford
Jason G. Monuigna Joonnc M. Morier Michael L Moser DouglM R. Nell Roger G. Nelson DawnM.Nigh Mrui( E. Nonage Kimberly A. Oliver
D:micl J, lfnrringlon Jody J. Hnrris Steven C. Helm Jr. 'Kris1in M. Hembree Karin B. Hian Jll50n L Holz Shawna S. Jackson Orlander R. Jordon Vicki L. Kelly Titcrcsu M. Kissner Sherrie E. Komla Sherryl L l.aFounirun •Eric W. Lnywcll Linh Thi Le Scou G. L..c,11100 Christopher Ley Bridgcn R. Linnebach Mrui( H. Linlclield Kelly L Lourenco Francis A. Luna Donnn R. Madson Juliana Mauson Mclbsa A. Maurer Dusly D. t,1Bvi1y D.:ot1 P. McC1ll11 Mruy A. Milchcll
Twmny A. Currie Bcnjrunin M. Davis
Dcbomh A. Davis Alicia de Anoln Wendy S. Dedmon Jamie R. Dietrich Travis J. Drtchscl Mclaine A. Droesch Luiz E. Drummond Bemodcuc F. Du3!1C• M:uk A. Duclos •Chad D. Dudney Chad E. Edgnr Mindy K. Esser David L Evan• MllrCCII Faller Teena J Fonin •Kayce L. Fuhriman LylcD.Giffin •Monika W. Gilchrisl Misty L. Gla~scock Su<nn LGoddnnl Renee L. Gol12. Kelle L Gommcl Donald S. Gonnilcs Ry1111 T. Hnddcn Casey W. Hru-dbon
Anilo R. Sludor Mich.icl P. S1ypa Jill M. Summerimmp Sherry E. Swciken Ryan K. Tarnsoff Cnrla J. Taylor Jacki S. Tcg;mlen Joyce A. Thompson Troy A. Thompson
Ron L. Osc.\/$0n Douglas L Pnrk Ginn C. P;uTy Alison L Pollard Bradford T. Randall Michelle G. Rll.\mussen April S. Reynold.~ Paniela S. Reynolds Tiffany G. Robcns Beverly W. Roots Ronllld 1. Sandow Snndra L Schomburg Rebecca J. Schoonmnkcr Jeffrey R. Schuhi Emily L Schulre Eric W. Shanley BmUl It Sheridan Trisha G. Smilh OICl)'I L. Smilh
C"5ey J. Thune Lisa M. Timmons Lc.~lic L. Tilus Alisa Travis Te~LTuek Jcnnifor L Tuck Karen S. Turl>in Tonnie L Vandenberg Micll.'lCI D. Vnndcnbcrg Angela K. Woch1cr Tyler Wagner Ik1d1 M. Waisanen K.irnM. Wans
Wade T. Weingart Kcvm A. Whi1csidc Kimberly J. Wilcox Kri~tophcr D. Wilcox Wesley L Woods II Rrbccca M. Woods Carol A. Wool\Cy knmferL. Yohe
University of Idaho Bachelor's Degree In MARKETING and Third Year Requirements for ALL BUSINESS MAIORS Now Offered In Coeur d'Alene! ~
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Offered by 1he Universi1y of Idaho College of Busine..~ and Economics Fully amedited by the Amencan Assembly of Collegiate Schools of Business (AACSB) Fall 1996 Courses Available on the North Idaho College Campus in Coeur d'Alene! For further information or a complete program guide contact: Ann Smart, UI Coeur d'Alene Center, 208-667-2588 or Dana Wekerle, Mosco,wcampus, 1-800-960-3033 ext. 7150
, i·i,\~e~ e(j\ C,c\\e~ \)~ ~e ---------------------------J Registration opens 4/22196 at the UI Coeur d'Alene Center (2nd floor of NIC Library). o~ete~ College of Business andJ;_ <:9no111i_c:s~1996 Fall Offe~i11gs_i11 Coeur d'ru_!?_ne_:
0 University otldaho
• Bus. 350 Mgmt. Information Systems 8/27196 lo 12/19196 12 00 · 1 15 pm " "Acc. 381
Acctg. for Mgrs. & Investors 8/28196 lo 12/18196 600 · 9 00 p.m
Tu Th UI ~270 DaVllJ Van Over Wed
• • Bus. 420 Promotional Strategy
8127196 lo 12/ 19/96 10.30 .1145 am Tu Th UI r.253 M,ke McCollough
' Bus. 332 Quant. Methods In Bus.
8127196 10 12117/96 7 00 · 10 00 p rn
• (offc..1rcd 111,1 2·~\.·.1y mter~1ct1ve m,crowawl audio v1dcv) •• (olfL1re<I \'r~J 2-1',dY mft.lract11,e compressed v,deo Jud1t1 \'1deo) ••• (olferecl live from Coeur d'Alene}
UI #270 Ray Dacey
NIC Sentinel
·.,ommencement: ~
Two students overcome obstacles to graduate {right) am1 damage nncr bei ng knocked into a moving conveyor belt. It was after the second episode that Mitchell began suffering from bouls of depression. According to Mitchell. over a period of lime her despair became deeper. Moving back 10 Idaho from Wyoming, Mitchell became involved in her son ·s siudie~ al NIC. Mitchell snid. "When he lirst began school, I typed his papers. Aflcr his firsi semester I though!, if I can do 1his for ham. I can do ii for mysclr. so I went back to school." Her doctors. , 1111 , kep1ical of her physical condition, doub1ed 1ha1 she could handle the rigor. of college life. They finally agreed 10 :allow her to try it (school) a~ long a~ ~he took no more thon 10 crcdi1, per semcs1er. ·n1c doctor', opinion wa, bawd on the fncl 1hu1 str~s, kvels brought on by \cholusuc lire wou ld negatively affect her multiple ,clcros1s. " I have nm ml.en lc.~s tlmn 13 (cred u\) and usually my etas, lond is :1round 16; ~chool i~ a good s1rc~s." Milchell said. When Muchcll lirs1srnned school. ~he could only wri1c one ,entencc a1 a time, due 10 the mining nccidenl of '86. For n time she would write with her left hand. "Now I can writ(' for ba.~ically the whole period righ1-handed as long a~ 1hc lecture is no1 10 fos1," Mnchell said. At the end of her begmnmg seme,tcr, p3s,ing the Engli~h I 03 compe1ency test on the fir..t try and ma1111aming a GPA of .3.41. Mi1chcll realized htr goal of graduation wa~ a reality. Though whecl-chnir bound. Mitchell dri ves herself to school from Pinehurst everyday and docs no1 consider her physical limita1ions nn impediment. Although winter snow cnn be a hassle Mary Mitchell ends a long journey toward on the college sidewalks. Mitchell graduation this May.
by Daniel J. Bell Seminel Reporter mong the commencement panicipants of 1996 are two very rccognitable Indies who could very well vie for 1his year's "gumption" award. The first graduate 1s Mory Mitchell. Mitchell. 52. i~ from Pinehum. She has been married to Bill Mitchell for 17ycars and i~ a grandmother of 26 and by year', end a grea1 · grandmo1hcr In her l1 fo prim 10 NIC. Muchcll worked a, u ha1rdnMer. bancndcr. ~,rernry •ind for 13 year, toiled underground .1miner .. A-cla,, JUumeynmn d1c, cl mechnmc. Ct'nilicd l.l) !he United S101c, Dcpan111e111 of Labor." said Mnchcll proudly WNl-mg m Green River. Wyo .• at the General Chemical mmc. M11d1cll sustoincd l\\o accident, TI1c fiN m 1980. tore up her leg. lca\'mg her hobbling for nine monrh,. TI1e , ernnd mane inc1Jc111. which occum:d in 1986, lcf1 M11chcll suffering nerve. bnck nnd
hastens 10 add that the maintenance staff career whereby she could help others on a does nn excellent job in keeping them clean. daily basis. "My husband has always said, 'No maucr Advanccmenl through college though. what happens. I make it a (exple1ivc) perhaps came a liule harder for Carroll than for 1he "1radi1ional" ~tudent. adventure. So I gue-~s. really, what it boils down 10 is your altitude and how you The reason ror handle wha1cver comes along." said this is Carroll Mitchell. suffers from With o gradualing GPA of al least extremely poor '.J..3, Mitchell next will set her ~ights eye hand coordinn11011. toward Lewis and Clark College where More 10 the she will continue 10 major in point. 1he psychology. The University of Idaho i, involuntary Mi1che11·~ next rung on the muselc ac11on thm educa11onol loddcr where , he hopes to 1hc gcncrul c:1m her mas1er~ degree. Finnlly. populace tnkc, Mitchell will Mudy for her PhD at 1hc for gr.mtcd. Uni vcr..ity of Utnh. (\1m1II on the "The science dcpnnmcnt a1 U1ah U. otha hand mu,1 i<; very aMulc as I c:um: 10 find out lar\l 1h111!. und when they cared for my grnnddaugh1cr Holly Carroll then rc.,ct. who wM born brnin dead." continued For c~.imple. M1tchcll. "I am 111 nwc of 1hc ,c1cncc her ryes will 11re w:ry ca,ily. ·nu, 1, because Maff and lmving family 1hcr~ h alsll n 1hc mu~clc~ 111 hl'r eye\ Jon·1 shaft b:1ck dRd determining factor an where I gel my PhD." fonh m ,1normol mnnncr. Therefore. 11 M11chcll would aho hke admini, tra1or. [Ind related staff 10 know , he appreciate~ 1he impact, her nbilit} to rr.,d ut a , teady p;1cc. Al ~o. her ho11d, arc nffcctell by 1hc con,1,1111 upj1radc in accc\Sihility for the mabih1y 10 look a1 a;11d ;ind phy~ically challenged. believing ii ha.5 decipher 1hc words rapidly nnll 1ran,for 1hcm increased threefold for the bcuer ,mce her onto paper. rm1val. Carroll ~aid. " II toke\ me a lot longer on To her pee~. Mi tchell has 1h1s 10 5ay: 1csh. especially cs~ay~." '"The consideration of s1udcn1s. both young Still, w11h all the dail y difficullies facing and old. as for ll) push mg me out of slush Carroll, 11 h 1101unu~unl puddles. opening and 10 sec her in the SUB holding doors. or the Learning Center wha1ever. they have helping 01her just been beau1iful. \tudent~. Thank you." For helping othrr. The ,ccond I) whal the ,econd of "gump11011 .. award 1wo ''gump11on" candidau: is Holly awiird winner- doe\ C:irroll. be~I. Carroll. 24, lives in On the eve of her Lhc Sandpoint area and is graduation, Carroll had 1his 10 ~ay about majoring in social work. She began her her life 111 Nonh Idaho College. scholastic career at NIC m thte fall of 1990. ··1 have r~ally enJoyed N!C and n lot of Carroll made it through her fir,1 ~me51er the in~tructor~. e,pecially David Cohen with passing nmrks bu1 decided to drop out because she did not feel prepared ai the time (soc,ologyJ, counselor Donna Runge and Elame Can wrigh1 of the registrars office." for every day collegiate hfe. Carroll will transfer to LCSC in 1hc foll. The next step for Carroll was a move to where ,he will continue 10 pursue a degree chc Hawnitan Islands, where 5he took up in the social lield. residence for a year and u half. Her final goal i~10 auain a mas1er's ··While m Hawaii. I took a sales clerk degree in counseling. B01h Runge and posuion. I feel that thi~ period in my life Con wright have been in«rumental in helped 10 prepare me for my eventual return helping her achieve this goal." she said. co NIC." S3id Carroll. Both women will be missed by those In 1992, Carroll did return to Idaho and that know them they arc an inspiration to s1aned back in school that fall. others on c111Tipus. Socially aware. Carroll plnnned on a