The North Idaho College Sentinel Vol 72 No 5, Nov 20, 1995

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t · I en 1ne


Monday November 20, 1995

Visit the Far East with Judith Sylte and Jim McLeod. See page 12.

North Idaho College's Student Newspaper • Coeur d'Alene, Idaho

Campus daycare: affordable for students Child care center has student/parents on long waiting list by $coll Lennon St111inel Rtponer It has a class capnci1y of 30. a wailing lis1 of 100 and docsn·1 require o G.E.D. or high school d1plomn 10 enroll. Nex1 fnll lhe Child Care Cen1er will be celebrating i1s I01h anniversery on compus providing s1uden1~ nnd faculty wi1h inexpensive nnd convenient child con:.

Lets eat!

The ce111er provides a real conncc1ion for 1hc s1udcn1/parcm and the child.according 10 Doris Lant£, supervisor of child care. Lantz hos been with 1he cenicr for eigh1 years and hos been leaching early childhood dcvclopme111 for 13 years. According 10 L.1n1z. having child core on campus mnkc~ i1 pos~iblc for parcn1~10 s1op in bc1wecn cla~..cs. lunch or work and check

up on 1heir kids and sec firs1-hnnd progress. Top quali1y child care is one.of lhc many goals of 1he ccnler. The ccn1crs base program follows 1he guidelines of 1hc Nn1ional Associn1ion of Educa1ion, which meons 1ha1 1hc cen1er gears its curriculum nnd nc1ivi11e( 10 1hc individual child. no1 1he group. The center pu1s o grcm s1rcss on individual crcn1ivi1y. l1cms arc often put ou1 on n inblc and the children can crcMc whnl ever they want.

photo by Kibbee Waton Pack a lunch- One of the services provided by the child care center is serving lunches sent to daycare by parents.

By doing this. 1hc children arc given a chnncc 10 explore with a hnndful of materials from pain1. wood, cons1ruc1ion paper and so on. The wa1cr ond sand ccnicr table along w11h the block ccnicr builds bo1h fine and gros~ mo1w <kills :md •• oncn an early 1111roduc11on 10 11101h and science for 1hc children. Role-playing i< cnrricd ou1 in 1hc dmmn1u: play selling where children learn soc1nl •k1lb. mn1h and <c1encc. li1cmcy and real life <ituu11on<.accordmg to Lmll. One of lhc mos1 p<ipular rolc-plnymg ,itua11on, for 1hc children is ploying h1hp11al There 1, n mock I.V. ,,and. medical c:11ulog,. nppo1111111c111 txx,k, und a handful of 01hcr leaching aid, 1h01 udd 10 1hc 101al learning c,pcricncc. The ccn1cr al~o hn, un an ccmer, ,c1cnce ccmcr. library ,md an out,idc piny area.all 1ts.\1s11ng the children during n very imponam pan of 1h1:1r early childhood dcvclopmcnl. When Mkcd."Whu1 i, your favorite ac11v11y a1 1hc ccn1crr Kindm Mullgc <01d. "I hkc co1,." Mynh No11agc re,pondcd ..., hkc to look 011he crab and md pole.By a,kmg qucs1ion, and ub,crv1ng i1 became ev1dcn1 1ha1 each child docs hi, or her own 1hmg. yet rc,p,:ch and h'1cn, 10 1hc teacher wh,•n 1hc 1hcy give dircc11on, or h;1ve '>Omc1h1ng to '-IY la!.1 Hallowt'Cn 1hc ccn1er pmc1 ,cetl Inc.: painung lll\lt'.id ol wcanng co,1umc, und Irick or tn:mcd around campu, Thi, w," a ri:al highliglu for the ch1ldren,accordmg 10 Lan11 The ncx1 big evcni the center hn, pl;tnncd is an an ,how called -under The Sca:· 111c show will be from 0..-c 11-fan.191111he S1uden1 Urnon An G.illery and will di,plny the children·~ an 1ha1 has an ·ocean· 1heme. The rates for child care 1hi~ year ure S4.50 for four hours or less and $8.50 for all day There 1s also n $24 ma1crials fee per semes1er. The wnuing Ii~, is on a rir"-comc fir.I· serve basis nnd is currently nbou1 100 students deep. The child care center is locn1ed behind 1he Lee Hall annex in Fon Sherman Park. Contact Lani.tor Carol Lindsay ar 769· 34 71 for mon: mfom1ation.

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