The North Idaho College Sentinel Vol 72 No 6, Dec 14, 1995

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rsday December 14, 1995

Excitement success returns to campus basketball. See page 11.

North Idaho College's Student Newspaper • Coeur d'Alene, Idaho

Auditorium renaming debate over Former President Schuler name official be dirnini,hcd to !\IV<' Cf\'dit to someone who president of NIC. Sau~scr felt i1 only students' educational scholnr.-hips. by Berh Corey left the college on b:ld grounds:· Davis said. appropriate 1hat the prominent and highly ··1 can tell you from experience that there Stn1intl Rtporter Davi~ plans 10 present the pctiuon vi)1ble auditorium be named in his honor. A rie-breaking vo1c pur an end 10 rhc has never been a more dedicated person to conrn111111g over 100 ,igniturcs 10 the bourd a1 Following the board's decision. freshman debate over naming rhc nudirorium in Boswell NlC than Barry Schuler." said Clarence their nc~t rncctmg. Caryn Davis began collecting ~ignnturc~ for :1 Hall afrcr a former president. The Board of Haught. fom1cr dean of vocational training. Nom1an L G1,,,d. cha1mmn of 1hc board protest petition requesting that the bo:ml of Trustees. after hcanng compelling speeches Schuler wa~ the only former president of tni~tct, s:ud h.: i~ un,urc how lhc petition mmee, reverse the naming. without a facility bearing his name. And in from bolh the oppo~ition and the ~upponers. ·•1don't think Joyce Doswell'~ name ~hould will uffcct the bo;ird·, dc:CI\IOn light of ;tll he did as the longc\t serving officially n11med rhe room rhe Barry G. Schultr Auditorium. The College Scnnte. the Fucully As~embly and ASl'IIC all voiced d15upproval of the proposition. saying they felt it would dishonor the memory of Joyce Boswell, a deceased faculty member after whom the building was named. and cause conl"u)1011 on cnmpus and in the community. "It seems largely unnecessary to name wmething th111 already has a name ... officially or not.'· said ASN IC Prcsidcn1 Kris Stein. But proponent of the naming. Don Sausser. said the debate was "U5Cd as a curnlys1by the opposition for funhering 1heir own prejudiced positions." He was referring 10 1he evenl.S leading up 10 a voce of"no conliclence" and Schulcr's ~gna1ion in 1986 af1cr refusing 10 renew journalism instructor Nils Rosdnhl's contract and liring two deans. During the last ye.11' of his 18,ycar presidency Schuler also asked the grounds crew 10 spend hundreds of exrra dollars beautifying the grounds beside Sicter Hall. He then used that area for his daugh1er's wedding. But Sausser said that although Schulcr's acrions may not have been appropriarc, he also went above and beyond the call of duty in his service to the college. "Was not the prtl>ident's office light frequently burning at midnight on campus?" he asked. "Was the president fully compensated when he entenained dignitaries :u his home? ln these good deeds there was give and lake, not nrrognnt use of power as suggest.eel by the opposition." Schuler's lisr of nccomplishments includes obcaming funding to erect the Hedlund Building, Sietu Hall, Winton/Post Hall, the l..akC$idc Theater, Lee Hall Annex and photo by Kibbee Walton Boswell Hall itself. He also built the tennis Hold that poseInstructor CeQ Klem pos6S dancer Kelli Silva during a Nutcrad<er rehearsal The NIC Symphonic couns, acquired and renovated NIC's ~h Orchestra and Eugene Ballet Co. performed on Saturday. Dec. 2 in the Boswell Hall Auditonum See ,e~lew on page 7. 111d es~tishcd grant-in·aid funds for

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