The North Idaho College Sentinel Vol 72 No 8, Feb 29, 1996

Page 1



Blood drive donors set new record


by Mnry 1\rkl andcr

News £,l11or S1udcn1s gnve an all- 1ime bcsl from 1hc hcan and the am1 on Vnlen1ine·s Day 31 1hc ASNIC blood drive held in 1hc Kootenai Room of 1he S1uden1 Union Building. This blood dnve sel ;1 record wi1h 92 donor" compared 10 83 from 1hc las1blood drive. Oc1. 4. . "In comparison we did 1he bcs1 of nny

Wrestlers place second at nationals. See related story on Page 9.

year:· said Chris Aller. ASNIC viceprcsidcnl. ASN IC senu1ors were on hand 10 grcni donors as they walked 1hrough 1he door of 1hc Koo1cnai Room. They offered S50 10 1he club 1ha1 had the mo~I members dona1.:. Publications Club won wi1h 17 of 1hc members giving 1hc gift of life. The lnl:md Northwe\t 1310<>d Ccn1er from Spol.:inc. sci up n mobile donor

srn11on for students and srnff . The proce,-, 1001. :ibout a h:1lf an hour. wi1h rcg1s1ration. n quick check with 1hc nurse and 1hen it· < in10 1hc <addle where brave hcaned ~ouls were prepared for the draw. II may have 1akcn a lullc longer for 1ho\C who were nervous abou11he procedure. Cookie<. Juice~. candy, donut< and crackc~ nnd chcc!.C were given after the dmw 10 1ho,e who gnvc :1 gifl 1h.11 may one day \ave n hfo.

Career Center surveys students' growing needs tnd1v1du:1l or cla,,roum :i,s1gnmc111. /\ppro~1ma1cl) 25 s1udcn1, per duy .ire "wall.-in~" who pcn"c uvt11l.1hh: ocatcd on 1he ,econd Oonr of 1hc S1ude111 Union. 1hc Cnrccr mfomin11on. Lufcrricrc come to NIC from ' Center hope, 10 expa nd wuh Oregon's Clackamas Commun11 y the rcs1of the building an() prov,Je College. Thm! ~he wa, 11nmina1i:d for "<·xlcmhng"", 1udcn1 services wcll 11110 1he 1993 Na11on:1I C:irecr Practioncr of 1he 2 ht century. 1hc Y car and managed u Career Center Af1cr receiving ~cvcm l lclteri. :uni wh ich wu~ one of 1wo in 1hc country 10 pc1i1ion< from ,wdent~ a~king for und be u,cd o~ a mrnkl for 1hc National aspiring 10 gain a newer and larger Career Dcvcolpme111 Guidelines Center, Gnil Laferriere. curccr vidco1apc. dcvclopme111 specialist. nnd her staff. Lafcricrc ,aid that 1hc !>ludcnts 01 have conceived n fom1ul:11cJ. albeit Nonh hlaho College de,crvc a srn1c-of1cnta1ivc plan. 1hc-an Career Cemer 10 bc11cr altcml ""01c ne~d for quality career service .ind as~is1 1hc need~ of pro~pcctlvc. u1 NIC has been growing 1rc111cndou~ly and will only continue 10 increase." said current and former ~ludents. Laferriere and co-worker\ cnv,smn a L:iferncrc. Career Ccn1cr which will include the The facts appe:tr to bud, up following physical churac1cris1ic,. Laferriere·~ -intemerll. Seating: large round table,. wuh 1he A Jnn. 30. 1996. s1udcn1 survey, capac11y 10 sea1 up 10 1en ~iullcnt ~ :inti ,1a1cd 1h01 99 percent of 1hose polkd allow lhc ~tudcnl(s) 10 "~pread (>UI " saw a need for some type o f add111011ul Computer s1a11on,: eight ,m1,on,. improvement allowing ~1udcn1, IO dircr 1ly aCl'e" Some of the improveme nts Suggc,1cd Me: more assb1:tncc with job infom1:11ion at,/lul Job Service posuion~. file for uncmploymcn1 or placement, workshops on career sub11111 1hcir employer con1nc1, und planning or job scnrch 1cch niqucs. on:1ccc,s 01hcr ,ocial service agencic, 111 campu s JOb in1erviews conducted by 1hc area. local employer, nnd J grca1cr Career Center Librnry: :t de'lgna1ed a,•ailabili1y of one-to-om: career area 10 house the large collec11on of coun,cling. infonna11onal li1cr:1tur~ importnnt 10 Addi1ions 10 the Career Center 1hosc seek mg knowledge on locat1on deemed imponnnt by polled students from 1hc Center. would include more on-s11c compulc~. Laferriere hopes 1ha1 1hc new Career a video room, more infom1u1ion on Ccn1er will be open and available to dic1etics and nutrilion, in1emn1ionol studies and s1uden1 exchange progrums. s1udenLs in the evenings und on weekend,. "I don '1 wnn1 ii (Career Cen1cr) 10 be During fall semcs1er 1995, 1he what I want.'' Laferriere said. "I want i1 Career Cen1er had 40 clo~sc, und 734 siud~nts referred 10 the Center BS part of 10 be what 1he s1udcn1s wam."

by D,111 licit S,·1111111'1R,•111n11•1

photo by Kibbee Walton Shakespeare like you'va never seen- Aaron Hutchins {left) and BIii Shedd act a scene from Hamlet in the 'Actors Nightmare'; one of the one-act-plays in 'Comedy Tonight!'



Campus News


Did you know?

Thrusday, February 29, 1996

The NIC Sentinel

The North Idaho College Sentinel


Happiness is a choice

Network ad may scam scholarships News b) lforr) 0 . \\ hitnC) ~·r111t1ul lfrprirft'f

SdR1l,1hl11p lr,tud m,t) ha,e hn North ld.il10 l\•llcgc la,1 ,cmestcr when the Sentinel nc\\>(l,,pcr rnn an ad for 1h11 Pro(c,,ionul Nctwurl- ,\ "oc1011un, Inc. 111c ad th,u the Scnuncl r.m m Volume 72, hw..- I and 2. Jt.h ~rll~cd tlml for S25 the l'n1lc"111n~I Nctwurl- A,>t1c1.i11un. Inc .. wou ld ,end the j)l)lhc,lnt a dm:ct0ry wi th , 1cp-by • ,tcp 1nlnrmatmn un wlmt aid 1s ava,lable :ind huw tu get ll Nol only hlb the Scnlim:I not rc,c1vcd p;1yment lor ru nning the ads, acrn1ding Ill John Huy. ,ports editor with the Scntmd. the Pubhcallons Club sent in S25 10 chn·k out the service·:. claims and received nuihmg tor 1ls money. The Senuncl found only a di:.conncc1eJ phone number Here arc some llJlS to ovoid being o victim of scholarship fraud from Mark Kantrowitz; who was mslrumcntol m creating the Finonc1al

lnlommtion Pngc (n free list of scholarships on 1hc Internet) Scholnrsh1p scums hkc using orricrnl sounding names or nomcs that im11111c lcg11i111nte foundations--words such as Na11on11I, Federal, Foundntion or A~sociation mny be used 10 impress stud ents and parents. Bcwnrc of any type of scholarship or related service 1hn1 requires a l'ce. Scholarship search services even lcg1linmtc ones arc duphcn11ng infom1a11on 1h01i~ free. According 10 Kantrowitz, "Leg1l11nn1e scholar~hips do not require: fees and h:gitimate student loans collect their fees upon disbursement. not application. Very few students receive money as a rcsull of using a s..:holnrsh1p search service, so why pay when you con get the same infominuon for free'? "If you must pay money, ll might be a scam," said Kantrowitz. Students can get informati on from the NIC

Financial Aid office at no cost. Other free sources on campus include the Cnrcer Center, where Gail Laforrierc and her staff arc avnilnblc 10 nid ~ludcnts in scorching the Idaho Career Information system (CIS). Students may also find infonnnuon ,n the library, including the Internet Room where students can access TI1c Financial Aid lnfom1a1ion Page. The pngc is located on Net~copc, address and is free. Any students who think 1h01 they or anyone they know hos been the victim of n ,cam or suspects fraud. Moy contact the Nn11onal Fraud information Center toll free nt 1-800-876-7060. the Financial Aid office or Kirk Koenig m 1hc Adm1ss1ons Office 769-3'.I I I. "Remember that if it sounds 100 good to be true it probably 1s," said Dana Lesemann. staff auomey with the Federal Trade Commission. More on 1nvcs1ignuon of the PNA will be m the next issue of the Sentinel.

SUB renovators search for answers Fact-finding mission sends committee touring various colleges b) Dan Uell s.,,11111tl Rtp11rtu

Nine members or the Student Union Bu1ld1ng renovation proJcct. including ils an:lutcch. huvc cmbnrked 1n a Cnct• finding lour. Whtie their linJ1ng~ arc not 1n. the mcmbc r,--whn include Dean Bcnnelt. ASN IC', Km Stc111 ,111d L.inn y S1cm--1ou r.:d .1 numbe r u l co111mu1111y cullcgc, nnd lour· ycur ur11,ers111c, in Wa,h111g1on , t.lle to ,cc -.11.11 -.orl., lor thc,e rn, 111u11u11, '1 nd lrom 1h1, whJl will wurl. for North ld.1ho College. Lanny Stein ,aid. "Our ob1ec11vc 1s to ,ee


Clubs request ASNIC funds

how they (colleges) nddrcss different circumstances in st udent union mnnogcmcnt." Stein said the touring members of the commillcc: will look into how these other schools munngc 1hc1r operation in regard to 1heir existing fnc1htics und how cnsy and ncccss1blc these facilities arc for nny student 10 U SC

"We' re not only looking for the best of the bc:,t. but also whut not to do," said Stem. ·meco111111i11cc toured Wh11worth, GonLaga. Spokane Communuy College, and

by Mar)' Arklandcr Ntws E,liror Sever.ii bills were passed for sponsored events and requests for club fundmg at the ASN1C meettng Feh. 12. DEC's request for funds 10 help their ..:lub members wllh cntr)' nnd travel expt>n)tS to a ,tudcnt body meeting in Boise. The bill was voted on and approved hy Q majority vote, The Cardinal Ambassadol'5 Organiz:uion was gr.inled funds for the start up and cduc111ioo of the new club members. The club wlll accept betwern 15 to 20 nmbassador positions. Appli~ations for ambassadors were being accepted until Feb. 16.

Centrnl Washington University. Further stops will include Western Washington Un1vers11y, Edmonds Community College, Senulc Pacific University. Green River Community College and Pacific Lutheran University. A still camera and a video recorder will accompany the commutec on their sojourn. Said Stern , "the basic need 1, to have as broad a scope as possi ble, a visual picture to ,how our archuects." A possible trip to the University of Montan11 loc111cd at Missoulo 1s being explored by comm mee members.

Student activities si:ioosorcd by ASNIC will include a Lake Coeur d'Alene spring auise arid go-can day. Mary Richmond, activity director, presented a ~ill that would pant $2,SOO to help sponsor Ibo u~oming evenlS. The bill was passed and any funds lonover will bo mlled over inlo Ibo nox1semester. "We will make 1his money bal:~ ip dckot sales," said Kris Stein, ASN re pn1$1dcnL "1'bil . will help ensure gctung things set up and ready togo." A hypnolist will be holding a show in the Bonner Room on Feb. 27 01 3 p.m. The show will he 10 help ,tudents with their memory and study.


Don't forget Forum Mark your calendar for the Popcorn Fomm, presenung mdcpth insights 1010 the worl-s and lhinking of >¢Verni diffcr.:n1 wom~n ond men who wcro: influential m slutpmg the h1Mory of the world. Ptogmms nr~ March 25-29 Ill 9 1Lm.

It', ttme to onlert'&ps and gowns for commeocrmen1 far faculty and 5tafr. For those w..b!>. ore new or have c ~ dcgr~. please stop by the Registtlll''&Office to comp order form. or call if it's m convenient a form llllll bo SClll thlllugh campus mail.

Project re-entry} new sets record The Ccnt.:r for New D1rec:tioas offers ProJcct Rc-cntJy, o clw for women who wish to enter diD job market or continue their education. A record registratlOII was l>Cl a., 26 women signed up for 1his scmi:stcr, passing 1he thrcc-ytar-old rcconl of 21. Project Re-cntJy 1s a seven· w..:ck dass thal tt:11Ches women how to achieve their full po«en!li1 by discovering their natural akl.lJ and ubiliti.:s, improve sclfestecm. confidence and m ~ stress as well as time. Women learn how t o ~ · c:uccr choices through understanding the locol job m3J'kets 1111d RSOWC~ th:it educalo or train. For more information contact Joan Coleman, Ccnier for New

Directions, 769-3445 or stop bf: the Sieben Building orrice.


~servalions for the whitcwa!CI' mlnng trip, May 19, on the Moyio River. Phone E,it3430 10 make a S30 deposit.


Wiring burns Blazer b, \l nr.1 Arldunder

\·,. s Eda,,r SmCl~C and 11.,mc, ,hol oul of .1 I98J (hc,rokl lll,uer. ,ending dout1' more ihJn Jll reel 111 1hc.' ,ur Tuc,da) . Frb. IJ. Frc,hman Enc Burnell. 19. Wallace. pllk(J hi, Bhucr in 1hc 101 an 1ron1 of th~ LeJrning Ctnler and \\ cnl IU mnkc ., phone call. s~mtll ,n1d ,then he loolsed bncl. 10 ha, vehicle JUSI minuu.·s la1er he wns \hocked to see a 1he plumes of smol.e. -1 ran b3CI. when I ~:I\\ 1hc qnokc ~ome ou1 of m) Blazer 10 )CC wha1 was cJu~1ng 1he problem:· Barnell su,d. " I quickly unlocked 1hc door, 10 ge1 IO\lde ••

Roger Brocl.hoff. phys,col pl:1111 d11cc101. Al Goin,. m3in1enancc \Upwn1enden1. and Dave Stewart. (leclncian. were quicl. 10 1hc scene. bnnging three lire e,11nguishe rs 10 1»1~1 ,n pulling ou1 the names coming from 1he

Ron Die,", rnmpus s.1fc1y \1ff,ccr. calkd lht fire ckpnr1111c111 when hi: ~nw lhc n.111,cs. " h w:" ,rnol. 111g ltk,: n hnnshcc," Diez" ,111d. "The flame~ wcr<· coming OUI of lhC hood." The Coeur d' 1\l cnc Fire Depnrtmcnl arri1•ed and lhoroughly cx1inguishcd 1hc name~ uncl smoke within 15 manulcs. Pnr:trnedics also arrived. bu1 1hcrc were no tnJuries. ..II wa~ on elcc1rical fire ... said. "Elcc1rical fire~ arc 1hc ho11e~1 lire\ 1h01 you can have in o vehicle. Wc were 1•cry for1una1c 1ha1 no 01hcr ca r, pnrked ncx1 10 1hc Blazer cn ught on fire:· The fire depar1men1 dou sed 1hc area c~1cnsively, using hoses 1h01 sho1 white foam, drenching 1hc smoke and names coming from 1he engine nnd 1hc dash or the Blo2cr. Prcvcn1ing danger from spreading 10 01her vehicles 1ha1 were in the vici11i1y of 1he fire.

photo by Tri Nguyen Battling the blazes - Men from the maintenance shop were first on the scene to put out the flames of the Blazer.

Participants team up 'BWeeks to Wellness'

Healthy habits win life-long prizes b) Taru Moll Stbtmtl Rrportl'r You may havc been wondering lately why employees or NIC are ~o in1cres1cd in hcohh and wcllncs~. Well, i1's because 1hcre is a ··game.. for wellness which will run from Pcb. 5 10 Mnroh 29. The cau,e for the game? Promo1ing the health of the employees. of course! The" ,s run on n point sys1cm. and poin1s arc awarded by 1hmgs such a\ wearing your seal bell. bru~hing and no~,ing your 1ec1h. and eaiing the corrcc1 rooch and exercising. Panacipanis arc allowed 10 fom1 a 1cam or face 1he challenge alone. Mos1 of 1he participan1s have chosen 10 Join a team. The team~ range from 5 10 IO people and are headed by a captmn. Some 1eam, even chose 10 name lhcar selves . Panic,pants include: ''Nameless" Captain: Jcnnne Emcrson.Li~a K1lczcw-1ki, Landa Erickson, Virgania John~on, Loureen Bclmon1, Peggy Brigg~. Dan Erlachcr, Joyce Lader, Len Mane,. Lloyd Duman; "'6 ·wc3ks' Wellncs,". Captain: Scou Pc1erson, Kirk Koenig, Connie Herrera. Candy Hanhi. Jennifer Hcnnage, Lynn Baies: '" Pick or 1hc Liner'' Captain: Debra Sprague, Alan Lomb. Sandra Bra~hcars, Don Sprague. Jim Manklcr. Fran Bahr. "(WWW) Wan1on Women for WcllnCl>\" Cnp1ai11: Pam Clafin. Jo Tenter. Rayclle Anderson. Lynn Babich. Ann Law\. Ema Rh,nehan: .. Pei Potror· Captain: Doris Konsclla, Karen S1rec1er, Ru1h Jumison. Alice Durr; "Namcle~,.. Captain: Annie McK,nlay/Mono Klinger. Lisa Lynes. Ktis Brovm. Allie Vogt. Ann Stomme!..

'"Hedlund Top Ten" C11piuin: Doug Anderson. Lisa Bradford, Jennifer Schade, Kmhy Arm~lrong. Jane Schippers. Wah Ca rlson, Tad Lench, Jim Cultrn. Rick Schuhz, Sharon Westerberg; ··Logical Volumes" Captain: Charlie Cahill, Ann Pence. Ellen Schwankcn. Bill Cle:winger. .. Big Dog~& Tami" Cap1ain: Linda Michal. Gary Coffman, Tami Hafl. Felix McGow:an. 03vid Lindsa)•. Gail Laferriere. Myrna Ra~mus~cn. Don Bjorn, Lewis Walkins. Jim Headley: (The four S"s) "Salubrious Scions of Scholarly Sus1enancc'" Caprnin: Candy Rohrscheib, Sue Hill Crowley. Mary Corr, Jail Ja..~cha, Denise Clark, Bob Nelson. Ka1hy S1eel; "A.T.P." Capmin: Janet Gossc11. Su2annc Bromley. Rhena Cooper. Barb Davis. Bob Murray, Mike Harrod. David Cunnington, Edwina S1owe. The individuals arc Karen Ghirarduzzi. Michele Chesnut. Eileen Russell, Bev Ha1rock and Dean Bcnncn. ·n1ose earning 260 points or more in 1he first four weeks will have their names placed in a drawing. Those earning a cumulathre 10ml of 520 poi nis or more will hove 1heir names placed in 1hc drawing a second 1ime, ond receive a special "8 Weeks 10 Wcllncs~" beverage mug. The individual award is also a beverage mug. The prize for 1hc drawing b a S 100 ca~h prize. and the drawing will be April 8. The 1cam with 1he highcsl overage score per !Clim member will receive a low fa1 luncheon a1 Emory's. .. We'd like 10 hove everyone signed up. bu1 wc·re JUSI glad we have 82 pnn1cipming in the 8 Weeks 10 Wcllncs~ ... said commi11cc Chair Michele Chc~nu1 ·· ...ii\ gomg very well."

Community Express offers vehicle-less students choices by ,Jandi Dunlop Se111im•I Rcpmu, Nonh ldnho Communi1y Express. nka N.1.C.E.. i~ the afforcla.blcahcmative m driving. N.I.C.E. c11rrcn1ly serve~ 1hc following counties: Benewah, Bonner. Koo1cnai. and Shoshone counucs.. In Koo1cna1 Couniy. NIC day ,1udcn1, from c,~ur d" Alene. PoM Falls. Ilnyd~n and OJ.hon Garden, can ride 10 and from NIC 011 N I.C.E.'~ ~ub,cription service for ju,1SJO per month w11h a pa,~ or S2.50 per 1rip. Rc~crvu1ions are required for the sub~crip11on ~ rvicc. Regular bus service is nlso available dunng d:Jy hours. The cos1 i~ S40.00 ror a punch cord good for 20 stops, or S2.50 per 1rip. N.I.C.E. provide~ different levels of service for each county. Call lhc phone number the coun1y you live in for more inrom1n1ion. Benewah: 245-3503. Bonner· 263· 7287. Koo1cnn1: 664-9769. Shoshone: 786-642 1

Campus News

The NIC Sentinel


Thursday, February 29, 1998

Construction benefits handicapped Siebert Hall elevator arising soon b.1· RJ1tn MncClnnothan .'it'n1111,•I R(f'"' 11•1

on,1ruc1,on on 1111.- $ l(IO.OOO rlcvator on the wuth siJc or S,cb.:n 11:ill ha, made 1hc college·, 1mflic .rnd problems mon:


compk, . A large hole rnmpktc w11h danger signs nnd n chuin-linl. fence ha_, cut orr parking lot accc,,; on the ,ou1h ,,,Jc ol campu~. The hole wa, needed 10 allow workcri; 10 build the OC\\ ckva1or "h1ch "ill .illow the basement nnd '><.'t:Ond stOf)' or11w building 10 be accc,~iblc by "ht.-clch,11r. ·nie con,1mctmn on the elevator begnn at the ti.:gmning or the year. It i, c,p..·ctted 10 be ofticrnlly completed by June 5. According 10 Rolly Jurgen,. dean of in~1ruction. 1he clcvmor "a., needed to comply w11h stnndnr~ set by the ,\mcrk.111 D1..ab1li11c~ Acl. Cl:t'-' \Chcduhng and cln~~ loca11011s m the building "ere .11Tcc1cd due 10 the building being mnccc5,iblc. according 10 Felix McGowan, m111ori1y and d1snblcd ,iu1.k'm :,d,•iS('r. The old elevator thm ..erv,ccd the building was p.!mi.U\cntly clu,ed. It "a_~ ob'OIClc and wa, 1101m:cesi.iblc b)•

whccldmir, according 10 JurgcM. Sound Elevator or Spokane is the con1rac1or working on the project. According 10 Jurgens th<! ADA docs not cxnctly specify what steps are needed to comply with the act. NIC's policy is 10 make :my "reasonable accom111ocla11ons for the handicapped.'' About 45 students with disabilities are aliending NIC this semester. Approximately S'.15.000 I\ )pent each ycnr to make campus buildings more ncccs:.1blc by disabl<!d srudcnts. 111b includes improvement~ a~ :n110111a1ic door openers w1d wheelchair ramps. According 10 McGowan. the only buildings left on campus that hnvc nre:is 1h01 an: nol accessible by wheelchair are the b:1,cmcnt of Boswell Hnll and the an g;1llcry in 1hc bn,;cmcnt or 1he S UO. Besides making building~ more .im:s~iblc. NIC provide~ a wide range or other ,pecinl services for dhabled Mudcnl~. according 10 McGowan. The cons1ruc1ion mny have causl!d soml! inco"'•icncc~ for ~Indent parking and lmvrng to wnlk around the bamor\, but the advantages the clcvo1or bnn;gs 10 the handicapped out weigh them . This i, 11 needed improvement 10 10 1hc Sieben Holl. Jergens ~aid

Flood dampens spirits b)

m llraun

S,•1111111•/ lfrpm lt' r

Rcnml "111"' in Jnnunry combined \\ 11h the un,ca,onably warm. nuny lh',tlhcr 111 1ht• tir,1 week of Ft:brunry ,cl thl' ,1.,gc for 1hc wor,1 llood, in rec.:111 hhtOr} fur ,om1111111111c, illong the ban~, nl 1hc Coeur d' Alcnl' Ri ver. Fr1d.1). Ft:b. 9. water- m,c ,1e.1dily 111 the river. cvcn1uall) C"aU'llll! .1 25-lot11 ,c(11011 ol a dike to g,vc wa) nc.1r r.,1,,ltlu ·1hc 1,r,1 ,•, arnJt1011 11011cc ou1 at !( a.Ill .. \\llh ,I 1111,11 \1,lfllllll,! l'XCCUll.'d 31 ~: l(I p.m ..only minute, b.:l<lrc the ,h~c ga1c 11 :1) . ,cnu,ng .1 turrcn1 01 ,tudgt'· h1dcn w.11cr through the oty 0) rridny afternoon. 1hc "u1cr, h:,d ri,cn user the wc,tbound lune of lntcr-1111,· •)O nc.1r thc .m:.i. clo"nl.l thc l111er,1n1e lor the cvcn111g. 'I he river crc,1cd .it 5~ Ice, JI approx1m.,1dy 10 p.m. FridJ) n1gh1. Mnnd:1) mornmg brought the fir,1 c11cour.1g111g "gn '" the river water, tdl below the 4J 1001 1lood mar~cr once again.

Thc worM w;" over. Coeur d' Alene L:il.c Hsetf rose Ill a high 01 2.1 .14 foci which " 6 fcct over the nornrnl summ~r level. M OIi)' area residcnb arc claiming 1h01

thi, i, a, bad or wor,1! 1hm11hc huntlrcd· ycnr llood ,n 1974. Mnny rc~idcrm C).pcricnccd bascmc111 llooding and grou nd lcvd llooding 100. Water, llowcd through 1hc ,1rce1~ of Cu1aldo at a hc1gh1 of 4 feel. Resident~ ol Evnv111c. Kmg,1011, Pinchur,1. Ro,c Lake. and S1. Morie~ (on the S1. Joe River) were l'icum~ 111 the llooding :11\0, but 1110,1 of 1he dike, nround rhc,c c111c, held. Though d.:1a1ls arc sketchy an inlonnul volun1ccr .:(fort ,, being Jrr:ingcd 10 help the re"drnh of the area clean up now 1h:11 the flood111g ha, receded. Th11 mud-laden water dcpo,i1cd large amount, of ~,It Jnd rubble wherever thC) llowt•d. :111d the dcbri, kf1 behind will bo: the 111rgc1 of 1hc cleanup effort, Student\ and comm1Un11y member, whc, ca n give of 1he1r t1m.: and efforts are t•nrour:igcd to 1um ou1 1n wppori of llus cl tort. Anyone .,va1lablc to help during the next week i, a,l.ed to meet al the Kingston Po,1 Office a1 8 a.m. daily w11h mop,. buckl.'ts. ,pongcs and other general cleaning ,upplics. tr you hove supplies 10 donate. bu1 arc unable 10 help out. con1nct !he Silver Valley lnfom1ation Line al 682-2193.

photo by Jenifer Harris FIi/ing the hole - Ruben Convey smooths out rough edges.

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Thursday, February 29, 1996

C.ampus News

The NIC Sentinel

Page 5

Tutoring affects grades gel my homework done. :uid ii·\ good 10 know 1ha1 I can "Pcrhnp~ 1he mo,1 impon.1111 1l11ng n s1ude111 gnin, from 81"!1Un come 111 ond gc1 on unswcr 10 my md1viduol qucsuon, {1101 being 1111orcd, hc~idcs 1he good grades. 1$ 1he boo~1 in self S~ntintl Rqwrta nlwuys the case if you nsl.. 1hc 111s1mc1or).'' confidence." Jorde said. ·· S1udcn1~ arc more comfonable ny ,1udcnt \\ho has C\•~r hnd trouble 111 a cln~s. Ahhough 1his isn't ncccssanly n new ,den. 11 worb wuh n peer bccuu~c n 1u1or has experienced going 1hrough no" ho5 accc<~ to 3 perfticl remedy! No more wonders. Too nwny 1m1cs it seems easier 10 ti)' nnd muddle 1he closs." c,cuses for ~1res~ing ni mid1em1s nnd 1101 being your way 1hrough a class and hope for 1hc bcs1. The process of becoming a 1u1or is qui1c simple: cxprc~s p~pared for finals. Whn1 could it be? Newsman pills? The ahcmniivc of huv111g n sci lime every wccl.. to ,pend on intcres1. fill ou1 an applic:ation nvailable in the Leaming Suni1cnl brain enhancement? No! Check w11h 1hc Leaming working on indiv1dunl difficulucs ma pnniculnr cla,s i, 1101 Cen1cr. and 111m in o couple of rcfcrruls from teachers. You Ccn~cr tn Kildow Hall. room 125 10 find ou11hc sccrc1 of only ca~y. 11 makes $cn~c. TI1c small ndvanrngc of having arc eligible to 1u1or any class you've 1akcn and received a B 1ho,c who ~uccced. someone spend 11mc one on one <'nn make 1hc difference or higher in. The answer to mastering a difficull class is found by "If I could chnngc one 1hing about how things arc done. ii bc1wcen barely pn"ing nnd fini~hing Mudies n1 NIC wi1h n steking help from someone who has lived 1hrough it and s1rong GPA. survived to 1cll 1he story. Thn1 is 1he whole idea behind peer wou ld be 10 provide more tu1or 1rnining." Jerde said. "I Anyone 1111ere,tcd in tran,ferring know, how big a pan think with a liulc prcpnra1ion, some of 1hose who mish1 1101 rutoring. 1h:11 plnys in ru1urc college opponuniucs. be a nn1ural m 1u1oring could be prepor~d 1 0 According A choice four-year college "hard 10 ge1 11110. :md any become superb tu1ors." 10 Michele scholarships nvo,lnble of1e11 rely on how well an nppllcnm Input from one of 1hc peer 1u1ors included Jerde. did ai a 1wo-ycnr college. some of 1hc biggcs1 reasons 10 become a uuor. Lclming The Leaming Ccn1or prov,d~, n whole gamut of services "I 1u1or for three rcusons: Ccn1cr including: I. It ·s a wny to give bock m honor or 1hose who coordinn1or. I. nduh basic cducuuon have helped me. lhe Peer 2. GED prcpara11on/lC\lmg 2. I gel 10 meet lois of jin1cresLing people, and Tu1onng 3. English ns a wcond language 3. II keeps my skills sharp. Program 4. lhe Rending Cc111cr Besides all 1ha1 , it looks really good on n "provides 5. the Mnlh/Sc1cncc S1udy Center resume or scholarship applica1ion."' Sharon. suppon 10 6. Mnth020 "I was s1ruggling in class and stressing ou1 10 1he s1udcnts when 7. specially nssis1uncc 1nilorcd to helping vo-1cch Mudcn1s max," said Jule Muller. Lrustce," Just overwhelmed! The lhey need a liule extra help. We're here 10 aid students m wilh ma1h. cornpu1cr li1cracy. etc. 1cncher told me abou1 the Peer Tu1oring, ~o I came and lhe1r success. 8. Visto Volun1ecr who helps \el up 1u1oring for lileracy. signed up. It 1akes some of 1he mess off. ii ·s a 101 easier 10 '" Peer tutoring is e~1rcmcly effcc1ive.• Jerde said.. "We served over 150 student~ last semester. and we have enlisied 1hc help or 26 s1udcn1s 10 1u1or for 1his semester, M1X1or the 1u1oring is in the area of math skills, n close second is 1he science\. and 1hc11 foreign languages. Olher classes arc 1u1ored on an individual need basis." S1uden1~ can u1kc odvamage of 1hc nvailabili1y of ma1h ond science ms1ruc1ors in the Mnih/Scicncc S1udy Ctnier If on 1M1ruc1or' ~ office hours don '1 coincide wuh a ,1ud~nt', clu,, schedule, 1hcy can check whal hour. 1he 111,1ruc1or works :u the Leaming Center to ca1ch up wnh 1hem. "If o Mudcnt figure, 0111 1h31 they arcn 't gomg 10 make i1 111 3 chi,s, 1hcy huve un opuon to ge1 help."' Jnde ~aid. Come m. fill oul the fonn. and we'll II)' to ma1ch 1hc bc,1 ova1lablc 111ne, wilh a tu1or in tha1 IUbJCCI If we don'1 have a 1u1or for thal ~uhJcCI. I 1ry to 'beat 1hc bu~hc, · to find one for you. R1gh1 now I'm looking for a 1u1or m an cconom,c, chi\, ;md one 111 Bu1mc,, 127.'" Finding tu1or. in ccnmn ,pecmh) nre:t, or the higher level mmh and \Cicncc cour.c, ,, probably one ol 1hc bigj!c,1 problems Jerde I,1-c, Another area of lru,1r,rno11 " 1h01 NIC "only a 1wo)car rnlle11-c ··so mun) of our bc,1 1u1or. 1mn,fcr and h:avc aflor only one of 1111onng," Jorde \aid "La,t year we h,ld \Orne problem, due to 1he remodel. Movms around hun, u,. lhe ~1udcn1, weren ' 1 sure where 10 find u, but now "c'rc \Citied and 1he Leaming Center i, Vcl)' vi,iblc ·• The Lcam111g Center i\ open 8 a.m. 10 5 p.m. Monday through 1 hurMlay with evening hour.. 5 p.m. - 8 p.m. 1'ue<.day and Wedne.~doy and 8 11.m. 10 2:30 p.m. Fridays. Jerde w.y~ the key to taking odvoniagc of thi~ ..crvicc I\ no1 to wait 100 long. There's no need 10 woi1 photo by Jenifer Harris un11I m1d1cnns to decide you need a liulc extra help in o Cracking the books . No more struggles with the peer tutonng. Katherine Scott is tutored byDonovan Roky at he cla\\, There are still studenls who ore afraid 10 ask for Learning Center. help. bl Di


."Peer tutoring is extremely effective; we served over 150 students last semester. ,, --Michele Jerde


Thursdayf February 29, 1996

The NIC Sentlnel


Opinion-1:ditorial The North Idaho College Sentlnel

Native American lives college life off Indian reservation mme lrom ., ,111ull 1own called S1.lgnm1us, Mon1. .,ml 11 1, located on a rcl>crvauon JUSI north or Mi,,uula Cuming 10 Coeur d" Alene wrn. a new experience for me since the town I came from ,s about the s11.c of Si. Manes. I was told to expect rnc1sm. rhc high ,chool 1 aucndcd, Mission High School. wa, located on the rcscrvatton. but 11nly three-quarter Indian. The SILC of the school was :1bou1 300 students from gmdc~ 7- 12. So nnturnll y coming 10 n l:irgcr school nnd II new nrea wa~ all new to me. und I'll even udmit a little scary. I am une-qunrtcr Salish nnd Tara M att belong to the Confederated O pin io n Salish nnd Koote nai Tribes. I'm nbo a descendant of the Tic~-thc-Bundll' Cl:10 in Enstern Montan~. When I cnrnc 10 Coeur d'Alene I was a httle nervous hccau,c of the fact I"d never seen or experienced racism. There never wn~ any rnc1sm in the school system or ,mywhcrc I lrnd been During high school I wos ~ent to mnny leadership camps and 1rn111111g, ,o 1 hnd been o 101 ol pluce,. ·n.rnughuut lugh ,l'l1onl I had planned on going 10 an .1r1 ,d1011I 111 S.111111 Fe 011111Cungrc.- dcc1d1.:d i1J1dn'1 w.111110 lund 1hc .,II ,.:h,1l11r,l11p \Chuo! ,rnymnrc. Pcr"mally I thin~ "'me h1ghwuy needed 10 he 1in1)hcd .onll thc) ,111 th..: ,.:hour, lumb 111 ,uppon the rond Early III Aui,?usl 1 lounJ myscll lrnnttcully ,c:,rclung for ano1hcr ,rho11I One ll:i) someone told me .1bou1 NIC. wh1d1 I had nc,cr hc11rd nhuut helor..:. I applied for school .rnd wa, vny rclll•,cd when I wu, ncceptcd. So, he~ lam 111c unly d11lcrclll'~ 1ha1 I \Cl' hc1wccn un 1hc rc)crvn11011 nnd oft ol 111, thnt 1hc problem) ol cve11day hfo .111: 111cm: cxposed--prnblcm, )UCh as 1cc11 prcgnnncy. ,cho11I drupouts. akoholtsm.•111d drul,'. abuse. Some 111;oplc I hnvc gone to ,chool w11h have their own kid~ cir hnvc hccomc nlcoltohc,. A ht1 ot people I ~now d,·c1ded ,II one time !hey were g,1111g 10 Jru11 0 111 ol schuul to work. but decided 10 re turn ,1 )c,1r l111c1 Mu,1ol tho,c people urc , 1111 in , chool. I 1h111~ my ,1:1y111g 111 , .:houl ,ind """Ylro111 alcohol was .:11n1rihu1,•d 111,1,trong ,uppor11w l.11111ly. wh1d1 there ;11cn'1100 mnny lclt .iroond. Although rcservauon life 1s whnt 1nm u~cd to. I h~e C11c111 d. Alene and am adJu~ung fo,1 1con ,cc myself returninit tu thQrn~rv,111on 10 work a, thQrQ ar.: nrnny oc,upat,onal hclds a,•111lablc there

(]~[ ri BLA \-1 ,







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Initiative: One percent adds up 111c I Pcrccn1 ln11m111•c 1s loonung over NIC once agnin. and come November 11 could leave the campus lugh nnd dry. The college receives more lhnn $5.7 million from locnl laxes. and a cut as severe ns 1hc I Pcl"\'cnt tn11int1vc could bi: devastating. ·n1c m111u11,·c wou ld hmll property taxes 10 I perccnl of 1hc owner's t:IAt1blc \'alue. which wou ld cul NIC off the property t11x l11ough Idaho S1a1e Jnd Boise State UmvcrS1ty ure funded through the state, NIC offers a umque opportunity to res1dcnh of Kootenai County The $490 1u111on 1, 1he cheapest in the Nonhwes1 and Kootenai county residents have pnonty over other appl1can1, 10 thu college. NIC relics hcnv1ly on the money received from property taxes.The I Percent Initiative could t11ghcr 1u111ons ond cuts in the classroom. This is n ,enou~ threa1 10 the college and needs 10 be addressed 1111mcdia1ely. Prcs1dcn1 Bcnncll has already addressed the Boord of Tru,tccs on the matter and continues to fight the 1ni11n11 vc Kudo~ to him. however. th1~ en11rc campus needs 10 get involved NOW! Anti-property tax activist Ron Rankin nlr..:ady htlS 26.000 >1gna1urcs on n pc1111on and soon his flyers will be seen .111 over 1hc county. N IC needs 10 circulate fliers of 11s own. In the 1995 foll semester 2 .100 ou1 or 1hc 2,900 students enrolled .11 NlC were from Kootenai County. If you hJv..i b~no!fitcd lrom lh t> C::dllcg~ at all. ever, ,;pea~ up If you attend 1hc athlct" events m Chnsunnson

Gymnasium or 1hc cuhurol cvllnls nnd concerts in Boswell Holl. sny somc1hing. If you have taken a night ocrobic~ clns~ or received a degree here. let your vmcc be heard. The property owners of Kootenai County nrc very 1ired of bei ng taxed und understandably so, but, in truth. the 111njori1y of re,idcnts alrnady pay less 1hnn I percent when 11's all said nnd done. Figure it out for you rself. How much do you pay? Your seemingly ou1rageous property taxes may blind you 10 the good 1h1> college brings to the community, but we implore you 10 consider 1hcir education Whether II was from NIC or 1101, 11 is an invaluable piece or your cxistcnc..: und everyone should have 1he opportunuy to suc,ccd. The affordable tu111on at NIC b what gives many Kootenai County residents the chance 10 further their education. The eveni ng aduh cd uca1ion classes lhc college offers gives rnany the chance 10 team a new hobby and meet people with si milar m1cres1s. Would cultural events such as ..Music of the Night .. cornc 10 the area 1f the N[C Foundation didn' t bring lht:m here'! Write Kootcn:u County Commissioner Dick Compton at 501 Government Way, Coeur d'Alene. ID 83814. Flood local newspapers with letters to the cd11or. You can bet that I Percent lni1iativc proponents will. Tell your friends nnd neighbors: make sure everyone you know 1s informed. Most 1mpor1antly, VOTE, VOTE. VOTE. You cnn and do rnuke o difference 1Yhcn you check 1h01 little box.


Thursday, February 29, 1996

The NIC Sentinel

'Parking Polka':

Our Generation

CHokEcH ERRi ES Preparing you for photography • se,cml )IUdc111, have been us111g 1hc hnndicnppcd bu ttons when enlcring campus buildings 111stcad of opening the doors themselves. Some people call 1hcm 1a,y. bu1 come on, haven't you med opening 1hc~c doors? Un less you're some buff wrl'st lcr or boskctbnll player II\ almos111nposs1blc 10 rnnkc an cn1rancc. or even ,vo~c. hav,ng ~om.:onc ex11 1he bu1ldmg as you walk to the door and II slams 1010 your lace. • And while wen: on th,~ ~ubJCC:l. n Sentinel staff member W(I~ lcnvmg Lee Hall losl wed. when ,omconc (111 wily 100 much ul a hurry) knocked her down the s1air~ Jnd brokl' her :mu He didn ' I even )lOp 10 sec 1r she needed help. And wouldn'1 )OU know wuh ~tudent enrollmen1 bcmg at its highe,t ever there was11·1 anyone el~c around when tlus tonk place • The battle between the Chokecherries nnd Huckleberries conlt nuc;. on. O.F. OlivHia of 1he Spokesman Review stoic our "TKS NIC" chokecherry from the la.~1 l))UC of 1hc Scn1incl and didn'I give us credit for it. 1111: thief, however, did credit us for the choke about 1hc nud11om1111 while slnmmmg i1. He said 10 keep bcatmg the dead horse unul we gradun1c. Well. some of us graduate in May so we'll keep whimng about it un1i\ 1hen. • Speaking of the Spokesman-Review, the Feb. 2 1 "Our Ccncrntion" section hnd a story ''De prcpn rcd." Did 1his mean be prepan:d to 1urn the page and sec the same phOIO 1w1cc? • A bumper slicker seen on campus hus goucn n few snickers nmong s1uden1s "Forgc l lobsll'r, l',•c f:O l lhc cr11bs.'' Goud luck wi1h 1hc bube~. buddy • The Scnund staff would hkc to \Cnd our \lnccrcs1 condolence~ to 1hc families nnd lnend~ of Lconn Cnircs

the Sentinel 1000 West Garden Avenue, Coeur d'Alene, Idaho 83814 • (208) 769-3388 A~so,;m1cd Colh:giotc Pre~) Five Star AII-Amcnc;,111 Newspaper nnd Nnttonal P,u;cnmkcr Roben F Kennedy Award • Soc1c1y of Prtlfo.,s1onol JoumoliMS General faccllcncc Award Nattonul Hnll uf Famc • Lo~ Angel~~ Time~ Nauonnl Leadership Award Rocky Mountmn Collegiate Pre)s Gencrnl Exccll,.mcc Award

Student doesn't want daily dancing Dear &Jilor: ll or we s1udcn1s who rend Tri Nguyen·~ nrticlc in the Feb. S Scntmcl can relate 10 his dcscnp1ion or wha1 I cnll ''Parking Polkn," the daily dnncc 10 get a pnrki ng pince on campus. We all hnvc our sc,;rc1 way~ of securing a parking $pol, 1vhcthcr it be thnt liulc illegal spot or gelling nasty and s1caling a space 1ha1 you know someone else 1s wmttng for pa11cn1ly It occu~ tO me 1trn1 J shouldn 'I hove 10 double my dnvc ttmc to campu~ to ullow for endless circle., in the pnrking 101. So. for the powers 1h01 be. I have three ques11ons. 1) For every parking pcrn111 1hnt you is(uC, ,s 1hcrc an on campus par~mg space'? Perhaps this 1s like 1hc airlines overbooking nights. 2) Arc 1hcrc trul y enough parktng spaces for the amount or s1udcn1s enrolled'! 1r you 1hink everyone carpools, you arc kiddmg your~elvcs. 3) Mos1 importnn1ly: Do we really need that large soccer licld 111 the middle of campus'! How oflcn i) ii in usc·1 How m(lny cxua parktng place, would 1hcr,: be 1111lus prime locnuon 1r we turnud 11 intu s1udcn1parkmg·/ I have been a Mudcn1 al NIC for 1hrcc


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Editorial Staff


Dan Bell Di Braun Ruth Carapella Jandl Dunlap Jenifer Hems Shannon Harwood Leslie Hines

Tara Matt Patty Moore Steve Myers Tri Nguyen Brad Preston

Leners Pollcy·-The Sentinel welcomes 1e11ers to the editor. Those who submlt letters must hmit them lo 300 words. sign them legibly, and provide a phone number in order lo venty authennc,ty. Some lelters may not be printed because of space llm1talions, or because they 1) are similar to a number of letters already received on lhe same sub1ect. 2) are possibly libelous, or 3) are illegible. The Sen11nel reserves the nghl lo ed11 letters. letters may be mailed 10 1he Senlinel or brought to Room 53 of the Siebert Building.


Hemophlllaea, bum vlct~ trenaplanl and ~ ..-,Pie wtlO .. ,-;ee,_.....,,__ products. made from the of .,...,.. tlke you.

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Cody Raithel Stephanie Rowe Stephenie Schreiber Angie Schwintek Rosie Vogel Barry Whitney Wes Woods Kat Vodt.ey

scmcsler) nnd I can count 1he numher of 11mes I hnvo seen 1ha1 licld used on one hand. Ycs. II is acs1hctically plc~~ing to sec nll 1lm1 prcny grns,, but gc1 with reality. h would get daily use ns a parking area nnd this would hnvc lhc added henclil ol pulltng people in belier moods because !hey did n'I have 10 s1nr1 their day figh1mg for a parking space. How nbout a compromise'? Turn the soccer field sideways. on the long end, um! use 1hc 01hcr half or 1hc licld for a smaller parking 101. 'That would prohahly gencra1e ahout 40 new spaces. I can li ve wllh 1h01. Herc 1s my la.~1 ~uggc~ttun. I hope 1h1s won'I affcc1 my grudcs. Mov,: nll thc faculty parktng ~paces to 1hc fnr end of 1hc hbmry lot along River 1\ venue. ·nus would free up J "hole lot of dmicc ~pace, around l.'umpu, and help the facuhy retmn their youthfu l figures ii\ 1hcy make the long 1rel. hacl. and forth ucrOSl, campu,. II nve you c, er not iced how the cmrloycc, ,II ,1 \upermnrkct hnv,: 10 park on the r.u stde of their stores park mg lot ~o thut the cu,tomcr, h11vc the dnscr ~pub.'! Why itrc our roles reversed here on cnmpu,'! Thml. Jbou1 II Candy /\lien

'Tai(? ::l\wte .. ~~

NIis Rosdahl Adviser Sports Editor MarkAaron Perry Managing Editor Jonathan Hay Photo Editor Mary Arklander News Editor Kibbee Walton Amanda Tomme Instant Culture Ecfrtor Michele Bear Business Manager

Shelley Jerome Richard Le Francis Ryan MacClanathan Cheyenne Mahncke



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Page 8

The NIC Sentinel


Thursday, February 29, 1996

"Fitness f or Everyone"

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Did you know...

Thursday, February 29, 1996

Christia nson Gymnasium ho lds up to 2,000 f a ns.

The NIC Sentinel

Page 9

Campus Sports The North Idaho College Sentinel

Wrestlers second at nationals by Jonathon Ho) Sfmrtl £diwr Lnck of number. cnckd up t..ilhng the Nonh ld,1ho College wrc,1ling team·, drc:un of :1 nauonul champ1onsh1p. W11h ,,nly four "rc,1lcr,, in 1hc ~rmifinab. and one 01her placing mcmbcr 1he Curdinnls could 1101 c4ual 1hc c1gh1 1ha1 nval La,...:n College had. The r-..•,ull "a, a 1.29..5 ~core for L..t"cn and a runner-up fim,h for 1hc CJnlmJ1' wi1h 82.5 poinh. Two mdJ\•tdual chnmpion~h ip, were brough1 back m I he fom1 of Mork Jnnkc·,, 158 pound cbompionsh1p nnd Jason Mooney·\ ,•ic1ory at 167 pow1d,. Junke won in dnuna11r fashion he wcni m10 1he 111!,I i,CCOnd, uf hi~ m.Hth 1ird 5-5 before rulling ou1 th~ ,•ic1ory over Ti1u, Taylor of L111coln. Ill. with 3 Ja,l·M!cond 1akedown. Mo311C)' don1111a1cd 31 ~1c na1ionnl 1oumamcr11 u, he has all season on hi,, way 10 a 36-3 record 1his year. Monncy dcfoa1cd Kri. \Vcq of Rick, wuh a 4-3 decision. The mo,1 hcanbreakmg of the four ,emifinals wa., a1 190 when: Orlando Jordan won by di\qualifica1ion. Jordan wa, illegally slammed in hi, mt11ch w11h Kcvm Campbell or Cuyahoga, Ohio and broke his collarbone. Jordan wa~ unable 10

take the mat for his finuh match af1cr being ru~hcd 10 the hospi1al nnd 10~1by inJury default. NlC al~o got a !'Ccond pince fimsh out of Dan Vega [It 118. Vega wrestled \\CII all 1oum:1mcn1ocrort.! fnll111g in the finals .5-3. 11,c Cardmuls also got an eighth pl,1cc

lim~h from Jo,h Clau,cn :11 177. llcfore 1r.weling 10 the na1ional 1ou m:1111en1. 1hc team went 10 Rexburg for the Region IS Toumomcm n1 Rick~ College. .. lt wu, n grcnl regional 1011mamcn1: we had ciglu \\TC,tlcrs in the final~:· coach John Owen ,aid.


sa,d. Owen fell 1ha1 Im

ream wa, well prepared hcadmg into 11111ioual, und wanted his team 10 envision tltcm,c:lvt>, :1, m11ional champion,. Unfonuna1cly for Owen. ,omc1imc., dreams don ·1come true.

Champ· na1tonal champion Mark Janke lies up an opponent from Western Mon/. earlier this season. photo by Kibbee Walton

Outdoor pursuits begin with spring by J enifer Harris Stntinel Reportu The world's largest 311d therefore seemingly most compc1i1ivc three-on-three intramural baskctball 1oumamen1 is coming to NlC in the form of Schick Super Hoops. Teams consist of three players with a maximum of one substitute. Women and men have their own divisions, so. ladies, don't be

h w:1, an imprc~~ive ~how nf individual succes, on the pan (}f ivfark fonkc. who g:1mcrcd 1he Oul\rnnding Wn:,llcr award on lllS way 10 o v1ciory at 158 pound,. fanke go1two pin, and a techmcul fall in the champ,on,hip before h,~ nauonal 1oumarncn1 victories. Other individual regional ch,m1pio11~ were: Vcgu. kss1c Sd10tfcr. Jo,h Monon. Ja~on ~ loancy. Orlando Jordan ,md Aaron Mc1\nhur. Josh Cl:u1,cn ilho cl:nmcd a second 111tc. The two weight cla,,cs 1hn1 didn '1 qu,1lify ,1 wre~t lcr for nn1ionnls wen: 1wo of Owen·, most successful ream members in Bub Prc~lu and Ben Shane. "Leaving Ben and Bob nt home hun~: we· re leaving bchmd 1wo very good wrc~t lcP.1 ... Owen

afraid 10 show your skills. The teams sharp enough 10 make the final cut will proceed to Eastern Washington Univc.rsity for the regional championship 1oumamcn1. All participants in the regional championships will receive a Schick Hoops T-shirt and n free lunch. While signing up for the toumruncnt, check out the Outdoor Pursuits office.

directly across the ping-pong tables and have a chat wi1h Outdoor Ac1ivi1y Director Jason Luker. Luker has a variety of breath-taking events planned for this spring. including rock climbing and backpacking. He also wanis to CJtpress that not only are student rates for these activities discounted, but i1 is a excellent chance 10 get outdoors and see first hand the narural beauty of the nonhwest. Spring bl"Clllc will be full with two trips planned. The Outdoor Pursuits coordina1ors

have mapped out a backpacking excursion to Grand Gulch Primitive Arca in Utah. March 30 through April 7. s1udcnts have the opponunity 10 backpack in lht Ulllh descn. The students will absorb in cuhure a1 1hc Anasaii lndinn ruins and explore a number of ancient dwellings. pictographs and pclrOglyphs da1ed back as far a.~ 200 A.O. For nine days the cost is only SIOO, which includes transpona1ion and some cquipmcn1. A $50 deposit needs to be rumed in to the Outdoor Pursuits office by Morch I.

Participation would make big difference It'< only four minutes into the bn!.kctball game when the NlC Cardinal~ lllke rhe lead for the first rime. Since rhe opening np-<>IT. the Carel• hove rrniled their opponent. and a perfect 3. , - - - - - - - - - , pointer tinnily puts them rthcnd. The crowd goes wild! The crowd really goes wild! OK. $0 rhis i• wishful thinking. Hardly anyone is or this game. The only person going cra:iy is some guy do~11 front wearing n sombrero as wide as he 1s rall. Swe. !his wasn ·1the a couple of weeks ago when the ...__ ................., College of Sourhem Idaho Rosie Vogel came to town. 'The gym WIIS Opinion packed. Unfortunately, not very many fans typically show up for weekday games. Yes, there nre those who do attend most games. even if it'~ not a big game. These individuals should be commended for their school spirit. Bur whiu abour !hose who have the rime and don ·1 show up for sporting events? This doesn ·1 only refer 10 the b.1ske1ball progrom. but 10 every spon rhat our school is involved wirh. For !IS many good arguments avniluble not to ancnd ,porting events. rhcrc are also excellent re3SOns not to miss NlC sports. For one thing, students help rund :11hletics. The reghuution fee handed over each 'illmester i~ panly u'ied to pay for NIC alhleric programs. Anyone ouly concerned with !heir hnrd-eam.:d money makes sure lhar ii 1s used wisely and put to a good cause. Nor 100 many people have an cxrra $490 lying lll'Ound. Also. whar about school spirir? It's not only o high !.Chool rhing to rake pride in one's school nnd show interest for its activities. Simply a1tcndiJ1g sporting eveim is an ea~y and e1tjoyable way 10 show SO!Thl pride inNIC. Not only is school pride involved, but communiry pride as wtll. As nn imponnnt pan of Coeur d'Alene, NlC repre.,;ents bolh rhe :.chool and the ciry. A good sports program is II bcntlit 10 our communiry 's wellbeing. Remember lhe excilerT!\!111I0!,1 fall as the Northwest watched in 11n1icipa1ion while the Mariners incited toward the World Series? There is no belier example or what community pride can do. Although Mari.nm did not end up on top. the ultimate result yielded an incredible sense of pride and love for no1 only rhc baseball team, but o.lso for our littlll comer of lhe

Cardinals set to finish league play against first-place team by Cody Raithel Semmel Repo,wr

The Cardinal mcn·s ba~ketball team is on a collision course wirh first-place Urnh Valley on March 2. "We will be ready 10 piny against Urah Valley. bur we have a few games 10 play before thar:· hend conch Rolly Williams said. The Ricks Vikings rumed rhe rabies on NIC as they beat rhem 93-83. NIC bcnr Ricks early in rhc year nt home 90-66 as they jumped our 10 n 23· 0 lead. Bur rhis time it was Ricks who got out 10 an tarly s1an going aJ1ead by as many as 18 poinrs. ''Playing al Ricks is always a rough con1e._~1:· Williams said.

Qucnrin Hall scored 25 poinrs 10 lead NrC amt Thompson added 22 poinrs. NIC shor a dismal 6-31 from rhe 3-poinr li ne. Williams said that when Sall Lake Commun iry College rravcls 10 Chrisrianson Gymnasium rhey will give rhc Cards a rough game, "'They have been r:uher up and down as have orhcr teams in rhc league. and I suppose you could say rhe same for u~ ar rimes." Williams said. Williams said 1ha1 rhe next couple of weeks should be intcrcsring for hi~ hall club as rhey gear up for the regional 1oumamcn1. The game agamsr Urah Valley will be Williams' fina l game under the lights of Christianson G)•mnasmm as

world. It ruso helps the team 10 see fans come out and

suppon them. ~ more pcopk 11141 team members sec caring for them and wlw they do, lhe more incentive the players have to perform thtir bcsl. Even though CSI rcctnrly cnme out ahead or NtC in points. the Cardinals played-SOme damed good b3skttball in fronr of a full gym. Thete are two more scheduled ba.~ketball home games: Thursday, Feb. 29, and Sarurday. March 2. The womens games swt at 5:30 p.m. and the guys play at 7:30 p.m. And, wirh the upooming baseball season, there are quite a few remaining opportunities 10 attend games. Noc every person needs 10 wear a g,gantic sombrero, but evcryooc can IJ)' to have the enthusiasm and inlettSt 1h11 it takes to show some pride for NtC.

photo by Kibbee Walton Gilding to the hole- Troy Thompson (30) finishes a Cardinal fast break during a game against Treasure Valley.

Cardi nal head coach. "Utah Valley looks 10 be the team out in front righr now: rhcy have been able 10 get through a number of ovenime wins which is kind of intcresring:· Williams said. The Cards arc coming off of an impressive 81-69 ,vin over Enstcm Urah on Feb. 16. NIC avenged nn early home loss 10 the Eagle~. '"It is always difficult 10 win on the road,'" Williams said. Will iams said that his team didn"r ploy M well a.~ ii could, bur wrcm Urah didn'r ploy as well a,; 11 did when rhey played ar NIC. "'Thar' s rhc game of basketba II and on any given night anyrhing can happen:· W1lhams s:ud. The E.igle.s came 11110 rhc game wirh two of their ,;iru:tcrs banged up. bur .,cconhng 10 Williams. 1ha1 hod no cffccr on rhc ourcumc of the game. ""There were no 1njurie, to Easrcrn Uu1h 1h01 I rccall rhut were ~1gnificnn1 JII their ~t;1ners plnyed,'" Williams ,aid. Darnell McCoy poured in 24 pomr~ to lend NIC m scoring ogainst rhc Eagles. Sieve Helm also had lhc hor hand as he shor a perfect 8-8 from rhc field and fim\hcd with 22 poinL~. The game took Eastern Urah <>ur of the four-ream race for fir~• plocc. The Cardinals. 22-4, an: srill conrcnding for rhe league ritle. On Feb. 10. rhe Cards were hoping 10 l"Omplctc a season sweep over CSI bur fell shon 78· 70. Hall rall ied rhc Card$ for a second· half charge. scoring 14 of his teams fina l 17 poinrs, but 1ha1proved not enough as CSI made 9-12 from 1hc foul line to ice the game down rhc stn:rch. Hall led NIC in scoring with 16 points. Roy Kruiswyk and Eric Sanchez combined for 16 firsr-half points 10 keep 1he Cards in rhc game. CSI made 8 of IS 1hrec-poin1 field goals. CSI s1andou1 Marcus Wallace scored 26 pomts to lead 1he Golden Eagles. In early action rhe Cards overcame an early deficit 10 defca1Colorado Nonhwesrem 102-90. The Card:s 1ra1!cd by as many as 12 poinrs in the first-half. Thompson and Helm scored 15 points apiece. Forward Jeroen Banh came in off the bench to score nine points. including a dunk through traffic. NIC plays hos, to Salt Lake Community College on Feb. 29 and Utah Valley on March 2.

Rally Williams bids NIC adieu Cardinal athletic fixture leaves after 35 years of hard work and dedication b) CodJ Railhcl Stnri11rl Rtp1mer Rolly W1lliu111~ office door rng rt3d!. Mr. William~. It doc\11·1 ,3)' Rolly Wilham, or Head ea~kctb:ill Coach Rolly W,llrnms. bul simply Mr W1lhnms. Tim ,hould give ~omc in, ight on how )1gnifican1 a person Rolly Willmms is 10 NIC. This seo~on William~ 1s hanging up hi\ whistle and clip board after 35 years. He ho, COJChed over 1,000 game~ and ha, over 750 win~. He 1s eishth all-time for win, by a NJCAA 1:oach. and he ,, founh among a~11ve cm1chc,. William, will coach hi~ finul game JI C11ri,11an,on Gymna\lum oo March:! "I don"1 whal I am go,ng

10 do 01 tl1i~ pn1111." Will mm, \31J "I cnn't envision mywlr not doing ,ome1l11ng. hut I don·1 lnow what th,u "j~, yet. I llway~ have 10 b.: oc11vc.'" William~ grew up in Kellogg illld 11oas in 1h11 graduating elm,~ of 19S6. He lcttcn:J in ba,kctball Md football. After high ..chool. Williams ancnded the University of Idaho where he red~h, ncd hi~ first ba\\:ctb311 ~CJ1,on. He then tini,hed out lus playing career v.nh lhc Vandals ond graJu111cd m the 1pnng of 1961. After college he travelled to Lo, Angeles 10 try out for II professional ba,kctball club. Williams said he mnde the team Md played a rcw month~ before gelling cut. Williams ~id thi~ 11.a, the first time he heard offo" fromNIC MMy wife called me l\nd explained that this po$ition (head coach) wa_, open," Williams ,aid. Ml still w11h the team at that ~1mc, ISO I d1Jn ·1 have n grtat 1n1cres1in 11. When I got cut from the team I decided 10 come and "t what th1i wa., all about: · Williams said that he tn1ti1lly only intended to stay at NIC for one year. Not 100 many people take their tio,t job out or college

and "ay in II for 35 years. William) said thnt hi~ ~cc<md and third year at NIC he coached baseball and track nlong with being the othletic director. Williom~ retired as a1hlc1ic director in 1995. Jim Headley. who wns Willinm's n,sis1nn1 took over ns n1hlc1ic dirccror. Williams S3id that his first game as head coach wa, wuh irony. "We played the University of Idaho and there were n lot ol fnend, thcre that I played asain,, ... William) \oid. "\Ve ju,1 gor killed: I mean de)troyed. but an tnlcrc,1ing 1h111g wus how 1h01 game helped me m the r.:nli,ation 1h01 there is nut much you can Jo 1f you photo by Kibbee Walton don·, hove the hor,e Four! Four/· Coach Rolly Wil/Jams ' booming voice will no longer be heard calfing plays in Christianson power.'' Gymnasium sf/er this season's llnsl home game March 2. Williams said he took thnt le,son nnd rnnde a point of emphn~,. throughout h,~ :1., for n, ,ay1ng wha1 playen. "1cl. not fulfilled, and that ,s winning .1 power • .u,J al~o hmm and ct1rccr 10 gel good players heru nl out be~, in my mind, I wouldn' t na11onal 111le. undcr11and what " going on even a11emp110 soy who is the NIC. He said that he could not "You have 10 l.ccr in mind in around him.'' he,1 or whatever," William~ ,aid. hn,l:ethall. until ju~I recently, we begin 10 put a lnhel on the beM Fonner NIC ~,andoul Feli,~ "So much is compared 10 the have had over 500 tc.tnts in the NIC team ever because of ~id that the lhing he time. place and c1rcums1ance or United StOIC,\ trying 10 play for clmngmg time~. liked be" about playing for ··1 wouldn•1 even want 10 the game." one national championship." W1lhums wus the fn:cdom 1h01 he ~,nn, .. Williams said. "D1fforcnt Williams said that there i~ no1 Williams ~aid. "One year we gave ha, players. 11111c~. different players. wer.: eighth in the nauon. which ''Players listened 10 him nnd he - ~"'===~~,..... 1 not bad coming out of one took what you <aid and who you There nrc things lhnt are of the best region~ in the (IJC 01 a basketball player," relative UJ the style of piny.'' William\ said that when United Sillies " McGowan \aid. William~ \:lid that McGowan also added th:u he r."1 ,,ancd coaching, the bc,1 competition was again,, Region 18 htb won more Williams gave him a lot or mnjor nationtll confidence in everything he did. freshman teams from the champion~hips then any which helped him on the nc:xt universities. He also said other region m lhe Unncd level. 1h01 Columbia Basin w.b the States. 1'he thing that I wall always best team around this area. Williams said that he remember about Rolly is hi~ "They (Columbia Basin) would like to ~cc Brian voice," McGowen ,;aid. " You ~en: b,g time," Williams Hancock. who ha5 been hi~ could hear hi\ vo1cx boom ~aid. '"They won five through the crowd. He never :m1stan1the IMl five Mruight W11\h1og1on )tote 111les: ~a_,ons, tnlcc over h~ head mens pulled any punches: he is alwny) one game 1ha1 sticks out in hh they were tough." up rront with you." b~kctball coach next season. mind o.s the most memorable Labeling the belt player to March 2 marks the end of 11 '"I thank he ha.~ proven he can bccau>e he 1s more apt 10 Ihm._ ever play at NIC would he a legacy at Chrisuan~n recruit 111lh1s level: most of the about memorable players m,1cad mauer or opmion tha1 Williams Gymnasium. It may never be the players you sec on this ye:ir·s of games. wouldn' t want 10 have to be the Williams said that there is only team. he has recruited." William~ same. judge or. one thing in his career that he hM said. "I think he can ge1 the horse "From a coaching Slllldpoint

Page 12


The NIC Sentinel

Thursday, February 29, 1996


Cunnin gham tells his hoop dreams and reality b~ Wt'!! Woods

Man on ''D"· Cunningham

you 1ry 10 keep it ,1rnigh1 w11h him. I lhink aid. an~ money from my tribe 100k care of 11 , hc.:' ll keep it s1m1gl11 wilh you. You know I d1dn I hnve to pay for any1hmg, l didn't wc·n: 22-4 rigl11 nciw. I 1hmk h,:', done a hnvc to work. l ju~t went over there and went prcuy foar JOb wllh keepmg u, all together. to ,.::hoot. l wa., juM work mg ou1trying to try 11·~ hard 10 keep a tcan\ 1ogc1hcr. c,pccaully ou1 for 1hc basketball team and when l tried when you have.: u lot of 1alcn1 on one team. ou1. I was 1hc la~t guy 10 ge1 cul. You can't get ~o much 1ah!n1 where 11·~ They c:1lled and sn1d. "We'd like to keep overcrowded and everyone\ vy ing for 1imc. you" all 1h1s and that bu1 we have nine and he·, done n prcuy good job of holding u~ ~cholar,hip plnycrs ,owe can·1. We can· 1 offer you nny1hmg as of righ1 now. We'd like together. you 10 ,iay. practice. and ,iay m school and Q: Wh al nrc .vour plnns nftcr NIC? maybe during 1he year if ,omc1hing hnppcni Cunninghnm: I just hove to grndu;11c here or we need ,omcone. we ·11 give you n call. 1 before l can go on 10 any four-yrnr \chc,ol. I'm lookmg 1oward going 10 Arizonu. I'm 001 wa,n ·1 about to ,1,1y uround ;ind wmt forili.u. l wanted to du ,omcthing and I wanted 10 do ccnain or anythmg; w11h t,n,kctball you it now. l wanted to play. I felt 11 w;i~ the ti..•1t never know. Do l want to go ton \IT1t1ll 11111c I \\ Js in ,hnpc. ~chool or do I want to go to o big ,d1wl~ l I wnrl.t'd rnr the dgh1 month, I wa, off gu~,, it ju,t depend~ un how b:hl..ctbnll gPC.,. ,chool l p.11d tor my ,ummcr ,t•hool. l paid how my gmdcs go. You get new offer\ all for 1hn1 nut of my pocket to come up here thc.: time, you hove to decide what you're because l got offer.. to comr up here by F~li, ioing to iakc. l already hove offers to places (McGowan). I ! Fch, from ba~kctooll righ1 now. mumamcnb and he\\ )Omc other l.1tl1 Q: Whal happened at the CSI game in whn "cnt to 'l'hool up here from Lnpwu11hc !Rexburg'! yc:tr bcforc ,o l knc,, him ,lrld we ployed a1 Cunningham: CSI wa~ a good gnmc It one p.anicul..r ba,ketbnll 1oumu111en1 in was n renlly hyped gumc and we came out Wap1uc. Wa,h. where he brought over Coach :ind 1hc noor was pnckcd. the whole ~land, H.incocl.. They l..111d vt ",uchcd and then I were filled. During the game we wcr.: going came up for a onc-dny tryou1. Co•.1ch .md ,omconc got a foul or l fouled him but W1lli.1n1, ,.,id hc'1l lil..c me to come back up ~omc.>how 1he game wa~ stopped und he wn, ,tnnding away and he w.1~ JU't lil.c "Go b.tcl.. ,ind play for tum. ~o 1ha1·~ how I 1.mded up 10 1hc rc,crvution." I-le k1ml of bump.,d me here ,md l kind nf looked nnd l wn, Ju,t lil..c Q: Wlrni'~ been }IJUr biggest highllghl "Wlwt?" I wu, like "Go b,1cl.. to 1hc so far'! rcscrvatilln?" II kind of make, you mud. Cun111ngh:un: There ·s been .1 fow diffor(nl l mean how docs he have (111)' games. When I was m high ~chool over lt l.nowlcdgc to say any1hing about who I White Swan I hod back-to-back weekend om and where l come from'! Ile doc~n ·1 1.wmcs. where the tir-.t game r hud seven Js know me. l mean that·, n preny :md 36 poin1, at Gokli!ndnlc. Wo~h .. nnd 011! ignomn1comment to ~econd game wos al Eas1 , - - - - - - - - - - - - , Valley 111 Yakima. Wn.d1 .. make to ~, was like, "Go back to and I had 39 poin1s wnh somebody. My guess i~ 1hat ii wus the reservation?" It kind nine Js. 1he hem of the of makes you mad. 1l1cn nnothcr one was game. las1 year at Waptoc, I had I don' 1know 44 in the championship or -David Cunningham on when you go into the men's All-lndion his confrontation with color during n b~ketball 1oumamcn1 It's game. 1t·s,us1 like just invirn11on only for Rusty Yoder of CS/. saying something teams from all over the US. 10 an Afncan and Canada o.nd it's jus1 all Amenc:m player. Nauve American. wha1cvcr l1' s just preuy hard to understand how you want to cnll i1. I had 44 in the he could play with 1hem bu1 then when championship. l had 33 01 half ume I was 11 comes to me i1's always o different just feeling it and got in a zone. One time story. It's always like no one has ever during high school I had 11 Js in a dis1ric1 seen a long-haired person in their whole game. l don ·1 know, l had those 11 3s and life. No one has ever seen anybody with still l was mad. long hair playing spons. There 's no l had nine a1half time and I only hit hkt baseball players with long hair or 1wo after that and I was like "What the tieck man? Whal ·s going on?" It seemed like you anything. I don·1 know. people arejus1 can have great things. but you always expec• looking for it or something. that linlc something more and you (mow you Q: How did you come to NIC? could of done it if you worked o liule bit Cunningham: I went to the Ave.) University of Washington right out of harder on your concentration or something. There's been a lot of different games, yc,J high school and got a couple different scholarships. and then all my financial know.

111 1hc fiN or ,ccond grade .and l wn, JUSI pht)'lllg ball. l remember one 11mc l g0t bca1 b) a l..1d when l wc111 10 1h1s Catholic ,chool a1 SI. Smnd, 111 Lcwi,ion and ,mcc 1hcn. 1 JUSI II')' lo piny. I didn'1 like 11 when he heal me bcc:m~ he wa, saying, "Yeah, l can bca1 you." ,1111.J l didn'1 rcull)' care for Muff like 1hu1. Playing ba~ke1ball in Lapwai, 1ha1·s u prclly big lhing 10 do OUI 1hcre. Everybody pluy~ bu$1..ctball fo,1 paced. you know, up and down. The playcN, you ~c 1hcm and they" re 1hc be~1 and 1hcy're 1hc ones 1ha1 arc playing vtir,il). They· re 1he ones 1h;11 .arc going 111 all or 1hc 1oumamcn1., and gc:uing asked 10 ploy w11h 01her team, and Muff so l just kind or wnntcd to play. l liked watching 1he guy~ ploy. Q: How is Rolly Williams asu coach'! Cunninghum: l don'1 know. he seems prl'lty photo by Kibbee Walton Mruighiforw,ird 1 plays tough on defense. m~un. u, long ..~

s,,1111111•/ R1•port,•r David Cunnmghum ,s a ,ophomorc for 1he NIC ba,l,.ctbJll te,1m. After gomg IO high ,chool m L:1p"a1 he.> wcm 1111he Umvcr-ity of Wa,hmt?IOn to pfa) ti:i,1..ctball but"''' cut on 1hc tinal dny. After for eigh1month, he c.,mc Ill NlC. Q: Wtw inOurnced ) OU as a basketbull plaJcr? Cunningh,1111: I thml.. it came from bemg Jround 1hc ~pon ,o much. l 1mwcd 10 Lapwai

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Thursday, Feburary 29, 1996

The NIC Sentinel

Page 13

Lady Cardinals wrap up league Play Road trip brings mixed results tor Cards in recent league play tempo of lhc gumc and coa,1 lt1 a CJ5 10 58 vicmry. The gmne wn, nulabh: an tlmt ii Two ou1 of 1hrcc ain '1 bad and mntehcd up two of the highcs1 ihai', IHI\\ 1hc Norih Idaho College women\ ba~kciball team ha, to ,•1c\\ scorers in the SWA C 111 NIC\ Tnnya Kirk and En,1cm Utnh·, Lindsey 11<recent roud C\Cursion. Two weekend's worih of bumpy Allen. Kir~ hn, been 1he lending scorer roads JOd ho:.ule fun\ re,ultcd in 1wo an the SW AC so for this season by W's in the column and one ugly los,. averaging an impres,ivc 17. 1 poinl\ A:. 1he regular <cason grind, 10 ngome. pln)off 1imc the Lady C:,rds find Kirk won the baule by shoo1ing 1hcnm:lv1::, wi1h an i111pre~,1vo.: 18for o gmnc high 26 ond pullang down win. eight,loss record. Unfonunntcly for Conch Greg 14 boards. Allen paced the Lady Golden Eagles Cramp nnd hi~ wi1h 21 1roop< . •111 eight poi n1 s. lo<<cs have been "Ricks just beat the heck out Shawna Scenic We,1 of us." Rainer added A1hk1ic 11 poinls in Conference ploy. the winning NIC sports a perfect noncause for 1he -NIC coach Greg Crimp on Lady Card,. conference the Cardinals recent trip to The victory rtcord. Rexburg. was 1hc firn The fir,t win in Urnh for cnmc versus 1hc NIC. EaMcm Umh The Lady Golden following nighl NIC traveled 10 Eagle, ( 16·91 on Feb. 16 in Price, Rangely. Colo, where Shnwna Raancr Utah. Thl' Card .. were .1ble 10 con1rol the kept her ho1 mcok by ncuing 19 b) Cheyenne Mohnckl' S,•nttn<'I R(rmrt,•1

poan1, u, Thl' Card, pulled 0111 11no1hcr 11111 :ag11111, 10111manm:d Color.1do Northwc,icrn t 1-21 ). NIC wa, nlilc 10 1111.1lly manlmndlc the L.idy Sp11rl(III\ en route to 11 10351 drubbing. AII 12 player!> , hot 1hc1r way 11110 the scoring column for lhc Lady Curds ns 1hey torched the nc1s for a red-hot 51 pc rec 111 (4 I of 70) from the noor. T:anya Kirk .iddcd 18 po,m~ :ind Jano Nearing buckcicd 15 po1n1,. On Feb. 23 th ing~ wercn ' t quite a, rosy for 1hc Lady Card~ a,- 1hcy 1ravelcd to Rexburg. Urnh, home of the nlways 1ough Rick, Lndy Vi~ang (16-ICJ. Shawna Rainer cun1inucd her hot Mrcnk w11h a game high 23 po1111, bu1 un foriunatcly shewn~ one of 1hc only brigh1 spo1s as the Lady Cards were drilled 83-63. Turnover~ were 1he name of the game a, NIC commi ued 29 while 1ryang 10 piny ca tch up 10 the Ludy Viking, superior ,peed T:anyo Kiri... was 1he only 01hcr NIC player in double figure,. added IO point,, "Racks JU~I bcot thc heck ou1 or u,." snid Cramp. "They ou1rcboundcd us, we turned tt over 29 umc~ ond 1hey bcu1 u, up und clown lhe lloor" Tiu: Lady Curdmal, ncx1 play in Chrnunn,on Gym on Fch. 29 vcr,u, Soll Lol.e Con11nu1111y College, in ,1 photo by Kibbee Wolton SWAC h;auk With authority· Ann Radmall puts up a shot m tra/lic against Treasure Va/fey

Athletes of the Issue


The 'Boys of Summer' Are Back

.... Men's Athlete of the Month: Mark Jankc-Wrc~tling

Women·~ Athlete uf the Month: Tnn~·11 Kirk- Baskctbull

Janl.e ha, been named 1hc athlete ol th.! ,,,uc bccuu..c of hi, Nnuonal Champ1on,h1p v1clOI')' ta,1 wcc~cnd at 158 pound, an 81,mnrl.. N.I). Janke wo, a l11gh ,chool wrc,1hng ,1;ir m Mow, 1.a~e. Wu,h. Aflcr high school Jnnl.c ungm.1lly went m the Unl\cr.11y ol Okl3homa on o wn:\lling \CholnNhip. Af1er getting inJul'l!d .,1 0 1.luhomo. Janke rciumcd home 10 Mo~c, L.,l.c for ,, year bcfol'I! comi ng 10 wl'l!,1k for 1hc Cardmnl~. Thi\ year, he won u n:g1onal 111lc 10 gel 11110 ihc nnuonol 1oumume111 before gcuing pa,1 Ti1u~ Ta)•lor of Lincoln. Ill. 10 wan the nnuonul chn.mp1on~l11p.

Kiri.. t\ lc,adang the Scenic We>1 A1hlctu: Conrcn•nce 111 sconng m 17 l poml~" gumc going m10 1hc tin:il wee\.\ of the 'iCa,on. Kiri.. as a gmduutc of Cc:111ml Valley High School m Wa,hangton. Al C~ntml Valley. Karl.. \ team wcnl ~9-0 and won ,1.11c her JUnaor year Kark began her college c,uecr al Nonhcm Ari,ono, h111 left bcfort· 1he ,ca,on s1ancd. She came to NIC to play uniil her D1vl\ion I ehgib1 l11y bc.:omcs a\'nalnble agnan. Kiri. hn~ b..'1ln 1111: go-10 plnyer .111 year for 1he ,~am and has brought n level of piny 1101 seen 01 NIC in 1he p3\I couple of yea~

Chri.-1 McGregor work~ on h.t) litlding in early sea.on worlouts. lofJkfor sprins spor, prn•1rws i11 the n~t Sentinel. photo by Kibbet Wa/Jon

Instant ruture

The NIC Sentinel

Page 14

Thursday, February 29, 1996

Understanding the Passing iads By Di Bra un

--- - - - - --

Filbert • By Allen Beagle




S\.l l\l IV"\l<e-D W•TH



Sr-Jav..> Et 1-\A I L . . \



m C C)

Huh? • By Shelbie Spears

We're Back • By Melody Martz

.. -'-/ea,'n..,

fRoiT Loop

Thursday, February 29 1996

"It Is impossible to defeat an Ignorant man In an argument. "

Schedule of [vents March 1,2 ·comedy Tonight!" Three one-act plays 8 p.m. Boswell Auditorium

March 4-9 'Fish Dreams' Marilyn lysohir Mon -Fri.. noon-6 p.111. Union Gallery

March 23 "Riverboat Harmony" Toe Trenchcoats 8 p.m. Boswell Auditorium SIO adul~~ and S9 students

March 25 'Popcorn Forum' Features historical roles. Dr. Clay as Thomas Jefferson 9 a.m. Boswell Audilorium

The NIC Sentinel

Page 15

Instant Culture I

The North Idaho College Sentinel


'Comedy Tonight' gets big laughs by Cheyenne Mahncke Sr111i11el Rl!portcr eaching students or amateur actors how 10 be runny is an iffy proposition. I hove seen community 1hc:uer producti ons 1ha1 were only funny because of 1hc absoluh! ineptness of the performers. You know 1he type 1hu1 I nm miking nbou1; 1he audience laugh, al nil the wrong place~. the actors stumble nround 1hc stage trying dcspcra1cly 10 ge l over their ~rage fright and remember some scmblnnce of their now hazy line~. II isn ·1 n pleasant sight. On the other hand, a well product!d comedy is u joy 10 w.itch. The line~ tlow smoothly. on cue und in th.: com:c1 key. I am pleased 10 ~ny that "Comedy Tonight," a producti on of North lcbho College Theatre, wns definitely in the second category. 111c actors nml nc1res~c~ were ~elf o~~urcd and confident on stage. This may be the most impon:1111 n~pcc1of comedy .ind for 11 ~ first show I wns impres~cd. 1l1c pcrfonnnncc. which wa, divided into three one -net plays, u1ili1:ed the photo by Kibbee Walton individuul tnlcnt, of the student cast. "Psuse"-Cory Rosdahl and Aaron Hutchins perform in "The Actor's Nightmare,· one of the three one-set plays The lir.;t act, which wa~entitled "The Actor's Nigh1mnrc'' involved George. part of •comedy Tonight. · played by Aaron liutchins, who is an


accountant and nut exactly ,ure why he rs thru1,t on stage during a theater production wi1hou1 benefit of a script or acung talent. His various shenanigan~ ns he a11c111p1' 10 muddle Im way out of trouble provide the laughs. The ,ccond wa, set m North Idaho and enttllcd "The Fifteen Minute H:1mlet. .. 1l1is act w:i., an often hilarious :1ml well chorcogrnphcd cxcrc,~e in mayhem. The plot line ,urround, a 1hc.11er group wlucn nccdi 10 pcrfom1 Shakc,pcarc', " llamlct" m 15 mmutcs in order to get paid for prcviou, ,ho\\,. Hamlet w:1, pl,t)cd by Cathy S1cphcns. who accordmg to the plot line. i~ the only one or the daft theater group who l.n(l\h 11.unh:t ', hnc, Stephen, play, Ilomlcl with a nd,cu lous aplomb. ' fX'lnmi; .1 Raider cnp 10 l.~ep the hmr out of her eye, and an ovcr-~1zcd sword on her hip. Thi, ,tct WJS very funny. reducing the audience 10 lnughtcr several time,. TI1c final act wns a ,utincal masterpiece. Entitled "Adaption." it wa, ~er in n dream sequence 1hn1 parodied 1hc life of :1"wh,tc, middle Amcncan" boy and his udvenlurc into manhood. TI1c format used wos a gamc-~how and the uhimotc object wa~ to uchicw ~ccurity. The play will be until Murch 2.


'You laugh, You Lose' Con:iedy Students surrender laughter to gameshow stand,up comedian visiwrs The second hnl r involved student b) Cheyenne Mahnckc p:1rticip:11ion.Johnn was m1roduced nnd Stn11ne/ Rtportrr immcdintcly began to mak.c fun of his home On nom,al day~ the cafeteria at th.: college is quiet. ~talc of Kansa~. Studtnt~ arc cngagcd 111 the si mple plcawrc, of study and "You Cllll tell when you leave Kans~ cause (Ontcmpla11on. Perhaps one can occasionally heur the hum there ore no more sofns in the ditch," Johnn said. ~Ubducd vmccs as ycstcrda)', nlgcbra finnl i~ discu,,ed. This Johan. 24. ha~ opened for renowned peaceful ,ccnc wn, not the one 1h01 100k pince on Thursday. comedian Bobcat Ftb. 8 at I I:30 a.m. however. Goldthwaite. 111c above date wa~ when the combined "You can tell when you Students were comedic ialcnt,. or Michael Franklin and James chosen from the are out of Kansas lohnn went on di,play und and received a heany audience and thumbs up from the students m ancndoncc. cause there are no asked to ,'J)in a Franklin and Johan wen: on hund as pan or the wheel in orde_r 10 ASNIC-\ponsored evcm ''You laugh. you lose." more sofas in the ditch. " sec how much The fir.11 half 10 the event wn, )land-up photo by Steve Myers money they could All In good fun • Comic James Johan (left) entertains students Ed --James Johan t'Omedy foa1uring Frankltn, who prefers 10 be wm. Thc only tailed "Franco." Franco. a Chicago native. Francis and Jason Bartell at the ASNIC- sponsored comedy event. catch 10 this entcnaincd with his unique brand of off-1he-wall money than they gave away. ~cemmgly ideal ammgcmcnt was that they could not cruck a humor. The harder-panying s1uden1s in the aud ience found a Other opportuni11cs for prize~ included a mvia game rn smile for 60 second) while Johan and Frankltn auemp1ed 10 C'Ommon ground wi1h him when he said 1hat "I've been so wh ich the winner received a college ~urvivol ktt mcludmg get them to do JUSt thot. Some of 1heir rnducement\ for drunk that I've pulled cops over." In order not 10 alienate money and food. Student, fared better m th1i. event. laughter included cro~~-dres~ing. Michael Jackson dressing l1U.dtn1s who were more in hontcuhurc than beer, Franco Both comedians thought that their ~top at NIC wa:. a and Joha.n even appeared ns "Pedro Sky Walker from the ~b~nted ou1Which audience members he figured had the success and cnJoyed lhe audience partic,pouon. The next $!Op planet Tonilla." Needless to say the comedians kept more tggcs1 bongs." which they describe as coust 10 coast 1s at EWU.

Page 16

The NIC Sentinel

Instant Cuh:ure

Thursday, February 29, 1996

Movies to Watch:

~ccm, 111 hnvc been 10,1. "Happy Gilmore," on 1hc 01hcr hand." bbbb n good e,ucn~ion of Sandler\ succe,$ful Run. don't walk SNL ski1,. Thi, movie mode wa1ching gol an m1crcs11ng pas1imc. if you can believe bbb 1ha1. Noi for 1he spon mind you . b111 for Plot recap: "Happy Gilmore'' is 1he s1ory of a loser who Mosey on over 1he random ac1s of violence and colorful d1scovcr1 during hockey 1ryout\ he ho~ a fon1as11c slap ,1101. The only problem is he can ·1 ska1e! Af1cr a series of dcad,end jobs he longungc. bb 'lncrc arc scvcml bad guys in Happy·~ hi1s a golf ball on a dare nnd discovers hi~ long ball could make Trip to the video store world. They include gnmc show hos1 Bob him a sanr. He takes 11 10 1hc dnving range und w1111s money off Barker m o cameo appearance. who uses golfers who can·, believe someone as goofy-looking 1~~ Happy b Happy as n punching bag: an e~-boss who could ever hit o golf ball. A vc1cron golfer discovers Happy's Stay In your recliner Shannon & Steph's puts him in trnclion: a dweeb from the IRS inlena and encoumgc~ him 10 compete in a conic~I 1h01 could win who takes his granny's house: and 1he Rating System him a place on the pro tour. He wins 1hc compc1i1ion and the biggcsl bod guy of 1hem oll is 1he golf s1ud ' - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - " " " world of professional golf will never be 1hc ~amc again! "Shoo1cr:· who snbo1oges Happy by buymg his granny's house and using an by Stephanie Rowe b~ Shannon Harll'ood obse.<~cd fnn or hi, 10 initGIC Happy while Sr111illel Reporter Se111111d Rtpmur Adam Sandlcr's ln1c~1 movie a11cmp1 1s he " 1rymg 10 play golf. Tiie fan makes "Happy Gilmore" ...! wa, dragged. kicking nnd screaming 10 1his movie. I w:~ forced by evil I lnppy lo~ his 1cmpcr and pu1s him in a surprising succc~~. After hi~ ln~I foray alien~ (S1cphru,icJ into !he 1hcn1cr and I'm still hove mghtmnrcs! danger of bemg 1-icked off 1hc 1our for bad in10 movie land wnh "Billy Mndi,on." I Don' 1get me wrong. I am a huge Adam Sandler fan. I h:ivc his s1and-up on mpe. and I almost bchnvior. die every time I listen 10 11. bu1 1hc boy can·, act He docsn '1 even prelcnd he knows how! He ju$l didn'1 know whal 10 cxpcc1. Thal movie 'l'hcrc arc u few 01her cameos bu1 I'll almo~1 made me physically ill. "1-lnppy Jump, in fron1 of a camera nnd docs his 1hing. Only i1's no1 hi~ thing; i1 i~ 1hc ~crip11ha1 is leave 11 10 you pick 1hcm ou1. Don ·1 worry, Gilmore.'' on 1hc 01hcr hand. kepi me wriucn for his chnrac1er and 1he wntcr.. nrc nowhere near a~ funny a~ Sandler. it·~ no1 hnrd. amused from beginning to end. I ndmi1 I laughed ou1loud a few aim.:~ nnd lhc rc.~1 of the movie-goers (including my review The love in1cresi wns thrown m as nn I know 1herc an: a 101 or psycho, ou1 panner) seemed to be cnJoying 1hemsclvcs. bu1 I feel Snndlcr·~ hysterical personnli1y was noi 1here (yeah. I mean you) who loved "Billy ar1cnhough1. but it works ou1 OK. The done ju\lit'C in 1hi~ movie. Mis nom1al uh ... profani1y-driven self wn.~ smo1hered by corny jokes Madison." All I have 10 say i~ nnyonc who bl1lndc, benu1iful. innocent 1our publicis1 w1d bad acung. cap1urc< ~lappy's hcnn t1nd it gives him a liked 1ha1 movie has bccorne addic1cd 10 I um no1 n big golr fon ~o I wns 1101 looking forward 10 sining through 1wo hours of jokes I n:ason 10 s1raigh1cn ou1. the willc~s humor "Snturdny Nigh1 Live" d1dn'1 undcrs1nnd. bu1 tha1 was no11hc case. Most of 1hc jokes hod no1hi11g 10 do with golf and Ovcrull, I really hk.:d 1his movie. 11·~ n hns been spewing ou1 lhc lasl fow years. even I could follow 1hc 1dcn of 1hc game 1hrough 1his movie. Maybe I even learned somcs 1hmg~. No1 10 sny 1h01 there haven·, been some grenr choice if you· re in the mood for n Th" mov,c i~ n ligh1hcnncd fea1un: and for 1hosc of you who enjoyed "Billy Madi~on." 1his runny movie. l 1hink ii i• one or 1hosc good moments. Jus11h01 wi1h n con,1an1ly movie will 1101 di,appoml, For those of you who enjoy Snndlcr in his raw <hi fling ca-i. whose nrc con~tamly looking movies 1ha1 is bes1 glory.1his movie will dis:1ppoi111 you. h is diflicull for Snndlcr to be 1ruly b b bbb for 1hc ncxl movie de.II. lhe spontnncily vu:wcd 111 lhc thc111cr. ' - - - - - - appreci111cd on the big ~crecn I give 1his one 1wo feet.

'Happy Gilmore' goes wrong

'Writing Aloud' sets satirical stage


Parodies Night gives opportunity to make humor by Ryun Mul·Clanathon Sr111i11el Repflrtrr arodies of f:lmou~ poems and stori~s wtn: read by lwo Englhh dcpanmcn1 ins1ruc1ors dunng Wrumg Aloud', Parody Nigh1 Feb. 22. The reading~. by Virgmin Thoma~ und Lindo Erick\on ,~ere co,mcal pnrodk~ or l3mou, works. The parodies providcd a ,n11nral approach to currcn1 is~uc, ~uch as pnhucal corn:clnc~s o.nd local Jc,clopme111 Erid, \On cipcncd 1hc pmttrnm with a pcr.onul 11.,1rl- 111lcd "S1.ippmg by Dump in Ramy Se.,wn.' Thi\ poem wn, n parody of Robcn 1-ro,I'\ "S1oppmg by W~xb on a S1ioW) E\'enmg " The poem dell 1-.1h tht n>nlri>vcrsial Jcvclopmclll of Black11dl Bay. Ericl.,on', conl'Cm for the development w.1~ c'"pr,·~'l!d 1hrough her wn11ng. The evening w.i,, concluded by Johnson r,•:11Jmg parodic,, 1i1led "Th<' Dcvclop.!!'s T~ei,,'' "Polilknlly Corrcc1 Lilllt Red Riding Hood" and "Cn:.111011". The firs1 poem, "The Developer's Trees." was wrinen by Johnson. II was a parody of J,,yct Kilmer's poem "Trees." 11 also expres~ Erickson's sorrow for the building of condo~ al Lakeview Coun in Coeur d'Alene. The ~ond poem John~n read was "Poliucully Comet Lltllc Red Riding Hood." Thi~ comical story pokes fun at the current trend of politically correct speech and writing 1hot ha.~ become popular across 1he country. Tbe evening was concluded with a parody of Oenesi~ called "Cl'l'ation,"



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3655 N. Government Way

Instant Culture

Thursday, February 29 1996

The NIC Sentinel

Page 17

'Music of the Night' lets bright stars shine bv Cheyenne Mnhncke S;1111nrl Rep'1tf(r t wa, n crowd thnt nllendcd the North ldnho College Foundanon·~ pn:~cntation of "Mus1r of the 'igh1." and I would vcnture to ,ay that no one left un~ati~ficd. The concert took place on 1:cb. 10 and 11 in Bo~wcll I lall and featured ~omc of the bnghtcst ,tar'). in the con,tcllmion of Northwest musician~. Prior 10 the dunming of the light, that hemldcd the bcginr1111g of the show there was an c"11111g bu11 in the audience ·111i, event folfillcd its promis.: 10 be ,omc1h111g ~pccinl for cVCl')Onc. l11c :iudicncc cxpcncnccd chills. thrills and old-fash ioned showmanship. The first ,ong pcrfom1cd wn~ "New Yori... New York" by Cheryl Ann Ro~,i wirh backing from Unlimited lxmand. Rossi. ,vho has , tarred in numerous Broadway productions mdudmg "Smile." ha~ a ,trong. clean singmg v(licc and dcfl ly ~cl the ,wry-hnc for "lvlu5ic of the The audience Night." experienced thrills. chills Ro,,i explained th,11 the act~ to come were Lhc fin:11 pcrfommnc:-es at the Longe· TI1c:nrc. whose and old-fashioned Joor, would be closed 1hc following da)1• Opera showmanship. bluffs that the Longe· l11catrc is the scnmg for the "Phantom of the Opcm.'' and "Mu,1c of ··Mahncke the Night' "the vanauon of that 1h<:mo.:. Kerry D.uninnQ did an admirable job adnptmg the daummg story mto a ,limmcd do\\ n VCl"'\ton. Au I fc;uured 14, by different :1n1,1~. Eckcuc favorites ,uch a5 " I Ilave Dreamed" by Rodgers and l-111111mcr\lC1n. which wu~ perfonncd hy Katherine Damiano. Rohen Plmtc aml Randy 13:ichmnn·, " Cnrc of Busme~,.. were h1ghl1gh1s. TI1c Fabulou, Shadow,. n ,piri1t·d ~extct who began p.:rfom,ing in 1'163. really brnughl the hou,c down with their rendi11on of the ol\l fllvontc "Louie. Louie." Toward the rnd or Act I I found m)•sclf checking my wa1ch. 1101 because I wu, bored, but becau'il! Ac1 2 w:" where the h:iuming ,tory of "Phantom of 1hc Opera" would unfold. There h(, my one complaint w11h "Mu,1c of the Night," and 111, thnt Act I wa, ,uch a barrage of high impact mu~1ciu11,hip thai II wu, hJrd 10 o~,imilatc it .ill without feeling o hnlc overwhelmed. l'crhnp~ mor.:- demits of the s1ory it~clf could huvc Ileen cxplu1c<.1111u1e lully The wcond half. howcwr. more thnn malle up for any critichm I had with the liN hour.


Tom Strnuon. u pcrfom1cr who hn~ hnd 14 yeaN 111 the mu)ic businc),, plnycd the phantom wnh :1pltunb. I Ii~ vocals wen: strong und ~ad. Hts love for Chri~une. ,1bly ployed by the muhHnlentcd Katherine Duminno. wn~ unrequited :md the audience could feel hi, pnin. Another big plu~ wa, the lighting und effect, that 13oswell l-lnll offered. Sometime, pcrfom1ancc, that fcaturl.' sm(lkc and dramatic lighting tend 10 rnkc awny from the overall plot line l11b wu, 1101 ,o wnh "Music of the Night:" the billowing smoke and lln,hmg light, added to the highly chnrgcd. c111011011al feel of the pcrfom1ancc. John Cooper. :1 local fa,•ontc. played the pan of Raoul wtll: he didn't 1ry 10 over- net and let his photo by Steve Myers unique vocal ,1ylc work for l11m. Ready for rhythm· Fabulous Shadow's Jim Plane. who won the prcs1ig1ou, France (left) and Pete Shepperd prepare for "Luciano i>,1voro111 Tenor the opening Act of 'Music of the Night.· Compe1111on" 111 19$4, munded out the ,mr-Mudclcd hill. Steve Schenk.director or the Nlr foundation. c,pr.:"cd that the 1wo-d,1~ pcrli1m1n111:c wa, a ,ucccs,. Mone) r:11,cd totnlcd over $55.()(1(1 ,111el ., pcnn,111c111 ,chnl.1r,l11p fund ol S5.000 "·" ,ct up in honor ot "t>lu,1c of the N1gl11" producer 11,trold Du1111a1111 .md hi, wi le K:othcnnc. Kudo~ huw 10 i;o 1<1 S~hcn~ whom Fahulou, Shadow, kc>h<>;ir,li,t. Dexter Yca1, c.ill~d the "driving force bchutd 1hc foumlauon "

Mus ic R ev iew:

NOFX no effect . by Amanda Tomme

L:.dum OFX', nc" CD. "Heavy Petling ,:idly ran, into a gcncr,111011 of pun~ md that·, gone down hill. Though ,omc ol thc CO ho\ mdody ,,nd char,,ctcr. ,omc ,ong, ha, c also ,icqu,red Jll lllKunny hca,-y mctdl ,ound. If NOFX', mu,K 1, unl.1miliar. unagmc .1 humoruu, and le" pohucal Rch11io11 and a le,, pun!. Prop.1gandl11 fhl,ugh u "a 1yp1ral Ep11Jph/F,11 Record, n:lcase where ,111 th~, try to incorporate the ,amo: wund. there ah: a few catchy tune, "onh h,tcning 10 ,uch J, "Blccding Hean 01\ca,c·· and "l-lobophob11: NOFX hu, c,1rricd out th notonou, humor tn 1h1, nc" relca"' "uh ,ong, ,uch u, "llut l)og in a Mull"a)'. 1lowevcr. NOf'X d1,played 1h01 ,omc of th humor ha, tu med 1.1,1.:1~,, ond 1rrcvcrcm with 11, rnvcr un of a fJrrncr fondling. hi\ ,hcep. It npp.:ars that the b:1nd ,s ll)•ing 10 appeal to the groiesque trend, ot tb MTV gcncrJuon. Other theme\" uhm the ,ong, deal wi1h homclc~s p.:ople and u pnrody of a ballad. I hove the feeling thut with NOF)C', succc,,. II\ relca~, arc going 111 become hru'dcr und hordcr 10 s"nllo", th,, hlb been the ca~ with n~ la.,11wo album$. Don't get me wrong: if you heard it }OU would still know it was NOPX. especially with Fat Mike·~ unmistakable voice. I would recommend listening 10 the album 10 hear what sounds hove changed. but it might take a while to grow on you.

lt1.11u111 C11t1111 ,•


Your Book SvvaoI .~ r!:--,., ....11,=

·_,· ; J:; .!,; ; \;.:::)

Ti.. - c- .... ~ .. I 11,c; vrcl"


is Located Upstt?irs in Siebert



The NIC Sentinel

Page 18

Campus News

Thursday, February 29, 1996

New day care caters students needs b) Tri Ngu) en Sr1tti11rl R,·,•tJrtrr The old YIIIC,\ building un Rl\cr A,enuc ,, 111 ,oon house a nc\\ day care ccn1cr for N IC ,1udcnl\. The new program w 111 be run by 1\\0 ,1udcnh. Bill and Chnm1me Warden. 801h arc pnrl tune ,tudcnt<, ~nd 8111 Wnrdcn" ah<> J member of 1hc nmin1cnancc ,1nff Th~ new da) care will be open to lhc general public. but it will first mnkc re<erva1ion, for NIC ,1uden1, wi1h cos1, of nbou1 $10 an hour for run 11mc ,1udcn1~. acC'ording. 1u 1hc \\ Jrdcns. Program~ for 1he children will conccmr.uc on 1hc fine arts.



ca G)

··we: want 10 crc:uc n cu11osi1y,'' ,:11d C'hamune Warden. The day care ll<clf is 10 open 111 about 6() 10 90 dny,. caring for ~id, from 1hc ngc of five 10 kid, a, young n, mfon1~. The 1n:un goul of 1ht• new day care 1~ 10 make 1hc da) cr,rc wi1h 1hc ,1udcn1s 111 nund. The Warden~ Jrc going 10 1ry 10 1:1ill1r 1hc program~ and schedule, 10 help ,tudcm~ w11h children. " We wnnl 10 bcsl serve 1hc ,1udcn1, for their child care need~:· ,aid Bill Warden Ahhough 1hcy do no1 ,;cc 1hcmsclvcs a, compc1i1or~ 10 1hc day care on campus. 1hc Warden~ do wan1 10 fill gaps 1hu1 the day

c;1rc on campu, canno1 til l Thing, ,uch a, evening d11y care for s1udcn1~ w11h 111gh1 dus,e, 1, one ;irco 1h:11 the duy care would provide ,crvicc for. Tim is nOI 1hc first day core 1h01 1hc Warden, have opened though . Their first day core in Hayden Lnke ho, been open for 1hc po,1 year in 1hc SL Murk lu1hcran church. Channinc Warden has also hccn in 1hc Child care prof~\ion for about 20 years. The Wnrdcns would like inpu1 from ~1udcn1s 1h01 arc inh:rc,1ed in 1hc day care. For more tnfomin1ion call 7628157 aflcr 6 p.m. 10 reserve a spo1 fur a cluld.

photo by Tri Nguyen New kiddie care - Charmine and Bill Warden.

Under Idaho Code, the legislature is not obligated to turn initiatives into law. Given that, how important is the one percent Initiative, and what do you think the consequences of its passage might be?

m I




'en I


Gretchen Box

Lewis Wotkjns

Bob PaffiJe

I huvcn ·1 the sligh1cs1 clue whal the one percent lm11ativ1: is oil abou1. If the media wants people 10 be aware of what ·s going on. they should explain these issues in plain Engli~h. sou, non-law majors cun unders1and.

The idea of limi1ing property 1ax is not going to go away; however, 1here will be much 10 lose in the wny of educn1ional and communi1y resources if it should pal>S wi1hout finding an ahem:ue tax soun:e.

This is tu1olhcr ancmpt by the local government 10 spit legislation 10 the masses. wi1hou1 toking ii 10 the public... the thcauc of the absurd mnrchcs on.

Book Swap checks are ready. Please pick them • up 1n Siebert Room 52 .


[!Uesday, February 27 ,1996

Campus News

The NIC Sentinel

Page 19

McCormick cures caffeine blues McComrn:k. an NIC ,ophomorc with b, 011n Bell his ~ight\ )Cl on ;111 engineering degree, S;n11nt·I Rl'pc111a became the ,tand munn!.lcr during full For tho,c ~,udcnt~ and fut"uliy with prcsemcMcr. 1995. J,I\O jllters. Kyle McCormick and h" ,,aff Alhnincdly pos~es~ing no prev1ou, al Cafe Nil•'s in the Student Union intcroction &kill, with the general public, Building can provide the "cure." McCormick reru~ed to Doubk ~hot. extra ollow that 10 become a ,~11. mocha supreme "I have made many dc1cm:n110 him,clf wuh cream. perhaps"! and the success of Cafe Nie', was long term Cafe Nic's. ongmally opened and relationships while .. Associauons with operated by Phil and people hfc, abou t John Goodhindcr. coworking here, friends how lifeinworks when owners of PJ Fudge m are a virtue." dealing with the Company. in the foll c 1994. --Kyle McCormick customer who could Inter become n friend. McComuck 100 ho that's probably the been nt 1hc 1101V popul most important thing 1·11 take with me stand since ib incep1ion. dispensing when I leave NIC," said McCormick. espresso along with n friendly word of And when McCormick does leave, he advice and encouragement to the cust0mer does so with a definite plan. with an upcoming exam or a problcmoiic First of oil, he intends 10 get married Jove life. this July 27. Secondly, McCormick intends It is this dollop of humanisuc 10 purchase a home in the Coeur d' Alene m1croc1ion provided by McCom1ick and area. And third. his continuing course of his current co-worke rs, Emily Miller, ncuon should lead him to continue his Sarah Miller and Tim Kinney. 1h01 keep education with the Univcrsi1y of Idaho. the coffee-craving clientelc flooking 10 It seems reasonably clear to all who Cafe Nie'~.

come into contact wi1h McCormick thut comrodcry. both in the workpl ace wi1h coworkers and customers and on a social level 1Vi1h peers arc nn integral port of hi~ lifestyle.

Discussion gives healthy alternatives


by Pal Nolan pulling on top of ii." She used the baked Stn11nel Reporter porn10 as on example. "TI1c potato itself With ~o man y food choices today. it's isn't bad, but after you're done loading it ha.rd to 1ell wha1·~ good nnd what's bod for up with seasonings, it can be very high in )OU. During an Earing Right discussion on fol and cholcs1.:rol." Friday Feb. 16. Terry Runge. n spons She nlso warned about snlad dressing, ~icncc major in fitness nutri1ion. discussed also very high in fnt. some healthy altemalives for cming :u Once oguin. something very healthy NIC's SUB. Runge stressed how import:mt such as ~alud can become very high in fat, it is to IVOtch what ~tudents put into their so she reconuncml~ the low calone bodies. dressings. ln thc.~c times. the Everybody· needs a Runge soid that it focus is on fat. It ·s is very important 10 1mponant not lo forget certain amount of hove O good mix Of food i~ the fuel that keeps protein and bodies running. With this fat, bUf tOO much carbohydrates in diets 1n mind. n good nm of the can be bad for you, each day. right food~ i~ c~scntiol for The protein 1ita11h. -- Terry Runge pro,•idcs 1he energy "Everybody need, a needed, o.nd the ctnam amount of fat," carbohydrote~ give Runge snid "but 100 much c:on be bad for you:· bodies n cairn. sedative effect. Rung.: soid, To reduce fat inmke, she recommend~ "TI1c right mix i~ hcneficiol to our diet,." ~,aying away from the gnll and dcs11ns. Por With little effort, students con wotch what brcakfa,t she recommends 1ry1ng oatmeal. they cat at NIC\ SUB. Many healthy hot ~real or even pancakes. all low in fat. oltcmatives for eating arc ovailnblc in the Runge advhed for a healthier lunch to try SUB. the l>lllnd bnr or ~omc soups and \Ondwichc~ Mo~, oll of the food 1s homemade. offered in the SUB. Making ,ornc simple changes could really ·_"The 1&-~ue really isn ·, what you· re make a big difference m how people look. eating," said Runge. "it"s whot you're think and feel.



photo by Tri Nguyen Get your motor running • Kyle McCormick serves up the java.

"I have mudc muny long 1em1 rcln11011sh1ps wh ile working here," sn1d McCormick. "friend~ nrc n virtue." One cup ol congc molny to go please. Kyle.

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Former Learning Center teacher dies:

Campus mourns Caires' murder "Lee brought so muny things 10 NIC as n 1eachcr,"said Jerry Goo, NJC deon of insl1\lclion. "She was n professional that really cared about her students. I was stunned when I heard about the shooting." The commute between Coeur d'Alene and Moses Lake became difficult when her husband, Steve, wa~ hired the viceprindpal nt Frontier Junior High School. She waited until u teaching po.~sis1ion wa, available at Fronrier Junior High School. NJC When o te3Ching job opened up they moved Leaming to Moses Lake. and lived there during the C('nler M'.hool week. teacher. The Caire~· kepi 1he1r home in Coeur brought a d'Alene and came home on rhe weekend~. deep "Lee was n kind and generous person who mourning ruully cared nbou1 her Mudem., and brought tbnt out the beM in r.h.:m." Johnson ~id. "She riveted never got cnugh1 up m peny banle<. ,nnd wa., across loved by all of those who worked with her:· campu~. She wa., a very N!live person. Crures along with being a full-time rc.-.icher she al,;o and two tutored students on the side, and tough1 s1udcn1s were --=------------..J religious courses ar the SL Piu.~X Catholic fatwly sho1by 14-ycnr-old Barry Loukaita.~ in Church. rhc cln,;:;room where she 111ugh1 in Frontier "She had n gift in working w,lh ,n,dcnL< Junior I ligh clnssroom. Moses Lake. Wash., who had a low self-e\lCCm and nn unhealthy on Frid.1y, f-eb. 3. auirudc," said NII~Rosdnhl.joumoli,m She was a mnlh teacher at ll1e Le:uning ms1ruc1or. "When she worked with lhe!>I! Cc:nrer for four yean. before moving 10 Moses ,1udents 1hcy ended up with a po,i1ivc Lake nbour II ycnr ngo. ,-- - - - - - - - - - - ---, aniludc." While she worked "She was 8 professional She will b,: gn:aily in 1he ~nrer she missed, not only as a m3de many friends that really cared about gttlll teacher who 00<."C w1111 staff anc1 her students. J was 1nugh1 ,11e college, students, who will not but also a friend who ',()()O forget the stunned when / heard 1ouch<.-d the hearts of <;O commitment she gave about the shooting.. mnny through her spirit t(I ~uc1cn1s when she -Jerry Gee of 1ove was here m the More 1hnn 2.000 college. said Alan anended th.: funeral ,erviccs. The -.:iv1ces were Johrtwn. lennung held a1 S1 P1u~ X Catholic Chun:h in Coeur ~,i•,mnce progmm d1n:c1or. d'Alene on Feb. 8. where family, fncnd.~. She wa.s re~pccted for her dcvoiioo as n ,~hers and ,1Udenl~ paid a linal r-esp«ts 10 teacher and Ilk: ~mccre can: ~he showed u beloved fri('fld and teacher. towW'd M11de111,., ~id Johnson.

by Mary Arltlander News &/110, rief was expressed in the hearts and tears oo the faces of s1nff and students throughout the campus Mood:iy, Feb. 5. The shock of the tnlgic death of Leona "Lee "Caires. fomier




Workforce Training Center expands classes

II', nor 100 lat<' m sign up for clnssc~ a11he Wori,.forcc Tram mg and Community Education Center m Po,1Fnlb. Student, can fl!gis1cr any time before a cla.<;S ,rnn,. Moq cln,w, ml'CI only a few 11mcs. Several clll!>-..:s do not bcgm unnl Mnrch or April: ,;onw ,tan m May. Bur don't wait 100 long to reg1sren:r c l = fill up quickly. Many sections are already full. Cherie Bunerfield, admim,1ra1ivc secretary 10 1hc: a.~socinte dean of Workforce Traimng. ~1d tha1 the center increased the number of compurcr classes offered 1his spring. Last fall. demand for compurer classes was so

Counseling center helps boost up down students by Leslie Hine.s

tragedy translates 10 everyone. "We Still feel violated nnd le..o;s safe," r 1hose students or staff who arc Coffman ~id. The idea is 10 get grieving studcn~ inro eeling a liule blue, maybe down lhe i.ervicc before the crisis. If n student n 1he dumps. there is a solution. Nonh ld:1ho College is equipped wnh a needs n way 10 release some of the inner turmoil that ancnding college provoke\ seven-member staff of easily accessible, then the..: people nre r.:ady 10 comply. friendly and highly regarded counselor,. Coffman said "We don·, wan, people to TI1e,e unsung heroes offer ,cvcml wnu. We cnn deal w11h 1ypcs of one-on-one iS\UC~ Of grit!f ,\Rd sc:.)ion,. dealing ~ ,. ..,,,.,. loss in the fiflil with a wide array of psop/8 com8 to grips With ,rngc.Undcr\randing 1s,ues. und there arc the grief process; W8 can't th.: process. or group 111cc11ng, Just throw our hands up In ,1Jgl!\. or grief avnlluble al,o. clespBfr.• make, 11 ea.sicr 10 The Director of cope and Couni.cling Serv1ce,. --Gary Coffman move on."' Gory Coffmnn Coffrnnn earned n 111n,1cr, explained 1h01 even degree m p,ychology u1 1hc n111ion11I level. Ame neon, all 10 ofr~n wi1h on cmpha"s on ,oun,clm~ from th.: !ll't: 1hrown imo 1hc(e v1c11mi1ed s11un11ons. Un,ver,ily of Nonhc:rn Colorado. " It"\ 11npon,1n1 for people 10 come 10 Coffman has been president of 1hc gnp, w11h the grief procc\s: we can '1ju,1 United Way for the pas, 1wo years :md throw up our hand\ in dc,pnir." Coffman recently received on awnrd for Volunteer '3id. of the Year. Located up~1oir. 1111hc SUD, 1he 'Inc remainder of 1he siaff include coun'iCIOr~ Margaret Fcdjc, Don 8Jom and coun~clor. can be accc~,;cd rhrough Student Service~ or 111dividually. 13ob Newell; Advising Specinl1S1s Lewis Newell offer. a clas~ on death and dying Watkin~ und Felix McGowan. who uffcr. rninoriry ,1udcn1!> an outlet: Gail U1fcmcre 1h111 Coffman ..uid deal\ adequn1cly with mourning MUe~ i~n career development spcciali~1. and ·nic counseling ~mrr i~ orrenng .1 group Donna Runge, counseling spccinli~, wirh a '-C,~1on dealing with grief and IO\, ,.,,,uc, special interest m eating disorder,,. 10 run through 1he noon hour on March Elaine Canwrigh1 nnd Desiree 13. in 1hc Donner Room Ncw,orne are intern~ at the college ··we'rt trying to get ,omc local people workmg on their ma~1cr; m the field. 10 serve a., gul!sl ,pe, and Bob Ncw~II Coffman ~y~ 1h01 although the recent den1hs which have plagued the region may w1ll ,pc:1k for sure.'" Coffman ,J1d. 1101have happened on NIC campus, 1hc

Se111i11e/ Reporter


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varicry of clrMes 3re ava113btc 31 rh.: rroaning high thm addiuonnl secuon, were added during the semester. Thi~ spring. th.: Worl.force Tminmg center than an: uva,lahk 1hrough 1hc credit program 01 NIC. In addiuon to computer cl3\'-<!~ Center offers 78 computer clas,;e.s covenng 50 student, mny sign up for cla.,,;e.\ such as computer 1op1cs. Beginning Bradwork, Wri1111g Non-Ficrioo fOf Cour,cs include HO\\ the ln1.:met Works and Profir. or Bcginnmg Convers.i1ionul Sign ln1roduc11on 10 WindO\\S 95. The center also provide,, ba.\lC and beyond ba~ic m.,1rucuon for L.."lrlguage. Several 1r.1inmg cenlcr cln'ISC, are designed 10 many software programs. Besides regulnr cour..c offerings, in~1ructors 111 help ~tudcms develop their profcs.,ionnl :ind the center g1\'e one-on-one computer training. For techrncaJ skills m lhe wort( pince. For more infonnalion nbour the Worxfortt S39 per hour. ~tudenL~ may n:ccive individuallwl instruction on mos.I compu1er 1opics. lnfonnatlon Training Ccnier. pickup a Wm1cr/Spring cata.lO!l at the or the reg1strnr's office. Call I.he on one-on-one tmining is available al 769-3294. cenrer 111 769-3333 to regi.~1er for dosses. Because most classes BrC non-credir. a wider

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