The North Idaho College Sentinel Vol 72 No 9, Mar 14, 1996

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Union Gallery turns into a sea of Fish Dreams. See Page 11 .

ent1ne ASNIC in turmoil Secretary resigns; two senators get boot be dealt with by the authorities instead of making it into a matter that involved the board. Because Mitchell was not an eyewitness 10 the incident. S1ein said that it was tnappropnnte of Mitchell 10 discuss the events with only knowing hearsay evidence. Mitchell's notice Wali placed around various locations of the school after Hooper resigned from the board. Because Hooper resigned after an executive session. no official reason for his resignntion was offered. His position will be filled by a person appointed by the board. Harwood was the most recently removed member. After missing n board meeting on March 4, the remaining members of the board held an executive session and voted her off the board. Stein stated that because Harwood missed more than two meetings. according 10 ASNlC law. she must be removed. Harwood said she thinks that wasn't the exact reason for her dismissal and that there was n much bigger controversy for her removal from the boa.rd . "TI1c three people who arc no longer on the board all have one thing in common; they brought bad publicity to the ASNlC board," HlllWood said. The alleged assault occurred Feb. 26 in the stairway from the basement board as a of the Student Union platfonn for his Building to the floor. l>Cl'$0nal feelings According 10 a repon filed and agenda. with the Coeur d" Alene Police, I-looper and In this notice, Mitchell publicly accused Ha.rwood met on the stairs where words were Hooper of an alleged as~ult that occum:d The between Hooper and Harwood. In his memo. exchnngcd. repon said I-looper called Harwood a "f-ing Stein obJC(?ted 10 Mitchell discussing a vote bitch." Thi~ Jed to Harwood slapping him, that oc~um:d in executive M:Ssion and and then Hooper kicked at Harwood nnd sent Mitchell's statement that four of seven mt~bcrs voted to impeach Hooper before he her stumbling down the stairs, lhe rcpon said. Both panics have ~•&ncd. _Stein said lhat it was inappropriate of M1tchc1J to discuss the alleged assault See ASNIC on Page 15. beca11.1e 11 was a private that WBS to

by Jonathan Huy and Mory Arklunder Stnti11d Editors he resignation of a secretary and ,mpcnchmcnt of two senators within the last two weeks has plagued the ASNIC board with conuovcrsy. ASNIC is in upheaval with only SIX voting members left; 1hc board does no1 plan to replace the senators. After three separate executive sessions, secrc1ary Joseph Hooper resigned. and f~hman senator Richard Mitchell and sophomore M:nntor Shannon Ho.rwood were voted off the board. "ASNIC will not fill the vocant posuions (except Hooper}," Stein said. "By the time new senators arc sworn in they will not have time to figure out what their position entitles. As Jong as five members arc present, the ~rd can function." Mitchell' s removal was for u "blatant misuse of ASNIC authority." Afier evidently having problems v.ith Hooper in lite past, Mitchell ient out a public notice all around campus that, according to a llltmosent out byASNIC l're$idcnt Kri~ Stein, used the


photo by Tri Nguyen Bravo- (from /eh) Julie Crandall and Brenda Lawlor perform at the symphony. See related story on Page 12.


Thursday, March 14, 1996

The NIC Sentinel

Did you know?

Be as water; flow through life without friction

Campus News The North Idaho College Sentinel

ASNIC meeting

News Briefs

Mitchell challenges board's decision

Sister college visits

h) Tri 'guyen So1t111tl Hep11rter

,:nawr Ru:hnrd Mllchcll challenged lhc ASNIC hoards· dcc1s1on lo d1sm1s, him al lhc Mnrch 4 muc11ng The board had d1sm1s~cd Muchcll on grounds thnl he pcrh,1rmcd Im duuc, 1m;omp,:1cntly Mi1chcll conlcMs tlus und ,eek, Ill huve hnnsclf rcins1u1cd to the board. An exccuuvc ~css1on 1h111 wa, held following 1hc bourd mccllng f.ulcd 10 prQ\lu": .1 mouon 10 reinstate M11chcll. In 111hc1 mailer,. Linda M1chnl. health ,cn•1ccs .:uurdinatur. requc,1cd 200 for slulh:nl prescripuon, unlll lhc end nl lhc )'l.,H She :ilso pre,cnlcd a plan 10 form n ,1udcn1 hc.11lh adv1,11ry hoard 10 heller serve 1hc Sludcnt.\ Wddmg Cluh .1lw rcquc,1cd 111onc) lo purchase JUckci.


for lhcir club 111c club cues numerous wncs llml 1hc club has provided services for the college. The 1nckc1s would provide promotion of the club and would nlso help lhe club feel more hkc a 1c:1m, nccmding 10 Joe Hooper. reprcsen1a1ivc of lhc Weld ing Club. Scna1or Neil Weber volunteered to look into 1he rcqucsl Allen Johnson or Delta Epsilon Chi presented the board wnh 1heir 1honks for supporling lhc c:lub :11 slate. The club is also tra,•eling 10 nauonals Apri l 20-23. Exccuuvc session convened and lhc dcc1s1on wns mode 10 nol fill the vacanl scat left by Mitchell for lhe rcmnmdcr of the yenr 111c board also pn~scd 3 1110110n 10 remove Shnnnon Harwood from 1hc board due to her m1s,ing three ASNIC mcctmgs.

Technology reaches distant students Virtual classroom educates students outside classroom by :llor) 1\ rklondcr

,v, II'\ Fdtltlf i\ nc" 1cchnulogy 1s 111 the pro.:cs), w1lh the cupobllily 01 rcnchtng ,1uden1s unable lo tlllcnd collcg,: in the usual wuy. On Feb 22. n workshop video wus prcsen1cd 10 explain 1hc Vi11ual Cltt"room Ddl\Crtng cl.lucauon 10 ~ludcnls wuh an mccnuvc 10 uch1cvc "under way 1l1c two•ycar lcle-commun1cn11on~ program 1, 111 progrc,, 10 offer cducalion 10 ,•1rtunlly ncryoM ·n,c unce 1yp10.:ol dass room will ~cc radical ,:hungc, Gu, cinur Pl11I Bnll und ,cvcral ol lite ,...:slcrn s1a11: guvcrm1r, ha,c 111c1 l\l provide 10formot1011 lor th<.! mtlinu,·e 10 deliver 1hc ,•1111ml elu,sroom ,y~lcm . "'I111 , w1ll 1.1kc .1 lul ul planning. hul we tm,c lhc 1echnnlog) ltl du vmuul clas, roo1111c.1ch1ng:· ,aid Linda S1l1•j1. ,hrcuor c,1cndcd 111,1rti,111m:1I pmiirnm, l11c,c ,1tc 1hc hv,· c"cntml g11.1b ,md theme of the p111grn111 1 1\n cduc.iuon tlml 1~ compcuti w ,md rcachc~ d1)lan1 ,tmlcnh ~ l'.khvcry ul the ')•,111111 to the ,tudcnh ' "~''" lur 1h,· ,1udcn1, "uh k.11111ng d1,.1b1h11c, 4 Tu 111.1kc u co,t clfo;rcnl ~ T,, pt11\'1dc 111dl\'ldu.1I and pr1v.uc hCc·long lc,inung ct.luc.illnn 'Ilic rc,ummcndcd pnnciplc1110 compl)· wuh 1111~ ~y)tcm .11\.' ·" l11llow, I l'o yield .1 shorHcnn ,ucccs~lul cdu,·,11mn 2 1\ pnv.11c ,cctor un 1hc tr.idt1mn,1l c,mtpu~ lo tlo\\n haruci, and h~c cducnuon. ~ l\c,11111111ud,uc tlw di\ crw nc(1h nl ,tudcnl\ ' I.Hllf ICllll l'tllllllllllltcnt ol lhc l_!U\'Cfl\1)1 Cl. Ftk,1hc ,otu1111n, \\llhout dr,1111mg tund~

7 Accc,i. for ,1udcn1s wuhoUl 1clc·commun1cn1ion acccs~. 8. lncrcn,o expectation\ 1hat lend 10 a higher cducnllon. 9 Be aggrc»1,•c nnd not wall for other ~Imes. The two-ycnr time line began in Fcbruury wuh a drnfted pion und work sta1cmcn1. In Apnl. struclUre and nccrcd11n1ion will be issued. ·nu: governors :1pproval come, m June, and m December a course catalogue wuh tho ob1a111mg of n degree. This technology 1s like E·mn1I; where s1uden1s mlk 10 back nnd forth lo the h:ncher. TI1is 1cchnology rcphcutcs a classroom where i.1uden1s do no1 nucnd. "The virtua l class room is capable of link-up 01 the of Idaho and LCSC.'' Silva soid. The odvonwgcs and strengths of the system 1s Ihm a s1udent becomes J centered. The 1cncher 1s 1he dircc1or and Tl11s force.\ 1hc studenl 10 become ncuvc S1udcn1s devclop a report w11h th~ 1cach.:r even though they have never met lace 10 lucc. Tlus system pro moles ,l bellcr 1n1erac11on of lhc Mudcnl ,tnd pulb students together. It cncourag\!, pnrucipnllon ,ind becomes .in ~quul11cr The 1cchnology reduce~ 1nsola11on of ,1udcnh who ,tr¢ unable 10 31tcnd al 1md111onal college. Some ul the wcal..nesscs of the ~ystcm :ire 1hu1 11 can not he used 10 cwry clnss. such as Ari H1s1ory A l!Ompu1er 1s necessary to access lhc on-li ne cl:iss. and co111pu1cr l.nowlcdgc" csscnual 10 work 1he sys1cm. It requires more orgnn11.a11on than the face to face clas, room. The ,1udcn1 mu,1 h:ivc 1hc incenllvc 10 ~uccecd. ..This sy>1cm L\n't cheap .ind ts still 10 lhc cJtl y ,1agc, of prngrc,s." S1h,.1sJ1d. ''f\cc,•s,mg. llrn, program lo s1udcn1s II\ ing away lrom lht· college will depend on 1hc rc,ources of the communll} "\Ve ,cc 1111, ,y,tem rcad11ng out and cduc.iuon po»1hlc 10 c,cryo11c."S1lva ,,ud

by Jandi Dunlap Se111irre/ Reprmer

·n1c North Idaho College adn11nisu:uion efforts oppcor tn he a(fo:ling an increase in 11c1ivity in the 10., 1 10 month.~ hctwccn NIC and tL\ sislcr college, Chung Chc(lng Communuy College near St:-OUI. South Korea The fir..t group of 19 ~tudent.s from Chung Chc,1ng w.:re hen: fn,111 J,m 8 lo Feb. 3. A ,..:,:ond group ,, t~n1auvcly ~hcdulcd 10 ,1m,·.: in July. On l·cb 2J. four profo~M>r, from ChUl1f!" Cheong ,trt 1, oo for aon~·dny "isu U, Du Slum, of s111den1;1f1011"i, Byung Wook Ahn, dt:partmenl of build111g ...:1erl\:c ,md fa.:1l11ics, Sc Jcm1g H,1m. dcp:1n111cnt of curly duldhood cducauon, and Sun Kook Kwnn, dcpnr1111un1 of 1n1cn11r nrcl111cc1urc. A 1111:c11ng wuh K.ithcrine I lunl. coordmollir 11r th,· \\'ork lorcc Trnmini; Ce nter. wos followed by lunch 1tl hml'J') •<, NIC'< hill service rc~b\umnl on c:1111p1L,. PrcMdcnt Ruhcrl Bcnnuu. As~nciu1c Dean Rol;,crt Ke11;hun1 1111d l)ean Jerry Gee nttcnd~d the luncheon, with other rcprc<1·111attvc.\ A tour of 1hc c;1mp1L, condud..:d the i1incr.1ry English :i., .1 Second L:lnguuge ln)lructor Kim Magen, who ll';lt:hcs 111 the L..:urnmg Center, i~ the li~l NIC f,1cully 1111:mher h> particip:uc m lhc cxch.mge progrnm bctw.:cn the two collcgus M.ogrn lc.-f1 for Korea on Feb. 24. and t5 uitpeclw to rutum July 3. Fur additional mfurmauon on the ex<'hange progrnm, conlact Ketchum or H111t al 7(8.


Emery's serve students by Jandl Dunlap Sc11tintl Reporter For a le1su~ly lunch wuh a view overlooking the lake, chcclt out Emery's, one of NIC's best kepi ~n!lS. £l 1s locnted in 1he ~ou1hwcs1 comer or Ill,: Hedlund Building m Room 225, Emery's is run by Culinary Arts students undt:r the J iructton of 1nstrui:1or Rick SchullL. h hllS 1he appearance and :umosphi?re ol a full-,ervicc restauranl Houf) are 11 u.m -1 pm Tue,day-Fnday. ·111c menu offers cverylhing from 1lia1 Chicken wi1h Lingum1 and Chicken P,uine.san 10 the more 1rud111onal items. submanne sandwicb,:s. onion nngs and chili frrcs. The price,; rMgc from S3·$5 and both a cup of soup and dc~en are mclutled. S.:hull, fl"COntmcnds -10 call ahead • .:vcn ir 11·~ lhe same day. Ml 1h41 plenty of lhe most popular menu i1cms will be dva1lable To plucc a reservation, call 769-3433 (x3~33J.

C.ampus News

Thursday, March 14, 1996

The NIC Sentinel


-Board of Trustees

College board revamps athletic philosophy b) Di Braun

Srn1i11tl Rcportn Changes were made in the 1hc school c,ilcndar ;11 the hoard of 1rus1ecs mceung on Feb 28 The,c cnlendor changes w11l 111cludc, dropping the Good Fndoy holiday ond moving 11 10 the Thanksgiving weekend. giving a 1hrce-dt1y weekend to rnculty and s1uden1s. and 10 currela1e spring break wllh 1hc public ,y,1cm. Thcst measure, were approved nnd Bcctp1ed unanimously Among the topics discussed for linnl ~pproval were the NIC lntcrcollegia1c A1hle11c Ph1lo,ophy and Goa l S1a1eme111. an overview of the Grants-In -Aid program. and the procedure NIC will adopt to come 11110 compliance with American D1sab11i1y Acl D1scu,,1on covering 1hc NIC ln1crna11onal Alhletic Philosophy ond goal s101cmen1 cons1s1cd primarily of clarifying some of 1he official word· choice and phrasing struciurc.

In order 10 111ce1 1hc rcqu1rcmen1s for 1hc NJCAA. 1hh bill wns druwn up to give documen1ed credence 10 NIC's s1ance of suppon for 1hc u1hle11c program. Thi~ bill wns passed on lhe cond111on 1h01 1wo of 1he lines cousmg confusion would be rcwriuen. A shon umc spcnl discussing NIC's Gran1-ln-A1d program ccn1ered arou nd the possibili1y of redefining the paramc1cr:. of chgibllily, bul since 1his was no1 a measure 1hn1 re{lu1rcd n vo1e, lhe bonrd quickly moved 10 1he issue of nn ADA compliance procedure for NIC. Afl.:r an explnm111on 1h111 1h1~ wa ... in cffcc1 an informal procedure and policy on fairness, 11 was moved 10 accep1 1hc proposal which wn~ quickly seconded and passed unanimously. Wi1h 1hnl nccomphshcd. 1hc board moved on 10 new business. Sieve Schenk, dean of college rein lions and dcvelopmcn1, proposed 1ha1 there should be no ngreemen1 on a yearly budge1 for

1he ncx1 ycnr unul on csumn1c could be obtnincd from 1hc coun1y for ins1ruc1<1rs salnrics since 1hi~ cons1i1u1cs almost 75 pcrccnl of NIC's yearly budgcl. ·nu: board agreed, bu1 1nblcd II for further discussion at n ln1cr dmc. Winding down 1he mec1ing. Ann Johns1on. choir of 1he NIC cenlcr, gave a quick rcpor1 of happening~ in lhe NIC sena1c ond Kris S1cin described 1he lour of Nor1hwes1 colleges member:. of ASNIC had JUSI 1aken in order 10 look 01 various design layouu. 1hn1 might help make 1hc Edm111s1cr S1udcn1 Union Building more user-friendly nf1er 1he remodel The los1 prescn1a11on before 1hc break was made by Rohen Ketchum, a~soc1n1c dean of ms1ruc11on. concerning 1he phenomenal grow1h of 1he Work Force Trnining Ccn1er since 11 wns relocated 10 Posl Falls n shon 16 mon1hs ago. Ke1chum·s cn1husinsm wus infcc1ious as he explained 1hc success 1he ccnlcr hns been experiencing.

Plans 10 ei1pond lhc foc1h11es nn: nlrcndy under way cigh1 mon1hs enrhcr 1han previously an1ic1p111cd. Kc1chum also added 1hn1 Gov. Phil 8011 jus1 passed a bill ra1smg 1he amount of funding nvoiloblc for programs like 1l11s in 1he s1a1c of Idaho from S 100,000 1his pas1 year 10 S2.6 million nex1 year. The NIC policy govemmg 1he ln1crnc1 was 11 topic discussed under Trend~ & Issues. Bcnncll said a linnl draf1 will bt: presen1cd for review by the board w11hin 1he mon1h. The Good of 1he Order 1op11: cons1s1cd of n cnll 10 poli1icol 1n:11Y1sm for 1he board and nil facuhy over 1he issue of chmmnung 1he qmc properly inx which financially suppons NlC No viable ahcrn:11ive source~ of income have nscn 10 replace 1h1s loss so csscnunlly nolhmg 1ownrd 1lm1 end will be accomplished lhis year. Wi1h 1hn1 1he bonrd called a break, nnd 1hen me1 for cxccuuve session before 1hc mec1ing odjournccl.

Internet gives free scholarship information I



place of bu,...mcss. by Uarry D. Whitney To f11r1her complicate mancrs II may only Semmel Rt'/XJl11'r be n small cl:ums cosc as 1he fee in <1ucs1ion is S1udcn1S may consider looking 11110 1hc Jes, than SSOO und 1hc Sentinel, allhough nun· ln1cmc1 for college linnncinl scholarships before ordering the hooklc1 from Professional profi1. may be de lined (L~ the merchant Whal aboul 1hc informn1ion pron11~cd 10 Nc1work Associauon. s1udcn1~ for 1hcir S25? Siudcnt Crys1ul Ln:.1 ~cmes1cr 1hc Sen1incl in ilS fin.11wo Johnson cxpres.wd great displeasure wuh 1hc issuci, ran ads for 1hc Profess1ono.l Nc1work PNA, she was a11cmp1ing 10 gel a bCholrush1p A~ocimion. Inc. which s1a1cd Lhn1 for S25 1hey would send a d1rec1ory with ,1ep-by-stcp foll for 1h1s scmcslcr. Aflcr the deadline for applying for scholarship, had pn.~'iCd. she mfonnation on financial scholarships 1hat are asked the PNA for a refund. Instead of n nV11ilablc nnd how 10 gel tL 1lie Scntmel has refund 1hc PNA scn1 her a 48 pogc booklet of not been paid for running 1he ads and lhe mfonna1ion. nil of which is on I.he ln1cmc1 Publicauons Club sent in S25 to check ou1 free to all s1uden1S. Johnson has no legal PNA's produc1 nnd received nothmg. recourse. The Scnuncl s1arr s inves1igauon is Given the amounl owed versus 1hc proving 10 be nn exercise in u1ili1y. frustrauon and apa1hy due 10 ineffec1unl federal agcnc1e.s expenses in long dis1ance phone calls and the and the expenses involved are lllking lhc1r 1011 time required lhc ~xcrc1sc quickly becomes one of possible futility. on even 1he most diligen1 cffor1s 10 ob1ain According 10 Publicauonb Club Prci.iden1 infonna1ion or paymen1 Since the nd did not guarnnlcc sa1i~foc1Jon, Jon Hay, the PNA has all the appcntanccb of a scam bu1 10 call ii so 111:iy be libelous. exactly whal, if anything, has the PNA done Booklcls nol received could possibly be 1h01 ,s illegal? Firs1. by not paying lhc n11ribu1ed 10 poor business management. Senunc:I for running the ads the PNA has no1 1ne address for 1hc free Financial Aid acted m good failh (breach of con1roc1-An1cle Information Page on Neiscape 1s LI of 1hc Um form Commercial Code). h11p://www.cs.cmu.eduf'1inaid/linaid.h11nl According 10 Michele Bear. business (The Sentinel apologizes for manager. 1he local .Bener Bw.1 IICS) Bureau om11ung 1hc address in las1 issue). The ba1d 1hc mancr 1s ou1 of 1LS Jurisd1c11on, and bonom line is ca,·e:11 emp1or (let the buyer 1ha1 1he BBB in Bos1on. Mn."5. must be beware). conmcll'd since 111s 1hc PNA's


Thursday, March 14, 1996

The NIC Sentinel

Opinion-1:ditorial The North Idaho College Sentinel

Don't fence me into Idaho wns s111mg al home the other evening. woichmg 1hc news .111d pondcrmg lhc ruiure or Idaho, Pm 13ud1.1n:m ,md 1~ulu11un1~111 when. ,chuuam, 11 hu 111,:. There 1, BuchnMn wnh his goofy isolationism 1heory and Idaho. where the g1ca1mnjomy of its res1dcn1s no1only believe in isolntioni sm. bul view 11a~ a rcqms11c oflivmg. Why not Jom 1hc two 1ogc1her? Build n wall around Idaho and let Buclmnan :ind 1hc l)Ola1ionb1s live here and 1hink they arc keeping 1he rcsl or 1he world oul In rcali1y II would be a way lo keep on eye on lhe nu1job, :ind luna1ic.s who worship l.i uclmnun and display an 1m111om1I hnte for 1hc U.S. Guvcrnmum Hull, evcry1hmg is ulrcndy m Dan B ell ldnho to rom1 nn inde1>0ndcn1 Opinion govcmmcnl. Besides Buch;111nn. ldnho could give., wcond III command 10 Phil (it\ only nuclcnr wn.,te) Ban Every kmg needs a queen, of cour)c And who b,mcr 10 ,crvl' as queen thun thnt lhrtc-wan bulb of 1llummo11) 1hough1. Helen (p1llngc everything and nny1hmg) Chcnuwc1h. Need ~-du,nuon. oh grcnl cnunlr)• of ld:iho'/ Wi1h an already f.uhng sysicm mmc1(ldnho currently ranks 481h m quah1y cduc:111011 m 1he U.S.). pcrh:1ps nn upgrade may be in unlcr ·n,crc "u w hool sy~1c1111n Snh Lnke Ci1y lhal could pmv1<lu 1hc E-11,·J..c1lor uur prug~s1vc and compassionalc ,p,t,<' 111 lh,• un11 a ,c In the $111l l..1J..,: ,picm, .1gruur ur s1uden1, wished 10 lorm .1 g.1y d uh . 111c Urnh 1.hs1ncb respon,e 10 th1~ hnm,tc:.s r,-qu,·,1" ,,) ··No gny d ub. ~o no any type ut duh,·· I guc" ASNIC' .mu Prcrnknl B,·nncll tl1dn'11l11nk ul 1ha1 1w11 )C·' " .,i,:o "hen they n:IUClllnl l)' allowed 1h,· L.GBA 10 h>nn un our ,:.1111p11, One l.i.,.1not~ nn ld.1ho cdul,t!lon· W11h the wrrcnl pruvl\1011 ol ··1:1wlc.- logging.'" " ho need, :.dmol unyw.ay·i l guc,, .111 thc d,1ddy luggc~ m l<laho .ire n11ln on when lhc> tcll 1unmr, ··r:d,c.,11,m ncti.·1 1ogh1 me how 10 yu, ,I

Just a thought... If you don't say_ anything you won't be called on to repeat it. · ·Calvin Coolidge

. . . . ., __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _-t


clum ,nr. ~un "

Womcd ,1huu1 1111.ld 11 Idaho wa, 11.1 bec1.,m,: 1~ola110111,l"1 Well. don·1oc. bcc.1u-.c Jnytlung lh.11 ,·1111 be grown underground. like pornto.:, or hc.:t, or 1hc m,mng mdusiry ..111 ~ grown 111 ld,1ho So. 11 all together: Buclmnnn . .i 11111 fence around hlnho anti 11, cum:nt influx of uu1,tnndmg cui,cnry·· hkc Maril Fuhm10n .ind KKK w11.nrd Lewis 13~-iun. nol only ilt:scr,e end1 01hor. 1hey :in: a pcrfe1.·1 Iii 'llicrc "nn old M1dwc,1 fnnn town snym~. '111c his1 one oul nl 1own. 1um nff 1hc liglu,." I'll go one b,:ncr ,md lkl)'. '1'hc lasl one 11110 ldnho 1um urru,c liglus." And kccp·cm on.



ASNIC: Too much politicking 1l1c ln1cs1govcrnmcn1sh ifl is the biggest lh1ng 1hn1 h!b hoppcned on campus 1h1s year. ASNIC is in upt1caval w11h 1he resignation of 1hc sccrcrnry and the firi ng of I wo senators. It seem~ lhat our s1udcn1govcrnmcn1 hn:, hud a great dea l ot pohuckmg and mfigluing. Why cnn'l we all JUSI get ,,tong! S1udcnl body Prcsideni Kris Sie m s:11d 1hc only vm:anl po,11ion 1ha1will be filled 1s 1hc sccrcuiry The other two pos111ons will remnm vocan1 un1il ne\t fall, S1c111 smd 1hni lhe bo.ird ca n sllll func11on w11hou1 them Maybe 11 .:an. but wha1 d~ 1h1s ,ay about our sludcn l government. or more 1mpor1Untly. the rcpu1a11on ot our cnmpus·? ASNIC plays a big role m 1hc pcrccp11on of 1h1s campu~ 1n 1he communuy and lhe rest of the cuunlry Whu1 will oihcrs lhmJ.. when they find out our s1udcn1 go"~ rnmcnt can' t even gc1 nlo1t~ Part or 1he college experience 1s 10 lc.1rn how 10 work well w11h 01hcrs ASNIC for some reason can·1do 1h1s. ASNIC's budget 1s huge. $105,000 10 be exacl 11101", SIOS,000 ot your money l.11.u 1hey-'fl.: ,uppo,cd 10 use 10 plan activities. But how are 1hcy suppose 10 plnn anything if they can't even be in the same room for IJ\·c nunutcs wi1hou1 ligh1ing? And while we're on the subject of money, most of the ASNIC bonrd members are here on full=Rdc scholarships. Thero: 1s nolhmg wrong w11h This. par1 or 1he compensation ro~ 1hc work 1hey do. Bui if they're


not <lomg any work. whot happens 10 that money? To 1he best or our knowledge. 1hc people who were lired or resigned didn' t give lheir money back. ·1nc1 r JOb 1s 10 rcpr.isent 1hc stude nt body 10 1hc besl or 1hc1r ub1h1y 'They should be serving on comm111ccs, volunteering m our community nnd rcprcscnung our college ru. besl lhcy can. If verbal lights in meetings and e ven physical altcrcauons arc the bcs1of 1he1r 11b1liucs. we urc m !rouble! What :1bou1 the 1wo scnmors who were rcano,rd? h's obv1ou~ we are not ge lling lhc whole story about whal happened ASNlC ,~ so wrapped up in being poli1,cally correct. ,omet,mcs the truth gets trappcd.TI1c board rcprcscnis the stud1:n1,, bul al wh.11 poinl docs 1he pohucal baloney become 100 much for us 10 handlc'1 Thc foremost responsibility of 1hcsc board members should be 10 their s1ud1cs as they ore studeni.s here before anything ebc. At thi s level is nll 1l11s poliucalne).S really necessary'' Let's be hones! This ,s no11he (cdcrul government, nor should II be treated like it 1s! The ASNIC boord need, to u1ke II easy. sll back and rencct upon 11S lrue du11cs. Studenl government should be aboul bcllenng your campus and working 10 provide belier opportunities for students. lns1eod. it seems on this campus 1hat it is about peny revenge anJ person:il vendcnas. Instead or doing their job 1.hey'rc 100 busy mfighting. How arc they supposed 10 get any work done if 1hey can'l put their personal problems a.side?



Thursday, March 14, 1996

The NIC Sentinel


Notice: 'Immature act of vengeance

Shedding light on

Cl-tokEcl-t ERRi Es ...exposing those Kodak 1no1nents


I Communicaliorh Dcporcmcnr t"huir and Photos:r.1phy ln, rrurtClr Philip Corlis


op.:neJ th,: Juor ,., Ill ,pc.ii. on ,tr.I) hi;ht ,.111 .1flcd unrJc, eloped lilm During Jn m1enncdi.11c , 1,._, Und<' Philm ,,a, t:n1n1111110 the darl.ronm 111 l\Cl more paJlCr '""el,. hut cnJed up ,, 111 on 11,0 ,1udcn1, who were rollin!! 1hc1r lilml Oop,• S.n 11 \\llh me. lntru/Phr•h> .1lu111, ,\ LWA Y K 'O<.:K ! I Before hJndmg h.1,I. the pre, mu, \\CCI.·, cum,. l~conomics in\lnrctor Ina Uurtlrlt \\,lnh:d 10 "'ulh her 9 ,1111 ,1udcn1, ,, nh ,1 hlllc 111U\IC. Un11w:irc 1ha1 .1 stereo ,cnic mu,1 hJ1c, rcpl rn JnJ u, the 1olu111c ,l1t· pu,hcd play and The D111 c \lathe,., Uand cont ere bei:an nic ,.1g,1 rnnllnul'J .1, .1 ,1urJcn1 h.1d 10 help her lmd the ,olumc hullc•n 1111um the d.uun thing dtm n' I Chcrf) pie 11> lhc ,·nmpu~ 111aintcr11111 c1• crc11 and 1hc11 ,w1h rc11111val ol 1hc ln1c,1 ,r,,-.tall t ,c"1h111~ ,,n ,.unpu, ,,·1·111, lo I>..· pn:ll) dc.11 f',pcn,111) th,· ,11c.1.iruund th.: hcrnmn Uuild111i: and Prc,idcnt Ocnncll \ orlin- ,rn,c 1h1, ,, Jl0'-'1hl) the uni} '"'" on c,1111pu, 11hcr, tho: wull.1,,1y, .1r,· the dear.:,, I lll<: lo11·,1\IIO\\ \lorm ha, 111.1dc lur le" do,c p;1rl.111r ,pa,c,. and more ,1udcn1, JIC linJinr nc.111\s' ''•')' to 1llcgJII) p.irl.1hc11 ,chide ,n the) don't hJ1c lu trudge through 1h,· \\h11c ,lull But w,11d1 nut. c111111ius ~arc1y i, writing uul more lickeb lhnn there .ire s no,1nukes. II you lhmk you ,.m sa} your w;i, unrcndnblc 1,ccJu,e of the "'cl ,nm~ 1l11nl. .1g,11n 1 The pnrking people have outsma rc cd the iludenb b} pulling the 11cl.c1, 11111plod, hag,' I Whc1hc1 the wcnthcr 1s good m had. the ~·url Ground~ is no nrcn to be dmg racing There's ,1 rumor 1ha1 i.pccd bumps m1gh1 be pul around 1hc nc1ghborhonJ ,r 1h1> pen.hi, Many people ha,·c come clo,c lo runmng over i.tudcnt\ crmsrng the \ln:el between Boswell Hall and th e library. Watch out for 1ha1 blind corner!

O..,ar Ld11or hile ,wndcr111i: ,n 1he t tcdlund hu1ld111g. I CJIIIC UtrtlS, lh1, nnlllc on .11.1hlc Aller rcuclm!! 11. I tlunl. n " 11npor1.1111 lo .1ddrc" th1~ lcncr 10 1hc 11cr,on who 1ho111?11l n nccCS\ilf)' 10 circul.uc the noucc f·ir,1. I hope you ,cnnu,t} com1dcr cnmlhng 1n111 Engh,h 099 ,mcc >nur \Cnlcnc,· ,1ruc1urc and cd11mg ab1h11c, nrc a1rnc1ou, A, lnr the mfon11.111on m the no11cc. unlc" you «ere prc,cnl al the lime ol the mc1dcn1. 11 1s hcar\11} . Ahn the mfonm111un 1, cxtremcl)· b1a,cd ,1i:urn,1 1hc ,ccrcl.iry Jnd lc.11 c, no ruom fc>r Im ,1dc of the story II ,1 ,cry immature ,\Cl 111 vengeance.



1f lhc lormcr secretary did indeed do the 1hrn1:, you accu,c 111111 of Unfununnlcly, y11u .ire cn111pou11d111g llw prohlcm hy hem!! IIIIIIMlurc )UUr-cll 1111, mane, ,hould h.11c hccn 1.1kcn 10 the Dc.m of Student,. V111lcnc,: ngurn,111nn1hcr l>IU1kn1 on campu, " J vml.1111111 ol arudc Ill rn 1lw Student\ Code ol Cnndull and would h111c h,1d ,I hc,mng. ,, hcrc.1s you h.ivc been 111, Judge, Jury and h,1111?111,111 Ihe hchc1.1h1hl) nf th" nou,c mtc, fll,!hl up there wnh the n.111nn,1l 1r,1,h ,ind lh,un lcncr- Plca~c dnn'l \\astc ,tutlcnt, umc nr the ,r honr~ paper and cqu1pmcn110 , your h,uc nf anllthc1 p.?r,on M11.hcllt: Burkh.111

Street Beat What suggestions do you have to help solve the parking problem?

the Sentinel 1000 West Garden Avenue, Coeur d'Alene, Idaho 83814 • (208) 769-3388 ,h~o.:1.11nl Colleg1a1c Prc,i. hie Star AII -Amcr",m Ncw,papcr .ind Nauonal PJccmakcr Rl>l>cn I· Kcnn,-dy Aw11rd • Soc1,·1y ol Profc,,umul Journ .. h,1~Gcne1nl bcclltncc Award Nntmnul HJII of l·amc • l.o, Angele, T11ncl> Nnuonal Lcndcl\.lup Awnrd Rod} Mnunl,un Colh:!!mh! Pre" General E,ccllcncc A11Jrd

!:dltorlal Staff MarkAaron Perry Managing Editor Mary Arklander News Editor Kibbee Walton Amanda Tomme Instant Culture Editor Michele Bear Jonathan Hay Sports Editor NIis Rosdahl

Photo Editor Business Manager Adviser

Tim Ellsworth Dlesel Mechanics

Robin Mungell Law Enforcement

Build more parking spaces in place of tennis courts, since there is no tennis team.

Car pool Lots of car poollngl

Reporters, Photographers and Artists Allen Beagle Dan Bell Di Braun Ruth Carapella Jandl Dunlap Jenifer Harris Shannon HarwOOd Leslie Hines

Shelley Jerome

Richard Le Francis Ryan MacClanathan Cheyenne Mahncke Melody Martz Tara Matt Patty Moore Steve Myers Tri Nguyen Pat Nolan

Brad Preston Cody Raithel Stephanie Rowe Stephanie Schreiber Angle Schwintek Rosie Vogel Barry Whitney Wes Woods

Kat Yockey

letters Pollcy·-The Sen11nel welcomes letters to the ed,tor Those who submit letters must hm1t them to 300 words. sign thorn 1e91bty, and provide a phone number 1n order to veoty authenttell)' Some loners may 1101 be pnnted because ol space l111111auons, or because they t) are similar to a number of letters already received on the same subject. 2) 118 l>OSSrbly libelous. or 3) are 1lleg1ble. The Sentinel reserves the nght to edit letters letters IT'lay bo ma,lod to the Sentinel or brought to Room 53 of the Siebert Building

Keith Knapp Foreign Language I don't tttt lt'a a big problem, but more ~ near KIidow and Seiter HIii WIUd be nice.

Shellie Stillson Paychology We should have to pay to park. It would help If you could build anolher parking lot somewhere.

I Page 8

The NIC Sentinel

"Fitness for Everyone"

Come and see Coeur d'Alene's Newest fitness center! .>






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North Idaho Fitness 296 Sunset Mall Suite 7 (208) 664-6213 Exp. 4-15-96

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Did you know...

Thursday, March 14, 1996

Mitch Armuth's national shot put championship Is the first track title at NIC In almost 20 years.

The NIC Sentinel

Page 7

Campus Sports The North Idaho College Sentinel

Cardinals' year ends on sour note

photo by Kibbee Watton Workln' hard· Eric Sanchez tries to shoot through two Sall Lake Community College defenders.

hy Cod}' Railhcl S,<11111u•I R,·,mrr,·r The 1996 Rtg11111 IN 1oum,,n1M1 ,n Or,•111. Uiah "111 be one lo lnrcc1 lor 1hc men·, ancl women·, ba,~c1ball 1ca111, B01ll 1cam~ were cl1111i11;11c,l 111 1he fir,1 round. The men lo,1 10 Sno" ION-R~ ;111d 1hc womc11 IO<I IO R,cl., 91-61. The Cordinul men·, ba,l.c1b:1ll 1ca111ll•r11hc David O. McKay Event- Ccnrcr ,hell shocked. Snow <hol 70 pcm!nl <7-12) 1111hc fir,1 hull from 1hc :l-pom1lmc 10 upsc11hc 1hinl ,cccled Cardinals. The Cards were on 1hc oppn,itc end of 1hc ,hoo1ing ~pcc1ru111 shoo11ng J9 pcrccrn from behind lhc nn:. "II wasn·11hn1 we played thni badly 1>111 we were never really m i1." coach R11ll y Willrnm, ~aid. ··They go1on o roll wi1h thmc 1hrcc, and we couldn ·1 do any1h1ng 10 <lop 1hc111," Snow sprimed ou1to an cnrl)' and never looked back U\lng solid dcfcn,c .111(1 bcni NIC", 1rnppmg defcn,c. "Our 31 defon,c. which i, lhc o1 our dcfcn~c all yc.,r. h,,d no cflccl 011 lhl'III ... ,ophomorc forwnrd ·1roy ll1omp,1ln ,;11d. Snow "''" nn fire 1hc cnlirc 11umc; ,h0<11111i; ., ,11 ,lrng ,18 pcrcc111 lr om the field lk C,1rd11111h' lo,, c.imc II\ ,1 ,urpri,l' hccuu,c they hnd ,wcp1Snow during 1he rcgulnr ,c:1,on. "I 1hough1 we moved the h.tll well and ,ct good ,crccn,... Snow 1:oad1 Jon, ,J1d. Snow out-rebounded the Card, 51-4/l. "When yt1u ,hoo1. play dcfcn,c and rebound like 1hcy did 1hcrc 1~n·1much )OU c,m do," Willrnm~ ~nid. Leading the Card, in scoring. wa~ Qucn11n ~tnll w11h 20 pomh. I lall ,1101 4-10 rrom ). poinl range. T1Junn Diol ~cored I 5 po1m, and Roy Kru,~ wyk grabbed e1gh1 rebound, The Budgcrs were lend by Poi McGra111·, 21 poini.. " He is n 1ough ployer and II tough k,d;· William) said.

NIC n:cc,v<.'tl 1cd1111,·.1I foul, Imm \V11l1.111h ;111d Enc S:mchc,. Da, ,d Cum11111!lrnm ""' CJCCtcd fo1 lhtl>\\ lllg ,I tlagr:1111 clho\\ ·1hmnp,1111 ,,ml SIIO\\ l'.,lllll' OUI lllil-11 \\ 11h ClllOIIUII ;111tl NI(",,.,, tlal "Th•·y ,, ,•re ",l) more 1111cn,c:· l"hon1p"m ,;11d "Kcgmnal, ,, .t whnlc Ill·" Jc, cl. I am rcnlly lru,11alc1I 111,111 no\\ hc,.111,c I I.nm, \\C did11'1 pla) tu our l111l po1,•1111.,I ·· 1111, ,, "'·" 1h,• k11c11d.11) n1;1d1 W1lh.,m, • l:1,1 camc. "I am d1,;1pp<11111,·d lx·,;111\l' I dnn'1 w,1111 Ill go ou1 hl.c 1hi,. hu1 ~ uu, ,111 ·1 kl one g.1111•· ruin., !!rc;11 )CJr." W,llr.1111, Wilh,1111, · hhl h1,111<: )!,1111<' on ~l.m:h 2 ".,, J ICUI') occa"on. Wrllrnnh rc,civcd ;1 ,1:,nd111µ ov.111011 b.:lol'I.' 1hc )!,1111,· i.1110,wd h) a d111n1 of "Rolly". h)' 1hc n,·.,r ,clloul cro" d. W1Jh,1111, ,lhll r,'tt'i\Cll ,1 WIIIICll klll'f frlllll 1hc Prc\lMOI ;111d F,rsi I co111111c11d1ng h1111 on hi\ 1:; )c,1r, ul rn,1l lt111g .11 NI(" 111c 11111) Curd·, rull11\scd 1hc men on Mnrd, 7 1111,l lcll tx-h,ml Rid, in-~ 1111h,· IIN h,111 1 hey (Ollldll.l tJtdl IIJl .t\ lhC) WCI'\.' chminulcd 111 lhl' lir,1 rou11d 0 1 1hc wurn11nw111 9 I (ll ··We "ere J linlc 11c1vuu, and rl:i)cil p11,"vcl).'· rn.1t'h (ireµ Crimp -..1111. ··we ,aw

a on.: ~1.1m.: ,c,1\011:· Cnmp ,111d "" tc,1111 rnultl1i"1 gc1 .,ny ,11,p, on dclcn,c. "We g,11 bc,11 111\ldc wh 1th h," lll.'cn our brcJd and buncr ,,II ,c.,,on." Crnnp ,.11d Cn111p ,.111) Rici., ,11011hc 111111.'i. 1-pn1111 ,hu111nd pl.i)cd "ell .1i::i1n,11hc Curdm.,1, 4u1cl.-,1ril.c offense. ··we lo,1our c111hu,1J,m Jnd m.,dc ,omc 1umovc,.,:· Cnmp ,.1111. Crimp ,ard h, ~ 1c.11n handled prc"urc all ycJr bu1 lo,1 the mug" 111 1hc 111um.,mc111. "1t·, ol unc>1pl111nublc how we 10,1:· Tanya Kiri. '\:lid. "We JU,1d1dn' 1have 1111>day; excep1 for fom,c Richard, who ployed w11h ., 101of hcan:· Kirk '-lid 11 ·"

Campus Recreation gives students a 'natural high' by Rcme Vogel &,11/iit'I Reponr,· North ldnho College's campus rccrcallon dq,anmem ha., plnns to g.:1studcnts high. It '~ ~ ,n 'IJ)on\Oring a program 10 help students do 11111 that. Through o plan designed by 1hc Nauona1 ln1rnmural -Recren1ional Spons As.'OC\ation. NIC will soon h~I an event called Natural High. The tyPc of high as.socintcd with thi< l)l'Ogmm h no11hc response to alcohol. drugs

or any t)'p,l of htumful ~ubsinnce. The plan is for studcn1s 10 gc1 high on lifo. rather than tum 10 harmful ~ubstanccs 10 do the job. According to Paul Manza.rdo. NIC·s recrc111ionnl ~pons coordinator. Nn1ural High will 1:u.c place in Christianson Gymna.sium. During 1hc event. ii will be possible to play volleyball. bas.ke1ball and Olhcr mdoor spans. In addition. card t:ibles will be set up in the lobby. and 1he weight room should be available. A non-alcoholic bar will also be

pn:pared. and voriou~contcs,~are scheduled to go <>n 1hroughou1 the cvcn1 . Na1ural High is a 5-yeo.r-old, na 11onwide. college program. Man.wtlo \ll)'S 1h31 college, in every sintc bur Idaho oITer the program. NIC will be 1he 1ir~t college in Idaho to sponSO( the program. Manzan:lo ~ ys 1ha1 he hopes Natural High will become a monthly evcnl 111 NIC. He alw $11YS tha1 he would like 10 l>CC women gel involved m Natural High. not jus1male

\luclcm~. " h i, a JXl'i1ivc prOJ.!ram. ·· he -.ay, . "And an ahcm.111vc 10 panying w11h j k nh<'I :ind drug'-·· Na1urol Hrgh i, -chcdulcd to lake plJl-c from 9 p.m. 10 midnigh1 on April 19 and 26 and May 3 and 10. And. Man,.urdo '-'>'' he would a.u: anyone plonmng 10 ancod 10 plCII-C no111mve drunk . Conmc1 Manzardo at 769-3299 ques1ion.~or idea, Jboul Ntuural High.

Spring sports in starting block Track teams success hinges on throwers b) Wes Woodb !i,•111111rl R,•1mrtt•r

fhe North ld,1ho CollcJ!e Men·~ ,md Women', 1racl. team, will ha"e 10 rely on the ,1rong amt\ of

gol a whole hunch of people who can run 1hc 400."

1hc1r 1hrO\\Cf\ 10 carry them 10 ,uctc\, 1h1~ ,,;.1,on. Even 1hough the year 1, early. ,1gn, .,re already poin1ing 10 ,1 p.rcal )C:lr .a, M11ch An11u1h took liN plac.: ;u the nauonal 1oumamcn1 an 1hc shot put rcc:en1ly. In fact, w11h 1hc cxccpuon of high hurdle, and triple Jumper., the NIC men's track team 1s really "°lid. according 10 NIC 1rnck coach Make Bundy. Rc1umi11g ~ophomore Am1u1h massed tJUnlifying for na1ionnls by 1hree qunncr.; of an inch las, year. His bcq indoor throw this year is 52 rec, 81{2 inches. "He had never 1hrown before 10.,,1 year (tnd hos some po1en1ial as a di,cu, 1hrowcr." Bundy sn1d. "He threw over 143-11 ;ind ha< po1cn1inl 10 throw well over 150 1h1, Yl'ar. I'm ccnoin he'll do 1h01. 1\m1u1h i, also the only n:1urning di,cu, thrower. The !Op newcomer. 111cludc Trav1~ Coddington. who threw lhc high -.chool di,cu, Il!2 foci In~, yenr .1nd wa, the N,111onal Junior Olympic Dl\cu~ Champion. "He und M11ch are our No, I and ,ho1 p1111er:111door, 1ha1 we've ever had,'' Dundy ,nid. In lhc ,avclin. there·~ Ty D,1nicl~ and Jcrcmy S1rnnd. Ac,;ording 10 13und)• ~ornconc from JmOng th,11 group 1, going 10 be 1nl.1ng up the hammer a~ w.:11. In ,pnn1,. s<>phomoru Deon McC:1llu as b:acl. but he·\ hnd ~ome 1nJury problem,. According 10 Dundy. McCulln', plagued with an injured hum,1r1ng. He qunlaticd for the mdoor mnionnl, a1 55 meters. llowcvcr. he didn't make the 1rip bccau~ he w.1, hun. He'll nlso do lhc 100. "How many events he 'II do depend, on how hi) legs arc holding om." Bundy said. "We've 00

Arrindalc M1lkrand Cube Rapier (who wn~ on 1he bnskc1ball team) have bolh run 48.2 in 1hc 400. Another lop re1umcr is Bo Bonner. whonms m1crrnedin1c hurdles. He ran 55 .4 lasl photo by Kibbee Walton ycnr. Ready to explode- Sophomore shot putter Mitch Armuth shows off the form that led to the leading Newcomer Mnn Srni1h throw in junior college earlier this year. Chad Dudney. who Bundy say& Bundy snid. Snmh Miller. who has the NIC also shows real promise as an will be doing the s1eeplcchai,e, n TI1e women's team will oho indoor record of 2:20. will run 1he in1cm1cdiu1e hurdler. according 10 rely on 1hc s1reng1h of the throwers 800. She wos s1x1h in the m11ion3l Dundy. Brian Sheridon and Donner new event for ham. will help hold down lh.: 4)(4 n:loy Bundy $aid the goal is always 10 10 keep them ahead of the indoor mee1 spring. Ano1hcr do well m the regionals and he compc111ion. 800 runner is newcomer Koynull team. supposes 1hm mcnns trying 10 beat According 10 Mike Green from 1hc Bahamn.s. High jumper Ty Daniels. Ricks, which is always good. Bundy. "We're knee deep in girl Freshman Veronica Mendiela nccording 10 Bundy. is a mulll· "It would be nice 10 do well. 1hrowers." Sophomores purpose fellow. Afler being away will run 1he 1.500. Kristen although I've son of nllvays for n Morn1on mission, Shunc include Michelle Edmonds. who Schcrrncrhom nnd Gmi Lehrmtlll Perry will al~o be competing in 1hc focused on how well the wa~ c1gh1h la\t year in 1he nouonal ,m: sirong in 1he 1500, JOOO area. high-jump. In 1hc long jump mdiv1dunls do and if 1hc mee1 in 1he dhcus. She aho hold~ ~a id Bundy. Brook Mclochlan will individuals show 1mprovemen1." the~ ·s Daniel~ uncl Jerod Ca~h. 1he school record in the chscus with run J,Q00.5.000. Sophomore liril· 147'3. who·~ coming off lmce surgery. year runner L1,a Fillmore will do In the triple jump there i~ Kayleen Woodruff threw 1he 10.000. nobody. In foci. Bundy 1he diS<:us~ 117 fcc1 last year. In the triple jump 1hcre i$ A-2 would like anyone interested "I e,:pcct her 10 throw at leas, ~,a1e champion Julre Swan from in jumping 10 ~cc him. in the mid 20s this year and Orofino. who i~ ulso a good long Frc~hmcn Brandon Dun. pos,ibly qualify for nn11onals." Jumper, according 10 Bundy. Prc~1on Morton and Shane said Bundy. In 1he hurdle, then:·~ freshman Allen will run 1hc 800. In the In 1he shot pu,. ,here's Viole, Ha~11ngs from Co.,,cade. 1.500 1hcrc\ frc~hmun Sieve Mont .. who wa\ 1he fas1es1 hurdler Edmonds and Laura Walker Parker. ;111d Chn~ Blood (1\ho were bolh at the national m Mon1ana year in all clas)C!S :,long \1i1h ~ophomorc Mike indoor meet) ranked No. 3 3nd m high school. She ran the high McQuren, Some new hurdle, and in1em1cd1a1cs. She can 6 nationally :u 1h1s poml. fn·~hmnn d1Mnncc runn,:rs "In the shot and disc were really run 1hc 4x4 relay. cun long Jump. inrludc Todd Bruce. Chn~ Gossen and do jus1 abou1 everything well es1abltshed," Bundy said. and Kcnichiro Kimura Bundy said according 10 Bundy. H1: feels th3 I In sprinrs Sunny Duffy i~ "I 1hmk the frc~hmnn d1s1ancc Any NIC men or women thru "We've gol all the evcnl> in 1he muming in lhc 100. Freshman women's side covered c(ccpt the runner, nrc preny cxc111ng," said :ire 1n1ercs1ed in Joining the track Amber Launtzcn 1s a good 100 Bundy 1crun can feel free 10 do so. meter runner and ,1rong 100 meter high Jump. Everybody has 10 si,y healthy 1h1s )Car. Evcrylhmg h!1$ IO Also in the di,iances 1hcre'$ "You don't have 10 be on runner a~ well. according 10 Wes Woods in 1he 10.000 and scholarship or All-American:· go jusl righ1.'' Bundy.

and running out of batter's box Baseball team ready to play if Mother Nature cooperates

photo by Kibbee Walton

Above: Bring the heat- Coach Jack Bloxom lets Ryan Tarasoff get a crack at live pitching.



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Covering the bag- Ryon Packard practices covering first base in spring training.

hy .Jona1hnn Hay Spuns Ediwr Curdinol b.iwh:111 conch Juel. Bloxom ha~ enough 10 worry :1bou1 111 ge11111g hi\ 1cam re:1dy for Region 18 piny. Unforlunntcly. he :1ho ha, tn deal with the ,now whi le other team, in the league arc playing outdoor.. already. Despite the bad weather. Bloxom sec\ some po~itivc thing, happc111ng early 111 the year. .. We have 1hc pornn1ia l 10 l11t the ball pretty well 1his year." Bloxom said. Some of lhal hitting will hove to come from the rc1urning sophomore\ 111 thc mnclct. ··we should be good dcfcn~ivcly in the infield with the 1hrcc murnmg mfieldurs," Bloxom ~aid ...11,ose three should olso provide team leadership ... The three returning infielders nrc Chris McGregor. Jer<!nt)' Mon nod Jason Bartell. McGregor will piny fiN b:m: and was known to pro,•ide some pop 111 the lineup last year at 1he plo1e. Mort shored up 1hc middle of the infield last year and will be e,pectcd. along w11h Burtell. 10 ploy solid defense 10 help out a pitching ~ ,arr that 1s unproven 10 1hi~ po1111. TI1e pitching ~taff wa, hurt by 1he loss of Mark Nelson who was expected to anchor the ro1a11on. Nelson wn, in 1he staning rotation last year before being diagno,cd "1th canca earlier th1~ school year. Another blow to the pitching tnff came when Ryan Kempton from Po,t Falb was declared academlt'ally ineligible. Bloxom foci, that lo~111g Kempton and Nelson will take away some of the power pitching that he ha~ had in the pa.t. '"We"ve got some kid, who can pitch, but we: don't have an)one who ·ve proven them~.:lves nt this lcvc1:· BloJtOm said. The outfield •~ a que,tton mark so for this year. All three of the members

or 1hc team 1hat pla) cd out held l:1q an' no longer" 1th the Card~.

Blo,um moved R) JR Tar.1,olf to 1hc ou1llcld tlu, yc;1r lrorn llurd ba~c to try ,ind gt\'C them ,omc c,11<:rience In foci. 1here \\Crc ;i lc,t ol po\111011, on th<' team that were hurt by ~rJduuunn. 1rnn,lcr- or acndenuc inchg1b1ht) MJt~ Colin" would hnvc ~tarted 111 the ou1iielcl. bu1 wa, declared 11c.1dcm1cally 111chgiblc Pitcher fordm1 Opdahl." ho .11 om: point l:"t ,cn,on \\,I\ dro1w111g in1cre~1 from prol~S\101ml scout~. went on 111 ~ m1'~ion for 1hc Lnncr-clay Sai111s. Many other player~ that conmbutcd last year gradua1cd. Out. thb, docsn '1 mean 1h01 rhc cupboard 1s h.irc. Bloxom went out and got ~omc 1111mccliote help in the form of Ryun Gucmcr. who will start at catcher after trnnsfcrring 10 N IC thi, yc:1r. 01hcr newcomer thut will provide 11nmcdia1e hdp. according to Bloxom. 1s frcshmnn Poul Wihon. who ~·ould ,tart nt third ba~c. Also, Joel Gorham and Luke Anderson .trC fre~hmen who could pay dividend, 1mmedia1ely. Snowfall ho, forced the team indoor, 10 get ready for the sca~on. "We 've bc.:n hilling in 1hc wrestling room 4-5 times a week, but 11 1bn ·1 the ,amc :i~ playmg on the JCtunl field:· Bloxom stud. Some of the member\ of the region huvc already played m California and Arizon:1over th.: la,t couple of w~-ek\ mduding perennial lltle contendcrR1ck, and CS I . .. Rick~ and CSI are alway\ 1ough m baseball so you·vc got to bc concerned with them:· Blo,om said. A) far a~ thi- year", team. Blo,om ~aid he 1sn ·1 qune sure y~• how 1hey Muck up agam~t the rcM of league. League play begins on March 29 when the team 1ra,eh 10 Trea~urc Valley to face 1hc Chukars. There arc plenty of game., before league play begins (early ,cason schedul.: on left). Bloxom says the team wou ld love fan ~uppon

L___:_ _ __ _Sentinel ______________ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ __ _ _ __ March 14, 1996 Page 10 The_ NIC Sports Thursday,


'World's most popular sport'


NIC Soccer Club gives students a chance to play

... 0 C. UJ



·..J ....

h~ J cni rcr ll arr is

would ltkc 10 ,.:c " omen 1n1crc,1cd

Sr11111wl Rr11m "'' Elc,•cn player, rrom each 1cam 1.1k,· 1hc held The whl\lk hl cm, .ind 1hc hcg.111, So.:ccr hn, boen u populur p,l\ltllll' long bl·forc Ptlc . rhc kmg or ,urccr. und his I ncnd, plnycd b.irdoo1 in the , trcch of Br:1lil ,11ith .1 hundk ot ,ock., 11cd togcrhcr 11, ,I bull. Fu1hol. a, ,occcr i, knnwn in Latin t\mcnrnn cou111r1c, . h;" evolved w11h 11111e. It Im, come from a lcl\urc :1c1iv11y to u highly , k, lkd. ph)'\ll'.illy dcmnnd ing. ,1tlrcnult11c-pump111i; cxc rc1"!· The wor ld ', 11111,1 popular ,port. ,ncccr ,, rn 1h wl•ond ycur :11 NIC. l'hc NIC Soccer Club con..,, ,, of 11bnu1 20 , wtlcut,. ;;,eluding a lcw worm·n wlu, com,· ttl!,!cth,•r to l'nrm

tn pl.tying. enabling rhc dub to form :1 women\ 1cam a, w.:11.


1\hh11ugh 1hcrc


not prc,cn1ly n

women·, 1cam, Nick llaync,. p1c,,.kn1 ol the Snl'C'\!r Cluh.

The men·, team piny, 1111he Pacific Nonhwc,1Soccer l.c:1guc "h1ch 111cluclc, club, I rom Umvcr\11 > or lcluho. Wo,hmg1011 S1a1c Uniwr,i1y und Gont:tga. Their fir,1 game 1hi, ,print: wu, plunned for April 7. bul bccau,c 11 "Easler Sunday. 1he gnmc day may be cha nged. Mo,1 member, or NIC Soccer Club have had prcvicius cxpcricncc in high ,chool or at 1hc college level. In 1hc Inland Nor1hwc,1 ,occcr lms 1:1kcn :t leap forward m lhc pu,1 few ycart;. Locul y<1ung girl,· :ind boy, dub, urc ,pringing up :,round 1he arcn. givrni: ch ildren the uppt>11u1111y ro develop 11npor1:1111 motor ,kills c:irly. In 1hcrc .1rc ,o;;(cr dtni, , tor 1lw k1cb dunr1g 1he ,ummcr whcrc rhc) urc 111ugh1 ba,1c ,o, l' cr


T ACO J O HN~®-,







2517 North 4th



,kill, by cx prncnccd player, lake

Hayne,. S,icccr cnlhu\lash al,n bchrv<· 1h:11 rh,· , uccc" 01 1hc U.S. M~n, · Tc,1111 in World Cup ·94 hu, boo,1cd 1hc popul:m1y of 1hc , po11 around rhc na11on. Si nce 1hc ,occl·r dub i, nc" Ill NIC. 1hc ori;anm111on ha, been \ll11111ion, one ,1cp n1 .11imc Rcf.:n:c, arc hurd 10 llnd tor 1hc home gnmc,. which arc rtaycd 111 C:inficlcl Middle School Thm: i, ah o n bn of :1problem w11h


mcmha, having 10 work on game d:iy~. A, a co-founder or 1hc ,ncccr club. H;aync,. is hoping 1hn1 , tudcnis will c:uch on ro the ,pnn 1h:n i, con,isrcmly , hooting ir, w:,y 11110 1hc Non hwc,1 one goal al 11

11mc. .. II would be 1Hcc 11 1hcrc wn,

on official men·, cardiMI ,occ,·r 1cum on campu,." Hayne, ,n,d. 1\ I J-ycar ,,~1crn n ol rh.: ,pnr l. ll nync~" un~urc ol 1hc l111Urc ot NIC', Soccer C'luh. I Ir will b.: heading IO Un,vt'r\11)' o f ld:i hn n.:,t foll. ,11111 "still w.11t111g for ,0111conc 10 fill hi, d eal\.

Photo by Jenifer Harris

Just kickin' It· Mike Woods(Facing) and Nick Haynes practice on the NIC soccer field.

Sports Notes..... Bloomsday founder lo speak al NIC tonight a l 7:30 Don Kardong will offer a preseniation in the Kootenai Room at 7:30 tonight to read some passages from his new book, " Hills, Hawgs and Ho Chi Minh.'' Kardong is a senior writer for Runner's World and was the founder of Bloomsday. Kardong was the fourth-place finisher in the 1976 Olympic marathon. He will read from his new book. have a discussion following the reading and then will autograph book. Kardong will be reading in the Nor1hwest Authors Series, which the library staff has been providing to the public this year. There is no charge 10 go 10 the event. Panicipants might want 10 get there early to assure a seat

Intramural Act ivily.... Softball is beginning soon and 1here will be a soflball offi cials clinic on March 27 in 1he office of Paul Manzardo, recreational sports coordinator. in 1hc basemen, of 1he Student Union Building. In addition, intramural co-ed soflball is scheduled 10 start soon. Deadline for entry forms is 2 p.m. on March 29. Forms are available in Man1..ardo 's office. A $10 forfei 1 fee for each team will be required when tuming in entry fonns. Team captains can pay the fee at 1he business office in Lee Hall. They will be given a receipl which should be auached to 1he fonn when they tum it in to Manzardo. If anyone has questions concerning the softball league, call Manzardo at 769-3299.

Thursday, March 14, 1996 He who has a message and no propaganda wlll not get very far.

Schedule of fvents

The NIC Sentinel

Page 11

Instant Culture ~

The North Idaho College Sentinel

Fishing for dreams in clay _installation Marilyn Lysohir hosts workshop for art students and creates installation for Boswell Hall

March 16 Summer Theatre auditions Children aud111ons I p.m.Boswell Hnll. Adult~ ~chcdulc audition 11111c by coniacting Roger Welch at

769- 7780.

March 23 "Riverboat Harmony" The Trenchcoats 8 p.m. Boswell Auditorium $10 adult, and S9 ,tudenls

March 25 -29 'Popcorn Forum' Features historical roles Mart·h 15· niomn, Jeffcr..on 9a.m G~lileo 11 :1.m. Jerry Kramer 12:30 p.m. /llan:h '.!6: Su,.111 B. Anthony '>o.m 271h:W.Edwords Deming 9 u.m. Sojourner Truth 11 Boswell Aud11onum

photo by Kibbee Walton Whats cstchl- Marilyn Lysoh,r explains how she created her 100 fish ,n the clay mstallar,on ·Fish Dreams· displayed m the Union Galllery

Ly,ohir draw, mspir.111011 for 111uny of her piece, Irom her f:imily. "When l wa, growing up. my father w:i, a gn:.11 he Union Gallery ha~ bernm" a \CU of li,h for the month of M.1rch. Mqrilyn Lpolur. n world renowned lishcmllln:· Ly,ohir ,nid Ly,ohir pointed ou1 occur,mccs tn her cluldhood Ihm had clay am,t. ha, brought her 111\tnllo11on w C~ur encouraged her oni,1k puf'\UII. When ,h~ \\ll\ live. ,h..d'Alene Members nnd ~,udcnt~ or the nn dcpanmcnl brought home a lingcrpain11ng tbut her mothl.'r loved. arranged 1hc lhh when they urnved rrom 13oi,c prior 10 Ly,ohir\ mother ,howcd II off 10 fncnd, :ind c•cn 10 the Ly-.ohir. f:.unil)' doctor. Though there urc I 00 lhh 1h01 cov.:r the gallery wall,. .. A, a child. that mndc me led conlidl.'nl and proud ... Ly,ohir ,aid 1ha1 c3ch one h.1~ 1h own hulc pcr.onality. The Ly,oh1r ,uid. , how al,o includes :i hfe-,11c plaster replica of one of Ly~oh1r had an early eye for commen:iulizmg ,in When Ly,oh1r', fcnmlc ,1udcnt,. -.evcral WJll-mnuntcd rcrnmic ,he wa, a child ,he would 1ry IO -ell her drnwmg, and frog, nnd a neon Mgn reading "SLl; EP." ·n,e pln,,tcr replica "a, crca1cd in 1wn d:1y,. when ,1 bo<ly cu~l ""·" made ol the p3m1tng~ to people on the ,1dcwalk out\ldc her hou..e Ly~ohir pointed out 1h111 311 through ~chool ,he w.t, never ,1udcn110 Inter be lilkd with cloy. the licst. ''bu1 I had the hcan," ,he ,:IICI. "h \Ian, from a very "Sl)(.-cial prccau11or" ore ml-en when u,mg a humnn 10 p,:rwnnl 1dc:i." mnkc a mold." l.y,ohir ,aid. "The plo.,1,•r could cru,h her When ,he wa~ lo-years-old. Ly-.ohir go1a Job chc,1. ,o we used plo,ter bMduge, in,1c,1d " Ounng the watl:-1hrough of the ,how m the Un11111 Gallery. bunnies tn a chocolnle factory. According 10 Ly,ohir 1hi, ,1rcng1hcned her 1alcn1 m ..culpting. She once crcuted an 8Ly-.ohir .,t,o dc,cribcd ~r idea for dcS1gn1ng w •im,uit, wnh foot chocolate bunny upon a rec1uc,1 from her ho~~ 1he Statue of L1bcny on them for the Olympic team. She ~aid At the age of 30. clay became: J profo,Mon of a that 1f ,he could bring an to the Olympic,. 1hn1 would be fun: hobby for Ly~oh1r. In her most faniou., piece... Bad Manners," even tf ti never hnppcns the idea 1, fun. Ly,ohir dc\igncd a table with n o;crump1iou~ display of food. Mnreh 12 nnd 13 ,tudent:; were invited 10 panicipme 1n a 111 ork,hop held by Lysobir . Pontcipan1s made poncry food 10 Seated nt the table on: four md1v1dual, who ore fully c.- lo1hed but mis~ing their hcad_,. The piece rnme from a time m her 3<kl 10 the 8-foot ceramic chair Lysohir created earlier 10 be li fe when many of her friend~ were gelling divorced . dl\plnycd on campu,.

by Shnnnon llorn ood Se1111111•t Reportr1



.. , hct!Ull m not,~c h111, pcrsonal111..-, d1a11gc "hcn 11 come, 10 po,-.c"1011s:· Lywlur ,.,id... Yml _.,111111al.c 11 111h1 .1 "hole 01hcr level vi umlcrs11111dmg ,tnd mc.111111g •· " Bud M.mncrs" 1, mm mdudcd 111111.111) 1cx1bnuh nn day. L)\Ohlf ,:ud lhJ ,1flcr UCUllllg ,I ptClC ,hc ilc..:, not c:.;pcncncc ,In) pcN>nal JllJchmcm 1u her worl. ..S0mc1h1r1g hupp,:rh ahcr I dl'l u ptccc... ,,hen >uu·re done )'OU ,~all. JWJ)' .. .I\\ I did ti. but \C)ll1Ct1111c, I do11'1J..1111\\ how or why II huppened." L) ,ohir ,md Lysoht(, mo,1 rc~~m proJi:1:1 prior 10 "h,h Dream,." ,-;,, ;1 l·ooperJIIC>R 1, 11h 1hc P.11 Gr:une) 0JtK.c Co. CirJt1W) ,u" ,111 c\htbr11on of L),ohir', lhJI included J I ~-tom alltl!.11or "'llh .1 bndc I) ing on 11, b:1d. Gr:uney dn::11111 ubc>ut 1hc uM\\orl. lur month, before co111:,1:11ng L),ohir .ind ollcrmg 11> 11)' her 1n Scanlc 10 a""l m J dJncc pr<lducuon revul"'"I! uround th,· Jlliga1or/bndc c,h1b111on. The produ<11on h.r, bccn ,•er) wccc"ful for the dnm:c cmnp.111) \\h1,h 1, ,1lll 1uurmi; und will perform m Eug,·nc. Ore. ,oon ·r hc duo" n<m colluboratmg on L) ,oh1r', n.:xl proJl'<'I "hrlh mdudc, 1a11oocd \\Omen thruugh <.hnu,;1ur bone, She and her hu, R°'' arc: 111\0 \\ on 1hc "'wnd edi1 ion of 1h~ir magumc "H1l!h Ground " h "a crcull\c Jn nmgn71nc and each one h.i, a peMnal 1ouch. ·n,,.. autogrop~'<l liN cd111on of the mugJnnc "a,·u1luble tor purcha-e through the Gallery B) The L,J..c. L) ,ohir\ wurl. can be purcha...ed b) c<tn1ac11ng the J. Cn-1 Gullcry ,n 8111-c

·----· .............. ··- . . . ..... - . --· ...... . ._

. .. ..............

·-- ... .

_P_a_:g:__e_1_2_T_h_e_N _1_c _s_e_n_ti_ne_l~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ '-"-stan ~_t_Cu ~ lt_u:~ re~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ -T_h_ur_s_day, March 14,199~


Symphony orchestra searches San Diego b1 ('h,·~t·nnc \l:1hnn l'l,c \t'/11111, I


h,: ,,,11h,, C,:lle~,· S} 111pl11u11 Ordi.•,11.1 h1lk~! 11, l,1tc,1 p,:rlnnnann:. ·.·\\ lwr,· Ill 111.· \\ ..rt,1,, .... ' ·" ., ..1rn11h «111n·r1 hu .111 :ig,·, 1h,· umo.:,·n. u1nd11c1cd h} thc ,·n1~m.111, l,>clll "'"""''· h~•I. pl.1,c 1111lll.ud17111 rh,• 8,M<dl ll ,11i,Sd11111'1 \u,'11111111~1 1 h,· 1,k.1 "a,.1u 1.1I.,· rh,· 1h,·111,• 111 thc popul.11 , .1hk I \' ,ho11. " \\ hcri: 111 111,· \\ 1111d ,, C.11111,·11 San DI\'!!".,.. .ind b1.111ch 0111 111111 .111,·,plor.111011 ,11 ,wrld·" 1ck cuhuralh 100 ,llic111,•1l m1Nt \, ,c,·n on l \ . ""\\h, 1\' 1111lw W111lcl ,, C.1111wn S.111 D1eg,l' 1, .nmcd h11t111"d Hlllll~,,cr... t1llll1·,1.1111, 1,111!,!l' ,Ill\ I\ he!\' ln>m 12 IU I:'i }l',ll' Ill ,lfC Till' 1clca " 1(1 ligur,· ClUI ;,hcr:· 1h,• ,·lu,1"' (';11111.:11 ~.,n D1cµu 1, "uh rh.: hdp 111 1.tr1111" ft't1g1,1ph1cnl clue, 111" I\IC '>}mrh<MI) ()1d1,•,1ra u-cd a li1ilt'l\'1U 1on11a1. l h,• g1,1,,11hc ,111ryhuc 111\ohc,l a g.11d,•11 1h.11 could 11111} gnm "11h mu,,,:, llltl\ll' 1h:11 "•'' h.11111,·,I h} 1h,· ,., 11 i\l.11rn D"'urd :,1111 C111nud "/ think this was one of C.1u,·upht1n). I II er.Kl. th,·,.,,,: ,tnd !!'"' the \\urld the best concerts we 1111"" .,g.1111,hlk1c111 ,,111g, Imm "'p;ir.11,· t\'J.!''"'' hull 10 h,• pl.l\,•d loudh h1 ,Ill) .11 .uluhk ,•rd1e,1r.1 • .11.:1 have ever had. " lh,· <;)mph,111) l111h,•ir wr,11111. t lue, J.!'"'" nut h) P.1111, I. •• Caryn Davis rr,:.,tl\\.t~ Ill \.Uli.'tt ,e:.u,,\., ,UHi .in. ~'111,. h,HI IU Ix• Ulh!l'(lt\'led h) Buhh1 K111ul.1 m ,mk1 to f1i:111,• mll "lud1 "'"!?' 1ro1111h:11 t\'!,!11111 \\Cl\' h• he 11l.1)c.l rm 00 ,'\;Hllflk. Tl\'.Hl\\,1) , 1111.11 l'lu,· "·''" lhef\'·, 11111h111g h~,· home 0111hc r.1IIJ1< Im 111111i1 h,•lpcd 1h,· 1lidu,·11,1111111"c" ,nil',· h,• "·'' \\C:11111)! ch:111' amt .1 10·)!:tlhon ,u11 l>c•) hat \\htlc .c.11c1I 011.1 ,..11.,,ku n11.·l111~ h••"<' K,11ul.1. 11nc or 1h,· pnu"pk hr.111hto11ncl"\ h<,hmd th~ pcrtonnanCl', came 11111\,• n111du,111111h.,11h,· ""'l! 1lm1"·'' 1wc1kd 1,.1, ,111 A11w11,.111 l,I\ 0111c. A,,run Copl.,ntr, " I lt1t··Dt1\\n lln1111lw i•J.e nper.1 "R11tku... I hj!hht:111, 111f 1h,· ,,11,·-h11111.-n11,·c11 111dt11lc1I (' ,erho,lt\\ al.1.1 ·, 11111, ro111nbu11on wh1t·h "·'' \111011111 0,11ml' , "Sl,l\nll1c D.111,·,·. Op..lh. No. l. n 11111q11e d,mn· numbc, thal 1\,1, , 1br.111tl) pl:t)Ccl h) th,· ') 111ph1111y ,11vh,•,11.1 Pcter Tch:ul.1111 ,k) ·, " halmn C'upn,c·· w,1, al"' a h1g 1111 " ''" the 11,1, l.,·d .,mlkncc 'frh:ilk,m,l~ . \\ho":" no1,111.1111c hahan . w.,, ,o 1n,p1rcd








'"' lu ... rnr 1h"'f\."


llt"• "1nh.•r t1I I s7,, 1hat hl' ,, nH"' th~ lil"I dr:ift or 1hi, nrd1c,1r:1I fan1.1,) 111

""\'\ ~11 l l,1~,

111 ,111 1h,· mnh,·n.-c "·'' ,Ihle hi c,plor,.• nuw d1l lcn:111 n 1hm,·, 1hrough ti\\' 111d11·1du.1I rei:mn,

,ind unique 11111,1,· Rom:1111:1. Ru""'· I 1.nllC, Spiun. Gennan) and 5\\C(kn ~U\ (' ~h"f1 OU.: Ill .111,•11d.111rc ., l111lc 111,1,: n l 1lw1r r11un1T) 1hrm1t:h 1hc hom,. 0111..-, ,111d other 1n, 1n11nen1, 111 the ')mphon) ord1c,ir.1 fhr.iui:houl thc ,Im,, dillcrcnt ,lnlc, dcpiLl ing ,,moth nat ive cu,tom, .,nd .:,cnh \\Cf\' lr.111~po"'d nn 1lw tind, \\:111 ol the ,tugc. llm .1Jd.:d to the pl'rlonnan,c Lcon.irli 8,·111,1c11i', "MAc nur Ganlcn Gnm :· ""' d1cc"I~ ,ung h) Ko1ul., .111cl ·1rcil1h, ,1) ••,ntl 1he lin.11 1101c, hunJ! 111 th,· ,111d11nr111m " l?nahn!_! lhc cunn-n ·, rnndu,11>11 Till' ,111d1,:nce mcmhcr, 111 ,1 111111ictl :ind , C1<\1I , 1.1nclmg 01 .111011 (I 111:1) llil\ C ~l'll lhl' llU"I \JllnlCd rcccpltOII ICII :111) p,.-rfomrnncc. 111 .111~ 1'11111. 1h:11 I J1;1\,· willl~"..-d ,II 13,Micll I lall· Sdmlar A11di1on11111. Tiu, ~Jn bt• dil\'lll) .111ribu1cd 10 1he nmoun1 or photo by Tri Nguyen cl11 ltl1 en. \\ h11 h the con,·cn "a, Stringing them on- Pam Ranck plays f,rs/ violin. J1n:c1cd at. m lhl' ,md1c1Ke Aftcmmd ,•wryonc "·" in" it,'cl b.1,~,1.1i:,· in ord,•r 10 get a,-on and 111lon11.111on:1l l1111I. nun the 111,1111111cni. m1d rr<J),ll,1111111 lhnl WCIII 11110 the l'OIICCl1. C'nl) n 1):111,. "ho pluy, 1hc, 111111. wa, h,1rpy with the rc,cp1ion thc rnn,·en reccl\cd " I thml. th" w," one or 1hc tx•,1 con,,•n, we h:111,• c11.'r hud." Sh,· ,anJ


A, w11h :my ,ho\\ . there I\ al11a)' la,1 111111111c 1m•par.1111.11" :md ,n,1fu,.1ln, ,me 11 .1, no di1tc1cn1. Wlwn 1hc Whanon, :1rmcd 1$ 111111u1e,,,re 1h11 ,how. Ju,1111 V,111 E:11on. ,1lllhtcinum ,1.1lf. mlom,~d \\ 1lhum \\ hanon 1h.11 :in,mgenwnh h,111 hl·,•n 111,1dt h•r them 111 u-.'" l1Jb) \\llmnnn pol lld) inlom,ed \':111 F..11on 1h" 11a, 110111ha1 he e,pcl'l,·d Al 111,1. 11 ,crmcd 1h.111hcrc 110111d he ,mpa"c. hut hl.c .1 1roo1x·r. V.111 E.t1t1n mok d1;irg,· ol 1h<' ,11u.it11111 and 1he bab) l'\IICd ,1.1g.c lcll. the conc,·n gmml <'lllercd ,1agc nphr 1111101' under 1h1c,• 111111u1c, .md allo11 cd the runrcn 10 ,1:1n 01111mc l lm)ughout 1h,· r<'~ll:11. th<' 111ul11-1Jk111,•t1 \\'htlnon, .111.111,·d thc cdlo 10 ,1ar\\h1k th,· piano provu.lcd accompan1111cru 1hu1 \\ .1' al photo by Steve Meyers tune, \llblk ,md al other 11rnc, a ,1mnJ! coun1crDuo- William and l.mda Wharton perform the cello and p,ano rec,tal. po1111 Wh.1non~ or,:ncd "uh him on the h) llarr~ Whi1nc~ cello .ind her .11 the pi;mo pl.1y111g "S11na1J m D MaJor" 111 \,~111 •I R.t1""111d f\'l'll,11 rill,'<I "uh pa"1nn 11.1, p..•rfonnc,I b> 1hrcc movcml!nh In 1hc lir..t movement the cello lluncrcd 111,• Whan11n 011111111 M,1rd1 .l. 111 Bth\\CII Hull g.uly 11hilc th,' p1JnO provided a , ~nou, counter-point 11 " '" Audilorium. fh,• trc,• re,·11.11 pcrfonncd b) tlw Duo n, 1f .1 11111mg buucrlly wa~ hu1•ini II con1·er..a11on 111th the on cell,, .111cl pi:um dd1J.!hlcd 1h,: c111hu":1,11,· auclicm·c of 'l<lnou, bumblebee. The ne\l 1110 , cmcnt "·" rilled II ith o"'r :iO. The \Vlrnn,,n Duo " 111111\' 1hm1,1u,1 u mu,,,·ul ~ound\ nlmo~, ethereal. haun1mg w11h a hinl of promise filled 11,urini.: ·" Will1u111 anti L111d.1 h.11c tx:,·n nmrrkd for 27 w11h pa."ion and powerful ham1onic~. ) \.'ar, :111d J)l'rtomun~ a, the Wh.tnon Duo for 12 y,:ar,. At t~nl point. 1hc Whnnon~ got up und bow,'<110 o well



·- . - .


tlc,ened appl.111\\! nnd 11.,l~t·d 1111 ,1:,i:c. onl) to r~tum nm111\.'nh la1cr 1111h h\.'r c.irrymg the cl'l lo. Their f1r..1 numb..•r 11 llh her on th.: cclln wn, enti tled "Soni.! W11hou1 Word, .. It d11J11 ·1 ntcd Jll) J' ,lw hroui:ht ., p,1"mn h> the ,:cllo thilt made my ,puw 11ngk. I kr, 1bm1m hruut:hl h:ar.. to 111) l')C' ;i, tht• ,h,•er b.-,1111) of her pl.1y111g cnj!ull\'(l mc In 1hc n,·\I munhcr he left the ,IJ)!C 10 ., rnu"nJ.! appl,,u...:. le.I\ mg h1, "1k tu pcrlorm .1 r1t·.-c 111icd "Trucl.111... S1,1r1tnl.! ,1011 I) JI lil"\t. 1hc dl'c1dcdl~ comemporJI') ,oln bcit,111 lo bu1hl. 1h1111 bur..1 hmh wuh cncti,t) .md llu1cl d1.ingc, m 1e111p..1. Th" 11J, 1hc c-rn\\d 1a, omc J, ,nm,· .1ud1encc memh.:r, \\ere gilc n 10 hoo1, ,mcl 11lm1lc, .1Jlerthe ,olo pcnorrn.i,1cc Ne\l. the Whanon, pcrfonn,·d f11c Fre1i.h roll ,ung, 1hJI van\.'d from light and chc.:nul "uh chJll!,!llll,l lea1h 10 .1,lo" ,ong 1ha1 ,pol.c 11f lo, ( and lo" They l'lo,cll thc pcrfon11ancc II uh a "Conccno 111 B-11:1( b) Lu1g1 Bocl'henni in two mowmcnh. 1\d.1g1(1 :ind Allegro moder.110 11 uh grcu1encf!!) b) bolh """''· Thc AdJt?IC> h:11.I J l)ricol quality \\llh dmma11c h11.!hhphh whilc the Allegro modcrato foniurcd J powerful opening by him on the p1Jl10. The Whunon, nre not only e.(lremely tnkntcd. bul ~rt 31,o in 101 c II ith mu,ic. Thi, "conveyed 10 1hc lhtcrwr 1111h pa,,1on The scle<:1ion of OlU\tC wa, well -rounded Jnd m3tk for u thoroughly cnicnaming pcrfom1311cc. keeping 1hc audience m an1ic1p:11ion of whal wa., 10 come For more infom1a1ion on upcoming perfonmnce~ or you cnn call the Whanons at 1he1r office (208) 885-7556. 0


Instant Culture

Thursday, March 14, 1996

Movies to Watch·

bbbb Run, don't walk

The NIC Sentinel

Classy 'Up Close and Personal'

e::-bb Plot rernp: Young Tully A1w111cr. played by M1l'11dlc l'l ~1ltl•r.

Mosey on over

,, :m aspmng 1wwwn,1cr w11huu1 n dtgr.:c. She nc:uc, ., \•1<lco


10 ,ell hef'clf 10 !oc11l 11e1worl., and lumb a job 111 Mmn11 Wnllticc Ju, ticc. 11 v1:1er:111 ncw,man pluyed hy Rohen Redford . tcachc, ,\1w,11cr h1,1w 10 go .iftcr the ,1ory. She learn, the hord way that rcponmg "11·1 all glamour wh,·n ,he become~ a hosrngc in II pn,oncr rnkc1wcr n111 local pcnucmiury. TI1c couple begins a low uffoir 1h1111cnf\ them between their dedication 10 their Job, and each other.

Trip to the video sto1e

e::Shannon & Steph's Rating System

Stay In your recliner

b) Shannon Harwood Sc111111,•I R,•11,11·11·1 It i, my job IQ mcrc1ll'"IY critique n!I movie, 111 my path. However. "Up Clo,c and Personal" mad,• Ill) JOb wry cnjo) abk thi~ "'uc. TI11s ,s a qualny movie from ,tart 10 lnwd1! I wa, mcsmcri,cd by the plot every 1110111en1 and ob,olutely engro"ed III the dmractcr,. They ure real people wi th real problem, and ~OU l'an truly relate 10 1hc i1 prcdk:11ncn1. At lc,1'1 I du.I. It nn,y have a lot to do with the fact 1ht11 I um a journali, t. OK. H muy huvc cvcry1 l11 ng 10 clo w11h the fact I'm :1 Journalist. bul I loved 1h" movie! It \\a, \cry rculb11c and the ,tory wu, ,omething frc,h th:11 h:1, never been done ~ lore ' I th111I.. the thint I c11Joyed 1111),1 ab<lUI 1hi~ m,wie wa, th~ du,,. The love ,cen,•, "ere ta,i.:ful anti powerful. You ,ould lcel 1hc chc1111,1ry between Pfeiffer :inti Redford. Thi, may be the only movie I've 1•vcr ,ecn thut p<•nray, Journall\t, 111 a good light. It , how, 11 hat the JOh j, all .1hou1 .tnd hnpcful ly leave, the audie nce w11h n belier undeN:111ding <1f the pwfcssion. TI11' cn<l,ng of th,, nicl. ,, wry u11prcd1crnblc and dl!llnHl' ly a .111 cmling worth) of the rc,1 ol the I 11111. It ,1a, :1 love , 1ory. documentary. comccly .11111 thriller. Thi, 111ovic ha, ,omething to oiler everyone: i:vcn thn,c 111' you who pr.:f1·r Jct1011 uni.I violence. I ,1111 -clltn(! n precedent.: .md g"•ing thi, g,•m four lcct.

b(l'ri Ni:u, en S,•111111rl R1·1><111c•r or\.011 thc drJgon ,111) ,·r. The 1l11l'I ol H,1gu111,h11111. C'hmal't.:" th,1111\.: in J l.111d nil.:d bJ dr,,gon, and 11111g1c. 1111:) light .ind they 1he h) the hanll, 111 '<>rl."Cl'Crs .111<l g,•hhn,. Qu,:,1, 1u l111 1111 l.11111' ,,r,: 1.1~,:n Jh110,1c1c1),la) ••,ntl .1d\'cn1111~ ,, 1111:ir m1dtlh: 11.unc. ll1c..: pl!,;>pl.• ;11111 tho-c lu111h ure ;m 11Mg111.1ry \\nrl.11h111 t.'\l\t, 111 th,: 111111d, <>I the Ruic Pia) er- <'lub. M,:,:tm1,t c1•:I') Fml,1y .11-I p.111 111111<: 13n1111d.11) Ruom, thc gr.,up pla), mk pl.1y111g ~.m~, h;L'<'<I on -ccn,,mh , 11t h .1, Dungeon ,111d Omgou,. Mal'l!I Cmn1l , um! Star w.,rs ·n= 11,unc, urc onl) .1 trnr tiun ol 1111: g,11111:, that al\: uvmlabk 10 pht) n,cr,: .,re qu11,: a lcw i.:111111:, that .,re pl,1)1'\I tlm1ui;h c:,1nl,.dicc. m',()111e type ut bo.11d, 1l1,: dub '"Hchc, gaml, fmm timc 10 11111,: 11i.: ,1onc, arc c:rc:ueJ by th,: the 11h1)Cf' in 1hc dub and everyone plor u p.,rt 111 these



1'lx- I\\O typc, of p.1nic\ 111 u n•h:· pla) mg 11.ortd ure l..no11. n u, the 11,1111,: 111,1\tcrs .snd 111\' pluycrs. TilC gumc ma\l.:r create\ the "Oriti 311<1 tbc -.ccnurio 1ha1 the utlwr pln)-crs

11111,1 1111cmc1111. The plll)<'r ,, the 1icrson 111111 c:rc.11,:, h" or her d111r.1c1cr 111 thc g.1111e nm,1cr', ,, orltl. I he plil) er h:" the oppo11u111t} m dmo,e all th.: katul\:, ot the d1.1mue1 , 1"h :" ..c,. nge. 1h,l)<l,11lu11. o.:cup;11111n und m:m) others " It g1vc, the 1111.1g111.11111111h,· .1h1l11y tu g11 bc)oml the re.11111 ul th,: re.ii \\urhl.'' ,md Kmtuph,·r St,:111. rm:,1dc111 ol th,· Role plJ) ,·rs duh. S1,·111 rcmcmlx:r- ,111nw \\ h~n hc thOUJ.!hl lw "J\ lhl' <tlll) 1<1k pln)cr 111 thc .,re.,. After J umc he ,oon n•,1l11nl 1hcrc \\Cre 1mm) role pla)crs 111 the .,re., Ste111.1ho rcm,·mbcr-. an·u,a11on, b..<t.-.1u..c ol hi\ ruk pl.1) mg . I lo\\t.'\W. th<' c:011,cp11on th.11 role pltt)t!rs .ire la11J11c, ,, ., myth. ;1cc11nh11!,! Ill Stdn. Timugh .," kdging th.11 he ha, he:,rd ot "mil' p..'<>lllc 11ml go tuo ;u1,l 1ul.c th,• ~.unc, 11111..criou,ly. he lun1..cll h:i, never "-'Cn ,uch an 01:i:urrcm:c. The bol1I., do h,1,c ,,.un111g, ,1.11111g 1h111 11 "., gJme Jlld nothing chc. All the nw.co11ccp110n, :1buu1 roh: pluymg 1111d the p.:oplc thut pluy ,·Jn be ck:ircd up. accord mg 10 S1e111. " If you don '1 l.1Kl". or 1ntcrc,1,:d, ,top hy .,nd a memllt.'r will c.\plnm 11.'' '-lid Stem For infum1a1ion conmct Stem nt 769-3367.


b, Stephanie Rowe S,•111i1wl R,•1111111•1

Page 13_J

arc .111111, 1c ,1111pk th.11 "l1<11h UIIC\llCCICd aml Clllll mg .,ml the 1'lll'lni,tf) 1, th,•rc. \\ hat mur,• ,.,111,t the , 1<'\\ mg public: .,,\. lllr'' Wnh "lip C'lo,c .11111 Pcr-1111.,I.' 1'111 11111 q1111c ,ure. The 1h,1h1guc "good. th,· plm 1, gllod. ewn 1hc l1'll'allrn1, a11d c:u ...1u11u:, :1r.: go,1d. All that I c:nn ligur..• 1, thnt lll) d",11tisl.1l'llltn 1, rcla1cd 111 \\ hilt I huw re;,d. Accordi ng 11, 1111cr1·1e\\, 111 Entcn:1111mcn1 We,•1.1) . hoth Ptcll'l er ;111d Rcdforll \\UUl\l lmv,· hl.c,11111, tllC\\ IC ht hi.• 11 hit 111 ,1•111c111: 11111n: trru,· 1,1 1lw nrig111:1 l 1111c111 nl ihe ''"'>. 8111 each ,111:cc""' "'·'' me ,1nppc1l :1 h11 111 1ha1 depth U\\11) N111 111 g1w 1h111!! ,I\\ a>. but 1111, IIICtVi.• d11\', 11111 ha,,· ,1 happ) elldlll).! "h1d111,·\., 111c 1111 Whe11 l hear 1h111 a 11111\lc h.1, l1<·e11 ,11g.1r-. ,1,11,•11. I ,·,fll·c:t ., h;1pr1I~ ,c, ,·1-.111,·1 cmhug. \U\\\,1\ I'll end th.11 h) "') 111g th,11 the ""h:1111'," ,1r1· ,1111 ",11l111i: .111111ntl Ill 111) br.1111 l,~lllllg h,1,I. h> the Hllll,11111<1\ IC th,11


"Up Clo,c and P1:r,nnu l" ,, hawd very loo,cly on the 1r.1g1c me :111111.111 or lenrnk joumali,1. Jc"i<:a Str,1v111< 1. S1rav11ic1 wn, once l'llll'ldl!rcd Ill bc 1hc 1l11rd 1,r 11,urth 1111>-1 1r11,1ccl bro.uh:,"' Jt1Um:th,1 111 1\mcrica helm\: her 11ddict1011 to cocm nc bcrnmc a puhhc: pruhlcm. Her personal hfc ".,, 1101 vcr) prc11y. l ler hu~bantl hung 111111-.cll .,1 ,omc puint und ,he hud 10 ,lc.11 " 1th ;111 .,hu"w lover. Ilcr lilc ended 111 ,1 mmllilled dnd1:o tter her car ll1ppcd nver. Alter e\lelhlW fC•\\f'IIC\, lloll) \\ t'<1d ha, p.11ntcd u more plc,1'111!! or lurn11iw picture 1h111 " mude pth,1blc ,,·11h ,1 1crrll 1l' i::0,1. 1'hd1cllc Plc1llcr .uni Rohen R,•dlord

".,, 11 ,, d1..-r1n1h!I~


nhl\ , ..... h1

,.11d1. 111n,1I~ ht1 th,• p.111111~ 111 R,·,thtr,1 .111tl 1'1c111,•1 I tlmu;:1111111, ,1.1, ., l,!lt<kl \\,ttd1ahk 1110\le Smw 1'111 l.t11d 111 \\11lll111g I"'" give II 1111~,· lc,·1 S1dc 1101c It "111 Ix· Ju,1.,, !!''"'I 1111 \1<(,•,t .11111 h1111g .II lc."11111e lmnl.1,·

c- -,·' 1}~]

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Page 14

Instant Culture

The NIC Sentinel

Thursday, March 14, 1996

Please repeat aiter me ••• uwith this ring, I thee wed••• "

By Stephanie Schreiber and Angie Schwintek

Idaho wedding ring• By Di Braun Filbert • By Allen Beagle

A"'"" H 9i1N~, A'$ ,He ?,, ~t>5 ~"'l)

TO ....


CJ:>l'IVc, OU, TO

?L~'/ ... We're Back • By Melody Martz

Huh? • By Shelbie Spears


J\fATu.R\! Il'f Re-/£!<$~.

The NIC Sentinel Pag'!._1!1


New organization provides stromgeri student participation

Ambassador program volunteering their way to success bJ Richnrd L~ Francis Sr11t111,./ Reportrr

he Ambu:.~adors 1s a new org.11u1.;11ion torming on .:ampu, 1h01 will hdp stud11>nlS voluntrer their way hl succ.:..~,. and help their kllmv )tUtknt) in the process, nl'cording to Dean Bennett, student ac-tiv1t1cs dir~ctor. Currently 1n its .:mbryomc stage, the new organi1..11ion will cvcntuully bt· a lmison b<!twel!n th.: colltgc and business. government and civk c,rgunilUll<>ns of •tote and local communllics The Ambu,,adors will nlso help 111coming fr.:shm~n adju~, tu campus Ii fc. Tlus ha, been a historically diflicuh time for :,tude111~ going from high school lo 11 colh:gc cn,•1ronmen1. "Wt ~re for indh·idtmls who 31r ser.•ice oriented, 1JU1going and in1crcstcd in h.:lpmg people," Bennell said. A sampling of the pr<>J.:cted Amh,issador n:sponsihiliti.:s mdudc. cs.:onmg dig1111nnc.s and cornmunuy k3dcr~ around campu~. ush,mng nnd woung l~g1sln1or., community leaders nnd


ASNIC: Continued from page one filed assault chorg.:, wi1h the 1>0licc dcpar1111c111 All~r 1he 1n.tdcnt occ urred, bo1h pnrucs ,01111c lcncr, to D0v1d Lindsay, dcun of iludenls, asking hun 10 keep the olhcr person away from each other Lindsay responded by offering bo1h people escorts 10 and from their classes, but bo1h declined. Lindsay said that after the incidc111, he ~ asked 10 make a dcoision on whe1hcr enhcr student would be d1sc1plinccl by the college. After both left the board, it become a mute pom1. The bourd w11s requested by Lmd,ay 10

other gut·s1s ut fund-rahing and ~pcciul .:vent dmmm; nnd possibly occompanying Pr.:si1lcn1 Dr Rohen Bonnell 10 Bmse and other locauons a, SlUdtnl liaison and informntion spccialisK 01hcr campu, related ac1ivi11cs WIii COnM>l Of

local community,'' according 10 Ocon Bcnnell Ocnneu said tlm1 contact$ made by Ambassador, on other campu~c~ have led to highly placed Jdb~ in government and business. This ii ror.: opportuni ty to rub elbows with lhc ·'movuh and $" in the area. Although thee.: or.i numerous pcn.onal bcncli1s ossocrntcd wllh being an Amb~ssatlor, surh ,h Jcvclopmg in1erpt'rS0011I ~kills nnd enhancing n:,umcs, B,111nc11 s1r.:..~scs 11ml 1hc mos11mponun1 bcncfll of the orgam,.ation 1s 1hn1 the Ambussndou. ,n

"We are looking for individuals who are service oriented, outgoing and interested in helping people. "

selling ramc rickets and helping wilh the NIC f'oundouon' s annual "Really Big Rafllc'' nnd showing potcntinl students rrom :m·a high schools around 1he t'ampu, and informing them aboul the bonotits of being a NIC s1udc111 ''Tlus organ1zuuon is a great oppor1un11y for .iudcnt, IQ meet dnd imernc1 w11h the leaders nr our smte nnd

--Dean Bennett

he qu1c1 abou1 the .1lt~rca11on until he luund oul 1hc 111fornm11on f10111 nll sources. Accord111g lo L1ndsuy, nl1cr 1~ll1ng M11chcll lu no1discus~ th~ 1nc1dcnt. he then told the other board members the sarm: 1h111g. Lindsay said Mnchcll foh he was bc1ng ~inglcd out when being told 10 keep quiet and npparen1ly responded by printing the announcement dmt led 10 111s removal from the bonrd in order 10 hove his opinion heard. S1cin said 1h01 these inc1den1s will not affect 1he board's pcrfonnancc 1hroughou1 the rest of the semester "These arc i~sues we hnve been dealing w11h since lost scmcs1er. but tlus week it came to a head," Stein said.

Correction: The last issue of the Sentinel ran a story about the new day care center operated by Charmine and Bill Warden. The price quoted for students was $10 per hour. However, the correct price should have been $10 per day. The Sentinel regrets this error and apologizes for any inconvenience this may have caused.

Don't forget to pick up your bookswap check in Siebert Room 53.

conjunc1ion wi1h ASNIC, will pro,•idc a stronger $ludcn1 partioipation in all political. social anti economic issues on campus··C\'Cnlually leading to II student· designed campus orienlntion. Tentative plans call for twice mon1hly meetings and al least I5 hours of volun1ccr Um<' per mon1h. Amba~sador~ will r.-p,m 10 two lead Ambassador,. who will 111 turn rcpon to an ridvisory bonrd consistmg or Dc:in 81.lnncn. Scou Pe111rsc11, Erna Rhmchart, Aaron Wcimorts .tnd Allnn Johnson Thi, board .ilso 1n1erv1cws apphcants. Student$ 111tcr,:\tCd in joining the Ambas~ndor,; musi have .1 cumulative GPA or 2.0 or 11bovd, be abk to anend inform~llon,11 mceung,- m the foll and spring semesters, .ind have on~ lcncr of recommcn,1011011 from nn ins1n1c1or or counschir dc~cntung why the upphcant would be 11 govd candid~tc for this progrmn lntcr.:s1cd ~tudcnt, can ,1pply at th,• C.1111pus Rt.'crenuon Ortkc lora1cJ in the Student Union Butldi1111

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Giffin pours his heart into college WM strongly urged against such measures an ac(ldemic change migh1 do him good. by Dan Bell by hi, caregive~ and everyone else around Giffin enrolled nt the Univers11y of Toledo. Sr11ti11el R,·,wrter him. in Ohio. No sooner hod Giffin scnlecl in ebster·~ New Wotld "People would come to see me. and 1hcn and ~gun school when he suffered his third Dictionary defines 1he word talk to my wife as 1.hough I was no1 1hcrc:· h.:an anack. overcome. In pan it stales; to Giffin said. "I wanted to scream a1 them "I missed much of the semester, but I master. to prevail over or 10 surmount. 1ha1 I had malfunction or my hean, 1101 my LO. Giffin is n man 10 whom surn1oun1. still reful.ed to quit." Giffin said. ''My 1.119 bram." GPA was such a disappoimmenl 10 me. be it in the scholastic arena or jus1 living a And so it was 1he summer session, 1993. however. that I decided to call it quits.'' day 10 day existence where drawing a next on the NIC campus, wh~re Gi(fin, am1cd In December of 1989, Giffin, his breath can with a portable oxygen tank. nrrivcd. wife Maria and his first daughter bccome11 Encouraged by a strong effon during Gcorgiona, (n second daughter, ques1ion summer school and by the suppon he Kristina, was born to the Giffins in mark, received from instructors und other 1990) moved to Rathdrum. embodies studenL~. Giffin enrolled in I.he fall It wns shonly after moving 10 1he true semester. Idaho llial Giffin was infonncd he dt'finition, Thai fall, although in much pain and would have 10 undergo another bypass ..10 making the operation. overcome.·• simplcs1 This :,econd operation did not go Giffin. wruk from a~ plnnned, and Giffin's health began age 61, one class to dc1erionue even funhcr. began his 10 the next. Then. on New Ye= Eve. 1993. academic a deep Giffin found himself in I.he hospiLal sojourn in breathing again with another henrt attack. Thi~ 1985 81 operation cost Giffin one quarter of his exercise. Monroe heart which. in addition 10 coronary Oiflin Community heart disease, produced hean failure as pushed on. College in In well. Michigan following the second of three Giffin. nfler being told by his doctors he October. heart opcr:i1ions. Giffin suffered a stroke 1ha1 left him blind would die soon, infonned I.hem he would "Al the end of the semester. I was quite in one eye. Recovering sufficiently enough ple3SCd 10 find I had a OPA of 3.19," Giffin like 10 go home to be with his family. 10 continue his education, Giffin began to At home. with core being provided by said "My next semester found me in I.he see a light a1 the end of the tuMel. his family nnd Hospice. Giffin foll healed hospital again wiLh nnoLher heart ouack. "By 1994.1 began to tl11nk I would not enough 10 return 10 college. although he Nol 10 be discouraged and thinking 1ha1




only grodu11te from NIC but from Lewis and Clark College as well," Giffin said. Giffin has 1ndet.'<l graduated from both institutions receiving his four-year-degree on Dec. 19, 1995. and his two-year dcgtte on Dec. 21, 1995. Along wnh his dual gr.iduation has come a renewed vigor and health. "The real reason rm domg this (school) is because I know my girls won't sec me after they grow up." Giffin smd. "I wanted them 10 develop an appreciation for cducauon." Even though Giffin grndunted in 1995. he 1s continuing on with hi~ schooling ll11s semester 10 mccl the smte board of educational requm:menl for chenucal dependency coun..eling. with an eye toward coun'ICIJng abrood. "I \ •c been talking with the Ccuholic church about doing u tw0-ycar missionary program at Cnli. Columbi:i," Giffin sakl. Tongue in c~k. Giffm continued, ··[ do have some concern about how long II drug counsclcr would live in Columbia." Giffin ,nid. "The drug lords m1gh1 get the idea I am Ulking away their business... In Web~1cr's the word resilient is defined as: springing back into life. recovt'nng strength, spirits lifting quickly. L.D. Giffin. It's then:, look it up...

rn F rum: March 25-29

by Ryan MacClanathan Scnl incl Rcponcr homa~ Jefferson, Ludwig van Beethoven and Mar~ Twnin \\Iii! be 1hc featured guests at this year's Popcorn Forum and Convocation Series. The seric~. 1i11td "Journey Through Time: Convers:11ions wnh the World 's Great Women and Men," will focus on rcenac1ments of famous historical chamctcrs. The forum will be held Mo.rch 25-29. The series. will feature special guests. instrul'IOrs and students acting ou1 the famous persons. The purpose of this year's Popcorn Forum is to present insights into the works and thinking of scvcrol famou~ women and men who have shaped history According to political science ins1ruc1or Tony Stcwan. organizer of 1hc Popcorn Forum, the symposium will cover a wide

vnnc1y of topics such a~ spons. science and music. "A lot of 1hc people are dressing up." said Stcwnn. "h's like a conversation with a person in history ... All of the special performances will be held in the Boswell Hall Auditorium. The opening act of the series will be Dr. Clay Jen~inson performing Thomas Jefferson. He has performed the role over 1.000 times, including for Bill Clinton. Some of the expens who will ~ ponraying the his1orical figures include: Frederick A. Krebs as Galileo, Melinda Strobel as Susan B. Anthony, Dr. Carl

Richard as Roman/Greek Philosophers, Louis F. Schultz ilS a pro1cge of W. Edwards Deming. Kathryn WOO<b as Sojourner Truth, Todd Snyder as Beethoven and Mozan, Dr. Virginia Johnson as Mary Wollstonecrafl, Jeanne Eder as Sacajawea. Dr. George Frein as Mark Twain and Dr. Aloysius Chang 3!. Confucius. After the pcrfomiances response panels will be held 10 allow 1he public to ask questions about the individual The panels will include instructors and studems role-playing the personalities of famous people who have a relation to 1he person ponrayed. Some of 1he campus ins1ruc1ors who will be perfonnmg on 1he panels include Cun Nelson as Sir Isaac Newton, Ron Couher as Abraham Lincoln, Terry Jones ns LeonMd Bems1ein and George Ives as Erncsi Hemingway. "I think nll of us would like a chance to go back and talk to in past," said

S1ewan. "H1s1ory is 1he foundation for lhe future." S1ewan has been organi1ing the Popcorn Forum Symposium~ since he first cnme 10 the college. On March 27 a1 3 p.m. in 1hc Bunner Room of the SUB a simula1ion is open for 1he general public 10 perfonn historical figures. This l.eel ion of 1.he senes is sponsored by Phi Theta Kappa. For addi1ional informa1ion contact Di Braun at 769-7807. Some of the previous symposium 1op1C$ have included 1he First Amendment. priv11ey. health care and mysteries of 1he world. All the prescn1a1ions are taped and arc available m the library for student rcseaich. Major funding for the forum is provided by ASNIC, North Idaho College Foundation, The Idaho Humanities Council and The Art on 1he Green/Citizens Council for the ArtS, All the evenLS are free and open 10 the public. For further information contBct the College Relations Office at 769-33!6.

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