The North Idaho College Sentinel Vol 72 No 9, Mar 14, 1996

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Union Gallery turns into a sea of Fish Dreams. See Page 11 .

ent1ne ASNIC in turmoil Secretary resigns; two senators get boot be dealt with by the authorities instead of making it into a matter that involved the board. Because Mitchell was not an eyewitness 10 the incident. S1ein said that it was tnappropnnte of Mitchell 10 discuss the events with only knowing hearsay evidence. Mitchell's notice Wali placed around various locations of the school after Hooper resigned from the board. Because Hooper resigned after an executive session. no official reason for his resignntion was offered. His position will be filled by a person appointed by the board. Harwood was the most recently removed member. After missing n board meeting on March 4, the remaining members of the board held an executive session and voted her off the board. Stein stated that because Harwood missed more than two meetings. according 10 ASNlC law. she must be removed. Harwood said she thinks that wasn't the exact reason for her dismissal and that there was n much bigger controversy for her removal from the boa.rd . "TI1c three people who arc no longer on the board all have one thing in common; they brought bad publicity to the ASNlC board," HlllWood said. The alleged assault occurred Feb. 26 in the stairway from the basement board as a of the Student Union platfonn for his Building to the floor. l>Cl'$0nal feelings According 10 a repon filed and agenda. with the Coeur d" Alene Police, I-looper and In this notice, Mitchell publicly accused Ha.rwood met on the stairs where words were Hooper of an alleged as~ult that occum:d The between Hooper and Harwood. In his memo. exchnngcd. repon said I-looper called Harwood a "f-ing Stein obJC(?ted 10 Mitchell discussing a vote bitch." Thi~ Jed to Harwood slapping him, that oc~um:d in executive M:Ssion and and then Hooper kicked at Harwood nnd sent Mitchell's statement that four of seven mt~bcrs voted to impeach Hooper before he her stumbling down the stairs, lhe rcpon said. Both panics have ~•&ncd. _Stein said lhat it was inappropriate of M1tchc1J to discuss the alleged assault See ASNIC on Page 15. beca11.1e 11 was a private that WBS to

by Jonathan Huy and Mory Arklunder Stnti11d Editors he resignation of a secretary and ,mpcnchmcnt of two senators within the last two weeks has plagued the ASNIC board with conuovcrsy. ASNIC is in upheaval with only SIX voting members left; 1hc board does no1 plan to replace the senators. After three separate executive sessions, secrc1ary Joseph Hooper resigned. and f~hman senator Richard Mitchell and sophomore M:nntor Shannon Ho.rwood were voted off the board. "ASNIC will not fill the vocant posuions (except Hooper}," Stein said. "By the time new senators arc sworn in they will not have time to figure out what their position entitles. As Jong as five members arc present, the ~rd can function." Mitchell' s removal was for u "blatant misuse of ASNIC authority." Afier evidently having problems v.ith Hooper in lite past, Mitchell ient out a public notice all around campus that, according to a llltmosent out byASNIC l're$idcnt Kri~ Stein, used the


photo by Tri Nguyen Bravo- (from /eh) Julie Crandall and Brenda Lawlor perform at the symphony. See related story on Page 12.

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