The North Idaho College Sentinel Vol 73 No 5, Dec 12, 1996

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Men's basketball upsets No. 3 ranked Utah Valley. See Page 12 The Student Newspaper of North Idaho College

Thursday, Dec. 121 1996

Volume 73, Number 5

College Senate mulls equality N. I.C. E., student representatives outnumbered by faculty by Debora Tice Seniintl Reporter To be or not 10 be-equal- that is the question faced by the College Senate. There is discussion within it to decide if the s tudents and Nonh Idaho College Employees should have os many representatives as the faculty. At present. the fnculty has 10 representatives. N.I.C.E. has five and students have lhree. Doug Holliday, a N.I.C.E. representative, issued a request to the College Senate asking that N.1.C.E. be equally depicted in the Senate. "Our group feels lhe need for equal representation," Halliday said. "The facu lty now has a controlling vote. It is hard to get anything through if the faculty doesn't want it. This is not a power play; we are just asking for equal representation. In lhe backlog of polic ies, lhere arc two out of 16 that spec ifically addressed the faculty." Dille Marcy, chemistry instructor, issued a rebuttal to Halliday's statement 10 the Senate. Marcy said that the requested change in the by-

lows implies that NIC shou ld become n democracy following the "one woman/man. one vote" principle. The change would s ugges t that the function of the College Senate would not be fullillcd without equali ty. It s uggests that srudents, e mployees and faculty must become equal before the college communi ty can function. "This is not reality." Marcy said. "I believe all members of the coll ege community do get input into the governance process with the current membership in the College Sennte. I do not believe that equal numbers of senators are required for panicipatioo in the decision-making process. Because responsibili ty is given to , and requi red of, faculty members, a controlling vote is warranted in the governance process." "What we would Uke to see is that when there are issues on lhe floor that affect all of us."Marcy said. "That lhe faculty wouldn't be able 10 override

See Sena, Page 19

photo by Noppadol Paolhong CRASH$- Branches fall on a parlctld car outside Boswell Hall during the lc6 storm. Heavy build-up of ice and snow litter8d the caf1ÂĽJ(Js with fallen bra.nchB$ and small trHs Nev. 20.

Classes were cancel/8d for the first time in three years. See photos. stories on P1'gtlS 10 and





Students conquer different learning disabilities Page2

NIC Jazz Ensemble featured in 'An Evening of Jazz'

Compliance with Title IX may eliminate track and pep band


Page 13

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