The North Idaho College Sentinel Vol 73 No 7, Feb 20, 1997

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'Laughs at Lunch' makes entertaining meal time. See Page 15 Thursday, Feb. 20, 1997

The Student Newspaper of North Idaho College

Volume 50, Number 7

Fort Sherman costs explode in renovation Estimated cost jumps from $260,000 to $569,000 due to decrepit foundation by Jonathnn Hay Ne,..s £di1or


photo by Noppadol Paothong

'Bus Stop:' Waiting to travel Kalynn Raugh (Cheri) rehearses a scene from the 'Bus Stop' where she waits in a diner for the bus to depart . The performance starts tonight in Boswell Hall. See preview, Page 12.

he Fon Shc rmnn Office r$ Quarter remodel is in its finul stn ges o f co mpl e ti on. The budget ha~ now grown ta $569.000 for completi on or the interior and exterior. "1l1e building wus si111ng on dirt with no foundu11on. and the n oors weren' t level," s:11d Rolty Jurgens. de:m or administration. "1l1c bu11ding was n' t co nstruc ted well. nnd basically the onl y thing holding up the waJls was the out~idc ,1ding." The building was con\tructcd over 100 years ago when the campus wru, still a military fort. It is the ~econd oldest building in North Idaho and because of its historic significance. th e schoo l dec ided to re nov ate in~tead of tear it down nnd start over. ··we coulu have rebuilt it. but it wo uld have lost its historic al significance ." said NIC Presiden t Bob Be nne tt. "When it's done. everyone will enjoy it and ii will be o nice focal point for the campus." The cost of renovating the interior is now up to $350.000 and the e,cterior is now at $2 19.000. Of that budge1, Lhe sc hool is putting up $408.000 and the Departm ent o f Public Works in Boise paid for the

n:, 1 with n gmnl. So what docs the school get for 11s money'! First nnd foremost is the foci thnr n historical building wu, ~aved from dcs1ruc11o n. Al so. w11h the impending renovmion of the S1udcn1 Union Building, 1hcrc will be u need • for faculty office , pace thut Bcnncll and Jurge ns see be ing fill ed by offi ce, on th e second n oor of the building. " When you wulk in the door. the entryway nnd fireplace wi ll reflcc1 the original period thut 1he building was built in." Bennett ~nid of the rem odel of the in1cnor. "There will also be a conference room on the fir.t floor Lhat •~ done in period style. but the offices upstair~ arc going 10 be regular faculty offices." Handicap t1ccc,s 10 the , ccond floor wns also 111 question. but Benne11 and :1 group of handic:1ppcd students came up w11h the: solu11on of leaving an open office on 1he fim floor with a phone that s1uden1s con reach facu lt y on the second fl oor wi1h. Benno:11 said that he expects the re novations to be compl eted by the end of 1hc semester and that the new building will be something that the whole community can be proud of.




Strategic plan outlines NIC's future

'Bus Stop' play takes Boswell Auditorium to 1955

Wrestlers take first in regional tournament


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