I t h a c a Hi g h S c h o o l B o y s V a r si t y H o c k e y
FEBRUARY 7 • 2014
What Their Ch arl ie Es t i ll “Charlie sets the tone for the team with his strong play, work ethic, and leadership. He’s a dominant defensive force out on the ice and a natural leader off the ice.” “He is a dedicated player that would do anything for his teammates. Charlie exhibits all qualities expected of the team captain. He is a dedicated player that would do anything for his teammates.” “The levels of intensity and enthusiasm that Charlie show during practices and games are unmatched and his skills on the ice make him a powerful force feared by any opposing team.”
Stephen Feeney: “Feeney is hands down the most interesting and funny kid I know, not to mention one of the best defensive players on the ice at any given time.“ “Feeney gives 110% on the ice and always delivers with game changing plays. He is great to skate with because you know he’s looking to make a big play when he’s out on the ice. Whether it’s a big hit, an offensive rush, or lockdown defense, Stephen always finds a way to swing the momentum in our favor.”
ned fl ash “Ned is one of the most dedicated and determined players on the team. He’s always here for practice and ready to work.” “Ned’s competitive and hard-working nature always makes games and practices intense, while making him a strong player out on the ice.” “Ned is one of the most vocal people on the team and always tries to help the younger guys out.”
teammates say a a r o n gold b e r g “Although he’s not the loudest on the team, Aaron is a standout goalie and leads strongly by example.” “He works hard consistently in practice and always shows up ready to play.” Aaron comes to the rink every day with the strong mindset and work ethic required to compete and win every game.” “Aaron is the last line of defense for the team and he bears this responsibility with uncanny resilience. His focus and agility in net help to inspire the team to perform at the highest level.”
J aco b gripp i n “Jacob has the biggest heart out on the ice. He plays every shift like it’s his last and is an incredible playmaker.”
“Jacob is the hardest working guy I know. He’s a great teammate who always gives 100% for every workout, practice, and game. When the game is close I want to be out there with Jacob because I know he’ll do whatever it takes to get the job done.” “Jacob is a potent combination of speed, skill, and smart play that will give any opposing team a reason to back up and merely try to contain him.”
par k e r hub b e ll “Parker’s defensive style is exceptional. He’s a smart player out on the ice and is always committed to exhibiting his skill and using it to change the outcome of a game.” “Parker is a strong defensive player and has a cannon slapshot on the point.” “Parker’s unwavering desire to give his best effort on every shift and during every practice is something that defines his character. His effort to help everyone on the team improve is unprecedented and he provides an excellent example for the younger players.”
What Their br an don k a s e l
“Always motivating.” “Brandon makes me want to work harder but makes it more fun at the same time.” “He works very hard in practice and shows up to play in games.”
ch an dl er p fa ff “Chandler is one of the most passionate and powerful players on the ice. His steadfast determination to make a difference in every single game makes Chandler an incredible force on the ice.” “Pfaff is one of the hardest working members of the team and is always willing to sacrifice himself for the good of the game.” “Pfaff is fearless out on the ice. You can count on him to take care of business in both the offense and defensive zones.”
lou is russ e ll-co o k “Although this was his first year on the team, Louis brings a lot to the table with his optimistic mentality and his supportive encouragement of his teammates. Louis helps create a strong sense of camaraderie between everyone on the team.” “Louis is always committed and ready to go whenever he is needed. He is a forceful player on the ice and displays unshakable devotion towards competing against any opponent.” “Louis is a great teammate who always works hard every minute he spends on the ice.”
teammates say s ung won “Sung sets a good example for effort in practice. He goes hard 100% every day, while leading by example and displaying a positive attitude.” “Sung works extremely hard and is a supportive and smart hockey player. He shows intensity with every shift and stride he takes on the ice.” “Sung’s speed dominates the ice and he does everything in his power to make a spectacular play to win the game.”
As Juniors
As sophomores
Good Luck seniors It is my pleasure to have had the oppor tunity to coach you gentlemen over the past few years. I admire your work ethic and all that you boys bring to the team both on and off the ice. Thank you for all your hard work and suppor t for the team! I PAUL ZARACH Head Coach
wish you all the best of luck next year and in all of your endeavors! – Coach Zarach
Through the years
aaron goldberg
Aaron, you are one of, if not, the hardest working player on the team. You have always busted your tail at practice and I admire your work ethic. There are many things that change throughout a season, but I can always count on you working to improve. You also put the team first and will do whatever is needed to help us win. If you approach college and life like you have playing goalie, I know you will do amazing things and will not leave anything on the table. Thank you for giving your all and good luck! –Coach Zarach Parents: Sheryl & Mark Goldberg Favorite Memories as IHS Varsity Team Member: My first start freshman year as I played the first period of a 6-0 win at Liverpool. It was my first start on the high school team, and it came as a surprise when my name was announced on the starting lineups unexpectedly. My other favorite memories are Gold Rush my sophomore year, and all of the countless bus rides and great times with my teammates. Advice to Underclassmen: Always push yourself to improve and do your best, hard work always pays off. Take pride in wearing the red and gold and cherish it while you can, the time goes by quickly. Personal Acknowledgements: First and foremost, I would like to thank my family, specifically my parents for their continued support over the years and for lugging me around everywhere, no matter the time of day. I would like to thank my current and previous coaches, especially Coach Armstrong. Coach A not only aided me in growing as a player, but also taught me valuable life lessons and helped me to develop into the man I am today. I would like to thank Russ and Scottie for their effort and commitment to making me a better goaltender, and I also want to thank Cooper Belyea for taking me under his wing my freshman year and teaching me so much. Future Plans: I plan on studying sports journalism and communications next year in college. Coaches: Rich Armstrong, Russ Johnson, Scott Hughes, Brandon French, Dan Elberty, Zach Furman, Ron Wilder, Connor Stokes, Paul Zarach, Beau Saul, John Stevens, Tim McKinney, Mahlon Perkins, Tiger Gregoire, and Chris Grippen.
“Always push yourself to improve and do your best, hard work always pays off.”
Charlie Estill “C”
Charlie, I want to thank you for all that you have done for the program. You have excelled as Captain and definitely have left your mark on the younger boys as an example of how to carry yourself both on and off the ice. You want to win and will do what is needed to help the team achieve that every time you step on the ice. As a defenseman, you are determined to block every shot that comes your way. You have been a pleasure to coach and have worn the C with honor and pride for Ithaca hockey. Good luck next year as you head off to Cornell! –Coach Zarach Parents: Madeline & Matt Estill Favorite Memories as IHS Varsity Team Member: Gold Rush 2012 against Pittsford. Even though we ended up losing, I’ve never had more fun playing a hockey game than that day. Foolishness in the locker room and long road trips with the boys will also be memories of mine forever. Advice to Underclassmen: Wearing the Red and Gold is about more than one individual. It stands for the tradition of hard work and effort of Ithaca Hockey. So, cherish putting on your jerseys and never stop working hard. Personal Acknowledgements: I would like to thank my family, especially my mom and dad, who have supported me constantly throughout my hockey career. Also, I would like to thank my all of my teammates from my four years here. The camaraderie and brotherhood that we have shared on the ice as players and off the ice as friends is something that I will never forget. Lastly, I would like to thank Coach Armstrong and Coach Zarach. Thanks to Coach Armstrong for all of his dedication, passion, and effort. Your lessons stick with me in any challenge I am presented with, on or off the ice. Thanks to Coach Zarach for guiding me in my junior and senior years of hockey. Your dedication to your players and your trust in my leadership has helped me grow as a player and a person. Future Plans: Next year I plan to attend Cornell University to study history and political science, while also playing on the men’s lacrosse team.
Coaches: I am grateful for all of the coaches who have worked with me: John Stevens, Steve Fontana, Mahlon Perkins, Henry Doney, Pete Dugan, Beau Saul, Allison Shull, Scotty Hughes, Russ Johnson, Brandon French, Conor Stokes, Ron Wilder, Dan Elberty, Zach Furman, Dan “Boone” Wells, Rich Armstrong, and Paul Zarach.
“Cherish putting on your jerseys and never stop working hard.�
Stephen Feeney
If there is one word to describe you as a player, it is consistent. You have grown into one of our best defenseman and someone the team can rely on in pressure situations. Also, you have done a great job of mentoring the younger defenseman. Thank you for all of your efforts and for leaving the younger guys with the experience of seeing D played to the maximum level. Good luck next year! –Coach Zarach Parents: Alice and Dave Feeney Favorite Memories as IHS Varsity Team Member: Honestly, I’m not sure if I really have a favorite memory. The past three years have been a chaotic blur; a new coach was introduced, the majority of our games are played in far away lands, and we haven’t won any spectacular tournaments or honors to be proud of. Advice to Underclassmen: Make your own decisions and follow through with them. Personal Acknowledgements: I absolutely must thank my parents for supporting me through thirteen long years of hockey. Future Plans: My future is unclear, I’m undecided on either a major or a school and have no real dream or goal in life. Coaches: In my life I’ve only experienced two coaches that have actually supported and respected their team, and respect was given back to them tenfold. Russ Johnson, the JV/modified Ithaca Hockey coach was the first man I met that really didn’t care what others thought of him. He went against the IYHA program to create the Bandits and helped me become a better hockey player and teammate. On more of a mental side than physical like Russ, Grant Aubrey Farred taught me there can be mentors that one can respect and be comfortable around, but they aren’t your buddy like some coaches try to be. He is greatly influential and encouraging, but he also scares the crap out of me. I thought I was going to join a club soccer team to mess around with my buddies since I had a great deal of extra free time, but the experience turned into so much more. The first game we had I thought I would sit on the bench and cheer on everyone, but Grant believed I should be allowed the opportunity to get some playing time against a team which had players from the Varsity squad. I was quaking in my cleats, as I knew I have clumsy feet and am an absolutely terrible soccer player. The season turned out to enlighten me, I found confidence in myself that I didn’t know existed, and I realized that no matter what I do I should do it well.
“Make your own decisions and follow through with them.�
Ned Flash
Thank you Ned for coming to the rink everyday ready to work. Your enthusiasm and team first approach, has made coaching you a pleasure. You are a fierce competitor and you practice like you play. Good luck next year as you move on to your next adventure! –Coach Zarach Parents: Elena & Steve Flash Favorite Memories as IHS Varsity Team Member: Without a doubt my best memory of being on the team was playing in my first game in 10th grade. Coming out with the team to scatman was thrilling and is a memory that will stick with me. Advice to Underclassmen: To underclassmen I would say that they should listen. Whether it be to coaches or upperclassmen the best way to learn and improve is to listen to those with experience. Secondly I would like to tell them to be confident in themselves and their plays. Personal Acknowledgements: I would like to take this opportunity to do the traditional thanks of those who have helped me get where I am now. First of all my parents for physically getting me where I needed to be but also for pushing me to get here. I also want to thank my sisters who provided me with good models to look up to throughout the years. Future Plans: The future is still extremely unclear. I’m not sure yet what it holds for me or where I will end up. Coaches: I would like to thank most of my coaches but a few in particular. First of all Rich Armstrong and Russ Johnson for getting me involved in the varsity program and turning me into the player I am today. Also, I would like to thank Chris Grippin who provided me with some of the most fun playing hockey the last year or so.
“The best way to learn and improve is to listen to those with experience. �
Jacob Grippin
Thank you Jacob for giving the team everything you can physically and mentally every day at practice and in every game over the past two seasons. Pound for pound you are the toughest player to wear the uniform. You lead by example and I want to thank you for showing the team what it looks like to play every day like it is your last! Good luck next year! –Coach Zarach Parents: Ann Harding and Chris Grippin Favorite Memories as IHS Varsity Team Member: : One of my favorite memories from being on the team would have to be all the crazy stuff that happens in the locker room. On any given day, you never know what may happen to you or your gear. Another memory was playing in a play-off game. All the excitement and all the intensity just makes a per fect day. Getting caught by the crazy hotel manager for messing around with mints in the hallway. Advice to Underclassmen: The advice I would like to give the underclassmen on the team would be always remember the rules. Make sure that you put your stool up everyday. I would also like to tell the young players on the team to always work your hardest whether it be a game or a practice. Personal Acknowledgements: I would like to thank my parents for all the support that they have given me throughout the years, driving me to practice and getting up real early in the morning just to get me to practice on-time. I would also like to thank our coaching staff, Coach Zarach, Coach Wilder, Coach Elberty, Coach Stokes, and Coach Furmen for all the things that they have taught me in the last couple of years. Without the coaches’ dedication to the sport and the team we would be worthless. I would like to thank The Rink and all of the people that work at The Rink that allow us to skate on their ice almost every day and allow us to use the locker room. I would like to thank all of my teammates for always pushing me to go further and try my very hardest to be the best hockey player that I can be. I would like to acknowledge our trainer Kim for being there for every home game and treating many of the players that happened to get hurt in the last couple of years. Future Plans: My plan for the future is to go to college in attempt to be a mathematics major.
Coaches: I would like to acknowledge my father, who has been my coach for as long as I can remember. He helped me through thick and thin and taught me almost everything I know about the sport. I am truly grateful that I had a father that was also a great role model and coach.
“Always work your hardest whether it be a game or a practice.�
Sunghyun Won
Sung, you are a team first player. No matter what the situation, you do what the team needs from you. Whether it’s offense, defense or special teams, you take on your role with a positive attitude. I appreciate and thank you for all the hard work you have put into the past few years. Good luck next year! –Coach Zarach Parents: Suryang and ChaeHee Won Favorite Memories as IHS Varsity Team Member: Countless hours with the boys on and off the ice, especially in the locker room and bus trips. My second favorite memory was my first varsity goal in the 10th grade. Advice to Underclassmen: The moment where you wear that jersey for the last time will come sooner than you think so play to not have any regrets after it’s over, work hard and respect those around you to reach per fection. Personal Acknowledgements: I would like to thank the players I have played with throughout my varsity career, it really was unforgettable. You guys have taught me a lot and I hope I have had the same effect. I would also like to thank Rich Armstrong for his lessons, passion, and inspiration. You have taught me things greater than the game, developing my mindset and ultimately help me take steps to being a man. I would like to thank all my coaches throughout my career, especially Russ and Scottie for everything they have done for the modified/JV and summer teams. Finally, I would like to thank my parents, your support throughout my career has been unbelievable. Thank you for giving me the opportunity to play the game I love. Future Plans: I plan on attending college and being a business major (marketing/accounting) but I am undecided as to where. Coaches: Rich Armstrong, Brandon French, Scottie Hughes, Russ Johnson, John Stevens, Dan Elberty, Ron Wilder, Zach Furman, Connor Stokes, Paul Zarach.
“Work hard and respect those around you to reach perfection. ”
Parker Hubbell
Parker you are a competitive person and will do everything you can to help the team win. Whether in practices or in games you want to win the battle. I appreciate and thank you for working hard and having the team first mentality. Good luck next year as you head off to your next adventure! –Coach Zarach Parents: Myra and Greg Hubbell Favorite Memories as IHS Varsity Team Member: Over the years I’ve been fortunate to have a younger brother so close to my age that every other year we get to play on the same hockey team. But what makes it even more special is being able to play with my younger brother, Quinton, in my last year of high school hockey on the varsity team together. Advice to Underclassmen: My advice to underclassmen is to enjoy playing on the team because soon enough you will be leaving and giving your own advice. Personal Acknowledgements: I would like to thank my parents for spending long hours on the road, standing out in the freezing cold watching me play, and going the extra mile helping out all the hockey teams I’ve played on. Future Plans: I plan on attending a post grad year at prep school and then work on obtaining a PhD in physics. Coaches: I would like to acknowledge Coach Zarach, Coach McKinney, Coach Cornish, Coach Armstrong, and especially Coach Grippin for coaching me since the age of 8 and teaching me how to “see the ice”.
“Enjoy playing on the team because soon enough you will be leaving and giving your own advice.�
Louis Russell-Cook
Thank you Louis for working as hard as you have this season. You put a ton of effort into daily practices. You understand your role and have done a great job doing whatever the team needs from you. Continue to work hard through life and great things will happen for you! Good luck next year. –Coach Zarach
Parents: Cathy Cook and Diane Russell Favorite Memories as IHS Varsity Team Member: Some of my favorite memories have been just hanging out with everyone on the team. Whether that’s eating at Wegman’s, chillin’ in the hotel room or just in the locker room. Advice to Underclassmen: Work hard, play hard. Play the best hockey you can. Personal Acknowledgements: I would like to thank my parents for getting me into hockey, Z and all the other coaches I have had for helping me become a better hockey player. Future Plans: I am planning on taking a gap year to make money, make music and focus on what I want to do with my life. Coaches: I would like to acknowledge Coach Grippin and Coach McKinney for pushing me to be better and to always work hard on and off the ice.
“Work hard, play hard. Play the best hockey you can.”
Chandler Pfaff
Thank you Chandler for doing whatever it takes to help the team compete and win. You sacrifice your body to block shots like no one else. Up by 5 or down by 5 you approach the game like it is 0-0. You lead by example and it has had a positive impact on the younger players. No matter what the situation is in games or practices, you are determined to compete and win at all costs. Good luck next year! –Coach Zarach Parents: Danielle & Ed Pfaff Favorite Memories as IHS Varsity Team Member: My favorite memory is from sophomore year when we beat McQuaid on senior night. Throughout my varsity years I’ve also enjoyed the many locker room shenanigans and spending time with the boys off ice. Advice to Underclassmen: “Do your J-O-B.” Understand that every member of the team has a specific role that contributes to the team’s success. Play Ithaca hockey and be proud of it. Block shots. Personal Acknowledgements: I would like to thank my family for all of the support they have given me since day one. I would also like to thank Russ Johnson for developing me into a high school hockey player, and Rich Armstrong for his coaching that went beyond hockey. Lastly, I thank my friends for making my varsity career such a memorable experience. Future Plans: I plan on studying hotel administration or business management. Coaches: I would like to acknowledge my former coaches that introduced me to the program (Rich Armstrong, Russ Johnson, Scottie Hughes, and Brandon French) as well as this year ’s coaching staff (Paul Zarach, Dan Elberty, Ron Wilder, Conor Stokes, and Zach Furman).
“Do your J-O-B. Understand that every member of the team has a specific role that contributes to the team’s success.”
Brandon Kasel
Over your career you have developed into a very strong player that wants to excel no matter what the challenge is. You do not want to just be good, you want to be great. Thank you for taking on the role you did this season. I wish you the best of luck as you move onto the next chapter in your hockey life next year! –Coach Zarach
Parents: Sharon and Mike Kasel Favorite Memories as IHS Varsity Team Member: My sophomore year vs RFA and the 2-1 Senior night win over McQauid. Advice to Underclassmen: Enjoy the time with your teammates, it goes faster than you think. The friendships and memories you make will last a lifetime. Personal Acknowledgements: I’d like to thank my family, especially my parents and Grandmother for always being there to support me. I also like to thank my friends for all the great memories. Future Plans: I plan to play Junior “A” hockey next year to pursue my dreams of playing college hockey. Coaches: I would like to thank Coach Hameline, Coach Armstrong, Coach Grippin and Scott Hughes. I would also like to thank Coach Zarach and the current coaching staff. Each coach has taught me many valuable life lessons as well as helping me reach my full potential as a hockey goalie.
“ The friendships and memories you make will last a lifetime.�
Good Luck to all of our
IHS Varsity Hockey Team 2013-14 Thank you for your teamwork and your spirited commitment to IHS Hockey. Your dedicated family and friends in the Red Zone have loved every moment of watching you play.