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Suggested format for complaint to the Commission which has Jurisdiction over the public authorities where RTI applications of the user who has been assaulted/murdered.


To, The ……… Information Commission, Address Date: Sub: Complaint under Section 18(1)(f) of the RTI Act- Case of Physical Assault/ Murder of RTI Applicant S. No. 1. 2.




Particulars Name of RTI applicant Address & Contact number(s) of RTI applicant

Complaint regarding Name and address of RTI* user who has been assaulted/murdered. assault/ murder of RTI* user Brief description of Giving place, date and time of attack; Nature of injuries; known assault/murder information about attack, number of attackers


Medical records, photographs attached Copy of police complaint List of RTI applications filed by the RTI user who was attacked/murdered (attach copies)


Relief Sought


Details to be filled by Complainant (name of person filing the complaint)

1. The Commission issue an order under its powers under Section 19(8)(a)(iii) of the RTI Act that all the information sought by the RTI user (name) who was attacked/murdered be displayed on the websites of the following Public authorities: List of public authorities: a. b. Even if any of the information is exempt under Section 8 (1), the Commission is requested to order disclosing it since it appears that the attack/murder was motivated by the desire to ensure that this information must not be revealed. Also, revealing this information will ensure that RTI users will not be attacked in future. Thus on both counts there is a larger public interest which would be served by revealing the information which was sought by (name of RTI user).


Hence I request that as per the provision of Section 8 (2) the Commission should order disclosure of the information within 30 days. 2. The Commission issue an order to the Police department as per the provisions of Section 19 (8) (a) (iii) and Section 4 (1) (b) (xvii) to display on their website a monthly update of the status of the investigation in this attack/murder.

Verified the contents of this Complaint on this……… (date) of ………. (month), ………… (year) at ……………..(place).

Yours faithfully,

…………………………. (Name of Complainant) Address:

Contact Number: Enclosed: 1. Copies of Medical reports. 2. Copy of police complaint 3. Copies of RTI applications of RTI* user who was attacked


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