Dr K.G.Kallur Director Molecular Imaging HCG, HCG Towers, No 8, P Kalinga Rao Road Sampangi Ram Nagar Banagalore 560027 To This is to inform that following incidents happened on 24th May 2012 Mr Mohanty was undergoing PETCT scan. He has undergone the same procedure twice earlier in our center vide attached reports First scan on 30th June 2010 and Second one on 27th May 2011. THE PETCT scan has to be done according to certain procedures and guidelines. 1. We inject a small dose of radioactivity and patient has to wait for one hour prior to the scan. 2. After one hour waiting period patient will void urine and come to the scanner room. 3. Attending nurse and Technologist will position patient in PETCT scanner and whole body scan is done in 15 minutes. 4. Scan is done by the qualified CT technician. 5. Throughout the waiting period or during the actual scan procedure none can stand next to patient because of radiation hazard to the occupational worker. 6. All these procedures are explained to every person undergoing PETCT before subject undergoes the scan. Mr Mohanty has signed the consent form. Please find enclosed the signed consent form. 7. Doctors presence is not required at any of this stage as everything is explained and handled by the trained staff. Mr Mohanty has undergone this procedure twice earlier. Please find attached bills and reports as proof. He had no problems with Doctor or our center in previous two scans. He is fully aware of procedure On 24th may 2012 after his scan procedure was finished he started making demands why Doctor was not standing next to him during the procedure. He started abusing the staff and demanded to that he should talk to me. Nuclear Medicine consultants are available in the facility and at that point I was reporting the PET scans in the reporting room. Phone was connected to me . Reporting room is above the PETCT scanner room. The hospital also has a 24 hours emergency and a critical care consultant available.