Unhappy Returns Age
Paid at End of 20 Years
25 42
Rs49,220 Rs51,082
Rs9.6 lakh Rs9.6 lakh
Return on Premium Return on Investment*
5.89% 5.70%
6.13% 6.58%
Return on Investment**
6.11% 6.44%
Source: Moneylife research; LIC Jeevan Tarang performance for 20-year accumulation period having SA of Rs10 lakh based on current bonus rate. Actual amount paid at end of 20 years will vary due to future changes in the bonus rate. The policy pays 5.5% of SA (Rs55,000) after the accumulation phase (20 years) till age 100 or death with return of SA to nominee. *Net of mortality charges and calculated assuming policyholder dies at age 66 (life expectancy). **Net of mortality charges and calculated assuming policyholder dies at age 80