Process Book - Data Visualization

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PROCESS BOOK Monica Jimenez


Process Book

Index The Assignment - pg 4 Works Proposed - pg 6 Challenges - pg 9 Edward Tufte - pg 10 What worked / what didn’t? - pg 12 Reflection - pg 13


The Assignment Partnering for design success

You have been hired as a Junior Designers to a growing design firm looking to take on new non-profit social health clients to complement the work with healthcare and hospitals. You will be asked to create several public education assets re: a specific social health issue to bring awareness to the issue and to inform stakeholders, and/or the public. You will create a range of products (assets), including: 1) An information graphic, 18” x 24” final, if print 2) A publication to be printed 8 pp. minimum. 3) A digital or 3-D element. Analog, or digital.


Partnering with an experienced graphic design team ensures that your organizational image achieves maximum positive impact on your target audiences. You need a partner that understands how to create or revitalize an organization’s visual identity standards and extend these frameworks into creative, project-specific approaches. In today’s world, image is everything, and we know it.

About Us M+E Design Collective is a team of creative design specialists. Our expertise spans more than just in creating compelling designs; we also specialize in end-to-end project management to ensure that the designs we create achieve your desired outcomes. We work with you to evolve your ideas from concept to finished project. Our areas of specialization include: • Visual identity and brand standards development • Print design including brochures, corporate presentations, annual reports, advertisements, business cards, etc. • Website design • Display design

Process Book

Our Team:

Project Overview:

Erin Christoph

Latinos in Virginia Empowerment Center is looking to share information about the organization and the work they do across two main target audiences: service receivers and possible donors. The materials requested have to keep these audiences in mind and be developed in English and/or Spanish as it may apply.

Erin Christoph is a graphic design student with experience in print, digital, and web design. In the past 12 months, she has worked as a graphic designer for Transformative Management Solutions and interned at the Virginia Museum of Fine Arts. Her interests include maps, data visualization, and digital art.

Monica Jimenez


Monica Jimenez is a Peruvian Artist and Designer currently living and working in the United States. She has focused on Graphic Design for the last 7 years, and has worked as an in-house as well as a freelance designer for companies, schools and non-profit organizations. Her passion is in developing beautiful and useful creative pieces with a compelling message that connect people in different levels. She likes to focus on print and digital design.

• Informational Organization Brochure (English & Spanish) • Infographic about domestic violence (English) • Stats booklet (English)


Works Proposed


Process Book




HELP LINE 367 phone calls

205 hours of advocacy

23% of callers report more than one incident 64% domestic violence 16% human trafficking


12% child abuse/negligence


safety planning

8% sexual violence







3% hate crimes



crisis info on victim intervention rights


ser vices


criminal justice info


immigration assistance

Process Book

The Challenges Data Visualization is hard as f*@#$ck! And here is how I convinces David Shields to send me to the Edward Tufte Data Visualization Workshop

2020 is a key year to understand, process and express data as clearly and accurately as possible. We are only a few months away from a National Census that will define the distribution of resources and programs of this decade, as well as a presidential election that will mark the future of the nation, and its impact in the world. The ability to visualize and interpret data in this context is a necessary skill for any designer who seeks to inform, be informed, and participate in relevant conversations in the next ten years. Engaging viewers with hard-todigest information is already a challenge. As a designer, it is necessary to understand different ways and means to present reports in an attractive and relevant way to be able to reach consumers. Capturing the interest of the public, whether visually, auditory or sensory, is the

first step in inviting them to receive information. Through alternative representations of data we can educate the public about different issues relevant to the local and global community, and tell the story behind the statistics. Edward Tufte, called the Leonardo da Vinci of data by the New York Times, will be offering a one-day workshop on Data Visualization. My initial interest in this type of work was born in my Multi Studio 1 class, when Laura Chessin invited us to create different visualizations for Non-profit organizations. During the process work I realized that my interest and curiosity about the subject grew week by week, but my ability to face the design challenge remained incipient. That is why I feel the need to deepen my focus in this matter in a responsible and fruitful way. Attending this

workshop would provide a perfect opportunity to develop my knowledge and expertise of the topic. My particular interest is how to face the visualization of data from a bilingual and bicultural point of view, that allows me to display information that commits viewers to learn, and empowers communities to act. What I intend to get out of this learning experience is to gain a better understanding on different design strategies for information display, develop ideas on spectatorship and how viewers consume reports, and how to support and validate the story behind the data. All of these skills would be extremely valuable in my journey as a VCUarts Graphic Design student, and that is why I am asking for the school support to help me finance this course.


Presenting data and information: A one-day course

Edward Tufte


Process Book


What worked / what didn’t? What didn’t I am really unhappy with my Data Visualization piece. I cannot visualize the message at all. The data is not clear either. I feel I didn’t get to apply what I learned at the Tufte workshop, and honestly, right now I feel I wouldn’t know how to apply it. Data Visualization is a topic that really interest me and that I see myself studying and exploring more. Perhaps in need to start by understanding data and the story that it is behind the information.

What worked I think Erin’s idea to work with cut-out origami paper shapes was a really nice exploration. I am happy that I followed her lead on that. It is definitely something that, under regular circumstances, I would not have allowed myself to try that. Also, I feel ok about my brochure. I think I still work on it a little more if I wanted the agency to use it as one of their communication materials, but it is not too far, in my opinion, to something that could be useful to the organization.


Process Book

Reflection Data Visualization is hard as f*@#$ck! I am strongly questioning my organization choice After this project I feel I have learned that there is a place for work and there is a place for school, experimenting, learning and working on projects that rely more on my personal exploration or styles and design choices than on the ideas I already have formed on my mind of how things should look like. One part of me feels happy that I Chose the same organization I work for to develop some extra materials in class. I definitely realized that we have some conceptual strugles that we need to resolve. I also learned more about our field of work and why we do is so needed. On the other hand, I think I missed opportunities to explore new design areas, because I had in mind that I had to produce something that had to be printed and serve the organization as a communication material.

About working on a team I realized I had a really hard time working on a team. Not because of my teammate at all, I think she did a lot of amazing work. What was a challenge for me was keeping clear roles, come to concesus, keep accountability, etc. I am not used to working in teams and I would like to learn more about opportunities to follow and opportunities to lead.

It’s ok to be free and try things sometimes That is mostly a personal reminder that I have to let go of the things I think or the things I feel I know and allow myself to try stuff that I haven given me permission to do. It is ok to fail as long as I try, it is not ok to not try. Also, don’t be lazy, try.

If I could go back and choose another nonprofit to design for it would be the Richmond Animal League. I really feel passionate about them. I am also interested in the Virginia Farmers Market Associarion.


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