4th workshop greece

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Workshop on the labor market in Greece and EU The ws took place in the historic building of Athens University, where over 100 students had the chance to participate The ws was divided in two parts: - in the first part four scientists spoke to and with the students about studies, job opportunities and professional development in Greece, in EU, in the world. - In the second part, the school students presented their research on the Labor market in Greece and EU

Professionals / Scientists George K. Fanourakis Research Director of the research centre of DEMOCRITUS. Institute of Nuclear Physics, NCSR. Prior to this post he was Research Associate in University of Rochester and University of Wisconsin-Madison Niki Saoulidou Assistant professor at Department of Physics – University of Athens . Experimental Particle Physics. Prior to this post she studied and worked as an Assistant Professor in FNAL, USA (Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory , Illinois)

Dionysis Zyndros Researcher at the University of Athens studying cryptography and focusing on blockchains, cryptocurrencies, bitcoin, and political cryptography (Ph.D. student). Prior to that he worked at Google in Zurich. Konstantinos Tsakalozos Software developer at Canonical Ltd on the Big Data group. Prior to that he worked for Microsoft. Currently, responsible for the delivery and deployment of the produced software within the University of Athens

Project on the labor market of Greece and EU

The current situation of Greece related to professions •The last four years have been particularly hard for Greeks, as the economy is suffering from a serious and protracted recession. Since the beginning of the crisis (2008), the private consumption has fallen sharply due to the falling incomes and a decline in consumer credits.

Most wanted jobs in Greece by employees

The most wanted jobs in Greece are related to: • Sales • IT • Finance – Accounting • Tourism • Business Administration • Telecommunications • Engineering – Energy

Professional sections in Greece with a very negative outlook: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9.

Geology, Mineral Resources and Forestry Clothing industry Information Technology and Media Merchant Shipping Education and Cultural Social and Human Sciences Footwear , leather and fur textile Banking and Insurance Religious

Greek Adverts

Most wanted professional fields in EU • Administration, economics, law • Sales, purchasing, marketing • Hotels, restaurants, canteens • Technical work • Culture, media, design • Information / IT • Constructions • Transportation • Pedagogical work • Industrial production

Comparison between labor market in EU and Greece As we can easily see, here are the common demands of Greek and European Union:

IT (Information Technology) Infrastructures of tourism (such as hotels, restaurants, canteens, museums, beaches) Business Administration Telecommunications and Media

Outline of employment in EU and Greece • It is a fact that one out of four young people are unemployed in EU • Since 2011 to 2013 rates of unemployment in EU had increased per 0,6% and Greece at the same period, the increase was per 16,8%

Changes of employment in certain economic fields

Employment trends per salary scale for selected countries

Bibliography-sources  https://mail.google.com/mail/u/0/?ui=2&ik=96585f18a0&view=att&th=151e9777f04d08fe&attid =0.1&disp=safe&realattid=f_iiph5rx00&zw  https://mail.google.com/mail/u/0/?ui=2&ik=96585f18a0&view=att&th=151e9777f04d08fe&attid =0.2&disp=safe&realattid=f_iiph5rya1&zw  https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Labour_economics  https://ec.europa.eu/eures/main.jsp?catId=2589&lmi=Y&acro=lmi&lang=en&recordLang=en&par entId=&countryId=GR&regionId=GR0&nuts2Code=null&nuts3Code=null&mode=text&regionNam e=National%20Level  https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Telecommunication#Economic_impact  https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Business_administration  https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Information_technology#Commercial_and_employment_perspecti ve

 http://www.kpmg.com/gr/el/issuesandinsights/articlespublications/pages/labor-marketdemand.aspx  http://www.hadjimichalis.gr/pavlea/koresmena.html

THE END Marina Kotsa Athina Martinou Vasiliki Lyraraki

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