ZESPÓŁ SZKÓŁ PONADGIMNAZJALNYCH Nr 1 im. kpt.hm. Andrzeja Romockiego „Morro” w Barlinku
Authors: 1. Beata Krycka 2. Dorota Binduga-Wieczorek 3. Małgorzata Blezień-Lach 4. Monika Jagiełło-Trif 5. Mirosława Korczak 6. Marzena Lewandowska
INTRODUCTION This activity program has been created for the implementation of the international project "Make dreams come true on education and work in EU countries" within the Erasmus +. It is designed for students in grades I-III High School and I-IV Technical eager to learn the secrets of the modern labor market, their resources and powers, interested in preparing for a job interview and broadening the skills of selfpresentation. A significant impact on career decision-making has to take into account the social determinants of labor market, which leads to search for information about the laws governing the labor market, ways of recruiting staff and knowledge about what factors determine maintenance work. In the program so the accent is placed on learning specific skills, encouraging the student to be active and independent and creative thinking. Particular emphasis is placed on preparing students for active participation in economic and social life. Shaped are the most important skills in a market economy: career planning, create their own professional activity (eg. Job search), a strategy decision to set up their own business. An important element is the development of social behavior, such as the relevant communication, negotiation, cooperation in the team. The contents of the program will equip students with the skills useful in making decisions influencing the course of their career, and the ability to responding to the new situations and new challenges. On the implementation of the program allocated 1 integrative - evaluation classes and 24 thematic meetings that will be conducted during 3 school years.
Overall goals: Fostering awareness among students on the importance of the profession in the changing conditions of the domestic and European labor market and to stimulate creativity and intellectual development of the student as well as the development of entrepreneurial attitudes.
Detail objectives: 1. Raising awareness among students regarding the needs of local, national and European labor market.
2. Gather information about professional dreams of youth, plans for further education, career and dream jobs in order to compare with the expectations of modern, changing labor market, employers, and determine the degree of consistency. 3. Identify personal predispositions and professional young people in the context of the feasibility of dreams and as a result of coaching in the planning and selection of further career. Raising self-confidence and self-esteem. 4. Assistance in collecting information on students' academic and vocational education available in their own and other European countries. Gaining knowledge about schools, universities and institutions of vocational education and training in the region, the country and abroad and the role of career counseling. 5. Indicate how to look for work and find attractive jobs. 6. Acquisition of skills to prepare application documents and the interviews. 7. Acquisition of knowledge and skills of application in the Erasmus+ 8. Learning mobility way to implement the idea of "learning for life". 9. The practical approximation of knowledge on the possibilities of self-employment and running your own business. 10. Acquisition of skills of starting and running your own business. 11. Breaking down barriers to communication, improvement of language skills, raise awareness of other cultures and combating stereotypes and xenophobia. 12. Improving social skills and work in a team / group internationally.
Methods and forms of work: 1. A street survey about the dreams of young people concerning the choice of future profession. 2. The audiovisual presentation of the results of the probe street, 3. classes such practices. With entrepreneurs, representatives of labor market institutions (labor offices, employers’ associations, etc.) 4. The method of study sample, with its emphasis on inquiry-students to new knowledge on the basis of source materials, 5. analysis of phenomena and processes occurring in the labor market (future occupations) 6. Talk with elements of activating methods (brainstorming, decision tree, meta-) 3|Strona
7. educational films as studies of exemplary behavior and procedures during job search 8. seek niche business, 9. The method of cases 10. SWOT analysis, 11. The method of projects, 12. The work group / groups internationally.
Results for the student: 1. survives the adventure education, which will raise its activity will strengthen confidence and belief in their own abilities, develop interpersonal skills and break down communication barriers 2. develop the skills necessary for further learning and adult life, such as work in a team competition, the assessment of your own skills, planning, problem solving, coping with new and difficult situations, 3. Mobile educationally skillfully use the attractiveness of such programs. Erasmus Plus to acquire new skills and professional experience - "learning for life". 4. The student's portfolio.
Results for schools: 1. The opportunity to take advantage of attractive and innovating forms of work with students - learning by doing, supporting the development of key competencies of students, 2. chance for effective development of entrepreneurial attitudes of young people, 3. through extensive cooperation with various circles will strengthen its image as a good and the modern school.
Evaluation of the program: Current evaluation (during the program) will be carried out in the area: • compliance of the implementation of the program of extracurricular activities with the assumptions, 4|Strona
• the degree of achievement of the assumed targets.
The final evaluation will be carried out in the area: • effectiveness of youth (objectives achieved) • positive changes in attitudes and behavior of students (including entrepreneurial attitudes). • success of students,
Procedures and evaluation tools: • Analysis of the products of students (eg. In terms of their relevance, originality, quality, aesthetics) • opinions of students, parents and teachers (eg. Questionnaires, interview with the school, a representative of entrepreneurs and institutions vocational training, job placement) • monitoring of the students.
Evaluation of both the current and final make teachers - tutors students. Results of the evaluation will be developed in the form of statements, reports on the implementation of the program will be made available to the pedagogical council and the council of parents.
The evaluation will assess the degree of implementation of the objectives and usefulness of the developed program for educational purposes - conducting extracurricular activities.
1st YEAR topics
works hops date
Work methodes
objectives STUDENTS CAN:
comment s
let's get to know each other
integration activities work in groups balloon method
- get acquainted with the general objectives of the program, - Recognizes participants by integrating fun, - formulate their expectations and concerns about attendance,
Inicial evaluation
Dreams of youth concerning our common future in the EU
X. 2015
Street survey discussion brainstorm
- develop questions to probe about dreams, interests and future plans concerning. the further education of young people in secondary schools and post-upper secondary, - do SWOT Analysis - identify, analyzes the strengths and weaknesses of personality, - Indicate the difficulties associated with scheduling their own path of development,
Development of survey results
XI. 2015
activating methods work in groups Technical IT exercises
- communicate in a group, explain what are the barriers to communication - explain what a rational decisionmaking, pointing to the advantages and disadvantages of individual and group decisions. - Create a scoreboard, analyzes, interprets statistical data, - Highlight the importance of empathy,
Editing film footage and material presentation
XII. 2015
audiovisual methods: presentation, film editing, the use of IT, computers, projector
- elect effective forms of presentation (media) from the point of view of the recipient, - Understand the importance of information in the modern world, - Prepare PTT presentation, assembly movie parts, - Present the collected materials,
Finding Information on 10 top professions of the future in Poland
I. 2016
work in groups activating methods software method (use of the Internet, computers)
- search for information about future events, taking into account the vocational personality types by the ranking (eg. by Holland) - show the influence of favorite activities, skills and interests to choose a profession, - explain the motivation of professional activity of man,
- compare the collected information Data from Szczecin Regional Work Office The evolution of the domestic labor market - new professions
II. 2016
discussion Working with source material
- explain the importance of the freedom of movement of human capital (penetration of labor markets in the EU) - List the reasons and the countries of migration of Poles, - Analyze the working and living conditions in EU countries (preparing for departure) - Meet foreign-sounding job titles, - Indicate the deficit and surplus professions (declining)
Meeting with a local/region al job office worker
"In the world of professions" exhibition of information about jobs Tests on job counseling
IV. 2016
Exhibition, multimedia presentation exhibition
- prepare presentations, exhibitions, - Share gained information collected and developed materials, experiences with the partner countries,
preparing Erasmus+ Day
V. 2016
- determine its own personality traits and professional training, - Plan career path, - do a test on professional counseling,
Institutions supporting young people in the local labor market
VI. 2016
test method SWOT analysis use of computers and test counseling search and job offers analysis
- analyze the training offer, practice and summer jobs at home and abroad, - Distinguish reliable jobs, - understand what the active search for work, - Analyze of employment opportunities, wages and working conditions. - is aware of the rights and duties of the employee,
meeting with the representat ive of a local / regional work office
2nd YEAR topics
works hops date
Work methodes
objectives STUDENTS CAN:
Workshops on opportunities and opportunities for development, education
IX. 2016
The use of Internet sources, computers and other teaching materials
- searches for information about institutions of education and training in the region and the country, - understand the idea of "learning for life" - Participate in fairs education and work, contact the institutions of
and improvement of young people in Poland Global Entrepreneur ship Week
Ways of finding a Job, How to find an employer and a good worker?
Practicing writing application documents
education and vocational training, - create portfolio.
X. 2016
presentation show exhibition happening
XII. 2016
work with source materials
17 Practical exercises talk about the most common errors in documents Simulation interview (selfpresentation ) talk about the most common mistakes discussions presentation s
Think like an employer – how to prepare for a job interview?
II. 2017
„Knockout in the labor market"
III. 2017
Learning mobility in the EU and EU systems to certify job qualification
V. 2017
Group work Talk discussion
- promote entrepreneurial attitudes, encouraging creative people to work for the development of their skills, - Prepare exhibitions, meetings with entrepreneurs, - Explain how to search the employer and how to search your employee, - Justify the need to simultaneously use several methods of job search, - Recognizes the labor market, the most common expectations of employers, - List Hard and soft competence - prepare application documents (resume, cover letter for a given job) - Fill in the Europass CV form - avoid common mistakes in the application documents, - list the stages of recruitment, principles interview - Explain the importance of proper preparation for the interview and good present themselves, - Understand the importance of verbal and nonverbal communication (dressing code, body language) - present its strengths professional is aware of the competitive advantage - Explain why employers are looking for young talented, creative and forward-thinking unconventionally - by exploiting their potential to grow the company, - Explain the importance of shaping the image for a career (hobby ticket to work, graphic portfolio), - discuss the importance of equal rights in EU countries, - Examin the conditions for learning, work and life in EU countries, - Discuss the certification systems and the participation of professional qualifications,- is
„Erasmus + Day” – summary of actions
meeting with makeup artist
mobile, Scholarships and internships in Erasmus+
VI. 2017
practical exercises
-Search for information on scholarships and internships Erasmus, - Prepare the grant application
3rd YEAR topics
works hops date
Work methodes
objectives STUDENTS CAN:
„My Own Business” (selfemployment alternative to unemployme nt)
IX. 2017
"The idea of the business is a guarantee of success" Logo and brand. "Our company makes a profit"
X. 2017
practical exercises (CEIDG) Discussion on success and failure in business group work with the source material
- adjust the legal organizational form to the profile of the company (eg. social cooperative) - List characterized by the steps of setting up your own business, - Specify factors determining the activities of the company and reasons for failure, - find the market niche, - analyze and indicate business idea - Plan the business project - Create logos, create a company's brand,
XI. 2017
Practical exercises
Explains the meaning of the term "creative accounting", causes and consequences of this phenomenon, - Determines the threshold of profitability, planned profits - Explains the importance of competitiveness, the outlook -indicates perspectives of development
Effective marketing and advertising
XII. 2017
projection film (product placement)
- Indicate positive and negative examples of the impact of advertising on the recipient, - Analyze commercials - Select advertising media,
"You’ve managed share with us"
I. 2018
talk Simulation manifestatio ns mobbing
meeting with representat ives of the local "small business"
interesting initiatives in business
II. 2018
brainstorm presentation
- Planning the path to success. - Examines the career of professional persons who, under the rules of ethics to succeed in business, - Recognizes the impact of the gray economy on the economy, identifies the types of corruption (anti) - Preparing for a seminar on entrepreneurship for “Erasmus Day”, - Understand the importance of
Erasmus+ Day
Recruitment and learning conditions at universities for foreigners in my country We are wiser, more experienced, mobile
III. 2018
Activating methods
V. 2018
study of students achievement s and learning outcomes
SMEs for the local community (CSR or corporate social responsibility) Promote activities within the framework of the Erasmus project, analyze and compares the conditions of recruitment in higher education, entrance requirements, Verify the opportunity to continue learning in another country (recognition of exams) study of student achievement and learning outcomes
excursion to university
The final evaluation
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